t s a o C t es W ica er m A th u o S m o r F COPPERBELT INTERMODAL SOLUTIONS / One-stop shop for all your needs on land and at sea o T Intermodal contacts TANZANIA
[email protected] MOZAMBIQUE - Beira
[email protected] TANZANIA SOUTH AFRICA DRC Dar Es Salaam
[email protected] NAMIBIA Kambove Kolwezi Likasi
[email protected] Lubumbashi Kitwe ZAMBIA Ndola MOZAMBIQUE
[email protected] ZAMBIA Kapiri Mposhi Lusaka Sales
[email protected] [email protected] Beira Walvis Bay Our Strengths NAMIBIA • CMA CGM is extending its footprint in Africa’s Copperbelt, with the establishment of a New Rail Carrier Haulage service on the TAZARA rail line • Enhance CMA CGM’s ability to provide logistics services for the mining SOUTH firms operating in the Copperbelt region AFRICA Durban • Bonded ICD at Kapiri Mposhi used a dispatch hub to CopperBelt (Kitwe, Chingola, Ndola and DR Congo). Final leg to be done by truck • Bi-weekly departures to Kapiri Mposhi with only 7 days transit time, environmental-friendly solution • Cost effective solution compared to the road (rail can carry up to 30 tons maximum), well organized service. Reduced exposure to truck detention • ICD storage facility upon client request at MCCL/Kapiri ICD with 30 free days • Will mitigate congestion/delay risk and optimize transit time from Dar Es Road connections Salaam port. Improved turnaround times • Trains are equipped with GPS devices which helps to provide daily Rail connections information of the movement of the cargo www.cma-cgm.com June 2020.