
Reportof the President 2013-2014 Mission Statement: Molloy College, an independent,

Catholic college rooted in the

Dominican tradition of study,

spirituality, service, and community,

is committed to academic excellence with respect for each person. Through

transformative education, Molloy

promotes a lifelong search for truth

and the development of ethical

leadership. President's Message

eaders of Molloy’s President’s Report are accustomed to seeing a letter from me in this space summarizing what an amazing year we have had, and that adjective certainly describes the R 2013-14 academic year. What is often unseen, however, is the commitment of so many people behind the scenes that leads directly to the College’s many achievements.

There were so many successful projects this past year – including the Middle States accreditation process and the launch of new academic programs – that required the dedication of so many people, and all of these efforts contributed to the success of Molloy as a whole.

One of the highlights of the year was an event in the spring that we called “All In for Molloy Day.” In just one day, the Molloy community pledged more than $200,000 towards our capital campaign.

The outpouring of affection for our institution, though, stood out even more so than the financial donations. The spirit demonstrated that day perfectly captured what Molloy is all about, and I regularly see this type of positive attitude in our students, staff, administration and faculty, as well as in our alumni and the many friends of the College.

A great example of Molloy’s many friends is the Energeia Partnership. This organization, which we founded in 2005, brings together some of Long Island’s best and brightest leaders to try to tackle some of Long Island’s most challenging issues – racism, poverty, energy, transportation and healthcare, to name but a few. Energeia is highlighted in this publication, and they are most definitely “all in” for Long Island.

As we began the new academic year, Molloy received a tremendous honor. We were recognized by Money Magazine as one of its “Best Colleges,” ranking 72nd in the country (and ahead of every other Long Island college that offers a comprehensive range of degrees and programs).

The recognition by Money does not happen because of any single person, but is a validation of the community we have built at Molloy. Our community is committed to providing the best possible education for our students. We are dedicated to the belief that the transformational experience we provide our students will enable them to improve the communities where they live.

Thank you all for another remarkable year.

Drew Bogner, Ph.D. President Table of Contents

05 Introduction

06 Our Changing Campus

10 Expanding Our Geographical Footprint

12 Academic Achievements

16 Cultivating Enrollment

18 Beyond the Classroom

20 Real-World Experiences

22 Accolades for Molloy

24 Board of Trustees

26 The Energeia Partnership at Molloy College

30 Donors

41 Additional Support

42 Gifts-In-Kind

43 Alumni Giving

44 Scholarships

46 Statement of Activities Introduction

t Molloy College we are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our students and, indeed, the entire community. We must remember that it is the entire Molloy family that A has enabled us to build a reputation as a regionally excellent Catholic college. Whether it is extra time devoted to our students, a dona- 05 Introduction tion to a capital campaign, or many hours spent planning a special event, the growth and continued success of the College would not be possible 06 Our Changing Campus without the contributions of so many friends, alumni, faculty, administra- 10 Expanding Our Geographical Footprint tors and staff. 12 Academic Achievements

16 Cultivating Enrollment

18 Beyond the Classroom

20 Real-World Experiences

22 Accolades for Molloy

24 Board of Trustees

26 The Energeia Partnership at Molloy College

30 Donors

41 Additional Support

42 Gifts-In-Kind

43 Alumni Giving

44 Scholarships

46 Statement of Activities

5 Our Changing Campus

We are well into Phase 2 of our $50 million campus expansion. This latest growth includes the newly-renovated Maria Regina Hall, formerly a convent for sisters living on campus and now the College’s second residence hall. Maria Regina houses 100 students, adding to the 156 students already residing in Fitzgerald Hall. More resident students at Molloy College have fu- eled the growth of our vibrant campus life. We have expanded student opportunities exponentially with over 60 clubs and societies, student trips (both domestically and internationally), world-class performances at the Madi- son Theatre, and an active athletics schedule….there truly is always something happening on campus.


“The Molloy community is far more than a system of academic support; it is a tight- knit family, a family I have fallen in love with over my time here, and a family that I am proud to serve as a Resident Assistant (R.A.) in the new residence hall. As an R.A., it is my duty to assist any resident in need, but I see this position as a way to actively participate in the vibrant life at Molloy, and to give back to the folks here who have made this college experience one of eye-opening, mind-expanding, and heart-swelling importance for me.

“As a music therapy student, I can only speak highly of our faculty and their constant willingness to lend a hand whenever needed. As a resident, and now an R.A., it is thrilling to see this on-campus family, already so warm and devoted, grow closer to its fullest potential through the building of the new residence hall. With many progressive changes having already taken place, and with more to come, it is a very exciting time to be at Molloy. It seems as if there’s nowhere to go but up.

“There is a spirit alive here that is unparalleled, a spirit of friendship and family, a willingness to smile and lend a helping hand. The faculty and students share a respect that is as essential to learning as the classes themselves. I feel part of a whole here, and I am proud to call myself a Lion.”


7 In June 2014 we officially broke ground for the new Barbara H. Hagan Center for Nursing. The Center was made possible by a very successful capital campaign that began in June of 2013. Without the support of the en- tire College community, the new state-of-the-art build- ing would not be possible. The Center will consolidate our undergraduate and graduate Nursing programs into one building, while providing additional classrooms and meeting areas. There will also be new Nursing laborato- ries, a telepresence room, a computer laboratory, simu- lation rooms and a healing garden. The Hagan Center will open during the 2015-16 academic year.

8 “I believe that the new Nursing Center at Molloy College is an investment in the education of nursing students, preparing us to become pioneers of future health care. It is a tremendous resource where students can perfect their skills and increase knowledge . People always say that there is something special about a Molloy nurse; now they will say there is something 'extra' special about a Molloy nurse! This is one of the many ways Molloy College continues to strive for, and contribute to, excellence.”


9 Expanding our Geographical Footprint

We recently added some very special off-campus locations to the growing list of Molloy facilities. The Center for Environmental Research and Coastal Oceans Monitoring (CERCOM), which is located in the West Sayville Boat Basin, serves as a hub of marine science activity and is an amazing addition to our already diverse list of opportunities in the natural sciences. Encompassing a 1,800 square-foot laboratory, CERCOM works to focus attention on the ecosystem health of estuarine environments worldwide. Additionally, we entered into a public-private partnership with Nassau County to accomplish extensive renovations to the baseball field at the Mitchel Field Athletic Complex in Uniondale. The modifications to the field included adding artificial turf, new dugouts and a new scoreboard creating a state-of-the-art NCAA baseball field. The field will be used by Molloy College athletic teams along with Nassau County residents and local athletic organizations. Molloy now has a location, thanks to our new partnership with CAP21, a leading musical theatre conservatory. Students enrolled in Molloy’s new Theatre Arts program will take their performance classes in the most exciting city in the world…New York!

10 “Being a student-athlete here at Molloy has been an indescribable experience. With Molloy College working with Nassau County, they helped build us a beautiful baseball field at Mitchel Field. In past years, traveling from field to field to play home games made it tough to stay prepared. It felt as if we were always on the road and never had a place we could call home. Now we have a sense of pride knowing we have a home where we can continuously train to get better. It brings us closer, almost like a family.”


11 Academic Achievements

After 18 months of preparation, Molloy was re-visited by a committee of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, whose goal was to determine whether the College would gain reaccreditation. Molloy achieved the most positive outcome possible, a tribute to everyone involved and to the methods and processes that the College has in place. Molloy earned New York State approval for several new programs during the last year. We are thrilled to have added a second doctoral program - the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P) degree, which began in Fall 2014. We also received approval for the Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, which will begin in Fa11 2015. Molloy’s new B.F.A. in Theatre Arts includes a unique partnership with Manhattan-based CAP21. Students enrolled in the program will move "as a cohort" through academic courses on the Rockville Centre campus and performance classes at the CAP21 facility. As they pursue their B.F.A. degree, students will experience both Molloy College campus life and the professional theatre world at CAP21.

12 “The teamwork and dedication I witnessed throughout the Middle States experience exemplified the reason I chose to come to Molloy and why I love it here. The Molloy community embodies the Dominican tradition and working with so many people throughout the Middle States experience we proved that we are more than just a school…we are a community and a family. This was visible through the hard work, dedication and teamwork that was displayed during the reaccreditation process.”


13 In the Business Division new degree programs include a Bachelor of Science in Marketing, an M.B.A. in Marketing and an M.B.A. in Healthcare. The English Department added a digi- tal writing track in the English major, which focuses on written communication in the digital age. And the Allied Health Depart- ment received approval for a B.S. degree in Respiratory Care. Lastly, the Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies Department received approval from the New York State Educa- tion Department to offer three separate study tracks within the Biology B.S. degree program. The new tracks are: Pre-Professional Medical Programs/Graduate Studies Track, Pre-Allied Medical Programs Track, and the General Biological Sciences Track. There are countless people involved in the process of gaining approval for the new programs. Without the teamwork that is the hallmark of everything here at Molloy, we would not have these exciting and diverse program offerings available to our students.

14 “I am so grateful that I found this amazing program that offers so many unique opportunities. I am from Mid- land, Texas, and could not be more impressed with the kindness of the Molloy College and CAP21 communities. I was a little nervous about such a large cultural change, but every individual I have had the privilege to speak with has embraced me with open arms!

“This program exceeds other standard B.F.A. musical theatre programs because of the dual experience of the suburban campus and Manhattan life. CAP21 is in New York City and is an amazing environment for a blooming artist, while Molloy has a gorgeous campus and is the perfect setting for a dedicated student. Luckily both offer so many exciting social and cultural events. I am so happy that I made the choice to pursue the B.F.A. in Theatre Arts from Molloy and CAP21…truly a dynamic duo.”


15 Cultivating Enrollment With the help of an incredibly skilled group of people, including admissions representa- tives, marketing professionals and professors, we recently initiated special recruitment efforts at the high school level designed to attract students considering studying some of the programs offered here at the College. These efforts will not only expose them to the Molloy campus and faculty, but also to our unique nurturing and encouraging culture. Some of the exciting oppor- tunities have included our Business Boot Camp, Summer Writing Experience, Science Camp, Musical Theatre Summer Intensive, Criminal Justice Career Day and Art Department Saturday Classes for high school students. With the help of high school guidance counselors, we have been able to reach interested students and share the best Molloy has to offer with them. We hope these efforts will be the beginning of a long relationship with the Molloy community.

16 "It's so important when recruiting that Molloy establishes a strong relationship with the students. It's so ardu- ous searching for the perfect fit when deciding on which college to go to. That's what makes Molloy unique. Everyone here genuinely cares. Molloy is one big family, and we get that message across especially through the summer programs. The Musical Theatre Summer Intensive program did an amazing job making the children feel like part of the family. I got the privilege to work with such wonderfully talented children, many of whom I am still in contact with and consider family." - ALEJANDRINA RAMOS MADISON THEATRE INTERN, DUAL MAJOR DIGITAL MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AND SPANISH

17 Beyond the Classroom

During their time at Molloy, our students strive to transform the world at local, regional and international levels. There are many opportunities for community service, including work- ing at a soup kitchen in Hempstead and staffing a summer camp in poverty-stricken West Vir- ginia. Molloy students were also seen on an “alternative spring break” spent in New Orleans, where students continued the rebuilding effort in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and in Haiti, helping residents still trying to recover from the 2010 earthquake. These experiences not only transform the communities and people our students help, but they transform our students as well.

18 “Molloy offers amazing opportunities to go out into the world and make a difference. Dedication to community service is part of the College’s culture. My experience spending spring break in New Orleans was transformational, as I spent time helping rebuild areas ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. Having a chance to connect with those in need and helping to rebuild their world is something I will never forget. I am grateful to Molloy for providing such amazing service projects.”


19 Real-World Experiences

We believe that classroom education must be supplemented by real-world experiences, and Molloy students have those opportunities in abundance. Internships, clinical practicums, International Education, and undergraduate research are all important components of a Molloy education. Our Business capstone courses place students in the role of real-world consultants working for actual clients. Students are given actual business problems facing government and non-prof- it organizations, and they are challenged to provide solutions to these real-world issues. International Education trips also provide an opportunity for students to do much more than visit an exotic locale. Interactions with local students and representatives of international companies and clinical agencies broaden our students’ perspectives, enriching their lives and increasing their awareness that we are all part of a global community.

20 "I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to intern at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York this past sum- mer. The workshops, speaker events, and one-on-one mentoring I received from professors in the Business Division throughout my years at Molloy were instrumental in helping me obtain this internship and continue to guide me towards achieving my career goals. Receiving a full-time offer at the end of the summer was a true testament to how all of the resources available to me at Molloy have effectively prepared me for my pro- fessional career." - SANIYA KHAN INTERN AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK, ACCOUNTING MAJOR WITH A FINANCE MINOR

21 Accolades for Molloy Recent rankings in Money Magazine and U.S. News & World Report have highlighted the tremendous success that Molloy has enjoyed in recent years. The Money rankings – which were based on such factors as graduation rates, student-faculty ratio, SAT scores, affordability, student debt and early- and mid-career earnings – were particularly gratifying because we were the highest ranked college on Long Island. The following statistics speak to our success over the last decade or so:

• College enrollment has increased by 33% since 2004 • Since 2007 our graduation rate has increased from 62% to 66%, the highest of any private college on Long Island • Since 2003 we increased retention for freshmen from 84% to 89%, the highest in the region • SAT scores of incoming freshmen have increased by 57 points since 2003 • The number of undergraduate programs Molloy offers has doubled since 2000, and we now offer two doctoral degrees and numerous graduate degrees

22 On the Money Magazine list of Best Colleges*, Molloy ranked 72nd nationwide for quality of education, career outcomes and affordability.

No comprehensive college on Long Island ranked higher.

From MONEY® Magazine, August 2014 © 2014 Time Inc. Used under license. MONEY and TIME Inc. are not affiliated with, and do not endorse products or services of, Licensee.

23 Board of Trustees

Daniel T. Henry, M.B.A. Susan Santoro Bevilacqua, J.D. Chairperson Attorney Retired (C.F.O., American Express) Oceanville Mason Supply

Drew Bogner, Ph.D. Msgr. Francis J. Caldwell, C.S.W. Pastor President St. Martha’s Church Molloy College Salvatore P. Ciampo, B.A. Laura A. Cassell, B.S. /C.P.A. Senior Director Facilities Management Vice Chairperson Albert Einstein College of Medicine CEO Catholic Charities of the John F. Coghlan, M.S. Diocese of Rockville Centre Retired (Managing Director, Barclays Bank)

John T. Ahern Michael Comerford, J.D. Business Manager/Financial Secretary Partner IUOE Local 30 Comerford & Dougherty, LLP

Theresa P. Ahlstrom, B.S./C.P.A. Marianne Dolan Weber, M.S. Partner Manager KPMG LLP Knickerbocker Group, LLC

24 Raymond E. Farrell, Esq. S. Mary Pat Neylon, O.P., Ed.D. Partner Prioress Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt, LLP Sisters of St. Dominic

Jeffrey H. Greenfield, B.S. Heather M. Palmore, Esq. Managing Member NGL Group, L.L.C. John A. Pohlman, M.B.A./C.P.A. Vice President of Finance Gerald Kaiser, J.D. St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center Attorney Chairman of the Finance Impact Committee, Kenneth J. Pritchard, P.E., B.S.C.E. Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Region, Area 2 Vice President of Municipal Engineering D&B Engineers and Architects, P.C. Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse, O.P., Ph.D. Research Associate, Laurence J. McGinley, James S. Rowen, M.B.A. Chair in Religion and Society Chief Operating Officer Fordham University Renaissance Technologies corp.

William K. Lloyd, Ph.D. Robert S. Salvatico, M.B.A. Superintendent Partner and Senior Vice President - Operations Uniondale Public Schools Jaral Properties, Inc. and Jaral Management Corp.

Welquis Ray Lopez, M.A. Kathleen Sideli, Ph.D. Special Advisor to the Majority Leader Associate Vice President for Overseas Study State Senate (Sen. Dean Skelos) Indiana University

John P. McEntee, J.D. (President Elect S. Kathleen Sullivan, O.P., M.A. of Nassau County Bar Association) Chancellor for External Affairs Partner Dominican College of Blauvelt Farrell Fritz, P.C. Phillipa G. Woodriffe, M.D. Daniel T. McGowan, M.S. General Surgeon Retired (HIP Health Plan of New York) Riverside Medical Center

Edward M. Milarsky, B.S. Director JL Media, Inc.

25 Building Long Island’s Capacity for Regional Action…

Founded in 2005 by Molloy College, The Energeia Partnership has been recruiting and educating Long Island’s premier business, not-for-profit and governmental leaders, providing an innovative learning and relationship-building experience for the purpose of enhancing and enrich the common good on Long Island. Our mission, and most passionate hope, is to identify and address the serious, complex and multi- dimensional issues challenging the Long Island region.

In the past ten years we have developed a growing network of over 320 partners. These individuals are trained and empowered with critical regional data. They are talented and connected stakeholders ready to serve as catalysts for change.


Our Energeia Partners represent the richness of Long Island’s ethnic, geographic, and professional diversity. The first phase of a partner’s involvement (Core Program) includes dedicating two years of study, with approximately 40 other class members, by attending a series of ten full-day workshops (Education, Institutional Racism, Poverty And The Working Poor, Land Use, Energy, Transportation, Healthcare, Media, Criminal Justice and Governance & Taxation); three retreats and topical “ad hoc” workshops.

The second phase (Regional Action Phase) of a partner’s involvement revolves around continuing the education process and implementing action on behalf of identified regional initiatives.

“Energeia”- A Greek word used by Aristotle to describe the demonstration of inner character in deeds. It is goodness plus efficiency; it is focused, purposeful, meaningful, effective, energetic action.

27 The Energeia Partnership at Molloy College, an extension of Molloy’s transformative mission, is to serve, engage & cooperatively work for the transformation of Long Island’s common good. These are just a few of the initiatives we are involved in:

Unified Voting To increase voter participation and transparency, partners have passed resolutions in five municipalities seeking a single voting date for all special districts. The resolution is expected to be passed in other municipalities in the coming months with the goal of having a bill introduced at the state level before the end of 2015.

Child Health Plus Over 65,000 children on Long Island are under or uninsured. To address this, partners worked to raise awareness about the State’s Child Health Plus program, which offers free or affordable health insurance to any child. At least 50 children enrolled in the program as a direct result of our Partner’s efforts, though the number is believed to be significantly higher (difficult to track).


Opportunity Wyandanch At least 25 partners are directly involved in supporting the community of Wyandanch as the Village goes through a regionally-significant downtown revitalization effort. Projects might range from assisting with attracting quality businesses to sponsorship of after school programs to homeowner education and assistance programs.

Habitat for Humanity More than 20 Partners and their families dedicated a day to help build affordable and sustainable housing for a Suffolk County family.

North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System (North Shore LIJ) Recycling The largest employer in the region, North Shore LIJ instituted a large-scale system- wide recycling program motivated by the influence and knowledge Partners gleaned from participating in the Energeia Program.

For more information about our demographics, course of study and outcomes, please see the website

29 Donors

We are so grateful to all our donors. Donations listed here were made between July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014. Donations made after those dates will appear in the next Annual Report of the President.

Veritas Circle Monarch Alternative Capital National Grid Digital Graphic Imagery ($50,000 or More) Mancino Family Fund / Long Island Northville Industries Drexler Land Development Corp. Community Foundation Park Strategies, LLC Duffy & Duffy, PLLC Mr. Ernest and Oxford & Simpson Realty Services Peter & Jeri Dejana Engineers Charitable Trust Mrs. Veronica E. Larini, '65 The Par Group Family Foundation Fresh Concepts, LLC Ms. Eileen McDonnell, '84 Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse Posillico Civil Gordon L. Seaman Ms. Eugenia Rudmann Sebonack Foundation Prospect Street Administrators Hollywood Interiors The Honorable Switzer Foundation Select Equity Group Foundation Kasey's American Grill Alfonse M. D'Amato VHB Engineering, Surveying & Liberty Mutual Mr. James J. Hagan Landscape Architecture, P.C. McCarthy & Reynolds, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Henry Dominican Sisters Circle Vornado Realty Trust Mercedes-Benz of RVC Frank & Gertrude Kaiser ($5,000 - $9,999) Met PGA Foundation Ms. Carole Gerrity, '60 Morstan General Agency Dr. Maura Beattie, '72 Leadership Circle Oceanside Christopher Kathleen Sideli, Ph.D., '73 ($2,500 - $4,999) Chairman Circle Federal Credit Union Mrs. Emilia Brajuka, '78 Ms. Catherine Shaw, '63 ($25,000 - $49,999) Paul Conte Cadillac of Freeport Mrs. Donna Raye-Sullivan, '88 Mrs. Andrea Gladding, '70 Ms. Julia O'Keeffe, '64 Racanelli Construction Co. Dr. Drew and Mrs. Karen Bogner Ms. Mary Caldwell, '73 Mr. William J. and Ridgewood Savings Bank Ms. Elaine D. Burger Mrs. Jennifer Mannino, '95 Mrs. Joanne T. Quinn, '70 / RSI David L. Calone, Esq. Mr. Michael Aievoli, '99 The Quinn Family Foundation Signature Bank Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Carman Mr. Thomas and Estate of Mary B. Ulicny, '74 Spano Abstract Service Corp Mrs. Rita Cleary Mrs. Eileen Alexanderson Mr. Robert B. Catell Spellman Rice Schure Gibbons Raymond E. Farrell, Esq. Linda E. Amper, Ph.D. Marianne Dolan Weber McDonough & Polizzi, LLP Andrea Honigsfeld, Ed.D. Anonymous S. Mary Victoria Gabriel, O.P. Sterling & Sterling Gerald Kaiser, J.D. / Anthony Barbiero, Esq. Mrs. Carol Manda Suffolk Transportation Service The Kaiser Family Foundation Mr. Gene M. Bernstein Mr. James S. Rowen Taconic Investment Partners, LLC Mr. Errol S. Kitt Mr. Christopher and Think Virtual Fieldwork, LLC TD Bank Mr. Samuel M. Longiotti Mrs. Elizabeth Boylan Valley National Bank Tower Group Companies John P. McEntee, J.D. Mrs. Laura A. Cassell Town of Babylon Mr. Sean O'Rourke / Mr. and Mrs. Philip Castrovinci Democratic Committee Trustees Circle Coast-Line International Mrs. Catherine DeMartini Westerman, Ball, Ederer, ($10,000 - $24,999) Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Piluso Thierry Duchatellier, M.D. Miller & Sharfstein, LLP Barbara Black, Ph.D., '60 Mr. Albert L. Salvatico Mr. Paul H. and Wiedersum Associates Estate of Elizabeth Manning, '71 Mr. Robert S. Salvatico / Mrs. Sherry L. Durnan Architects, PLLC Mrs. Theresa P. Ahlstrom Jaral Management Corp. Ms. Nicolette A. Fiore-Lopez William and Phyllis Mr. Marty and Mr. William J. Schwarz Mr. Joseph M. Fucarino Mack Family Foundation Mrs. Susan Bevilacqua / Mr. John H. Streicker Debra R. Hanna, Ph.D. WRS Environmental Services Oceanville Mason Supply Co. Mr. John H. Treiber Mr. Peter J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cameron Austin & Williams Mr. Syed Zaki Hossain Mr. and Mrs. John F. Coghlan Better Home Health Care Agency Mr. Scott Kautz President's Circle Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Feil Butler, Rogers, & Baskett Mr. Welquis R. Lopez ($1,000 - $2,499) Mr. Jeffrey H. Greenfield / Architects, P.C. Ms. Grace D. Matzen Mrs. Marjorie Burns King, '59 NGL Group, LLC C&S Building Services Mr. John Paul and Ms. Kathryn Razza, '59 Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Buddy) Cameron Engineering & Mrs. Judith Mead Mrs. Lorelle Schaefer, '60 Haunss Associates, LLP Mr. Thomas B. Poole Mrs. Mary Ann Tuttle, '61 Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Lynch Certilman, Balin, Adler & Maureen M. Sanz, Ph.D. Mrs. Marilyn Canty, '62 Jeannine D. Muldoon, Ph.D. Hyman, LLP Barbara T. Schmidt, Ph.D. Ms. Anne Richter, '62 Axis Construction Corp D&B Engineers and Ms. Sushama Tangella-Viswathmula Mrs. Joan Thackaberry, '62 Baer's Rug & Linoleum Co. Architects, P.C. Mr. Jerome C. Wood Mrs. Eileen Aliprandi, '63 BP Mechanical Corporation Forest Laboratories Astoria Bank Mrs. Jeanne Bonnici, '65 Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & H2M Group Avalon Bay Communities Mrs. Eileen Jordan, '65 Schmidt, LLP Hallen Construction Company B/E Aerospace Mrs. Barbara Filazzola, '66 Citi Community Development Harvest Real Estate Service Big Cat Enterprises Mr. Robert and Comerford & Dougherty, LLP / Heartland Development Corp. The BWD Group, LLC Mrs. Judith Gibbons, '67 Michael J. Comerford, J.D. IUOE Local 30 / Caithness Long Island, LLC Dr. Teresa Gonzalez, '68 Farrell Fritz, P.C. Mr. John T. Ahern (Deceased) Club Agency Valerie Collins, Ph.D., '71 Forchelli, Curto, Deegan, Schwartz, J.L. Media Insurance Brokerage, LLC Mrs. Diane Reed, '71 Mineo & Terrana, LLP Lackmann Culinary Services ComDesign Global Mrs. Patricia Zandy, '71 Gallagher Benefit Services Lancer Insurance Company Cullen and Dykman, LLP S. Grace Bletsch, O.P., '72 The Heisman Trophy Trust Local 342 Long Island Cushman & Wakefield Mr. Richard Ryder and JNF Baseball Moritt Hock & Hamroff, LLP The Design Alliance Mrs. Carole Neidich-Ryder '72

30 Donors

Maureen Carey, Ph.D., '73 Mr. Daniel and Interboro AutoOne Mrs. Barbara Erhartic, '64 Ms. Claire Joseph, '75 Mrs. Eileen McGann Insurance Company Mrs. Mary Beth Ferri, '64 Mrs. Patricia DeLuca, '77 Mr. Gerald McGinley Jobco Realty & Construction Mrs. Beverly Yurashus, '64 Mrs. Beverly Schueneman, '77 Mrs. Diane McGrath - State Farm Krystal Fruits and Vegetables Ms. Elizabeth Barnosky, '65 Kathleen Smith, Ph.D., '77 Agent, Rockville Centre Larusso & Conway Ms. Rita Carter, '65 Norma Vaglio-Laurin, M.D., '77 Ms. Arda Nazerian Attorney's at Law Ms. Jane Moore-Robinson, '68 Mrs. Virginia Dittko, '78 Mrs. Dolores Parry LBA Melville Associates Patricia Kennerdell, Ph.D., '69 Mrs. Virginia Hughes, '78 Mr. and Mrs. John Pensabene Loci Architecture P.C. Mrs. Ann Thompson, '69 Miss Kathryn Hager, '79 Ms. Mary S. Phipps Long Island Foot Care PC, MD Mrs. Maureen Remsen, '71 Ms. Teresa Loheide, '80 Mr. Kenneth J. Pritchard Malverne Little League Mrs. Rosemary Theurer, '72 Mrs. Judith Santoianni, '82 Mr. Lewis S. Ranieri Marchese & Maynard, LLP Mrs. Linda Hubchen, '73 Andrea Spata, Ph.D., '84 Mr. Brian Rathjen Martone Family Foundation Mrs. Jean King, '73 Mrs. Susan Cassidy-Lyke, '86 Mr. Jack Rennert Mattone Group, LLC Ms. Francine Sands, '74 Mrs. Marie Jensen, '87 Mr. Glenn J. Rufrano Meadow Brook Club Mrs. Linda Albanese, '76 Mr. Raymond Anderson, '90 and Mr. Anthony Scaramucci Member Brokerage Service, LLC Ms. Grace O'Leary, '76 Mrs. Jennifer Anderson, '90 Dr. Alan and Dr. Rose L. Schecter MJER 2000, LLC / Hampton Inn Mrs. Maryanne Mrs. Ethel Ulrich, '96 Ms. Valerie T. Terzano and Suites - Rockville Centre Williams Pitman, '77 Mrs. Jean Maher, '98 Anthony J. Tolvo, Ph.D. Morris B. Rettner Foundation Angela Baumann, M.D., '79 Mrs. Janice Meyers, '99 Mr. Eric Vacca Nat R. & Martha M. Knaster Mrs. Mary Duffy, '79 Mr. Omar Kasi, '00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Von Essen Charitable Trust Mrs. Marta Pourshalchi, '80 Ms. Chamel Thompson, '03 Mr. Thomas J. Wagner Nawrocki Smith, LLP Mrs. Bernadette Prato, '80 Mr. Anthony DiMichele, '04 and Mr. Emmett Walker North Atlantic Baseball Ms. Marilyn Cockren, '82 Mrs. Nicole DiMichele, '06 Mr. Philip C. Westerman One Stop Landscape & Dr. Paul and Mr. George Schiering, '06 and Mr. Bradford Wildauer Masonry Supply Mrs. Ellen Van Wie, '82 Marjorie Schiering, Ed.D. Mr. Robert Williams Petrocelli Group Mrs. Kathryn McGuire, '83 Lois Moylan, Ph.D., '07 Advantage Title Agency Plumbers Local Union No. 200 Ms. Elizabeth Field, '84 Mr. Robert Windorf, '07 AECOM PS&S Engineering Mrs. Maureen Hance, '84 Dr. Anael Alston Albrecht, Viggiano, Richner Communications Mrs. Margery Clayton, '86 Ms. Angela S. Anton Zureck & Company, P.C. Rockville Centre Lacrosse Club Mrs. Gina Core, '87 Teresa C. Aprigliano, Ed.D. Ares Management, LLC Roslyn O-S Hotel Partners, LLC Mrs. Joan O'Hare, '87 Mr. Daniel Arnowitz BK Fire Suppression & Ruskin, Moscou, Faltischek, P.C. Ms. Antoinette Blanck, '88 Ms. Doreen Banks Security Systems RWDSU Local 1102 Mrs. Gina Knight, '88 Mr. Stephen J. Bier Breslin Reality Saint John Fisher Fund Mr. Ralph Marigliano, '89 and Lillian Bozak-Deleo, Ph.D. Bryant Air Conditioning Saravia Landscaping Mrs. Christine Marigliano, '99 Mr. James F. Campbell Contractors Schoolman Transportation System Maria Varrichio, Esq., '91 Ms. Nicolette A. Ceo Caithness Energy Schulman Lobel Wolfson Zand Mrs. Mary Gibbons, '95 Mr. Patrick Connolly Catholic Charities of the Diocese Abruzzo Katzen & Mrs. Anne Burke, '96 Mr. Brian Currie of Rockville Centre Blackman, LLP Mr. Les and Mrs. Anna Jansson, '04 Mr. Timothy Delaney Ciampa Organization Sinnreich Kosakoff & Messina, LLP Ms. Josephine Herbert, '05 Mrs. Janine H. DeMilt CLS 123, LLC South Nassau Dr. Geraldine Moore, '05 Mr. William P. Dickey Compassionate Friends of RVC Communities Hospital Mrs. Catherine Muscente, '08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dittmeier Creative Vibe Advertising SurePath Construction Services Ms. Elizabeth Whalen, '08 Ms. Susan E. Dries Custom Golf Materials The Landtek Group Mr. Michael Olivo, '10 Mr. Frank J. Dwyer, III CWA Local 1104 Ultra Sonic RVC Mr. Seth Schiering, '10 Mr. David J. Einbinder DeGiaimo Group Property Waldorf Risk Solutions, LLC Mrs. Ann Davenport, '11 A. Nicholas Fargnoli, Ph.D. Management Corp. Westbury Jeep Chrysler Dodge Mrs. Patricia Pasqueralle, '12 Mr. Marc A. Feinberg East Coast Abstract Mr. John Galanoudis, '14 Mr. James Gillen Edwards and Company Kellenberg Circle Ms. Lauren Labita, '14 Mr. Paul Gillen Empire National Bank ($500 - $999) Mr. John Amodeo Mr. Joseph Guterding The Engel Burman Group / Mr. Stephen A. Antaki Mrs. Teresa Kneuer, '59 Mr. Dennis J. Harrington, Jr. The Bristal Mr. Michael J. Bishop Mrs. Leone Perez, '59 Mr. Michael P. Higgins Episcopal Church of the Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Blumberg Mrs. Dorothy Bausch, '60 Dr. Charles and Resurrection Mrs. Dorothy J. Bock Mrs. Grace Chapple, '60 Patricia Howlett, Esq. Farm Country Kitchen Mr. Kevin Brosnan Dr. Mary Condon-Rall, '60 Mr. Peter Patch and First Nationwide Title Agency Mr. Thomas M. Buonaiuto Mrs. Theresa Dooley, '61 Mrs. Linda Kane Glen Cove Mansion Ms. Jennifer Calabrese Emilie Sair, Ph.D., '61 Ms. Catherine Korf Grant Thornton, LLP Mr. John Calimano Ms. Mary Louise Bradley, '62 Mr. Kenneth Krieg Gutterman's Funeral Home Lois A. Carey, Ph.D. Mrs. Rachel Bruce, '62 Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Ellen Labita Hammill, O'Brien, Croutier, Mr. Edward Casper Ms. Marie A. Fasano Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. LaRusso Dempsey, Pender & Mr. Louis J. Cino Mrs. Mary Abatemarco, '63 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Lipton Koehler, P.C. Mr Richard and Ms. Dorothy Garvin, '63 Mr. Vincent B. Longo Harrontine Realty Corp. Dr. Kathleen Conway Ms. Mary Masterson, '63 Mr. Daniel T. Longo Heller's Gas Maria G. Dove, Ed.D. Mrs. Jo Ann McLoughlin, '63 Mr. Peter Macejka Holiday Inn Express Mr. Salvatore Ferro Mrs. Barbara Murphy, '63 Ms. Carolyn Mazzenga Honeywell Building Solutions Marion Flomenhaft, Ph.D. Mrs. Carol Ryan, '63 Mr. John P. McDonough Mr. Angelo H. Fraboni

31 Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Galanoudis Advantage Sports & Fitness Mrs. Clairerose Buhn, '64 Mr. Jeffrey Burke Mr. Donald J. Gallagher Affordable Fuels Mrs. Eileen Connolly, '64 Mr. Joseph Holden Mr. John C. Gallagher AJA1 Realty Mr. Richard and Mr. John Aranalde, '07 Mr. Edward Givargidze Bay Shore UFSD High School Mrs. Rosemary Maikis, '64 Mr. Garrett Raynis, '10 Mr. Raymond Givargidze Brite Hardware Mrs. Virginia O'Neill, '64 Ms. Clare Bailey, '11 Ms. Susan Gordon Ryan Broadway Abstract Corp. Ms. Margaret Davis, '65 Mr. Jason Fiscina, '11 Mrs. Margarita Grasing Brown & Altman, LLP Ms. Carole Valente, '65 Mrs. Rita Martinelli, '11 / Mr. Matthew Guecio Century 21 Kin Realty Mrs. Christina Guglielmo, '66 Rita's Hair Salon Mr. Rory Guy Clarion Partners Dr. Lillian Rankel, '66 Mr. Jonathan Yedvab, '11 Mr. Thomas Hanley Dansco Mrs. Marjorie Tuccillo, '67 Ms. Margaret Ziminski, '11 Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Havern Data-Struction Ms. Atkinson, '68 Mr. Joseph Miller, '12 and Mr. Robert C. Houlihan DAV Video Mrs. Diane Broderick, '68 Mrs. Lisa C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes Delta Kappa Gamma, Pi State Ms. Patricia Russo, '68 Mrs. Jean Schulken-Osborne, '12 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hughes Entertainment Unlimited by Mrs. Kathleen Sukanek, '68 Mr. Michael Valveri, '12 Mr. Timothy P. Hughes Ted Fass Mrs. Elizabeth Wilk, '69 Mr. John and Ms. Phyllis Infante F & F Roofing Ms. Florence Mackin, '70 Mrs. Diane Fornieri, '13 Mr. Robert Kammerer Fascitelli Family Foundation Mrs. Nancy Obremski, '70 Ms. Susan Garcia, '13 Debra P. Kantor, Ph.D. Furniturewise Mrs. Kathleen Anderson, '71 Mr. Erik Pyle, '13 Mr. Kevin M. Kelly George Martin Group Deborah Curren Mr. Gregory Walsh, '13 Mr. Thomas J. A. Lavin Gold Coast Bank Aquino, Ph.D., '71 Mrs. Michell Mr. Neal M. Lewis Holy Trinity Diocesan High School Mr. David and Delmonte-Synnott, '14 Dr. and Mrs. William K. Lloyd Islander's Children's Foundation Mrs. Kathleen Ann Hilpl, '71 Ms. Theresa Hempstead, '14 Ms. Krista Lombardo Jake's Steakhouse Mrs. Noreen McKenna, '71 Mr. Kristopher Kelly, '14 Mr. Paul Lonergan Kalmon Dolgin Affiliates Mrs. Cecile Wren, '72 Mr. Sean Laurie, '14 Cara Longworth, Esq. LaSalle Military Alumni Foundation Mrs. Kathleen Lapkowski, '73 Mr. Maxwell Schonfeld, '14 Mrs. Winifred B. Mack Long Island Electrical Inspectors Mrs. Mary Travers Mazyck, '73 Ms. Nicolette Sinagra, '14 Mr. Charles Massimo Massapequa Youth Lacrosse Club Ms. Eileen McEnaney, '73 Mr. Robert Akeson Mr. Patrick J. McCormack, Jr. Memorare Columbiettes Mrs. Barbara Volk Madere, '74 Ms. Edith Allen Mr. John F. Miller New York Community Maureen Walsh, Ed.D., '74 Ms. Carol M. Andre Ms. Linda S. Mitchell Bank Foundation Mrs. Kathryn Wu, '74 Mr. Joseph W. Armbrust Dr. Anthony S. Mollica Paul Taylor Dance Company Mrs. Theresa Magro, '75 Ms. Bernadette Arnold Mr. David A. Monk Roanoke Sand & Gravel Corp. Mrs. Linda Brosnan, '78 Zulfiya Asquino Mr. David and Rockville Centre Lions Club Ms. Sharon Fuelling, '78 Mr. Evan Bauman Mrs. Stephanie Montemerlo RR Donnelley Mrs. Laura Jean Aupperle, '79 Mrs. Lisa Bellinzoni Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Motschwiller South Shore Heart Associates Diane Dwyer, Esq., '80 Ms. Mary Benack Mr. Kevin P. and Speonk Earth Recycling, LLC Mrs. Ann Johnke, '80 Ms. Rosemary Bily Mrs. Jeanne M. Mulry Sterling Marketing Services Mrs. Joan Krieg, '80 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Botte Mr. and Mrs. Abad Nieves Strategic Alarm Concepts II, Ltd. Mrs. Patricia Calcado, '82 Marcia T. Caton, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. John Noble The De La Salle School Mrs. Jean Cleary, '82 Mayor Jean A. Celender Joanne O'Brien, Ed.D. The Partner Project Mrs. Maryellen Viola, '83 Ms. Patricia C. Chambers Daly Mr. Brian M. Palumbo Todd O'Connell Architects, P.C. Mrs. Mary Blatus, '84 Mr. Nino Cibellis The Honorable Uniondale Public Schools Mr. William Hempstead, '88 and Ms. Joan Ciervo Anthony W. Paradiso United Cerebral Palsy Association Mrs. Margaret Hempstead, '84 Mr. Robert P. Codignotto Robert Paterson, Ph.D. of Nassau County Mrs. Regina Mach, '84 Audrey F. Cohan, Ph.D. Ms. MaryClare Pellett University Loft Co. Ms. Deirdre Touhey, '85 Ms. Barbara Cohen Mr. Anthony Perfetti Weeks Lerman Group, LLC Ms. Irene Villacci, '86 Mrs. Andrea J. Davis Mr. Michael and Mrs. Susan Quilty Winthrop University Hospital Mrs. Karen Gonyon, '87 Ms. Eleanor Doudera Mr. Stuart and Ms. Aneesah Abdus-Shakur, '89 Mrs. Helen G. Dubinsky Sherry Radowitz, Ph.D. Lions Circle Jodi Evans, Ph.D., '90 Mr. Robert M. Eschbacher Elisa A. Rapaport, Ph.D. ($250 - $499) Mrs. Joanne Caldon, '91 Mr. Craig Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Ms. Diane Drescher, '91 Ms. Nancy Fabrizio Mrs. Joyce Finn, '59 Mr. Kevin M. Sheehan Mrs. Beatriz Garcia, '92 Mrs. Cornelia Fonseca Mrs. Kathleen Kolensky, '59 Mr. Nick Simone Dr. Normadeane Armstrong, '93 Ms. Hedva Gayr Mrs. Rosemary Kotula, '59 Ms. Theresa M. Statz-Smith Miss Maryanne Marsaggi, '93 Ariya Ghahramani Mrs. Mary Specht, '60 John T. Tanacredi, Ph.D. Mrs. Teresa Valentin, '94 Mr. Kevin Gilhirst Mrs. Annette Kirk, '61 Edward J. Thompson, Esq. Mrs. Laura Wolf, '95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Mrs. Valerie DiPalma, '62 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Toscano Mr. Edward and Mr. Patrick Gray Mrs. Patricia Linekin, '62 Mr. Edward Travaglianti Mrs. Sharon Hughes, '96 Mr. and Mrs. James Gunnels Mrs. Elizabeth Lockwood, '62 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Kenney Mrs. Patricia Ford, '97 Mr. Richard Hay Mrs. Josephine Schultz, '62 Mr. Charles J. Umbach Mr. Jeffers Hypolite, '97 Mr. Michael Herzlin Mrs. Rosalind Svenstrup, '62 Mr. Peter M. Vath, III Mr. Frank Wassenbergh, '99 Mr. Robert Hill Mrs. Kathleen Carpenter, '63 Mr. Peter Zaratin Ms. Christine Balsamo, '00 Mr. Andreas Huber Mrs. Catherine Donnino, '63 Ms. Rosalia M. Zona Dr. Sally Roberts, '00 Ms. Janice Jijina Mrs. Kathleen Shea, '63 Mr. John P. Zontini Mrs. Geraldine Bauer, '01 Ms. Deborah Johnson-Schiff Mrs. Carol Bella-Schoenfeld, '64 Activated Systems Mr. John Givargidze, '03 Ms. Ellen R. Kelly Mrs. Elizabeth Borst, '64

32 Donors

Mr. James Kelly LI Astros Mrs. Carol Connor, '64 Mrs. Pamela Tarry, '71 Legislator Howard J. Kopel Local 817 I.B.T. Ms. Nancy Horan, '64 Ms. Jane Colgan, '72 Mr. Paul LaRosa Theatrical Teamsters Mrs. Elizabeth MacNeil, '64 Ms. Patricia Delay, '72 Ms. Andrea H. Lohneiss Long Island Volleyball Academy Mrs. Richelle Mullins, '64 Mrs. Virginia Ertz, '72 Mr. Lawrence J. Longua Louis Vanacore Softball Instruction Ms. Maureen Purgar, '64 Mrs. Helen Rice, '72 Joseph Marino, M.D. Manhasset PAL Mrs. Joanne Rossi, '64 Ms. Kathleen Shanahan, '72 Mr. Charles F. Marquardt Maplewood School Mrs. Jeanne Scobbo, '64 Mrs. Jeanne Stubenrauch, '72 Christopher Massone, Ph.D. Marriott Hotel & Mrs. Barbara Trimarco, '64 Mrs. Louise Troisi, '72 Mr. James J. McCarthy Conference Center Mrs. Mary Jane Burger, '65 Mrs. Margaret Veltre, '72 Ms. Mary McKell Monaghan's Restaurant Mrs. Ann Canavan, '65 Mrs. Eileen Benze, '73 Mr. Anthony Micari Nelson & Pope Mrs. Mary Alice Karl-Horn, '65 Mrs. Kathryn DeSantis, '73 Mr. John Miden Engineers & Surveyors Mrs. Lyn Kurtz, '65 Mrs. Anne Dudley, '73 Mr. James Morgo Nelson Pope & Voorhis, LLC Mrs. Patricia Maher, '65 Mrs. Alice James, '73 Mr. Andrew F. Murphy New York Towers Corp. Mrs. Margaret Pelisson, '65 Annemarie Leyden, Ed.D., '73 Father Gabriel Muteru, Ph.D. Orangetheory Fitness Mrs. Virginia Ronan, '65 Lorraine Magnani, Ph.D., '73 Ms. Heather Nathan Pal-O-Mine Equestrian Mrs. Kathleen Sanborn, '65 Ms. Nancy Motto, '73 Dr. and Mrs. Brian R. Neri Port Jefferson Sporting Goods Mrs. Kathleen White, '65 Mrs. Margaret Stango, '73 Mrs. Eileen M. Obanhein R & J Construction Corp. Ms. Mary Alice Burchell, '66 Mrs. Suzanne Stross, '73 Mr. Mark Patrichuk Rockville Centre Little League Mrs. Arlene Evans, '66 Mrs. Dianne Burke, '74 Mr. and Mrs. William Pedraita Steiner Sports Store Ms. Roberta Gorby, '66 Mrs. Judith Cuggy, '74 Mr. David Pennetta Sky Athletic Club Mrs. Barbara Haase, '66 Mrs. Theresa DeCanio, '74 Mr. Howard Prider U.F.C.W. Local 1500 Ms. Rosemary Jordan, '66 Dr. Russell Porter and Mr. Raymond Pullaro U.S. Trust Ms. Genevieve Lee, '66 Dr. Patricia Donohue-Porter, '74 Mr. Michael R. Rahn Vassalotti Associates Mrs. Susan Wilmer, '66 Ms. Virginia Fox, '74 Ms. Mary Jane Reilly Architects, LLP Mrs. Mary Ellen Nichols, '67 Mrs. Maryann Hughes, '74 Dr. Mary Ann Romano Village Liquors Mrs. Maryanne Small, '67 Mrs. Theresa Meehan, '74 Patricia A. Rozea, Ph.D. Vision Long Island Dr. Judy Valyo, '67 Diane O'Malley, Esq., '74 Mr. Jeffrey Rusoff Whitsons Food Service Corp. Mrs. Joanne Bliven, '68 Mrs. Teresa Valdes-Hebrank, '74 Dr. Gregory Sand Mrs. Patricia Coffin, '68 Mrs. Patricia Walenta, '74 Ms. Maureen T. Scaduto Siena Circle Mrs. Carol Donnelly, '68 Mrs. Regina Cioffi, '75 Mr. Gregory J. Schaefer ($100 - $249) Mrs. Juleen Flanigan, '68 Ms. Carol White, '75 Mrs. Randy Schonfeld Mrs. Mary Griffin, '68 Mrs. Deborah Brown, '76 Mrs. Eileen Chesnut, '59 Ms. Cynthia G. Scott Mrs. Marilyn Griffin, '68 Mrs. Donna Levison, '76 Mrs. Judith Elia, '59 Ms. Evelyn C. Selesky Mary Lynch Morrissey, Ed.D., '68 Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Mary Ann Francis, '59 Laura J. Shea Doolan, Ed.D. Mrs. Clare Mazzei, '68 McNally-Zinberg, '76 Mrs. Patricia Harter, '59 Victoria Siegel, Ed.D. Ms. Mary McNulty, '68 Mrs. Linda Lloyd, '77 Ms. Joan Heide, '59 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sinagra Ms. Patricia Sinnott, '68 Mrs. Agnes Maher, '77 Mrs. Angela Malyk, '59 Maria Soellner, O.P., Ph.D. Mrs. Margaret Smith, '68 Mrs. Laura McDonnell, '77 Ms. Barbara Andrews, '60 Mr. Anthony G. Speelman Mrs. Eileen Swit, '68 Ms. Marie Novak, '77 Mrs. Mary Biondo, '60 Mrs. Carmela Thomas Mrs. Mary Taverna-Ali, '68 Mrs. Theresa Thomson, '77 Mrs. Joann Okey, '60 Ms. Judith Trinder Mrs. Geraldine Erhartic, '69 Capt. Ellen Mrs. Mary Rourke-Zargo, '60 Mr. James R. Urban Mrs. Jean Gottsch, '69 DeNigris, M.D., USN, '78 Mrs. Anne Dunn, '61 Mr. Louis Vetere Mrs. Therese Henry, '69 Mrs. Irene Drezen, '78 Mrs. Lillian Viola, '61 Denise S. Walsh, Ph.D. Mrs. Helen Johnston, '69 Dr. Mary Fassetta, '78 Mrs. Patricia Brady, '62 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Watson Mrs. Ellen Kurtz, '69 Mrs. Sheila Hughes, '78 Ms. Mary Brill, '62 The Honorable Mary Werner, Esq. Mrs. Barbara Mroczkowski, '69 Mrs. Anne Marie Marsala, '78 Mrs. Jeanne Campbell, '62 Mr. Joseph A. Whalen Mrs. Claire Brockmann, '70 Mrs. Marybeth Backman, '79 Mrs. Maureen Gilardi, '62 A Touch of Italy Mrs. Theresa Fitzgerald, '70 Ms. Patricia Eidt, '79 Mrs. Joanne Gulotta, '62 Alumni Association Board The Honorable Mrs. Carol Fitzmaurice, '79 Mrs. Patrice Martin, '62 Ambrosino Consultant Corp. Mary Ellen Fitzmaurice, '70 Ms. Gabrielle Plante, '79 Mrs. Marianne McCarthy, '62 Bedell Cellars Ms. Ann McElroy, '70 Mrs. Gail Powers-McNiff, '79 Mrs. Nazarene Mercurio, '62 Burke Supply Company Mrs. Patricia Robbins, '70 Mrs. Maureen Sheridan, '79 Mrs. Patricia Mostyn-Aker, '62 CBF Graphics Mrs. Susan Swords, '70 Mrs. Theresa Ganley, '80 Mrs. Isabelle Pendergast, '62 CJ2 Communication Strategies Mrs. Kathleen Tursi, '70 Mrs. Jane Serio, '80 Mrs. Marion Puerzer, '62 DiVenti & Lee, CPA's, P.C. Mrs. Diane DeSena, '71 Mrs. Joanne Sweet, '80 Mrs. Ann Cahill, '63 E-Caters, LLC Mrs. Rosina Downie, '71 Mrs. Mary Ellen Crennan, '81 Mrs. Veronica Family of Molloy College Volleyball Mrs. Norine Garavanta, '71 Dr. Jane Gilroy, '81 Fellerath-Lowell, '63 First Data Ms. Jean Grasso, '71 Mrs. Brigid Lynch, '81 Kathleen Foley, Ed.D., '63 Follett College Stores Corp. Ms. Dorothy Kelly, '71 Mrs. Annmarie Marino-Brown, '81 Ms. Christina Graf, '63 Gino's of Rockville Centre Mrs. Jane Lucey, '71 Ms. Anne Towey, '81 Mrs. Rose Marie Kinik, '63 Graybeards, L.T.D. Mrs. Mary Ann Oldis, '71 Mrs. Donna Appell, '82 Mrs. Bernadette Klein, '63 Grizopoulos & Portz, LLP Mrs. Martha Perkins, '71 Mrs. Elaine Hallett, '82 Mrs. Elizabeth O'Connor, '63 J. Paul's Terrace Cafe Mrs. Frances Prochak, '71 Maureen Mackenzie, Ph.D., '82 Mrs. Mary Serynek, '63 Lenahan & Rockwell Mrs. Della Relling-Garskof,'71 Ms. Patricia Mirando, '82 Mrs. Restituta Stio, '63 Leo's Ms. Elizabeth Roach, '71 Mrs. Nancy Stepniewski, '82 Mrs. Dorothy Walker, '63

33 Donors

Mrs. Ann Caruso, '83 Mrs. Susan Salvo, '95 Mr. Alfredo Hercules, '11 and Mrs. Karen Bonheim Mrs. Kathryn Dixon, '83 Mrs. Deborah Sauer, '83, '95 Mrs. Jamila Alkaifi-Hercules, '10 Mr. Francis A. Bonnet Mrs. Lisa Dzitko, '83 Ms. Cathleen Ciullo, '96 Ms. Elizabeth Dreyer, '10 Mr. John Bono Mrs. Michele Fishkin, '83 Mrs. Jean Glaser, '96 Ms. Jennifer Dwyer, '10 Ms. Karen Boorshtein Mrs. Suzanne Kohler, '83 Madeline Gunn, Ph.D., '96 Mr. Robert Humann, '10 Ms. Patricia Bourne Mrs. Linda Lombardo, '83 Mr. Michael Doherty, '97 and Ms. Patricia O'Neill, '10 Mr. Martin Bowe Mrs. Eileen Pepitone, '83 Mrs. Linda Doherty, '08 Mr. Peter Rieger-Maresca, '10 Mr. Kevin Brennan Mrs. Elaine Faling-Pastor, '84 Dr. Donna Driscoll, '97 Mr. George Russo, Jr., '10 The Honorable Thomas A. Bucaria Caroline McDonald, Ph.D., '84 Mrs. Sharon Hayes, '97 Ms. Erin Rut, '10 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burke Mr. Frank and Mr. James Zegers, '97 Ms. Taryn Ruttura, '10 Mrs. Eileen T. Burke Mrs. Laura Misitano, '84 Mrs. Sheila Carberry, '98 Ms. Shannon Skeggs, '10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owen Burns Mrs. Josephine O'Brien, '84 Mr. Laurence Steimer, '98 Ms. Jean Thorpe, '10 Ms. Margaret M. Byrnes Mrs. Michele Quinn, '84 Mr. Christopher Alfalla, '99 Ms. Sharion Scott-Moore, '11 Mr. Frank A. Caffey Dr. Philip Tarantino, '84 Mr. Donnie Ethier, '99 Ms. Alexandra Sydor, '11 Cheryl A. Camenzuli, Ph.D. Mrs. Carmela Arnoldt, '85 Ms. Jennifer McKinnon, '99 Ms. Michele Urio, '11 Mr. Robert Cammarata Mrs. Lori Brady, '85 Mr. Kevin Pollitt, '04 and Ms. Michelle Walsh, '11 Mrs. Dorothy Camposa Mrs. Evelyn Chessie, '85 Mrs. Janet Pollitt, '99 Ms. Karenlyn Barone, '12 S. Diane Capuano, O.P. Mrs. Virginia Ewen, '85 Mr. Vincent Steimer, '99 Ms. Carla Campagna, '12 Mrs. June L. Caputo Maureen Gannon, Ph.D., '85 Ann Langan, D.N.P., '00 Ms. Christina Casella, '12 Samuel W. Carpentier, Ed.D. Mrs. Patricia Kerley, '85 Mrs. Nancy Mazzeo, '00 Mrs. Kisha Chandler, '12 Mr. Gus Castaneda Mrs. Linda Tupper, '85 Ms. Catherine Mr. Keith Galante, '12 Mr. Joseph F. Catalanotti Mrs. Marina Cannataro, '86 Gonzalez-Marmo, '01 Ms. Megan Hutnick, '12 Ms. Lori Cenci Mrs. Susan Dunne, '86 Dr. Maureen Moulder, '01 Mr. Frank Marchisello, '12 Michelle Chamblin, Ed.D. Mrs. Christine Polli, '86 Mr. William Cloghessy, '02 Ms. Jennifer Pappalardo, '12 Mr. Richard Chiorando and Mrs. Theresa Scimeca, '86 Mrs. Margaret Dueker, '02 Mr. Carmine Pellechia, '12 Mrs. Eva LaMere Mrs. Grace Zontini, '86 Mr. Daniel Dugan, '02 Mrs. Sangeetha Shashi, '12 Mr. Amos C. Chung Mrs. Judith Abbate, '87 Michael Scarinci, J.D., '02 Mr. Patrick Walsh, '12 Mrs. Patrice M. Clifford Mrs. Donna Banek, '87 Ms. Michelle Ceo, '03 Mr. Patrick Brown, '13 Ms. Jennifer L. Coghlan Ms. Lisa Caltieri, '87 Ms. Patricia Kobbe, '03 Ms. Megan Butterworth, '13 Ms. Debbie Cohen Mrs. Patricia Cotsalas, '87 Mrs. Patricia Maniscalco, '03 Ms. Josette Cavallaro, '13 Mrs. Patricia Santopatre Condon Mrs. Eileen DeAcetis, '87 Mr. John Mendelssohn, '03 Ms. Kelley Jansen, '13 Mr. Roy Cook Mrs. Kathleen Dittmeier, '87 Mrs. Patricia Tempesta, '03 Mrs. Olga Kagan, '13 Mrs. Patricia E. Corrigan Mrs. Chrisanne Hammill, '87 Mrs. Donna Upton-Saleh, '03 Ms. Lauren Alexander, '14 Ms. Josephine Cracchiolo Mrs. Colleen Hughes, '87 Mrs. Jo Catalano, '04 Mr. Joseph Biscardi Ms. Sheila Croutier Mr. Philip Piscatella, Jr., '87 Mr. Robert Gates, '04 Mr. Carlos Guzman, '14 Mr. Sean D. Crowley Mr. Edward Thompson, '87 Mrs. Regina Gorney, '04 Mr. Ryan Lane, '14 Mr. James Cummings Mrs. Hyun Ah Grau, '88 Ms. Christine Marsiello, '04 Mrs. Eileen Magri, '14 Mr. Bert J. Cunningham Mrs. Barbara Greene, '88 Mrs. Lillie Poulson, '04 Ms. Dayna White, '14 Mr. Patrick H. Daly Ms. Elaine Gunn, '88 Ms. Mary Kate Schnaars, '04 Mr. and Mrs. John Abruscati Mrs. Juliet Darnell Mrs. Susan Macri Reilly, '88 Mr. Kenneth Snipp, '04 and Mr. Matthew J. Albanese Mrs. Carol W. Davan Mrs. Ellen Murray, '88 Mrs. Vita Snipp, '05 Ms. Amanda Albanese Ms. Kathleen Deegan Dickson Mrs. Helen Sollin, '88 Mrs. Elizabeth Wysocki, '04 Mr. Stephen A. Albanese Mrs. Ursula Dehmer Mr. Thomas Kane, '89 Mr. Seth Tripi, '05 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alexander Ms. Florence L. Denmark Mrs. Mary Moore, '89 Mr. Rocco Camuti, '06 Ms. Susan Alimonti-Schwarz The Honorable Vito M. DeStefano Ms. Christine Mulroy, '89 Mrs. Sharon Lupeke, '06 Mr. James J. Anderson Mr. Frank Devita Mr. John and Mrs. Anne Aicher, '90 Mrs. Joanne Scholldorf, '06 Mr. William C. Anderson Matthew F. Didora, Esq. Mrs. Mary Clark, '90 Mrs. Joanne Mitchell, '07 Mr. Vincent and Eve Dieringer, Ed.D. Mrs. Jeannine Daly, '90 Ms. Andrea Morgan-Eason, '07 Mrs. Margarete Arcese Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon Mrs. Nancy Kennedy, '90 Mrs. Agnes Ford-Burgess, '08 Mr. Larry Arje Ms. Judith C. Dodge Mrs. Olympia Aparo, '91 Mrs. Lorraine Hannon, '08 Mr. Douglas Augenthaler Mr. Michael S. Dubester Mrs. Deirdre Capozzoli, '91 Mrs. Raina Kohn, '08 Ms. Caryn Bachar Mrs. Margaret M. Duffy Mr. Terence McGoldrick, '91 Mrs. Lori McAndrew, '08 Ms. Lexie Bacotti Rev. Lawrence T. Duncklee Mrs. Jennifer Zupicich, '91 Mr. Christopher McAvey, '08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Balinskas Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Eichhorn Mr. Javier Alvarado, '92 Ms. Lauren McGloin, '08 Mrs. Nanette Bass Lorraine Emeghebo, Ed.D. Mrs. Ingrid Bloomfield, '92 Ms. Giselle Melendez, '03 & '08 Mrs. Odette Belasco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Engelhardt Dr. Elizabeth Cotter, '92 Mr. Brian Noll, '08 Ms. Pui Ling Benack Mr. Robert F. Ewald Mrs. Ann Hopwood, '92 Ms. Alicia Reilly, '08 Ms. Jenine Friedman Berger Mrs. Heather Fagan Miss Vita Netti, '93 Mr. Donald Campay, '09 Ms. Josephine Bianco Mr. Edward A. Farrell Mrs. Marianne Pike, '93 Ms. Katelyn Dunn, '09 Mr. Anthony Bilardello Mr. Gerren J. Faustini Ms. Elena Frassanito, '94 Mr. Peter Loeb, '09 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biscardi Federer Family Ms. Sharon Kramer, '94 Ms. Nicole Losito, '09 Mr.Thomas and Veronica D. Feeg, Ph.D. Mr. Joseph Binger, '95 Mr. Patrick Miles, '09 Mrs. Margaret Blair Mr. David Feinblatt Dr. Charles and Mr. Michael Viola, '09 Kristen Blake, Ph.D. Ms. Donna Ferrara Mrs. Maryann Callahan, '95 Ms. Katrina Zendrian, '09 Dr. Susan Bliss Mr. Marc B. Fischer Mr. Dennis Krebs, '95 Ms. Candy Bonder Ms. Susan I. Fortman

34 Donors

Dana E. Friedman, Ed.D. Mr. Timothy Lynch Ms. Lisa Quick A+ Letter Service Ms. Catharine S. Gartland Mr. and Mrs. Adam Magniccari Ms. Courtney A. Quinn Anicent Order of Hibernians Dr. Noreen Giordano Kenneth P. Mahon, Esq. Ms. Joan E. Regan Division 21 Dr. Vasiliki Giouroukakis Lawrence T. Mahon, Esq. Ms. Elizabeth Reilly Batters Up LI, LLC Mr. Ken Greenberg Mrs. Patricia Maniaci Ms. Margaret M. Reynolds Belray Dermatology Ms. Elaine Gross Mr. Raymond Manning Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riccio Cherry Picks, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Guiliano Mr. Blake Markham Dr. Ellen R. Rich Churchill's Restaurant Ms. Paula M. Gullo Ms. Kathleen Marquardt Mrs. Jennifer E. Rimmer Citizens for Santino Carole L. Gutterman, Ph.D. Mrs. Marilyn A. Marra Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ritchie Cogliano and Sons Business Services Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Marrandino Mrs. Michele V. Romandetto Coiffure's By Genevieve Mr. and Mrs. Deilyn Guzman Mr. Dennis Martin Meryl B. Rosenblatt, Ph.D. The Coaches Care Fund Mr. William Hamel Mr. Mark Martin Mr. and Mrs. Denis Sabatella CTM, LLC Mrs. Beth Hammerman Mr. and Mrs. John Martini Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sanchez Custom Awards Mrs. Corinne E. Hammons Ms. Teresa Martinis Mr. Paul Sasso Daktronics Ms. Catherine Harris Mr. and Mrs. Martino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scaraggi Doc O'Grady Irish Pub Mr. Kevin Hartman and Ms. Valentina Masiello Ms. Jodi Schlesinger East Village Green Deli Ms. Jenny Ryan Mrs. Nina Matthews Ms. Breda Schneider Enecon Corporation Mr. Richard Haunss Mr. Lawrence Mattson Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Hope Schwab Ferring's Delicatessen Ms. Geraldine M. Hawkins Mr. A. Richard Mauch Ms. Nadja Schwenk First National Bank of New York Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hawks Robin S. Maynard, Esq. Mr. Francis X. Scire, Jr. Flushing Bank Mr. Andrew E. Healey Mr. and Mrs. John McAvey Scuilla Family Forest Iron Works Ms. Christine T. Healy Melissa McCardle-Dulberg, Ph.D. Mr. Brian M. Sheehan G.T. Sullivan Tap Room & Grill Mrs. June J. Hinton-Doyle Deacon Kevin J. McCormack Ms. Jana Silverman H. L. Large, Inc. Mr. William J. Howe Mr. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Slane Lacrosse Unlimited Mrs. Lorraine F. Jackson Mrs. Madeline McDonagh Mr. Connor J. Slane Law Office of Marianne Jackson, Ph.D. Mr. Kevin P. McDonough Susan A. Smith, Ed.D. John T. Powers, Jr., P.C. Mr. Christopher and McElhinney Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Solomito Local 338 RWDSU / UFCW Mrs. Eileen W. Jahn Mr. Sean McFadden and Ingrid A. Spatt, Ed.D. Long Island Premier Physical Judith C. James-Borga, Ph.D. Ms. Gina Burke Mr. and Mrs. Richard Specht Therapy & Aquatic Center Ms. Janet M. Jansen Ms. Lillian McGloin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spitzbarth Lynch Appraisal Ltd. Mr. Astrid Jimenez Mr. Timothy G. McKenna Mr. Stuart Stein Malverne Mud Hens Baseball Club Ms. Grace Johnson Mr. Michael McLaughlin Mr. Andrew O. Stein Medical Review Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Sean McLeod Mr. Martin Steinberg Men On The Move Mr. Paul J. Joseph Mr. Michael E. McMurray Mr. John Stewart Mid-Island Collision Ms. Kathryn Kasschau Mr. John H. McNally Mr. Robert D. Teetz Molloy College - Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kelleher Thomas J. McNamara, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Teresky Advancement Team Mr. Dermot F. Kelly Ms. Carrie Meek-Gallagher Mr. Edmond F. Thompson Molloy College - Staff Mr. Owen G. Kelly Mr. Edward M. Milarsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thomson Nassau County HS Baseball Ms. Lynn Kennedy Pamela M. Monaco, M.D. Mrs. Lois Tinghitella Coaches Association Mrs. Drue D. Kerls-Spoto Mr. John Monton Mrs. Barbara J. Toscano New York Islanders Mr. Azad A. Khan Ms. Rickey G. Moroney Ms. Ann Tountas Pax Christi Long Island Dr. Robert J. Kinpoitner Mr. Jeffrey Mulhall Yolande Trincere, Ph.D. Plainedge Youth Lacrosse Ms. Francine Kohn Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy Ms. Joan Tschopp Premier Risk Dr. Linda A. Kraemer Ms. Leigh Musarra Mr. Francis X. Tully Richard B. Arnold Real Estate, LLC Mr. Stephan G. Kravitz Mr. Martin F. Nester, Jr. Anne M. Tumbarello, Ed.D. Safety Consulting Group Mrs. Catherine Krein Mr. and Mrs. William Norton Turner Family Saint Matthew Roman Susan Krenitsky-Korn, Ed.D. Mrs. Patricia C. Novak Ms. Mary L. Twomey Catholic Church Ms. Mary Kuczyk Bruce Nyman, J.D. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Valenti Side Arm Enterprises Mrs. Jean M. Kuehn Mr. Kevin M. O'Brien Luis Valenzuela, Ph.D. SIDEARM Sports Mr. Frederick J. Kuntz Mr. Robert P. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van Duyne Sign Technology Systems Ms. Kathleen Kuntz Mr. Brian O'Keefe Mrs. Barbara Volpe Stratford Avenue Associates Dr. Mary Kusenda Ms. Maria Oldal Ms. Freda Wagner Students Helping Students - Ms. Juana M. LaJara Mrs. Rita M. O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Walsh Anonymous Donors Kathleen Lamaute, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pappalardo Ms. Barbara Wanaselja Terranova Florist Mrs. Marguerite Lane Ann Marie Paraszczuk, Ed.D. Ms. Carol Wertheimer Thomas Prendergast Development Mr. and Mrs. John Leo Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pardo Ms. Deidre White Three Star Auto Center Leonard Family Ms. Margaret Payron Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Tyrus Group, LLC Ms. Carmela Leone Mr. Christopher W. Pepe Mrs. Rosalie Wigutow United Way of Long Island Mr. Gary Levenson Ms. Poa Melisa Persaud Ms. Lauren Williams Zere Real Estate Services Ms. Katie Levine Ms. Coleen Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Liberatore Mr. Carl Petrucelli Ms. Kimberly Woo Supporters Mrs. Ana C. Lockward Ms. Amanda M. Phalen Kai Yan Ms. Jeanne McGuirk, '60 Ms. Judy Losner Mr. Sixto E. Portilla Mr. Ken Young Mrs. Kathleen Coles, '62 Ms. Marion W. Lowenthal Mr. James Proce Mr. Bruce Young Ms. Carol Lee, '62 Mr. Domenic Lucarelli, Jr. Mr. Alex Psyllos Ms. Angela M. Zimmerman Mrs. Patricia O'Neil, '62

35 Donors

Mrs. Margaret Poulson, '62 Mrs. Catherine Matarazzo, '70 Mrs. Dorothy Neal, '75 Ms. Elise Arnone-Short, '82 Mrs. Mary Belford, '63 Mrs. Grace Quinlan, '70 Ms. Marie Nuzzi, '75 Ms. Juneirene Bonds, '82 Kathleen Carlsson, Esq., '63 Mrs. Melanie Sparandara, '70 Mrs. Maryanne Palecek, '75 Ms. Patricia Booth, '82 Mrs. Doris Faulkner, '63 Mrs. Josephine Voigt, '70 Ms. Francine Polimeni, '75 Mrs. Maryellen Cantanno, '82 Mrs. Barbara Fransen, '63 Mrs. Eileen Wright, '70 Ms. Florence Puff, '75 Mrs. Debra Fox, '82 Mrs. Elizabeth Pigot, '63 Ms. Julia Cagney, '71 Mrs. Mary Skoblicki, '75 Mrs. Colette Hokana, '82 Mrs. Regina Powers, '63 Mrs. Regina Carey, '71 Mrs. Kathleen Ms. Barbara Illari, '82 Mrs. Geraldine Schraft, '63 S. Virginia Connors, O.P., '71 Spreen Christenson, '75 Ms. Marilyn Shull, '82 Ms. Pauline Koller, '64 Mrs. Michelle Gagne, '71 Dr. Patricia Vampatella, '75 Ms. Joyce Smithok, '82 Mrs. Pierrina Marlon, '64 S. Barbara Gerardi, O.P., '71 Mrs. Alice Andersen, '76 Mrs. Denise Tangney, '82 Mrs. Ellen Martingale, '64 Mrs. Ann Gibbs, '71 Mrs. Donna Burns, '76 Mrs. Noreen Charlip, '83 Ms. Eileen Schneck, '64 Mrs. Carol Hughes, '71 Mrs. Joyce Chaisson, '76 Mrs. Eileen Connolly, '83 Mrs. Maureen Volk, '64 Mrs. Maureen McNichol, '71 Mrs. Margaret Gonser, '76 Mrs. Christine Faber, '83 Mrs. Valerie Beaudreau, '65 Ms. Alice Olwell, '71 Mrs. Mary Langan, '76 Ms. Deborah Kroencke, '83 Mrs. Gladys Butler, '65 Mrs. Andrea Ryan, '71 Mrs. Jean McHenry, '76 Mrs. Catherine Lavelle, '83 Mrs. Margaret Carlock, '65 Ms. Patricia Savish, '71 Mrs. Susan O'Malley, '76 Mr. Jonathan Meyer, '83 Mrs. Carol Cummings, '65 Mrs. Susan Severance, '71 Mrs. Alaine Stadelman, '76 Mrs. Jane Pariente, '83 Mrs. Ginny Grandinetti, '65 Mrs. Kathlyn Stango, '71 Mrs. Shue Au, '77 Mrs. Frances Roebuck, '83 Mrs. Barbara MacMelville, '65 S. Beata Maria Berger, O.P., '72 Mrs. Barbara Cronin, '77 Mrs. Mary Lou Weil, '83 Mrs. Mary Maiorana, '65 Mrs. Donna Brennan, '72 Mrs. Marguerite D'Onofrio, '77 Dr. Rona Allen-Torres, '84 Mrs. Joan Shea, '65 Mrs. Santa Cafiero, '72 Ms. Dianne Kopff, '77 Ann Mary Fernan-Farrell, Esq., '84 Mrs. Terese Steinhauer, '65 Mrs. Anita Dowers, '72 Mrs. Patricia Little, '77 Mrs. Gina Gannon, '84 Mrs. Maureen Frushour, '66 Mrs. Grace Fishenfeld, '72 Ms. Antonia Mistretta, '77 Mrs. Mary Goldberg, '84 Mrs. Jeanette Grill, '66 Mrs. Maria Giordano, '72 Mrs. Camille Morvay Raia, '77 Mrs. Erin Healey, '84 Mrs. Eleanor Roode, '66 Ms. Mary Gorman, '72 Mrs. Margaret Pecoraro, '77 Mrs. Elizabeth Jagde, '84 S. Irene Weiner, O.P., '66 Mrs. Gloria Juceam, '72 Mrs. Portia Rindos, '77 Mrs. Elizabeth Levenson, '84 Mrs. Dorothy Glywasky, '67 Mrs. Mary Kelly, '72 Mrs. Mary Ruckdeschel, '77 Capt. Edward Maday, '84 Mary Piderit, Ed.D., '67 Mrs. Linda Krisch, '72 Mrs. Barbara Saur, '77 Ms. Gloria Mallia, '84 Mrs. Mary Provost, '67 Mrs. Ellin Lynch, '72 Mrs. Susan Ende-Montagna, '78 Mrs. Evelyn Ninia, '84 Mrs. Janet Rawe, '67 Mrs. Donna McCarthy, '72 Mrs. Virginia Neill-Meade, '78 Ms. Diane Norman, '84 Mrs. Joan Whitbread, '67 Mrs. Margaret O'Connor, '72 Mrs. Marie Sloper, '78 Margaret Renner, Ph.D., '84 Mrs. Joan Anzelone, '68 Mrs. Patricia Walsh Perez, '72 Mrs. Amy Stivelman, '78 Mrs. Maureen Scalesi, '84 Mrs. Diane Beecher, '68 Mrs. Sharon Babajko, '73 Ms. Pamela Strype, '78 Mrs. Jane Sedotto, '84 Mrs. Jeanne Biggins, '68 Mrs. Patricia Bell, '73 Jane Svoboda, Esq., '78 Ms. Teresa White, '84 Mrs. Maureen Brennan, '68 Ms. Barbara Bentley, '73 Ms. Gloria Block, '79 Mrs. Marie Darcelin, '85 Mrs. Geral Drakos, '68 Dr. Joanne Carroll, '73 Mrs. Rosemary Cleven, '79 Mrs. Kristine Keating, '85 Mrs. Jane Glaser, '68 Mrs. Mary Gorman, '73 Mrs. Rita Costello, '79 Mrs. Diana Mrs. Patricia Groom, '68 Mrs. Patricia Harmon, '73 Mrs. Catherine Dykes, '79 Maslauskas-Reisinger, '85 Mrs. Joan Guadagno, '68 Mrs. Margaret Heffel, '73 Mrs. Carol Fox, '79 Mrs. Catherine Michels, '85 S. Mary Hughes, O.P. Ed.D., '68 Ms. Frances Iannaccone, '73 Mrs. Jo-Ann Freeman, '79 Mrs. Catherine Sikora, '85 Mrs. Mary Ingoglia, '68 Mrs. Monica Jacques, '73 Mrs. Theresa Lent, '79 Mrs. Debra Swenson, '85 Mrs. Rosemary Mason, '68 Mrs. Mary Ellen Krowicki, '73 Mrs. Joann Manning-Baker, '79 Ms. Colleen Allegrini, '86 Mrs. Kathleen O'Donovan, '68 Mrs. Rosemary Malette, '73 Mrs. Maria Rose Massa, '79 Mrs. Joni Blenn, '86 Mrs. Virginia Pappas, '68 Ms. Mary Murphy-Schmidt, '73 Mrs. Winifred Mele, '79 Mrs. Ursula Bordonaro, '86 Mrs. Kathleen Ursino, '68 Mrs. Norma Romero, '73 Mrs. Melanie Metz, '79 Mrs. Teresa Geiger, '86 Ms. Patricia Wolosz, '68 Mrs. Mildred Baribault, '74 Mrs. Carol Murphy, '79 Mrs. Susan Gonzalez, '86 Mrs. Mary Jane Ambrico, '69 Mrs. Catherine Cooper, '74 Ms. Angela Pesola, '79 Ms. Regina Lewand, '86 Mrs. Virginia Beyrer, '69 Mrs. Nancy DelaMotte, '74 Mrs. Marie Romeo, '79 Mrs. Rose Lo Cascio, '86 Mrs. Suzanne Burrell, '69 Mrs. Mary Anne Dougherty, '74 Ms. Diane Vella, '79 Mrs. Jean McDermott, '86 Ms. Joan Cleven, '69 Mrs. Eileen Farrell, '74 Mrs. Debora Lee Bogovic, '80 Mrs. Susanne Robert, '86 Ms. Martha DeJesus, '69 Mrs. Margaret Farrell, '74 Mrs. M. Egbert, '80 Mrs. Elizabeth Weglarz, '86 Mrs. Nancy Donohue, '69 Mrs. Mary Griffin, '74 Mrs. Lisa Matthews, '80 Mrs. Karen Wiking, '86 Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Henry, '69 Mrs. Karen James, '74 Mrs. Mary Quinn, '80 Mrs. Jan Aromiskis, '87 Mrs. Rosemarie Lamb, '69 Mrs. Jacqueline Klimkowski, '74 Mrs. Doris Reichert, '80 Mrs. Jane Carleo, '87 Mrs. Mary-Celeste Maloney, '69 Mrs. Barbara McClendon, '74 Ms. Deborah Wetzel, '80 Ms. Margaret Carlock, '87 Mrs. Barbara Smith, '69 Mrs. Anne Proctor, '74 Mrs. Teresa Breen, '81 Mrs. Marguerite DePoto, '87 Mrs. Janet Smith-Robinson, '69 Ms. Dorothy Quinn, '74 Mrs. Shirley Erland, '81 Mr. John Gregory, '87 Ms. Clare Verhey, '69 Mrs. Laura Sitzman, '74 Mr. Brian and Mrs. Maureen Hickey, '87 Mrs. Christine Berg, '70 Mrs. Margaret Smith, '74 Mrs. Doris Kilgannon, '81 Margaret Ippolito, Ed.D., '87 Ms. Catherine DeSantis, '70 Ms. Andrea Sommella, '74 Mrs. Bernadette Kolp, '81 Mrs. Janet Kopf, '87 Mrs. Mary Donovan-Clinton, '70 Mrs. Monica Tobin, '74 Mrs. Patricia Laporta, '81 Mr. John Markwalter, '87 Ms. Philomena Fonda, '70 Mrs. Janet Brienza, '75 Mrs. Florence Lenda-Roudbai, '81 Mrs. Susan Shamroth, '87 S. Margaret Mrs. Patricia Galway, '75 Mrs. Belinda Neill-Hartigan, '81 Mrs. Theresa Wulff, '87 Kavanagh, O.P. Ed.D., '70 Ms. Robin Grass, '75 Stacy Wahl, Ph.D., '81 Mrs. Jeanette Butler, '88 Mrs. Therese Lloyd, '70 Dr. Jacqueline Henaghan, '75 Mrs. Patricia Youngman, '81 Mrs. Frances Cedrone, '88

36 Donors

Mrs. Carolyn Gormaley, '88 Mrs. Lori Montgomery, '98 Mrs. Alycia Gorman, '07 Ms. Jillian Irwin, '11 Mr. Stephen and Ms. Joyce Murray, '98 Ms. April Honkanen, '07 Mr. Derik Jahn, '11 Mrs. Diane Hynes, '88 Mrs. Danielle Sessa, '98 Mrs. Victoria LaBarbera, '07 Mr. Robert LaRusso, '11 Mrs. Marie McKeown, '88 Mr. Brian M. Fox Mrs. Ann LoCastro, '07 Ms. Michelle Maharaj, '11 Mrs. Paulette McLaughlin, '88 Mrs. Juliana Lezaja, '99 Mrs. Marianne McQuillan, '07 Mr. Joseph Menendez, '11 Mrs. Kim Meyer, '88 Mr. John Meister, '99 Ms. Elizabeth Olyha, '07 Ms. Graziella Minnici, '11 Ms. Mary Smith, '88 Mr. David Brohman, '00 Mr. James Reynolds, '07 Ms. Erin Moran, '11 Ms. Barbara Binkis, '89 Dr. Christine Cornell-Cervini, '00 Ms. Bernadette Sosnowski, '07 Ms. Ariel Muscente, '11 Mrs. Patricia Dolan-Poulos, '89 Mr. Cornelius Creedon, '00 Ms. Nicole Truncale, '07 Ms. Gloria Otoo, '11 Mrs. Dolores Doxey, '89 Ms. Susan Nullet, '00 Ms. Kara Truzzolino, '07 Ms. Oragan Mrs. Kristin Hutt, '89 Mr. Eric Schuh, '00 Ms. Nicole Diaz, '08 Rungruangviechakul, '11 Mrs. Anne Marie Kruk, '89 Mrs. Maureen Weeden, '00 Mr. Joseph DiMaio, '08 and Ms. Kathleen Smith, '11 Mrs. Jennifer Leone, '89 Mr. Frank Boccio, '01 Mrs. Diane DiMaio, '86 Ms. Kristie Sosnowski, '11 Mrs. Nancy Parks, '89 Mrs. Lauren Brienza Posillico, '01 Mr. Peter and Mr. Kevin Surdi, '11 Mrs. Joan Vorbach, '89 Ms. Nicole Della Corte, '01 Mrs. Jacqueline Giacone, '08 Ms. Paulie-Lynn Tedesco, '11 Mrs. Maria Benner, '90 Mr. Richard Hofmann, '01 Mrs. Kelly Ann Kaible, '08 Mr. Michael Topel, '11 Mrs. Elsbeth Bents, '90 Ms. Monica Kerning, '01 Mr. Joseph Kuczyk, '08 Ms. Maria Varricchio, '11 Mrs. Kathryn Cantanno, '90 Ms. Christine McDonough, '01 Ms. Kelly McDonagh, '08 Mrs. Jacquelin Archila-Klemp, '12 Mrs. Diane Johnson, '90 Mr. Anthony Rau, '01 Mr. Kevin Meekins, '08 Mr. Brian Benes, '12 Mrs. Victoria Martorella, '90 Mr. Vincent and Mr. Scott Porter, '08 Ms. Kellie Boyle, '12 Ms. Frances Morr, '90 Mrs. Mary Sibilio, '01 Mrs. Colleen Riebl, '08 Mr. Michael Callahan, '12 Ms. Kathleen Mundy, '90 Ms. Christina Cedrone, '02 Ms. Kristin Smith, '08 Mr. Christopher Carlucci, '12 Mrs. Kathleen Singleton, '90 Ms. Caryn Cincotta, '02 Ms. Maria Vaas, '08 Ms. Juliette Caze, '12 Mr. Robert Svoboda, '90 Ms. Eileen Cotter, '02 Mrs. Neva Abboud, '09 Ms. Arline Daly, '12 Mrs. Darlene Cusumano, '91 Mr. Kenneth Hoch Ms. Mary Beth Ahern, '09 Ms. Brigid Damm, '12 Mrs. Marianne Farella, '91 Mr. Karl and Ms. Karena Ancona, '09 Mr. James Davis, '12 Mrs. Susan Sledge, '91 Mrs. Christine McDannell, '02 Mr. Vincent D'Accordo, '09 and Ms. Jillian DiBlasi, '12 Mr. Louis Capone, '92 and S. Judy Olsen, O.P., '02 Mrs. Cristen D'Accordo, '09 Mr. Brian DiRaimondo, '12 Mrs. Mary Capone, '94 Ms. Cristy Pastore, '02 Ms. Erin D'Alessandro, '09 Ms. Loretta Hahn, '12 Mrs. Susan Casey, '92 Mr. Joshua, '02 and Ms. Lauren Goldfarb, '09 Mr. Thomas Holzhauer, '12 Mrs. Kristine O'Hagan, '92 Mrs. Michelle Tripi, '06 Mr. LeRoy Graham, '11 and Ms. Heather Joseph, '12 Mrs. Mary Vitti, '92 Mrs. Bessie Cameron, '03 Mrs. Karlene Graham, '09 Ms. Christine Kiernan, '12 Mrs. Mary Ann Formisano, '93 Ms. Eryn Hornung, '03 Mr. Brian Leo, '09 Ms. Ashley Kilcommons, '12 Ms. Mary Ellen Gibney, '93 Mr. Larry Phyall, '03 Mr. Michael Mallamo, '09 Ms. Beth Kurot, '12 Mrs. Laura Leng, '93 Noelle Cutter, Ph.D., '04 Ms. Winnetto Martin, '09 Mr. Christopher Lepore, '12 Mrs. Kathleen Maguire, '93 Mrs. Lisa Ferrandino, '04 Mrs. Cynthia Costanzo Ms. Christine LoCascio, '12 Mrs. Jennifer Yelsits, '93 Ms. Dana Fragoletti, '04 Metzger, '09 Mr. Gregory Lubrano, '12 Mrs. Eugania Arapova, '94 Ms. Helen LoTruglio, '04 Mr. Ettore Morelli, '09 Ms. Kristina Luparello, '12 Mrs. Regina Brooks, '94 Mrs. Margaret Malone, '04 Ms. Lisa Sparacino, '09 Ms. Christina Metelenis, '12 Ms. Jacqueline Clarke, '94 Mrs. Lizbeth Meehan, '04 Mr. Michael Vetrano, '09 Mr. Joseph Miller, '12 Mr. Paul Collins, '94 Mr. Anthony Morzillo, '06 and Mr. Michael Vigliotti, '09 Ms. Shelley Mordowitz, '12 Mrs. Francine Marsaggi, '94 Mrs. Mary Morzillo, '04 Ms. Kristina Zuar, '09 Mrs. Cynthia Osorio, '12 Mrs. Carole Oulundsen, '94 Ms. Yvonne Richards, '04 Ms. Lois Beckerman, '10 Ms. Lilian Osorio, '12 Ms. Catherine Betts, '95 Ms. Daphne Batanero, '05 Mr. Frank Cinturati, '10 Ms. Jennifer Riano Goez, '12 Mrs. Janet Johnson, '95 Mr. Christopher Campbell, '05 Mrs. Sabine Victome, '10 Ms. Alison Scalice, '12 Ms. Gina Parrinello, '95 Ms. Denise DeSantis, '05 Ms. Mary Crimmins, '10 Mrs. Kelly Scarola, '12 Mrs. Jocelyne Sanon, '95 Mr. Stephen Lewis, '05 Ms. Christina D'Amato, '10 Ms. Victoria Sommella, '12 Ms. Gloria Benhuri, '96 Ms. Mary Messmer, '05 Mr. Michael DeSivo, '10 Ms. Jeanne Spadanuta, '12 Mrs. Maria De Pace, '96 Mrs. Jacqueline Nenchin, '05 Ms. Michelle Fradua, '10 Ms. Julie Stewart, '12 Mrs. Bernadette Drewes, '96 Mr. Charles Wegener, '05 Mr. Timothy Greig, '10 Mr. George Tietjen, '12 Mrs. Christine Nagy, '96 Mr. Roberto Arevalo, '06 Mr. Brian Milella, '10 Mr. Daniel Toscano, '12 Ms. Diane Scott, '96 Mr. Darren Bell, '06 Mr. Michael Mongiardo, '10 Mr. John Trofemuk, '12 and Mrs. Barbara Stenson, '96 Mr. Basil Bliss, '06 Mrs. Kathleen Morrison, '10 Mrs. Arabella Trofemuk, '14 Mrs. Rosemary Wildeman, '96 Mr. Scott Boiallis, '06 and Ms. Kate-Lynn Muir, '10 Ms. Kathleen Turnowski, '12 Mrs. Mary Anne Brantley, '97 Mr. Robert Cline, '07 Ms. Debra O'Connor, '10 Mr. Brian Vodoklys, '12 Mrs. Vivian Brown, '97 Dr. Maureen Cardoza, '06 Ms. Alexandra Wray, '10 Ms. Laura Willis, '12 Mrs. Colleen Duffy-Lomler, '97 Mrs. Vivian DeMartino, '06 Ms. Jessica Bregy, '11 Ms. Emily Antonette, '13 Mrs. Kerry Kelly, '97 Mr. Michael Rodgers, '06 and Ms. Danielle Campisi, '11 Mr. Ryan Blackmore, '13 Mr. Gary Lee, '97 Mrs. Jennifer Rodgers, '08 Mr. Ryan Champney, '11 Mr. Juan Borbon, '13 Ms. Helene Peters, '97 Mrs. Elizabeth Ruppenthal, '06 Ms. Tiffany D'Alessandro, '11 Mr. Brian Ciampo, '13 Ms. Jean Salvato, '97 Mr. Paul Scanio, '06 Mr. Richard Delasant, '11 Ms. Danielle Clesi, '13 Mrs. Laura Tarr, '97 Ms. Christie Braun, '07 Ms. Lisa DeStefano, '11 Ms. Junienne Corley, '13 Mr. Carlos Gutierrez, '98 Ms. Stacey Cinturati, '07 Ms. Jayne Gallan-Galgano, '11 Ms. Nicole DeAngelis, '13 Mrs. Jill Matano, '98 Ms. Megan Cohen, '07 Mr. Trevor Hirst, '11 Ms. Nicole DeLuca, '13 Mr. Jason McCarthy, '98 Mr. Kevin Gilchrist, '07 Ms. Cathlin Hutchinson, '11 Ms. Katherine Dempsey, '13

37 Donors

Mr. Matthew DiCicco, '13 Ms. Juliana Contratti, '14 Ms. Cheryl McCollin, '14 Ms. Nancy Anzalone Ms. Caitlin Donach, '13 Ms. Stephaine Corona, '14 Ms. Lauren McCrystal, '14 Ms. Maryann Appel Mrs. Lorraine Edelman, '13 Ms. Colleen Curran, '14 Ms. Kelly McHenry, '14 Ms. Jamie Arnone Ms. Debra Falk, '13 Mr. Steven DeJesus, '14 Mr. Matthew Milella, '14 Ms. Joanne C. Ascher Mr. Gregory Fiorvanti, '13 Mr. Christopher DeJesus, '14 Mr. Fritzner Montalmant, '14 Mr. Michael P. Baginski Ms. Amanda Fornieri, '13 Ms. Cerissa DellaVecchia, '14 Ms. Maryanne Morrone, '14 Mr. James Balletti Ms. Jeana Frey, '13 Mr. Paul deSilva, '14 Mrs. Marie Mullgrav, '14 Ms. Madeline V. Baloglou Mrs. Maria Gallo, '13 Mr. Thomas DeVito, '14 Ms. Ginna Munoz, '14 Ms. Jessica M. Balraj Ms. Lauren Hertwig, '13 Ms. Daniella DiGrazia, '14 Mrs. Jacqueline Nicolas, '14 Ms. Yvonne T. Baroni Mr. Robert Inzerillo, '13 Mr. Daniel Emerson, '14 Ms. Diane O'Connor, '14 Ms. Heidi Bates Mr. Matthew Leeb, '13 Mr. Anthony Engelhardt, '14 Mrs. Olukemi Okunlola, '14 Mr. Ron Bauer Mr. Michael Malinowski, '13 Ms. Taylor English, '14 Mr. Oscar Osorio, '14 Ms. Amy Bermudez Ms. Christina Marra, '13 Mr. Matthew Esposito, '14 Mr. Robert Otto, '14 Mr. William Bianco Ms. Nicole Mastrianni, '13 Ms. Kayla Evanosky, '14 Mr. Ryan Outcault, '14 Ms. Sheila Bocker Ms. Soniya Mathunney, '13 Ms. Jessica Falcone, '14 Ms. Rachel Pantorno, '14 Ms. Lauren T. Boglino Mr. Michael McShane, '13 Ms. Cherie Ferby-Guy, '14 Ms. Patricia Parrinello, '14 Mr. Rick Bonacorsi Mr. Edwin Mecabe, '13 Ms. Gloria Ferrante, '14 Mrs. Tracey Pascarella, '14 Mr. Kevin J. Borres Ms. Michelle Monastero, '13 Ms. Brittney Ferrara, '14 Ms. Samantha Petti, '14 Mr. Alex Botte Ms. Christie Roell, '13 Mr. Thomas Ferrari, '14 Mr. Sean Philzone, '14 Ms. Ruth Brenner Ms. Jennifer Roveto, '13 Mrs. Marianne Fiata, '14 Ms. Angela Pietrowski, '14 Ms. Lori Brett Ms. Dominique Ruggiero, '13 Ms. Irem Franco, '14 Ms. Erin Planty, '14 Ms. Jenny Bromberg Ms. Veronica Salvador, '13 Mr. James Gagliardi, '14 Mr. Mark Pouria, Jr., '14 Ms. Ketia Brown Mrs. Jennifer Sandoval, '13 Ms. Karina Gamez, '14 Ms. Alyssa Prinzi, '14 Mr. Devon Brown Mrs. Mary Scanio, '13 Mr. Jordan Gillman, '14 Mr. Eitan Prouser, '14 Ms. Idara R. Brown Ms. Krista Serra, '13 Mr. Michael Ginch, '14 Mr. Nick Quinto, '14 Ms. Shiretta Brown Ms. Bernice Ms. Emily Glenn, '14 Mr. Hairo Ramirez, '14 Jessie Broxmeyer Stephenson-Walker, '13 Ms. Kayleen Gonyon, '14 Ms. Micheline Remy, '14 Mr. Thomas M. Bruni Mr. Keith Stokes, '13 Ms. Katheryn Grote, '14 Mr. Thomas Rhodes, '14 Mrs. Rosemary Bruno Mr. Thomas Szenczy, '13 Ms. Samantha Guarino, '14 Ms. Delores Rose, '14 Mrs. Maryeva Bryant Ms. Alyssa Tortora, '13 Mr. Gregory Guerrier, '14 Mrs. Jill Ryan, '14 Mr. Kyle A. Brzoza Mr. Dominick Toscano, '13 Mr. Daniel Hacker, '14 Ms. Michelle Santos, '14 Mr. Alex M. Buckley Miss Ajana Wilkinson, '13 Ms. Irene Haynor, '14 Ms. Lindsay Scariati, '14 Ms. Melissa Budhoo Ms. Sajani Abraham, '14 Ms. Theresa Hempstead, '14 Ms. Margaret Schmidlin, '14 Ms. Jessica Buonfrisco Mr. Akil Abraham, '14 Ms. Michele Hilliard, '14 Ms. Lianne Scorcia, '14 Ms. Tiffani J. Burbidge Ms. Atinuke Adebowale, '14 Ms. Deborah Hobbs, '14 Mrs. Barbara Simms, '14 Ms. Brittney M. Butler Ms. Erica Albury, '14 Ms. Maureen Holohan, '14 Ms. Kathleen Soricelli, '14 Ms. Matilda Caamano Ms. Nanette Alvarado, '14 Ms. Hira Iftikhar, '14 Ms. Frankie Sparks, '14 Ms. Dina Caffrey Ms. Amanda Ammirati, '14 Mr. Henry Jaramillo, '14 Mr. Fabiola Surpris, '14 Mr. Patrick Campana Mrs. Gladys Grace Ms. Norvy Jean, '14 Ms. Diana Terlik, '14 Mr. Richard Campbell Andres Llaguno, '14 Mr. Ronald Jean-Jacques, '14 Ms. Alexa Toscano, '14 Mr. Thomas Campolettano Ms. Melissa Antonow, '14 Mr. Vibin John, '14 Mr. Matthew Toscano, '14 Mr. Anthony Cancellieri Ms. Elizabeth Augello, '14 Ms. Channele Johnson, '14 Ms. Mary Tyranski, '14 Mr. Brendan M. Caputo Ms. Mary Badamo-Rigney, '14 Mr. Joseph Johnson, '14 Mr. Salvatore Ubaldini, '14 Mrs. Dawn M. Caracciolo Mr. Michael Barbagallo, '14 Ms. Regina Jones, '14 Ms. Kerry Ulmer, '14 Mrs. Kathleen M. Carey Mr. Christopher Bargeron, '14 Mr. Justin Jorgensen, '14 Ms. Jessica Varrone, '14 Mr. Robert S. Carlson Mr. Kyle Bauerschmidt, '14 Ms. Sobina Joseph, '14 Mrs. Granya Vazquez, '14 Ms. Adrienne Carroll-Conlon Ms. Reena Bensan, '14 Mr. David Julien, '14 Ms. Deanna Whitmore, '14 Mr. Michael Carvelas Ms. Trishia Bermudez, '14 Ms. Mary Karagiorgis, '14 Mr. James Willemsen, '14 Mr. Shandy A. Casimir Ms. Destiny Bernard, '14 Mr. Christos Karayiannis, '14 Mr. Mikhael William, '14 Ms. Roseann Catanzano Ms. Lynn Bert, '14 Ms. Gina Kearney, '14 Ms. Emily Willis, '14 Mr. Raymond J. Catapano Ms. Susan Bloom, '14 Mr. Michael Kelliher, '14 Mr. Bension Abramov Ms. Heather Cegelski Ms. Avis Blossom, '14 Mrs. Kathleen Killman, '14 Abramowich Family Ms. Andrea F. Cersosimo Mr. Kenneth Bornholdt, '14 Mr. Craig Knettel, '14 Mr. Thomas Adams Ms. Stephanie Cestaro Ms. Jasmin Broady, '14 Ms. Jessica Knox, '14 Ms. Amanda R. Agarenzo Ms. Jocelyn J. Chacko Ms. Barbara Brodie, '14 Mr. Bruce LaMarca, '14 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Agoado Mr. Eric Chan Mr. Paul Buckley, '14 Ms. Kelly LaMattina, '14 Ms. Nancy T. Agyeman-Duah Mr. Nyder Chardonnette Ms. Shannon Burden, '14 Mrs. Mary Lane, '14 Mr. Ryan Akers Dr. Celeste M. Checchia Mrs. Dawn Canas, '14 Ms. Ann Marie Lanza-Bisciello, '14 Ms. Daniela Alayev Ms. Audrey Cheng Ms. Amanda Carlson, '14 Mr. Frank Larenas, '14 Dr. Joanna Alcruz Mr. Kane H. Chiang Ms. Maria Carmona, '14 Mr. Brian Lima, '14 Ms. Charlotte L. Allen Mrs. Irene Chiarello Mr. Alexander Carrera, Jr., '14 Mr. Thomas Malinowski, '14 Mr. Vicente Alvarado Ms. Christine Chimienti Ms. Jincy Chacko, '14 Mr. Anthony Mark Manalo, '14 Mr. Robert Angelillo Ms. Janie R. Chodkowski Mr. Vincent Ciurleo, '14 Mr. Christian Martinez, '14 Ms. Jessica J. Antario Ms. Maria Cicione Mr. Michael Claps, '14 Ms. Angela Martinez, '14 Ms. Lauren H. Antario Dr. Daniel R. Cillis Ms. Emily Clifford, '14 Ms. Emilia Matamoros, '14 Mr. Joseph A. Antonio Ms. Diana Ciminera

38 Donors

Mrs. Maureen Cinturati Ms. Dawn Egan Ms. Annette Haripersaud Mr. Greg Lane Ms. Rosemarie Cisternino Ms. Michelle Ehrenpreis Ms. Kelly Harms Mrs. Pamela G. Lanigan-Strobel Ms. Jenna Ciuzio Mr. Timothy Eisemann Ms. Lauren Hasday Ms. Amanda LaRocca Mr. Joseph Codispoti Ms. Patricia D. Eren Mrs. Jacqueline Haslbauer Ms. Valerie Laupheimer Mr. Kevin Coghlan Ms. Marie A. Esposito Ms. Alyssa M. Haubenreisser Ms. Michelle Lavacca-Sewell Mr. James N. Cohen Mr. Patrick T. Evans Ms. Deborah Hawkins-Mattar Ms. Megan Lawless Ms. Cheryl S. Cohen Mr. Edward Fackler Ms. La-Saundra P. Haynes Mrs. Meredith Leahy Ms. Kristie L. Conroy Mr. Scott Fairgrieve Ms. Kathleen Hegdahl Ms. Alexandra D. Levantis Ms. Paula Conte Mrs. Joanne M. Fanelli Ms. Ann P. Heinzelmann Mr. Conrad Levenson Ms. Marian Conway Ms. Celia Fantauzzi Ms. Lauren Henkel Mr. Matthew J. Licht Ms. Claire Conway Ms. Rebecca A. Farrell Ms. Elizabeth Henry Mr. Irving Liebowitz Mr. Edward B. Conway Mr. Eaton A. Farrell Ms. Bonique F. Henry Ms. Mary Jo Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Cookson Ms. Lauren M. Faulborn Mr. Harold M. Herman Mr. Robert Link Mr. Matthew R. Cooley Ms. Safiya M. Favard Mr. Raymond Heron Ms. Meagan A. Linzer Mr. Joseph Corette Mr. Anthony Fedor Mr. Daniel Hewitt Mrs. Marion LoCascio Mrs. Geraldine L. Cornell Mr. Joseph Finger Damian W. Hey, Ph.D. Mrs. Elizabeth Loheide-Rupes Mr. Dominick M. Costanzo Ms. Nancy Fioraliso Mr. Herbert Hill Mr. Thomas Lombardo Mr. John R. Cottrell Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Fiorvanti Ms. Meghan Hill Mr. Greg Loughran Mrs. Cynthia Y. Cox Mr. Scott Fishel Cory Hirsch Mrs. Deborah Lucito Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Crepeau Ms. Deirdre A. Fitzgerald Dr. Alice S. Honig Ms. Ann Marie Luongo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crimmins S. Dorothy Anne Mr. Victor Honigsfeld Mr. Collin Lynch Mr. Christopher Crispino Fitzgibbons, O.P. Ed.D. Mrs. Rochelle Honigsfeld Ms. Kathryn G. Lynch Miss Kendall Croutier Ms. Victoria M. Flemm Ms. Mary F. Howard Mr. Peter J. Lynch Ms. Rachelle Curasi Mr. Robert J. Flicker Ms. Margaret Howell Ms. Jasmine C. Lyons Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Curran Ms. Stephanie N. Flynn Ms. Arianna Hristis Ms. Camille H. Mabry Ms. Lauren V. Cusumano Lenora Foerster, Ph.D. Mrs. Jessica A. Hsaine Mr. Darren MacDougall Ms. Alexandra M. Dahl Mr. Charles Fontana Ms. Marian S. Hubbard Ms. Jaclyn Machowicz Mrs. Marie M. D'Ambra Ms. Jean E. Fontana Mr. William J. Hughes Mr. Donald and Mrs. Anna David Ms. Cindy Foster-Thomas Ms. Chrystalla Ioannou Mrs. Joan Hope MacNaughton Ms. Hillary B. De La Cruz Mr. Michael Franzese Mr. Christopher M. Irwin Dr. Jaime E. Madden Ms. Jacqueline DeAngelo Ms. Colleen E. Freeza Mr. Dan Ismailescu and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malandro Ms. Barbara Deblat Mr. David J. Friedrich Mrs. Catalina Stefan Mr. Christopher Malatesta Ms. Alicia A. Delano Mr. Yosuke Fujishima Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Israel Ms. Noelle Malone Ms. Patricia Delgado Ms. Meghan Fullam Dr. Jill Jackowski Ms. Jocelyn Manes Ms. Nicole DelGiudice Mr. Mario Gagliano Mr. Michael A. Jaime Ms. Tonimarie Mangione Ms. Maureen A. DelPezzo Mr. Nick Galanis Ms. Jill A. James Stella Manne, Ph.D. Mrs. Ann M. DeLury Brother Joseph V. Gallagher, O.S.F. Mark S. James, Ph.D. Mr. Patrick Manzi Ms. Garima Devi Ms. Manuela Gallon-Palacio Ms. Jamelee S. James Mr. Demosthenes Maratos Mr. Michael J. DeVito Ms. Joanne Garcia Mr. Rajeev Jayadeva Ms. Maria Marino Ms. Dianna Dezago Mr. Timothy Gauss Ms. Trisha Jean Ms. Gia B. Marino Ms. Zahra M. Dhalla Melissa I. Gebbia, Ph.D. Ms. Bianca D. Jean Ms. Katie L. Marsala Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diamond Mr. Eric Gebhardt Mr. Ted Jeremenko Mr. Patrick Marshall Mr. Christopher DiGregorio Mr. Matthew M. Geus Mrs. Pauline Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Martin Mrs. Irene G. Diller Ms. Katarina E. Giannikos Abebukanla Johnson Mr. Stephen L. Martinez Ms. Mary Etta DiLorenzo Mr. Raymond and Ms. Stephanie M. Jorgensen Ms. Sarah E. Mascaro Ms. Margaret Dineen Mrs. Eileen Gilliam Mr. Charles R. Joyce Mr. Frank A. Masi Mrs. Mary E. Dinkels Ms. Joan T. Ginty Mr. Andrew Jurasits Mr. Lanier Mason Ms. Joyce DiPinto Mr. Karim Gittens Ms. Marion J. Kaiser Mrs. Rosemary Mastandrea Ms. Jeanne Dippel Mr. Jeffrey Glasser Ms. Ramneek Kaur Ms. Noel P. Mastrocovi Mr. Michael Diprimo Ms. Sarah Gochez Ms. Suzanne Keenan Ms. Deidre Matarazzo Mr. Devon Doeman Ms. Dorothy B. Godley Mr. M. Jeffrey Kelley Ms. Betsy K. Mathew Mr. Matthew P. Dolan Ms. Joelle Gonzalez Mr. Christopher J. Kenedy Ms. Stephanie Mattar Ms. Alanna M. Donach Ms. Rhoda Good Mr. Ganesh Khandare Ms. Erin May Mr. Thomas Donovan Mr. Shawn Gordon Ms. Berta Kholdarova Mr. Thomas Spatafora and Ms. Francine C. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Gorman, II Ms. Juliana M. Kiley Mrs. Lucy Mazany Ms. Margaret T. Dougherty Ms. Andreea Gray J M King Ms. Kaitlyn McCormack Ms. Rebecca Draguc Ms. Regina H. Greene Mr. William Kirby Michael and Diane McCormick Ms. Judy Drescher Mr. Guy Griggs Mr. Konrad Klechta Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McCue Ms. Elaine Drzymalski Ms. Valerie J. Grosso Ms. Janet Knipfing-Schult Mr. Michael McDonough Mrs. Jill M. Duccilli Ms. Stephanie Guevara Mr. Bruce Koehler Ms. Janine McElroy Ms. Lucille Duckson-Bramble Mr. Desmond Guidroz Mr. John Krizel Nancy S. McGarr, Ph.D. Ms. Olivia Dudek Ms. Jennifer E. Hahl Mr. Patrick Kunkel Mr. Brendan McGlone Mr. William G. Dugan Mrs. Alina R. Haitz Ms. Lorri Kushner Mr. Joseph McGoldrick Rev. Patrick G. Duggan Mr. Jordan T. Hamblen Mr. Michael J. Lacson Mr. and Mrs. Francis McKenna Ms. Joan R. Eames Mr. Joseph Harasek Ms. Kristina M. Lagasca Ms. Katherine McKenna

39 Donors

Mrs. Ethel Mendelssohn Ms. Medjine Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schulman Mr. Robert H. Wagner Ms. Susan M. Meurer Ms. Cini Pillai Mr. Martin Schwartz Mrs. Carol Walsh Ms. Ester S. Mildner Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Pio Monroe A. Schwed Mr. Robert Watson Mrs. Una M. Milella Ms. Heather A. Pirolo Ms. Amanda N. Sears Ms. Lauren Webb Ms. Cori Miller Ms. Christine Piscitelli Ms. Jenna R. Seganti Mr. Joseph R. Weinstein Mrs. Christine E. Miller Mrs. Marina Pitzer Ms. Donna L. Sgambati Ms. Jocelyn Wenk Ms. MaryBeth Miller Ms. Diane L. Plaia Mr. Wally Shafran Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Werner Ms. Agnes Mitchell Mr. Podell Ms. Eileen Shah Mr. James Werner Ms. Stephanie Mitchell Ms. Rebecca C. Ponce Ms. Elissa Sharp Dr. Judith Wertheim Ms. Allison M. Moloney Mrs. Laura Probst Ms. Rosemary Sheridan Ms. Aubrey S. White Mrs. Regina Montefinise Ms. Alexandfra C. Pyros Ms. Marie Sherman Ms. Rachel L. White Ms. Bridget J. Moore Ms. Meghan Quagliariello Mrs. Eleanor Shore Mr. Alexander Whitman Ms. Claire Moore Mrs. Jenipher Quintanilla Mr. Aristides Sideris Ms. Danielle Williams Mrs. Stephanie Morahan Ms. Kim Ragione Mr. David Sills Mr. Terry L. Williams Ms. Mercedes Morales Ms. Erica Raiford Ms. Daniela A. Simione Ms. Brittney A. Willis Mr. Gregory Morales Mr. Toby O. Raju Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Simon Mr. Michael J. Wisniewski Mr. Dominic P. Morandi Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Arlene A. Slater Ms. Sheryl Wolkowitz Mrs. Monica J. Morello Mrs. Jacquelyn Rath Ms. Victoria L. Sollin Mrs. Elizabeth Wollweber Mrs. Rosa Morzillo Ms. Lorraine Rau Suzanne N. Sorel, Ph.D. Alexandria Wolochuk, O.P., Ph.D. Mrs. Regine Moussignac Ms. Kathleen Reba Ms. Eleanor M. Sorrentino Mr. George Wright Ms. Patricia Moyett Mr. Keith Redo Mr. Craig Spatz Mr. Michael D. Yu Ms. Margaret Mullarkey Ms. Lauren E. Regan Mr. Michael Spinelli Ms. Toniann Yuli Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mullin Mrs. Frances M. Rehren Ms. Lauren R. Spotkov Mr. Alfred J. Zamojcin Mr. Bruce Murphy Ms. Jessebell Reyes-Cocuzzo Ms. Aleksandra M. Stefanovski Mr. Amir Zigdon Mr. Martin Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes Mr. Joseph Stein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zoller S. Mary L. Murray, C.I.J. Ms. Christine Rice Mr. Ira Stolzenberg Mrs. Jolanta A. Zuar Mr. Malik Myriee Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Richner Mrs. Sabina Storti Ms. Jessica Zuliani-Bernstein Mrs. Gloria Nappi Ms. Theresa Rienzo Mr. and Mrs. William Stris Alan M. Stein, Esq. Ms. Nicole T. Natland Ms. Georgina M. Rivas-Martinez Ms. Latasha R. Sukhoo Avellino's Pizzeria & Catering Mr. Dennis Neary Mr. Salvatore R. Rizzo S. Kathleen Sullivan, O.P. Citibank, N.A. Ms. Gina Nedelka Ms. Kerri N. Robertson Ms. Claire B. Sullivan D & E Boutique Ms. Ava M. Negron Ms. Christine Robinson Ms. Violet Surico Dance Club Mr. Robert Nevitt Ms. Marilena Rocco Ms. Kristen Sweeney Eugene J. Canty, Jr. C.P.A. PC Ms. Annett Newshan Ms. Kristin E. Rochford Mr. Nicolas Symanski Jade Accessories Ms. Tiara I. Newson Mr. Eugene J. Rogers Mrs. Monika Szulzycki Janowski's Hamburgers Mr. Austin R. Nieves Mr. Christian Romanelli Mr. Richard Tabin JDL Socratic Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Paul Notti Ms. Emily L. Rosen Dr. Joyce Tang La Mia Collection Mr. Fred Novak Ms. Melissa K. Rosenberg Ms. Shanique D. Terrelonge Legion of Mary - Ms. Meagan O'Connell Mrs. Joan Rosenberg Mrs. Sheryl Thau Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ms. Ifeoma Ofili Ms. Cari Rose-Tomo Mr. Robert B. Theofield Max's Grille & Tavern Ms. Maeve E. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rotolo Mr. Stephin Thomas Music & Theatre Legacy Mr. Vito Orlando Ms. Lara R. Rubin Mr. Patrick Tighe Foundation Mr. Sean O'Rourke Ms. Lauren A. Ruoppoli Mr. Frank T. Tomanelli New York State Psychological Mr. Charles Otto Ms. Susanne M. Rupes Mr. Michael Torres Association - Division of Ms. Sophia Ouloupis Mr. Michael J. Russo Mrs. Maria Toulas Academic Psychology Mrs. Janet L. Page Ms. Jeanne Ryan Ms. Menaza Townsend New York State Psychological Mr. Mauricio Palacios Mr. Jiju M. Sabu Mrs. Josephine J. Tracey Association - Division of Ms. Sara Palazzolo Mr. Ben Sales Ms. Christina M. Tramantana Women's Issues Ms. Cassandra Palmer Mr. Julian Saltz Mr. Kevin G. Tranchina On Premises Custom Drapery Mr. and Mrs. Doug Palmer Ms. Kriupa Samson Ms. Maura Trinder Service Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Parrinello Mr. Alfredo Sanchez Ms. Chontelle D. Trottman Origami Owl Designer Ms. Ann T. Paulson Ms. Maggie Santagato Mr. Thomas Trottman Our Brothers Guardian Ms. Ruth Pavon-Ramos Ms. Brenda Santiago Ms. Joyce Vaaler Pin Pals Mr. Thomas Pawluk Mr. Robert Santini Ms. Angela R. Valletta Reel Press Ms. Jessica Payton Ms. Jean Saporita Mr. Brandon Vanmanen Rosanna Jewels Ms. Tarmaria Pedlar Fann Ms. Janet T. Sarandrea Mr. Anthony Vela Thorn Hill Trading Co. Mrs. Margaret S. Peguillan Ms. Marilyn Sarracco Ms. Gabrielle A. Velasquez Today's Accessory Mr. Daniel J. Pelan Ms. Elizabeth S. Scaduto Mr. Matthew Vento Freida L. Pemberton, Ph.D. Mr. John Scanlon Ms. Kimberly Vereline Ms. Alysia A. Pemberton Ms. Anna Scaraggi Ms. Kaitlin E. Vicario Ms. Gabriella T. Perciavalle Mr. Josef Schaetzle Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Vitale, Jr. Mr. Rene Perdreaux Mr. Robert Schawelson Mr. Joseph Vitale Ms. Gabrielle D. Perone Mr. Walter Schmitz Ms. Sara Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Pescitelli Ms. Diana L. Schneider Mr. John Wagner Ms. Debi V. Philip Ms. Sara M. Schneider Mrs. Rosemarie J. Wagner

40 Additional Support

Grant Support A Well-Fed World Bank of America Charitable Foundation Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP / NYSERDA Community Development Corporation of Long Island / NYSERDA George I. Alden Trust Hagedorn Foundation Long Island Community Foundation / Henry Philip Kraft Family Memorial Fund Long Island Community Foundation / Horace & Amy Hagedorn Fund Nassau County District Attorney's Office National Grid Foundation New York Community Bank Foundation New York State Education Department Norwegian Council for Mental Health / The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre PRAGDA Rauch Foundation Ridgewood Savings Bank State Farm U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Uniondale School District / New York State Education Department Wells Fargo

Matching Gift Companies The Bank of New York Mellon Best Buy Corporate Giving Program CA Technologies Dun & Bradstreet Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America LexisNexis Cares Matching Gift Program Metropolitan Life Foundation Network For Good Salesforce Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program

41 Gifts-in-kind

Molloy College is grateful to those listed below for their generous donations of items and services (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014):

Individuals Otis Elevator Mrs. Francine M. Cosenza, '88 Paul Conte Cadillac of Freeport Mr. Steven Kanowitz The Pear Tree Mr. James R. Multari Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of NY Long Island Red Door Spa of Garden City Organizations Ronald J. Krowne Photography Brooklyn Cyclones Seasons 52 CIRCA Health & Fitness The Seawane Club Coca-Cola Bottling Company Source One Promotions Dario's Restaurant Village Liquors Deco 1600 Westside Party Rentals Eden Total Skin Care The Woodmere Club Engineers Country Club World Gym Wantagh Frank's Steaks Front Street Bakery Garden City Hotel Gargiulo's Restaurant Governor's Comedy Cabaret & Restaurant Homewood Suites by Hilton Il Luogo Ristorante Interboro / AutoOne / Maidstone Insurance Cos. Janowski's Hamburgers Laguna Grille Lynbrook Infiniti Marriott Hotel & Conference Center Mercato Kitchen & Cocktails Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre Merrick Dodge Chrysler Jeep of Wantagh Mid Island Air Service Mio Posto Ristorante Italiano Mohegan Sun Oak Chalet


42 Alumni Giving

Class Amount No. of Out Of Class Amount No. of Out Of Gifts Gifts '59 $5,215 27 31 '87 $3,812 57 291 '60 $128,708 47 32 '88 $7,780 22 280 '61 $3,471 17 25 '89 $1,795 21 235 '62 $8,180 46 51 '90 $3,605 19 220 '63 $9,508 33 47 '91 $1,734 16 255 '64 $33,418 45 47 '92 $984 23 190 '65 $80,174 44 67 '93 $1,261 29 307 '66 $3,443 27 46 '94 $875 11 363 '67 $1,814 15 47 '95 $5,057 46 395 '68 $5,988 55 89 '96 $2,669 39 442 '69 $2,890 30 110 '97 $1,625 22 440 '70 $11,505 30 175 '98 $1,645 10 416 '71 $6,797 50 243 '99 $6,675 19 352 '72 $32,784 38 194 '00 $27,243 33 417 '73 $13,440 48 190 '01 $1,237 34 460 '74 $3,552 58 206 '02 $883 13 422 '75 $2,935 20 152 '03 $2,267 14 499 '76 $2,389 37 154 '04 $4,186 81 469 '77 $6,020 25 185 '05 $2,443 37 526 '78 $11,767 36 177 '06 $4,095 32 643 '79 $4,523 44 232 '07 $3,572 53 659 '80 $4,087 34 237 '08 $3,210 129 722 '81 $1,506 34 248 '09 $1,648 44 761 '82 $4,010 63 228 '10 $3,637 78 775 '83 $2,213 23 219 '11 $5,865 85 827 '84 $58,108 42 296 '12 $4,607 141 898 '85 $1,245 18 266 '13 $4,318 106 1,002 '86 $3,320 28 308 '14 $7,522 214 1,162

43 Scholarships

Endowed Scholarships The following scholarships have been generously donated by our benefactors and are included in the permanent endowment of Molloy College:

A. Robert and Madeline Mershon Scholarship Katherine Hanley Memorial Scholarship Aloysius J. Gabriel Memorial Scholarship Kathi Smillie Nursing Scholarship Barbara Ellen Black Scholarship Kathie Krieg Medical Social Work Scholarship Fund Beatrice M. Duffy Memorial Scholarship Kathleen M. Kilkelly Memorial Scholarship Biology Founding Faculty Scholarship Kiran & Anil Chaturvedi MBA Leadership Award Bishop John R. McGann Schlorship Klementina & Lukas Culen Scholarship Bogner Leadership Through Service Scholarship Leidner Scholarship Bernie Havern Sportsman Fund Lillian Emmerich Joseph Scholarship Catherine Brajuka Scholarship Louis & Pauline Cestari Scholarship Catherine Umbach Giammarino Scholarship Mary A. Aleksunas-Russo Charles H. & Dorothy M. Schneider English Faculty Development Fund Business Scholarship Mary B. Ulicny, '74 Scholarship Charles P. Hanley Scholarship MaryGay McGrath Memorial Scholarship Class of 1968 Scholarship Maureen T. White Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Peter Lynch Meta Taylor Scholarship Community Service Scholarship Michael Hoffman Changing Our World Scholarship Dr. Rose Ann Naughton Scholarship Msgr. Charles Bermingham Scholarship Dr. Snyder Leadership Scholarship Msgr. McClancy Scholarship E. Kilcullen Scholarship Murley-Henderson Science Scholarship Edlind Family Scholarship Neidich-Ryder Biology Scholarship Ellen Duffy Murphy & Andrew Murphy Nuclear Medicine Scholarship Scholarship Fund Nursing Scholarships Emilia Culen Brajuka Scholarship Paracleta Scholarship Fr. Henry Benack Scholarship Phyllis M. Janotta Scholarship Fr. Robert P. Kennedy Scholarship Piluso Family Scholarship Frances A. Gabriel Scholarship Richard T. Murray Scholarship Frances B. Houlihan Memorial Scholarship Riley Family Scholarship Francesca Maria Paone Memorial Scholarship Robert Catell Sustainability Scholarship Francis P. Ford Scholarship Robert Kinpoitner, Ph.D. Scholarship Fred Liddell Memorial Music Therapy Scholarship Robert R. & Adelaide M. Curren Helene S. Bell Valedictorian Award Memorial Scholarship Fund Ilona Varga Graduate Scholarship Rocco John Filazzola PhD Scholarship Jennifer Zontini Rosalie Goffner Gerontology Scholarship Students Helping Students Scholarship Rose & Max Neidich Nursing Scholarship Jesse R. Radowitz Memorial Scholarship Roslyn Savings Foundation Nursing Scholarship Joan Ford Scholarship Ruth and John McSweeney Scholarship John Robert Hanley Memorial Scholarship S. Anna Marie Hardenburgh, O.P. Scholarship Joseph M. & Diane Havlik Scholarship Fund S. Camille Moffatt, O.P. Scholarship Karen P. Sciolino Memorial Fund S. Grace Bletsch, O.P. Scholarship


44 Scholarships

S. Janet Fitzgerald, O.P. Scholarship Student Athlete Degree Completion Scholarship S. Katherine Gee, O.P. Scholarship Sullivan Family Scholarshp S. M. Leo Francis Monaghan, O.P. Scholarship Teresa and Frank Pane S. Mary Carol Gabriel Memorial Scholarship Secondary Mathematics Teaching Scholarship S. Mary Celeste Beck, O.P. Scholarship Therese M. Hughes Family Scholarship S. Mary Denis McAuliffe, C.I.J. Scholarship Thomas & Eleanor O'Keeffe Scholarship S. Mary Verity McNicholas, O.P. Scholarship Tufano and Jannotta Scholarship S. Nivard Stabile, O.P. Scholarship Tufano Scholarship Fund S. Patricia A. Morris Scholarship Valerie Hawkes Collins Nursing Scholarship S. Rose Teresa Amor, O.P. Scholarship Victoria Wolf Gabriel Memorial Scholarship Salvatore A. Milone Scholarship William H. McDonnell Srs. Anne Connolly and Helen Nyberg Scholarship "Commitment to Education" Scholarship Fund St. Martin de Porres Scholarship

Funded Scholarships The following scholarships have been placed in restricted funds by generous benefactors of the College:

Amanda Rose Kanowitz Scholarship Marilyn E. Kirshenbaum Scholarship Carmela and Sam Romano Memorial Scholarship Morris H. Gutterman Memorial Scholarship Fund Edvidge & Rinaldo Zona Memorial Scholarship The Partner Project Scholarship Fund Evelyn and Thomas Barry Scholarship Rochelle Pinz, CSWR Social Work Scholarship Frieda B. Asnis Molloy Institute Rochelle Pinz, LPN, CSWR for Lifelong Learning (MILL) Fund Music Therapy Scholarship Global Learning Travel Fund Rugby Club Scholarship Fund Gutterman Scholarship Sarah Henig Music Award Hanley Math Scholarship Saverio Infante Memorial Scholarship Joan Germann Kravitz Scholarship Speech Pathology Rising Star Scholarship Judann Siegel Memorial Scholarship Vincent Ventura Memorial Scholarship Julius and Mary Pinz Poetry Scholarship Weinstock Family Scholarship The Mancino Family Scholarship

45 STATEMENTStatement ofOF Activities ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, AND 2010

2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Revenue, gains and other support:

Student tuition and fees $105,242,895 $99,424,579 $93,511,202 $84,228,561 $74,434,175 Less: Institutional aid (19,292,926) (17,411,121) (14,703,095) (12,931,776) (11,315,549) Student tuition and fees, net 85,949,969 82,013,458 78,808,107 71,296,785 63,118,626

Government grants and programs 1,260,966 1,328,818 1,713,438 1,425,794 1,272,262 Gifts and private grants 1,661,323 2,386,831 1,087,258 1,685,247 1,274,176 Special events 729,561 672,917 646,478 980,849 598,838 Auxiliary enterprises 2,195,044 1,988,552 1,477,508 115,474 129,002 Board designated endowment investment return designated for operations 1,132,173 683,276 642,224 664,260 851,130 Other interest and dividends 252,944 81,220 299,461 195,799 251,851 Other revenue 310,156 367,282 363,334 376,849 313,872

Total revenue, gains and other support 93,492,136 89,522,354 85,037,808 76,741,057 67,809,757

Expenses: Instruction 52,537,189 50,546,605 46,909,395 42,778,289 39,256,268 General administration 6,395,935 5,605,181 5,019,274 4,822,951 4,566,317 General institutional 8,024,771 8,223,692 7,860,448 7,757,915 5,211,383 Public relations and development 5,189,240 5,116,931 4,641,535 3,762,437 3,543,684 Student services 11,241,686 10,917,684 10,235,512 8,873,421 8,427,113 Library 2,900,160 2,843,173 2,707,122 2,347,488 2,221,987 Auxiliary enterprises 4,368,226 4,277,997 3,743,623 451,385 457,816 Special events 299,804 243,570 428,852 393,593 258,132

Total expenses 90,957,011 87,774,833 81,545,761 71,187,479 63,942,700

Change in net assets from operations 2,535,125 1,747,521 3,492,047 5,553,578 3,867,057

Non-operating activities: Capital campaign revenues 3,884,713 280,206 ------66,789 437,470 Government capital grants ------64,359 1,410,524 4,141,263 517,573 Investment return in excess of board designated endowment return designated for operations 1,865,431 1,273,881 143,189 2,119,037 1,048,198 Adjustment of conditional asset retirement obligations ------198,097 849,618 ------

Total non-operating activities 5,750,144 1,816,543 2,403,331 6,327,089 2,003,241

Change in net assets 8,285,269 3,564,064 5,895,378 11,880,667 5,870,298

Net assets, beginning of year 71,441,786 67,877,722 61,982,344 50,101,677 44,231,379

DONORSNet assets, end of• year DONORS • $79,727,055DONORS $71,441,786• DONORS $67,877,722 • DONORS $61,982,344 • DONORS $50,101,677

Certain reclassifications have been made to the statement of activities for the years 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 to conform to the presentation in 2014. These reclassifications did not have any effect on the total net change in assets for those years. 46 Scholarships

Revenue, gains and other support:

Student tuition and fees $105,242,895 $99,424,579 $93,511,202 $84,228,561 $74,434,175 Less: Institutional aid (19,292,926) (17,411,121) (14,703,095) (12,931,776) (11,315,549) Student tuition and fees, net 85,949,969 82,013,458 78,808,107 71,296,785 63,118,626

Government grants and programs 1,260,966 1,328,818 1,713,438 1,425,794 1,272,262 Gifts and private grants 1,661,323 2,386,831 1,087,258 1,685,247 1,274,176 Special events 729,561 672,917 646,478 980,849 598,838 Auxiliary enterprises 2,195,044 1,988,552 1,477,508 115,474 129,002 Board designated endowment investment return designated for operations 1,132,173 683,276 642,224 664,260 851,130 Other interest and dividends 252,944 81,220 299,461 195,799 251,851 Other revenue 310,156 367,282 363,334 376,849 313,872

Total revenue, gains and other support 93,492,136 89,522,354 85,037,808 76,741,057 67,809,757

Expenses: Instruction 52,537,189 50,546,605 46,909,395 42,778,289 39,256,268 General administration 6,395,935 5,605,181 5,019,274 4,822,951 4,566,317 General institutional 8,024,771 8,223,692 7,860,448 7,757,915 5,211,383 Public relations and development 5,189,240 5,116,931 4,641,535 3,762,437 3,543,684 Student services 11,241,686 10,917,684 10,235,512 8,873,421 8,427,113 Library 2,900,160 2,843,173 2,707,122 2,347,488 2,221,987 Auxiliary enterprises 4,368,226 4,277,997 3,743,623 451,385 457,816 Special events 299,804 243,570 428,852 393,593 258,132

Total expenses 90,957,011 87,774,833 81,545,761 71,187,479 63,942,700 Publisher Edward J. Thompson Change in net assets from operations 2,535,125 1,747,521 3,492,047 5,553,578 3,867,057 Vice President for Advancement

Non-operating activities: Supervising Editor Capital campaign revenues 3,884,713 280,206 ------66,789 437,470 Ken Young Government capital grants ------64,359 1,410,524 4,141,263 517,573 Director of Public Relations Investment return in excess of board designated endowment return Editor designated for operations 1,865,431 1,273,881 143,189 2,119,037 1,048,198 Jacquie Martin-Rath Adjustment of conditional asset Assistant Director of Public Relations retirement obligations ------198,097 849,618 ------

Designers Total non-operating activities 5,750,144 1,816,543 2,403,331 6,327,089 2,003,241 Francis Bonnet

Senior Graphic Designer Change in net assets 8,285,269 3,564,064 5,895,378 11,880,667 5,870,298

Sara Palazzolo Net assets, beginning of year 71,441,786 67,877,722 61,982,344 50,101,677 44,231,379 Junior Graphic Designer Net assets, end of year $79,727,055 $71,441,786 $67,877,722 $61,982,344 $50,101,677 NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hicksville, NY 1000 Hempstead Avenue • P.O. Box 5002 Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002 Permit No. 618 516.678.5000 •