Received 26 May 2015 | Accepted 23 Oct 2015 | Published 3 Dec 2015 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 OPEN Osteoclasts control reactivation of dormant myeloma cells by remodelling the endosteal niche

Michelle A. Lawson1,2,*, Michelle M. McDonald3,4,*, Natasa Kovacic3, Weng Hua Khoo3,5, Rachael L. Terry3,4, Jenny Down3, Warren Kaplan3,4, Julia Paton-Hough1,2, Clair Fellows1,2, Jessica A. Pettitt3, T. Neil Dear6, Els Van Valckenborgh7, Paul A. Baldock3,4, Michael J. Rogers3,4, Colby L. Eaton2,8, Karin Vanderkerken7, Allison R. Pettit9, Julian M.W. Quinn3, Andrew C.W. Zannettino6,10, Tri Giang Phan 3,4 & Peter I. Croucher3,4

Multiple myeloma is largely incurable, despite development of therapies that target myeloma cell-intrinsic pathways. Disease relapse is thought to originate from dormant myeloma cells, localized in specialized niches, which resist therapy and repopulate the tumour. However, little is known about the niche, and how it exerts cell-extrinsic control over myeloma cell dormancy and reactivation. In this study, we track individual myeloma cells by intravital imaging as they colonize the endosteal niche, enter a dormant state and subsequently become activated to form colonies. We demonstrate that dormancy is a reversible state that is switched ‘on’ by engagement with bone-lining cells or osteoblasts, and switched ‘off’ by osteoclasts remodelling the endosteal niche. Dormant myeloma cells are resistant to chemotherapy that targets dividing cells. The demonstration that the endosteal niche is pivotal in controlling myeloma cell dormancy highlights the potential for targeting cell-extrinsic mechanisms to overcome cell-intrinsic drug resistance and prevent disease relapse.

1 Department of Oncology, University of Sheffield Medical School, University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S10 2RX, UK. 2 Mellanby Centre for Bone Research, University of Sheffield Medical School, University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S10 2RX, UK. 3 Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 384 Victoria Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia. 4 St Vincent’s Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia. 5 School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW Australia, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia. 6 South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. 7 Department of Hematology and Immunology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels 1090, Belgium. 8 Department of Human Metabolism and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Sheffield Medical School, University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S10 2RX, UK. 9 Mater Research Institute, The University of Queensland, Translational Research Institute, 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba, Queensland 4102, Australia. 10 School of Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Frome Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. * These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials shouldbe addressed to T.G.P. (email: [email protected]) or to P.I.C. (email: [email protected]).

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | 1 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983

ancer cell dormancy is a poorly understood and often visualization of the cells and structures that make up the bone neglected stage in the evolution of many cancers, where niche. Furthermore, it would have distinct advantages over cross- Cextrinsic signals from the tumour microenvironment sectional intravital microscopy, which may not capture the suppress active growth and proliferation, until more favourable heterogeneity within and between different animals. Nevertheless, conditions arise1,2. This is a major clinical problem, as dormant to image dormant myeloma cells in vivo, a robust method is cancer cells may disseminate at an early stage in the disease3, required to discriminate resting from actively dividing cancer cells. become resistant to conventional therapies that target dividing Intravital dyes such as carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester, which cells1 and persist as minimal residual disease (MRD), which can label intracellular , have relatively short half-lives and are be reactivated to promote disease relapse long after treatment unsuitable for the study of long-term cancer cell dormancy. cessation4. In the skeleton, dormant cells may co-exist in Fluorescent stem cell markers have been used to track HSCs and equilibrium with the bone microenvironment for years before study the epithelial stem cell niche, but these reporters may lack reactivation and clinical relapse. In this regard, multiple specificity when used in isolation29–32. myeloma, a primary haematological malignancy arising in bone, To address this, here we have developed a method for dynamic exemplifies the major therapeutic challenges posed by cancer cell longitudinal imaging of dormant myeloma cells within intact long dormancy. While novel therapies that selectively target cell bones of mice using intravital two-photon microscopy. Myeloma ‘intrinsic’ cancer properties have improved survival5, patients cells are double-labelled with both fixed genetic reporters and continue to relapse and myeloma remains largely incurable. lipophilic membrane dyes, which are retained by non-dividing Hence, understanding the ‘extrinsic’ environmental factors myeloma cells. Intravital microscopy is used to resolve single that regulate myeloma cell dormancy is required to deliver tumour cells as they arrive in bone and engage in the bone niche, complementary treatment strategies to overcome drug resistance to track the transition from dormancy to active growth, and to and achieve complete remission and cure. follow the serial growth of tumour colonies by repeated imaging Recently, whole-genome sequencing has identified key driver of the same mouse at weekly intervals. These studies show that mutations and complex mutation patterns during the natural myeloma cells can be held in a dormant state by osteoblast-like history of myeloma within individual patients6. These cells in the endosteal niche, and this state confers dormant cells longitudinal analyses have revealed marked intra-clonal with drug resistance. Furthermore, direct activation of osteoclasts heterogeneity and shifting clonal dominance during disease can remodel the endosteal surface to release dormant myeloma progression and in response to drug treatments7–9. The ‘waxing cells from the niche and stochastically facilitate their reactivation and waning’ of different myeloma clones (clonal tides) suggests to repopulate the tumour. Thus, myeloma cell dormancy is a that cancer cell growth and proliferation are not fixed genetic reversible state controlled by the extrinsic bone microenviron- programmes8,9 that follow a linear model, but rather a branching ment, which can be manipulated to change the course of the and parallel, ‘Darwinian’, model of clonal evolution that is subject disease. to external selective pressures6,10. These data suggest that myeloma cell clones are able to reversibly switch ‘on’ or ‘off’ Results depending on the presence of favourable or unfavourable Colonizing myeloma cells engage in the endosteal niche. environmental signals. A critical component of this tumour C57BL/KaLwRijHsd mice were injected with syngeneic 5TGM1- microenvironment is the bone niche where myeloma cells initially enhanced green fluorescent (eGFP) murine myeloma cells colonize and are believed to reside11. However, the nature of this and GFP þ cells arriving in the intact tibia were visualized niche and mechanisms that control myeloma cell occupancy are in real time by intravital two-photon microscopy (Fig. 1a–c; poorly defined. Supplementary Movie 1). Rare colonizing myeloma cells were Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have long been known to observed as they migrated from the marrow space towards occupy unique niches within the bone marrow microenvironment endocortical bone surfaces, where they arrested (Fig. 1a–c). His- and this controls HSC dormancy, self-renewal and mobilization. tological analysis confirmed the presence of individual CD138 þ These specialized microenvironments contain cells of the cells adjacent to endosteal bone surfaces 1 and 3 days after osteogenic lineage, perivascular cells and/or endothelial cells, tumour cell inoculation (Fig. 1d). The majority of myeloma cells and remodelling of these niches by osteoclasts regulates niche 12–18 continued to circulate through the bone marrow, where they were occupancy . More recently, leukaemic cells and other cancer only briefly captured in the imaging volume as they flowed cells, including prostate cancer cells, have been shown to engraft 19–21 through in blood vessels (Fig. 1a–c; Supplementary Movie 2). in the HSC niche . However, despite the importance of the These circulating cells were seen throughout the duration of the niche in controlling tumour cell engraftment, the dynamic imaging period (460 min), although the absolute numbers were interactions between colonizing cancer cells and components of likely underestimated, as images were captured at 30-s intervals these specialized niches, and the impact of these interactions on (Fig. 1c). Nevertheless, real-time intravital imaging demonstrated the long-term fate of these cells, is poorly understood. that individual cancer cells directly seed the endosteal bone niche Studying the dynamic interactions between dormant myeloma in the tibia. cells and the bone niche is particularly challenging, because it requires high-resolution deep-tissue imaging through intact bone in a live animal. Nevertheless, intravital microscopy of the bone Visualization of subpopulations of myeloma cells in vivo.To marrow space beneath the bregma in the calvarium22 has been investigate the heterogeneity in cell growth and proliferation within successfully used to study haematopoiesis23 and the HSC populations of myeloma cells, we labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells niche24–27, and has recently been applied to study the with 1,1’-dioctadecyl-3,3,3’,3’-tetramethylindodicarbocyanine (DiD) colonization of bone by leukaemic and myeloma cells20,28. (Fig. 2a). In vitro cultures of double-labelled cells showed a serial However, to date, non-destructive microscopic imaging over dilution of the dye mean fluorescence intensity as GFP þ DiDhi cells periods of weeks to months is yet to be performed to divided and shared the label among daughter cells, which longitudinally track the fate of the same individual myeloma cells progressively became GFP þ DiDlo and finally GFP þ DiDneg as they become activated and escape dormancy. This would be a (Fig. 2b,c). Next, mice were injected with double-labelled (GFP þ significant advance on longitudinal imaging by bioluminescence, DiDhi) cells, and the tibia was analysed by two-photon microscopy which lacks the image resolution and potential for simultaneous and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. Initially,

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 ARTICLE

a b Circulating

0:52:00 0:55:00 0:57:00 0:59:00 1:01:00

0:59:00 1:01:00 Colonizing

0:00:00 0:03:00 0:05:00 0:07:00 0:09:00

c 20 Colonizing cells

Circulating cells Colonizing Circulating 15

0:06:30 1:00:00 + 10 d Number of cells 5

0 132 45678910Total Experiment Naive control Day 1 Day 3

Figure 1 | Intravital two-photon microscopy of cancer cells colonizing bone. (a) Still-frames capturing the arrival of a circulating tumour cell (top panels) and colonizing tumour cell (bottom panels) in real time. Blue, bone; red, vasculature; green, 5TGM1-GFP myeloma cells. Scale bars, 50 mm. It corresponds to Supplementary Movies 1 and 2. (b) Still-frames of the same cells in a showing egress of circulating cell from bone after 2 min and retention of a colonizing cell 41 h in the bone. Blue, bone; red, vasculature; green, 5TGM1-GFP myeloma cells. Scale bars, 20 mm. (c) Proportion of cells that circulated through or colonized the bone marrow in each experiment and total of all experiments. (d) CD138-stained sections from naive, or cell-injected mice at 1 and 3 days post injection. Single CD138 þ cells (brown, black arrows), haematoxylin counterstain. Scale bars, 20 mm. Data represent at least three experiments.

a GFP+DiDhi b P<0.0001 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 100 100 104 80 80 103 cells (%)

cells (%) 60 60 2 hi neg 10 40 40 DiD MFI (DiD) DiD +

+ 1 20 20 10 GFP GFP 0 0 100 0 3 7 10 14 17 21 0 3 7 10141721 0 3 7 10141721 GFP+DiDneg Days post labelling

c Day 0 Day 3 Day 7 Day 10 Day 14 Day 17 Day 21

104 104 104 104 104 104 104 99.4 81.3 3.0 0 0 0 0 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

102 102 16.1 102 102 102 102 102 0 96.4 92.9 37.8 5.7 0.4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DiD DiD 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

0 0 0 0 6.1 0 52.9 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 10 10 93.7 10 99.6 010102 103 104 0102 103 104 0102 103 104 0102 103 104 0102 103 104 0 2 103 104 0 102 103 104


Figure 2 | Labelling and tracking dormant cancer cells in vitro. (a) Schematic of DiD labelling to identify non-dividing cells. (b) FACS analysis of the DiD level over 21 days of in vitro culture showing percentage of DiDhi and DiDneg cells (left, middle panel) and mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of the DiD level (mean±s.e.m., one-way ANOVA). (c) Fluorescent microscopy (top panels) and FACS analysis (bottom panels) of cultured DiD-labelled cells. Numbers indicate percentages of GFP þ cells in the gates. Scale bar, 150 mm.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | 3 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 only GFP þ DiDhi cells were present (Fig. 3a,b); however, as cells molecules and regulatory factors, which have been implicated engrafted and divided, the expansion of GFP þ cells was associated in controlling breast cancer bone metastasis35. Notably, with a dilution of the DiD label (Fig. 3a,b). At later time points GFP þ DiDhi cells also expressed higher levels of the cell when myeloma burden was high, GFP þ DiDhi cells, which had adhesion molecule Vcam1, which has also been implicated in retained the label, and therefore had not divided, were still breast cancer metastasis36, and Axl, a member of the TAM family detectable (Fig. 3a,b). Interestingly, the proportion of GFP þ DiDhi of receptor tyrosine kinases, implicated in prostate cancer cell cells appeared higher at day 7 and subsequent days, when com- dormancy37. pared with earlier time points (Fig. 3b), suggesting that labelled cells can recirculate for several days before eventually colonizing the bone marrow. Two-photon imaging of the entire explanted tibia The endosteal niche reversibly controls myeloma cell growth. detected non-divided GFP þ DiD þ cells at all time points, We next determined the micro-anatomical location of GFP þ even among developing GFP þ DiDneg tumours (Fig. 3c,d; DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells by two-photon microscopy. These Supplementary Fig. 1; Supplementary Movie 3). Furthermore, the studies revealed that dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells were pre- numbers of GFP þ DiD þ cells did not change with time, con- ferentially located in direct contact with endosteal bone surfaces firming the long-term persistence of these cells (Fig. 3d). DiD (defined by the second-harmonic signal from bone collagen), and labelling was also seen in GFPneg endogenous cells (Fig. 3e,f), which this position did not change over time (Fig. 5a–c; Supplementary likely reflects membrane transfer33, and shows the importance of Movie 3). In contrast, activated GFP þ DiDneg cells were pre- using a double-labelling approach with a fixed genetic reporter, ferentially found at locations distant from the bone surface such as GFP, to unequivocally identify engrafted tumour cells. Flow (Fig. 5b,c). To confirm engagement of the endosteal bone niche cytometric analysis demonstrated that 470% of the GFP À DiD þ by dormant myeloma cells, we inoculated DiD-labelled 5T33MM cells were Gr-1 þ and/or CD11b þ myeloid cells. The GFP þ DiDhi cells (GFPneg cells) into Kal-Col-GFP transgenic mice that population contained only 3.26% Gr-1 þ and 3.26% CD11b þ express the emerald GFP protein (emdGFP) under the control of expressing cells (Fig. 3g–i). Thus, the GFP þ DiDhi population was the type-I collagen 2.3-kb promoter, which is expressed by highly enriched for GFP þ DiDhi cells and contained o7% osteoblastic lineage cells38. Individual DiDhi 5T33MM cells were contaminating Gr-1 þ and/or CD11b þ cells. Furthermore, 89% localized directly adjacent to bone surfaces occupied by of dormant GFP þ DiDhi and 96% of the GFP þ DiDneg cells were emdGFP þ cells (Fig. 5d). These data suggested that the CD138 þ , with no difference in intensity between the two endosteal niche actively suppressed myeloma cell growth. We populations. Less than 2% of the GFPnegDiD þ population were therefore cultured DiDhi cells in osteoblast-conditioned media or CD138 þ and fewer than 6% were B220 þ (Fig.3g,i).B220wasnot co-cultured them with MC3T3 murine osteoblast-like cells and expressed on GFP þ DiDhi or GFP þ DiDneg cells (Fig. 3g,i). demonstrated increased numbers of GFP þ DiDhi cells in both Consistent with this, sorted GFP þ DiDhi cells expressed systems as compared with control. These data suggest that factors typical of plasma cells, but not naive B cells or myeloid cells made by osteoblasts suppressed proliferation, maintaining (Fig. 3j). GFP þ DiDhi cells in a dormant state (Fig. 5e,f). In contrast, media conditioned by RAW264.7 macrophages, a surrogate for osteoclasts, promoted the proliferation and growth of A subpopulation of myeloma cells is dormant in vivo. The long- GFP þ DiDhi cells, whereas myeloma cell-conditioned media term retention of DiD in a population of cells suggested that these had no effect (Fig. 5e). cells were dormant, whereas those that had lost DiD had We next asked whether release of dormant myeloma cells from undergone membrane dye dilution due to cell proliferation. Sig- the endosteal niche would reverse this suppression, and whether nificantly more GFP þ DiDhi cells than GFP þ DiDneg cells were re-engagement with the endosteal niche by active myeloma cells detected in the G0 phase of the cell cycle, as determined by Ki67 would return them to a dormant state. In the first instance, we and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining (Po0.001— FACS-sorted GFP þ DiDhi cells from disease-bearing mice on day paired t-test; Fig. 4a,b), while significantly less GFP þ DiDhi cells 17 and cultured them in vitro. By day 4, cultured individual þ hi were in G1, S and G2/M phases (Po0.001, Po0.001 and Po0.05 GFP DiD cells had divided to form small clusters of 2–6 paired t-test, respectively, Fig. 4a,b). FACS sorting and tran- GFP þ cells with a diminished DiD label (Fig. 5g). By day 14, the scriptional profiling of GFP þ DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells from cells had completely lost the DiD label through proliferation, and disease-bearing mice revealed two distinct transcriptional profiles the cell number and DNA content had correspondingly increased with 6,262 differentially expressed genes between the two acti- (Fig. 5g,h). This was recapitulated in vivo by FACS-sorting vation states (Fig. 4c–e). Genes involved in cell cycle and cell GFP þ DiDhi cells, 21 days after cell inoculation, and relabelling replication were downregulated in the GFP þ DiDhi population with DiD before secondary inoculation into naive mice (Fig. 5i). when compared with the GFP þ DiDneg population (Fig. 4f; Upon transfer, these previously dormant cells proliferated and Supplementary Table 1). Furthermore, set enrichment formed tumours. Reciprocally, FACS-sorted active GFP þ DiDneg analysis (GSEA)34 identified gene sets inversely related to cell cells, labelled with an alternative membrane dye CMDiI, were also cycle, and quiescent versus proliferating HSC signatures (Fig. 4g). able to recolonize bone and form tumour (Fig. 5j). Importantly, a Thus, FACS analysis and molecular profiling identified small fraction of the CMDil-labelled cells localized adjacent to the GFP þ DiDhi cells as a dormant population that has undergone endosteal bone surface, retained their dye label and hence did not limited numbers of cell divisions as a result of the downregulation divide (Fig. 5k). Thus, even though the cells had previously been of genes that control cell cycle. actively dividing, re-engagement with the endosteal niche was Importantly, gene expression analysis revealed that the able to suppress the growth of a subpopulation of these cells and dormant GFP þ DiDhi population had a distinct profile of switch on dormancy in vivo. Remarkably, dormant cells were differentially expressed genes when compared with activated detected adjacent to bone surfaces in mice inoculated with either GFP þ DiDneg cells (Fig. 4d). The 100 most significantly GFP þ DiDhi- or GFP þ DiDneg-relabelled cells at similar frequen- upregulated genes and 100 most significantly downregulated cies, indicating that dormancy was not an intrinsic property of genes in GFP þ DiDhi cells are shown in Supplementary Table 2. the cell (Fig. 5k). Collectively, these data suggest that suppression GFP þ DiDhi cells were found to highly express genes related to of myeloma cell growth by the endosteal niche is a transient immune responses, including those encoding interferon-induced reversible state that can be switched ‘on’ or ‘off’.

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 ARTICLE

a 104 Day 3 Day 7 Day 10 Day 14 Day 17 Day 21 103 100 63.8 11.8 0.4 0.05 0.06

102 0 31.9 29.7 1.7 0.5 0.4 DiD DiD 101 0 2.1 55.2 97.5 99.2 99.5 100 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104

GFP b c P<0.0001 Day 3 0.08 60 Day 21

0.06 cells cells 40 hi 0.04 neg DiD DiD

+ 20 0.02 + (% of BM) (% of BM)

GFP 0.00 0 GFP 03710141721 03710141721 Day post injection Day post injection

d ) ef+ neg + 3 No cells GFP cells GFP DiD cells 8 105 105 105 105 0.12 0.25 1.27 6 104 104 104 104 3

3 3 3 3

cells (×10 4 10 10 10 10 hi /mm 102 102 102 2 102 DiD 00 0 + –102 –102 –102 0 0 –102 0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105 GFP

13710141721 DiD DiD GFP GFP Days post injection

+ hi + neg neg hi g GFP+DiDhi GFP+DiDneg GFP-negDiDhi h GFP DiD GFP DiD GFP DiD 105 4.89 2.17 0.55 0.070 14.1 51.8


103 3.26 0.083 60.1

Frequency 0 26.6 7.40 –103 91.8 1.09 99.4 9.98E-3

3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5

(normalized to mode) –10 01010 10 10 –10 01010 10 –10 0 10 10 –10 01010 10 10 –10 01010 10 –10 0 10 10

Gr-1 CD11b CD11b

i Marker GFP+DiDhi GFP+DiDneg GFPneg DiD+ CD11b 2.19±3.74 0.08±0.05 52.90±20.44 3.26 0.37 61.0 Gr-1 1.91±3.27 0.35±0.15 52.96±20.51


CD138 89.84±0.03 96.58±0.02 1.42±0.01 –103 010103 104 105 –103 0103 104 105 –103 0 3 104 105

(normalized to mode) Gr-1 B2200.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 8.00±0.03

j 15 Plasma Näive B cell Macrophage 89.0 96.0 1.5 GFP+DiDhi

Frequency + neg

) GFP DiD 2 10 010103 104 105 0103 104 105 0 3 104 105

(normalized to mode) CD138 5 (RMA log mRNA expression level level mRNA expression 0.00 0.17 5.94

Frequency Cr2 Sdc1 Pax5 Myb Sfpl1 Lyz1 Prdm1 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 Igk-v28 Fcer2a 01010 10 10 01010 10 0 10 10 (normalized to mode) B220

Figure 3 | Labelling and tracking dormant myeloma cells in vivo. (a) FACS analysis of bone marrow (BM) cells after inoculation of GFP þ DiD-labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells. Numbers indicate percentages in the gates. (b) Percentage of total BM of GFP þ DiDhi dormant cells and GFP þ DiDneg cells by FACS analysis from a (individual data points and mean±s.e.m., one-way ANOVA). (c) Two-photon images of the metaphyseal region of explanted tibias harvested at days 3 and 21. White, bone; red, GFP þ DiD þ cells (white arrows); green, GFP þ DiDneg cells. Scale bars, 200 mm. (d) Enumeration of GFP þ DiD þ cells (mean þ s.e.m.). Data represent 4–5 individual mice. (e) FACS plots of BM samples from naive (no cells), mice injected with GFP cells not labelled with DiD (GFP þ DiDneg) or injected with DiD-labelled GFP þ cells (GFP þ DiD þ), % of BM cells presented. (f) FACS plot demonstrating the three populations of cells examined in g–i.(g) Histograms showing the frequency of cells that are CD11b þ , Gr-1 þ , CD138 þ or B220 þ for each cell population from f.(h) FACS plots showing distribution of CD11b and Gr-1-expressing cells in each GFP/DiD population from f.(i) Table showing the % of cells (mean þ s.e.m.) that are CD11b þ , Gr-1 þ , CD138 þ or B220 þ for each cell population from f.(j) Transcript profile of GFP þ DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells showing the expression level of plasma cell, naive B-cell and myeloid lineage genes.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | 5 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983

a DiDhi DiDneg b G0 G1 S G2/M 5 80 80 30 30 10 S G2/M S G2/M P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.05 6.9 8.9 15.7 17.8 104 60 60 G1 G1 20 20

3 29.6 58.0 % 40 Ki67 10 40 G0 G0 10 10 0 45.4 7.9 20 20

0 50K100K150K200K250K0 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K 0 0 0 0 DiDhi DiDneg DiDhi DiDneg DiDhi DiDneg DiDhi DiDneg DAPI

c d e DiDhi DiDneg

DiDhi Differentially regulated transcripts 4 10 N=31,235 P<0.0001 q<0.05 FC>2 FC>4 hi vs neg 514 6,262 991 97 f g 103 Cell cycle GO:0007049 high neg Ndc80 Reactome cell cycle DiD DiD Casp8ap2 Terf2 0.0 P < 0.001 Tuba4a Rpa3 Pmf1 –0.2 FDR < 0.001 DiD Hinfp Hist1h2bh –0.4 Hist1h4a Vps4a Ndc80 102 Esco2 –0.6 Pmf1 DiDNeg Klhdc3 Fgfr1op Katna1 Psmd10 Cenph Hist1h2bg Anapc10 Proliferating vs quiescent HSC Gsg2 2610039c10Rik 0.0 Ola1 neg P < 0.001 Ect2 –102 DiD Kif20b –0.2 FDR < 0.001 Rps6ka2 Suv39h2 Enrichment score Dtl Trip13 –0.4 Bckdhb 3 4 5 Wee1 Sf3b5 0 10 10 10 Rps6ka2 –0.6 Banf1 Chek2 Rpa3 GFP Fam83d Trip13 Figure 4 | Confirmation of GFP þ DiDhi cell population as dormant myeloma cells. (a) FACS plot showing gating of GFP þ DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells in G0, G1, S and G2/M cell cycle phases as determined by Ki67 expression and DAPI staining on day 21. FACS plot shown is pooled data from five mice. (b) Distribution of DiDhi and DiDneg cells in G0, G1, S and G2/M phase of the cell cycle from gating shown in a. Data represent 4–5 individual mice (mean±s.e.m., paired t-test). (c) Gates used for FACS sorting of GFP þ DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells. (d) Heatmap showing differentially expressed genes. (e) Table of differentially transcribed genes between the three cell populations. (f) Gene expression analysis showing genes involved in cell cycle and replication, transcriptional and translational activity, which were expressed at lower levels in dormant cells when compared with GFP þ DiDneg cells isolated from the same mice. (g) Selected regulatory gene sets determined by GSEA, including negative enrichment for gene sets related to cell cycle progression and regulation of HSC quiescence in DiDhi vs DiDneg cells. Dot plots represent concatenated myeloma populations from six tumour-bearing mice.

Limited numbers of dormant myeloma cells get activated.To single CD138 þ cells always exceeded the maximum number of study dormant myeloma cells and their transition to actively colonies (Fig. 6e, middle panel). Taken together, these data sug- proliferating cells, we performed longitudinal two-photon ima- gest that only a small proportion of GFP þ DiDhi cells are acti- ging of the tibia from the same mice at 7, 14 and 20–21 days post vated to form proliferating GFP þ DiDneg colonies, while the cell inoculation (Fig. 6a,b). At day 14, small GFP þ colonies were remainder were maintained in a dormant state. visualized adjacent to bone surfaces (Fig. 6a), which on re-ima- ging at day 20 had increased in size and were associated with what appeared to be osteolytic lesions in the cortical bone Dormant myeloma cells are resistant to melphalan. Since (Fig. 6a, right panels; Supplementary Movie 4). At day 7, indi- conventional anticancer drugs target actively dividing cells, we vidual dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells were localized to endocortical examined the response of GFP þ DiDhi and GFP þ DiDneg cells to bone surfaces and limited numbers of small individual colonies, melphalan, an alkylating agent commonly used to treat myeloma. containing o10 GFP þ DiDneg cells per colony, were identified Indeed, microarray analysis and GSEA demonstrated that gene (Fig. 6b). Re-imaging at days 14 and 21 demonstrated the per- sets involved in the response and sensitivity to melphalan were sistence of dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells (arrows) and the devel- negatively enriched in dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells, suggesting that opment of activated GFP þ DiDneg colonies (Fig. 6b). these cells may be resistant to melphalan due to their lack of Importantly, dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells, transitioning to actively proliferation (Fig. 7a). To test this, we treated disease-bearing growing GFP þ DiDneg cells, were also visualized (Fig. 6b, circles). mice with melphalan and quantified the response by enumeration Immunohistochemistry revealed discrete CD138 þ tumour colo- of dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells and activated GFP þ DiDneg cells by nies (Fig. 6c) and single, CD138 þ cells that had not divided FACS analysis and two-photon microscopy of explanted tibia adjacent to bone surfaces, consistent with the intravital imaging (Fig. 7b–d). While all mice responded to melphalan with sig- (Fig. 6c, bottom right panel). Similar results were obtained with nificant decreases in tumour burden, the response was variable the 5T2MM murine model of myeloma (Fig. 6d). The proportion with some mice achieving 499% reduction, and others only able of medullary cavity occupied by CD138 þ cells increased until it to achieve 90–99% reduction (Fig. 7b). Nevertheless, despite the was completely replaced by tumour (Fig. 6e, left panel). Notably, decrease in GFP þ myeloma cells, dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells the tumour colony count reached a maximum at day 14 post were remarkably stable and could be detected in all mice while on inoculation before decreasing in number, reflecting the coales- treatment, with the proportion of GFP þ DiDhi cells increasing cence of colonies (Fig. 6e, right panel). In contrast, the number of relative to total GFP þ cells (Fig. 7b). Consistent with this, two-

6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 ARTICLE

abP<0.0001 c 12 µm55 µm 14 35 12 30 Day 1 10 Day 3 25 Day 7 GFP+DiD+ 8 Day 10 20 cells (%) GFP+DiDneg + Day 14 6 Day 17 15 DiD

+ Day 21 4 10

GFP 2 5

Frequency (number of cells) (number Frequency 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 20 40 60 80 100 Distance from Distance from bone surface (µm) bone surface (µm) d e f

pOsB RAW 264.7 5TGM1 ctrl 120 120 120 100 P<0.0001 P<0.0001 MC3T3 + 10 ) 3 80 80 80 P=0.007 1

NS cells (%) 40 40 40 /5TGM1-GFP hi Cells (×10 0.10

P=0.004 DiD 0 0 0 + DiD / Control CM Control CM Control CM 7 Days 14 Days Kal-Col-GFP ghi Day 0Day 4 Day 14 6 10 P=0.0435 DiD labelling of Cells from Relabelling of i.v. injection of Isolation of

) 5TGM1-eGFP cells 1st isolation cells with relabelled cells cells 3 104 GFP+

DiD DiD+ 102 Cells (×10 + + + + GFP+ GFP 0 GFP DiD GFP DiD 10 DiDneg 01420 120 P<0.0001 GFP+ Overlay 100

g) CMDiIneg

µ 80 60

TL 40 GFP+ DNA ( 20 + neg + + CMDiI+ 0 GFP DiD GFP CMDiI 0471014 Days post sorting jk Myeloma burden – 2nd isolation Dormant cells – 2nd isolation + neg + neg GFP CMDiI GFP DiD 2.5 1.0k 1.0k 800 2 NS –2 800 800 600 NS 1.5 600 600

cells (%) 400


SSC 1 400 400 200 200 200 GFP 0.5 * Dormant cells mm 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 + + + + 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 GFP GFP GFP+CMDiI+ GFP+DiD+ GFP GFP CMDiIneg DiDneg + + GFP CMDiI DiD

Figure 5 | Dormancy can be switched on and off by the bone environment. (a) Measurement of distance of GFP þ DiD þ cells to the nearest bone surface. (b) Comparison of the location of GFP þ DiD þ and GFP þ DiDneg cells. Arrows indicate median distance from bone surface. (c) Three- dimensional two-photon image of green GFP þ DiDneg cells (white arrow) and yellow GFP þ DiD þ cells (red arrows) localized to the bone surface, blue; scale bar, 100 mm. (d) Two-photon image of a DiD-labelled 5T33MM cell (arrow) localizing to the bone surface (SHG, white) lined with osteoblasts (col2.3 GFP þ, green). (e) Effect of conditioned media (CM) from primary osteoblasts (pOsB, left panel), macrophage cell line (RAW264.7, middle panel) and myeloma cells (5TGM1, right panel) on cancer cell dormancy, unpaired t-test. (f) Effect of co-culture with osteoblast cell line MC3T3 on cancer cell dormancy. (g) Fluorescent and bright-field microscopy from in vitro cultures of FACS-sorted GFP þ DiDhi long-term dormant cells; scale bar, 25 mm. (h) Cell count and DNA content of in vitro cultures from g, one-way ANOVA. (i) Schematic for isolation (day 21 post inoculation) and reinoculation of dormant GFP þ DiD þ and activated GFP þ DiDneg cells. (j) FACS analysis of bone from mice after second passage for myeloma cell burden. Data show percentage of GFP þ per bone marrow cells (mean±s.e.m., unpaired t-test). (k) Localization of dormant GFP þ CMDiI þ (white arrows, left panel) and dormant GFP þ DiD þ (white arrows, middle panel) cells adjacent to bone surfaces from two-photon microscopy of ex vivo tibia (bone, white) and enumeration of GFP þ CMDiI þ and GFP þ DiD þ cells per mm2 bone. Scale bars, 200 mm. Data in e,f,h,j and k show mean±s.e.m. Data represent at least two experiments. NS, not significant.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | 7 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983

a b DiD GFP/DiD Day 14 Day 7

Day 20 Day 14

Day 21 c d GP PT CB BM

e P<0.0001 P=0.002 P<0.0001 100 80 20 cells

80 +ve 60 15 cells colonies

+ve 60 +ve 40 10 40 20 5

20 % Of CD138 Of %

0 0 No. of CD138 0 1371014 17 21 No. of single CD138 13710 1 3 7 10 14 17 21 Days post injection

Figure 6 | Longitudinal intravital two-photon imaging of dormant cancer cell activation and colony formation. (a) Mosaic tile maximum intensity projection of the same 3 mm region of interest in the same tibia over time at 14 and 20 days showing expansion of a single GFP þ DiDneg colony (green); scale bar 400 mm. Middle panel enface z-stacks of each colony, right top, higher magnification of the MIP image from the 20-day z-stack with the green removed revealing a hole in the cortical bone. This hole was associated with the GFP þ DiDneg colony at 20 days and was also captured by 3D reconstruction of a MicroCT scan, right bottom; scale bars, 40 mm. (b) Three-dimensional maximum intensity projection of the same tibia at 7, 14 and 21 days showing expansion of a GFP þ DiDneg colony (green), persistence of the dormant GFP þ DiD þ cell (white arrow) and disappearance of a transitioning GFP þ DiD þ cell (white circle). Scale bars, 50 mm. (c) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) showing eight individual CD138 þ cancer cell colonies (brown) within the bone marrow on day 14 (left panel). Scale bar, 1 mm. Inset shows an individual colony (left: scale bar, 100 mm) and multiple single CD138 þ cells (black arrows) adjacent to bone surfaces (right: scale bar, 50 mm). BM, bone marrow; CB, cortical bone; GP, growth plate; PT, proximal tibia. (d) IHC of CD138 þ stained cancer cell colony from the 5T2MM murine model of myeloma (scale bar, 100 mm). (e) Quantification of IHC-stained CD138 þ single cells and colonies within the bone marrow. Data are represented per section of the entire bone. Data (mean±s.e.m., one-way ANOVA) represent at least two experiments. photon microscopy demonstrated a reduction in GFP þ DiDneg repopulated the marrow following cessation of treatment at cells and a persistence of GFP þ DiDhi cells apposed to endosteal day 28 (Fig. 7f, circles). surfaces (Fig. 7c,d). These data suggest that dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells are resistant to melphalan and may contribute to disease relapse upon drug withdrawal. In contrast, treatment of disease- Bone resorption activates dormant myeloma cells. To directly bearing mice with bortezomib, which targets both dividing and test the impact of manipulating the bone microenvironment on non-dividing cells, reduced myeloma burden and also the pro- disease activity, we treated disease-bearing mice with a soluble portion of GFP þ DiDhi dormant cells, suggesting that dormant form of the ligand for the receptor activator of NFkB (sRANKL), cells may respond differently to different agents (Supplementary which is expressed by osteoblasts and osteocytes and is critical for Fig. 2). osteoclast formation and bone resorption39. Daily treatment with To directly address the contribution of GFP þ DiDhi cells to sRANKL for 3 days in naive BKAL mice resulted in a significant disease relapse, we treated disease-bearing mice with melphalan reduction in trabecular bone volume and bone surface (Fig. 8a,b), for 14 days, identified individual dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells and along with a significant decrease in trabecular number and an actively growing GFP þ DiDneg colonies by intravital imaging and increase in trabecular separation (data not shown). These then re-imaged the same mice either 7 or 14 days after treatment structural changes in bone were associated with an increase in withdrawal to track their fate. Following treatment cessation, osteoclasts within trabecular bone regions and on endocortical FACS analysis demonstrated a significant increase in the number bone surfaces (Fig. 8c,d) and an increase in serum tartrate- of GFP þ DiDneg cells, confirming escape from therapeutic control resistant acid phosphatase, a marker of osteoclast activity (Fig. 8d, and mimicking disease relapse (Fig. 7e). However, unlike in the bottom panel). Importantly, FACS analysis demonstrated that treatment setting, dormant GFP þ DiDhi cell numbers decreased manipulation of the bone microenvironment resulted in a following treatment withdrawal, consistent with their reactivation significant decrease in the number of dormant GFP þ DiDhi and their role in repopulating the tumour (Fig. 7e). In support of cells in the bone marrow, as anticipated (Fig. 8e). Interestingly, this, longitudinal intravital two-photon microscopy demonstrated although there was also a modest reduction in myeloma burden, a reduction in individual GFP þ DiDhi cells as the tumour there were fewer GFP þ DiDhi cells as a proportion of the GFP þ

8 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | eini h ht o ntesm oiino h oea as2 n 2 tdy2,salgen(GFP green small 28, day At 42. and 28 days at bone the of position same the after in 42 box day white and the ceased, in was region melphalan when 28 (m days melphalan from mean recovered show or Data (melphalan) 3). 28 day to mice melphalan-treated ciae n h re (GFP green the and activated wiecrls r hw oecerywe h re hne srmvdfo h mg rgtpnl) tdy4,alo h e (GFP red the of all 42, day At panels). (right image the from removed is channel green the when clearly more shown are circles) (white ae)adnme fGFP of number and panel) ersn i ieprgop( group per mice six represent GFP aes.Saebr 20 bar, Scale panels). ( iue7|Pelncltsigo rgefiayaantdratcne cells. cancer dormant against efficacy drug of downregulatedintheGFP testing Preclinical | 7 Figure 10.1038/ncomms9983 DOI: | COMMUNICATIONS NATURE AUECOMMUNICATIONS NATURE c e a c f he-iesoa aiu nest rjcinfrom projection intensity maximum Three-dimensional ) Enrichment score þ –0.2 –0.4 – – 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.2 DiD GFP+ (% of BM) Melphalan, response Melphalan Vehicle Melphalan, sensitive vsresistant 10 15 20 Melphalan –day28 hi Melphalan –day42(recovery2weeks) 0 5 el rgtpnl,%o GFP of % panels, (right cells DiD Melphalan FDR <0.005 FDR <0.01 P P <0.001 <0.001 ± m .( m. ...adrpeet61 ieprgop unpaired group, per mice 6–10 represent and s.e.m. P Expt 2 <0.05 þ d þ :93|DI 013/cms93| | 10.1038/ncomms9983 DOI: | 6:8983 | recovery 1week aafo mrsgnrtdsoso oactlso eusfo eil n epaa-rae iefrnme fGFP of number for mice melphalan-treated and vehicle from femurs of tiles mosaic on spots generated Imaris from Data ) DiD DiD GFP/DiD þ DiD e DiD )FACSanalysisofGFP hi hi þ DiD scmae ihGFP with compared as neg el mdl ae)prbn.PretGFP Percent bone. per panel) (middle cells neg ooisepne,ecp o igerdcl arw.Saebr,500 bars, Scale (arrow). cell red single a for except expanded, colonies ) þ Thap6 Tnfrsf18 Tpcn1 Atp2b4 Gsg2 Ggt7 Pex3 Ergic2 Vps36 Eef1a1 Tfdp2 Med4 Pole Kpna1 Psmf1 Vhl Ap1g2 Taf1c el)frtosprt xeiet ep n xt2.Dt hwmean show Data 2). expt and 1 (expt experiments separate two for cells) d + + neg GFP (% of BM) GFP DiD (N) 20 40 60 80 10,000 15,000 20,000 b 0 5,000 GFP+(% of BM) 60 80 20 40 0 0 Melphalan þ ek frcvr olwn epaa esto.Mdl ae,hge-anfiainiae fth of images higher-magnification panel, Middle cessation. melphalan following recovery of weeks 2 Vehicle Melphalan þ el lf aes fbn arwcls n GFP and cells) marrow bone of % panels, (left cells Vehicle Melphalan xvivo ex DiD Expt 3 P P Expt 1 <0.01 neg <0.0001 recovery 2weeks P <0.01 w-htniaigo oefo eil tppnl)admlhlntetdmc (bottom mice melphalan-treated and panels) (top vehicle from bone of imaging two-photon el.( cells. b t ASaayi fttlGFP total of analysis FACS ) ts.( -test. 20 40 60 80 0 þ lhlnrcvr:1o ek)frtw for weeks) 2 or 1 recovery: elphalan ( DiD a hi + + f eestercmn nlsso ee soitdwt epaa sensitivity melphalan with associated genes of analysis enrichment set Gene )

DiD GFP (% of GFP ) Vehicle Melphalan oactldiae fitaia w-htniaigo h aemueat mouse same the of imaging two-photon intravital of images tiled Mosaic ) 0.4 0.6 0.2 þ 0 GFP+DiD+ (N) fGFP of 100 150 P Expt 2 50 <0.001 Melphalan 0 þ Vehicle Melphalan el sas hw rgtpnl.Dt hwmean show Data panel). (right shown also is cells P Expt 2 <0.01 P recovery 1week =0.096 þ DiDhiGFP+(% 0f GFP+) þ 12 18 el lf aes fbn arwcls and cells) marrow bone of % panels. (left cells 0 6 DiD m lf ae) 100 panel), (left m þ neg eil Melphalan Vehicle DiD ooisadsnl e (GFP red single and colonies ) ± hi ...adrpeet61 ieprgroup. per mice 6–10 represent and s.e.m. Expt 1 P eaaeeprmns(xt2ade and 2 (expt experiments separate o hi + + el rgtpnl,%o GFP of % panels, (right cells DiD GFP (% of GFP ) =0.44 0.15 0.05 0.1 GFP+DiD+ (% of GFP+) 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 Melphalan m mdl n ih panels). right and (middle m 0.3 0.6 0.9 Vehicle Melphalan 0 þ DiD Vehicle Melphalan Expt 3 P =0.74 P recovery 2weeks þ <0.05 ARTICLE P el aebeen have cells ) =0.018 Expt 2 þ ± DiD þ þ ...and s.e.m. el (left cells el)in cells) þ )cells xpt e 9 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 tumour burden (Fig. 8e). Importantly, sRANKL treatment had no endosteal niche. Quantitative assessment of GFP þ DiD þ and effect on myeloma cells in the spleen (Fig. 8f), confirming that the GFP þ DiDneg cells by two-photon microscopy confirmed the effect on GFP þ DiDhi cells was a myeloma cell-extrinsic effect decrease in numbers of GFP þ DiD þ cells relative to both mediated by osteoclasts in the bone, with osteoclast activation bone marrow volume and GFP þ DiDneg tumour (Fig. 8g,h). associated with the release of GFP þ DiDhi cells from the Interestingly, intravital imaging did not demonstrate a decrease in

a bc d P<0.01 –2 250 Vehicle RANKL 200 Vehicle RANKL 150 20 P<0.01 100 15 50 0 10 Trabecular OcN mm Vehicle RANKL P<0.05

5 Trabecular 15

Trabecular BV/TV(%) 0 10 Vehicle RANKL 5

) P<0.001

2 40 0 Endocortical OcN/BS(%) Vehicle RANKL 30

) 12 P<0.0001

20 –1 8 10 Endocortical 4 Trabecular BS (mm 0 Vehicle RANKL Serum TRAP (u l 0 Vehicle RANKL

e Bone marrow FACS h P=0.01 P<0.01 P=0.03 ) Vehicle RANKL 10 0.05 + 0.5 8 0.04 0.4 6 0.03 0.3 (% of BM) hi +(% of GFP

4 0.02 hi 0.2 DiD +

2 0.01 DiD 0.1 + GFP+(% of BM) GFP

0 0 0 DiD Vehicle RANKL Vehicle RANKL GFP Vehicle RANKL f Spleen FACS )

4 P=0.48 0.015 P=0.64 + 1.5 P=0.097

3 0.010 1.0

2 (% of GFP (% of spleen) hi hi 0.005 0.5

1 DiD DiD + +

GFP+(% of spleen) 0 0 0 GFP Vehicle RANKL GFP Vehicle RANKL Vehicle RANKL

g Bone marrow two-photon )

5,000 P=0.51 150 P=0.029 + 5 P<0.01 4,000 4 GFP/DiD (N)

+ 100 3,000 3 (% of GFP DiD

+ 2,000 + 2

GFP+(N) 50 DiD GFP 1,000 + 1 0 0 0 GFP Vehicle RANKL Vehicle RANKL Vehicle RANKL

40 i j Pre-osteoclast RANKL R2=0.358 ) 30 –1 P<0.0001 Dormant myeloma cell Growing tumour

20 2m (mg l

β Reactivation Osteoclasts Suppressed growth 10 Endosteal niche Serum Bone-lining cells

0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 Quiescent bone Resorbing bone Dormant Myeloma Cell Serum CTX (ng l–1)

10 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 ARTICLE

GFP þ DiDneg tumour burden, which may reflect the smaller collagen-expressing osteoblasts or bone-lining cells. This is sample volume or a differential distribution of tumour, compared consistent with the immunohistochemical studies reporting the with analysis by FACS. Thus, sRANKL induces osteoclastic presence of leukaemic cells and primary myeloma cells adjacent bone resorption and can release dormant myeloma cells from to bone surfaces11,40. osteoblastic or bone-lining-cell suppression, making them Our intravital studies of myeloma cell dormancy were available to contribute to disease progression and/or relapse. To facilitated by the use of a lipophilic membrane dye, DiD, to establish whether bone resorption is associated with myeloma identify dormant GFP-expressing myeloma cells that had not burden, we examined serum levels of C-terminal telopeptide undergone cell division. This was supported by the detection of (CTX), a biochemical marker of bone resorption, and stable numbers of these cells throughout the duration of the b2-microglobulin (b2m) as a measure of tumour burden in 118 experimental time course following initial equilibration, indicat- patients with newly diagnosed myeloma. CTX was significantly ing that they are long-lived dormant cells. In addition, analysis of correlated with b2m (R2 ¼ 0.3588, Po0.0001, Pearson’s Ki67 expression and DAPI staining showed that the majority of þ hi correlation), suggesting that increased bone resorption is related GFP DiD cells were in the resting G0 phase when compared to tumour burden in patients (Fig. 8i). Taken together, these data with the GFP þ DiDneg population. Furthermore, transcriptional suggest that dormant cells held in the endosteal niche can be analysis demonstrated that the GFP þ DiDhi population main- reactivated by osteoclasts remodelling the endosteal niche tained this long-lived persistent dormant phenotype by down- (Fig. 8j). regulating genes that control the cell cycle. Interestingly, a limited number of the GFP þ DiDhi cells were also Ki67 positive, suggesting that, in certain niches, dormant cells may have Discussion recently been activated to divide. This challenges the notion that Cancer cell dormancy is increasingly recognized as an important dormancy is a synchronized period of inactivity and supports the clinical problem. Despite improved outcomes from new, targeted idea that dormancy may instead result from the dynamic therapies, patients continue to suffer from relapse and metastases, interplay between myeloma cells in the multiple heterogeneous which are major causes of morbidity and mortality. Thus, there is niches and may exist in different states of activation. an increasing need to understand cancer cell dormancy to prevent To establish whether dormancy was a fixed or reversible state, drug resistance and disease relapse. This is particularly true in we removed dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells from their bone niche, multiple myeloma where patients now achieve complete relabelled them with DiD and reinoculated them into naive mice. responses to state-of-the-art combination therapy, yet still We showed that some of the GFP þ DiDhi cells remained dormant harbour drug-resistant dormant myeloma cells as MRD and go while others were released from dormancy in their new on to progress at a later time point. Consequently, understanding microenvironment and became activated to form GFP þ DiDneg the extrinsic control of dormant myeloma cells by the bone colonies. Remarkably, in the reciprocal experiment, when we microenvironment has the potential to uncover novel therapeutic removed proliferating GFP þ DiDneg cells and labelled them with approaches. These may be used in combination with current CMDiL before reinoculation, these cells not only formed colonies treatments to either completely eradicate myeloma cells, or to but could also be induced to enter a dormant state in their naive maintain MRD in a dormant state and achieve long-term host bone environment. These observations infer that cancer cell remission. Accordingly, we developed a unique, non-destructive, dormancy is a reversible state that can be switched ‘on’ or ‘off’ by method to track the fate of individual myeloma cells, long- microenvironmental signals. Interestingly, we also showed that of itudinally, as they colonize the endosteal niche and form tumour the many dormant tumour cells that locate to the endosteal niche, colonies over weeks or months, in live mice by intravital two- only limited numbers become reactivated to form overt myeloma photon microscopy. By imaging through a natural optical colonies. This is reminiscent of the ‘clonal tides’ and altering window in the tibia, we have overcome the long-held misconcep- clonal dominance that is observed in patients exposed to different tion that non-destructive intravital microscopy of bone can only drug regimens6,8–10. In addition, the plasticity of the 5TGM1 cells be performed in the calvaria. Importantly, the tibia has different under these experimental conditions and the fact that 89% developmental origins from the calvaria and may also contain of GFP þ DiDhi cells are CD138 þ suggests that dormant distinct anatomical and functional compartments that constitute myeloma cells are distinct from cancer stem cells, which are the specialized microenvironments required for myeloma cell thought to be poorly differentiated cancer cell precursors41, colonization, retention of dormancy and growth. Using this novel and the myeloma stem cell, which have been reported to be approach, we demonstrated that myeloma cells entered the bone CD138neg (refs 42,43). marrow, left the vasculature and migrated directly towards Crucially, the proportion of dormant GFP þ DiDhi and endosteal surfaces where they arrested in sites containing type-I proliferating GFP þ DiDneg myeloma cells that form colonies

Figure 8 | RANKL-driven alterations in the endosteal niche activate dormant tumour cells. (a) Three-dimensional reconstructions of MicroCT scans of representative tibia from vehicle- and RANKL-treated naive mice after 3 days of treatment. (b) Trabecular bone volume of total volume (BV/TV) and trabecular bone surface (BS) in metaphyseal bone in vehicle- and RANKL-treated mice. (c) Representative sections of TRAP-stained tibia from trabecular and endocortical regions of vehicle- and RANKL-treated naive mice; scale bar, 100 mm. (d) Histograms of osteoclast surface per mm bone surface for trabecular (top) and endocortical (middle) bone and serum TRAP levels (bottom). Data are from one experiment with 9–10 mice per group. (e)FACS analysis of GFP þ DiDneg cells (left, % of bone marrow cells), GFP þ DiDhi (middle % of bone marrow cells) and percent GFP þ DiDhi (right % of GFP þ )from bone marrow samples. (f) FACS analysis of GFP þ cells (left, % of spleen cells), GFP þ DiDhi (middle, % of spleen cells) and GFP þ DiDhi (right, % of GFP þ ) from spleen samples. (g) Analysis of two-photon mosaic tiles of total number of GFP þ cells (left), number of GFP þ DiDhi cells (middle) and GFP þ DiDhi (right % of GFP þ ) in the analysed endocortical region. Data show mean±s.e.m. and represent 6–10 mice per group, unpaired t-test. (h) Two-photon generated 3D images of multiple GFP þ DiD þ dormant cells (white arrows) in the vehicle-treated mice compared with few or none in the RANKL treated; scale bars, 60 mm. (i) Correlation between serum CTX and serum b2m levels in myeloma patients, Pearson’s correlation. (j) Schematic depicting myeloma cell dormancy on quiescent bone surfaces and myeloma cell reactivation on actively resorbing bone surface. Data are from one experiment with six mice per group.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | 11 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 or became dormant after secondary transplantation were that inhibition of bone resorption by anti-resorptive agents, such comparable. This indicated that stochastic engagement with the as bisphosphonates, may enforce cellular dormancy and prevent relevant bone niche was more important than an intrinsic myeloma cell activation and relapse. developmental programme in determining the fate of the These data therefore have significant clinical implications. We transplanted myeloma cells. Consistent with this, osteoblast- already know inhibitors of bone resorption, including conditioned media and co-culture with MC3T3 osteoblast-like bisphosphonates and strategies to block RANKL, reduce myeloma cells maintained dormancy and suppressed proliferation, whereas burden in experimental models49–51. Furthermore, bisphospho- osteoclast-like cell-conditioned media stimulated myeloma cell nate treatment is associated with improvements in survival that growth. This is consistent with studies in vitro, which show that may be independent of the development of skeletal-related growth of patient-derived multiple myeloma cells is suppressed events52; however, the mechanisms responsible remain unclear. when cultured with patient-derived osteoblasts and inhibition of These data may provide at least one explanation for these myeloma growth when patient-derived MSCs are delivered observations, that is, that bisphosphonate treatment may prevent systemically or directly into bones of SCID-hu MM-bearing reactivation of dormant myeloma cells. It could also argue that mice44,45. While the mechanisms responsible for suppression of consideration needs to be given to very early anti-resorptive multiple myeloma cell growth and holding MM cells in a treatment to prevent activation of dormant tumour cells to sustain dormant state are poorly defined, they may include release of long-term remission. This is certainly supported by studies in bone morphogenic proteins46 or secretion of Wnt proteins and patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined Wnt antagonists47,48. Furthermore, our gene expression analysis significance, which show that patients with increased bone has identified a number of cellular adhesion molecules and resorption are more likely to develop overt myeloma53. membrane receptors, including Vcam1 and Axl, that could also The experimental data presented here provide the basis for play a role in interactions between dormant myeloma cells and developing novel approaches to prevent disease progression in cells in the endosteal niche. Importantly, expression of these myeloma. This could include repurposing bone-active drugs as molecules may be used as biomarkers to help identify dormant frontline therapies, to be used in combination with targeted myeloma cells in bone and may also provide new therapeutic therapies, to prevent the reactivation of dormant myeloma cells targets to aid in the erradication of these cells. Taken together, and sustain long-term remission. Alternatively, the promotion of these data suggest that the extrinsic bone microenvironment, and bone resorption to release tumour cells from dormancy may likely an endosteal niche, plays a critical role in controlling facilitate their targeting by the existing armamentarium of drugs myeloma cell dormancy. to eliminate MRD and achieve long-term remission or even cure. Dormant GFP þ DiDhi cells were more resistant than prolifer- Finally, further studies of the molecular mechanisms that regulate ating GFP þ DiDneg cells to melphalan treatment, but not to the dormancy within the endosteal niche may reveal druggable targets proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. This may argue that dormant that control myeloma reactivation. Thus, this new knowledge of cells are intrinsically resistant to chemotherapeutic agents that the extrinsic control of cancer cell dormancy has implications for target dividing cells by virtue of their dormant state. Moreover, understanding cancer pathogenesis and the potential to unlock even in mice with 499% reduction in tumour burden, GFP þ opportunities for developing innovative treatment strategies. DiDhi cells were still detectable and contributed to the re- establishment of myeloma growth following melphalan treatment withdrawal. This ‘awakening’ of dormant cells during recovery Methods may be a result of alterations in the local environment. Therefore, Mice and in vivo mouse models. Six-to-eight-week-old C57BL/KaLwRijHsd we tested the hypothesis that direct manipulation of the bone (BKAL) male mice (Harlan, Netherlands) were injected intravenously with 2 Â 106 microenvironment itself would impact on dormancy and provide syngeneic 5TGM1-eGFP (a gift from Dr Oyajobi, University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio, Texas, USA) or 5T33MM murine myeloma cells in a mechanism for reactivating dormant cells. Short-term treatment 200 mlPBS54,55. Cells were negative for mycoplasma. On specified days post with sRANKL increased osteoclast numbers, resorption activity injection, mice were killed for FACS analysis and two-photon imaging of explanted and decreased the bone surface containing endosteal niches. This bones. In separate studies, 6–8-week-old male BKAL mice were injected with osteoclastic activity released GFP þ DiDhi cells from dormancy 5T2MM murine myeloma cells and killed 7 weeks later to examine tumour colony þ hi formation. BKAL mice were also crossed with mice expressing emerald GFP under and resulted in a specific reduction of GFP DiD cells in the the type-I collagen promoter (pOBCol2.3GFPemd)38 to produce C57BL/ bone, but not in the spleen. Consistent with this, serum CTX KaLwRijHsd.Cg-Tg (Col1a1-GFP) denoted as Kal-Col-GFP mice to mark levels were found to correlate with serum b2m, a marker of osteoblastic cells in vivo. For drug studies, BKAL mice were injected with DiD- tumour burden, in a large cohort of patients with newly labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells. After 2 weeks, mice were injected, intraperitoneally, three times a week for 2 weeks with melphalan (Sigma-Aldrich, 5 mg kg À 1 in diagnosed multiple myeloma. These data suggest that bone 17.5% ethanol) or vehicle56; or twice a week, subcutaneously, with bortezomib resorption, simply by remodelling the endosteal niche as part of (Sigma-Aldrich, 0.7 mg kg À 1 in 0.005% dimethylsulphoxide). Mice were killed 4 normal physiological function, may inadvertently activate dor- weeks later and 1 or 2 weeks after cessation of melphalan treatment. Tibia, femurs mant tumour cells, arguing that activation of dormant cells is an and spleens were isolated for FACS and two-photon imaging. Drug studies were environmentally controlled stochastic event. Interestingly, despite performed in two separate experiments. Recombinant soluble RANKL-GST fusion protein (RANKL, Oriental Yeast Company Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) or saline was the increased osteoclast activity following RANKL treatment, not administered at a dose of 0.5 mg kg À 1 intraperitoneally daily for 3 days in naive all of the bone surface undergoes resorption and as a result mice before harvest on day 4. RANKL was administered on days 4–6 post cell dormant cells are still present, suggesting mobilization events are injection and experiments ceased 18 days later. Experiments were approved by a localized phenomena. The reason why mobilization of dormant the Garvan Institute/St Vincent’s Hospital (#12_20), University of Sheffield (PPL 40/3,462) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (#13-281-5) Animal Ethics Committees. cells was associated with a reduction in myeloma burden is unclear. This could reflect a difference in the rate of growth of mobilized cells following treatment or alternatively that, dormant cells that were mobilized by sRANKL died without undergoing Cancer cell lines and intravital labelling of dormant cells. 5TGM1-eGFP and cell division; however, the latter is not consistent with our studies, 5T33MM myeloma cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% fetal showing these cells have the capacity to grow in vitro and in vivo calf serum (FCS) and 1% penicillin–streptomycin, and incubated in 5% CO2 at 37 °C (refs 54,55). 5T2MM cells were maintained by serial passage in BKAL mice54. (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, these data suggest that stimulation of bone Cells were labelled with DiD, or 3H-Indolium, 5-[[[4-(chloromethyl)benzoyl]amino] resorption may result in synchronized activation of dormant cells, methyl]-2-[3-(1,3-dihydro-3,3-dimethyl-1-octadecyl-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-1- thereby rendering them more susceptible to targeted therapies. Or propenyl]-3,3-dimethyl-1-octadecyl-, chloride (CMDiI) (Molecular Probes).

12 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:8983 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9983 ARTICLE

In vitro conditioned media and co-culture experiments. Primary osteoblasts FACS analysis. Bones were flushed with PBS/2% FCS, cut longitudinally and the were isolated from calvaria of 2–4-day-old C57BL/6 mice and differentiated in inner surface was scraped with a scalpel blade. Bones (including the epiphysis) were MEMa supplemented with ascorbic acid, b-glycerol phosphate, ribonucleosides minced and fragments flushed with PBS/2% FCS. Cells were syringed five times and 10% FCS for 4 weeks57,58. DiD-labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells were cultured through a 23-G needle and filtered through a 100-mm nylon cell strainer (Nunc). either in media, or in media conditioned with 5TGM1, RAW264 cells or primary Red cells were lysed with 0.15 M NH4Cl. Cells were resuspended in PBS/2% FCS osteoblasts. DiD-labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells were co-cultured with MC3T3 and filtered through a 70-mm strainer. For Ki67 staining, samples were incubated murine osteoblast-like cells plated in RPMI, supplemented with 10% FCS, 1% with Fixable Viability Dye eFluor780 (eBioscience) and then Fc-blocked with anti- penicillin/streptomycin and 1% Glutamax. mouse CD16/32 before fixation with the Nuclear Factor Fixation and Permeabi- lization Buffer Set (BioLegend). Cells were then incubated with PE anti-mouse Ki67 at a dilution of 1:100 (BioLegend) and DAPI to stain DNA. For CD11b, Gr-1, Two-photon microscopy of explanted tibias and femurs. At the University of CD138 and B220 staining, samples were incubated with Fixable Viability Dye Sheffield, the tibia or femur were embedded in OCT solution (Tissue-Tek) and eFluor780, then Fc-blocked with anti-mouse CD16/32. Cells were then incubated snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen before cryosectioning. Images were acquired with an with PE anti-mouse B220, PERCP-Cy5.5 anti-mouse CD11b, Pe-Cy7 anti-mouse inverted Zeiss 510 META (Carl Zeiss). Two-photon excitation at 820 nm was CD138 (clone 281-2) and Brilliant Violet 450 anti-mouse Gr-1 (BioLegend) at a achieved with a Chameleon XR Ti:Sa laser (Coherent) and fluorescence detected dilution of 1:100. Samples were acquired on a FACSCanto II or LSR II SORP (BD using the following: BP435-485 to detect blue (second-harmonic generation), BP Biosciences). Analysis was performed with FlowJo software (Tree Star). For 500–550 to detect green (GFP), BP 565–615 IR to detect orange/red (CMDiI) and microarray analysis, up to 50,000 cells were sorted using BD FACSAria II or BD BP 650–710 nm to detect far-red (DiD). In some images (Figs 3 and 4; FACSAria III (BD Biosciences) directly into 0.5 ml of TRIzol LS reagent (Life Supplementary Fig. 2) this was pseudocoloured white. Three-dimensional (3D) Technologies Australia). mosaic tiles were performed at 128 Â 128 pixel resolution and individual 450 Â 450 Â 150 mm volumes imaged at 256 Â 256 pixel resolution in 2-mm z-steps. Three-dimensional volumes were reconstructed and analysed using Volocity Transcript profiling. Total RNA was extracted using Trizol LS reagent and its software (Improvision, Perkin Elmer). At the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, integrity measured using a Total RNA Pico Chip (Agilent Technologies) according imaging was performed on intact tibias or cryosectioned femurs using an upright to manufacturer’s protocol. Complementary DNA was prepared and amplified Zeiss 7MP microscope (Carl Zeiss). We used LBF 760 and BSMP2 760 filters to using the NuGEN Ovation Pico System V2, and hybridized with GeneChip Mouse enable detection of the far-red emission of BSA-Alexa Fluor680 and DiD. Four Gene 2.0 ST Arrays (Affymetrix). Normalization and probe set summarization was external non-descanned detectors were used to detect blue (second-harmonic performed using the robust multichip average implemented through the Affyme- generation, SP 485), green (BP 500–550), red (BP 565–610) and far-red (BP trix library within R60. Control probe sets were removed leaving 31,235 probe sets 640–710). Infrared excitation at 920 nm was provided by a Chameleon Vision II on the array following batch-correction using SVA package in R61. Differential Ti:Sa laser (Coherent Scientific). Each 512 Â 512-pixel xy-plane was acquired gene expression was assessed for each probe set using an empirical Bayes, at 2–3-mm z-step intervals. Time-lapse images were acquired at 30-s intervals. moderated t-statistic implemented in Limma using the limmaGP tool in Images were acquired using ZEN 2009 software (Zeiss) and raw image files GenePattern60. GSEA34 was performed with the GenePattern tool GSEA pre- processed using Imaris (Bitplane). Red dormant cells and green activated cancer ranked using a ranked list of the Limma-moderated t-statistics against version 3.0 cells were counted using the spot detection function in Imaris. of the ‘C2_all’ curated gene sets from the MSigDB supplemented with gene lists related to stem cell regulation, metastasis and melphalan treatment62,63. Functional Real-time intravital two-photon microscopy of the tibia. Mice were anaes- annotation of 867 significant genes (fold change 42, Q-valueo0.05) was 59 performed using database for annotation, visualization and integrated discovery thetized as described . Anaesthetized mice were kept warm using a customized 64,65 66 heated SmartStage (Biotherm). An incision was made over the medial surface of the (DAVID) . All analyses were performed using GenePattern software and are tibia and soft tissue resected. Mice were intravenously injected with a single dose of available at The microarray data have been Alexa Fluor680/bovine serum albumin (2.5–10.0 mg kg À 1, Invitrogen) to label deposited in the GEO database under accession code GSE57695. blood vessels. 5TGM1-eGFP cells were injected four frames (2 min) after commencement of imaging. A Gaussian filter was applied and the display adjusted Patient serum analysis to reduce background noise and improve contrast in Imaris. Videos were compiled . Newly diagnosed myeloma patients, who had not and annotated using Adobe AfterEffects (Adobe). Myeloma cells were counted as received chemotherapy, were included in this study. Ethical approval for this study circulating cells if they entered and left the imaging volume within two consecutive was obtained from the Royal Adelaide Hospital Human Research Ethics Com- mittee and informed consent was obtained in accordance with the Declaration of frames. Colonizing cells entered, crawled and arrested within the imaging volume and could be found in the same location again at least 5 min later. Helsinki. Staging was based on the ISS criteria. Of the 118 patients examined, 53 were female (median age at diagnosis, 67 years; range, 47–83 years) and 66 were male (median age at diagnosis, 61 years; range, 49–74 years). Serum b2m, a marker Longitudinal intravital two-photon microscopy of the tibia. For longitudinal of tumour burden in renal-sufficient patients, creatinine concentrations and imaging, 2 Â 106 DiD-labelled 5TGM1-eGFP cells were injected 7 days before the creatinine-based renal parameters (estimated glomerular filtration rate and crea- initial imaging session. During imaging, a 3D mosaic tile image was captured to tinine clearance) were evaluated using an Olympus AU5400 Chemistry Analyzer. include the growth plate and other landmarks as fiducial markers to enable Patients with renal insufficiency were excluded from further analysis. Serum levels repeated imaging of the same volume. Mice were recovered after imaging, the skin of C-terminal collagen crosslinks (CTX-1) were measured using a Roche modular sutured and buprenorphine hydrochloride 0.5 mg kg À 1 subcutaneously adminis- E170 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Castle Hill, Australia). tered. Mice were re-imaged on days 14 and 21 in the same region based on the position of the fiducial markers. Statistical analysis. Data were analysed using Prism software (GraphPad). One- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparisons were performed Micro-computed tomography of the tibia. Bones were scanned using a mCT using Tukey’s correction. Unpaired t-tests were performed when comparing two scanner (Model 1172; Skyscan) at 50 kV, 200 mA with a 0.5-mm aluminium filter using populations. Non-parametric data were assessed using Kruskal–Wallis one-way apixelsizeof4.3mm. Images were captured every 0.4˚ through 180˚, reconstructed and ANOVA. Two-way ANOVA were used for grouped analyses (co-culture) with analysed using NRecon and CTAn software (Skyscan). Three-dimensional models were Sidak’s correction. Correlations between serum CTX-1 and b2m were assessed created using the Drishti-2 tool ( using linear regression analysis. All data are expressed with error bars representing s.e.m. Histology. Bones were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, decalcified in EDTA, embedded in paraffin and 4-mm sections were cut. Antigen retrieval was performed References in trypsin (Biocare Medical) at 37°C for 10 min, and washed for 5 min in PBS. Nonspecific binding was blocked in 10% FCS and 10% normal goat serum (S-1000, 1. Aguirre-Ghiso, J. A. 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the FWO-VI and J.M.W.Q. by an NHMRC Project Grant (GNT1057706). This work was Supplementary Information accompanies this paper at supported at least in part by a specialist programme grant from Leukaemia and Lym- naturecommunications phoma Research, the OverMyr European Union Framework VII programme, the Cancer Council NSW (726), the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Movember, and Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests. the NHMRC (project grant 631484). Reprints and permission information is available online at reprintsandpermissions/ Author contributions How to cite this article: Lawson, M. A. et al. Osteoclasts control reactivation of P.I.C. and T.G.P. conceived the study. M.A.L., M.M.M., N.K., W.-H.K. and J.D. designed dormant myeloma cells by remodelling the endosteal niche. Nat. Commun. 6:8983 and performed experiments, and analysed data. R.L.T., T.N.D., J.P.-H., C.F., E.V.V. and doi: 10.1038/ncomms9983 (2015). J.A.P. performed experiments. P.A.B., M.J.R., W.K., C.L.E., K.V., A.R.P., J.M.W.Q., E.V.V. and A.Z. analysed and interpreted data. M.M.M., P.I.C. and T.G.P. wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise Additional information in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, Accession codes: The microarray data have been deposited in the GEO database under users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. accession code GSE57695. To view a copy of this license, visit

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