Inspectors of Irish Fisheries
REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF IRISH FISHERIES ON THE SEA AND INLAND FISHERIES OF IRELAND, FOR 1885 |Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty DUBLIN: PRINTED BY ALEX. THOM & CO. (Limited), 87, 88, & 89, ABBEY-STREET THE QUEEN’S PRINTING OFFICE, To Do purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from any of the following Agents, viz.: Messrs. Hansard, 13, Great Queen-street, W.C., and 32, Abingdon-street, Westminster; Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode East Harding-street, Fleet-street, and Sale Office, House of Lords; Messrs. Adam and Charles Black, of Edinburgh; Messrs. Alexander Thom and Co. (Limited), or Messrs. Hodges, Figgis, and Co., of Dublin. 1886. [C.^4809.] Price lOcZ. CONTENTS. Page REPORT, . .. ' . • • 3 APPENDIX, . * ’ • 49 Appendix No. Sea and Oyster Fisheries. 50 1. —Abstract of Returns from Coast Guard, . • • 51-56 2. —By-Laws in force, . • 56, 57 3. —Oyster Licenses revoked, ...•••• 4. —Oyster Licenses in force, .....•• 58-63 Irish Reproductive Loan Fund and Sea and Coast Fisheries,Fund. 5. —Proceedings foi’ year 1885, and Total Amount of Loans advanced, and Total Repayments under Irish Reproductive Loan Fund for eleven years ending 31st December, 1885, 62, 63 6. —Loans applied for and advanced under Sea and Coast Fisheries Fund for year ending 31st December, 1885, . ... 62 7. —Amounts available and applied for, 1885, ..,••• 63 8. —Herrings, Mackerel, and Cod, exported to certain places, . 64 9. —Return of Salted and Cured Fish imported in 1885, ...••• 64 Salmon Fisheries. 10. —License duties received in 1885, . • 65 11. Do. received in 1863 to 1885, 65 12. Do.
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