VOLUMEXII, NO. 34. l»«i)«d Wwtily. filtered us Second-Clam tlnttor at the Post- otHco at'Red Dank. N. J., UIKI«E tlio Act of Mureb S, 1870, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR , PAGES 1 TO Vi,

dent of Hillaidfi, near Kavoainlt, COMING* VENDUE AT HOLMDEI,. WANIASEWAGEjYSTEi. IPDLETOWf S BUS1ESS. stated that Sheriff William O'Brien A BIG SNAPPING TURTLE. NEW METHODIST CHURCH, had offered to make him a court of- Tho Family of tlin Late C. Edward USSONSJNJDOT AID. THUEE NEW POLICEMEN, TO BIDS FOK CINDKKS AWAHDKD flcor at Krechold but that in order S'JSXmONS to bo eligible to (ill thla position he GEORGE HOLMES GOT 'WI1AXE E'LANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Tilton I'lans to fllove. CTASS or aa MKN FOKMUIJ AT XHEY WIU, KOO.N UK AJJIfiiSS COUNCIL. XT LAST WISEK'S MEETING. muat be appointed a constable. He OF A ONE." WILL SOON BE READY. The family of the late C. Edward asked the comnilttccmen to appoint Tilton of Holmdel are planning to ATLANTIC II •TO John B.'Murphy of Tort Monmoutli LOC/1U, l'OMCK I-'OIICC Contract/ Awarflca for 1,000 Tons of him to thia olllce. Tho committce- Ho Celebrated Lincoln's Birthday In II Is Expected That Work on thnhave a vendue soon of their live Chip/ Slue—Warren Street Im- (tvU Cuntmet to I'ut Cinders on nrjon said they would bo glad to do stock, cropa and farm implements. Most or the Members lSrlong to tile Many Aurilleatlons Havii Alrciiiiv n| Two KondM nt Fair View and Col- a Way Which Will 1'ruvido Loto of New Building Will \m Started on or Atlantic Highlands Tire Depart- prova ent> Bond—Propose Cliniigi; PO, provided that Middletown town- About April ]bt—An Elaborate They intend to sell the farm where Been Mado tor thn Jiilii—Fvumi. In Htj""" 'Sowor Project, lins 15FOB. Got Loonnrdo.Contract. Uoud Fialing When He Makes Soup ment—-liist Aid and Sufety Squiul hthip'u quota (of conntahles had not Out of the Turtle. Structure Flnnncd. they live. The farm which Mr. Til- natloau will bo Held In March been nlled. They passed a motion to ton owned is occupied by his widow to be Organized Lute?'. At TlpU'ouay nlsht's mooting of Hie Bldu for clndcrii to be placed,, on 1 i ana Anointments Mndo In April. malce Mr. Hanko a. conRtahle, pro- GeorEO Holmes of St. Mary'H place, Tho building committee of tho find by two of his chilcluen, Miss Xiuinsoft commiSBloncrs ,Ira Kmory f'oopt!r_ roatl and Whippborwill val- Twrnty-nine men hnve joined a Twelve apiillcutluii.-i havo nlrcaily mm ley road nt Fair View and on Center vided that tho township is entitled to Red Bank, celebrated Lincoln's birth- Methodist church of Red Hank hud Dora Tilton nnd Minor Tilton. In first aid and n-'ifoty C1».-JH at Atlantic of Blng\ avenue preachted peti- been engaged SRVOIMI wcelts in ar- been received for tlio jobs of putrol. tions favprlng a Bewngo nnd disposal avenue at I^conardo were opened at another ofllcer of Ihta kind. Mr. day last Wednesday by taking half addition to the son and daughter Highland:?. Most nf them an- mem- Banks ia one of the best known and 3 day off from work to j?o hunting r.injjing plans for the new church mentioned, Mr* Tilton ia survived by jIMI on tlio Itml ltank uollee for,,.,, plant In Rart of tho borouRh. About the meeting of tho township com- ber.*; of the Atlantic Highland;; ilri Three new polircmon aro tu bu up. mittee ot MhidJetown township last most respected colored residents of for snapping turtles. He invited building with Architect Norman two oilier children, they being Hoy department. The clas.-j received il3 1D0 nameuNnrc on the petitions. . Mr. Hulmc of Philadelphia and with Dr. pointed. An yet no data has been I'mery etii'ed that tho area Included Tiiiirmluy, John R Murphy of Port Hllliildo. The fjunatlou of whether or Azarlah Shomo and the latter's son, Tllton of Cr;inbiiry and Harold Til- first lesson Thursday night. The in- not .Middletown township is entitled Irving Shomo, to go with him. Tho Henry E. Tralle of Now York, who ton of Middletown township. i't for thu rctatnlnntlomi, but ChloC in the prMect extends from Third Mannooutb got tlio contract for Coop- structors urv. from Koyport Itoil Mnrry II, Clayton said Ilioy would er road and Whlppoorwill valley road to another conatablo waa put up toInvitation was accepted. Is the consultant fnr thn building Coii.s branch The claan wiil mont. utreet on (tho west to Hintolmann'a comniittco. Tho final meeting of the 1 l>e held the latter pnrt of March. corner on\ the cast nnd from the with an offer of'$5fj0.95. Collfn3 pros. William E. Foster, the township The three men searched along the Monday and Thursday nights at tli .: counsel, to decide. building committcq and the architect The .'11)110111(1110111:1 will bo uiailn Shrowobui'jjf river on tho north to of ZCcanEiburg fiot tho Center avenue south bank of Swimming river, be- Atlantic Highlami.s (ireliousi; and tlie lbout Ajnil lut by tho mayor uml contract with a Mil of $390.06. Mr. William Golden, Jr., made a com- tween Lincroft imd Tlnton Falls. Mr. will be held tomorrow, aftnr which CASH ON IsTORlY DAY. rse will be completed in two KarumsunK street on the south. This tho plans will be submitted to the of- council fioin numea nubml'ttcd hy section is {hiokly populated and con- Murphy bid $4G2.05 on Iho Center plaint about bad drainage conditlona Holmes had a sort of a fork, with a montlu tin; police committee of tlio council avenuo contract. Collins Bros, bid on Campbell avenue at Belford. Thu handle about seven feet long, which ficial board of the church for ap- At the conclusion ot tho course an talnu only ft few wenltliy estates. proval. The'building will be erected A BAD COMBINATION BUT A xni Clilef Cluyton. Thomun M. GOIJ- Mayor yanR. Halaoy stated thn $5G0.2O on tho Cooper road and Whip- commltteemen said they would have ho frequently prodded into holes In examination will be held and those jill ia chairiiinn ot tho polled com- poorwill valley road job. Tho con>, the trouble remedied, the soft mud on the bank of the riv- on two lots on Broad iifruet facing GOOD VENDUE. who pass successfully will be eligible flatter ur/ould rocolvo a great deal, Lcroy place. Theyo lots are numbered mittee. The new policemen will bo of -Mudy and suggested that a sur- tractfl nggrcgatod $059.32. Harry wT Palmer avenue, Leo avenue and er. This operation was repeated to join a first aid and safety squad on probation for a year after thcli- Dcnnia, Jr., of Fair Haven bid $1,- many times without success. At 183 and 105. Negotiations for their Surprisingly Good Results from the to be organized by tho Atlantic High- vey be miVdo by a sanitary engineer." .Cornelius avenue on Georgo H. Loh- nalfi were mado somo time a,™o nnd Etppointinont. After a snort discussion tho matter 2G7.1U on the entiro amount of cin- sen's tract at Belford were taken length, however, Mr. Holmes found Bankrupt Auction of Albert I. Em- lands lire department. One of the the church rc-c:r-ived dcMn for them. .mons'fi Personal Property—Big Tlio applicants mnat bo o.Mirrilnjfl . •was referred to tho utilities commit- clcm for tho threo roads. over aa public etrccts, AH these :t hole alongside of frc3hly upturned ninis of thone interested in. the first by Police aiirgeou John ]5. f!oy,l lie- ' earth where n tree had been uproot- • Within n few WCI?][H detailed phms Crowd and Good Prices. fiiii squad hi to buy an ambulance, tee, of wltlch James C. Auchinclos'* A heai'inj-r was held on the report streets are in firat-claKn condition and spocificatians will he completed, foro (hey nre elij;i|}k! (u take tll(» is chalrmnp. Mr. Auchlncloos Is innt tiio asscHflnicnt commiissioncrB for end there are no dminagn problems ed by being blown over. This nlnce Despite stormy wcullicr and thewhich will he part of the squad's mental and written examinations, is about half a mile cast of thoand construction will ho started as equipment, but will also serve as a h iavor of nil Investigation by the com- concrete paving on Main strcot at to contend with. nenr Api'il l;-t as possible. The build- fact that cush bidrj were the only which are jjiven V the pollco oon>- • niitteo anil by residents Interested L'clford, The pr6pcrty owners on tlile Henry DcOroto of Port Monmouth bridge over Swimming river, bctyvecn community ambulance. Lincroft nnd Tinton Falls. ing will he of ih(; most modern type, 3:ind winch could be made, there was nilltee and Chief Clayton. The up- in tho project before onEaKlntr nn, titrcct have been asked to donate Inntl sent 'a letter thanking the commit- wilh .in nuditori\irn having JI Sfatinp a large attendant nnd irood prices Thn olliccrs of tile first aid china plicants must not be losa tlinn 21 np engineer. Slayor Halsey said he has two feet wide in order to widen the tonnien for tho police truific scrvlc<» Mr. Holmes pushed his fork into caiiarity tov at least f>00 peryona..Thei'fl last Thursday at' tho auction of Al- aro W. Harry Fnsten president,-Nor- more than 35 ycm-3 old at the timo been interejited in tho sewage prob- ntrect to meet tho requirornGnta of v.hich wds given at tho fun pounds or more th: n ^ ugo by tlio (Rumson Improvement as- two feet required. He said n rnis- known. Holmcs's practiced cars that the fork ing will have nn assembly room for poor health and he ia under treat- Morria Joslin, John Jo^lin. Charles 200 pounds in weight. ( sociation woW'd bo of valuable aflslot- tcke hail been made in measuring At the suggestion of Committee- •«as scraping the shell of a snapping ment nt a hospital at Trenton. He Hubcr, Arthur Irwin, Peter Mc- Tho new policemen will Increase! ' bn^innnri!, l.-idies' purlor, kitchen nnd 1 1 onco. \ tho frontngo of his land on Main man Philip M. Leonard it was voted turtle. Thin heiief proved to bo cor- other facilities. On the second floor Is improving . u^hlin, Edward Minn, Ijeroy De- the force to nineteen membera, thoHts ntrect and that the distance should Throe bids/ were- reoeivod for fur- to have gravel put on tho road be- rect. Mr. Holmes prodded and probed will be departmental assembly halls, Tho creditors arc more than Palmer, Charles Hull, William Lloyd, on the force at present being Chief bo 487 linear foot instead of 400 lin- with his fork and eventually he 1 Theodore Norcross, Joseph Derby. nishing l.OOP tons of chip slag for tween Navcsink 'and Chnpcl Hill. with separate classroom. ;. These pleased with the results of last Clayton, Captain Ilnny VanN-'en. Four persons poles of tho telephone- and electric us it to make turtle soup. Before CaLontown entertained moro than Among the things struck off were companion will have to bo moved killing the turtle, however, Mr. thirty members of the boy scout Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McNally on Runi- Arnold and her orchestra o( Perth vero fined hn« one dismissed, and 275 sacks of potatoes. They sold nt son road at Little Silver by their the fines nmouiWcd to $20. One per- from their present locations because She Is to be Married to William Holmes expects to keep it in thotroop of that plnce at a party Sat- Amboy. The profits will be ussd te» for c0 Fuafr.h of KK'cr Plaza—A Shower S2.H0 to 53.50 per sacK. ' Late in the daughter, Miss Evelyn McNally. decorate the interior o[ tho church. son was fined $0 disorderly "- unless tlila is done the poles •will be wash tub in his cellar a week or so. urday afternoon, Mrs. William Ward- fall and early in the winter these po- in the street. Some time ago tho Waa Given for ITcr ut the Home of Dally he gives the turtle all the bread man and Miss Mnrjjaret Aumack Mrs. Buchanan waa formerly Miss It had been Intended originally^toi the Parents of the Groom-to-be. tatoes would, have brought about $5 Helen "Virulml of Fair Haven. The hold tho danco on Friday, February ;,Ir. Wilson rpforted that nothing township committee informed thn crumbs and pieces of meat which it were hostesses, and a program of per Back in the open market. Mr. Jir.d boon hear4ifr- Kessler, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. bring moro later on. This-fc'tfs the a few daya apro when an announce- shall, Mrs. Julia Albert, Mrs. BachBl newer on tho ollUcompaiiy'a property Letters in reply to this request wore Henry Kosslcr of River Plaza. \ Mlsa palatable for soup. Mr. Holmes Is erved. subject of much comment by farm- on tho corner ofjllivor road und Al- lend at tho meeting lnnt Thursday. tnltlng no chances on tho turtle Bet- Others present worn Rev. Orville ment wn3 made and a reception was Poole, Mra. Veda Miller, Mrs. Vsm Kesslor la engaged to William Paasch ers at the auction. The majority piven by tlio bride's parents at herBrown. Mrs. Ethel Nolson, Mrs. Ines len street. Andlrcw Zcrr, who wns Tho electric company, in its lotter, and the shower took place nt theting out of the tub. On top of thoM. Davisnn, Scoutmaster Franci3 opinion was that it was unprofitable not a member iff the council when sfild it would investigate the matter tub he has heavy boards and a num- Bruce, James Gibbons, Albert Nolan, home. Tiifi couple received many Handy, Mrs. Martha Lyons, Mrs. home of Mr. Paasch's parents, Mr. as a general rule to store potatoes fine gifts at the reception. Hattie Roid. Mrs. Helen Vincent, Mrs, the storm sewcrl project was consid- nnd would have a conference with nnd Mrs, Henry Pnasch of River ber of weighty things to keep the Louis and Albert Kozlcky, Ernest mfA for a rising1 market. It was said that ered, stated that/ In place nf a storm Iho lowntihtp authorities about it. turtle from getting out. Frank Ratti, James ^ and Charlea At the shower Friday night the Annie Rock, Mrs. Elizabeth Partar Plaza. Thn ffroom-to-bn fa nmployf»d no matter how low the price might and Mrs. Edith Greer, . , fewer a plan piny bo devised for Tho telephone company, in a letter by tho Durant automobile company Qulnn, Charles Garafola, Charles be it was better for the farmers to decorations consisted of red and Uialninfr each \ street individually. from William McHard, one of Itu of Red Bank. Hayes, Robert Brower, Stanley get rid of their stock than to store v.'hlte crepe paper a'nd a large um- A short time ago tha membera e£ LOUIS GBASSMAN ARRESTED. Covert, Henry and George Dingman, brella trimmed with rod and white Tho borough engineer will bo in-repie3(mtativeo, camo out flat-footed MISH Kegalcr received many fine their crops. Considerable damage the Sunday-school of the church g&vo Elructed to make an investigation. tigulnst putting its wires xmder- Ellsworth nnd Russell Britton, Fred- was done to Mr. Emmons's potatoes hearts in keeping with Valentine's a religious play entitled "Tho Coming ift at the shower. Various pastimes Ho Has Been Sent to Freehold on a c'ay. Games were played and the The roof of tlio building housing RTound. This letter stated that the were enjoyed nnd everybody had u erick Stoye, Reginald Covert, Arthur by freezing weather and this influ- of the Wise Men." Thto performance! Chnrgo of Pnssing n Bad Chcclt. Cotgrcavo, Nelson Warren, Arthur young people were also entertained waa held at the pariah hall at tha the borough ormjpmont in to be re-ttlophono company intended to place flnc time. Those present, in addition enced the bids made. KB poleu between the curbing and tho Louis Grassman of Rumson, pro- Stryker, Leonard Jolinc, William with songa by a chorus of girls and corner of Shrewsbury avenue and painted and Johh G. Anderson said to those mentioned, -were Mrs. Benja- Nine horses were struck off. Most solos by Tony Sharraba. Refresh- it wiluld be a gojod idea to consider Hidciwallcs which are to bo put .down motor of the boxing bouts held re- Aumack, James Ferroll, James Erv- Bank street. It waa ably rendered min H. Crate, Jr., Mrs. John McClaln, ing, Richard Mill, William VanDe- of them were bought by the William C. ments were served. Mra. Euchannn and tho performers received tnuoh •tlie plan Kiistgestelil some time «Ro by iti connection with the Main street Mrs. William Kaney, Mrs. Gcorgo cently at Red Bank, was arrested last week on a charge of pnssing a Mark, Carl VanWicklev and George Ely Estate of Holmdel. Two teams \/as trie recipient of many fine gifts. praise. About fifty perBonB wor** ' tho Lions club to pnlnt iho name nf paving job. Belford residents who Kanoy, Mrs. Plant, Mrs, Edward H. i6ld at $350 each. Most of the cows XSunison on tlio loof nn a guide fur were at tho mooting expressed great bad check. The' charge was mail-iand Charles Winning. Those present were Mrs. Thomas present. The profits will ba used to Scattcrgopd, Mrs, Jamc3 Taylor, were bought by Nathan Marx of improve tho parish hall. aviators. The EUSIKCSIIOII wan turned i?h::jatbfaction with thia lotter. They Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. James Mc- by Angelo DeCarlo and Anordl As- Noonan, Mrs. Ira D. Emery, Mr. and chettlno; proprietors of tho West A NEAR TRAGEDY. Shrewsbury. One cow sold for $124, Mrs. John Noonan, Mrs. N. Virubal, over 10 the road (committee. ti'-iid the poles would take up pretty f'hee, Mrs. Harry Longatrcet, Mrs. and most of the others fetched $60 to Tlio Itumson ilro company In o much all tho Bldcwalk ypace at theOtmar Phillips, Mra. Irving Rink, Ecrgen meat market at Red Bank. Mrs. Grace MacEachern, Mary and COLT'S NECK IS GBOWING. Auto Hits Tcdestrlan and Axo Goes $75 each. Mr. Marx.bought most of Anna Virubal, Beatrice and Harold letter nsked about public liability in- pointH whOro the polos we're put down Mru. Alfred Eurich, Mrs. Mary LonR- Grassman had a hearing on Lin- the hops •which were sold. Three sows and that Thin would ho a great In- coln's birthday before Justice K<1- Through Cur Windows. Riordan, Margaret and Victor Em- The. Stork Brings Two Baby Boys to uuVanco for ilro Muck drivers. The strcet, Mrs. C. W. Thorp, Mrs. Ralph 1 were sold for $24 each, and shotc* letter wasrcforrjul to the borough convenience' to pedestrians. Rhoades, Mrs. Thomas Paul and ward Boughton of Lincroft nm he cry, Edith Brlse, Tony Sharabbu, Parents There. An automobile, owned and driven brought 57 to $15 each. Hay sold .Anno Martin, Josephine Gaddick, nttorncy. The ptolicy Insuring thu I'mil Turnow among those Mlsa Ann Paoach. was sent to jail to await crrnnd jury by Leroy Buckalcw of Belmar, hit for $27 a ton, straw for $15.50 a ton action in default of ?500 bail. De- Mary O'Connor, Jessie and Nancy A Bon waa born to Mrs. Jooopis iflrcrnon against Injury Willie ilglitiiu: w ho expressed disappointment over Miss KeBfsler has n position as a Alex Evernham of Headden's Corner and corn for $1.29 a bushel. Good Moreau of Colt's Neck at Riverview Jlrca was ronoweu. Iho ultimatum from tho telephone Caiio and Asehcttlno claimed that Havens, Kenneth Leo, William Cro- Bt c/iographcr and booUkeeiicr. Her Sunday afternoon und an axe Evern- prices were paid for household fur- my, Helen Shea and Edward Leuck. hospital at Rod Bank last Thurs- Otto Goctzo made a complaint comparer. He suggested that tho Grassman had given them a wo *th- ham waa carrying went through a niture and farm implements. father owns a rose farm at River losfj check for $13.80 in payment for day. Tho mother and babe are Ir» about Hnrtshornrt lane and Ward telephone company be naked to putPlaza and ho Is president of tho Tax- side window of the car and out the good health and they are expected avenue. He aalrtj Romething should up fitoel poles betwben the curbing" merciifindise. rear window. The axe barely missed RETURNING FIIOM EUROPE. payers' league of River Plaza'. TALK ON THE APACHE INDIANS. home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Moroau bo done to keep, down the .dust as and tlio tiidcwatks. Ho said that Mra, BucUnlcw, -who was riding in now have five eons, m:ch polos would be about six inches Two Llnoroft Men Arrested. ju'cvlous attempt^ In tlio pant have the car. Evernham was the only one Harry T. I.ipnincott Is on His Way Mrs. Otis Lewis of Colt'a Neck re- Ijcen failures. Tho rond committee Htiviuro and could readily be placed JUDGMENT FOB CALVER BOYS. Ralph Spenney, son of Alfred hurt. He was badly cut and bruised, Kev. J. Denton Simms of New Mex- to JLittlo Silver. Spcnney, and Julius Taylor, both of ico to Speak at Keformcd Church. turned homo last wook from tins •will tako charge ,of the matter. between tho curbing and sidewalks They Won a Suit for Damages nnd lie received treatment at Riverview without obtruding on sidewalk space. Bioolulnlo farm at Lincroft, wore Ilan-y V. Lippincott of Little Sll- Freehold hospital with her new-bora A bond for thn Warren street im- Injuries Against New York Man. hospital. Euckalcw wan arrested on Rev. J. Denton Simms, a Reformed ver, who lias boon ill Europe most son. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis now hnva 1 The uommittecmen thanked Mr, Tar- arrested Friday nfglit by state troop- "ovoment job wnu received from the a technical charge of assmilt and bat- missionary with the Jicarilla Apache of tlio winter, i:i on his way home eljjht children. One of their diniglw ' jorouRh. attorney. Tlio bond will bo now for hi;! HitgKestion and they said James Calver, son or Joseph Cal- ers at Eatontown. They ' had a tery and ho was put In bail of $500 to Indians at Dulce, New Mexico, will they would keep it in mind in nego- vor of Leonard street, won a verdict bearing before Justice Andrew J. on tho steamship Acquitanla. He tcra was a patient at tho Freehold ' signed by tho properly owncrii on await tin- outcome of Evernham's in- speak at tlio Red Bank Reformed has been spending a largo part of hospital at the aamo time Mra. Lowia 1 tiating with tho electric and tele- of $3,000 last wnpk at Freehold in a tluit street n;< it is a prlvato thor- Reid and Spcnney waa lined ilOO juries. Evernhani is employed by church tonight at a quarter to eight his time in Europe in buying rURs. phone companies. They stated that suit against Samuel Richardson of for driving an automobile after his Thomas Field of Middletown town- as there, but she is now well on tint oughfare nnd the entiro cost will be o'clock. He will tell of his work with furniture and home decorativo ac- road to recovery and aho has riv* borno by them. After the road is thny hud not given up hope of getting New York for Injuries received last licenso had been revolted and Ta;> ship. He will prolxibly be laid up sev- the Apacho Indians. Mr. Simms is u these conipanleS>to place their wires August in nn automobllo accident on cessories for his import Bbbp busi- turned home. improved it will bo nccoptcd for pub- lor was fined $(50 for allowing Spen- crnl weeks. native of Texas and ho is accustomed ness near Little Kllvcr Point. In lic use. underground, tho-Ncptuno highway, near Eaton- noy to drive his car. to the mountain fastnesses of that town. Joseph Cnlvor, brother of postal cards and letters to relatives New Firo Alarm Systems. A letter of thnnlis wns received 1'ids for pavlnp Main street with To Buy Motor Scraper. section. Flo has had much experience and friends Mr. Lippincott states concrete nnd for putting down aldc- James and owner of the car Jamea On His Wuy to Gcorglu. at. broncho "busting" nnd lias risked The boroughs of South nelmaraiiil from Mrs. Everett Larrlson for tho waa driving nt tho time of the ac- Thn Unvniilu]) comniitleo of Atlan- that be- has had a very successful aside Pnrli, In tho southern pint use of tho borough ambulance, which walltn nnd curbint? on thin street will John F. Kelly of HeaddorTs Cornet, tic township will hold u .-special meet- liis life on several occasions for tlio trip, H i:; expected that he will re- be opened at tho next meeting of tho cident, received a judgment of $G0n Indians he serves. or New Jersey, havo new Hterlhij; toolc Mr. Iinrriuon to tho Lonrt for damatws to his car. Tho Calvers a chauffeur for Lewis S. Thompson ing Friday afternoon at Colt's Neck turn luimc next Wednesday. code- llro nlarin systems which they Blanch hospital nnd brought him tcwnnhlp committee, which will ha of BrouUdnle- farm at Lincroft, left to ret/eive bids for a motor road held Thiirndiiy afternoon, February wore represented by Qulnn, Parsons bought thrmiKli Tliomiiti Williams of! liomo. and Doremuy. yesterday morning for Mr, Thomp- Fcmpcr. At the present time no aiich New School Tru.sttTH. To IVIunn It. May Concern. HI Hank. Seanldn Parlc hna a flrfs The borough received a check for 27th, nt the township hall at Middle- son's plantation al Metcalfo, Georgia, ninehIno is in \v.\i-. in the township Theodore Lewis. CliHnoy Conover The North Kluowsbury iceboat and town village. r alarm system nf twelvo boxoEt mitt SHH.UI from tho Boro liunacn com- Business Opportunity. where ho will spend several weeks. nnd tho road work ia done by farm- and Hurry Muvboiry were elooli'd yiu'ht i lull !)Ul)lically a«:itno%vlcdj, ,':i a gift frniii an unkniiwii donor who .South Ijelnuir liui] a Kyatcm of two pnny. This Is tho borouprh'u iilinro of A check for $•1,738.45 waa received Twonty-six car capacity Kitrugc; es- era with teams. members (if tin; Atlantic tnwnship boxes. tho gross receipts tax for January. from tho Now Jornoy board of coni- tablished battery business completely Card Party. board of education lar.t week. Mr. ;;t,vlc:i liini^oll' of herself "Nemo." 'I'll,' equipped; UvinR quarters on sccoml Weekly card party and socinl of "envies" Imvn Iirt-n laiftod and will Mayor Halney mild the borough merce nnd for tho state's ICxpert !t:nbcrs. Lewis nucceeils himself and Mr. Con- be euri'fully Ijrotc-ti'd until relc.-iito.i IliiK I'Viil ami Su. . ohni'o of tho cast of building bulk- floor: KIX rooms nnd bnth. hot water St. Jamc3 parent-tenchor association Sat iaf act ion guaranteed in every Old Trinity, tipiatt'n, Channel docft should bo repaired und put In heat fpr cntlro bulldlne: lot 7Sx12R. over and Mr. Mtiyberry succeed by tho winning crew of the lant li:n- fjood Bhnpo for thn coming summer. hrcida nnd Jrttiea at Knot KCcansburg. at homo of Mra. Catherine Cluist- tl<;t!iil at the Sanitary Harbor Shop, Oeorge I>. Iliiuce and Joseph Brower. Erothors. (Jalneu, Uone'n, JJonnett'.i IiiJicellcnt opportunity for reaponalbl.'; mnn, 18 Worthley street, Wednes- biinl race of the JU'IIHOII. Wo want nnd Purina lines nf do^ feed, ineluil-* Ho nluo said It would bo n Rood idol Tho resjidontti of Knat Konnaburg pnrty. Inquire A. C. Roes, pnstofllcc (J .Brond ulrocr. Red Dunk. Have just Forty votes were emit. In addition the donor to know that wo deeply ap- 1 day, February 19th, at 8:00 P. M.iienired tho services of two addition- 1 In,'; eake;i, biticiiltn, puppy crumble'?, to follow the example of,Fair Hnven pr.id the balnncc of tho coat. hulldlng, Mntnwan, N. J.—Advertise- Lnrfjo attendanco expected.—Adver- to the men wiio were elected, Walter JIHH iate tit, iulcrctit and co-opi;ratlon halij and canned nieutf). 1^<4; rwii- al expert barbers who came from r sliown in our wrlfaro. nd lenoo pnrt of tho dock to n coti- Ilondti of $10,000 from Joseph John- ment. tisement. l.ifdi K''"do city Hhupa. Your patron- \\ yndorf \\ n:i a cnnilldriie. ie:t, !!ou|m, lica powders and limiih« enrn for n gnsollnn nnd oil station for son of Nuvo.'iink, thn township treas- njzo Jit reypectfully liolleitcd. Sum Noftli ^hifiwiibury Icobout tinil eo. Most eomplnto lino over offered A $15 WJiivn for $5.(10. Top Hon,'|riil DlrU . yiiclit Club. hiotorboatii. ( urer, and of $15,001) from John M. Do you wish a beautiful and real Curdncr, proprietor. Advertiacmcnt. 1 in Aloninouth county. I'Ved I.K Went, the township collector of taxes, j;nuilni: of all liindii. also roadwaya l-'IVE COUNKItS TEAKOOM, Thomas Irvlm; l^rown, I'rosUU'iit. Wlkoff Co., Ued Ilnnlt.—AdvcrllM- Bills amounting to $n,722 • were .permanent wave? Malta an oppolnt- built; Lnkowood Band, washed t,'r, K> "J0% olf on nil inirclwiiuia of inulpr- to fifjHPf'H benclHn \for taidovvalltH on work. Phono Red Hank 2342, 00 ment. wide variety of choice dliihen, opecijil- Ut Till $10; hein'lH.'i iiflrr i.ix nwinths ! MuRlfltrnto's Court Enot Front street.—Advortlaemcnt. i'ebrunry 4th, 10IH). \v«vir, iucdrry. jilovrn, IHIKM, ))i'f?llfief" » for Monmouth county. All comCtiinphol- i avenuo, ticnt a letter to the Tliumiifi R. Jen.sen, i'/.injr in bioileil I'liielton, elmpM nml oml SL-'tul at. ilnilli. Koi' fin-lliiT in- I olirM, i!iu:lct:t, ( in iirlt^lti:;) nnd bi'Hi* Look! 1 plnlntn promptly lnvcntiiiiilod. Bad cmimUterc. Cnmpbell nvcnuo extontlo rlcak (llniicrj', und delicious olnb imU formation !••<•<•• elllii'l ]i'i'nnk Mnlvl;I|I>IMI- , Ali;o rxtui rlz'1,1!. I,(win Mpe* Bnli> nt « Lenls Slio]> Fresh killed Jersey eapon.i this ilclford, N. J. dccountn nnd cheekB colleatod. D^y fiom l>olford to Port Monmouth. nt —• Advertisement. I'tiirlsen imndwlehea. Wn ciiti'r to hlll, lluane.lal iii'i-retary, nr llal|ill niilly .Shop, III IlKinil direct, Hal und night sorvlco. Juatlco lClmcr 0. Is nt III Kfllnir on. Twenty per cent off week only 51 cents a pound at Aclcor, i i Mr. Johnoon ulati'd In liln letter thut liiuiqunt:; mul all nocltil nffntni. l.'tmir:, Sniitmi);cli), chkL' ruil|;vr.--AUvcrtlut:- Ijiml:. • Ali!« Tlio fourth nnnlvenmry sale Is nlill l^ildcnts on tlui Port Monmouth cntl For Afternoon Weddings. -- -Ailvertiiii'iuent. Ilulmclel ci'iui'teiy conipiiny will lie o:i Campbell uVonuo nnd tltat thin for hlKh clnmi residence. Addi-eu:) I,i>l:!tn-el. at Hi Wiillai-i! :.trei-t. You'll linill^ IXj 1 gloves, biiKfi, n«KllKccH, robpii, coniotii, Ufl. Tho Hldownlk job wan donn nnt- Hank. l<"or your couvoiilnnco open lit Hioiul jitrcct. every 'I'uoiidny find Mi'li". ) lliltM dl V tilealmd ISJI'I hUtt'MQ>$ WedncRday nml Hnturilay ovenlnfjB.— C. ;:. llolmi'ii, Kceretnrj i>y our ii'iw hut lilii»;ltliti{ mnelii^M* cnrsolelteH and brnnfilerc;i, AIHO ex- li-fictoiially, hut. compldintn nro Kon- Curd 1'iirty nnd Dnncp, Thuniiliiy In iissint tJixpnyiM-n in pi r- - AdvortiiH'incnt. hH:lilll':i:l hllK'lll'li fill I'IMllll, tltll I'Mlll'IIU. tra nlzcs. IJOWIH Kpnelnlty Hhop, 111 rit^ becmum «f bad druluntfo oondi- AUvertlmnnenL St. John'n Hull. Mnrllinro, N. J,, Mon- parin;: thoir lticotnu tux retuiiDi - Acl- AIMO a la iiiiilc-Aiivi'llli^lllOnt. MULKII IIIC-III HIUI new, linn's, W-t<§ Mi'iuiil titrcet, Keil Hank.—Advcrtlnc- day nlirlil, li'ebnmry :>A, lli:i(l. Adniln- — -*». '«^ — Wlitio nti(i:t. Kfil liiliik.—ftdtwHs'i' tloijt. It, wan c.aid thai, thcao coiull- Hiulln—TustlllK— Itlllllo. luol 1)11 'iient, HIOII 50- renta. Door prize. Iliujk- n """"'' ^.«» t!oi| wt'i'o no had Unit imlcfin cot- Hacked by 47 yours of mutjlml i'tt'jj orcheMtra.--A(lvertlseniont. \VIIII:un l'lielan Stmllo-i foi- any humor; IM-MI K'ml' n aiul tcolid the (lidi'waHui would bo umlcr- f'.iiiijil^h^ JaoirMwiiy mul l:ii>-ltoy-'' I'M-ll It.llll.l Ul'Ur lcndfirnhl|>. finis ncrvlrnil nnd rn- Icneli nil (ypi-n uf (hmrliif;, n!:m lim- pilCKI. ' DlK'M'I'llcd Ul'I'Vll'l-. 1'YIMI 1). 1,1],, iilwn.Sii 111 i-lni'k. Kr-'d I) (S]iM)aiiut jtattleu fi cents caclj; co~ Id iiinilltloii, d iii)ile-lii«f, •*!!(» mtmil. Thn ((iinniltti'i'iiuni hv'tructed linlred. l'lioiio ^08-VV. Tuatlnij'n. 10 Mit.vplnl(H. l.crhif;. Hi ret idling i oilmiiiijt. VViltoff ('», Kwl Hank, pluinc W.'..- Wil.nlT i\i.. Kcd Ilaiik.---Advi:rtliiii- ennnut UIWICB BO cents pound.—Ad- 'J'hoOari Jl. Day, tho townuhip nupnr- Monmouth ntrcnt.—Advcrtluomcnt Tako two nnd repent, in twenty (.'(liltoii thr.'ilcl- bulltiltl):, nilitn i & 1!.Advi'i'thu Mioul. npiiil.oi i mill lulu i, •?'/ t» tl'i Titf vertisement MHMll. Mill! I, HI MnlllltMllth glfCri, Utli vtnuf-, of londn, to put down a cutch mlnutcH for IndlRCiitlon ami na:i,-- I'honc ^a;tri.--A(lvfftifliuncnt. All Kiirmi'iiU nn;:l. etc, ili'V Wimhlnjrlon'n HU-thtlity I'lranrd nm tliMlifd n.L;atli:,t. til 0 luul "Null Kuld," nluiHly'M. Umili.- AiU'i ili.K'lmiil, bnnl; on tho iitroot. A motion wan Advert l.iomcnt. 1 gf favorM, tahlo CUVOIH, napkhui, ]>lnco M.iiiilv'n iilido Iti.imlr lihup. -n M"- pnmiil t<> luivn Iho iitreet jjraded. It I,(ink nt our chii-nliliMl tulvr'itlnc- Ihi'l'l lit no iiildllliiuni ••iii.l. 1,1'ini'i ., Ht •s?(ii''» r^iMMfj. liavo them nhninponod now. I.onn'n, iHltdH, InllloM, ole., at. thn Art Kraft. I'lnnoFi antl Servleo 70-70 VVhlto titrcnt, Rod liiink.- Ail- clmnlu olliHit. Ki'd llmilt.—Aclvurtluo- 70 Whitn Btroot, pliono 2800. Hedwill ibt l)o p(t;iiill)ln to do thin work mont U»r usir.tl car ti(irj;nln:i, KninK ,'iy our llllllhltllH'li |ll«l ftlB tlllftlf ,S1IO|>]M!, 7B itrond riliwt, Itiid Unnli. the best. Dlrhnn'n I'lano f!lio|>. VnnSycklc, Mil Wont Front utrccl.- vert i:H!itU'nl. IlUHlt- tisenmnt. imtlUprlnit, but It tfi boliovcrt tlmt it Advertltijnt Priimmcnd. pluco, Itcd Uank, WJ.~ l fn|' In Idyn pill tier", /t>tVB!(lMf»l!f> v.'ill duo IIHS contlitlonH complained Advei't l;H inrnt. Dinion l.'vciy Nlslit A'lvertliirinrnt. Vo (icin fiiin|ttn' iAlifnu| Htwso'n l'V|ii*MKlleni irii'.fd. l)ollKli« '""I pt thn Bun Bcroo. Ocpnn avenue, Motnl wp;ithertilrlp!! for wJudo\v;i clnr.ed rliil-iti'day. li'obniury 22, In I M r* i • • i *)(*Holoilp flrOHtU Wijftlfl lUftf( i diiilV lit' ,' iihliii;t<>l>'» blttlHilj lilit lllllllli'.i. li'i I'loail jllmt, (lit) *Ve»t JfinU,—AdvrttoenMik Tiy a Hi'Rluter Want Ailvorllnn- und diMJifi, IT A. llnulriekfion, phono B. Bunka, ft eolwed jqsl- flu «enU wuttU,-Aav«rtJ»omoiiL JLt, will Jiay jou —Advertisement iicU Bunk 110U ui»"ilt, 'UlIlU. Two RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. I GKTS JUDGMENT OP $3,000. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tho Township Committee ot Notlca !• htrtb; i*!v«n that ittM Wila Township n>»«rves Ui» right tc will t>* received by tbo Townihlp Commit* or all lids i( damned to the, hast I' Waller Ji. Morris Won Suit Against Sore Throats tu of MIddlttown To»mMp, N. J., for th. o| th« Tawnahln so 10 do. ' f Boro Husscs Company. rtronttructlun ot Main strtit. lielford, In My order of th» Towrnhlp Comtr fcltu> oC the Towmhly ot Mlddlitonn, Monmouth MlddletoBB 7ownshlo, N. 3, & V . Waller It. Morris of Shrewsbury County, with » entente typ« "0" ti;r(>i»i ALBERT RUN! WoN, and Coughs uron «slitlnK foundation, •otlmsiod | vun a judgment of $3,000 last Thurs- Lawes Lebigh Anthracite ch •mount ot cononata nurlaoe pavement r«- HOWARD W. ROBERTS. '(Wrm«n. ORANGE DISC I o'ay afiaitiyt. the Uoro bussC3 com- culrad 1> S4,)00 6(|U»r« ytmii. and cpeud Quickly Believed by This Safe Pre- - C^ark. ' ) ' l'any of Red llank for Injuries re- and rod In public ot Township Hull, Mid. ceived in August, 1028, when lie was scription. dUtown. N. J,, on Thursday, February Blddlttown. M. 3., 4»n. 9. W ,6 thrown to Uu; pavement as be wa9 27th, ID3». y prospective bidders durliw 23td. 19SC the creditors IK( th» above hrenltihK ''in lo^r. He wan laid lip to a LARGER number of householders too there Is nothing better than this bunlniiae hours. Slddera vlll be xurnllhwl with a copy of the stMtcincatlona nnd blu« nsmeil corporation an direct*^ snd noti- Boston or Red Bank, you can obtain lour months as n result of the in- every day. famous prescription—it goeo direct prints of the drawlnge by the Entfine&rs fied to present to the u»der»lsneuv4 rveelver. \ jury, Morris said. The bus company to the internal cause. It is put up un- Oh proper notlco and payment of cost ot »fc'the addreis given below, theirs flaveral was represented by Quinn, Parsom u reparation. claims and, demsnds against the livid cor- Op&nge Disc Coal. ! Try one or two tons now der the name Thoxlne and is guar- poration within two month* fromthu stld & Doremus. Senator Alexander anteed to stop coughs and relieve Blda mutt ba matron the atandara pro- 2ard day of January. lSSOi and In d ieftult posal forme l^rthe manner deaignated of so doing, ttity will be enoludtd 1 from ./ j Simpson of Hudson county was the before filling your bins for next year. aore throats in 15 minutes or your therein find rauulred by the apeelflcatlontf, the benefit of such dividends as mar [thero- attorney for Morris. money will bo refunded. Singers and must be enclosed In sealed envelopes, bear. after ba made and declared by the Oc iurt Qf speakers find Thoxlne very valuable. tnff the name and aildnisn of the bidder Chancery uuon tho proceeds ot the j {effects Just Call Red Bank 1251. and name of road on ths outside, ad- of as,ld corporation. // The Disc Does It! i TINTON FALLS NEWS. The remarkable, thing about Thox- dressed to the Township Committee of lne is that while it relieves almost Ulddletown Township, N. J., and must bo The. claims nnd demands of all c/A-edltars accompanied by a surety eomiisrjy certlf). must bo in nrlltng. Uouilioil andlj vorlfled ! A Supper for tho Benefit o( River Instantly, it contains nothing harm- cate and a certified check for not less than according to low. view Hospital Last Wccli. ful, Is pleaaant tasting and safe for ten * 10) tper cent of tho amount bid, pro- WILLIAM E. the whole family. Ask for Thoxlne Tided that nald check »!>«ll not bo lets tlccelvfr of Red Ban* Hotel/'CompmiT. The Tlnton Falls auxiliary o£ Itiv- than teuo.00 nor more than $20,000 00 Ofnee and Poitoftlce address t 84 Vptvti 3' LAWES COAL CO., Inc. 35c, 60c, and 51.00 bottles. Sold by tnd bq delivered at tha placs and on tbe ; erviow hospital ot Tied Bank lielrl a Lewis' Drug Store and all other good hour above-named, Tno Atindard pro sauerkraut and spare 'ribs, supper SHREWSBURY, N. J. drug stores. l>o«al form 'Is attached to the speclnea The Register's advertising Ucoliirnnis i Tuesday night of last week at the tltiiiH. canlen «if i which will fee furnished are the merchants' show Uvindows Seaboard Ice Co.home oE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stoot- tt pays to advertise In The KeKi«t*' in* nii|ilii'iiti»n to the Enrtlneflf«, —Advertisement. *< • holf, Sr., for the benefit of tho hos- RED BANK 248. pital. Mole than $15 was cleared. Janet Scott, daughter ot Mrs. Sar- ah Scott, is sick with measles and whoopinK cough. Janet's brother Ice—Coal—Feel Robert is sick with measles. Miss Marie Scott, who is employed at Long Branch, is spendnig a vacation | | of a few days at her home here. Edward Clinton, who lives with his aunt, Miss Jcnnio Clinton, is the latest, pupil at this place to be taken sick with measles. John Maclehoe of New York spent Saturday and Sunday with Theodore N. Parmly. The auxiliary of Riverview hospi- tal met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. G. Ehlnger. IGRUEN), The members of the auxiliary folded more than. 1,200 dressings fpr use at tho hospital. Tho auxiliary will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Theodore N. Parmly. Miss Cara Crawford and Mrs. J. C Harrison and her son of Red Bank were recent guests of. friends here. • . . The bridal pair Mrs. Andrew Williams was initiat- ed last Friday night as a member of — correct if chosen here Twin chapter lodge of the Order of Eastern Star of Asbury Park. ' The solitaire—that token of Mrs. Samuel J. Bennett, who 19 supreme devotion—awakens spending the winter nt Sea Girt, has new appreciation of its been on the sick list, but «he la Improving. beauty when matched' by a Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford and diamond-set wedding ring Miss Marparet McGuirc of Elberon of the same design . . . Our spent part of last week with Mrs. showings embrace styles in Mary Carney. the newer modes, each set Tho former store building at Pine with perfectly matched Brook is being converted into a house and it will be occupied by stones of utmost purity and Mr. and Mrs? Harry Covert of Ea- unquestioned value... And, tontown. They expect to occupy as inourGruenGuild Watch- the place in a few days. Pinfflonrf Fnsaermenl es, and all else wcscll, prices The Methodists held a prayer- • and Weddini hint J, are very moderate- meotlnB last Thursday night at Hie $50 $180 S50H home of Mrs. E. G. Ehingcr. An- other prayer meeting will be held at the same place tomorrow night. -—very once in a while we get to thinking about this thriving Henry VanBrunt of Farmingdale REUSSILLES' •will niove in a short time to the Wonmoutb'j Leading Jewelers house at Pine Brook adjoining the Archer farm. Mr. VanBrunt has city of Newark and our neighbors remark our increased chest- 36 Broad St., Red Bank. been improving the house which he will occupy. Rev. Harry Rosoln bought a Pon- measure. Then we contemplate the metropolitanism of liac automobile last week. Mr. ROB- sin lias recovered from the injuries which he received in an automobile accident thtes weeks ago. northern New Jersey and a couple of buttons pop ofTour vest.

EVEBETT NEWS. Theron McC'iunpbell Buildlnjr Addi- This is particularly noticeable immedi- is causing more stiff necks than a safe-, tion to John Maher'8 Residence. Tlieron McCampbell 16 building ately after a visit to Newark Metro- raising bee at lunch-hour! And with new kitchen to his house, which la New Speed occupied by John Manor. politan Airport. I t's the eastern terminus the Holland Vehicular Tunnel entering Bert Morris lias taken a job at the Monmouth county hunt club head- of the United States Air Mail, you know its third successful year we'd better quarters at Tlnton Falls. Gerald Warnclier, who is employed at that ,. not to mention passenger air-travel check up on our sporting goods depart-; new kindness to clothes place, spent Thursday in Pennsyl- vania. • . and that's enough to make anyone ment so we'll be all prepared for the Henry Kelly has given up his job as watchman on Kroolulalo farm. puff up with pride! But we'd better get army of New Jersey-bound golfers. in the new Thor Agitator Mrs, Nellie Force of Shrewsbury spent. Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- .down to earth. There's plenty to do 1 . ward Stilwcil. Mrs. Slilwell's father, We've noticed, too, that hundreds of W. Burrowes Asay of Red Bank, celebrated his eightieth birthday yes- right here at Bambcrger's. Now that the people who come to New Jersey to play terday and a dinner party was given in his honor nt tho Stilwell residence. new thirty-seven story Lefcourt-Newark remain to live. Oh well, we'll just go William Thacher. son of Grove Timelier, is improvinK after having Office Building is so far advanced, and on improving our furniture floor and $99.75 recently underwent an operation for u the SensatUmtu mastoiditis. He has been living with other buildings are well on their way to continue to keep the prices all over the Price his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A, K. Kappes of Colt's Neck. scrape the sky, it behooves us to keep store well under control 59 that the new-: Note these new Robert Schcnelc, son of J. Herbert Rchi'iick, lmtl a party last Wednesday right on feeding new ideas to the Bam- comers will gain an even better impres- Thor Features in celebration of liis fourth birthday. Mrs. Welst returned last Wednes- berger Restaurant. When the additional 1. I.i/e Tixtt Tmh—OTtn sion of Newark and New Jersey. Being hiked poreelsja enamel day from a visit with relatives at inside and out. New York. hundreds of office-workers come troop- "One of America's Great Stores" im-, John W. Kelly of Rosclle. son of nerer seen in a wisher. Mis. Clmrlor. Kelly of this place, re- ing in to cat at noontime we'll have to turned home Friday from tlir Eliza- poses such a responsibility on us 'and i.Widt Top Tab—the belli Kfiicral hospital after undergo- width of the tub iudi. ing an operation [or hi-; tonsils. watch our peas and carrots. Then there's civic virtues become so strenuous;at <. Ruiirr GmtrJnl, Vibra- tion Pm/ Lid. all that activity along the Pennsylvania times. There arc even plant fof a New- 3. New Spttti—A'cri- Kind* HOI.MHET. SEWS. run to Clolbcu Railr'oad, what with a new Newark Ter- ark subway thundering along. But we Tlie I'ostollHT Kqnippctl With a New cperalr. Geoenl Met- Metal CubliH-l. minal on Market Street all arranged for like the activity. We liked it thirty- trie Motor. PoMmnHli'r Taylor llancc has had 7. Bil (jipacin. I>or.i en- a new metal cabinet with combina- and a new railroad bridge across, the seven years ago when we first started tire w.lhiDC in - boars. tion l'H-k IMIXI'.S placed in the postof- R. PfmouiTlyerQuality. liee. The cabinet 13 of Ihn latest type Pa8saic actually under construction! business and we still like it. The Greater' •J. Amaxini (Jf Pritn - :L|t]m>ved by tlio national postal SM> to $60 Ie'^s thtn .•uillnui!icH. II is attractive in ap- Good thing that Bambergcr's luggage Bambcrger Store was opened formally tnr wtiher of corapsr- pearanrp ami it is a yieat time and shlcqusliir. labor snvrr. and travel wear arc all they should be! last October and judging from the way Dlirinfr Ilif past week thrc William '.'. Kly r.slaU' MiM trams of horsofl to And now, ladies and gentlemen, our CuiKivrr .t JiuUoi- of HoUudcl, Mount people have taken to it, it wasn't a day MiwJpr of Allenliiwn, Jn'nieH U. Tin- attention travels north along the Hud- too soon! So step right along, civic growth, HE world's lowest clothes. Washes a generous vn\l (it !''arinin^ilalo and il. P. Jaml- .-(in of t'ranbury. A single horso was lon River. That bridge they're building Tpriced quality washer tubful in 5 to 7 minutes— bousht by li vin:," Bennett of Everett. v/e're making pretty big strides, too.. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bryant, Mr. nnd embodies a new, proved and washes them dean. That's Mr;!. Carllnn Howard and Mr. nnd Mni. Muni;i Horn anil dau^litcr of principle of speed washing. the important thing to look Pliilaib'lphin iM'ent .Sundiiy witli Hcv. Faster than any washer for in a speed washer. Note ami Mr:;, .liihn .Khcrnian. Aib'litir Iloliin-p, ilaiiHllter [if John you've seen—and kinder to its amazing low price. S. llolinpH, Ims lir.-n unable to attend I lie l>il H.'inlf IIIKII Hfliool of lute On er & Co. ,'ircount nt' liirUnr:'.!. MISM lOlciinor Uray pprnl part of, "ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT STORES^ NEWARK. N. J. Insl wr-i'k with frlt-ndii at fiOHR 111 nnrh. John W. llaui'i' li»:< benn on the •licit llr.l, bul he In improving. He was iibln to Im at Ills nlorr. n sliiirt time .Saturday. William It. f'lawfiird, who has been very sick nt the hump of his daugh- ter nt Jiratlcvill, Is Kettlnfr hotter. He Is baric at his home hore. 15.e, .!.„ BAMBEROER tf CO,, OWNERS [h ND OPBKATORS OP STATION WOR. >(/»I.18HE UpOr CHARM MAOAMNK A little mmiMil},'!! ,,f want ndver- Co. IIwiij; In Till! H(.|;j.-

HUDSON WNERS of life insurance have had occasion tuate with business cycles. From year to year, the O recently to compare the stability of this form 44 million Metropolitan Life Insurance policies of investment with that of even the highest grade show a steady increase in values to policy-holders. securities. The man who regularly invests part of his Questions A chart of the market price averages of earnings in life insurance can go to sleep each the Wisdom leading stocks for twenty years shows an irregular night with the knowledge that he is building an line that rises and dips, sometimes vertically, with estate of the greatest security and with a sure of ever "peaks and valleys". investment return for every dollar paid in. , -j paying more There are.no "depressions" in the investment Life insurance is an investment whose value for any car values of life insurance policies. They do not fluc- constantly increases the longer it is kept in force. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Financial Report to Tolicyholders Daily Averages in 1929 for Year Ending December 31,1929 2,233 per day in Number of Claims Paid. Assets . -. i • i i i i i i $3,010,560,051.38 Its rich appointment and appearance; its outstanding per- Liabilities: ' 20,674 per day in Number of Life Insurance Statutory Reserve $2,625,110,967.00 Policies Issued and Revived. formance, remarkable economy and its pride of ownership, Dividends to Policy- $11,137,296 per day in Amount of Life Insurance holders payable 1930 82,264,508.86 in every particular ci motor car satisfaction, questions the All other liabilities 125,743,543.37 Issued, Revived and Increased. wisdom of ever paying more for any car. Unassigncd Funds 177,441,032.15 $2,026,714 per day In Payments to Policyholders $3,010,560,051.38 and Addition to Reserve. Increase in Assets during 1929 . . $315,084,085.74 It is a question thwi motot- ments ate set aside to pro- Income in 1929 ....;.. 818,682,519.99 $1,905,881 per day in New Investments. PR ICES dom is everywhere asking. duce. That factalonespeaks Gain in income, 1929 ...... 75,270,134.78 Standard Ltngth Chan $1,039,881 per day in Increase of Assets. It is revealed in hosts of for a remarkable develop- Paid-for Life Insurance Issued, , Increased and Revived in 1929 . 3,374,600,626.00 new owners turning to ment. When you

the promises made by both political WOMEN AND MOSQUITOES. .To THE RED BANK REGISTER, parties at presidential elections, Both A bill Introduced by Congressman ESTABLISHED BY JOHN H. COOK. parties vie with each other in prom- Club Woman Ur^es Them to Help Hoffman to permit the navy depart- ising "the full dinner pail" and pros- in Extermination Work. ment to accept the rc-enUstment of GEORGE 0. 1IANOE. Editor. perity. There should be more than New Jersey's, army of mosquito Frank Wotidey, formerly of Matn- Commercial Body DANGER a promise for both of these things. fighters should1 bo reinforced by wan, has been approved.' Woodey Building and Repairs THOMAS IRVINtj BltOWN. There should be a guarantee in t women "war corresjioridents" who resigned because permission was AHEAD! Publisher end Business Manager. form of unemployment insurance or could interpret the importance of denied him to live in China following of All Kinds. Sure Sign of some other plan for the protection niosyuilo control to the public, mem- hl» transfer to the naval rcsave. The Blaebimltblng. fltottalrliig, Aul« Telephones:—Rc<3 Hank 13. of those who are out" of work bers of the New Jersey mosyuito Mil permits him to Ilvo in China. and Window Shades To Springs, HoHii ivitctt Tins. aColsl.Gljeck lied Uotili 1300. through no fault of their own. The extermination association, at theli I'liuumatlc Truck I'lrfta. country is big and broad enough to Subscription Pikes: annual meeting at Atlantic City Propositions Rejected. Your Order Bervlca Clruotona tttail.m. it HOW provide a living for nil who arc will- were toid. 51 SO ing, and able tu wurU. Voters at Bclnmr last weelt re- Established over %& Vtara. CAMPHOBOLB, Th«2.in.l Mix month 75 The speaker, Mrs, Helen N. Prick' No matter what your Ideas are an to Linoleum or Window Shndeo 10 jected the proposition of the board of see us llrnL We can supply any make Linoleum In all grades. Olntrlbutur tor the Vapor Treatment, before it de- •rhn itt, of Metuchen, chairman of the education gf buying a plot adjoining During the present winter there Also en} Window Shades c.-.n bs mads to mutch yonr Ideas. Export KATUN BUMI'Eli t4I>HIN(l&. velops into a eold or a serioos mosquito committee, New Jersey the high school at a cost of 5118.000. vviirlimnnBlilp. - The fled Bunk Ruplster havo beftn many unemployed men in federation of women's clubs, whllo When your Springs bremli or illness. For all colds ia (b« 13 a member of The vote was 566 to 217. At Man- tills section who were never jobless praising mosquito control forces for asquan the current expense appropri- WE GUARANTEE OUB FKIUES LOWEST NO MATTEB /our car doesn't run right or head, throat or chest. ' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ther^a any other traublo which The Associated I'reaa U exclusively «"- I before. The past record of these men their efforts during tlie last 30 years, ation of J34.B50 was voted down al- WHO MAKES IT—TRY D8. tlllcU lo Iho use fur reiJiiljlication o( all leaves no room for doubt as to thoir asserted that greater publicity should though the other appropriations were might bo truoeable to Springs, .news dispatches credited to it or not other- cfllciency and their ability to do un be given the work as a meane of carried. . •_ ' . . , , coine to tna I can Qx it wise credited in thia imper and also the honest days work. There should be local news published theicin, gaining additional public support. FsiniisliiiBg €©.<» WIIAKF AVE. RED BANK- protection for folks of this sort. Tlipy 'xpresued the belief that the The road to better ond bigger busi- Telephone 1050. are not loafers from choice and the future will see money appropriated ness leads through The Register's ad- RED BANK. Phone 1259 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH. wolves of want should not howl at for musquito control activities ad vertising columns.- Advertisement their 'doors, nor should these folks readily a;'s funds arc now provided bft compelled to draw on their hard- for sanitary •work. She warned, earned savings through a period of however, that such support will como A Beauty Spot enforced idleness. only after the public ia given more Hidden from the Public. complete knowledge of the campaign. Canada is part of Great Britian "Adequate, publicity." Mrs. Prickitt Shadow lake, ,tho now body of and is under a monarchial form of declared, "will convince the public water at River Plaza which was government. Americans rightly be- that effective control methods for made out of Quislcy's creek, fully lieve that their republican form of mosquitoes are available. Once this justifies public expectations. It is a government Is the best on earth, yet fact is generally understood! public ilccided addition to the landscape it is a fact worth noting that in this opinion will forco legislators and beauties of this part of Monmouth particular instance Canada has taken boards of freeholders to provide am- county. The lake was made as a co- the lead in starting a movement to ple funds for th« war on mosquitoes. operative leal estate development by provide government insurance for Then wo will be as free from this property owners whose lands adjoin the unemployed. According to many pest as the Canal Zone and Panama. it. Undoubtedly it will prove a prof- scientists who have studied the ques- i "Of course this happy condition is r LAsr ^e SOLD revenue comes frum the sale of flow- ers and plants during the Easter and MS GEE ATOM - Decoration day seasons. • • • f DID A TOKTj"1 It would be unfair lo expect every department of the public schools to WORK, TOO —« pay their own way as this agricul- tural department of the Middletown MOW EZRA ALWAYS BUYS' township high school is doing. Con- OUR COAL - ditions are such that this would be impossible because, other depart- (JUST "TRV n~ - SO VJILL Vbu ments do not produce things which arc salable. Nevertheless it is a flue FOR GOOD QUICK HEAT - GET OUR COAL./ thing to see a public school depart- ment "stand on it:; own," without ns- announced during the past year, and sistancc from tho taxpayers. No bet- OUR COAL GIVES HEATING r> A MEDIUM PRICED riding comfort, richly appointed ter proof can o'e afforded that pupils SATISFACTION. WHY EXPERIMENTf are interested in their studies than hailed by engineers, automotive interiors, and high quality in every when they arc able to turn instruc- 9O*V-TYPE EIGHT* 9O tion into a form of production which critics and the motoring public alike llnds ready public patronage. CANBOHN'S COAL© SIJPPU detail* VJ RED BANK 82.4 FROM 8 TO 4 'A-REAL. ACHIEVEMENT as a remarkable achievement in IllllinnillllilllllM^lil^illilUOiiltltliaHil'^iKlil^iiK^uiliUillL'liiil^lliliriiirinilillil^lilSIJnillSilllillini'lMIIBEIIIiliniUin^llIRyiilUI^ See this remarkable Eight at the IN MOTOR CAR DESIGN motor car design and value-giving, Why Not Insurance Show—examine it in detail—and Against Unemployment? is now making its first appearance Last week th - daily newspapers compare it with other cars. Learn told of ii confrmu:r: of the mayors The Automobile Show gives you the.at the Automobile Shows. of Canada with regard to providing; SERVICE how much it offers you and at what insurant n^aiiiijt. unemployment. MEASURED greatest opportunity of the year—to Judging from tlii;; the unemployment NOT BY • • In addition to smooth, flexible eight- moderate cost. Then decide defi- crisis this winter Ivir- not hern con- GOLD • • see all cars—to compare them—and to fined to the United HliUoii but is moro BUT BY • • cylinder performance, the Viking nitely to drive this car and dis- or ITPS ^rnrral Uiimi^hout the whole THE • • • North American continent. GOLDEN judge value on a fair and impartial basis. offers the advantages of generous cover for yourself what infinitely • * * RULE • Ac en ril ins to the daily nrw.spjipcra, The Viking 90-degree V-type Eight, siz;e and wheclbase, luxurious fine performance it provides. the mnyoivi of Canada who attended this conference were unanimously of the opinion that tlir Canadian KOV- ernment -should provide unemploy- ment insLiranco for its jobless sub- jects who are ready, nblo and willing The Importance In work. Kvoryonn is familiar with c r* i MI greatest and jobless men who "pray for work and hope thny wont, find work," Tlii.-j of Goodwill most import. thriftier; class desrrve;i nn sympathy, hut no [air-minded poraon who has 1 ant factor in any business is the goodwill ED. von KATTENGELL noticed conditions i hi:; win tor can } ol the cuimiiiinily or group of persons Tail to obnervf! Ilint many competent, honrst. workmen are unemployed v.'itli M'hich thai business comes in contact. Monmouth Street & Maple Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. Ilirough no fault of lliclr own, The opinion Uiat this community lias of Telephone Red Bank 213 Ihe Worden organization is hiyhly treas- 1 Tho t'mindi.'!n mayor. ) wn-c , I ured. We aie fully aware of the- fact Uiat hi deciding that. Ihn Kovpninicnt DAVID LEWIS . . WILLIAM J, MAJOR nhould pi'ovhk' unemployment irunir- upon t!ie goodwill we have luiill up and U Washington Avc Lone Branch Ofl South Main St, Asbury Purt, {inrf. Their \s inrmrnnce against strive |(i maintain depends the continued . ALEXANUJSH STEKI. iluaih, injury, disability, ne<-iilen1, ihv Neptune Township, N. J find hurricanes. Why should not success of our Imsine---. MM Boy Are-, IIIshianuH. N. I. there be inifiii tuwv :u;tunut uuoni- GEOBOK fi. OKAY CHAIU.l'S V. RTHAUB ploy men I? And who \u better nlilo U Throckmorton St, freehold lo pivi» finch inmirnnce (linn the. KOV- Uruad Street. - Ucyport, N. 'J, rrnincnt? With MM aniph; resource ALBERT W. WORDEN It would not have to nialu? a profit on tho workem. It: could well af- FUNEIiAL DIIlECTok! ford to jnovide inminmr.Q at the JImbuUnice. Service r.etual t:o:;t. of openitlpn, # a « FUNERAL HOME fjook nf. llu- inntlnr from nnothnr 60 E.FRONT ST. ••• RED BANK viewpoint and It will be still moro PHONE-557 nplMirpnt why 1h*j Kovcrnmcnl, nhould provide jt rot PI: MOM Hgahmt unein- OLDSMOBILE SIX and Vi KING EIGHT ploymnif, livery one is fnmillnr with 'RED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 19,1980. Page Five JUDGMENT OF $9,000. !Japanese army, who for tbo past six months nan been enrolled as a »tud- Frank II. lirasch Awarded That Sum cnt In the signal school, left Satur- The Christian Science Monitor For WISe's Death, day for Japan, after having com- pleted his course of study. ' We Specialise la An International Daily Newspaper. Frank H. Brasch of Oakland etrcet Construction work on the new waa awarded a judgment tor $9,000 apartment IIDUBC ia progressing Batlfl* Third Anneal Charity Ball Second (Founded tOOS by Mary Baker Kddy.) against tho New Tsrk end Ix>ng factorlly, being about eighty per cent Us own World-Wide News Service la Mipiilenienled by Uial ol Branch railroad by a Jury at Free- completed. It IB expected that the Under the Auspices of the tho Associated I'fcas, W|K:cliil feulurcs uro lie dfiiHirlnwnts «> al killed when a train struck the auto- The signal corps band has been re- Trutiln's—B cent* a copy. organized by Capt. A. M. Mlxson, mobile In which they were riding. A pout adjutant, ami now has 24 mu- Applications Given verdict of "no cause of action" waa sicians under Staff Sergeant Daniel Immediate Attention returned as to the Central railroad J. McCarthy. New Instruments, new M company of New Jereoy, a Joint de- buglen and tabards have been ob- fendant In the suit. tained and It Is contemplated that me formal guard mount and parades A Local, Friendly will bo held dally to which the pub- FOBT MONMOUTH NEWS. lic Is cordially Invited The band will Organization bo equipped with tho West Point Valentine Dance Friday Night Was cross belts, white legglns and the or- • Attended. ange band for tbo caps, The Fort Riverside Mortgage Tho Sfc Valentine's dance given by Monmoutli band frequently takes the offlcera' club of Fort Monmouth part In patriotic and civic demon- H Finance Corporation strations and parades In Monmouth Friday night was ono of the moot : successful parties given this year. county. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50. REFRESHMENTS Broad St Nat'l Banli BIdg., The committee In charge of the affair Mm. C. W. Wood and Mrs. It. T. Red Bank. N. Jf. waa composed of Capt. F. E. Galllard, Schlosberg entertained at a bridge MUSIC BY BENNY NATHASON'S SAN REMO ORCHESTRA. Llout. L. D. Illxson and Lieut. J. F. party' last week at the home of Mrs. i Brooke. Music was furnished by Schlosberg at Ocoanport, Prizes were .CORP.; achury'o orchestra. Preceding tha awarded to Mrs. F. G. Miller, Mrs. danca Major and Mrs. C. W. Lcwla j;_ L, clewell and Mrs. L. H. Hewitt, entertained at dinner at their homo others present were Mrs. S. B. Akin, at"', West Lon' g Branch. ™Thei 'r guest's" Mrs. L. C. Balrd, Mra. C. L. Strike. Included Major and Mrs. S. B. Akin, Mrs. H. P. Browning, Mra. A. W. Capt. and Mrs. Louis Cansler, Capt. Paul, Mrs. C. R. Wallace, Mrs. Car- and Mra. Norman Lee Baldwin, Capt. ter W. Clarke, Mrs. G. A. Bicher, and Mrs. W. C. Reeder, Capt. and Mra. E. L. Clewell, Mrs. J. J. Dub-, Mra, H. P. Browning, Capt. and Mrs. belde, Mrs. F. E. Gaiilard, Mrs. B. C.; Garland C. Black, Capt. and Mrs. D. Gillette, Mra. F. E. GilletAe, Mrs. H. | Day-Bed P. Lawrence, Capt. and Mrs. J. V. F. Hubbell, Mrs. D. F. Lawrence, Mrs. j Matejkc, Capt. and Mrs. K. B. Law-, F. O. Miller, Mrs. Robert Robinson,'I ton, Capt. and Mrs. E. L. Clewell, Mrs.,E, R. Wejls, Mrs. H. L. Vitz-1 Capt. and MrB. F. W. Hoern, 'Mrs. thum, Mrs. M. G. Wallinjton and Mrs. Jessie Woodward, Lieut, and Mrs. R. T. Schlesberg, Lieut, and Mrs. G. L. L. H. Howltt. Covers Townaend, Lieut, and Mrs. C. W. The offlcers of Fort Monmouth Wood, Lieut, and Mrs. Carter W. gave a dinner last week at the Gar Clarke, Lieut, and Mrs. F. H. Lana- field-Grant hotel In honor of Major han and Lieut, and Mrs. M. C. Well- G. L. VanDeuscn formerly of this ington. Capt. and Mrs. C. L. Strike post. entertained at dinner at their quart- Major D. M. Crawford of the oflice ers on the post preceding the dance of tho chief signal officer is at For' Those present Included Col. and Mrs Monmouth for a conference with Col A. S. Cowan, Major and Mrs. P. B. onel A. S. Cowan. regarding signal Connolly, Capt. and Mrs. E. P. An- corps matters. tcnovlch, Capt. and Mrs, L. C. Balrd, The afternoon bridge club cif Fort Capt. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart, Joseph Monmouth will meet today with Mrs Bennett, Capt. and Mrs. C. I. Hep- A. S. Cowan in her quarters at Fort pough, Capt. and Mrs. F. G. Miller, Monmouth. Capt. and Mra. William H. Murphy. Capt. and Mrs. R. A. Wlllard, Capt. KIVEB I'LAZA NEWS. A splendid assortment of cretonne patterns in light nnd Mra. A, M. Mlxson, Capt. and Meeting of tho COO CIui> tit Mis. Ben and tapestry effects. Well made and shirred on four Mrs. H. L. Vltzthum, Capt. and Mrs jamljl n H. Crate'sCt' . 'Robert Robinson, Lieut, and Mrs. aides. Suitable for daybeds or couches. Try .to J. G. Reane, Lieut, and M,rs F. .V. Tll° 000 club met Iast wcclc at lhe match this value! 'First time sold at this low price. Gillcsple, Lieut, and Mrs. J. E. Ray- ''orao of Mrs. Benjamin H. Crate, Jr. mond, Lieut, and Mrs. V. A. Conrad I Mrs.. Crate won Ilrst prize. Second Lieut J. F. Brooke and Mies Sally prize'and the heart prize went to On Sale Only While They last Smith I Mrs.' William Kaney. Mrs. James " Capt. and Mrs. F. W. Hoorn of] McPhco received tho consolation Governor's Island, New York, are thn prize. '-IOIISO guests of Major and Mrs. C. Mrs. L. Percival Stout has been 'V. Lewis of West Long Branch. visiting friends at Brooklyn. Randolph Bllnn of the Hearst In- Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wlcke and their Vrnatlnnal news service and Mrs. M. son of Teaneck have been spendink CHAIN RETAILERS OF QUALITY DRV GOODS II. Euston of King features syndi- several days witli Mrs. Wickc's par cates were at Fort Monmouth Mon- cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Howara Sil BUOAI) STREET, B20 COOKMAN AVE. : ICISU BANK. N, J. ASBURY I ARK. clay, making pictures of the Signal Mr. and Mra. James McPhce expec- corps pigeons and collecting data for to spend Saturday and Sunday with STORES IN Zi OTHER QI feature stories which will be pub- Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Stobo of Alien lished Bhortly. town, Pennsylvania, formerly of this Major Tateo Kono of the Imperial place. ' ,



Com pound, interest is what makes money grow. But compound FRIENDLY interest is .what makes banks grow—because- banking is a business in human RED BA ARMORY POLO relations primarily, and friendly human relationships last longest. SWIMMING The Merchants Trust Company owes much of its growth to compound FRIENDLY interest. The friend- ly interest which it has paid out to its clients daily, OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF TnE NEW FORD monthly, yearly has been returned in kind—so that we can credit many of our new accounts to the friendly " ^ • ' interest of our clients who have brought other friends RUSTLESS STEEL FOR EXTERIOR METAL PARTS 1 HUNTING to us. I MOTOR BOATING \ I FULLY ENCLOSED, SILENT SIX-BKAKE SYSTEM TRIPLEX SLIATTEK-PnoOF CLASS 'WINDSHIELD We cordially invite new accounts, and extend a f friendly and sincere service to all. / FOUR HOUDAILLE DOUBLE-ACTING HYDRAULIC SHOCK AI1SORDERS

This Bank will be closed all day EASE F CONTROtl Saturday, February 22d, Washing- 85 tO 65 MILES AN HOUR ^'I^^^fes, ° ton's Birthday. QUICK ACCELERATION ^ggggl0/ (;OOI) DF.M.Elt SERVICE HIDING YACHTING MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY TYPICAL FORD ECONOMY, RELIABILITY AND LONG LIFE BROAD STREET, RED BANK Mount-E Co. OFFICEH8 111SNHY CAMPBELL, Chairman of tho Hoard KIONNIBTH II. McQUIfllEN, President JA9. D. OTTEFISON. JTt., Vlco I'li-fl. and "J'lrus, 15DOAR N. McCLEES. Vlco-Pron. and Sccrcliuy AUCMIBALD L. M1LLICR • Vlco-l'rcslUcnt J. ERNEBT OLIVEIt, • Assistant acciotaiy

Arclillmid I* MUlor John J. Qulnn Paul Oscliwald Henry Campbell Jficob Yanlio Win rcn II. Sm'oclt Krank E. Price li. 11. Garrison O/Ilnrold Ncvlun 1'iod VV. rtohlnoun Charles It..ISnijllah Clark Ilolbrooli Maple Ave. and Monmouth St., Red Banh N» /. •Inmos D. Ottomnn. Jr. John rjlhlon Arthur C. Etclnbnch Konnctli H. McQueen Albert W. Worden -'oasa Mlnot Phone 176 "The Batik That Banks on Red Batik" T ftage Six RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19,1930. FLOWING OVER ITS DAMALTERATION. S TO KESTABBANT Changes Being Made to Harry's Lot»- ater House at tseabrlglit. A.W.HayhewCo. SHADOW LAKE AT RIVER PLAZA Fine House Alterations costing $6,000 are being IS I'UtLY COMPLETED. made to Harry's lobster house at Soa- AUTOMOBILE in Red Bank bright, owned by Harry Osmun. The This New Body of Water Is R Pic- Interior of the place on both floors Is INSURANCE For Sale. turesque Addition to tfce Attrac- being redecorated. On the first floor tions of fJils Section—Owners JIavu In the front part of, the building will to Build New Bridges. be a new dining room, which will ac- BROKERS; Choice Location, Automobile Insurance Shadow lake, the new body of wa- commodate 120 persons. There will ESSEX BLDQ., NEWARK. N. J. i Restricted Property, ter ut River Plaza which was made be a new lunch counter, equipped Tel. MM Mot Vint Neighborhood. by bulldinjr £ dam across Qulgley'a with an electric refrigerator. N*> Res. Phone Red Bunk 423. J State Hlffhway Register-Building, Red Bank. which was over the creek, but the May Int. JoJ Ealontown, N. J. Fhone 178 plank are covered 'With a foot or so Robert Grlescnbeck of South street, This Agency issues, (through Stock Companies,) complete of water. who conducts a large music studio A large part of the new lake is on at New York, Is building a new Automobile Insurance. Assuming Fire, Theft, or Accident bothers Mr. Grant's place. The south bank bouae for his own occupancy on of the lake at this point is a picture Conover lane in Mlddletown town- is its business. Established 1851 , Telephone Ul of beauty with its many hemlock ship at a cost of $18,000. The resi- trees. The north shore, because of dence will be Engliah colonial ,wlth its unusual curvatures and inden- nine rooms, two bathrooms, break- Insure now in a reputable Company and let that Company ALEXANDER D. COOPER tures, presents a picturesque sight. fast pullman and a large hall. The property owners owning lake The property on which the house assume the losses from any of the following causes: 58-64 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. front lands intend to have roads ia being built is 200x200 feet and It built In close proximity to the. lake, is on the river bank on the south but all the details of this plan have side of Conover lane. The house 1. FIRE—A policy\:overs damage by fire from any cause, in the garage or on the road. not been decided. The entire cost ot will be 40x40 feet and the hall will, THEFT—Your car may be stolen. You may even recover it, but it will cost you Windstorm Insurance making the lake and dam was paid bo 10x15 feet. The rooms will include 2. by the owners of landB bordering on five bedrooms, living room, dining money, A policy protects you. ' ; A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates the lake. loom, studio and kitchen. A lavu- tory will be on the downstairs floor. 3. LIABILITY—Covers claims against you for damages on account of injury or death. The kitchen, bathrooms and lavatory NEW BED BANK HOUSE. will ba tiled. Features of the living Your liability may run into thousands of dollars. Elhvood Powers Building Residence room will be a large fireplace and 4. PROPERTY DAMAGE—This coverage is for damage done by your car to the auto- at a Cost of $13,500. built-in bookcases. The building will be equipped with mobile or property of another. Ellwood D. Powers of Spring an oil burning steam heater and street, a prominent boatman and modern conveniences. Including gas. fi. COLLISION—This covers damage to your car through collision with other moving owner of thv e sailboat Tern, formerly A two-car garSge will be on the the Mlana, is building a house for his property. William P. Scott of Red or stationary objects. OFFICES FOR RENT own occupancy on Fisher place at ft. Bank Is doing the building work anil cost of $13,500. The contract has the house will bo ready for occupan- Janitor Service been awarded to Quackenbush Sd cy soon after May 1st. Nevius of Shrewsbury and the resi- "Better Be Insured Than Sony." dence will be ready for use by July 1st. SALE OF CAN AX. STREET LOT. You should have your Automobile policy issued as soon as you obtain your car, The lot is 50x150 feet and It Is on Mrs. Sore Thomas Buys Property Ad- the west side of the street, near the joining FostofflCB Site. Avoid the possibility of loss of any kind.- river bank. The building will be H. L. Zobel Building 25x50 feet and it will contain six Mrs. Sara Thomas of Broad street, We will gladljp advise you the cost of policy if you will consult us by letter, tele rooms, two bathrooms flniahe Red Bank, has bought a lot on the ; texcrete and an attached slngl/ gar- mrtlkslile of Canal street from the phone or a call at our office. , COR. BROAD ST. AND HARDING ROAD, age. A large fireplace will b A. L. fVINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street / LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street HANCE & DAVIS ANDY'S GARAGE MORRISEY & WALKER. Kennnburu Telephone 103 ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, Inc., 60 Broad Street "\ Corner Maple Ave. and W. Front St., Red Bank, N. J. * HAWKINS BROTHERS. 10 Monmoulh Street Where Quality Rules ! Phone Red Bank 2124. ****^ 45-53 Brpadway Tel. Long Branch 204

• - i ' • RED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 19, 1930. Pan© Bmm THE IIHADMOY KSTATK Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs school clans ttt supper last Friday. of the Reformed church hud their Paul Held. After the Topau a valentine sociable annual banquet layt night at th* Udge Hti-Inlmch Hays Admlntilrutor Kobcrt Waldron of-~ATlantIc High- was enjoyed, with guinea and Binding AmcrieiLn hotel at Frcchuld, Ordin- 5 FIRST CHURCH OP I G'mi Accopt Offer. lands was a visitor of Charles TOOJI as the princlpnl dlvernlonH. The boys arily tho club'meets on ThijiHiluyH, B I on I-ilncoln'H birthday. Kobert and have developed considerable musical but thin WCCIL'H moRtlnK1 will bf; held CHRIST, SCIENTIST | Judge tTacnb Stelnbach last Thura- Charlna and Frank Toop Hpr»nt !ay rendered an opinion In thu mat,- talent. The members of the clans Friday nftyrnoon at tho honu; of Mrs. M niroiid St.. Itcd BiMib, N. J, R of B~''lenient of the claims of of tho day at tho natatorium at As- are Edward WlllitH. James and Wil- William Hunt. he Jamow A. Bindley estate uj,pninBt bury Pailt. ' liam Moreou, Donald Matthew.'). Wal- A large tree on the jaiaon;igo prop- Sunday II ,\. M,, 8 Vincent Mauaer, aon of George ter Mitchell. Edward Schanck und erty of tho Unformed el lurch WHH Samuel II. Glllcupft!, former executor \ 1:30 A. M. if the entitle. Jutlj5r» Stoin bitch ruled Mautior, ha a been unublu to it Item Raines Wilson. cut down last week. Tim tree inter- WV.Int.«ilny Evanlmt 'I'uitliuunlut hat it did not nintUM" whether th» : dChool due to sickness. More than 550 wns cleared by a fered with the wirnn of tho telephone Meetlni!" — * I'. M. ... „ T ,,,,„, , I MiBfi Lena C. Anderson rind Mis: lance which the firemen held las' company and at tho request of the ItcuilliiB Itnnm — Wcilhc.ilaja snil Jeclalon of Jolm W. Hlocum. tl.,-prcu- „ ,cn Hardln teuclicr« at th, Friday nl|;ht at the aclioolliouse. Wll- company the church nfltcmirj consent- iintunlnya from i ::iu In «;30 V, M. ", '^nn';""1' °, r ' school, arranged Valentino parties inm Norman wns cliargR of tho Tito public U corititilly Inflict to festivities. accept $ 00,000 for all claims wa0 ap-| , ,,d , ' nttcnil tho «ortl«a umt n »h« The mernbciH of Slocuirovcrmt hubyd tlihudleieno court authoritor not ya sto Macr- | nooKrunln t Toop haa Installed two new pays to advertise In 'lhe Register cept. The total claims are over Janu:hway bntteiy broudet'fi with n KOOOOM. Pradicallv nil the hene-, ot , , Ml;ka , Marlon under the will have ««. • ^ chatlcs ,;. LeonlTr(1 ttml mm, M :d to the acceptance of fK.0,000. Th » ' and Chal.,(. t last WcclnC; [Igurc waa anlvnd at after a commit* i . . wcw ye Ik tee of banker* had .itu.llwl Mr. Gil- i ^ p, , of'.l h L( , f leapio'a personal and bufitnowii aeact.4 hafi tiikon down the liigh hpdf;e the road in front of hl.s properly. I1OTEIJ Me hixa also pulled out several large become fresh trees on the farm. Ocean Inn ut Ilclmiir Destroyed Last A lar^e part of John Grnnt'a furm Tliursday. on the liverett road, has been flood- ed with water since the brooks lead- Ocean inn, a Bolinar liotcl, waa de- ing to the new Uiyer Plaza lake have stroyed last Thursday morning at bbpb n dnmmnd. in the loss of $20,000. When the (ircrr.cn to Mr^. Louis Hoffol w.iH contlncd arrived they found tho entire build- the houyc laist weclc witii Rrip. ing ablaze with evidenco of incendi- Mr. and Mrs. John Rlchdalo .• of arism. Tho flic (itartod in tho,north- Cannon Station. Connecticut, have west corner of the building. When been vlHiting relatives at this place. HYDRATOR the northern and eastern wulls fell A new porch is being built on the Carl Schrocder, Albert Isola and Lincroft inn. Donnld Hurley worn cut by (iyinff Stophpn Lackintosh of Jamaica, This new moist air compartment debriH, but were not soiiouKly hurK Long Island, spent the week-end at The inn was owned l)y Paul J. and his farm here. gives lettuce and celery that "fresh Bertha Gloltz of Newark. The los.s Dolly and Grace Carney, daughters is covered by Insurance. of Morris Carney of Biadevelt visited from the garden" taste. See it dem- friondu at this place last Wednes- LINCUOFT NKVV!S. day. onstrated at our showroom, Now! Harry A. Walling of Phalanx, has •HcuutH Ifuvo ViUuntltin Tarty—Harold built a new tool shed on his farm Uloodgood Buck From Florida, Ho haa "put a new roof on part of Now you can have tender celery that I his house. Tho carpenter work was (The Hud Hank Register can t»c '."f. i done by William VonNotc of Swim- breaks with a snap. You can have i!i Ltncroft ut the Vivo - Corncr lloom.) | miny river road. lettuce that crackles with crispness. (}. Harry Richdale has bought A You can have better-flavored vege- The girl acout troup had a valen- Ford coach. tine party Saturday* afternoon. Miss Mary C. Kelly of New York, Harold Bloodgoorl of thta-plnco and tables and salads than ever before. apenp t the early part of laat week For every household Frigidaire is now Edward VonKatt.cngell of Red Bank, with her father, Bernard Kelly. equipped with the Hydrator— a mar- returned home last Wednesday' after Mrs. Jesse Schofield attended the a sojourn in Florida. Mr. Blood, wedding last Friday afternoon of velous new compartment that com- good's mother, Mrs. Frank Blood Miss Barbara Decker, daughter of bines cold and moisture in a way good, ia able to be out after having Kurt M. Declter\of River Plaza, been confined io the house for two Willial m Ryan, one of LewiLis S. that freshens vegetables and keeps weeks with bronchitis. Thompson's chauffeurs, was hurt re- feed Louia Stcimulier lias moved hi.s cently in a fall at Mr. Thompson's them full-flavored until theyicome to brooder houses from the Domidion plnntation at. Metenlfp, Georgia, and your table. Come in and see a com- farm to his farm at Tinton Falls. . ho i3 a patient at a hospital at plete demonstration. Mrs. Arthur Soden is confined to; Thomaavillc Georgia, tho house with tonsilitia. . Dr. Bartow L,. Reid, a surgeon at Mr. and Mrs. Howell VanGerblg of U)C presbyterlan hospital at New timing cnai New York, who recently returned .Yor k, was a Sunday guest of Dr. and With the from a vacation in tho South, spenp t Mr3. wimam p. Thompson at Brook- the week-end at Brookdalc farm. dale farm. HYDRATOR Joseph W. Thompson has had a Miss Margaret Smith of New York compr new electric pump Installed at his hna been visiting David Hood and residence. family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarron, Several automobiles were stucK Miss Ada Fenton, -Miys Myrtle Lay- Sunday in tho snow banks on the ton and Edgar T^aytun from this Everett road. place and Mr. and Mrs. George Clay- MAURICE SCHWARTZ • ton and Miss Edna McBride of COLT'S NECK NEWS. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Jamesburg attended n Valentin'; 128 West Front Street, Red Bank. Telephone 537. dance Friday night at the Headden's B. C. BOWEB, Lonz Branch, N. J. ALL OFFICES Corner flrohouse. Mr. and Mrs., Clay- Boys of Sunday-School Class Enter- JAMES WARD. JR.. Keynort, New Jersey. .1. LAtltl) IIULSIO. Engllshtown. N. j. ton are former residents of this tained by Their Teacher. place. Mrs. J. A. Thomson, wife of the SEE THESE CARS AT THE AUTO SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter anrl pastor of the Reformed church, en- daughter Barbara of Metuchcn, were tertained the boya of her Sunday-

No Need To Qo To A New Car

Not when we offer you an condition at a fraction of the original cost! We have of different high grade makes, guarantee.

Car after Car—Value after Value—lined up here for you to examine. Many makes to choose from, amazingly undei priced, for we must have room for new purchases. Buying a car at trifling cost is easy at this Used Car Sale. Select Now While the Assortment Is at Its Best. They Can Be Purchased With A Small Down Payment. Howland Jones Cadillac Co. 36 MAPLE AVENUE, Near Monmouth RED BANK, N. J. Plione Red Bank 910. Page Eight RED BANK EEGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. r~ avenue had a pet squirrel. It got street, died of consumption ufter s YEARS AGO IN RED BANK out of Its cage and John Johpson fciohuei^ of two year^. She was 25 of Shrewsbury avenue was badly yeara old. 'bitten on the hands in helping to re- Mis3 Oussie Plntard, Mlaa Ethel (IMP) ST. AUBURN II.M'I'E.MNCJS Ol' OLD IN AM* j capture it. Wilson, Miss Edith Conover and CHiiSTUNT I10UW13—1U23. AKOUND OOIt HOME TOW,"*, j JaWs Callahan of Holmdel, who Ucorgo Turkington joined the Oce- | had been employed on the Jonathan anic Presbyterian church. FEE liuldcMits Culled lium The Ite&lster ;I Holmes place forty yeara, gave up Frank Lyona, aged ilvo yeara, son of tlui Third Week in February Ida job and went to Long Branch to of Mrs, BuH Lyona of Monmouth Sli-c—COi'.N KAL.K Dmn-^AtlBS F.IELKAOI5EI Tut'iity Yt'tirs Aj;u, Thirty Yeai» live with his daughter, Mr.s. Jamca .street, gave a birthday party to about T. AUBURN Is u liorse of ma^nlltccnt conformation and ex. j Keeney. 25 young friends. Ago uitd Forty fears Agu. 1 S cdlent disposition. Ho la perfectly sound. Llo haa marvel- I William McKay, who had recently Rev. H. B. Pavey, pastor of tho !oua bone and a healthy constitution. He to a goad foul getter Forty Years Ago. jbought the W. S. Hinners proportv lied Bank Presbyterian church, ac- and his stock In training In ere most promising. He lo Mr.s. Alice Borden of Red Hank, = at Colt's Neck, was cutting wood cepted a call aw pastor of a church email and particularly well suited to sire first rats polo mounts. who had recently died, left a will in 'when he cut a very bad jjash in his in Toronto. WILt STAND AT which 51,000 was bequeathed to Mrs. ; foot, which took many stitches fo Benjamin B. McLean of * Mlddle- Hoi den's granddaughter, Alice U. 'close. town township died of a complication ricnt. Tho income from 50,000 wad of discuses. He left a widow and six ; Charles P. WHber, son of Peter L. children. hcqucathed to Mrs. , Uonlen'a son, ,\Vilbcr of Fair Haven, died at pat- Apply to William \V. Burden; anil all the rest erson at the age of GO years. He J, Holmes Hendrlekson of Red ol her estate was divided equally be- left a widow and two children". H1* Bank, who was operating a stage LUTHER SCHANCK tween her other two children, Dr. also left six sisters and two broth- line, sold the business to Theodore Matavvan, N. J., near Red Bank Kichard F, Borden and Sarah E. Van- ers. Colyer. do rveer. ' Tel.'lloliiidi-l OU. Miss Sarah K. Kelly, daughter of George Lnyton of Atlantic llish- Silas Carrie L. White and Kcwtuti Mrs. Margaret Brcnnan of Wall (Contlnued on next page.) Dorcmus, both of Red Bank, were married by Rev. F. l\. Harbaugh at tiie home of the bride's parents, Cap- tain and Mrs. John P. White of Wasti- Thc coujile left on a to Niagara Kails. Tho 5 were numerous .and curftly. : Thomas Aumack, an Eatontown harness maker, dletl at the age of 8."t yoiirp. He kept the Columbia hotel at Eatontown for a number of years, llo loft a widow and live children, til • children being William, Samuel Assurance of Living Superiority ;md John Auuiack, Mrs. William ; Do.rlin and Mrs. B. M. Badgcley. | A surprise party went to the home Tho spotlight of living charm—and luxury—and beauty, should be | of Fred Cullington on South street. They surprised Fred all right for he centered in your home. A suite such as the one pictured above is made of had gone, to bed. He got up and (dressed and tho party, which con- ! The Greatest Values Ever Offered selected finest cabinet wood. Buffet, China Closet, Server, Extension Table , si»Lcd of about twenty friends, hail | and Six Chairs complete a tery beautiful ensemble. Your din- ;\vhat they said was a /'lovely time.' .Tunis vMollcr of Leonardo bought a lot at Atlantic Highlands at the cor- ing room will present a gracious atmosphere whenever a special , ner 6f Center avenue and Avenue A occasion demands, and every day, too, for y»u and your family. : for ?700. This was considered a very | high price at that time. The lot was i j bought as a site for a blacksmith j Regular Price—$165.00. shop. . j I Mrs. Daniel Poihemus of Scobcy-i See our displays for other good values. ' vil'le gave a'tea party and amqng the gursls were the three oldest men of , • Pcobeyvilln and their families." The j ' men were Jerome Magcc, Luke j 'iVyncc and Henry Hanco. | i Miss Margaret S. VanSchoick of i Red Bank and John B. Brook of iBayonnc were married by Hew Wil- liam A. AHfti at Ihe hmnn of .th«* ' bride's father, George W. VanSchoick • of Maple avenue. 10 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. j Miss Jennie E. Hayward, daughter ;of William T. Hayward of Eaton- town, was married to Matthew Kcakcs of Canada by Rev. M. L. Fer- ris. Joseph A. Chad wick died at lib homr: on Mechanic street, aged 61 years. lie left a widow, five daugh- ters and throe sons. About Hfty persons attended a clambake given by William C. Towcn of Locust Point-at his New Amstcr- u:im hotel. Mrs. Lydia Maxson died of con- Mimjition nt hrr home at Navesink. ilhc left a husband, five sons and a daughter. Mi:s Margaret Eustace, aged 25 >carp, died ot consumption nt the home o£ her father on Eordcn street. Be sure* to share in this great sale. Nationally^Advertised Foods, as William Chadwlck, a sold beater, well as our own Excellent Brands, at remarkable savings, prove the wisdom rut his hand very badly while ,at work in his gold beating shop. of shopping— ' . • Mrs. Lydia Maxson of Navesink died of consumption. She left a hus- Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest ! band, five sons and one daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of East Del Monte Yon Know the Uraiu!— Reg. 35c Del Monte Kcd Bank celebrated their 25th wed- l*uok at These I'rices ding anniversary. California Mrs. Mary E. Coleman. wife of Sweet Peas Rev. Mr. Colcman of Navesink, died or Keg. S5c Del Mont« of- paralysis- ^ Calif. Bartlett Cooked Spinach Thirty Years Ago. Thcre(was great sleighing on Broad can pc can i licet and many of the owners of Luscious halves—rich suyar syrup. fast trotters had their horses and Very popular. sleighs out on the Broad street track. Tastes like "fresh." There was a lot of racing. Among Del Monte Fancy mod. can the owners of these trotters wore Ed- Reg. 14c Del Monte ward S. Allaire. Dr. Frank Lee. Ar- Reg. 25c Del Monte California' thur Percy Sherman, Benjamin John California Purkei\ Robert MacDonald, James Solid pack—deliciou.s. Uyram, Whital S. Hill, John Shccliaa, Sardines Klwoocl Snyder, Edward Throcknior- ton, William H. Houston, Major Del Monte Sliced Hawaiian £t| cans Joseph Field, George Curtis, Henry H. Curtis, William Applcgate, Jacob C. Shu Us and Burd I-Iancc. Pineapple bigcan 27c Serve three or four The Ked Bank golf club gave a Nutritious and tasly! persons. masiiuerade dance at which 100 per- sons in costume were prasent. The grand march was led by Miss Sarah Make Our Stores Your "Coffee Headquarters" N. B. C. Cakes Hubbnrd and Kcnnle Hendrickson. Ml;;r. Hubbard was dressed as a dude with a high hat and suitable clothes Priced From and Up Coffee . . . Ib 29c Puritan and »Mi\ Hendrickson was dressed in ;;9c—l!9c—10c Kavocl! Butter Ib g ||C gorgeous female attire. Captain John H. Skidmore of Nnvc- Wafers :,mk came'to Red Bank with $170 in Victor Blend Coffee 7 Ib 25c bills in his pocket. He lost the money Free Home Demonstration Thousands prefer it. on tho streets of Kcd Bank. The Robenette ffj /® money was found by Will Hendriclt- hon, a boy who was working for him, | Acme Brand Coffee Ib tin 35c M. M. Tb /ijc and moat of it was spent before Mr. Only $10,00 Deposit Delivers One to Your Home. One Year to Pay. A full, rich blend. Fingers Fk id more learned what became 6f it. Mrs. Nancy Maria Sagucs, widow of John Sagucs, died In a Newark The Balance in Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. These and Many More Unusual Values ! home, aged 83 years. Her husband had died four years previously. Sho (ulifoinii I nun I''ish can 'J.'lc | (iiilil Seal linll di Oats .') plty.i iv loft three sons. Samuel and Milo M.nsliills hipiii'i'fil Herring ran -"<• i ASOO s''lf H Hin^.IJticliuiicat II pkgs23r !>agucs of Red Bank by her' second High (jrade. raiior Hrotmi* (/SCO 1'anea c Flcuir 3 pkys25c marriage and John L. Case of Fior- ina by (i former marriage. Wuortljln!'. Tsl-r-U Clii' •so dore Stiirkc of Colt's Neck were driv-! Itnlstiiii's Wlmlc Wlirat IMIIHI liii|)iiiii'(l (.111 •eni Chrnse _ 3 portions a>c inj,' home from Freehold when thci:* liorse ran away. Botli men wri'1 Kirkman's Borax M:nlr of tln> I'i st itifciedlcllls—ili'llvcrt'd tlirown out of the w^gon, but were See our Complete Display of the New 1930 Models of Majestic Radios "m ri -fictili" dully. not. much hurt. The top was torn j C off the wagon and it was otherwise Soap 5 cakes 26 damaged, ' at the Bread William Thompson of Llncroft took . pnrty nf Linei ofL people on n High Grade Mops ea. 29c huntniug trip aiul the party got two bushel.-; of soft clams. In tho party weft* Gt'or^i; Thorn ji^mi, IOdwiuil Mop Handles ea. 15c SloiMim, Robert. Til ton, Kdwnrd Aito Show, U- 5c Smith, John It. Conover nnd Alvin llennett. Diplomat Williiiin Hull of "Red Hank died of Reg. 23c paralysis, with wlildi h" had been U'icken t wo weeks previously. He Boned Chicken can 55c \u:i .ri.r> yeara old and had lived at AUTHORIZED MAJESTIC DEALERS Chipso. led Bank nliio yearfi, during which Finest Creamy hme he had hern employed in the John W, Mount carriage factory. Cheese ... Ib. 33c Captain William 11. Heelry of llcl- foi rl tnnk it wagon lond of propifi tr) Reg. 27c Log Cabin u rrvival nincHing nt tho New Won- mouth HaptLsl. church. While at. tin; ici'vice the h(ii;ic;i got loose and the Table Syrup . can 23c mitre party liad to wnlk home. Reg. 19c Two child ITn of .Io:>eph J, Harris Millers Ha adioCo. Chocolate Covered Best Pink of Mbldlrtown dicil of \v tumping ((Hij;h within :i few ilay:i of car.h oth- Cherries . Ib box 35c oi. A cli 1 Id of Mm, Mary Taylor, "The Best in Radios" who lived In the ;sanie huuuc, tiled of Hershey's Chocolate (.111 CltllK the niinin *N;iea;sc' Minn Jennie Ilynr of Colt'fi Neck, n Kisses . . . Ib39c t'i'ihf'i' In thr Ocrank1 public IH-IIOOI. 33 WEST FRONT ST. Phone 1140 RED BANK, N. J. 1 •i':niil !)'•:• Job on nccRrl«ncdl Mechanics Modern Equipment Htlies. George Smith and John 8. found dead in bed by the child's Tho Paper That Goes Home. teenth birthday. l The Register has tho largest cir- Complete slucb of materials. Balnton. mother. culation of any country weekly in the Tho Perry Ryan placo at Fair Ha- Six Porrterinn dogs owned by Dnn- United State. It Is cherished tin u 35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. Twenty yearo Ago. ven was bought by Benjamin John Icl Gracey of Fair Huvcn wore Killed member of the family circle.—Adver- J. Edward Allalio of Borden street Parker for $8,000. Mr. Ryan had ar- by being poisoned. tisement, COTCS vmlfik died at the ajo of M yoara. For tonranged to go to Australia on a the- years ho was a captain of steam- atrical tour and this was the reason boats plying between Red Bank and ho sold the place, New 'York. Later ho became a New A house and lot on the Nutawamp York pollcoman and subsequently he road owned by James H. Bennett Dont Neglect-. moved to nod Bank and opened a was sold for $3,700 to Alfred C. Mur- butcher shop at the1 corner of Broad (HI. Tho house had been built fif- and lifechanlu otreeta. He leff a teen ynara previously by Charles J. Intestinal Hygiene daughter and a,-Boh, Mrs. T. H. Cros- M. Smith. sloy and John T. Allaire, both of Mlea Bertha J. Wllber and Charles whom lived at New York, J. Parker, both of whom formerly Hygem! The biggest eel ever caught In tholived at Tlnton Falls, were married Shrewsbury river vms.acml hv E:'..cr-.-J bisai> tousetesDlns ot Ottawa. Waro tt*iWKln», nun UI juaeim AIDert Illinois, wnere jur. I'&rker nau a HEN you are low in health Throckmorton Hawkins of Fair Ha- ranch. , , W—generally indisposed and ven. Tho eel weighed Hi poundu, Mlsa Winifred Archer, daughter of always seem to be tired—the trouble The boy got hlo big name through' Mis. O. M. Archer of Front street, tho fact that his father, Patrick Haw- and William Smock, son of Jamos may reside in the intestines. kins, was, employed for many years R. Smock of Broad street, were mar- by Jooeph Albert Throckmorton. ried by Rev, H, Kldgley Hoblnaon. Practice Intestinal Hygiene , Mr. and Mra. Patrick R. Kelly of C. T. Mount, who kept a grocery -r-with Hygetn — and see Everett celebrated their fiftieth wed- store at Mlddletown, gave boxing lea- ding anniversary. Mr. Kelly was 73sons to a large class of Mlddletown Pairs of Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords. how much better you feel. years old and Mrs. Kelly was sev-youths. Some of the students after- enty years old. At the celebration ward became noted amateur fighters. All Styles—in Black and Brown Suede, Patent Leather, Gun Hygem improves the intestinal two mortgages were burned which An Italian-American business men's tract—cleans it and keeps it clean. It bad been on their farm several years. league was formed at Red Bank metal and Reptile. All Sizes. The Gideon & Daly farm at Holm- with Michael Canaona as president, creates new vitality—new standards del waa sold at auction to Ernest W. Raphael Santangclo vice presldeht of bodily health, and its benefits arc Brown of New York for $50,250. Tho and Dominic A. Mazza treasurer. Get Them They Last usually felt within thirty days. sale waa made to settle the estate Tho Holy Namo society of Rumoon , of John Daly, who had been In part- elected Edward O'Brien president, Not habit forming—but a good ! nershlp with David Gideon In raising Thomas Sweeney vice president, Wil- -and training race horses. liam H. Hlntelmann secretary and habit to form. Get your first bottle at Theodore Pafsons, son of Rev. JoBeph Widley treasurer. the drug store today. Dwlght L. Parsons of Shrewsbury, Grandvln V. Johnson ct Highlands was laid up with grip. Theodore awarded a contract to William Ask your doctor if you like—he waB the official street lamp-lighter of Hewitt of th,at place for a new drug A PAIR knows the importance of Intestinal j Shrewsbury and while he was laid up store building; at the corner of Bay Hygiene. hla brother Reginald took over tho avenue and- Miller street. '•" ' lamp-lighting Job. Tho Henry H. Curtis hou3e and lot John Eyles of Entontown, while at on Borden street, which had been INTESTINAL HYGIENE work as an expressman- at Bayonne, bought by B. O, Rldgway of Broad Improving the intestinal tract Injured his hand BO badly and sostreet, was sold to Elmer Mitchell of and keeping it in a clean and much flesh had to bo out from It that Atlantic City for J8.425. tho surgeons' declared that he would Cecelia Boldo was so badly beaten healthy' condition forms the not be able to use the hand again. at a party that she died. Charles lirople but important practice of Tho Thomas W. Ryall farm, a Bowles, who had taken her to the Intestinal Hygiene. Write Bloom- short distance west of Colt's Neck, party, was arrested, charged with field laboratories (or your free was bought by William P. Fettes of her death. New York for .$28,000. The place was copy of a booklet on intestinal for many years regarded a3 tho fin- Edith Brown, daughter of Ida and hygiene. Iti author, a medical est show farm In Monmouth county Ellis Brown of Fair Haven, died of authority, presents the focti in A. man named William Jordan cre- consumption at the age of two years. > clenr, non-technical manner. ated a disturbance on Wharf avenue. She had been in poor health since Policeman Dav!d~H. Bray undertook birth. a You Can Start Today to arrest him and It took Mr. Bray The Charles B. Willis place on the Shoes For Everybody " and six other officers to uubduo Mr. Nutswamp road, near Quigley's To Feel Better Jordan and put him In the lockup. bridge, was bought for $ll>°00 by Mrs. Susan E. Robblns of RedGeorge C. TUyou, of Coney Island. Bank, aged 85 years, died of old age. A horse owned by Patrick Carton She left three children, Mrs. J. Frank of Everett got fast in Its stable' in Patterson and Captain William Rob- such a manner that It could not be blns of Red Bank, and Charles Rob- released and it had to be shot. blns, who lived In the West. Waiter I. Hayncs. eon of Edwin and Lydla Haynes of Eatontown, died Mrs. Mary Jahe Truex, wife of OC consumption. Ho waa 34 years old LABORATORIES C4cbrge Washington Truox of Eant and left a widow and one son. . BloomflelcJ New Jersey Oceanic, who had been suffering Mabel E. Gardner, daughter of Wal- OVER from delusions for .a year or more. ter Gardner of Shrewsbury avenue, OVER

S5 2 U. S. G. STORES U. S. G. STORES TH V E D . Offer Offer Qreater Values Qveater Values This Week This Week Sale Iffee&ve Sal® Effsetlv© Feb. 20tla to 2®tli t®

widens its lead in Hellman's Blue Ribbon Nowrishinj? Serve Hot wilh Meals Regular 25/ VALUE Jar Fancy Large FULL SIZE g>HtJNES 3Os'4Os ALLWAY, S a conspicuous value leader, thefu//- Beautiful Cahe Plate FREE rizc Plymouth now embodies additional advance- FLAG PiMEAPPLE Fancy Quality Large Pkgs. ments designed to carry still higher the "Plymouth C ideal of introducing fine-car features into the field No. V/2 Large Can 2|i| HecJcer's cuise® of lowest-priced motor cafe SNiDEE'S CATSUP 1 lb. Can Now, more than ever before, the Improved 11 or. Bottle Plymouth can be compared with high-priced cars The Household Cleaner and Cleanser in full-size comfort, smartness, spirited perform- Small Pkg. Large Pkg. ance and long trouble-free operation. Packages ; MY.T When you sec and drive the Improved Plymouth CORN STARCH Duryea's PINE Dessert you get an altogether new and different impression Pie Filling Package of what remarkable strides recently have been made in lowest-cost motoring. SAM1 FLUSH A CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT Can £t Tet ley's Orange Pekoe Fine Qreen Mountain Stock International ZKM Daws' Pure Free Running or Wliite AND UP P. O. D, DETROIT 16 oz. Bottle Cmfi,$6s5; Rudsttr faith rumUt n*t),$6jsi i-Dnr StfiH, . • $6751 Touring,,'$69$j Dt Ltixi Ctuf* (with ramhlt itti),$6psi '.'.,. KRAFT CHEESE Genuine 4-Dotr Sedan, ,$69$; Dt Luxi Sidtn, $745. All pricti f. t. t. CanB Yellow ^«c I White Dtirtit, Pljrniuth Jtihn rxlini the ttavialente ef tints ptjmints. lb l e. s. ©. American -S5 Swiss AMERICA'S L O W E ST • PRICED FULL • S,1 Z E CAR e G©FFEE LEADER COFFEE "Surprisingly Qaod" Thi Improved Plymouth models exhibited at the AuttmobiU Show are Now on Display also at Dialer Showrooms 1 lb. Pkjj. <*l*iM: llkTin «® SJRANK VANSYCKLE , JOHN II. BunNS, Hgr. I40-1B1 VV, front St. Tolnphnno 1200. ,),„ Branch of Perth Araboy. "Specially Baked and Balanced for Slicing" Pace Ten K£D BANK K&U1STER, FEBRUARY 19, 1980'. iilcnt of the Long Branch board of ley Beach, wlUow of Richard Mc- BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. education, succeeding Henry D. Brin- Neeiey, died at Miami, Florida, Tues- loy. who resigned. Rev. Morton A. day of last weo'k. Sha was one-of WHITE DIAMOND HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN Barnes was appointed a member of tho best known real estate agents at the board of education to fill the va- Bradley Beach. Three daughters BRAND MOMHOUTH COUNTY. cancy caused by Mr. Brinley'a resig- survive her. nation. A Costly Ride. 1'ersoiial fJotes, Sales of Property, Against Sunday Movies. Mr. and Mis. William Brown of Building Operations. Lodge. Do- The Long Branch commissioners Inwood, New Yoi-lc. were fined $01 lugs, Slight Fires, Blrtlm, Mar- last week received a potitlon signed at Freehold last week. Mrs. Brown riages and Deaths—Other Iteints. by members of St. Luke's Methodist was charged with driving a car with- A perfectly emulsified quality Louis Cantor of Bayonne, who be- church protesting against Sunday out a license and Mr, Brown for product—clean, delicious un Contains no filler to thicken. Edward Hughes of Long Branch, of Whltcsvillc, \ve3t of Asbury Park, 'Sketches of Monmouth County." han lircn awarded the contract for last week the Neptune township Ihe books are being distributed free —Has no oily (aslo. committeo was denounced as neglect- and may bo had by applying 1 alnthifr and decorating the Astor IT'S DWFURENT. theater at New York, which is owned ing that section of tho township. A to tho office of tho freeholders in tho

•Y.-.II... FfJ-UO'TON 31 NOW .MIVRTISCH tit I ".. In G,;l !, N,i. K.f,'j«/-nlcrMD[R T. Wll-Ttl,pU-,, itft'H 4000


CHUYSLEIl MOTORS PRODUCT s tiw ptmee IMSM km&a gt emtl§ reduced! I The new Chevrolet Six la enjoying the —weather - proof internal - expanding greatest public reception ever given a four-wheel brakes, with front and rear New Low Prices ! Chevrolet car. For It offers "scores of drums tightly enclosed. Rain or shine; new improvements and refinements when you put your foot down, you stop! The Itoadsler ^495 that make It a finer car In every way. l'he Phaeton 5495 Yet it sells at greatly reduced prices! —larger full-balloon tires, a new clutch B The Sport EoadBtcr_?555 and a stronger transmission! THE L«WEST«IL B81ie:iEBB BSfittHT IK THE WORLD Tho Coach S565 Consider a few of the extra-value Tho Coupe. features that Chevrolet has Incorpo- —quieter,' stronger; more beautiful Weeks ago,lending newspaper:! of performance that set them priced Eight in the world —a rated In this greatest of all Chevrolets Fl8herbodlcs—wlthriclierupholsterles; were informed of a linslcrions wrilingcoliuniiK oi jiriiifie about oar that cornea before the pub- The Sport Coupe $655 Tho Club Sedan ?g25 —a smoother, flashier six-cylinder more distinctive colors, and wider; < '• new ciglit-cvlimlcr <"ir whieli a now motor car whose- very lic on the wings of a nation- 1 wh9 performing almost imrcil- Maine was still n pcorot. Now is wide chorus of expert approval The Scdnn -^675 valve-in-head motor, with Its capacity deeper seato! ible feats on llie groat natural revealed the name of thai mys- and commendation. Tho Sedan Dellvory.^595 increased to 50 horsepower! proving ground in tin- sleep lerious oar — the oar they pro- Light Delivery S365 Every factor has been considered that claimed n poiisntion. It is the On the basis of overwhelming —a stronger, more durable rear axle, inouiitiiiiiH of lVniii'vh iinin. dollar value, tho new He Soto Chassis __ - with Increased gear ratio! would add to the safety, comfort and new dirvsler-iniilt Do Sola 1!4 Ton Chassis $520 convenience of the Chevrolet owner. Out of curiosity, and sensing a Straight Light —the low;:, t- Straight Eiglit,bcyond all doubt, news filory, milomoliilr rditorn is an outstanding in the eight- Mi Ton Chassis —four Lovejoy hydraulic shock cylinder field as its famous • With Cab absorbers—assuring a smooth, even,' Come in today. Sec this greatest of all hurried to the mountains to in- All prices (. 11. Ii. fnclory vestigate. There tlioy joined ill companion car, the Dc Soto . Flint, Mlchlfiill comfortable ride over any road! Chevrolets! actual driving tests under con- Six, is outstanding in the field ditions of llii'ir own sclri-lion. of nixes. Every comparison THE They saw and experienced fonts j'iallerahlv verifies this fact. CHE IRJ

E Hi II T '-fcED BANK MOTOR CO. . Sec the new Dc Soto Straight Eight and I)c Soto Six nt the Automobile Show Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank Telephone 1720 CONSOLIDATED MOTOR SALES CORPORATION ' VAN HISE MOTORS. Inc, 127 WEST FRONT STREfiT, RED BANK, N. J. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. Phone 810, , S I X I THE RANGE OF T H B, FOUR RED BANK REGISTER,'FEBRUARY 39, 1980. Eleven LACKAWANNA 15IU MI) HANK nil) of Long Branch was damaged by flic <;KO. Mil I M, 1,1)1!, (, I , ln»t vycdncsdy afternoon. The blaze civn. i • i.u.tii. \ ui .mivnost, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. started from a gmss fire and it w&s l«SI(«l«r>'l,(., 1 U..I llnnW N, J, soon put out by the firemen. 1)11. It. /\ M.V1N.H. (Continued from last page.) I 1< I M 1 II 1 Illltm p V!| UK, Long Urancb Man Dead. 12» t)u. J Slit. I It ,1 Bo,,!,, N, i. Mrs, Grace W. Chccver at HairlKon M. West, a Lonjj 13ruiifVi II mi K \>t I II )• I < ()IHr» j GETTY, burfr, was txct{\iittod !a«t week on a painter, who was injured last fall IJiKI) < l»l UN, charge' of ieuulng a worthless cheolc when fi potof white Icfld f^H on hM M f 1111 I I to Bamuel B. King of Freehold, aa feot, died Friday- Hn ia aurvived liy j art payirt^n.t-?ffiiiS:. an automobile. ti widow and three sons. BUILDERS Mra, .Cheievcr testified tha,t the check ttiuwi » HI HI II. \$0•"pro-dated and nha ilsknd Mr. Carpenter Injured. "i A. D. Clark of Occnn Grove, a t:ar- R. II1J , li.i..,,l '-hrol, 1|itiitiltriiilit. ) New Yoilt City. Red Bank, N. J. promissory not P. fcialurday WCBIC while wotldng on din i I'l.SUlIKU A *'»lffm- Jlwml IJHUVI JjaKi'd nnd piiuk- if the skull while playing basketball CIVIL n.Mr;iNi.:i:it ANH SIIIIVKYOB. it'the school.last week. He was IIIO.KI btuct Natjim.il liuitli Kiiildiiig, CCUC3—bislicstcICoilH-^-tlic Jji'iit liifiid. H^IMI in modem furlorias—of Vcul Estate Sold. / > Hid Ilnnli, N. J. alien tfl the Long Branch hospital. IIIH lvhitcitt nnd richest flour. Mm Minnie Shaekler hos bought PiTuMotm ton^H'il. lVrfect aa Aliury Parker's Ueuth. the Joseph Sllverson estate at 33onl IU:M m, SIMICCON ihirk nVn't.H for Jiuiigry diil- Edward J, Farren, who had been lor $50,000, The house has eighteen \ M llru.iil SliLct, lliMirr llulldlni, rooniH and nix bafha, and in fully Hooin^ 4, b mid 6. drcii. Ine-iii;in liiiilni' t.r;tili'i- with crawler tyl<« banulias.ilkrd and tov.-re.! with in.-ivinv- Joseph Tall man, nineteen, and Jos-partment. The election will be held niilse, between (unified rilices nf Ohoy ; K ph Sasaano, seventeen, both of Long in April. lent. ;uul .•uil iili.< .'i"'l |.||;ill lult IllclllilE n while trend optcml with iicnm dicc C loficneilwltlt the cream. Jranch, admitted to the police last l»i;ifiiiiT Ji.iiil.ii,... Th... ;-i;iilcr nliall hnv. William H. MacDonald of Free- .-, it/,.: t wi.li'ln „( in.t Ic-.i4 Uinn ton thon- eck that they had net two buildings hold, haH been appointed chairman I lip.ml i.mii.il... i.r,,- rliliil cniil Wright HMnnl ii fire last November. They said of a committee to conduct a drivo . I tl;iili:.'!l illnu^Ltnl |.i.iill.U. It Plinll.li* We also deliver direct to your door-Write the haker! icy did it to obtain a thrill. ! rcul.i.oil "itli nil.livr tirc.i tin- H» friilit. for funds Tor a new gymnasium at. j livii.cli v.itli il.-uu liitl-lo HIOKI flniurei HII.I octur I>.CB at Hospital. Rutgers university, which will coal | I with » [..iwrjor. Krc.-inifit,' i.l.-tdc. "Ihe M»l HEXTER BAKING CO. Dr. Max M, Lewson of New York, I l.nl.lii- "I tlm •I'..uii!.hl|. Cmnmlttco room« , well known heart 'specialist, died Death from Grip. j ; ii, tin- l"un h:\li nt. CultVi Neck. Mnntnoiitli it the Matawan hospital Tuesday of Mra. Susan Douglas) of Oalthurst, i nl" !:;I'(I'<',VIIII'!. I'.M. sl'iiuilimi time.' Ulili ast week shortly aBtcr being re- died Thursday after a few days sick- i iiMi-i lie i.nrlnvi.ii In .ctilcil cnvnl»i«> »•'• loved from a T^akewood train. Death ness of grip, She was 8G years old ' .ln-^cil t(. tli(> 'I'LWii.hit. C.nimlttcc <>C At- as due to a heart attack. ! !:'titi<: 'i'.i.viKliii'. C'llfii Nc<'l:, Now.Jprftov. and leaves two daughters and a son. l.i:nin-.' nil tile nul.iiffo I !to IlitlilB nilil ail- Monmouth Reach Woman Dead. !,lu':ii uf the l.iilili.r. nilil must, he •lollVBm I Pjidlochcd. ;i! iht1 phei; aiiil tilrlti !ilmve rufflrrpit 1i». Mrs. Catherine C. Woolley, widow A store at South Belmar conducted 1 lllll 111'].,!! 1)1' ;in-..lll|'.-Utjctil liy II COltillC'l f Captain Joel R. Woolley, died at by Lewis Reynolds nnd Frank T THINK that to diffuse thorough and .•li.-ck in ;-. limi f,'|ii;il t.j tun iitirrcnt i.f home at Mcnmoutb Beach laat N.ipolitano lias been padlocked lor II,.. :iiM,,ur,l I.J.I ni. i.lali.,1 in llio uronnuil, IS THE TIME Wednesday. She is survived by'four |.,ij.-ilili. in I Ii.. i,r.li.r-c,r WIIUIT I). "floltM. violating the prohibition act. Oil. i.r Hie T.mivilii|> i.r Allaiillr. The funeral was held at her to get this new .tune Saturday morning'. A Coming Wedding, liKln In t.-jt't any mill all lii.U if ilocmnii The wedding of Miss Ruth Robin- accurate knowledge of all the.relevant In !hr l.c:-t intLMX':Us nf llio 'i'l'W tlBlli|i »n iiH-ree Uonrd Officers. son and Stanley Foster, both of ix Finesold, a Freehold lawyer, "li.-'',.,cl,.r of Ilii- TmvimWp Cmmlllmi Electric Waffle Iron Fjeehold, will take place Saturday,-') nf Ilii. •l.iMHi.liii. ..f Atl.illllc:, Ciiiinly ot • bchi elected president of the March 15th. •hanibcr of commerce of that place. i. ..ov (J/.-^Yifin I,. HANCE, fames A. McMahon Js vice president, facts upon which public opinion should be for only .... $Q5O Allcnt:' W. Klrkman secretary and GIRLS WANTED WM.TKU D. FIEI.ns. Clerk, ll.-itn.l J'olii II-I ry III, 1!>;'.O. Bertram Birch treasurer. to fill ponitiona (n our beauty shops. Convenient heat indicator enables you to icll at a glance when iVuntT'ci for Murder. EARNINGS $35—575 WKBKJLY. formed is the highest function of ;i news- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT this iron is ready for baking. UwUct containing 48 dclicioul Daniel John.'ion, colored, was ar- K:it:it« nf A«!dlo Kiiicslmry, OceetiHCd. Sleaily employment—refined protcsnjon— Noit^n in hiM'uby Kivrn that tho arcountfi WgfSercc/fies free with every iron. K-.'.t'jf-r price .•JI2.5O. ifistcd at FreehoHl Saturday wee'e Short train ing course qualifies. nf Uii' iiiili M:ri!»'f:j, e.\e*'iitoir3 ut the estata within an hour after he had arrived ol* sniii viU lit; auilltoil Rtut Easy payments. Day, evening classes now hryfm- ni.v . Il!i.-r ;.>—'V•/',;•; . TWO. tJur::1. I 'i'1li .1.;ii'jy i»f last week to ' HISNUY McDERMOTT, • K:. i'.'. '.VAN ; 1)0 nmiifli AVP., ited Hank. N. J. 1 Wn:\ . i ' ."'.-•:*.• Jr., of Newark. After MARINELLO SlDXtiY OHASEY, A. Kaltncr, I.-. I'.; . IJ;iln Street Si Went- ?iilo AvoniiP, Kcd Dnnk, N. J. G. H. HIIITIK. I "i ',I:rlll Slrrat. v. i[t, the couple will make i Sjslem ot Ucauly Culture M(u. r.;..;j i\\. Newark. ' . | AUSTON IIKKICMAN, KM.., i:i-:i) HANK Dcpt. 98 33 W. 46th St.. N. Y. Bryant 0172 praise and imitation. lU-tl ldtnk, N. J., I « Allen's Ulciliii: Slnij), IH VVIilli! St. i-v, ;' • • •' •* r.Ir.nagcr. ]''. V. Jtolil, Hi--,.HI mi:) I'KMII H(N. 1' " 'y\\y, wlio 1ms been em- NOTTCE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT _ _ Kstfita oE EllMbath'T. Giljerson. deceased. NOTICE: OI' SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ('. II. NimK Hi WliUn .St. li •, • I '''••) ' *.l:iyfair theater at As- Notice is hereby given that the accounts K;'i;tU> (ti Kinii-c V- WliilljiUm'. llrnnil Sired. f ;':.• .;.. . :ul theater at Freehold, tato oC said deceased, will be rtuditeJ and oi" HIP Biil>K-rilu;i\ Um)tce of tho caLate of i slated by tho Surrocato of the County ot ^iiiil i]ci-''n."(il, will lio\jiu»lltcd onil alatet Also From Voiir Nearest Llghtlns Company OOlco. slier'"'Y •; K- ^. Harrison, who hasMonmouth and repo&ted for ecttlemcnt to liy the .Sun-unai'; nt tlio County vt Mmi- reUir'v.i u* L,:i!:o\vooii. tlio Orphans Court of nnicl County, on m'diitii. ami i-cijor(ci( fur scttloniCftf to the Thursday, tho twcnly-aeventh (lay of l'cb* Oi-pliam ".'ourt uf uald C'onnLy, on'Thuric bpii'iiccl :-i'Iim»l Election. ruary, A. D. 1930, nt which timo arplicn- i!;«\-. thn lAt-nticih iluy' VC Mnrrh, A, II. tinn will bo mnde for tho allowance of com- I'.ntu. ,it, which tiiiir npiiUrntlan will 1)0 Klnv:i r.'iiJidjitos ran for five va- missions nnd counsel fees. niiuli1 fur i h« JLIIIIWJULCO «f commiaslonH ianclf i o:i tlic Matawan board of Dated January 20. A. P. 1U30. nri'l I'IMIIUTI feea. ' : itlucation la tit week. The election WILUAM II, ELY, l);il..l I-Vhriinry Oth. A. ». U!30. •KENMOBIi WAFFLE IRON(Hcatlndicating) 38 RccklciB place, Red Dank, i 111 H1MI1 IKbSl COMl'ANY. waa a upiritcd one and over 500 votes Summit, N. I. were cast. Mrs. Julia B. Davis wad high with a vote of 507. A Miscellaneous Shower. Mrs. Louis JIuhn of Long Branch Kfive a miscellaneous shower am! bridge party last week for Miss Bea- trice Cooper of Monmouth Beach, NOW whose engagement to Alfred J. Knnis has been announced. Hcturn from California. 16th ANNUAL &XIH Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A, Blackwelt nave returned to I heir farm at Georgia Hchoolhousc, after .spending the past four years in California. After -L lengthy stay here, they will return to California. Killed In Full. Nicholas Halco," seventeen, of New- ark, was almost instuntly killed' lay', Auto week when lie fell Worn a truck ami .anded on a railroad crossing In Nep- tune township. He suffered a frac- tured skull. 6 lvory*t\ntcd School 1'lnna Dropped. Dinner Plates All pinna for school improvements In Freehold township liavo been dropped. Thn voters turned down a ..imposition of erecting a new school nnd naked that tho present schools be enlarged. lspcctiil Armory. Lieut. Harry M. Burltn nnd Chap- Jain C, P. Knwlon of the Freehold medical company went to Atlantic Ci!y last week with repular army of- flcorp, who inspected the armory a! that place. i Huttl un a 1'iivni. .Federal RKOIUS visited a farm ncn" Matawan last. Wednesday and found two titiUn in o|>erntion, as well tin a quantity of materials. They arrested a niHii who ;;ave hlfj nnmr us Mlt'hnel JS coupons Lawnik. ank HESE nix dinner Tplaten nrcscmi-punc jrreKnnuin Harold Hoffman lina l,un»ivo^-tin[cJk udvisod Lhfit tho war dopnrt- with a lovely inent propoHPR to dredge thn chnnnL'l The annual Red Bank Auto and Motor Boat Show will r^-dvciie until Saturday night, Feb- d f In Koyport hnrlior next, spring pro- vided tho ntri'ssury fundti arc uppro- ruary 22d. See the newest designs in cars and motor !' <> ";. and acquaint yourself with( prtatctl. Boy Fell Thi'miRi! lcr». what the motor industry is doing in the way of improving <>M models and creating new ones. John Caiinonn, nix torn, of Asbnry 1'nrk, plunged through tliln ice on ' Inlto Inut Wcdnesdny. Ho wan ^^&lSfe^^ ll.li .prrlil crrtlficatn nnrtli 15 ffiiipnnt vthen prrif ntcil In rut ottiancn wltli l>ult(Hl out. liy Ihrinrn nnd nftnr lir- : rules printed In tho certificate. Htad them carefully. ft Klvrn fliMt, aid, \vnn takrn lo hla Meet Your Friends at the Armory home. ( IciuihiiV l'liifd TAplmlcft. A can of clrnnlnR fluid exploded in • . ••• • •' • • This Is A'Neighborhood Show' ITnrry Hchlo.^nbdch'ii hoiiao nt TJrad* ley Tlrnrh lust woplc nnd atartpd » flro which caiiMcd fthfiut $10D worth of flnmfigc* to thn hounr nnd ftiriilnli- iu[jf). • . . " ,.. ' ADMISSION 25 CENTS ActrcsfJ Wedn Artist. Misa Mario Hlmpaon of Nf\v York city, nn nc(rc"!i \vus ninniod lufit 9 wct-k to Arthur Myron, nil iirtbt ami Auspices Monmouth County Automohih* balers Association I'rrwnt t:iin|inn.s to uemit lirliiw

Turbans Are Smart or South A

This, Of Fine, - Presenting the Soft Tricot, Is One of our stylists, just returned from the south, points out that the turban which is Earlhsi Spring still Winter's smartest millinery here, is ex- ceedingly important in tho balmier climes. This dainty tricot model, shown in lovely pastel and street shades, often haa smart little satin bows at the back.

George Washington's Coach BTKIKBACHS—Second Floor ffroni an old print) SILKS The lather of his Country was proud ol thin carriage. It was ilie llnest rxnmplc of the ciKicli-mukvr'a art ol that time. Prints, Of Course! Three Distinctive Tiu: lines! example of modern wisdom Is the. man who regularly HC(S asido a portion ot hia Weaves. Many, Many Beautiful Patterns! n an Interest-bearing Huvlngs account. A compound Interest account ut tho Broad Street National Hank ntamls you In good stead hi emiTKcni'lts. Withdrawals may bo mado at Printed Georgette Crepe, Yd. $2.50 any Both georgette and those sheer, exquisite chiffon weaves in this group. Every thread pure Drapery Atelier silk . .. and the patterns include all those small and large designs in such h'itfi favor. 39 inches wide. . ' " . Saturday—9 to 12 Noon. renders superior service with Printed Crepe de Chine Printed Silk Rajah spring decorating problems THE BROAD STREET Yd. $2.00 Yd. $2.29 A PHONE CALL will summon our representative to Superior quality crepe de chine, these heavy, •*"* your home to advise you concerning new fabrics NATIONAL BANK A popular fabric in a new manner. 3G-1nch and color harmonies, measurements, hanging, and soft finish fairies in the modern, small pal- Rajah silk in all those patterns that charac- terns for Spring frocks. 30 inches wide; upholstering difficulties To take tlie whole problem terize the new season. Pure dye weaves. of Spring decorating from your hands, if you so desire.

Estimates without olillgntlon—1'liono Anbury Park 4009 VOLUME LII, NO. 34.. jWeakly, (filtered as Second-Glaus Matter at the Post- o£0c© a,t itcJ Bank, N. J.( under the Act et Moreb S, 187&. RED BANE, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 13 TO 2G. combined geniality and sportsman-' THE AUTOMOBILE SHOW. JAS.B. WEAVER; DEATH. ship of the highest type. He was al- BIG COflW GATHERING. MORE WESTSIDE LIGHTS. SERIES OF AUCTIONS. ways a magnanimous winner, or To be Held at Auction House Three AIDING THE JOBLESS. A SPECIAL VALUE SALE. ATTENDANCE AT ARMOHY IK AN OLD-TOIK ME1»| HANKI5E cheerful loser. In hfa younger days , This Week. fib owned B&llboats and took part in AMERICAN LEGION AUXIUAR- A PETITION FROM THE 1-ISOl'LE MELTING HELU 1 KfsTliKDAV AT THHEE-DAV KVKNT AT KKJ1 ' LAROEB THAW LAST YEAH. rASSES AWAY.. water sports, but his chief hobby was IES MET AT HED BANK, OF THIS SECTION. A series of auction sales will be lecboatlng. It waa a great satlsfac- held at the Reil Bunk auction looms HEU BANK, BANK NKXT WJiiEK, tlie Annual Exhibit of the Monmouth L'onmioiliiro Weaver Died Monday tlon (o him to seo the world's cham- Business, Sociability, Entertainment It Was Presented* at the MeeUng of Thursday, Friday and Satuiday of Sxle W|! lro County Automobile- Dealers' Asso- Night nt tlio Long Brilnch Hospi- pionship pennant come- back to Red and a St. Valentine's Feast Fea- tho Mayor and Council Monday this week. The articles lo be sold H'OJB of Solving Unemployment Sit- «" Cuniliirtwl l/nfcr Hup* comprise antiques, furniture and tuition Discussed by CountyKepre- ervlslon of Internal Trade trim. ciation In in Full Swing »nd Will tal In His 77fh Year—tho Funeral Bank. Mr. Weaver had an almost tured tho Meeting—Ked Bank Unit Night—A Volo of Thanlu for the __....:-- - mitten of Chamber of Cummereio Close- Next Saturday Night. Will bu Held Tomorrop-. uncanny ability for remembering Eisner Estate. household goods from the OEtatos of Bc'ntntlvcs—To Ask l'ollco Depart- to Make 10,000 1'opplcn. Helen C, Hope and Washington L. nicnts lo Aid in finding Julis. Moro Than Thlrly Subscribe. Janice Benjamin. Woajf'cr. ono of figures when he measured ills cus- Tho. auto show at tha Rnd Bank tomers for clothes. On a number Moro than 100 members of ladles' The people of West Red Bank want Hope of Shrewsbury, tho hardware A meeting to help the army of TIIE Red Bunk merchants' fl armory, which Is tho annual exhibit tho oldest and best kno\jm losldcnts auxiliaries of American legion posts moro street lights. A largely signed stock of the storii recently conducted of Itcd Bank; died veiy suddenly of occasions his customers expressed unemployed, wl^ich is greater this Value S.tle," which will be held of the Monmouth county automobile wonderment because he did not make of Monmouth county enjoyed the petition to this effect was presented by J. Trafford Allen, furniture and winter In Monmouth county than In Thursday, Friday ami Hat.uclny yf dealers* association, Is In full awing, Monday night at tho Lj>ng Branch hospitality of tho Red Banlc auxili- by Dominlck Muzza and Nathan fixtures from the Lido restaurant at hospital. Ho was takeij' nick eight note of their measurements. Mr. a number of years, was held yester- next week promises to bo 0111* cf t|i$ Despite that snowstorm tho attend- 1 Weaver nlways replied that If the ary at a county mcetlng| In the so- Cohen at the meeting of the mayor Long Branch and accessories from ance haB boon larger than last year. Jayii ago. His ailment iflkl not yield day afternoon in (he Monmouth l>est apco/al salen over hold by tlm clothes did"not fit ho would not only cial hall of the Red Bank Presbyter- and council Monday nlRht. Mr. the stock of the- Ideal supply com- county soclul service organization's !llccl Bank merchantn If co-opnimInn Last night 1,400 persona visited tha readily to treatment and; ho was re- give them to I1I3 customer but would ian church Friday afternoon. Tho Mazza, and Mr. Cohen said' that ad- pany of East Front street. Much of nl0 s gliow and Maurlca Schwartz, mana- moved to tho hospital ibn Sunday. building on I'carl alrci't. The meet-1 "" -inythlng. More thatan thirty also give another Bult which would county ban nine units and each was ditional llghtH are pupeclally needed this materinl in in exceptionally fine ing was called by John JL. Mont- ger of Iho show, feels confident that All day Monday ho sojlmed io be lit. He never had to give away a represented. The attendance was the on Shrewsbury avenue, which is be- condition and luis bee...... n. —set „,..-apar.t hoiuiua havo paid 111 ftfUiefiV a now attendanco record will Be set much Improved, but at night ho was gomery, executive eecrctary of thn mcntH for the general advcWMng ex- slnglo garment. His memory of largest which has ever been present coming more and moro a business^from the regular merchandise of th iiocial service organization. This penses of tho ia!o and almost ovory this year. Tho show will closo Sat- taken with a sinking spell and ho measurements was always perfect. at. such a meeting. The guests \^ street. They stated that a great va- urday night of this week. died a few minutes Intoh The un- auction house. Fred W. Hope is winter the organization has received one of these houses will carry apnchtl Tlio funeral of Commodore Weaver rcclvcd by Mrs. Leon do la Reu.-s- riety of lights Is la Use In West Red executor for Helen C. and Washing no many appeals for help from men Individual announcements of their Tim biff Armory arena presents an oxpcc.tcd end wau a great ijihock to sllle, Mrs. William W. Rhampanore Bank and that there should be a L. Hope and he lias assisted Leo Ber- attractive scene with Its splendid ar- relatives and friends, j]. will bo held tomorrow afternoon at and Mrs. J. B. Rue. Each unit gave out o." work that Mr. Montgomery respective stores In tho local papoiii. half-past two o'clock at tho Baptist uniform system of lighting. They low, proprietor of the auction house, considers tho situation scriuus. Hn Tho sale will bo conducted under ray of cars of all kinds. One of tho Mr. Weaver wao In life 77th year. reports on work and activities for the said that in many Instances the lights In arranging the antiques for tho obJectB of tho. show Is to give the He was a son of Jolinj IS. Weaver church. Rev. Edward W. Mllllor past month, as did also tho county Invited citizens from various parts will preach tho sermon. Members of were too small and too far apart to sale.' George H. Roberta will be the of the county to attend the meeting prospective buyer an, opportunity of and he was born December Glh, chairman of each unit. The reports bo of muoh service, auctioneer. Peeing the various models at tho same 1854, on Mechanic utrcotj' Red Bank. the regatta- committee of the North showed very encouraging conditions. in an endeavor to find relief for the of commerco Tlio special value of- Shrewsbury Iccyacht club will bo the Tho request won referred to the jobless. ferings of the merchants will be In- tlmo to make a comparison of prices, His father wao a nativo jof England. At the close of tho meeting Jean light committee. Councilman J. A. appearance nnd quality. Tho cars John K. Weaver died Vfhcn James bearcr3. They aro Augustus M. Mln- Outstanding among the numerous vestigated by the Internal trodo com- ton, Robert Proddow, James Clay- Smith and Bcvcrlcy Bremer, two lit- VanSchoik said the complaint about mittee to niDko certain that every at tho armory represent the lies', B. Weaver wao a boy.jj Jamca B. TRYING TO SAVEIIOTEL suggestions waa n plan to use the n ton, John L. Hubbard, James H. tle girls of tho Red Bank auxiliary, lights was Justified, especially with police departments of the various mnrrJuint co-operallng ' Ihe rmlo products of the factories. A number Weaver worked In his father's tail- entertained with an acrobatic dancn regard to .Shrewsbury avenue. He of nalcB have been mado nnd tho deal- oring nhop, and at thoj,1 tender age Hubbard and Frank P. > Dlckman. municipalities in tlie county nts a program will have Urn rlfjht Itlnd f>t Burial will bo made at Fair View entitled "Tho Cat Dance." Both said that favorable action should be A MEETING FOlt THIS 1'UBI'OSE means of finding the right men for merchandise and that his ndvertls- ers feel that 1930 will bo a'banner of seventeen ho was lcftlito carry on wore costumes to represent black taken on tho petition. Mayor Wil- n wl nl yonr. this business alone. Ho had con- cemetery. HELD LAST NIGHT; the right jobs. It is Mr. Montgom-|' K " mean what It says In every cats. Later Jean Smith gave a HOIO liam H. R. White said the Jersey cry's opinion that this method would i particular. Two other niodoa of transportation ducted it alnco that limit This cov- toe danco in costumo, entitled "Tho Central power and light company 1 Tlle aro represented In tho arena. Speed ered a period of sixty years and dur- Equestrienne," and Beverley Bremer was making a survey of the lights Those U'lio Attended (ho Mecllng be a great help Jn solving the tin-' business houses that aro co~ ing all of this tlnic ifio business TALK BY SCHOOL HEAD. Bcllcvo tho Prospect Bright That employment problem and in reliev- operating In tills Special Volus Salo boats are exhibited by the lied Bank did a solo toe dance in costume en- of the town and that the survey nro Ackor, Morral & Condlt Co., yacht works and Charles P. Irwln. An was located on tho north eldo of titled "The Fan Flirtation." Both would be completed In a few days. tho Molly Pitcher Will be Kc- ing distress. Under the plan the airplane from tho Itcd Bank airport East Front street, ncarJlWharf ave- opencd Soon. police departments would act a3 a Harold Broolt, J. K. Browncli Hard- SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT AD- children were rewarded with ap- He said the survey might bo of large medium between the employers and ware Co., Clayton & Magoe, Coder is suspended from the center of the nue.' Both In ago and in length of plause for their clever performances. value In solving the needs of West A meeting, of the stockholders and arena. In tho balcony are tho booths service Mr. Weaver wanjiRed Bank's DBESSES rARENT-TEACIIEHS. tho employees. Employers desiring House of Fashion, Nathan Goldbor,". Tho piano accompaniment for the Red Bank with repard to lights. t creditors' cimmittec of tho Molly help would notify the police, stating J. Goldfarb, Robert Hanco & Soi'•. for automobile accessories. Taking oldest business man. Till a distinc- dances was by Mra. Carl E. Bremcr, Councilman James Parkea reported Pitcher hotel was held last night at tho show from every angle visitors tion passed to Mr. Weaver when J. A Pageant Entitled "Tbo Oracle the kind of work and the number Hlrach Klddln Shop, Jersey Centfl 1 Speaks" Was Given La«t Night at music chairman of the Red Bank that the new artesian well 0/1 South the home of Louis S. Lebenthal on Power & IJcht Co,, W. W. Kennedy say it is thn best ever bold by the Trafford Allen, who conducted a auxiliary. Everyone Joined in sing- of employees they need. Those out hardware Etoro on West Front Junior High School—Mrs. William Pearl street for the municipal water Maple avenue to devise means to of Jobs, by asking at tho police de- & Sons. J. ICrlde!, Theodor* Kunzc, automobile dealers' associutlon. Helm Sang Several Solos. ing county auxiliary songs, the word3 plant would soon be finished. The re-open the hotel. The members of Mnx Left'ln, Martin M. Mamlcl, Inc., street, retired from business some of which were written by Mrs. Mur- partment in the locality where they tlmo ago. jj well has, been dug to a depth of more the committee who attended the live, would be apt to find work soon- Albert S. Miller, National Be to $1 William M. Smith of Freehold, ray and set to tunes of old-time pop- than 500 feet. meeting are Mr. Lebonthal, Warren er than if they had to go from place Store, Red Bank Candy Kitchen, Rod Although ho was only;a boy when, county superintendent of schools, ular songs. A vote of thanks was accorded to H. Smock, Martin VanBuren Smock, to place. Bank Register, Red Banlc Standard, RED BANK'S SEJCOUTS. was the principal speaker last night Anthony W. Cristianl and D. R. Hen- he started In business, p&r. Weaver After the music the gathering ad- tho 'Sigmund Eisner estate for the Mayor William H. R. White of Red Heus3llle'3, Ruby-Lano Shop, Schroo- soon acquired the ropulktlon of be- at a meeting of the Red Bank par- journed to the dining hall of tho action of the estate in permitting au- derson. Maurice Schwartz, one of der'a Pharmacy, Sculte-Unltetl, J. :nt-tcacher association at tho junior the members of the committee, was Bank, who waa the only mayor in isOllTH STAB TIIOO® TO HAVK ing ono of Red Bank's leading tail- church, where tables were set with tomobile owners to park their cara tho county present at the meeting, Schwartz, Inc., Silk Shop, Straw) ors!. At his storo on jEaet Front high school auditorium. Mr. Sm|th St. Valentino decorations. At each free of charge on a lot on White unable to be present becauso of his Company, Tetlcy's, Trubln's Station' EXHIBIT AT AKBUBiT HAIXY.' was Introduced by Harry C. Siober, duties with the Red Banlc automo- endorsed the idea and said he would street la a pattern wlilch ho de- place red candles were burning and street owned by the estate. Action do everything possible to put the cry Store, Trubln's Art Kraft Slioppr, signed himself when ho- was In his principal of the Red Bank senior there wao a red box, tied with red has been-taken to havo the parking bile show. Nathan Harris, the ar- White Shoe Co,, F. W. Woolworth Co. Tho Display Will Include a Mudiil high school. of cars on thn lot under police .super- chitect who drp.w the plans for the plan into practice. Capt. Joseph Ship's Bridge nnd n Replica of n father's employment. Thin pattern and sealed with a valentine seal. The Bray of tlio Kcd Bank detective and Ye Oem Shnppc, / was a new wrinkle in [tailoring at A pageant entitled "Tho Oracle boxes wero mado by Mrs. Henry F. vision. hotel, was at the meeting. A num- Stores where special values will l>s Breeches Buuy Apparatus—Signal- Speaks" was presented by Mrs. ber of hotel operators were also pres- force said he would be gla1 d to help ing Exhibition. tho timo it was made, jit had seen Hylin, a member of Red Bank auxil- The ordinance providing for the in any way. Mr. White stated that given will bo designated by a hannfii" continuous service since that period. Charles A. McCIaskey, Mrs. William iary. Each box contained sandwiches, correction of former ordinances re- ent, Strode, Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mrs. the recent appeal of tho Tteo*) Bank to be authorized by the Internal trp.d-5 Tho North Star, sea scout troop Mr. Weaver's homo forjmany years salted nuts and individual cakes. lating to Improvements passed its Mr. Lebenthal states that three commissioners to persons contem- committee and which niUBt bo prom- of Red Bank -will have, an ckhiblt had been in Iho bulldlrjg where he Georgo Balne, Mrs. Alexander L. Coffee was served. Ilnal reading. The former ordinances propositions for re-opening the hotel Pepln and Miss Helen Howard, plating improvements to their homes inently displayed by tho stores where- nt tho coming boy scout rally at carried on his business.! Tho last regular meeting of tho which are to be corrected appropri- were discussed. All of these propo- or business places to do such work in the sales arc being; held. Asbury Park. Tho exhibit will in- dressed In Grecian costumes. The ated amounts which were larger than sitions were submitted by experi- Mr. Weaver, or tho 'jeommodoro" pageant was arranged by Miss How- Red Bank auxiliary was held In the Immediately has had very gratifying cludo a model bridge of a. ship, ful- ns he was affectionately known 'by post rooms last Thursday, with Mrs. tho actual expenditures. enced hotel men. Some of these ho- results. He also said the greatest ly, equipped, mlnaturo buoys, model ard, art teacher at the Redr Bank Councilman Robert A. Kennedy re- tel men are Independent operators his closest friends, will j be best re- high school, and Miss Elsie Waugh de la Reusallle, tho president, pre- unemployment was among the skilled yachts. Knot boards, a replica of a membered for his Inlefest in Ice- siding. Reports of committees were ported that the new sewage plant 1BP and some are connected with con- laborers, such as carpenters and ma- JUDGMENT FOR tnceches buoy apparatus used by tho of the River street school. Mrs. J. in use and Is giving good service. cerns owning chain hotels. Mr. Le- boatlng. His first Iceboat was of William Helm rendered several vocal read and plans wero mader to assist sons, although tho number of un- coast guard In rescuo work and a tho old four-runner type and the tho post .with its annual American Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll benthal states that in addition to the skilled laborers out of "work this AWABD GIVEN FOB BED B&NH- six-foot model of a surf boat. Tliu first raco In which It took part was legion ball, which will bo held at the stated that he had written a letter three propositions discussed last winter was larger than last year. model surf boat was loaned to the over a course on tho. rrvver off Fair Smoke Shop tavern Monday night, to the county board of freeholders night several other propositions have EB'S INJUBIES. Hod Banlc boya by tho coast guard. Haven. The boat was riklletl by Mr. March 17th. about placing a light on East Front been submitted. Frank McMahon, president of the teacher of the Red Bank high school, street, near Thruekiilorton's .gully. Second national bank and trust com- Joseph Cornar Gets Damages aa'Ke- Tho scouts will givo a demonstra- Weaver and Samuel Sagues. It fin- Tho auxiliary' expects to mako Mr. Lebenthal states that ps a re- pany, slated that a recent survey of eult of Accident Which lt?ai,ili.«l Sf! tion of olgnalllng with International ished fourth and after tho race one spoke on the psychology of tho There is a sharp curve in the road sult of last night's meeting he is l1 adoloscont Monday afternoon at a 10,000 memorial popples for "poppy at this place. Mr. Gopslll received no building operations in the country Shortening of One.LeR—(toff WH alphabet Hags at tho rally. Among of the iceyachtsmen Ijolllcd" Mr. day." Mrs. Rue, the chairman of the confident that the hotel will noon be showed a decrease of 4B per cent on Monday. tho membca of thes troop are Doug- Weaver tibout his boat) not having meeting: of tho parent-teacher round reply from his letter to the freehold- re-opened. He expects that within table discussion group at the high poppy committee, reported that ma- ers. A motion was passed instruct- a3 compared with last year. He be- las Berry and Fred Blel coxswains, won tho race. .. j terial for poppien had been distrib- a week an important announcement lieves one- of the causes of unem- Joseph Corner of H# Gordon Morrow boatsman and Harry tcbool. About forty women were pres- ing the clerk to write to the free- will be made to this effect. After awarded juilgntom^jgiMf "Never mind," responded Mr. Weav- ent. Charles Wolbach, assistant prin- uted among the.members. ployment is over production... . Tarzln, Calvin Mageo, Mclvln Ruock- The next meeting of tho auxiliary holders about this matter. the stockholders and creditors' com- Kelly -ft. MacjUin«iiSnfcl3»«&i:ifc. haus, William VanPclt, Herbert and er, "I'll build a boat which.will clean cipal of the Red Bank high school, Mr. Gopslll reported that arrange- mittee has adopted a definite plan a Schenck s! Thompson, contractor, Klpp of Perth Amboy by a Jury In up everything on the rlVer." will discuss vocational guidance at a will be held In the ppst rooms Thurs- said the state would not spend as William Hunter, Stephen Carter, and day evening, February 27th, at eight ments were progressing to have a meeting of all the stockholders and the circuit court at Freehold bafoio Karold Whiting, . apprentice sea Thto waa no idlo threat. Ho did meeting of the round table group at trafllc signal light placed at the cor- creditors will be called. much money this year on roads and Judge Lawrence on Monday for'ta* build a boat which cleaned up every- the Junior high school domestic sci- o'clock. A patriotic program is being ner of Shrewsbury avenue and New. bridges in Monmouth, Middlesex andij"^ received"Vyca7"agoVst scouts. J. L. Doughty Is first rnato thing on tho river. Tills boat was planned for this meeting. The first step will be to wipe out of the ship and Richard T. Smith ence room next Monday afternoon at man Springs road. This light will the debt on the hotel'property. This Ocean counties as it did last year, vember. Comar was riding oa 8, U skipper. tho Soud. After It bcojt every Ice- a quarter to four o'clock. Mrs. Wil- serve Shrewsbury borough and Most of the money he said would truck owned by Stryker & Btxyk&P boat In this uectlon it Jvaa shipped liam T. McDowell la leader of the WONT PRESENT PETITION NOW may be done by getting money from be spent on improvements In the Tho organization was formed less Shrewsbury township and these two the stockholders and creditors, or and driven by Eugene Laytbn gntf to Orungo Lake, near Npwburg, New round table discussion group. municipalities, as well as Red Bank, northern part of the state. was thrown from tho truck, wheii than a year ago. It Is sponsored by York, where it won a (notable, vic- Commission Government Committee by getting some hotel operator or Tho Salvation Army at Red Bank tfio Red Banlc Young Men's Chris- ,will share tho cxpenBc of buying and concern Interested, or by a, combi- the driver was cut off by a truclt tory. It also took part Ih races near DecMcs to W»lt a While. maintaining It. has had a number of appeals for coming out of a sldo road Into tlia tian association and is affiliated with Poughkcopslo nnd at dull Lake In LKAGUE OF NATIONS CONTEST. nation of both of these means. The assistance from men out of work. tbo Monmouth boy scout council. The John Ycomans of Rumson, chair- The flnal .reading of the ordinance stockholders and creditors' commit- main highway near Lawrence IfiM" Michigan. The Scud is-jatlll in exis- Th6 unemployment situation in Rod bor. The Stryker & Strylcer tfi§eJS members must bo first class boy tence, but It, hna not blcn used for Kcd Bank High School Fuplls to man of tho committee fostering the was passed to increase the salary of tee believes that the hotel should be Bank, according to the Salvation Ecotits and tho average ago Is sev- movement for commission form of Mrs. Julia M. Kcough, the collector, managed by some experienced hotel crashed into a telephone pels and several ycara. It ig s|bred at the Tnko I'art In National Event. Army workers, is worse than last was wrecked. . , ' enteen. Gorald Holbrook Is chair- clubhouso of tho North! Shrewsbury rovernment at Rumson, issued the to 53,000 per year ar!4 to increase the man or concern with a financial year, but this view is not held by man of tho ship committee and the Iceyacht club. It weighs! 3,000 pounds . Five Red Banlc high school stu- following statement yesterday: salary of Assessor George W. Bray to Interest In the success of the hotel. James Norman, overseer of tho poor Comar suffered a brolcon Isft leg,' ether members ore Plena A. Proal, anil It is much larger than any other •icnta will tako the national competi- The committee who have been $1,800 a year. Tho members of the committee have which has resulted In a shortening tive examination on the Leaguo of The first reading of an ordinance been unanimous in every action they of Red Bank. He oaid ho can not of his leg by an Inch and a quarfar. Augustus M. Million, Frank GrofC Red Bank boat. It hasjnot been of- working for commission form of gov- sec mucli difference between this end John B, Allen. ten of late years that tlie Ice on the Kations, which will bo given at "the ernment for the borough of Rum- was passed to build an incinerating have taken thus far. He spent over two .months in the K£d high school Friday, March 14th. Th: plant at a cost not to exceed $50,000, year and last year and has not Bank hospital and Is still receiving river lias been thick etjough to use son have decided to hold the petition This committee was appointed at heard ot one family that 13 -really it. For many years the Scud held questions will be based on a ton- that hag been signed by 497 legal a meeting of the stockholders and treatment. It was tcstllled that he la Selling DeSoto Cars. destitute. unable to do any laborious work. Ha The Consolidated motor sales cor- the record of having miido the fast- year review of tho League. The first voters of the borough in abeyance BEEFSTEAK DINNER. creditors shortly after tho hotel was est time of nny means jof transpor- prize will bo a trip to Europe and for the following reason: placed in tho hands of- a receiver j It was reported that the factories has a wife ;and five children. Comar poration at 127 West Front street, was represented by Quinn, Parsons Itcd Bank, has been appointed a tation mado by man. It made this tho second and third prizes will bo Tho present administration claim Kcd Bunk Elks to Hold Big Affair last month. The hotel \va3 tempor- at Long Branch. making women's record at Gull Lake ill 1885, when $100 nnd $50 respectively. Harry C. on Thursday, March Oth. arily closed three weeks ago. , wear were operating on full time. & Doremus. ccaler for tho DeSoto motor cor- Kait, a Red Bank high school teach- they have not had a chance to work Another ray of sunshine was the poration. Tho now De Soto straight It covered a nillo andjj one-quarter out their policies, and they think that in 42 seconds. This was at tho rate er, Is preparing the Red Bank stu- A beefsteak dinner will bo held at statement that the County gaa com- BENEFIT jofght and tho Da Soto JIIK aro on dis- dents for the examination. Tho Red they can givo us as good results as •ho Red Bank Elks' home on Thurs- NEW UNIirOBMS FOR THEJI. pany of Atlantic Highlands was em- play at this place. Louis West is of fillglitly more than 10X miles an we could get under commission gov- hour. | | Bank boys and girls who will com- day night, March Cth. The dinner ploying 25 per cent more help than Carlton Theater Aiding :plk»* Crip* tho manager of tho corporation. pete are Adellno Holmes, Phillla ernment, and as this is not a political will consist of plenty of juicy steaks Strand Theater Employees Arc Wear- usual in an effort to reduce the ranks pled Kiddles' Fund, The North Shrewsbury Iccyacht "Makay, Doris Wllman, Evelyn Wyc- move, but a desire to have tho best with all the other thing3 that go with ing New AUlrc. of tho unemployed. A statement was Ivoff and John Davl3. government possible for the borough, such a feast. Special entertainment also made that the farms will ab- The crippled kiddles commlttoa e£ Snclabta far Elk Women. club, will reach its nftlkh birthday we have decided not to present tho The members of diet Robinson's the Ked Bank lodge of Ellin la cc* Tho women's auxiliary of the Keil next December. Mr. Weaver took a and^music will bo pr'ovldcd. Tho af- Strand theater orchestra have been sorb n lot of unskilled laljor when petition at this time. Wo also desire fairVvlll bo for Elks only. It will bo the plowing season starts. operating with tho Carlton tneatet? Bank ISIku lodge will have a social prominent part in forming It and he PHOTO CONTEST. to thank the signers of tho petition provided with new light blue tuxedo for three daya this week for tho meeting tonight at tho homo on East was one of Its twelvo charter mem- the first social affair held by the Red uniforms by Leon Shustcrnian, the • Among the suggestions was ono on for their interest In good govern- Bank Elks this year and a big at- to clear the boy scout property at benefit of tho crippled kiddles fund. Front street. The hostesses will bo bers, O£ these charter rjicmbers 'y Famous Authors to Choose Winners ment. manager of the theater. The mem- Manager Morris H. Jacks of tha Mrs. Walter B. Connor of Red Bank three are now alive. Tlijoy arc Capt. tendance Is looked for. bers of the orchestra are Jerry Stone, Allaire of dead tree3 nnd cart the In Nntbn Wldo Contest. ~-.——o-»-@» . wood to various centers In the coun- Carlton theater hao agreed to glva and Mrs. Frank Wclnholmot* and Charles E. Thtockmorion, Thomns Fred L. Jones is chairman of tho singing drummer, Tony DeNucci, tho ISlks a certain percentage oftbo Mrs. John Kwllc, both of Highlands, Hubbard and Samuel iSagues. . Mr. Mary Roberta Rlnchart and Fan- CHABITV BALL. committee In charge nnd his assist- 'iollnist, Joseph Barbcrio, cornctist ty for distribution among tho poor. Weaver succeeded the Jato Thomas r.lo Hurst, famous authors, have con- rnts are Louis Prate, Wilbur Syming- and Mark Marcclll, bass violinist. This matter will bo taken up with sale of tickets for yesterday, today Henry Grant ns commodore of tho Six Hundred Tickets Sold for St. Harold Little, the doorman, also has the boy scout council. and tomorrow's performances an4 Tolled Chief on Trip. sented to act ns judges In a contest Vincent DeE'aul Event. ton, Richard Eergonzt and Ernest if yesterday's attendanco la any crl« North Shrewsbury iceyabht club nnd to choose tho most lovely mother and Otto. a new uniform. Tho uniforms were The Sigmund Eisner company of Chief Hurry H. Clayton of the Red SlK hundred tickets have been sold tcrion tho crippled kiddles commit* he had held this poslticin a number the moat nttoctive child In America, bought from the Slgmund Eisner Red Hank has a "help wanted" ad- teo will roap a nice benefit Irorai !Bnnk police department left ycatcr- of years. jj The contest la being conducted by for the third annual charity ball of company. Miss Dorothy Thornc, the vertisement in today's Issue of The dtiy morning on a buslnoya trip to tho «St. 1 Vincent DePnul society to Y. M. C. A. DIRECTORS MEET. their endeavors. Among Commodore Weaver's moat tho Photographers' association of cashier, and Miss Eunice Lewis and Register. The fir pi will take on ex- Montreal, Canada. lie expects to be America and prizes aggregating be held Friday night of this week at John U. Allen lte-clcctcd President Miss Angelina Grandinetti, the ush- tra help in its factories at Red In addition to the theater's regu- gone nbout n week. valued possessions 13 n ipt of frnnied St. James's auditorium. Music will lar program of sound pictures and resolutions which was presented to 820,000 will be awarded tq tho win- of Hoard Last Week. ers, arc attired in now blue crepe Bank and other places to cut cloth ners. Moro thnn 100,000 photographs bo provided by Benny Nath'ason'ti dresses nnd white silk blouses, with in anticipation of orders during the ncwa reels Manager Jacks la putting Branch Social Club's IJnncc. him several years nga. By these res- aro expected to bo entered In tho con- San Remo orchestra. The charity John B. Allen was re-elected pres- tarns to match. on an old time program, showing olutions Mr. Weaver waj made n life ident of the board of directors of the coming year. films from 1807 to date. Thcra lo a Tho Branch social club of Red test. Entry blanks are obtainable nt ball Is tho chief mcan3 of revenue Those who attended the meeting Sank will have a dance tonight at member of the club. C|n tho paper Hall's 3tuclio at Red Bank. for Ihc society, which spenda the ^ Bank Younp; Man's Christian news reel film showing tho lateFroB* Clayton & Mngcc's hall. Music will on which the resolutions arc truns- money helping needy families. , association at a meeting last week. FOR BRADLUV 1MSCHEK. were Mayor William II. II. White, ident Theodore R0030V0H in action bo supplied by Chester Arthur, Jr.'.s cribnd lo a photographIjof tho eom- Richnrtl T. Smith, secretary of the Frank McMahon, Rev. John B. Mc-during ono of hlfl canipal&na. An- circhestra. y modorn In a characteristic pose. Last Shrewsbury Church Show, association, in ilia report aald that Petitions Favors His Appointment Closliey, Schonck S. Thompson, Miss other Him shows tlio lata William year to perpetuate the nh.mo of Com- targe New Brooder HOIIBCC. moro than live hundred Individuals ns Ass'atant Prosecutor. Kvelyit T. Walker, Mr, and McKlnlcy during tho cercmonlM inudure Weaver the club bought a A play entitled "Tho Now Fnnglcd C. R. Benjamin of tho Varmond Joaso Minot, Mltn Gladys Hayward, The Host In Service, Baby Show" will bo given Friday »vere participating in the associa- A "petition favoring the appoint- when ho waa elevated to tho oftlca and by far tho cheapest in the long massive sterling silver jilnttci- to be night, February 28th, In tho chapel poultry farm at Vanderburg 1ms just tion's program every week. Mimnx: Elanoi, Capt. .Tosoph Bray of president nnd another dim being known ns tho perpetual Commodore completed a new brooder house with ment of Bradley M. Fischer of lied and Tliomnii W. Head of lted Bnnk, run. on all standard makes of rudio. of the Shrewsbury Presbyterian Other ofllcers elected wero: Bnnk na one of the n6si -1-Hpoi'd Transmission, Unforo You Inorenuo Weaver's llfo vias to wljtness the re- Tho Monmouth paint and varnl3h Chrysler Cars Papular With Women. of Shrewsbury post of the American Bench, Jnme.s A. McMahon nnd S. your llfo inauraneo outato nee Stcw- In creating tho present lino ot Low Mainlcniiiico Cosli*. Irglon of llzd 13ank. The asHls'tant The Multl-ruingo timr-sppnd trsni- nrt VnnVllet. Bun Llfo Assurance cent scries of races 111 which the works will open a storo at 119 West -hryslcr earn, engineers made ex-, Olticial figure?! from the Depart- C. VanMatcr of Freehold. mlaalon and j;nnr uhlft la found on Co of Canada, .Shrewsbury, If. J., North Shrewsbury Iceboats won the Front otreet, Red Bank, on Saturday, huustivc studies of tho expressed de- jment, of Public. Works in California prosecutor;; nrc appointed by the tin' impcrlni, "77" ami "70" Chrysler phono Kcd Bank OOl-R,—Advertise- Iceboat championship of tho world. March 1st. ninnds of women motorists. Dashing iihuw that of all car fleety uporuted proRt?dutor. i ' earn. A ijiilot nccclomthm rings ment. Mr. Weaver's wife ijled In June, lines, attractive colors, easy steering, more than. 10,000 nillea. Urn Chrysler C. W. Loverentr. SPIIH nfiimhi th'! driver II10 ([riiatent 1^7.1- Horscfi Thnt Sntlsfy sensitive brakes, liiRtnut deceleration hud tin: Itiwriit cunt per cur nillo of Kuliy ( lihk pp Coloninl nnd Oroulcy rndlos, tiibrn4 hillly in trnlllc unil mi lilim, Hhlfl* 19l!0. TTrr ninlden narilo wns Ml.'Jd (i|MTMtii>n. Tim actual llgurefl ill- nnd ueriul rqnlpiufiil. Skuti'y, >,W'l),'h . •s Birthday Kntln Warner, and aim Vns a dnugh- nt--Ely's Htnblcs, Holmdel, where tho and luxurious interlora wore major Tintt'H, C'unlipy't;, Purhtii ftn-1 HtriLp.-', Hulling tlieklf1 nnd Flmigol- nro nil iitnniliird with nothing now 1iivoi'!\ tnblo covers, napkins, plnno hektw grmk-s are handled. Every polnl.i aniphnni7.nl In this survey. HuilinK KU:'. °''. greasing, tlrcn ami ' ull-O-Fi'p t'tsirtim; fends, l'inlwud fur thn III'IVIT lo Irnrii, ami geac ut the lute Clwrlnrl ]). Warner, irpatrs, was ?!.>SN. Oluyntiir Sales (t free iijKjol ITHM. State troopoiii, t'no rnrdH, tallies, etc., nt the Art, Kraft who WHS for many yenj'o a member horno poriioniilly selected by Daniel Tho present ChryHlcr linn wtui de- DM tii, flnr eraelunl coin. cnu:ltctl mi' fin- Kim hnlslrr ami ln-lt fur .'!S rb«iiK«i linlwci'n "Ihlrd nml "fourth" Shoppe, 7i> Broad street, Red Bank. 3. Ely for UilM innrkt and wo have signed lo nii'cl. the;m iriniireiiienl:i lMT\ir<\ K Mui>lf Tompklns- every week both In acclimated and vcrtlscincnt. , __ WiiMhhlKton's Itlrtliday 'Special*. onl-triil^c:!. (.'hnrlr.'i W. I.rvmciitz, vrrtlijomniit. lor any burner; best fiiadoa and Wo arn open nil clay. Hec our ;jpe- Mont, completo lino of chlok nupplloa Bi.inilwny, lirlford, N. J.—Adverlliic- vllle, atnten Island, ani], Mi"3. Harry western horsea. nought for cash— ottered, in I he county. Always In mrnt. prlcoB. Unexcelled eorvlco. Fred D. Wlllartl of Rod EnnlcJ He Is sur- which mcnn3 lowest prices nnd Sun Llfo Assurance Co. cMnl window:! for thin iluy. Round ntork. Quick porvlro. Fred D, Ilpcf Is Lrnvfi" Wlhoff Co.. nod Bnnk. phono 052.— of Cannda pays 0',0 To Intermit on and ovitl «l Final vived by a slstnr, Miss Jijnnlc Weaver grcatent snvliu; for you. No left-over cloth iicnrfsi 10 centM ep\ch; CIOZOIIH of WikolT Co., Red Dnnlt, N. J. Ad- -ItiNlleo ol tho Poaoo. Advortlsoment- or outdnHHcd horses, hut all nhapcly, funds left on deposit. See SUiwnrl llVt ••itri-ol, lted Hunk. I'rlmn rib, oily :if flprlnglleld, Ohio. Mr. Weaver nl- VanVlict, Shrewsbury, N. .T, phone other item:!. Shop at our storo Sat- Ci-lniliml and civil cnsif-a given limit, Iho boot llmro it, SS 102(1 nix-cylinder Dortgo Biotlinrn 10 leaven two grandchildren, John well-broken, young nlook, guaranteed : UKluy mid :inv<\ National Or, 10c and piumpl nnd (Mii-t'fnl iiUentlnn. Olllon lo notify or money refunded. Wo Red Tlniik tlOI-R.— AdvertIfiiMniMit. Open Vutil Ono O'clock. npi-n from TOO A, M. until 11:00 P. M, throe-tiuarter t\>n panel truck at n Wlllard of Red Ilnnk find I.ucrctln invlle li'miiri'tlon. i'011 will receive .SI.DII iilui'c.'! ifonnrily lVr, MiiHk by ,McCiiiirn'n lint Bix.--Adver- (..'iiuntry mini Kuturiliiy night, VnPny nnd adding innclilnotv 17 Broad early Hundny evening.—Advorllsi;- itmipn !l-l centti, culleln 4-1 cents.—- Friday, Fohruury 21BI, nt Fit. I'cli'r's Bramlmeh, Hurtlmrui, Hleelt.—Adver- tifiomont. nry Wi, Ailniliwlini W ttntt, -A'lt"*l' fltioot Ueil Bnnk.- Adverllsemont Mr. Weaver wn« of j|tho old-ffiah- Advertisement. parish hotiMO, Freehold. Admission, l loncd ru'i!K«II, JVn rnvfiient I'lun. rypoivrlfcr llnadqimrtora. (Jmajto for rent for $1 \wr itioutii l"'r«nch butter r.rennio, $1.50 puuml. Ills word was nn jsoodjjnn his bund. Hull:), -S--r>o up, nt Jlnnnlnfl'fl, 07 I'ypowritora rented, bought anil AH limbi'r Shops Wililnm H. Jnliniilniif. ill UVr.tNld nt the Itcl llnnk Woinaii'u flubhoutif) Hun l.lfn A>IHIIIIIUI« t;o. tit - -Advortlaeniont With thcao slcrllntt minllttag worn l sold, Trubln's, 68 Broad street Red will lie open only half a ct.iy Sulur- vvniip, Knl l.:tmK, phuno iHH)-AV.- property on Utoud Eitrrrt, Inmilrt: at wubyiv. N .).. \ihmm «r Advci tlniHllciit. Banlc—Advertisement, *lny, Cluue at noun. - Advertisement. WltiL the cUihliouncAlllL .— A1 Saturday si isho Faseed Away nt Her Xfitme mi erty Fire Cuinpany Last Week. For Mrs. Irvln Irons, the I.oug Branch Hospital, Mepla Avenue Ytl XXPSXL BEAD AT LIONS CLUB In 1870 Schrocder' pharmacy TWO SHOWERS GIVEN FOB MISS BED BANK BUSINJS8S MAN.WIU. started In business and In that same j Mrs. Hobert 3. Norman of West- Mrs. Bridget Itowo, wlfa of John Mrs. Ada Sherman1 Manning, IXEANOIl SCIIROEDKlt. WED THERE SUNDAY. MRBTING LAST WEEK. •fa!' "ed./J""',1 !™a";^.1iL1J",.0r,D"';'l"(-5i'lent 'oV Ubcrty°«r a\ompany side avenue gave a miscellaneous Rowo of Everett, died Saturday widow of Louis Y. Manning, died oted town nnd the Monmouth boat n shower Thursday night for Mrs. Ir- morning at the Long Branch hospital early yesterday morning at her. Jt Was Prepared by Hurry Malrhqw U.yt week at 111r* annual meeting of One I'nrty Took l'laeo at Kllxabeth George Neogkiws Woos and Vlim club \va;i organized, the :;uryiWn.. vin Irons or Brown place, formerly a» tlio result of a fall at her horns home on Maple avenue, Red Bank, Ills OUI-Tlmo Girl tielioohmite— and Telia of First Stores, Schools c-hnrtrr mciihe'rs b(.-iir^ Dr. llomco that company at Applegate's resitau- nnd the Other W&s Qlven at L«on- icnl on Monmouth street. About for- ardo hy Miss Schroedcr's BJstcr— Miss Sadie Connors.. Mrs. Irons Is about a month ago, In which, ah* sfter a long sickness. She was a Mr. Neoglnwa nnd Sills Bride Will nnd Other Interesting Facts About | vanDorn and William N. Woi thley. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward broho her hip. She was t&kon to the daughter of William IT. and Snigh Tour Southern Europe, the- Town's Early History, year, 1671, the Tied Han!; ty firerarn ,-ittended the meeting and Many Oltis. riK nc!(t a steak dinner way served. Hairy Q. Connors. Tho hou&o was decorated hospital Immediately after tho t&U Sherman. Her father died a number Tho following paper on Tied Bank's Gas & Light Co. utartcd their busi- A lingerie shower was ^iven a few with valentine trimmings and Mra. and had beon a patient there ever of yeara l,n Mnloncy. for tho tablea at the party. Others Fredericks, MIUECS Edith Vrceland, Thomas Howe of hong Island. Tho at her late homo Friday afternoon There have been a sood many busi- Elizabeth Riccl, Catherine Bray, lone funeral was held yesterday morning at half-past two o'clock. Rov. Ed- arranged to havo forwarded to .him This is the oldest hotel in Red Bank Sen-clary—David Mnlr. present besides those mentioned were beforo ho went away. today. nesses that have come ami pone, but Treiiniirci'—l-'i'td Vk'ilmnn. j Mr.f. John Schrocder and Misa Mcta Duche, Lc-rctta Regan, Katherlno at the home of Kdward Howe, and ward W. Miller will preach the ser- I am only speaking of those which! later at St. Catherine's church, where mon. Burial will bo at Fair View The first store to be Kept in Bed Cimlnin — Aui-u»t Brhmidl. Schrocder, mother nnd alBter of the Dwyer, Bertha Lewis, I-Iclon Stout, Since arriving in Grcoco Georgs are in existence today. Thomns P. l-'ii-ht licicei'Mil—Thomas Cnlnnili ieliu. I prospective bride; Mrs. May Se-huk of Flaiho Brower, Eleanor Connors, requiem niasa was celebrated by cemetery, has met tho girl of hin boyhood days. Earls Was started by a man by the P.ro\vn started his coal, feed and fer- lieutenant— William M.iknicy. ramc of Boyd in the, year 1809 on ICIIzabeth; Mrs. Arthur Mulford and Elizabeth Chandler, Rhoda Thomas, Rev. Francis J. Sullivan. Burial was Abscncci Iian mado tho heart grow tilizer business in 187G. He was af- Piro poliijt—John Mai. Altiizo l)c- the cast side of Whai i' avenue, down •Misa Alice Magorkurth of Newark; Helen Antonldes, Helen Ivlna, Ruth at tho Bradevelt cemetery and tho AGED FIREMAN DEAD. fonder and according to a letter just ttnvanl succeeded by his son, Louis Wilt, Honrf fhmhvlrk. Mlsa Jean l^crguson of Glen nidge; Kelly, Grace Riddle and Ann Hoff- bearers were John B. Brady, Michael reeclvcd from him l|o will marry tha • the hill. The first store to be built Trii«tcc«/-Ilnyinond Tliilli]. Blrl of his school days next Sunday. on what waa then called "on tho hill," E. Brown, and now hy his grandson. WI.e, Alu/io Do Witt. Mrs. .Anderson of Montclair and Mrs. mann of Red Eank; Mrs,. Edward Maloney, Bernard A. Htokey, Ber- William VanBrunl, Died at Fire- was built by a man by tho name o* M. V. Brown. This is one of tip two Stewart Fleming; of Mlllburn. Polhemus of River Plaza, Mra. Chris- nard Warneker, John Hcnjjy Hylln men's Home at Boonton. Ho will remain In Greece with hln businesses as near as ] can find out, Assistant eiiHincor—Dcrt Hen On Saturday evening a iillk stock- tine Wymba of Riverside Heights, and. Frank Haley. bride until next fall when they wi|l TUco Hatsell in 1829 on the lower east William .VanBrunt of Rumson died that is being conducted Ijy the third Keincaentativo.s to executive uuini! — ing; and handkerchief shower was Mrs. Blakcley of Shrewsbury, Miss H*. start t'ogcthor for tho United Stated, side of Brond street, on the site Friday night at the flromen's home whero the French bulldfngr now generation, the other business hein;; Dnvic] Miiir. William Mnlonei Tlwm'na given for tho bride-to-be by her sis- Elizabeth West of Ocennport, Mlsa DEATH OF LAW STCBENT. On his trip to Grccco Mr. Neoglowa that of Tctley's, which was started in Cnlniulrlcllo, Louis llcnilrlrkJ Aloi De- ter, Miss Meta Schrooder, The dec- Nary Lambert, Mrs. William Cogan at Boonton from pneumonia in hla visitod nearly all of the northern stands. Just opposite this bulldinr; i Will. 85th year. Ho lived at Rumson most in 3833 the po3tofncc was started in 1885 by John T. Tetley. orations were in two shades of green and Mrs. Nora Creovey of Little Sil- Arnold Sheffield Was n Summer Res- European countries. Ilia plans arq rr, „„ I Kei'i-eseiitntivo to firemen's ,-iei ver; Miss Rosa Vacula of Freehold, of his life and was a former member n store on the old Stout properly, or Jurieph -T. Buriowcs and Ihomas David Mair and tho gifta were presented on a ident of Little Silver. to viait the southern European conn* decorated table under a shower of Mrs. Anna Wymbs, Mrs. Vcra Sher- of tho lire department there. Ho was trleR beforo starting back for R®3 Where the Sheridan hotel is now lo- Fields started in the lumber business Arnold Sheffield, aged twenty years, a carpenter by trade. Ho had been at cated. The postmaster's name wag 'Streamers. man and Mra, Theresa Wymbs of Banlt. ir. 1877. Mr. Fields died a few years BHSCEM.AXEOt.S SHOWKIl, Long Branch nnd Mra. Alex Skld- a summer resident of Llttlo Sliver, tlio flrcmcn'3 home tho last seven WcLane. later and Mr. Burrowes continued. The puesta were Mrs John Schroc- died of heart disease- last Wednes- years. The" business was incorporated in Mr. and IVIrs. Walter Ilnrrlson (inve der, mother of tho prospective niore and Mrs. Albert Cholowlnskl of TAVERN IMPROVEMENTS. Tho first school started, in Tied Lakowood. day at hl3 New- York home. He was Surviving him Bro two sons, a Bank was on West front street, just 1908 and is now beilitf conducted as] It lor Their Niece. bride; Mrs. J. J. Stlmson, mother of the son of Dr. and Mrs. Herman B. the Jos. T. Burrowoa Co.. Harry C; ,. , ,, ,„ ,, . lho prospeefivo groom; Mrs. Andrew brother and four sisters. Tlio body Smoke iSliup Tavern to ho Thoroughly east of J. T. Allen's store, and the Ml and Mrs WaUcl L Sheffield, who have been summer res- was prepared for burial at Albert W. IlCHOVlltp,ll. :': teacher's name was George Morford. Burrowes, the son of tho founder, be- ' ' ' ' "arridon of Watts, Mrs. John Schoellncr, Mra. idents, of Llttlo Silver the past alx in* its president nnd general niana-'So»th 3tr(*' «uv0, a sl»-f'8e ,mlf" Jullu.1 Schocllner, Mrs. William SHEET TENDERS' 1'EED. Warden's funeral hmo, where the fun- Tho Smoke Shop ,Tavern on upper About 1820 Esck White bought the ,, , ' cellaneoua shower lasft week for their years. Dr. Sheffield is a baby spe- oral was held yeatcrday afternoon. Earncs Smock farm and in 1830 ho tl Schrndc, Mrs. Herbert Dear, Mrs. Broad street was "closed Saturday niecu Mls3 Mi dlcd Hollis ! Ul They KnlcrUilnrd Club Officers and cialist. Rev. J. W. Tower was In chargo and night after tho weekly, dance and, donated a pieco of ground o*n the ° In JS78 Tlio r.ed Bank register j ' ! °» ° t f- Walter Schoellnor, Mrs. Paul Schoell- went to press for its first time Wo !50" aJc'VlC' ) ? ™Bf cment to AI- ner, Mrs. William Hoelck, Mrs. John Membcrg Monday Night, .Arnold was n law student at New burial wao at Kvergrcen cemetery. will remain closed until Saturday r.orth side of Mechanic street to this bcH York university. His good natured The bearers wore J. Dowltt Brower, town to he used as a site for n school. had- three other newspapers in Red^ VanWraml of Branch avenue Leonard and Misses Florence Schoell- Tho Sheet tenders' union of the night, March IBth, when It will bo rs» ner, Mjldred Leonard, Marian Miles, disposition -won for him many friends Richard Strylter and Andrew F. Zorr opened by a mippcr danco and a new A school was built there in that year, Bank besides Tho Register and | North Shrewsbury iceboat and yacht of tho Rum3on fire department and Standard, they being the Ledger, abeth Green, years old, grand- Marian Peters, Margaret Wakcfleld club, lod by Its president, Fred Fish- at Little Silver. He spent a great band of seven pieces for danos which was known as the Academy. mother of Mr. VanNoatrand, was a deal of his leisure time around the Edward J. Welch, I-Ionry Rensshaw This site is still being used for a which only lasted nine wepks; tha and Adele Vanderbeck of Leonardo; er, and Its walking delegate, Duetan music. guest of honor. Mlsa Myrtle Stlmson of Englewood; railroad station and J, Harry Her- and Edmund W. Farry of tho Sea- Tho Interior of the Tavern will ha, school today, the Mechanic street Democrat, which stayed one year and Allaire, entertained the ofllcers, tho biight American Mechanics council. ho toy, c stet one week; and the Independent, nlny Games were played and prizes were Mrs. J. Harris Stlmson of New York; regatta committee, boat owners and bert, the agent, and his associates, thoroughly rehovatod nnd tho placs sc hool being the oldest school In Red months. The same year that The won by Mrs. Albert M. VanNostrand Mrs. Herbert Stlmeon and Mies Ircni other sailors in the club's fleet at a wero very fond of htm. He was an will be reopened under an entirely Uankk . ThThe flrstflt doctor came to Red Register sta'rtcd Jacob Dcgcnrihs and Misses Evelyn, Alma and Mary Hod^co of Arlington," Mra. Harry R. clam stew feast Monday night at ardent baseball fan. Not only was DEATH FKOM HEABT DISEASE. new environment. Miss Sarah Me-, Banlt In 3837. His name was Dr. J. started in the bottling business, Harrison. Many gifts in a large dec- Clinton, Mioa Marian Clinton, Miss which about thirty ice yachtsmen he IiitercBtcil In tho big leagues, but Clecs, the Tavern proprfetreBS, iff It Conover, and he practised here which is now being conducted by his orated basket were presented to MIS3 Helene Saundcrs, Mrs. I^oulse John- wero present. The feast was pre- through baseball periodicals ho kept Sirs. Julia Hutebins Wolcott Wna in planning a trip to Florida while tits until 1857 when he was elected sur con, H, G. TJegenrlnjr'. Tho following Harrison. Other guests were Mrs. son and Dr. Florcnce^iOanzskt of pared by Mr. Fisher and he was as- in touch with tho various leagues Her 75th Year. re-dccornllng is being dono, rogate of Monmouth county aannd 1 James M. Bunell, Mrs. L. G. Har- throughout tho country. From mem- year. 3871). Oscar Hes.se'.i ice cream Newark; Mrs. W. J. Worsloy and sisted by members of the union In Mra. Julia Hutehlns Wolcott, wid- Several prominent affairs aw moved to Freehold. His brother, R. business was started on Wharf ave- ilson, Mrs. Kollln K. Delatush, Mrs. Miss Mac Mollta of Klizabeth; Missed serving the guests. ory lie could name all the players In scheduled foi^tho. Tavern In the early R. Conover, succeeded him two years J. S. Harrison, Mrs. DeWltt Ran- the major leagues, ow of Henry Goodrich Wolcott. rue. They afterward moved to their Carol and Marie Volkland and Miss To qualify for membership in the died early Saturday morning at hor {spring. Tho Unit will be tho annual later. • • . present location on West Front street .Iplph, Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs. Al- Anne Richmond of Belford; Mlad benefit danco of Shrowsbury peat, In 3814 .the Globe hotel opened for bert Scott, Mrs. Osborno Harrison union It Is necessary for a portion to homo on Grange- avenue, near Red and this establishment ia still being Helen Kolkof of Port Monmouth; handle tha sheet rope in an Iceboat DEATH OV IMJMSON KE8UJENT. Bank. Heart disease was tho causa American legion,-of Red Bnnk, vhlcfa business on the site whero an old conducted by the founder's son, Jo- Mrs. William Noglow, Mrs. Mar- Miss Virginia Seibqrt of Naveslnk will be held on St Patrick's day even- building called the Forum stood, garetta P. Reckless, Misses Norma, r during a race under tho auspices of of death. Mra. Wolcott was in her seph Hesse. In that same year the and Mrs. I red Metzlngcr of Irving- the regatta committee. In addition Patrick Wade Died Early Monday 75th, year and sho was born at ing, March 17tb. The second blgf erected in 1835. This Forum was fust fire department was started, the Lydie, Helen and Verna Harrison, ton. Horning in IU9 52<1 Year. event of tho Tavern's calendar wlH i.bout tho only public meeting place Alice Bunell and Miss Marion Scott to the regular sheet tenders a num- Hartford, Connecticut. Sho had lived first chief being C. W. Corlles, tho At the wedding the bride will be ber of boat owners have qualified on Grange avenue tho pact seven bo the annual charity ball of tha in Ked Banlt. Debating societies and Arnold Harrison all . of Red Patrick Wade of Rumson died from Ladles' Hebrew society to be held company being tho Navcsink Hook attended by her sister. Miss Meta and proudly wear the union's em- a complication of diseases early Mon- years. Sho leaves thrco children, all were very popular in those days and nnd Ladder. Banlt and Mrs. J. W. Maggs, Mrs. Wednesday night, March 10th. . these societies ,would hold their de- Josephine Maggs, Mrs, C. H. Maggs Schroeder, as maid of honor and by blem of a piece of rope in the lapel day morning at tho ago of 51 yeara. of whom livo at Red Bank. They bates In the old Forum. This build- In 1880 the flrst library was started r-.nd Miss Vevna Pittlnger of Long Miss Myrtle Stlmaon, a siatcr of the of their coals when attending: the Although he had been ailing ho was are Mrs. Elizabeth W. Sayrc, Mlsa ing was also used for religious serv- under the name of tho Mutual I A- Branch. frrooni, as bridesmaid. Mr. Stimson union's gathering. seriously sick for only two days bc- Julia H. Wolcott nnd J3harlo3 M. Mrs. VonKnttengeH's Funeral. ices, political meetings, etc. The l-iary association, 1884 lho firm of will bavo his brother Herbert Stim- After tho refreshment hour there foro hlo death. Mr. Wado was' a W61cott. Mrs. Wolcott also leaves A private funeral for Mrs. Emm? son of Arlington, ns groomsman. Two two brothers, Augustus T. Hutehlnn 1 Globe hotel probably holds the rec- Kendrickson & Applegatc started in B/UtN DANCK AT KTJMSON. was a series of after dinner talks chauffeur for J. Lewis Hay of the VonKattcngell, mother of Edward ord for having a boarder for the business with four partners. They other brothers, J. Harris Stimson of with Thomas Irving Brown na toast- Rumson road and had lived at Rum- and Waldo Hutchins, of New York. VonKattcngell of Hudson avenu*. • longest number of years, Charles being Charles Hendrlckson, Peter New York and William Howard master. Vice Commodore Augustus son ten years. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Wolcott was a member of who died suddenly last week at hei' r.umson Athletic Club to Hold Event Chrlot church at Shrewsbury. The Preston having boarded there for Conoverv William and Thomas Apple- February 2lst. Stlmson of Englewood, will be ush- M. Mlnton made the principal ad- Mrs. Catherine Wade, and four song, Now York residence, was held Friday sixty-eight years. Thin is a great gate. This business is being1 con- ers, The ceremony will bo performed dress. Almost every person present John, Michael, Edward and James funeral was held Monday and burial afternoon at her son'H home. Rev. record and certainly speaks well for ducted today by members of tho Ap-. The Rumson athletic club will hold by Kev. W. H. Stubbleblnc. There had something to oay and there was Wade, all of whom live at home. Mr. was mRdo at St. Luke's cemetery at Robert MacKellar of Trinity Eplaco- the hotel. In that same year the plegato family, they being Joseph a barn dance Friday night of this will be a reception for tho Immediate much glorification In tho fact that Wado woo a mombor of Bed Bank, Beacon, New York. Rev. Carroll W. pal church preached the sermon anS Methodist church was organized, the and Richard. The next year, 1885, week at Red Men's hull at Rumson. families at the Newark lOlks home. the iceyacht pennant which was re- council of Knlghtu of Columbus. Burck conducted, the service. burial was at If air Viow cemetery. church being built on Broad street the Red Bank Water Works started, The committee consists of A. C. Kind After a trip to Florida the couple will cently won from the Long Branch Tho funeral was hold nt nine and In the next year, 1886, R. F. Wil- chairman, James Collins, Vincent live at Arlington. club was safely housed In tho club- a p.bout opposite Mechanic street. This o'clock this rooming at Holy Croan SAMUEL TYLEB DEAB. ' Card of Thnnks. bur started in the jewelry business, Sexton, John Sammon and John room. Just at the close of the even- church and a solemn high mass of We, tho undersigned, herewith d$- rhurch was afterward destroyed by and he was followed later In thai Savillc. It Is the purpose of the com- Ing's festivities the sad nowa was re- aifo to express our slnoero and heart- -- flic. The Baptist church was organ- requiem was chanted by Rov. Father Bed Bank Resident Died Yesterday same year by Leon de I.f Reussille, in mittee to feature something new in LODGE 35 YEARS OLD. ceived of the death of the commo- Maher of New Monmouth. Burial at Long Branch Hospital. felt thanks to all relatives and friends ized tlio same year but they did not the same line of business. In 1887 J. the line of entertainment. The pre- dore, James B. Weaver. who In the hour of Borrow tendered start to build on West Front street was made at Holy Cross cemetery at their sympathy; the numerous at- Krldel opened hia clothing store. vious event was a masquerade ball Annivcrsnry Observed by Senbright North Arlington. Samuel'Tyler of Lcighton avemio until 1815, it being completed in and it was very successful. The Daughters of Liberty. died yesterday morning of n compli- tendance and tho most beautiful 1849. I have mentioned twenty-five ea- s>.-is. . Moral tributes nt tho funeral of our 1 profits from the masquerade ball will Independent council of Sons and "HABD TIMES" TARTY. LOUIS LEVINSKY DEAD. cation of dlBCases at the Long Branch wife nnd mother. Wo also wish tes In 1845 J. H. Peters and Frank tcblishmenta that arc doing bii3incs3 go into the club treasury. The club hospital, where ho had. boon a pa- thank lho gentlemen pnllbearers for Leonard darted a business which in Red Bank today that have been in Daughters of Liberty of Sedbrlght has equipped the basketball team Shrewsbury Christ Church Guild Has Max Leon's Bather Died Last Week tient two weeks. Ho had been sick their kind acrvlcc3, the Rev. Thomas vas then commonly known aa the business over forty years. There prob- observed the 35th anniversary of its Event at Porker Residence. Thomas for his comforting wordB; with uniforms and proposes to fur- organization Friday night with an In Ills 70th Year. the last five months. Ho wao born Pawn Broker's shop. They did as ably are several more which I have nish sweaters to the members of the in' Virginia 55 years ago and had we wish especially to thank friends overlooked, but one thing is sure they' entertainment. The program com- The junior guild of Christ church and relatives who provided cars for much tradinff in thoso days as they bowling team. The next event of the ; Louis Levlnsky of Mechanic street, lived nt Red Bank tho last thirty aro all very reliable, otherwise they prised toe and tap dancing by Adele at Shrewsbury had a "hard timcs' tho funeral, nnd the funeral direc- did buying and selling, and this shop club will be the annual dance in father of Max Leon of Leon's clean- years. Ho was employed by W. W. tors, A. M. Post.cn & Son, for tha would take in exchange almost any- could not have survived as thoy have. Rodney, a monologue by Anna Dcv- party Saturday night at tho home ing and dyeing establishment, died April. ereaux, vocal solos by Edward of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Park- Vaughn of Riverside drlvo in Mld- satisfactory manner In which they thing such as metal, skins, rags, Fifteen of these aro still beins con- Friday afternoon from a general dlotown township before he was conducted the arrangements for tse ducted by cither its founders or by Crozlcr and William Tallman, vocal er. John Parker celebrated his 23d Koose feathers, etc., for merchandise. FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. breakdown • in his seventieth year. taken sick. funeral. This store had a great reputation for the families of the founder. Strange selections by Mr. and Mrs. Crozicr birthday and several special features Mr. Lovlnshy had bone sick several to say there seems to have been more and Mr. and Mr3. Tallman and a were arranged in his honor. Surviving him are three brothers, Mr. Leveritt Glosten and Family. having, "everything," and I imagine Valentino Party Given for Ruth weeks. Ho was born in Russia and Robert Tyler of Red Bank, Daniel —Advertisement. they did, for there was a wager made business activity in the Seventies piano duct by Mrs. Marion Storer The house was decorated with cut camo to tho United States at the than in the Eighties. But this is Kiimcr of Fa'j* Ilaven. and Mrs. Klva Garland. ' flowers and }ho guests woro attired Tyler of New York and Ernest Ty- one day where one man bet another age of 21. Surviving him, besides ler of Virginia, Tho funeral will be Card of Thanks. that he could buy anything he probably accounted for by the fact A valentine parly was given Fri- A talk on the progress of the lodge lu old clothes. Dancing nrrd games Mr. Leon, are a wife and two chil- I wish to llianlt my friends for tha that we had several very disastrous was made by Mrs. Elizabeth P. were enjoyed. hold Friday afternoon at one o'clock kindness antl .sympathy extended tij wanted in that store. The one man day night at the home of Mr. and dren, Mrs. Lillian Abromowltz and at Albert W. Wordcn's establishment I said that, ho would RO over to the fires in the business section which Mrs. Harry Vcroncau on Parker ave- Cloughly. 'Mrs. Viola Fichtor, coun- Othora present besides Mr. and Nathan Lovlnsky, all of Rod Bank, mo in my recent bereavement caused naturally retarded business, Red cilor, presentod boqueta of carnations Mrs. Parker and John were Kcv. and and Rev. W. B. Baker of tho Red by the death of my beloved mothor< store and ask for a pulpit. Mr. Pe- nue nt Fair Haven In celebration of Rabbi Nathan Witkln cpnducted Bank Methodist Zion church will I especially thank Rev. Robert Mac- ters was not at all surprised to re- Eank has always been n. great busi- tho fifteenth birthday of their niece, to three charter members and th» Mrs. Carroll M. Burck, Mrs. George tho funeral Sunday morning at the ness town, probably on account of Its three oldest members. The charter Silver, Jr., Mrs. Walter Bruyere, Mrs. preach the sermon. Burial will bo Kellar, Funeral Director Albert W« ceive such an inquiry, and ushered Miss Ruth Rumer, The rooms were lato residence and burial was at tho at White Ridge cemetery. Wcu-den end thoso who sent llorisl them to a back corner of the store location. decorated with American flags, val- members aro Mrs. Elizabeth Clough- Charles A. McClaskey, Misses Ruth Hebrew cemotery In Shrewsbury tribute;). ly, Mrs. Sarah Storer and Mrs. Delia end Jean Parker, Ruth Ticchurst, where tho customer was ^iven a Them are few towns that, aro situ- entines and crepe paper. Games, township, near Tinton Fallfl. VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA. Edward VonKattcngell. choice of two pulpits. This business ated as wo are. Wo arc like n. hiib singing and dancing were enjoyed. A VanBrunt, and tho oldest members Kara Ylvlsakor, Dorothy Bender, —Advertisement. was afterward conducted by Mr. Pe- luncheon, was served and thero was arc Mrs. Matilda Fowler, Mrs, Mabel jane Wylle, Harriot Wood, Elizabeth, . —»-*-** • of a wheel. We can not help but do DEATH OF AS INFANT. H'tlllnm Cavannu£li of Cnnidcn Curd of Thnnlcs. ters alone, then by his son. J. H. Pe- business, as we draw from every di- a birthday cake with flftcen candle3 Bedford and Mrs. Ida Fary. A cov- Florence and Kathelccn Powers, Kd- ered luncheon was served. wina and Rla McClaskey and Emma Formerly Lived nt Red Batik. Wo extend our heartfelt thanks to ters, and in 1898 by Robert Hance * rection. We are within a short dis- on It. nuth received many birthday friend:) and relatives for their kind-" Sons, who bought the business. 1 Stlllwagon, Robert Tlcehiiret, Eleanor Aycra Was tho Only Child William Cavanaugh of Camdcn, tance of New York nnd enjoy unusu- gifts. Those present were Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Aycrs. nesii nnd sympathy nt the time of ally fine commuting accommodations. Mrs. Frank Noil-ion, Harry and Trenchard Wylle, Owen Eamcs, Wal- formerly pf Red Bank, died at Ash- our bereavement In the death of oup The following year Mrs. Alice Lud- 10NTEUTAINED AT DINNEK. ter Bruyere, Eric Ravendale, Shel- Eleanor Aycrs, one year old, the land, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday of hufiljaml nnd father. low started In business at the foot of We are within a stone's throw of one Louise Ncilson, Farlow Davis, Bea- trice Holtz, Martha Soefield, Anna don Vogt, Burton Fielder, William only child of Arnold and Eleanor last week. Ho was 37 yearo pf-nge. Mra. Charles Edward Tllton Washington street. There was a'doclt ' the finest farming sections of the Kcv, anil Mrs. Carroll Burck Gdcsts Parker, Barten Capon and James and Family, United States. Wo aro located on Neilson. Claire Neilson, Charles Cup- Frost Ayors of Bergen place, died He is survived by a widow and one at the foot of Washington street in to Episcopal Clergy. Baird... Friday morning at the Long Branch child. Hl» wife, before her marriage, —Advertisement those days and her business was near one of the most beautiful rivers of plcs and Kenneth Lockwood. the world, which .we are just begin- Rev., and Mrs. Carroll M. Burck hospital from a complication of dis- was Miss Dora Moore. Tho funeral IN MEMORIAM. this dock. She afterward moved to eases after a sickness of ten dayo. was held at Mr. Cavariaugh'u Inte Broad street. The business was later ning to realize and appreciate, and SATCBDAV EVENING TARTT. of Shrewsbury entertained at dinner A VALENTINE PARTV. In memory or urn- bedoved nnil $ us Monday night the members of the Tho baby was taken to the hospital homo and burial was mado at South liutbiMiil iitul fntlier, Allioil II. Scliuorniam conducted by her son-in-law, H. N. • "' *- near enough to the ocean to en- I'll. I}., who immvcicd thu call l-cljrunf? ov s Members of ISrldgo Club Met at tha Episcopal clergy of the Monmouth Elizabeth Emery and Grace Hounl- he night before she died. The body Philadelphia. Mr. Cavanaugh's homo fc'upp, and now by Clayton & Magee. ! -J '^ sportn, therefore we have al- ivas removed to Albert W. Wordcn'a was on West Front street when he 16, nrr.!. This business has been in the one ways enjoyed a business much great- Glolic Hotel. district. Those who attended verc han Entertained at Trinity Hall. Sutlly niliisctl untl never foi-notten. pr Revs. Robert MacKellar and Charles undertaking parlors and prepared lived nt Red Bank. Ho was famil- I'llANUKS K. HCHUEBMAN. family lontrer than any in lied Bank 'ban that to be expected from n The Red Banlt Saturday evening W. Nelson of Red Bank, Ucv. W. A Valentine party was given for burial. iarly known among Ills friends us r.l'l'li; NOLI, KCIIUEllMAN, today. I town of its own population. Red KMII, M51S KCIIUEllMAN. rrkl^c club met nt tlic Globe hotel W. Kenncrly of Fain Haven, Rev. Thursday night at Trinity parish "Whitey." In that same year, IStG. the Odd ! Bank is now only in its infancy. Tho funeral was held Sunday af- laat week, with Mrs. Alien P. H«n- Albert P. Mack of Keyport, Rev. bouso on West Front street by ternoon at tho late reoldenco nnd »-»*». Fellows lodge was organized, this be- i • -»-.-«. _ (h ickson ns hostess. Owing" to th« Misses Elizabeth Emery nnd Grace Howard S. Frazier of Highlands, afterward at the Calvary Baptist DIED AT HOSPITAL. ing tho first lodge tn he- organized in ' f.now storm there was a smaller at- Rev. Morton F. Sanies and John T. Hounlluln. Card games and dancing church. The pastor, Rev. Joseph W. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS 1 Tied Bank, In 1852 the Mystic Broth- „„, ,,,„., U'mlEjnce than usual. The prizes wore Matthews of Long Branch, Rev. Ran- were enjoyed. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. Vin- Leo, conducted tho 3orvloo and bur- Martin Wyclioff Worked nl Empire Too Late for Clasaification. e.hood was organized and Thon'ms j M)ss AnIlllllulra ,,olmc.s ,Vns won by Mra. William M. Thompson dall W. Conkllu of Asbury Park. cent Willis'of River Plaza were chnp- ial was at Whito Ridge cemetery Oarngo Mnny Yenrs. i.. Combs was is worshipful master. [ „-,„,.„ Hurt anil Mra Artljur K Swift.1 Others eioncB, MODKKN ^ix-Tcum injftlon; t-ciitrnj rcnlilon* In 1851 the INOW Jersey Standard First Thought. pi c;;ent Jieaides those mentioned wero ley Beach, Rev. John H. Sehwacko Others present were Misses Cath- Martin Wyckoff of Lcightun ave- nue died yesterday morning nt Riv- I Mil oral urn In Hod llmili; '.?IiU montlily. v/afc started in Majawan by Henry About three weeks aso Mlsa Anna- Mrs. II. T. Mctzgar, Mrs. Charlc3 P. of Freehold and Rev. Fred F. Snow erine Conover, Doris Wolcott, Mary HAD MOKE SURVIVOUS. AthlrcHH Kiitc. G7II Ilornon nvaiiuo, JcrMr Morforci, It was afterward moved to i u-lira Holmes, daughter of Mr. and j p, Koblo. Mrs. John h. Hubbard, Mrs. of Seagirt, Harrison, Kathleen Murphy, Minnie eivlew hospital, where- he had been .1 City. N. .1. J'liiMi'c llorgon Kllli-M.* y Keyport. where ii was purchased in f Mrs- Joseph Holmes of HolmdrJ, way i j. A. Cliaunzy and Mrs, Gcrtrudu Olsen, Lydia Murphy, Alice Cook, patient alx wcckB. He wad born nt T0U;iti-',N'r, llvc-ioiim liuuKC Munroo iiv»- nurt lolmdel Mnn Leaven Son and Sister Oceanport 58 ycarG ngo and worked nu(!. Slircivsltuiy. N. .1. In'iulio of hun* 3B6O by Rev. Robert MlddlediU'li and while on her way liomn from [ pcrrinc. Borah Murphy, Viola Cross, Effie Not Mentioned In Story of Death. iiln lliirkloy. Haul rrcoliold, N. J., li. f. V. .Anthony Reckless, and moved to Tied | ^"tenary collegiate institute at ' • -o-«-^- RETURNING TO THE SOUTH. Dlcn, Polly Ingnlls, Pearl Good- nt Allan Frost's Emplro garage on Charles fidward Tllton^of Holmdel, Enst Front street many years. Bank. The nc.xL your John "Weaver ! Kacltcttstovn. Thn nutoinnbile in A IilKTlIDAY PARTY. ridge, Catherine Conkllu nnd Ora irnurw'/WniiriTTinCf^anPiif ilrTclciww rHabJi&bed Jiis tailoring1 hvn'mcas ami ^'I'ich sho wan tiding skidded nnd Itcv. f'linrlc* Doylo Will Leave Ked Norman, John Smock, Frnnk Layton, | who died on Thursday, February 6th, Mr. Wyckoff wna n member of tho Ini; iitnie. AlM'ly 111 nwii haiuhvl'Itlnff. ivas survived by four children and a AiMrcuB H._A._/Ujliinvcr M.Jtcil Ilniik. was succeeded hy his ami, James IJ, overturned. Her injuries did not , it Was (ilven Sunday l''or Mm. Nor- Il:in!i Fur West Vfrglnln. Richard Klrliy, Bert Conover, Harry Red Bunk colored Elks und Knlghtii "Weaver, in 187^. Junifv. HI, \Veavcr, serious and it. wna exprctfHl Carson, Herbert and Carl Colmorgcn, brother nnd sister Instead of four of Pythias lodges. Surviving him Is p I man W. (iibsun of Orange. Kev. Charles Doyle, who lias been children and a brother as was stated a half-brother, Dcnlsc Conover of •M-iit anil i:ncnl i-ouk: RICPII IKUIIO; rcfor' probably better Unown as Coninio- tbfit she would resume her studies nt as.-iit.-iiit lector at St. Jamca'a church Joficph Frank, John Higgina, • John cnrM loiinlreil, Nn. T. K. Hull. Alston clorn Weaver, who until his d*>atb HackettBlown hisl Wednesday. How- Mrs. Norman W. Gibson of Orange Koe, Elmer Morris, Fred Gill. Ray- by The Register In a story of the Lcighton avenue. Couit, lloil llnnk, ullDlio 1831. nt }Xc{\ Bank for the past six wcck3, denth. The article said Mr. Tllton Monday, had tin- distinction of bo- <'Ver, a later examination showed un- 'celebrated her twentieth birlhilny will icturn to his former parish in mond Morriw, George Murray, Chub- l-'Cin'SMiB. iwi luitniniillcS clcrtrtn roljai in the advice SSundad y att. tthhe home nf her parrntfl, left two sons and two daughters DEATH FROM PARALYSIS. ing In .)HI:)IIHT.3 in Ufd Brml! irm;;-' c-xpeeted injuvirs, and West Virginia. IIS will leave next b" Wnlbaclccr nnd Dalton Burdge. • li-ool, ulu'nio Itoj' Bnnk 100«.« ev than nuy othrr Rrd Bank of her doctor Miss Holmes lias not;Mr- JlIl(I Ml'-;- I^iTdcrick K. JIlRht at whereas he leaves three sons and 0 Sunday. Father Doyle nnd a number daughter, they being Miss Dora nnd John Garriito Died Monday Morning liASSINKTTK fur wiln," ~)i'rnctlrnil*y~niiif| man. Shortly after Mr. Weaver start-! "ftvirned In college. She in confined ! !*:»'injr strcrt. A birthday dinner was UHUII only two nionllin. Pilt-c $10. Mrs, ta htil of other prlosls from West Virginia Minor Tllton, who live at home, Har- nt tho Ago of 7-1. ed his (ailurinj; cstabliahrnrnt, John j\ ' ^omr, where, she h slowly im- . ^n-cd amid ilcc:oi-ations of potted liavc been in [he Northern states on TEMPEKANCK MEMORIAL. Kuicnno I'nttuiuun, li'.l I.lnilcil lilaco, He4 I>ioving. autn and cut I o^i.-'. #Mr. Gibson is old Tiiton of Mlddlctown and Roy S, John Garruto, who lived with I1I3 llnnk.* JT. Berpen darted in the shoe busi- temporury appointments and all have Tillon of Cranbury. His brother and rt'SR, in about 16.")7. Ho was aftft- i I:KLC\IUVO of t|ir> Timkrn oil bunur bc:c-n called back to their former par- Servlco Held Monday, Afternoon ut son, Frank Garruto of River otrcet, FOU SAI'i:. Uvo Jioiiiiin, foiii-rccn ycati) n pinn I inn find \vt\r< at one tinie sta- Atlantic Highlands. iiiater arc Henry C. Tiiton of Rod died Monday morning from pnmlysla old; mcillnrn sire. Will null tho [»<« Mard Kijccoedcd hy BeiKon «t Mon, Honip From Scotland. ishes. A?, vet no one has been ap- Bank and Mra. Minor Brown of Marl- fcir .sjoo, n:i I liavo iiu u'u im' nunie. Q» Korfl - fiom Scotland, whore ihny !.jif;nt -i memorial errvlce for Francis E. (rood C'UlillUoii: i.Hi liuyc! for iTOfielltl .(CK.OIIS altrudrd ii Jii- DKATH OF .JERSEY CITY MAN. 80 lftaven n Bister living In Italy. lit-innrnt npem-d fm hti^lneas hi 1800 month with i rlnt ivrh and friends. !"ii \l ;.'• li\T. A Klrlliday Ulnnrr Tarty. Willard, mother of prohibition, Mon- hunt, lii A-l I'liniiiiintii tin. Ai'i'ly <:n»t. itnd that bu.-niif!^ in rtill brin^ r itirl y lu-lil l»y Is'n vcaink day afternoon nt tbo Presbyterian Tho funeral waa held thin morn- ricornn Frick. r. I llei-liii- |,U,«, Um| Hunt." ^»- • Mrf, Mlobo had Jntfitrlrij fi ,-l;iy long- Mrs. h. \'.. Littln of 1'lTelicilrl, 11 .Tnmen Roach Formerly LIYC«1 nt ing at tho late ronldonce nnd at fit. ritjctprl und^r the prinir name b'y er at hftr iintivn lirnth, but shr ^nt Imnlv ruid t 11 Id i-r lilt- company of church at that pl.ice. At the service 'lllll SA|,i':rVhun,. In'" lliin"i-nnrlll ioTiTTSii- ; former resident, of Red Unnk, cele- incnihrrs of tlio I "ra(inr fav.iiiy. Tht letters f 1 mn Dlfhop William T. Man- Everett nnd Mntawnn. Anthony's church, whom a requiem iinniililu. Wrllo fl.iN u, I.iiiu: Ilrnntk Jinmofiicit and aim returned hnm^ y.i->l l'.jink lait, wrok at brated her birthday last week with a llcriiril. I.ciiil! rininrli, N. J._ following yeai-, in 1860, John W, ulr ^rill. A lurkry • dinner was ning of the Episcopal diocese c.f James Roach of Jersey Clly, form- mass was celebrated by Rev. Father foonor than Mie hftd jdannr-d, Sh • dinner party nt the home of her T"BNi|!6oM"ri"oiiio"'fciir«iilV; lmpiiTvmiiSitt] Mount nfartrd in thr whonlwrlght ;-iMvr>il. :iflfi' which djinclnfj wns! en- New "York. Ilcv. S. Pdrlie.T Cndmnn, erly of Kverott and Matawan, died Nicholas Soriano. Burial will be at cxprcts n visit in thr aprinp- fnmi her friend. Miss Elizabeth Walling of Mb Olivet cemetery. business on the corner of what \vn:i joyed to miiMif fiirnishrd hy Jntaea pastor of tho Central Cjr.grefiotlon- last week of pneumonia after a slek- (luickly; litliu JC.750, tunilu arrnnilt;hp fell i;irt r-i>nin o lln- Tri-iiti )]i iuirni.il A IllrUey rulpper will he jierved rn church cemetery. R., and Madellno Reovey Mndlfion of mni-Lft>i; iilnii.l nn ineinlBofi. K. (J, Vnf the dry Koodn an(t grocery hunlncifc, r ler. Hiiimldnc K.uin, Munmonlh if.o,l, W«e» Hobbs ii: eighty Yf-nr,; old. : chrin! will Im hclil tit 111e. MrAlpin 'riiui.'-'liiy (if next week nt »\xo'clock Weat Bergen place, died yculcnhiy Ihey bplnp Biiccecded by Adlfm &. PIIMI nt Sinter's Home. [iflernoon of convulsions nftcr n ulck- l.t.ni; llnilirli. ,,|iniia I.OIIB llrnnrh 1081. ' Co., .Tncoh YotiUo and Martin Moiv liulc 1 il! K>w York im .Saturtlny, at lho lndepeiuleiit nrehoufld on the A I.mlgA IJunfjuot. CUMI-KTKH1'." ™llnWo""«iiniiiii wl»h«'ii~i3 Mnr eh l.-it, iIt I'J ;:n. TIIIFI nfTnir will Freehold road nt Mnrgftnvllle. It Membe.ru of the Mooaehcart l,e- Mrs. Minnie fl. Hall of Long Branch n*-ea of two days, Tha funeral will ruin fnr ihlldren for IIIORU wlBhluar iQ ountlaaed oa Bi«( ipcnt. It will |iay yoii.~Advcrtl8emnoil la aiirvlvcU by Unco brolhcra. y RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 1930.

TEA DANCE AT MJNG BBANUl. ARTICLES FOE AUTOMOBILES. FARM PRODUCE. BUSINESS NOTICE. ROOMS FOR RENT. REAL E3TATE FOR RENT. ^ot^^^aT^1ate~Br"tm™c^8 par \ 1'AUMBItS, bt'i go—Ge, t icftiJy fpr th*MASON contractor; estimates cheerfully iiMAM. apiu'tmenl fur rent; all improv«j- IA.U-' of doubla house for rent, sU room** About 100 rcreons Attended Party al quart in flve-gtUlcm cons; jiocimrge for ; UXJAV& IT ur not we have ledoccd coining Hcfton; SEiveu.' EUBcne Soyer. 40 East WestBlUe! merits: heat. Whyte, 800 itlver road, end water; ons block frcni Urcti'l Star of tho Sea Academy, :an, I need essli. Stmun's Betvlce Sle- { our use j them can bo no (mention about price. •athert, etc. Slock of ; ,.„ ,i I>I.7JTK1 B» Velio Bcdan, 19211 Hint WHSQII, licenced broker. 27 En'*t front y niBhti. ot each month Applf menta; electric li^ht. A'«o But-room chestra frptn the IJriello Inn and'u 727W ! »lroot. (tcrl Banic. Phone 284l>. List your house, all improvements; n,ftr*ec. Appl/ j touting. 102,5 IIUDIDOLHO wUn, l^2\ RACCOON OAP loat tiuturdity nlghllt l IJCI - FOR 3ALIS3ALI , ttfia ot lucky number danco waa won by UIN gravel t'ot U, bungalowt ^nd houses"house; v« acrtm fraufrauii on liinhMii,. T»rm« f tl1 A R Bj16 West Front street, Ited Ilant:. • Ccunlry Club, _____ ' ter system installed. Wo specialise in Red Hunk, plioii 4O5..I. aorae barcaiaibi . FourteeFt n sere» UnUdd neir T»rm« wn and Edwin Konrwdy of Bed Bank. a msJ«msJ« . C»l«t Lufinr Uellot.1Uellt1 . MM. *. Jine naebiitta, >AIH tiU>VKS fvund FrldTy mornlnK. pump repairing, Ite^idence Mlddlctotvn, N. i T-nTiThjfsHKD uj ( -— th- o rlv, Kesnsburte. suitable for poultry ftrtaj only Kb ou 36.60U. Caleb U Luker. Bclford. U. J,, Th(| proflta of tho dance will bp useil typDwriten, tiling c&Hnata. tivtrythiux Owner rfui have en mo by proving: prop- ( r-• - »phonT e rvi.Red" iBan k i-~~7Y11I8-JT . Plumblnif. \ bank; ll*" 6'j Recto rnu for rent. ptione Kenntburg 502-M. oHi, oil Mtiin tired, twS (or tho class's educational trip to 'or tho otticn, Call /i*btjrr 5440. Butltr't crty. Thomas Irvine Brown. Hcd Bnnk hentlng and tinning, tred G. | oUtrom XtlcB feijuipment Co.. 4ti Bond etrnet ; lino condition. lawn tlsinll imjiuem Washington In tho spring. RtKiBter r- " EIKMLS'I ITCHING. Mexican, sold, silver, FOU KENT, prlvato Karaiifl; 7 Allen place: flown, balanc Fimt oilier, Kunm'ni, AdUrtisa Lock Box ate., button*, plokini/, plaiting, em- water, electricity. Call C. It. Ru»«. He! uUiiyi beat, elfpulc iiM 1 CANAHV I)mil mi! tolii (idli for ealu. 4, Kattnakurtf, N, J. LICENSE holder i'onttiiniiisr~jiccn7c, UIPO 520 a muiiUi. Corner of Muple avenue, 1 — —B» » <"««• Oal.1 U l» t,itliM, large sum of moiiey lont Sunday, Hnti- near Third street, l-»]r llttven, N. ,J. nold Ilsh; ft I oo bird end Slab uUPpliei. 0311 OHKVliOLIOTonch, nix cylinder, lB'JB quersds nulls for biro. 1'be Uaijd? Shoo HOUSE for rent, nix rooms and linth, nil aM 1'LAYEKS' AUXlMAIiY PARTY. er !>)CUKC return to Wllllum Toomcy, Ev- U Hrunii street, tied Bank. l-oit SALE. roiidri«ndni»ir« YtHioiTimii \ Kennedy & Sons, 41 8foad itrept, Chevrolet, runpo; l(.i»ki* If ho now, Vhry»' ciett, N. J.. nnd recclya rewiird.* imi»rovemfint«; near now lake. Peter Hunk, Icr l Service, H Mnplo uvenue, IltsJ WILLIAM V. DIETRICH, plumbing, beat- DeMidowlU, i)Q Ajiplcgato utrect, Uiver «i.600. »6OU cash. Al«i> lv»o anil a aun Chnrlty Luiichcon^nnil Urttlgo Held .•Ji'LM;ay heaUra complelelf tnuai.cu Ounli, __^_ ing nt>d tinning. Pumps anl windmill* LiAUOE hciitcll~rotMii", next to~lia7h, Vuit- Plazn, N. J. Mr.. Und. SHOO, l.uk.r'. K.'.lt,. U«K teat Weeli ut I'ulr Ilnvcn. anywhere, $98 to *1C3. Pipe furnace CHHYHLlflt "73"-iWlster for sale: rerfect BUSINESS NOTICE. repaired, Aiftnt Car Mssler carbureter able for one or two; near liiyli school coal sftvlng device, fits any furnace, 42 N._J.,_phon«_K««mbarii E02.M. eatlmnteat hent guaninUe. ferrat. Stoves, «l)tip« ami n "fltepiier." Chrynler Sulc^ and Bhoppfnjj district: bus tji.iasca doork ; 35 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Tho Players' boat club auxiliary of ranijca, heatert itoah94' Cuinlosue pflo**- ^Service, B_MH|>lo_Hvcnuc, Red Bank. fr' IT'S rttii cttato you 'ant we tia I,4i£hton avtnu«. R«d Bsnk. Phn-# ^l?JliLl LP T'OlVsALB "liiVf"iri"iriii(r Orop card or pbiiI|*TiuBBcii and wcy; fruit nnd anptiraguR. AU'Ji'CGfi Home DUYOAK wood in itove «nd~Orepiacft HOWARD WI1JTE. el Portland r Service Station, Uroml etreet, Shrewabiiry. Site, drawer M, Ilcd Uonli, Tho prteo winners at bridgo were lllsnlnniJB, N. J., hou.o mover, fou railroad fitutioii. 1,',4 Clicslnut iitrcet, length, delivered; also trfletor plowlnu opposite fire house, Telephones Red Bank Hcd Hank. __ Mrs. Nora Long, Mrs. Vincent Kelt, ati'l tmy ballnu. J, H, Carney, pboiio Kat- EMPLOYMENT, tlona built. I'holn Ulalilnmla 12TB.R. L'7lacc, Red 1 J- l'hons Ko, ini,'. UuukinK nnd wrcclilns, K, Laurlno, v (r Dtructcd, Topsoil, cinders, fill dirt. 20 Mm. J. Loo Knrlght, Mra. Stllwcll v (r Wttihlngtnn nreet. Rid Hnnk. phone SiSIH Bsnk. | LEROY PLACE, just llotcd. im idcu t>0 Second Bvonue, - E^OIIB Drencl], ph^na WHITE woman wi;»iiea duy's work to do, Pinckncy road. Red_Hank, phong 1401-W, 1'oya, Mrs. Leon Kolley, Mm. (loorsi! aco-it. • _ -•--;- -ind beatlnff, c*timate» fur- CHEKItKUL (til home of( seven rooms, nil rnodom im- or would dp lauiulry In or out, 27& M«- SUPERIOR WTnTlow Cleaning CoTTpKoni Inovementa; ecreene. awniiica. ifnrage, ctr.. A. Hawkins, 81., mid Mrs. Qcnreo'A. nlshed. Joaspb W. Vu%, 116 Pinckn«T veniencaa; NIGW llvD-roum hijuiu for sale* ail * riSALlsrVurinUcdlebulirCb ohunlo etrect, phuno .K«dJ*«nk1274. Red Bunk 2478. We nviko a ipcclally ot nbio for IniB SI a,000. Owner Jcnvinil town. John dririiDcorlrtK, nml Fordnon tractora, r Thctto Qful. Rert Hank. nhfme g317 .leiiM. «nd plenty of mom for • nw, Hawliln.3, Jr. Miu SJoiLon Flanltz cleaniny wirniowa in pi.vato residences. Mra. II. Schuti Protliero. 31 Monnioutli street. l>liono Hl true tors nra nil ovorhaulcd ^n^. Cour ••.••t • anI'KC^d liqui Meehnnld o .treet. ^llNJClNJ ully mJvertinci! proiluct- writp us. Lcadd v fict four cqr uamed wbfla ID town S«rv. and cold running water, eevtrkuy lo- TWO" rdmrV iiilc in Ilolmdel townahiii. I'nrrii wnn tui) Wulfing and Urn, Lnon ICcllcy. I'OU HAM'), UurrLJUirb'BodJlnE-a»it»tractlnff fihed: nlso rcstrktoil territory to livii •tnl.tn fui-nixhcd f»! KSALIii—i;an r~oT~4af^lcrcV* wire. AtidrcBs V.JO. IIox lpq.Jlqd Uunlt. let* BOnrnntcefl, rsteil; rate* reasatiable. Hudson Hou*e. litihL huiuic location, iienr j •erl/ called the Pat Lawless farm and id i • Mm. William V. Shanahan ot Iiokkoeplim mnchlno; KOOn«l Bank, Kat- THK HinilKST prices paid for all kinds litoail oti'ect, KcariBburtr; it in thvoo fnrma down from nml Ocean cuuntlcs, wanted. Wo have OHIENTAL and domettto rusi «na ilnnk. t N\J of furs: nlso livo chlckenn. Joe BnVor. ; young John Jlendilrkson'R place. There A-l eomhtlon: oclUr ami liDat; burna Rni beon chosen'secretary of tlie' auxili- roohi fur projirosfiivo young met) who wnnt earpeti shampooed and dry eteanc-ti. UNO ouV"h(irdw«rt stock of J. Traf 230 Mechanic wtrect. phone Red Bank 23Oy la a hlgn on the hnuae For Kent. Huii» ary to ;BUCCOrpvina. Rent rear-onalilc. l'orturthor ws and hor^ca; fruit "" ami )ar«a lawn UANK limpluyiiH'Mt Agency am rtobr. Mgnraouth Carpet Cleaftlns eood. at auction. I .ell anrtblng anj- nil improvements B i lirat one-car En- information nlca»e cull or write Mm Mnr- NEWS. 67rVKKLr~aTml~Bupprio'(rr"OJd Tr"u»ty~ cti nlt xl ado trcca. This would maka a beautiful rufis' Kcgislry, ! J Uivcrdtroi<- Voit SALIi' ut"*" Uciford. "atoro ""Wlfh" BH* ttoil Bunk U22V BUY and otjil accond'-ham] clotticj- must i orating, exterior nnd interior pn!ntln . reined ice, ooupa, flea powileri o»d Itrush- K erly; chicken (IOUBCB in cood condition, ifirika on corner 60x1^5; hou*o of five bo Jn cood condition. I. Kerbsr. 20<* ' U Worthley *trcot. Iteil Bnnk, ghons 1J15 ) Tho monthly meeting ut tho Ocean- os; mnnt cumplcto Jtnc ever t'fTered In II, middle nged woman wbh* upartmeitt, nil Imi'rove- I'ricc and termn on request. E. Orovctz, roonu and bath up and ttirep liirgo rooms c> position as housclicopcr; privato furo- Shrowsbury avenue. Red Bank, phone I C. ft. Git ANT, Everett, N. J., enrpenter port auxiliary of the nivcrvlew hos- Monmouth county. ' Krcd V, WikofI Co., 2C54-J. merits; btit-h, Arcola hcHter, ens rnngo. I box 49, Atlantic N. J. dawn; all 'Improvements; fu.000, Xfttm*. Red nank.'N. J. ily or wliliiwer'4 liome prtifarr«il.. Address mil builder nnd houpo painter. cndyt electricity, etc. Hent ?:sO. -'•} West front Opposite Lukor't Rcnlty, Bolfqrd. N. J, pllal was held at tho homo of Mrs. IIou«cJ(eepor, ilrnwer M._Reil Dank, nit. homes ercctsM; nltcratlonn nnd repnirn. SIX-ROOM buncalcw 0D Muin dtrecl. Bvl* H1G11LSI prico. poid for ol< kind. UJ ilvo Mtrcct, plionp RcilJUnk USQ-M. Phono KennsbuTR 502-M. Loilla Millar on Thursday afternoon. UAHY "CHICK" Vupp»c*Ppratt'3t"Conkey'^ ford, for sale; tlto «U-room homo at OKTKN^U73pitr^ DOUUry. Jacob Becker. 273 Shrewiburv All work uimrantced. Chitrgcs reanonnble. Hid U WAY PA~tlM~f or"Ba"kTlir ty~acToT; Purlnu mid Kull-U-reD ttartlng feeds, _,v«nU8. tied Bank, or pbon. 1880.w RM I'll one Mlddletown 71)fi-l£,-21. HOUSE: for rent, SO Ueriren place, sU Mtddletowo, near depot. 83,000; three acres Those prosent wore Mis. John Mor- Piiltr^ml outs, Ana cmelted coHt, crfleked mother's helper afternoona or evonlrsr^ all improvements: woodland, Deir Keanabure. tultablo (or •oino fruit: bfirn, corn crib and garage i 1 l ank Onnh. rooms, sun porch, row, Mrs. Kenneth West, Mra. James wlieat, dried sUlininctl milk, dried* liuttcr- DRKKSMAKKU— Lndicn* JICHBCB, Inree garden, chicken S47 per chicken* 31.500. Caleb Luker, Del ford larpa road frorilasa; oi«ht-roora hou^n, jyLl! * *?A " - :_ OONfRACTOn; wall dMorallnu. cuoile conls and beach pajama chil- Rhalneg, Mrs. JCdward Worthlcy, , m!lk, loml-iollil raillc. Vorfoun chlclt Ut- A'i'LANTIO Employment Agency, licensed month. Phone Red Hunk 1T33-J. N J. ___ . electricity; S18.00O. Torma. Lakor'n ior-j,, fount^, feeders, etc. Most com pie to hanging and Teitone and Mterlor dren'dre s iantii>anticc sctn nnnJ sulLs. DrcB made 502'M' Bclt0tdl N' J" ohona KesriBburtf Mrs. Thorima lioas, Mrs. John Sil- ant) bonded. At your service to furnish pnlnUntr. b. Cannlnarol . Main itreet, Kcr. UKSlltAULfci yiticyiti e foTTcnTToTTcnTnn tli IDisnet TOR SALE, ten acres or ffood, land on con* line of chick supplies offered In tho eoun- competent mnle or female help for Any re- //o r ththe mieoi ' thaht la juajtt iin between. crete road. S4.00O; terms can be made. vers, Mrs. Theodore Rowc, lira. ty Alwnya In stock.. Qulek service. Fred port. M. J.. tehphone Keyport 8B7-M Aprons, etc, I hnve my own select pat- bildi z Applly nt the officffi e of Sigmun-i l quirement. 61 First avenuo, - Atlnntic Co., or-telephone Red B.inh 1100. Grapes, apples and asparagus; a beautiful COUNTRY HOMB"7or'inlQi cosy flv«.room Charles Prothcro, Si'., Mrs. Thomas P. Wtltoff Co., Rnd Ilnnlt. __* Httsliliunl.i, N. J.. phono G33. Vincent Dlmi- terns and materials nt small cost; 1,000 place for a homo; on bus line. Caleb I* bunealow, collar, VVestinsrhouaa Hghtlnis nempIcH to choofio from. Can bo seen by HALL for rent; third floor, IU Broad INCUBATOHS mid broodors for ealor com- roprletor. . LANDSCAPE esrdensr. Prunlnil Lukor, Uelford, N. J. plant: KaraKP3 nnd. tame outbulldlne*: 4'i McDonnclli Mrs. Georgo Loper, Mro, calling Ked Bank 2403 for nn appointment street, for lodgf. dance* or entorlain* acres land, highly elevated; 84,5001 terms. CharloB Walling, Mra. James rtlialncs, ploto Jmneawny and Buckeye lines nl- CAHPENTEH work wanted-of any kind; by flicerleooed men: aprarfns. lay- or have me call at your home; oicms. Cao bo rented by the year, mon'.b FOR SALE, fifty acres land on road from BISO pointing tlono rcaaormblc; no job U Luker's Really. Bolford, N. J., ohono It Y^ao voted to fjlvo $0.00 for station- w»y» in Btoclc. i-'red D. Wlkoff Co., Ited tnir oat of around*, larff. or small. or evening. Apply El. iionce & Sons. I'i Leonardo to Chapel Hill; good view ot Keansbunf &02-M, Bank. " • too s tit it 11, Address Fred Hclmbcrs, box *dwl« elvon o» to »bat, »ben ono CURCIIIN'S (or roal art. Curchin's barbur Hroail street. Rod B&nk, New York; highly elevated. Just tho place ery for tho hoaiijtal. A letter of 115^, Red Bank, ahop Is tho place whore art menna some BUY NOW—3nve money; before spriiiK GENUINK solid walnut boJroom aulte; ilx ho» to plant. T. B. StlUs, 17 Harrl- I OR UKNT. *toio rooma on Moatnuutb for a borne site. Caleb L. Lukcr. Belford. thanks waa sent to Mra. David Jonci plecua: hand carved, with' qunr-terci MIDDLE ACiElJ woman would considc thing, for real proof try us once, and N. J, co3y four and six room winter horae* «t • on avaotlr led Bank, phone IUU1. tlion you will always. Thta also applie* street, Ueii Back, for rent; favorable Jo- real bareafnsi when spring drnwa near lor her gift ot 24 packs of cards^for grain. Inlaid, Old Ensllah ttnisht moth trtkhm trnro of children afternoon? and crtion: moderate rent. Apply at the oiTt;e FOR SALE, near Little Silver, threo and a proof, cedar lined Interior; modernlatjc iJfl- oveningd while pnrents nre away. Mrs. 8. to ladies nnd children. Second National at Siumund Eijnar Co.. ot tslephoot Red prices riic. You can save today; easy tho recent card party. Mro, Kenneth bank building, Red Bunk. Upstairs. - half acres Und, small bungalow; S21 payments. Lakcr'a Roatty, Delford, N, J, altfn; worth 51,000, like now: sell for 8376. S. SflKucs. .21. Chestnut street, Red Bank, Punk UOi,. feet facing concrete road. $4,000, Luker'* Ot Griwiil nvenue, Long Branch, phone phono b'/O-J._ TfeS. it will be done rlgbt If Tour ear '• West reported that $34,73 wa.'s rea- M wmhed at tho Boro Busjej. inc. waib FOtt RENT, stores, ollices. flats, housea. Realty,_Belford. phone Keanaburif 503-M. UIGHVVAY FARM for sale: thirteen acres. lized from tile card 'party held at the LO^TIKBmuch 371H. ". f fruit-and berries; barn for three homes, LANDSCAPE BnlpBihan wiintod with abil- « Bnil. Llmrlea A^.^lones^expert washer - MISCELLANEOUS. apartments; improved: all locations. ,lu*t NONMOUTH COUNTY country eitnto: home of Mrs. Theodore Uowe. A RADIO foL' tfalo, SU uiilbtiiif-Catlaun Treaa-, ity to ciu'ii Sa.OOO to 56,000 i>cr yenr oil Broad atreet, at VI Mechanic itreet. farmfl. aorente, [f you want the best two cows': ten-mom liouae. electricity; AUCTIONlSEtl— Lofmy •iporlence~o"reoir: rosdsttiiKl. chicl.en coops; 310,000, Tortti-j vote of thanka wan given to Mra. UIO Cheat; electric; complete with lulien; in BetliiiK nnd liupervifilnff hfuh-clasa iilanl- iJuctlnB over one thomand aolea be of WANTED—Host prlcea paid for Rootl nn- Land & Loan Co. offered for sale for the least consult us. pcrfei't condition; ?73, i|tiick nale. Mmi- li.ga hi Northern New Jcrugy. A curable tiquo's. Wrllo fulL description, Ad- Charles V. DuBoia & Son, established to make. Lukor'a Realty, BelfonJ. N. .1. West, Mrs. Kowo and Mrs. Silvern •ervlco to jou. Will attend to all advcrllB- tOUUTEEN vacant houses und apartroeiu* Phone KcnnuLurB 502-M. inotith Murkct, 48 Moiimouth street. Red niuit will l)c' five n full mi i - port, by a younx u«. [urnUh clerks—all you have to do todiCHfl Oox 285, Red Bank. : Cor rent at prlcci ranginn from 336 pur 1896, 'American hotel building, phone 41U, piOK'esalvo imrscry with n ^ood reputa- for their work In connection with , 'Jjo ,unte. George H. Roberts, phone WANTED, fifty used boya" bieyclea; amt month and upwards, p. it'. Kennedy, ^B Freehold. N. J. __. MONMOUTH county real estate, riversitla tion in llio Knat. Knowledco cf nursery ak 2m Mldll Kaat Kront'street. Ited Bnnk. pfmtie JJOM pt'opertiea, business propertica, fuctary (ho card party. After tho buslncaa ntpek; ability to dr.iw attractive i»Initn, nn«l have good frames, forks and sprocket, TOR S.\LK. beautiful lots on the Fisher PRIVATE SALES dully; llfcd furni- 276 I? °" ' "'"" ' Wilt pay from SZ.fiO to $5.00 each. Grovec sites, farms, dwellings. A line to this of- meeting Mrs. James Ithalnes sane h<«WHt Bulcri ability, will bo t'lven cu- 1IALK of double house for rent; also i_... estate, 50x150; with sewer, water, iraa, fice will bring, full particulars. Luker'a ture for. homes', stotci, hotels; Wo opfcratiun. with oflko accounts, «lnnta nnd hcrvlcc. Stuto cxpeilcnto, ref- WILLIAMS"3 Nursing Homo for affctl HATCHERY for sale: fruit and poultry comprcasc3 wcro talton homo by tho c re ii co H mid hiitlnl snlary dcBirod. Ad- chronic, convalescents end temt-lnvfliid; IiiQuire C. W, Croaier, 170 I'air Haven roart, farm, stocked and fully equipped; price LOU SALE, in Atluntic Hi&hlaifUa, oorrcr member!),to fo.ld. Refreshments.wcro Rod Dank 218. Auctioneers and ap- dftcua r, O. Box 10&, Now Drunmvlck, N. LANDSCAPE aardeiicr,; oew grounds private end Bemi-privnto rooms; nurjinw Fair Haven. N. J-, phono lied Bank 1082. S1B.0OO, C. R. Benjamin, Vanderburff. N. property, store 38x40 feet, onveti roum« FOR RENT, six-room bungalow,- every and bath upstairs; two-car garage! aacri- nerved by tho hospitality committee. praisers. . k J. • laid oat and planted] old grounds care. Fair Haven. N. J., phone 849, Red J.. phone freehold 4P3-r-21. Bank... ' 7 modern Improvement; located corner lltio for noud side. Lulicr's Kcaity, Del- FOUKMAN, Scandlnavlrtn, '^9, uiriKle, HCeka improved and beiutlned. Tree, and 1UQ ACHES on Barnegat bay for sale, op- The next meeting of tho auxiliary Kemp avenue nnd Catherine street. Fair ford. N. .1.. phntie Kcnnsburg 502-1.1. IOJ? SOIL, liU dirt, uradTtig of nil kind*; lioslUon ii« v/orking foreman on poultry ebrubbery sprayed and pruned. Ad- "SPIRIT OK MONMOUTB," is an Italian posit^ Lav a) let to. Build: your summer will bo held at tho homo of Mis. Ed- weekly newspaper that cover* the coun- Haven, ! N. J.. furnished ot unfurnished. home here; one hour's drive from Ited SEVEN-UOOM house, oil modoiin" impro"vt'-- alio roiidweixB built; Lalie - QUANTITy~of"postoillco lock bol^s for j.orL 131G-R. m ter Shirley visited Mr. and Mrs lie key, Kvcrett New Jnrnf/v Ph« i» ^ i' Crossing. Dclford: auitnblB for B02-M. price SI,600. Phone 1023-11.-Red Bank- ^* Biilo reflaonaile: toot! condition. ' AHch- KD bookkeeper v\nlw POBI WJmplo Of Allcntown on Sunday. WANTED, veal ealve«, beef cattla and service station crossroads, __; 250-foot FOR SALE, 2»-aere farm, eightccn-room hurHt_PoAtotIlcc. box 3B3. phono 2G<8. __ tion In or near K!M Bank; understand1 F 125-ACKK farm for sale; new buneaiuw, A valentine party will bo Held In C. WAINRIGHTT'iuitlc. or th< ! Dies- Top markat crlcea paid. caib. railroaildd idsidingi , 180 feet on concrete road. house; improveoients; Jnrge barns and largo buildings, good -brooit; 812,000^ CLADIOLA UUM3S—12. 100 or l.OOO'loth offlco routine, hookkcciilnif ami tttenotf All complaint* receive prompt 250. feet on East road. Luker's Realty. for hum on. c&lntcn: ir>fl vnrlctloR, CIHII A. R Cranford Co., Tlnton Pall*. N. outbuilding; fruits; $15,600. Eight acres, l(35-0cro farm, tamo house, steam heut, tho church hall on Main street to- rapliy thoromtlily. Address Bookkeeper, L • AooountB and checks collected, Belford, N. J. lourteen-room bouse, $7,600, near Pennsyl- plenty vt outbuildings, uaparagus, tfmpaa, mixtmen; over nuiiply. Specinl prlco Hut drawer M, Ked nnnl(.»_ night. JH phonft Ettontonc 161. vania and Central railroad depot. Luker'a fruit, $22,000. Good road (rotitoac, Caleti icndy, ltcd nunk Uulb Co.. 32 Druromoitd _ HOUSE to let, six rooms, bath, all Tho trustees of the Mothodist provenierus; first class condition, Realty, Bclford, N. J., phone Kcansburs Luker. Belford. N .1. tiltieo. Red' Dunk. uiiiK women for special cir- I e" Bank 4 " church will nerve a chicken supper culation PEOPLE^—Two-room bungalow, quire of A. T. Do rein us, Recklcsa place. 602-M. . " • „ toil >SAIJL'I or rent, poultry fnrm in AW NBW rowhtintH for *Me. Can ' be BOOH ni rUtiryy: i» rk in Itoad dBan eek unyd nenrbppyy U PIJOLSrUMNO and reRnlahins of all Red Bank, or agents. in tho church hall on tho night of diiHy and weekly. Apply with all conveniences; suitable for two: FOR SALE In Red BanK, Imuae of lantlc HlKhlandn: house and cu t build- ItiixtnHnl •Pullcjt'a ulore", Klvei rond Mr. St«v'onson, 100. Monmouth nticot, Rci kinds of furniture. Frank Howard, 65 miilu or female, who need nuts*inn care. rooms and bath; hardwood floors, a im- inL'Bi'hns :dl improvcnieiitu; inicq icaaun- Uinnwin. N. .1. , V . • _. 0Mh t i onavenue l'TVE-HOOM bungalow on lut 50xl&tl, on March lDth. , Unnk. nftor C:00 1*. M. ntl > Red.Bank, phone 2081 or Williams Nursing Home, phone Bed Bank Locicwimd place; water. Kiid, electricity; iBovements; cornecorrr lolott 7Gxl&0 feett; onc- nblc. M. Isliowiu. Valley Drive, Atlantlo An opening nets boon built between MANURF. nml 1i.ii.pnil Tor Htilo: HIKO BH Ex "PK It IKNC E D baker would liko ntaady 849. no bath ^r carnge: rent E3Q per month. tl.irl d cashh, balancbl e mBacmortBacet e - LLulter a Hiuhlnmls, N. J. oye colony. Incubator nnd brooder. Ea- ponltion ou irnko or hiond, us first,or FLOORS RESUyFACED^W* .peci«li8o in RRealtyl , BlfBclfordd , N , J.J , phonphnee KKeanaburu tho church and Jho Sunaay-schoo! 1 CHICK UN3 wonted; will pay hiubeBt Mr3. WilUins. C3 Kemp nvenue. Fair Ha- ti'tc of I '. 0. Byrnm. Uin»cr Broad atrcot, on.l hand. Herman Hlllobrccht. box 11(0, maltlna old floors look liks new. New ven, W. J-. phono Red Bnnlt C'J-J. 602-M. WIDOW'S OProUTUNITY—Property tar room. [lioho 2»73, Red_ Banle. Holfonl. N. .1. floor* also reflnished. Estimate* cheer, market price* Cor fowli* and broiler*. ttalc, rents $G'>0 Bummor Boauon; com- Call or n rite Alei ZvrieVl, 80 North STORE for rent, Main rond and Lafayette FOR SALE or rent, houso, of fourteen pletely furniithcil double bunj^Blow; ton Mr. nnd Mrs. ''Edwnrd Worthloy, r>il in do nt home; fully clven. Crosier & Son. Fair Haven. roms,- all improvementH; surrounduil IIOT1IKJ) SASH" for "Wlo, B\ZO Ssd foot, LAUNDRY work wn N. J.. phone Rctl nnnk 1082. Hroadway. anch. N. J,. ohone street, Rumson. Inquire American rooms; Kan, electric, wiuor, Itxiito tulletf; Jr., nnd daughter and Mra. Florerfce rmido from clear white nine, with' oak wet wash nil finished. Phuno Ked Buiil; 1500. Stores, Hum a on, or .Marcus Store, Bed with pine tree*, running brook: nlau four- littlo cash requited. Present owner> will Embloy visited friends at, Arlington v.ivnn bur. Kl.azpd with nix rown of gli; E aDY and sell old shoes; m^n'i onrt SUBURBAN body wanted, 714 feet by 87 IIfink, phono 2330-M. room bungalow. Harare, ehickenhouse and trko second mortgaj;e. Phono Keansbuitf Frlco, In lotn of ton or.rnorc, J3.00 ench. GKD woman wanted to d> boys' only. Strand Shoe Renewty. 20 inches. H. RlUau. pbone 2240.W, Red other outbuildings; two nerea of- ground 2 CD. k- on Sunday. West Front street. Red Bank. ( FOR "RENT, semi-bungalow of seven or more. .Huitable for roadhoues or resi- 1'enlno & llnrkclc\y. Inc., Jmneahurp, N. J. liouiicwork nml tulio ciito of woman. Bank. . * rooms and bnth; nil improvements; hot Revival services aro. being con- FORD ImalncRfl enr • for Bale, ronnonnble. .CAIl washing dence; on tho main highway leading to HOUSE UUNTMRS^-Dont wasto your Phone KumHon UfiO nflci" 6:00 P. M._ _ •peoialtj. I uuarantei I WANT your battery to eharse; no extra air host: garage. It, II. Vnndervcer, 49 Lens' Blanch, Asbury Tark nnd Atlantic ducted every night this week In the O. Mi:Clni)hcy, 133 lluilson nVcnuo. IteJ LADY with ten~ycsirs' expci'lcnce of book "« , » "t^factory Job. Let mo prove i chargo for rentals. Batteries called for time. I bavo doucrlptlona of all vacant, : Branch avonue, Hcd Hunk, phono 14S5. nlao a roadBtand. sultablo for gnso- Hiihk. i.n^no 4B0-J^_ •_ oiy ability. Charles A. Jooea c- pert auto- nnd delivered, nil for SI.00. Shrewsbury City; houses and apartments In town. Tell m« Mothodist church. Itnv. Walter keeping, tyjdtw:. huyintr, RcHinir and "SIX-IIOOM house witfTland on tho state Phone ^2CI-W, Rod Dank. your needs nnd 1 will (liij yuu, S homo «t FOR SALII, American btocl nnd wire fcncn. [roiicrnl routine, v.ould like part timo cm- mubilo washer nt Boro Busses. Inc., C.lol»» Uattery Service Station, Broad street, highway at Marlboro: nlao gasoline line. Oravcn of Pennsylvania Is conducting i.o^rt and Mcchwnic street ^pil Rank Shrowahury, opposite fi rehouse. Telo- l'OU~SALE, houpa on Hudnon nvonue; «»-^ onco wHhout charge. John Prothoni, 31 U hiird, T)T> inches high; In,orinln.il rolh. i luymcnt, by i!;.y or weel;. AddrcfiB Amcr- fitand with living rooms: ront two place Monmouth street, phono RcO Uank tISll. tho meeting, Mn Craven Is n guest PRACTICAL PHintcra and~pap^r"hBnKCM* phonca Red Bnnk 1^748 and 20&G-J. roomn nnd bnth, nil improvements; E«* 20 rod4 lonu; hnvo 22 rolls* Will nell tron. drawer M. lied T tradlntr no Boyce, tlio pAlnier. 18 River to one family for SliO. Must give cnoi of Kov. and Mrs. Craven at the par- al! or;aliiijly; Wicamlco Farnii tiorth Bldu. \vTDOW"'wi1l euro for security. White pcoiiic only. E. T. Rob-rngc. Inquire 170 Hudson avenue, phono children nftcrnoonn rond RumBon. N. J.. phone 666 Uumson. WANTED, children to board, on a farm Red Bun* 1024. HARGAIK—Motlcin nix-room colonial 'opnagc. of county road, bo t we oil Eutotitown anil ronlncn: or will du liL'ht housework. full line painto, enamels, varnish. ODeh witnthh home comocomforts; ; frenfh egevegetable*,. inson, 616 Irvinn place, Lone Branch, N. •<- i rt'O all improved lots, near school on |iOU9O with bathroom and onc-cnr Tin tun t''nlh, jibnut ODD inilo west of Eat-1H Linden plncc, phono -112G-M, Hcd evcnhiga. Estimatea free. fruita, poultry anil CEBfl. Address It. I'. D. SEVKN-ROOM fur runt: also .i- Mrs! Leslie Wolcutt has bought tho K Poplar avenue, Eastaldo TarK, Red mituwn, N. J. K. l^nycl, owner, Uunk.« , NoN . 1 , bbo x 141455, EttEatontownn , N , JJ, , phono | raKe: with nil improvements; S10 « garage, on noiith aide of Mechanic bungalow on Pcmborton nvomie, WOOD fov nnlo~€ilt In flfcplnco "oT^tovc tUCO WOHK by cherts. Ut u. estlmati Bonk; eaay terms. . Jlrs. Schumann, Stntc- L.ADY of refinement vislion position Eatuntown '• month. At 24 Allen place, Red Bank. Call fltrect, between Prospect and Thrork- formerly occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs -IciiKtliKi »|1 dry. montly o^ik; will de- .kionyl ll nlc ucorBe H. Roberts Co., Inc.. state hlsh. block frum Broad atrcet; to rent with lensu l JL j 1 _1 ^__ -', M. Ucil Hunk.?1 _ vvay. ono mile north of Roil Bank, or 68 ment; heat, liiilit and watei1 furnlBhed; cellar, oi'cn fireplace, onk fluom Atul class shape. When It la finished she i TRUPICAL FISH for sale: live benrera and U< adults or email family. Inquire -I KAHl»"EN liciV~d"iu'CTM'oi t uphuJHtorcd In Mnplo nvenuo. Rod Bank, phono Rod Bank bubble noi-tera; very intorcatinpr. Seen rent rcnsonublc. LavatioiLocatio i on maim n rroaad ciie.stnut trim. Convcnicnceii fnduda will offer It for rent. MIDDLE 'AGED m;in would Ilka vosltion til i 1 or 116, Cuje, 1G Wot Btreet. Ited Bank, phone tnpeatry. including mnttiess, '$20 ; ^elln- da mniuigcr of privato estate; hns hnd by appointment. B. I.. Rosa, 1 Allen place, with railroad nidi g. Address F. 0. Uox breakfast nook net, enn stava Rlld Inii room nulto 525. ' thin furniture all In 1171. A Valentino ooclable attended by cxpcdcnco in nllito branches. (Jan,fur- Kcd Bank, phone 582-M, 420, Red Bunk. hnicl votiil and every itlcto an' Rood na I O. •ISSCHELBACH & SON. 1125 W«! BUNGALOW of five rooms, hot wntei* vniior nir heat. Bnth room ha.i tiled nlflli bent of rcfcrcnrcs. Addicsa L. Bl., 1 hmny Occanport young pcoplo wad now. Will deliver. Phone Eatontown l-ronl atreet. Red Bank, phon, 1275 ADVERTISE'in""th«~Trl~Boro News, nn i FOR RENT, house in excellent condition: beat, two-car garago, fireplace. $8,600. flooi and rcccf3 tub, ahadea on nil dnuvcr M, Ucd flank.' Auto accessories and »ujcanlzlng. held In the church ball Friday night. Occnn townfihlp and Alle'nhurst weekly. all improvements; seven rooms nnti Terms arranged. John B. Prothero. 31 Stimulate yfur winter buniness and crow bath; reasonable rent. Located at 157 windows, ehlngled cxtoriov; immoili* About 55.00 wna cleared. MIDDLE AGELKwoman wanted, white ut JERSEY COAST laundry. 607 Wcat Front Monmouth street, phone RedJBank D52. COOKING STOVE for »t>le. iilso lureo onk colored, for huusovork in Binall family; street. River Plmn. Is the plnco to brinit Vrit.li UB. Low rates. Published every Hudson avenue. J. 11. White, phones Red ato noascHsitm. Prico 510.500, term* • Mrs. Charles Ttocd of Mannlnpan ridclinui'il, hund cnrvcU; will BCII icneoii- IN~RUMS"ON— 56,800 c"aah, 57.000 with no wuahiiiK; excellent homo and good your laundry ivork nnd savd oncthircthird tho Friday, 331 Euclid avonue, Allcnburst, Hank 1053-W and 2aiQ. 51,500 down, remnintlcr In monthly spent Sundny with her ginnddauBh nlilc. Dun (irnecy. 9C Willow Hlicot. l'nlr wnucfl. Apply by mail Blatin's nge, ex-bilbilll . PhoPhonn o ItRed Banlt'lCO?Bk 1007' Chl Kj_«l.. iilionc 4338.__ _^ VlV"E^"R"0Oftl bungiiloTv~~for rent; all con- mortBCRca: $3,500 can rcmBln na first Iluvcn. N. •!., lUionp "010. Red Bunk." Charles Brcn. moitgnso: pioperty now r«ntlnit for 577. pay men tn. JnmoQ LalJau, 07 H Illver tor, Mrs. Edward Worthlcy, Jr,. 1'tricni'o, Bninr'y expected. Address M. A.k^£,_proprictor. L~H. BLOOD," athletic coach and phyid" voniciiccn; nlao Karatic. Charles Bren- iUli KAUO, fresh nslitor, lo to S3.!ID. Al- \V.,_Jniwer W. Kctl Bank." kcr, 607 West Front eLrcet, River Plaza, U C Martha HeHermnn, 38 Wiiahlneton road, I'*;ilr Haven, N, J. rSsriiUMENTS bought, sold and ex, cnl director nt, Leonnrdo high school, lrcet, Itumaon.N. J.. phone Rumaon. 461. Chester Conrow Is spending n va- K'C cini' I • t'i JO'.I.OO. Addross CUBII ROBIB- Leonardo. New Jersey, denlrcH ten boys, Phone Hi07, Rc.I Bun It. . I.ADY~\THlie3 ilay'n work, Mai changed; biirgalna anrl expert repairinjr " h i lU cation in Cuba. He visited Mlam ter. clinv.:iMi Itoil Bnnlt. Dean, IS Lei nil tun avenue, Hed of all instruments, Scott's Rndio nnd Mu> ten to eighteen years of ngc, to ntteml hiu HOUSE tor rent on Meclinnio street; cood TWO-FAMILWO-FAMILY "framframe house iin lUimno; largo llot . rear bioib , schoolhl, storest - renta GOOD rcBldcnco iiroiimly In Red Bunk f'tif enroute. Ho wrllca friends that ho TIIUKK-HUIINKR oven, Kn»ollno rnngo sio ^Store, 410 Main etreet. A»bury Pork, private Rummer camp for boya, located on locatiun. near center ot town; auituble utltt ui-iilillu. like now, jgSS; also oneh the shorea of Scbcn Lake, Mninc« from for ^RR rer monthnth. . U C Martha HeHellere - aalo nt frrently rodured price. Apply 1*. had a delightful sen voyage. GIUL omidoycd Fridnys wishes dny'a worlf for saiall family and rent is very reason- rci'l»to>' sill. A. Klnor, 73 OnWnnil aticot, July 1st to August lGth, 19.10, Price very able. Apply ut the olllcc of Sigmund CU- 38 Wnahinston street, Rumson, N .J J. O, Box 4IP, Red Bank. or pjirt-iiino woiU. C'ull Red Bank NOTICE to Troppors—Hifhost price! paid 1 Robert Relss is having a two car lie,I llan':. .Call evoiilnc.i."' rcnsonnblc. Write or call Joi jiariticuljirs nor Co.. or telephone \\< el Bank 1100. 730-J,*. .__ __ for oil kinds of raw fura. Jacob Beck. nt nbovo htch nchonl. K'aragc with llvlng-'quartcra nbove, I'lItl'iSTONB TIRB, 20.N5.U,'., fen- 19-iiuh TO M2T «t I'air Ilnvon, bungalow of four WANTiin, fiiui~nien to work Rod "Bank h W!bU y Rc built at tho rear of his housn on rim. Klk'litly worn, rrico ?5.00. Call nt Ran"U3i W. ' '""""• """"' '' rooms and both; Kla3scd-in porch; flre- und nearby tcfritory on Bpecial circula' ft WiUinin utrcet, Hcd Rank, ftfter ^ :00 p. Main street, tloii work; ray daily nnd weekly, Avid) SEW1NQ mantcil to do by tho day. Phone REAL ESTATE WANTED. placo; nil improvcmenU: Burpgc: , Address J\l[\ Slcvoimon, 100 Monmouth Htreet, Ited Red Bank 2WI Lock Box K. '• ' "• " J.. win-:; ' you i^rin-ninli u«\ "nil o.lcr in.m ovc- tiihlu with pnnlip IOCM: mnitlo rockor, imm- phnno. clarinet. Instruments soli] nnd re-WANTED, to rent or buy six-room bunija- muni:), A-L .Miinlilion: i^ Will rr-nt RO6MS FOR RENT, oioiin nlirrol'8, choini: cornel" cupliannl. YOUNO fjlltlj wantcii to do irenornl hoi paired. 47 Washington streot. Rod Bank, U work.; white preferred. Telephone Hoil low, within wnlkiiiR dist.-inpe of (lepot or fur ouncr'.i IIH.TIII. Ad . (i. 11.. Hpllflrmnn's Antlijuos, 38 Wnahitiytun phono 1701. nenr hus line: moilprn iniprovempntii: dru«-£r_llI. Kc.\ 110; l>huno "cil 121. tjpiilti-JKht, H. .1* pcrlunccd carpenter. Write or phone tliiliiiii, l'lmlio ltd Hnuk gir»l-M.» ^_^ Hunk. Rum?on or 1'nir llnvcn; munt he. I. <.in 1,111 lu i-\ till Mnrch l»t. I DUO. AitiHes In lit; Marvin, 81 Flnekner road.' Red Bnnk 1 re a nun able. Adilrcan It, Itenncwit, 11)1 1 work, Apply at [>•! Mtiumoiitti uticet llriik ti::,' It seems marvelous to nomc the work Hcglntcr fold Hated na followns Kcnllict- Illumy tjUirAH fm pule, exfclloiil 'tunillty. rnf- Phone 2104. I (limit tivciuic, Jersey City. N. J. j rIV/l)-l'AMII.V*li li'liirt' oiirh sc nulto, Vktmln nml inconliu oil imliit- tirnlly nrw'; nmy lie IIHCII llnwntltin monH. Classified advertisements do for our advcrtUiciu. iiirtlwil. Will riuiiflft. Cull Itcil Dunk IMIIIVI nil'l Imlli: .ill i.iil' Imra nnd I'ti'lmcn, rmulilo tb\* IOIJICH, ISIRR nrtisr C;O0 I1, M; ThcBc littlo ndvcrtlgcmcntr, aenrch Into utmoiit every MKTAL wctithcT^rir | RQOMS FOR RENT. n:u- Ui i'i lliiilBc avenue, 1 unlv hnt rnrk, nu;s of VIUUIUH ni7tjft, FARM PRODUCE. doord. Cull Red Bntt H00, Monmoulii .1 l.:.lh. nil Im- homo nnd storo in nil thin unction and If llicrc urn Iwu mounted (loci* 11 cm In, itmhuKitn.Y yOU fur iiile. itnrty year* uld. llioram U. Met ni Wenthcrslrln Co., 73 Nowmnn I'OU"llKN'l1. Hcrfll In,,1,1,. III IriHill-UUUM hcutcil ;.i>m tincntn tin- lent: liy yc.-ir. Mm. AUTOMOBILES. Ornnt tiouinstcnd, oiv Uverett rond, out Springfi mini. Ito.l Hu k, interested partita they will muHy itml them. bedroom mil to (KIIIKIO l>ctl). wlilto 1.11 ImiuDvomci.tf: cai'inx; newly pitlnl- L Toint roa.1. and u hnlf miios from Hod Itnnk. John ti, KH! wall ,)niiurin«, pAintihg ana dtjeu. I. Iclcpliunu 2BV1-J, licil llnnU. Shi|i- I'M'KI'I-1 M'.'1 MMr-.-M'li', ''..""lllii ennmel bedroom unite, imk lioilrtiom Utlh.1) utiif rubutlt iriiukri fu( »Mi; vnrloui (nir see (1. A. Milter. Church and Co CJrnnt, ft. l> I. Red Dnnk. l.lr.'i..' _ _ IllllllSIHI, I*. J.« mjikas ot frum one to'tlfe tone cupfliiiy. ton mreotii. Brlfor.l. Thibaut'n wall paper, j „,,,,•—, , , , Ko matter what you have to advert If JR—a utui o, Hijlto, orvli rnr^ciK, fcitlhoi mntlvcHfOii, Sold with tmirantee. A. Veenntra. VVhtt« YELLOW"CORN on cob for~i>'ular«mftll UN1 l!clt)t;i1 cx! lmito loom, or two, lIAliilliNi; I!O\II Sliil Fl.'i L'rnlncd, dry nml fieu ot Binul; excellent Intimates cheerfully 8lven. Poitomce »«•- ' ' ' "' jiillown, porrti funiltiiro, itunlcn lunl:* tn- It ilntributor. 27f Oorlle* ivpnim, ^K• iJnv« llelford. boi 66. I'hono Kean fiin.i!>licil. witli ur willtoul linlit lioupc- WHM-IIV ii|.i,v si... :;i,io house or narny;o fui rent, n lut fur twin, help waiilcl, i.iirv ptirh N •}__: . _ for nmiltry: Biorcd In rntiiruof nnd well ri-iii-,: |.. 1,i!,-K.'- : nil liniirorttilciitu i fit id many olhot* nrt It-lmi too mniitM'ntiii ImrR S78-W Si.ulh i.1ivd « i:., \V:.llr,,'O . a position soti^l.t, fi loat artU'li'. or nuichfinlrH lu dtt vciiLlhitcd crib, 'liicron itfcCnnipboll, 1 tlnt'O I..- fuiin rt.il, .,,>,! Binlion nml I''| mil nliocl F V... Many oti to menllon. 'J'onun nmh. Hclity V1111 - tiiX.OYIJNhV/l. WhVi'el COH7|T."" IVVi 11A V l-i your clnthii^ cluuneil Hi tha (Jlly • UHHIPI, in Knurt t-(iri(llt.ton; for Bnlo chrili,. I 1.11.. l;l'J Iiuuih IlililiiO i.vclme, Itt-I ic|mit work—you uio uliuu.a ttiialn tu find what Dry Oluanlnu 'ind Uyoiue Words, u M«- Al'.-Ml'l MFN IS: i,.-r,li. Mnlor.*, l'Mu»nl Ui-omyor, Ilcuailmt'ti Corner. Huil Mmnto'liTH TlATilTlKIlY nt II a I llnlil,.' Uompr, llolmnr: ehlcks fnr ial< RhanlQ nlrcet, nrnr Drund street net] Fnvi.li.nr • l,;i .',; t 111 CO I you want in The noj-fiator'u aimy tit ovnr iJu.fJUO llnuli. PboiM 2117. WUIlum Oltro», ni 'I W'l) vrrv iloi-iniNIi! fiiiiii'-h S.'iO finir ini,in Mirlctlra. Tni tier Cont olT cm nrdciM ro- readers. , lWiVravcrMiil nii-.oiiaainl to celvnl l.efi'i-u Mmvh 1: t if nnvmrnt in full luivutc IIOIIIU; \\r\\ hcutt-il fi.ili- IOC.IIIM S1U I'n.lhl liitli; ,iiu Im n-nUil Kcpunil sale. II. IM'.cEiu, ulione U24O-W. \u- ' YUUU TIMK ifi w-oilli money; buy n h mnda thirly ilnyd heforo di'livcry. Kivo l'AINTINfi Hlul pnperhHnuini: L'dtiinnti^ iclinlly ' M(l until o,l II, t.HIIICII. Al'i'ly 111 Miii-tn ii B«ik._ . _ Koutl clipnit uneii i'[ir; onuy I'nymont l>cr cciit-olT duiiinr Mttrrh. We uro breed* clicurfnlly ebrn, Klmcr II. Stout, !lil IN 1(11 (I MIN 1,11.1lllil Tin Week nftci week IlioJiC advt!rll:;rinrii(i mo liilii];* INK them bt'ltcr thmi over but they cost Hrulli otrcet. Roil Uniih, N. J.. ution. | (;l,c!ititnt i.ti'iict, Hc.l Hunk. VilXii'flTT' HO ccntfMii yiinl dcflvoiwl; tn|i ,1'llt: nil lni|, l.cur lu.H, Ate, 1 plntl. Jfoio nro a few blii'K'nlnn fnr r I I OU Hl-NI'. tlnci- in liitir iny antisfnctlou to tl)tj.su wliu WHO. Hit in nml who mil, dntlorn nnH KHIVCI. Tnii'l.ii Ink it IK. ut tht> en me. Cimum lintchiiiy, 1056-U. ' Mhiiiil-.: vni-.-in : Mill. l,iii,,'.,.u ,,ln ,11,0 It,!,,,,, nil. or. inhla nnd dial in, Kit1 en fluUli; II. itnV.AU. "iciiiJvo " "ii ' nun, N. .1.. t.(i you. NiUlonul fm to St.Oll HI or on (for* S. Aillor. ! I'llll IIKN'f (I • ..f ,! niorly Prowii-t'ootier C<>.>, At Hroiid strcot, IMionc lio.l llnrtk ^-J niulntfB mill rnot(.icni'cH, wltiUor hahy Clmvnilct, from-li— wo thinl; .tho IUUO j TWO laiiiii (nun riiunm. *","i CIUTISIEO tuiml biiBalticttu, nullil mnhoi;- , Iti 11vc111—S'.* /.r»0 ; ll^tl I'cntl v»u\"\ lt.it IllMllf. I'll!.HO WHO. rnotnrlo.i, OrotHumis, etc; iiny size Onll ,'iil. Mippllfit ; wrlto Ovurhpn,l Dour tinlca ftlul ye In,inly In l.tc . 'i-iulil inliiiil tiny mi (I i| no love sent, with tiip&iliy njit ncil, MO.BOJ loan Uoilco DA hiiH- HARItni) RUrK cni-lli'i«ts"""fiir""Bnln'"for Mrl.iirtiijjart'ot, IWil Hunk. | IIIIIII. Hllitlnu. UI I'ullri lillK'i., Ull,' ido ilriuhU Itr.l runhlun. All fumiUno in unotl t'uiiitl- lircodecK. J. \V. l',irl,< i.tt-Jiln, mnllnif I ncn a cnm-o. S.500 ml lea, JiT-0,00; ntxl dlreMj SU.dO nml V 1.00 ciu-Ii, I'ounlt mint* ln v. J l»u,-v. M. .1.. IIIIMIIII lln lloii nml wilt lio nol clmowa fnun. I'rnnk bur l-l:i-[:-:i0. y.om^n !•:. I'icr.o. ll^lfm.1 rente d. b mu Itt arnl •old. I'm bin •. DM A \I*'|'M l-.NT, Yiirmil IIAI.!' i,f .luiil.li' I, ml: livo loumd, riiiid. iicnt1 llcinlilen'ii Dinntr, Ituuio N». 1, UHII fir. f1i-Ktu:1t nwiiliui. Uc-I Hni»k, ur VnnSyclilo. fit 'West J'ront ili'ccl. It ro ml • tr.TI. Ite.f Hunk. I IHltllll, I'l'lVil luilli, i. luit 1111,1 v,.l,l l,,ii>,'i,ill KM Red llmil;, clp,lii,-ity. Ap- lilioiifi Hlt'7 ffr nitpoliitinoiit.* llcil Hniik. ~ MONKY"l<> •otiii on (Irtn bt TiTTT7ii'~ nTirl- U lllll-0 lltlOOl. Ited linn im.I ,,,.-,1 ,,,I,1:,.. I, :'.{ lily If.;, (.'ntlicrlliii :<>,l Ilnnk. Jullll 'I tillKK\H '(\\\-"i>alr; nt,-n V''Hn'if""i^inn~nn7l nn tmprovwii eal «>h\tu W( ttti 1 hanA: J»1H(» WhHn 1'nl.ln tlu.-kn, now |ny. the « I. I. - l-hinik-iin. : nmnutit loan )M;» fin veil' l l)it HALii. Biniill V|>lOi » •I Al- l.i I'll.KVAI'IM, f 'lililf milt." MV.1 M. liniiclln, Illvar IMnzii. N. J,, second farm cot etui inillo nn<] horn I nlno t%vo roi'lt uuch In uootl i iiiinliiu' . orderd : inlrl o tAXVM™fiioiT liy n'mohTiia ~UiV y t'U *a ov, In I'liun. oir UKcr»lI no Hait Km LM-.1. loiiii, lioll'io lll.il Btiaeti Himieon, N. J, rot T«lo|))i(inQ Ro*l Mflttk Olfl Ininiii: fur 'r.'iit I'iii'iii'n to ib.'l.l imrtv. 'liutk'ti Son H. 25 Cnrnifl i I'll <-n. UO.I !.! llli. ]! \ '•iiiji* cPitKloil coclt«rol*> WONIi if to lo'iti n» flrot moriKnuu in #i i)uv»uieiu-ci> poi-vl.-o . d Imiilcil li Thin,II M. • '.i ,,u I II. tin flltiii flctr litmi'. <>il henliir nrul Alnnlu< h theth m fiiu.f i?T. ?T.OO nmll UP.. AlAll - ' ni ilnin liati'littiu! hniudor eti>vos. now nml linn ;!•: I,, , m , IIVI-IIn»il«: iilaii huvo the tton) ££,000 .ip. Cmtnnt [IV i IIHI.IO: c\fl» Ivo cntr ni't. Al'l'ly nil III ltnf, 'Clioniiinnn. Itionil ftroot. Hhi & l M j ' used. Yiirmmiil Poultry Futin. Vandor- II, IIOIII iilnlloll. iJti-yklri :iulu.i & Ucivlt'c, H 1,811(1 ft [ inn Comuunr. 13/ MA haiito Si i (Hiuiiiii, S ilcitir ;.ln,c, HIV ry. N. J., IIKUKI Itcil Hank IJIH-J. itvemiv. Kuil IJuHtt, , liurii', N, J., phuno Freehold 4t)3-l''-'Jl. } treat. Kett 11 KUU, IteU Haul..11 AiMily ut oil HOCIIH iJn II,,,I llai.k. Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 1930.

incinerator will produce a repetition by the garbage dump, Red Bank's take heed of the straits of (heir less ^^ of the foul odors and other annoy- troubles on this EOOJ'O will lip fore, fortunate brothers wiio wore out of —FOR THE RED BANK REGISTER. ances of tho garbage dump. West ever prided if (lie money for the In- work. No doubt it lessened unem- ESTABLISHED BY JOHN U. COOK. Ked Bank folks have had an un- cinerator lii wisely expended. ployment. . -, GEORGE! O, HANCE, EJitor. j pleasant dose of this for a number • . * - of years and they want no moro pf it. -€•-0-0-0-0-0- But, why the delay on the part of Think of mills as a necessary food- THOMAS IHVINO DISOWN, tho town officials in carrying out roore than a beverage—-It's a Food. Publisher end Business Manager. Needed for Development; Qur, Service Car is Whether or not such a fear is jus- the advice which they handed out tilled lime alone will tell. There are to citizens? In putting down sowers TelephoneJ :—Ited Bank 13. Needed for the Jobless. on Newman Springs road they would always ready IM Bank 1300. incinoratC)rs in some municipalities Good, pijve milk and cream are necessary which equal the woryt forebodings of What lias happened to the project not only provldo Work In thifl con- Subscription Prices: tho residents of West Hed Bank. nf putting down sewers on Newman struction task but they would also to yowr health and happiness. Puritan Dairy's Springs road, between l'.road street help the plight of the jobless by Ono nar SJ.BO Such incinerators are little or no Milk comes from well kept farms where the cows Blx months _ - — .'J bettor than the Red Bank garbage and ShrewKliury avenue? Early 'this enabling the firm of Anderson Bros, Steam Vulcanizing Tfarefl months ...... -«0 dump which frequently jfeta on lire. winter u petition for this Improve- to put up a big new building. Per- are cared for in the most modern manner known On tiie other hand there are incin- ment vvnB presented to the mayor haps the Initial cost might be Inrge, The Red Bank Rocliter and council of Rod Hank, and the but In tho long run the town would is it mefiiljer of erators at other places which work to science. well that no fair-minded person promise was niado by the firm of lose nothing. Tho new business build- Balloon and Truck • * ':t. THE ASSOCIATED TRESS can possibly make objection. An ex- Anderson Kios. that if the scwera ings and houses which would accom- The AjEooiBlcd I'roii la exclusively en- were laid tho linn would put up a pany such an improvement would in titled to tho USB lor rcputilicdtion of all ample of this i3 tiie incinerator at Tires in Stock You know milk gives proper balance to a news. dUpatchci credited to it or not othcr- Rumson which Is near a thickly largo jrarago and warehouse on the the course of time more than offset »ito credit*) in this purer anil also ttin populated part of the borough. It is rnad in question. It was stated that the cost, More taxes would be forth- diet and insures the greatest efficiency.! Drink local news liubliahcd therein. attractive in appearance and there without sowers the proposed build coming and in various other ways ia nothing about it to eau.se annoy- ing wuuld bo useless. there would bo results yielding divi more Milk—'There is no substitute for Pure, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH. ance or inconvenience to anyone. dends on the investment. Fresh Milk, * • • At tho same meeting at which the petition was presented for scwora on It paya to advertise In Tho Register .(Continued from page four.) Ttumson and various other places have proved that an incinerator Newman Springs road the mayor nnd council passed a resolution call- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT does not necessarily need to be ob- Estiito of Rnymonil HonKltinit, (ltL-eiiecd. The Automobile Show; jectionable to those living in jirox- in;! upon all rosidenl.s of this town Notice is licveby e'ven that the nccouitt* mlty to It. If an Incinerator of the to do their utmost to relieve the un- of the subHiMlbqn*. iu-tliij: trustees of the Dont Fail to See It. employment situation. 'Property own- eMnto of sniU dccomied, \vll| bo [unlltcl right kind is bought and properly ami stated by the Surrocnto of the Cmmtv Go to the automobile show at the operated, tho question of location i^ ers were asked in thin resolution' of Monmouth, nml rcliorled fop nottlomunt 'lied Bank armory this %vcek. Tlio of small importance. The mayor and not to wait until spring to make re- to tho Ort'huuK Court of Haiti County, tm council of Red Bank face no small pairs nnd improvement."* but to do Thnrauay, tho twentieth ilay of MHITII, A. ' things to be socn there are worth D. 1DJO, nt which llmo a|ii>lirutiun "ill l,0 much more than the price of adinis- responsibility in this respect. Regard- tho work light awny in order to uade for thu allownnce of cummiiiaiuii,! • For Your Supply slon, Everyone who is interested In less of where the incinerator iy niaite jobs lor those out of work. automobiles, and that includes al- placed, there is no reason why any- • • • Dated KobrunVV 3th. A. D. 1930. JOSKFH C. HOAGI.AND. , most everybody in these times, will one should have to bear with even Thi;; was a praiseworthy resolu- POUTER HOACI,AN1>, 42 West Front Street, PHONE RED BANK 2030 ' find many attractions. the slightest particle of tho troubl? tion. No doubt it had the effect of RAYMUNNI) HOAC,;I,.\ND, Jli. and annoyance which has bonn in- oau.'iing many persons in comfort- 3c33fa. Uei'Ken & rrcndenia-it, RED BANK, N. J. . • . "' flicted on the people of West Red I'i'octoca. The automobile dealers of Mon- able and well-to-do circumstances to 0 Brojid St., Now York City, N. Y, TF4-.KPHQNE 3U2 mouth county, in common with those of most every other place, deserve a lot of credit for the same outlook ' they have displayed about business conditions for 1030. Their faith in business stability has not ht-en shak- en by the Wall street stock market j collapse nor by other so-called per.- aimliitic conditions. Uninfluenced by 'any of these things tho automobile dealers are continuing on the even • lenor of their way, holding their an- nual show as usual and In other rc- epeots following their normal course.

• • * * H. x, ZOB: This program deserves more than tlie best wishes of the. public. It de- serves public support. The annual county automobile show is an artis- tic ovent, as well as a business, show. From whatever viewpoint one re- • ffards It, this exhibition Is well worth seeing. Red Bank should consider itself fortunate to bo chosen for such an event, and one of tho best ways to CKprcss this Is to attend the show. for Your There is perhaps no single Industry ov In Monmouth county with more money invested in It than tho auto- mobile business, and the success of at the the annual automobile show; lias a large influence on tho prosperity of the county. -o-o-o-o-o-o- Monmouth County Show '. Our Fire Department— Long May It Live! ; Independent live, company of Ked ' Bank will celebrate its ilftleth anni- (Now In versary in the spring. The Ilftleth birthdays of Relief and Liberty flic companies will occur this year. . Navcsink book and ladder company, at the oldest fire-fighting organization in the town, reached its fiftieth anni- versary eight yeara ago. ... The Natioia Bank, N. J. • More than*hal( a century of free service against fires is a record of ' which tho flro department may feol pioud and for which the community . should feel grateful. Many lives 1 • have been saved and property valued at millions of dollaru lias been suved r <' . ' through the efforts of the firemen. IT is unnccssary to go into details t I ,' / about this iccurd. One does not i have to live long at Red Bank to i . : i i find out from personal observation that in its volunteer lire department this town has one of its greatest . agencies for public service. v-

If Ked Bank culltinu.es to grow it has the past few yeary it is unlikely that a volunteer fire department will be in existence here fifty years from now. Growth will eventually force Here's The Vital Reason Why Buick Outsells I he town to employ a paid fire de- partment, as is done In large centers! of population. Tills is not a pleasant thought, for no paid fire depart- ment, however eiflicicnt it might be, could equal the record of our present volunteer fire department. • * • THEY This is only one phase of the mat- PERFORM ter, although from a standpoint of dollars and cents it may be the most important phase. It lias been es- Always keep in mind, when you buy your car, that you are buying miles and that you will get more and better timated that it would cost Red Banl< at least 550,000 a year, to maintain miles in a Buick, as more than 2,400,000 owners have proven. Buick builds so thoroughly—builds such extra strength a paid flro department anil It this viewpoint HTS the misluke is prob- ably on the score of unilerestimatins and stamina into the Buick Valve-iri-Head engine and sealed chassis—that many Buicks, five, ten or fifteen years of age the cost. are still in service—and the speedometers of many of these cars register 100,000 miles and more. ' But a.-ide from this ourstion u'f cost their is about a volunteer lire department of spirit of rainanulrrie Boick is built to otst-perform. This, together with the beauty and comfort of Buick's Bodies by Fisher, explains why America is driv- rnd noi£hbor!inc:;s which i;; impos- sible to find in Mich a lar^e de^'ic: ing 700,000 more Buicks than any other car in Buick's price class—and why Buick today wins from two to five times as many buyers among any j>:ii.l Imtly .it lire lighters I Ked Bank's volunteer lire department! l'as played an important part in tin; •^ any .^ther car priced above $1,200. Come, see Buick's wide range of body types. Then take the wheel. A single drive will con- upbuilding of the town not only in raving lives and property but als.i " jrce you that Buick is the Big Motor Car Value of Today. iri intrinsic values which cannot be measured in dollars and eonls. It in a reassuring thought to all friends of the volunteer lire department that quite a few yn.iri will have to pass The proof of value is in the buying. Over $23,000,000 has been invested before It will be necrv.iary to have a by motorists in new Marquettea during tl. - few months this car has been paid fire department. on the market ! D©n't Fail to Get Full Im *•> from Us at the ohow. Red Bank to Have an Incinerating Plant. | SPECIAL NOTICE—Due to the limited space at the Armory we are unable to exhibit our complete line. However, our complete The action taken by the iiuiyur nnd | line will be on display at our Show Room, corner Harding Road and Broad Street, Red Bank. ' council of Hcd Bank to buy an in- cinerator to dispose of garbage ; Ineels with gnnernl npprovnl. The i ^J^j garbage dump In the wciitcrn purl, of I the town has Ijeeu tried nnd found' U'antinfr. I'Yeqtifnf!y the dump Im* 1-71 c • been on lire months at a time, cans- ' Ing giwit illKi.'oiiiini'l ami liiiijuy'aiiri' ' lei the reiildrntM in Hint lucidity. Of tun during the hottest summer we;tth ) It 1 (•r the people of tliitt. part of th l &*& 0i0 • Consolidated motor gale$ corporation Adam of Krceport, Long Island, were II moot jointly on Friday afternoon. ,omo of Mrs. Itowell Woo.lcy ot,™^^,™:; ..Jf'' "The Hind That Lasls" r»f West Front street, selling DeSotoJ Tho Dunce Took I'laee at tlist Men- married last Friday afternoon at the [.ong iimiich liklay afternoon of | Train Imvej u«l Hunk s:ii A. Ith Mrs. Hoaea Chark and Mrs, 13d- Iila week. Harry Truux, newly ap- UcLurnintf Iv. Atlnnlic City 7:1 cars. tvroy Urill ttt Asbury J'nrK Juast home of the bride's parents, The In C. Gilland presiding. Tho aub- Ottier E\ruidioim Mni-cli It. 'JIl all types of roofs Mre. Raymond Coreala ot Tower 1'rWitj Mfht—A Lueliy NUBIUM ceremony was- performed by Rev. ;ct of study will bo "Muiiic and intcd coiiniy judge, v/ill givo nn For Information cee Ticket Agent. Mill avenue, cashier at tho Netlian Uanco Among tho Features. Benjamin Frankiln Ithoads, pastor o( 'oetry of the Nineteenth Century.' dreu.'j on the work of the juvenile' Other Exc.m,ion April 13 the Methodist church of Red Bank. court, JOKCJJII P. Murphy, chief pro-1 Strauea store on Broad street, ve- The- largest danco ever held by the ra. Chark will givo a talk on tills nation, olllccr of Estiex county, will j turncd to work Thursday morning Young Woman's club of Red Bank Only tho Immediate relatives of tha ubjoct with examples of German, contracting couple were present, but p on tlio new juvenile court act. after having been confined to her toolt place Friday night at the Mon< allan, French and American music, After tho speaking there wtlj be n homo nearly a week with ulnae torey grill at Anbury Park. Seven- after the wedding there was a re- ivorak's New World Symphony will '1'lie Keglster's advertising columny ception at the home of the bride's OJucus^lon on the adaptability of tliu are the merchants' show windows trouble, ty-five couplca wore present. The studied and "Going Home" will net with the neethj of Monmouth —Advertisement- Mrs. William Fopo of William liatronn anil patronesses were Mies parents at which there were abou*. io sung by Mrs. Chark. sixty guests. county hy Mra- Lewis H. Tliompson. street Is improving, after having re- Gertrude Norman, counsellor for Mrs. Gilland will give a general- John Hnu^htun, chief probation ofli- cently umlergono a|n appendicitis op- young woman's clubs of the third The out-of-town guests Included ;atlon of poetry of tho nineteenth of t!it- county, and John L. Mont- eration at Rlvervlew hospital,' district, Mr. and Mm. Seely B. Tut Mra. Alexander Adam of Freeport, entury. Mrs. Victor King will give gomery, executive secretary of the . Tessle Palandrano ot Bridge ave- Mil, Mrs, George F. Norman anil mother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs, xnmpleii of Scotch, Irish, English Monmouth county BOcla! acrvicc or- nue, tour years old, underwent nn Mr. and lira, Richard C. Haclistaff. Hlbbln and "^Ir. and MrsS*% O. ^nd American poetry. Mra. Chark ;anization. Th-t* chairman of the operation for mastolditls last weeit Mlns Ulailya If; Norman was chair Ileckcl of Bloomfleld, Mr. ani Mra. III discuss Sydney Lanlnr's poeniH roKram comniittcc will KIVO detalla y tho Rlvorvlow hospital. Dr. Wll- man of tho danco committee and William Jenkins, 8r., and Mr. and .nd Mrs. Robert C. Brown will tell of the March meeting and of tho iTam Matthews performed tho oper- aho was assisted by Miss Dorothy Mrs. William Jenkins, Jr., of New- if nineteenth century drama, trip to Albany. Cars will meet ation. Metzgar, Miss Dorothy Morrla, Hiss ark, Mr, and Mrs, Addlson Howland Mrs. LcBter Wilson entertained the train:; arriving at Long Branch at LAST Mlga Aryi Ansbio, daughter of Wil- Lillian Jordan. Miss Peggy Could, of Rumson, L. A. Spatz and Miss members of the arts and crafts class 1;31 and l»:01i P. M. liam Annbro of Bergen place, was a Miss Gladys Schneider and MIBO Grace Spats: of Fort Murray and Miss t her homo at Middletown village DAY weok-end visitor of relatives at New- Dorolhy Cooper. Esther DePue of Belleville. Music •esterdny. ark. was given by an orchestra. Tho MAKING (JOOU AT HAHVAEU. A lucky number rlanco was won bride received many fine gifts. Mrs. Frank S. Curtis, Mrs. Rich- Miss Elizabeth Mlllor of nccklcnn by Misa Kato Bucklln and Richard rd Blckncll nnd Mrs. Henry C, jui' ]\Ilddlctowii Townahii DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. aiARIE PREVOST Place, who.attends St. Mary'a school Harnelt. Mr. and Mrs. Adam left for a wed- Mecklem ore visiting the Mntropoli- Tut on Iho Dfuu'ii Met. JGANETTE LOFF nt Burlington, Now Jersey, under- ding trip." They will start house- Those who attended tho dance an museum of art at New York to- Philip II. Cohen of Fort Hancock went an operation Cor appendicitis wero Mr. anil Mrs. Lowla R. Lowry, keeping at Bloomfleld. The bride la lay. last Friday at tho Rlv'ervlow hospital a graduate nurse. She was formerly and James II. Grigrfs of New Mon f Mr. and -Mrs. R. Browning Wilson, Tho arts and crafts classes will mouth, who are sophomores at Har- ttt Red Banlt. Mr. and Mra. G. Butler, Mr. and supervisor of Rlvervlew hospital at old their laat session on Tuesday, t It 0 Mr. and Mrs, Enslcy K. Morris of; Red Bank. The groom has a po- vard University, and George Wahl of Mrs. John G. Lawley, Mr. and Mra. 'ebruary 25th. An .exhibition of rijg Eust Kcanaburg and Harold Dow of Baat Front street and Mrs. Morris's Norman Scott, Mr. and Mra. Jani|S% sition with a concern which deals in nd quilts made by members of th dlBtera, Mrs. Annette Field of .Red surgical iiupplics. He lls a veteran of Fort Hancock, who are freshmen at Bussom, MlBacB Margaret Hacketaff, ilasSes will he held on Monday, Harvard univeraity, have passed Bank and Mrs. William B. Warner of Margaret Tllton, Thercea VanClcof. the world war, serving V'th the cav- March 31nt. McniTicrs who wish to Katontown, left Saturday by automo- ohy and later with an artillery reg- their rnld-ycar examinations with Miriam Durham, Elizabeth Comp- nake exhibits will notify Mra. Buch high marks that they have been bile on a trip of several weeks In ;on, Louise Price, Elizabeth Hlllpot, iment. He was engaged in sorhe of Charles A. McClaakey or Mia. Lcou Florida. the chief battles of the war. placed on Iho dean's list. This Is j athryn Coulon, Holnn VanBcn- ; la Rcusslllc. considered a grcut collego accom- I Looter R. Jonca of Spring street la huyecn, Catherlno Willctt, Evelyn A shower for Miss Decker was giv- The junior woman's club will meet pllshment. ' Tho two sophomore* A SPLENDID VAUDEVILLE SHOW on ft pleasure trip to Florida. laldwln, Frances Richards,Gertrude en Tuesday of last week at the homn t the clubhouse Monday afternoon graduated from tho 1928 clasa of the d Mrs. Howard White nnd Mrs. C. F. I'Brlen, Harriet Meeker, Pearl of Mrs. Frank S. Curtis of River I'lth Jacqueline King presiding. The Middlotown township high school at Rurt of Red Bank hnvn been enter- lough, Ruth Ernnd, Dorothy Flslc, Plaza. There wero many valuable Jub recently hftld a rummage .c;ale Leonardo and the two freshmen taining their filBtor, Mro. John P. Mberta Nichols, Jancttc Brown, Dor- and useful gifts and not a duplicate .nd used the profits to buy clothinf graduated from tile 102& class of the Lloyd of Matavvan. tliy Morris, Mildred Reid, Helen in tho whole collection. An attractive 'or a needy family. , same school. The line showing made THURS., FRI., SAT.,. FEBRUARY 20th, 21st, 22d Miirjorlc Jones, daughter o£ Fred Brodcrson, Cathorlno Houghton, feature was a representation of a by the boys i.'i not only regarded as L. Jonas of Prospect avenue, has {athoiine Barney, Mario Fllnk, V. valentine, with three persons form- Ing Paft of It. Mrs. John Morrison Mrs. Bernard Cojuc Burned. being a great credit to them but also been ulclc with (jrip, Mrs. Jones's cdelmier, Katherlne Russell. Mrs. Bernard Coyne of Washington ar. an indication thajt they werti mother, Mrs. Jamca Kancy of Me- Ruth Moore, Catherlno Lcddy, Ma- and two girls, Audrey Willis and trained well at the high school. chanic street, Is improving at tho lo Hintelmann, Charlotte Curtis, Florence Petlngale, dressed In old- street was severely burned about tlv Spring Luke hospital, where sho re- ludya Norman, Helen Tuthlll, Catli- fashioned costumes and standing in id and arms Saturday morning cently underwent an operation. n valentine frame of lace and filigree, when a gas oven exploded In the kit Won $3.50 In Gold. Mrs. James Larkln of Spring street presented tho gifts to Miss Decker. Chen of her home. The burns uri About 150 persons attended a Val- |3 confined to tho houno with ijulnsy Refreshments and general sociability painful but not soriouu and they an entine dance held laat week by tho Bore throat, illllg, Douglas Hendrlckson, Kate were enjoyedjy . healing ay rapidly aa can "be exHeadden'a Corner fire company at John Giblon of Maple avenuo re- Bucklin, Barbara ICurr, Inez Bloom, Others present besides those men pectcd. its llrehousc. Miss Vera Simpson 'oily Bruycre, M, Brodhcad, C. won S2.5O in gold, which was award- turned homo Monday from Cuba on Brodhead, Pppgy Gould, Catherlno tloncd were Mrs. Frank J. Marck- Hie steamship Maurtanln,- While on r stcln. Mrs. Jcsso Schbfleld, Mrs, Har- Improving From Uroltcn Arm. ed as a door prize. his. vacation Mr. Giblon" made a * ianz, Viola McHugli, Mlon Henaon, old S. Allen, Mra. William S. Best Frank Hadlcy, Jr., aged .nine ycui> Bojourn at Miami, lie wan accom- 'aullno Fulcher, Lillian Jordan, E. Mrj. Marie Balnea Mrs. Harry Leach, on of Frank Hndley of Conover Ian UIMI Hank Don; Wins. panied on tho trip by Horvcy Eod- butcher, M. Backman, Elizabeth Mrs. John D. Hubbard, Mrs. Forrea near Red Bank, has resumed hi A Samoycdc dog owned by Mra don, Morford, Elizabeth i studlefi at the Oakland street sehoo Frederick Kddy of 87 East Fron- Mra, Joseph Applcgato of Maple Dorothy Keil, Mrts. John Broker, Mrs. Ernest after having been laid up with street, •Red Banlt, won a blue rlbbo; avenue, who has been Improving Gibbons, Virginia Brooks, Beatrice Howard, Mrs. Addlson Sanborn, Mis: broken arm. He received this in as first prize at the Newark dog shov [Cell, Helen Bruce and Carol Schroe- jury In a fall. from.sickness, had a relapse Sunday [lor, Frank Brlggs. Byron Brlggs, Iona Brand, Mrs. Burton M. Deck- last wcclt. and sho la confined to tho house. "ieorge Gilbert, George Bailey, 0. M. er, Mrs. Henry C. Mecklem, Jr., an< Mr, and Mm. C. Harry Smoolt of L.ccds, Edgar Denlsc, William Bry- Mrs. William Petlngale. Hance road, Fair Haven, have re- an, R. Williams, It. Fcsslcr, Jr. Mr. Adam's friends gave a farewell turned from n month's tour of Flor- bachelor party for him last Thurs- "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME" Ida. > Robert Harnctt, Gilbert Manson. day night at Asbury Park, ack Berk, j. Eagaii, Frank Brccmes, Wben bull! or rc-modelcd by O, Denver Padgct of Sunset avo Charles Tabor, K. Horndon, Phillip line Is employed on tho hospital, Langlcr, M. Gullch. William Plntard, Ahorn—(ilrard. . which in being built at BradcvoH. •'rank Rico, Mr. Durnlng, M. Eul- Miss Mary A. Ahem, daughter ol Mrs, WlUard Lawyer and daugh- hardt, Mr. 'vought, J. Hlntelman,! Patrick Aherij of Shrewsbury•.an. Carhart Construction Co., Inc. ter Inez of Sunset avenuo aro able Thoinan Brcnnan. J. Ghczzl, J. Mur-1 Francis M. Girard, eon of Fran' to bo about after having been con- Girard of Ogdensburg, New York BUILDERS fined to tho house several weeks with hy, Jack Jacobs, W, Valentine, Blalcdcll Hackataff. Robert Boattlo, were married last week at St 40 Mechanic Street. 'S COMEDY RIOT! scarlet fever. ^ James's church by Rev. Frank. 27 Garflcld Avenuo, j \ Jack Morris, J. F. White, Edward Red. Bank. N. J. Mrs. Wesley VanNoto of Sunset Woodward, William Thompson, Jr., Doyle. Tlia attendants were Mis, Atlantic Highlands, N. i. '. ALL TALKING ! avenuo crushed "her hand Monday Josephinhi e AAhemh , a sisteit r off th in a washing raachinn wringer. William Earnett, Augustus Slivers,i , i'hone LtCS. < Elinor HC880, C. B. Foldman, M. W. j |>/1c.nycceptlon , a<"*<"t the< hom<""o ">"<™">of the ibride "v' , playing the accordian. bridge visited Mr. and Mra, Loula J Richard McAllister. Tctloy of Chestnut strcet-on Sunday parents. Mrs. Crano and Mrs. Louis J. Tetley 1'IiAYS BV YOUNG FOLKS. The Ahorn residence was decorate, "ARMSTRONG & visited Mrs. MRnson of Long Branch with streamers and flowers for th. last Friday. Three- "Llttlo Theater Groups" cccption and about 75 guests wer. INGING — DANCING CINNS" COMEDY AND Formed nt Long Branch, present. Mr. and Mrs. Girard en Mra. Clifton Abbott and Mrs. liar joyed a wedding trip to Syracuse SPECIALTIES. , Comedy FOX NEWS old Stout of Red Bank were recent The Young Womcrfs Hebrew asso- New York, and they are now makin; guests of Mrs, Harold Stoncy of Key- iatlon and the, Young Men's Hebrew heir homo with the bride's parent port. association of Long Branch have Mrs. Girard Is employed at the Re Mrs. lBlwootl. Patterson of Anbury "ormod thrco "littlo theater groups." Bank telephone office. Mr. Glrar. SATURDAY—"TARZAN, THE TIGER"—Sensational Serial. Park spent Friday with her aunt, They will produco three one-act plays is a graduate of the Ogdonsburg hlg Mra. John Mcrtz of McLaren street. on Wednesday', March Bth, at theschool and he rocontly completed Mr, and Mrs. Mertz and their son Jrcgory school auditorium at. Long radio electrician's course at For Thomas spent Sunday with Mrs. Branch. Rehearsals havo been held Monmouth. Katharine Vaughn and family of AB and tho plays are ready for pro- 3 DAYS-CQ bury Park. • ' iluctlon. Mi33 Fannio Zuckcrman is Malle—Hlrsch. , Miss Mntlilldo Oschwald of New the director. Mies Ann C. Mallo of Staten Islam A Novel that created a world-wide sensation Written by an nvk, formerly of Llttlo Silver, and Tho play of "Pink and Patches" oy nnd Henry Maurice Hlrsch of Laki Mrs. Paul Oschwald of Rod Banl( Margaret Bland will bo given hy hurst, formerly of Middletown vi] Eighteen-Year-Old School Boy ! will sail on tho French liner Dc Mlsnes Sara Weiss,' Olga Garatcr, lage, were married at St. Rita' Grasse on March 5th for a tliren Rcba Dcutch and Hazel Jaffo "In liurch at Port Richmond, Staten I months' stay in Europe, They wil the i5ono" by Eugene O'Neill will havo land, on Sunday afternoon. Tr An Expose of High School Life of Today! visit Paris, the Riviera, Italy and for Ita performers George Vogol, Sill- brido was given in marriage by he Spain ton Hlmmclaloin, Abrnham Vogcl, A. brother, Thomas Malle. Miss Ma Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Wymbs 'ol Lawrence Ploger, Jacob Lovln, Leo garct Bellls wan bridesmaid and Ha . The Revolt of Modern Youth. Riverside Heights and Mr. and Mrs Lovln, Walter Garatcln and Barney old J. Brady of Mlddlotown townshl Cecil Sherman and Mrs. Theresa "joslnsky. "Tho Flattering Word" bywas groomsman, A reception wa ALL Wymbs of Long Branch, left Sun- jcorgo Kelly will be given by Miss given at the homo of the bride's si: day In Mr. Wymbs' automobile fo' Hannah Kchwartz, Mias Rao Guttcn- ter. About eighty guests were prei TALKING Frndcrlcksburp, Virginia, where they plane, Mrs. Jacob Levin, Abraham cnt from Rod Bank, Mlddletow will visit Mr. and Mrs. Elwooil Vogel and Joseph D.' Stoin. township, Rumson, Long Branc Wymbs. Klwdod Wymba la a bro Jacob Levin, who is the director Keyport. New York and Brookly 'mm® ther of Albert Wyniba. * of tho groups, has Irving Katz, Mur- Tho bride received many fine gift ray Weincrt and 3amuel Wolfson for including substantial cash amounts business mannpera, A. C. Altberg for Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch left for a trl Jl'HY DISAGREED. Ilicctor of lighting and John Wclnor to Washington. Upon their retur: for property director. Tickets are they will live at Lakehurst, wher Asbury l'nrk rollceninn Hues a Itcd sold by membm'u of tho two associa- Mm MURRAY f;,-*., Banlt Man, the groom has a house furnished fi tions nnd by I. Vogcl & Sons of Red their occupancy. A jury In the county court at Free- Ennk. m hold Monday In the suit of Jiune; Moyd—l'lum. Sullivan, an Aflbury Park policeman KVJ5BETT UUH-U MEETS. Miss Enilllc Boyd, daughter of Mr; i •HAW o. against Samuel llogera of Red Bnnli fR0A\'WG NOVEL BV for $20,001) damages, failed to nnic Society of St, Catherine's Church John J. Boyd nnd Ulster of John Has Soclnbla nt John Mailer's. Boyd, Jr., of Rumson, became the nftor four hours deliberation am bride of Stephen Halnes Plum, Jr., s, w.^s dlacharged. Sullivan was in- Tho Blessed Sacramont guild of St. of Newark, last week at the Church jured last Juno while riding n motor- Catherine's church at ISvcrctt had a of the Holy Communion at East Or- cycle. Ho collided with a car driver meeting and iiuclablo last week at ange. Rev. George A. Hanna per- by Tlogore. Sullivan testified thn John Mahcr's residence. Prizes wero formed the ceremony. This is the Wallis 12-20 Orchard Model. Rogers turned east of a signal llgh won by Mrs. Bernard A. Hickey and on Munroo, avenue without giving MVs. James B. Carton. Tho next The bride was given in marriage These "Certified" Tractors are made in two sizes, any signal. Rogers teatlllcd that li< meeting of tho guild will bo at Jacob by her brothor. Tho bride's sister, turned under tho signal light, but nol Jeffrey's Tuesday night, March 4th. Miss Frances Boyd, was maid of 12-20 and-20-30. before extending lib arm and said h honor, and the bridesmaids. were was driving In first speed at tho tim Among tho.'ic who attended tin! Misses Ludlow Boyd, another sister Regular equipment includes—Governor, fly-ball! nf the accident. pnrty last week wore Mr. and Mrs. of the bride; Lucrctlsi plum; a sister John B. Brady nnd son. Mr. nnd Mrs. of the groom; Margaret Gould, type; Centrifugal Water Pump,'Detachable Belt Pulley,' .lames II. Carton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Louise Cutter, Claire Kellogg and Jeffrey, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Comlcll Marlon Davis. Douglas Lovlclt was Bosch High Tension Magneto with Automatic Impulse Church Niites. nnd son lSdwhi, Mr. und Mrs. Thomas groomsman. "Mind" will bo tho subject of th Kelly and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ber- Starter, enclosed; Fuel Vaporized, Dual Oil Filters, .Ijcsson-Hermon In all- churches o nard A. Hlckcy mid son, Mra. Wal- Three hundred persons attcntlod a Radiator Screen, Alemitc Lubricating System, Platform Christ, acipiitlst, on Kundfiy, Fel- ter l'ulnir-r, Mra. Frank Iltiley, Mrs. reception nftcr tho onremony at tho 23d. Bernard Warncker, Cntherlne, Gerald Ornngo lawn tennis club. and Fenders, Transmission Brake, Oil Type Air Clean- The Golden Text 1«: "Who hull nml John Warnoker, Mro. Thomas er, Fuel Strainer, Steel Spade Lugs, Swinging Draw- Wllllimn—Sicilies. known tho mind of tho Lord, that In1 Mahcr nnd children, Mrs. Albert Ben may Inatnut him? Hut we have th nctt and daughter and son, Wllllnm. Mlsa Eather Williams, daughter of Bar, and last but not least, adjustable Wheel Cleaners. mind of Christ" (I Corinthians 2:10. Finnic nnd John Kelly, Wilfred Mul- jlj tlmr Williams of Long Branch, nnd Power take-off with clutch extra. Full fenders Among the citations which compriai len nnd Jnmes Tmwcy. Kenneth Sickles, son of Harry Slcklrd as an tho liCSBon-Sermon Ifl tho followln of Oaltluirst, were married Sunday arc regular on Orchard Models and Disc Wheels are from tho Bible: "Behold, God In m; Christ Church "U'umoii tu Meet. at the Simpson Methodist paraonngo optional. ( fialvatlon; I will truat and not \y nt Long Branch by Rev. W, n. Blnck- nfrnid: for Iho Lord Jehovah IN ni; The women's auxlllnry nml guild nmii. The couple will live nt Elbcinn A Story of the Modem Jazz Mad strength ami* my fionn: he nh«) h be ul Christ clnuuh ut Bhrcwitbury will Mr. Hlcklo.'i In employed by tho Fi- ('all and drive one of these machine*.! or ask for conic my nnlvfttlon" (Imilnli 12:1!.I Imvn a meeting at the piuisli house delity union trust company of Ncw- new literature with complete specifications. The Iicsson-florman nloo Include Friday »ftoi noon nt hnlf-pnnt • tw> nrli, of Young Love and Dancing Daughtc Iho followliif! jiannnRo from tin o'clock, Thn junior guild of th Chrluthm Bclonco textbook, "Eiclcnc church will he hostcuscii. A program Mohr—Dyrur. Try our Service for Satisfaction. nnd Health with IC(iy to tho Borlp will bo ;jlvcn and rofronhmontn will Mian Wlnlfroil Mohr, daughter of lures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Le be served. Augustus Mftlir of Long Branch, wnn —A1.SO- us accept Science, relinquish n married on Saturday at Paternon tn thnorlcti based on iscnuo-testlniony ticorgu ituoj) Homo From Ireland. John J. Byrno of tho latter place. &

Phone 2653. 21 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.

NIJVG Specials In Effect Feb. 20 -11- 22 Specials Cash and Carry Only Its QMajor Chaf/enges Lamb Is Lower Performance 1—9-lb. Legs . 5-lb. Roasting Chickens . 1b. 37C Distinction 5—-7-lb. Legs . . . 5-11?. Fricaseeing Chickens lb-37c and Value... Loin Chops ... 3-lb. Fancy Fowl . . . lb-33c with u lancer, longer, rnnmler car ... with even Rib Chops ... . 6—7-lb. Fancy Capons . 1b. 4§c taster «pt*<*d . . . with tlrenter power . . . with Shoulder Lamb . Hen or Tom Turkeys . 1b. 44c qulckerwei-awav ... ttisn challenges In good look* lb.igc toln real values—In reliability and in price . . . Shoulder Chops . Long Island Duxs . . . lb»29c Stewing Lamb Fancy Boston Geese . . Ib. 25C •eNJEW Genuine ARMOUR'S Hams WHOLE

The common exclamation of everyone when ho has ridden In the new Guex Challenger Is: "How did you do III Howdn you KUI this «renter power and faster uet-uwuyt How do you ae\ this speedr Advantages Swift\ Specialties Specialties/ ,"My Esjex the ClmllenKer Is u wuiider—hut. man. this is a revelation." that Challenge Greater Power—Faster Speed <( U s new Essex ChaJlenger from crowd (lie rear seat. There is room for —Oulcker Get-aw»y—Add- Vookfield Roll Butter . 306 Brand Coffee . . .. lb-29c Iron! end to tail lijht. Itii longer, larsici yum hat. You don't have to squeeze ed Economy. Car. The Super-Six motoi i» made into the driver's scat. Theclutcb and EvenCireaterChoIca of Colon. Irookfield Amer. Cheese A-l Bushmill's Coffee . lb-37c smoother »nd given a wider perform- brakes operate at the slightest foot C ance range. The motor retains evrrv pressure. Proper balance and mechan- Four 'l'w bought at eight o'clock. daughter, Mrs. Howard E. Stnrnm tit very sick,, but she is improving. at the stores of Herman LsBrecque fit The ladles' auxiliary of tho Port Kalr View. Mrs. Htamm has been Mrs. Adelaide KalKch of New York Campbtll'i Junction, William W. Kw«n at laid up tho past two weeks wllli i. rluvfisink, Cherlaa Mcyeri and Balvadera Monmouth tire company Is en- wiiHiti wosk-pru! gue^t of Mrs. Wil- ]NESTI.ED in the jersey nine, tms couraged In the interent ahown In tho dislocated knee cap. liam Oako;} of I.PonarrlvlIIe road. Scagllqnt) tit I'4)rt Monmouth. liniora Wall- QQQ ancient building has watched the Ipff at Kast KoHimbure and Mrs. Jack masquerade dance which will be held Fifteen members of the ualieia' Mrs. A. W. Gibson and her daugh tempo of life quicken from the days O'Nolll at Uelford.) fit tho Port Monmouth HCMOOIIIOUHC union of tho New Monmoulh Bnp- tor Patricia of Uelford spent Lin Friday night. A large attendance is coin's birthday nt Now York. of the old mail coach and the speed Mrs. Mary Robinson, who lives on tiat church paid a visit to tho nionV: Indicated. club of tho Kcyport I5cforrnr.il Mr.'j. Arfliur Iirowcr of Navoslnlc MILLWORK AND JOBBING of horses to the age of the telephone araes C. HcndrickBon'a Cherry Treo who lias been on the sick list, Is Im farm, otates In a letter to Tho Hcg- Mrs. Douglass Cook of Boiford church last Thursday evening. StU.1/: and the 6peed oflight. confined to the bed with a severe Mr. and Mrss. John Murphy find proving. atcr that sho saw two robins near cold. UENTKAL AVE. 42 BHOAD Bt, Past this historic link in the chain ler homo on several days last week, tlielr son Jerome" of Long Branch Jli.iS Knima Plahn of Belford U iho aaya they were fine, big, healthy- Tho ladles' auxllinry of Indp.pond spent Sunday at Uelford with Mr. confined to the house witli a sever' TEL. 754-M. HUD BANK. of written word runs the newest looklng roblnn and that she believes ent fire company of Belford will have and Mrs. John H. Wermert, cold. artery of the spoken word—a new ;liot it indlcatea an early spring. a pork and sauerkraut supper at th George Crawford, R. II. Crawford Mr." and Mre. C. Harry Lohsen ana transcontinental telephone cable A report won published that the laid this year and capable of carrying s'aveslnk library would ho cloocd hundreds of conversations at one 'jhursday evenings. This was a mls- time. ake. The library la open afternoons trom two to five o'clock and even- One link only 0/ the many that ore ings from seven to nine o'clock. constantly being added to the system Plans are being completed for »r :ard party which will be hefa' in New Jersey to afford quick and easy Wednesday evening by Mra, Herman "QOOD FURNITURE FOR EVERY HOME" voice communication for the people of Tarnow for the benefit of tho build- our growing State. ing fund of St. Clement's church. Tho party will he held at eight o'clock Last year 350,000 miles of wire were at Independent flro hall. added to the telephone system in Troop No. 77 of boy scouts of New New Jersey—almost all in storm- Monmouth spent Monday afternoon in repairing a building on tho New proof cable. Monmouth Baptist church grounds, 'ho troop haa twenty members. They Kill attend the county scout rally at sbury Park Saturday night. Roger tlcConnlck. is scoutmaster and Wll- lon Miller In assistant scoutmaster. I'ho scout committee consists of Cur- ls Walling, Howard Chamberlain, "red Adams and Rev. H. Pierce impson. Tho second of a serlea of Wednes- day evening cottage meetings will 0 held tonight by the Baptist con- gregation of New Monmouth. The meetings will be at the homes of Wil- liam Morlord, William Dennis, •Wil- liam Allen, Mrs. J. Crawford Comp- ton and Adelbert Howard. Tho topic or the Sunday morning aermon at NEW JERSEY BELL the church will be "Philip and Bartholomew." Tho evening subject TELEPHONE COMPANY will be "Thomas and Matthew." Forty of the forty-five members of lie-Kpwor-th-Uugue-of—the-Naveslnlt A NCW ;cnsr.y INITITUTION BACKED BY NATIONAL RESOURCES Methodist church, enjoyed a turltey bantiuet last Thursday evening at the Nav'eolnk flrehouse.' J. Otto Johnson -T" acted as toastmaater. Remarks were

1 made by members of the league. Val- PUBLIC NOTICE. bend IBHUC of tho DOIOUK' . entines and carnations were used for The following ni'ilUmnt-'U WIIH iiitrotlnrod - i. A aupplcmentnl debt Btatemcnt lo ml pii^ud on ittt firwt reiuMim thin 17th hiieby doclmcd to huvo been filed iim-nu- decoratlone. Everybody had a lino ay of JVbr.Kiiy, A. I). 1(130. nnd will unt lo and for tho mitpoKO of complying time and the banquet was a great. )mo up fur final coiiiildcnillou nnd numi-j with Chaptor 252 at the Limit of Now Buce.068 in every respect. i:u ut iho lemilnr nicolini: of the Mnyor • Jciaey of 1910. (1 (!oiint'tl I" lie hold Monclny evening, 7. Thin ordinance HIIJIII tfllto olTcct upor The Navcsink firemen have, every Num.. :ti|, V.K.0, nt (In' UnrmiKh Hull, Ke;l:Itt) duo iifin(iiij;o nnd iiubtlcutlon tia pro thing arranged for a minstrel show, Hunk, N. ,1., nt flight o'clock, tit which . ncrihod by ln\v. which they will give in the library tlmo nnd jihioo nil pciMtinti (JoKlrlnR to MONMOUTH COUNTY b^iUN¥*COLmT building. Kaymond Taylor Is in he heard Ihmooii will he clvcn duo oppor- December Term. A. D. lttiifl, tunity. lit tho mutter of the on In to of Char leu I'M charge of this event. Hollis H. Hart l>.itcd Folminry 11. 11)30. Wiii-d Tllton. will bo Interlocutor. The end men A. K. 811 INN, Older lo Show Ciuiflc. will be J. Paul Posten, Raymond Borough Clerk. Roy S. Tllton nnd Um-oltl Tllton, ndmln Taylor, Leon Liming, Samuel Posten AN OltDINANUH AUTHORIZING THE iHtmtorn of Ghnrleii Kdwnrd Tllton. de. KKKtVI'ION, CONSTRUCTION AND feuHcd, hiivlnif exhibited to UIIB Court, un and Neil J. Otto and Donald John- KqUIPMENT OF A TIBKIIKK INCIN- tier onth, a just nnd truo uccount of th son. KKAT1ON PLANT l-'OK THE DISPOS- ]iernoiuil cBliito iind dobtti of Biild decedent, HAL OF- GAItUAUK IN TUB I1OROUGII whorohy It nni'eura tlmt tho poinoiinl Independent flrehouse at Belford OI-' HKD HANK. AND MAKINO DUEj tnto of utiUl ileL-flHBcd isriiiBtiiUcient to pay has been maao ready for a carrl IIIH debts, unreur crecrloil, foriHtnictc-d nnd ciinlppod for tho : heforo the Com-t at tho Court House, In (cr is chalrlady of the party commit- j cllnpQKiii of K'trhtiKo nnd vcdino matter, (n Jfreehold, on Thuradny, the iwonty-fourth tee. A gold piece of 52.50 will be fiecordnnco with plimn and miceiflcntlona ] dny of April, A. V, nlnoteon hundred nn«; disposed of on tho co-operative plan. to bo iTCpiircti under tho BuporvlHlon of j thirty, lit 10:00 A. M., to show CEIIJBO tho Hfiroit^h Kriirincor, iuni to be duly | un much of tho Rtild ltimln, tonomflntn, hore Mr. and Mrs.'fjlomer. Cully and npiu'ovpi! uixl ndd|)(cd for tho inirpoHO by idltamcntn nnd real cntato of tho naid do. Miss Florence Roche of Jersey City thn M'.nn, now Utility Cabinet to provide f.lurnijc spurn f,,i only kitchen equipment, regulaiiy $li(i.(l(i, rain pilio 1.00 • 2 Large packages $1.00 r ' rtrKUlitr J 130.00 Wnlnut Dining HiiitfH nf nine KeRulnr $(l.i.lH) Kitchen Ciihlnettj In vmion.i i'u! R. & R Chicken Brolh- 'pieces, rulo prlcril nt only oicil cmunolccl llnlshra, snlo price new only CHOSSE Si llLACKVVICI.I/S 13 Oz. Tins $49.00 Very fine Hurl Walnut Wninc; Sullca of Ion Hetjuhir $15,00 C'aliimvt jityle y Mnillnrd. Page Twenty RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 11)30. NOW AT VMM lire companies will receive. It Is while tlie automobile crashed Into « said that the Indebtedness ol the'; tree and wan danUscd. The children Mr. nnti TSlrtt. tlomttlum H. Jones ArtsNew point Comfort company Is'were taltcn to the hospital by Wtl- Traveling in Florida. | about the amount they will receive.! Uam Gehlhaus, who balled a passing ,, ... „ . ,, ., , I Rev. Thomas Kearney, rector o('autom<>b)le. Mr,. mid Mrs .Joftatlinn H. Jones, church. Keansuurg, Ucv. i limanuel Jobbin of Perth Amboy. who llvptt In Atlantic township, ne?" ' M. H." Culluhan, rector of St. Aunca'a ;; hii-t manufacturer,. has been In- is' &' Magemiai OIJAI ITY ^theLowes t Price Possible-

P UCy> Unmistakably a WAGNER ° nted ii trip of 3,300 miles. Mr. unit J. B. McCloskcy of Red Bank will Mrs. Daniel Frlel of Newark was Lumber Co. M -3. Jonen .say that since having join the tourists for the trip to Cu-:a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred lifcn ill Florida they have scon aomc ba, where Father Kearney expects ;::«htins;alc. All Our Stores Will Be Open of thn most beautiful scenery they to view numerous examples of Span-' Mrs. Pntrlclt Ahearn of Harmony Prices Effective h tve ever witncjacd ami that they ish architecture for the contemplated road is reported to bo1 recovering All Day SAT., FEB. 22d. nlbo hfivc seen some of the wors*. parochial school to be built by St. .mm a serious sickness. Feb. 20, 21 & 22. r"nory they over witney-stMl. Tho Ann's church, < Miss Lillian Gnhlhaua has rocov- 1 lorida weather i.'i cool nights and Uy not inakinf known tho arrcat ' led from several 'days' sickness. - mcrcoats me often necessary. 1 A SALE OF SALES ! of a lire buB suspect public it Is Dominlcli l'Uccl. who has been * 1 believed the mystery of live (lies ™>-R«™l P«"°nt In the Presbyterian WEEK IN ALL OUR STORES KKANSBUKO NEWS. Mnco Januar'y 26th lias been solved. hns|»tal at New York, has returned Wish to Announce 'GENUINE LAMB IN ADDITION TO OUR ALWAYS COMPLETE AT ALMOST PRE-WAR PRICES. STOCK OF LUMBER, MILL WORK, HARD- .U8.S0 to tlio lied Bank sanitary Last Wednesday night. Policemen fl !;ocl.ll)|(, Tmjrsday n|E,lt,. 29c ewer company fo-- r a- newe... -r cxten- - Klotz,.and Murray arrested W. \\,, The Woim,lrt Democlatic club will sion without nny funds to undertake Levalley of Red Burnt a few minutes lloj(1 n caril ,mrjy In Porter's Hotel WARE, PAINTS, ETC., OUR MILL, ONE OF the Wjjrlc, marked the .meeting of before a lire was discovered at "" tonight. 29c in .adjourned meeting of the bor-1 Mfiplowood avenue. IIo was iieatcd| ^Ijencllt card partpy for St. Mark's nigh council last week. Although in an automobile and could not pro-, j,;.)js(,op.li c),urch will be givei n at ththo THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED IN ITorUi have been made to float new-: (luce either a registration or license j ,.J0llywu'o(1 'i,otci by Mrs. Harold Huff- ei extension bbndn, borough olllcluta' card. While ho was belni,' taken to m;in on February 28th. 19c been unsuccessful, but aupar-j police headquarters in alarm of lire Tax collector George Oberlandcr, MONMOUTH COUNTY, IS NOW TAKING uitly thin matter made little differ- was Riven. The lire, however, WHS who Is sojourning In Florida.- Is ex- RIB CHOPS 34c ib. SHOULDER CHOPS 29c tb. inco to Councilman Samuel Kan- put out with little damage, pected to return next week. dolph and A. A. Frank, who paused Tho arrest o( the Tied Bank man ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF SPECIAL MILL LOIN CHOPS 42c ft. LAMB STEW 14c tb. tho motion to award the contract wan not • made public for several over the protest o( Attorney Roberts' hours, and during this period a: WORK—SUCH AS: uid Mayor Watuon. Tho latter sug- [ telephone call was received by the ested that as no funds were on I police from a person who wanted l<> LET US HELP Y@U POULTRY AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES! hand to undertake tho work .tlulknow what charge had been made contract should not be awarded un-! ngalnst the prisoner. This was a; SUAISE BN 1. Window Screens, Screen Doors, SWIFTS' PREMIUM til tho proper time. The two coun-!1 tip that tho police had been waiting . SWIFT'S PREMIUM Lilnien had their own way, but tho for and the telephone call was traced j ROASTING CHICKENS MILK-FED BROILERS contract will not be executed until; to Red Bank. Red Bank police weru; Weighing from 3 to 3'/, lhs. each. Averniru Weight, 2'/, 11>*. rm-li. the: bonds have been disposed of, j aalted to'makp an investigation and Breakfast Nook Tables, Benches, which docs not seem to be very soon. Policeman Harrison wag put on the » ft. ib-. An ordinance pending before the ease. His report was that Walter borough, council for final passage, Buckley had made tin; call. He wn:;', etc. which provides for the purchase of Inter arrested on a warrant chart;- i for the equipment of the New Point. 1 ing arson. LOVELY MOTHERS ConiFort. firp compnny nt u co:it of FANCY DUCKS £•1,000, hn:\. created more expenyt? for insItn Tuesdaan unavoidably afternooen accidenFrank t Into and ATTRACTIVE the boiou;;h. At. tho council mcct-|nino ycar^ old, and his sister, Dor- MILK-FED FOWL MILK-FED FOWL" in^- l^^t week the clerk informed • otliy, four years old, cliildren of Mr. CHILDREN 3 to 3!i lbs. cncli. iiin*. each. , the councilmcri that the Kcansburj;!1 and Mrs. Charles Suppo of Middlr- liiG company had- prepared an nidi- town township, were injured and nnr.ee which tlioy desired to be in-' taken to Riverview hospital at Red SIRLOIN OR ROUND STEAK 39c tb. CHUCK ROAST ...24c tb. troduccd. Councilman Randolph was Bank, The boy received a fractured nf Uio opinion that the matter could! leg nnd lacerations about the bnriy LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON PRIME RIB ROAST ..... 34c ft LEGS OF VEAL ....29c tb. be taken care of ftt the next regular i The girl suffered a fractured collar meeting. In this Coxinclhiian Krank | bone. Tho boy was riding a bicycl'1 PHOTOGRAPHS Uv cancukred and Iho meeting ad-i south on Palmer avenue and tho journod. Thn mayor and the two • was seated in front ,of him. They Hot Bed Sash, New Marble for Bath couneilmcn then v/cnt into confer- j were trailing a bus owned and oper- ener in the clerk't; oHicc over the; a ted by Lester Thorn. The bn.-j matter. It was not long1, however, I rtopped to let off school children, HALL'S before nearly all the members of (he j forcing the bicycle riders to clear th • Rooms and Kitchens, Unpainted 7 Broad St., Red Bank 30 Church St., Keansburg lire? company hail crowded into the j bus. In doing so tho bicycle ran d1 NEW STUDIO rcom nnd the protests became so' rectly in the path of an automobi! 22 Moninouth St., Red Bank ?U4 Broadway, Long Branch strong that the governing body gave i driven by Otto Gchlhaus, nccom 65 Broad St., Furniture,->Fire Place Sets, Good- 71 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands S93 Broadway, Long Branch in and the meeting reopened and the j panieu" by his brother William, wli > ordinance passed on first reading, j were on their way to Kcansbiu:- ltd Bank, N. J. 149 Bay Ave., Highlands. 131 E. Main St., Matawan The ordinance provides practically Mr. Gchlhaus made an effort to avoid DTTSBNiTlONAL 30 Front St., Keyport Telephone 2007. year Rubber Flooring. Campbell's Junction, Belford tlie same terms mi that of the Newhitting the children by making ISO Main Street, Asbury Park. Point Comfort firo company. $4,000 sharp'right turn, but did succeed in for tlv truck nnd ij!s equiphient. I'avoiding a fatal accident. The cliil- I'OSTCARDS AND AMATEUR FINISHING This will maUc 58,000 that the two dren were thrown from the bicycle.

-FIRST IN QRACE AND BEAUTY at the Automob ping On at the t The Quality Car Special Notice

The Packard is not an expensive car. Due to the limited amount of'space • It sells for much less than any other really at the Armory we are unable to show the ^ 4- • fine car. It should, for Packard has spent complete line of Packard -Motor Cars at J millions of dollars and years of time and the Automobile Show. We are, however, ^ effort equipping to build the Packard showing the complete line at our Show t • with the utmost precision and the great- Room—corner Maple Avenue and 4- est economy. 4- mouth Street, Red Bank. • In performance, comfort and beauty We invite you to visit our Show Room ^ and distinction, the Packard is unsur- and inspect the Packard Motor Cars at X 4 passed by any car, American or foreign. any time. i •

4- PACKARD CO. Corner Monmooth Street and MaoSe Avenue, ' • . • Red Bank, N. J. . . Telephone 2176. • ^ RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. »:•»:«»:»>:»:•:•:*»:< FBEEMOU) MAN AEBKSTKD. Joel Test Fined $25 lost Week on Charge i>( Keflslcjst Driving. Joel Test of Freehold wan arrested i NO FABRIC IS SMARTER THAN AUCTION SALES last wecK on a charge of rcchlesd i driving nindo by William Martliieon of Holmdel. Test had a hearing be-1 Estate ©I Hehn C. and Washington L. Hope fore Justice Edward Boughton of' SILK FLAT CREPE AT Llncroft and was lined $25. The reckless driving charge was tho ic- J, Trafford Allen's Hardware. Stock fiutt of an automobile accident last PRESENT December 28th, In whloh cars owrxi-J ... L|do Restaurant by Mr. Test nnd Mr. Martinson were Implicated. Tho accident occurred Ht tho Intersection of Shrewsbury Ideal 'Supply for Home Brew avenue and Newman Sprlngi roud, Ked Banlt. Mr. Martinson's car was driven by hlo daughter at tho time •. 27? • Fri., Feb. 28, Sat., Mar. 1 o' the accident. 1:30 EACH AFTESINOO,V. MIDDU5TOWN VIIXAUI5 NEWS. Printed Silk Charles Conovcr Improving from an Injury to Ills Leg. UNION BEACH NEWS. sortment of fabrics. Republican Club Held Card Party i Chamber of Commerce, it was decided by majority I.nHt Wcnk. Mrs, M. J. Sappah is entertaining Formerly her sisters-in-law, Mrs. F. 1<\ Cush- man of Biidgeton, Maine,, and Mrs. vote to observe Washington's Birthday, February 22d, C. h. Wells of W6stwood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gullen and family, accompanied by Mrs. Sappah and daughter Helen, recently motor by closing their stores as usual. cd to Jersey Clly, where a family eunion was had with 23 members •••••• •' " ''•>•• 32 Broad Street attending. Mlsa Marie Bishut and Jack Valen- tino of Irvlngton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mra. Emil Schaeffer. INTERNAL TRADE COMMITTEE, Miss Edna Hoffman of this place and Earlo Anderson of Fords motor- ed to Konllworth Sunday afternoon and visited frlcnd3 In Avenel in the RED BANK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. evening. Miss Edna Hofman has accepted position with the Prudential ln- suranoe company in Newark. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spellman and Mr. and Mrs, Emil Schaefer motored to Newark Wednesday. Captain G-. Campbell has returned to his home here after a two-weeks' visit In Brooklyn. Tho Union Eeaoh Republican club f* Monmouth County Surroftta's OR}», Tllton anj Hrrohl Tllton, admlnlitralon therefor ncalnst tha nald imlmcrllicr In tha nuitUr of the aatatt of Chulos EJ. of tin extnte of Charts* Edward Tilton. tie- Dnteil fnehalil. N. J.. K«b. 11. 1030held their' card party last week at ward TUton, dectatisd. censsdt notlca Is hereby given to the m-edl- ' ROY 8. TILTON. the Pleasure club hall with a larga 2iotlco to creditors to prsasnt ctatms tors of said dacaaaed tu vxhlbtt to tha Cranbury, N. J., U. 1<\ D. No. 2 attendance. William Hedley won the Against estate. •ubsuriber. admlnlitiators >a aforesaid, HAROLD TII.TON, Pursuant to tho ordor of Joseph Tj. Dqn« their debts and damiinda agalnat the Bald Koyport, N. J., R, D. S. No. !. grand prize and Mrs. M, Sappah a fihay, surrogate of tho county of Mon* eatnte, under otith, within ilx months from large cake. tnoutli. mnde on tho eleventh day of Feb-th« dnte of the aforesaid ordsr. or they Tho Register's motto: "A Paper In Otto Gryncr is sporting a new De- ruary. 1030, on the application of Soy S. will bo forever barred of their notions Every Home."—Advertisement. Soto sedan.

Red •*£** I LARGEST RETAIL BUTCHERS IN THE U, S. A. I Long N«L Bank Vfaoifoorth. | Economyy Plug Quality. Over WO Successful Stpren ana Still Growing. | Branch

Washington's Birthday Specials for Friday- and Saturday! Chuck LOIN OF JERSEY Prime RIB ROAST

Full Cuts Forequarters of BIB END Shoulder of Genuine Spring LEGS OF GENUINE JERSEY

The most impressive achievements in Dodge Brothers long and successful career—th© new Dodge Six

at an amazingly low price and the new Dodge Eight-in-Line, a veritable sensation in valus—itand out JERSEY FRESH unmatched in their price fields. Revelations in smooth, vigorous performance; extraordinary in roomy comfort; distinguished in appearance, these cars carry to new heights every sterling quality for which

Dodge Brothers cars are noted. With their popular companion cars (the present Dodge Six and Dodg* AT OUR FISH DEPARTMENfT Senior) these new creations now make possible—to added thousands—the ownership of Dodge Caff. UPHOLDING BV&RY TRADITION OF DDDQE OERE-NDAHIUTY Cod Steaks Soft Clams Fresh Mackerel Smoked Filet Fresh Flounders Fresh Filet All four lines of cars now on display ct tha Automobile Show .. . ond In Doclgo Brothers Doalsri' ihowroOfttl

AT OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. - Frank Van Syckle ii'tfo Con o( I/llil)y'a .HJNI5 SWEET JOHN H. BURNS. l\%. 149-151 W. Front Sfc Peaches PEAS Sugar Corn Telephone 1296. , lbs. c Lge. can •• 9«/2c Lgc. pkg. cans cans • , Bruiicb of I'eitli AniUu*. , **"*k-. Pass Twenty-Two RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY, 19, 1980. A SHOW1SU FOU TWO. onditlon her doctors state her con- building. The Btoro Is considerably dition la encouraging for a rapid re- larger than the one formerly used j Gifts M:ido iit Nnvestnk <« a Voting covery unless other complications by tho company. Engaged Couple. ihould ect In. Mlsa Mario Gray of New York spent the week-end with Mrs. Irving A surprise shower wus given Sat- Teeple. i urday evening at the home of Mr. SEABEIGHT NEWS. Frank Suspcnskl ha& a new Chry- ami Mrs. William W. Swan of Nav«- sler coach. fink for Miss Ursula Speer and Carl- Firemen riay Basketball—Epworth Mrs. Ida Davis is slowly improving (oii Walling. who are engaged to be Leagno Playlet Next Tuesday, jfroni a serloua sickness. . .married. Miss ijpeer is librarian ot (Tho Red Bank RetrUtcr can bo bought A masked ball will bo held at the tlio MidtHeknvn township public U- la Scobriffht at the store* vt Morris 'Welfl- community hail Friday night. TO RELIEVE lnary. Mr. Walling is a resident of maa and 11. Lttkowitz.) A birthday party waa given for Highlands. Members of the hook ami ladder John Obcrlo on Lincoln's birthday. Miss .Spcrr nnd Mr. Walling were company defeated tho engine com- Music and duueing were enjoyed and induced to the home of Mr. and Mrs. pany in a basketball game Friday Mr, Oberlo was the recipient of many S>van on a pretext and they found night at Bowser's hall by a score of fine p;ifta. The guests wore Miss .Har- the house filled with their friends. 20 to 0. John Flchter was tho star riot Keefcr, Miss Evelyn Obcrle, Fred Gifts of. linen were made to MIsa player for tho winning side, ecttliSS Jtunyon, Miss Marjorlo Peters and UNEMPLOYMENT Speer and miscellaneous gifts ,were made to Mr. Walling. The festivities livo field goals. Tho contest was V Thomas Desmond. Sweetest wheats are took place in a setting of. valentine combination of basketball, football, Kdward J, Martin of Brooklyn and floial decorations. A "novelty wrestling and soccer and .not one foul spent Saturday and Sunday with rel- so blended to bring boo.net" for Mr. Walling was one of. was called on cither side. atives here. out tbe utmost of tin"? features of the party. St. Mnry's guild will hold a card Others present besides those men- party Wednesday of next week, Marlboro Nona. flavor and to make tioned wore Mr. and Mrs. J. Otto Tho Epworth league playlet will be Mr. nnd Mrs. Amos Bird visited held next Tuesday night instead of their daughter, Mrs. DoGraw of ; Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. John- next Wednesday night In tho church If you liarc us lmnulo that Heckers' Superla- son, Mrs. ftjidle Johnson, Donald Caldwoll. over (ho week-end. j ecture room. The Epworth league The young ladies' league for oerv- j outing, picnic, theatre par- Johnson, Miss Virginia Scibcrt, Mr. sociable, which was scheduled for ty, etc tive a perfect Pie, and Mrs. C. Maynard Card, Mr. and icn held a successful food salo on j Owiig to the scarcity of employ- Monday night, of this week, has been Saturday nfternoon, , \ Our DcLuxo busses are Mru. Leon Liming, Mr. and Mrs. R. postponed until nest Monday night. more thnn comfortable anil PastryandCake A. Anderson, Marion Braniard, Miss Misses Helen and Klna Magce our experienced, careful, Helen McMakin, Mr. and . Mrs. Earl William WBeatty, who is n patient spent tho week-end at their home courteous chauffeurs will flour. DeVesty, Raymond Taylor, Miss Mil- at tho Long Branch hospital, under- here. died DeVesty, J. Paul Postcn and went a blood transfusion Saturday. ment worthy operators who are out handle your wants best. Ho rallied and yesterday It was re- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murphy are Call 891. Miss Eileen MaWhinney. entertaining Mrs. Joseph Murphy of ported that he was doing nicely. Lake Como. Mrs. Frank Covert is spending a 125 Broad Street. FAIR HAVEN NEWS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Dclellsur nnd I & few weeks at Trenton with her hus- children of Brooklyn visited friends B of work will be given positions in ftxempt Firemen's Dinner—Ttnm- band, whoi Is superintendent of the hero on Wednesday. inago Sale—In Florida Hospital. Taylor provision company at that John Winanu 13 'still very 111 at his place. home here. (Tho Kcil Bank Register enn bo bousrht Rev. and Mrs. Samuel n. Latham in Fair Haven in the Btoro of Harry Kurtis spent Monday with relatives at Mor- our Red Bank and Long Branch nnd at tho Gold CcOars.) risvllle, Pennsylvania. Plans are progressing for the en- Mlsa Minnie Latham, who under- tertainment and dinner to be given went an operation at the Long Thursday night of next week at Me- Branch hospital a few days ago, re- factories, chanics's hall by the exempt firemen's turned to the hospital yesterday for association. Xhc lire department is treatment and will return homo to- CONTRACTOR Try a Register Want AUveitise- assisting the association with tho day. and BUILDER iionL It will pay you.—Advertisement arrangements. There will be speech- Mrs. Rogers of Beach street has making by oHlccra of tlte state as- been laid up with acute indigestion, f •• . . .. • ^ • sociation. Tlie dinner will bo served RED BANK, N. J. in the llrebouse by tbe ladies' aux- • Office In Eisner Building iliary. The Fair Haven officials and LEONARDO NEWS. . Room 3 tho exempt firemen of Red Bank and Mrs. Eva Sago's House Badly Dam- Telephone 3018. TO Kumspn have been invited to the af- aged by Flro Sunday. ' fair. Jobblnc ot All Kinds (The Red Bank Register can be bought A rummage sale will be held next Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Monday morning at ten o'clock at in Leonardo at the .Btoro of t'red Meyera.J the Episcopal parish house by the Mrs. Eva Sage's house TOLS badly DISTURBED SLEEP ladies' guild. Miss Mary Emma damaged by fire Sunday. The fire- Is One of Nature's Warnings of "Where Your Money Hendrickson and Miss Elizabeth men were called out at four o'cock Danger Ahead. Scowcroft arc in general charge of in tho morning to fight the blaze. Sigmuitil Eisner Mrs. Annio L.' Demon, 211 Wyltos St., tho sale. , ~ They put It out, but the fire had a Alitniippa, Ta.. stirs. "For 9 years I Buf- Qocs Furthest" fered nirmiy with my bladder. Wni tolil C'apt. Walter Chadwick, one of Fair big start on them, as it was under the only hope for a euro was on operation. Haven's octogenarians, who has been great headway before it was discov- Dreaded to fee nicht.some as I was dia- a patient at the Long Branch hon- ered. Between flro and water there turbed many nlchtn every 15 minutes. Saturday ! was no part of the house which es- After taking Lithiiitetl Buchu (Keller For- Specials for Thursday, Friday and pital, is no*w in a private home at mula) a fow days I had much relief. I Company Occanport. caped damage. am now almost- cured. Sleep all night without bointf disturbed. I havo Rained 18 William Liebeck, who has been sick The trustees of tho Baptist church pounds. I am almiya pint] to teli or write with pneumonia, is steadily improv- met at tho home of Lorno Waddoll my full experience." It acts on bladder Legs Lamb .... Ib. 30c ing. last night us epsom Raits do on bowels. Drives out foreign deposits ':end lessens excessive Mrs. Arthur Sickles is kept indoors Mrs. Adelaide Balsch of New York aeldity. This relieves the irritation that with tonsilitia. has been a visitor here the past week. causes Bcttinff up n.iKhts. The- tablets The annual Martha Washington The'new Atlantic and Pacific stora cost 2c each at all drusr stores, Keller Laboratory, Mechnnicsbuurjr. Ohio, or 1D- Lamb Shoulder . . .. Ib. 25c supper will be held Saturday night is open for business in the new Baker cally at Schroedei's I'hnrniacy. from half-past five to eight o'clock in the Methodist church basement. Application has been made by the Breast Lamb •'. lb.J5c borough to the war department for permission to build the municipal dock at thn foot of Fair Haven road. Action on the application will be held February 25th. Neck Lamb .... Sb. 23c Miss Marion Porter entertained about thirty guests at a party last Wednesday night at her home on See them at Auto Show, Red Bank Armory, Feb. 15—22 Kemp Avenue. Loin Lamb Chops . ib. 45c Samuel H. Cledand, Jr., and daugh- ter Betty were summoned to St. The motor car Surprise of 1930! Values that excel Petersburg, Florida last week to the bedside of Mrs. Cleeland, who went all comparison! Prices that revise all automobile Rib Lamb Chops Ib. 39c south with her brother, E. Walt Ha- vens of Seagirt, to spend several standards! Study the entire market, then take your weeks for the benefit of her health. Shortly after reaching St. Petersburg pencil and figure for yourself how much more you "Shoulder Lamb Chops . Ib. 35c Mrs. Cleeland was admitted to Faith hospital at that city for observation. most spend for any other car that offers you com- Her condition became so critical that parable wheelbase, power, room, strength, endurance,1 31 AND 37 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. an abdominal operation was advised and she submitted to tho ordeal teat performance, and the last word in every motoring urday. Although still in a weakened I These Prices Effective In Our Stores in Red Bank and Vicinity improvement and high-class advantage. Then DRIVE the Auburn, and there will be no doubt as to WHAT car offers die best investment.

Anbura bos earned a reputation for dolrjg theonBtSJ —tor doing what cthdn say is Impossible, In this; manner, Auburn has convinced a rapidly (rowinf number of people that they can have not only fine* tOQkpSnwghtEigfc motoring to Anburn can, but alafc that It is rando better business to invest in A-jhur - rare. Never hai this been more evident than With (his new Series HZ Here Auburn announces the most Important '{bar-door dosed car of 130-inch wheelbase* ID facts thi» car Is the most dwSjs departure from eoattnw (gives Quick Starting in Cold Weather automobile news in all the world today. Not porzry practice1 that Auburn has ever rcade. It eclipse* superficial changes or "talking points", but « all other*. For here Is a valoc ia size, strength, power,' vast sweeping fundamental change In the re refinement end eudurance, that only thoM stccoW -, . . Saves, Your Battery .... Reduces ?995 establishment of values In the entire Industry. tomed to paying the highest prices hnve ever enJoyedL Crankcase Dilution . . Delivers Better Auburn makes its new Scries 8-95 Straight Now—Injuries, performance and distinction tut f2OWheelbase%\\ Eights available to the vast army of motorists offered in a car that rashes its purchase an act of thrift. All-around Winter Performance!.... who have known Eights were far superior, and Yon probably will never need to call open Its mav Anyone paving lets than $1000 fors car who wanted to own them. Now NO car buyer Imom of reserve ptnirer. But It Is always there, pricM should Inspect, compare and drive the need be handicapped by a lesser car. This four- less In emergencies, and continually saving themotot LOSED CARS-car hcatcts- There's no battery punishment—no ex- new Scries <*65 fotzr-door closed car. door Sport Sedan of lZS-lnch wheelbaso for from strain and undue depreciation. The frame, to* Cwintcr fronts—all have combined cessive choking or crankcase dilution! Too are entitled jo long wheelbase and a much less then many Sixes! Not en untried, strongest under any eutomobile, resembWa a tted tremendously strong rigid frame, be- hastily produced model, but perfected through bridge in construction, li is double armor-pUtedp to increase winter motoring, Then, as you drive out of the cause they are the foundation of all auto- Gve fears of Auburn's Straight Eight leader- firmly rigid, preventing .jimmy, vibration and body* mobile requirements. To tklmp here if ship; a definite, tested, proven value. Double twist* and drains. Incoming !> the unqnatio^u^ But, after all, it's the CASOLINE garage—there's snappy, business-like fatal to efficient, enduring performance. armor-plated frames, Bljur chassls*lubrlcation. leader In Straight Eights, and this motor vrtth Its) that makes your car GO—and if the performance—no lagging! Accelera- 1% cannot be glossed over with body Hydraulic shock absorbers, and forai-whetl smooth' (lot* of over-lapplnK power impulses is tn* hydraulic brakes.. Finest mohair upholstery, utmost of Incoming's attainments in reliable, durable! gasoline is not right, there's little tion—speed—power—you have all attraction. The amazing value of this Auburn Six begins down deep with its luxura springs, Brcwtter non-glare windshield, and efficient performance. Drive it and you will (W satisfaction in cold weather driving. three just as in summer driving, with and every refinement and improvement you ttgnascd. And of cmiree this fine car has Bljur chant* ragged foundation, making possible a expect in a qtrlclly quality car. Its eturdhiees lubrication, bydraultc shock absorbers, and four*, CONOCO Winter larger, uncramped car with ample head and efficiency are the result of long experience, wheel, internal expanding hydraulic brakes. The and leg room; a real, big luxurious BUto- of constant improving and of added betterments, upholstery, the fittingsan d the finish of this Series arc GASOLINE has been mobile with /ine car jidvantages. Dijur until today its worth rites for beyond the limits the very latt word in quality and good lane. We civ developed to give sum- enas&U lubrication, hydraulic shoclc ab- «ver attained by any other comparable car. It is lion you not to delay. Piece your order at oncsU sorbers, and hydraulic four wheel brakes, the climax of .our policy of making Auburn's Every year Auburn has been oversold. The demand mer-like motor opera- Convenient payments. success retroactive to buyers. lor this valae will break nil records. tion in cold weather. if*iMia31095| 6-85 Spoil StJ.ii 59P5i 6-B5C.bilottl JIW5|MSSo, l»& ture, pmnoa or batrsase to all parts of The inemljfirs of the TJalol:t claiiH Mr. and Mr.-i. Joijcph i;. L. Jm:k- (juertt, cnttmelsi, etc., for any purpn^f. clt/ or country, in tha largest padded vatiu rrt. William W. lUAmvn Knk-rfaiiiH if Calvary Ijunday-Hciiutjl wfro on- ;;(iu,-liter ortalncd last cvrniin; by Mm. Loulaj huiiiR on tlio Hulindcl turnpilu* un Cut thin nilvMttneroerit out MIH} vr«»siit moving done, writu, send or call for tlio Itocctvctt lljiiiiiumi LuvAmt I"nan ln- .75 l IJPIIIW for fiti« rdmplc. only rallabls furniture movert In town, ami Jtultsi, Jr., of Divlnion Htrcrt. WnrinpHday r-vrniri)/. Mr-'!-- l-'i'Miik (j All $4 pallitl and varuUhes $^.g0 |(gf git my prices on your next job, All kinds The Kcyport Improvement aasocia- Wcljjana and ANK'-W M. • Wcbiilcr SUNDAY, MARCH 2 Salloli. Otticr grudGH $1.60 par saliaii. of heavy or light trucking done at short oaijturcd tin; lii'it iiri/e,i and the ron- notice. Gal) or sddrcaa (The Kcil Bank Kctrlstcr can bo lioujfht lan held their regular nifinthly bu;i- l'icU-M ifoo.J to N 1 In Kejiport nt Chnrlua Lalm'a iituro.t iHiny iiioeLin^ Monday *jj-I.L'rnoon nt iiolations went y<> Mi.^j Maude AcKcr- Special Tro'in Leaves Monmouth Paint and ho public library, »on and Cllarcucu JO. i/.nhienburK. KKD HANK X H A J. T, EG AN J A Varnish Works Tiio Unit of u HITIPH uf card pai'tlrH Tho IjudiPH1 Aid of Oilvnry church i/ullrjwiriK tlio KJiuioii refreshuionl.-i MIDDLKTOWN 11 WALL STREET, HKD BANK. o be Klveu by Hailtan pewt, Amnr- UcturniuK Itavn New Yorli. Wet 1 Factory! tSS Willow Avo, wnx cntfli'tjunnd by Mru. Wllltoin wfjre served. MI:.:H Maude Acknrson 1 T 11BeIdanco Phono 3P-W enn hujiini au:dlUify wus hchl at Uio H:j:» 1'. M., Uberly .St., 0:00 I nhftriJHJii mid MM. Itohiud C Dey will cntorttiin tli«? dub , I or li f jrt mtli n i e I c ct A Wottc* U hereby «lven that aonled h\a» I'rlKCH for iil^li tiaarc wprc awarded at'tf:rnot>n ilm>c j»i< mt v tio Mt J Chaiifj J Yrmii Mi and Mi J will !)• rtmlytd l»y tho ^aiindl. of__tho o Mr". M. MJlo-'i, Airn. S|unlr>y T-Vny, H. 1J. I >• y Mi i 1 if d jli >n Mu < ii o\( i Cm ti Mi mil li \\ ilimi i Borough of Shrewsbury for tlio rouHtruo Mi'H, A. ClauA, MIH. (Jnice Klu^, Mian tlon of ft reinforced concrete imvcmctiL, Mary I.' ivld iou Mi J ( limits 1* M Ark( i on Mi und Mi Ani lo compcldns 8202 equnt-q yiifda, on Whlln Mai'lu Julil, MiH. JcHulti JJ. I.pvvlii, Mra. Bulu'i, Mi i I I Wliit ill* i Mho M Wtli td Mi in 1 Ni J jhn 1 load, fn tha BorouaU of fUirewHlnny. N. tnlKon y. Hopla. .lohn Knlly. Mis. Mnry A Mom II Mi J C h u3* s 1 vans ALlamon Mi ml MM ( lnunr 1J J., on4 opfliied and icml in imblla ui. the -Vtrd Lloi'iicamp aiw) Mt'o. VeUiv Van room* of said Council, Bhrawbury, N. J-. ill. Chmli i Snydti, Ml Murm rSuhiPMbiii}, Mi in 1 Mi I mt t J {Ikfixnmt. Nun-pluyd'H JJIIZCH won.; on Tufliday, March 4th, 1930, jit or ul>out •, MIH Clip trt A WHMHH Mi s 'f LUv III! J 1 1 111! W ( 1, til I ivll. B:CO I1. M., atandard tlmt. warileil t.o MVH. KIOII Iv. KniHcr uml ilimniiU Puhiif MJ Jf« ndi K k ' Mllldt A'kf l nn Ml 1 ll/Ux th Best Place Plann and ire e I flration s for Uio ITU- Mm. lAWUt H. Wlntorloji nnd tlio ut- H-aWay, Mi i All m I'olin^, AIi UI/ uun Kilph I on Un) t uu!, l. p&wd work have been filed In the ofiircn of lfmor ]>v\y,c \va:i won \>y Mra. .Jud- rt —in- Allin ft lUtnlcIrh at 60 Uroail atrcet, Hcl ubiitli Decker, Mrs, Leonard lluylar' and illrs. J(j:-:rpn H H Younp. Ji d Mr. It's a Sure bign of Rain— Bank( N, J.. und may be limpet let! liy -Mm fi jkipljt. und Mru, lilimna I', Black. Monmouth County Prospective Ijidiloia ilurlnu lniHlnuiiti huuII.- At a mci'Un^ held HI.MI U. J. Jackson. IHL UAl IOU \\ \Sli 5OI IC <: \Hl U'ha ntandard form of proitnuiit h iiUnrl)u«l Tho anriufil elt.'ntioji uf oil ice rs nnd : Tho Lucky I.Jiidu;; :;^svSnf CI.-IKH mtt i to th* specification*, copies ot which will be Saturday, Jiitjcj)h T. DouKltmiy \VI\M roc:ft|»ti(in to ihrj ltiini.stL'i- will h<> ht^ld • lo Buy a Good fumiohed upon application to tlio Un- at the lionic of Mr:;, Anijclu AI. Web You cnn ino'tl nil tbit tinuojan irfci-iuiili'd wit li a dlfl mo ml luckt't und on Mitrcti 1'Mlu coillilciitc for Iwt'nly ynur;i ijcrvicc stnt' fin Friday evcniiuc. After th» by IcU'fis; us «.ish II, und if It i.ilns Plan* .and Rpcctflcntlonu will bo fur- nllliod proipectlve blddern muni pnyment wlt)i thn I'luiU'iilia] IiiHiirancc com- tho sumo clay ivu'il n*u:ish it fret >any, wlitch ont.oi'H Mr. Dougherty H'lTL NKWS. of 810.00, which amount will be lefiinde'l Mi'H. Kdwin U. Vo.'.ivux a,H:i;~J.c<.l with Wo nut only vva^h the outside nutl upon return of tiie plans nnd Dpocitlcn- n <;ln.s:i 1) of thn PrudentInl Old tlonB. In sooti ordor. within <»n» week from i Accidents—llcsidt-ntu In thn Hcwinir. underneath, wo clean tho Inside tho lift to of OPQUITIK of bidu. a—Saw Car Owner**. S(d4 must bo rnnda on the BttmJnrd MO- Miu WilUuin H. lioliiiCH wus JJO'D- J(;iccUcm. thoroughly mid u'ien:ild on the work, imyuMu ly'-i • f j ey, Ward Hampton, Henry Open Evenings nnd Sundays sold surety company will furtiluli tho lilii- hurt lifir nhoulder. Slie retjeived pl'-'JiaU; and Charles A. Uubiu.'jui. dor with tlio rouuired bond. Ilicin inunt !>n woII (Iono and wan thor'nij/lily on- delivered »t the pluco nnd before tho hour joyod by tlioiic prcynnt. Vocal oolon treutiupiit at Dr. U. lluiold Kurp^i • *-•«• - ufcove namad. ivrro rendnrod by, MIH. Hewitt W. olliuo ut Ilunifjon. Mr. lieatty way IScats Kiiiiiiing1 Kcconl. I'UBLIC NOTICL not hurt. The car waii badly duin- "An OiillniiiKo (i.xiiiK H la CT rf i (]i Tha Borouith renei'ven Hie rltftit to re- Wluiilrm and M\m lihcrnsa HCIKMHJIHJ r KowJiian of V/(dL I.OIIK tin of Ulo Uort.UBh of Kcl Ji 111 \ I RED BANK. N. J. dact any or all biiln If doomed tti tho licut MIH. Cai-lotou It. Wlmrlon v/na tin u;;u(l. 'IJrancli, in an fithlH K: inert at Pliii- triuliiroil liy tlio Mayor . I t II I Interest of the Horoniih no to do; Clurenco Carnmn, who. 1IU:J Ijeen I'olininry 3il, 1!I3O. .-mil nil HI / l"l] OFFICE: 19 \V. Front St. Dy order of the Cuum-U of Iho iicconipnnliit. Thrs next .nutating />!' ;adclplii;i. l;c:t week, i;ni -in yiird.s in laid up with rheumatism ijinee ChriHt- 1D3I), v.-ni (innlly iuloi>lcj ml ii nil Fhono 552 of Shrewnbui-y. the club will bo hold at (hn home of iivo Hecond.'i, v/hii'li WHS unc-tniitli of Uy the Mayur. li. .T. Mra. Kd^ar 'J'. 1 louxn of h!Iiz:il>r-lli mnnt lutii l'l.'crjvei'ed unit IIIIH roiHU/uid ;L second luster 1!I;.m the best prev- A I SHIN trt'ot on I-1;'idiiy aftc-nioon, l''cb- his duties in tho otWc.v. ol1 Winflcld H oitkfjc^ Att«nt: i Sous mark. \ lin linn; will not ;iland YARD: Maple Ave, & Borffcn 1'lnce uiii-y 28th. ORTMJDK VAN VL1KT, Clerk. i;t:i a woi-ld'.i rncortl, fur the 45-yard NOTICE. . rhono 551 February 17, 1039. 'Mr:;. (.'. l.oroy Iiuwnc of Jiroadwny Vilo i'arro lutfi boujj'ht u new Ford ! dfish. u\ not. roco.inii/.fMl in intcr- N.itlce in licichy (tl»en thnt the Imjci- roud.'itcr. Juticpti WliHu in driving Hurnu.l rommhulrjneru apDrjlntoil by thi «j CHANcenr OF NEW JERSEY. nlerluhiofl at a dinnor parly in nationnr eonipelit.hm. Ti.tvnsliiii Committee of the Townaliln uf Kcd Banli IIM. | To KATHIUNB W. MOAN, fonnerly cplcbriitiou 'of the birthday of a new Ford yciUm. Thu Jjittle Kiivci Middlctowii undor the Ordinance piovidiin: "Wo Wash ISvervlhlnf; .Oli Vonr Car KATHIUNti M. VAN IJKUNT, iui-1 licet;, Coniitanco Giirr oi' i'Vnnv njurkct ban ljuuyht a new Ford de- foi- tho erection of jettloti nt Irlenl Hen'-li. 1 RALPH T. MOAN, hnr Jiimbimd, : Helped Wards (o Ksoapc list KoniiBliuiK, Unit Ihc uiidornliriicil Bat tlso Payment?!.' Mich. Tho jtiK'.stfi Included Mr. and livery cur. WILMAM J. PATTKRSON: 1 ru:>miH>iiiiici> will liolil a licurinu npun By Virtue of im Order (jf tho iUnwt of Mrs. Walter ttwarn-on, Mrs. Cora Huy- Uogti from Harry Ptjuiid'n kennel.'j Harry CutUell of V,nUn\ Hill, Wil- the «al: fin) truinpiitiy, on Tliomiinon fLveiine, 'tnle o[ MOITIB Selirclber. uoceaaed. of. comriiliifllona and conned fool'. Henry C. Porrlnn IH romijlniimnl. find yoi; i»i Wc. l'JSO. Kathdne M. Moitn, formerly Katiirttiu M Lldwiii C. Jioljba liay buen kept in- hist v/cok (jn clmi'^'H of Hiding tlireo nL a:00 V. M., at which time all peniuns of Uie fmuHiTihcr.'BilminlBtrator of tho CH- Mi'p. Wnl tor Swantion of TJroad ho ' HERBERT L. IfENENDERri, VonBnint, nnd Ilalph T; Moitn, her him- iUidva vvilh j;rip. -.- young women to T tlie MonnmuUi fendant hecnime you nre tho hu»huud of county lil.itorical 'society will mnet oi Mrs. GcnrgR IJ. ^AVarrpn I^ tho «ald Kftthrlna M. Monn npd »-1n[m m Ijidies' Auxiliary. tiichoat© rltcht of cnrteHy nr nnmo otho Friday itfUrnoou lit the ILetoimei ripht in the laid lnnil; find ynu, Wlllliim church hoiiKr. Mr:i. " Cioor^e I>. Warren nnLer- J. Pattarann, nro iriBdn defendant bocun taincd the ladies' auxiliary of HazltH you ere the owner of cartnin mortunu John C'. Cshorn of Main ytrcel 'which are ft lien on the nntd Innd 30. ;;chool at Mimllus, K. Y., last wo ok noon. Following the busiinosa HCSPIOII, AUTON BKEKMAN, J1. Palmer Arm^tronp:,Jplc:;idnnt ol refroKhnmnls wcro arrved by tlio IIGH- Sollrltor of Complninnnt, P. O. Addteas-. 10 firoad, HticoU Red Buiih tho Keyport bahUtng company, at tfHfj. Mru. JoHepli C. Cherry will en- N. J. tended a banquet of the New York tertain tho auxiliary on Thursday of next week. Those present wcro Mra PUBUC NOTICE. Chapter American institute ot bnnk "An Ordinance providing for tlio can JI\R: (it the JIolcl Autor, New York Mary A. Cowlc-a, Mrs. Stephen D. collation of exeotiH nprroprlatlons of mon- Saturday night. Lnmbertson, Mrs. Harry S. Cowlc^, ies appropriated In various ordinance* Mrs. Roy 'Lnmlx-rtuon, Mrs. James heretofore pnaBcd retntlng to irenoml or Tho Thought club was entertair*^ local lmprovemontB, wheia en Id atii'rorl at ttie home of Mra. ChuHlor A. Wall Pcdcc, Mis. H. Alvln Walling, Mrs. ttono ar« In exconn of tha actunl coat intf nu Onborn street Monday evening. vSamuel H. Walling, Mrp. Joseph C. tha Improvement an conntructed," wnn in- Cherry, Mra. Hudson D. Carhart, troduced by tho Mayor and Council nn A valnntinc party was Iiold undor the F*hru«ry Sd, 1080, nnd on Fobrimry 17th t3Uprrvininn or .Mrs. Ernest G. B;uley. Miss Anna Cowlcs, Mrs. William F, 1DS0, woe flnolly Rdoptcd nnd approved by Dr. and Mrs. William T. Wall in? o Kennedy, Mrs. John II. Bahrcnburg, Red Bank, N.J. tho Wnyor. Pool avonuo entertained their duugh M Clmrlea D. Lambcrtson, Mra. A. K. flHIKN, r V. WnllIng and Mrs. Boroush Clerk. fat9

Directly Opposite Globe Hotel. On our Third Anniversary, we wish to thank the Public for their valued patronage and H Telephone 372. • in appreciation of same we are going to give valises never offered before in Monmouth Coun- E3 19 East Front St., —FREE DELIVERY- Red Bank, N. J. ty. We can do this because our manufacturers have been good enough to co-operate with us during this event. A visit to our store will prove this statement. Just a few of our many ag special inducements that we are offering during this—our Third Anniversary Sale. Read them over. AH the latest Spring styles and shades are included.

FLAT CREPE Special PRINTED CREPE Anniversary Price !

Regular $15.00 $25.00 • Sample Dresses MEAT DEPARTMENT. Special for this Sale Smoked Cali Georgette, Flat Crepe and Prints Ali the leading shades—in Flat c DRESSES! Crepe, Georgette and Prints.

Special for this Sal ho All our liitjh-pricccl Evcninu' Gowng im ludod ;\l the above price. ANNIVERSARY SALE mmmmmmmmmmm Page Twenty-Four RED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 19. 1930. BEDB HO VTEAMLOST BinCOB LEAGUE FITCHEK. ' Junior Dofcrs «ml BUcbc» Over C month* ItEl 0RM£I>. KTTE and not exectdtne 18 month*—Won by a; v prs TIED FOR LEAGUE IJ/M. ^* ^ SWIMMING TEAM LOSES. THE BEST IN COLLIES. 1'lorcnce I). Ilch'a Bellhavcn UivJbtrtli II; Joseph Stryker To I'lay Baseball 0 2 C. Whalen. rl. .000 r'lorenci I). Ilch'a Bellhiven niilck Majesty, . High School Boys Defeated Last With l'aclfio Coaat Team. l.eJdy, if 1 15 J. -n?r.-oml; AiIcrJtM Uciincia' Ailclficld Ailnlr. n. Noble, c, . HIGH SCHOOL BOYS NOSED OUT Joseph Stryker of Atlantic High- third. . o a 2 A Fair Haven hockey team de- J. Desmond, re. o ; I'. BnlfFen, n. .338 LEADING C1TV TOUBNABIENT BIAHKABLE VICTORY. ; C Ryder. l£. . feated a sextet from the Red linnlt •KY ASBVRY TAKK, lands has given up his position at thrc It. IJmniuml. if. NOVICB. llitrhe<—Won liy l lorene« B .000 Broad street bank at Red Bank and CaUndrillfi. IB, . Ilch's Dellhavcn Lady Loveliness i Anshai- C. Uceven, lg. high school last Wednesday afternoon follies From ISellhaven Kennela, slit Kr;mel»' Annhapsllt lltue Mclila. sen'* .000 Jersey Central, Quadrangle and Fort on the Shrewsbury river at Fnir Ha- The Mrct-AVas Held Friday Kight at he will leave shortly for California, Owned hy Mrs. Florence B. Hch. Monnioull) Ba»liet«ers Downed Total ond: Mrs." C. M. I.unt'i Alatfad Blue Total . a, 5 tt ven by a score of 4 to 3. The ice n-as Iho Asbury I*arU Natatorlum and where he will become a member of Won-BIany Awards at tho Madl 8locklnB. thinl; H, II. Y. «allitin'a Altteail SteglBter, Bank and Durant Quin- smooth and hard, making the j;ame tlio Scifrc Was S7 to 25—Noted the pitching start of a baseball team 1,'El/ BANK. son Square Garden Show, mbassadreaB, fourth. * BAPTIST. tet Last Wednesday Night. ISvv.miner Cave Kxhib'Uoii. in the _Paciftc coa3t league. Stryker F PTS. Amerlcan-Brod. Illtclies—Won by Flor- 0 V TT8 unusually fast. A return game was McKiiiflil. rf. 2 8 Mrs. Florence B. IlcJ) of Locust K. Ilrower, rf. . . .204 The Jersey Central power and arranged for Sunday, but due to the ia a brother of Sterling Stryker. a ence B. JJcb's Bellhavei) Lady I.ovellnesi; A. UMbDoinM. If. ..1 0 2 Tlic P^nd Bank high school swim- former big league pitcher now play- SI.H-Uoiml.l. If. 0 •! avenue, Red Bank, owner of the Buinton Urlfflths's Al«|cad Avt«trU. sec- light, . Quadrangle club . and Fort warm weather it was postponed. Tho mers wore defeated Friday night by Turnock. c. . . Bellhaven collie kcnnela, gained a re- ond: AnahaBBltt KonnelB' Anahaaait Blua E, Smith, c . 4 t VI Moninoulh basketball teams were the Fair Haven puck pushers twlco de- j ing in the minor leag-ups. Joe was Strode, vc. . . . M. Smith, rir. .000 the Asbury Park high school swim-1 one of the mainstays of the Keel markable victory with her collies at Nolda, third i Florence D. ilch's Bellhaven winners of last Wednesday night's feated a Long Branch squad last rnin£T team at the Asbury Park nata- Smith, la the Wpstmlnster kennn club show Ueaullful I.&dy, fourth. J. Strode, lg. ... I o e games In the Young Mens Christian week by the scores of S to 1 and U Ban!: town tcanr*3 pitching staff las' Olm.lcail. rt. . last week • at the Madison Squ%rp toilum by a score of 37 to 25. The year. Jaeimbs, It. l.lmlt. Bitches—Wun liy Florence B. Totol association's city league. The van-to 0. meet was unusually close atid at the Garden at New York. According to Ilch'a Ijiimd Lovable of Uellhnveni Gene- quished teams were The Register, the those who have followed the. anhual vleye Torrey's Torreya Tansy Too, sccciull The box score of the Hcd Dank and start of the last event, a relay race, Total. 10 7 27 0 P PTS Broad street bank nnd the Durant the Anbury Park team waa leading dogs shows at New Vorlt no more 1'lorence II. llcli'n llollimvon, l.mly Loveli- Fair Haven game Is: TEAMS. signal victory has ever been scored ness, thiril: AnabBBsitt KenncU' Wclleroft II Cook, if 1 0.2 five, the respective scores being 39 by only four points. RED BANK QUINTET LOST. W I, PC V. lleshorr. If 1 0 2 to IB, 23 to 14 and 24 to 6. FAIR. HAVEN. thero In dogdom In recent years. WollfarL' vt Anclisaslt, fourth. Pvctl Bank would undoubtedly have Uumson . I 0 1000 OtK'ii, Ditches, Ulua Merle—Won by J, Turnock, c. 0 0 0 Al! the games were fast and WPII COUNTY I-KAGUE BASliETEEIlhj l.runartlo 1 0 1000 A. Iloremuti, rc. , 0 0 0 Odcn Eccland. rff. . . . won (he meet if a false start had Mrs. Ilch's entrien won fifteen first Florence II. Ilch'a l.nund Lllai of Dell. J played. The opening contest was ...... o 1 000 1 L.' Jacoulis, rtr...... ,, 0 (I 0 Andrew EKelanti. Ic- • . not been riado in the relay. Marrow DEFEATED BY KUMSON. prizes out of twenty and lier doga baven; Earlc I . Vonle'a Rfucboll. sceund: pla3*ed by the Jersey Central power AJcxandfr Esrejand, j£. 0 1 000 Florence II. Ilch'ti Cloud or Hellbavrn. I', lloremm, It; 0 C 0 of Anbury Park and Levoy Brown of also won a number of second and IC. JacoubB, Ig 0 .! 2 and light and The Ucgistcr. The Harry Kcttrl, c. Vied Dank started the relay and Ited Banlc Got Off to a Slow Start third prizes. As Mrs. Ilch won prise third: Florence B. llch's I'h. Dollhavcn William Lawrence. IK. Ulua Oarrlolts. fourth. first half was close, the ecorc at the Hrown swam the entire length of the and Allowed Itumson a Substantial VAItSlTY CAOISBS LOSK, after prize the news of her sweep- Total t S a end'being 11 to 5 in favor of the Itlcliarii Kuan, ct. Open, Hitches, Trl-C'olor—Won by i'lor- pool in a false start. I-lo was tired I*ad In the First Half—Leonardo ing victory noon became known nnd enco II. llcb's liellhaven Lady Bar None: C'ONGKKOATIO.M B'NAI ISRAEL. powermen. but in the second half the when the race was resumed and lost Beats Keansburg. lluh School Dnsketccra Split Fri- the crowds and fanciers deserted the Total day's tinmca With South Klver. Bout-librae Kennelu' Uournbrao Alicia, sec 0 1' I'TD power and light men increased their to Morrow by several feet, an ad- other breeds to watch the progress ond; llournbrae Ivonncla' Bournbrao Uar- Coldfarb, if. 1 8 4 lead by jumps and bounds. Johnny Hed Bank's representatives in the of the Bellhaven collies. The grand % RED BANK. vantage which Tied Bank was unable county basketball league lost a hard The Ked Bank high school's var- bsra, thiril. WtedurowlU, if 0 0 0 Partino. the mainstay of the Jersey u overcome. ' prize of the collto class for tho best Open, liitcbos. Baulc or Sublo and Hoffman, If I 0 U fought same last Wednesday night sity boys' basketball team was of winners and best collie was won Central's attack, was High scorer Ell ward lix. IB. . nosed out by South River Friday White—Won by Florence 0. lien's Ch. Hell, )t. Decker. If. 0 0 0 Harry Kt. • The fifty-yard free style event on the Ited Bank high school court ly Mrs. Ilch's Lucnson of Aslitcatl with 21 points. night on the Red Bank school's haven Ho l'cep; Coaalta Kennels' Lady A. Melatrlch, c S 1 7 HarifM Lartaml, ri opened tile meet nnd this was won to the Uumson athletic club by a of. Bellhaven, a litter-brother of icu of CoBRlta. Becimd; (lencvicve Tur- Cavuor. c i 0 0 0 The Quadrangle club defeated the nek. 1 Jtillird A urn W, Vi . by Gage of Red Bank with Morrow • score of 37- to 27. Inspired by the court by a score of 11 to 0, The Laund Loyalty, judge4 best of, the rey'a Tcirrc-ya Tmisy Too, thll-U: .Stoiiton Broad street bank in the second jam?} Raths mitb. rjj - • ... f Asbury Park second and Davey of j leadership of Walter "Bumpsy'1 team.s were evently matched and theshow last year. , GrlHU'B AUtend Avlntrlx, fourth. NNclamnii, I:: 0 I I game of the night and the high scor- William i Uoltosaro. c ted Dank third. Hess, captain of: Loddy at forward and Pat Calan- contest was nip and tuck the entire Winners. IHtcheB—Won by Florence H M. Coheti, le 0 0 0 er of this match was Kenneth Brow- ho Asbury tenni, nosed out Hartmar> j driello at guard the Rumson team distance. Rod Bank's second team de- Ilclfa Ch. Bellhaven' Bo Peep: Florence H. er, one of the bank's forwards. The Total When Lucason of Ashtead of Roll- IJch's Liiuud Lovable ul Ucllhavcn, rc- of Red Rank in the diving; contest in j presented a whirlwind attack and u feated South River's scrubs in a pre- haven gained premier collie honors Total .-.', 0 1 10 bank was handicapped by the ab- A~*.«H. — acrve. which O'Brien of Asbury took third , defense hard to penetrate. The Leon- liminary game by a count of 28 to 2 at tho Westminster show last week METHODIST. sence of William Jeffrey. Bruno and Cook, Rod Bank's first Beit of winners anil best Collie—Ter- O Y P'1'3 QUADRANGLE CLIJB LOST. place. Smith and Hess of Asbury ardo quintet disposed of Keansburg it marked tho seventh timo In eight ence 1). Ilch'3 Lucason of Asbtcad of Hell. Fort Monmouth easily downed the took first and second places In thr in a hotly contested battle by the and second team playcrfl, were thfl years that Mrs. Florence. B. Ilch baa haven. E. Allen, rt 0 0 0 Durant five in the closing match, the hl^h scorei-a in their respective exhibited tho best collie at that event. L. Branln, rf '£ 0 K Red Bank Basketball Team Defeated -•least stroke event and I.ibnvsky of j score of 35 to 26. In nddltlon to much publicity in II. Wiinirr. If 0 0 0 Durant team making only one goal at Kahway Saturday Night. lU-d Bank was third. Smith (if As-1 Kumson started off fast and nt the games. Ked Bank's two teams Her record began In 1023 and con and four foul shot?. Sldis, Wagner trounced South River earlier in the tlnucd without a break until 1027, tho New York newspapers, Mrs. IlcH'-i N. Hose, K 2 2 r. bury defeated Compton of Red Hank j end of the half they had countered exhlkt of colllea waa highly praised T. Itoae. If 0 0 (I, nnd Pate of Fort Monmouth were the A basketball team representing the season at South River. when she did not exhibit. From 1923 K. Roar, c. . . .'. I I 3 outstanding plaj-ers. Kahway Young Men's Christian asso- by a short margin In the back stroke ten more points than their op'pon- to 192!>.' Inclusive, sho won with in a radio talk given Wednesday af- r.wim nnd Gray of Asbury came in Ked The box scores of last week'a games K. Ilulley, rn 0 0 0 Fort Monmouth and the Jersey ciation defeated the Quadrangle cl.ib ents, the score being 18 to Rtrongheart. In 1926 her winner wan ternoon by Frank L. Dole, doff editor V. Hoe. rf 0 0 0 Central power and light arc tied for of Ked Bank at Rahway Saturday third. EwinR of Ked Bank easily de- Bank rallied in the second, session Laund Lero. Laund Lindbergh was of. tho Herald Tribune. Mr. Dolo H. Drown. It 2 0 i night by a score of 48 to feated McKane o' Asbury in the 109- and checked their opponents' fittack, BED BANK. her star in 1928, anil' last year her said, It was the opinion of nil the first place in the league and The Reg- r.cti yard fre^ style race and Brown of F rTS. puppy, Laund Loyalty, was not only ister and Broad street bank arn tied Bank was leading, 18 to l-i, at half but rtumnon held their own and theSlroclc. rf. 0 2 judges at the show that Mrs. Ilch'a total 7 3 IT ( best collie but went to beat in show. for last place. These deadlocks will time. Red Bank came in third, Clage and seuring was even, each squad tally- ISrlino. I). collies were the finest' Rioup ever ex CONlillEGATION U'NAI ISRAEL, f;lM,S The box score *is: Amc3 of Red, Bank took first and ing nineteen points. Leddy and Honruman. 0 2 hlblted In this country or abroad. O F PTS be straightened out tonight when the third places respectively in the 200 soldiers play the powermen and The IiAHU'AV. Calandrlello led their teammates in Mmllrn.- in o o The awards In the classes In which Mr. Dolo also complimented Michael I.evlnBkv. rf 3 0 6 yard swim, second scoring with fifteen and eight points Act Icy. IE. 0 0 WlEdoro\vlt7., If 1 0 8 negister meets the bank. The other G F PTS. place going to Mrs. Ilch's collies won prizes were Kennedy, who has hnndloil Mrs Hiblcrt, U. O'Brien oF Asbury. Red Bank was i respectively. McKnlght with eight Mnr.se. o. 1 1 ns follows: Hell's dogs ever since she bogan ex- r'cUbtilHIi, c 0 0 0 game will bring together the Quad- 1 7 Grnnd. c 0 0 0 I'altJ, If. . . 0 0 handicapped by the absence of Cap points was high scorer for the Kcd hlbitlner. / rangle club and the Durant five. Total . . C0M.1K.H (ROUGH.) Delcrail. c 0 0 0 Curuiza, r(. 1 J 1 1;iin lCdwin Rrode.rson, who was inel- Bankers. Juilcc—Walter It. Hecvo. The scores last week were: Koran." c. . . 0 10 igible for competition because of n SOUTH HlVEIi. M. ZEIBT, It ''0 0 0 The Leonardo and Keansburg ag- Puppy, Dogs. Other thnn Wulte—Won CHUItCH BASKKTBAIX GAMJW. Simon, IK O 0 (I JERSEY CENTRAL Kabcrle. c. . 1 9 low scholastic standing. gregation battled at top speed In the F TT3 by Florence B. Hell's Bellhaven I.lndberch G P US, Maurcn, lp. 1 3 Farnsworlh. rf i a George. Kojac of Rutgers univer first half nnd the lead changed hands 1 11; Dr. GCOTRC W. Parrott'a Morea Mon- r Total t 0 11 J. It..-.", rr 0 0 0 Black, vs. . 1 1 Uuiiin, If 0 L arch, second; Mr. and Mrs. H, , D. Ken- lour J UHt Matcliex nt River tjtreot sity. (•-:» Olympic swimming cliani many times. Tho score was tied, H llAl'TIST GIRLS. Baytro. rf 0 0 0 Myers, re. ;i 7 Pcheidiir, c 0 2 nedy's Kcncroft Confidenei\ third. School Monday Night. J. Partino, If 10 1 I' Dion, grave an exhibition of back lo M, at half time. Leonardo forged Olmlcski, rm. 1 a G F rr| stroke nnd free style swimming. He ahead in the final period by virtue ninkowskl. l Novice, DOKU—Won by Florence 11. Ilch'a The boys and girls of tlio Congre- Mattaon. rf 0 0 0 ,T. (iartuy. c . » 0 1" Total. Rollhnven I.lndberch II; Mr. anil Mm, L Irons, e 1 ° " swam fifty yards free style in 24 sec- of a faster attack and stronger de- Kohlcpp. re. gational B'nal Israel and St. James's Lewis, rr 0 1 1 BED BANK. II. It. Kenncdy'H Kenrroft Confidence, t)ec- and tlie Baptist boya were victorious Knm, If 2 1 r, M.-F. Aumark, re 10 2 1' PIS onds from a dead start. Rroderson fense than Keansburs taking the nd; Florence D. Ilch'a Ilellhaven Ulack M. A. Covert, re 2 0 Clcary. It. . . in game by n. nine point-margin. Totnl Monday night In the Young Men's Duche, c. . .,, 0 0 II and IA'AV. Aiuleraon, coach of the Majesty, tbirrl; Anjilinssltt Kenn.pl'ft Ana- MacDoniild, c 0 0 0, H. Aumack. Is '. ° ° " Dennie, rt. oo Ar.imry Park squad, gave exhibitions The crack Oceanport live, winner.-* EEU BANK. hnflnltt Aliman. fouitb. Christian association's church league, - A. Garluy, Is. • » ° VanDorn, rf. Knodell,. rc. 0 O 0 00 in fancy diving. Anderson is a form- of the ilrst half of the league sehed- P PTS. American-Bred. Doita—Won by Florence basketball gamosi at the Blver street .Smitli. c. ... in SillinulU 0 8 •school. More than 100 persona'at- Jiannlne, IK 0 0 0 Total Eliie. IB. •.... er intercollegiate diving champion, j ule, will meet Rumson tonight on the Vlfciiu'r»t, If. I). Ilch's Bellhavcn I.indliirub II : E. A. Allen, s. . .v. 0 0 0 i r, 0 0 llevens'u V/ochoffiie Sun Flfiah. {second: An- tended the games. REGISTER Morford, rc. . il t'.umlnary: !h:g! highh schooschooll eourcourtt anamdi LeonardLeonardoo wilwilll jj r>r,i.o :, c, 0 10 P PTS. ( play Senbriglit. Tonight's games will Mulligan, 1 » ilrew .1. Elton'n tlollhnven Brilliancy, third: Tho Jewish glrla defeated the Bap- Total 2 2 G~' litty-ysrd frse Btjlc—Gaee rf Knl ( Herman GricBhaber'a Stronghold Jock, tist girls by a count of 14 to 8, St. V. Bcshorr, rf. . 0 8 1 23 j be the first played by Oceanport and Kurrow It;. 0 O It C. KaJt, If. . Bank first, time 27 2-5 aeconds. Morrow Wigdo t V fourth. James's boya trounced the Reformed It pays to advertise In Tho Keglotet of AHIHIIV second, Davpy of Roil Bank Seabright in the second half of the wlti, i A. Lench, c 0 0 Ik'- . . O Limit. DOEB —Won by Florence B. church, 19 to 11; the Baptist boys J. Hoffan, c. .. . 0 2 Colt's Neck Basketball. tliir.l. schedule. Ilth'a Lucasim of Anhrotu] of Bellhavcn; trimmed tho Presbyterian church, 20 K. Lartaud. rc 0 O "Fancy dire—Mesa of Anbury first. Harl- The box scores of last week's Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Kennedy's Alamot to 6 ond tlio boys team from the 0 0 The basketball team ot the Pioneer of Itod Bank aocond, O'Brien of As- games and the standing of the teams Acbllen, BOcolld. li. Webster, rs. SOUTH RIV EH. Congregation B'nal Israel trounced M. K. Kelly. >E. 0 0 boys' club of Colt's Neck played iry Tark thirti. ' In the second half of. the schedule Open. Dogs, Blue Merle—Won by Flor- CURSiQN o o against an Englishtown team at the ence n. Hen's Ch. Bellhaven, Blue Bar' the Methodist boys, IB to 17. Next J J. Applcgatc, lg. I';fty-yard breast stroke—Smith of As- are: Nicbolan. rf. F ns FAST TBAINS-AMPU ROO«| Colt's Neck scboolhouse last Thurs- rler; Harry Hartman'B Shadycroft Dlue Monday night the Methodist girls will hury first, time 39 4-5 oeconds, Comptoa LEONARDO. Haniman, If. 1 7 MODERN SQUIPMBNtj Total day. The Colt's Neck boys won by T Ufil Bank second and Gray of Asbury f 1'TS 0 8 Moon, second; Florence B. Ilch'a Ch. Laund meet the Reformed church, the Re- QUADRANGLE CLUB the Bcoro of 37 to 28. On the samp third. • Knoeeh^ls. 0 6 Laurent of Bellhaven, thlrdc Bournbrafl formed boya will play the Presbyter- G I* TTS. night the second team of tlio Pioneer HundrvtI-yjird frpc Blyle—Eirlnir ct Reil Melamtiiltn, ' j. i: enneU' Bournbrae Harlem, foTirth. ians. St. James's will play the Meth- Mid-week Excursion to Clcarr. rf. .... - club played against a team consisting nanl; fir^t. time 66 secondn. MrKnne of 0 is Christ, r. Open. Dogs. Tricolor—Won by Berga- odist church and the Congregation B. Gould. If. .... 2 1 . 5 of farmers of Colt's Nwk and vi- Ai-luiry Bfcond, l,proy Brown of Red Bank 1 i l-'riedinan, mot CollU- Kenndn' Ecroraniot Black B'Nal Iarae^qyill play the Baptis! Ulld Dennia, If > 1 0 2 cinity. The farmery wou by the third. 0 0 Douclan; Florence B. llch'i* Bellhaven church. Itcturn Black Majesty, second; Karle P. Yapc'fl .41 J. Parker, c . -. .. . 1 0 " score of S to i. Iifty-yard breaet stroke—Smith of As- Total 11 1 0 2 I.oyat Boy, third; Ktanton Griffis's Lund of The box' scores of Monday night's F. H. Vandorn, c ry first, timo -10 1-5 ecconds. Hess of Wednesday, February 2f C. Eble. VE .... C 0 4 KEANSCUEG. Caman Btan Friday, fourth. gamc3 are: 0 0 Asbnvy Bccond, Libovsky of Ucd Bank A Defeat For M'ddletown. Tickets Are Good lo Nawark E. Dennis, Is 0 third. P PTS Open. Dogs, Sable or Sable and White-— ST. JAMES'S. 2 " Tt> lMay at Long lil'ancli. Train loaves Rod Bank 0:07 A. M. G. Morford, Iff 0 i a The basketball team of the Middle, Won by Florence B. Ilch'B Laund Llnd- O !•' TTS The Ked Bank high school tjoys' Two liundrcfl-yard free style—Cage of 0 6 li of Bollhaven; Florence B. Ilch's Ch. 1 It neturnlng leaves N.. V., WeBt 23u SU Ned H.-iiik firjt, time 2 minutes and IS town township high school was de- Kennedy, rf. r> Total ,. ... . 3 o basketball teams will play the Lonjj liellhaven Blgheart, second: Mr. and Mrs. 2 3 Krfonds, O'Hrien of Asbury second. Ames feated at Freehold last Friday nlg-ht p. Calandrlello, It , l 6:15 I'. M., Liberty St.. 0:80 P. JI., NoV BANK Baslcy, re. . . . •; dill, c l 0 2 BROAD STREET Branch high sclioul tonight nt Lung ut Ued Bunk third. by the score of 28 to 24. On Friday W. H. Schwinffer'a Lnund LofroB of Harfl- ark. Broad St., 0:35 P. 11. C F ri Branch. This ia the first time '(he (i. Hoppe, li.'. night of this week the Middlnlown Ine, third; Anahasslt Kennels' Ch, Well- D. CalnnrlriHlo, rff l 0 2 K. C. Kait, rf .... 2 0 4 Ko!:o' — Mnrroy, Sniitll. McKane and A. Uopue, lg. . croft Winson. fourth. I. Hartnedy, g. ,... 0 0 0 For information aea Ticket Agent. echoohi have nir-f .--i h-uikethall this Ilr'--, of Aibury fu-.it. Drown. Schwcnkcr. township team will play at Atlantic K. Bro-wer, If ... . 4 o season. Highlands. Winners. Dogs — Won hy Florence B. I*. Shilllnff. e .... 0 0 0 I'.'.v.-iiifT irnd (lace of Hed Bnnk second. Ilch's Lucason of Aahlcad of Bellhaven: Total . ..' S 3 10 1 0 Florence B. Ilch'a Ch. Laund Llnderbereh K. LarUud, Iff 0 0 0 of Bellhaven. reserve.

FOHT MONMOUTH Sldia. rr CallBhan, If 2 '0 i Wwner. If, c 3 0 6 0 0 0 The Turner, II Kronhfrc. If 0 0 0 mg Patf. re 1 I :< WUUns, Iff. ..'. 0 0 0 Dnyer, Is 0 " 0 0 Tumloll. 1c 0 0 0 Units Toljl H 2 KeonomieaL DUHANT p ns. T)tM idowitl, rf 0 1 1 Furdy, If

Total STA?:D1.NG Ol' TEAS1S w L rc N. Wctlenx I-'ort Monroouth 3 0 1000 Jersey. Central 3 0 10CO Fancy Turkey 7 to 11 lbs. ib. QuadranelB club - 1 |jc" UCE Durant 1 " 333 RtBi.t,r » 3 000 Broad street bank 0 3 000 ® lb. 31c COLTS KECK riONEERS M1N. Rib End Ib. They neteated EnRllsliton-n at Bas- ». M« SI. FlmeappI© 2 'vrs" 45c 15 1b. big ?9c ketball Thursday Wglit. Top or The Colt's Neck pioneer club's bas- £ R Bottom o Sweet Potato©® 3ib.. 19c ketball team defeated an aggregation IP. M. Peaches HSL^S 2 ^.vr 45c 11,. from Englislitowa Thursday night at Cauliflower r head the Colt's Neck school liouco by a 19c score of 37 to 28. Tho game was ». M. gplwacb ,, , 2J-27© very close in the first half, the. scorr at the end of this session being 15 §liortt ForesfnarteFS of Lamb • lb. 23c lo 14 in favor of Colt's Neck. ISng- Golden Ball 1 Ilshtown was unable to maintain tile l».M.F£nen|iple Tidbits 3c.n.25c it. 7e fast pace set by their opponents and Censed H*ra®l®§s Brisket • « lb. 39® the ploneer3 increased their lead 4 lb. 45c eight points in the final period. 19. M. Pears • . • 'C,T 22c Roasting Cliickeias 4ib.nvg. . • n>. 42e A team of Atlantic township farm- ers trounced the pioneer chili's sec- U Smoked C®tto^© MmUn • 4 111. 39c ond team on the same, night by a ». $i. Pears « • CT»" 20c Other Grocery Features count of 7 to 4. Frank Magec, left guard for the farmers, cage-il two Fane.y Hroll@r@ 2 to z\i lbs. • « Ib. 43c field goals, Chrlney Conovrr made 16. M. Prunes • • U T" 19e rt,. 10c one and Charles Flock scored a foul C §ltonl€ler Lamli Chops • «- lb. allot. Jack Tnnjcy, ono of tho 35c Pioneer forwards, tallied the two • ,.„ 49c lirilit B®EllBg P©Cf Plate or Navel • • lb. field goals made by his squad. Wal- If. M. Tomatoes i 7.r 115c 15c ter Conover anil Leroy Hunt were Coffee • Si 35c the other players on the farmers' €hn®lc Itoast of II©a?f • » lb. team and the Pioneer players not 2®e mentioned before were William Tnn- II. 3fl. Toiunto §anc® 'Red Circle Coffee , Loin ILsaiMe Chops « • * lb. 45o X 29c eey, Fred Welsh, Charlca VnnMatcr 9 and Charles C'rlnr, T Hight ® €l€ick Coffee Th> Remitter's basketball team II. M. AspiBfiagns TSU Stewing • Ib. 21c 25c will play tlio Pioneers tomorrow night Pticcs Effective Februiry 20th, 21st & 22nd on the Colt's Neck court. The box fk&W Apple Sanee o Bcore of the Colt's Nci-k nnd English- B>. 1*8. Plueapj&I© CRUSHED ' «? I town gorne last week wns: C0LT3 NKl'K. f. I' PTS. 'W. >f. Vnehago Pruiaea A, Holden, If B 0 10 Wliiteli«raseEvap.Mllk 3^. 25c VanMBter. if - 0 4 Conover. c 0 1 19 46 Monmouth Street nlley, rl 2 0 i Lewlf. It 0 0 0 Tntal 18 1 37 . J. KHtJLlSUTOWN. O F PTS. Uivls. c \ (> 0 10 J Apcltsalr. r! 7 0 M VanitrrbUt, If 1 0 2 Vsnilertuirtrti, rjr 1 0 Z llavlland, Ic 0,0 0 Total U 0 28 THE GREAT Flc; TEA co. It pays to advcrllje In Tlio ICcylalcr. EASTERN DIVISION

\ RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 19, 19{ju. Pafto Twcntv-Flvo

C'HUHCH FINANCES. FURNITURE STORE BURNS. ch la te lmdbtc Bpenl Iur they reach their knee*. It ICIII(E the t ty nugaisA dilH^b MilGBJWJJURiS. LEFT A LARGE ESTATE HURT CUTTING TREES. lKi" " " " skin of faces open to Indict' gan- n (In. 111-IUr nr (In, > irlt if (oUlm til. Meiliotilst Ctiurcb to liaise Aslmry Park Merchant Suffers Third —, ,—, . ]t Is one thing to be heroic in the grenous sores. Thiiiiui 1111 U I IKIII Tim finance committee ot the Fire Sunday afternoon destroyed j that the oyuu of tho woild uic wulch- which am Heeling and deceptive, ihny. htno HUI * I tin ( tiutily uf fhih DEAL RESIDENT. m .IN JLAW8UITB. Methodist church, consisting at Hur- the Herbert Gates furniture store on HIT IJV A Mail!. Ing. But It in not. ca.iy lo i»: BUIIIIIII. When the earth reveal.'; i'.ielf It is nmith Iliads, uit tin lift nilli ijity ut Jiittvi try, 1 Hit tut toft ittnilniitlun df M>ty ( i ry Barngrd, Thomas Dugafi, Ches- fcummci field avenue at Anbury Park, Employee of Lovctt'K Nurhrry Talicn when the blood 1H Iliiek in the; veiiu; bleak and sterile, briNjiJln; only a A Daughter Gets $35,000 and Onc- because of Ihc: awful iigttr, iiiul when An Unusually Largo Number of *<«-ter Adams, Jesse N, Beers, C. C. gutted thc home of William Gates, to l.ims Itl'unch IIoHhltui—Injured W(irthlr;i:j tnrj:.!J. To Wiiik, U EJXCllH'i- lliDllipiiilt tlfii t 1(1 UiHUtJ i . !>ubjr ( li* thlrd of llcslduary Estate—Will of 1 gal Actions Haw Taken I'ltico the Rogers, Frank Warner, H. C, Simp- and burned out a corner of a tene- While Cutting.l.imlit, fn.ni Row of the roots of the human aoul are froz- tin iiurf-'iciir; out thn MI to in cndltotlt i i nf mil tlct i til \n <% Mim Heater Hculllt of Spring Lake ul, i> i r i '.1'iwt Week With Jlcriiienta Here- son, J. J. Cainart, Alvln A. Whiting, ment house. Several nearby houses Willow Trees at Llttlo Silver. en. And yet, tn the ^lory of mir lituuLrrii. hiiilhcr .lilu- evil l;nivi.-y. O<> a> i>r ,1 tl ' t ,1 ,1 vnUr, «# aery at Little Silver cut tin: hiunchcH | we have Hint innaikablo iiijljucc fnvorci'i with frn/.cn JIIOW, tlnoii^h Ihcy will In' lii i Imrr of 111'•Ir uclimid town village brought suit against of! the church for' the ensuing year of a large estate In a will which he ings owned by Mr. Gates within two til' and limbs from u row of willow I of another whaler':; .;iew wlio;;c: ciip- whicli tli*- uuvvjry rimy hi; jirniijii- (1" t'ted Seal, Jr., of Ealontotfn for In-,beginning March lit. The total executed a year ago Innt July. His yearn. Sunday's fire waa discovered Out.,I l-'milioltl.-Nl . J.. .Liminry 15. 1VJI, treuo on tho west side, of Willuw I tain; gangrened and dying, hudc hi:; tated t.M (illicit deatli or lln^rrliitf Juries received near Eulontown on amount thought naceBsary for the house at Deal wna bequeathed lo hla by Klwood Mooncy, who waa driving MAY IKHIll.-l. drive at Unit placo lust wcolc. One I men strive on ac:ru.':i the Hoi-,, and liopulcu;; ;if;<>ny. Now Yenr'a ove. At thq time- tdio maintenance ot the, church for thodaughter, Edna F. Pritchard. To his past the store, The flames were then NOTICE Ol' 51-. ril.KMKNt Ol' AIX'OUNf year 1» 512,772. of the workmen, Joseph Mazzn of leave him to his fate-, aa recorded in Ilr-rfs Ui OIK; liii;i] liu" ainry ol the 1 tyaa hurt' Mrs. Thomas wan riding son, Sidney B. Harnden, he left under a great headway and Mr. Hod Bunk, wus hit by a railing limb.; the loa of the Arcturu:;; of how his Hilnln ,,r Milll,,,,i I . i~|iri',ii:til, ilcriNur.il. In an automoblla owned by Egbert t year the church officials Mooncy thought nn alarm must have roinoi^f'li'SHiH'i.s nf tli.: Atctli-: tiatie, $15,000. His furniture and other per- Ho waa bruised and wars taken, to men refused to obey, and rcuutined NutU'u i:: liric'iy (;l\f.n Unit lie- s,!'C'H'i,l» . Hwackhnmer, logoUier with. Mro.adopted the apportionment plan for sonal effectij were divided between been turned in. When lie learned no its nro infill (if Ilio i'oUu liih'n, 'I'wo of tbo niiliHiTllii-r, the Long Brunch lioiijiiial. An X-my with him till died, su far im- ninn, sf.'iiltM's, welt; c.'hl iiiyay iii tlir, I'll, will I,,: iiiiihlcil al, .U,:i.! awackhamcr and Mr. Thomas. Tho eubsc'ilptlonu and It proved vary suc- his daughters. Dorothy II, Watson alarm had linen Rounded he turned la 1 1 photograph wu.'j taken of hi:t chciit, periling the.iniH'lvr . ? brcamm jf Non hern waste.-*. Tlicy lUuml I tic ITIHIIU: nt Hit i:,.,inly c.f Mull • ear was. run Into by one driven by cessful. Tho same plan is being car-nnd Kdnn F. Pritchard. The sum of on alarm. The firemen hnd tlip.-hlnzo li'.oull, :r ri'imi It'll f,,r ctlli'iiiilil 1.1 ||,| but no serious injury WJH disclosed. I loosening floes that nt Are! ic, in.itrail of brccdnnr within Mr. Benl, Tlio cases wan tried Mon- ried out thle year, Circular letters S20.000 was left In trust and the In- under control after about two houni Urpliam mirt nt MIIM Cniiiiiv, mi Tiiui. The trees were cut back at the! one remained alive; lor tlir Ire. on uuy and the jury gave a. verdict have been sent to the members so- come directed tp be paid to his of hard work. • i JK'UI TL coittiihin \»>w) of brothr.T- liirtrulilli il.-.v ,,f Mmtli, ,V |i, request of Mayor Kliua S. Black. ' which they .were marooned drifted huuil, hrcii only ii (y. Often it in •, l.ni, Him. ,,|, »l|.' ,,l|,,u •..ii| I,, awarding Sl.'-OO to lira. '1'bointia. liciting annual subscription!) toward daughter, Dorothy II, Watson. Each limilc fin tin: Dead branches from the tiers fell on out to sea and tiinro melted bit by the diurch's expenses, with the I'«Tof hla grondchlldrcn was bequeathed i n --nn;n can £i l«j }ial(; very e. in! fi'i:-. John R Newby, a colored rc-Rldent the road. They made it dlllicult for quest that tfie budget for tho en-.$1,000; Tho residue of the cstato was ASBliBY PARK MEN ARRKST1CI). bit, one man after another .slidin,; in- rmdiiilly in the bri.ncliMg silemwo. Ul- Untnl Junilfli'v Cl, A. Il Hl.lll. of Naveslnk. received a .verdict for the borough to takt: care of thn HulnK year bo fully subscribed by ordered' divided Into three equal lo the green waters to lessen the: tiin.'ilt:!;.', wlien Ihcy .•eaeljoii Hie lee- IliA II. ll.Mllll. dumtufca a( $0,000 in a null which u of the loud and they wnnj n I- irnlmlil. tJ. .1. March Jot, tho beginning of thc parts. One share Is left to hlu son Red Banker Charges Them With As- load and Ho give Uic remainder a cia^l, one kiilcd the otb'rr with a bul- was tried hist Wednesday before menace to pedestrians and autoists. NOTICE Ol••'3ET1 I I'Ml.N I Of AUCOUN* church's conference year. Sidney and one share to his daugh- sault With Attempt to Kill. chance,- until the 1 0 remained but. the let through tile brain, anil then, fear- Judgo Lawrence. The oult wns the AU the trees on the. west uidc ure IJj.talt; of ,l,,i.ca,ii 'I'. lliin,nv,:ii Mumyltimfl outconio of an accident. on Pecem- ter, Edna F, Pritchard. The remain- one white-haired survivor, diujiin'p; ing hi:i deed, throw, tin, murdered I.IKIWII uri ,!<> ,,j|,|i 'I. llui n.svcR. Jr.,| ,|G. Abraham Schwartz, Joseph Eldel- on the nursery property. There ure In ills arms the sliinn;.: record «f buily down a deep erevyy.-jr. Hi: lot- - ber 22, 1028, whon Mr. Nowby'a au- ing oharo la loft, in trust for the bene- 4 kopf and Harry Goldstein of Aabury about twenty ticca In the row. Kuli.o 1B I,,,, l,v tii'.'ii Unit Mm n'nun'i NEW SALES OFFICES. fit of hln daughter.TBorothy H. Wat- courage, which \v?is never jHibli.shr.il Inwcil Ilie leu eoa.itline fni" weiiii- tomobile wan run,;Into by a cap Park were arrested Monday on u '/ Ihc i,!-i- < il :. . .• • j 1 •.i •.. of III', C,|,,|l« son. William V. Prllphard, his son- On tho other .side of the road, di- broadcast, but wliieii jnly leaked out Miliie leagui'51, cxisling on iileh t .,i Flli'l . I. . f , ,1 -lit ho llllllilQil mi,I owned by James Lotts of Leonardo, charge of assault with attempt to against , whom tlio lawoult was Kanflold' Honshu? U'orlci Una Newin-law, was named is executor of the rectly opposite, is another row of by chance. ii:s he <:ould nonliivc: tn eati;Il, eaten iai,l#, l.'hiiilA'lel Al'C'lllH'.'lliiivnil,, N'' ( Wolf of Eatontown. Tho lawsuit unpointed dletrltiutor of the Banfleld have a headstone placed over her 'rnr; IIKOAII siiiiii;!- rjA'riurJAt, HANK was brought becauuo of nn accident boats* for tho state of Maryland. taclted him Sunday when ho and hia to form an arch. In thc summer pnrts. Over the gaunt plains tin: pmveii u tc.'iiiniou;;'^epululire. Foot (I!-1 Itl'MI K-\NK. grave in tho Friends burying ground ,wlfe and two. frlendu were visiting time, the fulia^e miidf; the road a Aurora flares nt. oner: ;m invitation by funt [|m ^lacirr, m \vhien the • on tho Btato highway near Middle- •Dealers appointed arc Fcucrbach & at Lower Squankum nnd she left $100 NOTICE.' at the Eldclkopf home. Oglonnky shady spot. ,anU It waa a popular and a threat. High-piled hummockn rrcv.'Ui.s:' w;i:i tjul a nifl;, nmvci! M;I- 'Ill MVItnN SI MUM AND M1JINA SlMllM. town vlllano noino' timo am when Hpnton of Brlollc, New Jersey; Hall- to the Firjjt national bank of Spring Mulford, Incorporated, of Fairton, said Eldclkopf threatened to slash stopping place for drtachnionta of glimmer in the uncaithly radiance, \v;trd, nnti 1 il. eraeki'ii ;nnl a liiMt; [•-1-:-. tho car In which Mr. and Mrs, Han- Lako, the Income from which io to him with a carving knife. Fort Monmouth and Fort Hancock as soulless as the ;^,'ins for which :.wa;; cnK'i'rl from tin: |,aren't ma'=:i. ]!>• f nn ni.lor nf tin Court Now Jersey; DuMont marine service liaiii-try ,,r N,'.» .lor.'y, mndo nn til*! li cock word riding was hit by Mr. bo used in caring for hor burial plot. soldiers on liiken. other adventurers dun: the hotter 'l'll.'it berg, ra'i/.ed l,y the oeenn iMir- Wolfs automobile-' and demolished. of Now London, Connecticut, ami All the rest of her estate was left f Hi,' il:,io Imrenf, in a ,'nuio ivtipti'la Montclair, Now Jersey; Ohatflcld ma- BOY SCOUT ANNIVERSARY. The willow trees were planted latitudes. A vast and perpetual lone- n.'iit:i drifted Smith, lessening a.i the ircnnl Nalii,nal Miilii, uml i'rll.t. Complin? MIL .Hancock's Jaw waa fractured to Joseph Height and Sarah J. Height liness lingers over tlio land. What. witriner sea:i washed >t until ii wa;i •f l:,.,l II,nil;, N. .1., „ .•,,r[,,,nitlun of tl,, trad Mro. Hancock received various ilno sales and service of Freerort, of Spring Lake. Joseph Height was about 45 years ago by the lute Har- Unili-il .Slate- uf Aaierioii. is rumnliiiraiil Long Island; and the Marine supply Troop 23 lo Hold Father nnfl Son rison D. White, who lived In the though the Poles have been c:on- merely a minor iceberg among many. and Itime So MI unit utiierj nre ilt'fomlant -, Injuries.- .. i named as executor. ijuercd and reconquered by gallant, It wars located by Hie. internal ionul 111 ml - Moro limn a year ngo Bernard company of Mobile, Alabama. The Dinner Next Tuesday Night. White homestead, now owned and l . . .. . Eanileld company announces that Joseph J. Hill of Howell township occupied by Mr. Storck. Somo Lit- men?. The Boreal spaces are unim- ice patrol. Enshrined within it, as tti^ liill r,r vaiil i-ompliiuit, on ur liefor* Kroedman, who ha^ charge of the left hlu entire estate to his daughter. In observance of the twentieth an- pressed. A stark fl;>K, scarred by in a glass casket, was the perfretly tlm all ii»y of March, ne:it. or the miid the production this year will bo over tle Silver residents say that Willow liill will l)o tnken nj confossml «|[nill«l Mack sales agency n,t rtcd Bank, Margaret M. Hill, In a will which he niversary of the boy scout movement the gale-driven wind; a cairn to preserved body of the murdered was Injured on hla hand when his thrco times an large as the 1929 oijt- drive was named after thc willow yun. put. executed last December. George E. troop 23 of Hcd Bank attended the trees by Jud«e Klmer C. Wainright, mark a cache, or a piteous giave: man— with all evidence to show that 'I'lii! :iiiiil Mil li filr-il to foreclose ciultj car was run Into by one owned by Hill was named as executor of the Baptlnt church Sunday morning. The these arc all the difference. e,er;aia mortj,'a;,'C'' lavun hy Annig t'lnlfl' when he was a young man and lived his death was not brought about by (willow), Rose Seidi'M iiinl riiilllp Keiileu, Luther B.ryant of Jcraoy City.' Mr. will. troop will celebrate the thirteenth an- misadventure but. by sol. intent. I do at Little Silver. At that time he With a temperature of anything her ho, l.iiii.l. nnil Slire.m llurllnrdl Frccdman brought oult iitralnat Mr. BEUTOKD RESIDENTS INJURED. John O. Wien of Matawan, who niversary of Its own organization not know whether thc killer paid (:iitij.-lr). to William II. Milirido anil illli. was a newspaper correspondent. • down to 70 below Fahrenheit, zero, Bryant and the jury brought in a. died about two weeks ago at the with a father and son dinner next the full penalty of his crime. I only ri.i|«ciltiy nr.siRlii?-! by uniil Willitim 31, existence is a didieult thing. Sr.ow, Mi-lli-ido to tlio Ei'ciii.l Knlii.nnl Uanlt nnrt verdict of $300'tlamagon for him. Mr. and Mrs. Scbrocder Victims of u Freehold hospital, left all his estate Tuesday nlRht at the Baptist church. know that, the Arciic proved re- driven before an almost eternal gait?, Truit Company of Koil Hunk, N. J., oil rl)ol ConiP'Tij*. T»Ic- & BEUKSIIXB. lust week but it waa settled out of on HB way at increased speed. The A dinner was given at the Ravitan and hits at the rising figures before cliunlcBliuru. Ohio. Sold l.y .-ill ilniEBinli. Soliritnr^ of Complainant, court by Miss Sammers' paying driver of this car escaped detection. An effort will be made to enroll nil inn at Keyport a few nights ago for S< llrond Btrert, Htil Bank. N. .f Tho Injuries of Mr. and Mrs. SohroC' thc firemen of the county In thc as- $2,000 to Mr. Duncan. LOUIS SCHWAHTZ HURT, James Crine, who has been, a mem- dor are painful, but they arc not bC' sociation, in which cVent there will ber ,of tho Marlboro township com- Tho 'plaintiffs in tho above cases llcvctl to bo dangerous. X-ray exam- bo a death benefit of $1,500. The mittee fifteen yearn. It was attended wm-e represented by Quinn, Parsons inations will be made this afternoon. He Suffered Torn Shoulder I.lgn- benefit fund will be accumulated by & Doromus. nieuta in a Fall :it Synagogue. by most of the township officials and SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA an assessment levied on each of the friends of Mr. Crinc's. members. TARTY FOR LESTER KENNEDY. Louis Schwartz of tho Schwartz JOAN BANFIJSLD'S BIRTHDAY. furniture store on West Front street FAIIt VIEW NEWS. Theater Tarty. It Was Given In a Now Don He Has was hurt Saturday morning in a fall Mrs. Howard TO. Stamm Laid Up A Tarty nt a Klvnrslrtf) Drive Homo Fitted Out at His Home. at the synagogue on Riverside ave- Mr, and Mrs. Leon Kelley, Mr. and « . •... Saturday Afternoon. r.uo. Mr. Schwartz was" leaning Mrs. William Ashmore, Mr. and Mrs With a Dislocated Knco Cap. A surprise party was given Mon- against the railing around the syna- (Tlio Red Hank KcRifltcr can lio bought Joan Banflcld celebrated her birth- George A. Sewing, Mrs. William day night for Lester H. Kennedy of gogue's pulpit when the railing broke in Fair View nt Edward u'I'lahcrty'a 1929 day Saturday with n. party which was Shanahan, Mrs. Samuel Corse, Mrs Hurtling road by several of. his nnd he fell two feet to the floor. He store.) arranged by her mother, Mrs. Jos- Morton Planitz, Mrs. Harry Welsh friends. Mr. Kennedy recently fitted is Buffering from torn shoulder liga- Mrs. Howard E. Stamm has been New Assurances Paid for 654,451,000 eph Banfleld of Riverside drive, near Mrs. Kona Long nnd William Jeffrey cut a den In the basement of hia ments and la confined, to bed at tho laid up the past two. weeks with n An Increase of $21.1,207,000 Locust.. Pqlnt.. Red, white and blue will attend tonight'n performance oC I'Hildcnee. for his personal uso and Broad street residence of his son, dislocated knee cap. Her mother, decorations were used.. Games were the "Glorious Night" at the Shubcrt Assurances iii'force (net) $2,401,237,000 the main purposo of tho party was Maurice. Schwartz. Ho Is improving Mrs. Thomas Phillips of Port Mon- played, refreshments were enjoyed theater at Newark. Harry Welsh of to christen the den. Tho evening was end will be out in a few days. mouth, spent last Thursday with her. An Increase of $504,322,000 •and a short program was given, com- Itcd Bank plays a leading part in spent playing cards. Ralph and Harriet Jane Villcrs and 172,857,000 prising throe violin soloa by Arnold the show. Total Income (net) - The guests included Dr. Theodore William Hart, Jr. of Port Monmouth 'SaHrum with piano accompaniment An Increase of $28,110,000 A. Doremub, James Wise, Burton T. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY TARTY. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. by Mre. Schram, a saxophone solo by Official Tax Figures. Dorcmug, Sidney McLean, Charles Stamm. \ Surplus earned during the George Richmond and a piano solo The official figures of the Mon- ( 42,863,000 Aimstrong, William Prate, Nicholas I'rcd Colmorgon ^Celebrated His 28tll •by-Dorothy PftadSckl" Two' prizes' mouth county tax board show that Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Fralt'carc. Year - - - - ' - Gabriel, Fred Farwell, Joseph Ken- Ulrtfiday Last Saturday. were won ftt games by Jean Mount. there will be an advance of $5,074,513f spending .the winter' with Mrs. nedy, Mlllard Tctley and Lester Payments to. Policyholders Other prlzo winners wWo Edward A surprise party was given Satur- in assessment ratables' this year. The Frake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raph- 69,174,000 Conk. . day night for Fred Colmorgen of and Beneficiaries • Banfleld p.n& Robert Dawson. Th^ county rate on $100 will be .8172. The ael Santangelo of Red Bank. Oakland street In celebration of his celebrant received many1 lino birthday rate for the sdldlers bonugjstaK will Mro. John Hdlbroolt, Mrs. William Surplus and Contingency MANY AT MOOSE SMOKER. 21-th birthday. Among tho guests gifts. Somo of thnboy guests at the be .0137 and tho rate for the state Zicklcr and Mrs. Frank Cottrcll are 72,807,000 were Mr. and Mrs. Grovcr Carter, Reserve - - - ' party went skating on the river near school tax will be .2090. the owners of new Airway cleaners. Wrestling Bout Won by "Masked Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter, Mr. and An Increase of $5,869,000 the Banflcld home during part of the Miss Florence Salm of Harmony Murvcl" In Quick Time. Mrs. Stanley Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. 495,390,000 afternoon. is spending several days with her Walter White and daughters, Mary, Attend Musical Show. Total Liabilities About 600 persona attended a smok- sister, Mrs, Cliarlcs Vcrncll. The gucBts In. addition to those F-dlth and Hope, Mrs. Lena Cojmor- Mrs. Nicholas Gabriel and MIs3 (Including Paid up Capital) 568,197,000 er hold Monday night by tho Red Benjamin Bennett and his daugh- mentioned worn-Jean Finger. Joyco gen and sons, Augustus, Louis, Her- Anna Mcrlgold of Red Banlc and Bank Mooao lodge. Tho smoker wSs Assets, at December 31st, 1929 NEW HEAD OFFICE BUILDING Mount, Betty Eanflokl, TOdith Ban- bert and. Carl, Mrs. Valentino Pace Mrs. Harold Tetley, Mrs. Lillian ter Marie have been on tho siclr- featured by a wrestling.bout between An Increase of $79,239,000 field, Mrs. Banflold, Dorothy Stryker, Mlos Natalie West and Clarence Fer- Lovekln and Mrs. William H. Car- list. Rate of Interest earned on mean invested assets 7.02% Audrey Strylter, Helen Stafford, Rod Bank's1 "Masked Marvel" and The valentine danco given by thc; ry and spn Alfred. hart, Jr., of Little Sliver attended the Janet Sessler, Lloyd Sessler, Arleno Fred Haupt of tho Monmouth hotel, fhemen last Friday night was large- The high rote of dividends allotted to participating policyholders is continued and the special musical show, Earl Carroll's "Sketch Lorol, Henry Wright, Robbie Datton, In which Haupt was thrown In slight- ly attended. A door prize of 52.50 Book," at New York last week. dividend on maturing policies extended and increased. Buddy Paddock and Robert Flockc. ly moro than eleven minutes. Johnny BIG MECHANICS MEETING. In gold was awarded to Miss Vera Arnono throw Joseph Rlley In an- Simpson. . ' fl •..__ other wrestling match. Among, tho Chair Sells for $8,000. Prominent Lodgo Members Spoko at Tho firemen were called out at EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT HELD IN BANK THEFT. Red Bank boxcra who appeared were A Chippendale chair of the period Red Dank Monday Night. four o'clock Sunday moftilng to fight WIlllo Pattcrcon, Andy Sakowltz, between 1760 and 1775, which .was New policies paid for numbered 161,391 for a net About 100 American Mechanics at a firo at Leonardo. The special amount entered as a liability to pro- HoBton Man Denies All Knowledge Jimmy Donato and JOB Lucia. discovered in a Bridgcton home by amount of $654,451,143.27, an advance of $213,206,- tended a meeting at Clayton & Ma- Frank Cottrcll is enjoying a vaca- vide for unforeseen contingencies has been main- of Matnwim Holdup. Louis Richmond of Freehold, was 752.36, or more than (orty-eiglit per rent., over the gec's.hall Monday night, at which tion of two weeks from his duties tained at $12,500,000.00. recently sold to a collector for 58,000. previous year. This marked increase and the fact Frank D. Masai, 31, of Boston, was SONG LYUIO CONTEST. tho Red Bank council was host to night watchman on the Haskell After making all these deductions and allocations, The money will be used in sending that the average policy, for the first time, exceeded arrested Wednesday night at New the Monmouth county past coun- estate. $5,868,899.96 has been added to the undivided sur- a boy through college. $4,000,' afford impressive evidence o[ the ever- plus, bringing the total over liabilities, contingency York, after ho had cashed somo trav- Red Bank Llon« Club to Award $10 cilors' association. 'Past State Coun- growing popularity1 of thc Company. In Gold foe Beit Composition. accounts and capital stock, to $60,307,762.44. , elers' checks which were said to have cilor R09C00 F. Walker, of Jersey HEHOES OF THE FOLAU WASTES After deducting amounts reassured, the total ' heen stolen In the $20,000 Matawan Tho Rod Bank Lions club will of- City and Rev, John J. Messier of After Clovkshlp. assurances in force amount to $2,401,237,036.94, an In accordance with our usual conservative practice bank robbery. Massl was questioned fer $10 In gold to tho high school Katontown were the principal speak- William A. Shepherd, collector of A Brief Record of Men Who Died increase of 5504,321,102.37. This advance is notable . the securities owned by the Company have again at length by Monmouth county de- pupils composing, tho best set of ly- ers. Tho Red Bank Baptist quartet Matawan borough, is slated "for ap- That Others Might Uve. not merely_ for its magnitude, but because when been valued at figures much below the market quota- tions current at the cloce of the year. This under- tectives and also by detectives from rlcB for a song for tho club. Harold sang. The next meeting of tho past pointment aa chief cleric to Jomife (By Friinlc II. Shuw ill the Norlll American allowance is made for terminations by death and valuation represents nn important element of Newark, who Bought to link him with A. LaRos will wrlto 'the music. councilors' association will be at Tumcn when tho latter takes cilice Ucvlow.) maturity, it represents a remarkably high rate of both the.Matawan robbery nnd that ITolmdol in March. In all tho glorious record oC Arctic continuance, and evidences great satisfaction en thc strength to the Company additional to the tpecific Col. David Wood of Shrowabury aa prosecutor. Mcrritt Kent now provisions in the Btatcmenta. nf the Newark bnnk hold-up In which gavo a talk nt yesterday's meeting holds this position, which is under heroism I doubt if there is a more part of our policyholders. perfect page than that on which is Your Directors arc pleased to announce that tho $12,000 was stolen. Massl denied on tho subject "Am I My Brother's civil service. The amount paid to policyholders eince organiza- "Ziiicliy Hatchet" Dancp. high scale of pro,fit» at present allotted to participat- taking nny part In either robbery. Keeper." Thcodoro Labrccquo was 'O « O> inscribed the siinplc-soulcd glory of tion, together with thc amount at present held for A "lucky hatchet" danco will bo n ing policyholders will becontinued during the ensuing He claimed he bought the checks last the llvc-mlnuto-speaker. Next Mon- l'utiiotlo Service. certain Captain Onlc.i. Wo know their security or benefit, exceeds the total amount September, but It WHS »nld they were feature number of tho danco pro- how Scott'a handicapped, almost year,while the Special Dividend on maturing policies, day tho club will attend a Joint A patriotic service will be held next received from them in premiums by $139,290,474.03. gram at the Harmony country club spent, party which Had found the introduced last year, has beea extended to include •not Issued until January of thia yenr. meeting of tho Highlands and Long Sunday night at half-past seven The rate of intercut earned on the mean invected Saturday night, Washington's birth- South Pole after Incredible- hard- policies maturing after having been in force five Manil was held In $25,000 bull. Branch club's at Long Branch. o'clock In tho chapel of thc Shrews- assets has risen to 7.0.J percent. This figure includes day. Tlioac Saturday night dances ships, retreated with a sense of de- years or longer and the scale, of benefit has been bury Presbyterian church. Tho ser- a certain amount from bonuses and stock privileges nt thc Harmony club have attracted pression because the Honor ot itininl increased. vlco will consist chiefly of music, and nrcruitiR on many of Ihe Company's holdings; but if MISSIONARY SEWING. GUILD CAKD rAUTY. many ivprn nearby towns and Sat- victory had been takr.n from Iheni there also will be a short talk by Ihc these were entirely eliminated the rate, would still be urday ivlKht'3 nffalr promises to by that man who recently vaiil&hcd pastor. 6,60 perexnt. Reformed ' Church Society Mot Yes- Fifty Persons Attended Tarty nt i'cll]ii"c any danco held no fur tills inlo thn awful silenco of the Boreal The business of the Company has always been terday nt Mot. John Oaborn'n. Fair Haven Last Night. season. unknown. We know how Scott'a pt'Or A net profit of $1,1,077.284.62 wan realised from conducted under the exactinpt provisions of tho Death of Infant. visions dwindled, and how tho cour- the redemption or sale of securities. Canadian Insurance law anc| the rigid super- The missionary sejeiety of tho Red Fifty persona attended a card par- Monoy For Koada. Alexander K. Madison, aged aix age- that had driven his men on Thc surplus earned during the year, based on thc vision of the Insurance Department of the Bank Reformed church met yester- ty given last night by tho ladles' months, «on of Alexander and Made- weakened when Ihcir reputedly values entered in thc accounts, amounted to S42,- Government of Canada. Ever since we en- day at tho home of Mrs, John Oa- guild of tho Chapel at tho Holy Thn HLate highway commission lms Communion of Fair Haven. Tho allotted Monmouth county $00,000 line Madison ot West Bergen place, strong man failed to stay the course. S()3,5'/8..SOI but from this Mini substantial appropria- tered the United States in 1895, the Company born of .Sunset avenue. A coven-ed tions have ;IR usual hren made tn further strengthen has been under similar supervision there and prize winners were Mrs. Richard toward iln construction program. Of died yesterday. Thc funeral will he Wo remember how O.IIIL;, weak anil illrjh luncheon waa nerved nt noon is now subject to tho regulations of thirty- McAllister, Mrs. William Kngluilm, held tomorrow morning, with burial hurt,—realizing that, if they slowed the position /'f the Company. and tho members n|iont Hie nfler'noon this $15,01)0 will ho used toward piiv- eight St.iten of the Union which require Mrs. Joseph Knight, Mrs. Elmer at White nidgo cemetery. pace lo keep abreast of him, they An aclclition.il $10,1100,000.(10 lias been deducted' sewing nrtlolen for tho Kentucky ing nnolhoi' aecllon of the Katon- periodical e:vnmin:uinn of the affairs of all 1 must all pnrlah,—walked out into the from the market v,lines of cur securities as A pro, mission school. Those present wen Pcaisall, Mrs. William Ward, Miss town-l'Vcchold road nnd J20.000 comp.inirel licensed in th,;ir trrritoty. In thn Bcniadlnc Stewart, Miss Helen Ker- hideous drive ot tlm bli/.ziml, to die vision .igain^t possible' m,irl;ot fluctuations, raising Mrs. Wallncc B. Hankln, Mrs. Oliver toward extending Shrewsbury avenue ruslmnster's Tcnn Expires Soon. 1 discharge of their ri^ul.tr dutien a cTinniiittro rigan, Mlsn ICllzahoth Scowcroft, alone—alone, if you plonsi , when Ilie amount tiiiiii set aside for this purpose In llio ; Htryltcr, Mrs, Harry HnlfTcii, Mrs, from Sycamore itvpnuc southward to Tho term of Mr.'i. Kllmbelh Tuck- of twenty t'.ui examiners, n']ii<" ciitiiiic thn Waller Connor, Goorgo Sickles. John everyone who hns paused on dentil's accounts M$,;O,()()(),(10O.OII. branch V. Many, Mm. William thc alntc hlKhwny. 1 er Cloughly, po:itmuatcr at SeabrlKht, threshold known how tin- humar. SMtesnf \1 i, hii;.m. M .l;..tf Illicit; , Milllicsolil, Johnstone, Mm, K. l£rlcltyon, Mrn. Boyland nnd John Hanson. A further $l,O(K1,O0n,lll) h.i:, been written off the will expire in-March nnd Congrfis.'i- soul cravr.i i:onip;uiiini:>liip in the c Iliin. TniiM'^ir, \V i i!iini;l, ,n. Vii^'i"!', We"! May Bonner. Mrs. Alfred Incalls and Couipnny'sbuildings. Luii(.ln'unl!iidi;i', ninn IJarold CJ. Iloffnian has been hour of Its 'pausing. Ten thousand \ iri;ini.i, !• |,irii!.l ,ni'l I lie lli^lli' I. "M Dhililbil Mrs. Jolm Huchen. The next meet- $1! 1.000 (10 hit limi appropriated tn raise the OUT iron ,i. r. PECK. Mrs. Morton Pl(i»lt>. of Fnlr Haven asked t(i present hi:; lecuniinenda- yenis of I'olnr hl.-itory will never i-*- irrnil !v , MIIIIi|wrd in rvh.ui-,li' i'<'U!uin,lli"n ing of tho iioclety will be lield ncxl 1 entprtninetl nt a luncheon-hrhlRc tlo'ii. i:ral that record. Mill, nil Ihn paean.'; ,-uinuilviC'irrvcnlntlie Kulhi-rli'ld tahlonf valuation, into e'.ri / dr|',u tiiii-ul. nt tin!, tiiMilji.itiv'i Turodny at the Homo nf Mrs. Rankln with intercut a I 3 ' •_, per cent. I 111s r\,i. t inc; si 111d.it,! • ll'l.lilii. Thr rcpol I III' till , < 'lllllllitlcti ,lu»llvn Gilbert Keith Hn« Seven ycstci'ilny. Mrs, lliiiy Welah nnil of prni.'io. run'never "Xi.'l'l the little mi River rond ul. I''alr Unvcii. requires receives $";,(o6,l)0ll.no i,i rw».« of tli"-r ,,( 111,ill':, Jii. I if'.IIIH I' fll-IIC C III '111' Id'fl.ll Complaints Aguliifit Realtor. • Mi.i. >Villliiin AMIIIHUIC won prizes. AddHlon lo Lunch \\'iig./n. tribute piiid him by !hn:;e he peri;,hed the Dominion (iovcrnnieiit ptiuulard. i n-.itnieiit ,ii ( I'I di'd t'luni ptili<-\ li'iiii'.r-, ,ind Oilier guculs were Mm. Wllliiini .Wilbur MymiiiKton of tho cuunlr.v to aid: "Ili'iTiil'iiuIr, 'I'cd a very (;;il- A warrant for tlio nrrra). of .Joseph |IIT,' idc, '.illhniil :tivc tiv,liinony lo llu' I oin- Shanahiin. Mivi. HJImuol (..'orsf, Mrs, hint gi'iillrinaii!" . ! SI,200,000.00 has been eft aside .is additional pi" Murrlntftt Biiniifs Aiiiimincotl. K i'c-xM of thn rock imlcs ngenry IWIH rlub ri;l;itcn 111 Miildlelown lown.ihip 1 vision for claims arising from tntal •• I hi; (.niilp.in',-. Altiniuiin HimUctfiitll '1'riun. Only hnrn nnd thfie 'In mid, liiillinr, $i2,6llfi,?6?.f,1' h.ltl.fi'11 p.iiil nl :dlcilleil .•inpiolit , IJrlfilol, Ponnnylvunln, were an- mid Wnllfcr Williams of Athmttc The Red Hitnlt hltili :icho(il aluni- Orchrslrn lu Hroadcast. wnrdn lenk out fiiim 'losl-hltlrn lips j for ill"' \e.ir lo |Hilif',l:oliic'l(,. nounced for tho lli'fit tlmo HiimUiy Highlands. Tim cinuiilnlnlii C1HUK<: iHio jjlrlu' hiuiUethiill team will piny The Itcd Hank high school tf. tell of thhi man (ir Hint who sni-i nt Ht. Jmura'D chmeb. The I), Idi- I'cclt with obtaining money under (•liealra utnlcr the lrmlcrnhlp or I.e- rendered himself fm1 llu: fnnliiuin 1 the vnriilly learn of thc lil|;h school to-bo *EI employed In the nod limit fahsn pn'tenaen, pnnRlnfr worthies. ) at tho jiyniniuilum Huturdny nftur- roy Djikei', one of the uchool teai;h- WtMll. offlcr of the Metropolitan lnmuuiiro checks and violating the labor net, nooll at three o'cloclc. Next week cr.^, will broildcast Frlcluy night over A shipmntp nf inhi,' fitld im- n ni.\' a .Nrr-w cor rnny. tho HIUIIIIUIO ^h'l.'i "will meet trama W.IBI. youlh, whrn we. wi'lc fa;l, hi I In- i ASS _».«»_ . Auxiliary Mooting. from the Leonardo ami Anbury l'niit Antarctic; Ice, the rpii', story ol the 'Jo Ho Married Nnxl Tuesday. The l'liiycrn' boat club auxiliary high tichooK I'urly For Clillilrc.n, I'lioU of nn Alt;li<: wliilrr, wlm. wlirn The wedding nf Mlsn li'innc'.'ii Al- met lunt night nt the home of Mra. ^.«_- - The Inii'liern of Ihc liefui mi-il tho crew wna ' i i>m inlk-il t,» I a K •• mn OH '™, daughter of Mm. V'll- William F. Mhannhnn on Branch ave- A New Kill IliiliU Itihhlcnt. refuge on III ill i'i', •li-llbi'l'ntoly nnd COMPANY OF CANADA Siiiulny-ni'lioDl j;avo u v.ileutine ^u- limn O'UHon of West Vroift litiect, nue. Mi'si. Leon Kellny, Mrf.,li31inor Mm. Wllllniu il. llmirnulc of New- clnlilr Friday for more llinii 7,1 boyii sec.r/'lly bled hhn;,fll pint by nf:unl/.rd nnd Auguittun MuiTtiy,' mm of An- Dry, Mr:). Jack Npnrling and Mm. man Hinlufjii road ).jtivo birth to n nnd i,'his of thn school. pint, in older lo put muitenain'o, lntu the mender ,'ioup nf bhu-uit eiunib;: STKH'AH'I' VAN \Ml T I-:, <'. inn druw Murray of Ttcclilesn pSmw. will Bhaimhnii won prizes nt cards. The (lflilghter laiit week at tho Long I,,.nil ltepii'hi'iilnlUi' Sun l.ifn Ah.iitn I'IP. .if <'i,nn!!«, i.ilte placet next Tuoadny nd/iinoon auxiliary will hold Its next mooting nnd oeaBional fdielliir,h whlcii waa nil Branch honpltal. Thn baby him hern I.iild Up WIIU Colil. rrili M. , iiillinif I'iiili tJMi', ?l live o'clock nt tit; .Jnmcn''i chttr,:li. March •ith al thn homo of Mf». Mor- named Mury liMI/nhelh llnnroolc, the eatables Ihn parly were able tn lioKiir W. lri anils of Fair Ilaye;i, dipcnver. Only when it,, died did I hey T.'l, Kiel l!:inl, (iill II. Ni'uiuh, N'. ,1, Rev, Jtihu II. MuClrinliry, Hie-Iccl'jr, ion rHinlt?. on Wlllnw ntrcnt nt Fair Mrs. IlKiii'oi'lt wmi roniioily MI«B •vill iJcrfunu Iliu unremiiny. Haven. n ilniKclsl nt Chambers':! pliaiinary, discover tlio wound, ,|caiini:-ly b:in- Ktlirl I1ii|iji of Chnjicl 1(111, 1 ha:i bcctii •-'•'• ' • run/iii it fi'itu Ihrli .,i:;|il, n <. T > CHILDREN'S rABTY. i Valentino Festivities at the Horns ol f II.. W. SlacCoimeH. TALKIES 1 A valentine party was given last j-ueels for a number of little friends Inf Marjoiio, Donald, Dorothy and I Douglas MacConncll, children of H. i\V MacConnell of Riverside avenue. • The houtse was attractively decorated J for the occasion. A large rose in the A WALTER KEADE THEVTRE! tenter of the table was tilled with TIMELY Hire? IVrforinuiircs D.ill\—'.: in, 7.00 and 11:00 1'. 51. Saturdays and Holid;i>s Continuous f£t\o'"- for the guests. Games and n fnoilmen's of ice cream, cake and COMMUNITY TOPICS. i-iml' were enjoyed. The guests were "THE HOUSti OV HITS" sVih , Parker, Harry Parker. Brub l'UKEK 6:*0. 0:lk SATtmDWS « HOLIDAYS C0NTIN80SJ& TODAY, THURS, FEB. 19th, 20th, 21st 11 i-ie > Philip Jacobs, KonaJd Jacobs. By W. A. Sweeney. Helen Dattin, Lester Stein and Anna EAST FRONT STREET, THE KING Ol Lcich. CAVKMEN: Kffg, swashbuckling, a KUMSON NEWS. LAST TIMES TODAY ! fearless lover (aces tho fitrc- The moro I see of hospital ol feninlc-s and emerges • t Auxiliary Card Party Tonight—rarty management (speaking of tho her lord and muster—even II y on ultli Birthday. llnancial sido and ftot the rou- MARION DAVIES 4 "NOT SO DUMB" she does writhe when she ad- jy] (The Red Bank litei't" on bo boutht tine of cupcrlntendency), tho AIX TALKING i»ME»V HIT ! mits it' more I am convinced that there [g! in Uumson at Finnerti's general store, nt is something wrong with tho . • ^r Boyle's fiructrj-, anil at Torbers's genera. method of maintaining these in- Btorc.) stitutions. I claim no export; The 'Kumson firemen's auxiliary knowledge along this line, but A Big' BUI of Reail VAUDEVILLE! will hold a card party tonight at the my connection with tha local llrehouse. Mrs. Louis Neuhauser, hospital as treasurer has given mo some insight into the mat- Mrs. Frank Benson and Mrs. Joseph ter. Those who read this col- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, ZU, 22d Miller arc ,in charge of the affair. umn might be interested in some The auxiliary will hold a dance Fcb- phases of the question. 1 ruary 26th at Holy Rosary hall. If ed Trcncry of Keansburg was ar- Tho only function of a hos- ' routed hero last week by Policen\en pital is to heal the sick and caro J William Zerr and James Wallace on for the wounded. If it does thU 1 faithfully and earnestly, without i charge of driving an automobile discrimination between rich and lile drunk. Ho will have a hear- poor, it fulfills its mission. A •X February 20th before Recorder hospital has two classes of pa- i Ji re J. Carew. tionts—thoso who pay and thoso A birthday pariy was given last who do not. Tho former pay in^ht for Mrs. Deborah Voorhees, only their own way; they con- i\ho is 04 years old. The party was tribute no prollt to make up for THE greatest murder thoso who cannot pay. Nor .ii ranged by the ladles' auxiliary of should they. Toward tho so- mystery drama of the tl'o Kumson fire company. Mrs. cnllcd charity patients tho coun- Voorliecs's husband, Raymond Voor- ty* pays something, but not i hoes, was a charter member of the enough to meet the cost. Tho year, made into a sensa- 1 company. balance must come from public Tho Rumson lire company has ap- solicitation, through tho auxili- tional all-talking 'picture. aries, etc. pointed a committee to prepare plans Thrills ^uul Chills Galore! nnd an estimated cost of an addition Every community has a num- to the flrchouse on Center street- The ber of charitably-inclined people p. oposed addition will be two stories who respond to practically every high. A storeroom will be on the legitimate demand made upon ground floor and a kitchen will be on them. Then there are thoso in Come Early and the second floor. The members of the every community who could we'.l committee are Joseph Miller chair- afford to do tho same thlng^but Avoid the Rush. man, Daniel Mears, Frank Pneffcn- who wont That makes tho bur- den unequal. The Bamo few bprger, Arthur VanBrunt and Al- must continue to give, and glvr, ficd Brighton, Jr. and give. It is greatly to thcii About 100 persona attended the credit that they do. The auxih- c.ird party given Frldny night by the urie3, through card parties nnd parent-tcucher association for the other social functions, enlist the benefit of the milk fund. A prize was support of a good many in":i small way who probably could ! awarded at each table. Thoso in not afford large gifts, but still cnarge of the affair were Mrs. David the distribution of tho burden I Harold Karp, Mrs. Ethel Sherman, and tho responsibility la un- Mrs. Wayne Cadwallader, Mrs. Frank equal. I, | Nary, Mrs. Alfred King-, Mrs. Frank Cornell, Mrs. M. Burgess, Mrs. John Tho fairest and most cquttablo COLUMBIA Foller, Mrs. T. Clark, Mrg. L-. Mar- manner to raise hospital deficits tin, Mrs. Arthur Boyce, Mrs. Alfred would be through taxation. That - PICTURES Tho most colorful Kcrr and Mrs. Howard Prltchard. would spread the burden thin- stars ill lilmdom hit The association will hold- a clam ner than any other method. Ev- (UNITED! the liigh-spots ol ery person, rich and poor alike, presents lowder supper March 7th at the would pay according to their ARTISTS prcnt entertainment i£h school. means, rather than according to PICTURE in this glorious Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy enter- their generosity. A surprisingly laugh frolic tained the Heebie Jeebie bridge club small amount In the budget of each community served by any lust Friday nit;ht. Tlioso present local hospital would meet the, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Peters, situation. ALSO EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION! Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Drownes, Mrs. John • Eventually hospitals will bo PfcirTcnbergcr, Mrs. John Anderson, maintained, at least in part, by Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Mrs. Joseph Guer- some such method. In thi ricr, Mrs. John Stanley, Mrs. George meantime it i3 a fine thing that LIVE OVER AGAIN THE THEATRE OF 1905. Thompson, Mrs. James Thorsen, Miss we have people able and willing Joan McCarthy. Miss Mary Murphy, to go down Into their pockets to make hospital facilities within See McKinley's Inauguration, 1897—One of the Earliest Films Made. Miss Rose Ahern, Wiss Rita Murphy, the reach of all. David Barry, John Barry, Thomas Lady Duff Gordon Creation—1914. 1903 i Dolly, John MurpTiy, Jr., and Francis The Victory of the "Reliance" over Sir Thomas Upton's "Shamrock III", Murphy. The Late King Edward VII of Great Britain—1908. Mr. nnd Mrs, Malcolm Wyckoff of Long Branch spent the week-end New Method of The Coronation of King George—1911. with Mrs. Wyckoff's aunt, Mrs. John Yankee Artillery prior to the Spanish-American War. Murphy. William Heyer of Little Silver has Blanket-Cleaning. Theodore Roosevelt in Action—1904. Many other great scenes. bought"tho Rumson garago business See the first dramatic motion picture, "The Great Train Robbery." from Mrs, John Arclla and 13 con- WITHOUT a moment's GEORGE B.SEITZ ducting it under his own supervision Mabel Normand—Comedy of 1911 with Mack Sennett—Ford Sterling and Miss Louise It. Ghezzl spent part hesitation, without the tiniest other notable stars of the past. Song Slides and other features. of last week at Brooklyn, New York scruple, you can send yotir and Belleville. linest blankets to us and be DON'T MISS THIS SHOW—1,000 LAUGHS ! ' Miss Mary Murphy visited rcla lives. ;«t Belleville and lNTew York certain that they will come rv; over th" week-end. Rev. Loroy Y. Diliencr of Eaton- back to you true .to size— SAT., MON., TUES., FEE. 22d, 24th, 25th town will bo tho principal speaker edges as straight as an ai- at the Presbyterian Brotherhood row—and with a fluffy feel Direct from the Paramount Theatre, New York. meeting Friday night of this week at the parish house. —fragrantly clean, and ca- ON THE STAGE THE SUPER-SENSATION Victor Fenton of Cliruch street Is ressingly soft. We guaran- on n trip tc» Georgia. Francis Murphy is in charge of tee this. ' , "Sweetie" and a New Boy-Friend the pool tournament to be held soon nnong tho members of tho Rum- AND all because of the on lire company. John rflcffcn- Making Love on a Tropical Isle borjrer is in charge of the pinochle wonderful new Blanket Unit ind cuchro tournament. which we have just installed. Mis. 3. A. Davis of River road is on a trip to West Virginia. WHEN you send your THE HINDU MIRACLE MAN. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hintelmann h ivu moved to Adelaide court at Blankets to us, they are Scoffs at Tiorture—Srleers at Pain—Dies at Will Red Bank. Mr. Hintelmann has ' cleaned scientifically—then' —Don't nijiss seeing him Buried Alive ! * riven up his position with tho law linn of McCartcr & English at New- dried on frames set exactly ii k and Is now associated with Al- to their size and shape, an.l SI'ECIAL FKKK ACT-I'UNJAH Wli.L KSCAI'K MOM A In Her First Starring Picture ton Bcckmtin ot Red Bank. KUGlir.ATlOIJ ASYLUM .STltAlUIIT-JACKKT, IJl'SllM'i DOWN Charles Dixon underwent another returned to you warm, fleecy IN MIO-Alltlj IN VKONT OI' TIIK HUNTINO TUKATHK, operation yesterday at tho Long clouds of spotless purity. TIHJKSHAY TUNING AT U:!lll. IMS HUHI'i TO WITNESS Branch hospital. It was the second operation performed on him within THIS. several weeks. THIS method also works jl/IORE bewitching than she M i-3. Charles Woodward has bought just as well with cotton OTHER BIG ACTS OF 1Y a new Ford coupe. * was in "The Dance of Life" Irpnii-3 were made to the incin- blankets,' comforts, quilts or "Close Harmony." A wom- erator last \ycck by tho Pittsburgh and curtains. an-hating man and a man-loving Den Moines ; steel company. John Mclaughlin and Howard Tillon of . 'TRY US with just one pair woman alone in a South Sea this place were employed by the company lo assist with tho work. of curtains—after that we paradise. Handsome Richard Cliiulca Struso Is tho owner of a are sure that you will send MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 25'lh, 26th Arlen as the tropical lover. Di- new Hiiiclt coupe. 1 Direct from n SMVcolt KiiKiiKdiioiitiiit tlio Ardor Tlientro nt IS3.(H|' 1'rlcpH. II r. and Mrs. Richard Loonlmrdt them all to us. rected by William ("Winirs") ami daughter of Jackson Heights, Tlio MiiBlcul Tr(!iit of Uio Scnnanl Wellman. Long Island, were guests of Rev. ;uid Mrs. Arthur A. McKay last WtMlncsulay. Mr. mid Mrs, Ralph Longatrcct Our New Telephone riiliM-tiihiod Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Cliiimplin nnd Mr. and Mrs. Olive Red Bank 2800 Slryltcr of lied Bank at a card par- —IN— —ALSO— ly SHI unlay night. Jack Dixon has been laid up will NANCY CARROLL :>iniifi (rouble, o-yl Fox Movietone News and Thomas Tiimirr hnn taken a Job WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES. wllli Ralph .lolmiion. who in in til Select Short Feature Subjects 1 lurking and landscaping business. Mr?. Elmrr FcarBall'D clnso of 111 Dangerous Vrciibylorlnn Sununy-scliool held I ON TUli Valentine aoclalilo Friday night. ,r. C. l'opo of Philadelphia wan a -Paradise' Uiicsl of Phlnonn M. Smith over til Grandeur Screen u-c-It-end. Friday afternoon Mr, I'ope guve n nuitluli picture nhow nl HICHAIID ARLEN iht: Little Silver Rclioolliousc. l'lc- WHERE RUGS AND WARNER OLAND tiircs of birds mid nninml.'i nnd other nu>Ht liruutlllll All-Slitj>lug uiul 'I'lilldnf; 7 'uslt'.'tl ltdinniicn lint urn) hli.tuiy Kiilijcctn wero nllown. of tlio H Mrn. Miiry I'mitim of tho Kiiinsun HOUSEHOLD QOODS 1 Q Qaramounl picture roiiiiliy I'Uih hn:i led. for n ;,ojuuni ARE BEAUTIFIED. FIIIHT TIMK AT VOri I'ltHil -U1T1I The Sunn SHIICI chili Iield a. Ilirn- irr party Saturd'iy nt New York. Hear AMOS'N ANDY Nightly Between 7:00 and 7:15 from llie Stage. Tlic iiininbnrii nt tended « mntlneo MAIN OFFICE & pcrfornulnce of (he mualcnl sliow ' Top Hpecd." In tbo pnrty were PLANT: ON TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 4th, we give awtay Absolutely Free Miiinen Louiiin It. Gllozzl iind Mary to the Lucky Carlton Patron, an Atwater Kent Electric Radio—through the Murphy of Rtunson, l^lorenco Mln- COMING—Return Engagement 6f tho' SensationnI Rtxord-Brenker lon of Fair Haven, Aon Hlgglim nnd 70-76 White Street, y of P.i A. Jghrtggn& Co. of Mechanic Street, Red Bank. Hi-tly Murphy nf lied Jlnnk nnd "THE GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY" 1 Louliic McCue of Hliienobuiy. Red Bank, New Jersey I1'