Wallace Fard Muhammed Part 3 of 7
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A '1-=1. -. .53;s. > - -.:- 1* I-9F00 Qt. .92- ll: »lh§lAllll FHIIH Ii! ll r, . 92 O __ce Memw .mz..m 75' . v TO . "T 1 ,1"l._L..' L.'.'., 31', Q; -7? !' ;TJF:l. 92- 5'10}-1-' 2 » WI. Q13. .:;;_ 1 .|..' 1 ;=" ' L?¬11 .D . fwa 1 1 E S'1.-~...,:.S. L;'092';£R:92s.-1E E suqncn r -1 »92 Jr. -;_. u- ~ IU; I. .,. _:§' , » 4.. » , I _ _"_ /_ _5' * . 1;-vgt -'¥ "*h QQ ».£: i and Iatur;L;: ¬"' "-lcr r~:"r . 1 1 C L - ~.-n .. ii % . : < »:.-,- . at .. V»-£@; bu. t1~;1 T- /, . "-4 '. 92-53 to Bureau Jbtu +-~v1. "1 cl ~ VI;@éC- UQVL '-;¢, W83. 92Ji. zirul ufflce ' . 4*?» I ELf. CH? HQ; .;rv;;¢, can F-ed e cieck to 1 .r-- .'..- ., th L.-AmaFr r»;<rs " F.-. 0? ; ..._. Q 9 In .1-._ V - Y-~ =»=v1s~~* 1 .- O- '92T92 .,: -' , .._!.¢.-1* ._ - 1 11n=A C i1_Cl"O.-. i<- ,' t;v J i-J-.-IA l. v1t92= ~_- _'.-CCM - -.;, >4 4- ¢ 1A-;._ LEE P. .92 f92 92 hr ma ? F .'r_ . / in, !'92. "'92|_ ." "2" m-.. -w1. PR;l JJQD, who mat be lcun -in U 1!- .@. 'I1;i 121* 1 1? .. L. -4.- . ._ 1. LLDQ. 1m arzlvud hale " avn "Liable a *ra;s¢:_gu HP. .'.C' b » .-. A port of £i¢:Pu 4111:. -E»* ;. an 4indiv Q ['3 :';_;.;n¢ -. of . P 4 '.J1 -"* 92.IH:.-U, . id z. tlul 1iLL ;nc;v;uual in ..,} I ;.>I';-i :hF IL_-.-_.. Dov DJ-92 . 92."=:§ -J92.>§ L 1 . ..'_~ L. ..-- 5. ._92.....".£-4, J? ta. 92" 1.,.:- in the Uniba . 1c .- gn. J . ~ 92. '-1 - "u92v | 92J-92. .> L ;,:..f92.:-, 1* L;-.l|4 ,/14/as :,.+. ;ar. E t=31"1u 1 in i0LJS;UuLi, A ftutes on *1 H resiqeu UBLLLwt at Lht that Y. 5 L- 0;. -2. " 3f -1,-. }bQUiVkM tlmore, ;ar;lU¢@.Li: ,;" Z 92 . * :;;#,IL'-I33 0: LL-L" _ LS .: '1' Z1-Ll, 4- . wi fu'5 nah; a k. n » up ciL= nut 31v. n,. ._| .92.y a 7""1 92. »92_1 Lursau 92r P. : .4 g= -1' -Jun -.-> 1" pLL¢s_¢ LC-T ¢-}; ;h! 1 ~ 0 < ,. d .5. _ "r92 _ LL'...-__ . .92E.,,, . .:1~'0 imi at I43? ..,.1__i._V92.-, -i%?L £1. _;J.l.A.!'km -.. 411.. r, ifs §F:_ 1.?j¢a;@ uf @;;uf;-1¢;t_on y-. 1- ;',,.;§§._. Jistrict ;Jurt j 4 .61 92 .»J 14! L, V.- 1 92>J 0 I ,: .1 4 ., ____§v. , :_.._ J a ! I :. ..¢ :§ a. l92AI~t>A|lo "ulna in. O4 O]fC6 M67120. &ma{2lz<772 < - - u-N11 so s'm1_..s GO"JE1{NMI~lNTt %';;~ TO DIRECTOR, FBI lU$63642! DATE April lo, 195$ 921 Q. _ . §= 1 cnzcaoo mo-asses! " t .41 J i . :_ » -< ! wi n I suqmnu WALLACE DODD FORD .;92_- .1 SECURITY MATTER - NOT T? u 5 ReBulet, 4/15/53. The Bureau feels that continued expenditure of investigative time in this matter is not warranted. The Detroit, Los Angeles, New York Divisions ? and the Uashingtou Field Office should discontinue investigation. i~ f; - This is to advise the Bureau that this case is being placed in a closed status in the Chicago Office, and no report will be submitted. i - . .1»-Q - -2 '- Bureau RM! t - Detroit 00#25356! RM! Los Angeles 05-4805! RM! New York RM! 5%1 1 - Washington Field 00-34329! RH! * 5 Chicago 4 7 1E <1 ALL mmmmox CONTMNED gm-u 5 uzzzézrz Di[¥TE__l_QT:5--*-'!q""8{{:{;i as Uf~2E.LAS392F92ED ___, f, W § B551-:19 /ff? 0 _92 4' 4 ti W, _ "'? 1"-7 . _. ?.%T-. -. t ,__. g _f ;-. :5 1.§ _ ,. .,- -I , _ ..92 4;, ;. _, . _ g..92 _.y an -».~.- .ff' . 0 :L_. i .- w t .*. -,, . A nI = / §_ -- ~.¢92i . M $ 1' 5;; F r V .'L_ 1-. V-'~ ,_ _ 1 . .=" - . - t _ 1 7 '"" it A _ ;_- 92 .,,,'# .a;=¢~:Qa 92=.-__~+- 5+-.~-1a,. §¢,., iii * - §=~= M - % a ,1.5 %_;;,E :5» Ag J . N ,i.;..,... Iemoran um L a a- ~ 1;._ _~~_i'::-A: V. _ . 92 . -_.;-sf a__#'_.vV_._i.-g-,;_53_@; ~ -51;] -'- 3; nmzcroa, n1 ~ DATE: 3/3/60-;;' ,' L -,_,%;i}*'?' "-our'. IDBNTIFIEATIOR . o1v1s1ou '*' 3; t _ _a 1;: . gm,N l anYORKt C-at so-4&9!_ __ I __ ;_ . V V _ i wljnch WALLACE DODD FGKD - "- .< S 3 . N00 =3 . CO0PERA'1'IWITH HEWIiYER! STATEPOLIQ 1 requeated identification -'_->1 ' recordo D ORD, No- .. 56062. Forward ~ -'fsi attention Liaison Section. _i - . m_ ",3 '' ' -'-. -'-H __ ._.__ _¥ 92 1_.».»-j . "afk-:5 - 17¢ _ __._&; KI . ' __ 1§".'-' if ' 13 i , _ k. "...,__ - mmmnmmnmmmm man ISuncussmaa A Kg*"<1- BATEJ9 32 " BY QQ-3TE L &r - m . *-J-1. ix. "L" -V ::!- -. 11-.<1 - 3;. 4, Q:ngzevork f-13$-'11/5-_t'5,,so-4&9! M so 1: MAR9 1950 .' >.*n§'f s~ ~.;:;,;5IF *'A iv 3" r _" '»'£5? - 1!Jgj¬f£';:3l/I Yill$5! k 1 ;IF H.33.- .' W .'"5. "S»'-'-55' _ A'. 9" D 5 3% == -J a 3;-;EAR-+.3E%1 1 ' M L I Q ' n.....,_F_ _. _ .. .._._; _ .._ ___;,,_ ,:_,_, ,A _=. __ ___?-__..__..,4,.- - W .._- _ _v__,_ _ _____ __ _ _ _. ..._.__._....._. ___.Y..,.-rH'.-,...A. A.-4. ;0.»I .,. $2. ': "1- .'> '9 1.? -Q - ~ .* I -i D--1 ?;_- 7, 1 . _... ;- ; .- zn-Jb lhuv. 1;».->1-1 . f __ ,. 3 _ . -7 92__ 0,. , . .s _ I -II [Q .u¢ -1:1 A i Y; - Dc:-3: Y/31/61 "." ,_ .._I_-. ' Transmit the following in : __i_*__;_,i_.,i*.:*__,, _ , . _, 7, _ _, __._;, ::,i:,,_,__. ._W , _ _ i i:_".:_q i . H 1- ' Type in plain text or coder = |>-_ »r A1H£L-IE£B%E T. vim AvxrmI . n- Priority or Mcthud nf.£faz'Iang!A 5- 2 __-Q»,--.._________________._______________.__.______._._..__ § I -._@ 1'! i =. F 1- .!.39 . _ T0: i FROM: e_. " ___..J._... :5 - 4, 1; :2.- HALLACE DI FARD, aka 1,1,. ."92v.' ' A-J-..? r92T -_ . A DIRBCTOH, FBI 05-636L2! ;~""~-lLJ SAC, .TJJMi£RmAHUdL LOS AQGXLES aka05-Macs! - *92 - " ~ AOL ='- ZJC .'. f W CHICAGO H I; San Diego Lagiogram Bureau T/1?/u1,_;1..-- .,.._ . Identification Division J¬fl0CtiRéSne?i§f'5_Ufi%¢#:,¢ * ~ California, requ¢ated Qhotos and iountijication rc .1... u;_.l'zu...CJ'."lLn» .-. P... r .-. WALLACE>i, D. YARD, aka azd QLIJAH niuaaa, aka- Sa" v-_.. 11140;! n ,;.i92 ?pot0;rg;n5 - _. -. ¢-c .. ~ iuwnui£iCau_uA '*'.:,_.1...'..,'1--'1_ TJCU:U- - <i~" » _i_ 1 '-..r.r £- » 'T.~"'i92 . .. 1 v ,. - Q . >Li .1...3,. ».,.'111-, 1.,-.='-I ¢ -II _=-M. C»-r _. .1 , w ., V .-. 4_ }~fI? -_¢ ;lr; _.v_. i ;'. ; 2'4:.»". Q 11:1,7 - 1 92-. '1'41 r n» i t Edy.--5n mg lncs-1+8o5 /3 r 5 y e _.6 #0- Q, .. -» - u 1 t A i advised the Sheriff's » a member of the N61 severel week: ago; 1 0 » unruly. In Que course he w;; transfzrred , countt hosrital and in turn tc Q KcLtJl I Gfice hag apprenonded tale endevldual became obnoxious 1- L; _ ,, from the iail to ' 1.: u #3 ;§yax-.t it ; institution. _sa1d that because of ';:311she had accirlec i 1-. - to do some research into the backgrohé or the N01 n -rt 1 order that he might have a better understanding of CF16 v- :-92' problem. He said he directed inquiries 'm»Uw J5 xgewd > Police Department concerning the ROI anq receivee wnat I ml __ ,. , _~. -' . --; . 4 ,..,_ ... ,., -14 ~YO . ff 1}? if background tne co: Ah3¬¢C51 1-" Lolice moulc @g¢C' ' -eraeee. -@ .. .1 ;¢vi3w¢5 zggs hétufii ant asco JL MJC ;nIerm;teen ucv ¢;9ed -; from it directed nip enqgpy to tnc ;CcBlf;C1ClC J¢lSI£1 .I r- ' *1" for pnctos and Identification records. Q; _sai:; he had no personal 1:;zoz-rlecjecf e2';r.I1-er 92 O ll FARD or MUHAMMAD ano no informatlo xi ,. n-',1 f FARD. ' n as to the location 0+ .e¢. 92 . lI' >!' ' - . 1.. ,_ . ;.,: - -C 4-~ - 4-- Ii -Q. TuO ll ..»1:L:I'L.92.'.O 3-C n; .aLeL 2 ¢ 4 1 ~wv'Tnu- n, I, 92J','_"92--,0-92v~.r92_~.;192J92JUL1-$24.! Qllbb r92r9292v*.4--|_r Q11 A92.»¢.-I-J.BJJ 92'v92'= 3"-f-' .1.