Extensions of Remarks E1171 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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June 9, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1171 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN MEMORY OF FIREFIGHTER tion's military academies is an invaluable ex- oppressors. Many mistakes have been made LOUIS MATTHEWS, ENGINE COM- perience that offers a world-class education and we have demanded a more flexible and PANY NO. 26, NATION'S CAPITAL and demands the very best that these young inclusive approach to leadership in this crisis. men and women have to offer. Truly, it is one Minimizing ``collateral damage'' in this crusade HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON of the most challenging and rewarding under- against genocide is as important an objective OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA takings of their lives. as any other. But no concerns should fester During his time at Napoleon High School, into paralysis. Indifference is the greatest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Matthew has attained a perfect 4.0 grade point crime we might commit. Fear of taking risks Tuesday, June 8, 1999 average, which ranks him first in his class of could lead to a situation where we ``just let the Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, the brief and one-hundred ninety-seven students. Matthew refugees naturally die.'' fruitful life of Louis Matthews surely gives us is a member of the National Honor Society LET THE REFUGEES DIE an appreciation for what firefighters face and and was selected for the Who's Who Among Just let the refugees die what we have lost. Seven years in the Depart- American High School Students and an All- Don't hear their hungry children cry ment, only 29 years old, Firefighter Matthews American Scholar by the U.S. Achievement Masked men treat families real mean spent his entire short but productive, adult life Academy. But no gas chambers on the scene serving the people of the nation's capital, and Outside the classroom, Matthew has distin- Bayonets pierce a few unruly eyes finally gave his life for them. guished himself as an outstanding student-ath- But only NATO bombs Firefighters are known to be a breed apart lete. On the fields of competition, he is a var- Force humans to flee like flies sity letter winner in soccer and football. During Just let the refugees naturally die and to have their own culture. That culture has High honors confer on them developed from the fact that they are like no his junior season of football, Matthew was se- Collect millions for a giant museum other civil servants. Not only do firefighters lected as a First Team All-District and Honor- Great poet muses will be fed work together, they live together, and they able Mention All-State place kicker. Among his By memories of these pitiful dead await the possibility of injury or death together. other activities, Matthew is an active member Editorials express awesome regret Two died in this fire, and two were seriously in the St. Paul Lutheran Church, was a dele- We pledge never ever to forget injured. One of the injured, Charles Redding, gate to Buckeye Boys State, and, in February Just let the refugees naturally die lived to attend both funerals. Joseph Morgan 1998, attained the rank of Eagle Scout. Their camps are not outrageously sad Mr. Speaker, at this point, I would ask my Surplus U.S. food tastes not too bad is very seriously injured and still in the hos- War crime standards must be high pital. Anthony Phillips was killed in the fire. colleagues to stand and join me in paying spe- Why make an international nuisance Yes, they live and die together. Firefighters cial tribute to Matthew T. Russell. Our service Until millions undeservedly die are very much like soldiers in a battalion ready academies offer the finest education and mili- Tall tales insist Hitler has returned and waiting for the next battle. tary training available anywhere in the world. But piles of bodies have not yet burned I know something of their culture. I am a I am sure that Matthew will do very well during Torched villages are carefully planned proud member of a firefighter family. My his career at the Naval Academy, and I wish But Auschwitz ovens are loudly banned grandfather, Lt. Richard Holmes, became a him the very best in all of his future endeav- Sacred sovereignty you can not deny ors. Genocide is a bloody NATO lie District of Columbia firefighter in 1902. I am Homeless helpless savage rebels still approached in the streets by people who f Don't hear their hungry children cry remember himÐhe lived to be 96. I give some Just let the refugees naturally die. credit to the Fire Department for his physical THE TWIN DANGERS OF f and mental fitness and for the fact that he INDIFFERENCE AND PARALYSIS played a cutting game of badminton with his HOPE FOR NIGERIA grandchildren in his 80's and 90's. And, I am HON. MAJOR R. OWENS grateful to the Department for giving me a pic- OF NEW YORK HON. DAN BURTON ture of my grandfather standing in uniform as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIANA a part of Engine Company No. 4. As I have Tuesday, June 8, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES my memories of my grandfather, Firefighter Matthews family will cherish theirs. Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, we hope and Tuesday, June 8, 1999 f pray that the war in Kosovo will end within a Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, for few days, sooner rather than later. Slobodan many years Nigeria has been a symbol in IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF MAT- Milosevic has been indicted as a war criminal international circles of mismanagement, cor- THEW T. RUSSELL ON HIS AP- and we look forward to a trial someday that ruption, drug trafficking, and dictatorship. It POINTMENT TO ATTEND THE will send a clear message to other similar sov- stood as one of the world's pariah nations. Ni- UNITED STATES NAVAL ACAD- ereign predators throughout the world that geria is a country of more than 100 million EMY genocide under any name will no longer be people and abundant natural resources, which tolerated by the civilized world. Unfortunately should make it leader on the African continent HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR there are many honorable Americans who do and the world stage. It has been prevented OF OHIO not see the actions of the Yugoslav regime as from taking its rightful role because of poor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES genocidal. They quibble about the numbers political leadership. In 1993, a democratic and imply that there are not enough victims. election was annulled and once again military Tuesday, June 8, 1999 Certainly ``ethnic cleansing'' is not the same dictatorship prevailed. Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to as Hitler's massive marches of victims into the Now, however, it appears the tide may have pay special tribute to an outstanding young gas chambers and the ovens. However, it is turned. On May 29th of this year, President man from Ohio's Fifth Congressional District. I clear that only the intervention of the inter- Olusegun Obasanjo was inaugurated after his am happy to announce that Matthew T. Rus- national community has saved thousands of victory in democratically-held national elec- sell, of Napoleon, Ohio, has been offered an humans driven from their homes from starva- tions. This is a moment of truth for Nigeria. appointment to attend the United States Naval tion and death by fatigue and cold. What if the Obasanjo faces several tremendous chal- Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. refugees had all been left to survive on their lenges. He must build up democratic institu- Mr. Speaker, Matthew has accepted his own? What then would be the death count? In tions in a country that has had precious little offer of appointment and will be attending the this year 1999 we have been presented with experience with them. He must overcome seri- Naval Academy this fall with the incoming a clear challenge. Instead of waiting to mourn ous economic problems. And, he must repair cadet class of 2003. Attending one of our na- for the corpses, we have fought the savage Nigeria's negative international image. Nigeria · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 9, 1999 may finally be on the path to prosperity and nic and South African President Nelson Delta states, most of WRP land is planted in democracy, and the entire African continent Mandela to visit Oakland. high-quality hardwood trees that flood in the could reap the benefits. He has made a positive and profound im- winter and provide critical habitat for waterfowl f pact on the lives of many individuals and orga- and other wildlife. In fact, WRP has become nizations. His leadership skills and dedication one of the largest wetland restoration pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION will be sorely missed. I proudly join his many grams ever attempted on private lands. friends and colleagues in thanking and salut- WRP is restoring waterfowl breeding habitat HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS ing him on receiving this prestigious award in states like South Dakota, Minnesota and OF NEW JERSEY and extending my best wishes on his upcom- Wisconsin. It is restoring migration habitat in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing retirement. Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and New York. Most of all, Marron will be honored as the Unionist of WRP is restoring waterfowl wintering habitat in Tuesday, June 8, 1999 the Year in Oakland, California, on June 17, such diverse states as California, Texas and Mr.