GOP Party chairman: Obama, Republican Nevadans call on Obama to Obama executive amnesty leaders on collision keep his promise for U.S. is ‘a nuclear threat’ course over immigration undocumented immigrants PAGE 2 PAGE 4 PAGE 6

Volume 16, Issue 36 November 12-18, 2014 Ward 5 Chamber of Commerce Member

Lawyer lied during Kirstin Lobato’s Supreme Court arguments By Hans Sherrer nothing incriminating regarding with her pocket knife. Also, her Bailey’s cutting and stab wounds A minimum-wage convenience Bailey’s homicide in her police habeas petition includes unrebutted were not inflicted by her pocket store clerk who lies under oath in Statement or comments attributed new evidence by nine alibi wit- knife; and Bailey was alive when court can be convicted of perjury to her — none of which even in- nesses who were informed by her his rectum injury occurred, proving and sentenced to prison. In contrast, clude the date, location, or manner beginning in May 2001 that she she was convicted of a non-existent a highly paid lawyer can fearlessly of Bailey’s death from a head in- used her pocket knife to fend off a violation of NRS 201.450. Further- lie his or her head off when pub- jury. Furthermore, Ms. Lobato’s would-be rapist in . more, two jurors determined after licly appearing before the Nevada habeas petition details her convic- 4) Owens lied that Ms. Lobato’s reviewing all the new evidence that Supreme Court. tion was due to Metro Det. Thomas vague comment referring to a con- “it could have possibly resulted in We know that because of what Thowsen’s extensive false testi- versation with her father is evidence either a hung jury or Ms. Lobato’s occurred during oral arguments be- mony regarding her Statement and of a guilty mind to Bailey’s homi- acquittal.” fore the full Nevada Supreme Court KIRSTIN LOBATO comments, and his alleged investi- cide. (OA at 8) The truth is her com- 6) Owens lied Bailey’s time of on September 9, 2014 concerning Vegas on July 8, 2001. (Oral Argu- gations; and more than 275 ment refers to a conversation with death isn’t “critical.” (OA at 10) Kirstin Blaise Lobato’s habeas cor- ments [OA] at 9, 13. See note at unrebutted instances of prejudicial her father in June 2001 — weeks The truth is the State’s theory of Ms. pus appeal. The attorney represent- end.) The truth is that during Ms. prosecutor misconduct during her prior to Bailey’s homicide. Lobato’s guilt depended on con- ing the State of Nevada — Clark Lobato’s trial the State didn’t assert trial — none of which were ob- 5) Owens lied, “But nothing at vincing the jury Bailey died before County Assistant District Attorney in its opening statement, closing jected to by her lawyer. the crime scene is going to help 7 a.m. Steven S. Owens — repeatedly lied argument, or present trial testimony 3) Owens lied, “Shortly thereaf- them because the jury already knew 7) Owens lied the jury “rejected” about issues related to Ms. Lobato’s she made a “confession” to Bailey’s ter [Bailey’s homicide], Kirstin that evidence there pointed away Ms. Lobato’s alibi evidence she was case. homicide. It exists only in Owens’ Lobato in Panaca, Nevada, started from Kirstin.” (OA at 13) The truth in Panaca the evening of July 8. The Supreme Court’s response imagination. talking about a severed penis.” (OA is Ms. Lobato’s unrebutted new ex- (OA at 10) The truth is the State has been deafening silence. Owens’ 2) Owens lied, “She was con- at 7) The truth is Ms. Lobato men- culpatory crime scene evidence es- conceded during its closing argu- dishonest assertions include: victed by her own words at the trial, tioned in her Statement that prior tablishes among other things that ment it is factually true she was in 1) Owens lied twice that Ms. and her own words belie the argu- to June 20, 2001 she had a conver- Bailey’s killer made all the Panaca from at least “11:30 a.m. Lobato made a “confession” related ment that she is actually innocent.” sation with a woman about the Las shoeprints imprinted in blood and through the night.” to Duran Bailey’s homicide in Las (OA at 7-8.) The truth is there is Vegas rape attempt she fended off they don’t match Ms. Lobato; (See Labato, Page 4) My Point The Rhiannon Gonzales Story Continues: of View Nightmare began in Family Court By Rolando Larraz By Rolando Larraz July 16: Gonzales spends the day I had a terrible nightmare this Las Vegas Tribune at the hospital and is unsuccessful weekend that scared the hell out of Part Two in a Series in reaching Violeta Menjivar, the me; in my nightmare I saw Chris CPS workers and Las Vegas Po- CPS worker who removed her chil- Collins, the Executive Director, lice separated mother and daughter dren. Baby Elgin appears still President, Chairman (or whatever for questioning and assigned a male groggy from the anesthesia, so she he feels like calling himself this officer to watch Gonzales while cannot determine for herself week) of the Las Vegas Police Pro- they searched the apartment. whether or not he is OK. Hospital tective Association, a.k.a. PPA, Gonzales voiced to the officer in staff was giving no medical infor- moving all his political contacts and charge of watching her that she mation to Gonzales. Maternal collecting all the favors he thinks feared that they were trying to take grandmother and great grand- others owe him to be named State away her kids. He reassured her that mother arrived in Las Vegas and Senator in the seat vacated by our that only happens when they see needed to wait for clearance to be newly elected Lt. Governor, Marc that the kids are not cared for, point- added to visitor’s list. Jamal, father Hutchison. ing out that she was well stocked of Iyanna, after finally finding out Collins inherited the PPA, from with everything they needed and where his daughter had been taken, his pal, corrupted cop David Kallas, there was nothing dangerous or il- arrives to retrieve her from Child who is now a licensed marijuana legal there, so he didn’t think that Haven and take her home. pusher and is, according to many would happen. The next thing you Early in the morning of July 17, close to or claiming to be close to know, Iyanna is on her way to Child Elgin, Iyanna and Great Grandma Mary Gonzales called Eugene, the baby’s him, dying of pain and needs the Haven and Gonzales has agreed to to remove the traumatized daugh- part of said case notes. As it was father, to notify him of the accident. marijuana to ease that pain, what- take drug and polygraph tests. ter from her mother’s comfort –– not documented, neither LVMPD Grandmother went alone to the hos- ever it is from. The above two episodes were just when they needed each other Neglect and Abuse Sgt. K. Buist nor pital. Upon arriving at the hospital, I have no idea what is with the omitted from the UNITY Case most. One would think that the rea- Det. H. Campbell can recall who the grandmother left word at the nurse’s position of PPA Director, but so far Notes, as was any reference as to son for removal of children from officer in charge of watching station that she would like to speak the last two people in that position WHY the CPS workers felt the need their parents would be an integral Gonzales was. (See Gonzales, Page 4) grew political aspirations: Kallas ran for Henderson City Council — and thanks to a local weekly named CTVFR launches in Nevada to seek election security The Las Vegas Chronicle, which By Alexandra Cohen While many people were asking allowed me to expose the criminal Las Vegas Tribune questions, the respective County police career of Detective David Have you ever had a nagging Clerks, Clark County Registrar of Kallas, he lost that election. feeling something was just not Voters, and the Secretary of State Chris Collins wants to be a State right? An aching in the pit of your never even raised an eyebrow. But Senator; why? He has a very well stomach and your instincts telling four people did: Robert Frank, Julie paying job with the PPA, his wife you to look further — that some- Hersford, Lisa Mayo-DeRiso and has a well-paying job as an attor- thing does not pass the smell test? Nic Alfonsetti. They could not ney for the PPA and has the oppor- Many voters felt this way after shake the thought and suspicions tunity to boss former District Attor- the Republican primaries and the that this 22.18 percent was never ney Dave Roger, who went to work outcome of the high-profile con- questioned by those tasked with under her at PPA Headquarters, af- gressional race for Nevada 4th Dis- making sure our election process is ter he retired one year into his sec- trict with Cresent Hardy, Niger transparent, secure and — more ond term as Clark County District Innis and two fringe candidates, importantly — a system the voters Attorney to allegedly spend more Mike Monroe and Carlo Poliak. can trust. So they took action. time with his judge wife, who How did a guy named Mike Mon- After hours of analyzing the works\ ten hours a day, and his roe, who had no picture anywhere, statement of vote, visiting newly born daughter, and become filed not one FEC report, spent zero Esmeralda County, Nye County and a partner at Patty, Sgro, Lewis and time or money, and had not one White Pine and speaking with elec- Mike Monroe won outright. questions: What are the NRS guide- Roger. mention in the media, get 5,384 tion and political insiders and ask- Esmeralda County has five pre- lines for an election audit? Was I hope that it is only a nightmare votes or 22.18 percent of the vote. ing voters if they had ever heard of cincts but only in Congressional there an audit of the ballot results, of mine, because if it happens to be Even more puzzling is how did Mike Monroe, the resounding re- District 4’s primary race was a 6th and who participates in this audit? a dream that comes true for the cop- he win in two known Republican sponse was, “Who?” precinct appearing; and in White Is there a documented chain of cus- turned executive, the people from stronghold counties, Esmeralda and In addition, they found a myste- Pine County, which has 10 pre- tody of the ballots and the results? Senate District 6 are in real bad White Pine, with 42 percent and rious “extra precinct” in both cincts, an 11th precinct was re- Voter fraud has long been a con- shape. 32.9 percent of the vote? Puzzling, Esmeralda County and White Pine ported. cern of not only Nevada activists Collins not only inherits the PPA right? County, the two counties where They began asking some key (See CTVFR, Page 5) job from Kallas, but he also learns from the dying man how to be ma- FROM THE DESK OF GORDON MARTINES nipulative and cynical as a typical Las Vegas cop. LVMPD: A legacy of deception, omission and complicity to murder It is my humble opinion that the only reason the Police Protective By Gordon Martines this community must endure and be who is involved, without any time Allegedly, Association backed and endorsed Of course it would be nice to forced to swallow whole. limit or reservations. Our very sur- 1. The shoved-under-the-rug sheriff candidate Larry Burns was hope and dream that our new sher- Before any semblance of honor vival depends upon this revelation 1981 incident whereby Hollywood to open the doors for Sheriff iff will bring a breath of fresh air to and integrity can remotely emerge and exposure. actor, Sylvester Stallone, molested Gillespie’s shoulder-tapped candi- the stale stench of corruption, mur- in this community, several despi- In order for us all to move for- and raped a thirteen-year-old men- date and now Sheriff-elect Joe der and avarice that has laced the cable incidents must be corrected, ward in our civilized society, the tally retarded female during the Lombardo; let me explain it better LVMPD for the past ten years, but re-investigated, or set right, no mat- following truth-defiant incidents filming of “Over the Top” at the (See My Point of View, Page 2) that again is yet another fantasy that ter how disagreeable it may be, or need to be properly addressed: (See From the Desk, Page 6) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 GOP Party chairman: Obama executive amnesty is ‘a nuclear threat’ RNC Chairman Reince Priebus called the president’s pledge to take executive action on immigration by year’s end without waiting for Congress to act ‘a nuclear threat to reject the basis of the separation power doctrine.’ By David Cook was her lackluster performance Christian Science Monitor helping candidates in 2014. WASHINGTON — Republican “I sure as heck hope we’re run- National Committee Chairman ning against Hillary Clinton,” he Reince Priebus says he hopes said. “‘What you just saw on Tues- Hillary Clinton is the Democratic day night is about as flat of a per- Party’s presidential candidate in formance that you could have ever 2016 but admits his party’s opera- seen from the Democratic Party’s tions will need to be “about perfect” brightest star.” For example, both to beat her. Bill and Hillary Clinton cam- Republican gains in Tuesday’s paigned in their home state of Ar- election in the Senate, House, and kansas for Sen. Mark Pryor, who governor’s races showed “the ac- was defeated by Rep. Tom Cotton. ceptance of conservative Republi- A Clinton candidacy would also can leadership across the board,” energize Republican voters. Priebus was candid about the challenges his party would face in 2016 taking the White House given TRIBUNE the larger voter turnout in presiden- VOL. 16, NO. 36 tial elections. “We’ve got a long way to go to be ready for 2016,” he FOUNDER said. “We’ve got to be about per- Rolando Larraz fect as a national party to win a na- tional cultural vote in this country. PUBLISHER I think the Democrats can be good AND and win, but we have to be great.” EDITOR IN CHIEF To that end, Priebus said he plans Rolando Larraz Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus speaks to have a “full blown field opera- GENERAL MANAGER at the St. Regis Hotel on Nov. 7 in Washington, DC tion” up and running by March Perly Viasmensky Mr. Priebus argued. ing for Congress to act “a nuclear brace and champion comprehensive 2015 in the key states of Florida, Buoyed by the results, Priebus threat to reject the basis of the sepa- immigration reform.” But Priebus Ohio, and Virginia. For the election PRODUCTION told a Monitor-hosted breakfast for ration power doctrine.” The chair- said the president’s promise to act just past, the GOP made a two-year, Don Snook reporters that he was “leaning to man said Republicans “will have to on his own has “created a situation $100 million investment in identi- do it again” and run for a third term convene about whatever possible that I think may have not existed fying and reaching out to potential MANAGING EDITOR as party chair. He was first elected options we have to stop it, whether before” and has “galvanized the Republican voters. In the coming Maramis Choufani in 2011 and re-elected in 2013. it be the courts, whether it will be country in a place where I don’t be- presidential election, Priebus said Priebus also appeared to legislation.” lieve most people are interested in the data effort would need to be ASSOCIATE EDITOR “three times bigger than we were Colleen Lloyd toughen his party’s stance on com- After the 2012 election, Priebus comprehensive immigration reform prehensive immigration reform. commissioned a study on why the unless they are convinced that the in 2014. I think it is going to take a INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER He called the president’s pledge party failed to win the White House. border is secure.” massive amount of money and a Kenneth A. Wegner to take executive action on immi- The “Growth and Opportunity Republicans hope to run against huge paid program in the battle- gration by year’s end without wait- Project” called for the party to “em- Clinton given what Priebus said ground states starting immediately.” For advertising rates, deadlines My Point of View call 702-868-6398 (Continued from Page 1) The Sun in a few of their papers? County is the most cynical and of the same place at the same time so everyone can see if my suspi- I remember when our city was a maneuvering in the nation and they but I have to be honest right now I Las Vegas Tribune is published weekly at 820 So. 7th Street, cious mind works or not. normal city with two daily newspa- have no respect for the constituents don’t like what I see. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. The PPA well knew that Larry pers twice a day, morning and whatsoever. I know that Chris Collins lives Main Number: Burns was the rank and file man evening editions. They pretend to dislike someone in Senate District 6, but there has (702) 868-6398 regardless of whatever their joint But let’s go back to my night- and then they are discovered eat- to be someone else in that district News desk: opinion was; so they endorsed mare; is Chris Collins the president ing at the same table with that per- that is interested in serving the com- (702) 868-6397 Burns to please the internal of the police union really thinking son; they pretend to be one way and munity in that district, at least until Fax: (702) 696-0096 masses; and knowing how the vot- of promoting himself to the county then they show their real face. an election can take place. Website: ers dislike the police union some- commissioners for the state seat left That’s why sometimes I hate my Then if Chris Collins want to run one spread the rumor that Burns vacant by our new Lt. Governor job because I’m passionate about for State Senator in District 6 he can All rights reserved. Statements, would be controlled by the union; Marc Hutchison? what I do and when I like someone do that, but not as an incumbent. opinions and points of view ex- and then Lombardo and Gillespie Is that why the commission chair- I am loyal to the end. I could never My name is Rolando Larraz, and pressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily rep- worked out the transfer of killer man, Steve Sisolak, endorsed Joe be a politician under any circum- as always, I approved this column. resent those of the publisher. cop Bryan Yant with a promotion Lombardo? To secure a peaceful fu- stances. * * * * * Information, including prices to Executive Director of the Union ture with the new sheriff or as the I like Steve Sisolak, I have say Rolando Larraz is Editor in and times, is considered correct as the icing on top of the cake be- peace pipe with Gillespie for mak- that many time when his name Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. His at the time of publishing but may cause how could Burns be a good ing him beg for the money? come up on different venues, I have column appears weekly in this change without notice. Las Ve- sheriff if the union that supports What is the mystery behind that said it to him in person, I have said newspaper. To contact Rolando gas Tribune assumes no re- him is housing a controversial cop endorsement after he personally that on the air when I interviewed Larraz, email him at: sponsibility for unsolicited that has been involved in several gave Lombardo’s master, Sheriff him, I have confirm that early in the [email protected] or manuscripts, transparencies or shootings and has lied to a judge Gillespie, such a hard time on the morning when we both coming out at (702) 699-8111. other submitted materials. For to obtain a false search warrant? “more cops”\ tax issue? Who is re- return, please enclose a self- Remember that Joe Lombardo ally moving the strings here, addressed stamped envelope. Las Vegas Tribune was Bryan Yant’s supervisor in the Gillespie, Lombardo or Sisolak? published weekly by the narcotic operation that killed a Hey! Let’s blame the Republicans Tune in to Tribune Media Group young black man unarmed and on this one, too. David A. Rifkin, Executive Vice President practically naked; but the public, I hope that the county commis- the voters, were not privy to that sioners have the decency to think Quote of the Week: information because the self-pro- about the voters above everything RadioTribune “Never be bullied into silence. claimed “largest newspaper in Ne- and everyone and choose the right Never allow yourself to be made a vada” was endorsing Lombardo person for that position; if they give victim. Accept no one’s definition and it was in their best interest to the job to Chris Collins, the people of your life; define yourself.” make Burns look bad and weak, of District 6 will be stuck with him Call-In Line (702) 772-8082 —Harvey Fierstein and controlled by the police union. forever because it is always very Tune in and listen to those who will tell you They can claim to be the larg- difficult to get rid of the incumbent, the truth, and nothing but the truth. You’ll Please Note: est newspaper in Nevada but they and an ambitious person like Collins Although the Las Vegas Tribune are not the most read newspaper will soon be running for Lt. Gover- discover different personalities and hear is open to all and sundry opin- because, as we have spelled out nor himself, or even Governor. God different opinions, but when it comes to the ions about what we publish, we many times before, they don’t even forgive us! wish to inform all those who print enough newspapers to serve There is no doubt in my mind that facts, you’ll always get the truth from us! choose to submit their opinions the entire population of Clark the political machine in Clark in writing to refrain from threat- County. ening anyone about whom an ar- Our population is over two mil- ticle is written or the writer of lion and they claim that they print the article. In other words, any 200,000, which is much less than opinions containing threats will our population and after they de- not be published. We thank you liver to their few subscribers they Open Mic for adhering to this policy. also send newspapers to the state capital, and many cities in Nevada plus other states. with Gordon Martines MISSION Also, as I have stated before, I know people that get the daily pa- STATEMENT per and look for the sports section We search for the truth, em- and throw the rest away; others brace the truth, and print the truth. grab the Nevada section and throw If we inadvertently print some- the rest away–sometimes the Ne- 11:00 a.m. thing that is not true, we will let vada section is full of wire service our readers know. We are open to news even more than other sec- Tuesday and documented information to shed tions in the paper. Thursdays light on any issue of concern to Besides, how can they claim to our readers. We are of service to be “the largest newspaper in Ne- on our community, and it is our in- vada” when the Las Vegas Sun tention to serve our community prints the same amount of papers the best way we can. as they do? Or do they only insert RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE EVERY WEEK! To receive a complimentary link to every new issue of the Las Vegas Tribune, please send an email to [email protected] and give us the email address where you would like your copy sent. We look forward to having you as a subscriber to our publication. November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3 Waldo De Castroverde: Las Vegas Attorney and Cuban Patriot Passes Editor’s Note: At press time we learned of College. In 1987, he moved to Reno, Nevada the passing of Las Vegas Attorney and Cu- to become a Blackjack Dealer at the MGM ban Patriot Waldo De Castroverde, and due Grand so he could provide a better life for to time limits and not wanting to leave this his family. painful news for next week’s newspaper, Las Three years after moving to Reno, Old Vegas Tribune has taken the liberty of copy- College School of Law opened and Waldo ing the obituary from Palm Mortuary in its seized the opportunity to follow in his father’s entirety so the legal community as well as footsteps who was an attorney in Cuba. He the Hispanic community in general can learn attended law school at night, while working about Mr. De Castroverde’s passing and be full time at a casino during the day and rais- able to show their respect to his family. Waldo ing four children. Upon graduating from law De Castroverde has been a good friend of school and passing the bar exam on his first the Las Vegas Tribune for many years and is attempt, he was hired as a Deputy Attorney the only Cuban that has supported this news- General and worked in the Carson City of- paper with a continuous advertisement; we fice for three years. have always pointed out our respect for the Waldo ultimately started a small law firm elder De Castroverde for being part of the in Reno, Nevada and later moved to Las Ve- Brigade 2506 that invaded Cuba on April 15, gas, Nevada. He was later joined by two of 1961, known as the now notorious Bay of his sons, Alex and Orlando, who later formed Pigs. The De Castroverde Law Group, a firm de- * * * * * voted to serving the Las Vegas Hispanic com- Waldo De Castroverde was born in Ha- munity. vana, Cuba on January 15, 1941. He studied Waldo is a published author of two books in Cuba at Bethlehem High School at the — one of which he wrote while he was at- Sepulveda School. tending law school. His biography is titled During his early teen years Waldo was “Que La Patria Se Siente Orgullos” (“That passionate about returning freedom to Cuba the Homeland Feels Proud”). The book de- and was committed to seeing Cuba become tails the efforts he made throughout his life a true democracy. He began working with the in pursuit of a Free Cuba and his pursuit for Directory Revolutionary and the Movement success here in the . of July 26 in the fight against the Dictator- Waldo lived his life to the fullest. He loved ship of Batista. to travel around the world, eat good food, and He exiled to Mexico in April 1958 until celebrate with his family and friends. We can the fall of Batista. truly say that he had the best friends anyone In November 1960, because of the actions could ask for while here on Earth. His friends of Fidel Castro, he left Cuba for the second WALDO DE CASTROVERDE were there for him during good times as well time and joined the training camps in Guate- January 15, 1941 - November 8, 2014 as bad times. But he, too, was always there mala to begin training for the Bay of Pigs knowing that when he returned to Cuba he surely returned to his beloved home to help for his friends and family. invasion of April 17, 1961. Waldo was a para- was facing 30 years imprisonment, he re- rebuild the country. One of his nicknames was Because Waldo meant so much to his fam- trooper and one of 1300 Cuban exiles who turned to Cuba to continue to serve his time “El Presidente” and he always had dreams ily and friends, he will be dearly missed. We made up the military force that took part in with his fellow compatriots. He did this on of returning to a Free Cuba and running for hope that he is looking down upon us with a the Bay of Pigs. two occasions. Waldo then served 20 months higher office. smile on his face for everything that he ac- He was captured and imprisoned in the in a Cuban prison before ultimately being On September 4, 1965, he married Vivian complished during his short time here on Castillo del Principe, where he was ultimately released in December 1962. While in prison, Sanchez in Los Angeles, California. They Earth. sentenced to 30 years in prison. During ne- Waldo debated Fidel Castro in a public arena were literally inseparable until the day he Visitation will take place at Palm North- gotiations for the release of the members of about democracy, communism, and freedom. passed. west Mortuary at 6701 North Jones Boule- the Brigade, Waldo was elected by his fel- He loved to recount that story. They had four children: Waldo, Ana, Alex vard. Visitation will take place on Friday low paratroopers to represent them on the After his release to the United States, and Orlando. His children loved him more November 14 from 5:00 PM to 8:00PM, fu- commission that was to negotiate the ex- Waldo collaborated with groups fighting than words can convey. He was also blessed neral services Saturday, November 15, 2014 change of the prisoners of the Brigade with against Fidel Castro. Waldo never gave up with ten grandchildren whom he loved dearly. from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM and Committal the Kennedy Administration in Washington his dream of one day having a free Cuba. Had In 1970, he graduated with a Bachelor in Service also on Saturday, November 15, 2014 D.C. When the negotiations failed, despite the Castro regime fallen, Waldo would have Spanish and Social Sciences at St. Mary’s from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Obama pushing for net neutrality President Obama released a statement on Monday calling for the Federal Communications Commission to reclassify broadband Internet service as a public utility. How should the FCC respond to his request? By Jeff Ward-Bailey Christian Science Monitor President Barack Obama called for the “strongest possible rules” to protect the open Internet, saying that there shouldn’t be “fast lanes” and high-speed service should be regulated. To say the Federal Communications Commission is in a delicate posi- tion would be to put it lightly. For months, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has been considering a “hybrid” approach to Internet regulation, one in which the government would regulate the relationships between content companies (such as Netflix) and Internet service providers (such as Verizon), but in which the consumer side of things would be essentially left alone. Then on Monday, President Obama came out strongly for full net neutrality on Monday, issuing a statement that calls on the Federal Christian Science staff writer Scott Peterson in Fallujah, Iraq, November 2004 Communications Commission to reclassify wired and wireless broadband Internet as a “common carrier” service subject to strict government over- sight. What we owe our The FCC is an independent agency, so Mr. Wheeler and the other Com- missioners aren’t required to go along with the President’s plan. But how might the FCC balance such a strong statement in favor of net neutrality with the more cautious plans it has been exploring for the past several vets, and ourselves months? Mr. Wheeler released a response on Monday that provides some in- sight. First, he says, the President and the FCC agree on the basics: the No matter what they face on the battlefield, warriors Internet should be an open platform in which no players are advantaged over others (this means no “fast lanes” for those able to pay for content to often find that their toughest fight comes afterwards. be delivered more quickly). And the FCC agrees with the President that By John Yemma love of family, of faith and steadi- wanted to bury part of?’ Their wel- Internet companies shouldn’t be able to block content or degrade its de- Christian Science Monitor ness. Scott’s account is not easy come was remarkably warm, and livery. When Scott Peterson embedded reading. But knowing just a little of open, as it was a decade before. However, the FCC doesn’t seem to share Mr. Obama’s enthusiasm for with the marines in Raider Platoon what these marines went through “But when I visited the family reclassifying Internet providers as “common carriers.” This classifica- in 2004, they couldn’t understand can help us understand what we ask of one marine who had been par- tion would give the government the power to ensure that companies such why he would agree to go weapon- of, and owe, our warriors. ticularly affected by post-traumatic as Comcast and Verizon treat all traffic that flows across their networks less with them into what they knew You may also be curious about stress after Fallujah, his stepfather with evenhandedness. But, industry groups say, it would also threaten the would be extremely dangerous the storyteller himself, the unarmed asked me an obvious question, entrepreneurial spirit that led to the growth of the Internet in the first house-to-house combat in the Iraqi guy who became an invisible mem- within a minute of sitting down: place, since government regulation could choke out innovation. city of Fallujah. They offered him ber of this band of brothers. I’ll let ‘Why has nothing happened to Wheeler noted in his statement that common-carrier reclassification an M-16 assault rifle. No thanks. At Scott tell you about that: you?’ “brings with it policy issues that run the gamut from privacy to universal least a pistol? Still no. He was a “One of the most unexpected “It was a sudden question, but service to the ability of federal agencies to protect consumers.” Transla- witness, a journalist carrying cam- blessings of my presence was for one I had grappled with many times tion: the FCC needs more time to consider whether reclassifying Internet eras and a notebook. Scott spent a the families, who normally had no before while doing this work for 26 providers — including mobile providers such as T-Mobile — as common month with Raider Platoon in one idea where their marines or soldiers years. I have been affected, of carriers, subject to increased government regulation, is really in the best of the most intense battles of the are — but during Fallujah were able course, and I have cried.... But I interest of consumers. Iraq War. What they went through, to read and see daily reports and long ago created a firewall in my The FCC also wants to make sure its case is legally airtight before it he went through — and docu- photographs. It was good in one mind, which separates my work and announces any rule changes. The Commission’s 2010 Open Internet Rules mented. And it is no exaggeration way — they could follow the fight its occasional horrors on one side, made demands on Internet providers that were very similar to what’s on to say they went through hell. — but also led to some days of anxi- and on the other all the love and the table now — no blocking, no prioritization, an obligation to be trans- Scott tracked down these men 10 ety, if there appeared to be gaps in healing I draw from my family — parent about how traffic is handled — but were struck down by the D.C. years later. They came home, but coverage. and give in return.” Circuit Court in January because the FCC wasn’t able to prove it had the most couldn’t leave Fallujah be- “I was anxious to contact them Warrior or civilian, we can’t es- authority to impose those requirements. hind. The toll on them and their all after a decade, unaware of what cape the pain and suffering of the Reclassifying broadband providers as common carriers would be one loved ones — the alcohol, violence, their state of mind might be: ‘Hi, world. We can all broaden our fam- way to establish that authority, but the Commission would need to prove depression, and suicidal thoughts remember me? Do you mind if I ily, however, to embrace the that this change will benefit consumers and the Internet as a whole. Wheeler — has been devastating. But after come to your home, meet your wife wounded and traumatized, the lost wants to make sure he can make that case, and says that the FCC needs a tortuous decade, there are also and kids, and ask you questions and bereft. We can all choose the “more time to examine these to ensure that whatever approach is taken, it many stories of redemption, of the about an event you may have side of life, love, and healing. can withstand any legal challenges it may face.” Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 Labato Obama, Republican leaders on (Continued from Page 1) 8) Owens lied in his assertions Ms. Lobato’s unrebutted new expert collision course over immigration forensic evidence Bailey died after 8 p.m. isn’t important. (OA at 10) The truth is the State conceded at trial she was in Panaca 165 miles from Las President Obama hosted a lunch Friday with congressional leaders aimed Vegas at that time, so it is impossible she committed his homicide. 9) Owens lied, “We have here a couple statutory remedies that Ms. at finding common ground. But House Speaker John Boehner warned Lobato could avail herself of. ... and the other is a motion for DNA test- Obama that a unilateral move on immigration would be harmful. ing...” (OA at 12) The truth is Ms. Lobato’s petition for post-conviction By Linda Feldmann move “executive amnesty.” executive action on immigration, as DNA testing of crime scene evidence — including semen recovered from Christian Science Monitor The White House press office’s promised, he will have presented Bailey’s rectum — was vigorously opposed by the Clark County D.A. WASHINGTON — President readout on the lunch contained one Republicans with an exquisite di- and denied by Judge Valorie Vega. The Nevada Supreme Court dismissed Obama and congressional leaders line about immigration, separate lemma. her appeal, “Because the order is not appealable.” of both parties broke bread Friday from the discussion of areas of com- To win the 2016 presidential The foregoing is only a partial litany of Owens’ gross dishonesty at the White House for a post-elec- mon ground. election, the Republican Party must throughout his argument. It was a continuation of Owens’ dishonesty re- tion discussion on the issues of the “The president reiterated his dramatically improve its perfor- lated to Ms. Lobato’s case. His false public statements to KLAS-TV (Las day, including areas of possible commitment to taking action on mance among Latino voters. And Vegas), the Associated Press, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and in compromise — and some immigration reform in light of the to do that, it must get beyond the documents filed in the Nevada Supreme Court, are detailed in a letter longstanding areas of disagreement. House’s inability to pass a compre- issue of immigration reform. That sent to Clark County District Attorney Steven Wolfson dated July 3, 2012. The lunch came three days after hensive bill,” the statement said. hasn’t happened, despite last year’s That letter states: “Mr. Owens’ pervasive dishonesty is a gravely serious a sweeping Republican victory in The office of House Speaker call by party leaders to “embrace matter.” (p. 11) (The letter is online at, Tuesday’s midterm elections, in John Boehner (R), in its own read- and champion comprehensive im- wolfsonletter.pdf.) Wolfson’s inaction is evidence he expects less hon- which the GOP won control of the out of the meeting, also mentioned migration reform” in a report for the esty from his deputies than responsible parents expect from their four- Senate. In opening remarks, Mr. immigration - in no uncertain terms. RNC on the party’s failures in year-old child. Obama congratulated the Republi- “The speaker warned that uni- the 2012 election. The Supreme Court has the authority to hold Owens in contempt of cans for running a strong campaign, lateral action by the president on Part of the problem, Priebus said court for his dishonest and deceptive conduct and impose sanctions, and and then noted the frustrations of executive amnesty will erase any at the breakfast, is that Republicans to refer him to the State Bar of Nevada for investigation. Americans over Washington’s in- chances of doing immigration re- can’t agree on exactly what that Owens’ unrestrained dishonesty that denied Ms. Lobato her right to a ability to solve problems. form and will also make it harder means. But they do agree, he said, fair hearing is “good cause” for the Court to exercise its authority to sua “I think they’re frustrated by the for Congress and the White House that US borders need to be secure sponte strike his arguments from consideration of her appeal. The Ne- gridlock,” the president said at the to work together successfully on before Congress can make any vada Supreme Court should hold Steven S. Owens accountable for his table in the Old Family Dining other areas where there might oth- more moves on immigration — and contemptible conduct and take the most extreme actions possible to pro- Room. “They’d like to see more erwise be common ground,” said bypassing Congress will only poi- tect Ms. Lobato’s rights, and the integrity of the Court and its deliberation cooperation. And I think all of us the statement from Speaker son the president’s already tense process. have the responsibility, me in par- Boehner’s office. relationship with Republicans. Hans Sherrer is President of the Justice Institute based in Seattle, Wash- ticular, to try to make that happen.” Earlier Friday, at a press break- At his post-election press con- ington, that promotes awareness of wrongful conviction and conducted a Topics on the table included fast hosted by The Christian Sci- ference on Wednesday, Obama said post-conviction investigation of Ms. Lobato’s case. Its website is, jobs, education, Ebola, and the Is- ence Monitor, Republican National he needed to proceed with execu- lamic State. Committee (RNC) Chairman tive action on immigration, because Then there’s immigration — the Reince Priebus called Obama’s he had made a commitment to do issue that threatens to blow up pledge to take executive action on so. Then he aimed a message at Obama’s relationship with the GOP immigration “a nuclear threat to Congress. NA Meeting Change leadership, even before the new reject the basis of the separation of “You send me a bill that I can Congress is seated in January. At powers doctrine.” Later he likened sign, and those executive actions go The “Just For Today” meeting issue is Obama’s pledge to take ex- it to “throwing a barrel of kerosene away,” the president said. ecutive action on immigration be- on the fire.” Mr. Priebus said Re- Obama has faced intense pres- will be moving from the 51 Club fore the end of the year, likely grant- publicans would explore options to sure for months from Latino groups ing relief from deportation to sev- stop Obama’s move, both legal and and immigration activists to provide to 206 South Texas Avenue, eral million people in the United legislative. relief for at least some of the 11 States illegally. Critics call such a If Obama does press ahead with (See Immigration, Page 5) Henderson. Gonzales First meeting will be held on (Continued from Page 1) Gonzales, a social work student prostituted himself off as a paid with the hospital social worker, as who had no prior dealings with CPS expert for a medical procedure that Saturday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. she felt that a conversation would and had no history of violence. he had never conducted any re- help to assuage any misgivings that Baby Elgin’s father had chosen to search on. All this would be discov- This will be a campfire meeting, the social worker may have had be present at Family Court, instead ered much later. about the baby’s home life. She also of at the hospital with his son, as After the Family Court hearing also on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. noted that despite the coldness from an act of support for Gonzales. on July 18, CPS Investigator Paula hospital staff that the family had ex- What was immediately noted was Moore gave Gonzales and Eugene All are welcome. perienced prior, in contrast, many that the CPS worker who had taken their respective paperwork to be people now approached her regard- it upon herself to remove the chil- drug tested. Moore also told Please spread the word. less of police protocol, to reassure dren, Child Development Special- Gonzales that she would reinstate her about the baby’s recovery. ist Violeta Menjivar, was not her to visit her baby at the hospital, Remember we don’t use no When Gonzales arrived at the hos- present. Menjivar had not returned provided she behaves herself. pital on July 17 she found her son any of the phone messages left for On the way to the testing facil- MATTER WHAT! being wheeled around PICU in a her by Gonzales. ity, Gonzales called her court ap- wagon, while his demeanor and CPS Investigator Paula Moore pointed attorney, Denise Gallagher, behavior were once again that of her invited Gonzales and Eugene to sit and placed the call on speaker, so NA baby Elgin! in the two seats at the front of the that all could hear what the attor- The UMC Children’s Hospital courtroom. Hearing Moore explain ney had to say. Gallagher told her Nevada social worker, Dr. Cynthia the baby’s condition was the first that she would instruct her as she Hull, a heavy-gaited woman who time that the family had been privy does all of her clients, “NOT to take does not take well to people pre- to any medical information about the drug or polygraph tests –– that suming to be at her intellectual their baby. It soon became appar- even though CPS tells you that do- level, was not the voice of reason ent to this inexperienced family ing so will get you your baby back that the grandmother had hoped for; group that CPS was also charging sooner, it won’t.” As Gallagher did so mother and grandmother instead the absent parent, Eugene, with not know Rhiannon Gonzales or her made an appointment with Dr. child abuse. Moore stated that there situation, she did what she felt was Hull’s supervisor, UMC Director of were too many discrepancies in- the safest thing to do by instructing Social Services, Vidya Ramanan. volved in this case for the children her not to take the tests. Eugene, Ramanan would prove herself help- to remain with their natural mother, however, did not contact his attor- ful time and time again in the that the rest of the family lived in ney and went straight away to take months to come. California and that it would be in the drug test. He tested clean. Shortly after they returned to the best interest of the baby to re- After the experiences in Family Elgin’s room, Detective Monique main a ward of the State of Nevada. Court and the hospital, the family Bulmer and two CPS workers, one The family court Judge, Frank realized the severity of the situ- of whom was CPS Senior Family Sullivan, then assigned court ap- ation. Aside from their main con- Services Specialist Investigator pointed attorneys to Gonzales and cern, being the condition of the Paula “PJ” Moore, entered the room Eugene. baby, they had naively believed that saying that they were there to speak At the time, the family was not for the sake of all children’s safety to Gonzales and told Gonzales’ aware that, in actuality, most of the they simply needed to go through mother to leave. While Gonzales’ discrepancies in the case were con- the process and that justice would mother was waiting she observed tained within the various medical prevail. the CPS workers and detective evaluations, nor were they aware Next week: LVMPD Detective huddled in the corner of the com- that the accusing doctor, Neurosur- Monique Bulmer, accompanied by mon area with Dr. Cynthia Hull and geon Jason Garber, did not have a a male officer, Enrique a very young girl also wearing a lab very good reputation among his Hernandez, arrived at the hospi- coat, whom they would later learn patients or that he had previously tal. was Dr. Natalie Darro, a second- year resident who had taken it upon herself to embellish the symptom details of the fall in her intake as- sessment and would later add more fuel to the fire by contributing her own lethal comments (#2). Shortly afterward, the CPS workers took mother and grandmother into a small room, in the same hallway that Hull had been observed on her cell phone earlier, and told them that they were being removed from the hospital because they did not know how to behave. The last thing they saw as they were escorted onto the elevator by the CPS workers, who were again joined by Hull, was the gloating look on Dr. Hull’s hateful countenance. A formal complaint against Dr. Cynthia Hull has since been filed with the National Asso- ciation of Social Workers and the Board of Examiners. July 18, 2013: Gonzales appears in Family Court accompanied by her mother, her grandmother and Elgin’s father, Eugene. This was the first experience in Family Court for Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 Obama, Republican leaders on Labato (Continued from Page 1) When Veterans Day wasn’t in November 8) Owens lied in his assertions Ms. Lobato’s unrebutted new expert collision course over immigration forensic evidence Bailey died after 8 p.m. isn’t important. (OA at 10) The truth is the State conceded at trial she was in Panaca 165 miles from Las Veterans Day has its roots in Armistice Day, the commemoration of the end of World War President Obama hosted a lunch Friday with congressional leaders aimed Vegas at that time, so it is impossible she committed his homicide. 9) Owens lied, “We have here a couple statutory remedies that Ms. I. Many U.S. citizens know that — or at least learned it at one point in school. But here’s at finding common ground. But House Speaker John Boehner warned Lobato could avail herself of. ... and the other is a motion for DNA test- Obama that a unilateral move on immigration would be harmful. ing...” (OA at 12) The truth is Ms. Lobato’s petition for post-conviction what many don’t know, or have forgotten: Veterans Day had a walkabout period. By Peter Grier was enshrined on the first Monday By Linda Feldmann move “executive amnesty.” executive action on immigration, as DNA testing of crime scene evidence — including semen recovered from Christian Science Monitor in September, while Columbus Day Christian Science Monitor The White House press office’s promised, he will have presented Bailey’s rectum — was vigorously opposed by the Clark County D.A. WASHINGTON — November was shifted from October 12 to the WASHINGTON — President readout on the lunch contained one Republicans with an exquisite di- and denied by Judge Valorie Vega. The Nevada Supreme Court dismissed 11 is a fitting date for Veterans Day. second Monday in October. Obama and congressional leaders line about immigration, separate lemma. her appeal, “Because the order is not appealable.” After all, it is a holiday that has its And Veterans Day got the boot of both parties broke bread Friday from the discussion of areas of com- To win the 2016 presidential The foregoing is only a partial litany of Owens’ gross dishonesty roots in Armistice Day, the com- from Nov. 11 to the last October at the White House for a post-elec- mon ground. election, the Republican Party must throughout his argument. It was a continuation of Owens’ dishonesty re- memoration of the end of fighting Monday. tion discussion on the issues of the “The president reiterated his dramatically improve its perfor- lated to Ms. Lobato’s case. His false public statements to KLAS-TV (Las in World War I. And the guns of the Lots of veterans groups did not day, including areas of possible commitment to taking action on mance among Latino voters. And Vegas), the Associated Press, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and in Great War fell silent at 11 a.m. on like this switch from the beginning. compromise — and some immigration reform in light of the to do that, it must get beyond the documents filed in the Nevada Supreme Court, are detailed in a letter Nov. 11, 1918. They thought it disrespected the longstanding areas of disagreement. House’s inability to pass a compre- issue of immigration reform. That sent to Clark County District Attorney Steven Wolfson dated July 3, 2012. Many U.S. citizens know that — holiday’s origin. While most states The lunch came three days after hensive bill,” the statement said. hasn’t happened, despite last year’s That letter states: “Mr. Owens’ pervasive dishonesty is a gravely serious or at least learned it at one point in went along and switched their own a sweeping Republican victory in The office of House Speaker call by party leaders to “embrace matter.” (p. 11) (The letter is online at, school. But here’s what many don’t observance of Veterans Day to Tuesday’s midterm elections, in John Boehner (R), in its own read- and champion comprehensive im- wolfsonletter.pdf.) Wolfson’s inaction is evidence he expects less hon- know, or have forgotten: Veterans match that of the federal govern- which the GOP won control of the out of the meeting, also mentioned migration reform” in a report for the esty from his deputies than responsible parents expect from their four- Day had a walkabout period. From ment, two did not: Mississippi and Senate. In opening remarks, Mr. immigration - in no uncertain terms. RNC on the party’s failures in year-old child. 1971 to 1978, the federal govern- South Dakota. Obama congratulated the Republi- “The speaker warned that uni- the 2012 election. The Supreme Court has the authority to hold Owens in contempt of ment officially celebrated the holi- These holdouts quickly began to cans for running a strong campaign, lateral action by the president on Part of the problem, Priebus said court for his dishonest and deceptive conduct and impose sanctions, and day on the fourth Monday in Octo- attract defectors. According to a and then noted the frustrations of executive amnesty will erase any at the breakfast, is that Republicans to refer him to the State Bar of Nevada for investigation. ber. It wasn’t linked to the end of U.S. Army history of the holiday, Americans over Washington’s in- chances of doing immigration re- can’t agree on exactly what that Owens’ unrestrained dishonesty that denied Ms. Lobato her right to a any war at all, chronologically Louisiana and Wisconsin went back ability to solve problems. form and will also make it harder means. But they do agree, he said, fair hearing is “good cause” for the Court to exercise its authority to sua speaking. to Nov. 11 in 1972. In 1974, seven “I think they’re frustrated by the for Congress and the White House that US borders need to be secure sponte strike his arguments from consideration of her appeal. The Ne- The cause of this date-shuffling more states followed suit, includ- gridlock,” the president said at the to work together successfully on before Congress can make any vada Supreme Court should hold Steven S. Owens accountable for his was the Uniform Monday Holiday A military honor guards from different branches of the U.S. Armed Forces march along the Vietnam Veterans ing Kentucky and Connecticut. Six- table in the Old Family Dining other areas where there might oth- more moves on immigration — and contemptible conduct and take the most extreme actions possible to pro- Act of 1968. Signed into law by Wall Memorial in Washington, Tuesday, during the commemoration of Veterans Day. teen flipped back in 1975. Room. “They’d like to see more erwise be common ground,” said bypassing Congress will only poi- tect Ms. Lobato’s rights, and the integrity of the Court and its deliberation Washington waved the white cooperation. And I think all of us the statement from Speaker son the president’s already tense process. then-President Johnson, this bill’s flag. In September 1975, Congress have the responsibility, me in par- Boehner’s office. relationship with Republicans. Hans Sherrer is President of the Justice Institute based in Seattle, Wash- purpose was to create more three- CTVFR passed an amendment to the holi- ticular, to try to make that happen.” Earlier Friday, at a press break- At his post-election press con- ington, that promotes awareness of wrongful conviction and conducted a day weekends for federal employ- day act restoring Veterans Day to Topics on the table included fast hosted by The Christian Sci- ference on Wednesday, Obama said post-conviction investigation of Ms. Lobato’s case. Its website is, (Continued from Page 1) before the election. founders were taking no chances ees. Nov. 11, effective as of 1978. Presi- jobs, education, Ebola, and the Is- ence Monitor, Republican National he needed to proceed with execu- for voter rights, but voters’ rights Candidates Victoria Seaman (R), that\ voters would be misled. Citi- Its backers envisioned a dent Ford quickly signed it into law. lamic State. Committee (RNC) Chairman tive action on immigration, because activists across the country. The ar- Assembly 34 and Shelly Shelton zens Task Force for Voters Rights spillover effect in which more and “This action supports the ex- Then there’s immigration — the Reince Priebus called Obama’s he had made a commitment to do guments usually center around the (R), both running in districts with co-founder Julie Herford worked more of the country would get this pressed will of the overwhelming issue that threatens to blow up pledge to take executive action on so. Then he aimed a message at topics of: people registering under voter registrations in favor of with both candidates to assist them bunched leisure time, perhaps majority of our State Legislatures, Obama’s relationship with the GOP immigration “a nuclear threat to Congress. NA Meeting Change the names of deceased citizens, Democrats, found themselves with in educating voters with signage boosting holiday-related busi- all major veterans service organi- leadership, even before the new reject the basis of the separation of “You send me a bill that I can double registering or even voting opponents who felt that it was okay and volunteers to be at each loca- nesses. It’s unclear whether they zations and many individuals,” said Congress is seated in January. At powers doctrine.” Later he likened sign, and those executive actions go without citizenship, machine ma- to not reside in the district while still tion handing out fliers and holding foresaw holiday mattress and new The “Just For Today” meeting Ford at the time. “I believe restora- issue is Obama’s pledge to take ex- it to “throwing a barrel of kerosene away,” the president said. nipulation, and a host of other is- signing the Declaration of Candi- signs. Lisa Mayo-DeRiso, a publi- car blowout sales spreading across tion of the observance of Veterans ecutive action on immigration be- on the fire.” Mr. Priebus said Re- Obama has faced intense pres- sues, all of which can compromise dacy and swore to the following cist, held a press conference and the nation as well. will be moving from the 51 Club Day to November 11 will help pre- fore the end of the year, likely grant- publicans would explore options to sure for months from Latino groups the democratic system Americans NRS statute: Bon Frank filed a complaint with The Holiday Act took effect in serve in the hearts and lives of all ing relief from deportation to sev- stop Obama’s move, both legal and and immigration activists to provide hold dear. Yet critics say that voter NRS293.181Declaration of resi- the Nevada Public Integrity Unit. 1971. Under the new law, George to 206 South Texas Avenue, Americans the spirit of patriotism, eral million people in the United legislative. relief for at least some of the 11 fraud is an exaggerated and even dency required of candidate for of- In addition, Nic Alfonsetti trained Washington’s Birthday was moved the love of country and the willing- States illegally. Critics call such a If Obama does press ahead with (See Immigration, Page 5) Henderson. nonexistent issue and often refuse fice of State Legislator. election observation volunteers and from Feb. 22 to the third Monday to act. 1. A candidate for the office of coordinated post election audit ob- in February. Memorial Day, for- ness to serve and sacrifice for the But the Supreme Court an- State Senator, Assemblyman or As- servations. merly May 30, was moved to the common good symbolized by this Gonzales First meeting will be held on very special day.” (Continued from Page 1) Gonzales, a social work student prostituted himself off as a paid swered this question in 2008 when semblywoman must execute and If the Democratic candidates had last Monday in May. Labor Day with the hospital social worker, as who had no prior dealings with CPS expert for a medical procedure that Saturday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. it upheld Indiana’s voter ID law. file with his or her declaration of been elected, the Nevada Constitu- she felt that a conversation would and had no history of violence. he had never conducted any re- “Flagrant examples of such fraud... candidacy or acceptance of candi- tion would have allowed the Leg- help to assuage any misgivings that Baby Elgin’s father had chosen to search on. All this would be discov- This will be a campfire meeting, have been documented throughout dacy a declaration of residency islature to seat them; another issue Immigration the social worker may have had be present at Family Court, instead ered much later. this Nation’s history by respected which must be in substantially the that CTFVR will deal with in the (Continued from Page 4) about the baby’s home life. She also of at the hospital with his son, as After the Family Court hearing also on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. historians and journalists,” the court following form: 2015 Legislative session. Fortu- million people in the U.S. illegally. His move in 2012 to defer depor- noted that despite the coldness from an act of support for Gonzales. on July 18, CPS Investigator Paula said, “[and] not only is the risk of I, the undersigned, do swear or nately, both eligible candidates tations for people brought into the U.S. illegally as children, but pres- hospital staff that the family had ex- What was immediately noted was Moore gave Gonzales and Eugene All are welcome. voter fraud real but that it could af- affirm under penalty of perjury that won. sure soon grew to add more categories of people for deferred depor- perienced prior, in contrast, many that the CPS worker who had taken their respective paperwork to be fect the outcome of a close elec- I have been a citizen resident of this “CTFVR is dedicated to making tation. He had initially promised to make a move by summer of 2014, people now approached her regard- it upon herself to remove the chil- drug tested. Moore also told Please spread the word. tion.” State as required by NRS 218A.200 sure our voting process is secure for then delayed until after the election. less of police protocol, to reassure dren, Child Development Special- Gonzales that she would reinstate Citizens Task Force for Voters and have actually, as opposed to all voters, regardless of party affili- If Obama does take executive action deferring deportations, and her about the baby’s recovery. ist Violeta Menjivar, was not her to visit her baby at the hospital, Remember we don’t use no Rights was founded based on the constructively, resided at the fol- ation,” added Lisa Mayo-DeRiso. Republicans try to undo it either in Congress or in court, that could When Gonzales arrived at the hos- present. Menjivar had not returned provided she behaves herself. premise the Supreme Court set forth lowing residence or residences Citizen Task Force for Voter deal a major blow to the GOP’s efforts to woo Latinos. What would pital on July 17 she found her son any of the phone messages left for On the way to the testing facil- MATTER WHAT! in that statement, when it said that since November 1 of the Rights follow is anybody’s guess, but there’s no doubt that Obama and the being wheeled around PICU in a her by Gonzales. ity, Gonzales called her court ap- “the risk is real.” CTVFR, a non- precedingyear. Election Fraud Hotline 702-557- newly empowered Republican leaders in Congress are engaging in a wagon, while his demeanor and CPS Investigator Paula Moore pointed attorney, Denise Gallagher, partisan group, is on a mission to Both Ms. Seaman and Ms. 9369 or Email high-stakes game of chicken. behavior were once again that of her invited Gonzales and Eugene to sit and placed the call on speaker, so NA reduce that risk in Nevada, and Shelton filed complaints with the [email protected]. baby Elgin! in the two seats at the front of the that all could hear what the attor- bring trustworthiness and transpar- Secretary of State, but received no The UMC Children’s Hospital courtroom. Hearing Moore explain ney had to say. Gallagher told her ency, and security to the Nevada action, so they were forced to file Nevada social worker, Dr. Cynthia the baby’s condition was the first that she would instruct her as she election process and the citizens it in court, with both of them getting Hull, a heavy-gaited woman who time that the family had been privy does all of her clients, “NOT to take is meant to serve. a ruling by two different judges that does not take well to people pre- to any medical information about the drug or polygraph tests –– that While CTVFR delved deep into their opponents Meghan Smith and suming to be at her intellectual their baby. It soon became appar- even though CPS tells you that do- trying to figure out how the elec- Jesse Holder were “ineligible and level, was not the voice of reason ent to this inexperienced family ing so will get you your baby back tion process in Nevada is protected, disqualified as a candidate for As- that the grandmother had hoped for; group that CPS was also charging sooner, it won’t.” As Gallagher did the general election was proving to sembly.” so mother and grandmother instead the absent parent, Eugene, with not know Rhiannon Gonzales or her have some additional election is- However, the Democrats and made an appointment with Dr. child abuse. Moore stated that there situation, she did what she felt was sues come up: the issue of resi- their leadership continued to assist Hull’s supervisor, UMC Director of were too many discrepancies in- the safest thing to do by instructing dency. both Smith and Holder to cam- Social Services, Vidya Ramanan. volved in this case for the children her not to take the tests. Eugene, In Assembly Districts 10 and 34, paign, continuing to tell voters that Ramanan would prove herself help- to remain with their natural mother, however, did not contact his attor- two Republican candidates, were they were eligible. ful time and time again in the that the rest of the family lived in ney and went straight away to take battling their own Secretary of Clark County Registrar did post months to come. California and that it would be in the drug test. He tested clean. State issues, which were pro- signage at each voting location to Shortly after they returned to the best interest of the baby to re- After the experiences in Family pelled into legal battles right alert candidates, but CTFVR Elgin’s room, Detective Monique main a ward of the State of Nevada. Court and the hospital, the family Bulmer and two CPS workers, one The family court Judge, Frank realized the severity of the situ- of whom was CPS Senior Family Sullivan, then assigned court ap- ation. Aside from their main con- Services Specialist Investigator pointed attorneys to Gonzales and cern, being the condition of the Paula “PJ” Moore, entered the room Eugene. baby, they had naively believed that saying that they were there to speak At the time, the family was not for the sake of all children’s safety to Gonzales and told Gonzales’ aware that, in actuality, most of the they simply needed to go through mother to leave. While Gonzales’ discrepancies in the case were con- the process and that justice would mother was waiting she observed tained within the various medical prevail. the CPS workers and detective evaluations, nor were they aware Next week: LVMPD Detective huddled in the corner of the com- that the accusing doctor, Neurosur- Monique Bulmer, accompanied by mon area with Dr. Cynthia Hull and geon Jason Garber, did not have a a male officer, Enrique a very young girl also wearing a lab very good reputation among his Hernandez, arrived at the hospi- coat, whom they would later learn patients or that he had previously tal. was Dr. Natalie Darro, a second- year resident who had taken it upon herself to embellish the symptom details of the fall in her intake as- sessment and would later add more fuel to the fire by contributing her own lethal comments (#2). Shortly afterward, the CPS workers took Speak Up! mother and grandmother into a small room, in the same hallway that Hull had been observed on her If you have something cell phone earlier, and told them that they were being removed from the to say... say it on your hospital because they did not know how to behave. The last thing they saw as they were escorted onto the own radio show. elevator by the CPS workers, who were again joined by Hull, was the RadioTribune still gloating look on Dr. Hull’s hateful countenance. A formal complaint against Dr. Cynthia Hull has since has one hour of been filed with the National Asso- ciation of Social Workers and the airtime available. Board of Examiners. July 18, 2013: Gonzales appears For more information, in Family Court accompanied by her mother, her grandmother and Elgin’s father, Eugene. This was the call (702) 868-6398 first experience in Family Court for Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 Nevadans call on President Obama to keep his promise for undocumented immigrants living in the United States Special to the Las Vegas Tribune LAS VEGAS, NV — Wednes- day, November 5th, Nevadans gath- ered at the site of Nevada’s newest federal detention center to call on President Obama to keep his prom- ises and provide administrative re- lief for undocumented immigrants living in the United States, similar to the relief he provided for DREAMers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. President Obama promised ad- ministrative relief in August after the House of Representative’s fail- ure to do anything meaningful on immigration reform. He then pushed his self-imposed deadline to post-Labor Day, then post-election, and then “before the end of the year.” The time is now for immi- gration reform that keeps families together. Our families cannot wait. “Latino voters nationwide said that immigration reform is their top voting issue. They’ve made it clear that they expect our elected leaders to lead and walk the walk, not just Some Latinos are angry at President Obama because he hasn’t delivered on his promise of comprehensive immigration reform. Others are more talk or broken promises,” said frustrated that the president has dramatically increased the number of illegal immigrants who are deported back to their home countries. Astrid Silva, organizer for PLAN ones. We have waited long enough President Obama cannot give in to From The Desk and DACA recipient. “One thing is — and will not wait any longer. further delays or obstruction. (Continued from Page 1) ened the trial immensely, but were clear after the election: President Hilton Hotel. omitted and never produced. O. J. Obama must keep his promise, 2. The 1986-1994 bribery cases Simpson’s Constitutional Due Pro- seize the moment, and use his ad- of LVMPD Accident Investigators cess Rights were violated. Noted ministrative authority to deliver an manipulating traffic accident re- was Police misconduct, and Pros- immigration solution for millions of ports, favoring the highest bidder ecution misconduct. families and workers in this coun- defense attorneys. 8. The 2010 Costco, Eric Scott, try. We are running out of time and 3. The conspiracy to murder a Officer involved fatal shooting. The the President is out of excuses.” LVMPD registered narcotics infor- video camera that captured the en- The immigration reform move- mant, in April of 1996, in Alamo tire incident was tampered with by ment is united in holding President Nevada, after supplying drug deal- LVMPD, at the beginning and then Obama to his word and his legacy ers with the informant’s identity, later again, by a supposedly outside as President is at stake until he ex- and helping arrange for the murder video company, which was owned pands immediate relief from depor- investigation (documents, evi- and operated by a LVMPD em- tations for our families and loved dence, videos, audio tapes, reports, ployee. and accomplice’s identities) to sud- Eric Scott’s girlfriend mysteri- denly disappear on November 7, ously disappeared before the In- 2010, from a working detective’s quest, as did the ambulance driver desk–mine. that found the second gun on Eric 4. The murder of a French na- Scott’s body, in the ambulance, not tional, in the Clark County Detec- to mention the 20 plus witnesses tion center in 2001, named Phillip that were split on whether there was LeMann. This was totally covered a gun shown to the police by Eric up by LVMPD, and falsely pre- Scott, and the conflicting orders by sented to the Coroner’s Inquest. The the police to what Eric Scott was actual murderer/strangler is still supposed to do with the gun, at that employed in the jail, and after stran- time, before the shooting began. gling LeMann, was witnessed by Why did Eric Scott’s father drop the two co-workers, CO Michael lawsuit suddenly, regarding the ob- Atherton and CO Gregory Naglich, vious tampering of that crime scene. to be bragging about strangling Is there more coercion and intimi- LeMann, and fracturing his hyoid dation than meets the eye? bone and suffocating him. 9. The $42 million flawed Po- 5. The murder of LVMPD Of- lice Radio System. Maybe some- ficer Kevin Scott Dailey. The body should look to where the granddaddy of them all. Officer money went and whose pocket it Dailey does not show up for work, lined. Then another 26 million dol- and is considered AWOL at the lars to fix the flawed radio system, Clark County Detention center, in and it is still broken. Is there any the first part of November 2007. No truth to the fact that two highest- report is made, and co-workers who ranking police administrators went became inquisitive are told to mind to work for the Harris Radio Com- their own business, and not to dis- pany before the entire system was cuss his whereabouts, by orders of scraped, and the taxpayers were out LVMPD supervision. Three weeks a total of 68 million dollars? later a passerby notices a burned- 10. And last but not least, the out vehicle, belonging to Officer A.D. 2000 one-billion-dollar illegal Kevin Dailey, near Lake Mead. transfer of Nevada taxpayer mon- Henderson P. D. responds and im- ies into the private bank accounts pounds the vehicle, but still no fur- of EICON (Employee Insurance ther report of any kind. Co-work- Company of Nevada) by then At- ers form a voluntary search party, torney General Brian Sandoval, against the LVMPD’s wishes, and now Governor Brian Sandoval. The mysteriously find Officer Kevin submitted complaint against Dailey’s severed head approxi- EICON, by then Asst. Attorney mately 300 feet from where his General David Otto, Esq., in 2006, burned-out vehicle was found by still has never been addressed by the the passerby. The latest news is that Washoe County District Court. the Clark County Coroners Medi- The people that are aware of cal autopsy report was deleted from these wrongdoings and did nothing their computer data banks about six to expose or correct these wrong- hours after it was put in back in doings should hang their heads in December of 2007. total shame — they are nothing 6. The 2006 Suave Lopez officer more than cowards. As for the po- involved fatal shooting incident. lice officers that were aware of, or According to the Sgt. Supervisor at actively participated in, these the scene, he was told to re-con- wrongdoings and violated their struct the shooting scene and re- oath, you are all not fit to carry the photograph the scene, minus a badge, and I duly hope that you feel handgun and a briefcase from the the long arm of the Law finally undercover detective vehicle that catch up with you, and you suffer Suave Lopez was seated in, before your just rewards, like the criminals being shot in the back while run- that you are. ning away, still handcuffed. This IN GOD WE TRUST Sgt. Supervisor approached me Gordon Martines is a former twice and related this story, which LVMPD detective who has served is also in a legal deposition, created in many capacities over his 39-year in June/July 2013, and given to the career in law enforcement. He has FBI. been a candidate for sheriff in 2002, 7. The O.J. Simpson trial in 2006, 2010 and 2014, with the in- 2007. Evidence was intentionally tention of bringing integrity and ac- omitted from the trial (i.e., a digital countability back to the department, tape recording of a spontaneous and filed a federal lawsuit against voluntary confession by O.J. LVMPD in 2011. Martines now Simpson, also an officer’s report, an contributes his opinions and ideas arrest report, which both depict the to the Las Vegas Tribune to keep the voluntary spontaneous confession, public informed and help improve a Miranda Rights Card, and a Book- policing in Las Vegas. He has also ing Sheet, showing all charges and appeared on the Face the Tribune arresting officers. radio program several times to These items would have short- share his plan for a better LVMPD. November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7

A governmentE big enoughDITORIALS to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson Our Point of View We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t After sixteen years of publication licly and in private, for their contri- stituents do not have to suffer too se- Department 2 of District Court; we should be used to our enemies’ bution to the future of our city and rious consequences for not electing a Christine Guerci-Nyhus, who complaints and our critics’ deroga- reminded them that we, as a newspa- good sheriff to the reins of our Las worked so hard to establish honor tory comments, but sometimes we per, as a defender of the peoples’ Vegas Metropolitan Police Depart- and integrity in Department 8 of still feel the need to respond to some rights and as human beings, will be ment for the safety of the community District Court; Nick Perrino in De- of those cowardly anti-Las Vegas by their side if they decide to give the and the morale of the rank and file. partment 20, Jacob Hafter in Depart- Tribune types. voters another chance to correct their We believe that Cpt. Larry Burns ment 22, Craig Friedberg in Depart- We’re damned if we do and mistake of not voting for them. would have been a better choice and ment 23, in Department damned if we don’t, but to some We are very proud of all the judi- would have served the community at 24, as well as those in Family Court people anything or everything we cial candidates that our counterpart, a much higher level, but whoever that we already mentioned. do, write or broadcast is a reason to Radio Tribune, endorsed and we call made the other choice, the voters or We named all the judges and can- attack us and a good reason to try to it the peoples’ loss, not our particular maybe those who manipulated the didates that our own Radio Tribune take this organization to task. loss. votes county-wise, will have to live had endorsed because we want to Some people took the time to call People now will have to suffer the with the sad results of the outcome of prove to those anonymous callers our new offices to remind us that the consequences of their actions for an- that race. that we are not ashamed of our en- yard signs of candidates displayed other six years if in fact they did vote The Las Vegas Tribune is mainly a dorsement decisions, and if we re- in our old building as well as those for Judge Doug Smith in District local newspaper and we normally do moved the yard signs from the front in the new building have lost their Court Department 8 and elected Ri- not get too involved in statewide races of our office, it’s because the elec- bid for reelection or were not elected chard Scotti in Department 2 of Dis- but we did endorse some candidates tion is over, not because of their ha- to the seat they were running for and trict Court. in those races, such as Marc rassment. And besides, we don’t need by law, they have to be removed The voters and their families will Hutchison for Lt. Governor, Adam people who are too afraid to iden- within a certain time. have to take their frustrations home Laxalt for Attorney General, Kate tify themselves to tell us what to do After complying with the law –– with them for reelecting Judge Marshal for Secretary of State, Kim or not to do. and not because of those calls –– the Vincent Ochoa in Family Court or Willim for State Treasure, and Ed Keep in mind that POLITICAL signs were removed from the new electing a woman that does not have Uheling for State Senator. SIGN RULES AND REGULA- building; then other calls came in control of her drinking by lying on a Only the Lt. Governor and the At- TIONS for all 50 states say: asking or wanting to know if we re- bar counter showing her belly, instead torney General matched Radio “Political signs erected on private moved the signs because those can- of reelecting a decent, honest judge Tribune’s endorsements, but we are property that is adjacent to a state didates did not win the election and with no ties to anyone and no favors very proud of all the other candidates highway may be erected no more we were embarrassed. to pay back in Department J because even though voters were not able to than 60 days before a primary elec- There are many things that people the word Honorable before the name recognize their merits and qualifica- tion and must be removed within 30 can be doing with their time besides Kenneth Pollock never could be used tions. days after the primary election. persecuting or keeping the Las Ve- better in Family Court. We are proud of the fact that our Signs for candidates or questions ap- gas Tribune under surveillance. We are very happy that we had the counterpart, Radio Tribune, had the pearing on the general election bal- We are very proud of those friends opportunity of meeting and getting to common sense to endorse good and lot do not have to be removed until who took the time and who put their know every one of those candidates honorable judges such as Kerry Early, 30 days after the general election.” money where their mouth is and ran that Radio tribune has endorsed and Carolyn Ellsworth, Adriana Escobar, Our private property is not adja- for office with the intention of mak- that we proudly displayed their names and William Kephart, and candidates cent to a state highway and the ing our community a better one. in front of our two buildings, such as our very good friend and fan- thirty-day period is up on Decem- We already thanked them, pub- We hope that the Clark County con- tastic candidate John G. Watkins in ber 4 – so mind your own business. Juries, justice, and judgments: ON A PERSONAL NOTE Behind the scenes Vacation in Austin: A holiday By Perly Viasmensky touched her. The majority of law-abiding citizens who, You have probably read in the pages of from news and fun with my son innocently, still believe in the justice system, this newspaper about the case of Manuel By Maramis one in the family and when they find themselves facing a situ- Menendez, accused of molesting the grand- I know. Those who al- (, ation in a court of law, also believe in the daughter of his wife and sent to prison. When ways read my column will he is also unofficially funny nonsense of a jury by their peers, do not re- the mother of the little girl and supposed vic- wonder why I take so even when not on camera. alize that some of those “peers” can be their tim of molestation came back to Las Vegas many vacations. Well, it So in addition to watching worst enemies. and learned of the incident, a Motion for a can’t be because I’m try- all his humorous video clips, What do they know about those 12 people new trial was filed and the prosecutors hys- ing to get away from my I got to experience his nor- sitting in the jury box? Nothing, absolutely terically had a tantrum in the courtroom of job. I have the best job in mal interaction with his nothing. Some of them have been brain- Judge Jim Bixler demanding that the judge the world: the hours are older brother, who also came washed by the prosecutors, others are related not grant a new trial. good, my work suits me for the party. Seeing the two to or friends of law enforcement agents, who The mother of the little girl, the daughter to a “T,” I meet–and work of them together is always — even if they claim they can still be fair in of the woman accusing Menendez, testified with–a lot of interesting like watching them grow up their judgments — they are still stubborn in that every time her mother got divorced from people; and now — since all over again. You’d think their decisions according to the mentality of any of her husbands, she accused them of we moved into our new MARAMIS CHOUFANI they were looking forward to law enforcement agents and don’t even pay child molestation. The woman testified, “My building last month — my workplace is nicer being teenagers the way they act around each attention to the evidence presented in court. mother tried to do that when my father left than ever. And of course, there’s always other! Many others (and believe me, you’ll be her and wanted us to say that he molested Rolando. Knowing that I had a lot of work to do on surprised) are falling sleep during the whole us,” the woman said under oath. No, I didn’t take a vacation to get away the paper, even while here, Greg kept remind- trial, bored because the only reason they are The little girl also testified that she loves from — I took this vacation to come to... my ing me of that every time I wandered away sitting in that jury box is because they re- her grandpa, that he was always good to her, son’s home in Texas. To celebrate his birth- from the computer to interact with one of ceived a subpoena and they have no other and that she misses him very much. day! We’re just now winding down a three- them: “Are you working on an article about choice. Those are the ones waiting for other At the end Judge Bixler bowed to the day partython. Rolando might be able to un- how Carmen looks when she wakes up in the jurors to make a decision and so they can go wishes and commands of the prosecutors and derstand the “party hearty” concept since my morning?” or, as I stepped into the living along with the rest. sent the innocent man back to prison to fin- son‘s wife — and therefore all the relatives room to see which film noir was being We cannot forget the frustrated wives ish his sentence. on that side of the family — are Cuban. watched (Greg had received a box of 100 missing “action” at home and having the au- (See Viasmensky, Page 10) My son is not only the “official” funny Greatest Mystery Classics as a gift), he said, dacity to contact the out-of-state “Are you working on an article about defense attorney proposing dinner The Strange Love of Martha Ivers?” and “something else” when he Finally, when my oldest son, comes back to town. Frankie, was getting ready to leave If the attorney rejects the pro- for the airport and I was outside say- posal there is no question that the ing good-bye to him, Greg said, “So woman is going to go against the is the article you’re working on now attorney’s client. about how to say goodbye to your The sad part of all of this is that son? I didn’t think so!” He certainly the judge and the prosecutor are wanted to be sure I got my work both well aware of the indiscretion done! of that juror and yet goes along Well, right now Greg is on his with it. way to the airport to drop off his Because those “jurors of your brother, his wife, Carmen, is in her peers” lots of innocent people have room resting, Alek is picking up his been sent to prison. sister, Niki, at work, and the other Does anybody remember the grandparents are at their home. I am case of Robert Hayes who, in 1992, more or less all alone right now, ex- was wrongfully accused of molest- cept for Russell, the dog, who is ing his eight-year-old daughter? sleeping at my feet–so I should be That man spent 17 years of his life able to get some work done now. in prison for a crime he never com- And yes, it’s true: I haven’t had mitted. Why did that happen? Be- the news on at all since Friday. But I cause a deputy district attorney guess as I work on the paper I’ll get desperately wanting to win a case all caught up. The weather here is refused to listen to the explanation delightful, it feels good to see all the of the little girl who claimed over assorted family members again, and and over that her father never (See Maramis, Page 10) Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014

VEditors note:IEW The views expressed are entirely those of the writersP and do not necessarilyOINTS reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune. DPBH continues to stonewall You shouldn’t break into release of full marijuana scores other people’s homes. By Chuck Muth ery bit as exceptional and On Monday, the Ne- transparent and above Bad things happen! vada Division of Public special interest influence By Mace Yampolsky have warned Deyfon. Why and Behavioral Health as our gaming regulation Burglar’s relative says: didn’t YOU tell him: (DPBH) mailed out the re- system. “He could have used a ‘Deyfon, yo’ needs to quit sults of its three-month re- Unfortunately, the warning shot first...” breakin’ into those peoples’ view of over 500 applica- DPBH decision to with- From WTTC News in houses and stealin they tions for Medical Mari- hold the complete rating Dallas, we get this heart- XXX crap Someone is juana Establishment details — not only from warming tale of a long- goins to pop a cap in yo’ (MME) licenses. That the public, but from the time criminal, 33-year-old xxx BUTT’ ( I put the XXX same day, it published the applicants themselves — Deyfon Pipkin, who tried before I changed the words results on the Division’s is the exact opposite of an to climb in a window of a to less offensive syn- website for those appli- open and transparent sys- Texas home. onyms). cants who signed a “con- CHUCK MUTH tem; opening the process Dead burglar “In light of the steadily sent to release” form. up to suspicion of corruption on the part of The elderly owner oc- increasing cost of ammuni- The problem is the Division only pub- some applicants. cupant saw him and fired MACE YAMPOLSKY tion, coupled with the ris- lished partial scores. As such, on Wednesday afternoon I sub- one shot, ending Deyfon’s criminal career. ing scarcity of ammunition, a warning shot The ratings/rankings show only the to- mitted an official “public records request” As the police do, they came by to investi- is a frivolous and unnecessary expense.” tal number of points each applicant for an asking for the release of the full point scores gate, gathered the corpse, and then went to And, in this case a substantial savings of MME dispensary received without includ- for those applicants who signed a consent notify Deyfon’s family of his unfortunate taxpayer money was a side result... no in- ing the number of points awarded in each to release form. demise. It seems that the family was very vestigation expense, no jail time awaiting of the seven categories that were evaluated. Disappointingly, I received a response upset, because they showed up at the scene. trial, no expense of a trial, and no prison As such, the vast majority of dispensary later that afternoon from Pam Graber, the “He could have used a warning,” costs after sentencing. Don’t you just love applicants who did not receive a provisional Education and Information Officer for the Lakesha Thompson, Pipkins’ sister-in-law, it when things work out right? license from the State of Nevada have ab- Medical Marijuana Program, denying our complained. “He could have let him know Now I have been called (among other solutely no idea why their application was request. that he did have a gun on his property and choice words that cannot be repeated in a rejected. “The information you requested is not he would use it in self-defense.” This re- family newspaper) a hippie, communist, On Tuesday I sent an email to Pam available because it is included in NRS minds me of the guy that killed both his radical, freak, pinko, liberal subversive. Graber, the Education and Information Of- 453A.700. Documents created by the Di- parents and then asked the court for leniency But, I agree that one’s home is one’s castle. ficer for the Medical Marijuana Program, vision, if they are created from the confi- because he was an orphan. You gotta know when to hold ’em, know asking... dential applications, are considered confi- COMMENT FROM THE SIDELINE: when to fold ’em, know when to walk away “Are you releasing just the total scores... dential regardless of whether they provide “That’s certainly true, Lakesha. He could and know when to run. He should have or will the scores for each category be made identifying information.” also have invited him in and given him a done 2, 3, and 4, but he didn’t! Too bad! available, as well?” To buttress her denial, Ms. Graber cited beer, then helped him cart the TV out to the So sad! As Beretta said, “Don’t do the Ms. Graber’s response was... the following from NRS 453A.700... curb.” THIS IS AN EDITORIAL COM- crime if you can’t do the time!” “Scores for categories will not be re- “Except as otherwise provided in this MENT FROM SOMEONE IN TEXAS, Deyfon Pipkins is the latest winner of leased.” section, NRS 239.0115 and subsection 4 of NOT ME, BUT I CAN’T SAY THAT I the Darwin Award. He was just too stupid When the Nevada Legislature approved NRS 453A.210, the Division and any des- DISAGREE. to continue the species! the dispensary bill in the 2013 session, it ignee of the Division shall maintain the The Texas commenter continued. “Un- Mace J. Yampolsky is a Board Certified was clear the intent was to establish a world- confidentiality of and shall not disclose: fortunately for Deyfon, Texas is a Castle Criminal Law Specialist, 625 South Sixth class regulatory system for marijuana ev- (See Muth, Page 9) Doctrine state, (and the homeowner chose St., Las Vegas, NV 89101; He can be to shoot Deyfon, as is right and proper to reached at: Phone 702-385-9777 or fax do in Texas. 702-385-300. His website is located at: A Tale of Three Leaders “For that matter, Lakesha, you could By Doug Dickerson The optimistic leader The pessimist com- The optimistic leader plains about the wind; the has an easier path to the BEHIND THE MIKE optimist expects it to top. Why? For the oppo- change; the realist adjusts site reason the pessimistic NipsieNipsie the sails. — William leader will not reach it. NipsieNipsie Arthur Ward Optimism is the fuel that By Michael A. Aun ing you.” One of my favorite sto- drives you and it’s conta- We have a dog at home Dachshunds are noto- ries is from John Maxwell. gious. A healthy dose of which was born during the riously territorial and In it he shares about the optimism will give you Clinton administration. possessive. They’ll take turkey chatting it up with and your team the com- That officially makes him on dogs five times their the bull. “I would love to petitive advantage you old. He’s a cute little dachs- size just to make a point, be able to get to the top of need to climb your way to hund by the name of always hoping their mas- that tree,” sighed the tur- success. Nipsie, who was officially ter is close by to rescue key, “but I haven’t got the DOUG DICKERSON But is optimism alone named after the black them from bodily harm. energy.” enough or is more needed? Just as you need comic Nipsey Russell. When in the house, “Well,” replied the bull, “why don’t you a dream or a goal to shoot for, optimism My wife explains to me Nipsie and his predeces- nibble on some of my droppings? They’re alone is not sufficient. You must be awak- that dogs should officially sors investigated every packed with nutrients.” ened to your dream and work it. You can be named with an “ie” at obvious cavity of the The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and dream all day but until you go to work you the end, which explained home and some you found that it actually gave him enough are just a daydreamer. You need an opti- the names of Nipsie’s pre- MICHAEL A. AUN haven’t considered, rang- strength to reach the lowest branch on the mistic frame of mind that causes you to decessors, Ribbsie and Teenie, both of ing from the dishwasher, to the toilet, to tree. The next day, after eating some more believe that anything is possible-and it is- which were also dachshunds. I’d like to the garbage cans. His latest M-O is to ven- dung, he reached the second branch. Finally but you must channel that optimism through know where she got that interesting tidbit ture into the toy room where Ashley and after a fourth night, there he was proudly hard work and measureable results. of information. Ava are playing, searching for a belly rub perched on top of the tree. But he was An optimistic leader expects challenges Since Nipsie is older than dirt, he does or some other form of affection. promptly spotted by a hunter, who shot him and is prepared for them. But the optimis- three things these days, eat, sleep and poop. All dachshunds don’t respond the same. down out of the tree. tic leader needs to know how and when to All three require the loving attention of my Some remain territorial. For instance, I’ll The moral of the story: BS might get you pivot and be prepared to make adjustments. wife Christine. I look at this poor little rem- arrive late after a long day and I’ll bend to the top, but it won’t keep you there. It’s hard to remain optimistic for long if you nant of what he once was and I feel a lot of down the kiss my wife and Nipsie growls Every leader I know wants to make it to are going in the wrong direction. pity. Sadly, I look at him and I see myself and tries to bite me. Rank has its privilege the top. I’ve yet to find one that doesn’t The realistic leader in twenty years after I’ve outlived my use- I guess. want to be successful. Your leadership point The realistic leader knows how to dis- fulness. I’m in three to four homes a day in my of view — how you see your world, will cern the BS, adjust the sails, and make the The good news dogs and humans are liv- insurance practice and I’m always greeted set into motion the realities of your leader- best of every challenge and opportunity. ing longer, thanks to advances in medicine by dogs barking. I’ve found that the small- ship and to a certain extent the success you The leader wearing the realistic hat will tell in both worlds. The bad news... we’re liv- est dogs are the most dangerous. In 40 years have. Will your present leadership style get you the truth no matter how sobering it may ing longer and we’re unable to do the things of entering people’s homes, I was never bit- you to the top? Will it keep you there? Here be. It may sound something like this, we used to do. ten until this year. are three style of leadership for your con- “Times are tough. We’re not where we want I can’t remember the last time Nipsie As I was entering the client’s home, she sideration. to be or should be. We’ve been blindsided, actually barked. I guess he says to himself shooed away the bulk of the dogs but de- The pessimistic leader and at times we’ve dropped the ball. We’re “Why waste the energy?” My guess is that cided to pick up her smallest and most ag- This is the leader who always sees the going to make some changes and if we will is almost totally deaf and nothing registers gressive, a dachshund. She cradled the dog glass half empty. For this leader the next pull together and work hard, together we these days. in her arms and proceeded to open the door. disaster is just around the corner and no one can turn this around.” It’s acknowledging He no longer runs and barely walks. The Because the entrance quarters were a bit is prepared for it. The pessimistic leader problems and accepting responsibility with days of taking him around the block for an tight, I had to pass in front of her. The dog assumes the worst and usually creates self- optimism still in place. evening walk are long gone. Poor thing was having none of that and she took a nice filling predictions. The realistic leader walks a tightrope. If can’t make it across the street these days. bite out of the muscular part of the arm, It’s hard to wrap our minds around this the tone is too harsh it can have negative So we keep him comfortable in his own leaving teeth marks that I still have today. type of leadership style but it’s one that in consequences. If the message is not deliv- little version of a nursing home (his inside It’s a good thing I had a long sleeve shirt some circles exists. The only thing more ered forcefully enough the perception can cage). He actually prefers to be outside be- on to buffer the bite. demoralizing than working for this type of be that problems are being swept under the cause he has no hair to warm him and the Nipsie’s prayers have to include asking leader is being one. But know this; a pessi- rug. But optimism devoid of reality sets warm Florida weather does a pretty good for forgiveness from every UPS driver and mistic leader is one by choice. The pessi- people up with a false hope. People need to job. every garbage truck. As often as they come, mistic leader is not the only leader to face know what’s optimistically within reach. The exception is during the blistering you’d think that he would get used to them. adversity, setbacks, personnel issues, eco- A realistic leader’s greatest asset in or- days of summer. No animal can take the Nowadays, he can’t even hear them, so he nomic challenges, etc. It comes with the der to be successful is trust. When people Florida heat. That’s when he comes inside lay quietly, sleeping 23 of every 24 hours territory. Then what’s the deal breaker? In trust their leader to not BS them and give it to his doggie day care center known as the every day. a word — attitude. to them straight, and have their backs, the cage. I envision Nipsie dreaming that he’s a The pessimistic leader’s lid of limitation sky is the limit as to how high they can go. Nipsie always has this innocent look on Judge dictating terms to me in his sleep. is his or her attitude. Until this leader drops Which type of leader are you? his face, as if to say, “I’m so glad you’re “First you’ll sit, then you’ll shake, then their pessimistic ways they never make it * * * * * home because somebody pooped on the you’ll roll over and then we’ll see if you’re to the top. Zig Ziglar was right when he Doug Dickerson is a syndicated colum- porch.” a good boy.” said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will nist. He writes a weekly column for this We used to have him in the house when Michael Aun is a syndicated columnist determine your altitude.” Change your at- newspaper. To contact Doug Dickerson, the family was trying to eat, but he always and writes a weekly column for this news- titude and you will change your point of email him at ddickerson@ had that look on his face: “Every meal you paper. To contact Michael Aun, email him view. make, every bite you take... I’ll be watch- at [email protected]. November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9

COMMENTARIESEditors note: The views expressed are entirely those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune. Four more years: The Metro Party Continues By Norman Jahn The results are in. Joe Lombardo’s $1,766,407 million in campaign contributions bought 154,046 votes (51.16 percent) and won another elitist election. Those who could afford to pay... will now get the police department that they wanted. On the other hand, Larry Burns raised $854,976 in campaign con- tributions and this landed him 147,065 votes (48.84 percent). Close — but no cigar! Since I have a calculator nearby, NORMAN JAHN I thought I would do a little math. I he just like his ‘buddy boys’ (see figure that voters were worth picture above) and the money he $11.50 each for Lombardo. Now if can make off the LVMPD while his further calculations are done we TV shows still pander the LVMPD? could figure the amount of money There are many community- donated by John Langley (Langley minded people in Las Vegas who and shakers’ that give money be- Lombardo said he would get to one that was the subject of an in- Productions — COPS) and see how have the financial resources to sup- cause it is good for their business! work on funding to hire more of- vestigation (police or civilian). In many votes he brought to port the police department. They do The end result is the same ficers because he believes that will other words, don’t do me any fa- Lombardo with his ‘investment’ in this in many ways and are often ‘off though, isn’t it? COPS makes have a direct impact on crime. Has vors when it is just doing the right the future of the LVMPD. Yes–pick the radar’ and don’t do it for public money because Metro has allowed anyone ever thought that crime will thing. There is also some confusion any contributor (individual or cor- recognition. I’m sure some of them video to be taken (and sold) for a always occur, some crime can NOT about the purpose and restrictions poration) and you could conclude also don’t want their names and profit that does NOT go to the be prevented no matter how many on writing a ‘COMMENTARY’ as that they have ‘invested’ in the fu- home addresses to show up on the LVMPD. Why would a nightclub police officers are working, and that compared to ‘hard’ reporting or in- ture of Metro — NOT necessarily campaign contribution reports donate thousands of dollars to a public safety is important but many vestigative reporting. For example, in the future of their community. where I have seen potentially ‘sen- candidate for sheriff? How about a members of the public feel endan- I can have an opinion about Joe Langley was quoted in a ‘vic- sitive’ information made available topless club owner who uses his gered by their own police depart- Lombardo’s Accelerated Executive tory’ story in the RJ. He called to the general public. name (not his company name)? I ment as much as they do by ‘crimi- Master’s Degree, but an ‘investiga- Lombardo a person with a ‘social If I had $10,000 (or more) to think the same holds true for attor- nals’ walking the streets. That is the tive reporter’ could have done ac- conscience’ and a ‘straight-shooter,’ donate, would I want my home ad- neys and others who have the op- TRUST FACTOR that is likely to tual research and examined records but I’m not sure that I would have dress made available to the public? portunity to do ‘business’ and make continue to be ignored — to the and presented this information to considered either to be a qualifica- I guess I would be less concerned a profit off the LVMPD. detriment of the ‘regular’ citizens the voters before the election. tion for the sheriff if I was to vote. with the safety of me and my fam- For the rest of the citizens in Las in Las Vegas. I recently had a long drive and Maybe this is just phrased a little ily if I lived in a gated neighbor- Vegas... you receive the quality of I recently received an electronic time to think. I hope that I will be differently than I am used to. If you hood or had security patrols. You police service that others (voters) communication from a high-rank- able to stick to my ‘after-election were to equate ‘social conscience’ never know who is going to try a gave you. If anyone can convince ing member of the LVMPD. After resolution’ to be more positive and with SERVING THE COMMU- home invasion robbery if money is me that the current method of elect- telling me how he feels ‘empty’ for to focus on improvements in polic- NITY then I’m good with that. If the motivator. The ‘regular’ people ing a sheriff produces the best per- how angry he believes I am, he re- ing. I’ve received some feedback you were to equate ‘straight in Las Vegas have to rely on public son for the job, then I am all ears. minded me of one time in our ca- about too much negativity and was shooter’ with TRUTHFULNESS police. Maybe the big donors are I’d much prefer ZERO campaign reers where we worked together and even asked if I felt safe when writ- and willingness to disclose informa- overestimating the response capa- funding... and zero campaigning on he did the right thing. I’ve always ing things that are frequently criti- tion that has been suppressed by bility of the LVMPD and don’t re- duty. Who really was the best man respected him for that and I’ve cal of the LVMPD. I had to reflect Sheriff Gillespie (i.e., the full record alize that a burglary or robbery is for the job? He certainly may have started virtually every conversation on the fact that if someone is mad of the Lt. Hans Walters family trag- probably impossible to prevent 100 been eliminated during the primary about him by telling the ‘story’ and at me I can’t even defend myself edy), then I would be thrilled. percent of the time. The point is that election and nobody will ever know. how I was ‘targeted’ in 2007. I ap- with a concealed weapon (that I A straight-shooter with a social I don’t think wealthy people in The bottom line is that everyone preciated simple fairness, but that believe I earned the right to carry conscience sounds like the streets ‘tough’ neighborhoods would be as (including current members of the should have been provided to any- (See Norm Jahn, Page 10) will be safer, doesn’t it? Lombardo confident if they donated $10,000 LVMPD) will have to live with can hit the target but he will con- and then realized that their ad- what has been purchased for them sider other impacts and use restraint dresses were made public. for the next 4 years and, as reporter Is it truth or a lie? because he has a ‘social con- PANDERER: “A person who Mike Blasky and Francis McCabe By Jerry Schafer science,’ right? Maybe he will en- furnishes clients for a prostitute or reported after the election, “The The Wild West (as it was called by people who lived in the eastern part sure that there will be no more supplies persons for illicit sexual baton at Metro has been passed.” of the United States) is not depicted in movies in an honest way. shootings like the one that took the intercourse; procurer; pimp.” An- They also noted, “With Gillespie Most stories set forth in western films are what I call ‘Hollywoodized.’ life of Sharmel Edwards or others other definition is; “a person who and former Sheriff Bill Young sup- As an example; the Gunfight at the OK Corral between Ike Clanton that could have been prevented with caters to or profits from the weak- porting him, Lombardo benefited and his sons and a few of his associates vs Wyatt Earp and his brothers more restraint. nesses or vices of others.” Let’s use from an almost 2-to-1 fundraising along with Dr. John (Doc) Holiday did not in fact happen at the OK Cor- But where does John Langley this second definition as it applies advantage. A large portion of his ral. live and why is he so committed to ‘supporters’ of Lombardo and financial support came from the In reality, this gunfight occurred in an empty lot in Tombstone, Ari- (and invested in) the current regime Metro. Does Langley ‘profit’ from casino industry, which has histori- zona in 1881. the weaknesses or vices of others? cally given money to the outgoing running Metro? I checked Clark Certainly an empty lot is not as visually exciting as the exterior of a sheriff’s hand-picked candidate. County Assessor records and didn’t I don’t mean to single him out... we horse corral so Hollywood “Hollywoodized” it and placed that gunfight see any property owned by Langley. could ask the same question of any And that candidate almost always where it would be more visually appealing and exciting to movie audi- Does he like Las Vegas and want to of the hotel-casino operators, night- wins... money talks in Las Vegas. In ences; hence we have the Gunfight at the OK Corral. see it receive the highest level of club operators, topless club opera- the end, the candidate with the best Now let’s look at the exploits of Chief Crazy Horse, Chief of the Oglala police SERVICE possible or does tors, attorneys, and other ‘movers funding won. Sioux Indians, who lead the charge against Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn (Custers Last Stand as it is called) which took place in Muth Eastern Montana. (Continued from Page 8) After receiving Ms. Graber’s selves, know where a potential op- Many Hollywood films have depicted this battle in a variety of ways (a)The contents of any applications, denial of our public records request, erator was strong and/or weak. and all of them ended with the same conclusion... Custer and the 7th records or other written documen- I made this exact argument in a fol- Only by releasing the point scor- Calvary troopers who were with him were all killed during this battle, tation that the Division or its desig- low-up email... ing by category can the public, not which by all historical accounts, was won by Indian Tribes who together nee creates or receives pursuant to “But the ratings and rankings to mention the applicants them- made up an undefeatable force of numbers against Custer and his men. the provisions of this chapter…” obviously aren’t included in this, at selves, know where a potential op- Movies depicting this battle depict it as taking lots of time as Custer But that claim simply doesn’t least as far as those applicants who erator needs to improve their busi- and his men defended themselves in the open, against thousands of Indi- hold water. signed the consent to release form. ness plan to be a successful MME ans, but in reality this battle as told by Two Moons, a chief of the Chey- If the DPBH is allowed, by law, Are the point scores per category operator in Nevada. enne tribe, said the battle lasted as long as it takes a hungry man to eat his to release and publish the total point available to the individual appli- Only by releasing the point scor- dinner! The point is, historical stories seem to be written in order to dramatize score for an MME applicant who cants themselves if they make such ing by category can the public, not the events that took place for the silver screen, or to make it more inter- signed a consent to release form, a request?” to mention the applicants them- esting to the reader rather than telling the truth of how, when or why then there clearly can be no reason Thursday morning I received the selves, know that the evaluation things really happened. whatsoever for not releasing the following curt reply... process was fair and untainted by Today it seems to me that the news media is much the same, sending point scores by category that added “We are developing a process for special interest influence. out stories that dramatize events that are taking place in the Middle East up to the total point score. providing scoring information.” Only by releasing the point scor- and in other parts of the world, rather than reporting the actual facts. It’s simply unacceptable that the “Developing a process”? ing by category can the public, not It seems that we must wait months, or maybe even years until the true DPBH can pick and choose, at its Come on. This is nothing more to mention the applicants them- facts of worldwide or domestic events are revealed and reported. Of course own discretion, what scoring infor- than filling out an elementary selves, judge Nevada’s new medi- by then, the boat sailed (as they say) and it’s too late to do anything about mation will and will not be released school report card and sending it cal marijuana regulatory system as it. to the public, let alone the individual home to mom and dad. world-class, just as our gaming It makes me wonder what, if anything, I read or any video I see depict- applicants. MME applicants have spent regulatory system is. ing current events are real. What part or parts of these stories are drama- If, for example, the DPBH pub- tens, if not hundreds of thousands Anything short of full transpar- tized or even changed in order to make good commercial copy? lished a rating score for Applicant of dollars, securing property, hiring ency in this regard will be embar- The sad truth is, it all comes down to dollars and cents in one way or X of 150, there’s no reason not to experts and completing the official rassing for the State of Nevada, the the other. break down that score thusly... licensing applications. Governor, the Legislature and the It seems that changing history as far back as one can imagine has been —Financial resources: 20 points And those applications weren’t DPBH. the way of things from the beginning of recorded history. —Business experience: 40 the kind of one-page application And expensive litigation — As an example, although it is difficult to determine the first time any- points you and I fill out to get a new Visa which inevitably will cost Nevada one celebrated December 25th as Christmas day, historians are in general —Patient convenience: 10 or MasterCard. Some of them were taxpayers a bundle! — is right agreement that it was sometime during the 4th century. This is an amaz- points thousands of pages long and around the corner. ingly late date because Christmas was not observed in Rome, the capital —Impact on the community: 10 weighed as much as a brick. DPBH should release those to- of the Roman Empire, until about 300 years after the death of Christ. points There are millions of dollars at tal point scores by category today. Its origins cannot be traced back to either the teachings or practices of —Size of facility: 10 points stake for the applicants, not to men- Not this weekend. Not on Monday. Christianity. —Security: 40 points tion the reputation of Nevada’s new Not next week. The question is; how will history portray the events taking place in the —Nevada tax contributions: 20 medical marijuana industry and Today. 21st century? points regulatory apparatus. Chuck Muth is president of Citi- What news reports or historical accounts will be accepted as fact, and —TOTAL: 150 points We all deserve better than this. zen Outreach, a non-profit public which will be seen as nothing more than another attempt to glorify some These are just numbers and Only by releasing the point scor- policy grassroots advocacy organi- things, paint horrifying pictures of others while the fact of the matter is, scores, not confidential application ing by category can the public, not zation. Muth may be reached by at the true facts of things that happen never seem to be revealed until, as I information. to mention the applicants them- [email protected]. have said, much later in time. Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 Sixth Circuit Same-Sex Marriage Ban Could Signal Imminent United States Supreme Court Involvement By Zachariah Parry an appeal. In the U.S. Supreme the Supreme Court declined to hear Last Friday, November 6, 2014, Court rules, three categories of the case). the Sixth Circuit reversed six deci- cases are set forth for which the Now that there is a divisive split, sions in lower federal courts relat- On The Supreme Court will consider an when the losing parties in the Sixth ing to the legality of same-sex mar- appeal (called granting certiorari): Circuit appeal the case to the U.S. riage. The lower courts had upheld 1. where the decisions of differ- Supreme Court, it is highly likely the legality of same-sex marriage. ent circuit courts differ from each that the U.S. Supreme Court will The Sixth Circuit court reversal af- Legal other on important federal issues; hear the case, which could result in fected laws in Kentucky, Michigan, 2. where state supreme courts a decision as early as next summer. Ohio, and Tennessee. have decided important federal Such a decision would apply na- The Sixth Circuit court decision Front questions in a way that conflict with tionwide. If the U.S. Supreme Court marks the first such decision by a By Zachariah B. Parry either another state supreme court finds bans on same-sex marriage circuit court, differing with recent or federal circuit court; or unconstitutional, in line with deci- decisions in the Fourth, Seventh, 3. where a circuit court has de- sions from four circuit courts, then Ninth, and Tenth Circuits where When appeals from the Fourth, action that resulted in, among other cided an important question that marriage in the U.S. between same same-sex marriage bans were Seventh, and Tenth Circuits were things, the legalization of same-sex should be settled by the U.S. Su- sex couples would be uniformly deemed unconstitutional. The First, taken to the U.S. Supreme Court, marriage in Nevada. preme Court or in a way that con- allowed throughout the country. Second, Third, Fifth, Eighth, Elev- the High Court declined to hear the In almost every case, the United flicts with other U.S. Supreme If, on the other hand, the U.S. enth, and DC Circuits have not cases. When that happened, on Oc- States Supreme Court has discre- Court decisions. Supreme Court sides with the Sixth weighed in on the issue. tober 6, 2014, it set off a chain re- tion to hear an appeal or to reject The Sixth Circuit decision is sig- Circuit, overruling the decisions of nificant because it creates a split the other four circuits, then presum- among circuits, which is the first ably each state would be left to es- Veterans Day is over; now reason in the U.S. Supreme Court tablish its own laws and constitu- rules for granting certiorari and tions with respect to same-sex mar- let’s reclaim Armistice Day agreeing to decide an issue. riage. This would be a boon to those In October, when the U.S. Su- opposed to same-sex marriage and By Arnold Oliver Many American wars — including the 1846 Mexi- preme Court declined to hear the to proponents of a state’s ability to More than a few veterans, Veterans For Peace among can-American War, the Spanish-American War in appeals from the Fourth, Seventh, write its own laws. them, are troubled by the way Americans observe Vet- 1898, and the Iraq War (this list is by no means ex- and Tenth Circuits, there was not * * * * * erans Day on November 11th. It was originally called haustive) — were waged under false pretexts against yet a circuit split that necessitated Zachariah B. Parry is a civil liti- Armistice Day, and established by Congress in 1926 to countries that didn’t threaten the United States. It’s intervention by the U.S. Supreme gation attorney and partner at his “perpetuate peace through good will and mutual under- hard to see how, if a war is unjust, it can be heroic to Court (though there was certainly firm, Pickard Parry. He can be standing between nations, (and later) a day dedicated wage it. division among state courts, which reached at 702-910-4300, through to the cause of world peace.” For years, many churches But if the vast majority of wars are not fought for would have justified the hearing of his firm’s website at www. rang their bells on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the noble reasons, and few soldiers are heroic, have there the case, and which was probably, or his direct 11th month - the time that the guns fell silent on the been any actual heroes out there defending peace and why so many were surprised that email, [email protected]. Western Front by which time 16 million had died. freedom? And if so, who are they? To put it bluntly, in 1954 Armistice Day was hijacked Well, there are many, from Jesus down to the Norm Jahn by a militaristic congress, and today few Americans present. I’d put Gandhi, Tolstoy, and Dr. Martin Luther (Continued from Page 9) understand the original purpose of the occasion, or even King, Jr. on the list along with many Quakers and nationwide). That is because Sheriff Gillespie created a ‘truthfulness’ case remember it. The message of peace-seeking has van- Mennonites. And don’t forget General Smedley But- and I was involuntarily separated and failed to get my retirement creden- ished. Now known as Veterans Day, it has devolved into ler, who wrote that “War is a Racket,” and even, sort tials and have an ‘honorable’ discharge. If I had signed Gillespie’s Gag a hyper-nationalistic worship ceremony for war and the of, Robert McNamara, who came around in the very Order (and they removed the ‘internal’ truthfulness allegation) I would putatively valiant warriors who wage it. end. have been allowed to retire and I would qualify for a retired police officer Here is a news flash. Most of what goes on during In Vietnam, Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson CCW. Oh well, I won’t grovel for my job and that is just what I thought wartime is decidedly unheroic, and heroes in war are stopped the My Lai massacre from being even worse. about during my recent trip. I kept thinking about a DOG BOWL and few and far between. Another candidate is former U.S. Army specialist how no matter how much it hurt and no matter how much humiliation I have to tell you that when I was in Vietnam, I was Josh Stieber who sent this message to the people of Gillespie’s mafia can cause, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself to no hero, and I didn’t witness any heroism during the Iraq: “Our heavy hearts still hold hope that we can have to sneak up and eat out of the dog bowl with the rest of them. year I spent there, first as a U.S. Army private and then restore inside our country the acknowledgment of your If anyone pays attention to the post-January 1st appointments that as a sergeant. humanity, that we were taught to deny.” Ponder a mil- Lombardo will be making, if anyone listens to the ongoing gripes of street Yes, there was heroism in the Vietnam War. On both lion Iraqi deaths. Chelsea Manning sits behind bars officers, if anyone examines the promotions and compares them to the sides of the conflict there were notable acts of self-sac- for exposing those and other truths. money donated by current members of Metro who are going to get pro- rifice and bravery. Troops in my unit wondered how The real heroes are those who resist war and mili- moted, then they will realize that this ‘dog’ was never invited to feed out the North Vietnamese troops could persevere for years tarism, often at great personal cost. of that bowl! in the face of daunting U.S. firepower. U.S. medical Because militarism has been around for such a long Norm Jahn is a former LVMPD lieutenant, who has also served as a corpsmen performed incredible acts of valor rescuing time, at least since Gilgamesh came up with his pro- police chief in Shawano, Wisconsin, and has nearly 25 years of police the wounded under fire. tection racket in Sumeria going on 5,000 years ago, experience. Jahn now contributes his opinions and ideas to help improve But I also witnessed a considerable amount of bad people argue that it will always be with us. But many policing in general, and in Las Vegas in particular, through his weekly behavior, some of it my own. There were widespread also thought that slavery and the subjugation of column in the Las Vegas Tribune. incidents of disrespect and abuse of Vietnamese civil- women would last forever, and they’re being proven ians including many war crimes. Further, all units had, wrong. We understand that while militarism will not Viamensky and still have, their share of criminals, con artists and disappear overnight, disappear it must if we are to (Continued from Page 7) thugs. Most unheroic of all were the U.S. military and avoid economic as well as moral bankruptcy. More living proof that judges are afraid of prosecutors and those pros- civilian leaders who planned, orchestrated, and prof- As Civil War General W.T. Sherman said at West ecutors run and control the courtrooms in Clark County. ited greatly from that utterly avoidable war. Point, “I confess without shame that I am tired and If I were going to mention the number of people convicted of crimes The cold truth is that the U.S. invasion and occupa- sick of war.” We’re with you, bro... they never committed, I would need all the pages of the whole newspa- tion of Vietnam had nothing to do with protecting Ameri- Arnold “Skip” Oliver writes for PeaceVoice and per. can peace and freedom. On the contrary, the Vietnam is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Heidel- It is well known that for prosecutors every case becomes personal and War bitterly divided the United States, and was fought berg University in Tiffin, Ohio. A Vietnam veteran, he I wonder how personal a case is to a deputy district attorney who is well to forestall Vietnamese independence, not defend it. belongs to Veterans For Peace, and can be reached aware that evidence is not directed to the accused. Is it personal because Unfortunately, Vietnam wasn’t an isolated example. at [email protected]. that prosecutor dislikes black men? Is it personal because the prosecutor would like to interact with a young foreign girl that was brought back to Maramis the states at the expense of taxpayers? (Continued from Page 7) Next week you are going to be reading about a very interesting case. wondering if things are going just Everything will be disclosed–names of the parties, the judge, the pros- fine at the office without me. (I ecutor of the case, names of all the jurors, attorneys of the case prior to imagine they are, and that’s how it and during the case, and their actions, and every detail of a case of an should be, but who really wants to innocent man. know that they are not missed even Perly Viasmensky is the General Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. a little bit?) She writes a weekly column in this newspaper. To contact Perly Viasmensky, Fast forward to a couple of hours email her at pviasmensky@lasvegas later. Greg gets home, all tired out from the last big act of the day–driv- ing his brother to the airport–and settles down to watch another movie in his film noir collection. He’s about 15 minutes into it, and feeling good to have all the hecticness over and done with. The phone rings. It’s his brother. The plane had departure problems. He needs to be picked up and spend another night here. Oh joy. Just what a very tired, partied-out Birthday Boy Greg, front and left of center, with his mother (the one brother wants to hear as he’s set- with the mustache) behind him, being held up by Greg’s wife, Carmen, tling down to continue his 100- with her parents on the left, Frankie (the older brother) in the middle, mystery movie film noir marathon! and the dapper Alek and his pretty-much-in disguise sister, Niki, So off he goes, because he’s a rounding out the right. good brother, giving Carmen a other go. working on includes anything about chance to switch the movie to an- I’ve got plans for after the paper raiding the refrigerator or playing other in that collection, the original is finished this time around; but for with the dog. “Gaslight,” which I had never seen now, I’ve got to get back to busi- Maramis Choufani is the Man- and she always wanted to see (after ness big time and make some head- aging Editor of the Las Vegas Tri- watching that, I can say for sure that way this morning before Greg gets bune. She writes a weekly column I liked the remake with Charles back from driving his brother to the in this newspaper. To contact Boyer and Ingrid Bergman much airport for the second time, and Maramis, email her at better, although it had a good pro- wants to know if the article I’m [email protected]. totype to copy from). Almost two hours later, when the brothers showed up, I quickly switched back to working on the paper, not wanting to hear, “So, is your latest article about film noir movies...” Morning came early, even though Frankie’s alarm didn’t go off; it’s a good thing his brother had a better quality alarm clock and dedication to getting him out on time. So out the door they flew, on their way to give departure an- Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11 Sixth Circuit Same-Sex Marriage Ban Could Signal Getting a conviction for child murder Imminent United States Supreme Court Involvement leaves an open door to justice By Zachariah Parry an appeal. In the U.S. Supreme the Supreme Court declined to hear By Thomas A. Nagy penetrate a veil of obscurity held Lawyers of record for the de- ney Steven Wolfson. While clients. This former partner of Last Friday, November 6, 2014, Court rules, three categories of the case). Part 19 in a Series up by Michael Lee’s family. fense include Nadia von Wolfson’s wife Judge Jackie Glass Wolfson’s in law practice took on the Sixth Circuit reversed six deci- cases are set forth for which the Now that there is a divisive split, During the last week of October Perhaps three years is an aver- Magdenko, Steven Altig, Harmony was serving the public as a judge clients that were to be prosecuted sions in lower federal courts relat- Supreme Court will consider an when the losing parties in the Sixth 2011, Michael Alan Lee was ar- age time for a case like this to be T. Letizia, and Patrick E. in district courts, McDonald was by Wolfson’s office while he was On The rested for the murder of a toddler, prosecuted. Perhaps it is longer than McDonald. Every person accused acting much like a partner to district attorney. At least twice if not ing to the legality of same-sex mar- appeal (called granting certiorari): Circuit appeal the case to the U.S. riage. The lower courts had upheld 1. where the decisions of differ- Supreme Court, it is highly likely Brodie Aschenbrenner. Apparently anticipated. For parents and grand- of a capital crime, or any crime for Wolfson while Wolfson was a a third time, a judge ordered the legality of same-sex marriage. ent circuit courts differ from each that the U.S. Supreme Court will with the help of the Clark County parents of a child victim of mur- that matter, deserves to put up the county commissioner. According Wolfson off the cases because there The Sixth Circuit court reversal af- Legal other on important federal issues; hear the case, which could result in Coroner’s Office autopsy results der, that is a nearly unbearable best possible defense. When crimes to other media, Altig was arrested was a probable conflict of interest fected laws in Kentucky, Michigan, 2. where state supreme courts a decision as early as next summer. there was sufficient evidence to length of time. Prolonging delibera- are indefensible some compromise at one time for drug and weapons between the defense team and the Ohio, and Tennessee. have decided important federal Such a decision would apply na- make that arrest more than four tions in cases like this can rightfully or admission of guilt might be ad- charges. He then took a year to cool county’s top prosecutor. The Sixth Circuit court decision Front questions in a way that conflict with tionwide. If the U.S. Supreme Court months after the crime had been be seen as a form of cruelty to those visable. Of course for those inno- off, so to say, while his practice of This incestuous relationship be- marks the first such decision by a By Zachariah B. Parry either another state supreme court finds bans on same-sex marriage committed. Brodie died of an ac- who have cared deeply for their lost cent yet accused of crime, it is ex- law in the Wolfson and Glass law tween the Clark County district circuit court, differing with recent or federal circuit court; or unconstitutional, in line with deci- cumulation of blunt trauma to his loved ones. It’s enough to develop pected that the best available de- partnership was suspended. Or, we attorney’s office and the defense decisions in the Fourth, Seventh, 3. where a circuit court has de- sions from four circuit courts, then head and body that, according to a doubts within those concerned fense be utilized. should assume that he wasn’t ac- team for Michael Alan Lee raises Ninth, and Tenth Circuits where When appeals from the Fourth, action that resulted in, among other cided an important question that marriage in the U.S. between same coroner’s report, had been inflicted about our system of justice, and What is strange about this case tively practicing for that disciplin- questions that are alarming. Why same-sex marriage bans were Seventh, and Tenth Circuits were things, the legalization of same-sex should be settled by the U.S. Su- sex couples would be uniformly within forty-eight hours of the boy’s whether or not justice will ever be is that three or more law firms were ary year. was there no consideration of con- deemed unconstitutional. The First, taken to the U.S. Supreme Court, marriage in Nevada. preme Court or in a way that con- allowed throughout the country. death on June 15, 2011. attained. utilized in Michael Lee’s defense. It is strangely fitting that some- flict of interest in this case? and if Second, Third, Fifth, Eighth, Elev- the High Court declined to hear the In almost every case, the United flicts with other U.S. Supreme If, on the other hand, the U.S. Nearly three years later Michael It is with very heavy heart that He was a convict recently released one chose this former, if anyone there was, why was it ignored or enth, and DC Circuits have not cases. When that happened, on Oc- States Supreme Court has discre- Court decisions. Supreme Court sides with the Sixth Lee was convicted in that death. I’ve gone through available infor- form prison, having done time for can be a “former” addict, Steven passed on? This is not in any way weighed in on the issue. tober 6, 2014, it set off a chain re- tion to hear an appeal or to reject The Sixth Circuit decision is sig- Circuit, overruling the decisions of We all agree that this was a hei- mation about this case and its pros- armed robbery and burglary at the Altig to represent Michael Lee in intended to question the integrity of nificant because it creates a split the other four circuits, then presum- nous crime. Evidence existed well ecution. Of course, this is largely time Michael Lee met Brodie’s his capital murder trial. It is strange the prosecutor who obtained a rapid among circuits, which is the first ably each state would be left to es- before that toddler’s death that he due to the conclusion drawn in my mother. It should be understood that because Michael’s relative who is conviction of Michael Lee from the Veterans Day is over; now reason in the U.S. Supreme Court tablish its own laws and constitu- had been abused and was afraid of last article on this case, of Novem- Lee’s family had little money, as he the prime suspect in the murder of jury. He and his team did a com- rules for granting certiorari and tions with respect to same-sex mar- Michael Lee. Witnesses testified ber 5, 2014. The facts of a related also had little money. He was out Jason Turner-Shenker was also a mendable job. let’s reclaim Armistice Day agreeing to decide an issue. riage. This would be a boon to those that Brodie would have fits of fear case, that of Jason Turner’s murder of prison barely half a year at the known user of methamphetamine. Still, putting McDonald and In October, when the U.S. Su- opposed to same-sex marriage and whenever Michael came around, and our esteemed authorities’ fail- time of Brodie’s death. One source Her long-time fiancé apparently Altig on the defense team might By Arnold Oliver Many American wars — including the 1846 Mexi- preme Court declined to hear the to proponents of a state’s ability to and did all that a two-year-old could ure to prosecute his killer have led very close to this case has said that has been arrested in Washington have created a loophole for Lee to More than a few veterans, Veterans For Peace among can-American War, the Spanish-American War in appeals from the Fourth, Seventh, write its own laws. do to let responsible adults know to the unavoidable conclusion that Lee’s defense team cost approxi- State for possession of a controlled ask for another trial. Out of all the them, are troubled by the way Americans observe Vet- 1898, and the Iraq War (this list is by no means ex- and Tenth Circuits, there was not * * * * * that he was terrified to be around prosecution of Jason’s killer would mately $800,000. While this figure substance, and we know this is not lawyers in Clark County and the erans Day on November 11th. It was originally called haustive) — were waged under false pretexts against yet a circuit split that necessitated Zachariah B. Parry is a civil liti- Michael Lee. Every parent and have precluded Brodie’s death from has not been independently veri- the legalized marijuana; he faces State of Nevada, why were these Armistice Day, and established by Congress in 1926 to countries that didn’t threaten the United States. It’s intervention by the U.S. Supreme gation attorney and partner at his grandparent should know that these happening as it did. fied, and the exact amount spent on pending trial for those allegations two chosen to represent Lee, and “perpetuate peace through good will and mutual under- hard to see how, if a war is unjust, it can be heroic to Court (though there was certainly firm, Pickard Parry. He can be warning signs are extremely impor- Given that Michael Lee obtained the defense is possibly private in- against him. His arrest just hap- who paid the bill for the three pri- standing between nations, (and later) a day dedicated wage it. division among state courts, which reached at 702-910-4300, through tant and cannot be ignored when- the services of three criminal law- formation unlikely to be disclosed pened to have taken place in the vate attorneys? There are unan- to the cause of world peace.” For years, many churches But if the vast majority of wars are not fought for would have justified the hearing of his firm’s website at www. ever they occur. Physical evidence yers (that is, lawyers who handle publicly, there is considerable rea- same general area where Michael swered questions that linger, and rang their bells on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the noble reasons, and few soldiers are heroic, have there the case, and which was probably, or his direct of beatings or trauma is generally criminal cases, and not to imply that son to suspect the means available Lee’s sister lives. leave a very bad feeling about this 11th month - the time that the guns fell silent on the been any actual heroes out there defending peace and why so many were surprised that email, [email protected]. evident when they occur, and few each is a criminal) to put up a vig- to hire this defense team. It is also oddly apt that Patrick whole matter. The worst part of this Western Front by which time 16 million had died. freedom? And if so, who are they? responsible adults ignore them. orous defense has deepened my Steven Altig and Patrick E. McDonald was in trouble with the case may be what was not done, To put it bluntly, in 1954 Armistice Day was hijacked Well, there are many, from Jesus down to the Norm Jahn Brodie’s mother and grandparents concerns about justice in Clark McDonald were associates of the Nevada Bar, according to some re- what has not been made a matter of by a militaristic congress, and today few Americans present. I’d put Gandhi, Tolstoy, and Dr. Martin Luther (Continued from Page 9) were alerted, but were unable to County. current Clark County District Attor- ports on the web posted by former record: Michael Lee’s family mem- understand the original purpose of the occasion, or even King, Jr. on the list along with many Quakers and nationwide). That is because Sheriff Gillespie created a ‘truthfulness’ case bers helped put him in that position remember it. The message of peace-seeking has van- Mennonites. And don’t forget General Smedley But- and I was involuntarily separated and failed to get my retirement creden- to murder Brodie while under his ished. Now known as Veterans Day, it has devolved into ler, who wrote that “War is a Racket,” and even, sort tials and have an ‘honorable’ discharge. If I had signed Gillespie’s Gag Cronyism at the Export-Import Bank? care. This makes those family mem- a hyper-nationalistic worship ceremony for war and the of, Robert McNamara, who came around in the very Order (and they removed the ‘internal’ truthfulness allegation) I would bers accomplices to murder. They putatively valiant warriors who wage it. end. have been allowed to retire and I would qualify for a retired police officer By Mallory Carr schemes,” there’s plenty of evi- made excuses to divert serious con- Here is a news flash. Most of what goes on during In Vietnam, Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson CCW. Oh well, I won’t grovel for my job and that is just what I thought A Congressional hearing re- dence showing the bank does in fact cerns away from Brodie as an wartime is decidedly unheroic, and heroes in war are stopped the My Lai massacre from being even worse. about during my recent trip. I kept thinking about a DOG BOWL and vealed just how deeply corruption have a corruption problem. Since abuser well before — three months few and far between. Another candidate is former U.S. Army specialist how no matter how much it hurt and no matter how much humiliation appears to run at the taxpayer- 2009 alone, 46 people have been before — the boy’s brutal death. I have to tell you that when I was in Vietnam, I was Josh Stieber who sent this message to the people of Gillespie’s mafia can cause, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself to backed Export-Import Bank (Ex- convicted of defrauding the bank Also, the autopsy report indicates no hero, and I didn’t witness any heroism during the Iraq: “Our heavy hearts still hold hope that we can have to sneak up and eat out of the dog bowl with the rest of them. Im), and the lengths to which the and there have been 71 federal in- that injures to Brodie were inflicted year I spent there, first as a U.S. Army private and then restore inside our country the acknowledgment of your If anyone pays attention to the post-January 1st appointments that bank’s defenders will go to try and dictments. “within forty-eight hours” of his as a sergeant. humanity, that we were taught to deny.” Ponder a mil- Lombardo will be making, if anyone listens to the ongoing gripes of street paper over the controversial bank’s Actual instances of fraud may be death. This leaves the question Yes, there was heroism in the Vietnam War. On both lion Iraqi deaths. Chelsea Manning sits behind bars officers, if anyone examines the promotions and compares them to the problems. even higher given the low likeli- open: when exactly were those in- sides of the conflict there were notable acts of self-sac- for exposing those and other truths. money donated by current members of Metro who are going to get pro- Amid troubling reports of cash hood of Ex-Im employees being juries inflicted, and might have rifice and bravery. Troops in my unit wondered how The real heroes are those who resist war and mili- moted, then they will realize that this ‘dog’ was never invited to feed out payments and kickbacks at the whistle blowers — and results from Michael’s relative, a known meth- the North Vietnamese troops could persevere for years tarism, often at great personal cost. of that bowl! bank, and ongoing bribery investi- the federal employee viewpoint sur- amphetamine user who covered up in the face of daunting U.S. firepower. U.S. medical Because militarism has been around for such a long Norm Jahn is a former LVMPD lieutenant, who has also served as a gations against four bank officials, vey showed that only 42 percent of prior beatings, also acted violently corpsmen performed incredible acts of valor rescuing time, at least since Gilgamesh came up with his pro- police chief in Shawano, Wisconsin, and has nearly 25 years of police the House Committee on Oversight employees believe their bosses and towards Brodie within that fatal the wounded under fire. tection racket in Sumeria going on 5,000 years ago, experience. Jahn now contributes his opinions and ideas to help improve and Government Reform held a supervisors maintain “high stan- period of time? But I also witnessed a considerable amount of bad people argue that it will always be with us. But many policing in general, and in Las Vegas in particular, through his weekly hearing last Tuesday to examine the dards of honesty and integrity.” * * * * * behavior, some of it my own. There were widespread also thought that slavery and the subjugation of column in the Las Vegas Tribune. full extent of corruption at Ex-Im At any other bank or taxpayer- Thomas A. Nagy is the author of incidents of disrespect and abuse of Vietnamese civil- women would last forever, and they’re being proven and to ask embattled Ex-Im Chair- backed institution, this would be Cannabis Consumer Handbook ians including many war crimes. Further, all units had, wrong. We understand that while militarism will not man Fred Hochberg for some an- considered an endemic problem — available at, and the Viamensky swers. one requiring immediate attention blog ReGeneration at and still have, their share of criminals, con artists and disappear overnight, disappear it must if we are to (Continued from Page 7) Johnny Gutierrez, one of the and drastic action. Ex-Im has seen Email direct at: thugs. Most unheroic of all were the U.S. military and avoid economic as well as moral bankruptcy. More living proof that judges are afraid of prosecutors and those pros- four employees under investiga- over the past five and a half years, [email protected]. civilian leaders who planned, orchestrated, and prof- As Civil War General W.T. Sherman said at West ecutors run and control the courtrooms in Clark County. ited greatly from that utterly avoidable war. Point, “I confess without shame that I am tired and tion, is accused of taking bribes on average, a new instance of fraud If I were going to mention the number of people convicted of crimes from Impex Associates, a company every six weeks. Yet Mr. Hochberg The cold truth is that the U.S. invasion and occupa- sick of war.” We’re with you, bro... they never committed, I would need all the pages of the whole newspa- tion of Vietnam had nothing to do with protecting Ameri- Arnold “Skip” Oliver writes for PeaceVoice and in Florida, in exchange for Impex has yet to even admit there’s a prob- per. receiving Ex-Im financing. As the lem. can peace and freedom. On the contrary, the Vietnam is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Heidel- It is well known that for prosecutors every case becomes personal and War bitterly divided the United States, and was fought berg University in Tiffin, Ohio. A Vietnam veteran, he hearing revealed, the Impex scan- When questioned about this I wonder how personal a case is to a deputy district attorney who is well dal goes well beyond Gutierrez. troubling number, Hochberg replied to forestall Vietnamese independence, not defend it. belongs to Veterans For Peace, and can be reached aware that evidence is not directed to the accused. Is it personal because Unfortunately, Vietnam wasn’t an isolated example. at [email protected]. Even after a lawsuit in 2006 was nonchalantly that “it’s an area for that prosecutor dislikes black men? Is it personal because the prosecutor brought against Impex detailing incentive for bank officials to en- prevalence of fraud and corruption improvement” and pointed to the would like to interact with a young foreign girl that was brought back to how they were scamming the Ex- gage in the kind of alleged nefari- should not come as a surprise. Al- myriad of ethics trainings the bank Maramis the states at the expense of taxpayers? ous behavior that lawmakers are though the Office of the Inspector (Continued from Page 7) Im bank for taxpayer funds, the offers. Ex-Im can put on as many Next week you are going to be reading about a very interesting case. now investigating. General said there is no “system- wondering if things are going just bank still gave the company seven training sessions as they want, but Everything will be disclosed–names of the parties, the judge, the pros- As a result, the widespread atic employee involvement in fraud fine at the office without me. (I different loans. This shows the that doesn’t change the fact that a ecutor of the case, names of all the jurors, attorneys of the case prior to banks complete and utter incompe- large portion of their employees imagine they are, and that’s how it and during the case, and their actions, and every detail of a case of an should be, but who really wants to tence when it comes to preventing believe Ex-Im has unethical lead- innocent man. corruption and protecting the tax- ers, and it doesn’t change the inher- know that they are not missed even Perly Viasmensky is the General Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. payer. ently unethical nature of the bank’s a little bit?) She writes a weekly column in this newspaper. To contact Perly Viasmensky, Gutierrez isn’t the only em- work. Fast forward to a couple of hours email her at pviasmensky@lasvegas later. Greg gets home, all tired out ployee on leave pending investiga- It’s long past time for Congress from the last big act of the day–driv- tions. Three other individuals also to stop supporting the defrauding of ing his brother to the airport–and face investigation in connection to the American taxpayer, and allow settles down to watch another bribery and corruption charges, in- the Export-Import Bank to expire. movie in his film noir collection. volving two other companies. But DO YOU NEED AN EDITOR? Mallory Carr is a policy staffer He’s about 15 minutes into it, and when pressed for the names of the DO YOU NEED AN EDITOR? with Americans for Prosperity individuals and companies in- feeling good to have all the Have you been embarrassed lately when someone pointed volved, Hochberg refused to name hecticness over and done with. The out to you that you misspelled a word in your report or maybe names — opting instead to put Ex- phone rings. It’s his brother. The had a whole sentence all messed up? Have you personally Im’s rapidly declining reputation plane had departure problems. He felt that you could’ve done a much better job on that manuscript before protecting the taxpayers needs to be picked up and spend but just didn’t have the time? another night here. Oh joy. Just from fraud. Birthday Boy Greg, front and left of center, with his mother (the one Perhaps most troubling, how- what a very tired, partied-out Why put off doing what you know you should have done before: with the mustache) behind him, being held up by Greg’s wife, Carmen, ever, is that these high-profile in- brother wants to hear as he’s set- call in an editor! As a word-, sentence-, and document-doctor, with her parents on the left, Frankie (the older brother) in the middle, vestigations may represent just the tling down to continue his 100- she will fix what needs fixing by adding a little of this or that, and the dapper Alek and his pretty-much-in disguise sister, Niki, tip of the iceberg. Ex-Im has a his- mystery movie film noir marathon! and taking out what shouldn’t have been there in the first place. So off he goes, because he’s a rounding out the right. tory of corruption, which is not sur- prising given its mission. Since the good brother, giving Carmen a other go. working on includes anything about Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print! I’ve got plans for after the paper entire purpose of the bank is to pick chance to switch the movie to an- raiding the refrigerator or playing [email protected]. 702-706-6875. other in that collection, the original is finished this time around; but for with the dog. winners and losers, there is a huge “Gaslight,” which I had never seen now, I’ve got to get back to busi- Maramis Choufani is the Man- and she always wanted to see (after ness big time and make some head- aging Editor of the Las Vegas Tri- watching that, I can say for sure that way this morning before Greg gets bune. She writes a weekly column [email protected] I liked the remake with Charles back from driving his brother to the in this newspaper. To contact Boyer and Ingrid Bergman much airport for the second time, and Maramis, email her at better, although it had a good pro- wants to know if the article I’m [email protected]. totype to copy from). Almost two hours later, when the brothers showed up, I quickly switched back to working on the paper, not wanting to hear, “So, is your latest article about film noir movies...” Morning came early, even though Frankie’s alarm didn’t go off; it’s a good thing his brother had a better quality alarm clock and dedication to getting him out on time. So out the door they flew, on their way to give departure an- Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014

EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Maga- zine ( Send questions to: [email protected]. Subscribe: subscribe; Free Trial Issue: Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that tal Defense Fund (EDF), a leading Bluesign has gained traction in recent years among leading outdoor clothing brands. Consumers can feel cutting and burning trees adds green group, 32 million acres of confident in buying clothing items with the Bluesign label that they are getting the most green friendly, more global warming pollution to tropical rainforest were cut down socially conscious garments on the market. the atmosphere than all the cars each year between 2000 and and trucks in the world combined? 2009—and the pace of deforesta- biodiversity: More than half of the veloping countries across Africa, some of the leading brands in the — Mitchell Vale, Houston, TX tion is only increasing. “Unless we world’s plant and animal species Asia and Latin America since its outdoor clothing and gear business. By most accounts, deforestation change the present system that re- live in tropical rainforests. 2008 inception. Patagonia was Bluesign’s first in tropical rainforests adds more wards forest destruction, forest One way some tropical countries Brazil is among the countries “brand” member and has been sup- carbon dioxide to the atmosphere clearing will put another 200 bil- are reducing deforestation is embracing REDD among other ef- portive of the program since its in- than the sum total of cars and trucks lion tons of carbon into the atmo- through participation in the United forts to reduce carbon emissions. ception in 2000. The company has on the world’s roads. According to sphere in coming decades...” says Nations’ Reducing Emissions from Thanks to the program, Brazil has set a goal with its suppliers to have the World Carfree Network (WCN), EDF. Deforestation and Forest Degrada- slowed deforestation within its bor- all Patagonia fabrics adhere to the cars and trucks account for about “Any realistic plan to reduce tion (REDD) program. REDD es- ders by 40 percent since 2008 and standard by 2015. 14 percent of global carbon emis- global warming pollution suffi- sentially works to establish incen- is on track to achieve an 80 percent The North Face is a newer part- sions, while most analysts attribute ciently — and in time — to avoid tives for the people who care for the reduction by 2020. Environmental- ner for Bluesign, but no less com- upwards of 15 percent to defores- dangerous consequences must rely forest to manage it sustainably ists are optimistic that the initial mitted: The company has been go- tation. in part on preserving tropical for- while still being able to benefit eco- success of REDD in Brazil bodes ing gangbusters for the standard The reason that logging is so bad ests,” reports EDF. But it’s hard to nomically. Examples include using well for reducing deforestation in since 2010, and offers several cloth- for the climate is that when trees convince the poor residents of the less land (and therefore cutting other parts of the tropics as well. ing items made with at least 90 per- are felled they release the carbon Amazon basin and other tropical fewer trees) for activities such as * * * * * cent Bluesign-approved fabrics. they are storing into the atmo- regions of the world to stop cutting coffee growing and meat and milk Dear EarthTalk: What is the Over the two years it has been con- sphere, where it mingles with down trees when the forests are still production. Participating nations “Bluesign” standard for textiles? verting its supply chain over to greenhouse gases from other worth more dead than alive. “Con- can then accrue and sell carbon pol- Which if any well known manu- Bluesign-approved vendors, the sources and contributes to global servation costs money, while prof- lution credits when they can prove facturers are embracing it? — North Face has saved 85 Olympic warming accordingly. The upshot is its from timber, charcoal, pasture they have lowered deforestation Karin Romano, Bristol, CT swimming pools worth of water, 38 that we should be doing as much to and cropland drive people to cut below a baseline. The REDD pro- Bluesign is an emerging stan- tanker trucks worth of chemicals, prevent deforestation as we are to down forests,” adds EDF. Exacer- gram has channeled over $117 mil- dard for environmental health and and carbon emissions similar to tak- increase fuel efficiency and reduce bating global warming isn’t the only lion in direct financial aid and edu- safety in the manufacturing of tex- ing some 1,100 cars off the road for automobile usage. negative impact of tropical defor- cational support into national defor- tiles. The Switzerland-based orga- a year. According to the Environmen- estation. It also wipes out estation reduction efforts in 44 de- nization, officially known as Another leading outdoor cloth- Bluesign Technologies AG, pro- ing manufacturer embracing vides independent auditing of tex- Bluesign is Norway’s Helly tile mills, examining manufacturing Hansen. More than 100 of Helly processes from raw materials and Hansen’s 500 products contain fab- energy inputs to water and air emis- rics that meet the Bluesign standard. sions outputs. Each component is Helly Hansen would go fully assessed based on its Bluesign except that some of its ecotoxicological impact. Bluesign specialty products that need to be ranks its audit findings in order of flame retardant do not meet the concern, and suggests ways to re- standard. The company is optimis- duce consumption while recom- tic, however, that textile makers can mending alternatives to harmful solve that problem—and then it can chemicals or processes where ap- offer a 100 percent Bluesign-ap- plicable. Textile mills that commit proved product line. Some of the to verifiably adopting Bluesign’s other big outdoor brands that have recommendations can become cer- teamed up with Bluesign include tified “System Partners” and attract REI and Canada’s Mountain Equip- business from a wide range of ment Co-op (MEC). brands and retailers around the Whether Bluesign catches on world looking for greener vendors. more widely in this dog-eat-dog, Eco-aware consumers can feel economically stressed business cli- confident purchasing clothing items mate remains to be seen. “Earning with the Bluesign label that they are Bluesign approval costs mills and buying the most environmentally suppliers time and money,” reports friendly, socially conscious version MEC. “They have to be convinced of the jacket, shirt, sweater, pants, they’ll get a return on their invest- hat or gloves in question. Given the ment in the form of increased de- push for greener products of every mand for their products from manu- kind, Bluesign has gained serious facturers like MEC and ultimately traction in the last few years among from consumers.”

Deforestation in tropical rainforests — from logging, coffee growing, meat and milk production and other economic activities — adds more CO2 to the atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. Pictured: Cattle in a clearcut portion of the Amazon Rainforest. Speak Up! If you have something to say... say it on your own radio show. RadioTribune still has one hour of airtime available. For more information, call (702) 868-6398 November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13 ENTERTAINMENT ‘Shakin’ is the show to see! By Sandy Zimmerman after seeing a production of the Las Vegas Tribune musical Dreamgirls at Shea’s Buf- Photos by Sandy Zimmerman falo Theatre when he was just 12 during the show years old. In 7th grade, as a student Eric Jordan Young’s “Shakin” is at Mill Middle School, he landed a one-man-production-show and the role of Peter Pan in the school with Eric, that’s all you need! His musical and has been performing energetic performance packs a lot ever since. As a high school student, into the show. Eric performed in many shows pro- Eric brought Old Las Vegas to duced by the Upstage New York life with his renditions of Sammy Theatre Company, including Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra, Tina George M! and Damn Yankees, of- Turner and others. ficially launching his professional His uncanny impressions of career. Sammy Davis, Jr., seem as though The “Shakin’” dancers have an Eric was transformed into Sammy’s exciting background starring in pro- persona. duction shows on the strip includ- Eric’s emotional performances ing “Vegas! The Show,” “Peep of the classics “Candy Man”, “Mr. Show,” “I’m Up” and “Veronic.” Bo jangles” and “That Old Black “Shakin’” shakes things up at Magic” were memorable. 5:30 pm, Saturday, Sunday, Mon- The action continued non-stop day, Tuesday and Wednesday at the with Eric and the dancers in a Sin City Theater, on the Mezzanine frenzy of hot numbers. Floor, in the Planet Hollywood His musical moves from Old Hotel, on the strip at 3867 Las Ve- Las Vegas, to pop, rock, funk, R&B gas Boulevard, South. Visit and jazz favorites. A playbook that or reaches all ages. Don’t miss this dynamite show! Award winning Sandy Eric Jordan Young is a two-time Zimmerman is a syndicated colum- Broadway World Award Winner. nist featuring Show and Dining re- He starred in over 2,300 perfor- views, travel, health, spas, luxury mances of “Vegas! The Show” at and more. Sandy is talk show host the Saxe Theater. of the Las Vegas Today Show pro- Eric is known for his theatrical grams and Discover the Ultimate work that includes Chicago, Vacation travel specials. If you Sammy & Me, Dreamgirls, Rag- want to suggest topics for articles, time, Seussical the Musical and for information or to ask any ques- more. Eric performed in numerous tions about Sandy’s articles, call concerts, tributes and special pro- 702-731-5391. SUGGESTIONS: ductions at the Smith Center, Lin- Do you have a favorite singer, coln Center’s Rose Hall and dancer, hypnotist, illusionist, come- Carnegie Hall and was featured per- dian, ventriloquist, musical group, former in nearly a dozen sym- production show or other enter- phonic orchestras throughout the tainer? Let us know the reasons for United States. your choice, the name of the enter- Eric began his company EnJo Y tainer, your email address, tele- Productions in 2010 with his first phone number and you may win sold CD, “Once in a Lifetime.” free show tickets or other prizes. Eric Jordan Young (1989) Please send to P. O. Box #750211, started his career as a performer Las Vegas, Nevada 89136. Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 R&B Bobby Brooks Wilson at Sam’s Town Live! on December 5 This Week in Las Vegas

By Mike Kermani

ings including the Crab Cake of sweet jumbo lump crab, apple-fen- nel slaw, whole grain mustard sauce paired with New Belgium Snapshot Wheat and an Open Face B.L.T.A. on brioche with Applewood smoked bacon, tomato, baby aru- gula, sunny side up quail egg and avocado crema paired with Great Basing Wild Horse Ale. General admission tickets are $20, or $35 which includes five beer samples, and are on sale now. Individual sampling tickets will be for sale onsite. A limited number of Stone VIP Lounge tickets are avail- able for $49 and include early en- try, Stone VIP Lounge access, five beer samples, four “mystery beer” passes to be redeemed in the Stone RICKY MARTIN VIP Lounge and an official com- Madame Tussauds, and even more memorative Local Brews. Local so, that I will be featured in Ma- Grooves. t-shirt. To purchase tick- dame Tussauds Orlando, as Florida ets or for more information, visit has a special place in my heart.” Martin’s figure will remain in or call 702-632-7600. Attendees Las Vegas until it travels to its per- will also receive 15 percent off at manent home at Madame Tussauds By Mike Kermani atrium Mystic Falls Park. The prop- drunken onions and peppers paired the retail store by showing event Orlando, just in time for the celeb- Las Vegas Tribune erty has a 133,000-square foot ca- with Guinness Blonde, among wristband. rity wax attraction’s spring 2015 R&B and soul singer Bobby sino with 29 table games, more than other items. * * * * * grand opening. Brooks Wilson will perform at 2,000 slot and video poker ma- The Courtyard stage at Cross- RICKY MARTIN TO UNVEIL Madame Tussauds is world-re- Sam’s Town Live! on Friday, De- chines, a bingo parlor, keno lounge, roads will be transformed into the WAX FIGURE FOR MADAME nowned for the creation of detailed cember 5. poker room and race and sports Loop’d Perfect Pairing Loft with TUSSAUDS IN LAS VEGAS and lifelike wax figures that pay Wilson first made waves in the book. For more information visit food and drink pairings or for those ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 homage to A-list celebrities from entertainment community for his, on looking for a full meal to go along International icon Ricky Martin film and television, sports icons, remarkable impression of legend- Facebook ( with their brews and at 9 p.m. per- will meet his match in Las Vegas, musicians from all genres and no- ary Jackie Wilson — later to find samstownlv), and Twitter formances by looping artist Phillip as he unveils his wax figure for table figures from history and pop out that the man he emulated ontage (@samstownlv). Headquartered in Stendeck. Guests can also check out Madame Tussauds on Wed., Nov. culture. was his father. Wilson got his start Las Vegas, Boyd Gaming is a lead- the food pairings at the bar from the 19 at 11:30 am. The unveiling will Each Madame Tussauds figure in a talent show performing the ing diversified owner and operator Waffle Cut Fries with Gorgonzola take place at Madame Tussauds Las is truly a work of art, involving James Ingram classic, “Just Once,” of 22 gaming entertainment prop- cheese sauce, paired with a Wasatch Vegas located inside The Venetian teams of professional artists and and became a regular at karaoke erties located in Nevada, Illinois, Apricot Hefeweizen to the Missis- Las Vegas. Martin, known for hits sculptors who spend months on bars. After an impressive perfor- Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, sippi Sliders paired with the local such as Livin’ La Vida Loca, Cup extensive research and taking more mance of the Motown classic “My Mississippi and New Jersey. Addi- Joseph James “Hop Box” Imperial of Life, She Bangs, and his latest than 500 measurements to recreate Girl,” Peter Hernandez of Peter and tional news and information on IPA. single Adios, is in Las Vegas to per- world-famous icons, to achieve the the Love Notes approached Wilson Boyd Gaming can be found at BeePatrons can master the Per- form live at the 15th Annual Latin kind of astonishing realism that has and invited him to perform with the fect Pairing with a Perfect View Grammy Awards on Nov. 20. been. Hernandez family, including * * * * * atop Foundation Room with com- “I cannot wait to see my wax fig- Mike Kermani is an entertain- Hernandez’s son, Bruno Mars. BEER FOOD AND plimentary access for attendees ure. It will be so very surreal! It was ment writer for the Las Vegas Tri- During a Hernandez family per- MUSIC FESTIVAL (dress code enforced). DJ sets by a wonderful experience to sit for the bune newspaper. He writes a weekly formance, 1960s rocker Paul Re- AT HOUSE OF BLUES DJ Karma and DJ Que start at 10 amazing artists who create these column in this newspaper. To con- vere of Paul Revere and the Raid- In the pursuit to find the perfect p.m. and again, House of Blues wax figures,” said Ricky Martin. “I tact Mike Kermani, email ers recognized Wilson’s talents and pairings of taste and sound, beer and chefs will offer food and drink pair- feel honored to be inducted into mkermani@ lasvegas likeness as similar to those Jackie music lovers unite for the ultimate Wilson, and later recommended craft beer and music festival — him to perform as Jackie Wilson in Local Brews, Local Grooves at an impersonator show in Las Ve- House of Blues at Mandalay Bay gas. As his profile for imperson- Resort and Casino on Saturday, ation grew, more and more indus- Nov. 22, 2014. The event begins at try professionals recognized him as 7 p.m. and boasts more than 50 a dead ringer for Jackie Wilson, beers from brewers across the down to his signature laugh; a blood southwest and beyond including test later confirmed they were fa- Bad Beat, Banger, Big Dogs, Jo- ther and son. seph James and Tenaya Creek, Today, Wilson performs impres- paired with soul shakin’ good mu- sions besides Wilson, including sic from Unwritten Law, Franks and Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder and Deans, Out of the Desert and Little Richard. His album “It’s Loop’d. Of course, no festival is About Time” was released in 2012 complete without food and the and includes soulful covers of House of Blues team has created Jackie Wilson’s “I Get the Sweet- special items to pair with beer se- est Feeling” and Otis Redding’s lections at each venue. In addition “I’ve been Loving You Too Long,” to sampling from the breadth of among others. breweries, guests can chat with Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets brew masters and hear from experts are available for $15 plus taxes and on what goes in to the perfect beer convenience fees and can be pur- and food pairings. chased at any Boyd Gaming Box In the main Music Hall, a Office, by calling # or visiting plethora of breweries will be onsite and main stage performances by About Sam’s Town Hotel and Unwritten Law, Franks and Deans Gambling Hall and Out of the Desert will take place Located at 5111 Boulder High- starting at 7 p.m. Menu items avail- way, Sam’s Town offers more than able in the Music Hall will include eight restaurants, an 18-screen Chilled Poached Shrimp with To- movie theater, 56-lane bowling cen- mato Chutney paired with Oskar ter, a 12,000 square foot entertain- Blues Mammmas Yella Pills, Mari- ment center and the beautiful indoor nated Flank Steak Lettuce Cup with November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15 Totally Rad ’80s Party at Distill in Southern Highlands on Nov. 22 Harrah’s Las Vegas is the longest- Show Lo’s “Over The Limit” running comedy club on the Las World Tour started in Taipei, Tai- Vegas Strip. The Improv’s ability to wan in 2012. Within a year, he per- showcase young comedians, as well formed a total of 33 concerts in nine as bring in big names, has attrib- countries, with more than 500,000 uted to its longevity and success. tickets sold. The response from fans Each week, The Improv show- was overwhelmingly strong and Lo cases some of the funniest and continues to receive invitations freshest faces in comedy, creating from all over the world. In 2014, a show that is always unique and the full concert was revamped with definitely funny. The comedians new content and evolved into “Over who will perform Nov. 11–16 are: The Limit Dance Soul Returns.” Tommy Savitt: Multi-award Show Lo continues to uphold his winning comedian, Tommy Savitt, “Asian Dancing King” reputation unorthodox comedy routine envel- by constantly challenging the limit ops his audience and teleports them of his body and spirit. The “Dance into a domain of hilarity and pure By Jerry Fink nation’s gaming capital. Crowded House, Primal Scream) Soul Returns” edition will retain the craftsmanship. Las Vegas Tribune * * * * * working on a highly anticipated intriguing plot of the original con- Tony Camin: Stand-up come- A Local Bar, the new hangout USA new album due for release in 2015. cert and its innovation, combined dian and television writer Tony in Southern Highlands, invites ORGANIZATION For more information, please visit with 3D mapping animation and Camin has performed for audiences guests to dust off their legwarmers, ANNOUNCES live action. All costumes and large all over the world. Camin has ap- break out the Aqua Net and tight NEW SPONSOR Doors at the Pearl will open at 7 stage props were redesigned to peared at the U.S. Comedy Arts roll their jeans for their ’80s Party. The Miss Nevada USA Organi- p.m., show time is 8 p.m. The Pearl achieve a brand-new visual experi- Festival in Aspen and on “Late Guests can return to a simpler time zation has announced MGM Grand Box Office is open daily from noon ence for the audience. Night with Conan O’Brien,” “Real when the only thing people wanted Hotel & Casino as a new sponsor until 7 p.m. with extended hours on Lo’s extraordinary strength and Time with Bill Maher,” “Jimmy was their MTV and the “Brat Pack” for the 2015 Miss Nevada USA and select event days. Follow The Pearl perseverance continues to challenge Kimmel Live” and more. He has ruled on Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 Miss Nevada Teen USA pageant. on Twitter at @PearlatPalms for the extraordinary Chinese music also written for several shows on beginning at 8:00 p.m. The luxurious resort will serve as concert announcements and event culture, and some would call this Comedy Central, VH1 and NBC. There is no cover for the party, the host hotel for the 2015 pageants information. concert the most dazzling concert Sean Kent: Sean Kent has been however all guests at Distill must Friday, Nov. 21 through Sunday, * * * * * of 2014. His new world tour kicked praised for his “endlessly creative be over 21 years-old with valid ID. Nov 23. SHOW LO TO PERFORM off earlier this year at Kaohsiung mind.” He has released three highly Distill’s Totally Rad ’80s Party is “We are thrilled to have the sup- AT THE COLOSSEUM Arena, continuing on to Singapore, rated albums of original material, at the Southern Highlands location port of MGM Grand for our 2015 NOVEMBER 29 Shanghai Expo Cultural Centre, which are featured on Pandora and only at 4830 W. Pyle Ave. pageants,” said Executive Director After many years, Asian pop Hong Kong Coliseum and other Sirius/XM Radio. He is recently A DJ will be spinning all the fa- of the Miss Nevada USA Organi- music dance idol Show Lo will Southeast Asia countries. known for his starring role on vorite ’80s hits throughout the night zation, . “The ho- once again step onto the Las Vegas In his Las Vegas “Over The A&E’s original series “Modern including hair metal, boy bands, tel is gorgeous and will certainly stage with his “Over The Limit Limit Dance Soul Returns” concert, Dads” and headlining NickMom’s new wave and more. All guests are provide our contestants and their Dance Soul Returns Tour” at The Show Lo will demonstrate and fo- “NickMom Night Out.” encouraged to grab their red, green, families with an unforgettable ex- Colosseum at Caesars Palace on cus his ability and his dedication to Shows are at 8:30 p.m. and 10 yellow or blue scrunchie or chan- perience during pageant weekend.” Saturday, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. dancing to appreciate and acknowl- p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. nel their inner brain, athlete, prin- * * * * * Show: Show Lo’s “Over The edge his fans’ support over the Tickets are $29.05 or $44.95 (plus cess, basket case and criminal to ALICE COOPER RETURNS Limit Dance Soul Returns” at The years. His Las Vegas performance applicable taxes and fees) for VIP participate in the costume contest. TO THE PEARL FOR ONE Colosseum at Caesars Palace is the result of his constant battles tickets that include special seating, Paying homage to the decade, drink NIGHT ONLY Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 29, and challenges to improve his sing- an Improv t-shirt and post-show specials will include $3 Bartles and Shock-rock pioneer Alice Coo- 2014 at 8 p.m. ing and dancing over the years, as meet-and-greet with the comics. James, $2 Jell-O Shots and $3 per returns to the intimate Pearl Ticket Prices: $68, $88, $188, he continues to extend past his limit Special two-for-one tickets are also Miller Light bottles. Concert Theater inside Palms Ca- $288 (prices include 10 percent to set a new record. Show Lo also available for locals for the 10 p.m. * * * * * sino Resort on Nov. 26, 2014 at 8 Live Entertainment Tax) said that the Las Vegas performance show. Tickets are available at GARY SINISE & THE LT. DAN p.m. Tickets start at $50, plus any Tickets: For casino VIP tickets will be one of the most important Harrah’s Box Office (702-369-5223 BAND SALUTE TO THE additional service fees. and hotel accommodations, please challenges in his career, as he brings and online at TROOPS CONCERT Alice Cooper pioneered a contact the Caesars Entertainment a more intimate side of himself to Fremont Street Experience will grandly theatrical brand of hard Far East Department at (800) 247- his fans in America. Jerry Fink is an entertainment host, for the second year, a special rock that was designed to shock. 4290. For standard ticket purchases * * * * * columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune pre-Veterans Day concert featuring Drawing equally from horror mov- and information, please contact THE IMPROV AT HARRAH’S: newspaper and writes a weekly col- actor/humanitarian Gary Sinise’s ies, vaudeville and garage rock, the Jade Entertainment at (626) 964- NOV. 11–16 umn. To contact Jerry Fink, email Lt. Dan Band. group created a stage show that fea- 4747 or visit or The world-famous Improv at him at jfink@ Gary Sinise & The Lt. Dan tured electric chairs, guillotines, Band’s “Salute To The Troops” fake blood and boa constrictors. He concert at Fremont Street Experi- continues to tour regularly world- ence will be Saturday, Nov. 8, at wide, running through a string of 7:30 p.m. on 1st Street Stage. hits including “Welcome to My A program of the Gary Sinise Nightmare,” “School’s Out,” “Poi- Foundation, the Lt. Dan Band has son” and “No More Mr. Nice Guy” a singular mission when it puts on and of course accompanied by the a concertÖ Honor. Gratitude. Rock dark and horror-themed theatrics and Roll. that he’s best known for. “Every year we like to show our * * * * * gratitude for all that our active and CULTURE CLUB TO retired military have sacrificed and PERFORM AT THE PEARL continue to sacrifice for our coun- Legendary U.K. band Culture try. We are thrilled to have Gary Club announced a handful of inti- Sinise & The Lt. Dan Band return mate club dates in the U.S. this fall to Fremont Street Experience and including a performance at the in- be a part of this special tribute to timate Pearl Concert Theater inside our soldiers, and even more thrilled Palms Casino Resort on Nov. 22, that we could welcome affected 2014 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $63, soldiers from around the country to plus any additional service fees. enjoy this special concert,” said Jeff The tour is set to commence in Victor, president of Fremont Street November on the west coast and, Experience. for the first time in 14-years, all the * * * * * original Culture Club band mem- MOB MUSEUM TO RECOG- bers — Mikey Craig (bass guitar), NIZE KEFAUVER DAY WITH Roy Hay (guitar and keyboards), FREE ADMISSION Jon Moss (drums and percussion) On Saturday, November 15, and flamboyant front-man Boy from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., The Mob George (lead vocals) — will per- Museum, The National Museum of form together. Organized Crime and Law Enforce- With a career spanning more ment, will commemorate the anni- than 30 years, the GRAMMY versary of the Kefauver Commit- Award-winners first shot to inter- tee hearing, which took place in its national stardom in the 1980s as building on Nov. 15, 1950, by of- one of the UK’s biggest exports of fering free admission during regu- the 20th Century. A multi-racial lar operating hours for Nevada resi- band, with an openly gay front- dents. Non-Nevada residents will man, Culture Club was ahead of the receive buy one, get one admission curve. They went on to become the that day. Kefauver Day at The Mob first group since The Beatles to Museum is sponsored by Zappos. have three Top Ten hits in the U.S. Kefauver Day at The Mob Mu- from a debut album alone, selling seum is held each year to raise in excess of 100 million singles and awareness of the significance of the more than 50 million albums world- U.S. Senate Special Committee to wide, with Top 10 hits in every Investigate Organized Crime in In- country. terstate Commerce — as the Hot on the heels of their U.K. Kefauver Committee hearings were arena tour announcement, the band officially called — on the nation’s entered the recording studio with fight against organized crime and legendary producer Youth (The development of Las Vegas as the Verve, Killing Joke, The Cult, Page 16 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 HEALTH LIFESTYLES A Party to start& the Holiday Season By Sandy Zimmerman tomers are Ben Rothenberger, Ali- Las Vegas Tribune cia Jacobs, Dennis Rodman and Photos by Sandy Zimmerman Bruce Neal. I was invited to a VIP Media For an added touch, each guest event for Berger & Son Jewelers at was presented with a gift bag with the Fashion Show Mall. several jewelry items. It was an evening of Italian food, For information, call (702)-737- wine and jewelry. 7118. Berger & Sons located in the Catered by Maggiano’s Little Fashion Show Mall, Suite 1165, at Italy Restaurant located near the 3200 Las Vegas Boulevard, South, Berger & Son Jewelers, the servers across from the TI, Palazzo, Vene- kept bringing the appetizers tian and Wynn Resorts. throughout the evening. The large * * * * * meatballs, the favorite for the Award winning Sandy evening, were a meal in themselves. Zimmerman is a syndicated colum- They served chocolate cake balls nist featuring Show and Dining re- for dessert. views, Travel, Health, Spas, Luxury, The party was held around the Spas, Fashion, Automobiles and jewelry showcases providing a more. Sandy is talk show host of the glimpse of the latest lines. Las Vegas Today Show programs In business for over 30 years, and Discover the Ultimate Vacation Berger & Son have established their travel specials. If you want to sug- reputation. gest topics for articles, if you would Known for their custom designs, like to be reviewed, or for informa- Stuart Berger, the owner, searched tion and to ask questions about around the world for designs for his Sandy’s articles, call (702)-731- custom-made jewelry. Stuart offers 6491. SUGGESTIONS: Do you unique collections of all types of have a favorite singer, dancer, co- jewelry. median, magician, hypnotist, ven- With the holiday season begin- triloquist, vocal group, production ning, this party was a great way to show or other entertainer? Let us compare the watches and jewelry know which one you like out of all before buying. of the Las Vegas entertainers. As part of the festivities, the fe- Please send your choice, the rea- male guests received a complimen- sons, email, telephone number and tary make-up session. All the guests you may win free show tickets or were given tickets for the hourly other prizes. Send the information raffle with jewelry as prizes. to P. O. Box #750211, Las Vegas, Some of Stuart’s celebrity cus- Stuart Berger, Owner of Berger & Son Jewelers Nevada 89136.

HOLIDAY RECIPES Directions: 1. In large saucepan melt but- ter over low heat. Add marshmal- lows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal. Stir until well coated. 3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares. Best if Rice Krispies Squares served the same day. Microwave Directions: 3 tablespoons butter In microwave-safe bowl heat 1 package (10 oz., about 40) JET-PUFFED Marshmallows butter and marshmallows on OR HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring af- 4 cups JET-PUFFED Miniature Marshmallows ter 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Mi- 6 cups Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal crowave cooking times may vary. November 12-18, 2014 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17 Preparing for Surgery: What Patients Over 65 years old Should Know By Dr. Nina Radcliff cluding allergies, last meal or drink, characterized by a fluctuating It is estimated that in the United medication list, history of previous course, disorganized thinking and States, 15 million surgeries per year surgeries, problems with anesthe- alterations in the level of conscious- are performed on patients who are sia, as well as heart, lung, brain and ness with inattention. Patients may aged 65 and older. Surgery in this What kidney function. be agitated, withdrawn or have a group, however, requires special An airway exam will be per- combination of both. Delirium may considerations. In addition to or- formed on all patients and involves present immediately after waking gans having a steady decline of You Need asking the patient to open their up from anesthesia or one to three functional reserve, the presence of mouth and say “ahhh.” This simple days after. One study showed that chronic diseases such as hyperten- exam allows the anesthesiologist to it occurred in 13.2 percent of eld- sion, diabetes, and coronary and To Know assess the ease of inserting airway erly patients following general sur- cerebrovascular disease are more By Dr Nina Radcliff devices to assist with breathing and gical procedures but can vary de- likely to be present. It is important deliver inhaled anesthetic medica- pending on several factors. Treat- for patients to understand the pre- tions in patients who are receiving ment consists of removing poten- operative process and ask questions ordered to establish a baseline, for the days prior to the surgery and a general anesthetic. In patients tial causes, supportive care, and, if in order to remain informed, under- screen for common disease or as- on the morning of the procedure. undergoing sedation for their pro- appropriate, medications. The oc- stand their risks, and make appro- sess the severity of a known disease This decision is based upon the pri- cedure, information from this exam currence of delirium is associated priate decisions that meet their in order to optimize a patient be- mary care physician, surgeon and can become useful if the patient with an increase in other adverse needs and align with their wishes. fore their procedure. Some com- anesthesiologist’s expertise and develops difficulty with breathing. events, length of hospital stay, need Preparation mon tests include an electrocardio- policies. Despite being instructed Based upon the doctor’s assess- for transfer to nursing facilities in- When appropriate, surgery may gram (EKG), basic metabolic panel not to eat or drink on the day of ment of the patient’s overall health, stead of home and mortality. be scheduled in an ambulatory sur- (lab test of electrolytes and urine surgery, the patient may be asked an ASA (American Society of An- Postoperative cognitive dys- gery center, often referred to as “day function) and hematocrit (concen- to take certain medications, particu- esthesiologists) score of 1-5 will be function (POCD) describes a dete- surgery.” This may be done for cer- tration of red blood cells). Chest x- larly blood pressure medications, assigned. This classification system rioration of cognition after surgery tain surgical procedures, including rays are seldom obtained in patients with a small sip of water. Con- is not affected by chronological age. and anesthesia. It is an evolving cataracts, colonoscopies, carpal whose history does not suggest lung versely, certain types of blood pres- The score is used to assess the risk concept that is characterized by a tunnel repairs, knee arthroscopies disease or in non-smokers. sure medications such as angio- that a patient may have in the persistent deterioration of mental and hernia repairs. However, these Patients with complicated medi- tensin converting enzyme inhibitors perioperative period. performance. Studies show that procedures may need to be done in cal histories or scheduled for gen- (ACEIs) or diuretics, blood thinners The anesthesiologist will formu- POCD may be present in approxi- a hospital if the patient has a com- eral anesthesia are often sent for or oral diabetes medications are of- late and describe a plan of care and mately 25 percent of elderly pa- plicated medical history or needs medical clearance by their primary ten stopped before surgery. Appro- will attain consent from the patient. tients at one week following surgery assistance after surgery. Functional care physician who is more famil- priate management and adherence The patient will have the opportu- and decreases to 10 percent at three status assessments of the patient’s iar with their medical history. In to instructions can avoid cancella- nity to ask specific questions about months and 1 percent at two years ability to perform Activities of certain circumstances, a patient tion of surgery and decrease the risk the type of anesthesia that will be following surgery. Diagnosis of this Daily Living (ADL) without assis- may need clearance by a specialist for complications. administered, how their pain will be condition is via neuropsychological tance must be made. The 5 activi- such as a cardiologist, Anesthesia managed and what the reasonable cognitive testing. It remains an ac- ties in ADL include eating, dress- pulmonologist or endocrinologist. Depending on the surgical set- risks are. tive area of ongoing research and a ing, using the toilet, transferring and These physicians can assist with ting, type of surgery, and medical Pain relief during or after the major concern for the future given walking, and bathing. The patient optimizing a patient’s health and history, the patient may be asked to surgery may be provided by intra- the growing elderly population and should discuss with their family, ordering specialized tests before schedule an appointment in a pre- venous or oral medications. In cer- their increased need for surgical surgeon, and primary care physi- surgery that can improve their over- operative anesthesia clinic or re- tain circumstances, regional or procedures. Although age appears cian if they are suitable for ambu- all course. Primary care physicians ceive a phone call the day prior. If neuraxial (epidural, spinal) nerve to be the strongest predictor of latory surgery and whether they will often refer patients to their surgeon a patient has questions or concerns blocks with local anesthetics may POCD, additional risk factors in- need home health care. and are aware that a surgery may about their anesthesia, they have the be appropriate and can provide ex- clude a longer duration of opera- The surgeon may request preop- be indicated. However, it is recom- right to contact the anesthesia de- cellent pain relief, good functional tion, limited formal education, re- erative testing. There are no man- mended that patients inform their partment and discuss them before outcome, reduced length of hospi- peat operation, postoperative infec- datory preoperative tests or studies primary care doctor and specialists their scheduled surgery. On the day talization and improved patient sat- tions, respiratory complications, based solely on age. Rather, the if they are scheduled to have a pro- of surgery, the patient will meet isfaction when compared to other cardiopulmonary bypass, on-pump decision to order tests depends on cedure or surgery. their anesthesiologist face-to-face forms of pain relief. cardiac surgery, major surgery, se- the presence of disease and type of Patients should be given instruc- and a thorough medical history will Complications vere illness, orthopedic surgery, surgical procedure. Studies may be tions on their medication schedule be attained and/or confirmed in- Chronological age, in and of it- acute postoperative pain and preop- self, does not increase the risk of erative cognitive impairment. postoperative complications. How- * * * * * ever, because patients over the age Dr. Nina Radcliff is dedicated to of 65 are more likely to have her profession, her patients and her chronic disease as compared to community, at large. She is passion- younger patients, the frequency of ate about sharing truths for healthy, overall complications is increased. balanced living as well as wise pre- One study of Medicare beneficia- ventive health measures. She com- ries showed 40 percent of inpatients pleted medical school and resi- Top Workout Tips for Busy People suffered a minor or major medical, dency training at UCLA and has By Sidney Wilson surgical or anesthesia-related com- served on the medical faculty at The Do you wish you had more time plication during hospitalization for University of Pennsylvania. She is for workouts? Well you’re not non-cardiac surgery. Complications a Board Certified Anesthesiologist alone. Making time to workout is a most frequently involve the heart, and a member of the American So- common struggle for many people, brain, lungs and kidneys. Your an- ciety of Anesthesiologists where she and it seems the busier your sched- esthesiologist should be able to dis- serves on committees for Young ule gets with life, work, and other cuss these with you after evaluat- Physicians and Communications. responsibilities, the easier it is to cut ing your history. Author of more than 200 textbook back on the smaller commitments Cognitive issues, including de- chapters, research articles, medical like exercise. lirium and postoperative cognitive opinions and reviews; she is often It’s common to just tell yourself, dysfunction (POCD), are seen at a called upon by media to speak on “I don’t have enough time to work greater frequency after surgery in medical, fitness, nutrition, and out” and leave it at that. Instead, I those who are elderly. Postoperative healthy lifestyle topics impacting want to challenge you to try some- delirium is an acute state that is our lives, today. thing new and ask yourself a dif- ferent question: “How can I get the most out of the time I do have?” SOCIAL SECURITY This small shift can keep you on track with your workout program AWARENESS and allow you to get the most out Sidney Wilson of your workouts. So here are a few do this is to pick up the pace and For instance, it’s common to see Faces and facts tell simple tricks that will allow you to work harder. Additionally, a more a workout program where you do a spend less time in the gym while advanced technique is to incorpo- circuit and then see a “one-minute still maximizing your calorie burn rate interval training instead of break” scheduled on the workout. the story of disability and strength gains. steady state cardio. But why waste time taking a break By Peggy Stauffer Focus on Quality Working harder means really if you don’t need one? Or on the Social Security Manager, over Quantity pushing and challenging yourself other hand, why pace yourself, pos- Las Vegas Nevada Social Security Card Center First, I want to talk about cardio during your cardio workouts so at sibly not working as hard as you November is Family Stories Month. Every family has stories — sto- training. It’s easy to get caught up the end of 15, 20 or 30 minutes it’s could be, so that you can make it to ries are a great way to carry on family legacies, pass lessons on to future in the trap of thinking that doing difficult to keep going. This old idea your next break? generations, and share what is important to your family with the rest of more and more cardio is necessary of slow, steady cardio to burn more Instead, only take breaks when the world. Your family stories may include ones about the birth of a child, to lose weight and reach your goals. fat is outdated and may very well you need them, and only long serving in war, helping people in need, or the deaths of loved ones. The common belief is that more is be keeping you from getting the enough until you feel ready to give We’d like to share some stories about what it means to receive disabil- better. So it may seem that unless results you desire. If you’re not it your all again. So whether that’s ity benefits from Social Security. And we have a website that does just you have 45, 60, or 90 minutes of sweaty and out of breath during 20 seconds, 30 seconds, or a that: The Faces and Facts of Disability, ready for you to explore at time to get in your cardio each day, your workouts then you’re simply minute, it doesn’t matter. You’ll it’s not even worth your time to not using your time as effectively naturally increase the intensity and Learning the facts and hearing people’s stories about disability allows work out. as you could be. work harder just knowing you can for a fuller understanding of what is perhaps the most misunderstood However, the truth is that Only Rest When take a break anytime. Additionally, MORE cardio doesn’t only waste You Need To you’ll get through your workout Social Security program. your time but it can actually hinder Did you know that the goal of even quicker. The Social Security Act sets a very strict definition of disability. To your goals! your strength and interval workouts So I encourage you to give it a receive disability benefits, a person must have an impairment expected to For one, doing too much cardio should be to take a break? Seems a try. Select a workout you’ve done last at least a year or result in death. The impairment must be so severe can actually increase your appetite bit crazy, but when working out in- in the past and complete it with a that it renders the person unable to perform not only his or her previous so you end up eating extra calories tensely and maximizing the time different spin. This time make it work, but also any other substantial work in the national job market. So- and constantly feeling hungry. The you do have, you’re going to need your goal to work hard enough that cial Security does not provide temporary or partial disability benefits. end result? It becomes even harder a break from time to time. you need to take breaks, but only Because the eligibility requirements are so strict, Social Security disabil- to stick to a healthy diet and it’s When you’re working this hard when you need to for only as long ity beneficiaries are among the most severely impaired people in the coun- even easier to eat extra calories it means you’re burning more calo- as you need to. try and tend to have high death rates. without even realizing it. So that ries, really challenging your body, Sidney Wilson is a Las Vegas- In addition, Social Security conducts a periodic review of people who extra 300 calories you burned is and activating hormones that cause based celebrity fitness trainer and receive disability benefits to ensure they remain eligible for disability. simply replaced with food. Now your body to burn fat and build lifestyle coach dedicated to provid- Social Security aggressively works to prevent, detect, and prosecute fraud. that sounds like a never-ending muscle. ing his clients with the tools needed Social Security often investigates suspicious disability claims before cycle to me... Forget structured breaks or sit- to “Get Vicious.” Through rigorous making a decision to award benefits—proactively stopping fraud before Secondly, endless hours of ting on a machine in between sets workouts and extensive nutrition it happens. These steps help ensure only those eligible have access to cardio are NOT the best way to burn doing absolutely nothing. This is coaching, Sidney trains clients at disability benefits. calories. The real result is actually just a waste of time that’s keeping The Get Vicious Training Center If you want to learn more about what happens behind the scenes when spending more time working out you in the gym longer than neces- located at 5693 South Jones Blvd. someone applies for disability benefits, watch our seven-part video series with less results to show for it. sary. Instead only take a break when Suite 103, Las Vegas, NV 89118, or on the process at So, instead of focusing on time you really need one. When you remotely around the world through Please read and watch some of the stories about real cases of people when you do cardio, shoot for qual- need to catch your breath and re- his website who have benefited from Social Security by visiting the Faces and Facts ity cardio. This means maximizing gain your energy so that you can Sidney can be contacted at: of Disability website at your time so you burn more calo- push hard during your next set or [email protected] or 646- ries in less time. The easiest way to exercise. 226-6359. Family and personal stories are great ways to discover important truths. Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / November 12-18, 2014 PLACES TO GO QUICK GETAWAYS

Canter Brothers Delicatessen — (Left) 1931 and (Right) 1939 — Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles (Photos by Canter’s Deli) Canter’s Deli, A Success Story By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune It all began in the ‘20s when the Canter brothers opened their deli in Jersey City. Later, in 1931, they moved to Boyle Heights and finally, in 1948, found their home for 80 years on Fairfax Avenue, in Los Angeles. Today this famous delicatessen includes a restaurant, cocktail lounge with nightly entertainment, catering and delivery run by the third generation Canters. Not many restaurants can say that! Canters is one-stop for food and entertain- ment. Family owned and supervised with all the members of the family working at Canters, customers know they will be treated right. Why is Canters Deli so success- ful? Jacqueline Canter, the General Manager, explained, “We really care about the customers and some customers come here every day. Our philosophy is to serve the best quality meats for the lowest pos- sible prices.” They always serve big sand- wiches. My classic oven-roasted turkey sandwich was filled with 6 ounces of turkey plus and it came with cole slaw or potato salad. Canter’s Bakery (Photo by Sandy Zimmerman) There is a choice of pumpernickel, wich almost doesn’t fit into your Fairfax, in Los Angeles, California. sourdough, multigrain, rye, whole mouth.” Visit wheat, challah egg bread or rolls. Canter’s 12 Deli-Melts are * * * * * They offer 17 classic sandwiches. served Panini-style. Award winning Sandy Classic sandwiches have one If you can’t decide which sand- Zimmerman is a syndicated colum- type of meat. Danny Thomas ate the wich to pick, their 3-Decker Jersey nist featuring Show and Dining re- hot bologna or salami on rye sand- City sandwich includes pastrami, views, travel, health, spas, luxury wich. Celebrities who have visited coned beef, oven-roasted turkey, and more. Sandy is talk show host Canter’s Deli are Taylor Swift, baked ham and Swiss cheese. of the Las Vegas Today Show pro- Leonardo Di Caprio, Nicholas For bigger appetites, most of the grams and Discover the Ultimate Cage, Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant 3-Decker sandwiches have three Vacation travel specials. If you want and others. different meats. to suggest topics for articles, for The really big Signature sand- With such a wide selection of information or to ask any questions wiches are piled high with corned sandwiches, you will be surprised about Sandy’s articles, call 702- beef and pastrami, pastrami and to also find burgers, salads, entrees 731-5391. SUGGESTIONS: Do chopped liver and a selection of 25 and dinners on the menu. you have a favorite singer, dancer, different ways to eat a sandwich. Or There are two pages of selec- hypnotist, illusionist, comedian, create your own sandwich and tions on the breakfast menu. ventriloquist, musical group, pro- choose the meats you want. For information, call (323)-651- duction show or other entertainer? Jacqueline commented, “The sand- 2030. Canter’s Deli is on 419 Let us know the reasons for your choice, the name of the entertainer, your email address, telephone num- ber and you may win free show tick- ets or other prizes. Please send to P. O. Box #750211, Las Vegas, Ne- vada 89136. Collage by Sandy Zimmerman, photos by Canter’s Deli

(Photo by Sandy Zimmerman) Classic Sandwich: The oven-roasted Turkey Sandwich (Photo by Sandy Zimmerman)