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Hydrostatics.Nb Hydrostatics.nb Who asks: 9/15/2009 Norbert Südland Handling: 9/16/2009 – 9/19/2009 Norbert Südland Last Calculation: 9/30/2009 Norbert Südland Translation: 9/30/2009 Norbert Südland Á 1.1. Problem Which pressure is found inside a star? Á 1.2. Preparation The original Mathematica commands are used. These commands allow to generate a unit check of the results: "N" "m" "N" UnitCheck Rule Equal, p #_' ccccccccccccccccccc , g#_' cccccccccccccccc , p#_' ccccccccccccccccccc , "m"3 "s"2 "m"2 "kg" "m" "m"3 "kg" U#_' ccccccccccccccccccc , g cccccccccccccccc , J cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc , U ccccccccccccccccccc , h "m", H "m", "m"3 "s"2 "kg""s"2 "m"3 "J" "kg" "N" "N""m"6 R cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc , T "K", M ccccccccccccccccccccc , p ccccccccccccccccccc , a ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc , b "m"3, "K""mol" "mol" "m"2 "m"2 "kg""m" V "m"3, "N" ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc , "J" "N""m", _?NumericQ term_ term "s"2 N m N kg m Rule Equal, p #_' cccccccccc , g#_' ccccccc , p#_' cccccccccc , U#_' cccccccccc , g ccccccc , m3 s2 m2 m3 s2 m3 kg J kg N J cccccccccccccccc , U cccccccccc , h m, H m, R ccccccccccccccccccc , T K, M ccccccccccccc , p cccccccccc , kg s2 m3 K mol mol m2 kg m a m4 N, b m3, V m3, N cccccccccccccccc , J m N, term_ _?NumericQ term s2 The change of the default scripture font for plots of any kind is done the following: $DefaultFont "Times", 12. Times, 12. 2 © Norbert Südland Hydrostatics.nb Á 1.3. Solution 1.3.1. Hydrostatic Pressure Textbook Formula Due to the dtv lexicon of physics ([dtv1969], volume 4, keyword Hydrostatik [hydrostatics], page 160-162) for not too big differences of height h and constant fall acceleration g is valid: p2 p1 m U g h (1.1) Pressure Gradient For U U#h' and g g#h' first results the necessity to determine a pressure gradient: p#h 'h' p#h' ´ p m lim ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc m h p#h' m U#h' g#h' (1.2) 'h 0 'h General Hydrostatic Pressure The general hydrostatic pressure now results as an integral of this pressure gradient: p#h' m à h p#h'Å h m à U#h'g#h'Å h (1.3) 1.3.2. Incompressible Liquid Constant Density For an incompressible liquid U#h' U is a constant, e.g. for an earth that would consists of water only. Fall Acceleration under Water Then the fall acceleration under water in each case is the fall acceleration that would be generated by the remaining inner sphere due to Newtons's gravity law (see [BeS1945], § 31, page 111-112: There the derivation is not completely valid; see also [Krau2007], figure 9, page 27 and chapter 4, page 32-50), i.e.: Hydrostatics.nb © Norbert Südland 3 J 4S h g#h' cccccccccccccccc à h2UÅh h2 0 % ss. UnitCheck 4 g#h' ccccc h S J U 3 True Thus the fall acceleration decreases continuously in the direction to the middle of the liquid star. Hydrostatic Pressure Now by this the hydrostatic pressure results as an integral of U g#h': h 4 p#h' à U g#h'Åh s. g#h' ccccc h S J U H 3 % ss. UnitCheck 2 2 p#h' U - ccccc h2 S J U ccccc H2 S J U1 3 3 True Figure p#h' over h This yields the following figure: ML 2 2 ]\ Plot Evaluate$U M ccccc h2 S J U ccccc S H2 J U] s. J 1, U 1, H 1(, N 3 3 ^ h 2 h, 1, 1, AxesLabel " cccccccc ", "p#h'" , PlotStyle Hue$ ccccc ( ; H 3 p#h' 2 1.5 1 0.5 h 1 0.5 0.5 1 H Peak Pressure in the Center The peak pressure in the center is: 4 © Norbert Südland Hydrostatics.nb ML 2 2 ]\ U M ccccc h2 S J U ccccc S H2 J U] s. h 0 N 3 3 ^ 2 ccccc H2 S J U2 3 Thus the peak pressure in the center can be determined. Figure h over p#h' The representation of the inverse function also is sensible: L 2 2 \ h s. Solve$p U M ccccc h2 S J U ccccc S H2 J U], h( ss Simplify N 3 3 ^ 2 Plot Evaluate#% s. H 1, J 1, U 1', p, 0, ccccc S H2 J U2 s. H 1, J 1, U 1 , 3 h 2 AxesLabel "p#h'", " cccccccc " , PlotStyle Hue$ ccccc ( ; H 3 3 p 3 p H2cccccccccccccccccccccccc, H2cccccccccccccccccccccccc 2 S J U2 2 S J U2 h H 1 0.5 p#h' 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 Approximation for Low Depth For not too large depth 'h yields the following approximation: Hydrostatics.nb © Norbert Südland 5 ML 2 2 ]\ U M ccccc h2 S J U ccccc S H2 J U] s. h H 'h ss Expand N 3 3 ^ Series#%, 'h, 0, 1' ss Normal %g ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc4cc H S J U 3 4 2 ccccc H S J 'h U2 ccccc S J 'h2 U2 3 3 4 ccccc H S J 'h U2 3 g 'h U This is the textbook formula of the hydrostatic pressure in an incompressible liquid. Here, the sign of g was choosen to be positive, because the pressure increases by the depth 'h. 1.3.3. Compressible Gas Ideal Gas Law Now the density is not constant, but itself a function of the pressure, in the easiest case due to the ideal gas law: m p V n R T s. n ccccccccc s. m U V M Solve#%, U' ss Flatten % ss. UnitCheck R T V U p V cccccccccccccccccccccccc M M p U ccccccccccccccc R T True Fall Acceleration in a Gas The fall acceleration in a gas results again in each case as the fall acceleration g#h' that would be generated by the remaining inner sphere due to Newton's gravity law at position h, i.e.: J 4S h g#h' cccccccccccccccc à U#h'h2Åh h2 0 h 4 S J ¼ h2 U#h'Å h g#h' cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc0 ccccccccccccccccccccccc h2 Thus the fall acceleration decreases continuously and non-linarly with the direction to the center of the gasic star. 6 © Norbert Südland Hydrostatics.nb Non-linear Differential Equation Now by this the following connection results: J 4S h M p#h' 2 PressureEquation#p' h p#h' U#h' g#h' s. g#h' cccccccccccccccc à U#h'h Å h s. U#h' cccccccccccccccccccccccc h2 0 R T h 4 M 2 S J ,¼ h2 p#h'Å h0 p#h' p #h' cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc0 cccccccccccccccccccccc h2 R2 T 2 This is a non-linear integrodifferential equation that can be changed to a pure differential equation after separation of the integral an applying the derivative: h2# ccccccccccccccc & s PressureEquation#p' p#h' h # & s % # p#h' PressureEquation#p, 1' ccccccccccccccccccccc & s % ss ExpandAll h h h2 p #h' 4 M 2 S J ¼ h2 p#h'Å h ccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc0ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc p#h' R2 T 2 2 h p #h' h2 p #h'2 h2 p#h' 4 h2 M 2 S J p#h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc p#h' p#h'2 p#h' R2 T 2 h p #h'2 4 h M 2 S J p#h'2 2 p #h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccc h p#h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc p#h' R2 T 2 This is a non-linear differential equation of 2nd order in p#h' that cannot be solved easily in an analytic way. Trivial Solution The solution p#h' 0 fulfills the equation: p#h'# & s PressureEquation#p, 1' ss ExpandAll % s. p Function#h, 0' 4 h M 2 S J p#h'3 2 p#h' p #h' h p #h'2 h p#h' p#h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc R2 T2 True Thus the vacuum owns the hydrostatic stable solution p#h' m 0 for any h. Of course, this is valid only for the areas where no star can be found. Essential Property The derivated equation yields with h 0: Hydrostatics.nb © Norbert Südland 7 PressureEquation#p, 1' % s. h 0 h p #h'2 4 h M 2 S J p#h'2 2 p #h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccc h p#h' ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc p#h' R2 T 2 2 p #0' 0 Thus results p'#0' 0. By this only one free choosable initial value problem remains, e.g. p#0' 1. Deviations from p'#0' 0 must lead to singularities in p#h'. This property p'#0' 0 results from the fact, that a radial symmetry has bees assumed for the star, and that in the symmetry center the resulting gravity force is zero, i.e. no further pressure increase. Therefore the trip into the singularities for p'#0' 0 can be omitted. Numerical Solutions and Figures p#h' over h The numerical solution of this differential equation successes well, if both initial value problems start at the same position h 0: Solve#PressureEquation#p, 1', p''#h'' s. Rule Equal ss Flatten ss Simplify Curve#RightHandSide, 1' NDSolve$ 1 1 1 %317 s.
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