April 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

Transport Arrangements for Students attending School

The information overleaf shows the current transport options for students attending the school. Dependent on where you live your child may be entitled to a free bus pass. You will need to contact the Local Authority to arrange this. Tel: 0300 123 5012 or apply online www.cheshireeast.gov.uk – click Bus Timetables and Transport Information – School Transport.

For students living in the Harriseahead and areas we now have a commercial service, that offers an annual pass; this bus comes directly to school. Paul’s Coaches run this service and they can be contacted on 01782 513666 if you have any queries.

For those wishing to use the Wychwood Park/Weston bus, it’s worthy of note that this is a private arrangement between parents and the bus company, Mikro Coaches. If your child is likely to need to use this bus then I urge you to contact them as early as possible to book a seat. The company will allocate seats on a first come first served basis and need to know numbers so they can allocate an appropriate size of bus. Mikro Coaches can be contacted on 01270 588867.

If you have any queries regarding transport please do not hesitate to contact me on 01270 871100 or by email at [email protected].

Yours faithfully

Miss S Durose Finance & Operations Manage


➢ ROUTE - Wychwood Park/Weston to Alsager School ➢ OPERATOR - Mikro Coaches ➢ Private contract between parents & bus company ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER : 01270 588867 Route: Wychwood Park, A531, Gorstyhill, Four Lanes End, Balterley Heath, Engelsea Brook Lane, Town House Farm, Smiths Green (Turnaround), Bartomley, Radway Green Road, Road, Chancery Lane, Lodge Road, Alsager High School

➢ ROUTE – Green to Alsager School ➢ OPERATOR - East Local Authority ➢ Route is currently under review by the local ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER : 0300 123 5012 authority Road, Bank House Lane , Charles Square Alsager Road, Romping Donkey PH Alsager Road, Holly Tree Farm Alsager High School

➢ ROUTE – Oakhanger/ to Alsager School ➢ OPERATOR - Local Authority ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER : 0300 123 5012 Barthomley Motorway Bridge Butterton Lane, Offley Ley Farm Barthomley Road, Smith's Green Cottages Barthomley, St Bertoline's Church Alsager High School Cranberry Junior & Infant Schools

➢ ROUTE – Smallwood/ to Alsager School ➢ OPERATOR - Cheshire East Local Authority ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER : 0300 123 5012 Rode Heath to Alsager School A50 Street Lane/Townsend Lane A50 Street Lane/ Road A533 Road Sandbach Road North Lodge Road Alsager High School

➢ ROUTE – /Rode Heath to Alsager ➢ OPERATOR - Cheshire East Local Authority School ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER : 0300 123 5012 Congleton Road North, Lawton Ave (SCH) Congleton Road, The Spinney Scholar Green, The Bleeding Wolf PH Congleton Road North, Station Road Kent Green Wharf Church Lane, Lunts Moss Heath Avenue, Woodlands Road Heath Avenue, Millmead Alsager High School

➢ ROUTE – Harriseahead/Kidsgrove to Alsager School ➢ OPERATOR - Pauls Coaches (service route 79) ➢ TELEPHONE NUMBER: 01782 513666 Sands Road, Harriseahead/Nags Head PH/Mount Road/JCT Mount Road- A50/Liverpool Road-A50/Liverpool Road East- A50/Liverpool Road West- A50/Lodge Road, Alsager High School