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A process-oriented approach to respecting in the context


of tracking

Gabriella M Harari

Mobile phone tracking poses challenges to individual privacy governmental organizations, corporations). Consider the

because a phone’s sensor data and metadata logs can reveal mobile phone — a ubiquitous behavioral tracking tech-

behavioral, contextual, and psychological information about nology carried by an estimated five billion people around

the individual who uses the phone. Here, I argue for a process- the world [1], with ownership at high rates in advanced

oriented approach to respecting individual privacy in the economies and growing steadily in emerging economies

context of mobile phone tracking by treating informed consent [2]. As part of their core functionality, mobile phones can

as a process, not a mouse click. This process-oriented collect information about who a person communicates

approach allows individuals to exercise their privacy with and how often (via call and SMS logs) and where a

preferences and requires the design of self-tracking systems person spends their time (via GPS and WiFi data). Other

that facilitate transparency, opt-in default settings, and information about what a person spends their time doing

individual control over personal data, especially with regard to: (via app logs) can also be collected because these devices

(1) what kinds of personal data are being collected and (2) how mediate much of our everyday activity (e.g. browsing,

the data are being used and shared. In sum, I argue for the navigating, shopping, banking, information searching).

development of self-tracking systems that put individual user

privacy and control at their core, while enabling people to Technological advancements continue to push the

harness their personal data for self-insight and behavior boundaries of what mobile phones can track about human

change. This approach to mobile phone privacy is a radical behavior — at a personal [3] and societal level [4]. The

departure from current standard data practices and has immense potential for using mobile phone data to under-

implications for a wide range of stakeholders, including stand human behavior has been heralded across a range of

individual users, researchers, and corporations. scientific disciplines, including psychology [5 ,6], psy-

chiatry [7], medicine [8], communication [9], sociology


[10], and computer science [11]. However, mobile phones

Department of Communication, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

also introduce unique privacy challenges for developers


who create mobile phone tracking systems, for academic

Corresponding author: Harari, Gabriella M ([email protected]) and corporate stakeholders who collect and model mobile

phone data, and for the billions of people around the

world who own a mobile phone [12]. These privacy

Current Opinion in Psychology 2020, 31:141–147

challenges stem from the depth and temporal scale of

This review comes from a themed issue on Privacy and disclosure,

the devices’ sensing capabilities, the richness of their

online and in social interactions

sensors and metadata logs, and the tendency for devices

Edited by Leslie k John, Michael Slepian, and Diana Tamir

to be physically present with their owners much of the

For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial time [13 ].

Available online 20th September 2019

To outline a few of the privacy challenges in this context,


I start my review by describing how passive sensing

2352-250X/ã 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

technologies and mobile phones can be used to directly

collect or indirectly infer personal information, focusing

on information about people’s behaviors, contexts, and

psychological characteristics. Next, I outline some of the

privacy concerns people may experience in the context of

mobile phone tracking, operationalizing privacy as the

Introduction ability to control information about the self [14] and

In many societies today, information about human behav- assuming privacy to be a universal human right [15]. I

ior is routinely tracked (i.e. collected and modelled) by then provide my view on how we can begin to address

mobile phones, wearables, smart home devices and the some of the privacy challenges by adopting a process-

various stakeholders who own and operate such sensing oriented approach to obtaining informed consent to

technologies (e.g. individual users, researchers, mobile phone data tracking. In particular, I argue that


My thanks go to Ruth Appel, Sam Gosling, Sandra Matz, Sandrine Mu¨ ller, Ramona Schoedel, Clemens Stachl, Sanaz Talaifar, and Sumer Vaid for

helpful feedback on earlier drafts of this manuscript and for many discussions about the privacy implications of mobile phone tracking.

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142 Privacy and disclosure, online and in social interactions

privacy preferences can be respected in the context of which refers to ‘any kind of log or sensor data that directly

mobile phone tracking by designing self-tracking systems describes an individual’ (pg. 452; [18]). Much of this per-

that facilitate transparency, opt-in default settings, and sonal data is typically generated and stored as part of the

individual control over personal data throughout the standard functioning of the device (e.g., text message logs

tracking process. Specifically, I describe a need for facili- arestoredonthedevicesothe usercanaccessthedataatany

tating transparency with regard to: (1) what kinds of time). However, these personal data can also be collected

personal data are being collected from the phone, (2) by device manufacturers and by third-party applications

how the mobile phone data are being used and shared. that people download to their device, which run as a

This approach to mobile phone privacy is a radical depar- background process on the device to passively collect

ture from current standard practices and has implications sensor data and metadata logs and/or make inferences

for a wide range of stakeholders, including individual based on the sensing data. For example, many popular

users, researchers, and corporations. By adopting these gaming and social media apps routinely collect information

approaches to transparency, stakeholders involved in about a device’s location via GPS data, even when knowing

mobile phone tracking can respect individual privacy a person’s location is not central to the service provided by

rights and provide individuals with a means of harnessing the app.In research settings, specially designed apps can be

their personal data for self-insight and behavior change. used to obtain behavioral and contextual information about

participants during a study [5 ].

Sensing technologies can directly collect and

indirectly infer personal information Sensing data can reveal personal information about an

Passive sensing refers to the unobtrusive collection and individual’s behaviors, situational contexts, and psycholog-

modeling of sensor data and metadata generated by ical characteristics (for more detailed reviews on this topic,

sensing technologies, such as mobile phones, wearables, see Refs. [19 ,20]). Generally, personal information can be

smart cars, and smart home appliances. In mobile phones obtained from sensing data in two ways, personal informa-

today, the sensor hardware that comes embedded in a tion may be: (1) directly collected (e.g. latitude and longi-

typical device includes accelerometers, microphones, tude coordinates collected using the GPS showing the

Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Bluetooth, and WiFi device’s precise location), and/or (2) indirectly inferred

scanners [16]. Metadata from mobile phones include (e.g. inferring contextual information about where a person

timestamped system logs that contain a record of infor- is, such as being at home or work). When considering

mation about how a device is used [17], such as call and privacy challenges and possible solutions, this distinction

SMS logs, application use logs, and battery logs. Figure 1 is important because people may be generally aware of the

provides an illustration of some of the common types of types of data that are being collected by applications on their

mobile sensors and metadata that can be collected from device (e.g. an application on their phone having access to

mobile phones. their location via GPS), but may not be aware of other types

of personal information that can be inferred about them

Sensing technologies have enabled the continuous and using their personal data (e.g. their routine travel patterns,

unobtrusive collection of vast amounts of personal data, places they spend time in).

Figure 1

Sources of Personal Data in Mobile Phones

Mobile Sensors Metadata Accelerometer Call Logs Microphone SMS Logs Bluetooth App Use Logs Ambient Light Screen State Logs GPS Battery Logs

Current Opinion in Psychology

Summary of commonly collected sources of personal data from mobile phones.

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Privacy in the context of mobile phone tracking Harari 143

Sensing personal information from mobile phone data a given situation; [20]) can be collected and inferred from

The personal information that can be directly collected and data. Location information can be inferred

indirectly inferred from mobile phone data make respect- from GPS data to identify a person’s place of residence

ing privacy in the context of mobile phone tracking a and the types of places they visit (using services such as the

complex issue. Moreover, the potential for different Places API), while WiFi data can be used to

sources of mobile phone data to be combined together infer a person’s indoor location within buildings [31].

poses a particularly substantial challenge to individual Privacy challenges associated with location data have been

privacy by providing a detailed portrait of a person’s daily demonstrated in past work that shows how a few GPS-

life. To illustrate this point, next I provide a brief overview based location records can be used to identify individuals

of the types of personal information that can be collected or [32]. Moreover, information about the ambience surround-

inferred from mobile phone data, focusing on information ing a person can be inferred, such as the acoustic (e.g.

about behaviors, situational contexts, and psychological whether the environment is silent or noisy [33]) and social

characteristics (see Table 1 for additional details). context of the individual using the phone (e.g., Bluetooth

data are used to infer the co-presence of others [34]).

Behavioral information

Behavioral information about three broad domains of Psychological information

behavior can be collected and inferred from mobile phone Psychological information can be inferred from mobile

data [16]: physical movement (e.g. via accelerometer and phone data to predict a person’s psychological character-

GPS data), social interactions (e.g. via microphone sen- istics, particularly in the domains of mental health, dis-

sors, call and SMS logs, application use logs), and more positional traits, and psychological states. For example,

general everyday activities (e.g. via combinations of dif- mobile phone data have been used to develop prediction

ferent types of mobile sensors and metadata). For exam- models for detecting symptoms of depression [35,36],

ple, in the domain of physical movement, physical activ- schizophrenia [37], and bipolar disorder [38]. Personality

ity can be inferred from accelerometer and GPS data, traits [39,40], and momentary states like mood [41], stress

indicating whether a person is sedentary (versus active [42], and alertness [43,44] have also been predicted from

[21]), and whether a person is walking, running, or cycling combinations of mobile sensor data and metadata logs.

[22]. Information about mobility patterns can also be

inferred from GPS data [23], such as the distance travelled Privacy challenges in the context of mobile

during a period of time and routine travel patterns [24]. phone tracking

To understand when and why people may experience

In the social interaction domain, behaviors that can be privacy concerns in the context of mobile phone tracking,

inferred include in-person and mediated communications here I adopt the Communication Privacy Management

(e.g. Ref. [25]). For example, the microphone sensor can Theory as a framework (CPMT; [45]). CPMT describes

collect information about the content of a person’s con- how people control their private information (i.e. infor-

versations [26] or infer the frequency and duration of in- mation that a person feels they own), using a system of

person conversations [27]. Metadata logs can collect infor- boundaries for deciding whether to disclose private infor-

mation about mediated social interactions, such as the mation to others. The theory suggests that when manag-

frequency and duration of incoming and outgoing calls ing private information does not go the way one expects

and text messages [25], and the frequency and duration (e.g. when co-owners of private information do not follow

of communication and social media application use [28]. jointly negotiated rules about who the information may

Such metadata records have been shown to have several be shared with), this can lead to privacy turbulence for the

unique privacy challenges because they can be used to individual who owns the private information. Applied in

identify individuals and reveal sensitive information [29]. the context of mobile phone tracking, CPMT suggests

that people (1) may feel a sense of ownership over their

Information about more general everyday activities can also mobile phone data as private information, (2) set disclo-

be inferred by combining several different sources of mobile sure boundaries to control who is permitted to have access

sensor and metadata. For example, sleeping patterns have to their personal data, and (3) will experience privacy

been inferred by relying on several sources of mobile phone turbulence if their expected disclosure boundaries are

data that provide sleep-relevant information when com- violated (e.g. if personal data are shared without consent).

bined (e.g. ambient light and microphone sensors indicating

the environment is dark and silent, battery logs indicating Survey research suggests that many people do consider

that it is night time and the phone is charging, accelerometer their mobile phone data to be private information [46],

data indicating the phone is stationary; [30]). and that privacy concerns associated with use of mobile

phone apps seem to arise when disclosure boundaries are

Contextual information violated. For example, people report concerns about

Contextual information about different kinds of situa- perceived intrusion, perceived surveillance, and second-

tional cues (e.g. the location, timing, and people around in ary use of data [47]. Thus, a central privacy challenge in

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144 Privacy and disclosure, online and in social interactions rmation in this table is adapted from more U UU UU U UU U UU UU = data source can be used to collect personal information for the category, U Physical activity (e.g. Sedentariness, Movement, Walking, Running, Step count) Face-to-face encounters (e.g. Co-presence with others, Size of co-present groups, Number of unique and repeated interaction partners) Mobility patterns (e.g. Distance travelled, Frequency and duration of place visits, modetransportation) of Face-to-face encounters (e.g. Frequency and duration of conversations, Content of conversations, Speaking rates) Computer-mediated communication (e.g. Frequency and durationcalls of and text messages, Number of unique and repeated interaction partners) Mediated activities (e.g. Frequency of andof duration phone use; Numberon of the apps phone; Frequencyduration and of app use) Types of personal data Categories of personal information XYZ coordinates reflecting acceleration on three dimensions Number of unique BTNumber scans; of repeated BT scans Latitude and longitude coordinates; coarse (100– 500 m) or fine-grained (100less) m or environment Timestamped event logs indicating when calls andmessages text take place Timestamped event logs indicating when and which apps are used ], which also provide lists of references to example studies. 20 ,  19 ,  5 horizontally or vertically with other BT-enabled devices Obtain the phone locationsatellites from Records calls and textmade messages and received and installed This table does not provide an exhaustive list of the types of mobile phone data that can be collected and modelled using sensing applications. The info Accelerometer Orients the phone display Bluetooth radio (BT)Global Positioning Allows the phone to exchange data Microphone sensor Permits audio for calls Audio recordings in the acoustic Call and Short Message Application (app) use log Records phone applications used Service (SMS) logs = data source is not typically used to collect personal information for the category.

Table 1 Examples of types of personal data from mobile phones and the personalTypes information of they mobile can phone reveal dataMobile sensors Description of functionality Directly collected Indirectly inferred Behavioral Contextual Psychological System scans (GPS) Metadata detailed overviews previously published in Refs. [ Note.

Current Opinion in Psychology 2020, 31:141–147 www.sciencedirect.com

Privacy in the context of mobile phone tracking Harari 145

the context of mobile phone tracking appears to revolve Transparency about what data are being collected

around the lack of transparency about the mobile phone Whether a person perceives their privacy to have been

data practices used by various stakeholders. If addressed, violated largely depends on the conditions under which

transparent mobile phone data practices could help indi- their mobile phone data were collected. A main transpar-

viduals effectively negotiate disclosure boundaries and ency issue with mobile phones is that people may be

address any perceived concerns about intrusion, surveil- unaware of the data tracking processes occurring within

lance, and secondary data use. apps running on the device (e.g. what data are collected,

how frequently, where the data are stored; [13 ]). Thus,

Respecting privacy by treating informed researchers and businesses collecting mobile phone data

consent as a process should explicitly inform individuals about the data col-

To address the privacy challenges associated with mobile lection process being used by a given sensing application.

phone tracking, my overarching view is that to respect Moreover, such information should be presented in clear,

individual privacy preferences when tracking people’s easy to understand, and accessible language. For exam-

mobile phone data, informed consent should be treated ple, a model for protecting individual privacy when

as a process, not a mouse click. That is, people should have collecting data with mobile apps has been proposed that

a means of being periodically reminded of the types of describes specific recommendations [51].

personal data that are being directly collected from their

mobile phone, and what such information may indirectly To provide people with more agency in negotiating their

reveal about them. To achieve this process-oriented personal data disclosure boundaries, mobile phonetracking

approach to respecting privacy, stakeholders need to systems should adopt ‘opt-in’ default settings, which maxi-

focus on designing human-centered sensing systems that mize individual control over personal data collection. The

are transparent about data practices — informing people default data collection permission settings used by mobile

about what data are being collected by a system, what apps are a central feature of such systems that can be

kinds of information are being inferred from the data, how implemented with principles of privacy-by-design in mind

the information will be used, and who the information [52]. For example, using ‘opt-in’ default settings that

may be shared with. In particular, I argue for the design of require individuals to actively choose to consent to provid-

self-tracking systems that put individual user privacy and ing different types of personal data (e.g. having the option

control at their core, while enabling people to harness to enable or disable GPS tracking [53]) may be more

their personal data for self-insight and behavior change. desirable for meeting individual privacy preferences

[54]. In my own work, I have used the opt-in approach

Self-tracking systems that facilitate transparent data and found that young adults do exercise this choice when

practices given the option to select the types of data they want to

Self-tracking systems provide people with a means of track [50]. Such an approach to data collection permissions

voluntarily tracking and recording aspects of their daily may help to address privacy paradox issues [55]: the

life using their personal data [48] (in contrast to systems observed mismatch between stated privacy preferences

that collect and infer information from people without and engagement in actual privacy behaviors.

their explicit awareness or informed consent). To respect

privacy in the context of mobile phone tracking, those

who collect, store, and model personal mobile phone data Transparency about how data are being used and

need to design self-tracking systems that facilitate trans- shared

parency around the practices of data collection, data Transparency about what mobile data are being used for

modeling, and data sharing. (e.g. what inferences will be made from the data) and who

they may be shared with are also important. For example,

By creating systems that people can use to monitor their people may be aware that a mobile phone provider (e.g.

own behaviors, contexts, and psychological states, stake- Google, Apple) collects device usage statistics that

holders can ensure that people are aware of what kinds of describe their in-phone behaviors from their device (e.

mobile sensor and metadata are being collected from their g. app use logs, battery logs). However, if a mobile phone

phones, while also providing people with tools for obtain- provider were to use such information to make contextual

ing self-insight and inducing positive behavior change or psychological inferences about the owner of the device,

[49 ]. Moreover, in emphasizing self- it may lead to perceived privacy violations. Similarly, if a

design, stakeholders may find that people are quite will- mobile phone provider were to share personal data with a

ing to engage in mobile phone tracking. For example, a third party to market, nudge, or otherwise attempt to

large study examining young adults’ interest in self- shape the future behavior of the individual, it would

tracking found that many were motivated to self-track likely lead to perceived privacy violations. Yet location

in an educational setting if it could help them to monitor information is routinely tracked by mobile phones apps

their productivity and health behavior, well-being and without people’s awareness or informed consent and is

daily activities, and their social lives [50]. used for marketing purposes [56], which suggests people

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146 Privacy and disclosure, online and in social interactions

may feel privacy violations with regard to how their Conflict of interest statement

location data are being disclosed and shared. Nothing declared.

Self-tracking systems can facilitate transparency and Funding

understanding about how personal data are being used National Science Foundation Award Number 1758835.

by making salient the types of inferences (behavioral,

contextual, or psychological) that are being made from References and recommended reading

Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,

mobile phone data (via messages, data visualization, per-

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