Gregg Mandsager City Administrator City Hall, 215 Sycamore St. Muscatine, IA 52761-3840 (563) 264-1550 Voice/TT City Administrator Report to Mayor & City Council 2019.08.18, Edition No. 352 WEEKLY UPDATE: • Emergency Management: This is to notify who that LMI will be in the process of updating sirens in your communities. They initially plan on this upcoming Monday, August 19, 2019 pending any threat of severe weather. Brian Wright, Muscatine Co. Emergency Management (
[email protected]). • DPW/Curb Cuts: In the past Roadway Maintenance has sawed curb cuts and removed pavement for contractors at no charge. The reason we did this was to control the depth of the saw cut to ensure that the remaining concrete was not broken along the saw line. Doing this is time consuming and costly to the department and there are contractors within the city that can provide this service. The department is planning to cease providing this free service and directing all contractors to contact a local contractor with the proper sawing equipment to have them do the work. The city Right of Way inspector would inspect the saw cuts and removal to make sure that it meets specifications. • Bi-State: Please see the attached July 2019 Public Officials Directory. This document is also available on their website,, in a module on the left-hand side of the home page or under Documents, Administration. • Tourism: Roger Brooks and Destination Development have a number of interesting articles, emails or short reads on tourism and downtown development. Check out the site at