June 2020

Welcome to our VE Day A trip down new Head celebrations memory lane Teacher

Thrussington Life Welcome

Welcome to the June edition of the We are also not a village to be new look Thrussington Life. cowed, and we celebrated the VE With everything in a constant state Day commemorations in fine style. of change at the moment, I See pages 24 & 25 for a selection thought it was an opportunity to of photos from that sunny day. make a few (hopefully positive) changes closer to home. Speaking of which, with all the fabulous weather we have had The front cover this month is to recently and, lets face it nowhere pay tribute and our give our to go, our gardens are getting a lot grateful thanks to all the key of attention. Our Green Gardener workers we have living in, and has lots of tips for June on page serving the village. Jo and Ben in 11. the shop, our Teachers, those that work in caring professions and Stay well and stay safe those who serve us including our Fiona Postie and refuse collectors - all our key workers - we salute you.

This month we are taking a look back at past events. I thought since every media outlet in the Country/World seems to be doing it, why not us! Maggie Harrison has compiled a timeline of past events on pages 30 - 33.

2 You may think plastic is only micro plastics and the worst is affecting the ocean, but it is also that we breathe plastics. affecting us. Plastic is a massive environmental problem that One of the main causes of this is needs to be dealt with. Man-Made materials in clothes such as nylon. When our clothes It goes to landfill which gives off brush against a surface lots of fumes when it decomposes and micro plastics come off into the when it is burned, which is how air and could possibly be lethal most plastic is disposed of. Lots as when we breathe them in of plastic also ends up in our because the cause lots of oceans killing marine life and diseases including cancer. To sea birds. Some turtles eat help this problem, I have plastic bags they mistake for started a petition to make jellyfish, seals and sealions get supermarkets give us more choked by plastic netting. We plastic free options when we eat plastic because ¼ of the shop (click link below). worlds fish have plastic in their gut, 80% of water contains Hope you sign it Oliver O’Neill (10) Together we can save the environment


3 4 There is obviously no news of Have you any lockdown survival

our meetings, but I wanted to tips? I have one - not very take this opportunity to send original, I'm afraid - it is to make best wishes to all members of a note of any phone calls our institute, in the hope that received from family and friends everyone is coping with the lock at this time. I have had many down situation. lengthy calls from friends, catching up on news, and they I wondered if members would have been most welcome. But I like to send me some of their have written their names in my lockdown stories, to put in the diary, in case I cannot remember next edition of Thrussington Life. who has called and when! It would ensure that there is a record of life during this If you have any titbits of news exceptional period - the like of you are prepared to share, which none of us has please contact me by phone experienced before. I also (424454) or email: wondered if you would be brave [email protected]. enough to take a photo of Alternatively, deliver your news yourself now - BEFORE you can to me at home, or leave it at the WI news WI visit a hairdresser again! We shop for me to collect. It would could compile a montage of be good to hear from all of you. members' lockdown locks (for our amusement!) Janet Heath

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East Goscote Pharmacy, 10, Merchants Common East Goscote Tel: 0116 2606734 5 6 There are many people quietly playing their part during this pandemic, helping out friends and neighbours. From making scrubs or joining the WhatsApp group, to popping to the shop for

a neighbour or a friendly

hello whilst outside on a walk. A vote of thanks to you all.

A few people have asked me to pass on grateful thanks to Jo and Ben Meacock and the staff of our Village shop for keeping going in these difficult times. It must be a massive challenge, whilst still managing to remain cheerful and supportive, all whilst adapting your business model - oh and moving house! From those who are unable to get out, don’t want to get out, too busy or too lazy - we thank you!

To our new Head Teacher, Teaching and school Staff - looking after key workers children and providing lessons for home schooling - our grateful thanks. See pages 18 & 19 for more school news.

To all our key workers, and anyone else not mentioned here, who are playing their part - thank you too!

The village store has had a bit of a reorganisation and now with a new Appreciation takeaway hatch! Revised opening times below: Monday closed Tuesday 9-5 Wednesday 9-1 Thursday 9-5 Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 Sunday 9-10

7 News

The Village Hall has a small During these unprecedented library of books if anyone times the parish council are wants to have a look and we continuing with their normal will be opening the hall on a responsibilities and whilst we Friday morning from 10 to 12 are unable to meet as usual in from Friday 12th June. You the village hall we are holding can borrow whatever book virtual meetings using Zoom. you want and we just ask if All members of the public are you can return it eventually more than welcome to join and also add some books if these meetings. The Parish you have finished with them. Council will continue to review Bev Kearns 07707803976 planning applications that are [email protected] relevant to the parish and submit queries/objections where appropriate. Councillors Local History Society will ensure that mowing of the There will be no meeting in village areas takes place and June. The next meeting will that all contractors are be the AGM in September. adhering to social distancing.

It has been great to see the The next brown bin (garden village pulling together and, waste) collection will be week like everyone else, we are commencing 8th June. Put looking forward to better times bins out by 6am on Monday around the corner! the 8th to be emptied during the week. The Parish Clerk, Helen Chadwick, is available on 07827 785836 or [email protected]

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10 The Green Gardener

Thank goodness for our gardens during lockdown, many of us have found peace, space and plenty of time to cosset them. The weather has been very kind, apart from an unseasonably cold spell with a severe frost, so those that planted out tender plants will be disappointed. Not to worry, the potatoes will soon recover, they may be a couple of weeks later than planned.

The old adage “Cast not a clout, ‘til May is out” still holds true.

The garden centres and nurseries should be opening up now, so there is still plenty of time to plant beans, courgettes, squash and pumpkins.

June is a busy month in the garden, there is sowing to be done, planting, weeding and watering, as a reward there will be broad beans, early potatoes, lettuce and spinach. The last of the spring cabbages will be nearly over and it is wise to stop cutting asparagus at the start of June.

Mulch where possible, it helps retain moisture and keep down weeds, but never let the vegetables go short of water in hot, dry spells. Nets over the carrots will deter the carrot fly, enjoy your new produce.

11 12 The past few weeks have been very challenging for many of us in varying ways. Police work has brought new situations to be dealt with on a daily basis due to the Covid19 restrictions placed on us all by the Government.

The majority of people have adhered to these restrictions whole- heartedly, understanding the necessity of it all. However some people have either knowingly or unwittingly been in breach of the regulations and it has kept us very busy indeed. Our Policing approach has been to ‘Engage, Explain and Encourage’ people to stick to the rules and this has, on the whole, been very effective with the public willing to work with us for the sake of everyone else. A few fines have been issued but as a last resort.

Crime patterns have also changed due to shops being closed and most houses being occupied all day and night. There have been less Burglaries and Shoplifting is down. However as we now move towards changes to ‘Lock down’ and life, albeit slowly, gets back to normal I would like to remind everyone to keep good crime prevention routines going. Make sure your vehicles are secure with nothing left on show. Keep your home secure when you are out but also when you are at home, keep doors locked, both front and rear.

Be vigilant to what is happening in your area, continue to look out for one another and if anything seems suspicious then please call us 101 or of course if an emergency ring 999.

Your Beat team continues to work hard for you and we care about the area we work in and the people who reside there. So please all keep safe and well and let’s continue helping one another through this challenging time.

PCSO 6098 Lesley Richards

13 The birds of Thrussington

We are blessed in this village with a variety of walks on interesting footpaths and this spring season has given us extra opportunities to enjoy our surroundings and with the absence of aircraft and traffic noise, birdsong has never been louder. Added to that this year, has been the bonus of access to the Warners Wood areas, off the footpath to Brooksby. We have been entertained by a significant variety of resident British birds and a regular flow of summer arrivals after their migration from the south. Buzzard

Having compiled the list, I was agreeably surprised at the variety of birds we have seen or heard in our area. If you watch and listen, you will notice that your surroundings attract a wide variety of birds, from the scolding rich song of a Wren, Great and Blue Tits flitting in the trees, Collared Doves hooting , Robins and Blackbirds establishing territorial rights through their song and of course House Sparrows chirruping from the hedges. Whilst overhead, Jackdaws and Woodpigeons are always in action and on warm days the local Buzzards can be seen and heard, soaring on the thermal air currents. If you are really lucky you may catch a glimpse of a Red Kite also showing its elegant flight skills, whilst similarly there may be Sparrowhawks passing though at great speed.

We have benefitted from our proximity to the river Wreake. The valley has provided the habitat for the commoner water birds like Moorhen, Mallard, Heron, Swan and Geese, as well as newer settlers in this country like Little Egrets, identifiable by its size and whiteness, the shape of a small heron. We saw 7 of these together in a field near to Rearsby Mill in April.

The third big tree downstream of the Rearsby Road river bridge has a couple of bare branches sticking out at the top. These make an ideal perch for Cormorants that regularly pay a visit. More unusual sights and

14 sounds included a great Spotted Woodpecker, Little Egret when ‘drumming’ to mark his territory, using the top of a telegraph pole on Old Gate Road, already capped by a metal sheet.

The Woodpecker was beating with its beak directly onto the metal cap – with great effect!

One of the first arrivals on migration is the Chiffchaff, immediately recognisable by its “chiff chaff “call. I heard one yesterday (late May), singing in a tree near to the village hall. They are very difficult to spot now that the trees are in full leaf but hear them you definitely will. They have been joined by returning Blackcaps, Willow Warblers, Whitethroats and the commoner village sights of Swallows, House Martins and more recently Swifts.

Use the link below to help you identify birds by their song. https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/bird-songs/what-bird-is- that/

This is my list of the species seen or heard on our recent walks: Blackbird, Blackcap, Blue Tit, Buzzard, Canada Goose, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Collared Dove, Cormorant, Crow, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, DonGreen’t forget Woodpecker, - you can Greenfinch, still do an Easter Greylag egg huntGoose, at home!Hedge Sparrow (Dunnock), Heron, House Martin, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Kestrel, Little Egret, Long Tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Mizzle Thrush, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Nuthatch, Reed Bunting, Robin, Rook, Skylark, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Starling, Swallow, Swift, Tree Creeper, Whitethroat, Woodpigeon and Wren.

Mike Harrison

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15 Down with...

We are still offering weekly activities online via our Facebook page and our website. To celebrate St Georges day we organised a virtual camp at home, building an indoor den, pitching a tent or just sleep under the dining table! We started Friday evening with flag break and a germ activity to tie in with the current situation. Saturday saw us all renewing our Scout promise, then on to complete additional activities including making animals out of fruit ready for our morning break. We also had a virtual camp fire with sausages on a fire or BBQ.

Sunday was started with our district mascot ‘Charlie Charnwood’ (see left) running a Joe Wicks style morning stretch! Then Rev Wendy from All Saints Church Loughborough joined us and ran our Scouts own. We had over 500 young people join in for the weekend and some very happy smiling faces.

This week has seen a week of Lego building challenges, and we are also holding a twice weekly quiz – so Scouting continues as strong as ever.

If you are interested in getting involved, whether this be fund raising, a leader, or a committee member, we would like to hear from you. Help shape the future of a young person, make a difference and become part of Scouting. For more information, without any obligation please contact Paul Smith on [email protected]

Pictures:16 Charlie Charnwood and a ‘crab’ apple ...the kids

We have been having weekly meeting by Zoom, which has been fun!

The Brownies have taken part in lots of activities, including making sock puppets, designing a superhero including glitter girl and heroes defending the environment and promoting kindness.

Other activities include designing a personal emoji. One of our Brownies also came up with a scavenger hunt race to do around the house, the best time was 6½ minutes!

Badges have been sewn on and the next challenge is to take part in a wide T-shirt design competition with the theme “Guiding at home 2020”

17 Sock puppets by Elizabeth, Flo & Phoebe The 20th May was ‘National Thank a Teacher’

day, and it was a perfect opportunity to thank all the staff at Thrussington Primary School.

On the 20th March, the school closed its doors to all children apart from those of critical workers. The staff did not know how long this was for or when they would have classrooms full of children and fun again, but in true Thrussington fashion they embraced the challenge and have continued to provide our children and ourselves with lots of fun and learning opportunities.

From carefully planned activities, daily storytelling, opportunities to star in ‘Miss Berry special’ videos, personalised videos, letters, sunflower growing, headteacher challenges and much more.

We feel very lucky to have such a wonderful School, with fabulous staff, on our doorstep and can’t thank them enough for all they have done.

Miss Berry has started a stone snake from the School gate, please add to it, her hope is to get it all the way to the village shop (obviously avoiding driveways). It would be lovely if we can make this happen.

So thank you, to all the staff at Thrussington Primary School from the Children and their

School update School families.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the fun they’ve provided us https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=ZAhdjrKhN3s

Isabel Bentley PTFA

18 Hello, I am very excited to and brilliant videos. The staff introduce myself as the new have even (with the expert Headteacher at Thrussington editing of Miss Berry) created C of E Primary School. I have some of their own just for fun! just come to the end of my first You can see all of the latest term and what a term it has news on our website been! Despite the challenges www.thrussington.leics.sch.uk brought by the current situa- We have been open for key tion, I have been met with such worker children throughout the a warm welcome from the staff, closure and we now start the governors, parents and children planning for opening more at the school and it is clear that widely under direction of the it is such a special school DfE and government guidelines. community. I feel incredibly Who knows what the next term lucky. will bring but I know with my I am an absolute teaching dedicated staff team and the enthusiast and led across a support of all of our families we Multi Academy Trust for Science will make the best of it. Keep and EYFS. I have been teaching safe! for 17 years and have 3 children. My husband is also a Mrs Hannah Headteacher! Roddy

During the time of closure our school has maintained fantastic links with the families through email and Twitter (please follow us @cofe_school) where they have shared their home learning

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Lighter side to Lockdown

Whilst there is nothing remotely funny about Covid-19, there is some fun & humour to be found in lockdown. Thanks to Sue Gee and the Harrison/Nurcombe families...

Coronavirus has turned us all into our dogs. We wander around the house looking for food. We get told "No!" if we get too close to strangers. We get really excited about going for walks and car rides!

We low maintenance chicks are having our moment right now. We don't have nails to fill and paint, roots to dye, eyelashes to re-mink, and are thrilled not to have to get dressed every day. I have been training for this moment my entire life!

Not to brag, but I haven't been late to anything in over 8 weeks.

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22 23 24 25 26 Round Village Quiz - part two

Answers next month

27 www.gaddesbyschoolcommunity.org.uk Office 01664 840970 Mobile 07876055823 Preschool 07887575568 (when open) Kids Club/Holiday 07789125452 (when club open) Gaddesby School Community Preschool

All staff have qualifications in Early Years Education, including safeguarding and first aid. Open 30 hours per week (term-time only) providing care and education for children age from 2-4+ years. Working with families and the local communities to celebrate diverse cultures Excellent relationships with local schools supporting transition. Earlier start, and later collection available. Please ask for details. Practitioners ensure all children are included and feel good about themselves. Our inclusive setting treats children as individuals, as such practitioner’s support and enhance their individual holistic development, working within the EYFS frame- work to ensure all children reach their full potential. New in 2020 free-flow play area

Come along and see our preschool-meet our staff - we look forward to your visit. Please contact Linda Dunmore on 07876 055823

GADDESBY SCHOOL COMMUNITY HOLIDAY CLUB Quality childcare for working parents of children between 3-11 years of age. A holiday club which gives parents peace of mind by being both safe and stimulating for children, providing in/ outdoor activities which promote learning and children’s interest. Full day =8:00-18:00 Half day 8:00-12:30 / 13:00-18:00 Next Holiday Club 17th - 21st February

For more information see our website www.gaddesbyschoolcommunity.org.uk or email [email protected]

28 The Thursday book group Coast Path and it is their have been reading a descriptions of their journey. selection of books since A delightful book which is lockdown and not better if you have necessarily in the order we knowledge of the places should have done. they covered.

The reason for this is that Our third book is ‘Becoming one of the books ‘This is ‘ by Michelle Obama which going to Hurt’ by Adam Kay is the story of Michelle and is a selection of stories from her life from a youngster a recent qualified doctor and the journey to the White and deals with day to day House. This is the first stories of a doctors life in a biography the group have hospital. Whilst a lot of the read and I would book is humourous some of recommend this. It gives an it shows the long hours and insight to family life during conditions doctors work in. the elections and how little Personally I enjoyed this time the family manage to book which we will be spend together. discussing at our virtual meeting in June. Our next book is ‘Vanity Fair’ which is our summer read The second book was ‘The although I think most of us Salt Path’ by Raynor Winn are not sure what is the which has had a good summer and possibly what report by most of the book day it is. club. A story about an old- er couple who lose Bev Kearns Thursday book everything and have to sell

Book Book review group. their house and end up with little money left. They then decide to go on a walking trip along the South West

The Monday book group Philip Pullman, which I love, have also read ‘The Salt but not everyone was a fan! Path’ recently, it was We are currently reading enjoyed by all. Other recent ‘The Giver of Stars’ by Jojo reads are ‘Testaments’ by Moyes. Margaret Atwood, which was very thought provoking and Fiona Bashford Monday book ‘The Northern Lights’ by group.

29 Retrospective

Mike and Maggie Harrison have been taken to disband The Thrussington doing sterling work during lockdown, Players. They had a very successful sorting through the village archives run of 10 years and performed many in the Village Hall. Maggie has put plays including Red Riding Hood, The together a few events from times Vigil, Olde Tyme Music Hall and The past… Late Edwina Black.

The Thrussington Feast of June 1975 Also in 1989 the Village Hall won the (the forerunner to Trinity Fayre and accolade of Best Village Hall. latterly, The Village Fayre) included a Pram Race, a fancy dress parade, In July 2007, members of the WI, Morris Dancers, “It’s a Knockout their friends and families enjoyed a Competition”, skittles on the Green trip to Stoke Bruene and were and a dance in the Village Hall in the planning a celebratory meal for evening. September of that when Thrussington WI would be 75 years The Friends of the Church Restora- old. tion Fund organised a Donkey Derby in August 1981, which was held in On March 27th 2008 the Village Hall the field just over the river bridge saw the return of cinema screenings. and had 12 races! The first film shown was the original black and white version of The It was in June 1989 that at their Vanishing Lady. 12 years later it is AGM, with a great deal of discussion still a very popular evening out. and much regret, a decision was

30 April 2009 saw the very successful doing for villagers now. 4th Safari Supper arranged by Frances and Patrick Rendall, raising Later that year, the village £485 for church funds. celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, both on the Green, in the Thrussington Open Gardens was the Village Hall and around the big event in July 2009. It was a wonderfully decorated streets of lovely sunny day, many gardens Thrussington. Events included were open to visitors, teas were afternoon teas, children's disco, BBQ, available in the Village Hall and a Barn Dance, fancy dress competi- several gardens. The event raised tions, a photographic display of vil- £1323 which was split between lage events over the last 60 years Thrussington In Bloom, The Village and a best dressed house competi- School and the Water to the Church tion – which was won by 20 Ratcliffe Appeal. Road, who continue to decorate their house and garden for most vil- After it had been closed for just over lage and national events and it is five years, Ben and Jo reopened The always worth a walk up Ratcliffe Thrussington Village Store in March Road to view the latest display. 2012. What a great job they are

Photos: Previous page - Thrussington’s opening 2012 & The Donkey Derby 1981. This page Thrussington Feast 1980. See page 33 for more photos

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Beautiful Chainsaw Carvings by Mark Taylor.

32 Retrospective

Photos from the archives of the Thrussington Players 33 Now OPEN OUR NEW BRANCH DEPOT at:

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34 Quiz answers

Village quiz from last month

1. Manor Farm 7. Church clock 2. School 8. Pentland Rooms, Ratcliffe Rd 3. Path from Back Lane to 9. Post box Church 10. Village sign on the Green 4. Outside Thrussington’s store 11. Bus stops 5. The Star doorway 12. Little Thatch 6. Gingers

Ten quiz from last month

1. Tensing 9. Tenement 2. Tendulkar 10. Tender 3. Tenerife 11. Tench 4. Tenby 12. Glisten 5. Tungsten 13. Athens 6. Tottenham 14. Tangerine 7. Tendon 15. Straighten 8. Christen

Email: [email protected] Website: Thrussingtonvillage.org Find us on Facebook Editor: Fiona Bashford Tel: 420066 Deadline for articles for the July/August Treasurer: Reg Morgan Tel: 424540 issue: Thursday 18th June Advertising: Mike Harrison Tel: 424527

Thrussington Life is a free magazine supported by advertising and the Parish Council and delivered to over two hundred local households by volunteers, to whom we are always grateful. The views expressed in this magazine, and contents of contributions, are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor.

35 36