Nº 1016 ACB Noticias Digital

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Nº 1016 ACB Noticias Digital Nº 1016 AÑO XXIX - 2 Octubre 2017 Departamento de Comunicación TEMPORADA I N D I C E 2017-2018 Jugador de la Jornada 2 Resultados y Clasificaciones 3 JORNADA Topes de la Liga y Dobles Figuras 4 Cuadro de resultados 5 Máximos anotadores 5 1 Clasificaciones Individuales 6-7 Series 8 Clasificaciones de Equipo 8-9 Fichas Partidos Jornada 1 10-15 Estadísticas Acumuladas 16-23 Precedentes y Próximas Jornadas 24 Patrocinador principal ACB 1 Jugador de la Jornada ACB RANKING 7RWDO 3DU 0HGLD 125(/Ã+(1. +(857(/Ã7+20$6 La nominación del *5((1Ã(5,&. &$86(85Ã)$%,(1 7+20$6Ã0$77 Jugador de la Jornada 7+203621Ã'(21 9È=48(=Ã)5$1 queda pospuesta hasta que se haya jugado +8(57$6Ã0 72%(<Ã0,.( el partido aplazado '5$*29,&Ã1,.2/$ 9(=(1.29Ã$ $126,.(Ã2'(5$+ Movistar Estudiantes - Divina Seguros %522.6Ã-()) +$1*$Ã$'$0 Joventut 386729<,Ã$57(0 ',23Ã,/,0$1( %281*28&2/2Ã1 correspondiente a esta jornada 1 %(,5È1Ã-$9,(5 2/,9(5Ã$/%(57 $<Ï1Ã*867$92 5831,.Ã/8.$ 6$675(Ã-2$1 $8*867,1(Ã-$0(6 6:,1*Ã-25'$1 :$/.(5Ã'$9,' &$03$==2Ã)$&8 5,%$6Ã3$8 02(50$1Ã$'5,(1 (<(1*$Ã&+5,67,$1 1('29,&Ã1(0$1-$ 32=$6Ã3(3( 62.2Ã29,( 2/$6(1,Ã*$%5,(/ Fórmula de Valoración ACB *5$1*(5Ã-$<621 Valoración = [Puntos+Reb+Asist+Rec+FP rec+Tap] - [T fallados+Pérd+Tap Rec+FP] 2 /($5<Ã,$1 3$6(&1,.6Ã$1=(-6 9$/25$&,21(6Ã3$5$Ã/$Ã-251$'$Ã %/806Ã-$1,6 -8*$'25 9$/ 3WV 5HE $VL 5HF 3HU )3H )3U 7DS 7D5 7S 7S 7S 67(9,&Ã2/,9(5 125(/Ã+(1. +(857(/Ã7+20$6 6$,=Ã6(%$6 *5((1Ã(5,&. 9$1Ã526620Ã6$0 &$86(85Ã)$%,(1 2/(621Ã%5$' 7+20$6Ã0$77 7+203621Ã'(21 %$/9,1Ã21'5(- 9È=48(=Ã)5$1 6(.8/,&Ã%/$*27$ +8(57$6Ã0 'Ë$=Ã$/%(572 '5$*29,&Ã1,.2/$ 72%(<Ã0,.( 32329,&Ã0$5.2 9(=(1.29Ã$ 92,*70$11Ã- $126,.(Ã2'(5$+ ',$*1(Ã02866$ %522.6Ã-()) +$1*$Ã$'$0 %/$=,&Ã-$.$ 386729<,Ã$57(0 5$1'2/3+Ã$ * Tabla de valoración provisional a falta del partido aplazado $%520$,7,6Ã7,0 2 ACB 2017/2018 - Resultados y Clasificación RESULTADOS JORNADA 1 ( 29 y 30 Septiembre y 1 Octubre 2017 ) 5($/Ã0$'5,'ÃÃ025$%$1&Ã$1'255$ ÃÃ +(5%$/,)(Ã*5$1Ã&$1$5,$ÃÃ*,38=.2$Ã%$6.(7 ÃÃ 021%86Ã2%5$'2,52ÃÃ7(&1<&217$Ã=$5$*2=$ ÃÃ 5($/Ã%(7,6Ã(1(5*Ë$Ã3/86ÃÃ9$/(1&,$Ã%$6.(7 ÃÃ )&Ã%$5&(/21$Ã/$66$ÃÃ%$6.21,$ ÃÃ 8&$0Ã085&,$ÃÃ81,&$-$ ÃÃ 0217$.,7Ã)8(1/$%5$'$ÃÃ5(7$%(7Ã%,/%$2Ã% ÃÃ 6$1Ã3$%/2Ã%85*26ÃÃ,%(5267$5Ã7(1(5,)( ÃÃ 029,67$5Ã(678',$17(6ÃÃ',9,1$Ã6(*8526Ã-29 $SOD]DGR DEBUTANTES EN LA ACB - Con fecha 29/09/2017 debutan Phil Pressey, Rakim CLASIFICACION ACB 2017-2018 Sanders y Atoumane Diagné (FC Barcelona Lassa) y Janis Timma, Rinalds Malmatis, Matt Janning, Vincent Poirier y Carlos Delfino (Baskonia)! Además, con fecha 3$57,'26 7$1726 29/09/2017 también debuta el entrenador Pablo Prigioni 32 (48,326 -8* *$1 3(5 )$92 &217 (Baskonia)! - Con fecha 30/09/2017 debutan Ben Simons, Matt Thomas ,%(5267$5Ã7(1(5,)( y Martin Laksa (Monbus Obradoiro), Nikola Dragovic, 0217$.,7Ã)8(1/$%5$'$ Michal Michalak, Nicolas De Jong y Jarvis Varnado (Tecnyconta Zaragoza), Gabriel Olaseni y Gregory 9$/(1&,$Ã%$6.(7 Vargas (Montakit Fuenlabrada) y Ricardo Fischer, Shane 81,&$-$ Hammink, Lucio Redivo, Tim Kempton y Mickell +(5%$/,)(Ã*5$1Ã&$1$5,$ Gladness (RETAbet Bilbao Basket)! Además, con fecha 5($/Ã0$'5,' 30/09/2017 también debuta el entrenador Néstor García 021%86Ã2%5$'2,52 (Montakit Fuenlabrada)! )&Ã%$5&(/21$Ã/$66$ - Con fecha 01/10/2017 debutan Gal Mekel, Shaquielle 029,67$5Ã(678',$17(6 McKissic y Luke Fischer (Herbalife Gran Canaria), ',9,1$Ã6(*8526Ã-29(1787 Miquel Salvó y Michael Fakuade (Gipuzkoa Basket), %$6.21,$ Oderah Anosike, Luke Nelson, Iván Cruz, Nobel Boungou-Colo y Ryan Kelly (Real Betis Energía Plus), 025$%$1&Ã$1'255$ Erick Green (Valencia Basket), Charlon Kloof y Marko 7(&1<&217$Ã=$5$*2=$ Lukovic (UCAM Murcia), Ray McCallum y Dragan *,38=.2$Ã%$6.(7 Milosavljevic (Unicaja), Sebas Saiz, Deividas Gailius, 5($/Ã%(7,6Ã(1(5*Ë$Ã3/86 Felipe Dos Anjos y Deon Thompson (San Pablo Burgos), 8&$0Ã085&,$ Mateusz Ponitka y Adin Vabrac (Iberostar Tenerife) y 5(7$%(7Ã%,/%$2Ã%$6.(7 Przemek Karnowski (MoraBanc Andorra)! 6$1Ã3$%/2Ã%85*26 Además, con fecha 01/10/2017 también debutan los entre- nadores Diego Epifanio (San Pablo Burgos) y Nenad Markovic (Iberostar Tenerife) y los árbitros Alfonso Olivares y Javier Torres! $6,67(1&,$'(38%/,&2 JORNADA 1 (media 6.077) Ã5HDOÃ0DGULGÃÃ0RUD%DQFÃ$QGRUUD Ã+HUEDOLIHÃ*UDQÃ&DQDULDÃÃ*LSX]NRDÃ%DVNHW Ã0RQEXVÃ2EUDGRLURÃÃ7HFQ\FRQWDÃ=DUDJR]D Ã5HDOÃ%HWLVÃ(QHUJtDÃ3OXVÃÃ9DOHQFLDÃ%DVNHW Ã)&Ã%DUFHORQDÃ/DVVDÃÃ%DVNRQLD Ã8&$0Ã0XUFLDÃÃ8QLFDMD Ã0RQWDNLWÃ)XHQODEUDGDÃÃ5(7$EHWÃ%LOEDRÃ%DVNHW Ã6DQÃ3DEORÃ%XUJRVÃÃ,EHURVWDUÃ7HQHULIH Ã0RYLVWDUÃ(VWXGLDQWHVÃÃ'LYLQDÃ6HJXURVÃ-RYHQWXW $SOD] Proveedores oficiales ACB 3 SERVICIO DE ESTADISTICAS ACB Ã723(6 Ã-251$'$Ã Ã/26Ã0(-25(6Ã'(Ã/$Ã7(0325$'$ Ã723(6Ã'(Ã(48,32 T Ã0(-25Ã$7$48( Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã ÃÃÃ- O Ã0(-25Ã'()(16$ Ã81,&$-$Ã Ã81,&$-$Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã9,&725,$Ã&21Ã0(126Ã381726 Ã81,&$-$Ã Ã81,&$-$Ã ÃÃÃ- P Ã'(5527$Ã&21Ã0$6Ã381726 Ã025$%$1&Ã$1'255$Ã Ã025$%$1&Ã$1'255$Ã ÃÃÃ- E Ã&$1$67$6Ã'(Ã'26 Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã*,38=.2$Ã%$6.(7Ã Ã*,38=.2$Ã%$6.(7Ã ÃÃÃ- S Ã&$1$67$6Ã75,3/(6 Ã7(&1<&217$Ã=$5$*2=$Ã Ã7(&1<&217$Ã=$5$*2=$Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã7,526Ã/,%5(6 Ã025$%$1&Ã$1'255$Ã Ã025$%$1&Ã$1'255$Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã5(%27(6 Ã0217$.,7Ã)8(1/$%5$'$Ã Ã0217$.,7Ã)8(1/$%5$'$Ã ÃÃÃ- D Ã,%(5267$5Ã7(1(5,)(Ã Ã,%(5267$5Ã7(1(5,)(Ã ÃÃÃ- E Ã$6,67(1&,$6 Ã+(5%$/,)(Ã*5$1Ã&$1$5,$Ã Ã+(5%$/,)(Ã*5$1Ã&$1$5,$Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã9$/25$&,21 Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã Ã5($/Ã0$'5,'Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã723(6Ã,1',9,'8$/(6 L Ã381726 Ã*5((1Ã(5,&.Ã Ã*5((1Ã(5,&.Ã ÃÃ- A Ã&$1$67$6Ã'(Ã'26 Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã&$1$67$6Ã75,3/(6 Ã%/$=,&Ã-$.$Ã Ã%/$=,&Ã-$.$Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã2/,9(5Ã$/%(57Ã Ã2/,9(5Ã$/%(57Ã ÃÃÃ- L Ã7+20$6Ã0$77Ã Ã7+20$6Ã0$77Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã%/806Ã-$1,6Ã Ã%/806Ã-$1,6Ã ÃÃÃ- I Ã9$1Ã526620Ã6$0Ã Ã9$1Ã526620Ã6$0Ã ÃÃÃ- G Ã7,526Ã/,%5(6 Ã67(9,&Ã2/,9(5Ã Ã67(9,&Ã2/,9(5Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã5(%27(6 Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã ÃÃÃ- A Ã$6,67(1&,$6 Ã3e5(=Ã'$1,Ã Ã3e5(=Ã'$1,Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã+(857(/Ã7+20$6Ã Ã+(857(/Ã7+20$6Ã ÃÃÃ- Ã9$/25$&,21 Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã ÃÃÃ- * Topes de la jornada 1 provisionales a falta del partido aplazado Ã'2%/(6Ã)Ã325Ã(48,326 Ã Ã-RUQÃ &/$6,),&$&,21Ã'2%/(6Ã),*85$6 ') Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã *LSX]NRDÃ%DVNHW Ã*,38=.2$Ã%$6.(7 Ã72%(<Ã0,.(Ã ,EHURVWDUÃ7HQHULIH Ã,%(5267$5Ã7(1(5,)( D Ã%$6.21,$ Ã',9,1$Ã6(*8526Ã-29(1787 O Ã)&Ã%$5&(/21$Ã/$66$ Ã+(5%$/,)(Ã*5$1Ã&$1$5,$ B Ã021%86Ã2%5$'2,52 L Ã0217$.,7Ã)8(1/$%5$'$ Ã025$%$1&Ã$1'255$ E Ã029,67$5Ã(678',$17(6 Ã5($/Ã%(7,6Ã(1(5*Ë$Ã3/86 S Ã5($/Ã0$'5,' Ã5(7$%(7Ã%,/%$2Ã%$6.(7 Ã6$1Ã3$%/2Ã%85*26 F Ã7(&1<&217$Ã=$5$*2=$ Ã8&$0Ã085&,$ I Ã81,&$-$ G Ã9$/(1&,$Ã%$6.(7 U R A S Ã'2%/(6Ã),*85$6Ã-251$'$Ã Ã381726 Ã5(%27(6 Ã$6,67 7$3 Ã125(/Ã+(1.Ã *LSX]NRDÃ%DVNHW Ã72%(<Ã0,.(Ã ,EHURVWDUÃ7HQHULIH * Dobles Figuras de la jornada 1 provisionales a falta del partido aplazado 4 SERVICIO DE ESTADISTICAS ACB MAXIMO ANOTADOR 376 3DU 0HGLD *5((1Ã(5,&. :$/.(5Ã'$9,' 125(/Ã+(1. 6$675(Ã-2$1 +(857(/Ã7+20$6 .(//<Ã5<$1 7+20$6Ã0$77 1('29,&Ã1(0$1-$ %/$=,&Ã-$.$ 67(9,&Ã2/,9(5 %281*28&2/2Ã1 9$1Ã526620Ã6$0 &$86(85Ã)$%,(1 5(',92Ã/8&,2 $126,.(Ã2'(5$+ 7+203.,16Ã75(< +8(57$6Ã0 32329,&Ã0$5.2 9(=(1.29Ã$ 5,%$6Ã3$8 6:,1*Ã-25'$1 +$1*$Ã$'$0 %/806Ã-$1,6 ',23Ã,/,0$1( 2/,9(5Ã$/%(57 '8%/-(9,&Ã%2-$1 1($/Ã*$5< -$11,1*Ã0$77 '5$*29,&Ã1,.2/$ &/$5.Ã'$1,(/ (<(1*$Ã&+5,67,$1 2 /($5<Ã,$1 &$03$==2Ã)$&8 5,&+277,Ã1,&2/È6 %(,5È1Ã-$9,(5 6$/,1Ã6$68 %522.6Ã-()) $<Ï1Ã*867$92 7,00$Ã-$1,6 02(50$1Ã$'5,(1 2/(621Ã%5$' 5$1'2/3+Ã$ 72%(<Ã0,.( 6+851$Ã-2+1 386729<,Ã$57(0 72'2529,&Ã'(-$1 7+203621Ã'(21 5831,.Ã/8.$ *5$1*(5Ã-$<621 ',$*1(Ã02866$ %DVNRQLD 'LYLQDÃ6HJXURVÃ-RYHQWXW )&Ã%DUFHORQDÃ/DVVD *LSX]NRDÃ%DVNHW +HUEDOLIHÃ*UDQÃ&DQDULD ,EHURVWDUÃ7HQHULIH 0RQEXVÃ2EUDGRLUR 0RQWDNLWÃ)XHQODEUDGD 0RUD%DQFÃ$QGRUUD 0RYLVWDUÃ(VWXGLDQWHV 5HDOÃ%HWLVÃ(QHUJtDÃ3OXV 5HDOÃ0DGULG 5(7$EHWÃ%LOEDRÃ%DVNHW 6DQÃ3DEORÃ%XUJRV 7HFQ\FRQWDÃ=DUDJR]D 8&$0Ã0XUFLD 8QLFDMD 9DOHQFLDÃ%DVNHW %DVNRQLD 'LYLQDÃ6HJXURVÃ-RYHQWXW )&Ã%DUFHORQDÃ/DVVD *LSX]NRDÃ%DVNHW +HUEDOLIHÃ*UDQÃ&DQDULD ,EHURVWDUÃ7HQHULIH 0RQEXVÃ2EUDGRLUR 0RQWDNLWÃ)XHQODEUDGD 0RUD%DQFÃ$QGRUUD 0RYLVWDUÃ(VWXGLDQWHV 5HDOÃ%HWLVÃ(QHUJtDÃ3OXV 5HDOÃ0DGULG 5(7$EHWÃ%LOEDRÃ%DVNHW 6DQÃ3DEORÃ%XUJRV 7HFQ\FRQWDÃ=DUDJR]D 8&$0Ã0XUFLD 8QLFDMD 9DOHQFLDÃ%DVNHW 5 SERVICIO DE ESTADISTICAS ACB ESTADÍSTICAS INDIVIDUALES << MINUTOS JUGADOS >> << ASISTENCIAS >> << REBOTES OFENSIVOS >> TOT Par Media TOT Par Media TOT Par Media PÉREZ, DANIEL 36:01 1 36:01 PÉREZ, DANIEL 9 1 9,00 OLASENI, GABRIEL 6 1 6,00 SWING, JORDAN 35:32 1 35:32 GRANGER, JAYSON 7 1 7,00 SAIZ, SEBAS 5 1 5,00 BOUNGOU-COLO, N$ 35:28 1 35:28 MEKEL, GAL 7 1 7,00 TOBEY, MIKE 5 1 5,00 SASTRE, JOAN 32:33 1 32:33 POZAS, PEPE 6 1 6,00 SEKULIC, BLAGOTA 4 1 4,00 GRANGER, JAYSON 32:16 1 32:16 SÀBAT, ALBERT 6 1 6,00 NOREL, HENK 4 1 4,00 ANOSIKE, ODERAH 32:06 1 32:06 BELLAS, TOMÁS 6 1 6,00 SERAPHIN, KEVIN 4 1 4,00 TIMMA, JANIS 30:44 1 30:44 HUERTAS, M$ 6 1 6,00 KEMPTON, TIM 3 1 3,00 DÍAZ, ALBERTO 30:12 1 30:12 FERNÁNDEZ, JAIME 6 1 6,00 MOERMAN, ADRIEN 3 1 3,00 NELSON, LUKE 29:54 1 29:54 TABU, JONATHAN 5 1 5,00 BROOKS, JEFF 3 1 3,00 GREEN, ERICK 29:37 1 29:37 NEDOVIC, NEMANJA 5 1 5,00 VÁZQUEZ, FRAN 3 1 3,00 SALVÓ, MIQUEL 29:31 1 29:31 MCGRATH, DONNIE 5 1 5,00
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