Feb. 22, 1957 the ENG in EE R ~97
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• Feb. 22, 1957 THE ENG IN EE R ~97 suggested that commercially pure metal be con for supersonic aircraft, a wing spar box for a sub tests had been done. Treatment with an anti fined to 130 and 160. Mr. King (English Electric) sonic design had shown a weight saving of 14 per galling compound might be beneficial in practice. supported these views, saying that the airframe cent in titanium. However, torsional rigidity Major P. L. Teed (Vickers-Armstrongs) asked industry was unanimously in favour of sheet was down- was a higher Young's modulus for comments on the confused and contradictory with a 371 specification suitable for cold working. attainable 1 He shared the view that hot literature concerning the effect of hydrogen. Mr. Barker (Firth Brown) regarded proof forming was insupporta ble. Since stress concentrations were inevitable, he stress and elongation as the important para Mr. R. L. Lickley (Fairey Aviation) observed considered fatigue results on smooth test pieces meters ; on austenitic steel a low value of that his firm made little or no use of titanium, meaningless. Fretting was the first stage in proof/ultimate strengths could be accompanied largely because the specifications could not be stress corrosion, and he considered the li a bility by poor elongation and better ductility by a guaranteed and the consistency was not close of titanium to fretting critical. Dr. Jnglis pointed high value of proof/ultimate. He inquired enough. Two commercially pure grades and out that hydrogen contents were now well whether there was known to be a correlation an alloy of 60 to 65 tons, with a proof strength below the levels at which adverse effects had been of this nature. Dr. I nglis thought not ; if a not more than 80 per cent of this, would be observed (see above, .. Research and Develop greater ratio of proof to ultimate was wanted, satisfactory. ment ") being J00 to 130 parts per million. He it would be provided at the expense of ultimate Mr. Smyth (Aviation Traders) said that a high did not consider fretting corrosion to have been strength- but the material would never work value of proof/ultimate strength was associated established as a mechanism of failure ; it was like aluminium. Mr. Hall (Rolls-Royce) pointed with bad fatigue life in aluminium. A badly possible that the galling or tearing to which out that sheet to 317 or 318A could readily be fitting rivet allowing fretting corrosion to take titanium was susceptible accelerated fatigue. used from drum-shaped objects, but parts that place had been known to reduce the life of a Mr. Clarke (De Havilland Engine), said that needed to be pressed were more difficult. For specimen by a factor of eight ; was titanium the creep performance of titanium alloys was engine manufacture there was a need for a pre subject to fretting corrosion 1 Whether aircraft dubious, because the stability of the material cipitation hardening alloy which would be aged were designed on safe life or fail-safe principles, at high temperatures was not established. Because after fabrication. Where compressor discs and long fatigue lives for components were essential it might result in a material unstable at 400 deg. similar components were concerned, an alloy if the operator was to show a profit, and the Cent., he did not favour quenching 371. Dr. that did not demand a drastic quench was question was whether titanium would excGI R odgers pointed out that 371 was in the alpha wanted : the material was costly, the utilisation aluminium in this respect. Dr. Inglis knew of phase and there was only very doubtful evidence down to 10 per cent, and distortion must be no relationship between fatigue and the proof/ that instability could be observed ; incorrect minimised- the ability to cool in air would be ultimate ratio ; there was none for titanium. quenching might have caused suspicious be welcomed. He added that his firm had used The high corrosion resistance of titanium did haviour. Quenching was necessary for the titanium compressor blades without a failure for not render it immune from fretting corrosion, best creep resistance, but an alternative tech three or four years. and cases of the latter had occurred, but no nique, recovery from hot working, was sought. APPLICATlONS Mr. R. L. Preece analysed 1956 sales as ~ follows :-(1) 40 per cent rod for compressor blades ; (2) 20 per cent sheet for firewalls ; (3) The Fairey ''Delta 2 '' 20 per cent sheet for exhaust and jet pipe By R. L. LICKLEY, B.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., and L. P. TWISS shrouds ; (4) 5 per cent billet for discs and spacers ; (5) 5 per cent bar for small forgings. On February 14 this joint lecture was given to the Royal Aeronautical Society. In the first category, limitations to more We reproduce here the first part of the lecture, read by Mr. Lick/ey, devoted to extensive use were of temperature rather than design and construction. strength ; it was desired to use the same stresses 1 at higher temperatures. However, the manufac turers might try developing methods to use HE development of manned supersonic technique and experience of the V.T.O. models tougher alloys than the 40 to 55-ton materials T aircraft in this country suffered a setback at would be of great value, the experiments them at present in use. the end of the 1939-45 war, when it was decided selves would be of little use unless they were For firewalls it appeared that wider, thinner that the use of manned aircraft would be too aimed at obtaining specific information on a sheet to substitute for stainless steel was wanted ; dangerous ; however, more realistic views soon layout representative of a typical possible piloted for the shrouds formability was called for, and prevailed and, as a result, th~ ordering of such supersonic aeroplane. We, therefore, began a commercially pure materials were adequately manned aircraft was considered in 194 7 by the design study of such a piloted aircraft as a pre strong. Ministry of Supply, and in our submissions to liminary to the design of the pilotless models. Titanium alloy discs and spacers demanded M.o.S. in 1949, we described the aircraft as Our fi rst efforts resulted in a design of high creep (esistance and heat-treatments for 371 having as its primary function" Research Flying sweepback on both leading and trailing edges, suitable for thin sections were being sought ; at Transonic· and Supersonic speeds up to all-moving tip ailerons, conventional tailplane assembly by welding might avoid the difficulty M = l·5." and twin engines in the fuselage fed from a nose of forging to thin sections. The background which led up to this sub intake(" P.1" layout). The use of tubes was awaiting enhanced fatigue mission is of interest, as it shows a logical line This design was not proceeded with, but in resistance. Problems associated with galling of development within the company. February; 1949, we were approached by P.D.S.R. were holding back some uses, but various surface In 1947, the company was developing the (A) (then Sir Harry Garner) and asked to con treatments such as oxidation, anodising, possibly .. F.D.l." at Stockport and scale models of it at sider an alternative design for a further supersonic cyaniding, electro-plating or chemical deposition Heston, in order to conduct vertical take-off research aircraft, preferably based on a single might help overcome them. experiments. The models were of advanced engine. We had, of course, by this time con Dr. H . W. Shaw examined the value of weight design, propelled by a rocket motor with twin siderable background in the problems of design saving in a commercial aircraft. Considering combustion chambers controlled in pitch and ing such an aeroplane. We had developed the only the increase in payload possible over ranges yaw respectively by an automatic pilot. Informa necessary new techniques of drag and perform beyond that to which the maximum payload tion of behaviour in flight was telemetered to ance estimation and had collected together what could be carried, he estimated 1 lb of weight the ground. slender information there was on the stability to be worth a yearly profit of from £17 to £22 on In September, 1947, the company was asked and control characteristics of various con short sectors to £70 to £80 on extremely difficult if it could further develop the vertical take-off figurations. We decided to begin our considera routes. The cost of saving weight by means of models to fly transonically after ground launching tions afresh and, by the end of the year (Dec titanium was not yet established, but in batch as part of the experimental programme. After ember, 1949) had come to a firm proposal production it might be £20 per pound. Where consideration it became clear that, alth0ugh the which differed very little from the aero- · stressed components were concerned, fatigue life in service might override economic con siderations, and because of the cost of the material welded components might be expected to emerge. Mr. Boorman (Short and Harland) favoured a reduction in the number of specifications, and disliked the present system, whereby suffixes could be calJed on to differentiate quite different materials. • While titanium was a favoured material • A tnree-figure number is aOoued to each grade or alloy, the firs! figu re of whk:h indicates how many elements are present in appreciable quantity. Thus the numbers 100 to 199 !lre used for nominally pure titanium, the numbers 200 to 299 for bUlary alloys, 300 10 399 for ternary alloys, and so on.