Women & Child Support Unit, Women Police Station and Anti Human Trafficking Unit

Sr. Date Detail of Event No. 1. 23.01.2015 A special drive was conducted by Anti Human Trafficking Unit, to dentify, track, locate, rescue and rehabilitate the children who were either kidnapped or left the home at their own and have been subjected to abuse, exploitation, employed as child labour. During the drive, 34 other Children who had earlier been reported missing have been traced out on the initiative taken by IGP/UT/. 2. 07.10.2015 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police launched an Operation called “Operation Muskan” on 19.11.2014 and during the drive, 50 children have been traced out. National Conference on Human Trafficking was conducted at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi where Hon‟ble Home Minister of awarded commendation certificates to top performers Insp. Karam Chand, SI Ajit Singh, HC Rakesh Kumar, HC Laxay Kumar and HC Pardeep Kumar. 3. 07.10.2015 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police launched an Operation called “Operation Muskan” on 19.11.2014 and during the drive, 50 children have been traced out. National Conference on Human Trafficking was conducted at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi where Hon‟ble Home Minister of India awarded commendation certificates to top performers Insp. Karam Chand, SI Ajit Singh, HC Rakesh Kumar, HC Laxay Kumar and HC Pardeep Kumar. 4. 1.1.2016 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police under the guidance of Sh. A.S Cheema, IPS, DIG/UT/Chandigarh and supervision of Smt. Rashmi Sharma Yadav DSP/W&CSU has launched “Operation Smile-II” w.e.f 1st January 2016 to 31st January 2016. This is an initiative of Sh. R.P Upadhyay, IPS, IGP/UT/Chandigarh, to identify, track, locate, rescue and rehabilitate the children who were either been kidnapped or left the home at their own and may be subjected to abuse, exploitation, employed as child labour here and there. 24 teams have been constituted briefed and deployed by SI Ajit Singh I/C AHTU to cover all important and potential places in India i.e Punjab, , Uttarakand, Uttar Pardesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Noida, Gaziabad etc. and advised to make sincere efforts to achieve the success. 5. 1.1.2016 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police under the guidance of Sh. A.S Cheema, IPS, DIG/UT/Chandigarh and supervision of Smt. Rashmi Sharma Yadav DSP/W&CSU has launched “Operation Smile-II” w.e.f 1st January 2016 to 31st January 2016. This is an initiative of Sh. R.P Upadhyay, IPS, IGP/UT/Chandigarh, to identify, track, locate, rescue and rehabilitate the children who were either been kidnapped or left the home at their own and may be subjected to abuse, exploitation, employed as child labour here and there. 24 teams have been constituted briefed and deployed by SI Ajit Singh I/C AHTU to cover all important and potential places in India i.e Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakand, Uttar Pardesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Noida, Gaziabad etc. and advised to make sincere efforts to achieve the success. 6. 16.01.2016 Chandigarh Police has organised a complaint redressal camp in Women Police Station, Sec-17, Chandigarh. Approximately 300 persons attended the camp. The W/SSP, UT Chandigarh Dr. Sukhchain Singh Gill listened to the grievances of parties patiently. The main issues were related to matrimonial disputes: domestic violence, beating, dowry demands etc. After counseling 15 parties compromised for living together and some complaints were referred for further counseling/verifications by the concerned Police officials/mediation centre. 04 complaints were referred for registration of FIRs. In the year 2015, total 2003 complaints were received in Women Police Station, out of which 1092 complaints were disposed of by way of compromise either to live together or mutual separation. 129 cases were registered in year 2015. The W/SSP/UT has directed the police official to be more professional and give proper hearing to the public person/complainants. The W/SSP/UT also appreciated the work of police officials of WPS. 7. 27.01.2016 Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and Women Police Station jointly organized a public awareness campaign wherein approximately 150 persons including women, children, vendors, drivers of auto rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and taxi attended the camp. The officials from AHTU, Women Police Station and PP-24 aware the audience about burning issue of POCSO and illegal activities in the society. They all were sensitized to share information with the police about any illegal activities like exploitation of women & Children by employing them against their wishes, pushing them for begging & prostitution etc. by making false promises 8. 27.01.2016 Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and Women Police Station jointly organized a public awareness campaign wherein approximately 150 persons including women, children, vendors, drivers of auto rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and taxi attended the camp. The officials from AHTU, Women Police Station and PP-24 aware the audience about burning issue of POCSO and illegal activities in the society. They all were sensitized to share information with the police about any illegal activities like exploitation of women & Children by employing them against their wishes, pushing them for begging & prostitution etc. by making false promises 9. 1.2.2016 As per the D.O No 15011/111/2015- ATC dated 4 Dec-2015, from Home Secretary of India similar campaign titled „Operation Smile- II from 1st January ,2016 to 31st January, 2016 be rolled throughout the country as follow up of the earlier campaigns. In this regard the following arrangements are made:-  24 teams have been formed for Operation Smile II.  These police officials of 24 teams have been sensitized on 28.12.15 with the collaboration of Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Right & Child Welfare Committee at Conference Hall, Snehalaya about various provisions of POCSO Act, JJ Act, Protection of Child right act, Advisories issued by MHA etc.  They were provided with photo camera and pen drives to get the particulars and photographs of the children staying at different shelter homes.  These teams visited the various places i.e Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakand, Uttar Pardesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Mumbai, Gujrat, Himachal Pardesh, Madaya Pardesh, Kolkata ,Chandigarh etc. in search of missing children. The record of found children residing at different shelter homes was taken by these teams and following result was found:-

Traced During door to door 31 Boys-12 survey Girls-19 Reunited with Parents 16 Boys-12 Girls-04 Other State reunited 10 Boys-09 Girls-01 Grand Total =57

10. 25.02.2016 Self Defence Training Programme for students by AHTU Anti human trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU organized self defence training for the students of St. Xavier Sr. Sec. School, sec- 44 C, Chd held from 4.2.16 to 25.02.16 and also at PEC university of Technology, Sector- 12, Chandigarh from 08.02.16 to 19.02.16. Total 309 girls students have participated in this self defence programme. This was an initiative of Sh. R.P Upadhyay, IPS, IGP/UT/Chandigarh, to make the girls/women self dependent so that they can save themselves in case of any untoward incidents. During the training girls were imparted training on different techniques of defending themselves. They also gave various demos on eve teasing, chain snatching, & Knife protection, front fall, body hold & Neck hold. The training programme has been completed successfully. 11. 2.3.2016 During celebration of Women Empowerment Week by Chandigarh Police, today the Women & Child Support Unit & Anti Human Trafficking Unit under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU organized a Public awareness camp at Ramdarbar, Chandigarh wherein approximately 250 person including women & Children attended the camp. Insp. Gurjeet Kaur SHO, Women Police Station and resource person Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria enlightened the audience on various issue/problems related women & children. The important helpline numbers were also given to the general public to make calls in case of need. SI Sarbjit Kaur, AHTU appeal to public to share information with this unit about the exploitation of women and Children employed against their wishes. The public can contact the Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and Women Police Station on phone No 0172-2704100 and 2700448. 12. 6.3.2016 The Chandigarh Police is observing the current week i.e. 1st to 8th march as WOMEN EMPOWERMENT WEEK. Today staff of Women Police Station and Anti- Human Trafficking Unit organised a rally between Sukhna Lake To Rock Garden on Women safety which have been flagged off by W/Senior Superintendent of Police, Chandigarh Police, in which more than 100 women cops participated along with placards displaying slogans: Break the Silence, Stop the Violence, DAHEJ KO KHATAM KRO, BETI KO NAHI, Educated Girls, Educated Future and many more to spread awareness among the general public. 13. 13.05.2016 Apprehension of accused in case FIR No.49 Dt.10.05.16 U/s 341, 376(2), 506 IPC and 4, 6, 8 of POSCO Act P.S. Sarangpur, Chandigarh.

A case FIR No.49 Dt.10.05.16 U/s 341, 376(2), 506 IPC and 4, 6, 8 of POSCO Act P.S. Sarangpur, Chd. has been registered against a tuitor who had raped a minor girl at his residence in village Sanrangpur. After committing the crime, the accused was evading the arrest and his present whereabouts were not known to anyone & even his mobile phone was also switched off. Police immediately swung into action and raided different suspected hideouts of the accused but no fruitful result could be archived. On finding some vital clue about his presence at , Haryana. A Police Party dispatched there immediately and with their strenuous efforts, accused has been arrested from his cousin‟s house. During sustained interrogation, it came notice that he is also involved in a dowry death case at Phagwara. The above said rape case is being investigated by Women Police Station and the assistance of P.S. Sarangapur has been sought to crack this case

14. 13.05.2016 Free eye checking camp for the Chandigarh Police Officials

On 13.05.16 Women Police Station & Anti Human Trafficking Unit under the kind supervision/guidance of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU and in collaboration of HDFC Bank & Grewal Eye Institute organised a free eye checking camp for the Police Officials of Chandigarh Police in the premises of Building, Sector-17, Chandigarh. The said camp was organised from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM with the sincere efforts of Inspector Gurjeet Kaur, SHO, Women Police Station. In this camp, approximately 150 Police officers availed this free facility provided by the Grewal Eye Institute. During the camp faculties of HDFC has also informed about the various loans and other banking product to facilitates to Chandigarh Police personal at concessional rates offered by HDFC Bank

15. 15.5.2016 On 15.06.2016, the Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Women Police Station of Chandigarh Police organized a five days Youth Empowerment Camp for young females under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala, DSP/W&CSU at Balmiki Dharamshala, Bapu Dham Colony, Sector 26, Chandigarh. Insp. Gurjeet Kaur, SHO/WPS, Insp. Reena Yadav I/C AHTU and SI Malook Singh I/C PP BDC attended the said camp. About 60 girls have attended this camp. Insp. Reena Yadav welcomed the gathering and Insp. Gurjeet Kaur SHO/WPS addressed the girls on Human Trafficking, women related issues & rights of women. Ms. Sangeeta Jund, Project Director Y.T.T.S. enlightened the life skills, personnel hygiene, self protection, nutrition diet etc to the attendees. SI Malook Singh I/S PP- BDC gave vote of thanks. In the furtherance of this camp, women & child support unit is going to organize the computer training programme for the youth in Police Lines, Sector 26, Chandigarh.

16. 25.05.2016 Seminar on the International Missing Children’s day

Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police in association with District legal service authority, UT , Chd organised a seminar on the International Missing Children‟s day at Kendriya Vidhalaya, Sector- 31, Chandigarh to generate awareness on the topic Child Labour, Human Trafficking, Beggary and about missing children. Sh. Amrinder Sharma, CJM cum secretary, DLSA and Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU informed about the existing Legal provisions and activities being conducted by Chd. Police including the details of the Muskaan, Smile 1 Smile 2 initiatives. SI Sarbjit Kaur, AHTU enlightened the students that they should share information with this unit about the exploitation of Children employed against their wishes & important helpline numbers were also given to the students to make call in case of need. 60 students of L.S. technology, Sec- 31, Chd had attended the said programme. The public can contact the Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) to share the information on phone No 0172-2704100.Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria welcomed the chief guest and vote of thanks were given by Mr. Kulmeet Singh, Traffic Marshal, Chandigarh Police.

17. 01.06.2016 Inauguration of self defence training camp for the girls/women

Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Women Police Station of Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU started self defence training camp for the girls/women at Multipurpose Hall, Police Lines, Sector-26, Chandigarh. Sh. Tajender Singh Luthra IPS, IGP/UT was the chief guest and inaugurated the camp on 01.06.2016. Dr. Sukhchain Singh Gill, IPS, SSP/UT along with other officers of Police Department was present on the occasion.

The camp has been organized to make the girls/women self dependent so that they can save themselves in case of any untoward incident. The training will be for 15 days in two different batches w.e.f. 01.06.16 to 15.06.16 and 16.06.16 to 30.06.16 and timing of courses is 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The girls and women from different schools, colleges, work places and women police officials from IRB, Traffic and security have joined the training camp.

18. 05.07.2016 Self Defence Training Programme organized by Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Women Police Station of Chandigarh Police, for the girls/women of Chandigarh, was concluded on 05.07.2016 under the supervision of Sh. Davinder Sharma, DSP/W&CSU at Multi-purpose Hall, Sector 26, Chandigarh. Sh. Ravi Kumar, IPS, SP/Operations, UT, Chandigarh was the chief guest who distributed certificates to the participants and also addressed the gathering. The camp was organized to make the girls/women self dependent so that they can save themselves in case of any untoward incident. The training was for 15 days in two different batches w.e.f. 01.06.16 to 15.06.16 and 16.06.16 to 30.06.16. During self defence training, the girls/women were imparted training on different techniques of defending themselves. The various demos on eve-teasing, chain snatching, knife protection, front fall, body hold & neck hold were also performed. The girl/women and their parents appreciated the initiative and requested to arrange such more training programme in future. The function ended with vote of thanks. 19. 05.07.2016 Self Defence Training Programme organized by Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Women Police Station of Chandigarh Police, for the girls/women of Chandigarh, was concluded on 05.07.2016 under the supervision of Sh. Davinder Sharma, DSP/W&CSU at Multi-purpose Hall, Sector 26, Chandigarh. Sh. Ravi Kumar, IPS, SP/Operations, UT, Chandigarh was the chief guest who distributed certificates to the participants and also addressed the gathering. The camp was organized to make the girls/women self dependent so that they can save themselves in case of any untoward incident. The training was for 15 days in two different batches w.e.f. 01.06.16 to 15.06.16 and 16.06.16 to 30.06.16. During self defence training, the girls/women were imparted training on different techniques of defending themselves. The various demos on eve-teasing, chain snatching, knife protection, front fall, body hold & neck hold were also performed. The girl/women and their parents appreciated the initiative and requested to arrange such more training programme in future. The function ended with vote of thanks. 20. 04.11.2016 Women Safety Rally Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Sh. S.P.S. Sondhi, DSP/W&CSU organized an awareness programme at Plaza, Sector 17 during celebration of 7th Police Week by Chandigarh Police. Total 350 students from different schools and police officials attended the programme. During the programme, a play on the issues of child abuse, sexual assault and eve-teasing prevailing in the society was performed with the massage to report the crime to police and a demonstration on Self Defense by police officials was also given to save oneself in case of any untoward incidents. At the end of the programme, the chief guest Sh. Eish Singhal (IPS), SSP/Sec. and Traffic addressed the gathering and flagged off the rally on Women Safety. The rally ended at Rose Garden.

21. 24.01.2017 Celebration of Nation Girl Child Day On dt. 24.01.17, Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chd celebrated National Girl Child Day at Plaza, Sector 17, Chd. Total 250 students from different schools and about 1000 public persons attended the programme. During celebration a flash mob and a skit was played on girl child related issues prevailing in the society. Smt. Madhu P. Singh, Social Activist and Mr. Manpreet Singh, Legal Advisor of ICICI Bank delivered lectures about the rights of girls. Sh. S.P.S. Sondhi, DSP/W&CSU also addressed the gathering and flagged off the rally displaying the play cards on safety of girl child. The rally ended at Rose Garden. 22. 24.01.2017 Celebration of Nation Girl Child Day On dt. 24.01.17, Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chd celebrated National Girl Child Day at Plaza, Sector 17, Chd. Total 250 students from different schools and about 1000 public persons attended the programme. During celebration a flash mob and a skit was played on girl child related issues prevailing in the society. Smt. Madhu P. Singh, Social Activist and Mr. Manpreet Singh, Legal Advisor of ICICI Bank delivered lectures about the rights of girls. Sh. S.P.S. Sondhi, DSP/W&CSU also addressed the gathering and flagged off the rally displaying the play cards on safety of girl child. The rally ended at Rose Garden. 23. 27.02.2017 On 27.10.2017, HC Gurwinder Singh of AHTU, has traced out a missing/abducted girl R/o Manimajra, Chadnigarh age about 15 years under case FIR No. 244/2016 U/S 363, 366 IPC, PS-MM, Chandigarh.

24. 01.03.2017 to International Women week celebrated by Women and Child 08.03.2017 Support Unit & AHTU from 01.03.2017 to 08.03.2017 Release of Annual Booklet 2016 of W&CSU and Awareness Programme

Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police celebrated International Women week wef 1.03.2017 to 08.03.2017 under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh. During this many awareness Programme were organized for general public.

On 01.03.17 awareness programme at Dharmshala, vill. Khuda Lahora, Chd. has been organized. Total 100 women/girls had attended this programme. Mr. Rakesh Sharma, Sarpanch of Vill. Khuda Lahora welcomed the gathering. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU addressed the women/girls and made them aware about the malices prevalent in the society in general and also those concerning the women and children in particular. They were also made aware about the initiative taken by Chandigarh Police to help women in distress. Insp Gurjeet Kaur SHO/Women Police Station sensitized them about Juvenile Justice Act, POCSO Act, Human Trafficking, Child related issues, child abuse and Apps launched by Chandigarh Police. They also requested to share such type of information with the police. Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria also enlightened the women/girls about their rights and duties. Mrs. Kiran Bala, Principal of Govt. Model Sr. Sec School, Khuda Lahora, Chd. appreciated the effort of Chandigarh Police.

On 02.03.17 awareness programme at Railway Station has been organized. Total 100 general public had attended this programme. Insp Gurjeet Kaur SHO/Women Police Station sensitized about Women & Child related issues, child abuse and Apps launched by Chandigarh Police. They also requested to share such type of information with the police. Insp Maninder Singh I/C AHTU has addressed the gathering. Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria also enlightened the public about their rights and duties.

On 03.03.17 awareness programme at Burail has been organized. Total 100 general public i.e men, women & Children had attended this programme. Insp Arti Goyal Insp/Women Police Station sensitized about public. Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria enlightened the public about Women & Child related issues, child abuse and Apps launched by Chandigarh Police. They also requested to share such type of information with the police. The programme was conducted with „votes of thanks by Sh. Balwinder Sharma member of Sanatan Dharam Mandir, Burail, Chandigarh.

On 04.03.17 awareness programme at Beant Singh Memorial parking, Sec- 42, Chandigarh has been organized. Total 100 general public i.e men, women & Children had attended this programme. Insp Gurjeet Kaur SHO/Women Police Station sensitized about Women & Child related issues, child abuse and Apps launched by Chandigarh Police. They also requested to share such type of information with the police. Yoga and Self Defence demo has also presented. Insp Maninder Singh I/C AHTU has addressed the gathering and sensitized about Human Trafficking. Ms. Mohinder Kaur Kataria enlightened the gathering.

On 06.03.17 Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police during the celebration of International Women Week, organized a painting Competition at Sorem School, Sec-36, Chd at under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh. Sh. Amrinder Sharma CJM/Chd. was the Chief Guest. Prizes have been distributed to winners. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU, Insp Gurjeet Kaur SHO/WPS and Insp. Maninder Singh I/C AHTU have also attended the said programme.

On 07.03.2017 W&CSU has organized two awareness programme under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh, IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh, one at PGI, Nursing Institute, Sec-12, Chd. Total 120 Students had attended this programme. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU addressed the gathering and made them aware about the malice prevalent in the society against women & children. They were also made aware about the initiative taken by Chandigarh Police to help women in distress. Insp Gurjeet Kaur SHO/Women Police Station sensitized them about Women & Child related issues and child abuse. They also requested to share such type of information with the police. Annual Booklet 2016 of W&CSU has been released by W/SSP/UT/Chandigarh Dr. Eish Singhal, IPS in the presence of W/SP/Operations Sh. Ravi Kumar, IPS, DSP/W&CSU, DSP/Cyber Crime and DSP/Central. Dr. Eish Singhal, IPS/SSP/HQ Chandigarh flagged off the cycle rally, organized at Women Police Station ending at Rose Garden. Total 70 Lady constable have been participated displaying the placards on safety of girl child and other women related issues. Besides above Self Defense Programme was at Ryan International School (Total 50 students have been participated) from 03.03.17 to 07.03.17. 25. 20.03.2017 On 28.02.2017 email was received regarding admissing of new child from Snehalya, Maloya, ChandigarhAfter deep scrutiny of the documents of these children,H/C Gurvinder singh traced the parental address of said children in Nepal. He personally visited the address #130 Sector- 38,Chandigarh at the home of both children and informed the uncle about Master Ayte&Master Hume lodged at Snehalaya. (after completing the documentation formalities child will be handed over to his parents shortly). The counseling of child was done by AHTU team. HC Gurvinder Singh 3187/CP also traced the parents of Master Ayte and Master Hume. 26. 22.04.2017 Awareness Programme by AHTU

An awareness programme was organized at CTP, Sector 23, Chandigarh for students of Govt. High School, Hallo Majra, Chandigarh in which total 50 students attended this programme. They were sensitized about Human Trafficking, Child Abuse, Child related issues and apps launched by Chandigarh Police. They were also requested to share such type of information with the police. 27. 29.04.2017 Missing Children traced out by AHTU

During door to door survey 8 missing children were found traced by AHTU who were missing in the eight cases.

Besides this on 29.03.2017 email received from Snehalaya to trace the parents of missing boy. With the efforts of Chandigarh Police the address of missing boy was traced and information given to parents of missing boy. The child was handed over to parents after necessary verification and documentation. 28. 02.05.2017 In order to instill confidence and bring about the change in the state of mind that the girls can take on the challenges imposed on them in their day to day life, Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police organized a Self Defense programme under the leadership of Sh. Tajender Singh Luthra, IPS, DGP/UT/Chandigarh and under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh. This programme envisions to cover all the schools in Chandigarh both private and Govt. Schools. In addition to schools & colleges W&CSU also plans to conduct such programmes for female employees. Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh inaugurated the programme at Govt. Model High School, Sector-29-A, Chandigarh and enlightened the audience about the need of self defense in daily life. Mr. Rajesh Kumar Ranchan, Principal of Govt. Model High School, Sector-29-A, Chandigarh appreciated the initiative of Chandigarh Police and requested to arrange such more training programme in future. The function ended with vote of thanks.

29. 29.05.2017 Health Screening Check-Up Camp Women & Child Support Unit is going to organize the Health Screening Check-Up Camp for female under the “Asha Jyoti Scheme” with the collaboration of Dr. N.K Khandelwal, Head of the Deptt. Of Radiology, PGI, Chandigarh on 30.05.2017 from 8.30 AM onwards at Women Police Station, Sec- 17, Chandigarh. All Women employees posted in all Police Stations/Units and the wives of police personnel‟s are invited for this free check up in Home Guard Building, Sec- 17, Chandigarh.

30. 05.07.2017 Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh police has organized Summer Camp 'SWAYAM' Self Defence Training programme for the women/Girls of Chandigarh, in order to make them self dependent to face any untoward incident. This training was organised during the summer vacations from 30.05.17 to 02.07.17 in two batches. Total 250 women/girls of all the age of 5 yrs to 54 yrs have participated in the programme. The Closing function was held today i.e. 05.07.17 at Multipurpose Hall Sec. 26 Chandigarh. Sh. Tajender Singh Luthra, IPS, DGP, UT, Chandigarh was the chief guest of the function, who addressed the gathering. Sh. Alok Kumar, IPS, DIG/UT, Sh. Eish Singhal, IPS, SSP/UT, Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh, IPS, SP/Operations, Sh. Roshan Lal, SP/Communications and Law & Order and the children along with their parents attended the function. The participants gave various demos on self defence techniques, skit on sexual harassment at workplace. DGP/UT also distributed the certificate to the participants. This effort of Chandigarh police was highly appreciated by the participants and their parents. They requested to continue such type of programme in future also. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU also assured that the programme of self defence will be organised in other schools, Collages and working women institution in near future. At the end of the ceremony Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU gave the vote of thanks to the present senior officers and to the participants and their parents. 31. 15.07.2017 Self Defence Traninig The Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police has started conducting one week Self-Defence training program for girls in different schools of Chandigarh Administration from May, 2017. During this week total 545 girl students of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-18, Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-19, Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-20- D, Govt Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-20-B, Chandigarh and Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-23-A, Chandigarh has been trained about the self defence techniques. The girl students have been taught how to protect themselves and to respond in any crisis situation in an appropriate way. The motive of the program is to build self-confidence to deal with any untoward incident and lead safer life. Self defence training will continue in future also.

32. 13.09.2017 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police has organized an awareness programme on Human Trafficking, Child Labour and Help lines run by Chandigarh Police under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chandigarh. Awarness programme was organized at two different places of ISBT, Sec-17, Chandigarh i.e. Paid taxi stand and near PP- ISBT- 17 . Total 75 general public, auto drives, bus drivers, vendors, cycle rickshaws and taxi driver attended this programme. Moreover, on 11.09.17 missing data of 95 children were received from MOB and in this regard 03 teams have been prepared for door to door survey, in which 15 children were found traced and presently residing with their parents. 33. 23.10.2017 AHTU of Chd Police traceout the parents of found/missing boy

Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email on 17.10.17 from Snehalaya to trace out the parents of master Karan, who was got admitted in Snehalya on 23.09.17 under the found/missing category. On this the team of AHTU visited Snehalaya and interacted with the found child Karan. The team of AHTU worked hard to extract information from him. During interaction Karan disclosed that he is from Balongi but did not know the proper address. So, the team of AHTU took the child to Balongi and made efforts with the locals for identification of the child. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU succeeded in tracing the parents i.e. Father Beer Singh and mother Guddi Devi of Karan. Today, master Karan has been reunited with his parents after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chandigarh.

34. 03.11.2017 Police Week: Awareness program related women issues and children safety During 8th Chandigarh Police Week, Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police organized an Awareness program at Plaza, Sector-17 Chandigarh related women issues and children safety under the guidance of Sh. Ravi Kumar IPS, SP/Oprs. Dr. O.P. Mishra IPS, W/DIGP was the Chief Guest on this occasion. A play on „Nari Shakti‟ by College students (highlighting women‟s to raise their voices against violence) and a skit on child abuse by school children was also performed during the programme. A Self Defence demo was also displayed by girl students of Govt. Sr. Sec. School Karsan, Ram Darbar & Vill. Kaimbwala. At the end of the programme, Dr. O.P. Mishra IPS, W/DIGP addressed the gathering. In the evening W&CSU Unit also organized a Rally on Women Safety at EWS Colony, Dhanas. In which 150 lady cops participated with placards in their hands giving message on social evils as well as for Women Empowerment. 35. 18.11.2017 Awareness Campaign „Make my Chandigarh child frendly‟

Today the Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police in collaboration of State legal Services Authority Chandigarh organized a program with the theme „Make my Chandigarh child frendly‟ in pursuance of the 10th days campaign „Connecting to Serve‟ launched by the State legal Services Authority, Chandigarh. During the program various items were performed. A Nukkad Natak on Child Abuse was played by the students of Legal Aid Clinic, Punjab University. The „Swayam‟ self defence team of Chandigarh Police also performed different techniques to save from an untoward incidents. At the end Sh. Mahavir Singh, Secretary, State legal Services Authority, Chandigarh aware the general public about the free legal aid facilities available. Smt. Anjita Chepalaya DSP/W&CSU also made the general public aware about „Swayam‟ self defence training team, an initiative of Chandigarh Police for safety of Children and girls and encouraged the general public to be a part of „Swayam‟. Retd. DGP Sh. V.K Kapoor appreciated the efforts of Chandigarh Police and „Swayam‟ team.

36. 08.12.2017 Awareness Programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour

On 08.12.2017 an awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness was organized at Govt. Model School, Hallo Majra, Chandigarh by team of AHTU & W&CSU of Chandigarh Police. Total 98 persons including children attended this programme. 37. 08.01.2018 Good work of AHTU & W&CSU between 08.01.2018 to 14.01.2018  On 10.01.2018 Awareness programmed was organized by AHTU on Human Tracfficking and Child Labour at Rehri Market, Sector 19, Chandigarh. Total 150 person including children attended this awareness programme.  During door to door survey total 6 children were found traced between age group of 6 to 17 years.  Sincere efforts and counseling was done to the parties having matrimonial disputes in which 36 parties and 229 person attended by police station staff. Total 20 complaints have been disposed off during the week, out of which 08 couple have decided to live together after counseling by Women Police Station.

38. 28.01.2018 Awareness Programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour

An awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness programme was organized at Govt. Model High School, Indira Colony, Manimajra, Chandigarh in which total 1000 students attended the programme. 39. 30.01.2018 Child reunited with parents with efforts of AHTU team Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email from Snehalaya to trace out the parents of master Shiva @ Bunty & Raju @ Namajish, who were got admitted in Snehalaya under the found/missing category. On this the team of AHTU visited Snehalaya and interacted with the found children. During interaction Shiva@ Bunty disclosed that he is from Lucknow but did not know the proper address. After getting some clue, the team of AHTU personally visited LuCknow. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU succeeded in tracing the parents from lucknow. Further, about another child namely Raju, who is a special child with low I. Q, the team of AHTU has worked hard to extract information from him and traced his parents. Now, Master Shiva @ Bunty and Raju have been reunited with their parents with the concerted efforts of Anti Human Trafficking Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the guidance of DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chd and after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chd.

40. 03.02.2018 Awareness Programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour An awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness programme was organized at Panchayat Bhawan, Village Dariya, Chandigarh in which total 140 persons from general public attended the programme.

41. 15.01.2018 An awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness programme was organized at Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Sector 44B, Chandigarh in which total 400 students attended the programme. 42. 28.01.2018 Awareness Programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour

An awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness programme was organized at Govt. Model High School, Indira Colony, Manimajra, Chandigarh in which total 1000 students attended the programme.

43. 30.01.2018 Child reunited with parents with efforts of AHTU team Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email from Snehalaya to trace out the parents of master Shiva @ Bunty & Raju @ Namajish, who were got admitted in Snehalaya under the found/missing category. On this the team of AHTU visited Snehalaya and interacted with the found children. During interaction Shiva@ Bunty disclosed that he is from Lucknow but did not know the proper address. After getting some clue, the team of AHTU personally visited LuCknow. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU succeeded in tracing the parents from lucknow. Further, about another child namely Raju, who is a special child with low I. Q, the team of AHTU has worked hard to extract information from him and traced his parents. Now, Master Shiva @ Bunty and Raju have been reunited with their parents with the concerted efforts of Anti Human Trafficking Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the guidance of DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chd and after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chd.

44. 03.02.2018 Awareness Programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour

An awareness programme on Human Trafficking and Child Labour Awareness programme was organized at Panchayat Bhawan, Village Dariya, Chandigarh in which total 140 persons from general public attended the programme.

45. 21.02.2018 Missing Child Traced by Chd Police

Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email on 26.01.18 from Snehalaya to trace out the parents of master Pappu s/o Bhim Bahadur, who were got admitted in Snehalaya under the found/missing category. On this the team of AHTU visited Snehalaya and interacted with the said children. During interaction it came into light that Pappu is a special child with low I. Q., so, the team of AHTU has to work hard to extract information from him and during counselling he disclosed that he belongs to Tikkar near Shimla but did not know the proper address. After getting some clue, the team of AHTU lead by ASI Laxay Kumar visited Shimla along with Pappu. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU succeeded in tracing the parents of master Pappu, they belongs to Village Tikkar, Distt. Narkanda, HP and worked there in Apple orchid, but their permanent address is village bhagwatimai gaon palika Distt. Dalakh, Jagannath, Nepal. Now, Master Pappu has been re-united with his father Bhim Bahadur & JiJa with the sincere efforts of Anti Human Trafficking Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the guidance of DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chd after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chandigarh.

46. 19.02.2018 to Operation Muskaan 25.02.2018 Operation Muskan was started wef 15.02.2018 to 25.02.2018 for the search of missing children in tricity (Chandigarh, Mohali & ). During this operation data of missing children was obtained from MOB and 7 teams (comprising two Ors) were deputed to UT Area for door to door survey. During the door to door survey, lots of missing children were found present at their homes. The information has been given to concerned police stations and MOB branch. During the operation Muskaan survey total 13 children were found traced in this week. 47. 26.02.2018 Missing Girl Traced by Chd Police

On 26.02.18 at about 12.53 PM, a wireless message received that a girl age 3 years found at Tribune chowk to Modella Light Point road. On this information ASI Balbir Singh reached at the spot where Ram Samaj S/o Nageshwar H. No. 1454/24, Sec 29B Chandigarh met and handed over a girl age about 3 years. A wireless message was flashed through Control room regarding this girl and called to Child Help line. Ms. Virinda, Counselor from Child Help Line reached at PS Ind. Area. In meantime, it came to know that the parents of this girl reached at PS 31 regarding the missing girl and then message give to PS 31 regarding found girl. The Parents‟ of this girl came at PS Ind. Area from PS 31 and statement recorded of this girl‟s father namely Ishrar S/o Panchu H. No. 761, Hallomajra, Chd age 50 years. After the verification, the found girl Shama handed over to her parents in the presence of Virinda, Counselor Child Help Line.

48. 08.03.2018 Awareness Programme on women & child issues on the occasion of Women‟s Day

On 08.03.18 Women and Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police organized an awareness programme under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS, SP/Oprs/Chandigarh at Ram Darbar, Chandigarh. Total about 1000 general public attended this programme. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU motivated gathering. The gathering was asked to break the silence and speak up and report against child abuse and crime against women, whenever they witness any crime or become a victim of a crime. Swayam- Self Defence training team presented a demonstration that how a woman can save herself in any untoward incident. The general public also shared their views and appreciated the program. Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh IPS/SP/Oprs Chandigarh also flagged off the Rally, displaying the Pla Cards on safety of girl child and other women related issues. 49. 08.03.2018 & 10.03.2018 Awareness Programme on women safety and Child related issues

An awareness programme on women safety and Child related issues was organized at at Ram darbar Chandigarh on 08.03.2018. The said awareness programme was also organized at Govt. Model High School, Kajheri, Chandigarh on 10.03.2018 50. 11.03.2018 Good work by Women Police Station

Sincere efforts and counseling have been provided to the parties of matrimonial dispute. 25 parties and 161 persons were attended for counseling. With the efforst 13 couple have decided to live together after counseling by the women police station. Four Self defence training programmes „Swayam‟ were organized during the week 51. 02.04.2018 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police reunited missing children On 02.04.2018, Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police received information from Child Welfare Committee, UT, Chandigarh regarding two children age about 14 years and 15 years rescued by WCHL team. The case was marked to AHTU for enquiry the matter. On this, AHTU interacted with the children and during interaction both child namely Akash @ Sri Ram and Prince disclosed that they belong to Vikas Nagar but they did not know the proper address. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU traced out the parents of bot Children at Vikas Nagar, Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh. Both Child were reunited with their parents after following the proper procedures of law. 52. 28.4.2018 Awareness Programme on women & chile issues Awareness programme regarding women & chile issues was organized at Community Centre, Ramdarbar, Chandigarh in collaboration with State Legal Service Authority in which 1200 persons from general public participated. 53. 16.04.2018 to Missing Children reunited with their families by AHTU & W&CSU 29.04.2018 Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Women Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police got information from Snehalya about three children under categoruy missing/found. On this, AHTU visited Snehalya and interacted with the Children, During interaction, they got clue about their addresses. After sincere efforts, the parents of all three children were traced out and children were handed over to their parents after following proper procedure of law. 54. 06.08.2018 Self Defence Training Programme „Swayam‟ team of Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police started its self defence training programme at MCM DAV College Sec- 36 Chandigarh, with the motive to instill confidence in young girls to tackle any untoward incident they can face in their daily life. At the inauguration of the programme, Mrs. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP/UT Chandigarh made the audience aware about the initiatives of Chandigarh police for women safety. The Chandigarh police has already started a pick and drop facility for women from 11 PM to 5:00AM and Women Help line is also functioning 24x7. Furthermore, the Swayam team is also conducting regular classes at Police Lines Sector-26 Chandigarh. Anyone interested to learn self defence techniques may contact at Phone No. 0172-2700448 and E-mail ID [email protected]. About 500 girls attended the programme.

55. 22.09.2018 Workshop/training for teachers to equip them with necessary skills to carry messages of substance use prevention to students Chandigarh Police under the guidance of Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, DGP, U.T., Chandigarh in partnership with SPYM, Don Bosco Research Centre, Mumbai and Department of Education, Chandigarh UT organized training for teachers of selected schools of Chandigarh from 17th – 22nd September, 2018 at Traffic & Security Lines, Sector 29, Chandigarh. The purpose of the training was to orient the Government school teachers to equip them with necessary skills to carry messages of substance use prevention to students along with enabling them to identify early stages of addiction and risky behavior and facilitate students with ways to deal with such situations. Today, i.e. on 22.09.2018 at 4:00 PM, the concluding ceremony has been organized by Chandigarh Police at Traffic Auditorium, Sec-29, Chandigarh. In this function, Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Hon‟ble Governor of Punjab-cum-Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh was the Chief Guest. Sh. B. L. Sharma, IAS, Secretary Education, Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, W/DGP/U.T., Chandigarh, Sh. O.P. Mishra, DIG, U.T., Chandigarh, Sh. Shashank Anand, IPS, SSP Security & Traffic, Sh. Milind Mahadeo Dumbere, IPS, SSP/Head Quarter, Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP, UT, Chandigarh, Sh. Ravi Kumar Singh, IPS, SP/Oprs. and Sh. Manish, Team Leader “SPYM” were also present in the function. Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, Sr. Superintendent of Police, UT, Chandigarh welcomed the Chief Guest and other dignitaries. She gave speech on the importance of this workshop. A presentation on Drug Abuse was presented by Sh. Manish, Team Leader (SPYM) and the some participant teachers shared their views/experience to combat the drug abuse. Sh. B. L. Sharma, IAS, Secretary Education addressed the audience and appreciated this initiative of Chandigarh Police with the collaboration of “SPYM”. Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, W/DGP/Chandigarh has also delivered short speech to make the city beautiful drug free by initiating such type of workshops ear future. Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Hon‟ble Governor of Punjab-cum- Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh gave short speech on the menace of drug abuse and the role of the teachers as well as parents to curb this menace. He also advised the police department to keep continue such programme in slums area on regular basis being the national issue. He also appreciated police as well as “SPYM” for conducting this workshop in a decent manner.

56. 16.11.2018 Programme on Women Safety “SWAYAM” On 16.11.2018, Chandigarh Police under the guidance of Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, DGP, U.T., Chandigarh has organized a Programme on Women Safety at Hockey Ground, MCM, DAV, Sec-36, Chandigarh. During this programme about 550 girls of MCM DAV College presented Mass Demonstration on Self Defence Techniques learned by them during training imparted by “SWAYAM” Team of Chandigarh Police. The purpose of the training was to equip young girls with the basic self defence skills through which they can come out any unwarranted situation that life can put them in. This training also gives them the confidence to respond to any crisis situation in appropriate way. Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Hon‟ble Governor of Punjab-cum-Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh was the Chief Guest on the occasion and Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, W/DGP/U.T., Chandigarh, Sh. Shashank Anand, IPS, SSP Security & Traffic, Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP, UT, Chandigarh, Ms. Anjitha Chepyala, DSP/W&CSU were also present to grace the occasion. Ms. Nilambari V. Jagadale, IPS, Sr. Superintendent of Police, UT, Chandigarh welcomed the Chief Guest and other dignitaries. Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, W/DGP/Chandigarh also delivered short speech appreciating the initiative taken by the W&CSU. Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Hon‟ble Governor of Punjab-cum-Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh applauded the efforts of Chandigarh Police and advised to emulate this efforts at National Level. He further went on saying that honesty is in DNA of Women and India needs more women in forefront for the country to progress. His Excellency also honoured the principals of different schools/colleges of Chandigarh for extending their cooperation to make the “SWAYAM” a success.

57. 11.01.2019 Awareness programme „Khushhaal Bachpan‟ as a part of Operation Muskaan On 11.01.19 Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police in collaboration with State Legal Service Authority organized an awareness programme „Khushhaal Bachpan‟ as a part of Operation Muskaan under the supervision of Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU Chandigarh at Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Dhanas, Chandigarh. Mr. Mahavir Singh member secretary State legal service Authority and Mr. Amrinder Sharma member secretary District Legal Service Authority also preside over the function. Total about 450 Students of different schools were attended this programme. Ms. Harjinder Kaur Chairperson, CCPCR addressed the students and appreciated the efforts of AHTU as well as State legal service Authority Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU also motivated the gathering. The gathering was asked to break the silence and speak up and report against child abuse and child labour. Whenever they witness any crime or become a victim of a crime. Students of Ajit Karam Singh International Public School, Sec-41, Doon Bosco Navjeevan Society and Students of SLSA were presented a play on Human Trafficking and Drugs. The programme was conducted with „votes of thanks by Sh. Ramesh Kumar, Vice Principle of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Chandigarh.

58. 31.01.2019 Inauguration of Child Friendly Room Child Friendly Room has been set up in the premises of Women & Child Support Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the supervision of Smt. Nilambari Jagdale IPS, SSP/UT/Chandigarh. Today on 31.01.19, Sh. Sanjay Baniwal IPS, DGP/UT, Chandigarh inaugurated this Child Friendly Room. This is the first child friendly room of Chandigarh Police with all basic amenities for caters to the children. It intends to provide congenial atmosphere for children who come along with their parents to the Women Police Station for counseling. On this occasion, a play was presented by the students of AKSIP School, Chandigarh on Human Trafficking prevalent in the society. „Roopak‟ NGO also presented a play „Bhediya‟ showing how to raise voice against evil vices in the society against women. Four children –Himanshi, Komal, Angad and Shiv trained by the Swayam team who won medals in Sub- Junior National WUSHU tournament held at Jallandhar in various categories were facilitated by DGP/Chandigarh. Smt. Anjitha Chepyala DSP/W&CSU presented a report on the working of Women & Child Support Unit and also the vision for the following year which includes making Chandigarh Child Friendly city. All the police station in Chandigarh would be made child friendly. In Addition to this child safety nets would be set up by tying with the civil society to empower children and youths. Women Police Station would work towards making every home in Chandigarh violence free. DGP Chandigarh appreciated the efforts of Women & Child Supports Unit and encouraged them to further simplify the process so that justice is delivered to the victim of domestic violence and matrimonial discord. Sh. O.P Mishra DIG/Chandigarh , DSP Rashmi Yadav, DSP Harjit Kaur, DSP Sukhraj Katewa and ASP Vineet Kumar too attended the event.

59. 01.03.2019 Head Constable Jaswant Rai of Chandigarh Police won one gold & one bronze medal in National Level Competition Head Constable Jaswant Rai Belt No. 3494/CP of Chandigarh Police brought laurel to the department by winning two medals in 2nd National Master Games held at Dehradun, (UK) between 24 feb to 27 feb 2019. He is presently posted at Women Police Station Sector 17, Chandigarh. In the year 2017, he got minor heart attack and doctor advised him brisk walk to overcome the health disease. He started from light exercises and gradually he enhanced it and competes in National Level competition. This is the result of his hard work that he won gold medal in 5000 meter walk and also got bronze medal in 1500 meter run in his category of 50 years plus. Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, Director General of Police, UT, Chandigarh appreciated his achievements at National level competition. Sh. Sanjay Baniwal, IPS, Director General of Police, UT, Chandigarh congratulated him and shared the wining moment at Police Headquarters, UT, Chandigarh.

60. 08.03.2019 Awareness programmes by Chandigarh Police on International Women‟s Day On the occasion of International Women‟s Day, Women & Child support Unit of Chandigarh Police organized awareness programmes at different venues Sukhna Lake, Plaza, Sector-17, Elante Mall. At the inauguration Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP/UT, Chandigarh made the audience aware about the initiatives of Chandigarh Police on women safety and also made aware about Pick and drop facility for women at late night by Chandigarh Police. The gathering was asked to break the silence and speak up and report crime against women. On these venues „Roopak‟ and ‟Samvad‟ group performed play on women related issues. The „Swayam‟ team of Chandigarh Police has also demonstrated Self defense techniques to come out of any untoward incidence. The young participants which have been given name of „Ladli‟ and „Ladli Rakshak‟ took pledge on women safety & security. The rally displaying slogans on Women Safety was flagged off by the Chief Guest Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP/UT, Chandigarh from Sukhna Lake to Rock Garden. Ms. Neha Yadav, IPS, SDPO/South, Chandigarh presided the awareness programme at Plaza, Sector-17, Chandigarh. Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, CPS, DSP/W&CSU and Public Relation Officer was the chief guest at Elante Mall, he cut the cake on Women‟s day along with other staff members.

61. 03.04.2019 Missing body reunited with parents Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email dated 21.02.2019 from Snehalaya, Maloya to trace out the parents of master Ajay, Age – 14 years, who was got admitted in Snehalaya under the found/missing category. On this the team of AHTU visited Snehalaya and interacted with the found children. The team of AHTU has worked hard to extract information from him. During interaction Master Ajay was not able to tell his parents and the proper address. The Team was constituted to trace out the parents of child under the leadership of Incharge Insp. Sukhdweep Singh. This Team of AHTU visited different places i.e. villages and colonies of Chandigarh to find the parents of Master Ajay. After getting some clue, the team of AHTU personally visited Kajehri, Chandigarh. After sincere efforts the team of AHTU succeeded in tracing the parents of child Master Ajay. The team of AHTU visited at Snehalaya Maloya alongwith the mother of Master Ajay namely Sundari W/o Feru R/o # 603, Kajehri, Chandigarh. The happiness of mother of Master Ajay touch the sky when she met her son. Now, Master Ajay has been re-united with his parents with the concerted efforts of Anti Human Trafficking Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the guidance of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chd and after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chandigarh. 62. 01.05.2019 Awareness Programme „Khushhaal Bachpan‟ On 01.05.19, Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police in collaboration with State Legal Service Authority organized an awareness programme „Khushhaal Bachpan‟ on the occasion of Labour Day under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU Chandigarh at Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Kaimbwala, Chandigarh. Sh. Mahavir Singh Member Secretary State Legal Service Authority and Sh. V.K. Kapoor, ADGP (Retd) Haryana preside over the function. Total about 250 Students had attended this programme. Mr. Mahavir Singh addressed the students and appreciated the efforts of AHTU as well as State Legal Service Authority. Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU also motivated the gathering and briefed about the working of Anti Human Trafficking Unit and Insp. Sukhdweep Singh (I/C AHTU) also addressed to the school children and important knowledge regarding child labour, Human Trafficking. The gathering was asked to break the silence and speak up and report against Human Trafficking and child labour. Students of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Kaimbwala and the team of Don Bosco had presented a play on Human Trafficking and Drugs. The programme was concluded with „vote of thanks by Dr. Sukhjit Kaur, Principle of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Kaimbwala, Chandigarh.

63. 27.05.2019 Awareness programme on the occasion of „International Child Missing Day‟ On 27.05.19, Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police in collaboration with State Legal Service Authority organized an awareness programme on the occasion of „International Child Missing Day‟ under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU Chandigarh at Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Sec-10, Chandigarh. Ms. Harjinder Kaur, Chairperson, CCPCR, Sh. Mahavir Singh Member Secretary State Legal Service Authority and Ms. Navjot Kaur, PCS, Director Social Welfare Department preside over the function. Total about 300 Students had attended this programme. Ms. Harjinder Kaur, Chairperson CCPCR and Mr. Mahavir Singh addressed the students and appreciated the efforts of AHTU as well as State Legal Service Authority. Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU also motivated the gathering and briefed about the working of Anti Human Trafficking Unit. He also addressed to the school children and gave important knowledge regarding child labour, Human Trafficking. The gathering was asked to break the silence, speak up and report against Human Trafficking & child labour. Students of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Kaimbwala, GMSSS, Sec-10, State Legal Service Authority and the team of Don Bosco played a skit on Human Trafficking, Child Labour and Drugs. The programme was concluded with „votes of thanks‟ by Sh. Harbir Singh Anand, Dy. DEO-cum-Principal of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sec-10, Chandigarh. 64. 14.06.2019 Five days workshop on Women Safety Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police under the guidelines of BPR&D has conducted 5 days workshop on Women Safety at Recruit Training Centre w.e.f 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019. The workshop was inaugurated by Smt. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, W/SSP/UT, Chandigarh and its valediction was done by Smt. Niharika Bhatt, IPS, SP/City today i.e. on 14.06.2019. In the workshop, 25 investigating Officers of Chandigarh Police were imparted training by faculty Members on different women related crimes and the KITS provided by BPR&D were distributed amongst all the participants. The Chief Guest lauded the role of faculty members in imparting the training to the participants on Women Safety. On the valediction, the moments were given to the faculty members and certificates were given to the participants (Investigating Officers) by the Chief Guest.

65. 29.06.2019 Self Defense Training for the Women/Girls of Chandigarh Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh police organized Summer Camps 'SWAYAM' on Self Defense Training for the women/Girls of Chandigarh during summer vacations, in order to make them self dependent to face any untoward incident. These summer camps were organized from 01-06-2019 to 29-06-2019 in two batches. Total 375 participants of different age group from 8 to 54 years had participated in the self defense training programme. Today, closing ceremony of Self Defense Training Summer Camps under “SWAYAM” was held at Multipurpose Hall Police Lines, Sector-26, Chandigarh. Ms. Neha Yadav, IPS, ASP/W&CSU, UT, Chandigarh delivered the welcome address to all present there. Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police, UT, Chandigarh was the chief guest at this function. The participants of training programme presented Mass Demonstration on Self Defense Techniques which they learned from training imparted during Self Defense Training Summer Camp of Chandigarh Police. The cultural activities like Gidha / Bhangra were also performed by the participants. The function was attended by parents of children and they highly appreciated the efforts of Chandigarh police for works done and steps taken in women safety. They requested to continue such type of programme in future also. The purpose of the training was to equip young girls with the basic self defense skills through which they can come out of any unwarranted situation that life can put them in. This training raised their confidence to respond any crisis situation in appropriate way.

Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, SSP/Chandigarh addressed the gathering and appreciated the initiatives taken by the Swayam team of Women & Child Support Unit of Chandigarh Police. The Chief Guest also distributed certificates to all the participants of Self Defense Training Camp for their further encouragement.

At the end, Ms. Neha Yadav, IPS, ASP/W&CSU, UT, Chandigarh also conveyed thanks to all the participants for making this event successful and wished all the best to all participants for their bright future.

66. 22.07.2019 Missing Girl reunited Anti Human Trafficking Unit of W&CSU received an email dated 01.05.2019 from Aashiana, Sec-15, Chandigarh to trace out the parents of girl child namely Kajal, Age – 14 years, who was got admitted in Aashiana, Chandigarh under the category of runaway. During the Operation Muskaan „V‟ the team was constituted under the leadership of Insp. Sukhdweep Singh comprising two officials namely HC Rakesh Singh, 736/CP and Const. Satish, 3739/CP. All the details of girl child Kajal was collected from Aashiana, Chandigarh. The officials of Aashiana, Sec-15, Chandigarh told that she belongs to village - Shodapur, . This team of Operation Muskaan „V‟ visited to Panipat, Haryana and traced out the parents of girl child Kajal after sincere efforts. In this regard, a FIR No. 105, dated 10.02.2019 has already been lodged in Model Town, Police Station, Panipat, Haryana. This team returned back to Aashiana, Sec-15, Chandigarh alongwith the parents of girl child Kajal on 22.07.2019. The happiness of mother (Seema) of girl child Kajal touch the sky when they met her daughter. Now, girl child Kajal has been re-united with her parents with the concerted efforts of Anti Human Trafficking Unit, Sec- 17, Chandigarh under the guidance of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU, Sec- 17, Chd and after following the proper procedure before Child Welfare Committee, Chandigarh. 67. 19.08.2019 SSP/UT appreciated/motivated Children/players won 17 medals in sub-junior, cadets & junior state judo championship

To give significance to sports/games and to encourage the children towards sports/games, many initiatives have already been launched by Chandigarh Police to motivate them about health & hygiene. In this manner, Swayam Team of Chandigarh Police has given training of Judo, Wushu and Self Defense to the children/players and among these 24 players trained by Swayam team of Chandigarh Police, 17 players have won medals while participated in sub-junior, cadets & junior state judo championship held at Sports Complex, Sector 34, Chandigarh between 16 August to 18 August 2019. Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police, UT, Chandigarh appreciated the achievements of these young sports persons trained by Chandigarh Police who got medals at this state level competition. SSP, Chandigarh congratulated the medal winners and also to the trainers of Chandigarh Police Swayam Team who also worked hard behind their efforts. SSP/UT shared the wining moment with them at Police Headquarters, UT, Chandigarh. 68. 28.12.2019 On 28.12.2019, One day, State Level Conference on “Anti Human Trafficking” for police officials and stake holders i.e. State Legal Service Authority, District Legal Service Authority, Social Welfare Department, Para Legal Volunteers, Principal of Schools, NGO of Don Bosco, Sakhi & One Stop Centre organized by Anti Human Trafficking Unit of Chandigarh Police under the guidelines of GOI/MHA, New Delhi has conducted at Multimedia Hall, Recruit Training Center, Sector-26,

Chandigarh under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU Chandigarh. In this conference, Sh. Neil Roberts, Coordinator, District Legal Service Authority, Sh. Gurcharan Singh, Faculty Cyber Crime, CDTI,

Sector-36, Sh. Mahavir Singh, Member Secretary State Legal Service Authority, Sh. B.S. Dogra, Retd. S.P./CBI, Sh. Rajinder Singh, DA, District Court and Mr. Jitender Kamboj, SLSA have delivered the lectures on the following issues/topics and widely discussed:- • Human trafficking its causes and remedies, • Human trafficking and cyber World-Tracing the Perpetrator through Cyber World. • NALSA Scheme on Trafficking, • Intelligence gathering on Human Trafficking • Laws and effective prosecution of Trafficking crime • Awareness about Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act. Sh. Manoj Kumar Meena, IPS, SP/Police Head Quarters was present on the valedictory of the conference and delivered a brief lecture on the issues relating to Human Trafficking. Besides this, he also distributed the participation certificates amongst the 90 participants. 69. 3.11.2020 Counselling to couples in disputes by W&CSU On 03.11.2020, 1st Karwa Chauth Ceremony has been organised by Women & Child Support Unit on the eve of Karva Chauth, 2020. Mrs. Kiran Singh Vice President of Family Welfare Society of Chandigarh Police Chaired the function. A creative initiative was thought of by SHO/WPS to encourage harmony amongst couples in dispute. They were gifted by a red dupatta and hamper of auspicious Karva Chauth items from team of Women Police Station. During the function, couples were invited who earlier gave complaints of harassment and violence, but successfully made their life happier with their best efforts and counseling provided by Women Police Station Staff under the guidance of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, DSP/W&CSU as well as Insp. Parvesh Sharma, SHO/WPS. The efforts made by Women Police Station staff was also appreciated by the guests. Chief Guest also motivated the couples and the staff of Women & Child Support Unit. During the function, garlands were exchanged between the couple with the promise to maintain their relations as per their wedding rituals, in future as well.