DERBYSHIRE. SCY 475 Hulme Cliff College(Rev.H.G.Guinnes!T, Carrington Miss Eliza, Loscoe, Derby Pearson George Henry Spencer M.A

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DERBYSHIRE. SCY 475 Hulme Cliff College(Rev.H.G.Guinnes!T, Carrington Miss Eliza, Loscoe, Derby Pearson George Henry Spencer M.A TRADES DIRECTORY.] DERBYSHIRE. SCY 475 Hulme Cliff College(Rev.H.G.Guinnes!t, Carrington Miss Eliza, Loscoe, Derby Pearson George Henry Spencer M.A. founder & hon. d1rector; William fiCatbolic Preparatory School for Young .Bradley lodge, Bra.dley, Ashboorne Rattray, resident head master), Cur- Gentlemen (Misses H. & A. Farrell), Perceval Rev. Ascelin Spencer, Malvern bar, Sheffield Hathersage, Sheffield House school,UttoxeterNewrd.Derby Lichfield & Soothwell Diocesan Training *Clay Miss Elizabeth Kate L.L.A.,A..C.P. I Pettitt Mrs.Arthur,HolmLeigh,Buxton College for Schoolmistres!!es (Rev. n6 Osmaston road, Derby *Picken Miss Fanny Elizabeth, Lindum Alfred Evans Vmter llt:.A. prin.; Miss *!IClougb Mrs.Annie,Huntbridgehouse, villa, Brunswood road, Matlock Bath Margaret Kewley, lady supt. : Miss Matlock green, Matlock Bath t§Potter MissSarah&Copeland:MissElizh. Agnes Sykes,first governess), Uttoxtr. *Cotes Miss Annie F.s St. Helens st. Drby Jane, Spondon, Derby New road, Derby *Collier Misses Kate & Sarah, Lea tiiPowel!Fk.F.R.u.s.HridgeSt.ho.Bakewl l\Iatlock Collegiate School (Robt.Clough, brooks, Somercotes, Alfreton §Priestland Rev. Edward M.A. Spondon principal), Matlock grn. Matlock Bath !I Convent of the Sisters of S. Laurence house, Spondon, Derby Melbourne School of Science & Art (Wm. (Church of England) (Rev. E. A. RileyWilliam,GreatAppleby,Atherstone Dash wood Fane, bon. sec. ; Albert Hillyard B. A. chaplain; Mother Ellen, Roper l\Iisses, Church street, Ashborne Stanley Jacques, master),Higbstreet, superior), Belper Ruffell Miss Harriet, 15 Bridge street, Melbourne, Derby Cook James, Derby road, Alfreton Long Eaton, Nottingham Moravian School (Rev. James Mont- *Cooper Miss Annie, The Terrace, *Russwurm l\liss Mary,Beechwood,:\Iat- gomery Mallalieu, principal ; pupils Saltergate, Chesterfield lock bank, Matlock Bath prepared fO'.r examination), Moravian Coulsell Miss C. M. Hard wick sq. sth.Bxtn * 11 Sh rubsole :drs. SelinaM. Do re, Sheffield settlement, Ockbrook, Derby *Crookes Miss Caroline, 'fhe Mansion, *Sidebottom Miss Jane, High street,~ew Moravian Ladies' School (Miss Mary Whittington, Chesterfield Mills, Stockport Elizabeth Harvey, principal), The *!I Day Mrs.E.Clifton ho.Bridge st.Belpr *Skarratt~iissHosc,4oAshbournerd.Drby Settlement, Ockbrook, Derby §Eardley & Harrison (Misses), 9 Wilson *Slater Mrs. Clara, Friar House school, l\lount St. Mary's Catholic College (Rev. street, Derby Stafford street, Derby Henry Parker, principal), Spink hill, *Fletcher Mrs. Mary Ann, Greenwich *HSmith & Arthur (MissesEllen & Clara)~ Renishaw, Chesterfield house, Ripley, Derby Craigholm, Buxton Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School §Fox Wm. S. M.A. St.Anselm's,Bakewell *SmitbMrs.Emma,ssHigh st.ea.Glossop (Rev. Wm. Reed M.A. head master; *Gardener Miss Jessie,Ladyshaw house, Smith Mrs.Louisa,Cliffe hall,Derbyshire Frederick Augustus Fletcher & David New mills, Stockport lane,MeersbrookBank,Norton,Sheffield Gillmore, assistant masters), Church Gemmell Robert Matheson Ebenezer, *SoarMissA.s4Marketst.IIkestonR.S.O street, Ashborne Alma street, Alfreton StalkerMis'lElizh.H.41Crompton st.Drby Repton Grammar School (Rev. William * 11 Godfrey Miss Amy ,12 Vern on st. Drby *11 Sutton Miss C. Langley ho. Ash borne Mordaunt Furneaux M.A. bead Goodwin & Buxton Misses F. C. & S. Tarr Miss Ann, Quarndon, Derby master ; other masters, see p. 288; Hartington road, .Buxton Taylor Edward, St. Margaret's school, Rev. William Johnson M.A. bursar), *IIGOODWIN MISS FRANCES ELIZ• Stafford street, Derby Repton, Burton-on-Trent ABETH, boarding school for young *IITaylor ::.VIiss Maude, Bath st. Bakewell St. Andrew•s Middle Class School (Geo. ladies, resident foreign governesses; t/1 §Taylor Miss S. E. Green ball, Bel per Sutherland F.R.G.s. head master; extensive recreation grounds; tennis, Thelen :Mrs. Marian,332 Abbey st.Derby Thomas Clark Story M.A. second gymnasium, home farm, BuLterley *Thickett Miss Mary 1 2 Clarence terrace, master), London road, Derby car, Ripley Matlock. Bath Tideswell Grammar School (Rev. Walt. *Goudie Mrs. Lydia H. Irvine house, *Tildesley l\1rs.L.5 Queen st.Chesterfield Coombe M.A. head master), Tides- Wilson street, Derby *TrubshawMrs.Elise,St.John st.Ashbrne well, Stockport Grassby Hodgson, Ray st.Hcanor R.S.O Turner Francis Albert, Nettlethorpe~ Trent College (Rev. Wilfred Hy. Isaacs Greensill Misses Elizabeth & Susan, Staveley, Chesterfield B. A. bead master ; for assist. masters Nottingham road, Alfreton Turner Mrs. Sarah, Walton, Chesterfield seep. 93), Long Eaton, Nottingham Gregory-Taylor Rev. Saml. Ph.B.,F.S.A. Underhill Mrs. A. 28 Howard st. Derby Trinity Middle School (John Wright High school, Long Eaton, Nottingham I! Vale George, The Grammar school~ B.A. head master), Matlock Bath Grehan John Joseph B.A.LOnd. Green Bridge street, Belper West Hallam Free Grammar School Hill terrace, Green lane, Derby Vickers Mrs. WilliamB.Chesterfield road, (Alfred Pitt, head master), West HackettRev.Benj.Ripley col.Riply.Drby Meersbrook bank, Sheffield Hallam, Derby Hardy Miss E.J. 17 Sacheverel st.Derby *11 Walker Miss Mary Frances, Market Wirksworth Grammar School (Alfred Hawkes Mrs. Frances, Irvine villa, place, Ripley, Derby Berridge M.A. head master), Wirks- Whatstand well, Derby t 11 Walters.:\1rs.E. Wharf, Pinxton,Alfretn worth, Derby *Heathcote •Miss Emma Eliza,9 Victoria *Walters:\IissG. xSpringfi'eld vls.Alfreton terrace, Macklin street, Derby Warwick lliss Gertrude,Breaston,Derby SCHOOLS-PRIVATE. *Heywood 1\Iiss Kate, Ward villa, Low *Watts::.V1issH.B.27Hardwick sq.stll.Bxtn :Marked thus tare for Boys. pavement, Chesterfield *Wheeldon Miss H.224 Burton rd. Derby :Marked thus • are for Girls. Hibbard Miss Mary, Church street, §White Miss :\lary Ann, Cromford read, :Mr..rked thus 11 are Boarding Sch?ols. Eckington, Chesterfield Wirksworth, Derby Marked thus§ are Preparatory Schools. Hollely Miss l\'Iaud, Palterton,Chesterfld *Williamson Mrs. A. Tile Grange, Buxton t Adams .Francis Hugh M.A. Aldercar *Hunter MissMary L. Bolsover, Chesterfld *WilsonMissLouisaR. 16Vernon st. Derby hall, Langley Mill R.S.O. (Notts) t*Jennings MissEdith,45 Mount st.Drby t*Windus M1ssl<anny,r4Parker st.Derby *Adams Miss L. A. 42 Friargate, Derby I!Jobnston David r.LA. Parkburst,Buxtn *Wood&. Davis, 16 Full street, Derby !I Alien Joshua, Cavendish house, Mat· Johnson Miss Martha, 18 St. Alkmund's lock bank, Matlock Bath churchyard, Derby SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. *Allen Miss L. Melior ldg. Mellor, Stockpt Kemp Mrs. F'ras. M. Bolsover, Chesterfield See Literery & Scientific Institutions. *Amps & Shelton (M1sses), Primrose Kinsey Miss Mary, 13 Camden st. Derby house, Glossop 11 Kitching George, 172Burton road,Derby SCRAP IRON DEALERS. Anthony \Vm. Bennett,Chapel st.Belper *IJLinseyMissKate&FoppFraulein Ursina Hill Henry, 20 Ford street, Derby * Armstrong Miss Elizabeth, High street, LL.A. Heanor hall, Heanor R.S. 0 Little John, 30 Durrant rd. Chesterfield New mills, Stockport Lowry Mrs. Charlotte, Cheapside, Belper Potter James, 79 Gisborne st. Derby §Barton Miss Eliza, Causeway house, McKenzie James B. A. Dronfield, Sheffield C Wirksworth, Derby *McKenzie Mrs. S. J. Dronfield, Sheffield S ULPTO.RS. Bate M1·s.Ann, 159 Osmaston rd. Derby *Marsden Miss Mary Gertrude, 35 & 39 Ash Edwd. Young, Compton pl. Buxton *Bedells Misses Mary Langdon & Clara, Saltergate, Chesterfield B1rley John Richard, M1ddleton, Derby :\Iount Pleasant, Melbourne, Derby *Marwood Miss G. 47 Wilmot st. Derby Godsby & Co.tjo:'tlormanton road, Derby *Belll\Iiss Elizabeth A. Kirk Field house, Mason Miss Hephzibah, New street, RobinsonJosephBarlow,Derwent st.Drby Long Eaton, Nottingham Langley mill R.l::l.O. (Notts) TwiggJsph.Ashford,Bakewell. Elee ad,·t Bingham Miss H. E. Mill st. Bakewell §:Mess1ter George S. Willington house, Wb1ttingham George, art worker in Blake :\Irs. Fanny, 56 Batemanst.Derby Willington, Burton-on-Trent marble, stone, wood, brick &c. 2 *BowkerMissesE.J. &A.Fairfield road, *Moore Mrs. Mary, Norwood house, Forester street, Derby Chesterfield Totley, Sheffield Bowkel' W. J. St.Mary's gate,Chestertld Newbold Miss Emily, Dale road, Matlock SCYTHE MANUFACTURERS. Brad bury Aug. Gt. Longs tone, Bakewell Bridge, Matlock Bath See also Sickle }lanufacturers. Brooks Miss S. The Dale, Bonsall, Derby Ne,Y"man Charles, Ashbourne house, Fisher J.BurleyLey,Rtdgeway,Chestertld *Bulman Miss Mary, 88 Uttoxeter New Bridge street, Buxton Furness John P. Brad way, N orton,Shefld road, Derby *Newmain:\IissConstnc.IDexterst.Derby Harrison John & Sons, Unstone mills, *§Burton Mrs. Eliza, Hastings road, IINormanMisses Elizabeth&:Mary,Belle- Unstone, bhetheld Swadlincote, Burton-on-Trent aere terrace, Bel per H ntt6n &Co.High la. Ridgeway, Chestrfl.d tBurton Joseph Harvey, Hastings road, !!Parkins Miss Clara Jane, Derby road, Linley, Linacre & Hmgham, Cobnar Swadlincote, Borton-on-Trent Heanor R.S. 0 works, W oodseats, N orton, Sheffield *Cain MISs Anna, Bubnell, Chesterfield Pearce Orlando, 98 Green lane, Derby Siddall Saml. Birchett, Dronfield, Shefld .
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