Vitae Julie N. Zimmerman Coughenour Professor of Rural Sociology Department of Community and Leadership Development University of Kentucky email:
[email protected] CURRENT POSITION Professor. Rural Sociology. Department of Community and Leadership Development. University of Kentucky. 2013-present. Dr. and Mrs. C. Milton Coughenour Rural Sociology Professor (2015-2018 and 2018-2020) Joint Appointment, Department of Sociology. University of Kentucky. (2002-present) Graduate Faculty, Department of Community and Leadership Development. University of Kentucky (2002-present) Graduate Faculty, Department of Sociology. University of Kentucky. (2002-present) Faculty Affiliate, Appalachian Center. University of Kentucky, (2014- present) Historian, Rural Sociological Society. (2009 – present) Director, Kentucky: By The Numbers. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. (1998-present) EDUCATION Ph.D. Cornell University, Development Sociology. January, 1997. Brown University, Graduate Study. Sociology/Demography. 1987-1988. M.A. Kansas State University, Sociology. 1987. B.A. Bemidji State University, Sociology. Cum Laude. 1985. AWARDS Certificate of Appreciation. Rural Sociological Society. Recognition for Historian’s contributions to the Society. 2019. Poster Award. Honorable Mention. Stone, Morgan* and Julie N. Zimmerman. 2019. “Increasing Reclaiming Forgotten Connections.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Richmond, VA. August, 2019. Nominated. Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award. American Sociological Association, History of Sociology Section. Opening Windows onto Hidden Lives: Women, Country Life, and Early Rural Sociological Research. J.N. Zimmerman and Olaf F. Larson (Penn State Press). 2013. Certificate of Appreciation. Rural Sociological Society. Recognition for Historian’s contributions to the RSS 75th Anniversary. 2012. Poster Award. Honorable Mention. Frank, Sarah Michelle,* and Julie N. Zimmerman. 2005. “Food in Floyd: A Case Study of Food Cost Disparity in Rural Areas.” Research Poster Session.