The Revelation of Maher-Shalel-Hash-Baz - Second Son of the “Spoil Quickly, Plunder Speedily” © 2015 – Dr. Don G. Pickney

Isaiah is the “Messianic” prophet to the Church. You might say that his ministry was split between condemnation of the idolatrous Jewish generation of his period, and the announcement of Christ, His work, and God’s blessings for the Church age. As such, he always address “ and separately, although they are one and the same to the Jewish people. As Isaiah addresses the prophetic issues of his assignment, he speaks of both local generational fulfillments, but also of distant events such as the physical return of the Jews to their homeland at the end of the age, and of things that become revelation to the Church, but remain mysteries to the Jewish people. For this reason, Isaiah was one of the most mistreated of all the Hebrew .

Illustrating this division of his ministry, His wife, called the prophetess (Isaiah 8:1) bare him two sons, the first, She'-Ya'shuv, meaning "A remnant shall return" (:3) and the younger, Maher-Shalal-Hash- Baz,(Isaiah 8:3), meaning, "Spoil quickly, plunder speedily." These represent two events, both occurring at the approaching of the end of the ages.

These two sons represent two figures of what Isaiah’s ministry is all about, God personally naming the latter son, and instructing the prophet by what name to call him. Isaiah’s first son represents and correlates with the prophet Haggai’s first house (family), . This son speaks of the latter day “restoration of the nation of Israel” (A remnant shall return), and the second son, speaks of the events regarding Christ and His Church, correlating with the global wealth conversion during the end-time Day of Jehovah Tsaba (Spoil Quickly, Plunder Speedily.” It is fitting that the second son holds the key to the prophecy meant for Haggai’s second “house” or family of God. (Haggai 2:6-9) Ecclesiastes 3:15 AMP gives us the prophetic key: “That which is now already has been, and that which is to be already has been; and God seeks that which has passed by [so that history repeats itself].”

The first son represents the last-days event (son of the prophet for Israel’s blessing), seeing the beginning of its fulfillment in 1948 as Israel became a nation state, began being gathered as a remnant from across the world as defined in the naming of the first son: “A remnant shall return. “ The name she'âr yâshûbsheh -awr' yaw-shoob'- a remnant will return; Shear-Jashub, the symbolical name of the first of Isaiah’s sons: - Shear-jashub.

The second son represents the last-days event (son of the prophet for the Church) seeing the greatest event in history prophesied to occur within and for the Church as defined in the naming of the second son: “spoil quickly, plunder speedily”. mahēr šālāl ḥāš baz: A proper noun designating Isaiah’s second ַמֵ הר ָשָׁלל ָחשׁ ַבּז ,The name offspring, Maher-Shalel-Hash-Baz, made up of the words from mahēr, (a suddenly, speedily, in a hurry) šālāl (booty, prey, or spoil) ḥûš (to be eager with excitement, to haste to be ready) and baz (plunder booty, prey, spoil).

According the Study Tools Dictionary, the translation into English is best: “Hurrying to the spoil, for God says make haste to the plunder.” We would say, “Maher-Shalel-Hash-Baz – Going to the enemy’s camp to take back what belongs to me!”