A3 + PLUS >> The sad side effect of 2020, Health/3A PREP SOCCER COLLEGE FOOTBALL Columbia boys Pass-happy Gators hold off Santa Fe happy to keep passing See Page 12A See Page 12A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2020 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Cooper Gift that keeps on giving recalled for love of youth Provided school supplies, meals without recognition. By TONY BRITT
[email protected] Whether it was with the Guardian ad Litem program, as an Elks Lodge member or with a local youth mentor- ship program, Willis Omega Cooper gave. Often avoid- ing the spotlight, Cooper found ways Cooper to give back to the community, especially the youth, leaving an indelible mark on numer- ous lives in the community. That giving spirit was recalled by family and friends after Cooper died Photos by TONY BRITT/Lake City Reporter peacefully Sunday in a Gainesville Cindy Sleezer, Gateway Art Gallery curator, puts a wooden Christmas ornament on a tree at the shop. All the ornaments on the hospital following brief bout with an Christmas trees inside the gallery are on sale during the inaugural Mistletoe Magic fundraiser. illness. He was 64 years old. “Mr. Cooper meant a whole lot to this community,” said Grace Cooper, Mistletoe Magic campaign benefits his wife. “He liked to work behind the scenes. He didn’t want any Gateway Gallery, crafters, shoppers thank you’s, no appreciation — he just wanted to do what he had to do By TONY BRITT munity and they’re helping us in what’s and be done with it.”
[email protected] a fundraiser for us and to help them,” For Cooper, who was employed said Cindy Sleezer, Gateway Art Gallery for many years with Combs Funeral The Gateway Art Gallery is giving and curator, about the event which began on Home before opening Cooper receiving this holiday season.