CAIRO/, , 7 – 9 March 2004



1. The Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo held its Fourteenth Session in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt) from 7 to 9 March 2004 at the kind invitation of the Egyptian Government.

2. The representatives of fourteen countries (see Annex 1), elected by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 32nd Session, participated in the meeting. Representatives of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) attended the meeting as observers.

3. On behalf of the Minister of Culture, H. E. Mr Farouk Hosni, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), and Vice President of the Committee, Dr Zahi Hawass, welcomed the participants and wished them every success in their work. He pointed out the importance attached by the Egyptian authorities to the outstanding contribution made by the Executive Committee of the International Campaign and expressed satisfaction with the work that had been done. Having recalled the activities in favor of the Nubia Museum and their achievements since the Thirteenth Session of the Executive Committee in November 2002, he went on to review the progress of the project for the establishment of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC). He stressed the need for on-going training for the staff of NMEC at all levels, and the particular importance of education in the field of cultural heritage. He also mentioned the wealth of collections in Egypt's museums, from where a selection of objects could be made for the NMEC. In particular he underlined that the decision of the Ministry of Culture to have the royal mummies exhibited at the NMEC is important for attracting foreign tourists at the museum. He also believed that the vision for the NMEC should be developed taking into consideration the museums’ context in Egypt.

4. Dr. Hawass explained that the general concept of museums has nowadays changed. They are expected to play more important roles: they are not only cultural institutions, but educational ones as well. Currently the SCA is working on building 13 new museums in Egypt, five of which are major ones. The Great Egyptian Museum, for example, will display


artifacts of King Tutankhamoun. He also informed the presents that the Coptic museum should be opened to the public within 13 months, and that following the celebration of the centennial of Cairo Museum in 2002, the extension of the Luxor museum, as well as the renovation of the Greco-Roman museum, are to be completed within the few coming months. Dr Hawass reiterated that it is very important for museums not to repeat themselves, but that there is a need to introduce new ideas, such as the Portraits' museum in Fayoum, and the Mosaics' museum in Alexandria, for which construction work will soon start. Through museums, it is sought to educate children, educate adults, and raise awareness among locals about the importance of their past. Moreover, the SCA is in the process of opening 30 open storage museums, each with a conservation laboratory, photographic laboratory, offices, etc…

5. Dr Hawass added that immediate action should be taken towards accommodating tourism and monuments’ preservation. The SCA has already started a site management programme, for example, on the unfinished obelisk in Alexandria, which would take into account conservation, preservation, safety and accessibility and education. Moreover, recalling the importance to document monuments, he pointed out that there is a consistent lack of information when visiting sites. He also mentioned Kalabsha island, where 70% of the works to reconstruct the temples of Garf Hussein (Ramses II), and Beyt el Wali, have been finally achieved.

6. Finally, the issue of recovering the stolen artifacts, in line with UNESCO Convention, was mentioned. Over 500 artifacts have been so far returned to Egypt but more cooperation with international museums was sought. Dr Hawass concluded mentioning that excavations begun at the site of NMEC in Al Fustat, so as to fully investigate the archaeological remains. The SCA is in the process of choosing a scenario for artifacts selection. Construction works are planned for mid April 2004.

7. On behalf of the UNESCO Regional Office in Cairo, Mr Mohamed J. Abdulrazzak, Director, thanked the Egyptian authorities and particularly the Ministry of Culture and the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), for their warm welcome and kind hospitality to the Executive Committee members. He emphasized on important role that culture has plays today. 22 years after the launching of the Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Msueum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo, major changes in the vision of culture occurred. Cultural diversity is now regarded as a common heritage of humanity, dialogue between culture and civilization has become an intergovernmental priority, and museums have become a major instrument in definition of culture, and identity, and diversity are in the center of the international debate. In his opinion, museums are important means for raising public awareness at all levels, in particular in Arab countries. Mr Abdulrazzak also stressed the importance of bridging the gap and enhancing dialogue between societies and civilization. He pointed out that new information technologies and networking are also important tools to be taken into consideration. He concluded in expressing his gratitude to H.E. Mr Farouk Hosny, Minister of Culture, for his action in the field of culture. He also extended his appreciation and thanks to Dr Zahi Hawass, all members of the Committee present, and to the UNESCO Secretariat and staff of the UNESCO Cairo Office.

8. Mr Gadi G. Mgomezulu then addressed the Committee in his capacity as representative of Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO. He thanked the


Egyptian authorities for inviting the Executive Committee to hold its Fourteenth Session in Cairo and Alexandria, and for the excellent arrangements it had accordingly made. He praised also the excellent collaboration and efforts deployed by the Egyptian authorities and the Secretariat of the Committee, which accounted very largely for the follow-up of the Committee's recommendations, while making the role and objectives of the Nubia Museum better known.

9. As ex-Chairman of the Executive Committee, Professor Michel Valloggia (Switzerland), in his turn, recalled the works carried out by the Egyptian authorities and the Secretariat, and expressed his thanking to the Director of the SCA, Dr Hawass, for the very instructive and informative presentation about museums in Egypt. He also praised UNESCO for the very good organization of the event. He then proposed the nomination of Dr Abdolrasool Vatandoust, specialist in Museum studies from Iran, for the presidency of the Executive Committee at its Fourteenth Session.

10. Dr Vatandoust was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

11. Dr Hawass was unanimously re-elected Vice-President, and Ms Ana Zacarias, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Portugal to UNESCO, as Rapporteur.

12. The Agenda was adopted as follow:

i. Opening of the session ii. Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Rapporteur iii Adoption of the agenda iv The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (a) Review of working progress, and of implementation of the recommendations of the Executive Committee (b) Discussion and recommandations v The Nubia Museum (a) Review of working progress, and of implementation of the recommendations of the Executive Committee (b) Discussion and recommendations


13. Progress of work and implementation of recommendations: i. Ms Paolini, Secretariat of the Committee presented the UNESCO report on the working progress for the implementation of the Committee recommendations. Concerning the implementation of recommendations of the 13th session of the Committee, the Secretariat presented a detailed financial statement of the account for the Campaign. She further presented the implementation of the recommendations, still pending, of the 12th and 13th sessions. The results of the last mission of the UNESCO experts for the revision of the architectural program, which took place in October 2003, were also presented by the Secretariat and discussed. Furthermore, the Secretariat expressed its satisfaction about the recommendations of the UNESCO experts' having been met and included in the new design, which could now be developed into a tender document to be presented for bidding.


ii. The Secretariat further informed that a 2-week informative mission organized by the Secretariat but covered with funds different that the Campaign ones, for the Director of the NMEC, its architect and the Director of the Nubia Fund, took place in London and Paris in February 2004. The main aim was to visit facilities at main museums and meet with specialists in different fields to have a general view about activities in museums, with particular attention to technical issues such as storage, conservation and research laboratories, and educational facilities. The mission was very instructive and a very good opportunity to make contacts in order to perhaps engage in future partnerships with international institutions.

14. On behalf of the Egyptian Government, Mr Abdel Moneim thanked the Secretariat for the organization of the mission. He especially thanked Ms Monier and Mr Thompson, from the UNESCO team of experts, who accompanied and assisted the Egyptian team during their mission. Mr Abdel Moneim then briefly presented the Egyptian Government report, and announced that the Scientific Committee, requested in recommendation 1 of the 13th Session in 2002, was formed. He further mentioned that 12 experts were already selected, and that the list of names was going to be submitted to the Committee members during the present session. The selected persons for this Scientific Committee are experts of all periods of Egyptian civilization in different domains, in order to contribute and develop a final view of the museum, its needs, objectives, and scenario.

15. A brief presentation of the revised architectural project was made by Dr. El Ghazali Kosseiba, describing the location of the museum in relation to Greater Cairo and showing the modifications requested by the expert mission. At this subject, Mr Anagnostopoulos, IFLA representative, raised important questions concerning the parking, its location, and problems related to its ventilation, etc… He then expressed his concern regarding the area around the lake, which should be sufficiently wide to preserve the ecological system.

16. A short film on restoration and conservation work undertaken by the SCA in Kalabsha was then shown. A book about this restoration project was distributed to the Committee members. Then the floor was open for discussion, and the following remarks were made by the Committee members:

• Concerning training:

17. It was proposed, by ICOM representative, that a long training programme be organized, as initially suggested by the Secretariat. He added that partners in different fields of expertise could be called upon for this purpose, like ICOM, ICCROM, UNESCO, the Egyptian authorities concerned, and the team of experts. A long training programme should be commonly decided, not only for archaeology, but for museology and other related fields. The above was approved by most of the Committee members.

• Concerning the museum’s policies:

18. Referring to recommendation 1 of the 13th Session for the NMEC, the Secretariat recalled that the report regarding the policies statements for the NMEC should be finalized by the Egyptian authorities and shall be submitted as soon as possible to the Secretariat to enable the UNESCO team of experts to assist the Egyptian authorities in the preparation of the museological programme.


• Concerning the museum’s concept:

19. In her capacity as Rapporteur, Ms Zacarias recalled that the NMEC should address issues related to cultural diversity and cultural dialogue, and deal with tangible and intangible heritage. The case of the NMEC should be an example for such museums worldwide. It was further stressed what the logical concept of a civilization museum should clearly convey, being a bridge linking past and present, different religions, etc… She further mentioned that the concept paper should deal with political and economical aspects, as well as with museological presentation and interior design. She stressed the necessity of selecting, from the Egyptian side, focal points to ensure a real multidisciplinary dialogue with the UNESCO experts. It was then decided that the new concept for the NMEC be presented by the and presented during the next Bureau meeting, so that a clear broader view for the NMEC could be provided at the next Committee meeting.

• NMEC site visit

20. At the end of the first day, a visit to the NMEC site in Al Fustat was organized. Artefacts found in the excavation ongoing at the NMEC site were displayed in the storage room on site. At this subject, the representative of Belgium, Mr Limme, had recalled, earlier that day, how important it is to foresee a place to exhibit the excavation's findings for visiting audience, (photographs, etc…) before the finalization of the architectural design. Dr Hawass fully in support of the above, suggested that the findings be displayed in a visitor center, or by preparing of a short film on the subject to projected in the museum, and/or in situ. He had also stressed the importance of establishing a well equipped and refurbished library while training people to use it, as well as training librarians.

21. On the second day, Ms Zacarias, Rapporteur, made a summary of the previous day main headlines, and the list of names of the experts composing the Scientific Committee was distributed to the Committee members by the Egyptian authorities.

• Further concerning the museum’s concept:

22. Dr Radwan, archaeologist and Head of the newly appointed Scientific Committee, reported on the foreseen scenario of the NMEC. He reiterated that the exact function of the museum should still be defined. He further mentioned that this museum should represent the entire Egyptian civilization, that of Mankind, from Pharaonic period to Egypt's modernity. Dr Radwan informed the present that the process of collecting, registering, transporting objects from different storerooms in Egypt, which is very difficult and requires expertise, has already begun. He asked UNESCO to assist in the display and design of the museum. Furthermore, Mr Papageorgiou praised the choice of experts for the Scientific Committee.

23. An important issue concerning the remuneration of the Scientific Committee members (local expertise) requested to draft the NMEC concept paper, was raised by the Egyptian authorities. This proposal was supported only by one member of the Executive Committee. The representative of the Director General recalled the Committee that it was the Egyptian Government that asked for the UNESCO assistance to establish the two museums and therefore it would be not in line with the scope of the Campaign to ask for the opposite. Nevertheless, it was suggested that this issue be brought up to the attention of the legal department at UNESCO and results made known at the next Bureau meeting in June.


24. The representative of Greece, Mr Papageorgiou, as well as the representative of ICOMOS, Mr Mayer, and the representative of ICOM, Mr Pouw, all recalled the importance of knowing what the NMEC is going to house, the objects to be exhibited before the final scenario be decided. On the other hand, the representative of ICOM, Mr Pouw, insisted that the concept has to be clearly defined prior making the choice of objects. He added that afterwards also the working timetable and decisions about inter-agencies cooperation could be establish. Therefore, it was agreed that the Scientific Committee and the Egyptian authorities should work to finalize the concept as soon as possible and the choice of objects be done within this context. Once the concept is agreed and establish then also the museography and the relation between interior and exterior architecture and exhibition could be achieved.

25. The representative of India, Ms Sabharwal, explained that the concept for the museum should be placed in perspective, dealing with the thematic content of the NMEC and the message it conveys. It was mentioned that the elaboration of the NMEC concept paper and of a sustainable formulation of the time frame for the establishment of the NMEC are essentials to implement successfully the project. She further recalled the UNESCO Secretariat’s crucial role in the follow-up process for the establishment by the Egyptian authorities of the NMEC concept.

26. The representative of Lithuania, Ms Marciulionyte, raised an important point mentioning that the interior design that should be developed taking into consideration the exterior architectural design. It was therefore requested to the Egyptian authorities to appoint as soon as possible an interior designer in order to interact with the UNESCO team of experts

27. The representative of Switzerland, Professor Valloggia, in his capacity of Egyptologist expressed his willingness to assist UNESCO and the Egyptian authorities in personally ensuring a long-term follow-up of activities and works between the two parties.


28. Progress of work and implementation of recommendations:

i After the presentation of the implementation of recommendations, the Secretariat presented in details the Nubia Museum Web site and the results and recommendations of the assessment expert’s mission to the Nubia museum. Mr Mayer, representative of ICOMOS, proposed that also the museum on the Elephantine island be included on the Nubia Museum Web site. Dr Hawass recalled that a renovation plan for the Elephantine museum is currently underway to transform it into an open air museum. On the other hand, it was suggested by Professor Valloggia, representative of Switzerland, that a link on Nubia bibliography prepared by UNESCO be available for consultation on the Website. Dr Hawass strongly supported this idea, and confirmed it will follow up the matter.

ii Concerning the catalogue of the museum, Dr Hawass mentioned the draft catalogue submitted to the attention of the Committee and prepared by the former Director of SCA and the Director of the Nubia museum, unfortunately did not meet the expected


objectives as it is rather a scientific book than a publication for the large public. There is a need for a professional photographer. It further mentioned that it was important to review it in order to elaborate a popular guidebook with good quality pictures.

• Sudan:

29 The representative of Sudan, Mr Al Awad, brought up an important point and rather critical point for discussion. He stated that the Nubian civilization existing not only on the Egyptian side, but also on the Sudanese. He further mentioned that the Northern part of Sudan is recognized as Nubia, and that the Sudanese authorities wish to become more involved in the preservation of Nubian antiquities possibly within the framework of this International Campaign. He also proposed that a UNESCO mission be dispatched to Khartoum to discuss these issues with the concerned Sudanese authorities. This initiative was supported by the majority of the members of the Committee. The Committee members further supported a request of assistance for the Museum in Khartoum – established within the framework of the Campaign for the salvage of the Nubia monuments – presented by the Sudanese representative. Nevertheless, it was agreed that the above issues be brought to the attention of the Director General since activities in favor of Sudan are not within the scope of the present Campaign. It was also decided to ask the opinion of the Director General concerning discussing during future Committee meetings activities in favor of Sudan.

• Training:

29 Concerning the assessment mission to the museum, Dr Vatandoust, Chairman of the Committee, and expert to this mission, further to the report of the Secretariat, presented his view in term of training needs for the museum’s staff. He pointed out that an important lack of specialization in the conservation department exists. He also recalled the lack of cooperation with universities and other research centers. Finally, he strongly suggested a sustainable long term project, with multidisciplinary approaches possibly in situ. Moreover, regarding the same issue, the representative of Poland, Mr Kryzaniak, proposed the establishment of a school, providing international expertise on a part time basis, and granting trainees accredited diplomas upon an evaluation test/exam. Moreover, taking into consideration the big number of museums underway in Egypt, Ms Campbell, representative of Jamaica, mentioned that it is important to provide a local training system. Dr Hawass, and most of the Committee members totally agreed, and insisted on continuity and sustainability for the training programmes.

30 To a question of Ms Zacarias, Rapporteur, concerning further information about the development of a GIS for the Nubia region, Mr Abdul Moneim replied that a report on the issue is being prepared, and will be presented to the Secretariat for consideration.

• Phasing out the Nubia museum activities:

30 Finally, Mr Papageorgiou, representative of Greece, taking into consideration that the Nubia museum is already established and functional, and therefore UNESCO fully achieved its mandate of establishing the museum, proposed to phase the activities concerning the Nubia museum out of this Campaign. He added that activities for this museum should be incorporated into the National System of Egyptian Museums. Several Committee members approved his proposal, and it was decided to put it on the agenda of next Executive


Committee meeting and it was asked to the Secretariat to explore the procedure needed to implement the above at this subject.

29. The Executive Committee adopted the following recommendations:


Concept of the museum


The Executive Committee,

Having noted the presentation made by the Egyptian authorities in developing scenarios for the new museum,

Stressing the importance to develop the concept of the NMEC,

Considering the need to engage in a continuous dialogue between UNESCO and Egyptian experts,


• to UNESCO to organize as soon as possible an experts’ mission to Egypt to discuss with the Director of the Museum and the Scientific Committee the definition of the NMEC’s concept taking into consideration the new priorities in UNESCO such as the promotion of intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and the relationship between tangible and intangible heritage.

• to the Egyptian authorities to present to the Bureau of the Committee in three months time (June) a written concept paper for the museum taking into consideration the preliminary ideas presented during the 14th session by the Egyptian authorities, as well as the result of the workshops on the vision for the new museum held in 2001 by UNESCO and the recommendations and guidelines prepared by the experts concerning the museological programme and policies.

• to the Egyptian authorities to prepare once the concept is discussed and approved by the Bureau, a draft museological programme/brief and timetable of works to be present it to the next Committee meeting which shall not be later than November 2004

• to the Egyptian authorities to consider including within the museological programme of the NMEC the history of the site of Fustat as well as to include the results of the archaeological excavations at site and the history of the Campaign.

• that on the basis of the results of the Committee meeting, the Egyptian authorities in cooperation with the Secretariat, shall prepare an information meeting to the Member


states of UNESCO on the follow up of the International Campaign for the Salvage of the Nubia monuments and the achievement on the implementation of the International campaign for the establishment of the Nubia museum in Aswan and the Museum of the Egyptian civilization in Cairo.

• that a maximum budget of US$ 50,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for the UNESCO experts mission to Egypt and the preparation of the information meeting at UNESCO HQ.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 1 of the 13th `Executive Committee,

Noting the presentation made by the Vice-chairman during the 14th session about the situation of museums in Egypt and the measures already taken in field of museums and sites’ management,

Stressing on the essential importance for the UNESCO team of experts to be briefed about the situation of museums in Egypt to help the local authorities to target better the museological offer of the new museum,


• to the Egyptian authorities to submit during the next UNESCO experts’ mission and to the Bureau meeting in June, a written report on the condition of museums in Cairo and Egypt requested in the previous Committee according to the specifications of the above-mentioned recommendations.


The Executive Committee,

Noting that the Egyptian authorities started the process to select the objects of the new NMEC collection,

Noting with satisfaction that the Egyptian authorities started the preparation of a computerized inventory of objects,


• to the Egyptian authorities to identify in cooperation with the UNESCO experts, the criteria for objects’ selection in view to build the collection. Results of this recommendation shall be presented to the next Committee meeting.



The Executive Committee,

Taking note that the Egyptian authorities are in the process of developing the museum concept in cooperation with UNESCO,

Stressing the relevance of the interaction between the museum concept an the architectural and interior design features,


• to the Egyptian authorities to identify as soon as possible the landscape architect and the interior designer so to engage in the preparation of the landscape layout design as well as in the interior design brief .



The Executive Committee,

Having noted that Egyptian authorities already selected the new staff of the NMEC,

Considering the UNESCO experts’ recommendation concerning the staffing table for the NMEC,


• UNESCO to receive the CVs of the newly appointed NMEC staff to prepare at the earliest convenience a two/three days workshop for identifying the line of specialization of the newly appointed museum staff and introducing them to general museum issues.


The Executive Committee,

Considering the request of the Egyptian authorities for developing and enhancing the historical and archaeological knowledge of staff of the NMEC,

Stressing the need to start as soon as possible training for the new staff of NMEC on general issues of the history of the Egyptian civilization



• to start as soon as possible the above-mentioned training course for a period of at least 16 months

• that a maximum budget of US$ 45,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,

Having noted need to improve foreign language and computer skills for staff of the NMEC,


• to prepare training courses in foreign languages as well as in computer basic for staff of the NMEC.

• that a maximum budget of US$ 40,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,

Having noted that the director of the museum already appointed the core staff for the current phase of the NMEC implementation,

Stressing the need to start as soon as possible for the preparation of an integrated long-term program of training for staff of the NMEC,


• to the Egyptian authorities and UNESCO to engage in partnership with foreign museums, universities, or/and cultural institutions, or international NGOs for the establishment of long-term training courses in different fields related to museum issues (preventive conservation, conservation and restoration, collection management, inventories, exhibition display, etc…) in Egypt for the new staff of the NMEC,

• to formalize this/these partnerships with the preparation of MoUs among UNESCO, the GoE and the International institutions to define duties and responsibilities of all parties in defining, programmes and timetables, etc..


• that a maximum budget of US$150,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for this purpose.

UNESCO team of experts


The Executive Committee

Recalling recommendation 6 of the 13th Session of the Executive Committee,

Further recalling recommendations 1 and 2 of the 11th Session and 1 of the 12th Session of the Executive Committee,

Stressing on the need to complete the museological programme, display brief but also all the technical issues linked to the preparation of laboratories and storage areas, security, landscaping, educational activities, etc…


• UNESCO in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities to review the composition of the present group of experts with a view to include more specialists, such as a specialist in environmental sciences, IT, etc…to address the Egyptian authorities in different issues which might arise during the construction works.

• to maintain the remaining budget of US$ 207,420 drawn from the Fund for the realization of the above activities and the Secretariat to report on the use of this fund to the next Committee meeting.

Translation of documents


The Executive Committee

Recalling recommendation 11 of the 13th Session,

Noting that the distribution already translated technical documents to all the members of the Egyptian counterpart team improved the sharing of opinions and engaged in constructive discussions,



• that an amount $ 10,000 for further translation into Arabic of the technical documents and experts’ reports be drawn from the Trust Fund.

• the UNESCO Cairo office be responsible of the distribution of all the documentation in Arabic and/or English to all the counterpart team members.



The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 5 of the 11th and 12th session,

Noting the importance to make available at the Nubia museum relevant bibliography and documentation to this museum,


• the Egyptian authorities to establish at the Museum a Documentation Centre of Nubian Studies and therefore send to the Nubia museum all documentation as well as materials collected and duplicated by UNESCO in view of constituting an archive and a library on the above-mentioned issue.

• to maintain the remaining budget of US$ 38,000 drawn from the Fund for the realization of the above activities and adding a further budget of US$100,000

• UNESCO to provide copies of relevant documentation to the Sudanese authorities


The Executive Committee,

Having noted the request of the Egyptian authorities for the preparation of educational activities,


• UNESCO to prepare in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities educational material on Nubia archaeology and prepare educational courses and activities for adult and school children


• that an initial amount $ 15,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for the organization of the above.


The Executive Committee,

Noting that the Salvage of the Nubia monument Campaign involved the salvage of sites and monuments both in Egypt and Sudan,

Noting the importance of incorporating within the framework of this Camapign activities at the benefit of Nubian communities in Sudan and Egypt, as part of the cultural exchange and dialogue always promoted by UNESCO,


• UNESCO to explore possibilities to undertake a joint mission of UNESCO, Egyptian and Sudanese archaeologists in the Nubia region in view to build up joint training programs and projects of conservation and documentation of sites in the area.

• that an amount $ 20,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for the organization of the mission.


The Executive Committee,

Noting that the Salvage of the Nubia monument Campaign involved the salvage of sites and monuments both in Egypt and Sudan,

Noting that the constitution the Museum in Khartoum was part of the above-mentioned Campaign,


• UNESCO to assist the Sudanese authorities in addressing the issue of the rehabilitation of the display at the Khartoum museum and to look for extra-budgetary resources to complete and implement a project for the full rehabilitation of the museum,

• that an initial amount $ 30,000 be drawn from the Trust Fund for the organization of the mission.



The Executive Committee,

Recalling the Committee discussions for the constitution at the Nubia museum of a Documentation Centre of Nubian Studies,

Taking note of the need to assess the present state of conservation of monuments and sites in the Nubia region,


• to start a thorough documentation of Nubia monuments with a view to prepare a computerized data base of monuments and archaeological sites of the Nubia region starting in Egypt with Philae, Kalabsha and Abu Simbel,

• to invite specialized firms in monuments’ documentation to present proposals at this purpose, in order for the Egyptian authorities and with the technical support of UNESCO to choose the most appropriate methodology for documentation survey,

• that an amount $ 60,000 for be drawn from the Trust Fund to start the documentation and to report on its use during next Session of the Committee.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling the discussions for the constitution at the Nubia museum of a Documentation Centre of Nubian Studies,


• to continue the duplications of the existing documentation on the Nubia Campaign in Egypt and abroad with a view to refurbish the Documentation Centre for Nubian Studies at the Nubia Museum in Aswan.

• that an amount $ 40,000 for be drawn from the Trust Fund for further research of the documentation, its collection, its duplication either digitally or on other supports, and its systematic organization in form of database and archive, and to report on its use during next Session of the Committee.



The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 8 of the 12th Session,

Further considering the importance of the Salvage of the Nubia Monuments Campaign launched by UNESCO and all the efforts done by the International community for the achievement of the above,


• to investigate local companies for the preparation of a GIS (Geographic Information System) on the Nubia region – possibly including the Sudanese Nubia – for the recording of locations of all archaeological remains in the area and to support survey investigations,

• to withdraw an initial budget of US$ 40,000 from the Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,

Having noted the need to prepare and distribute promotional material on the Nubia region and on the Nubia museum,


• to prepare for the publication of a CD Rom on the UNESCO Campaign of the Salvage of the Nubia Monuments as a joint SCA/UNESCO publication,

• to further prepare for the publication of a CD Roms on the salvage of major monuments of Nubia such as Philae, Kalabsha, and Abu Simbel as a joint SCA/UNESCO publication. To provide 4000 copies of each in English, French and Arabic language,

• to present the projects to the next Bureau meeting,

• to withdraw an initial budget of US 20,000$ for each CD Rom from the Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,



• to complete the duplication of videos, pictures and documents concerning the UNESCO Campaign of the salvage of the Nubia monuments existing at the UNESCO archives,

• to withdraw al budget of US$ 4,000 from the Fund for this purpose to complete the above.


The Executive Committee,

Noting the importance to have a museum representative of the Nubia culture,


• to review the exhibition display at the Nubia museum, in order to include more artifacts representing the Nubia culture, and build up collections in this sense.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling the report of the experts’ mission on the assessment of the conservation department at the Nubia museum and the training of its staff,


• UNESCO to organize a four weeks training course in the Nubia museum concerning implementation of conservation research, restoration and preservation of artefatcs

• to withdraw an initial budget of US 25,000$ from the Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling the report of the experts’ mission on the assessment of the conservation department at the Nubia museum and the training of its staff,



• UNESCO that two multi-disciplinary research projects incorporating documentation, material research, conservation research, restoration and publication be defined for two distinctive groups of objects through which on-the-job training of personnel be considered and implemented

• to withdraw an initial budget of US 80,000$ from the Fund for this purpose.


The Executive Committee,

Considering the result of the training courses previously organized for the Nubia Museum,

Having noted that the organization chart of the museum shall be reviewed so that professional skills fit better into it,

Stressing the need to the Nubia museum to function mainly as a research centre,


• that the staff of the Nubia museum be associated as much as possible to the training program for the NMEC,

• that research projects be defined by the Egyptian authorities in cooperation with UNESCO




The Executive Committee

Recalling recommendation 1b of 12th session,

Having noted the considerable work-load and time needed to implement the recommendations of the Committee,


• that a junior consultant be contracted for an initial period of one year to work under the supervision of the programme specialist presently in charge of carrying out all the activities related to the Committee.

• that an annual amount up to 40.000 USD for Secretariat assistance at Paris headquarters.


The Executive Committee,

Recalling recommendation 2 of the 13th Session,


• the use the remaining budget of 5,000 $ for secretarial assistance at UNESCO Cairo office


The Executive Committee

Recalling the rules of procedure of the Committee and the resolution of the 112 EXB /Decisions in 1981– Annex 1 – point 6.1,


• that an amount up to US$50,000 in order to support the organization of the next Committee and/or Bureau meeting be drawn from the Trust Fund of the Campaign.