Some Account of Parish Clerks, More Especially of the Ancient

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Some Account of Parish Clerks, More Especially of the Ancient CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ALBERT & CHARLES HULL MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT ^°'^lliii?i?lrflHRL,?LP,?riSD..,c!erka. more espe 3 1924 029 olln 343 302 Overs DATE DUE Cornell University Library The original of tinis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. PARISH CLERKS. SOME ACCOUNT OF PARISH CLERKS, MORE ESPECIALLY OF THE ANCIENT FRATERNITY (BRETHERNE AND SISTERNE), OF g. NlCHOI^ftg, NOW KNOWN AS THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF PARISH CLERKS. Compiled for the Company by JAMES CHRISTIE, Chaplain to the North Eastern Hospital, Tottenham, formerly Curate of S. Bartholomew, Cripplegate. privately printed, 1893. BV CT3+- /\in Mi LONDON: Printed for the Worshipful Company of Parish Cierks by JAIVIES VINCENT, Parish Clerk of St. Botolph, Aidersgate, 18, Little Britain, E.C., Printer to the Company. ic^Act'r~, 'Q3wJ-:i3v%u ci' I'^nvsVi Cje.irW^ v TO JAMES GEORGE WHITE, Esq., Deputy for the Ward of Walbrook, Parish Clerk and Organist of St. Swithin's, London Stone, MASTER, AND TO THE WARDENS AND COURT OF ASSISTANTS, OF THE PARISH CLERKS' COMPANY, this volume is dedicated by the compiler. PREFACE. This compilation was undertaken at the request of members of the Parish Clerks' Company. Its bulk is considerably greater than was at first intended, but as different items of information bearing on the subject came to hand, it was thought best to embody them in the volume so as to form a permanent record of what had been collected on this subject. What is new deals chiefly with the Charters and Ordinances of this ancient Fraternity (see with the numbers pp. 23—30) ; and rank of those who were associated with or joined the Fraternity as shewn in the old Bede Roll belonging to the Company (see pp. 30—56) ; with the property held by them before Act i. Ed. VI, seizing the property of Fraternities (see pp. 76—98 and pp. 113, 114, 120, and 121). Pages 76 to 98 shew also the difficulty which constantly cropped up when a Fraternity had no license to hold property. The later history of the Company is principally derived from the Company's Minute Books which begin in 1610. The Compiler returns his thanks to the Library Committee of the Corporation for permission to examine the records under their care, and to R. R. Sharpe, Esq., D.C.L.,, Records Clerk for his kindness in pointing out where information was to be found, and his ready help in deciphering some of the older Preface {continued). records, to the Court of the Parish Clerks' Company for their allowing ready access to the different records and gifts under their charge, and to Mr. Richard Perkins, Parish Clerk of S. Augustine and S. Faith, Sub. -Librarian of Sion College, for many helpful suggestions and for many references both as to Clerks in General and Parish Clerks in particular. As the volume is intended for members of the Company, many particulars are inserted in the latter part which are of more interest to members than to the public generally. Yet the Compiler is not without hope that this account of the Clerks may be found to possess a certain interest for others as well, and may be found of use as repertory of facts concerning Clerks and their office such as has not hitherto been available in a collected form. —. 7 CONTENTS. WHO WERE THE CLERKS? Pages. English Ordinal—Rise and Names of Minor Orders—Derivation of Clerk—Clerks in the early English Church—Order for setting apart the Minor Orders and their duties from Egbert's Pontifical —Tonsure the mark of the Clerk—Age of Admission . i — LEGISLATION AS TO CLERKS. Canon of Merida—Hincmar of Rheims—Walter of Orleans—Leo, Bishop of Rome—Married Clerks—English Canons of 1232, 1237, 1281, and 1287—Cardinal Bona on decay of Minor Orders 7—14 QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES OF THE CLERKS. Aqu£e-Bajulus—Knowledge Required—Vestments and Duties Maister Parish Clerks—Conducts—Application of discipline to Clerks—Duties of Clerks from Parish Records of S. Stephen, Coleman Street . 14— 18 APPOINTMENT AND PAYMENT OF PARISH CLERKS. Offerings for Parish Clerks—Theory and Practice of Appointment Institution—Notarial Instrument of Institution—Difficulties in Recovering Dues—Arrangements for Dues in S. Margaret's, Lothbury .. .. .. .. .. .. 18—23 PARISH CLERKS AS A FRATERNITY OR GUILD. Purpose, Kinds and Charters of Guilds—Probable Origin of Parish Clerks' Guild—Charter of 1442—Petition to King from ' Maister Parish Clerks '—Amended Charters of 1449 and 1475 23—30 . —— Contents {continued^. THE BEDE ROLL OF THE FRATERNITY. Description and Date of Bede Roll—Names of Kings, Princes, Nobles, Gentlemen, Bishops, Abbots and Abbesses, Priors and Prioresses, Deans, and London Priests, Heralds, City and Provincial Dignitaries —Admissions and Deaths—Honorary Titles—Bede—Bede Roll—Bidding Prayer—Analysis of Bede Roll and Names of Masters of the Fraternity 1447-1523 .. 30—56 ST. NICHOLAS, PATRON OF THE GUILD. St. Nicholas—Boy Bishop's Service—Parish Clerks at Skinner's Well and Clerkenwell—Bartle Fair—Boy Bishop's Services Forbidden and Resumed .. .. .. .. 56—65 ORDINANCES OF THE GUILD OF PARISH CLERKS, 1529. Masters' Election, Account and Charge — Wardens Election and Charge—Variance between Officers—The Dinner Day Auditors—Quarterage—Quarterly and other Assemblies Parish Clerks not Members of the Fraternity—Disobedience to Rules—Admission to Brotherhood—.\lms and Almshouses Oath on Admission to Fraternity . 65 76 THE PROPERTY OF THE FRATERNITY. Summary of Deeds from 1274 to 1472—Property in Bishopsgate—In S. Leonard, East Cheap—In S. George's, Botolph Lane Whitecross Street Property—Enfield Property—Difficulty in holding Property without License—Curious Justification of a Father after Death—Bonds on Property—Seizure of Property under i Ed. VI—Dispute and Decision—Sympathy of City Site and Description of Hall— Toulrain Smith on i Ed. VI. Appendix of Documents from Augmentation Office, . &c. 76—98 . —— Contents (continued^. WILLIAM ROPER, ESQ., AND HIS GIFT TO THE PARISH CLERKS. Account of Roper—Offer of Gift to Merchant Taylors' Company—Offer Declined, but Accepted by Parish Clerks . PARISH CLERKS AND THE FREEDOM OF THE CITY. Certain Number Admitted under Conditions—Exemptions—Refusal " of Admission (1524) —Clerks "Free" and Clerks " Forein before the Court of Aldermen—Agreement—Result of i Ed. VI.—Ordinances of 1 5 5 3—Clerks as Clerks Deprived of Freedom of City—Appendix of Extracts from City Records illustrating this Chapter .. .. .. .. .. -. 103—120 CHARTERS AND ORDINANCES SUBSEQUENT TO 1608. Ordinances of 1610 (?) — State of the Company—New Charter Expenses. 120 126 Charter of 1636—Charter and Ordinances of 1640— . — PUBLIC DUTIES IMPOSED BY THE CORPORATION. Service at the Guildhall Chapel at Election of Lord Mayor—Election of 1553—First notice of this Service—Election of 1554 Order of 1624—Clerks' expenses—Ordinances of 1640—Re- turns of Deceased Freemen—Order of 1546, of 1553, of 1555, of 1614, of 1626—Difficulty in complying with order after tire of i655—Suspensions of payment and fines—latest notice 1732. 126— 132 BILLS OF MORTALITY. Reference in Ordinances of 1553 as to these returns being made heretofore—Weekly Bills of 1528 (?) 1532 (?) 1535 and 1537— Ordinance of 1553—Order of 1555—Plague of 1563—Order to ——— Contents {continued'). Clerks as to burying ground—Alteration in form of 15 7° Christenings added 1579—Plagues of 1582 and 1592—Bill of 1603—1604 eight out-parishes added—1609 to be delivered to the Lord Mayor, &c., by eight o'clock on Thursday morning Captain Graunt on Bills of Mortality. How were the bills drawn up—Parishes subsequently added—Bills at first tempo- rary—Act of 1653—Difficulties in obtaining correct returns- Attempts to improve them 1735, 1751, 1753-55, 1758, 1789 —Agitation for more correct bills—Dr. Burrowes—Secretary of State—Bill of 18 19—Registration Committee—Bills cease 1858—The Infant Poor Act, 2nd and 7th George III Returns cease in 1844 132— 148 PARISH CLERKS AND FUNERALS. Clerks and Funeral Pageants—Rules of 1553—Divergencies on accession of Elizabeth—Stricter party prevail—Cripplegate fight over Clerks—Clerks' place taken by Christ's Hospital Boys, afterwards by Charity Children of Paiish . 148— 1 56 PARISH CLERKS ELECTION AND OTHER DINNERS. Ordinance of 1529 as to Election Dinner—Of 1553—Processions of 1554? I555i 15561 1560 and 1562—Ordinance of 1610 and 1640 —Orders as to dinners 1626 and 1789—Charter Day Dinner Church Procession and sermon—Ceased in i865 .. .. 156—165 PARISH CLERKS SINCE THE REFORMATION. Clerks Rights not interfered with—Clerks in English Prayer Book 1549 and 1662—Visitation Articles of Hooper, Grindal, Sandys, and Aylmer—Patent to appoint Parish Clerks—Whitgift's comments on it—Canon 1604—Clerks Wages in Charters 1636 and 1640—Clerk of Bishopsgate and Churchwardens—Petition to Parliament—Irish Canon 1634—Visitation Articles of Williams and Wren—Clerks' Ales—" Office " of Parish Clerks not a "Service" or "Employment"—Parish Clerks "Vest- ment"—Conflict between Temporal and Spiritual Courts Act of 1844 .. .. .. .. .. .. 165— 177 Contents {continued'). PARISH clerks' hall AFTER 1562. Broad Lane Vintry lease renewed 1628 —Carpenter, Joiner, Brick- layer and Cook—Burned to ground in l556—New Hall off Wood Street— First Meeling in Hall 1671— Fire ot 1765 ... 177—i8r TENANTS OF THE HALL, AND ALTERATIONS SUBSE- QUENT TO 1825. Tenants—Basketmakers, Fruiterers, Tinplate Workers, Porters, Stewards of Religious Societies, Fanmakers—In 1761 let for commercial purposes till 1848— Dispute as to lights in the Golden Shears or Izaak Walton—Present state of Hall ... 181— 187 PRINTING PRESS. License of 1626 for Printing Press—Successive Printers, Hodgkinson, Cotes, Cotes, Cotes, Clarke (Story of the Cophin maker), Motte, Humphreys, and Rivington 187—193 ORGAN AND PSALMODY.
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