1. srANprNGoRpERNo. gO o,f /-


In supersession of previous standing order No.42l2009 pertaining to Reserve Battalion' chandigarh. this new standing order is hereby issued in order to further streamline the functioning ofthe India Reserve Battalion. Lrr. chandigarh. India.


The IGp, UT, Chandigarh shall be the overall head ol IRB, Chandigarh, who shall be assisted by DIGp, UT and commandant, IRB, UT. chandigarh. The commandant. IRB' ur, chandigarh will be responsibre for the day-to-day administration of IRB. U.T. Chandigarh.

2. AIM:

(i) The main aim for raising the India Reserve Battalion as per Gover,nrent/MlIA letter No. I 601 I /612006-PF .\v (iii) dated 23. r .2009(appendix-A) is to make available additional force to the central govemment for deployment anyrvhere in the countrv. as and when required.

( ii) The central Government exercises the right of first call on India Reserve Battaliorr lor deployment in other states, particularly to meet the short term requirements rike Elections. festivals, natural and manmade calamities, etc. In the times when India Reserve Battalion Force has not been called by the central Govemment for specific deployment outside the home state, the force is avaiiable to the state _{overnment fbr providing reinforcement to the district police and otrrer agencies besides carrying out regular training.


Sr. No. Post Sarrctioncd Strength l. Commandant 01 ) Deputy Commandant 03 -i. Assistant commandant 07 1. Inspectors 0l 5. Sub. Inspectors 6. Ass1. Sub Inspeclors l8 7. Head Constables 160 8. Constables 675 Total 89J


Sr. No. Post Sanctioned Strength 1 Water Caniers 15 2. Sweepers 15 Dhobis (i.e. washermen 5. I Barbers 07


Sr. No. Post Sanctioned Strength t. Head Clerk 0r 2. Clerks 05 Steno 0l Total 07


Sr. No. Post Sanctioned Strcn gth l. Inspector ., 0l Sub Inspectors 02

Head Constables 0,.1 4. Constables 26 Total


Sr. No. Post Sanctioned Strength 1. Medical Officer 0l 2. Pharmacists 02 -t. Nursing Assistants 0l Total 0l

Grand Total (A + B + C + D + E) =1002


To provide medical facirities to the Battarion jawans, there wourd be a Mini Dispensary at IRB Complex with the following staff:

i. Medical Officer 01

ii. Pharmacists 02

t 1l. Nursing Assistant 01


The following vehicles will be provided at the Battalion Headquarters:- Sr. No. Vehicle Sanctioned Strength l. Ambassador/lnnova,/Sumo/Balero or similar 04 vehicles ., Gypsigs 07 -r. Mini Buses 12 4. Buses t2 Trucks t)6

2 6. Tata 407 or similar vehicles 06 1 Taia 20'7 or similar vehicles 01 8. Food Distribution Vehicle 01 9. Ambulance 01 10. Tractor 0l 11. Motor Cycles 10 12. Water Bo*"ser 0t Total 62

A NGO will be deputed as I/C MTO, IRBn with supporting staff as per requirement, who will supervise all the said transport vehicles. He will be responsible for up- keep/maintenance of the vehicles and their deployment for transporting the force for various duties. No motor vehicle will be taken out of the station without the sanction of the competent authority. The undersigned, DIG, Chandigarh or the commandant. IRB shall decide about the allotmenvuse of these vehicles. Further. as per crime and law. & order duties assigned by SSp. UT and security and traffic duties assigned by SSp, Security & Traffic, UT. the IRBn vehicles may be used for those particular duties.

6. I \IFOR}I:

The staff posted in India Reserve Battalion will wear the same uniform as worn by the District Police of chandigarh. Changes in uniform will be applicable onl1, on the orders of Inspector General of Police, chandigarh. The commando trained police personnel will wear proper commando uniform.


Sr. Name of Articles Estimate Quantity to be Life span (one No. consumption issued at initial to be replaced including 10 % stage after) reserve stock 1 Belt web Khaki (Niwari) 951Nos. 1 No. 7 Years

2. Boot Derby Black PU 951 Nos. l Pair I Year

J Socks Nylon Khaki 1996 Pairs 2 Pairs 6 Months

4 Beret Cap Blue 2900 Nos. 3 Nos. I Year

) PT Shoes White 1000 Pairs I Pair 9 N{onths

6 Boot Ankle Black Leather sole 771 Pairs I Pair 1 8 Months

7 Boot Ankle Black DMS 180 Pairs l Pair 3 Years

8 Jungle Shoes 1000 Pairs I Pair I Year

9 Whistle Card Khaki 1000 Nos. lNo. i Year

1C C.P Badge 201 4 Pairs 2 Pair 5 Years

1l Shoes Polish Black 11412 Nos. 1No. 1 Month

12 Beret Badge 1000 Nos. 1 No. 5 Years

l3 Steel Box 916 Nos. I No. I 4 Years

t4 Ground Sheet Khaki 1000 Nos. 1No. 3 Years

15 Sports Shoes 916 Pairs l Pair 3 Years

3 161 Mosquito Net I 007 Nos. I No. 6 Years

1'7 Boot Derby Brown PU 56 Pairs I Pair I Year

18 Boot Ankle Brown Leather Sole 20 Pairs lPair 3 Years

19 Boot Ankle Brown DMS 35 l'airs 1 Pair 3 Years

20 Peak Cap for NGOs 50 Nos. 1 No. 2 Years

2l Cross Belt Brown 56 Nos. I No. I 0 Years

22 Star NGO 200 Pairs 61412 Pairs 5 Years

23 Peak Cap Badge 56 Nos, 1 No. 5 Years

24 Stick NGO 56 Nos. 1 No. 1 Year

25 Ribbon NGO 56 Meters I Meters lYear

26 Red Polish 672 Nos. 1No. 1 Month

27 Whistle Brass 1000 Nos. I No. 5 vears

28 Anklet Web Khaki 771 Pairs 1 Pair 7 Years

29 Kit Bag 771 Nos. 1 No. 6 Years

30 Boot Brush 1007 Nos. I No. Ilear Years 31 Dari Cotton I 007 Nos. 1 No. 5

32 Short Coat(Light winter jacket 1007 Nos. 1 No. 6 Years khaki) 33 Haver Sheck 77 I Nos. 1 No.

34 Jungle Hat 771 Nos. 1No.

35 P,tth, | 771Nos. I No.

3( Pouches 771 Pairs 1 Pair

3i Sealing Web 95 I Nos. 1No.

381 Strap Supporting 951 Pairs l Pair

391 Water Bottle 95 I Nos. 1No.

1 0 vears 401 Rain Coat Khaki 1007 Nos. 1no.

1t Tenicot khaki Cloth 5642 N4eters 2 Sets 2 years

42 Mazri Grey Cloth 6692 Meters 2 Sets

43 Cellular Khaki cloth 4564 meters 2 Sets

44 Drilt Khaki clothes lor Pants And 6723 Meters 212 F.ach Nikkers I Year 45 Pagri Rubia Khaki cloth lor 480 Meters 3 Nos. NGOs year 46 Pagri Rubia Blow Cloth For ORs 4800 Meters 3 Nos. I

1 Year 47 Poplin Red cloth 206 Meters 2 nos. 6 Months 48 Socks Woolen khaki 1996 Pairs 2 Pairs 5 Years 49 Blanket Woolen Black 1000 Nos. 1 No.

1 Year 50 Balgam T-Shirt 1000 Nos. I No. Years 51 Angola khaki Clothes 3224 melers 2 Shits i 4 52 Serge khaki Cloth I 290 Meters I No. 3 Years

53 West Cotton White V-Shape 2014 Nos. 2 Nos. 6 Months

54 Chavron Strep-II 140 Pairs 2 Pairs I Year

55 Chavron strep-iII 220 Pairs 2 Pairs I Year

56 Pagri Badge 500 Nos. 1No. 5 Years

51 Revolver Lane Yard 56 Nos. 1 No. 1 Year

58 Blanko Khaki 3804 Nos. I No. 3 Months

59 Hackle Red & White 771 Nos. I No. I Year

60 Drill White Cloth for Anklets 400 Meters lPair 1 Year

61 Brasso Tin 1902 Nos. 1 No. 6 N{onths

7.@: All the acts, rules, instructions and guidelines as applicable to the Chandigarh Police employees will be applicable to the employees of the IRBn, unless specific instructions to the contrary are issued by the IGP, UT, Chandigarh.


The IRB, UT, Chandigarh will be an integral part and parcel of the Chandigarh Police. All the members ol the force in IRB will be part of the Chandigarh Police and will form one cadre and liable to be transferred to other units of Chandigarh Police and vice versa. Similarly, any member of the existing force in the Chandigarh Police will also be liable to be transferred to the IRB, Chandigarh. However, members of the IRB. Chandigarh lorce who are directly recruited exclusively for IRB, Chandigarh. though part of Chandigarh Police cadre, will not be eligible for transfer/posting outside IRB to other units of Chandigarh Police for a period of l0 years from the date oftheir appointments.

The medical/Para-Medical staff will be taken into IRB, Chandigarh on deputation basis from health department, UT, Chandigarh. However, in case of non availability" they would be

taken from the governments of Punjab, Haryana, etc.


The day to day administration of IRB will be supervised by the Commandant, IRB. The final authority on all the matters within the battalion is vested with the Commandant, IRB which may be reviewed by the DIG, UT, Chandigarh and IGP. UT, Chandigarh. He is responsible for the proper administration of the battalion and for the well being of all ranks. The Commandant, IRB will be the Estate olficer of IRB and shall ensure maintenance of entire infrastructure and safe upkeep of all Battalion assets as well as the development of south


5 He, Deputy commandants, Assistant commandants, IRB and Inspectors IRB will pass orders on all leave applications of officers in accordance with PpR. civil rules and other standing instructions as applicable. The appeal matters regarding sanctioning of all kinds of leave of IRB police personnel should be dealt by the Deputy Inspector General ofpolice, U.T. Chandigarh and the Commandant, IRB, UT, Chandigarh on day to day basis.

The commandant, IRB will hold orderly room on every Monday ol the week and one welfare meeting once every month in general and on any other day in special cases. The officers of IRB shall regularly interact with the staff of IRBn.

The commandant, IRB will assign the duties to the Dy. commandants and the Assistant commandants and other personnel posted in the battalion as per the requirement, under intimation to IGP. UT, Chandigarh.


The duties of the Deputy commandant will be assigned by the Commandant. IRB as per the requirement, from time to time, which shall be subject to review by the IGp. UT. chandigarh. The Deputy commandants shall assist the commandant in ensuring proper and smooth functioning ofthe IRB. They shall also ensure that IRB personnel perform their duties with utmost devotion and sincerity and that no indiscipline is tolerated. The1, shall also randomly check various deployments of IRB personnel to ensure proper compliance of this standing order as well as to ensure their proper and efficient functioning. The Deputy commandants shall also conduct random checking during day and night, in addition to the Assistant Commandants, in order to ensure the battalion is proper functioning.


The duties related to the supervision over the working of various branches in the IRBn will be distributed amongst the Deputy Commandants/Assistant Contmandants by the Commandant, IRB at his own discretion.

The Assistant Commandant/Administration would be responsible for deployment. general roll call, leave, reward, security of the entire IRB Complex (including armoury). discipline, mess & canteen, armoury. clothing store, Misc. store, MT section, multifarious utility works like photo section, electrician, gardener, other support staff. plantation, organic farming and maintenance of IRB buildings, infrastructure and grounds. He will be assisted in his work by Insp/Admn.

The Assistant Commandant/Training will be responsible for conducr of phase II training, refresher courses, annual shooting, future courses. training material maintenance, parade, quarter guard. ceremonial functions and sampark sabhas. He will be assisted in his work by Insp/Training, IRB. Further, Assistant Commandant, Training shall provide sufficient manpower (including trainees) to the Assistant Commandant, Administration lor the said work.

6 The Assistant Commandant/Estate will be responsible for the development and creation of any new infrastructure in the entire IRB complex and for the maintenance of the south campus including toilets, electricity, water supply, recreation room, nursery. building and campus maintenance. He will be assisted in his work by Inspector/Estate. For the maintenance of the south campus, the Assistant Commandant/Administration shall provide necessary personnel to the Assistant Commandant/Estate. The Assistant Commandants shall also conduct random surprise checking during day and night to ensure proper functioning of the battalion.

In addition, the Deputy Commandants, the Assistant Commandants. the Inspectors and other force posted in the battalion will perform other duties as assigned to them by the Commandant from time to time pertaining to IRB as well as duties assigned by the IGP, UT. Chandigarh. duties for crime and law & order assigned by the SSP. UT. Chandigarh and duties for security and traffic nakas assigned by the SSP, Traffic & Security, UT, Chandigarh. The Commandant. IRB shall closely supervise the deployment of IRB to ensure optimum utilization of the force. In case of any problem regarding deployment of force, DIGP. UT. Chandigarh shall be responsible for resolving the issue under intimation to the undersigned.


Out of the 7 Inspectors posted in the battalion, Inspector/Admn will assist the Assistant

Commandant/Admn in the discharge of his duties and will also perform such duties as assigned by the Commandant from time to time.

The Inspector/Training will assist the Assistant Commandant/Training in the discharge of his duties and will also perform such duties as assigned by the Commandant from time to time.

The Inspectori Estate will assist the Assistant Commandant/Training in the discharge ol his duties and will also perform such duties as assigned by the Commandant from time to time.

In addition, all the Inspectors posted in the battalion will perform the duties as assigned to them by the Commandant frcm time to time pertaining to IRB as well as duties assigned by the IGP, UT, Chandigarh, duties for crime and law & order assigned by the SSP, UT. Chandigarh and duties for security and traffic nakas assigned b1'the SSP. Traffic & Securiti'. UT. Chandigarh.

13.@: (i) He will work under the supervision of Insp. Admn. and assist him in various duties.

(i i) He will be responsible for the supply and the distribution of all banack fittings and furniture. He will maintain a stock book to this effect. He will perform a quarterl) check and submit a quarterly report to the Assistant Commandant, Administration through Inspector Admn. He will assist the senior officers on all banack inspections.

7 (iii)HewillmaintaintheregistersforallbuildingsinthelRBandrecordpertainingto be carried out under \ land of IRB Complex. All special repairs and annual repairs will his personal and direct supervision'

(iv)Arms&Ammunition:Hewillberesponsiblefortrp-keeping'supplyanddistribution preparing of all arms. ammunition and musketry stores as well as of their records. In indents for arms, ammunition and musketry stores, he will comply with the time instructions issued by the ordinance authorities and the police headquarters from totime.Inthiswork,heshallbeassistedbytheKotelnchargei.e.Armoury Incharge.

of all (v) Uniform. equipment etc: He will be responsible for the supply and distribution uniform'equipmentandclothingandwillensurethatthebattalioniswellequipped property with the and clothed. He will maintain a stock book of all the govemment unitandwillbepersonallyresponsibleforitspropermaintenance.AGazettedofficer tobedeployedbytheCommandant,willcarryoutathoroughcheckingonceina year to ensure that all the articles are accounted for'

(,i)DutiesofMHCwillbesupervisedbyhim.Allsupportstaffwillu.orkunderhis suPervision'

(vii)Allthepolicepersonneldeployedforthesecurityofthebattalioncomplexwillbe underhissupervisionandhewilltakeutmostcareofthesecurityofthecomplexas

well as of the IRB Personnel'


I4. DIITIES OF MHC: & Insp' Admn (D He will be under the immediate supervision of the Lines Officer ' IRB.

(ii)HewillmaintainDailyDiaryRegister,DutyRoasterandotherMHCofficerecords asperPPRandseniorofficersinstructions.HeshallalsoprepareDailyDeployment Chart and other data required from time to time'

the I/c kot immediately (iii) He will send a list cf absentee and suspended personnel to to prevent issuing of armsiammunition to such persons'

duties until he is (iv) He will instruct all the under-officers ol the company in their all under officer and satisfied that they are proficient' He will parade and inspect menleavingforthedutiestoseeiftheyaresmartlyandneatlyturnedoutandarein equipment for fulfilling their the knowhow of their duties and are carrying necessary


(v)Hewillbcresponsibieforthesmartturnoutanddrillofguardsandwillensurethat the sentries know their duties and responsibilities'

8 (vi) He will fatl in general roll calls and special roll calls.


(i) He will work under tle supervision of Insp/Training.

(iD He will maintain the entire record pertaining to the Training/courses/workshops, etc and the refresher courses undergone by the battalion recruits and other personnel of the battalion.

(iii) He will carry out drill punishment as and when ordered by the senior officers and will maintain record to that effect.

(iv) He will be responsible for the preparation of General and ceremonial parades. guard

of honor and other parades and will make whole arrangements for the general parade and annual firing practice.

(v) The moming alignment of the quarter guard will be under his supervision.

(ri) He will regularly conduct drill/rifle exercises. altemative morchas. etc.


A NGO v,,ill work as Incharge/Mess and 0l HC & 02 Constables will assist him for the conduct of affairs. He will work under the supervision of Inspector Admn.-lRB.

Duties of Mess Incharee:

(i) He will be responsible for the efficient functioning of the mess and will ensure that

the reasonable demands of the IRB personnel regarding mess food quality and infrastructure maintenance are fulfi lled.

(ii) He will ensure that the dues and bills are paid promptly and the mess reserve fund are kept correctly.

(iii) He will maintain a register to show:

r The number of meals taken by each person.

o The stores received and issued.

o Mess property.

o Receipts issued to members on pal.rnent of bill.

(iv) He will ensure that the food is sent to all persons who are on duty outside campus, as per orders of Inspector Admn. or above.

(v) He will ensure that special diets are prepared as prescribed by the medical officer for special patients. (vi) He will ensure that the food is cooked under hygienic conditions and the cookhouses and dining rooms are kept scrupulously clean.

(vii) A mess committee will be formed comprising of 2 male constables and 1 female constable once every two months. They will prepare a menu in consultation with the jawans. They will also conduct an audit of all bills of the articles procured and will bring the objections, ifany, to the notice ofsenior officers.

17. LEAVE: i. For purpose of leave all ranks will be ordinarily governed under the relevant P.P.R and civil rules (in case of civil staff) and other instructions.

. Normally only l0 % of the strength in a company or unit should be on leave at a time.

1ll. The official before proceeding on any kind of leave, will take clearance from I/C Kot, Mess and Misc. Store regarding no dues tou'ards him.

iv. The appeal matters legarding sanctioning of all kinds of leave of IRBn personnel should be dealt by Deputy Inspector General ol Police, U.T. Chandigarh and

Commandant, IRB on daY to daY basis'


(D Out living permission to IRB staff should generally be avoided and shall be given only in exceptional circumstances.

(ii) Out living permission after duty hours to the IRB personnel would be given at the discretion of Inspector General of Police, U.T., chandigarh or Commandant, IRB. U.T., Chandigarh onlY.

(iii) Permission will be given to only those, who have their families living in Chandigarh'

(iv) out living permission shall not be given to more lhan 25 o/o of the force at a time.

(v) Out living permission shall be reviewed once in a six months i.e. on the first day of January and June every year on the basis of seniority in time spent living outside i.e.

someone who has availed outliving permission will give way to fresh applicanls.

(vi) Details of out living permission granted shall be sent to IGP/Chandigarh every month.

19. ARMS & AMMUNITION: Arms and Ammunition of all the individuals posted in lndia Reserve Battalion

(except those deployed on guards or other active duty at the time) will be kept at the Battalion Kot duly secured and guarded 24 X7 Hrs.

10 t'e' (i) The record of Arms and ammunition will be maintained by the Kot Incharge (K)HC(K)ASIasperPPRandseniorofficersinstructions.Anyentry/exitofarms andammunitionwillbeonordersofspecificauthority.Thedateandtime, individual's and KHC/KASI's or his assistant's signature and names with belt numbers will be rect-rrded regarding receipt and deposit ofweapons'

(ii)Repair,maintenanceandcleanlinessofkotandweaponswillbeorganizedon fortnightly basis where all individuals will clean their weapons through Armourer who shall report to KASVKHC. A proper DDR entry of the same shall be made'

individual (iii) The responsibility ofcleaning and maintaining the weapons will be olthe concemed, who may take the help of the Armourer'

(iv)ThearmsandammunitionwillbeissuedonspecificordersofCommandantor duty or Assistant commandants concerned, when the lorce is required to move for training i.e. practice firing at ranges, etc'

(v)Thelossofammunitionandarmsshouldbeavoidedatallcost.However,ifaloss disciplinarl occurs, it shall be reported to the commandant at the earliest. Required found responsible and legal action be initiated against the individual or individuals conducted for loss/damage of arms and ammunition An enquiry shall be immediatelyaSperinstructionlaiddowninrlie6.22ofPPR.Theareapolicestation should also be immediately informed'

2O..I&uNIN: (DThetrainingprogrammeofthelRBrecruitsshallbeconductedasperGol/MHA . The total will be duration of training of the recruits of the IRB will be l8 months and divided into two phases of 9 months duration each'

and (ii) phase I will be basrc training and phase II will comprise ol integrated training attachments with ArmY and CPMFs.

(iiD PhaseltrainingshallagainbedividedintoLeg.Iof6monthsdurationandLeg-II of3monthsduration.AfterthecompletionolthePhase-Itraining.anexamination and the traini!

orescribed bv the MHA is attached as Annexure A)'


InteqratedTrainins:Aftercompletingthebasictraining'therecruitswillbesentfor jungle commando' weapon and integrated training on counter insurgency' warfare' tactics,etc.traininginasuitabletrainingestablishmenthavingbasicfacilitiesand expertise. The duration of this leg oftraining will be 4 months'

Attachments :

11 of army attachment will be 1 month' The Attachment with the Armv: The duration unit working in insurgency or extremrst recruits will be attached with an army infested area.

or They should be attached with a battalion rifles or BSF for a period of2 months unitcommittedtocounterinSurgencyorantiextlemiStoperatrons.

in non- with the battalion or unit of CRPF deputed The recruits 'ev'ill !s attsshsd insurgencY area.

will also be organized' fiom time to time' Other relevant courses of short duration

(v) Refresher Trainins

will be conducted throughout the year (a) Regular training of at least one Company the battalion headquarters in Sarangpur' to keep the force fit for duties at physical training' drill' weapons training' Chandigarh. Training shall include motortranspontraining,routemarch/nightparade/nightoperations,etc. of by a Chief Drill Instructor of the rank (b) Regular training will be conducted the required Drill Instructors Sub-lnspector or above along with system Each semester will be (c) Indoor Classes shall be conducted on semester ofonemonthduration.Thiswillincorporatelecturesontopicslikeimproving and weaker sections' J J Act' police image, dealing with women' children Act' lorensic science' human rights' SC/ST Act, pievention of Corruption with alcoholism' crowd control' dealing health and hygiene, prevention of manner, knowledge of vital installations victims and their relatives in a positive knowledge about cyber crimes and and their protection, etc Besides these' police station records including CCTNS shall training on computerization of

also be imParted'

2l DEPLOYMENT: Police in various duties be deployed to assist the Chandigarh 1. The force of IRB shall duties) and SSP' UT (1br law and order and crime as per duty programme issued by to the and traffic naka duties) under intimation SSP, Security & Trafhc (lbr security IGP' UT' Chandigarh Any issue regarding Commandant, IRB or by order of by DIGPAJT' deployment olforce will be resolved

2. ThefollowingnormsshouldbefollowedwhiledeployinglRBForceinthefield: or to a police station' security wing (i) Normally IRB Force will not be allotted The force will stay in the battalion district police on permanent basis the orders Chandigarh and move out onl-v on headquarters at Sarangpur' UT' ofCommandant.IRB,SSP.UT.Chandigarh(forlawandorderandcrime 72 and traffic UT' Chandigarh (for security duties), SSP' Security & Traffic' or by orders of to the ICP' UT' Chandigarh naka duties) under intimation the battalion Hqrs as and shall be sent back to IGP, UT, Chandigarh itself is completed' soon the assigned task and otlrer duties will Force on law and order' security (ii) The deployment of IRB be regulated as under:- is as soon as the assigned task'/duty (a) For specific duty and duration' Hqrs' report back to the battalion completed, the force will tasks and to perform duties only for specific @) The force should be made for a stiPulated Period' post for posted in any police station/police (c) The IRB force shall not be routine administrative duties' be accompanied by the concerned (d) IRB staff whenever deployed shall staff' Police station/unit basic and others shall provide the assisted by DSP' Lines The SSP, UT, Chandigarh 3. water' fans' toilets' place for accommodation' electricity' facilities i.e. arrangement Sarangpur' Vehicles for unit outside the IRB campus' for armory, etc' to the iRB the IRB, shall also be duties, if not ava able with movement and administrative provided by the SSP' UT' Chandigarh'

on the following duties:- not be normally deployed 4. The IRB force shall kot in police Lines' IRB Campus (except any IRB (i) Standing Guards outside Chandigarh)'

(ii) Escort of Prisoners'

warrants' (iii) Serving of summons and

(iv) As naib courts'

(v) Investigation of cases'

(ri) Excise raids' them for any IGP' UT' Chandigarh can depute (vii) However, in case of need' duU. IRB deployed on IRB to rotate companies of be duty of the Commandant' 5. It would on any any IRB personnel are deployed every three months ln case field duties withdrawn then the same may be in violation of this Standing Order' other duty IGP' UT' IRB under intimation to the immediately by the Commandant' Chandigarh'

22. 13 (i) Deployment of IRB force outside U.T. Chandigarh will be, on being requisitioned by Govemment of India through the Ministry of Home Affairs

and upon orders oflnspector General ofPolice, UT. Chandigarh.

(ii) On receipt of orders from Central Govemment (MHA) through IGP, UT. Chandigarh for deployment of force outside the state, concemed coordinating officers will be detailed.

(ii i) The coordination officers will liaise with the various agencies and will sort

or"( the following points:-

(a) Date and places of deployment.

(b) Purpose of deployment.

(c) Mode of transportation.

(d) Distribution of force.

(e) Establishing liaison with the MHA and where the deployment is to be made.

(0 Check the availability of arms, ammunition. equipments, clothing, etc. Any deficiency should to be reported to the Commandant IRB for obtaining necessary permission from the IGP, UT, Chandigarh for overcoming the defi ciency.

(g) Check about the boarding and messing facilities for the force.

(h) Check about the communication facilities like basic control room.

(i) Arrange for the reservations for transportation, if not going by IRB's vehicles.

(iv) The force will always move in strength. Q1]ffi=1-^ (R.P. Upadhyaya' IPS) Inspector General of Police Union Territory, Chandigarh e rfur/znc Copy to:- r.;o- €rP{- vt' o$-o?-1c,1 d_ 1) DIG, U.T. Chandigarh 2) SSP, U.T. Chandigarh 3) Commandant, IRB, U.T. Chandigarh 4) SSP. Traffrc & Security, U.T. Chandigarh s) SP (HQ) and SP/City 6) All ASP/DSPs of Chandigarh Police 7) All Asst. Commandant, IRB, U.T. Chandigarh 8) Atl SHOs/Inspectors, IRB, U.T. Chandigarh e) Concemed officials

t4 ffit,'ANNEXURE-III. vE- .

Keeping in view the neecl lbr improved performance on tlle part of Armed potice gatiati"ons being raised under the India Reserve Battalions scheme the following syllabus has been designated.

ThetotaldurationoftrainingoftlrerecruitsoflndiaReserveBanalionwillbe phase each. Phase I rs .oni'h, il ;ill ue oiuiara intir two of 9 monrhs duration to Army and other *jri i. ,ir" basic Training & I'hasc II rvill be the ettachments iirurit.' prrrt.-i tiuining"*in be again divided into Leg-l ol6 tnonths duration and j break will be giver.r to the recruits at i.""-i [f - ,iont|,,--'---- - auro,ion. A 2 wiek mid-terrn ;J;;';i;i;e-oitruining lo \isir rheir i-^-^.-homes. relax,-1.- andan/l rFtrrrnrcrum rotrr rhethe center ;;J,'";il;';. .""rrf",i", irhe phase-l of the traini.g a, cxiunirratir,n will hc conduoted for the recruits.

of o ,onit',, + Leg-ll of 3 nronths) '1

:Daily Training Schedule ,.ri Timings Nri. period of 40 Activitics rninutcs duration I I Pi:tiod PI) 0630-0730 llrs. br breakfast 0720-080tt LIrs. 1 Periods Classes 09C0-11 l0 Hrs.

ea Brbalr I llil- I l-r0 I{rs. :l l)erio,is Dgveloptnent I 130- 1330 I lrs.

Breal< 1330-1530 I.Irs. 1530-l6l0Ilrs. 2 Periods l6l5-1655IIrs. 2 ['eriods Games l:/0U-l[]:(i Ils.

-f inting to bc cdjlls'!e(i a;':ut



I t t I 1 I I t n i

1, I\

6 ntotll lls

ol- weeks t20 l'otal uumbll 1it2 numbt'r ol'daYs 26 x 7 ' \ Tolal 38 Dctluct Public LlolidaYs ,, (SundaYs Second Saturday and other HolidaYs) i44 Total number ofworking daYs I 3 month'r 13 '1'otnl tlumbrr of rvr:eks 9\ 'l',ital nurnb.tr of duYs l3 x ? :1u Deduct l'trblic L lolida;'s liaturdaY ( Sunda-i-s SeconC and othe:r Flolidays). tj dsys I otal ,runrl:er ol rvorkln€l

(6 months) skill Outdoor lndoor DeveloPment t &l' 144 x 3132 431 Periods I44 x 3432 Periods Periods ii, Periods (144x3 for outdoor) 288 Periods ( I 44x?. fo:: l Ganres) 72U

(3 monttrs) 7l x32l'j 211 Periods 71 x 32i 3 Periods 3 Periods Periods (71 x lbr outdo{)rs) 142 Peliods (71 r: ?- tor Games) 355

(Leg l, I-eg lt) otal Noi of Periods of I075 I'eriods i615 Pcriods 645 Periods ol Uames') 645 Periods ould6st+430 Period "#]n: the impurrancc,yr,:,] ;,.11,1, ; ;, view or [ Jl: :i'l TJ-" i;1,' clre,iule be cr-'ndtrut:d.'lt, 'l ll-, ,,,,., ,,"ij

) l

I {i I I { i I I ', 'l {d I ,,, h Y 't i' il'

(6 Montlts) \ '/2 Periods r ti (p':r'iods each fortnight) ) x2 - l|fortnights

(3 Months) Peric'ds in each fortnight) - 36 )x2 - l2{brtnights x 6 (periotls 108 Periodg inclutling both the legs otal No olNight Classes Night l'iring' utilized lor t$trt rht classes should be 'Ratrotting'to' lnsurBencv tttiont' .iirl',f i."r"i' counter ffi

I o! ing subject u'ise distrrbution

L 1(6 onths) No. ol Periods bject Indoor .

Law 4ri l. iPC ) 25 1 cRPc 'i 30 Evidence Act J. Indian 2l! on Llurnarr l{ights ,, 4. Capsule 62 and f'valuation Revision, Exarnination 171 Total

d SocietY b5 oi'Modern lndia ational Trad!tions & Marireting 40 I urnan Behavior 50 40 Nlatters rinistration & Sen'ice 20 ;;i;;;; Entorcern'rlt 3nJ Pl irrciPles 40 and pvaluatiori Revision. Ilxarr-rination 255 I t Total 432

i I

I vv. t+, (


DeveloPment 40 Duties i'or r\rr,ted Pc)lilre t5 Relicf & R shabt lit'r'i'rn I5 , i, si r\ id and I'lJgiettc i ) i 20 Relief i iif l.itnelgeni-v l5 , ijirc l'I.vention Fighting i,lt \ 30 Cr.r"n, ,{'lfoir* & Police Problems l5 i*r'i.ir,l p,ri"e Staudi:rg Orders Relevanl tt-, "f Armed Police 250

WeaLr()ns 8l li'iPlosive; r | (ir 22 Ri{l'- (ii) li0 \'1: rskei r ii i) l{)3 ttifle i*i 'i.{)2 sl- tl (v., AK lvt lT (\'i) 9MM' Sten i,iil IMM caruine (viiii L M r: (ixt .]ir I t I: Crcnade (x) 1-1. [. Riile Lri) 2'i\'4trtor i',,i t-,,,.,ltlv I rlade weapun'i oi F-xplc"'tt":r i*ii i, t.:.r',.,it*t.' Knowledge & IIiDs (\iv) l-)if iii:,iorr tlIExplc'sivcs i\vl I ltrldrrli:ies & I)etcc1(rI; ,.', ir tt'tart,,',at 'lfl)erectiort Boohv I r;tns I iX'ii, i)il-t ,t"t to'overcoltrc \ !l:l); & i.and MinS rstt'r:i \\'htl'': ltrl;i;i'r'-..r,i,,)". f[ S'fti] Me 't' ' ' &' [)cldsinP l]4eiil()'i I ri.,*lfi,'g t-'xplosive

Miscellaneous 62. ' and [valLtatirrn ,'r('vl::icl) Evlrtninarion A3?. I ( ir:lnJ I )l:rr I Il (3 Months) I a ,t }io. of Period r subjecli i+ i0 ''lltcirnolt'iy t" r\pplicrttioli ' I SJi'r''c 't Artned ?olicc 10 ('l p'esn.valicl,t ol S(Lnd OcrulTcn'c l[) .1,,--,' ,,', orai ,.tr'J * rittcn E'.(presst'rtr :10 ;;;.;,;;',, t ivil /r'r;rtion Sne':urit' ,t 14 .,1 77', 'r. . .,f 11 I ft, l lr t


t5 l{ighls e on Lluman t5 and in Law Enlorcelnent l0 v ior Scieuce 50 ACLS I 30 e on Criue Against Women w er Sectious.

i.l rscellaneons i:) 33 atld E xantitration ' ion. EvalLrntiort 2t3 d l'otal

^,.ill Devcloprrr rt: in Armed Police t0 lication of Science Technology t0 of Occttrrence of Science r0 Wrilten ExPre ssiot'i on Orat ancl 30 " SecuritY e on Civil Aviation 150 pons Firing & ExPlosive (i) 22 ilille (ii) 410 Musket (iii) 303 I1ille (iv) 7.62 St.R (v) A.K.M' 17 I (vi) 9MM'Slr:tt (vii) 9 M.M Carbine (viii) L.M.C' il*) 36 I I.E crenadr: (x) C.F 1{ille (xi) 2" Mot'tor'

33 orr, Bvaluation nt'61 6xnllination 11'l d Total

Leg I II r l.t ttloor Schcrlule 'lud No. of Period .{ctiviti ' 2,15 l).'1. 75 DLitl 60 Llrowd 10 D isaster emenl 10 Llri\l \. :rte nt J1\o I raltic .,$'?: I'ield & Taclics e tc' t PLa Examination i t;' 645 'f ot.r\ {/,

,,j '

,.! 1 r\ I I 'i;



1 a

I \

. .irv sr-rbj ect

(ztO pcriods) .::tiian Penal Code - {n Ovelvicw

Sc ction s 'f opic

Usetr ir IPc* i \pranation or'wortrs l;1,'J:i,lir1';ri-;il#lJ;ii33.t;l!,i; \rcllcral r.xccpuor) 124 n 120 B r5e' I60 i'r I'15 to r4e' rs3 A' .\iil::::'lffili',','i,'Jii'.,,.."0,,,,,.,'- 1. 111 iaz' tso' 188' 218' 223to225 i,rlse Informirti*, e,ia"nll'i'i-,i"" I)isannearln;c.1r^l:f:1i?,:.""r"," 221e t' ,lfttnt.t ltelating to Fublic Saletv l)ccencv &,M::lll{..^,,"",, 2ee.300 \'lurder and related Oflcuces :1'"'339. 340 N ronsful Confinemqtt , r-.r..^,;^,' 160 Lo i63 *'1,1,.:r*ri;;.;',tuJi.tion^ 1!?,t!il'rrr, r*o \ ih?ft 3eo390 io 3e7,397, 399.4023ss.4o2 & DacoitY I licrbbery '. 410, 411, 412 :itolerr Property 1 .^-^' .^^ . ' ,. :r^,:^! Insr"rltr-"',lt andqrrd 504,506 .t ,i,"inof tntimiaatioir. J

.\nnoyance ( r r i,i."iri'. ut. Clirtrirral l'.tcc :rtttl 5l I l

B.CriminalPrr]ocedureCotle.overview(25periods) Sections Topic i i. l2 f)cl'inirioui' 41, 42, 46 to 5.1 5- Arrcst ofPersons* ! tOO. tOZ seatch+ ...- r-,:^ 129 t'r ll2 ol'Public Orcletn*,ra!.ci si' d M"int"no"t" B""l' ol l'eacg* ProhibitoLv o"ltt'il"p;*;;t lii p'cverrLivc ANtion'' i\ (30 periotlsl ': C. Iudirrrr Evirjerrcc Act Sections

ToPic I ' 25'16'21 Achnission a|d Cont'ession l? A DYing Dcclaration l I

l ,{l


I ,} p r\

., 1


Sections Topic lo l4 2:1 ,10,22.2i '25.29'30 ' ' u or Rishts) o'l.l::":- 7'3 ,15:fl:5J::11n",,,i.'," 2'3 'i'lre Act lt)21" '4 \ I'oiicc iluciterttcnt "f '"ti*tii"t" Exlrlosive Act+ I ;-A.28,3,4.t9.20,25,27 '28).t) Arms Act 1959* lmpoftant Su[tions. police ...J^ st.,o,.* regulations oltlc lnportant S.'ttions.. F-xcise Aot ^ ,,..,.],, 52',6?*64 2 s;[, iil:ffi1;:li:!i:1,*L'-''l n,'n,'" '[o t)roperty Act 1984 . ^ {0, f S il"$;'J,;;;;;'nliciuu Rights Act+ ''o ,tn-,- lrnDortant l'rovisiotrs dl thc nct 'Y4 t)olicc Battrlion orthe [H:iiili",;;;"''^"'""1r $1 ' io,,".rn.a-stutt 4L:l

M isccllrrrrut.rtts I

Rei'isiotr l Night C Iasses r --.^'l lnr, section ibr" Armed force' : \ Note : +Inclicare tne ijnlortant

Police & SocietY ] 65 Periods' I of Modern India - A. Nrtiorral 'tralitiuns & i\laking i Periods Tapic R r l:eatures.- -. Coristitutiotr ol lnclitrlSalicnt rles t: Duties arrd Dircctivc Prtnctp''" (r iJrilt,rl."ii' oights l..v lutegrittit'rl | I Natiorral lnuia :ar in,urtle.rr soc io-econorni:. 1.,r..brerrrs r'3 ties and il l]'lllli:rt Ilnr ric..' irnrl e r)11rr1run*r t)rg;rniztltion ol I'ol lIte 10 drelr icieologies I - c,r.^ North-llast-"'xrnrth-[i.astem Statos-' aspects.ol'tlle 5 Socio-economic-pol[tica1 i"l*,^pnwi - -l l,il:l':l 0,,,, Cr.tlttrre and t'adttton: l',::il#ii'-"'i*",,',

: ,( lil, j /Lrf/l:- Ji ,! !'

, I 'q .t, :(l .:

{"i0 []e riods.) t]. Hrrtrtan ehtrvior: ['e riods

4 ,)

b .i

5 (.r

\ (-. Orgarriz,ilion- (50 Pcriorls') I Pe.iuds 'l :. 6 l;:li#illlX?fl:1il::,,,,'"nLslarer)isrrictsub-Divis*rtcircle' Policc sLarior nrianizarro* ol Statc l'"llt:)'lii;'i;;;;Dist' 2 ;.." s 111 nl i.tts i;;;;;i;;ii o r' A rurt'd nol ",, OreenizaLion ol :1- "L J (a) Cit[' I'olice ] (b) RaiiwaY I'}olioe ) (c t 1l'dl'lic Potiuc l (d) CriJrnc Blanoh 2 iel lrrtllligcncu l (1) Villlage Police ,) Flofrre Cuard ) t iel t (h) Cii',il Del'enoe N'latiers (40 Periods') D. Adrninisf ration & Service I If eri oti s I ! ToPic It" Clothing and EqYipntcnt Pay ancl Allowarlces

Prornotions i Rewards & DecQrat totis ' i-eavc l'roceclur! Retiremcnt Benf iits G.it;^.""t ancl {reiL llcclressal l)isciPline Il trlcsl

Puuisltment l i'"t."r^il]r*i"n[, Health attcl Iia$ilv care Turtt out a,,.i Caft ol'ttuilblm (condrrcL) [tules c;;;;r, ser{nnt r Care olCovemrtrcnt I'roPcrtY l , I l'tel ulsL-5 Mailll ellallcc o I fiover'nrttent r-uttr euig.sBudg,es ofo[-all atr Rqnksl(qnlts oll']oliceot lludies olall Ri{nks ol'ArnrY lsl- I

I i. . i I

i i I \ i I -i I! I '/.! tI I I I '.d


I 1....I llag,s oi Lars ql l'resld(:lll^ Uo\e|noi l\'llnister, D U'l'' I U P ' JJ .ls ,P. Name olD.G.i'.. I.G,P., lJ.ls.P z\'ls,P.. SSPs, iii']s, 30 I)cput1 Cornnrissiotrcrs. Cornrnissiottcrs (20 Enlbrcclnerit cQ lirinciples of Police CrC))nnd uct tt. litlrics t.in Lalv periodi.) r ,

'I P eeririt;() '[oPic ! i - i' 6 What is FLhics? 6 Cood Mautrcrs & Et iquctte ISI Nisht C Irlsses r (' f, Police l'roccd u re

I Skills) Duties tbr Arnfed l'olicc - lB0 l)c'r'ioJs (K'nolvledge and . I 'l-opic I Fcriods

I 6 [junctiotts & Dr1rtics oi',\rrlteci l)olice itr Licncral 4

Sentry L)uLy I llscorts l)utv 8 IJ Pir:l

t{, iiir:;t A[l and l,lygie,o - i0 I,,r.iods (I(nowlc,{gc rtnrl :',k(lls} j I I f 'eriods I oprc l l: j ii;',,iir;il*;l ii' i.,i,,.. ,urtl w.,,.ncir I Dressing, Bandl.ging ofl;t'actut'e & V"ountls , '. : in i\sphyxiai (.'rrrcs Artificiil Itespi{ation . I i : Lrymptoms o1"I'j+isoning Cast,; i,nJ ihcir- [:rlt r\iii First Aitl in Burhs and Sn i(e !]ii.c.', First Aid t0ttr VictirllsVictims oliiitsot t'rts 'l-i l;rLsr,\id to I-llcrirlocuLror) Gcn,.,:ral Awarcr.]css lbotrt I-l-vgicr"'

I I I fi


/ltr 1: 1 ,1- 1...! ,'-1.. I A

I \ I

I antl Strills) Ernergency nl.f i"L - 50 Ptriocls (l(nowlertge ! Periods t oplc i Earthquake' Gas Leal

Periods (I(nowledge and Skills) ll. Fite Preventipn/Fighting - 30 j Pttiods ToPic (l(rrowlctlgo) & Equiprnent E.lcmcntary l(nowledtc. ol l:ile t"ighting ^^ \ Methods l3melgcncy tiResoue 22 Skills I I . i^l (Knowledge Police Problems 10 Periods l(. Crtrrertt Afldirs ancl - i and Sldlls) l I Periods 1'oPic I :S Current Alfairs I to Police Problems ol'th[ Statc itt Relerence -lerroris]rtt1ro ( 1) \ 8 (2) I: xt rern itr n l0 (3) Insurge$cY t a. : (4 ) Caste Cbnllicts t ; '14 isl Comrn$nal Conflicts 4 .). t: (6) 1'oliticatAgitatots I Order Relevant to Armqd L. Provisions df l'olice Standing Forccs - 20 Heniotls' I to Arnred Police - 10 M. Applicntion [' & Technology Periocls I "'"utt l 10 Periods N. Preservationlof Scctre of Occurrence -

L Dxprcssion in the Vernacular - O. Capsulc o" $'ot ilnd \ryritten

1 0 Pc riotls. 1 :l I I l0

i i-

tr::i .,i., .*d$ , ill- l H

Security - 10 Periotls' C:rpsule Clvil Wenpon , ,'.''" -I'r'rritting Suhiect ; P.T. \ (a) abk-' (b) (c) Walh and ltun (d) es & Assar"rlt (e) Malch (f) Y uA I uclo Karate (e) Saving (h) Sw ,',r irrp altcl Life (i) (a) (ia rne arrd SPorts (b) ir, l:ri*iirrn.ieucl' lALuletics)

I t (i) f)r'ill r,vithout Anns \ (ii) Dritl with Arms (i ii) Mourrting (iv) ial Drill

(i) Dlill Canc Drill ( ii) Dr:ill. Maslt 'fea Smol


t (i) (ii) Flo : (iii) File ighting (iv) ing Collapse i i (r,) Acc ts Carriate 5. Extelrcl cr Drill ' [)l ing & Street lin ing i I tt t t I I t I

I l A



\ i r"al!l(' r'.ilui1('t ( & t-t:::., ,, 1-,-:r,, ':.,'-r i(-'(\i,,i),r.r: '., 11q Lln ' 1,ril1; !iuirL\lt\li'il..,r",',,iri (.rpirra1''() UPel'tiii L irtl-Rtrbbet)'

5 l:l'ttt '' l-" "' 'illrtrr \ 1llrl9- . r', ';'" I

I i(lltlt(){){t:r \ \\'rrl* I Rrclio' i Pr'\ice fct I lli, :ic\ePhonQuu'""""'Put> Ii:':-;;"-' !"s', ti','l;f I, p ().P. I l:::f.lftlllll3n*'^""n' 'i;;,' *P"' "l?l';lli' (>:'l S1:ate - PHAsri ' BAsrc'"to'{tt"t 1 be sent lor 1ntegratetl'Ilaininf

..i*i''u I'l'li,iio' t" i* \ tilllhllllTl,','','.)'ll;,'1::;:' ,\irachrrrrrrts i.,,, ;(,rliplrlid:'i'y t I ',,,], 1:lritft--ii*rrlii'':l*;";:;;J; g ct'. ll:,li:til::i;; L'crhiiP,:li'-' rr : i" i :li:",:::; j.:!,


I t I )i iI. '''o' i f v,, R

a i I


to al .tt^crrcd lrnJ : :":, : l:l:::f ilL:if l willwrll beDe l


L,c arr tchccr'i'n".:']l,i';iil Jt:, -r-lrcy b: T"l;1,ff i?j,'I :,rroLrld 1,t::.1:l#i"6;,;*r, whe,.e' th,:y orr Anti LXtfc 1ol o ,rrt.,r,ra,,ay -,. J[-i^^,ocu ;' ;;nersonnel e r anLLa n cr :li H: 1fl ..,li $:'^"i'il'|fi i' " "n

recruits witl' c atrircluncnt ot rhe areaal'ea wlltwrtr ( ;::,,?f'Iltffi:rTll :n-insulgency-insutaetrcy , "*,^J"riorn.,. all the tuncttt;lrsfunctrt-,lrs *i?-t^ tl;,l;;'r-,ra".-^-r^rrn alIthe r....r,il stroulcl be proUr***. the l- pcrfortns in tackling

? i


i I i I I iI I I i3 I t I


- i I

I L)


No. I 601 1/6/2006-Pi;.lVriii l -5cr\Dl-p, (iovcrnnrcnt ol lntlia ' NI l[irtr'5' ol llornt )\frlir. 2(.405.1{' I -r** \..^ ^ t{, 'I l.'rrrth lltrclq Ner" l)rl Dntcd thc,23r(l ,lnrurry., ?01

lbc AdrrritIistrrtor, r.1 of(ihanciigarh. ,t; 1, handigarll. ir.A (

liai"^iug ol lndi,r llrricrvc lJrr by the Govclrlircnl ,,1 t r'l' 't.

! . irn) dirrai.(l tc cJnvcj. th: sanction of the Presicicnt io rair,ii;3 oitrn| iil Bo. 5r'th; i ::cul oll.l'f of t.:hl rrdigarl:. The Ocl.l1r:]! (io"t. sltzrll rc)nri.ur.i,: iti2; o, th,. l)tnn(Lani ('os1 ! l -; ie, lk. l i.3li75 ttot(' iilupccs thireen cror( lhirt) r'i;llrl Liklr sr'vrrrrt) llve thorr]ln(i r-rf lis.i7 !5 tr-o1,.' illrrJ:ec-' srvcrlcc,l crot'c eigi.:',' riie lal.ir onlr') [i'i tir;il Bn Io I eirrrbLis,,'li,-:lir si)illl i\'(loui lor 500/, ot thr: cirpital c..rs: (()rr:lu,.lin11cost ,;i lrLnd) sirbjccl .rj|1rum ol'Rs.ii.00 c|ore cach Bn. otr sLtbtlissir,n qrl rec;rtisite r.leLrri:: rcg:rtrling ' , ',ile incrrncd on infrasliuctLue. l'he reinlbLlrsclrt(nt ol ' .,r r.ilqr'i (,rsl ('l |ii;_iug an(l (i'llilrtl .. -::,.ue cosls rvill t'c r.l,>rrr. .rs grunt-in-iLid. ,\rt.rcl,lrtirl i .r'n\Llr,L ol 11s {r i r'rl'-.' .! 1i. I '.ir,ys sltali lrt tr'it:rl'ttrserl lr)r fruriri,)r- arlrl\ rlr,l c.)rr,rnli lil;11,',' s lr:r"rr'.lri. :rr,,i -r-j equil)llr(ltlts lbI Iir::i g ol tu,r) (-.0n1:r1.lu(lI aoyir ,\ lisL r'll ititlti ,'i ir!ltlr'll;ii (,nr. ,: ,.:iion cquji:rrenls rln.i sPt)cinljze(l r)flLfljl]]clrlr ,., bL: r,', ,iiraii:rrri ltir ll'lil,,,a irt ' | : lnust i).:\trictlv rdh( rccl to hy tl]0 State ( ir,\'1. i - !t Thc []n. r)ust lr,i raiscd rs Di ihe slnn(liu/l I'irlte[n r',(1 ,1i] iir. inc'i(:r'ii).i'.1 :i.tif) I )r tl?r1spor1, \&'irclosl ccluiornr:nl. orn:i x, l iDrlnlurriti/rrr (1'. llir- ilc',ril', oi rvt- ,:!; rrtr' . lrholesecl ns Atrrt,:rulc -l rintl II t() Lhi: iott,;r'. - The atiuuul lc,ilr!airi:,i) Derl(Jitri"c as rrl:i: tl": i..larr,.:c rr:r': ':ir.r;,'r,i rr, r:rr rlrlrrr' lbr pr'r'r'iiling lhr: lllsic Ifrn:rtru,rllirc ii)r ir rlit.lli,,ri ;, 1,; i1. i:;.1,.1 :irc r1,',. (iu', t.

I lltr: t '(r1'.'.,ri]1.11' I jtrdil rvr. rl,ic: cr-cisc lirc ti!,.1t )j 1l ltt rt,lil i-'r', li)(' and sball lurc rl.. nrjl .rrtholit', t\-. ,,'l ii,e Sl:i, io ..ir:i,j 1rt, rn. ,i., I tlcl:l:',':r..:trt, ,, ,,^.,,, ,| rl c,),:i,' r. ',i. r,,.i ir_ t: rl, \' (li)., !,il,lrer,l ,r.r,,L I rr ,t, ,.i l'l''trriirr , rhe Cr\ l. 1e(i.i Il:c$c;ir l, r r, L rsill-lirr - '1r.. lri rt,,,ilir,.il js Il'thc BatlaliotT ,lrltlo)rcti lo any l;itt.- orircr rl-.,ur o!1,-' tlri)t lt r.. rai:tLrcl jL, oi: u lcqilest by llte r'rtncclrcrl Gc f. lIcLl'ilIg (\fiulrics."!,,Ulil l',. I'i,rt,,-. : -ciillc ilrl)'Iai1 in loto b)'thc i)tlrrr)\viilq Sl:.it.. (,(.t tilii Co,.r slrail ir:,rr1,r,.'r,;triri!rlr rlr, i,ri:,. \vhell s',rch rllDii'yrrlcnlr ir,rr', i,.:r::: il r,;1 ;1r 1l:. rLli,lj:.,it,.tl,r:\ Si,:i.r:, :r'.. bchcsl ,)[ (btirtl i-j,)v!. ii, \\i:hi)',r1 il l!\iu(]]t iloti) trrc rlr()iliit,.il !ir,cl r/ :ji,rli r. ,ril.uoti(,us. Itt itll other tl)f Siirtc (_i!\ l. ro r:.l1r3!t s rilll rr ,rL iir. -.\i,,',r,i , !:r Il Bn.. A rt.rxltl ;r'liairL,r ;r.,. hasic tr,:iri. t ,l : .: r .: r ,tr i,, \.,i.-,r",t i.,\.ll,:r,,ri, .li)). llirrrritrLt sir,tlJ irsr;;1.;r;,,,,,,r.,,,i', fJ.t r:,,,.r rt r,,,.t,.i rr.lirl;,;:: 1 ,r,.!rr L)r11.r t. ..,r.._.t...r...... '.: t|r..u,,.."j,:,r..,r.,,..., ,':r ,.r. -, 'l I hr: :i:,rre:: sit,rir, r;lsr, ,./,iur.- thirt t\"i, ',|.'i)I a:i'i:' ,.-;t! .i,r,i, r'! .,ii(1 i).: iti,rnrr(l ri:. \:l(.ciill l lr:.l i',,rcr .r ,lrnl:.i:,riir fi,_lsi

t t.: ,L) ,!

i I,I: t: d *"lrd;'h:li':1:l']:v'...;::i"i'l'll";l'l'1 pcrso.nci iR Battarions [ :",rirrneut of the ' sl.alr hc rn ,,t.llll the Staic.in *'''tt "'".llrin;;;;o"s ,i.. ,.,, L ro^r't by Y"liii Jul.,,run,r^n,. r,".qu,,t"],1]111,r,..,.,,,i,."r.,,.ro,",,,,,nr,iun hclou'.r 111 'ncl' [. :ts (CFFs) r ')t l'"]. rar lc,sl tuo ntaY 5c etv"t i,, ,ni iiilftlvr f , ,."r,r"*",t'tivl it1 time [, .;8ff::';t;1a-['i '1"1;'1'-'rhq "ftl'Jer ffe taken duling tht: til&t the iotiowing sl(p-s 'er;ruit''ro!!t [L .: arr,, Govt' tnrrsl errsLrr': rih'-:'rlJ hir 5r'Lir:'bi)' i chitritt:tol anC ff r'^*'li'111s rnLrsi lrrve a cosnopolitrrr., i ' :n rlre c.rrrlr!' I l' :;i:,li;; "'u.. "1v"'ttcr..' u'" *t"t* nff"t'i'uv:..11::l:'l':'ll'l:;: '1li;1 i I #";;";"'"','",. as exti'cmr! i i']::l:d" I li():]"' dts:rrcts notiScd " I il' r;;',i'-* r''il'nu l)c adherrc rJ' i crrrel:oiies urust als'' I I :; ;ti;". 1'1 1"5q'vc'l ;: ( i ff:ilii:":,i1.; i:.;:lu::,;l*;J;,ln il:':),,iilJ:.:1,;l,1,'j,::,. t, ' cottsiclered necesccr'1 '. : ioia"ii"a ptop"t oPPottunitY I process shottldslroulcl bct: conpreted i ,"",,,i,,,'.,',re cruit,nent ,rocess ::'.']'.1;y"rhl:ff,:llitXll il]llillli;(il sratrrs of reisrng- -s".1,.'1,,,r.:i:'oo[i::,;:lI';;;i,s];l:: '.i",r"1 l::?::'l]ll:]i:,i "')'Ji i ..por, on rhe ,,.,,,'qyq6 11, 1r1q pr1.:e . :::c steps heins trken .l,'*lil:: L,. "'u l"t"Ll',,ili).)ti,lr.n.'irn,it rt" .:., i" .c:nn,e,rr rc\u^\ci 1r", tll"':.::,1:".11;j;;i;:.-;"crc,l r, b.' r,,r1i.,,. .l :::,1 t. lne : . t' x(' sche(lule ''f rxiirllf -'" L, r'/ilj he (ils lts li'-1I15 rril.l'l lo$*alcl'; ior;l rri |l'i 'iiig I,.t:,ir!rrerilur'i1c,lL'alrL'ill-ir'J .r,,:,i |." .:er :- n,-)l iii\I i,.ion i'late Covt iras is:ucC o, inriiirl 6r'lvri)c(' rlIcr thc 'l't I ar* noricc to tl': cctu^":n''.''t;'lltlt' i ;;'i".ffi';*c a cc|v oi the prrhlislted ol''ltilizaticrr ccl'iilicale 0l rqc titLllent'rud slti:ntissiou "1 1 25va on 'lctllpletioll . Cr;lz, of irrirr'rl "'d\Jxce' lrainiitii' : 257, t'n colirplttioll rl'tuorg;its' c'''1.i,:;iliil';^l'i:,:,'.';,;;. ' :. .,''''':irri"'r or':rrl irem'.i"'ir ;;,,;;' "l;liI' i ',,;;u,,rr,,,d o,nr),,,,ii'.',,,. r,i'1r\pui,il?:l:ill];:::i :i'i,,, lr'.i,ir,rrsL; bi re!cL,secj I crcccrling us I( crore) sLr''rc't : :T:ll'::,:::,')li'll,l?'"1:l;,',;i:ilii,",l'i",i,n,i ""' i nr inu"srmcnl on i lfrastructurc' I i i: ff;t;io" ''ii"t"it' it ii rrr'" lr: adL(r'"J r' i!':.r "ialion' I .nnrlitir'ns stiPrtla(r'rj 'tbovc shoultl 'lrijllv 'i iii;r.;r:f r;ll:::,li I i." :.:'il',il:i; ::1i1!"ft1j$ i:li';l*;,: ,,,::,:';,Jl;lti.:: t,.,,.n,rir:1,:rr:.ri.,,ltoe..ll:c.l,iilltil,l,,,,or',,,i,r,r_ti,r.,1,y.,",,1 .rs1,r:.iL,r l*. - ",:.nlrp !ir')rli'li l:liPt'iIlo ':lthc' i : r'rrLi \ \ l.tl, t'1



I :J I .t ll'ri''i(l yide D) No'i6l i'1,i ro.V'2008 l eia:i {jt' iirD their 'il1is issues wl!i') :l ,ij 1i,r1.,lll :0c9. ' Yoors failirlirllY'

t. . t:' h \'.'* -.- (Su:rrira \{d(h rljct) Dirfctr,r { I'oli(c FiuI17Lr:) 'fii N(''?'31)\' 2l l'l jar'tr:ry f)arcti tirt:. iiii;rr /-009' 1l'ir2,)06I I;.1\/ L iii't


(-1.1 il :'r. , r'' '. i.)alllru'15:!: c! illol:1e 'Ai'ihi;'r' trrinciprl pxy 8r i\r:c'rul:is OIfi.it l'lilli'illi friril. Ncw Dcllri' ..1:i,,:i:ii ,;;,; ; , r illi:,il::t;;,;:;" -'l l)r)ljr':lt :t t'lt, I iti' llir ,., r.,,n 1.,'eclor Cc:rersi 'l rhi"ir^-\'xi ),oi i.aii;r :l rlEfiir 'i'r':C l'];;l;' "(.;;";.., r(. j::rr:^l'xrj irl:r'vir: u ' r' r"rrri {rr''r9 l0rr9 ii i"1.io*.,"a ii", ,,,. r" '-ri:,'lcr):iir t . , i T), lilr ir)fo'ndti')lr' (r' i)"iii'l i\4ll\' \rPlr.ViBuLitsiI l1 l\ .:.1 tlle. \ t" _ r rSutl itr Mrk1i"'icc) (lirrcror i i',rfitc liinantt) i ('i i{o",130!i l}.t?il


I t

! I t I t ; t U I


I I p* I ffirgt*". J-os! L A. BEpUBRINS I and aliowances inclucling leuve salary Pension I I Pav and i ' tfor frrsiyear cI raising) ""i-r,.ii"ii"n 2. Traveling allowances'"' 3. Ammunitions. I Contin gencies and'overhcad expenditure' 5. POL. B. NQIi-ElEapERrNq-se$1 i lnitial issue of clothing' 2. Arms and equiPment' Molor vehicles. t 4 Tentage. ; Training exPenses' \

r\ I i I r} ',

H \ L-)


No. of posts. Ba !tl(

1- Commandant DeputY Commandant 7 Dy. SPs 7 Inspectors 23 Sub Inspectors 1a InsPectors AEstt. Sub 160 Head constBbleg 675 . Congtables 15 9 Water Carriers 15' 0. Sweepers 24 1. Cooks I Dhobis 7 Barlrers 963

STAEF llINISTDRIAL f t' Ilead clerh ,s l 1. 5 2. Clerks L 3. Sl:eno, I 71

grcunsosrau 1 f, InsPcctor i. sut Inspectors 4 3. Head Const.rl,lca 4. Constables t .?:.' :.:

1'- Medi.cal Ollicer Pharmacists 1 I Nursiug Assisturrts'

: I 4 l ffi; Grand total Contd.. ...2 ?J

I ,\_/ 7 I ,i i i :l t '


r7tg 10 5 : Iruchs 3 s. Motor CYcles 1 . 6. ambulahcc i 35

I t pTBELL$i i-auPMES! I B. Otv. ,2 !. -s!l[9. l, i ,2 30 2. VHF $ets o 3. mac!t:,irres 65 ! VH!' Sets 72 onda.rY Battcrles 6.

676 59 160 9 rnur 1iT 51 mm 18 , tB s\\'s\rn$u\so\' I ernerrt.\ 1 t t, i:

i ,: I L