Chief Weight/Chief Value
~3_. ... l .- ·:;. •:');- ., . ., _.,_, i , : . : ;. ;,<. .. -~ .:, ... : .~. .. ; . ·~' .. ·- ...... ~ .. ( .... ·."' -._ : ... ..:. ·.· · . ....... f ·.~·,;· : . -Kenneth R. Mason, Secretary to the Commission :. ..·., ~ .;.. ../.·_'. ·: .. •, ~ . ·. ~ ·. ,.;,._ ·'l.: :·:Larry B. ·c1ayton and Robert W. Wallace,' Textiles, . ':..;:.. · ·"Leather Products, ·and Apparel Division }'!Eugene A. ·Rosengarden, ·Holm J. Kappler,. and George Weise, ·; ... :.'./Office of Nomenclature, Valuation, and Related Activities . ~. .. ' ' . ' ·' ' - . ~... , . ... , '._r,:1 ~~~-~ ·.~ .. ... ·. ~! .. .;'~:.· "'"":' ......... ·;·i ~ .. \~: .'?····.··· '. .. .... : ........ ~ :·:..... .·• ~~-·. .J ... Address all communications to : .. :._~·.;..,..... .,. ·_United States International T·rade Commission .· ... Washington, D. C. 20436 UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20436 OFFICE OF' THE SECRETARY April 22, 1977 To whom it may concern: In the interest of providing more productive hearings in the investigation of the probable domestic impact of changing from the current "chief value" method of classifying textile imports to a "chief weight" method for classifying such imports (inv. No. 332-82), the United States Interna tional Trade Commission is making public its staff prehearing report to the Commission on the investigation. The staff prehearing report should provide interested parties with information that lo.Till·; in the event they choose to appear at the Commission's hearings or to submit briefs to the Commission, provide a better basis for information to be presented in the testimony or briefs. In view of this newly available information you are invited. to appear at any of the Commission's hearings or to submit briefs to the Commission on this subject. The public hearings in connection with the investigation will be held in Charlotte, N.C., on April 26, 1977, New York, N.Y., on May 10, 1977, Los Angeles, Calif., on May 24, 1977, and Washington, D.C., on June 7, 1977.
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