The Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2017
ฉบับที่ 19 : มกราคม - มีนาคม 2561 Nineteenth Issue : January - March 2018 MOU Siriraj International Visitors @ Siriraj Siriraj Faculty Abroad Collaboration between Conference International delegates Siriraj personnel in the Siriraj and many International Academic around the world at Siriraj International Level prestigious institutes Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops at Siriraj The Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2017 VOL19.indd 1 6/20/18 9:39 PM PMA Event @ Siriraj The Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2017 Delivered Special Lectures at Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital on Their Contributions to the Benefits of Mankind On January 30th, 2018, Professor Dr. Prasit Watanapa, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and Vice President of the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation, welcomed Dr. Eric D. Green, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute as a representative of the “Human Genome Project” (PMA in the field of Medicine) and Professor Porter W. Anderson, Jr., Dr. John B. Robbins, Dr. Rachel Schneerson, Professor Mathuram Santosham (PMA in the field of Public Health), the Prince Mahidol Award Laureates 2017, to visit Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, the host and founder of Prince Mahidol Award (PMA), and to deliver the special lectures demonstrating their rewarded contributions at the Rachapanaddasirindhorn Auditorium, Srisavarindhira Building. On this occasion, the Laureates joined the Faculty Luncheon hosted by Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital along with Siriraj Faculty members and Prince Mahidol Award’s Committees at the Faculty Conference room, Administration Building. 2 VOL19.indd 2 6/20/18 9:39 PM SIMPIC 2018 The 7th Siriraj International Medical Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology Competition (SIMPIC 2018) On March 16th, 2018, Professor Dr.
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