A Convention Scrapbook
OHS members may join as many chapters as they wish. Several chap ters publish excellent newsletters with significant scholarly content. Chapter and Newsletter, Editor, Membership Founding Date and Annual Address (*Date joined OHS) Membership Boston Organ Club, Newsletter, E.A. Alan Laufman 1965, 1976* Boadway, $5 Box 104, Harrisville, NH 03450 British Columbia, Vox Humana, Douglas H. Adams Clayton Lee, $10 4023 Cavallin Ct. 1983 Victoria, BC V8N 5P9 Canada Central New York, The Coupler, $5 Culver Mowers 1976 2371 Slaterville Rd,, Box 130 Brooktondale, NY 14817 Chicago Midwest, The Stopt Diapason, Julie Stephens 1980 Susan R. Friesen $8 520 W. 47th St., Western ' Sprmgs, IL 60558 Eastern Iowa, 1982 Newsletter, Au�ust Knoll Mark Nemmers, $7.50 f�:d:;, IA 52255 Greater New York The Keraulophon, Alan Laufman (as City, 1969 John Ogasapian, $5 above) The Organ Historical Society Greater St. Louis, The Cypher, Eliza- John D. Phillippe 1975 be th S ch mt· tt ' $5 4336 DuPage Dr. Box 26811, Richmond, Virginia 23261 Bridgeton, MO 63044 Archives Collection at Westminster Choir College, Hilbus (Washington Where the Tracker Peter Ziegler Baltimore), 1970 Action Is, Carolyn 14300 Medw1ck Ct., e Marlboro, MD Princeton, New Jersey Fix, $4 fJ'J' l Telephone at Millersville, Pennsylvania (717) 872-5190 7 Mid-Hudson (New The Whistlebox, June Marvel York), 1978 Robert Guenther, $3 Crown Hill Rd. The National Council Wappingers Falls, NY Officers 12590 Stephen Long ......................................... President New Orleans, 1983 The Swell Shoe, Ann Rachelen Lien H. Turner, $5 1010 Nashville Ave , 18 Merriam Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 New Orleans, LA 70115 Dana Hull ......................................
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