QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIA SPRINGZ 2015 OO QUARIAISSUE 89 BEARING UP WELL A SUSTAINABLE POLAR BEAR POPULATION IN EAZA AND BEYOND One last chance BAER’S POCHARD ON THE BRINK OF EXTINCTION IN THE WILD 1 1 Outside the box WELFARE SCIENCE POINTS TO BETTER ANIMAL ENRICHMENT Contents Zooquaria Spring 2015 8 28 22 6 12 4 From the Director’s chair 16 Endangered animals Myfanwy Griffith on cross-cultural collaboration Last chance for Baer’s pochard, plus a look at the symbolism of the polar bear and the 5 Announcements white-backed woodpecker A round-up of news from EAZA 22 Animal husbandry 6 Births and hatchings The first workshop for the spotted hyena A selection of important new arrivals 24 Nutrition 8 Campaigns A review of the eighth European conference How to support the Pole to Pole petition 26 Exhibit design 9 Corporate members The thinking behind an exciting new Dutch Behind the scenes with animal transporter Ekipa aviary 10 EAZA Academy 28 Conservation Celebrating a year of growth and change Twenty years of sea turtle protection 12 Communications 29 Welfare The details of a Parisian advertising campaign Are we doing enough to enrich our animals? 14 Interview Meet Kira Husher of the IUCN Zooquaria EDITORIAL BOARD: EAZA Executive Office, PO Box 20164, 1000 HD Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Executive Director Myfanwy Griffith (
[email protected]) Email:
[email protected] ISSN 2210-3392 Managing Editor David Williams-Mitchell (
[email protected]) Cover image: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus), Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com Editor Malcolm Tait (
[email protected]) For information on print subscriptions to Zooquaria visit: http://tinyurl.com/zooquaria.