TUESDAY, 0(?ft)BEE 2», 1968 iSlanrbrBtpr Cnraino Avdtuga Doily Net Praia Run

MIm Janet Moaaly, daushter Far H m Week About Town of Mr. and Mrs. Biverett Moee- School Board October 26, IMS Clear, cold again toniglit ly of BO Clyde Rd., and Mias BOY SCOUT Vow SO to SO. CMder In outly­ cd Jttooaah’s Wit- Dianne Johnson, daughter of ing areas. Tomorrow moetiy arlH ■ttend a three-day Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson Notes and News W ill Review 15,323 iiaurljpatpr IJrraUi ooBfWenoe beginning FrI- ol 53 Oonatance Dr., have been sunny, cool. High 60 to 6B. Haneheator-^A City o f VilUigo Chaarm day at C;4S p.m. at the High named to the women’s vrrsf.y Pack « , Aebool of Commeroe, 41S State field hockey team at Drew Uni- Photos ’Ban Jeff Jones and Kurt Mlclwels VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 26 (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) BIANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1968 Adverttatag *■ Page S7>' at., l^irlngfMd, Mass. No meet- versity, Madison, N.J. o f Culb (Soout Pack 2 of the In 1968 the Boand of Dduea- . PRICE TEN CENTS Inga of the Manchester oongre------Second Congregational Chunh tlon nfled wA o o m v M i^ cation are scheduled for the The begtanera bridge group of won prises for the most origiiial photos of both (daases aim rti- local iCingdom Hall for this the Newcomen Club of the and the funniest paper bag dents In elementary ariiooBi, but •waskend o f the convention. M a n ch e^ r YWCA wlU meet to- maalcs, re^Mctlvely, at the last night a letter from the Ver- - . .. night at 8 at the home of Mrs. pack’s Halloween party Friday ptenck PTA president, Mrt. Arthur H. Anderson, a pa- night, Oct 26, In Feltowrtilp 'Ifioodore Brindamour, pvotnpt- Two More Nobel Prizes tlent recenUy at the Vetsrans »*"• HaU. ed a review o f that piUtoy. Admmistratlan Hospital in West Tay*®*- Instruct the Den 1 oonductad the opening The flrrt deefston agalnrt the Hasrsn, Is visiting his sister, ___ ceremony and won the Inapec- photos was made by the boaml Mra Xstber Walker at 81 Cam- , m ^ tion trophy. Prpjetits that the becauae of charges of favoritism In Chemistry, Physics Envoys Spar in Paris, . „ Mias Judith A. Teets of 44 cubs have been working on for by the photographera and oom- ___ Porter St. was named to the the paat month were on dls- merolailam by -many parenfa dean’s list for the second se- play. who felt pushed to buy the allots. Oib Scout Pack 98 of Buck- mester of the 1968 academic On Saturday, the pack will at- according to Aaristant 8upt ley School wlU have Its first year at the University of New tend the LfOonn-Boston Urt- George Bradlau. Are Won by Americans nte^ing and a Halloween party Hampshire. venity football game and band Board member Herbert A. tom orrow at 7:30 p.m. at the — day at Storrs. Scouts will leave pheton Jr. said, “I can iwe no ~ ^*** peace prise baa been A native of Norway, be came to school auditorium. Refresh- Srig. General (nt.) Horace the Second Oongregellonal more oommerctallam tn tiUa 1966 NW>« prise* In chemiatry awarded to PrM. Rene Gaasta, toe United State* In 1928 and ments wiH be served and prises B. Wetherell wlH speak about Churdt at noon, than the printing of the high and plipskA went to two Ameri­ an 81-year-old BYracltmon, waa naturalised In 1946. asnarded for the most original “Airport Planning for the Pu------— school year book.” cana today, the riMmlotry prlM whUe a Japanese noveUrt, Ta- A lvarei, 87, waa homned tor Talk of Halt Persists oostume and the best costumes ture,” at a dinner meeting of A '■ J Harriet . HaaMt, an to Lori O ^ger ot T ale Unfvea^ ■marl Kawabata, 69, waa the his "decirtve contrthutions to el- PARIS (AP) — Envoys in the pcuik and In each den. the Society of Automotive Ehi- i/O C tO rS to A lC l officer of the Martin-South alty and /tha itoytioa award to wlnner of the prize for IMera- ementary partkde phyatoe.” The of the United States and Bojrs should wear costumes and glneers Wednesday, Nov. 6 at Tfc ■ J _ Schods PTA, told the 'bostnl her lAil* W. ^Ivares of the Univerat- award committee cited In par- North Vietnam sparred in­ ■Makers (no uniforms). Web- the ’Terrace Dlnii^ Room at I 3 n ig JiiC lllC fltlO ll PTA last year had written to ty of CaBtornla at Berkeley. ' The award* are wortfa $70,000 tlcular hla discovery o f “ a Ituge conclusively over a basis hM Miould be at the school at Bradley Field, Windsor Locks. ■ p iff TVw superlntelident’s oCflee re- t warn- a clean sweep of the each this year, a reooid. number of rasonanoe steitoa, for Vietnam peacemaking Nobel adenUfic award* tor the 6:30 pjn. to help aet up the Dinner will be served at 6:46 H itiort in lo w n quesUng a change In tlM photo . . . Onaoger, 64, won his prtae tor mode pcoalble through his de- today amid persistent re- cafeteria. All cub family mem- pjn. and the meeting will start _ _ . *1__ policy, but got no answer. She Und^ *fltates. Thrra American toe disoovery of the Ohaager re- voCopment of the techrtque of 'its that a U.S. bombing bers are invited. at 8. Dinner reservations close proiMeora who dedjplmred the clprooal relations, “which are using hydrogen bubble chamber ----- ,Monday and may be made by right we oomrt toe «i h, a change In the poilcy. genetic cod* shared the prise fundamental tor the toermody- and date analyala.” alt may be near. Manchester Medlcri A ^ l^ ^ H m American Legion wUl conUcting Donald E. Manning, fW m ^diw and physiology an- namlcs of Irreversible process- Hje resonance ^ te refers to The American delegation meet tonight at 8:80 p.m. and 6i Marion Dr. Uon’e entry Into toe town’s aa»nw nounogi aoruer. ea,” toe award oranmtttee aald. ahort-llved particles of the blacked out all comment both (here will be an executive meet- ____ new referred toe mat- atom. In the 1960s moat phyrt- on the subetance o t the ex­ Ing at 7 p.m. at ihe post home. Bible close and a prayer meet- changes at toe 28th aessloa of asaodatloci preoldent ana mem- . __ . (See Page Five) the peace talks and on uncon­ _ . . . _ _ , Ins' of Calvary Church will be ber of the sdiool board, said the ‘®™ «**«>“ ^ Vriad- P in t Caiurch of CliriM, Sclen- conducted tomorrow at 7:80 pals' opinions. firmed reports of an Imminent Ost, wttl conduct Its regular p „ ^ j^e church. town’s medical men are con­ breatothrough. Wednesday Evening Teattmony ___ cerned about drug abuse and An official of en space adjacent to Nigon s Vietnam negotiation make it my own way.” down tor a soft landing on Mon- Nguyen Van Thleu were prepar­ tton of the bomtang and at the tailB. valescent homes and residen- local schrals. Linooln School kept popping two or three years whether or rommeitt c ^ a at a Syracuse, Humphrey sold earlier, how- day, Beregovoy made two ap- ing a Joint statement In which same time falls to show good Qualified sources reported tial-«are ImtttutiofM,” Barry "From Ita studies of South the South Vietnamese govern­ wlU or signs of a de-escalation Vance stayed at toe U.S. Em­ mid. "Three classes wero W ill’s ‘<^en space li^eds tli; the diiMueriona lart night *VT"if** P®” "**' ever, "There’s been a new level proaches to the unmanned craft, BINGO tad stiidmt protesters to sing a of diplomatic activity” and “the but If he tried to link up, this ment would at least accept a of the war. LB J Near Decision bassy through moat of Tuesday en In thto field at Manchester commiasion haa concluded that at the Board of Eduoation meet- ““ J™"®®**" CAKftlAGE HOUSE *vw y WGONGSDAY halt In the bombing of North "No good will, no bombing nlglit. They alao aald American U * * Hi ^'*®*' e®xt move is up to Hanoi.’’ He was not announced. WASHINGTON (AP) — Ur­ Memorial HoqiUal, and 21 per- open space land aasoclated with ing. The vote to replace the AssoriaU^ that ^ town*’has Vietnam. There alao were re­ halt," said Thleu. ers before setting out again for delegatee in recent days evl- tto» they hM rabmtted. not Indicate whether he waa A Soviet scientist writing in Saigon. ports of more talks between North Vietnam’s Communist gent, secret talks between Pres­ dentiy have had several coo- T'o one quertton Nixon stid he gpeoklng wlto knowledge of pos- Pravda Monday said toe pur­ It was understood today that d o w n s t o u t lobs and to leave the relief effectiveness: It helps to retain ^ __ . ___ _ w. n...... _Z7 sers new leadernilp unfettered gipjg new developments. pose of Beregovoy’s flight was Thleu and Busker and rumors party newspaper, Nhan Dan, ident Johnson and his military tacte wHh North Vletsiamese of- •ring msosursmentt m rolls.” the rural beautyb«utv of South8^ Wind'Wind- ““ Richard^ Martin one of the major issues taken up i0 next Tuesday. School which opened this fall by pw poUc(M saM such x melee between police and to develop docking eystems es- that 'Thleu planned a nationwide implied toe Johnson administra­ commander in South Vietnam fidale outside the conference - nAO Barry proposed that "the sor. It can be used by toe tion la encouraging reports of a In the meetings with Abrams save os much os $100 Fbnt It waa cumounoed the be ahswered, according^ to la^rship o o ^ acm eve^ego- several hundred anti-WaUace sentlal to the Soviet program of televlalon address on the bomb­ indicated today that Johnson framework. The Americana State of Connecticut augment schools aa an outdoor education . . , rw. t ing halt. breakthrough toward peace to was the extent of the withdraw- ^ ^ ... toe Wbrk Tmlning ^ a m InstrucUonai area for science lard will hold itait« guart^lyquarterly Donald J. Hennlgan. iT V. demonstrators followed the can- eventually constructh^ huge or- may once more be close to final al of North Vietnamese forces were srtd to have miwed aswuad W « mods o ,that comeremie ta- Cobo Arena. Chairs had been rockets would be launched to lation, senior U.S. officers said Humphrey win the presidency. to have kept appcrfntments In a and con offor this bargain at this low pricai proritong matching funds, b^ be developed for recreational “ schori Nhan Dan said the "U.S. propa­ bombing ot North Vietnam in a toe threat of new actlo.'k on the oausTtt^ been^en In the use by all the cltlsena.’’ « origlaally planned. In Enfield will be dug out and bta- Ottier tntorasted mtioM In hurled by Wallace supporters the moon and planets. they had no indication that an move to advance peace negotia­ North Vietnam aide, where the variety of undiacloeed places. BEAUTIFUUY PAINTED-I ^ a hara to be brougM there, gad hecklers Inside the arena. Soviet space scientists have immediate bomUng halt might ganda campaign about a so- Jorden declined all oommsnt part three years that dollars “South Windsor,” the com- Thm Rosiald P. Scott, asslrt- studied, he said, From today, uiHfl com plottd, — w* w il ba called ‘breakthrough’ in Paris tions. North Vietnam and Viet Cong spent In this program aie a real mission chairman said, ”haa auperintandeot, announced Dr. Hennlgan said he serit a ^ **** ’^® An’owlng began aft- twice Joined and separated un- be In toe works. One knowledge­ North Vietnam has de­ troops have gone, and what_ the _ on this. This policy of secrecy able military source said: will end In a flop.” kaw-term saving and are been the fastest growing of the **** town has hlad to rent two letter "to the uninCo^ed" ask- flushing th* wot*r mains from 1 1 :0 0 p.m. **** issuM, ira sr one man pulled a Wallace manned spaceshipe In orbit but nied for several days through meeting of their tosengage- **®®" 'oJlowed equally by the "Aa far au> we’re concerned, Military sources aald more alr North Vietnamese delegraUon. mesM of helping to solve our 29 towns In the (T^iltol Region "* »« clasrtooms from the Oen- ing the association Utbey would * "®*®******* campaign hat off another’s have never linked up a manned strikes against North Vietnam Hanoi radio broadcasts and mo.nt may be. we’re planning adr strikes way The reports of ecudy American dehumanising rrilef problem spac®* must be ac- tor Oongregaticnal Church In hear either him or Scott talk to 7:00 a.m. in th* North End SocKon of seraemw. *’®***> “P “ d threw the craft with another spacesh^, were being planned for Thurs­ newspaper articles that it had Oonslderationa of this kind "HelDlng our fellow man qulred now edilch have the most to relieve the two crowd- a,bout the new Center Springs ■UdSJlf S w ^ d lS rtn g P'®®®»‘>“®'‘ A,hlsface. manned or unmanned. There up ahead, but that doesn’t say made or would make any kind would be Involved in Johnson’s action to end toe botnMng coin­ Shop we can’t cut out the bombing to­ day and there was no indication thro(«h flimnclal asstatance," P»tonttal ivefulneos to the en- ed tWrd grade claasea at Un- school. He never got an answer Monch—tf ... of any kind of letup. of deal with the United States to assessment of whatever cau­ cided with th« unonnouiMed vis­ negotiations In a general senoe (See Page Twenty) (gee Page Twenty) morrow. They were sure charg- it- erf the U.S. com m ander in Fridays he said, "ha* been one of our community, coin. TWe makes a total of d any kind, he said, "H e's under pressure 24 hours meet U.S. "conditions” tor end­ tious, perhaps indirect, word he South Vietnam, Gen. Creighton IW.G.GLENNEY nobler geetures, but toe Indig­ three rented claostooms from He added that the small a day.” said one senior source, ing the bombing. may have obtained from the to 8:30 PJf. the churoh. One la for Projeot Voup’s "'bag of tricks" play U.S. officials insisted that this North Vietnam side that toe lull W. Abrams, to the White HouM nity of poverty has often con­ Manchester Wafer Company meaning that strikes were being S at One now in Ha third year an- ®" *^® "emotional Issue of Wgh- launched around the clock. did not necessarily mean, how­ has a political significance. tor extibanges with PresldeHt CO. tinued in a vicious cycle, be­ Mrs. Falkowski ever, the negotiations between Joimson. cause financial asstatance has ottoer is for a third Grade 3 **■ concern tor "We’re hurting this guy. This In this connection there have to 12 Noon class and the last la tor re- •■®®**ty.’’ guy is hurt. We .don’t like to see Washington and Hanoi for an been reports that North Viet­ Jorden deoUned to say U he looked more to maintaining than Grcle Regent agreement on de-escalating the had detected any harder tone in to changing.” medial claases and special edu- advantages given away. namese representatives in Paris Mrs. Joseph Faikowskl of 88 cation purpose*. “I think he’d bring his supply war had collapsed. told U.S. negotiators early In the statement of Xuan Thuy at He concluded, "Now, with The White House disclosed today’s session beyond describ­ programs such as work training Alton 81. recerily was Installed Then toe brochures prepared points down farther south to the the current series of peace THiesday night that Gen. Creigh­ ing It aa “ aerlous, buslnesabke.” and other Incentive programs, regent of 8t. Margaret’s by schori administrators, town demilitarized zone Irrespective probes that If Johnson de-esca­ 336 NORTH MAIN ST. — 649-5253 ton W. Abrams Jr., had re­ He added, "The proMem of personal indqwndence and dig- Circle, Daughters of Isabella, at PTAa and other town leaders of whether a conditional or un­ lated the war on the U.S. side he conditional bombing halt were turned hastily to Washlngrton to would not be walking into a peace In Vietnam Is a very com­ rity can be earned, by having ® combined meeting of 8t. Mar- were shown. There were 40,000 give President Johnson a full re­ garet’s Circle and Sacred Heart ooptes made of the brochures John Leavitt serves Manchester called. It would be difficult to trap. plicated one and It would be sur­ 9 I prove. He would be free to do port Tuesday on the military sit­ Responsible U.S. officials prising If toere weren't scene Circle of Rockville at the KofC dlscuasing toe new scitool and uation. Al^rams attended a top Home. She succeeds Miss Anna the beating and otiilrtic equfp- what he wants.” have been unwilling either to questions to which att toe an­ U.S. pilots flew 184 missions level policy review session with confirm or deny this report but swers have been provided.” Jor­ LaOace. mo.-vt bond issuee. They coet 1. Wall-to-wuH <»rp«t cleaning any day by i^ipolntmmt. Johnson, Secretary of State —j, The Rev. William P. Stoneld- 8860 and were paid for by the against North Vietnam Tues- it has been understood to be den refused flatly to give any In­ f f' Dean Rusk. Secretary of De­ formation about euggertlora M ■ I Ni - Iffll ®''’ ^^^P***” d Rockville circle, PTAs and other private groups. (8ee Page five) fense Clark M. (Clifford and oth­ (See Page Twenty) ■ ■ M and the Rev. Edward M. La- They wUl be taken to every Pickup and delivery of that a breakthrough might be 2. with regular otops in Manchester near. ■ ■ Mm W MM M Rose, chaplain of toe Manches- Manchester home, Scott said. •very Monday and Thai After toe talks, Thuy clMUtged H I I ■ ■■ | 2 r ffl **'■ *^®***- The board skirted the Uncoln to hewsmfti that U.S. proposati Absentee ■ m Representatives from circles School proUem In discussions of III Southington, New London, future schools to relieve both for halting their air attacks Local coeh-ond-earry depots (oave 15 % ) at Fiolier’s Dry “are meant for the prealdcsiUal Hartford, East Hartford and Keeney St. School In the (M u m n or New l^igland Laundiy, Braod Street. RcqniremciitB: RockvlHe attended. Former southwest and Buckley School Humphrey Calls Report election campaign” and hs ■tato officers Mrs. Mae Oon- In the northeast a s well as the again called tor uncondtUonal nors, Mrs. Esther Cranker and proposed third Junior Wgh. La* L'-."T ^*4 halt In the raids. A Abfwncc from the State florin* votUg hoore on November 5th (6 a.m. But before he want Into toa to 8 pjn.) the etate Regent Mrs. Mary Then Dr. Nicholas A. Mar- m Degan were present. Mrs. De- sialo, town health officer, re- On 6 Home Ll>ts ‘Bunk’ session, Haniman told news­ A Aboonce from M*iKliMter, dvrin* voting hours as a student in a college, gan was the instaUlng officer ported to the board on hit re- men that "aa far os I am oon- ond MUt Ann Marie Faikowskl cent tour of Lincoln School's NEW YORK (AP) — Vice Walter Trohan of Ita Washington no federal revenue stamps, cemed, the election la not enter­ university, nurses’ tiaining school or institution of higher learning ing into the dlacusslona hard to within the State. was the marshal for the one- cafeteria during which weevils President Hubert H. Humphrey ■ bureau. wMch Indicates no cash The story described the com changed hands. any shape, form or mannsr. Wa .... *®“"d In the dry goods said today that a report that he have been dealing with to* A Abaenoe from Afanchester, during voting hours because of membership Other officers Installed — storage section. He pointed ^ " out pany aa a "financial angel of The courthouse records show had accepted six valuable lake­ problems of peace for the Am*(^ in a reUgioos community. Mici Arina lAOoce, pa»t then that the weevite came V the Democratic party." that Humphrey as vice presl------r^ent; Mrs. Edward Faber, with the government surplus side lota In Minnesota from a The Tribune story gave the dent three years ago put a people and that’s the only. ■k lUacas or physkal lUsability and unable to vote in person at the polls. vice regent; Mrs. Anthony Ma- foods and were not fostered by wealthy patron of the Demo­ following account: $3C|,000 mortgage on the lota and “ *e'*8ht we have.” V.. KUlls, financial secretary; Mrs, the cafeteria conditions. cratic party was "bunk.” Transfer erf the property In the home he built at Waverly. Harriman during toe msntiiq k Member of Armed Forces, spouse or dependent of such member. Uicy Bergin, recording secre- He added last night that the "That’s all taken care of,” Wright Ctounty, Minn., was not No comment waa available to- ^peated the U.S, offer to quit tary; Mrs. Paul Oruesener, cafeteria Is kept as clean as Humphrey said, smiling broadly recorded In the county court' day from Ewald. who Is 111 at “Oulb Vietnam as North VIst. To the REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE, 806 Main Street, Mancheater, tr^ rer; Mrs. WlUlam Gallo, facilities allow and, "It won’t as he arrived at La Guardis house there for almost two hla Minnesota'home. He has auf- ^>^ese forces pull out and to roribe; Mrs. WUliam Tunsky, endanger anyone, I am sure.” time the Ewald fered several strokes and has a “ ** “ *• economic development Cann. Plaaat arraage Abaentee Ballot for: Airport for a campaign speech, years. At the chancellor; Mrs. Wilfred Le- But he said, "Estbetically, the Humphrey sold Ms staff Dairy was Involved In a civil an- serious heart ailment. ®* "orth Vietnam after a peace '( mire, m ^tor; Mrs. Amie Jai^ cafeteria Is lousy. The plaoe would have a statement on the tltrust action Involving price fix- However, hla brotoer, Dewey, NTreoment. Thuy oaUed till* V;V'' rda re- executed la Mlnneapolia on Addnm Antoooy Oryk, trustee tor two In the sink* for toe pots imd veal OHrt -Uumphrey accepted Sept. 27. 1966, by Ewald and Ms have any connection,” with the tor "" ” a reduction o f ■———-hoatUUtlM >> ‘™»- P*™- U no hotwater To keep your ruga and corpeia looking beau­ the lakeaide lo»* and built hU wife, Ethel, to Hunphrey and Ms ••tjgaUon. and a move toward a satUankju| DONT DELAY—COMPLETE AND MAIL TODAY JOHN LEAVITT' home on, them. vrife, Muriel. The deed was not Dewey heads toe of the proMem of peace.” ' "*“*■ preparation. tiful, Imve it to Leavlttt. Triple i*nwwing Asked vtoy to* meeting w|* , J e r ^ , first guide; Mrs. WlUlam The toilet facUItle* do not (AP Photofex) The alx lota along North Wav- filed In the Wright County court- k-i®w hie ^r^er, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION—TEL. 646-2069 Schworer, second guide; Mts. present t*t U lftI so short Harriman said, a pleasing atmo*- gets rid of grit and grime, glvee you extra 9HONI 242-8309 erly Shore, some 88 miles west house at Buffalo, Minn., until " “y* "®‘“ “ *® P*vp®*7y Hum- REPUBUCAN TOWN COMMITTEE Amerlco Bucolno, Inner guard; phere.” Great Pumpkin Debate of Minneapolis, were acquired June 24. 1958, nearly two years Pt“ ^y- one made a definite, clear i year* of wear! Low imtM. Ftneat oervke. ment In rather condanoed i Mrs. . Frank Seaeians — outer------The board agreed the ca#*. from Ray O. Ewald, managing after Humphrey acquired title. 102 Qranby St. Bloomfl*l7 That’s about all I oaq aay.” ^****^’ Mtehael Ru»- terla should be Improved a* the Oon now. South Eugene, Ore., High School students succeed- platform. The Girls’ League pumpkin carving con­ director of Ewald Brothers San- Although the deed states the Dewey added, It was of my business and we Normally the |WP4W Ultoi f t sen, orgsMist. old school will be used another ed where others have failed: They got Richard test produced these first pl$ce winners. Itary Dairy, when the vice pres- consideration was "one dollar Ident was a senator, the tribune and other good and valuable never talked about It.” slons have been runntagM i^ Nixon and Hubert Humphrey together on the same said in a copyright story by considerations,’’ the deed bears • (See Page Four) (■** Page Tw iiG )^..'^

$f • 0 L 1 * k i I ‘i t 1 ? 1 • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 JIANCHESTteR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1 9 « PAGE T H R U 35th Senate District Race THEATER TIME Aehron SheinwoW on Bridge Gubbrud farms hto own farm MoOovem won hto 1982 elec­ tion" of .^erican troope in Gubbrud also critictoed Mo- But to many, McOovsen to Sen. Joe B o ttm . M eO oeern New South Dakota Poll near Ale ester, hi southsanterw tion on the strength of the rural Vietnam . Govorn beoause ths senator vot­ stia "Mr. Democrat” in South b y a SCHEDULE Soufit Dakota. vote. BBIDOB HARD BIAT On other IsSDetb M eO overn to ed against the surtax MU. Oub- Dakota. gin. The iatoat Boulfi Dakota poH, Quhbrud hoe not committed Bid Opening BE TWAOEDT OR COMEDY NORTH standing flm on .statomento be brud called the surtax ‘The 18M IVhen elected In 1982, he be­ School Aid Top Issue for Incumbent Burnside — Paper Lion, 7:00 - Has McGovern Leading oonduetod by three dally news­ bimaelf cn the Vietnam war. 4) 7632 mate wMle a presidential aspir­ fiscal rospooalbUUy tow*’ and came South Dakota’s first Dem­ The cocoa (cacao) tree • KB. . papers. slHsrs MoGoveen leod- Howervor, he has said vigorous ant. said the oiriy votes agslmd tha By BBTR • nuto to between Sen. he to a former lagtotater and ARTHUR DRUO Deelarar took the ace of dia­ communities Gubbrud led, 47 to changed from "knmediate with­ MoGovorn to of “ths ultra41be«> running cn Ms record In thla Rs- McGovern again ran (or the Tlte lone time ^^Ulnfton Re- well as the Distinqulshed Serv- bids, and the Intormatlaa . was 0 Q I 4 2 Ctooepo 8. M oGovanv who w as a •patJuar at tbs state house. monds and triad a floaMs wMb 46 per 'cent drawal" to a "aystematic reduc­ al fringo.” pubilean stronghold Senate in 1863, this time against puHtcan is in the mMst of a foe Award of the tostruoton Or­ printed in the Oct. 18 publica­ ♦ Q J 2 Books Added the queen of spadM. If thla viyorous campaign being waged ganisation of the Vooationd- tion o f Dodga Report, which lists Sooth West Norih last had worked. South would have by his opponent Robert Hotdey Technteal Sohoolo. construction work going ou t 1 NT Pan 2 41 Pats ijliiliillii iiil iiiiiilillliliiiillliiliililiiiiliiii lliliilliiiillimilllii He pridea himself on always To Library to bid. made nine tricks very aaally. iillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii lliiil o f Vernon. West took the king of sp a ^ 2 0 Pats 3 NT All Pats Repko cites increased state being avattahle to the people he At an earlier meeting of the and continued with a low lioto by Pinto) mer Antlonette DeClcoo, and Is Wotoon —C harity enthi at home calls tor the base building with trick for the tefmse, and If to 8-NT. IBs personal intereets In leg- State Senator Andrew Repko, Republican incumbent. the father of two sons. He has WoW —The silver bridge cinder block construction and West could lead sBxither heart served as chairman of the Wll- Copyright 1888 islatlan is primarily in the field the third alternate calls tor the Sontti would be down one. ment to be reinstated when he lington Republican Town Com­ NON-FICnON General Features Cstp. of rstireroent tnoome for state state employee to participate in Art —The TFX decision base with (Knder Uock construc­ emplosres, he explained yeoter- returned to work tor state gov­ politics. mittee for the past 13 years, B«*«Iry —Ancient Oreric Uteea- tion with cellar. day. ernment. and ia a member of the Rock­ This law was termed "dis­ ture to its Bvlng context The Dodge report publication No details of these rsforms Repko proposed alevlating the ville Lodge of Blks, mungtnn When asked what his pet leg- criminatory” by Repko when ®ayh —One heartbeat away calls for a 80-day comptstion Britain’s Queen were given. dlscrepiincy between the retire­ Country CTub, Italian Benefit MaUve Interests were, Repko compared with federal regula- Berte and Means —The modem tim e. Moet of the program to Mealy listed a three-plank priority ment age tor male and female tians. Society of Stafford Springs, the Pledges Vote to Willingten Fish and Qame Club corporation and private pexm- To date, three firms have ob­ to be enacted, since the Labor S i I / platform, which would aleviate employes, and providing "mand­ "Tliase people should have a *rty Rev. ed. tained the plans and Indicated government holds s substantial discrepancy In retirement cred­ atory aurvlTotahlp benefits for and the NaUtmal Society of voice in who supports them, in­ State Legislators, Berrigan —Night flight to Han­ toterest in Udding. They are R. 18-YearwOlds majority In Paritomsnt. its tor persons working in gotv- state employes." o i stead of being second class During Ms spare time Repko J. Alexander, John Bashllowf Thla session runs through next MIRk6R,".pactou;> slDKAWERnOHEOT^^ erament srork. This woidd per­ LONDON (A P) — (Jueen Elis­ If re-elected Repko win also dtiiMis,” he stated. enjoys playing gtJf and bowling, Blackwood -Th e house on Col­ and Green, Keefe and Cura. summer. It to probably next to CHAIRBACK HEADBOARD. mit a etafe emidcye who went abeth n opened a new session Mi press legislation w h id i arUl Repko received the endcrae- although he noted, his spare lege Avenue, MIT Members of the firehouse the last before the Lalx»' gov­ Why •ctlle (or un ordinary iH-drooni wlion y< to work lor the federal govern- eliminate the rule forbidding mjent of the (fonnectlcut State time Is becoming lees and leks. Boaae—-St. Fraiaeis of Astoii building committee are; Charles of Parilament today with a gov­ ernment must face the voters in BMUkUom —Principles of fbod Barrasso, chairman, Kari Beig- ernment pledge of votes for 18- a general election, expected in science lund, R obert Dixon, Thomas yeorold s. the npr\ng or autumn of 1870. O s^Toung people and crime Francis, Donald Olrffln fir. and R was the showpiece of a mo­ A lte r —Unless peace comes Donald HwOh. Democrat Calling for a *New Voice* CaMerwood —Perspectives on " Vanmoe Granted dest government program offer­ Papandreou ‘CrilicaT poetry ing youth, Scotland and Wales " A new voice in ToUand Coun­ Uahed a t M ansfield State Traln- The Zoning Board of Appeals Casesri^^^'nie mountaineering ATHENS (AP) — Former i: ty," and “ a man who does hie iqg School, the Democrat can­ has granted the request of Bol­ more control over their livea. , Premier George Papandreou ■ homework," ere the words most didate states. ton Associates for g variimoe In The Labor government moved was in critical condition today frequenUy need in the campaign —Edgar Ayoe on Atlan­ He would elK> work for a vo- the zoning regulations ednoem- after suffering a series of Intes­ for Robert Houley of Vernon, tis boldly In promising votes at 18, EXCLUSIVE AT cattoaol school to serve the Ing common front doors and tinal hemorriiages during the the Democratic candidate for Chamberialn —French menus a move recommended by an of­ needs of ToUand Coiuty, as weB ItAllways on apartment houses Mgbt. State Senator from the SSth Dis­ for parties ficial commission but rejected OUR STORE! as some surrounding towns such to allow the com|detion of a trict. Connolly —The rings of destiny by an all^iarty conference of The veteran 80-year-oId poUti- - aa South and East Windsor. five-family dwelling on Wall clan COUapeed tost FrK toy with • Houley Is almtaig his “naw" Anquest —The great terror leglalatorB which wanted to low­ Hotdey, a diatrlct sales St. as called tor in the original hemorrhage from an ulc6r. HU - Corson —The betrayal er It, from 21 to 20. The act appeal against veteran legisla­ m anager fo r a m a jor' Jewefery building permit using two doors. condition tmtutived and he was Cundierland —Mtexlco: the would add an esttmatad tbrsa tor Andrew Repko who Is seek­ The Zoning Board of Appeals being given solid foods, but he manufacturer, relaxes by prac­ ■tniggle for modernity million voters to the roils. ing hie second term In the SlkU ticing hh avocatian of tandsoepe has re-elected Harry H. Klrk- took a turn tor the worse about Senate after serving six terme Deutsriier and Thompson __ gardening. Among the people hom as chairman and James The government also itedged noon Tuesday. in the House of Bepreaentattves. He has turned Ms backward Derby as secretary tor tlie oom- to lower the I«gal age of majori­ A doctor at the EvengsUsmps Hotdey speato out irtrongly Edwardes —British India. 1772- Into a mtntture park complete 1947 iiifi year. ty ftom 21 to lA allowing young Hospital said today that despitfi about what be feels the teaues people to sign contracts arithout continuous Mood transfustons, will be before 'the legislature, with landscaped tenmees and EUto —Republican foreign pol­ icy, 19S1-198S Advertisement— parental oonsenL TUs to a popu­ Papandrsou ramalns moQlfy rastive dements In ago. Andreas went Into exile ^ ![ I This growth causes prolriems, Snow rounds out the family. Help your family make a bet­ Scotland and Wales, when vot- tost January and hto tether was i problems that must be met with Back Jack Pacneosa for Rep- The HoMeys have Uved In Ver­ te r move reoenUtlve. Citlsens w«/-iriey en have already thrown out released from bouse arreet on iil planning and a thorough back­ non for six years. Hale and Elsen —The Gallfomla MPa from traditional parties Sept. 23 ground in local government, ac­ Jack Pacneosa, Andidate. A World War n veteran who dream and sent Soottldi and Welsh na- cording to Houley. served with the Marines, Hou­ Harris —About Britain tlonaltots to Parliament, the He points to his experience in ley subeequenOy graduated HeUer —We bombed In N ew government promised to consid­ Vernon government In which be Vernon from the University of New Haven er appointing a constitutional ! l ! presently serves as a member HampeWre under the O .I. bUl. Higgins —Soft underbelly commission to recommend of the Board of Representatives. "Aa your state senator, I wUl Hlngley —The Tsars, U»S-m7 Aurdieg Set "what changes may be needed” He to the former chairman of consider and act on each piece Hollis —^The Jesuits the Vernon BSconomic Develop­ in the retotioasUp between Lon­ of legtolotloo from one point Johnson —To heal and to build U N IC E F D ay ment Com mission and has serv­ don and the outlying regions. Jones—^A song o f ascents ed as secretary of the Vernon of view . . . bow tteit leglria- The rest of the queen’s speech t*on wiU affect the people of Kenlston —^Toung radl(nUs URlAfiF day tomorrow Is Zoning Commission. represented a restatement of Laffln —Women In battle sponsored locally by the Rock­ Major PreUeoi Tolland County,-yHoMey-pledg­ post poUetos and eaillar es. Larson —Eisenhower ville Auncll of Aurch Women The major problem to come pledges. Leacacos —^Flrea In the ln-baa» with 17 churches participating, before the legislature will be kiet In foreign policy, Britain to fioeal, Houley predicted in a Lee —M aine Mrs. Andrew Morgan is chair­ still committed to Joining the man. teeeut interview. Earthquake Jars Leads —Appointment on the Europesn Common Market, '^ d w can we start approprl- moon The program was originated working through the United Na­ atliM funds for programs tinkae Fairbanks Area Ikwg —The new Nazis of Ger­ In a suburb o f PhUadelphta in tions for a Middle Bast aetUe- a realistic revenue progrem many WBO by a group o f Sunday school menf, and approving the nu­ FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) _ foowB we can afford it,” Hou- Lord —Andre Marvell pupils who decided they would clear nonproUfaration treaty. (Herald pboto by Bunelviclue) solicit for pennies, nickels and loy questioned. "W e need long A 20-second earthquake which MoGoffin and Knoll —Anything The queen also promised ac­ dimes instead of the n«ii«i candy range planned revenues to moet Robert Houley of Vernon, Democratic cballenger. shook stock from store shelves but the truth tion on an official report recom­ on Trick or Treat night. The .SAVE 1 4 0 On “CairalilM”, Our Exrluiivr Spanish Style Bed­ our needs.” and sent people running Into the mending changes In British un­ STRANGLER SAVE $30 4-Pc. CMonial Style Sekid Maple Bedroom ment'aa a possible means for future water and eewer facili­ children cirilected $17 and , turn­ ion law, and again pledged leg­ D aily T - t room • Double Dreiwer • Mirror • Cheat • Seioll Headboard -’-v. Ityt v: He feels the long range in­ streets Jarred the Fairbanks ed it over to the United Nations ■at.. Sob. A fhorming roomful of rugged oulid maple us friendly unil smaller towns to broaden ,their ties, fire and poHoe protection islation "on the composition and It’i our own beautiful “ Cooalita” deaign . . . youra at lavinga in this • Double Urrmer come producing needs of the area Tuesday. Aildren Fund snd set an ex­ 1 lU-811841188-7 llAAiM Immcy ai u blazing hearth fire and above all pracli. ul. Note ili.- etate must be considered, not tax baees, providing a more and school construction needs. Deaths in powers of the House of Lords." low-priced ilarter luilet All piecet in Mediterrknean oak finiih, • Framed Minor Tliere were no reports of Inju­ ample which is followed by chil­ corred-look drawer (ronU, heavy wrought hardware and Micarlu® delightful ^ rly American styling with authentic l>rusa finivh merely stop-gap methods. "I am equitable distribution o f the He supports provisions for ry nor major damage although dren all over America. The protective lopo. You gel: (>-drawer double dresoer, framed mirror, liurdware. i^twpcn (he hig double dre«mT unil roomy rhetl you • 4 Drawer CJiexI property tax burden. "Inter-communlty co-opsraUon liuve ten big druwpm I^rge mirror and liandaoiiH* IhjcL iMeping a totally open mind on the Jolt knocked the needle off amount now collected comes to 4-4o>wer cheat and aranulically different ocroll headboard • Panel Bed and action on mutual prob­ The Nation (..olonial ulyJc UHlnMun buy of u lifetime. the questions of a state income “ The state should provide in­ the University of Alaska seismo­ some $8 million. SALE PRICED lems.” Edwin J. JehMua SALE PRICED $268. AFTER BALE PRICE gMS LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS tMXf* centives to help the small towns graph five miles west of Fair­ Area churches participating'ln ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALLl SALE PRICE $229 AFTER-SALE PRICE t m A strong supporter of in­ develop sound economic devel­ Open Space Preeervee mONWOOD, Mich. (AP) — the Rockville Council Include banks, and readings on instru­ Edwin J. Jotaisaa, M, editor and creased stste aid to education, opment policies," be explains. “These all cost money,” Hou­ Ro(KcvtUe, Vernon, Ellington, iiii ments elsewhere ranged in In­ publisher of the Ircnarood Dally coupled with local autonomy, Planning for the tremendous ley stated, "we mint plan ahead Tolland, Somers, Somersvllle ini l-l*r. Starter lit>(lrmpany- was about as hard aa the after­ slty department of EtoglBh and Btcknell and Karen Horowlcs, ing problems, according to Hou- shock we got following the big one of the notion's leading Mil- Super deaaera. tey. earthquake In Anchorage in ton acholoxa, died Sunday of a In the Junior division: Darien ni FIXTUIIES He would also work with State 1IM4.” heart attack. Parker came to Dombec and Pat Locke, Friend­ $Ughway Department planners 8he said Tuesday's temblor Indiana as a professor of Eng­ ly Ice Aeam . to make sure that "no ToUand hit Nenana "quite hard, and we lish In 1966 and was named de­ m (o f fonwor K»f(lar d ofli Toy Co. County town becomes Iscteted had things knocked off abelveso partment chairman In 19M. w SAVE on Boy's Colonial style or cut off from the highway sys­ but aa tar as I know there wer­ Federal Aid Sought OPEN STOCK OH ^raOHOOOvoOv # tem ." en't any windows broken or Ug For State Police Cart Bedroom in Saleiit Maple j A day care center tor mMtal dam age." Housiug Appeal YOUR CHOICE ______I’erfeenor u growing Imy; built to last, prolreted by Mirarta9 HARTFORD (AP) -Oonnsctl- SAVE on GirPa Lovely treatment of emotionally handi­ Jack TownMiend of the Coast K. Student Desk ...... ~77T.$8B O. 4-Drawar Chest ...... and Geodetic Survey In Fair­ STAMFORD (AP) — Mayor cut to sseklng federal funds to While French Provincial Bedroom capped children should be estab- L . C h a ir ...... $16 p. Panel Bed ...... FOR $RU or LERSC banks, who has done research Bruno Giordano has appealed to provide 12 special atats poUoe Slii'‘ll ]ii\e llie urui eful line-, elegiinl while finiiili, gold liigliligliling. on Alaska quakes, said the lack local landlords to find homes cars to help motorists strand­ A. Lingerie Chest ...... ,.$86 y. Desk Chair ... M. Hutch ...... $88 Q. Framed Mirror ...... of extensive (tamage from Tues­ for families dtoplaced by an ed along the state’s 680 miles B. Spindle Bed ...... $44 G. Teen Chest ... N. Bachelor Chest ...... $48 R. Double DreaMr .... apartment-building fire over the LIBERAL TERMS to qaaliftod prindpels. Wifl aoU IRanrl^pBtpr day's quake was because it was of divided highways, (3ov. John C. Night Stand ...... $88 H. Hutch ...... Matching Night Stand ...... fSS centered about 80 miles away at weekemL Dsmpsey rsporto. m r looM, fai M l or port. Uool for any type of maMn- D. 4-Drawer Chest ...... $69 I. Double Dresser SA VE On the Matrhahles CDPitinii f prali Baldry Mountain northwest of The Maze at 88 Henry fit. dto- He said Tuesday tha stats E. Student Desk ...... $68 J. Fram ed M irror i M i oriBg. Olaa ataty hBMdtog ia 17,000 aq. f t aat Falihanks. He said the few vil­ placed 22 famlllee. The city has neste 881,806 to buy ths cam Pubitohsd Dally Xxevpt Sundayi lages nearest the quake center been aMe to relocate one fam­ uid HoUdays at I t BIsm II ferrat and squip them with gsar to •faiMhwttr. Conn. (M(M0) were at least 20 miles away. ily in a public bousing unit and give quick aid to acoltent vlo- Never A Parking Problem at Keith’s! Have You Tried Keith’s Felophoeo S4S-3T11 Ihe Alaska disaster office In three in a hotel. Nine famlltos tlms. The money would also pay Juneau said a radio check of the are Hving in the city’s boms “One-Stop Shopping?” JBJiy pHWOH Wm pVfvQliB IHfvfwBfvQ CQH Secoas Oass Poatago PMd at tor operating the cars for a FREE MAIN STREET PARKING, or Manebostsr. Conn villages disclosed no Injury nor for the agsd. ysar. The special oars would S. H. V. C. Inc. major damage. Giordano said Tussday, la supiSement stats polios patrols • We'll Come To Yoor House To Advise Youl SUMCRIFTION RATBS The Geophysical Institute at making tbs plsa to landlonto, PARK FREE IN OUR OWN LOT Payablo In Advaoea now In extoUnos. 111 ) MAIN ST. MANCHESTER • Use Our New Revolving Credit Plan I toM Tear ...... |HM the university said the shalier that tha situation aras so bad The Itea must be approved IS t. NEXT TO STORE! Opposite the BetHMt Junior High Sohoot on Lower (South End) Mmlw Itie e t • All Purchases Inspected Before Delivery I •to Ifoalte ...... ISJO struck at 12:18 p.m.—tiM p.m. he was considsring the imms- by tbs U.S. Transportation Do- tOR* • We have Terme To Pleeae Everyone I Ihrae Months ...... TJP EkST -and was the worst record­ diate constnicUoii of tompotary partmsnt bstors ths funds can . , . For Friendly Service, Phone SiS-flSt. .. Qa* MoaOi ...... t m ed in the state this year. housing units. be granted. -FGIIi't > n im -»U .i. MABIHB BAItD» — 8il8 ill iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii

¥ ^ ■ ‘^ 1,

P A O B J O D B MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALoJ, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 MANCHESTElt EVENINQ HKRALD. MANCHJ6ii-i^ CONN„ WBDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1068 PAGE FIVB suspended, and put on proba­ theater Uckets and food at the the beating and robbery of a paid a fins of $$6 on a breach H«lpf Yob Ov«reeiii« H um phrey CaJh Report Attorney Says 12di Orcuit tion for two years. Two com­ Mancheater> Drive-In Theater man on Brooklyn St. to Septem­ of peace charge. U.S. Planes Maintain panion cases were referred to and Involved ROy Ooofcerham, ber. NoUes were granted In tiie FALSE TEETH On 6 Home Ixfts ^Bunk^ *£140 Galt’ Had &>iirt Cases JuveiHle court. They were Pam­ 17, of 80 Chambers St., Rldi- Fines related to motor ve­ cases of Vaunda Fegley, 19, of ROCKVILLE ELKS CLUl ela GMtra of 72 Montauk Dr., ard Girardto, 17, o f 147 Brook- hicle tocldenta were Imposed on €3umeat Trailer Park, RockviUe, LoesBRBtt oBd Worry No lonser ba snnorMl or feel lll-et- PtastSe Surgery Raids on Panhandle Vernon, and Duane Farrell of 57 flrid St. and Robert Lassen, Richard BUyak cf Stafford for breach of peace, and Mar­ (C f M » Oi*«> trat ■ntt jolM « in a coMtai da- West St„ RockviUe. aeas beoettee of loose, wobbly false BAST. HARTinoRD SESSION 16, o f 86 Brettcn St. Springs, $38; CUftord Elltng- lene Davey of 1 Regan Rd., teeth. FASTIXTH, en improved HOLLTWDOD, n»H# (AP)— (C'«fiUnii«d fm ia Pn«e On.*) alkaline powder, boidi plates firmer Ita. Ra, Kwald alao i M ^ Also referred to Juvenile A hearing for probable cause wood, 1$, o f 144 B ast Mato St., Rockville, for tampering with a An attorney says a man who Viet Ocmg posltlcns along the 8 George M. Risley, 37, o f 127 so tbey feel more oomfOrteble. AroM Uh « tlw land waa glaan to Hum- * ly, making thMr way through Highland St. was fined $60 for court were three Manchester wlU be held Nov. 12 to the com ­ Rockville; $50; NIchMu motor vehicle. smberraannent oaussd by loose felss Bhrev contention t^ the milk arafon gave his name aa Brio CMU im- miles of a river complex near youths accused of breaking and teeth. Dentures that St an mmntlel 'ttoadUy wonenlng waather" breach of peace In ccnnectlon panion cases of Robert Lemleux, Masters, 16, o f Somers, $36, snd to heeltb Jee your dentist rsgularly- OM tar." .h. «M . the aouthernmoat Up c f the entering with criminal intent darwant minor plastic suigary war Uw pmdiandla. But tha coiaitry. A U.S, Navy spokes- with the alleged beating of his 26, o f 82 Sntpoio S t, RookviUe. Kusti Murd, 26, o f Danielson, In the 1870s D altu , Tex., had Oet PASTXvre at ell drut oountaie. before the aaeinatlnn lumbar of mlaaiont waa only man aaid 4 enemy sampans girl friend, a 20-year-oId Man- and larceny over $2,000. The in­ and Raymond Hitt of Hartford. $25. T h om u Mayo, 21, o f Hart­ a dally newspaper with Asso­ ly® le*» fluui thlB total of 189 chesteir. girl, in June. cident had to do with a th«ft of They are allegedly Involved in ford Turnpike, RockviUe, alao ciated Press coverage. A miriaapolU c>«»l Jury to- “ ""P* antttruat ae- Aprtl of Dr. Martin Luther King BINGO and other watar oraft were Jr. ' CMHtlAGC HOUSE «VMy WEDNBDAY y, and that waa tha moat amaahed and 167 bunkers and Risley Mesded nolo con­ Read Herald Ads dieted aeeeia] milk corapaaiee, , . . nearly a month. tendere to the charge in Man- htOmmg Bwald Brotbera, a ^ (ateal Judge on Aug. M. The Uwyar, Rennet Olan, de­ other atructivee were de­ 77*0, pUots raported damaging stroyed. day’s East Hartford Session of milk trade aaeociatton. aeaatal f**®**^ an loJuncUoa hold- clined Tuesday to give details of r d M ^ y tn g 18 truoka and arcuit Court 13. At the time dM rtboton and a mOk (ktaera ownera and the auigery performed by Dr. Five Amaitoans were wound­ irae VHdges, but “much of the ed In the operation, which of the Incident, police respond­ union on Jan. >4, 19«. T?iey ®***" defendaata could not ea- Ruaael a Hadley except to say ed to a complaint that there werc charged with entering into *“ ®* drleera union to act ae it waa of the type whloh would damage aaaeamant waa brought the U.S. Coast Ouard _ (red by morning ground was a fight going on at the SERVICE a oonaplracy to prevent a num- P”Uc” ®*» *o antbroe their Itacad not greatly change his appear­ cutter WaMiusett, seven U.8. _ and later cloud cover,’’ the entrance to the town sewage bar of atoraa from ariUng milk P™**- ance. Navy' Swtfit boats and Viet­ TONIGHT I .6. Oommanl aald. It added namese bombers Into actian. plant on Oleott St. When they bekm the priee dairiei charged iitjunctian araa handed The Ihderal Bureau of Invea- ptori 15 fires and 38 aecondary arrived they found tUsley and for home deUvery. doam batareen. the time of the Viet Cong oasuaMies were not UgaUon has reported Brio Galt ,e9oploalona were alao reported known. the girl, who had multiple facial All the defendaids pleaded tnuufer of the ala lots to Hum- sms an alias used by James GOVERNOR wlndloating hlta on fuel and ant- At the other end of the coun­ injuries and an ankle Injury. nolo contendeie—DO conteet—In Pi>®«y by Barald and the tiling of Bail Ray, now facing trial In munition atoiaa. try Tuesday, the batUertitp New She was taken to Memorial the crlmkial action and on ^ deed in Wright Oounty. Memphis, Tenn., on a charge of & PUota tR»n the canlera In- Jersey bombarded targets in Hospital by cruiser, treated, March J, UBS, were lined IS,000 Humphrey HMad the fa ir mar- murdering King. JOHN StiapM and America reported the northern half of the demlll- and released. •bch. ket value of the Waveity houae Olan said be thought the oper- Weaving three oU atorage aiaaa 'The g ill told police the In­ Ray BIwald, who with hla arlie and land at fSB.ooo on gent g j tarlxed aone and destroyed or •Uon waa performed three or DEMPSEY M llamee aouth of Vinh. damaged about 40 bunkers, mil­ juries were the result of an ar­ had executed the lakeside pro- UM, when be waa rumdiw' few tour weeks befote the assassina­ to U.S. beadquartera aaid an Air itary spMiesmen aald. gument between she and Risley perty dee<^ area not named a de- vice preaideeit, A atatem*ee tion on AprU A “R may have Channel 3 FI pboto-reconnalaaanoe ’Ihe Navy also reportod that that began at a local reataurant ftndant in the criminal case. Ua holdings ma«v» public for the bean on the 4th or the uth of failed to return from a North Vietnamese ahore batter- earlier in the evening. The otvU suit named hie broth- presidential namp«ign earlier Mazuh, I foigat which,” he said. 8:25 p.m. over the panhandle lea opened up on the destroyer er, Dewey Ehrafd, who araa IMs m «ith valued the W averiy The surgeon raferrad aU quoa- ly and ia "preaumed down Davis three times Monday ni$ht ROC3CVILLE SESSION GOSSARO KNOWS THE A. i. C's. president o f the dairy, and the property at $48,780, either be- Uons to Olan. The lawyer aald eoem(ir groundOre.’ ’ The two and' Tuesday morning but Several cues involving same defendants named in the cauae be added to it or heeaiMa if a beUavad Oalt sought out Dr. Commlttss for tbe Bictfon of Dtraocntic LsgWston, Wm. It Cotlir, Tmwrn wrewmen .aw mlaaing. It was missed. Some of the Initial domestic probiema were AND GUARANTEES THEM. TOO! erimlml action. it has appreciated in value, or Radley through tho Los Angelea — the 914th Am erican warplane rounds ware reported to have presented in court yesterday. DefendanU in the ctvU anU- bath, the Tribune — Oounty Medical Association, ^ t r~reported down In combat over landed within 100 yards of the any rate, Olan said, Oalt told Charged with breach of peace I tbe North. ship. and fined $25 was Henry McFar- the doctor tho association bad , Tbe Air Force’s Mg B52 A military source said Oen. rocommandod him, lane, 46, of 163 West Main St„ V em on Roll In Here For j bombers dropped more than 700 Creifhton W. Abrams Jr., the Rockville. Olan aaid the case didn’t ' ^pone ,cf exptoetvae on base commander of U.S. forces in James lingham, 30, of 148 5 .0 0 stand out In Hadley's mind, but FRO N T END I totonpe end qtaglng areas along Vietnam, was due back “fairly LydaH St., Manchester, had Carruthers Challenges Allen he added: "As soon as we dis­ { the Jingle invasion routes be­ soon" from his hurried trip to charge! of breach of peace and Flair, by Gossard . . . the only bra covered who the patient had tween Cambodia and Saigon, Washington to confer with Pres­ breaking and entering noUed carrying the Golden Guarantee. Wear bean, the ease was reported to j ’Two more fUghta of the eight-Jet ident Johnson. But the source when it waa brought out In court your Gossard Flair and find out how To a Debate on the Issues Um P ^ “ I Stratotortresaes unleashed an- said AbTams might stop o ft In that both charges were related Tha a tto n e y aald Uiat aa far , outer $80 tons on atorage areaa, Honolulu to confer with Athn. to marital difficulties which comfortable Flair is from tha first IHtti the dectlaa atx daya tfae extent o f one-half o f the aa ha knew, Hadley baa not j Mnricers and trench com plexes John 8. McCain Jr., the com­ were being treated. minute you wear it. Wa are so sura away, Thonaa Cairuthera, Re- Capitol expenditure for such been subpoenaed to testify In ' in the -central Mghhutda, 40 mander In chief of American Three other such cases were this Flair bra will give you better fit ptAhean candidate tor State contreda.” tha Ray MaL I miles wi eat of Kontum and a forces In the Pacific. referred to Family Relations Of­ Representative, la ctmiiwiging Oarruihara ni«* “ I don’ t beUeva,” ha said, j mile from the Cambodian bor- M ilitary souroea said Johnaoei fice with t^ ir cues continued. more comfort, we offer you the privilege “that what he did was relative hM opponent, Gerald AHen, to the only reason “I oan see der. apparently summoned Abrams They were Lawrence MacFar- of returning it to the store within 10 debate the iaMes. to the case.’’ j While enemy g;round forcea to Washbigton to ask the gener­ land, 97 of 97 Prospect fit., Wil­ Alton voted against the MU waa He said only one person, au­ ' generaBy continued to He low, a al what effect a bombing holt bert Reid, 24, of 58 School fit., days from the date of purchase for Aaaertiag that he had Mad that he was again "playliv fai­ thor William Bradford Hule, has I task force of U.6. boats and would have on the military situ­ and Daniel Velesquex, 87, of 108 full refund, if you are not completely to Mir his opponent to open dia- ths-laadar” in vethv been authorised to aee the re­ J South Vietnamese planes raided ation in South Vietnam. Union St., all of RockvlHe and satisfied. In white, jade and cocoa. o f the iaaues the against a RepuhUcan sponsarsd cords of the treatment, and no all charged with breach of people of Yemen at this time, MU. ana ala# would ba aUowad to ex­ Sixes 32-36, A, B, C . CMTudtere aald, ‘T guest the ____ ^___ peace. amine them without authorisa- 'the trial by the court of Wil­ oidy way to determine hie poat- tton. Rule waa engaged by Ray tion on tbaae iaeuee. If he hea Manchester Area Two More Nobel Prizes liam Warrick, 22, o f 24 Orove to arrita Ma atory. St., Rockville, rmulted in a t®e, te to get him before a gi«s^> SPECIAL suspended sentence with a num­ o f pe(^>to and aak tahn.** Vemon Woman Are Won by Americans ber of provisions. He w u charg­ Oartuthers died the iaaoea as Crossing Street Public Records $y.9s ed with indecent exposure and being, “Ilia faonlMe, (Oonttaned from Page One) foimd guilty after William Warrantee Deeda Queen Opens Parliament PtdhTtlcn of our once clean and Struck by Car Camber—Caster—Toe la prtcea wound up tbe Nobel dU- O’Brien of 14 Laurel St., Rock­ beanUful Hockanum R t w , Joaeph Charles Broam to Mizabeth H wearing white satin embroidered wttli pearls apd crystals, I Mats oooduded that the atom tiibutinn for 1968. ville, testified that he had ob­ elate aid to edufutlon, np^lating Oaidner Chapman, property on served the accused nude in the M ia. Xtoanor WUUs of 170 Wie Diadem on headg a three-row diamond necklace and diamond drop ear- I consisted o f about 80 particlaa TTie prizeiB wlU be awarded of the state Mx base and the Oakland SC, conveyance tax street at an early morning hour. ■Mat Main St., RookviUe, was rin^, sits in the Irish State Coach en route to the Houses of Parliament to CARS FOR LEASE AT A 1 same of them Miort Hved. D®®- <*>« T2nd arutversary of dlMrlbutlon of state aid to small |M- VERY LOW RATE I Riit HI. **i® death of Alfred Nobel, the Warrick received a suspen- toam e." struck by a car driven by Sior- perfonn the official opening ceremony of the third sesaion of the fifth Parlia­ . BUI A iro^aiw hto reaeari* taventor of dynamite, slon of the aentence Impoaed a rast BidweU i t 14S Meat isaiw Sydney Rosenblum and Bob The RapUMican eaadktote Oerstung to WUliam M. Outter- ment of her reign in London today. (AP Photofax) ^ team exploded tWa theory In prise fund. The week ago on a similar charge St. as she area croaaiag the •Mdhe w n meet fata oppotieM man. pnqierty on ITx>enix St., I 1980 at Beckieley with the dl»- peace prise ceremony Is held In and six months In the custody street near her home yaeter MANCHESTBt MOTORS "* ^ e churdi groiqw, chiba, Vemon, conveyamce tax $J» mund St., conveyance I , oovery of a previously unknown Oslo, Norway, tbe ottiers In of the Commissioner of Come- AR day. tax Reginald Hatch, fence at 81 Mather S t, $1,500. 512 W.“ OENTEB ST. • tt-U ll MANCHBSjTBB | coCtee parUea, patio paitlas, or Bdarard P. Jr. and Jean K. $19.80. Mather St, $800. |_parthfle, called T , that w u even Stockhokn. tions with execution suspended Do ld ; "anyptooe that he 'Infme at BMioe said no actian sms Baling to Paul J. and Roberta David Oay, garage at m after the seven days which War­ R*^***"S PennHe Richard W. Hyde for 70 Mid- Phiker S t, $1,800. - Bioitor Uved. They found other a n o t h k r n u M M iv a |L A •By tone------oanvtant- to juien.-AUen ^«B agatast the driver. Mrs. R. Hublazd, property on Bari Texaco lnc„ gas Malion at dto Tpke. Bast Corp., addUion r-toiM* particles later. They alro ANOTHER CRIMMINS rick hu already served during Camitlieiw aald he will tot hto WiUla, who is TJ, vraa taken to SL. conveyance tax $34.76. Trade Name the pent week. <•0 Oakland St., $28,000. to commMxial building at 70 E. Richard M. Jackaon of 81 I were able to determine the ANNAPOUfi, Md. (AP) opponent choose his own rnUn. RockvUla Oenaral BMpital wUfa rredartek T. and Baton W. R- Oraff, alterationa at 54 Middle T pks.. $6,500 ' weight aad other propertiu of Tfavy sophcHnore linebacker The provisions were that War- Water riBiiilm Bill s fractured am and ignitipi^ Mohr to WUUs T. ______^___ Young S t, WUUmanUc, doing and Ant^ WiMhrop Rd., $200. unrt Construction Co. for business at 988 Main St. as tbeae foot oartl- ****** Orlmmlns of Wut Lafay- leave town on or before Cfanceming the problems of toutosA She is raportsd in good 8. Snowden, property on Bd- Webatiw and Webster Inc. for Harold* Dumas ^ tort diaafipeanng para ^ la the aon of fon^r Nov. 6. promlae to obtain medl- garage at 04 Credit Bureau of Manchester. 45- FASHION -St of the Hockanum ELECTION SPECIALS T ^ awatds committee said Notre Dame star Bernle Crlm- cal or psychisMc River, Oarrotbers chatges AUen Robert B. Nelson Jr., 36, of ~ ------to m «t tht exACting require* Onsager’s ideas had attmulated reconcUlatloo with Ma menu of ferooui ooutorier*. with votiog against a RepubU- tb s Howard Jobnaon isnCiw experiments In phytocs and MM- Mike, a quarteihack In high '™ *- «a o# can ■pooaored anU-poUution MU Lodga, Rt 80, was charged ogjr. school, played fuUhack and of- ^ F I T ^ that would have set a deadline yeeterday with Mro oounto of Pick Yours Today Alvaies wu born to Son *fenalve guard for the Navy ’Waller Park, Rock^e af- tor ending the discharge o f con­ fraudnknt laaue o f Francisco, took hi# Ph.D. at the Plebee last year but last q>ring ‘fr pleading gtolty^ tMdng ai^ to .ithfy the high lUederdi taminant! into the Hockanum. Tha complainant waa tha I BELIEVE thaf the qualifications one nee^ds to be in University of Chicago to 1936 he w u moved toto the defensive tides from a Ooodwln Box w u o( pralcwioael oanetierae. “Peihaps the reason AUenOonsumera------Market in and hu been on the University secondary u a linebacker, sentenced to 60 days, execution COMFORT % voted agalnM it was that it ams Horfhaast Shopping OMrtar 9P45 of California staff ever stooe. ______•Ponaored by Repubileana, Nelson posted a $100 bond for federal or state office are identical to those of local From 1940 through 1948 Alvar- to fulfill the hopeg end oeedt of tod t/t active women when Oarruthera said. He noted that •ppaamnoa in RoekviU# Clieuit OIijlympic 1 8 " I.. es worked In radar researeti although tbe MU waa not par- YOU wear Goaaard*a Origioal Oomt 12. Now. 11. PORTAABLE I and dSvelopnMnt at the Massa­ Ftaif#->or your monex fact, It provided tor Immedut. Joaeph OanaUl, IS, o f 33 Bam- office:— action to attempt to stem the I yr. on all chusetts Institute of Technology back! tortta Rd., Vemon, was charged in Boston. He then spent two pollution of the Hockanum and parts and other Connecticut riven and with toUowlng too Okies and- SINCERITY AND INTEGRITY . . . years at the nuclear research streams. operatMg with unsafe tins picture tuba. station at Los Alamos, N.M teiday. Nobel laureate Ernest Purther noting th«t the MU LOVE OF TOWN, STATE, AND NATION . . . Osnelll atmok a ear driven 0. Lawrence, the Inventor of the fsovlded for reimbursement by big cyclotrona, died in 1956, Al­ the state to private Induatry tor by John Camsone of O'aetoo- DEVOTION TO JOB . . . varez succeeded him u director initiation of pollution controls, Mny as Caruaone stopped to $ Oarruthera said, “This was a aiVIOld M ttlng tw « dogs. CaniilM REPRESENT THE PEOPLE . . . 119,95 of the Lawrence Radiation Lab­ MU that amild not have put a la aebedutod to appear la Rock- oratory. He had been deputy di­ great financial burden on any vlUe Orcult Court 13 Nov. 25. COURAGE TO TAKE A STAND ON CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES . . . rector since 1954. industry, and would have aaved OOier araa iwUoa aetlvl^: Free Service Onsager graduated u a our Hockanum river from poUo- OOVENTBT HELP EVERY PERSON AND NOT JUST BIG BUSINESS OR THE VERY chemical engineer from tbe ttOB." Daniel W. Walah, 33, of BlMi- Norwegian Technical University The blU would have aet a inond, Va , was chaii^ with WEALTHY . . . at Trondheim to 1925 and after deadline for private Arms to faUurs to signal whan sti^iplng. further atu4y at Zurich, Switzer­ Initiate steps to curb the dis­ last night in Oovaatry. A DESIRE TO MAKE OUR COMMUNITY A BETTER PLACE TX) LIVE . . . land, , moved to the United charge o f pMtutants into the Wabh is scheduled to appear 6P32 States. He took his Ph.D. to state rivers and streams. If tbe in Msneheeter Circuit Court 13, theoretical chemistry at YMe to deadline were not met, penal- N ov. IS. I do not fool that the number of clubs you belong to, or where your house is located or the f 1985, w u a research instructor Uea would have been aateaaed. amount of your financial wealth are qualificaHons. If you elect me as your State Senator I qt Brown University 1928-86, "On tbe other hand,” Oarrutb- Dredging, aa a tom of bar- Olympic I5"< and in 1634 became an assistant an said, "those firms taUi^ the veMlag sponges commarelally^ liart«**y!irM ayor **** **'” * interest that I have triad to PORTABLE; professor at Tale. Since 1945 he initiative in Installing approved la prohiMted in tbe Wasteni I yr. on h u been J. Willard Gibbs pro­ pollution oontrol would have Hsmtaphere althoagh It la oaad fessor of theoretical chemlrtry been reimbursed by tbe state to in other parts of tbe world. My phono and home and time have always been available to old or young, rich or poor, parts and at Tale. famous or unknown residents of our town of Manchester. I shall work as hard at being youi^ picture tuba. Alvarez, i at Ma Berkeley State Senator as I have as your Mayor. BUT NOW, I NEED YOUR HELP. ^ ^ home, .said "I’m deeply grati­ ONLY • fied and highly excited to think titat I .f. . could receive this CMMrtieiifi LarfMt OtIlwtiM iff $ ■ honor.’ ’ ' 99.95 He became tbe seventh Nobel prize winner aasoclated with the Free Saryica; University of California's radia­ tion laboratory. TALL GAL Shoes After learning of the award, Alvarez canceled reservations ARE AT CC334SM to fly to the National Space Cen­ ter to Houston for conferences I about high energy cosmic ray ‘ partlMes. Volin’s Proven Leadership In: Olympic 270 “I’ll stay here and talk to square inch some of my boys,’’ he said, I b N s w B b t s o COLOR "Maybe' one of them Is on his way to becoming a laureate, CONSOLE too,’ ’ in aU the new fell Rapid en Told what ruearch he was picture. 2 yr. cited for, Alvarez replied, •tylee aad solen ie * Business “Good, now I oon tell my wife.’’ picture tuba, Onsager, contacted to Pasade­ I yr. on parts. na, Calif., Where he is attending Heeb a meeting of the National AMd- «my of fiolenoe, sold: "Wed, it $ ia hard to say Just how I felt * Government 399.95 when I w u told. Obvloualy it w u a bit of a surprise. "I wouM think of the prise—I Free Service often thought of the prize u I worked,’’ he m d, “but alwaye the thoui^t w u to the boidc of my ‘mind.’ ’ THE ALL-OCCASION GOATIHiESS ^ Militcny Onsager reflsoted for a mo- THE IR O G UE IS A SHOC-IN! ment, then added; “I suppose I FOR NOWI S in t 10*/2-11. 11V>12 feel the way I did lut year AA-B-C-D-E whan one of my colleagues, Manfred Eigen, won the award. 14.00 S / n c G f W y Ith CEN TU R Y I feel pleuod, just pleased.’’ 1 9 .0 0 Askgd if he ihou|4tt the award Behold Brojrus . . . & great little some­ TELEVISION Imlght reeult in chongaa to his body that catches the stout-hearted spirit of NATE AGOSTINEUI work or sotivltlea, Onaager Coatdresses . take shape and travel neat , making Volin Shoes short skirts, ribby sweaters and wild stock­ a really great silhouette 603 BURNSIDE AVENUE said: "Thla M hard to say, you ings. Our very own flap oxford ghillie, with tnis season. Created of homespun 174 TEMPLE ST.—NEW HAVEN GOP CondkM*. Stoto Smerior I know. On the other hand, I do.-i’ t weave, high point wool, with long graceful slaavas, and jtorese* any major ohangne—ex- double sole, in sp ort rust brown, sh oe saliHi OPEN m u ss. TILL NlNE-424-8086 ' EAST HARTFORD, CONN. —downtown Manchester. double buttoned in gold. Choose from just-right shades of CMamlttoo tor NnUuui AgMUnoUi (Fruik PUlommo. T m uirer) leapt I might have a Httle more THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT 'power or imfluenoe afterwards.” brown or red, in sizes 7-15. I Tha physios and chesnlatcy r -v P > ' i - m 1. 8£ k MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1968 JiANCHESTER EVENING HEr IlLD. MANCHESTER. OONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 i>V ^ toi I. Dw oar rt- PAGE SEVEN Vernon mcinad iiprlctat acya tiunt into m Candidates of Both* Parties Bolton ■i flamoa. rr o o E S AMaham RMAobV, e coord b ^ to In the Second Dletrlet egalnet pH«e from more than 8,000 Daddaiio OQ per cent, Repub­ the American Independent oent, Democratio Robart 1C . 1*87 Stretch Opens AnottMT cNMii 0(1 I-ai klDed Pott Uw reeulte of a teoadoast eto- GOP candtdaU Peter P. MAri- peraens. lican Reger Ladd 14 per cent, Movement 7 per cent, unde­ Shoraf II per cent, undecldod McCusker • a -y «u v o ld R o m u OatiMlIo Qte Concern for Elderly Girl Scouts I tion'z poll. anl. Here le the brasUtdown; Donald B. LaCroto of the Pri­ cided 34 per cent 17 per oent. ARMONK, N.T. (A P)-^ naw non and Injarwl tlB«a othar maI ^ zSa^S^Nixon Station w n o (radto and telo- And In the Fburth Dletrtot, Preeldetk—Ntxop 48 per cent. mary Party 3 par cent, isr- Fourth DIrtriot—Irwin 89 per nlneuntia stratrti of Intantato Lauds Allen nuna. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vide young men Hving there vlslon Otannol $) aald Tuooday where RepubUoan ehallenger Democratic Hubert H. humphrey deeided 19 per cent. cent, Weicker 8$ per cent, Mor- NAMED FOB MAN, NOT OITT Route 87 that nleka the waatam- SiaUr CaUwrine Alai, 4S, oC Candidates on both sides of with a ^anoe to become lead­ Plan Drive DffFEReNCE: that more than 9,000 poreono LoweU P. Weicker Jr. was ax- 83 p**- cent, George C. W allace Second District—St. Onge 47 rla Earle of the Deeacalatora FRANKFORT, Ky. lan’a record tai the State Aaaam- tion’s elderly. rtatement Tuesday by RepuMl- preaidancy. of votera atlU undecldad. 90 per cen4, undecided II per Third Dlatrlct —Democratic cent, RepubUoan Guy Ruaao 19 waa called Frank’s "Ford” aft­ from tha Croas Waatohaatar FbHoe aaid a tire in tha di- of the 1968 CMrl Scout fund r botit Republtoen cent. Uy and defended Um aaainat Sen. Abraham RlUcoff said of can Rep. Thomas J. Meskill of The aurvey aleo abowad Dorn- During 4he period Oct. 14-M, Rep. Robert N. CHalmo 49 per per cent undecided 38 p c' cant er Stephen Frank, killed In 1780 Expreaaway-Hudm jglvar Park­ charfea made by his republican yided falg^reay caused the car dri've In BoKon, has announced B 0 6 0 IN I dentlal oontonder Richard retired Americans who receive the Sixth . District BOGOINI ocmtic inounsbent WUllam L. w n c made over 6,000 tele­ Oongreas,| FIrat Dletrlet — cent. Republican SteHo Sahnona Sixth Diatriot —^ Republican by Indians at a fording spot on way interchanga' iwar WMto opponent Thomas J. Oamitb- ® swerve over the bank and that door to door soUckation will M xon smd Demoorattc Sen. less than $100 a month on An example to state and for f o r St. Onge winning a ckwa race phone oalla and got uaahle la- DemocraUcj Rep. BmlUo Q. 30 per cent, Robert M. Oook of Rep. Thom as J. MeakUl 73 par the Kentucky River. Plains to Route .8 at ArmotoL era. crash Into a bridge abutiberit. take place on Saturday. Special Social Security: ’’That Is not local governments In the field 'The claim that Allen has U>ree other nuns, all from gifts are being soUclted from R«pr*i«ntariv* R « p retirement. That, is abject pov­ of law enforcement, he sad, businesses and professional peo­ 20rii a record of ‘onetwo-three down **** Sh™* convent, were helped will come frwn the federal 2 OW1 A M M iU y the party line’ and allusions to *rt>*u the overturned wreck and' erty. We must do more.” ple this week, under the dhwe- government In i960 which, und­ District lack of knosriedge of what goes ™>t suffer serious Injury, Lowell P. Weicker of Green- tion of Frank Delveochkt. 'wich. Republican candidate for er President Nixon, will set an higgeat sale of on In the town or problems of said, The drive is being conducted Oommlttee for Bogginl Oommlttee fw Congress, also said the older example by poUclng its own the state, are absurd,” MoCus- ®hr swerved, aocording in the eight towns in the Oon- J. B^dios, Treaa. A. Beytlee, ker said. Investlgntors, because of a U.S. cltixeiw are suffering. But areas of responsibility.” he blamed It on "the Jcriinson- nectlciit Valley Girt Scout Ooun- MoCUsker continued. "When 1 roadway. They A Democratic congressman, oil that do not have a Commu­ the ^ear ,.. shop Humphrey inflation.” VTlllam L. St. Onge of the compere Jerry's outstandtng ***uned the fire fell from the Air Medal nity Chest appeal. The funds f performance In the last eight trunk or rear deck of a vriilcle In a talk prepared for a Second District, said that “ the from both the independent cinrent crisis of crime in the years to the well-advertised ob- vdildi cantinu^ on. Air F orce Sgt. David N. campaign visit today to Bridge­ dri'ves and the Community (Steat all depts, at aU United States can moqt effec­ a n ch u tb stnictlonlsm and lade of po- ^ Stamflord man was iiijured Shuman, son o f Mr. and Mrs. port, Weicker aald, "An ad­ appeals are used to support the WBT Hrttroto « H . rAaKAer . ^ tively be dealt ■with by provid­ Utical leaderriiip of his opponent fatally Tuesday at about 1 p.m. Nicholas O. Shuman a t 72 Broad ministration that gives with one council. hand and takes with the other ing state and local law enforce­ here In town, the choice for me ***» «"■ «nd another col­ St., has been a'warded the Air The council returns this aiqi- does nothing to solve the prob­ ment agencies with the funds D&L stores,,, all ls dear, return Jerry Alien to **<**<* head-on High Ridge Road Medal. poirt in services to the Bolton t O V s o N an even greater role In the next *** Stamford. A1 Gallo, 60, died lems of either” the elderly or necessary to hire, train and The medal was awarded to r Girt Scout community: leader * « 4 « legialative session.” *t St. Joaeph’a Hospital in the the poor. equip the addUonal personnel his meritorious achievement training seoslon for all volun- stores open For all of his adult life. Me- «*ty. while participating In sustained He pro'mlsed to throw his ef­ needed to detect and provent Cusker noted, Allen has given operator of tha other car, crim e.” " teers, conferences and work­ aerial flight as a combat crew forts Into tossing out unneces­ shops, filmstrips, a monthly himself to outstanding public Macon, 18, was charged member while stationed from sary spending rather than taxes service. He served three years with n e ^ g ^ homicide, police newsletter and setyloes-of a tomorrow night! February 1988 to May 1968 in In the struggle against in­ field director who works direct­ as a director of the Chamber ™P°rt«<*- M scon. also o f Siam- flation. Southeast Asia. Travel Filins ly with the voliinteeni {dus the of Commerce; two yean as a ford, was slightly Injured. Sgt Siuman has recently Weicker opposes incumbent services of camp directors and Special Purchase Rockville alderman; four years The body of 14-year-old Wal­ been discharged after serving Democrat Rep. Donald J. Irwin ter Gemer Jr. of Stafford waa To Be Shown specialized advisors. The funds as a conuniasioner of the four years with the U.S. Air In the Fourth DlstricL Tan- found by bloodhounds Tuesday also support the operation of the ing Board of Appeals; four as a Force. He la living in Waah- Ribicoff is campaigning to afternoon near his home. The A aeries of four travel films Council office and the camps. tngton. D.C., where his is serv­ for the family! member of the Insurance Ad­ boy had been shot in the heart, retain his Senate seat against will be presented on subsequent ing with the Air National Guard OOP oMionent Edwin H. May Mrs. Dixon explained that visory Board and most note- police said. A medical examiner Thursdays at D A L Depart­ ably for the last eight years as and la attending an Internation­ Jr. each Girt Scout costs the com­ rolled the deadi accidental. ment Store Oommimlty Roonv munity $10.14 a year “ for pro- ladies' famous name Vernon's state representative. al Business Machine School. Shaping his ideas for an au­ The boy’s parents. Hr. and gicuns tor har tnx^ meetings, McCusker further notes that dience of the Connecticut Coun­ Manchester Parkade, beginning Mrs. Walter Oemer Sr. had re- tomorrow at 7:16 p.m. for training for her leader, tor Famous Brond sweaters 'n slacks Allen’s experience and ahllUy ported him miasb^ vdien he did cil of Senior Cltixens In Water- This week’s film will be "The a camp to go to and a train­ earned him the post of House not return from himtlng Mon­ H ebron bury, he w rote: "In 1968, we i t * - Chairman of the PubUc Utikties cannot expect any pierson over Sunshine Islands,” and 'will be ed director to run the camp, SWBATatS day night. The gun 'was found devoted to Bermuda, Nassau, tor telephones and typing paper Committee. near the boy’s body. State po­ 66 to survive on less than 91,200 M ule Award Jamaica, Antigua, Barbados, and tacks and tires, and tor the values to 116 ”Hcw w ^ be did his Job was lice said no foul play was kv- a year.” CHUKKA H . 9 0 Tobago and Trinidad. There will beat told by a fellow Representa­ ■volved. The Junior Connecticut sena­ 1,000 and one things that make Given to Two be a speaker from the British Girl Scouting possibla” tive, a Republican from the 48th tor said dbout 2.8 million Social Cardigans and puHovers in clasa- The first Mule Award waa Overseas Airways Oorp. In explaining where all the i(», turtles, crew necks, belted Diatriot, Robert D. King,” Mc- Security reciprienta 'draw mini­ (BOAC). V em on presented at the Democratic mum benefits which, for the other money goes, Mrs. Dixon Cuaker said. The Nov. 7 film wlH be styles and Fair Isles. Buffet Dinner dance Saturday worker who goes on the roles said that the troop membership BOOTS MoCuaker quotes R ^. King night. The presentation was ’’Oceanic.” Admlsricn to the fee goes to national Girl Scout as sairlng, "Although on the Church Women at 66 or later U |66. “About series is free. other side of the political fence, made by WUllam O’Neill of 8 million Social Security bene­ headquarters. Dues remain with SLACKS Jerry has been moat coopera­ Set W orld D ay Blast Hampton, incumbent Dem­ ficiaries still live in poverty,” each troop to pay tor troop needs and program. The cookie tive with me in getting needed ocratic candidate for the he added. •8JI9 2 for fl7 VO World Oommtmlty Day will be Man Jailed, Fined money is used wUhin the council legislation out of tiie committee 62nd District Legislative seat. He called for Improvement in observed by the RockviUe Coun­ tor camp development, oamp values to |14 The a'wards went ttk Mrs. the benefits, which he called For Pool Selling of wUefa he is House Chairman, cil of Church Women Friday at srimlarships, and senior Girl Dian Kearns and Aaron Reid ’’the biggest antipoverty pro­ and on time. He Is a fine pub­ the Vemon Methodist Church, STAMFORD (AP) — A man Scout oiqiortunities and a por­ Famous maker slacks in bonded lic servant and the toam can be Itt. SO, starting at 10:80 a.m. for the'r outstandinir leadership, gram In the United States,” to service and contribution to their convicted of pool selling has tion of this is kept within the or lined wools, solids and fan­ Jurtly proud of his service so Mrs. Roger Billings will act keep pace with the country’s community. been sent to Jail for five months troop to r troop program use. cies. Siaes 8-18. unatintingly glvetL” as chairman of the day. The expanding prosperity. Reid served as chairman of and fined $8,000. As for those who have already theme of the program will be On Tuesday, May criticized The sentence was bnposed on given to a Community Cheat in ’’Workshop on Human Rights.” the Democratic Town Commit­ Ribicoff for voting against an tee for several years and Mrs. 84-year-oId Gerald J. Gerardl the council area, the money all Edward E. Goode and Neal amendment wMch would have of Stamford Tuesday by Ciircuit goes to the council, but Bolton Mosher will be the i^peakera. Kieams served as vice-chair­ proirided fedeiaJ funds to set up Mishaps Kill man. Reid is also the Demo- Court Judge Hilton Herman. has no Community Cheat appeal Goode is assistant director local groups to help enforce the Gerardi ■was convicted of and is asked to make its own of the department of Social serv­ cmtic Revistrar of Voters. Both law. ★ FREE COFFEE AND iwinients are currently serving three counts of pool selling aft­ oontrlbution. The drive will be 5 in State ices for the Greater Hartford Such groups, he said, would 01^ the recfnt.lv created Oon- er being caught with receipts held annually each fall, to a'void DONUTS FOR ALLf Council of Churches. His parti­ gave the police ’’more eyes and o f nearly $9,000 in bets oci foot­ conflict with appeals from oth­ By IHB ASSOOATBD FKBflS servation Commission. Both cular responsibilities are in tile ears into the ghetto” and pro­ ball games. er organlaations in the ai»ing. Three penona died in two aep- fields of bousing and police com­ have served on numerous com­ arate craabes within Mx hours munity rdations. mittees in the oast. of each other on Interstate 91, Mosher is welfare project co­ Sneakers at the (biirtii annual WIN VALUABLE and two other OOnnectieut ordinator with the Hartford dinner were Robert Houlev, ★ dfaadis were attributed Tuesday Oouncil a t Churches. He works candidate for the .Stste Senate FREE DOOR PRIZES! to vtolenf soddents. mostly to help welfare re­ from the 36th District, and One of Ihe dead wss a Btsf- cipients organise groups which O’Netil. bmd boy, mtoeli^ alnoe Mon­ can help better their circum­ WE SUPPORT THE QUESTIONS day 'When he went taunting. BU stances. body eras foond by bloodbomds Women from 11 churches in Yale Daily News near bis bome. Emington, RockvUle, Somers, Endorses Humphrey tor a new elementary school to siBfothenL send the kMs off to Elarty today a ca r ear rylug Somersvtlle, Talcottvllle, Tol­ replace ootwom Lineoki SchooL school^ tlien hurry on down and five peraens crsMied on I-M in land and Vemon, will partici­ NEW HA'VEN (AP)—"Though have breakfiwt o b usI Hartford, killing a young cou­ pate. The women will bring in Hubert Humphrey is by no for urgent hnprovenients to heating ^ ple from liaaaadittsetts and se­ kits they ha've assembled, gift means the Ideal candidate, his and ventUating systems in Town Schools. riously Injuring the other three. certifleates and Far-East gar­ basic instincts can be trusted.” S i Use main satranoe i So said the Tale Dally News for purchase of badly needed capital M e n ^ Dead 'were Antonio Quiaone, ments they have made. Tha of­ famous label D s p t 26, and bis 2S-year-old wife, fering wrill go to the Right Ir today in an editorial endorse­ eqinipment for the schotd system. EmMelio. Their 1%-year-old son, K at Right, Haiti, Guatemala, ment of the Democratic presi­ nylon slips and Antonio, and two otiiers wrere and Delta Ministry and Chris­ dential candidate. FOA BETTER CONDlTIONtS FOR YOUR SCHOOLS listed in poor condition at Hait- tian Cauaeayt, the Americas. The student newspaper said petticoats • Register between 9 ajn. and 1 tord HcnpKal. FoUoe said the Women are asked to bring a Republican candidate Ririiard REMEMBER TO VOTE ON THE QUESTIONS NOV. 5th pan. for two door prizes: Un- oar veered out of control and sandwich. Coffee and dessert M. Nixon has been "quick to ♦ 1 9 9 mu, 9 3 . 9 9 trimmed Coat 4« aale at $49 whipped Into a guard raU. Sev­ will be furnished. There wrill be despair at recent events, but Manchester Education Association . . . $23 Raincoat. eral of the pasaengeis were a nursery for small children. loathe to gal'vanize the country values to |7 4^ thrown from (be vdricle, aocord- The publle is Invited. with challenges of the future.” Stock up NOW during D&L’s famous Anniver­ sary lingerie sale! Each great eoat a^ies to and every one bears a choose fimn: very famous label and original price tag! Select Save 20% to 50% from tailored, s«ni-tai- • mink ■frimi lored and lacy styles in • kit fox trimi PLEDGE FULHLLED white and yummy colors. SUps sizes 82-44 . . . Pet- on hundreds o f coats! • chinchilotie trims ti^ ts sizes, S, M, L in Prior To His C H U D R E N 'S proportioned ioigths. • eomol hair$ Since His ^ tiM 10-3, rsg.$8 superb designer cools • nubby weaves Election In Election • shetlands BOYS* Don Genovesi *59 „d*74 • tweeds June O f 1967, siiB 3V 2-6, r s g . $ 9 Handsomely styled untrimmed coats, many belted, • boucles Has Done The some rabbit lined zip-out styles. Misses’ and petite sizes. Don Genovesi MEN'S & WOMEN'S • friezes Following: rsgular $10 Pledged To: ■ shadow plaids He has met regularly with • and many moral I Legislative leaders on im* impoliedi coots portant matters such as the Save now during D&L’s great Anni­ Mg. 9100-1235. I off BECOME i I impending State ^ ficit versary buy of these famous brand KNOWLEDGEABLE and highway safety pro­ grams. He has also served Chukka Boots for city or country liv- Finest British and Irish imports I Magitficent 1 girls' famous tailorin gr REPRESENTATIVE on the Governor's Com- ingl They’re just great for active peo­ mission to the Elderly. ple . . . like most everyone in your make skirts family. So comfortable . . . with planta- 1 ESTABLISH AN OFFICE He has held regular office and jumpers hours since his election to tI(Mi crepe sFk.»-yiicA»dWiiAidi8dK.i faw w v i f c V D b l V > # R l V p.ata, i w -ymca w«u,ii reg. $40-946. • box pleated, waistbandera « » “ *46.90 SIOWH OP RMHIOM • solids, fancies reg. $50-955. [Imported suede jackets with leather c(dlar, front facing and pocket trims. Orion zip-out pile lining. Antelope and daric brown. RE-ELECT DON GENOVESI • MAN OF HIS WORD 8-18. Mg. $60-975. 9 ^ ^ TUb md »pon«ored by Repubilr-nji Town Commlttoo—Charle* McKenEle, Ttom . Read Herald Advertisements Single and double breasted, seamed detailin extra space! extra salespeople! fashion c(4ors, sizes for jra, misses, petites. 'I ''' I extra specud savings on sensational coats!

'.a' ^ UANCHESTEOGt EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 MANCHBSTiai EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, Kival r c a in in wniovEiiEirr CUSSES I perience as a member of a tank son, who passes Ms llA Urtb- porch of the war. Kaemjr gun- of the questions on election day. orew in 1940 and hie capture and tey during Ato rtory, a puiqr boy nera baTO nwckait it with fan- In his statement, Anderson s e ftM N m a h o v e m m s dreato of aitlOety roondi. eacape in 1944 (told in raveise who to shoved Ato prep eohoota emphasised the amount of time AirCBRNOON and BVENINO OLAIWIM order). "WlMn I Joined lha «"«y»ny I which town agencies have spent WANTED umong oAee ineffective Udk. laww rd be doing a lot of traa- on sMe selection and evaluation dassea ter ELEMENTARY and HIGH SCHOOL srita HU interviews with Nehru in He has a high AMQgence quo­ oUqg.” aajra Tltna. of total town needs with regard O su, Lits Hodsl . Remedtal Beading (Fhonhn, P k ^ to n ^ , ate), 194B and 1908 (aUo told in re- tient, nrimiaed, and has msule a "I atoo hnew Fd ooine to Vlat* to (tuesUon 4. This conaideraUe ShlllB, Oetiprehmsinn, Vocabiilary Jpaed, Oiltaga Bai ,.*ss verse;’order), and with CMnese ■klllad game of eaveadroppAg n n , bat I OdoTt twnk rd aad stuity, aaid Anderson, has led USED CARS Prepairation and General BtsriSng EWIfM— y . leaders Cbou En-Ui and Moo on hto parents’ frequent quar­ up to a place Uke thia.” aUo ore a part of the story, but rels. , the Eloard of Education to the Top Priefs Psid A SUB0 Claaaea * Pi»JlieallB« A Otaitlflad^l^inclMBs Hto woiM at the momant wao con elusion that the Nevers Rd.- tend to 'Be long-winded and ar­ Rtdhard becomes a murderer. original rogers one of faded baga aad bunfeer Sand Hill site Mould be a com­ For AUM sIu b I gumentative. He deecrlbes hU The story to narrated seven tlm ben grayed by oun and rata. bined high school and oonomu- AeadMnie lUsKHng Improvwiwiii CmMri hie. earliest msetlng wltb De OauUe, years after the murder, by CARIIR CHEVROUH hut not hU later onee. The pemtove duet, which tunw nity activity center. C O .. INC. Richard hlmsSlf—no ode be­ to aoupy mud with tho mowoooiv Anderson stated that a favor­ SS K OBNTBIB ITWEBT KertteOwny’a ' Sandwiched in between these haved hto bojriMr confeaeton— FAMOUS OUALITY SILVERPLATE AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS I wan red and aa excitable ao alft- able vote on the questions is 1229 Main St. Mama surti things as a baf­ MANCCTSTMB, OOMN. who has become at 18 a tat, dto- e d flo u r. needed to Insure for sound niOM 649-B2M fling feihlnUcence of fau father Ategrating dereUot A a rented •Tm getttog to aee a war growth in a rapidly expeuidlng and. nondfather, vUlte to room. community. museumi during his globe-trot­ tran the front aeaf. It*a ooct of We’ve had a* good many nov- M rs. Elvans stated, "P assage ting, air alVplane flight 40 yean an aidrenture.” ela about Ae moral confusksi of TM uo, 27, to a hachWor from of the first two questions will logo over vMat might have been CHOICE OF TWO STUNNING PATTERNS-TRADITIONAL OR MODERN see us two steps closer to ac- WHATS THE th e mine o f the Quem o f She- mburbla, but Ato one ta off the Wlndirop, Waaa., aad a gradu­ usual pattern. It spikes Ae pew- ate to etocMcal anglneertag at compUMing our share in the .'ba’ s palace, and a long, boring prevention of soil and water pol­ tdesorlptiqri ' of a documentary tensions of Ae "better aet,” Northeaatam ynireraity. He put takia some pessAg swipes at in a hitch an any. J^im y Stgnal lution in town. The third ques­ ^Im wldm one of hU friends social and literary flummery, TEA TIME Oorpa oCOoer in Okinawa and tion implements mandatory |wsa tryUv to make, about an ■ml haa a narrative euspenee of then Joined Bandana Haaociataa changes in our town charter.” sarty a*Mi^(irer in Indo-Cblna. 5 Z -p c . set its own. The author’s rtdh, pew- QUEEN'S of Najfaua, N.H., the maker of Mira. Evans went on to say i MalHMnfk stjde—aa readers vtously demonstrated, to at fun the aecrat. iihm iaialllui detae- that the Oonservation Oommle­ of hto / ‘Hue Voieea of SUonce" COURT Will rjMbUl-lrangee from the force A Ato unusual tale. tton gear he haa foBowed to sion strongly supported Ques­ fo r 8 sf RENOWNED V le im m . tion 4 "for the valuable open florid ia me elUpUcal, and fre­ UUea A. SMh At Ooa nilan TRua ia resident ^lace It would provide adjacent quently leaves the reader bewll- expert to a team of Arm y tatdi- to a future hlg^ school.’' jdered. American readers atoo THE PRIVATE WfHUJD OF INTERNATIONAL 8ILVERPUTE aiciaas operating the new piece IMiUe the future use o f the Will ^ a t a handicap in grasp­ LEONARD BERNSTEIN. By ing te^T of the aUusions, impll- John Omen. Photographe by of rlaaailled equipment, tt'a an land to be purchased under Ken'Heyman. VDAy. $1S.SB. 16 Teaspoon! 8 Salad Forks omand-ofl Job that often goea Question 4 has not been deter­ coticsls |md. inferencee in the u x m d Om d o c k . mined, said Mrs. Blvans, It is realm of French history, poUtlcs OondU to Ae word for Ato 8 Dinner Knives 8 Soup Spoons Otheiwlse, Qmn'm a tape re- highly probable that a portion and Mtetatui^- book. The New Yocfc Plrilhar- (forged HOLLOW 2 Tablespoons ooftlef* for moeAc and en oooa- of It will 'be reserved tor future Irt'wort, fito to rmt an easy motric’s music dlrsotor-^who handle blades) book lo read. R takes patience. 1 Butter Knife Mnal bridge game tor dhrer- open space and recreational wlU leave A o t post A m*d-19M (Borne frin Am their patience re­ alon. Hot maala and a ahower use. —sppean in a IrigUy Aionnal, 8 Dinner Forks 1 Sugar Spoon warded'Soiite will not. noatoe booked to a SB-gaUon The QnesIlMis fam ^ vacation setti^ Question 1 calls for approval , MUes A. Smith *Hm of water make tar oom- BemsteA, hto wMS FeUda CompIftN in htndsomi paiatlTe hixuiy. Now n d then of $87B,000 bond issue for a sec- and Aelr childran Jamie, Alex­ O R U li COBM MOON. By HARDWOOD CHEST C ntkan moot fill the culinary ondsiy sewerage treafmenlt ander and Nina spent seven Oee^Laimliig. V iking. $BJ6 plant According to town offi- wweics A A e summer of 1967 at gap aad TUoa ia to the m lfitaiy jri a boob type with an af­ ctals, up to 80 per cent of this a email Italian resort, with m ajority that deapteea e«w> pai^ finity fo r inept rtUxupo, to the amount could be reduced by Oruen sharing their vacation. ttonlar menu—ham aad Hma awkward hero of this ixrvel. state and federal gnurix. And while Oruen Ustenad to baana. For a break there’s a SVrilowing the death of a fa- Jeep M p now aad then alcag the (JuesUao 2 oaBs fo r the eqi- A KNITTING MILL SWEATER STORE? BemsteA taking bis hair down, moua woman rxrvellet be is one dnrtlest mad in t^etnam to the proval o f $876,000 bond issue fo r Heymon snapped hto ptoture A Sounds like • pretty cvedahaed pinee, doesnH it? But think o f the hng« of two'ghost writers hired to Mg Marine baae at DoQg Ha. 11 Dog Tired extestaion of the sanitary sewer scores of intimate poees. system to an- area of town selection poenible in soch a s tm . . . a loiitting-niil] stote. Imagine 80,000 keep her corny but popular aer- The auAor baa raootded at m O ea a w a y . flu ffy , six weeks old puppy, finds himself with •.unwaifted neckUuce after No teOtag Titus as a ciriUaa where an acknowledged health sweaters in faD-fashioned stylea, hand loomed cables, braid-tail te, tnrtle- toa going- ■oroe lengA Ae wonte at Mte. by the looha of Wm. He wears sticking head fiurough hub of tire rim. Top photo veterinarians attempt to free hazard extata. nedia, a h a ^ -k n its, classic cardigsns, poOovers, shells. Sweaters for men, The novrttot atoo had left a B em steA aad the -cfaHitawn, and million doUara for construction ■teadard GI toaue. “nie Arm y him. Bottom, le ft: Fluffy patiently sits it out. Bottom, right: Happy owner Town ofSrials point out that boya. g i i ^ infanta and misae& Amoican-nMide by New England crafts­ BemsteA's brother aad stater, program be works tmder has Robert Biaignani cradles dog after ordeal. Pup was shaved and greased before bofxl Issues of tiris type are not men in our own Connecticot.niin . . . at low direct mUl prices imposaible to o f a partob house, and A e dedJ- oa they frankly dteousi the eatlon to about to take place. Al- maestro, hto barttatage Ufa, hto 0 seen that he has aa MU. The he was fre ^ (AP Photofax) inMuded in a town’s total bond­ match for comparable qnslity. cW ie in and browse. Every sweater gnar* toe H e n ris flaiXMe (both are in raAead has mdtteated a fad ed indebtodness, and would not anteed to your satisfaction. Every sweater returnable and cash rd^mdsMa virtues and fauMs, Iris m oods murtache, aad like many oOi- Jholr 80s), 'oa pUbUeity director and hto dasiros. adversely affect the town’s Charge it with C.AJP. Rooserdt Mills of RodnriDe with branch atmea in fo r the dloceae, to Involved in ers. he’s aratditog his State- "A Why waa the mayor meet­ not only their ncunes but also borrowlrg power. But at course It to BemateA’a Wda pot belly raaiah to the Not Satigfied ing with a department head con­ the reputation of the entire Old Saybrook and Avon. Open Mon. thru S a t till 5 :8 0 ; Wed., Thma., Fit. the plans ijpr the cerenuxiy. com words, hta frmtA self-exam­ Question s calls for the adop- The plot wavers rather uncer- Mngelng heat. He’s down 90 cerning the hiring and firing of Board of Directors.” tion fit the recommended town tiittp jn . ination and Iris nimtaaifisis that pouadi ao far to 170. On Rec Issue, any employe? .teinly around ominous rumors tell the most Hs to os oaodld charter amendm'ents.,-These are mat when th« biabop arrives to It waenr too quiet whan Tlhw "6. Does not the mayor con­ PUBUBHINO MILESTONE ‘ prhnailly of a housekeeping na­ about Iris fam ily om they am Says Director make thd dsiiUosflon speech he about trim, but It to apparent ai'ilied at CSon Tfaieo last ^une. sider such a meeting inter­ NEW YORK (AP) —It was ture. to gotfigto shake up Ae partoh. they ore very dam to each oA- IF BOUGHT IN OPEN STOCK "There were a Sit of romdo that Democratic Town Director ference by an Mected official mme than BOO years ago that (Juesthm 4 caUs fo r approval I There are lots of comic ef- er. fhs* week. My nerres wen William FttaOerald again has into the administrative function­ Johann Gutenberg revolutlone of tssueace of $268,700 in notes a e a r iy M o t ing of the Recreation Depart­ Jerts.,’?hey include Henry’s BemsteA moroealy takea a called on Mayor Nathan Agoa- lied printing by developing for the purebsse of W acres of bxxridwwldi the manuscript he YOU'D PAY $91.00 “But I get to thinld^ the ment? Spengleilan view at Weal am Htioiu h i "oxplato aettone’ ’ movable type. Now, in this elec­ land boiBided by Nevers and iii ghosang; a wlteh-like land­ probability of m y beiiv all right “ 6. Whether or not Mr. Boyle’s clvHtiatAn, its murto and Me conceniliig Bte alleged events tronic age, book puUishing has Sand HUl Rds. to be used as a lady;. a young rector who gets araa maybe better here, than resignation waa voluntary or other arts; dtocueaas Ae fity//von//SAVE $41.05 leadtog to the Oct. 8 resigna­ entered a new era with Harper oombined high schoiri sUe and say, dodging Boaton trafSc," he dnmk, ondlpn* of Aose effetely preoent atatus of compooAg (hto tion o f rec D irector WlUlam was M demanded either by the Row's publication of a sus­ of issuance of $192,000 in notes ardi eptoodsa' in which a man a a ys. mayor or director Schaller? own and oAere), and tails some Boyle. pense novel, "The Long Short open space area. gets caught lA an exposed place "Before this matter goes any tXMricground detaBa o f such Boyle, in his letter of reetgns- C!ut’ ’ (Question B colls fo r apfsoval without hto oloAee. take further and in order for this worite ss "Fanny Bkos" and tlon, charged "barasement Written by Andrew Oarve, it for the purchase of 120 acres of R to an odS eort of novrt, dlfft- • COMES IN ANTI-TARNISH UNED CHEST Waddell School matter to be clooed once and "West Side Story.’’ aad interference’’ by town of- is the first book ever produced land between Barber HUl and oult to rtasrtfy. it may strike flciale, without naming them. for all, these questions must be by a computerized Ciunpoaltian BemsteA also gives As own a year to pay on michaels On Honor Roll Niederwerfer Rds. It has been some readers as being quite hi­ graplric account at hto faroous • EVERY SET HAS WRIHEN GUARANTEE FLtsQenld last week identified answered. I trust the mayor and system in which nothing more larious. It rtuiy strike oAsr Che two as AgostinelM and Town director Schaller will answer atriid than electrons are moved debut A 1948, which led to hie BY THE INTERNATIONAL OlLVER CO. F(m* 14tJh Year readers as utterly quaint, like meteorio rise aa a oonduotor. easy pay Director WiUtom Schaller, both these questions in order to clear to set type. an old Comic valentine Ant has ‘Fbe Waddell School has re­ ReplfbUcans. One consequence at that eud- turned up A Ae attic. den rise was to bring down the ceived a Oertillcate of fltocep- Boyle had charged also that Miles A. SmlA plan y ' a l so o n sa le tional M erit and has been placed “ the two town officials" bad us­ envy of As boas, the Into Artur on the Nattonsl School Safety ed their political infbience to try RodsAsU, who cnce to a sudden EXPENSIVE FEOPUl. BY fit of anger tried to strangle Honor Roll of the National Safe­ to get two of their Meode ap­ Oonl Oates. Vanguard. SHOP AT HOME A m . ty Council for the fourteenth pointed to rec department Jobs. HUGE 104-PC. SERVICE FOR 12 Town M anager Robert Weiaa, Tiris Is indeed a “pilvsto Contains 24 Teaspoons, 12 Dinner Knives, 12 Dinner consocuttve I year, Mias Btbel FOR YOUR CARPET A Good Combination! A horror story from subuibla? world.’’ Seldom has the iaU- Robb, announced today. on Oct t, aaid that he knew of WlW, why not? Forks, 12 Salad Forks, 12 Soup Spoons, 12 Cocktail Do not confuse this no instotices of "harassment mate, backstage Ufoicf a oNeb- Forks, 12 lead Bavaraga Spoons, 2 Tablespoons, 1 Butter "We are proud to achieve lARVnCK — MCILOW or MOHAWK Ehit A to to not ordlnsry subur- rity been presented ab thorough- again this teccgnltton of our and interCerenoe,’’ aad that the bte. It, ta that speotel outward Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon, 1 Cold Meat Fork, 1 Gravy Ladle, 1 two pMbUc officlale (he did not safety education program," triage bejeod the reel estate de- >y- Pastry Server, 1 Barry Spoon. LARGE BEAUTIFUL HARDWOOD name them) only asked Boyle BOlee A. SmHh with ordinaiy silverplate! vtfopmittto where AAge etart DRAWER CHEST AT NO EXTRA (X)8T. Mias Robb said. "Acetoeuto re­ to explain why two ;langtlme Dave Barry I Fran Mahoney to;- be a bit eocohislve, but not main the chief cause of death rec emptoyes had boon dte- You must sea It to appreciate It. Heavy plate with extra pura allvtr among echoM-age children. qiiUe as exclusive ss in the real India to Ae world’s largest charged fkom their part-time producer of tea, accounting for if bought in open stock overlay at points of greatest wear. The knhraa ara hollow handle with Thus we nniat continue to Im­ Jobe. "oountry places.’’ one-Aird of Ae tea grown A Ae prove our program to teach our last Ptfday, two Manchester ftie peopls A Ato novel fit (ha forgod mirror-finish stainless blades— lust Ilka In the finest starlinf 1980s of wAnfa 60 per cent was you'd pay $182.00 young people to protect them- policemen identified themselves eosne. The faAer, Ehvood Ever­ pattamsi Every gleaming piece Is a Joy to behold. And look at the aalrea and their follow stu­ as the two former part-time rec ett, from a wealthy but obscure exported to Ae UAted King­ d e n ts." employes who bad been dls- rtlladelphla family, to one of dom, U.B.8.R. and Egypt Sava $92.05! needed extra teaspoons—the essential serving placet and the ’The Honor RoH was Initiated chsi^ed. They repeated Weiss' beautiful storage cheat. in IM i. To gain a place on it, statement that there bad been a school must proaont a detail­ no baraaemant and interfer­ ed report of !t« eafaty program en ce." The service for 12 is magnificent with enough silver to give you ■ to a oommittee oompoaed of They explained that AgosU- lifetime of formal dining— and it costs no more than a singla plaeg tbs acbool principal, the prart- nelll aad Bchallsr had asked dent of the loeal parent-teacher Boyle to meet with Weiss, to air EASY PAYMEKT TERMS AVAILABLE SALE! setting of sterlingl Whether you choose the set for 8 or 12 people, you eeeocletlon, a student, a local the reasons bshind ths dismis­ will be the proud owner of a service of precious silvar for your mbst civic leader, and the president sals. 'Hisy stressed ths point BUBSET RROUPS - FAMOUS NAMES important occasions. of the loeal safety cotmeU. Upon that they warded to equMcta “ the the recommendation of this undue criticism of AgostinelM Just tetaphone uel We'S be glad to Mow you a motdi- oonunittae, the report# m ay bo and BduOlsr.’’ lens ooUectiott at brcwidlaom riglit in your own home, Aluminum Easy payments whh FttsOerald’a open latter to where you can be sure of choosing the color, texture forwarded to the National Safe­ sad peMem tha’C Just right Call our ■ yssr ts pay ty Council tor Usttog on the town direetoni follow: "TMs is my fourth request to Buy om for yourself-another for Honor Roll. if you wUil Mayor AgostinelU asking trim to WALL-TO-WALL SPECIAUSTS A aelKKS must steadily Im­ state whether or not he attended prove its safety educatten pro­ WINDOWS a meetlag with Mr. Boyle and ^ a loved one for Christmas! gram in order to remain on to tell us the subject matter of the Honor Roll. Some of the that meeting. To date I have Maosurad—CwfoM -MK required actlvltiea for schools heard nothing from the mayor USE THIS HANDY are aa active atudant safety or- and his silence daily increases Insf cUsd ganisatton; safety bulloUn speculation. I have received MAIL ORDER COUPON* boards and d|aplaya, instnictlon many telephone calls from tax­ 646-ZIN in padaatrlan, traffic, raeraa- payers who wish the mayor U on , O n , school, home and hol­ would eiq^Ialn his actions. I Mov. 9, SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAYI iday safety; preparation of atu- "Therefore, on behalf of these ISSB dant posters emphasising safe­ taxpayers, I ask the mayor and Director Schaller to answer the ty and making accident statis­ PUAee SEND ME, LOCAL DEUVERV CHAROn MIEPAID (W BW ) tics moM meanlngfui; aafsty foUowing questions, so that the reputation of aU of Manchester's □ B2-nECB SET ($49.98 □ QUEEN’S COURT PATTERN sssstnhUss and broadcasts. □ 104-PlECE SET (SS9.9S) Q TEA TIME PATTERN town directors will be clear and i'M Also Avallal^ In White g ChMk (add SHW Salei Tex) O SO-Oey Cheiaa UMPAT V EXPO BOOUT there will be no blemiah on the record of any elected official. □ Budget (e •mall oerrylns cheri* will be added for eaty paymanta) m i M m J D . N jr. (a p i - ■onk Tm em Up To Tba and at the basshall season "1 Were there any other NAua BMAMir secret meetings held with Mr. ^flanchnAieJL roaant nothing more than a Mop 60 Months ADtwcaa hmaa for a ofaanga to fall dotb- Boyle, the mayor and any other member of the Board of Direc­ OITV ing to Ed Lopat, former Tankee MANCHESTER ETATW -~liTTti*~ aoo. tors? CARPET CENTER During tbs last six weeks of "3. Have there been any meet­ Uis las son hugat had sooutod all ings with any other department "A SsMltfid and ExclUag Sbow Ploee of Famous Rugs aad Carpets" Mstonwal Lnague taams except head on administrative matterfe? m m m tM or Como, Phono M iS-f 7 4 1 "t. If ths two policemen in­ the tlieafnn Astros for the Fbr AH Year Canet Needs See A apeotoUet JBWBLER6-SILVERSMITHS BINGE 1800 lisptMf one of tbs four volved where improperly dis­ Oeuie to the Mescheefer Carpet Cm ter KEEP HANGHE8TER W EU REPRESENTED AT THE STATE OAI charged by Mr. Boyle as they e i ^ n n ^ team s fo r IBM. The a p p l i a n c e 968 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER, CX)NN. fonnar manager and general claim, why was this not brought OPEN DAILY TO BiBO — THCB8., PBL TO 9 P,»t Re-«lMt Davt Barry State Senator — Eloet Fran Mahoney State HRsm tative manager of the Kanme CKy to the attention of the entire Board of Directors, Instead of Sll MAIN BTREBT — Opposite ths State Anaoiy IWb ASaBBIBLT DUKnUOT (ItMe**" Iban went to Montreal HOMI IMMtOVayMNT NW, BkWi,, MMard. B r it o m t . WlltatmT. M m U m , Nm, Britain arirtoL Tc«to,ta, HteUort. HHdktn... M iwoommand pteynn being handled by the mayor and Spaasored by the Democratte Town Committee-«oger ^ o g n , treaeufsr director Bchaller alone? ***>P NE.XT TO STOP and SHOP WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 PAGE ELEVEN

Men’s May Be Wane been, but portly it hns tom bo- woman’e wfllfaRnem to __ oandMatao o f Otetr own am and Amt of oandldate’a vAfo. lb tta oanse they b a n & i b a m Inoour- tar span time they often tara opart an- old daya aba oppearad aUentty M m uiftetBr in wtaleta foroe hao only dlmlnhtaiag re- l FoUttoe senna to t o tta lopes, maMiy telepbcne «wii^ trmohad poMticlana by voting to and gradousty at hto dda on aa- turna. bostlm a t m ala supremacy, grtttng tar dtetrlet ngoittaad a ridoraa dote. On the state lav- loot and praper oocaolona, pto- PEmAND How done Rumia gat out of tbe Mad ^ o m e n ’s Voting Record FIt ; wars, and acme mm down to the praclnot toral, and d woipm Arat m ods program in JecUngaU tta vlrtuea o f woenon- Ifprald in wMoh it Itaiifo itodfT Ton wouKhTt ta vm ’t b m too ainteui to let more f acantly, Tnanaglrg molo the IMQa whm *»Aa’ ’ F sm aan Hnaia and domaattolty. The Flomf If you were In tbe Rromltai, in wen Steadily Getting Better womm til,’’ aba aaya. oandMateo’ «a»m w ig~ tara of Tsxai ttod^NoUte Rosa of Wy- dayavTf obe’S' to be ocentdarad a *STowaaw for Every Ooeoafonl’’ ___ TOBLBHBD L ______thifl kind of world. AD you would know, Wtan woman wore glvm the sndaared tar to tha party. omtaig were olaatod to auooaad real oasat, aha koaps to an Ontrally Looatod at H ntuj> nuNTim oo.. me. By JOT M iijjm thsir huabonda to the govarnor- rough, or rougher, a oehadida aa U Bl«en atiwt if you were a very Intdligeut tohabitairt Mora womm ttaoa dove are “ *** parttes hnmadi On IMNooal Isrrd, legtons of 34 B bob at, S4R4444 - 64S-SMT llMM3lwt«r. Oopp. of Ifaa Hrembn, would be that you AP Wamm’s Editor atoly doubted tta daa of ttalr women tara boon stootod tax dilp. huabond; attending raeep- T B 0M A 8 T. italODSON tione and ooSfoe klotabeo, W AI/m t R. nEROUSON oouhtai’t win, no matter wtaOt you Med. of chiotae Anger- for vobtar commttteeo and orsatod worn- ooUeotors; ahoriOa, membora of Tbe Arrt congraaowoiMan was 8:80-S:U riitilM iiira ^ to oorraapond to Iba mhool boards, aldsrman, onm- eteot^ In m o and tta A id lady Ing hands and making apaeobea, I tia 8:C0 TM. ■taaded OctoiMr 1, IMl There is, a t oourae, an anownr, b u t and taoddiakli by onto ta r If aba tent not an onower any aingle great nation J ? ? ? * ? * ***•. ____ men’s, praoumobly thedrlateg cUmm, city manegan, and senator was oppotetsd in lOM. r artong Acrom T ta Btraot nMWMd Br«rr BrentaK Ksoefit Sunday* polatebi and poUtloal pruttta womm mm pntto^ bem that only women oould uqdli^ mayor*. In loeal poUttas womm Another Inereeuingly impor- up-to-tho-minute on insusa, for- to e 100 ( lad BaOdnyu. Bm« « d at Uie Fuat Ofrice at ia very likely to find and adopt all by " -----COBB., aa Dao otid Ctaaa M an aR taafcwhrtdy male abort •tower than they iboidd tara stand woman. Atnca ttan a moot frsqumtly Identify wtth int rato for woenm in poBtion la atgtt and itid f. If there were ouch a pondfaOlty, wbat they ocnrtdar a pttiful psr- SOBSCRIPTKm RAT«B~ ' we ounsdves, oa prearnnoHy ttan mod Payable In Adtaace fonnaoM by women on rteoticn civilised and eidlghtaned nad democratic daytt tta tniib la that tta worn- S^ te MJ« m S lb* _ ...... U.IO of notions, would be demoentnatlng 11 llim Moatba ...... 7.80 cora voting raooid la getttag; Oae Moolb ...... S.S0 and have ouraeKee and our udMary poo- etea^Bly batter and ibe tam^a turea off «B foreign oodn. am y be getting worm. 90S MAIN 8T. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER • TEL. 648-0171 - OPEN 9 A.ir tO 8:80 ____ M K M BK R O P P M . - CLOSED MONDAY • OPEN THUR8. AND FRI. UNTIL 9 P M . - MUSIC STORES: THK ASBOCIATBD PRESS The answer is for there to ba an eiad In Ibe days bafiorv womsu’a Hw Aonciatad Preia I* exduatrely entitled 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER - TEL. 640-0171 . 341 ASYLUM ST., HARTTORD - TEL. U) tb« uee at reniUloatloB of all new* die- of emptreo, and of power petition blocs, rtttfraga, wMoh came la 1930, 022-7301 - WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 BAST CENTER ST. - TEL. 849-7199 palohea oradtted to tt or not otberwiae oredll- and of regional military oaianeea and the perwntgge of voting woe of­ a d ^ tttojiaper and alao tiie looal news pub- of national armamento, and tbe oubsti- ten Ugh, with a peek In the 1878 AS rMBa of rembUcation of special dls- ■lactian a t 8B.S psr cent. In tbs patchaa berefai a re a ls o raseinret|l. tution for them o f the ctae aSlanca, the one law about war, and the one poUce last prealdantlal eteotlca in 1984, nis Handd PrtBtlOK Ooimiaay Inc., aa- It was 83 psr oent a a n a s bo financial reaponiMIty tor typo- force, of a United Natfona. errors appealing In adrerUaMnenU After Ilia 19th Amondnsent aaid otber readtaM maUer In The Manebeater woa passed, the A nt sleotian Brenias Herald. day ww an Ustnio oooaalon tor Dnm Spiro Spero h teorlta to lAM Anseles Thnea Waebtna- iba gbim, but only almili SB per tea Post Hews Service. cant a t ttani ta d tbe gionpUan aarrloe dient of H. E. A, Service, Inc. So wbaTs new? Tou retuita from a Mt OF A\ANCHESTER raSIM im Representatives - The Julhu of holiday to find the Hanot taBa to exaroSte ttalr right. It dhtaft Matbem Special A f^ y — New York CW- batp thinga ttiat tbe polls often easo, IMrott and Boston. stymied, Hubert Humphrey saying the same old thinga, Richard Nlxco saying w a n staabsd In tbe bartt at HXMKER AUDIT BUREAU OF.CIRCULA. n r a t R not much of anything, Siarl Warren be­ poMhaHa and ciber dtaeputahie ing Chief Justloe aa usual and New plaoai to dtecourage “nice’’ DIaplay advertising eiosInK boon: Ite Monday — i p.m. Friday. Tork tecKshera atUl on strike. woman from performfog the un­ Itar nesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. To be sure, there’s the news of Jac- ladylike cbora o f merWwg a bal­ Wednesday — l p.m. Monday. lo t Pw Itanday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. qudtaie Onaaala, but bdng incurably ro- F°r FM d« — 1 p.m. Wednesday. mantfc I find myself out of touch with O n e . Ita yaara taereaaiug W)r SAtaroAT ~ i p.in. Thursday OlaaaMed d^lne ^ p m. d S ^ ore tbe nationsl mood. Most people, the numbeis of women tave be- mMkwtlqn. 6 pm . Friday torSaturday ladlea especially, aeem outraged that the Just in time for Thanksgiving ootne votera until tta 1986 rteo- and Monday publication. princess ahould betray Oamelot Tet tkm wtan, aocortUng to Depart- what nsore romantic way to aay that in msnt o f Oommeree statfstlca, W«dneaday, Odtflber 80 her life there could be but one Prince more women voted than nisa: Charming, than to so comjrietdy abandon tlA mlBlcn womm to S0.7 mU- tbe aeorch for another? Anyway, hr the Bon mm. Nixon, Plus The Tidtet foiry tale Beauty and the Beast, once Tta tub, of oouiWB, lies la the wedded, lived oontentediy ever after. peroeatagm. There were 80 mR- It makm Uttle sense to try to send And then there’s Spiro Agnew. Tbe lioo womm of voting ago com­ Ricfaard Nixon Into tbe White Hoose, new thing here, so the newspapers tell Photagnphsd Bjr lUfiaald Pteto pared witti 03.8 mAHon mm, me, is that be la no longer beh^ balled tn the beHef that be aead the RepOb- ROUTE 6 PARALLEiLOGRAMS wiiloh meana that 08 per oent of 469. Uoan lauty represent this nadon’s heat as the Nixon spokesman on urban at­ male votera went to the polte, chance of resalniqx aotne central over ta in , or on much at anything else for twapw d wtth 08 per oeot of Ihat matter, but instead in being kept womm. its cam destiny, without giafaiK hfan ttie an much under wnjpa aa one can keep Table & 4 Chairs Mai at mandate and the kind at legls a candidate for Vice President at the Herald Alt however you took at It, lattve auppoit udiicfa the emergency tm- United States. womm ore becoming an ever ptwtonce cC hie nathwal rrilluit wfll de- That is understandable. Even at vaca- Inside Report Yesterdays more potent power at the poOs. Ifon retreats there ore some pec^e who AM kfodi o f people from pMttl- He neede not a pluraUty wote, bat a peralat hi talking poUtlca, despite the *»y 25 Yean Ago ctane to nxOologiste to thoee oif majority vote. dioice of, hippier aubjects, and quite a Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak V eoiel tnteraete hloca are find- Local war 'fund driye U ta r teg Ibe ewman voter a faecteot- And be needa tbe leglalative muetde number of them penrist in regretting RALEIGH, N.C. — Tbe depth from ito goal aa only 3,400 out To Defend Park Load w ho, in on aditcrtal anttUsd, teg craature. They ore faurtly wliicfa creates respect and efOcieney fDr that they can’t aimultaneousiy vote for the Vice President might tave Richard Nixon and that nice Mr. MutUe. of Vice President Humphrey’ s of 13,000 wage earners haye oon- "A New Look At Llncdln Sebool rtwaylug, ntaei iitiR end ana- a man hi the WUte House. been ait leasf postly averted. To the Biditor, Apparently Ihla imposeible wteh im ’t problem here and In otber per­ Instead, Scott and other Dem­ tributed. Sito’’, under the data of iAngort M ug to dieoovar bow die ar- Oonnecttciit, in addHtat to gtvliv Ricb- reetricted to the kiofing claaaea. Both imeter regiona bmdertng the ocratic candidates have given Across the face of thU nation, 1, 19W, pointad cut tta aesd Rvm at the deMaton to do wfaat- ard Nixon its votea in the Electoral Oeotge Oalliqi and Louis Harris, whose Deep South can 'begin to be ap­ Humphrey no shoulder to lean 10 Yeara Ago pork land ia being taken (Or wes or planning a sohocl "on tta e ier d io dom In tbe votiaw C cOege, mould giwe him Edwin H. MAy buaineas Is countiiig heads, count more preciated by the startling reoutts on. This, as one Humphrey other than that tor which hUl" which would tta booth. TOtaa for Rtetaord IBaan than anybody of a survey we took In presum­ Town Assssoor Joec|fi originally planned or dedicated. They think they have coma tq> Jr. for United States Senator. leader told ua, "mokee it re­ Mtirphy aaya owners must de­ iotsgrity of tta Paifc and aUB else, but the Harris poll Miowb that 41 ably friendly terrain in a com­ Recently I passed Charter with oomn oluaa to tta voibg; tt Sbould give him Roger TsutA for spectable to be a good Dem­ clare an amaU boate. make tt available for outdoor Oon^mw hi the Ebst DtrtrlcL per cent a t the votera preter Senator paratively friemBy Southern ocrat and a Humphrey-taater at Oak Park where the unbridled aebool activity. trtWta of Amertoon women, state. Probate Judge John J. It mnSd give Urn E>eter Mariani for Mudrte for Vice President, with only 31 the same time." authority of the State of Om- whom they tliixh ora gooMeUy per cent prefartlqg Governor Agnew. But hiitetid of turning up the lett rejects ehaUenge of Man- nectlcut Highway Oommlsatoner Tbs Barald adttorial suggosts Oongreas In tbe Seoend District A victim of this oetraciom, charter Demoorate to a radio P*»tty iRtotonned about poRM- So It aeema torttoputobte that Qovemor sort of Mipport that national De- has unleaaed the unwelcome that a new linoota ■ebool oalOaota. Tbe aasne sttustiDa wtaich tbe meciicn Hixnphrey la also a victim of debate of the Probate Oiurt fee Agnew has not proved a political oaoet vocraUc strategiate claim U bulkloxer to make a ahamMea could be included aa port a t Womm votera, thsy aay, ttib* of ttseae genOemen would help cure in now building up for Humphrey the passion against any and aU *7rtem with bia Democratic op­ of one of the best and larger a wtaMe new conoopt tor tbs for the Republican ticket, any inore than things connected with tbe Jota- for tbamnd vra (aUbougb dls- the natfon la also the MtuatiaB hwlde AriatoUe Onanris baa improved the pifoUc here, our survey shows nothing ponent, Atty. John G. Flts- OannecUcut parka this' side of use of the tnunsdloto LInooln son admintetraiUon. FuBy one- Gerald. eraat wtvea let It be known they OonoBcifeut and inatde tbe prcblems at image of ibe former Mrs. Kemedy. Some but heartache tor the embattled tha^OonneoUcut River. No choice School arao. TWs has not taoh rated the way Ibelr Vice President. half the votera w« talked to d vtsita a vot­ • • * found that Nixon and, to a lea­ Huaaollnl became premier of It­ tborlsed use. oonaarvstive bent, ore more teo- ihe some ressnning to the aaSne party rtrongfaeSd in the center thus ser extent Wallace had both aly. ing booth on that day will have the governor a t a state is required holda the balance of power tor faced a uniqtM aituation in ar­ As fuiitaer svidenoa of ttw sac- hrtiontet than men, ‘vote aa tedt- leesr. gained at Humphrey's expense. On TWa Dote pedteney of this projaot tt may ytdoola and not as a bloc, and to deal with concrete proldema — rang­ whatever chance Humphrey will If thla pattern holds, Nixon riving at fats own personal de­ tt mould be U a ya t Nathan Agoslindli ing- from budget matters to civil dis- have on Nov. S. In 1887, the Treaty of Ryewitk be pointod out that ibo cbolr- tave leaa party loyalty than may find in the perimeter cision prior to carting hie yes or roan of the Board of BdueoHoit for me Mate Senate seal from the oeder — which are often generallaed Sadly for the Vice President, between England and France nay vote. Unique because he Vtoartb DIaMct states of the Deep South the ended King nWiam’s War in is r^Mried In Tbe Mhnnliirtsr probieme a t society. To be succemful however, our survey of SI vot­ Bisurance be needs against pos­ must decide not only whether Attbougb there la aoppooed to tt mould be Donald Oenoreai, Robert he must deal with them, but he can ers revealed an aU but Incred­ America. Herald as stating that (ha avoot- to no such lUng as “tbe wom- sible losses in the Industrial a two million dollar school Is uol choloe of locatlcQ of the pn>- Stavnifoky and WflUom Eoibes from tbe deal with them pragmatically and tt does ible rejection of Humphrey in East and Midwest In 1786, tile second American actually a necessity In that lo­ m ’s vote,’’ tbe atubboni notion not necessarily require him to be an favor of Richard Nixon and President, John Adams, was possd school was mads by tta peralda that women are to- Uth, 19th, and 20th Oeneral Assembly cation (former Town Ptanner arcMteot. tta Sohoot toaiAing DiaMets respect! vely. articulate political phUceopher. It does George Wallace. born in Braintree, Maas. Tanwky haa said it is not) but Aumoed by auob emotional con- In 1908, an armistice w a s OoRimittaa, the Town nmwony Mich HepuUiaan canrtMatee can, tf not neceosaiity train him either to dls- Moreover, our sampling Indi­ alao whether it ia etMcally right aMarattona aa a oamttdato’a cuas these iaeues in brood general terms A HioiiEht for Today granted to Turkey at the end of Committee, the Town Bagtoeer, darned, pl^ a port in trytt« to tnlce cated that Nixon is gaining the to usurp land (or schpol purpoa- looka, votee and akAl at baby- applicable to — and imderatandaUe by grudging but overwhelming sup­ SpoMored by the Mondieater World War I. ea that was dedicated for park the Public Works Departnuot down and convert to soforemy the ni>- — tbe wtaole noUen. port of younger voters, especial­ Council o f CSinrcfaes In 1088, panic was caused by puibosea and none other. and tbe Town Planning Oflloe. Orson WeBes’ radio broadcast Mrs. Bruoe Benoon, oC Am- brabm, no Meering wheel, not even mot- -Mr. Agnew, in fact, has been Inept at ly thoee voting (or the lin t time. Cheney Brothera, the Town’s If we are putting tta Mss of herrt, Maas., national preddent beit drag raciag the last aa-Democratic this. Often if you will reflect a bit on These younger voters not only dipioting an Invasion from death on aome of our most val­ "But the haryest of the Spirit Mars. greatest benefactor, was the of the nompartlaaa League at Oenertf Aawembly took the atate into. what be said as diaUngutetaed from bow told us they would vote for is love. Joy, peace, patience, donor of the land on which it uable paifc property I would Womm Voters, aaya: Both pditieal parties exist, theoretical­ be said it, you wU find a nugget of Nixon, but they have registered in 1041, the U. 8. Navy de­ Uka to have aonM members of wndnese. goodness, fldainy, stroyer, ‘^Reuben James,’’ was is propoaad to build tha now ‘ TTa terribly ttI^xattant for all Enjoy your Thanksgivinc dinner with Maricopa by Stanley . . . a Dining Room that ly, to be servants at the people. Ibdagbt. No matter; in poUtlca form is RepuUkxui in unprecedented gentleness and srtf-control. Lincoln School. Lost fall a oub- the Park and Reereatkm Com- rtUeaua to vote. They have a re- uniquely captures the ork- lift of the last of ths force t o Parte for super highway pur­ poor. Monk and w h iter aba oaif in tbe pooitioa of the leaden in the to Humphrey, and 2 undecided Cyprus. ^■RANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — man (vice AiBal Stevenaon) or Alben (a remaifcaUy omatt pro­ poses, the oltlMns of Manches­ Kremlin, and figure out bow to deal Barkley (vice Harry Truman). Or for Cleveland Browns tackle Wal­ Five Yeosh Ago The Kentucky Nurses AasooUt- portion). Wake County Is not ter will decide whether (tenter tion says in a report that ths oiilta Ibe people of Cseoboelovakla. Tou that matter, of Richard Nixon, wbo when ter Johnson, 6 feet 8 Inches oB Moscow announced that two Springs Faih may be used for Wallace country and tbe poor and 370 pouiids, has turned In a state needs nearly 8,0f0 more would find yourulf facing some a t tbe he was flrot picked by Ehaenhower was Wallace ttiowing means very unmanned Soviet spacecraft purposes other than paifc use. a young and not-too-well known Califor­ 10-second clocking for the 100- had linked up in orbit and re­ registered nursss-pitp a 81,000 oame oonaidefatiana a t natianal interest Uttle in terms of Ms statewide yard dash. I concur with the editor o f araiiml boost In tha outtent WELDON'S and power politics interest wbicta t h e nia Senator and then hardly qualified strength. But it is — or should mained together 8^ hours. Tbe Manchester Evening Herald to be President. MJiOO minimum salaries. United States faces occasionally in some be — Humphrey country, and MULTIPLE Mr. Agnew is suffering from tbe pre- therein lies the tale. ^ a t Us latomstionel deciatons. Tou might aelectlon bulld-up; too many times and VITIMINS have some InsUnot to ftdiow a MbecsI. too convincingly Mr. Nixon assured We interviewed bouse-toJiouse plBsahtg oouree; you might, at the some in three dlatrict neighborhoods By Whitaker ONE-A-DAY everjrbody that bis overriding conrtdenv —middle-clasM white, tower-ln- tima, find all your own generals and all tion in dwosliig a running mote would oome white, and Negro—and at be that tbe man would be ctearly of your own oupposed political reaUste ad­ in a shopping center. vising you you could not afford to be Presidential timber. Ibis led people to TMrty voters among the 61 vot­ 2 .9 8 soft and yishUng. expect any one of a number of poa- ed for Mr. Johnson in 1964, 17 One thing, bcwwer, you would have aibilities — but hardly Spiro Agnew. went to Barry GMdwater, and WELDON DRUG CO. As a oonsaquanca, the dlaappointment 14 didn’t vote, moetly because to admit, If you were in tbe Kremlin. with MF. Agnqw baa become a diaap- Tou would bawe to admit that Ruasia they were too young. Of the 80 pointment with Rlrtiard Nixotfa Judg­ Johnson voters, 8 now plan to has somahow come to the point wbere ment. TUa is wbat, poUticaUy, could it just cannot win in Cmcboslovakia, make It a crucial madtar. vote for Nixon, 9 for Wallace, and one hasn’t made up his no mottar what tt doss. Tbe leamn in this, for thoee who love mind. Evety maosure it takas to try to Mich, Is that in poUbUm as in war super- caution In sometime the most tncautloui Thus Humphrey keeps a bare bold Chachoatovakla estranges and em- dosen of the 1964 LBJ voters, t t jD t in 'B bttian tbs people a t ChacbodovaUa. The course. Mr. Nixon triad hard, and tor only 40 per cent, and adds only good rsoaons, to avoid a controv«iv*jU m tigtator its grip, tbs mora cobaalve dm one new voter from among wl^mUnyoe choica that would hava matched draw- those who did not vote four apiitt a t rafealUon against that grip. The bocks wtth hU advantages, only to find nuwe tfoeU k s tbs donbU of fraadom, tbe years ago. Moreover, the Hum­ hlmsalf with a oontroveraiat partner with phrey vote Is deOnttely not a mora ganaroJ the tovott. ttmr polltioal advantages to match his Chairs dnuatiodu. symptom of alienation from the thinda hoa not, of oouns, gone the Democratic party. Robert Scott full ttmlta o f tbs rapreoaion and brutal­ those drawbacks can be over- the Democratic nominee for thown. Senator Muskle, though more ity of wliiob its focoe could be capable. Governor, runs neck-and-neck Watkins is offering Cushman Dining Room Furniture for TV> tbs eontrory. It is trying deepwete- poUehed, was hardly a aationo.' political If your tadte is in Modem Furniture, Watkins is also offer­ wUh RepubUoan James Gard­ that extra special Thanksgiving Day meal. Its light brown Igr la And aomw ralatlvaly humans or- figure before Chicago, and anyway tfaU ner, and the CVingreastonal con­ / ing a Modem Dining Room with a future. Finished in Wal­ election is one hkely to turn on more rongamant wbicta wilt leave the OHCbo- tenders In the 4th DIatriot here tone is Imown to Cushman aa their Antique Fkilsh. The nut this set includes a 62-inch table that can ext^d to an daep-runnhig poUtical foaling ttan tbs are also in a horse race (mean­ large 60-inch oval extension table extends to 74 inches, $189. extra large 98 inches, $172.50, one Arm, $57.50, and three .dorniiam ahnnd everything axenpt spaecb-maklng abilities of any of the dndr fsoUng of bainr a free paopto in ing that Nixon's coattails, aa we Three Side, $46. ea., and one Ann Chair, $59.50, also ac­ Side Chairs, $49.50 ea. All this for only $879. Large choice candldatea, none of whom ore Massed have reported, are of MtUe use with great panache. company the set. Only $879. for all 5 pieces. The 78-inch in this open stock group. China Top and Buffet, W inches ttaafr own hattaii. to other Republican candi­ t . ' i But the Md nows for ttia Kremlin is Besides, people may rsmamber wbat dates). Fairfield Buffet and Basin Haitor Hutch top. only $829. with two cupboards and three dnwers, $449. that tbatw ato no toJura, for sum a Mirpriaea we have hod. as in Harry Tru­ If the Mote Democratic tick­ hnigalB. And dwidd tbs Kremlin now man, from Inatiqiioious Vie# Pn s - et headed by Scott had been turn la sw ra foroa, tt woiSd tanva to die- Menta. Which is a h<^.eful thought, — wllUng to rtand up tor Hum­ r T VERMONT ROTSTER IN THE WALL oomr that tkia is «nn of Ibooo dtuotiona phrey early in the campaign, STREET JOURNAL. this moss defection away from' i Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. - Closed Monday - Open Thursday and Friday until 9 P.M. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 l*AOE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD/MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1868 PAGE THIRTEEN level to rum) araaa to about County had bean followed up on South Windsor Oeaning Costs 28 micrograma. Cleaning the otr ToUand'County during Id* tenure In th* legisla­ over cities to reach the 26- ture r*|ireaanUng us, the condi­ Set at $190 Each miorogram love) to aknoat hn- tions ot our road* would not The Open Forum 7%**^ Candidates in Area posalfale, the topoit sahL R S e n . R e p k o he BO dsptorabi*,’’ Houley In‘Dirty Air’ added that If die lervri in u r­ Oommunleatlona for pubUcahon on OpM ronnn win not pointed out bo guorantood publication It they contain more than 800 fiveViews at LWV Forum HARTFORD, Oosm. (A P ) — ban areas was reduead to 6B A stu4y dated January 1968, micrograma, Oonnecttcut could S c o r e d o n worda. 1110 Horold rooorvoo tho right to docUno to publlah The Mil tor extra olaaning {wepared by the State Highway : 'A p ^ turnout marred an oth- rape or incaat, but would re- save some $200 milUcn an­ any matter that may bo Ilbotoua or which la In bad taate. neeeaaary because of dirty air Commissioner to the Legisla­ EATOW trwtoa^ intereating League of ■erve Judgment in other araaa, nually. Froo axprooaion of p^tleal vlowa la doairad by oontributlona found mostly in densely popula­ A r e a R o a d s tive Committee on Roada and of thla character but letters which are defamatory or abusive 1215^ SH.VER LANE—EAST HARTFORD Women Voter* candidate* meet­ ■uch aa endangering th* men­ ted areas of Oouneotlout avor- Bridges, "dram atically tllu- win bo roloetod. ing held but night at the m « i« tal health ot the mother. He feK ages about $860 mOHon a year CONSUMER PROTECTION Democratic State Senatorial stratas tha lack of oonaideraUen "WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS Ik. community Hall. tiiat be would have to atudy ata- to the state. Or $896 tor the CHTCAQO (A P ) — ’Truth-In- candldato Robert Houley today given Tolland Onmty," Houley ' Ttio meeting offered Ute pub- tlatioal evManee before he o v ta to fam ily. Or $1W a i>er- lending to among tlip major re­ chided hto Republican oppon­ stated. EXCEEDS THE PRICEI" would be convinced of Ita bene­ Supporis Aleystoi Aheem Directors with Nate AgostlnelH lie an opportunity to hear and scn. quirements of the new Goaaum- ent’s "injBftsotiveiieaB in pre- ‘Hie report, which sum- |tok queatloh* of aU the candi­ fit. er Credit Protection Act, which senttog the oases tor Tolland To the Editor, as Chalrmah. That waa the finding of a martaaa the state's highway Nate’s dedication to the honor HOURS^ Tu m ., Wed. S to • o nim .,_ra._S ^ t. date* rtouiliit for office in the Foran oppoaad gun control, survey commlsslonad by the was seven years to tiw Senate County in Om Senate, particu­ needs and asstgnf priorities, As a parent In the town that of being chosen Mayor has been S at 8 to S (Olooed All Day Maodaj). Third State Senatorial Dtotrict quoting the bumper aticker slo­ Oonnaetlout Glean Air Task and seven motathe in the Houae. larly In the area of road legla- shows Uiat ot some 80 priority both {xriMical candidate* vying unsurposeed since the change and fn.-ifa* 4Sth Diatrict of the gan, "When you outlaw guns, Force, which took Into acoount Commerce Clearing House latlon." numbens representing about 162 to represent the towns of An­ to the Director — Manager form Houae of RepreaantaUve*. Th* otriy outiawi will have guns.” such extras aa additional palit {Xrinta out tlwi the act covera Ha criticises Repko tor "not miles of reoonstructlcn or new dover, Bolton and. Goventry re­ of govemment a number of FRESH, WESTERN, U A N meaUng. a p t^ e aervloe of the DonneHy was opposed to both Jobe on houses, riealng of cradM adverttolng, wage gar­ having one {>tece o f road legis­ roada only 6.9 m ilas In Tolland side, I will Hit few of the im­ y e a n ago. League, worn attended by lem ing gun ownern. He aald that draperies, and even hair wash­ nishment*, and extortioaat* lation passed stoce represent­ County were sdieduled, aooord- portant declslone in our town Hto deep feeling of responsi- toan 80 poopto. ^’•St^fratlon o f guna and Ucana- ing. credit transaettene as wall a« ing 'Folland County" and critl- tog to Houley. K the lack of a large over the past years and the In­ WHy and reqxmsiveness to all both measures would only serve Hie survey, dom by a New tite original purpoae of the bill otoed him tor an adverttoement "H d s amounted to $28,000 out terest riiown by each. Btriton yDfers and taj^ayers has result­ however, did not deter the oan- a* another revenue area tor the York City research firm, — tnilh-ln-leMlng. he la rurmtng. of a total $922,000 aaslgned," ac­ state. stone, providee no town swim­ ed In numerous changes. Most dldatee In their preaentaticna. covered aoine 20 olUes and Ratallete and lendara will He quoted from the kd: "Hie cording to'’Houley. ming or skating for its youth. successful are the bi-monthly PORK ROLLS In opening atatementa each Futtner w«a also opposed to towns and was th* flnt of Its have to dtaidose in anIthM deplorable condition of second­ "HMre to no good reason or Its oCficlala oven rejected the comment sesslone instituted for candidate atated tala view* on gun oootrols until such time as ktaid tor file atate. "true” oredR coats In terms of ary roads througtiout 0>e state excuse tor a growing area such State’s offer of the free use of those unable to attend regular vartoua dtotriot aial atate to M to proven that registration ISadore M. Wirifaon, the task tlM alm{>le annual kitereat rate is a oontlnuUig problem, al­ as Tolland County to be oOii- 67 CADILLAC II# the Bolton LsUce dam. Bolton board meetings and those pre- auea, after wfaldt the meaUng would reduce gun crimss. force chalrmau, saSd Tuesday charged. though at my Inalatence some stantly placed near the,bottom children must Infiltrate Man­ 4rDOOR HARDTOP ferring to offer their suggestions traa thrown open to queatlcos. taaaman and Burke supported tho study was arranged "to Wage gamtohment raatric- money has bean a{>proprtated of {uriority lists," stated Houley. chester's facilities for recrea­ Senator Harry S. Burke, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONIN®. In private. Uoenelng gun owners In agree­ point out bow much people axe Uona in the law say that some 78 tor reconstruction and Imiwoved "H I am sent to the Senate powtr itMring, windswi, tion. Many Bolton youth will en­ In addition to bringing the Oem ocratio incumbent. In U a ment wMh the recommendations actually paying* ’because of air per cent of a workara’e take- maintenance. Hie aituatim re­ to represent the IS towns ot »lsvl isB. 6sM wMii Um Ii Isttrisr, ter college or leave town to en­ people’s voice back Into govern­ opening atatament, reiterated of the New England Governor’s {xrilution. home pay would be exempt quires constant cUtention which Tolland County, you can rest whitowslt iirtt. F»A CsaliNsc scesus- joy their first hot hinrii in a ment, of primary im{x>rtance hto oppoeitloii to a atate in­ GOnference. Measurements In weight of from court action to satiety a I would glv* It" asBured that you will have a rlsv 4895 school cafeteria. Preesure front has been hto insistence that any come tax, hto Kgiport for low­ The league waa asristed in pcMutanta per cubic m eter of debt. U alao forbids an em{>loy- Houley’s criticism of Repko’s strong voice speaking tor you i t Masy Makes « MaJals------fa ChaataChaasa Fraai i t Bolton officials defeated Rs tax doliars s{>ent must be spent ering the voting age to U and their ptogrom by the Current air ranged In the survey from er to fire workers the first time {xiUtical ad states, "On one and making sure that Tolland addition. Its children now attend in the beet Interest of the tax- hto acknowledgment that aoma Affairs Club of the South Wlnd- 80 mlcrogranu tor FairflcM to their wages are giumtohed. hand he boasts of his fine rec­ County receives Just and {Moper classes In portable rental chick­ {layers of Manchester and that problem* lend thenwelvea to re- aor High Sriiool. In addition to 110 tor Ansonla. Hie report said 'Truth-In-credlt adverttolng et- ord and on the other states that consideration,'' he told a coffee T E D T R U D D N en coo|)s, while Bolton officials the full worth of these dollars gloma a{^iroaotae*, but do not •orvlng refreehmenta and check­ the extra cleiUng costo In the quires that an advertisement roads are in ‘deplorable’ con­ hour in Somers today. await fo r s2t3t Radiators like tiiese in a Bennet Junior Hl^rh School science class sporadically to plunge. Tax funds for a pri­ I deeply feel that our Mayor, tlcn. acme of the most Interesting were $88 per person In F air- all must also discloee detaili "If hto alleged concern tor im­ lee flows from 7 to 19 feet vate celebration were found, but question. Rojiis $3, TsIIsihI Tsnialta, TsMtvRIs heat the five buildings of Education Square includingr the 1,100 plus students, Bennet Heat Nate Agoetlnelli, has the knowl­ Fenton P. Futtner, Republican field and $267 in Anacnia. surrounding the credit transac­ proved mitintalnance and re­ thick have been metunured In the (Os ♦to Mssshsitsf-Vsfsss Us the East Side Rec and the former Cheney Tech building. irone to correct the septic prob­ edge, the skill, and the dedica­ candidate tor the State Senate, The survey said the avomge tion. construction o f roaxlB In Tolland Arctic Ocean. lem at the school. Our school tion to reverse the current trend arieed tor the opportunity to BIsnohester Evening Her­ Lacks Control office training machines remain o f deficit s{>endlng, higher aerve South lA^ndaor and to give ald Soulh Windsor oorre- unused, adults too go to Man­ taxes, loss of home rule and South lA^daor the type ot top. spondent, Carol Moulton, toL There is nothing baslcaUy chester to further their sMHs. bureaucratic take-over and reaentMion; It haa not bad in 814-8714. Our officials don’t approve of irirongly urge all voters to 3U{>- f - wrong with the heating units at IL adult educatlosi either. Aloysius port Nate for Stsde Senator on Tbtmxum R. Foran, atlaan’a An Autumn (1 Spectacular! the Bennet Junior High School Ahearn’s poUttcal opposition to November 6th. Party oandidato tor th* State Berkeley Official complex at Education Square. a well res{>ected and Influential Nate wlU show you a better Senate, atated teat he aeea thla way. 100% Meat! No Waste! It has the same sound heating memher of political leadeiriUp rtootlon aa "not a duuige of in control. I doubt if she ap- John I. Garslde Jr. Cites Failure of jrfant installed about WWI with Thto Win Make An ExceUeat Meal! poUtieUna, but in poUtiolaiw; provee of thla decision of its Secretary, Board of the buUdlngs. Directors, npt a t campus functions.’’ the syitem are that classrooms past will continue to work hard cannot aftord another Demecra- W. A. Graseley 29t ik' On Tuesday night, Jr at ground level, ber of the omxieitlon charged fiott. that President Hitch would seek asking for would replace the ra­ ’Hits will create a central garage that the govemment had leaked ’ Donnrily stated that some tax legal action if I used some of diators and air vents, burners, for all school vehicles. to the press Its intention to sup- tnoreane to imminent, but that my favorite words.” water jnunpm and boiler tubes. The rest o f the funds wlU pay {riy free television sets to mem­ ktoreaae will only pay for the University President CTmrles Also, thermostato would be put for improvements to the heat­ bers of ParUament. deficit and will be aUe to fund Hitch, speaking at Anaheim, In every classroom. ing systems cU Nathan Hale, The move, the o{>|x>sitlon ^ragrama only on thrir present had some kind words for stu­ A side project, to be done Bowera, HlgMand Park, Robert­ member said, was a "deliberate tovals. denta. whUe work to going on at the son, Veririanck and Waddell design to run down and snub ; Donnalty waa not oonvlnoed Hitch said he was "convlnood boiler building which to two Elementary Schooto. m em bers." that A state Inoome would be that much of the present discon­ gxne' equitable tiMui oUier tent arises from the young {>eo- MACHINE SUCED ftrms of taxation, and feM that ple who are not concerned with oo Inoome tax wouM Just add a new revolution as much as hnother layer to an already they are concerned with fully complex tax structure. achieving the desires of an older DoiineUy would vote tor a one—the Revolution ot 1776.” American Ch 6 e $6 eale* Mnx increase if it ware the Hitch spoke to the California knty way to rata* enough Junior College Association, tnoney to fund program*. opening its three-day fall •' H^en weked why he voted tor conference. ka^lncreaae in salaries tor eher- "'Iliey are imiwtlent perfec­ Don Farris, lead man on the day shift in the boiler building, keeps a close Laasman said (tMt the In- tionists, some of them,” he said watch on the massive unit to maintain a steady flow of steam to a myriad eteaa* was not ao much aa in- of college studenta, "(uid thbir impstlence is understandatde as of pipes and radiators. (Herald photo by Buceivioius) ^mase in salary as tt waa com- we aiyiiroach the 200th tuinlver- aeneaUon to aherittB tor houe- sary of 1776 with important sig and tood aUotmenta which goals not yet fully won.” ihay tost when the county Jail .C!"‘ kjMtam waa abandoned. liberaltolng Abortion Law* Tbe riilp Andrea Dorta which t Laaaman said he would favor sank in 240 feet o f water off fresh new beauty! Eboraliaation of the abortion Nantucket in 1966 carried valu­ : k ’ . taWB tot case* where inegnanoy able Rembrandt painting* \ ^oourred aa a raauM o f alther which have not been recovered. It makes a difference who represenfts the West Side of Man­ CJSialifornia chester—The 20th Assembly District—in the State Legis­ u iSheem I i c q lature. You want a man with common seitfe-/-Charles SUCED, SUGAR CURED 100% Arcylic Latax pni has owned his own business in town for many years. INTERIOR EGGSHELL ENAMEL! You want a man with a record of pubHc service—^haiies MARY E. LE DUG Boggini has served on the Manchester Board of Tax Re­ RHprMtnfarivw for 18lh Dbhfet view the Board of Education. You want a man with fresh ideas on the problems facing us—Charles Boggini has' BACON spoken out


AllShaan Intarlor Eggshell Enamel creates a natural beauty with a PULL LEVER 5A . 1—t .1 i « a I T r> i R I r I » emooth, rich finish. But don't let the soft touch fool you. 100% Acryiio Latex AllSheen is incredibly tough, truly washable and 20fh ASSEMBLY DISTRICT POLLING PLACESi risniiK iK K 'vcapriiiPii!!!; Ttiln ‘ k i i s s t t totally baautifull Yaa, add tha colorful, unique finish of AllSheen WEST SIDE REC. VERPLANCK SCHOOL lb /;J to your homa, nowl PEOPLE'S SAVINGS SANK ROTH’S CLOTHIERS EM’S BAKERY PRAGUE SHOES Uae Dial-A-lift Every Day 643-2751 Boggini for BepriMMnitatlve Committoe, J. BayliM, Treoa, F«r flM HoMOWfhrot' Voko in flw FIRST N ATIO N AL STORE SAOB-ALLBN ALBERT G LARRY’S SALON CAROUSEL GIFTS Every Hour Day or Night A Fabuloue Prfee For Thto Item! Heoie of Roprwenleihw •.. VERNON DRUG MAM'SBLLE APPAREL TAYLOR CLEANING JANE ALDBN RESTAURANT E A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. f V vo n DIMOCRATIC W. T. GRANT CO. Ifarr L* Due Hspissentottvs Ootnmittoe 728 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER SPE0ML8 for THURS„ FRL awl SAT. (Marjr Lnmrin, Tmasunr) Wl| B M ia iV B THE RIORT TO U M R QITair[P^|rn^

t -1 ^ ■ I PAGE TlFTBBIl ^ PAGE FOURTEEN BtANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN» WEDNESDAY, OCTOB^ 80, 1968 — ^ ^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 Coventry Hisy wU bs gtem ths oppor­ and registered vahidea. How­ 8 to 4:80 p.m .; third and fourth Washer Ablaze, Retired Folk H ebron tunity to make out a preference ever, a list must ha fUad for grades at Gilead IflU School Town Dying Biafra Ends list to taks home to iheir par- unregisterad motor vahiolaa, from 4:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., and ante. a'rDhnea, maChinary, farm fifth and sixth grades at Phsipt Damages Minor Hall from 4:80 p.m. to 7:80 p.m. Seen Wanting Deadline Set for PTO Plans anknfda sad mAehtoery, horsaa, A Manchsstor woman really B y O r d e r s Patents and ths gSQsral pid>- Due to the large number of Rieliance on Uo ate inrritod to attend the mechanics’ tools, boats and un- had the washday blues this regist*red campers. riilldren attending the parties, On Declaring Property Book Fair Book Fair on the afternoons of the PTO has advised that they morning when her washing ma­ Home Change Residents should note that ap- O fU eS.Navy Arms Runner Nov. IS through 111 between have had to eliminate having chine caught on fire. plication mutt ba made annual­ By VIVIAN BROWN Panoiw UaMs to pay personal Improving nsoot year’s (sir; and the hours of 1 and 8 p.m. and the pre-schoolers at the parties. Town flrsfnen were-called to PORT CmCAOO, Calif. (AP) Nov. 12-15 ly to get the farm exemption AP WiwUirtww Writer LAGOS (AP) — Seeearionist CRIME: property taxes in Coventry hav« awarding of' pramtums aamed on the evening of Nbv. IS from 281 Csnter St. at 8 :06 turn, bo aid t v l and open space exemption. The aftotahoek of a nmnator ea- Btafra’s reliance on a mUl BVlday to dsclaro such at tbe 1888 4-H fair. The Hebron Parent-Teachers’ S to 8 p jn . MaMheotor Kveolng Herald the 'woman wtth her smoking People wmnt their retirement BUDetin Board ploalon that occurred in Poit German-American arms rurnwr O rganiiatlon 'wUl sponsor Its Vohmteers are neadad to be HebrcB oerreapondeat Blar- machine. Minor damage was re­ FIAT RrFTMSR home to be dttfeiajt from the prupstly In Ow Assessor’s Of- The Republican Women’s Club Chicago M yean ago now Is to provide siqipUes tor its fight Advertisement— annual Book Fair from Nov. 13 In attendance at the Phlr In Jsrie Porter, tel. 188-9114. ported in the bteM. for 3rd Dbtrlet onee they're otjoyed in the againat tiie Nigerian govern­ fins In omlsr to aval:) a lo per will mast tonight at • p.m. in oommltttng Its final destruction Don't be fooled by RepubUoon through 15 at the Gilead HIU riiifte of 8:15 to 9 a.m., 1 to 3 Some burning leaves at 62 peat, aay« interior dealgiw ment has endei^ radio Blafra cent penalty. TSm lists must bs the home of Mrs. Robert Dixon STATE SSiATOX —of the entire town. Democratic team: Humphrey - and Hebron Blementary p.m., S to 6 p.m. each' of the ASHAMED OF THE 8TBAP Park St got out of control tort Frances Lee Kennedy, popular announced today. ' ^ deolarsa during tbs month of on Jan- ’Dr. Wastin London Weeds are taking over evary- smokescreens. Elect a solid Sriiooto. The fairs at each three days and from 6 to 9 p.m. DOVER, Del. (AP) — Dela­ night and fteetnen were called ■ «if HI ki society cir^ea In-New. Tork In a news broedcast, the Biaf- Park. Plans for election day will ware stIU has the whipping port, ■where. Rose bushes droop for Ootobsr and the 10 par oenit is - Muritie • RlMoolf - St. • O i«e - achool will run simultaneously on Nov. IS. Anyone wtIUng to at 6:44 pjnT No damage was and Palm Beadi. rans eaid they W l terminated be finalised. but even the founding fathers Jack of water. Lawns a w YOU GAN Mddsd to sseb list not dsclsred Houloy - Ahearn. and wUl ba held the same week work on any of these sMfte is reported. The retired fotk want the new reUtloBS wtth Henry Wharton, The Long Range Planning apparently werenT too proud of parriied brown. Ok) men ait for- on or before the first day of as parent-teacher conferences. asked to call Mrs. Paul WlUiekn Volw G O f Nov. B ehelter to open doors to a whole who has been flying arms Into Oommittee of the Gilead Oon- it. lomly at the bus depot Novwnlber, tbs stats low spool- The books are provided by in the Oolumbla divtsiMi or Mrs. TAKE YOUB OHOIOK new way oC Hfe. They want rec­ Nobody carea for anything the rebtiUous east Nigerian Advertisement— gregatlonal Church will mrot to­ The law saya that "whoever area since October 1988 at least. TURN THE HDE. flss. the Academic Book Barvloe of James Klar in the Manchester HAiWESVILU:, Ky. (AP) — Eltct reation, relaxation and a dream around here an^nore, for Fhrt Elsenhower-Nlxon gave us night at 8 in the Sunday School brings or carries any camera or The broadcast accused Whar­ RssI estsite SUM) registored mo­ IVast Haven and offer a wide division. Tourlsto have a lot of trouble house in a sense. They dont Chicago is dying .. . by order of peace and pnspertty; UBJ- room. picture-taldng device at or near TOM DONNELLY ton of working wtth the British Muggings, robberies, tor vshleleb do not roqulro do- variety in content, ags level and Property Declaration with three road rigna here. AB want it ao mtoimum-mainte- toe UJ3. Navy. Humpty gave Ui war and frus­ Halloween Parties the whipping post" is subject to 46 til District top. fumce that It looks stark. On the Commonwealth . office against rapes and assaults have risring. price range. They are Idaal for Friday ia the final day for fil­ The schedule of Halloween a fine o f from 5500 to SI,000, give the dfatance betiroen Reopens Priwtice On July 17, 18M, two Milps Mormetlon gs to what per- tration. Your choice In 1988 — ing personal property declara­ other hand, they don’t want it so loading ammunltloo at piem on Engaged Blafra and with being an agent risen 88% in seven years. Chrlstnian presents. Psorties to be held in the ele­ plus costs. Failure to pay the HaweavUle and LoutevUla and Spsasoted B , nM asr soml property must be dedsred Vote RepubUcan. tions with the assessor. Harold For Seoator Gamnlttae gussied up that it looka corny. the edge of Port Chicago vapor- for the U.S. Central InMltgence How can you prevent this The books will be for direct mentary BChoole tomorrow rlvht fine brings a prison torm of raad Uke thte: LoutevUla 88 Some builders are taking such Dr. Joseph Maasaro, long­ The mgagement of Mias Agency. may be had by oontaettng the Maddocks, part-time assessor, nttlss. Loutevllto 82 mUas, B obert O. Popp, TVeaa Itod in a hcnrendous blaat of 8.5 Advertlsament— sale, cash and carry. Tn the are as follows: Kindergarten, three to six months. ideas into consideration, itte time resident and physician in wave of crime froiti becom­ amessor’s oCflos In the Town will be at the office building The whipping port hasn’t been Loutetalla 85 mUes. The signs million pounds of high eoral^ Linda Wahmann of Coventry to Tile Blafrans aaid tiiey ended Tbo Incumbent Republican event that there is a shortage first and second grades at the says, particulariy tn newer Manchester, will reopen his Wharton's monopoly on arms ing the wave of the future? BuUding on R t. SI. Friday from 6:80 to 8:80 p.m. Hebron Elementary School from used in years. siei om blook apart. alvee, killing 82 n»m. The town U.S. Air Force Sgt Barry Alt­ repreaentetive voted to increase of any particular botoc, they to assist anyone needing help cooperative apartments that are practice Monday. Itoelf matalned heavy damage, flights in September after the Vartanoes Orantod may be ordered, cash in ad- going up in resort areas. Mrs. man of San FYancisco, OUif., Elect Richard Nixon Presi­ Tbe Zoattng Board o f Appoals the budget by 582 mUllon be­ with these forms. Dr. Maasaro will specialise In but no one in its Hmlts was 51-year-old pilot, a native of 'vanoe, and delivery wUl be Kennedy has been decorating klUed. has been announced by her par­ Germany, hiwl earned an esti­ dent., Here is part of what has granted two yattanoes to yond Democratic recommenda­ A penalty of 10 per cent, as Bariatrics, the treatment of the tions. Elect Ahearn your State made in approximatriy one some apartments in a new But the Navy feared tlMit an­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Clemens mated 56.6 million. he wants to do: local aontof regifiatioiis: Thom- prescribed by law, will be add­ overweight, at his new office at Representative. PuU pointer 5A. week to the school. S2-apartment building at R i­ other exiriosion at the piers Wafamdnn o f R t. 44A, Coventry. The 'broadcast charged 'Whar­ M R. Stevenson has pormisslan ed to all lists not properly filed viera Beach, Fla. 1. Restore the balance The children will be taken on or before Nov. 1. 257 E. Center St. would wipe out Port Chicago— Her fiance is the son of Mr. ton began sabotaging his flights to erect a Ugtatod sign a t tiie in the courts. Some of our Msnohestor Evening Herald through to examine the books It is not necessary to file a "For example, one big com­ Dr. Massaro retired from ac­ 85 miles from San FVandsco on and Mrs. t«an Altman of San in September. It said his failure top of Ms business building for Oovenhry oorrespohdent, F. on Nov. 12 by their teachers. list this year on buildings lands plaint is that bathroom fixtures tive nrsct'ce four years aro to a northeast reach of the bay— FYanclaco. to land needed ammunition cost courts have gone too far in identlAcatton purposes, and the could be improved. The idea of establish Ja3rmass Inc., a phar­ and fclH everyone in it the secesslonlate the towns of FMUtoa Oonstruotlon Oo. has PaaUne Utile, tel. 742-4881. letting a person chooee bath­ Miss Wahmibm, a graduate of weakening the peace forces permtation to construot a garage maceutical firm. He w.ii be So, over the years, in six at­ Green wlch Hospital School of Aba and Owerrl, which fell to room fixtures and doors is a sharing office space with Dr. the federsls in September. as against the criminal and vestibule for Walter Hwrit tempts rancorously resisted by Nursing, is employed by the step in the right direction, so Jdui Baslle and will be open many townspeople, the Navy The radio charged that Whar­ forces. Too many guilty on tbe Slwek property on Rt. that one doesn’t have to live three days a week. Children’s Hoq>Ual Medical Can­ ton dropped one load of 280,000 Conrad Richter Telephone: 644-2424 tried to get Cbngresa to let it ter of Northern CaUfomla, Oak­ men are being freed on 81. VERNON with dreary ideas or useless Dr. Massaro, adio has treated buy up the town to create a rounds of ammimition and more St. Onge Visit land. Sgt. Altman is currently Pulitizer Winner, ones.” Manchester residents for many two-mile buffer same around than 52 million in freshly minted technicalities. stationed in Okinawa. WflUam St. Onge, incumbent Two wash basins may make a years, was originally an engi­ loading faeilitiea. Biafran currency notes into the 2. Appoint an Attorney Democratic candidate to Oon- Dies at Age 78 bathroom look important, but neer before he became a doctor. The piers handle 70 per cent An October 1966 wedding is sea after claiming that engine planned. General dedicated to root­ gress, will be at ZoUo’e Super­ who needs it, say some peiqtle. He is past president o f the of the nmnltlons tued in Viet­ trouble prevented him from market at the center of Daley POTT8VILLE, Pa. (AP) Telephone: 644-2424 VERNON How often do two people get to­ Manchester Medical Society, nam. landing at the Ugfaway landing ing out organized crime in Rd. and R t 81 at 6 p.m., tomor­ Author 'Conrad Richter, whoee gether for a hand-wadilng duet. past president of the Hartford The Navy's big argument was tor of the Navy’s real mtato strip at UII. row. The local party town com­ Tri- City Plaza 6th Birthday Sale America. A crackdown here novel "The Town’’ won the 1961 One pretty hand-painted wash County Academy of General that today a single pier can han­ section in Port Chicago, said he The radio also said bombs —including the safeguard­ mittee is planning to have a basin in ufsiatty sufficient for Practioners, a member of the dle nine mSlion pounds of explo­ fttresa-w few condemnatlona. He were found twice in September murteal group In attendance. Pulitzer Prize, died at PotUvllle most people. The additional Connecticut Academy of Oen- sives rather than only 3.5 mU. hopes to exhaust every other near Biafra-bound planes at Lis­ ed use of wiretaps—is long Raymond H. Bradley, chair­ Hospital today. 6th Birthday Sale eral Practioners, and past pres­ qiace may be made more useful Boo—meaning, they said, the possibility first. But not every­ bon Airport and accused Whar­ overdue. man of the local party town The author had been admitted aa a table. ident of the Manchester Me­ one has been willing to take the OCT. 31 - NOV. 2 town could go poof in a lAust ton of sabotage. committee, reports party head­ only Monday after coming here Mrs. Kennedy often has had morial Hospital medical staff. 3. Help localities im­ This y w , flnaUy, the Navy Navy eviction broadside without Wharton has been a riiadowy prove the quality of their quarters will be open evenings from his home in nearby Pine to lip out thumbing that some got 519.8 mflUon to buy the challenge. About 10 property- figure in the Biafra-Nlgerla con­ from now until Election Day, Grove. Tri - City Plaza builder tdiose, and put in some­ and Mrs. David Glass, Crystal 5,200 acre town cuid shoo its ownera have hired lawyers in an flict since before the civil war Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 police protection with bloc Nov. 6. Anyone wishing to have Richter, 78, a p n ^ ic writer, thing more to a client’s taste, ao Lake Rd., BockvlUe; a daugh­ 3,000 Inhabitants from their 800 attempt to mcUce a case of un­ began 17 months ago. According grants from Federal tax drivers pick them up or will be lived most of his life to the the trend to clientcholce in the ter to Mr. and Mra. Harvey homes and busbiesoos. The constitutional action agaliwt the to eraUer reports, the Blafrans tn need of baby-sitters on Elec­ O CT. 31 - NOV. 2 beginning eaves douUe expense, Desnilaseoux, Hebron. goal: Rase the town. Navy. One case afaeculy 1ms paid him 525.000 for each trip funds. Pennsylvania anthracite region, tion Day may call headquarters where he was bom. buQder’s and occupant’s. "Freedom was btwn in the been turned down by U. 8 . into Blafra along! a route start­ in tiie First Dlatrlct or the Sec­ Nixon knows that the Richter wrote more than a Doors can provide a loUier ap­ Di s c h a r g e d y e s t e r d a y : U.S.A. and died in Port CMoa- District Court Judge and an ap­ ing from Lisbon. The flights Sorry no moil or phono ordors first civil right of every ond Dtstrtot. dozen full length books and nu­ pearance too, she says, with Alfred Bolduc, M Case Dr.; go,” says the marquee of the peal has been taken to the U.S. were made by a fleet of three to Bradley also stated Robert merous short stories. -His book, cane or otfaw materials. She Mrs. Miarguerife Oatby, IM Port Chicago TTieiUer. District Court of Appeals. five aging Super Constellatlone American is the right to Hoidey, candidate for stede sen­ "The Waters of Kronoe” won also uses cane on OKAlings. SyoBmore Lane; Mrs. Mary A skull and crossbones Jolly The final chapter in fits story rented by Wharton, a natural­ ator, and Aloynius Ahearn, Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 orotection from crime and the National Book Award tor “Decorating is completely dif­ Hetu, 88 Faaex 8 L; Mrs. Ther­ Roger flies on a mast above a of Port Chicago wUI, officials ized American who says his violence. candidate for Slot Assembly ferent in warm cUmates, but esa Matoer, 888 Summit 8 t ; three-bedroom house on Hum­ say, be written tills fall when U.S. home is Miami. District representative, will be flctiCH) in 1980. good fiimtiure khould be Raymond JoHe, 862 High St. boldt S t the Navy expects to acquire aH Wharton first popped into the in attendance Thursday night. At least three of his boolcs brought along 9/1 It can be used W est; Eaien Gordon, BT Beaman ‘’That’s my husband’s way of the property for good and tor news in October 1968, when he Grange Meeting were made into movies, "The BirfhtJoys are a special occasion . . . and with a sunnier badtground OB’.; Mrs. Berverly Holt, B Don- protesting what the Navy is all. was on an arms-laden DC4 that Bast Central Pomona Orange Light in the Forest,’’ "Sea of nri Rd., RockvfUe; Mn. Neva doing," said Mrs. Nita Simon, This Grass” and “Tasey Cromwell,’' we wanf you to join us in celebrating brighter accessories'. Thus will end a history that crash-landed ki a dry rivMbed wU meet at 8 p.m. Saturday in morihem Cameroon, across which uras made into the film, the 6th birthday of the Tri-City Plfiza. "Wheo people get to Florida, Lelne, 54 Ccdumbus St; Paul whose hiuband. Bill, is tn the started when President UB. wttb Mariborough Orange as Zodda, 85 Summer S t; Erik Pe- Navy. Grant patented atract to H. H. the eastern border of Nigeria. "One Desire." they all seem to want pretty host at tbe Good Will Orange We've got a «tore full of exciting bar­ much th e same thing—chlntx terem , 86 Doane St; WUter “The fight for this town—it Smith, who sold his rights to The arms were believed head­ Time Hall in Glastonbury. Several universities ga've him gains; nearly iSyery department has and bamboo. Later, they are (Haen, Manrileld Center; Mrs. was terrible,” riie said. "You Daniel Cunningham. The origi­ ed for eastom Nigeria. It was honorary degrees, including the Firemen's Ban sorry that they thscarded an­ Irene DIngley, 10 W . Middle don’t know when it's going to nal name of the water frontage stin seven months before the University of New Mexico. The joined the festivities. You'll find every­ tiques or other good furniture Tpke.; Jeuiioe Smith, 18 Laurel happen. You go through so was Sea Bluff and the town was area declared independence and A Firemen’s Annual Ball will author lived for a while in that thing from mink coats to electric blend­ and they buy addifional funii- H .; Charles Wolf, 178 Spnice much of this uncertainty aod fi­ firrt called Bay Point in 1907. became Blafra. NiXON ba held at 9 p.m. Nov. .16 at southwertem state in 1928, ers on sale . . . NOW. Here is a list of ture to give tbelr borne a more S t; Mrs. Kathleen Dowgiewica, nally you are relieved lust to be Nobody seems to know when Later he was reported aboard the Coventry Votuntoer Fire As- doing research on the American aoUd kMk.*’ Carpenter Rd., BcStan; Mrs. getting out.” Bay Point became Port Chica­ a plane that was damaged at eoclatkin, Inc. home on Main St. Southwest. • just a few of the great savings. When Mrs. Kennedy decided LuoSle Moon, 116 BiKUand Hmnes and other properties go, and to Ml the truth, not Malta. The cargo then was air­ The affair is being sponsored by Richter, the son of a minister, to see pale chaitreuae on her Rd., Wappiiv; Ralffi Rlckeit, are fim appraised, then resi­ many seem to care. craft tires and parts, believed to tbs Women’s AuxUlary. Music was bom in Treniont, Pa., and own living room walls In Flori­ Dart »n Rd., RockvtUe; dents are offered money. There be marked for Blafra. At one for dancing wlU be provided by began writing at an early age. da, her friends gained. But the U oyd Breen, 48 BiaeeN S t ; are attematives. They can settle FOPULATTON OF ANGOLA DP time it Mras reported that Amer­ Sponoond by Ooaa. UMted rttlm n Don Cetby’a Orchestra. Refreeh- House and Town Dressos with toe Navy and move; they The Pennsylvania House of over-all effect has made a tre­ Kfcbard GUdden, 210 Mountain •LilSBOIN (A P )—The weet A f­ ican authorities had found him msnts will be available. Tickets Representatives on the occas- can move their hooses out of in Monrovia, Liberia, and had ftir NIzm i, Agaew, Be|pk MawaicUl oad mendous fait whh eveiyone. She Rd.; Mrs. Pauline Reed and rican territory of Angcte, wMch are 55 p er couple. sion o f his 75tb birthday passed A special group of dresses; including: Shifts, Port CHoago, or sdl out to pri­ lifted Ms American passport. uses off-white dnsper'ea and so­ daughter, 108 Proapeot St, has belonged to Portugal since Onb Paok Meeting a resrtution honoring him as a vate contractors who will move the leth century, now has a pop- .Mafookn Baldridge, Oo-chalrmfn; Lawience OnmHi, 'Vice Obalimaa fas, diidn In off-white with lit­ Rockville. “Sbowboote’’ will be the "literary giant, Pulitzer Prize skimmers, two-piece dresses, all fall colors. the houses themarives. Resi­ idation of 6.5 mlUlonw aooordtog Electric eels nearly 1 0 feet tle gold floweiB and a few theme of tbo Cub Scout Pack winner and writer extraordi­ dents who refuse to move or to tile Fortugueae news agency long have been caught in South 12 Y i-2 2 yS , pfeeas o f F reod i fumiture. Bbe In France in 1800, Robert Ful­ 57 meeting at 7:80 p.m. Nov. 16 nary.’ ’ 10-20, reg, 12.00-19,00. todc the diaitreuse, gold deal with the Navy or private “ LiMitania." American waters. V ton built a submarine he called parties can bs forced out '•'>85 tile population was Read Herald Advertisements at the Church Community House Richter, who worked tor the turquoise odor used on the the Nautilus in an attenqit to newspapers in his early days, WN, R.1. nobody else will! etc. In factories arhite paint is (1g> jtanr Qrlffln (AP)—^A New Haven, Com., pi­ used In areas that ml^ht accu­ fall. Hilswihowar wrote: "n<*r'*to lot was among the crew of four mulate discarded match foldei*. klUed Monday wImr their cae- gam wrappers and other Utter. 8:80 the fmnhlaUe number of years Bpoits . (O I have bee<> um.'i8Lig uni.. rler-based flkyraider crashed Ehq>vience has shown that the into the Mediterranean while amount of debris is reduced to a .O orttlte (C) 10:00 as an annual mllsstone, aach im ® "® HuiXley-Btfiadey birthday has at least one new making a landing approadi. minimum almost immediately Lf) Lt. Alfred H. Gabrlris Jr., 28. after such an area is painted ' Now Horiioa* 10:80 (lOOMUO) Muolcand hS qfreoh (O element in (he lettera Newwbwt U :0 0 SM) N.E.t ; giailtteaiand messages I receive. This whoae parents live in New Ha­ white. And the Utter is striUngv <0 I W ^ ’a N«nrr (B) IM iyO) Bing year Croabr It was the greettnga from ven, was listed among the dead ly visible and therefore more in the crash by authorities a Ukely to be removed quickly. >40) H m OnUider you, the charter class of Eisen­ Bfiy Oniiam hower College. the Quonset Point Naval Air The lesson in that for the : Ootnmunioa- Station here. lion SklUa x n “I must say that when I was homeowner is that dark oomera tkm TV A Navy spideesman oald ibe that might attract oily rags, pa-' ( t ) After ' Xovlc JO40) Naw*. your age the thought that I Waottiar aircraft carrier, Ihdependenoe, M W b a t c b d a t v t v W B B E might reach the veneraUe age per and other fire haaarda and Uta was operating iwar the island should be painted white. of 78, if It entered my mind, was instantly written oft as improb­ of Sardinia when the single-en­ Treacherous stairs, such as gine propeller crari dropped are sometimes found in base­ Radio able; and in my most fantastic (IW a Hating tnolndee only flioee newa broadcaata of 19 or 18 Imaglninga I am sure I never steeply Into) the water and ments or attics, can be made ■nlniite length. Soma ertuibed. safer by painting the top and atattone eorry ottter abort newsoaots.) entertained tor a moment so ab­ SM Joim Boott rOB OOMPLETE UEIINOb surd a notion as a college bottom steps in stripes, using 8:00 Kan CMtfln demi is designed for you! combinations of orange and Perego” Italian Import Infants 3 Pc. named after me.” Mack, yellow and black, or 6:|gte«o.5’i§S5SSte 18:18 Sign Off The letter, pootmaiked Oct. white and Mack. The striping U . . . . WTIO—lit# 28, was sent from Walter Reed At kuA—a foundation scaled to your petite height and pro- lllw Q«lM*»>ura s'5S Afternoon Edition done by painting the entire step Port A IVam Carriage 8:00 News Army HoapMal in Washington, porUone! TouthUne Dem i fits you beautifully . . . «Ut«« a light color; then, when the Diaper Set 2=1® ||te»% t Bsport where Blaenhower 1* recoverUg TSv SiffigSTH San 8:80 Waotliar from a series c< heart attacks. you beauUfuUy—ends your foundation problems! Try paint has thoroughly dried, put­ »:Qp Store Iforgea Our Reg. 2=J5 Afiarnoon EdKIor ting on masking tape in a 1:00 Oerr Oirord 7:10 Aocant ’88 FAIRWAY Touthllne Demi artd discover bow lovely your figure can Low Price , ______WIWF—1888 Newman to Back HHH striped pattern and painting the 42.75 7:18 Now FIRST l Speak. Up 7 :» David .Brinklav H(MA.YWOpD (AP) — Actor look—how comfortable you can teeL exposed area In a dark color. i r( News J ’S **“ worid When the second color is dried, Rockefeller Speaks for Ladd 32.75 7:« Joe peimglola Paul Newman, who badwd flen. s 1.97 7:M Bmphasla All chromed frame — Marimo fabric body - Coif Eugene J. MIoOartfay for the for hoHowoon the tape is stripped off, leaving T r e s ^ co i^e in a poUUcal leader, Roger Ladd has it in fuU measure," said N T 100% cotton, corduroys and knits. All machine 8:00 News ^ ^ perfertly formed stripes. tinental styled — Can be used as car bed. wash and dry. 8:10 Pop Concert Democratic presidential nomf- c o in Hm . . . Introduced the GOP candidate for Congress 7:00 the WoHd Taeight Nlahtbeet Some persons might feel that 7:80 rn n k OUeonl »:10 natloa, say* he wiH oampeign ^ the principal speaker at a fund-raising dinner for 7:80apaak Up BporU JJ=25 Weather I stows mala at. stripes provide a jarring note in 8:00I :Naurs 11:80 fc p rts Pinal for v ic e I’lesideot Hubert H. In using paint as a sUety fac­ Dabbing light switches with show that such doors are ideal tinental styling. Of Community Colleges tor, remember that yellow has weathered back porch steps McCarthy's call for bis backer* a J o t i n ' s luminescent paint for easy loca­ head-bumpers. made of wood should be painted No IRftttAT matter Willfihwhich flAljkMBtAdelegate lais .... to support Humphrey, an who takes her figure seriously then let me show you the beautiful difference a pro­ the highest visibUity. White and tion is a good idea. In using thin He pointed out that almost Other Ups on the use of peUnt regularly to avoid deterioration; footed to the Qeireral Assem­ 100 students from the 61et Dis­ ivory u e almost equally effec­ paint, be sure to foUow the di­ for safety a re: Red should indi­ bly, community coUegea, and Sharman Douglas Wed fessional fit makes. All fittings and alterations are free of charge. tive. Thus, wans of d ark, en­ rections carefuUy. while panting the top and bot­ trict town*—-Andover, Bolton cate adiere the home fire extin­ tom atepa of a wooden ladder is eepodally Kanchester Oommun- and Coventry—are now attend­ NEIW YORK (AP) — Aar- closed stairwells should be A bright htte painted along the guisher is kept; hunineacent ity Ooliege, Mand to gain. Both painted yellow, white or ivary. recommended, don-’t paint the in g MOC. man Douglas, daughter of the bottom edge of a garage door paint or white paint riiould be entire ladder, as it will hide Caldor’s > fn . Dmvthy IQUer, ReptfbU- former ambassador to Great TWa is eq>eoUUy true where diet tehles forward and iq> into used on fuse boxes, as they can, and Aloyaiua Aheam, Dem­ cracks and other defects. D EEP SnrS’TEBV Britain, Lewis W, Douglas, and ocrat, hav* laaued atatemonte Mrs. Douglas of Tucson, Aria., on tbelr poaiUona, vriheh. in ihu IBAI^nMORS! (AP) —One of was married Tuesday to An­ Best Layette cage anyway, agree. the current mysteries in the drew Mackenzie Hay, a Lon­ Mra. IfiU or eald that "oom- land of crabs Is how all those don-born food importer. munlty colleges, totdinical ool- baby lobeteiU got Into the pond The wedding was hdd In the in Patterson Park. legee and vocational high chapel of lUte Madison Avenue NOW REDUCED school* should be allowed to ex­ "It’s amaxliig to me because Presbyterian Church. About 100 pand and develop programa lobsteni tisiially only live in guests, all close friends and rel­ UNIFORM SHOP senotive to the job training cold, flowing water,” says res­ ative*, attended. Insure Good Representation taurant owner Dave Oetdon. needi of their particular areas ’The bride, a close friend of 631 MAIN 8T./MANCHESTER. CONN. TELEPHONE S43-S346 in order to provide better Job "These are only about four inch­ Prlncese Margaret, became 20% and More! training and to aid industrial es long but th^ re lobsters, not known as Charmin’ Sharrmn ^ growth." crayfish," he odds. during the late 1940’s when her 0 Our R*g. S«l«l "In v m ," said IfM . kOHer, For Manchester "the governor’s budget failed Slipover Shirt Diaper Tapes .75 .59 to mentloa community ooUeges. RepuUlcans, however, .placed Cosco Snap Front Shirt Diaper Tapes .88 .69 funds for tbs oidlegeo in their budget proposal* that year, and Thermal Foam Training Pants .89 .6 9 slien the Demoerat* were In The State Legislature! Folding Hi Chair Two-way Stretch forced to adopt the Republican Solid Kimono 1.49 I.IT budget, community colleges were given their start. Our Rag. Print Kimono r.S9 1.17 "In 1987 the requested Re- puMlcan budget for the col­ SENSATIONAL SAVINGS Low Price Solid Gown 1.49 1.17 leges wa* cut by more than C eil do r 12.99 one-third by the governor. This 9.77 Print Gown 1.69 1.33 approach by the Democrats Wn- Our famous maker Infant and Toddler underwear is shrink dered the orderly growth of itie Chromed frame. Extra large unbreakable tray. FROM OllR FARRIC CENTER controlled fine combed cotton and will retain its shape community college system. _washingjftei^washing^ "la ICanchester as at the othera In the state, demand still Gurity Famous Two Layer 21” x 40” exceeds capacity and student* Colgate were turned away In large num­ bers this past September." REPEAT OF A SELLOUT! • Specially Priced! Unheard of Value! box o f DRASTICALLY Foam Crib Mattress Gauze Diapers 12 2.55 Mrs. MlUer said ahe fuels H Our Rag. 2.99 "important to rectify the fail­ ure of the 1987 legislature and 44/45” Cotton 100% Acrylic to provide room for more stu­ Repeat of a Sell-out! 97 Curity Pre-fold Diap ers dents." REDUCED! Calling the community col­ Bonded Flannelette Doubleknits lage systsm "the greatest event 4 in education,” Ahearn said that, Our Rag. Box of 12 2.99 Our Rag. If elected, he would support Low Pries Our Rag. 3.69 B9e yd. Low PriM recommendations for expansion Wool yd. 2.97 yd. 1.88 Blazon Greus Pony of Manchester Oonununlty Col­ lege to a 14S-acre site on Woolens & Acrylics Cotton fisnneleite prints, ilorals, and This year’s most sought sfier fabric. Ma­ Spring Shoo Fly WethsreU Bt.'and HUlstown Rd. and juvenile patterns. 44/4S inches wide. chine washable and diyable. FuU 60^' 26” X 34” Warm Fleeced .Noting that "student enroll­ wide. FaU fashion shades. NATHAN G. AGOSTINELLI ment is expected to exceed 8,- Receiving Blanket 000 by 1976," the candidate sold Our Regular Low Price 2.97 yd. State Senator S 5 . 9 7 that expansion Is necessary "if the ooUeg* is to provide space Wool Blends O ur Rag. needed for buildings, athletic Sensational Value! Priced For A Sellout! Baby Rocker Low Prie. 1.29 faculties, and extensive parking Fabulously astaa" tor a totally commuting Our Rag. Low Pries 1.97 yd. student body. Priced at Fashion Suitings Fashion Prints Soft pastel shades. 60% cotton, 40% Acrylic. Machine wash Be said h* would oppose any yd. Deluxe P laypn Complete with and dry. reduoUon In site area. by Blends S by Bates "As an educator,” he said 2.37 yd. (he tsaofaas JDngHsh at Bast Fullest range of fashion textured solida Select our fancies of bright plaids, subtle 1 .5 5 Our Rsg. Our Rag. Mattress Hartford High and at the Com­ Low PriM Low PriM herring-bones and smart checka All easy-to-aew bonded fabrics. No lining re­ 1.89 100% Orion Acrylic munity OoUsgs) "I have sean Solids and fancies. Sew these magnificent 974 yd. the great service that Manches­ quired. 58 to 60 inches wide. 1 .2 9 yd. ter Community College has giv­ woolens into your Fali/Winter wardrobe. Heavyweight Blanket Sleeper S4 to 58 inches wide. Two-ply, crease resistint rayon blends - Crease reiUtant, 100% cotton in luxuri­ en to the people of our arsa the Coordinating aolids, tweeds, checks and ous tonal printi. 44-45” wide. ® ^ 1 6 . 9 7 pastfive ysoM." plaids. 44-45” wide. Our Rag- Low P riM Large 40”x40” deluxed 4.97 quilted attractive pad and 3 .8 8 ELECT JERRY rail. Machine wash and dry. Like sleeping in a blanket. Full length zipper for easy dress. Neck tab, zipper protection elasticized ankle, non-skid plastic soles. &M-L-XL. ’ DONALD GENOVESI M 'i Childrens' Straight Stitch ROBERT STAVNITSKY WILLIAM FORBES * down State Representative State Representative 18th District State Representative Two-Step Stool SPECIAL PURCHASE! 19th District 20th District A Beacon Thermal Crih Blanket Sewing Machine

Our Rag. Low P riM Complete » L 9 7 4.97 Zig Zag Machine with Juat say Automatic Stitch Machui^ 2 .6 9 carrying There Is A Better Way — Use as a step-stool or chair. vStli Exceptional value, sold regularly at a much higher orice Jl«ri7 Mortl caae “CHARGE IT” Attractive red, white, blue Nylon taffeta 6” binding. Warm pastel shades Size Mnylxf 34.60 or pecan color. 36”x50". On **>9cUon day you Mwukl 5 6 .7 0 unytat olgot JOny Moral to help Embroiders, zig-zagi, monograms - and ? 6 6 .7 0 you'Ntth a d*p«ndabl* used Noiseless action; sews forward or back; pudibutton con- / • ■» oar. Tarry** ^otform la: much more . .. plus perftet straight Hitching, without txtra attachmenU. troL Comes with complete accessory kit. #1362 Complete asiortment of insertabi* eams VOTE REPUBLICAN NOV. 5th lA L It 1. All can hav* h**n aof *ty for fancy stitching. Pushbutton ravsias, 1146' sews straighl or zigzag. 1632. By The Republkan Town CfNniiilttee of Manchester—CharlM Trees. I. rrotit ondB troBamlaMca*, W IP. thru §AT. OBfiii** to nway ooaai ov*r- We reterve the right to limit quantities. luud*d. OPIN UTI NIOHn Voto tor IquBr* D*al Ttrry MANCHESTER — 1 1 ^ TOLLAND TURNPIKE SALE: WED. thru SAT. ■t Dougl** Motor Boloa 848 We teaeivt the right to limit quantities. Ifaln St., Manohostor. EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY OPEN UTE EVERY N N O r"'" HAGS SIGRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80; 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,

Vernon ' In Man-SmuffgUnff Attempt ants had been permitted to con­ and Independent nations of Afri­ Cover Catalog” for those who moting economic and social wel­ Police [ jOQ Dyer Gets sult (heir respective emhaasiek News in. ca and Asia. This one sells for specialize in this subject. AH fare a? well as the advancement befor^and. In the $9.50. space cavers will be listed by of the mmdMf-goveniinc territo­ Schedule Under Hungarian law, the ad­ Stamps Neses categories such a Explorer, ries in the South,Pacific region. CSES Post BLACKY THE AN6US SEZ: arsEkt Britain has issued four Gemini, Apollo, etc. Within each Two officers on patrol yester­ Hungarian Court Convicts ditional sentence of expulsion 'Rie area consists of naarly all day found a screen ripped and The World pence and five pence regional category the information in- Joseph P. Dyer of 45 Fairvlew wotdd bar the defendants from the Pacific lalandn, with popula­ ^ For that extra spaeial stamps for Northern Ireland, eludes the date, site, vehicle Listed for a window smashed at the St. has been named acting di­ earlier release on parole and tion o f three mflUon. U.S. Indian Girl, Italian - Shot by Firing Squad O (iOMC ALl. v a rAITMrUlu Scotland, Wales and Monmouth­ and brief description of tho mU- Garden Grove Restaurant off rector of the Connecticut State they would have to serve out ^ something in meats shop The three new stampa show Keeney St. They searched the shire, Isle of Man, Guernsey slon. H ie book Includes two Employment Service, following BUDAPEJST, Hungary (AP) "Ibe public prosecutor in tiun their full tenms. Western Beef Mart. All JAKAI^ (AP) _ Three panoramic views of the western Leaf Pickup building but found no evidence and Jersey, Etoch stamp will parts for United States and for­ Samoa coast. the announcement of the retire­ —A Hungarian court convicted appealed for a longer sentaice meats freshly cut and OonmtMuAt -leaden of an abor­ of vandalism or wrecking. Noth­ tive coup were rtwt by flr- have as its main design the por­ eign launches. Oollecton can Tbe leaf pickup schedide in ment of Mrs. Mary Dewey. an American Indian girl and an in Mlrs Blueye’s cose. ing appeared to be disturbed, displayed. Cnoosa your aquada at dawn Tueaday, trait of Queen Elizabeth. obtain the book for $8 directly FROM SECRETARY. Vernon has been rearranged be­ No newcomer to the State Italiani today of trying to smug­ The pair was caught Aug. 11 Five Day Forecast ptdice say. gle an East German to the West bringing to aeven the number of from the American Toptoal As- W ITH LO VE cause the announced schedule Labor Department, having serv­ at the Hungarian town of Sopron cuts from tho large sa» and sentenced them to six Temperatures during the 5 Oominuniat leaden exemited tor The Republic of Korea haa is­ soclMtion, 83(M N. 50th St., M il­ dlt not work out. ed 25 yeara with the Oonnect- when guards at the Austrian NEW YORK (AP) —Betty hOchael Guadano of 96 Phelps day period beginning Thursday lection and best of all their part in the attem pt to aeize sued a new se'ven-aron stamp waukee, WIs. 93216. Delivery ICayor John Grant’s office had months and a year in Jail res­ border found the refugee, Frank Maul, who is Sen. Jacob Ja'Vits’ Rd. complained to police that a eu'e expected to average above Save! Sava! Sava! power. honoring that country's first will be in the spring. received ntany complaints from' pectively. Schober, hidden under a bunk in secretary,' sent the An Lac Or­ tire had been stolen out o f the normal, vvlth highs near thf “Korean Trade Fair" which residents who said the leaves Miss Henrietta Blueye, 21, a the trailer of their car. Ten other leaden of the coup phanage in Saigon, Viet Nam, trunk of his oar when he left mid-eOs and lows mostly l-n the was held at Kurodong, south of were not picked up on the daye Radellffe student from Bason, Miss Blueye and Rocchino attempt, including ouated Pnai- Western Samoa pays tribute which she helped found, a gen­ it parked in his driveway last 40s. Turning somewhat colder Seoul. The design o f the stamp to the 21rt anniversary of the es­ scheduled. The original plan was N.Y.. and Mario Rocchino, 25, said durl'.ig pretrial interroga­ dent Sukarno’# deputy pnmler erous mqiply of "I Am Loved” night. The tire is valued at $40. early next week. features the Main Gate entrance to pick up on certain streets on had been held since August. tion that the West German or- -SPECIALS- and foreign mlnlater. Dr. Subon- tablishment of the South Pacific buttons and balloqna. Precipitation may total 14 to Rocdiino, an interior decorator, drio, a n awaiting execution. All to the Korean fair. Oommlsslon by issuing three Although aha pliuis to vitit the sclieduled days. ARRES'TS ganiaatrton, idenUfied by the ifi^ % inch falling mainly as show­ The new schedule will pick made his home in Goeppingen, dlctment as a “ man-smugglt.'ig w en aentenoed to death by spe­ new stamps. Hie commission orphanage on 'Hianksglving, she Pauline Peterson of 47 Lyness ers around Sunday and Monday THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATDRflAY Hw American Topical Asso­ up by districts with the Wednes­ West Germany. Miss Blueye gang,” offered to pay $2,500 if cial military courts. encourages and strengthens in­ wanted the younuaters to get the St. was seI^^ed a 12th Circuit ciation haa prepared a "Space had been on |i tour of Europe Those executed Tuesday were ternational cooperation in pro- message right away. day and Thursday schedule ae Court warrant yesterday charg­ they brought Sriiober to the THE FIVE CENT’S SPECIAL follows: when arrested. West. The money was to come former central committee mem- ing her with obtaining money NEW Y O R K (A P ) — A cup of District 1 Wednesdays; Gay- Rocdiino was described in the from Schdber’s mother who b en Sudiaman cmd NJono and under false pretenses. The coffee for a nickel and a ham­ PLUMP, m e a t y AUSTRALIA nor Place, North Park, Park, verdict as principal defendant lives In West Germany. the former party boM In central charges stem from an alledged burger for the sam t price—In Prospect, School, Talcott Ave., and in addition to his sentence According to the indictment. Java, WIrJo Mariopo. By 8YD KRONI8H bad check passed at Caldors on New York, in the heart o.' New Thompaon Ct., 'Ihompeon St., of a year in Jail was fined 1,500 Miss Blueye and Rocchino President Suharto rejected AP Newsfeatures Tolland ’Tpke. She was released York at Rockefeller Plaza? Oak, Ward and Woo^and. forints, the equivalent at $128. staged a successful escape 'plot their appeals for clemency. on a no ca:h ball for a court Well, it’s true. At CSiarley O’s, a Several-nations Eumually issue USEFUL and VALUABLE Thursday, Lawrence, Moun­ Both Rocchino and Miss earlier in August wht’.r they unique replica of a typical Irish postage stampa In tribute to appearance on Nov. 4. Blueye, who received minimum PoiUh Cardinal tain, Pleasant, Snipsic, Chest­ smuggled another East German pub, one can still get a fine mug Christmas. Hie United States in nut, Davis Ave., Ellington Ave., punishment, were also ordered from Czecho lovakia to Austria. of coffee at the food bar for a To Viait Vatican recent years haa JMned the Elm and Grant. Mrs. Charles W. Ryan of 23 to be 'expelled from Hungary For this they were said to have nickel and a hamburger for the grorwing list o f such nations and District 2 Wednesdays: Allan Byron Rd. waa chargred with after serving their terms. been paid $375. Premiums FREE same price. W ARSAW (A P ) -S te fa n Chr- n e-nr weeks ago announced the violation of ihe roaming dog Dr., Harriet Dr., Eleanor, Mi­ Under Hungarian law the ad­ Looking healthy but pale. And it’s not leftovers either. dlnal WyMEynski wUl leave Mon­ WHEN YOU PURCHASE QUALITY MEN’S WEAR law after her dog allegedly bit design and detaila of Its 1968 riam, Overbrook, Femwood, ditional sentence of expulsloR Miss Blueye and Rocriilno were Noel Hennebery, the 31-year-old CHICKEN day to^ visit the Vatican follow­ Bitu.tp, as reported in this col­ 3-year-old David Zaremba of Riverside, Hillside, Hilltop and barred the two defendants from led intc the courtroom flanked manager from 'Tralee in Qjun.jr ing the lifting of a three-year umn. Ifillside Manor Ave. Lake St., Vernon, on the hand, travel ban against him by Po­ carher release on parole, but by two Hungarian defense law­ Kerry, Ireland, says a wise Now the Australian Philatelic yesterday. The dog was im­ Josqth P. Dyer Thursdays: Huntington, Dot­ the attorneys for Miss Blueye yers, Dr. Oyocigy Ladanyt for once told him if you give some­ land’s Communist government. Bureau h u mode pubUc the de­ G LEN N EY’S Men's Shop pounded and Mrs. Bryan will tier. Deepwood, Irene, Forest icut State Employment Service and Rdcchlijo have appealed the Rocchino, and Dr. Gyula Rosztl thing away for nothing it must The government lifted the Ro­ sign for two Christmas stamps E^>pear in court N ov. 18. The sentences. View. Castlewood, Marjorie, prior to his appointment by Gov. for Miss Blueye. Both defend­ be twice as good. man Oathollc primate’s pass­ —one for Australia and the oth­ Senaca, Duncaster and Discov­ boy was treated at Manchester John Dempsey in 1964 as direc­ port in 1966 in retaliation for a er for Norfolk Island. One Coupon With Each $5,00 Purchase ery. Memorial Hospital. tor of the Office of Economic letter of forgiveness and recon­ The Australian five-cent Bulletin Board Opportunity, Dyer comes to his ciliation from Poland’s Roman stamp depicts a view of Bethle­ SAVE YOUR COUPONS AND RECEIVE ANY Mr. and Mrs. George Furbish ACCIDENTS new post from the Department LEG AND OathoUo blBhops to the blshope hem at the time of the nativity OP THESE PREMIUMS FREE WITH TOTAL of Marjorie Lane, Vernon, will A written warning for failure of Community Affsilrs where he You Know Fran Mahoney of Germany. The government as seen from a hliltop. Sur­ NUMBER OP COUPONS REQUIRED hold a coffee hour at 8 tonight to drive a reasonable di^iance held the position of chief of the accused the cardinal of seeking rounding' tile derign on three for State Senate candidate Rob­ apart was issued to Jolw A . Bureau of Program Manage­ links with the West Gernuuis 44.95 — 7-SPEED IO N A B L E N D E R ...... 50 CO U P O N S ert Houley and Representative edges are the words “Christmas Luntta, 1®, of 53 Foley St. after ment and Supporting Services. who the OmnmunlstB claim are candidate Gerald Allen. All 1968—0 Come All Ye FaltMul 25.95 — 2-SPEED IO N A B L E N D E R ...... 26 CO U P O N S he ran into the rear of a car He was appointed assistant di­ plottiiM to regain the territory voters of the Rockville-Vemon Joyful and TrlumMauit.” driven by Richard R. He<^, 19, rector in 1960 and had held sev­ Germany lost to Poliuid In area are Invited and encour­ Hie Norfolk Island adhesive 24.95 — IONA DELUXE HAIR DRYER ...... 25 CO U P O N S of 233 'Vemon St. yesterday Worid War H. aged to attend. eral supervisory positions in lo­ efiows a silver star surrounded when Heck had to stop sudden­ cal offices and on the central Churrii sources said the cardi­ 24.95 — IO N A SH O P P O L IS H E R ...... 25 CO U P O N S A btisinessmen's luncheon by a Mrcle of hlMscus blooms ly in heavy traffic on W. Mid­ nal is going to Rom e to make a will be held tomorrow for Con­ office staff of the OSES. BREAST on a blue background. Under­ 14.95 —- IONA CAN OPENER ...... 18 CO U P O N S regular dtocesan report to tbe gressman William St. Onge at dle Tpke. ncEU- exit 92 to the A native of England, Dyer was neath is a scroll with the words VatioEUi. 11.95 — IO N A PORTABLE M IX E R ...... 13 CO U P O N S the Vernon Steak House. Tick­ 'Wilbur Croes Highway. Luntta’s bom in London and attended "P e a c e on Etorth.” This is also ets are available from David car had to be towed from the school there. He received a a five-center. 17.95 -- DESK RA D IO ...... 24 CO U P O N S Williams. scene, but no injuries were re­ bachelor of philosophy degree lb COMDO Panama Protest March ported. 15.00 —- BOOKCASE RADIO ...... 20 CO U P O N S Vernon Orange will hold their from Providence College in PANAICA (AP) — Some 1,000 Sceft'e United States Special­ regular meeting Friday with a Rhode Island. persons marched through the ized Catalog for 1969 reveals 22.95 — TRAVEL BARS ...... 26 C O U P O N S Donald F. Tapper, 19, of potluck supper beginning at Buiburban community of San that K has Usted new prices for Windsor backed his car up in 4.00 — H AN D V A C U U M ...... 5 CO U P O N S 6;S0 p.m. The lecturer Linda DOUBLE TROUBLE Mlguelito Tuesday night in a 21,659 items, most of them up­ Sheer will present a “Youth the parking lot by the Municipal HONOLULU (A P ) — A youirg BRISKET nonviolent protest against the ward, indicating an expanding 4.00 — COCKTAIL MIXER ...... 5 C O U P O N S Night" program. Building yesterday and collided woman hut her puree to a thief ruling m ilitary junta. market for desirable U.S. mate­ Vernon Junior Grartge will with a parked car owned by l troops withdrew today from the minutes later to discover It San Tom as campus o f the Na- 'Prises were awarded lor the Mayor Ann .Uccello of Hart­ m ssmg. Sne hurr.eu ouck to Vote Hie Democratic Team — Top Lever — Nov. 5th Ucnal Polytedmic Institute oA- best costumes at the Manches­ her hotel room, but was too late HEAD er an ocovpetion precipitated by to save on Slipcovers, ford w ill attend a GOP fund (Mahoney Committee, Harry Maidment, Tress.) ter WATEIB Halloween party to ward off the burglary. lb a Moody gun battle with stu­ raising “happening” Friday last night at the Itallan-Amer- CUT dents in miiVSeptember. ■I' can Club. night at the Elks Carriage Ool. Jorge Cruz Garcia, com­ 'Winners in the costume pa­ House, N orth Park St. mander of the 8rd Infantry Bat­ talion, sold Institute Director iii rade were Mrs. Ediwin MoCton- Miss Uccello w ill endorse the Draperies, and OuUlermo Massieu had-request­ nell as a witch; Miss Kathleen candidacies of ’niomaa Carru- LEAN W HOLE ed the troop withdrawal, appar­ Reed, Little Africa; Mrs. Stan­ thers, seeking election to the ently in hope# that the three- ley Hayman, orange pekoe la» State Legislature, and Senator month-old student strike would dy; and Mrs. Anna Jeski, a 7 Andrew Repko, running fo r re- end soon. diarter member, as a hula dan­ Now the proof B h M a n c h e ste r election from the 35th district The Student Strike Council Reupholstering cer. (Tolland County). scheduled a meeting Tbursday ^ 3 Judges were Mia. Anna Ma­ Mayor Uccello, a strong sup­ to decide on future action. Stu- rie Monoco, a new member: PORK porter o f Richard Nixon, 'will dente in each school will vote on SAVINGS and officers o f the W A TB S, appear at the Carriage House whether to return to dasses. Mrs. William Krar, president; Friday about 7:30 p.m. the pudding during our Mrs. Allan Hirffman, vice pres­ TTekets for the affair are Vatican to Pay ident; Mrs. Peter Msgrel, cor­ aivailable from members o f the A L O A I V responding secretary; and Mrs. Young Republican Club, The Back Taxes R o^r Cady, treasurer. Women’s Republican Club and LOINS VA'nOAN CITY (AP) — Hie Association Winners in the games were the Rqniblican Town Commit­ Vatican will pay up to $12.8 mil­ ANNIVERSARY SALE! Mrs. Kenneth Griffin and Mrs. tee. K B T L f s , 5 ^ .STORE C0UPJ)n' lion in beck taxes to the Italian Robert Schettler. The witches M ayor J < ^ Grant, who hrvit- government iuid up to $2.4 mil­ conducting the games were Mrs. ed Mayor Uccello to the affair, lion a year from now on on In­ Lebro Fracchio and Mrs. Ed­ said a large Mock of compli­ [10 pro­ IN 5-LB. LOTS treated like the United Notions FTT hibited, tJMd, fMlrictmi or I and other international tax-ex­ All treats with Sofa and Two Chairs Reg. $191.00 N O W 1 6 6 . liunu i$ nqulrid. R.dnm through our u lM m .n or mill empt organizations. Parliament to: TIm N tiill Co., Inc., P.O. FILL YOUR FREEZER - ALL MEATS refused to ratify this. i BOX SOO, Mt. Virnon. N.V. In July, caretaker Premier iiiii 10559. Good only in tho U.S. Giovanni Leone told Parliament REUPHOLSTERING - Watkins reupholstering service can make until Dtctm btr31,1968.Cnh GUT, WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN the government would give up iiiii your old chairs and sofa retain their beauty as when new . . . in most Vilut l/20g. n;-! no tricks at your seeking .the ratification and cases better. You choose your covering from the largest collection of TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS AT NO would make the Vatican' pay up, including arrears. This led to an | ! ! H fabrics in the area and right in your home, if you desire, to perfectly EXTRA CHAROE. angry denunciation by the Vati­ fit your decorating schemes. Choose from velvets, formal damasks, 5 can, which then asked to pay tweeds, solids, bold prints, and stripes. HIND9UARTERS SIDES the back taxes by instalments if SAVINGS & LOAN the government "should Insist” Your furniture is stripped to the bare frame, loose joints are re­ on payment. "New from Treat yourself to the 4*/i per cent dividends a Manchester glued, old webbing replaced, springs are retied and nerw fillings added. Nestte" Savings & Loan savings account earns, compounded Fabrics are meticulously hand cut, ma'tched and tailored to Watkins quarterly! ^ traditional quality. If quality is what you’re after, we provide it. Call 648-5171 now for Shop-at-Home Service. Budget terms available. By Econom y ttOdon Ik . Here’s 10$ There are no tricks . . . no fine print . . . at Savings & Loan. N5tl£s (o-aervt You can deposit when you want as much as you want. Your 4. N B T i i s / ^ to taste it! money is always^ available'immediately when needed. No We Reaerve The Right To Lim it QuanttUea DRAPERIES You can change the entire outl(»k of any room in • REC. ROOMS • ROOM ADDITIONS Just open the can advance noiice is necessary to withdraw. No waiting. So and dish it o u t - your home or apartment with Watkins custom made draperies. You • GARAGES • PORCHES keep your money wo.-king, and available, at Manchester PUDDING IDDIM good and smooth! choose fnm a magnificent array of exciting fabrics . . . a collection Savings &^Loan. How about starting tomorrow? KITCHENS There’s a favorite that covers every decor . . . Early American prints, fine imported I tm •M.r.tt.d in G .r«f. O Kttcfaen Reem flavor for everyone linens, beautiful cottons, elegant traditional patterns, plus an out­ Additicn tU] %n*umty O Rorcli Q Rec Boom Q in the family— standing collection of solid colors. All you do is cSll 648-5171 and ask chocolate, vanilla, W ^SIERN for the Drapery Shop, All draperies are made with the finest cotton FREE ESTIMATES butterscotch and MANCHESTER'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION sateen linings, hand finished h^ns and heading, and weights in oor- .? lemon puoaing. No NAME _ ners and at seams. Draperies are installed, when delivered. N o window miking, no waiting. 1007 M A IN STREET, NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL 649-4588 ADDRESS BE El too difficult for us to treat. Budget terms available, The real conven­ COVENTRY OFFICE - ROUTE 31 - TEL. 742-7321 , ^ '.i ciry__ -TN, :a ,' ience puddings! Open 9 A,M. to 5:30 P,M, - Closed Monday P. O. Box 62, LEMON lUVIll OB Coll M3-dI59 81 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTIR T«lcoHvill«, Cotin. Open Thursday and Friday until 9 P,M,^ Out Of Town Csll Collect Open Tuee., Wed., Sat. tUl • — Tbura.. F il. tlU • 010101029048234848235390532353535323235323535348532353485323''iiililiiiiiiliiiililliiiliilllliiiiili i*AGS T w m m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 Section Two WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 Church. The Rev. Norman Oareneen of Trinity Oovemnt UConn Students i H a n r l ) 9 B t r r E a r n i n g I f r r a l j i WEDNESDAY, (XJTOBER 80, 1968 Pages 21 to 40 O bitu ary Church offM ated, aasialied by the Rev. K. «jnar Raek, for­ Protest Presence Political Scene mer peatnr of the church. ICn. Chaifea E. Daher (Oontiinied Fran Page One) nese,” the Hmea sold an June Peteraon waa ois«ntat. O f Dow R ecruiter Dart^ Citing Cost Rise^ ROCKVnXB — Chariea B. “obtuse govemment official'* Burial area in Beat Oametery. Ualm, M, of 64 Orchard 8t. E arlier Wallace iriedged in- ^ould not see the potential oon- Bearera w ere Bverett Wtek- STORRS, Oona. (A P )—About Catholic Mothers Circles died yaaterday at the West come tax law revision to ease o u t of Intareot in come of the Asks More for School Milk Btram, Rudolph Wlokatram. 160 students demonstrated at the burden on people with lower governor’s business dealings. Haven Veterana Hoqdtal. Ow»*»e Dart of Dart’s Dairy, ICr. Uaher was bom Avg. 12, Richard Want, Oari Johnaco. the University of Connecticut to­ Incomes and make the rich pay _ g , „ . Edmund S. Muskla, the also okayed toe spendli« of $6,- Hear Dominican Sister _. **"***rt Wldham, and Hialmer day agalnat the preaence of a “their rightful ri»re.” Democratic vies presidentiU •itPPlylt'C milk to Manohester'i 000 per state law for toe tuition 1611 in Vernon, son. o f Alvin C. ’There la nothing on earth to- Otoqrs in the and BUen Doran Uaher, and _ recruiter for the Dow Chemi- In other political devrtop- candidate, said in Amarillo, ■«ho«»U, put into detail his re­ of one child to toe Devereux partlrdpatiigr had lived in the Vemon-Rock- . * * FUnera* Home, manufacturer of napalm toenta: Texas, that Nixon wasn’t “good quest for an increase In the School for Exceptional Caitidren. quite like our teenagers, program Included the Rwv. ™ y are wonderful peoirie,” Sis- Philip Huuey, pastor of fit. vtlle area all of Ids life. He ^ Center at. waa in change u,ed in the Vietnam war. —Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy enough” for voters in 1660 and town’s payment for his milk dur­ They atao accepted toe niaig wns employed at the U.S. Bn- of arrangementa. Hie demonstrators got into a endorsed Humphrey in a Mate- jggg elecUons and added: "WeH, natton o f Mra. Judith NOrmann, Bartholome«r7^ and ment that left hta own pMttical ^rhy in 1668 should we regkrd ing toe Board of Education a taaoher of grades one and two <^toollc,Hlgh School told over aplritual advls^ of the giora vetope Oo. before )ointnr the large room in the engineering m eetiiv Monday night. future unclear. him as gxx>d enough for the a t Keeney School. Her husband 60 women last night at toe who gave the Messing. Mss. U.S. Army A ir Force during budding’s basement where the He said a raise in the (XHitract Combined CtothoHc Mbtoers World War H. After his dis- recruiter was conducting his In- McCarthy said ho would no* tough probioms which face the has accepted a poelUan In IIU- Thomas Derby, chairman of B erego v o y seek Senate re-Mectlon "as a countiyT price of $1,946 would save his nola. Circles annual banquet at Wll- chaige, he was employed as a tervlewa and refused to lea.ve He’s Steak House. too Combined CatiioUc Motiien member of my party” in 1970 -Curtis B. LeMay, the Amer- firm from a loss due to toe Sep- preaaman for 20 years at the at the request of Provost Bd- temiMr rise in milk prices snd Mns. Carol Lenlhon, preoidsnt Clrcleegreeted toe guests, and and would not be a Democratic ican Independent vice proslden- Dressed in a Mack crepe Rockville Journal. He was a ward Oant yst still make the total cost $1,- ®^ Bie Manchaetar Education Mrs. dsmee O’Connor Intioduc- E n d s 4 -D a y presidentlal contender in 1972. tu i candidate, said hanol won’t dress with a velvet collar. Sis­ communloant of S t Bernard's The demonstration took place 981 lower than toe next bidder Assn,, told the board Ifte te(Ldi- ed toe speaker. . Church, and a member of the one year after a atmllar pro­ But he t«*l questioning news- negoUate "until wo twist their a « are "ready to go” with nego- ter Eltaabeth explained toat her Also seated at toe head taUe men later he had not said he in­ tor this yeu-’s contract. The to­ order, toe Dominican Ststera, Rockville Post of the American Space R id e test when about 100 UConn stu­ arms a little more.” He said re­ tal cost would sUU be $186 less h6*lone for -the coming year’s were toe Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ed­ tends to leave the Democratic were experimenting wRh con- begkm. dents and faculty members pre­ newed bombing of North Vlet- than last year's contract, he •■larlea and teacher condltiana. ward J. Reardon, pastor of St Survivors include a brother, (Oonttnned From P a ^ One) vented Dow recruiters from en­ panv and had not said ho would ham and closing of the Port of added. She Indksated toe teachere are temporary clothing. The experi­ James’ Oiurch, and Sister Mary not run for the Senate or presi­ Alvin J. Uaher, and a sister. tering interview rooms. Haiphong are two steps that willing to work with Aeotatant ment began because the com­ Faith of Northwest CatiioUc Mrs. Frtix Niewtaakl, both of speculation that the ______dency again. Board members said they The student senate and the could be taken. were sorry about his unexpected Supt. Geotga Bradlau as the munity wanted some of toe Sis­ High Sitoool. HockviUe, and two nqihews. RusalanB would send up another faculty later voted not to allow —A fflxon spokesman said toe —Gov. Spiro T. Agnew, the higher costs snd tos damage it hoard’s bargaining agent. ters to try it, including those of television commercial showing The funeral w ill be held Sat- cosmonaut to Unk up with Here- such demonstrations because OOP vice presidential candl- did to his part of toe contract. tt waa noted the Data Pro- all ages. They have a very limit­ H u m p hr e y laughing amid urfcy 8:M a.m. the govoy, but this did not material- they InMnged on the rights of dato, said In St Petersburg, They said toe town owes bis ed budget for their new cloth­ Ladd Funeral Home, 16 BUing- . oeeeing Advieory Cammtttea students interested In getting a Fla., Ute surest way to elect scenes of rioting, war and pov- firm a moral debt for Dart’s ing, and the only restriction Is LWV Vote Data ton Ave., wtdi a Mass of re­ win meat next Wadneaday to Job with Dow, and the board Humphrey president would be erty has been withdrawn, at takeover of last year’s milk con­ toat toe colors be soft and me­ quiem at St. Bernard's Chim:h The United States ecoom- of trusteea followed suit. to vote for Wallace and throw least temporarily, and said the begin a comprahsnaiva report lodious, she said. Mad^ AvaiM>lle at 9. Burtai will be in St. idWied the first docking be- ^ tract when toe original firm on the school, town and Man- Ooplea of the trustees’ policy the election into the House at Democrats have used “ dlataste- Sister EHzaibeto said that she Bernard’s Cemetery. tween manned and unmanned statement were handed to found it could not afford to keep choeter Community CoUsge Repreeentativee.' ful” commercials. it going. has noticed no difference ex­ At Gas Statfon Friends may can at the fu- spaceships on March 16, 1966, the demonstretors this nunwing. Agnew earUer urged New But the Democratic National <*mp«t®r system to be submit­ But board members also fear­ cept that atve now foato like the The League of Women Vot­ oeral home Friday from 2 to 4 and has repeated the feat sever- Hie statement saya that ''will- York Hm ee editora to “ act like Committee complained Tuaaday ted by Jan. 1. ed toe legal (xmsequences of avmt,rest VIo f siraJUUnQ,mankind. asOWOVOTHowever 8slDshe ers vaof ^avMivtiavvvrfManchester, min cba coop- and 7 to 9 p.m. There w ill be al times. But the Americana ful obetrucUon o f any unlvet^ men” and any their conflict of night the GOP commercial waa School Bustnees Manager waiving a contract reached af­ Douglae Pierce recommended Isn’t quite sure that she likes effort with the HumMe a recMadon of the Roeary Fri- aleo have not Joined two slty activity, inmiiidiwg place- interest charges in editorials shown in Kaniaa City after the it. Oil and ReHnbig Oo, (E eso) to day at 8 p.m. at the funeral maimed spaceships. ment activities, la subject ulU- are wrong. But in a new edlto- announcement it had been wlth- ter a bidding action. Town that on the basis o f the school A fraasalasiis.teacher of drama^ ______and Glet OOut il* IK thea VVote,'* / ^ fo «>HMwlM M dis­ m . home Beregovoy’s flight lasted one matoly to the moat severe of rial titled “Mr. Agnew*s Unfit- drawn. ' ^ Caunsal John F. Obea Jr. w ill esnsus showing 9,670 students be asked fo r his opinion on the speech tor many years at both tribute free voter service Utera------hour and nine minutes less than InsUtutloaal penalties” (this is, as of Oct. 1, the tuition charges ture from Dick’s (Piantanlda) Mrs. Sanh Taylor four days. He was launched at expulsion from school) as well matter before the boaid takes tiiould be $917 tor Junior aiul toe high school and coHegr lev­ action. el, she believes that if you de­ Esso Service Station at Hart­ Mrs. Sarah lOcbols Taykw, H:94 a.m. Saturday, Moscow as prosecution by dvU aulhori- •t®**®® high aCudents, $674 for ford and Campfleld Rds. Thurs­ 84, tormeriy of VdlUmantic, time, and Tare said he came ties. NY School Board Accepts In other action, the board alemantary students and $887 mand very mix* of young peo­ I granted a leave of absence for ple they will give you very day and Friday. stepmother of G «c«ge R, Tay- down “ In the pre-set area of the H ie trustees expressed “ «x- h>® Mndefgartnan. Mre. John R. FttsGerald, lo- kr of 'Manchest^, and M n . Soviet Union’’ at 10:26 a.m. to- treme reluctance . . . to kitro- Allen Plan to End Strike toe (xmilng academic year to The Project Concern child’s muchm u (* in return. However, to e , ^ "" ®wi®raia. lo- Ada MtsBynekl of Andover, day. dues the dem eot o f force" and Mrs. Gentrvieve Wareham, hiiUon as charged to the City feete that ihany are "anoon fed” “®*'^« chairman, has and too many times have the ® died Monday at a South Wfeod- A. parachute was used In the ordered the univeralty president NBW YO R K (A P ) — The achoola open—a new high in the teacher of toe mentally retard­ of Hartford, he sold, should be ear convalescent home. landing, Moscow Radio said, to try to “dissuade and other- ed at Manchester High School, $628 wWi toe bonding and over- Board of Education today ac- ^ to study on her MA degree. It Oil Co. haa ottered Survivors include a son, aa- and Jurt before the touch-down, wise discourage those who . . ____ . „ __ . . Bariler Tuesday, Mayor John **®*d costs removed. mvOTal^timea toe atreesed not space and costa to lAiaguee other stepson, another step- engines were used to further would Jeopardise the free con- cepted a reconunendanon by ^ undeay proposed that Ocean only the ’n ^ o f diaMpkne but throughout toe country, who are daughter, a aistBr, and several soften the landing. duct of university affaire.” State Education Oonunlaelooer jjju carved out of the whole a ls ^ f phyei^ discipline. interested in distributing non- granddtildren and graat-grand- '^ e last Soviet manned flight James B. Allen that a truatee echool ayatem” and report dl- Ecumenical Service Set tasidren reflect their hemea” partisan voting Information to children. in April 1967 ended in a crash admlniater Brooklyn’s Ocean recUy to the State Board of Re- Shipping Giant ■he advised her audience. the public before the election FVneral services were held wlien the parachute ropes tan- Tm Gratified’ HtU-BrawnsvIfie school district genU and Allen, When a chitd goes to school Tuesday. The Manchester (hia morning from the Neaddik 8lod. Cosmonaut Vladlinir Ko- the teacher leanw hie family's and thua bring an end to a During the day, the To Mark Thanksgiving The world’s largest ship, “ Universe Ireland", en­ die Bast, around the Cape o f Good Hope, operated League has taken advantage of aod Vbitney Funeral Home, marov was killed. Soviet space toadwra waSKWt Ihat is affect- also euggeated that the d l ^ t code o f elMce and \riiat toe this public service opportunity Says Alvarez, ters Bantry Bay, Ireland yesterday. 'The ship was crew of 52. It was built in Japan for the Gulf 818 BumMde Ave., Bast Hart- officials have said since that the tag 1.1 mllHon pubBc acbort ^ “ adopted” by seven untverat- MAncheeter O eigy Aeet^- whloh toe clM c servos the com- carrying a cargo of crude oil fom Kuwait. The gi­ parents demand of the child. to further its voter service goal ford, with a Moss of requiem iscbnlcal problems vdilcfa Oil Co. Ship is capable o f carrying more than Parent responsibility does not Nobel Winner pupila. ■ 'ftee. ®‘* « « n ta planning on Eoumenl- munlty. He atao strnsenil die ant came in after a month’s voyage from the Mid- of encouraging Informed voUi^ at St. (Rose Church, Ebrnt Hart- caused Komarov’s crash have The board’a approval was de- Ocean Hill hu nwintatoed cel Thenkaglvlqg Servloe Suh- S»e dinle (xnild be of 300,000 tons of oil, (A P Photofax) end when a child goes to school” on a widespread baela. ford. Burial was in St Mary’s solved. she cuiitinued. BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) —A elded at a apecially convened toat the unwanted teachers had day, Nov. 24, at 8 p.m. at Bma- *® **** ®y want, she told about voter service table at RO CKVlUiE —Mrs. Bernice to fly - to the ------national- - speuse------™- cen- oommlttee meeting o f the 66.- P«>ceaa la at stake through- limit granted to him by state an ovarwei|*t------‘teen-ager who **■“the Municipal ------Building, the The ottering from thla service Methodist Church. The Rev. statutes. Poreda, 78, of 70 Village St, I* a ife u tO G on S U lt *“ **“ “ *“"• Tex- today after 000-member United Federattoo toe enUre aohoid ayitein. Karie Oiater, pastor of the Figures to Change Monday Has Hearing wanted the lead in "The King Mary Oieney and Whlton Me­ tn w h itotttapU fbtof the world’s ------— and I ” so much that he bought morial Ubrartes and toe Lutz widow of Anthony Poreda, died j j - learning he had been awarded Type of Missile Smuggled to Russia of Teachere, AFLCIO, and upon ^h* governing board hunger wlU be empitatoaed wlU will lead a discueaicn tWa morning at RockvUIe Cten- 1 -^ a C lerS O n H a l f ^e 1968 Nobel Prlae for physics. the decision of the governing ousted the t e i^ e n laM apvtoCi DOUBLE OB NOTHING muscle buUdlng devicee, wmit Junior Museum. This is a view o f the size o f a Sidewinder air-tio-air missile as compared with be given to the Oonneetlcut CK^ concerned wMh----- the— maecuUne Figures released today by toe tricts and the Republicans era! HospitaL ____ “I’ll stay here and talk to board of Ocean HIM. focal point a strike t»»t toe image of the clergynmn. Manchester registrars of voters' one. DOVBJR, Del. (AP) — Not on a strict diet, and after los­ a man. West German Attorney General Ludwg Martin disclosed yesterday at World Hunger commlttoe. O n R em o v al Mre. Poreda wea bom MAy WASHINGTON (AP) — HuJ- ®om«s of my boys,” he said, in the cltywlde strike. dlatrict’a achorta. The dispute PerUcipatli^ in the eoimieiS- office show 28,627 local eligible In Assembly District 18, which only is it Illegal to ^ t on an ing 88 pounds, won toe role. OKLAHOMANS SCOBE The removal of a street tree INWOOD, N.Y. (AP) — Okla­ 20, 1890 in Poland, and had lived vdikdi provides key bases "maybe one of them is on his Karlsruhe the simple means used to smugg-le a stolen 10-foot Sidewinder and The union committee vras set almniered t h r ^ toe summer cel w onM p eervioe win be toe HUMPHREY FOB BEAL voters tor next Tuesday’s elec­ includes Voting District 1 . the election In Delaware, but a third She also told of her experi­ was toe subject of a pubHc homa golfers finished 1-2-8 when in Rockville tor maiiy years. for U-8. air attacks on North wuy to becoming a laureate two hot navisratkm instruments to Moscow. Martin said the rocket went as or­ to atari its meeting as toe yd 4 J>®«ton^ at Rev, Joseph Vhje of St James' __ tion, with Republicans holding Waddell Sch(x>I, and Voting Dis­ hearing held yesterday after- person who simply holds toe ence* 08 a drama coach and of toe fall term Sept. 9, prselpltat- BALTIMORE (AP) — Thliige Jerry Pittman won toe Metro­ Survivors include two sons, Vietnam, says the United States too.” dinary air freigrht and the two^instruments were packed in luggage and flown school board’s approval was an­ Church, the Rev. Kenneth Stoere were®r® popping when Jeokto a 127 lead over Democrats. trict 2, the Oommunity Y, toe i«x)n by Ernest J. Tureck, town stoke is in trouble, too. toe many times during her ca­ Edward H. Poreda of Rock- toui failed to consult Thai lead- Alvares recalled tl^ he was to Mioscow on two separate flights. (A P Photofax) Ing three teacher walkout* since The totals are 9.042 Republi­ reer that ahe needed special politan Open here with a 72-hole nounced. ot Osntar Oongregatlored SmMIdneon, executive director Democrats lead with 2,892 vot­ tree warden. In the Hearing The state’s elecUim law says score of 274. vHle and Tbeodore Poreda o< «rs on a possible halt to the "one of the boys on 'the team” The Ocean Hill board mot Church, 4mi the Rev. Gary S. cans, 8,918 Democrats and 6,- ers to the Republicans’ 2,744. help from professionals in toe of the Cltisene for Humphrey Room of toe Municipal BuUd- that any stake-holder who pays Pittman, 31-year-old pro at Thompsonville; a 'stater, Mrs. bombing. when the late Dr. Emect Law- Tuesday night but wiiliheld any OrmeU of South Metbodtat 870 unafflHated. UnafflHated account tor 1 ,^ . theater. Most of the real stars, headquarters, got a telephone Ing. o ff an electiem bet to either or Locust Valley’s The Creek, is a AUce Kadelskl of Rockville; Ambassador Bunchana At- rence won the Nobel Prise in HHH Trend Seen Bomb Halt Speculation annomcement until on unqiecl- Church. The Rev. Brio Goth- oaU. The figures will change be­ In Assembly District 19, The tree is in front of toe both toe bettors—or even any she discovered, were kind, and two granddiildTem thakor says as fa r aa he knows 1®**- fore election day, with the re­ native of Tulsa. I (led time today. h«tg of Emanuel Lutheran irtilch includes Voting District Agfks FB I Probe T m too busy today." she property of Doris C. MazzMi, other person—“ shall forfeit and thonghtful, wonderful people. Jimmy Wright, Inwood Coun­ D The funeral wlH be held Sat- to»re has been no consultation "'" c e then five others asso- In Waterbury Allen announced his plan Church will direct a youth eimir moval of deceeuied and moved 3, toe Buckley School, Voting 119 Cambridge St. Atty. An­ pay to any person who will sue Some o f them such as Don ■aid, without waiting for the try Club pro who was born in urdsy, at a time to be an- between the - two ovenunents elated with the University i. compoiiofl of youth from the persons, and with the addition District 4, toe Highland Park tor the same, double toe amount Tuesday aa the deadlock contin­ In Cited Election caller to Identify htinreU. thony Gryk, representing Mrs. Ameche, Lee Bowman and Pat Enid, Okla., flnitiied second normcod, from the Burke Fu- Vietnam negotlatlona. Uu-win-a Radiation Laborato- On Sb*aw Vote ued over U FT Insistence toat 79 various churches in toe commu­ of new voters who will sign up Sch(M>l, and Voting District 6, MazzoH toW the hearing that of such wager or bet, or double O’Brien have become her neral Home, 78 Prospect St "** *“*'® ®ur government named torsLawrence, have Secret Talks Hint nity. “Whatever H is wlU have to Monday, in a special o a.m. to with 282. Terry WUcooc, bMn in white union teachers resunw ‘IrregtilaiifSes’ watt until tomorrow.” the Nathan H al; School, toe Re- tile owned the varent lot adja­ toe value of the thing betted.’’ friends. Friends may oM at the fu- been consulted at any received the Nobel Prise. Today WATERBURY, Comv (AP)— Attar the opmolattan’e Ootober nwn voter-making session. pi*)icans lead, with 8,417 vot­ Ada, Okla., was third with 286. A strong trend toward Demo- teaching unmolested in toe pre­ But 4ha caller penlated. cent to her property and she neral home Friday tawn 2 to ^ v e l,” Bunchana said in an iiv- Alvares became the aeventh. dominantly Negro and Puerto HARTFORD Ootui. (A P ) —A bualneee s*etiiig,< D r. John BepubUcana are on top in totlr ers to 2,978 for toe Democrats. wanted to buUd a two-tamily craUc presidential candidate “JacUe,” be said, "This ta 4 and 7 to » p jn tervlew. “It is curious that Tbe reclplenta included Dr. Rican district. federal investigation waa aoksd Brownstane, dinotor of the of Manchester’s seven voting UnafflHated account tor 1,822 dweUing there. Gryk said that f Thailand—ao iHoae to the front CHenn T. Seaborg; chairman of *tobert H. Humphrey in the LBJ Near Decision Hubert Humphrey, and I Jiwt The commissioner___ did ^ not say into “ posalMs Irrsgularittas in Mamtoester Memorial Hospital Districts and Democrate in here. it would be Impoatabte to get a not being Informed of every toe Atomic Energy Commission. * P®** weeks turned up in a wanted to thank you tor you three. (OoBttniied from Page One) whTrhr^i;;;iMil uhlsi^J)<;^ "** Tuaaday • Mental Health OUnilo, dlecueeed help.” And, in Voting District 20, driveway to toe proposed house Fnnenls development” ”I’m deeiriy gratified and ®toaw vote by the Waterbury election. The Democrats, however, held the work and purpoeie of the It was no Joke. It really was which Inclixlee Voting District unless the tree were removBd. State Department officials highly excited to think that I, American, substantially correct, and to fall Abrams may have reached The probe was Mksd by J6n cktdc and the various ways in a regletration lead in two of - - ' - WashlnetonWashington Mondav.Monday. deadline fo r repUes. Newroan U S Attornov tor Humphrey. 6, the West Side Rec, and Vot He said that since the lot is M ayaaid O. Lu son said privately it wotdd be aston- one o f the boys, - - could re- i n ^ / I ^ ^ president *hort of toe minimum assur- Under his plan, toe Ocean HUl Attorney tor Manchester’s Assembly Dis­ Ing Dtatiict 7, toe Verplanck ®nly 60 feet wide, there is nftt increaaed to an even 60 per has Fdneral sendees for Mkvnaid “ *• » Vietnam war tola honor,” he said. - — ~ ..----- *'*"* ancea toat the President The presidential press seen- Connecticut, Schexd, the Demexnato again much room to play with, Q. Larson of 89 W Middle ** Thailand waa not being "^® operate as a team, and U thoee polled Tuesday, * decision was made ^^*^a^tolstoiS>r"m»o!d^M Newman said he had racelvad lead, with 8,046 voters to the U>at denying the removal T^ike. were held yeeteixlay af- informed by U.S. w»s aa a member of tola team ®f y aiyt a 38.6 per cent *»«®" seeking to justlfy-from „ver toe weekend toat Abrams “ransK ’^lf^e '"**P*** Irresulasl- RepubU<;ans’ 2,881, Here toe un of toe tree would present an terooon at the W. ^ Q u l* ^ sp«*esmen in Bangkok and toat I did the work toat toe No- y®"**** in toe newspaper’s poU his point of view!W—a declaton to would travel to Waabloston in- *u* *__ ^ conneetton with next affiliated aunt for 2,004. undue hardship on Mrs. Maz- ™ Washington. agreed to serve under toe trua- nerel Home. 225 Ifafn Bt. The ^ ^ «»'""»lttee has recog- ^ ®«®’ end toe bomhlng. stead M J d ^ m e ^ him tee, and toe eight principals of ®i®ction. may The RepubUcxuts show a reg­ zoU. Gryk said that the k>t is BEFORE R ov Walter H Loomta n tan r “ ® «w e r, Bunchana’s com- nlsed,” he continued. Humphrey’s margin over Re­ AdmlnlstraUon officials have »n>®where between here and the district wodd remain already occurred or are istration lead in District 2, Dis- a lot of record and Mrs. Maz- al Commintiv BantiiSments hero came after Thai "IncldentaUy,” he asked a re- PubUcan presidential candidate s v.u i„ ______V lik®ly to occur in Wlitated, New constantly denied speculation Vietnam. ^ j triot 8, District 4 and District zoU has every legal right to THESE UIW PRICESI tSHefot*!' HiiitjU < M, ***to»e Minister Thaoom lOttlka- Porier, “what did toe citation Blchard M. Nixon increased that the bombing policy decision A Psusific meeting, possibly in been U PT President Albert Haven and Brenfotd.” build on it. He said that re­ Vetevam s w declared pubUcly ®av?” from 7JS per cent two weeks "I have asked toe FBI to Sears I Last 4 Days 6. The Democrats lead in Dis­ was In any way related to the Honolulu or Guam, had been un- Shanker’s demand toat toe prin- trict 1, District 6 and District moving the tree would not af­ Pjirusjii 1, wnii toat if toe United States wanted The committee mentioned “a ^ 20 per cent in Tuesday’s UJS. presidential election cam- der consideration for some cipals be suspended or reas- promptly conduct a preliminary > OFFER ENDS SATURDAY. NOV. 2nd 7. fect the beauty of Cambridge “ bomhlng hatt It should first la r«e number of resonance P®“ tog. palgn. weeks. signed. investigation of these matters,” St. wm acamaea M g ^ «w e. consutt Its aUies. lOttlkachorn «totes, made possible through ^h® President’s gain he said. The uneffiUated vote in every Diplomatic authorities be- Abrams met with Pentagon The Allen plan also {kxivided j one of the three Assembly Dte- Gryk, Incorrectly describing “ ■'** *** **** ***®" consulted. i*i* development of the tech- came from a previously un- Newman said federal Ipw pro­ r.eve, however, that next Tues- cfflclals, then Joined toe White for “ teams of observers” in An 8 X 10 Portrait of Your Child in Living trlcto wUl decide the results tor toe tree as an Oak (it’s a Ma­ . y y y ■ The ambassador a i^ a r e d "Ique o f using hydrogen bubble decided sector and from those tects the right of " ple), said that toe a*-inch diam­ OT uouta, Fraierick GoiSd, and deeiriy irked toat Prime Mitos- chamber and data analysis,’’ he supported third party can- day’s election could have an Im- House Tuesday luncheon where Ocean Hill classrooms to guard to 'h nv* w ***^^S" state representative on Nov. 6. ' portant bearing on the ex- high national policy is discussed against harassment of toe un- ® ms vow eter trunk was not straight, “ as Theodore Kelley. ter John Gorton of Australia told. didate George Wallace in toe fairly counted and provtdea Man<*eoter RepubUoans have changes between Washington weekly, 88.2 per cent of the total r o ­ a matter of faist” Gryk said m wanted teachers. The teachers’ — — had declared his country waa "Good, now I can tell my curlier poll, the n|lew8p(^er said. criminal penalties for the de- “It’s forked.” Gryk said that Aithiir Ttnaer being closely consulted and toat wife," he said. Nixon, although failing 20 per and Hanoi, for . example, in con . Those at toe luncheon includ- return to toe schools touched o ff of that rM a o .m- istered, toe Dem(xmats have America's Favorite Winter Titas Funeral aerviem tor Arthur Prim e Minister Souvanna Phou- Alvarez. 67, and his wife, Har- behind Humphrey, In- itituUng a deadlli« against ^d Secretary of State Dean threats of violence and resulted take all neceasarv otena to 87.7 per cent, and toe unafflUat- a tree with this type of trunk Zinser of 46 Hyde St. were held ma of neutral Laos was quoted *'***• have four children’ two creased his share of toe vote which the North Vletname«s Secretary of Defense in several arrests. IlS t^t ed have 24.1 per cent. would be susceptible to winds this morning at toe Hidmes Pu- as saying toat he had been In- 8Tt»wn and two infants. hy almost 2 per cent —rising hemselves might measure their ciark M 0 1 « ^ Gen. Barie G. If his plan goes through, Allen t ^ 5 e ^ . of hurricane force, and there­ neral Home, 400 Main St. Hie formed by Ambassador William A aon, Walter^ is an oU geolo- P®*" ®®*‘* the Oct. own negotiating strategy. Wheeler* chairman of the Joint said, he would appoint as trus- atm ” ^ fore the tree might prove a 2nd Rev. Joseito E. Bourret, pastor Sullivan toat toe Un'ted States 8*®* in Lybla. Daughter Jean li ** P®** P®*" ®®nt Tuesday. White House press secretory Chiefs of 8to«, d A Director tee Herbert F. Johnson of Del- Newman said toe reports De Gaulle End's hazard to public zafety. of Concordia Lutheran Church, waa planniiig a bombing halt. ® atudent at Wellesley (kdlege contrast, Wallace dropped G®°rge Christian said Abrams’ Richard Helms, presidential aa- mar, N.Y., an associate com- reached his office tola morning Representing toe 42 people COLOR who signed a petition protest­ officiated. Burial was in East The ambassador said toat The younger children are Don- P**" weeks appearance in Washington does statont Walt W. Rootow, Chris- mlssloner of education. but he refused to discuss them Visit to Turkey Cemetery. during a recent private visit “It*- *. and Janet, 2. ago to 18 per cent Tuesday. toere has been a tlan and a ChrUttan aide. The school crisis has cost toe or divulge their nature. ing toe removal of too tree, was TIRE Atty. Herbert Phelon. Bearers were William Cart- here of ThaUaad’s______deputy_ ^prime____ Alvarez was ____born in San 'Hie u'^decided vote decreaa^ breakthrough toward peace. WhUe here, Johnson pinned vast majority of students 24 It was learned from other ANKARA (AP) — President Phelon based his arguments son, Kenneth Drager, Ronald mlnistor, Prt^ihaa Charuatolen, Francisco, went to grade and P**" P**" Abrams’ vlrit, his first known toe DlMlngulshed Service Medal missed school days out of the souroea, however, toat toe Charles de Gaulle conclixled a on section 23-69 of toe General Drager, Richard Goodchild, Assistant Secretory of Stole Wll- high schools in Rochester, return to the United States since on Abrams who became toe first 36 at the fall term. Pupil charges imder ccnrideratlon had five-day etote vlstt to Turkey to - ______™ Kenneth Harnum and William ilam P. Bundy had said “there Mlmi., and attended toe Univer- ^ weriis before. Just before he took command top g^ ra l in the war zone last attendance Tuesday was report- to o with toe handling of Statutes of Connecticut. He said when you buy the first Ure at our tow everyday trade fjrico *^®hman Jr. is nothing to” reports of an Im- ot CSiicago, obtaining under- ^® newspaper distributed—and last March, sparked immediate June.' ed at 112,666 with 873 of toe 900 absentee ballots. ^ day and flew home after slgidng that toe statute only gives the price/// a Joint communique with Preei- warden the power to re­ K2 Lodge ^ M as^, pending bombing halt. graduate and graduate deerees collected—about 600 ballots In speculation of some new devel- ______Wethersfield, conducted a Ma- 17101 Foreign Minister Hianat *•! Physics. seven different locations In this opment tai Johnson’s current ~ ------dent Cevdet Sunay ‘expressilng "*®'’® ® ^®® ** presents a haz- Ouaranteed to go thru ieo, mud sonic service last night at the Khoman also was not being kept He Joined the University of premlneuitly Democratic city peace drive, toe detire toat "Czechotiovakla ond snow. ..or we pay the tow! funeral home. informed, the ambassador said. CalUomla “team” 32 years ago. »>®tween n«x» and * P ™- cairistlan could not comment he itfbft 4 mmwh ». travel. ±*nelon eaid that no evl- Town A Country be itM free to decide her own dence had been presented by tiMo OU dlivo wtiooja of puwnt.r c«i, for Um tntiro lifo HiaUand is not opposed to His trip to the space center P®“ showed that further than toe mlUtory review of the oripnal trood doiiin. Claimo poi11 U n w ^ Dr. w m hrid ^ the National Liberation Front, about cosmic ray high energy However, his edge over his r was certain, however, toat Treaty Organization, of which the authority to remove it. He *24.00 T2.00 •27.26 •13.62 •l-M morning tixm the Watkliw- the political arm of toe Viet particles. GK>P opponent, Edwin, H. May Johnson and Abrams talked YOURSELF France and Turkey are mem- “ t** that toe tree offers zub- '25.25 12.62 28.60 ho travel. Phelon said toat TiPtstent ALIO ASK Ut ABOUT OUR Mrs. Marguerite Geer was be elected. Hanoi would figure candidates, WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. (A P ) According to professional mil­ N N talks between De Gaulle and 'Tureck cannot remove the tree "EARLY BIRD" DEAL organist and Mrs. Joyce Cav- that K would still have two i^ e C ivil disorder Tig69«|QE GRIP" STUDS Burial ------The Gkxxl Men’s Party — A bomb scare, which turned itary Judgment here, the North Sunay ’ ’answered the Joint wish because Mrs. Maszoli is amui^ was w>lotet. Burial I!l^to,’ '^ v ^ c h X “ ^ r4 X e spSjs' S T I Also AVAIIAIIE AT SHGHT AODITIONAl COST DN STEEL WHEELS nM j.it, *” which to negotiate sponsor candidates of good c o t - to be a false alarm, delay- Vietnamese and Viet Cong at of Turkey and France to harmo- S®*®6 *® have a hard time put- S epresentation vacuum J i ? 1*" Ultoere” C ro^"^ ^ P ^ **th e m t o ( 8 t r a i < » * * ^ Johnson ad- duct, AW*‘ty.ability a-*idand InteHert.intellect, the ^ Miami-bound plane P'“ ne pas- pas- tempted—and tempte<9-and failed—to f o l l ^ t o m< mount R • Thla ia a/genuine fuU color 61m proeesi nlse toe policies they Intend to *" her driveway.” He con- * CMMry M m wlih ita grip Mada m llr |N Whan pw hava y a m vlntar U m ■ » « . . « . w mt^ handbill said. sengers for an hour today at major offensives in May and continue to follow toward peace ®*uded hla presentation saying ) « • la ta i... hatp pan auii$hi... and lat yan •keek ywiiave Ike ttata and eipieiB ef havtag Mtaai committal service. . _____ !' not to be confuaed with oil tinting ^ aataly. Sn ta kaap 6m9 sbdMg Umftgk Um aratntad tad danMonud 6Mk pear, 6*4 niaU ------— Bradley International Airport, again In August and September. and detente.” that the signers of the petition tU rmatiM Tttoi 4 CtataUy UNi iPiUi nrt 6$ kanog tka takMaaa Ura hand aanl daaft Bearers were Lucian Tardlf, A ppropriations and w elfare led Orip'* tiuda Yen can Htanga vkaala pawaatf In Mataal Alfred Atkins, Leonard La- The “bomb-aboard” call from The U.S. military view is toat B Colorful new backgroundt aimulate The Turks told De Gaulle they considered the tree to be an Craix, Robert Rider, FVancls Envoys Spar in Paris., New York halted an Eastern toe North Vietnamese and Viet expenaive oil portraiture felt strong ties with NATO were addition to toe neighborhood, T a ft and Frank Rider. Airline nonstop flight to Miami Coag have lost toe abUity to sus- T remendous tax burden child necessary tor Turkey’s security, and toat Tureck had no statu­ hnieiMk)* BUY NOW AND 8AVE-00NT MI8B OUTI before its scheduled 10:20 a.m. tola anything like last January’s and that toe Soviet Intervention tory basts to remove the tree. takeoff. Tet offensive, which had a near- plus 50f par------family, for .Jr Mts. Anna M. Snow Talk of Halt Persists handling In OMohoalovalda ia a serious Two residents spoke in oppo­ No bomb was found in the ly disastrous Impact on toe al- S piraling inflation and iniuianoe sition to removal, Funeral aerviees for Mrs. An­ (Oonttaaed from Page One) roadUook to detente. na Marie Snow of 66 Keeney Boeing 727 or In the passengers’ lied war effort, James Tierney of 100 Cam­ Bring all the children to Sears this week for a beautiful 8 x 10 portrait taken by our TIm communique reflected St. aiere held yesterday after­ three hours. of a final political settlement of baggage. The Jet lefta t about Like other senior U.S. mlll- bridge St., referring to Atty. YES! WE SELL AND MSTALL TIRES the Vietnam conflict. tole. It said, “ The two presi­ noon at Trinity Covenant Harriman said that the regu­ 11:80 a.m. tary men, Abrams has been op- professional baby photographers. No appointment neceemry, ogee 6 weeks through Gryk’s argument that the tree LAST a DAYS 'The North Vietnamese spokes­ l i years. Croupe taken at W f per child . . . limit 1 per family. dents are of the opinion that this lar tea break today lasted The pilot, .Capt, William poaed to any bombing halt un- S kiterventlfm lerioutiy harmed might be a hasard during a hur­ "about 36 minutes” - more than man, Nguyen Thanh Le, said, Cicek. said the bomb scare call less there are assurances the ricane, said that the tree was "A s you know, this so-calleii I L E !! toe hope ot detente.” The ex- was relayed by Eastern’s air North Vietnamese would not use I Kotogn^toer AvaUaMe: there when toe lot was laid out a third of the entire sesslon-bUt ■®-®*"«‘’ , YOU CAN VOTE REPUBLICAN Mflundly tkara ia no oUigation to buy prezzed the desire “that (JSeoho- Personal Notify cargo aectlon in New York. a halt to achieve a battlefield | mdMond portraita. Hotoavar, additional ■lovaUa be left free to decide In 1924 and "W e’ve had several in toe tea break advantage over American and panroUa in many titat and alylaa ara avtdl- • 6 P.M. to 6 P.M. hurricanes since then, and '/le ■.■S-S.u-SS «aggression and Its neloniaIlst ■Muntay: lO A.M. to l P.M., her own fate," about anyway.” THINKIN OAHEAD South Vietnamese forces. ^ a m i^ raoaonably low prieu to f t your tree stood them pretty w ell.” Card Of Thanks policy. In Vietnam.” LDUISVILLE (AP) It was So tight was the secrecy that VOTE FOft JACK PAONESSA I 8 PJC. to 4:80 P J f. I H ie communique eaid De He added that all the lots in toe EQUIPMENT Wa wish to njMWM our giofttude In the session Harriman re- Gaulle and Sunay “ share the area were 60 foot lota and that lo our aeltfibon ' FOR STATE REftESCNTATIVE — S2nd DISTRICT 1 646 New B r i t a i n Ave. aame worrtae” on Vietnam and lor the words of Went Harttard none ot the other residents had of ktadness ostei FULL THE SECOND LEVER 8I8-T8I1 hoped the Paris talka “will problems with their driveways, ROUTE S3— VERNON opaa Dally it te tiM bring a return to peace based on Mrs. Dexter Ordway of UO L&M tor tb laoB of can and the maay Van Hiieu and th« ___ _ in I ®* work. Her expionatlon: •hf’d stayed and precisely when he S e a r s ttomi aw raetj^ed. ___ -i__ etotemerit North Vietnam has rejected and token her coffee breedt before left. ' OHIm w •at. tiN to 9 the 1964 Geneva agreements Cambridge St. said toat they OPEN MON., "TUES., WED„ T H U R S,^ AJILto B PJM. tomlly of Wilma Miller published then about the shape continues to reject." and give an opportunity for the coming in. CSulatlan’s remarks. Indicated n m i ^ U G K AMO Ota have already lost aU the majjea Vietnamese people to be mas- on (n r side of the street. FRIDAY 8 AJH. to 9 PJtf.— SA"rURDAY 8 A JL to 4 PJL ten of their own fata.” Tureck said that he would re* m

•; - FACE TWENTY-TWO BfANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANCHESTER. CONN,. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80. 1968 — — . . . —. > - —______' * PAGE TWENTY-THREE Describes Enfield Facilities and Damlya brldgea Into Jo r­ Nablus, Arabs were allowed out pesos between Israel and Pales­ Slwy Hours Set Israefis ArreAt dan. tinian Arabs in the Occupied Rockville of their hotoes between * *-ui. Rham District the toll o ^ members selected Chester Fine Arte Show wwe Holbrook attended the IPth Four Saturdays Zaro had a stormy oonfronta- and noon. areas 'because these Arabs see n ^ re se rM . Univereity of from schools in Now England Pat Berglunil In Crafts and 8u- Railnanah Mayor, tkm with lararil Dsfense Minis­ themselves as an integral part Hospital Notes Annual Reading Convention Bolton Many 'nlessss In west bank held at Southern Connecticut The Manchester Junior Wom­ ter Mosho Dayan last week in of the Arab world, and they be- lege. Paler Art School, Bastdm evaluated for a four-day period Art. Scott Challenges Deport 9 Arabs schools rsmslned empty Tues- . VMiinc hours are ltt56 to 5 , Parents Invited to Visit State College In New Haven en's Club members will conduct wMoh he denied IsraoU claims Ueve to make peace artth Israti /-iConnecticut College, reviewing toe progrees of too that hs and other west ttank day. would be to betray Egypt and ^m. Is an areas except mater­ PTA Sets Halloween Party a series of four story hours tor JBRUBAtJai (AP)—Ths Is­ Travelers arriving in Amman nity where they are $ to 4 mad raeli military government ar­ leaders hsd guaranteed to end Jordan.” School Comparison children, beginning Saturday at the demonstratkns. reported that Arabs in the west 6 i$6 to 5 p.m. rested the mayor of Ramallah bank area and the O aia Strip At School Gym Tomorrow the Community Room, D and L He was quoted as telling Day>- NEW gDGAB MILL and deported nine other Arab have sdteduled another general where The Boerd of Education’s answer to charges of en: ‘^Why shoidd anyone expect LUANDA, Angola (AP) —A Admitted Monday: Kenneth , stLym m . M em ory Md“ t o r ’to d ^ 'L ’^p“ ‘ student rates are Department Store, Parkade. leaders today after demonstra- protest strike next Saturday on FROM PORTUGAL The PTA will hold a Hal­ The rooHM are made a t Ught “shoTt-changing” the town in school construction costs us not to be against die hated, new sugar nolll able to hanffle from 7:10 to 9:80. that all may have toe o p p o ,^ - whero toiry lu«l toe c^ortunity ^.^m." ------The story hours, for children tlona and strikes on the occu­ the anniversBry of the 191T Bal­ Leavitt, Ellington; Vincent loween party tomorrow night colored panneling and enuMiu- was given last night at the sparsely attended quarter- ugly ocoupationT” .1,500 tons of sugar cane daily LISBON (AP) —Portugal ex­ tour through seven, will also be pied west bank of the Jordan four Deolaratian, which prom­ ()ulnn, Gerald Dr.; Beatrice , T W m r . will be avidlabl. to ^ t - a ^ ”■ from 7 to 9 In toe high school cent plastic partltiona along the Israeli pijsss reports ssld a has been opened near Denguels talk frith parent, to the duster ^ r s from toe New England L ad to unlay, the Prellmln- turning the students at 5 p.m. ported to European Free Trade ly p ^ ic hearing at Lincoln School. presented Saturday, Nov. -River. gym. Children In kindergarten west wall of the fireplace room. are a fOTr facta Uiat tenth Arab leader, Ahmed Os­ ised a ‘‘national home” in In tMs West African Portuguese Beron, Berger Rd.; Margaret Aseoclation (EFTA) oountrtea Saturday, Nov. 16; and Satur­ Palestine to the Jeers. of room, indicated: Room. 1 to T ^ S T t o ie Scheol R .vi«v Aptitude, Test More than 30 dudent, aro^en- 16,697 tons of canned fhh fvorto through Grade 6 are Invited, The rwnaloder of the flreplaoa abould be brougM out” cbn- Mayor Nadim Zaio, was ac­ man IQJawl of NaUus, will not territary. Koehler, Wellwood O rele; AUoe 4 \ day, Nov. 23. They begin at 2:30 4 lhdii.ti .i a!* . a ^ Review was administered at Rham High rolled In the program. » $10.7 mlUion In 1967. and pre-schoolers may come cemlng the compariaon made Costs Rising cused of agltstton agatast Israe­ be allowed to return from Jo r­ Dayan eramed Egypt Tuesday Engfer, Elm St.; Earl Else-^ erhinnUAn- ®P*®*** Refreehments will be avail- David Mordavsky of toe In- School by the Guidance Depart- -v j too. room will be used tor a meet­ p.m. The miU oast $4.5 ndBlon and ing room. Filing cabinets betwecai the 24-claaaroom Bli li rule. Hie other nine Arabs dan where he le currently visit­ against believing it is Immune is the third b ig g ^ in the prov­ more. Elm 8t„ and Saxon Over- . Eiw4id4- chisteni through- dustrial Arts Department is a ment. The PSAT is a two-hour „ , Great Britain waa toe great- Children are being asked to Bach Saturday another mem­ Whitney school costing $915,000 were accused of ocganlaliw the ing Hljawl as an Inspector of ed- to an Isra^ army strike across ince. It bMongs to the Angola felt. Rosewood Dr. program, througli the member of toe vtdUng commit- ted vM ch measures verbal and , Holbrooks read- ert buyer with 10,122 ton. worth dross up like a character in a “P *>■ For Building ber of the club will conduct the antt-Israek pioteeta that virtual­ ucatioQ. the Sues Canal. Hs told the Is­ Rooms le to 18, courtesy of the PT8A. It is hop- tee whldi ki evaluating Terry- mathemaHoal scholastic ability classes went on a field trip $6 million. atory. but this la not necessary. conference room soon. The in Enfield and the 12-room Rich- Sugar Oompatiy, a private en- Birth (Monday; A' son to Mr. story hour. ly paralysed normal Ufe In raeli parliament his troofM have tAiLnhaM- *•*<***>* 08 many as poeelble will vUle High School this week. TWa and was taken by 52 Juniors ^ students Although Portugal belonga to Those In costumes will parade ******oi’* »nd the board of tax anl Martin School costing $825,- Jeridw and Tulkarm on the taiprlse whoae produeikm has and Mrs. Henry Zurawek, ’ 000 without off-site Improve­ There will be a fee per idiild many parts of the oooupled ter­ west baidc remained under cur­ been strengthening their posi­ been tteopplng recently derpite 21 mtiMio ^ Room take advantage o i tWs opportu- evaluatiem U neceaaary to main- and aenlonr. Tliis teat can help Hartford Courant, EFTA, the Common Market around by gradee and may stop review will then reign aupreme New Schools ritory. tions alon the Sues cease-fire Thompeon St. ments such as sidewalks, ac­ for each session. few, but the Israelis IMod cur- growing Mtemal demand. edwol. tain membership In the New the student by giving him ad- Twain House and the countries take 49 per cent of aU at the mike to tell about their In the basement conference line "In a/bsolute terms” and in cording to Assistant Superin­ School building costs are go­ The deportees were all alleged tows from the vUisges of Omctali said the new min Discharged Monday: WUliam ^ ed ^ ^ A n . College Visit. England AModation of College, dltlonal information about hla « w ly renovated Harriet Beech- exports of Portuguese canned coetumes if they wlah. There room. relation to the Egyptian buildup ing up more than 12 per cent AbotA 500 kinds of fish gener­ to be members of the ootlawsd T a ’Abed tuid Anabta after ex­ would enable Angola to eoqwrt Deptule, Harlow S t ; Gladys elsn The Guidance Department ar- and Secondary Schods, the re- ability to do college work. Some **" Stowe Home. This trip cul- fieh and the partnten in. JBFTA will be no Judging. Everyooe The coRetruotlan waa don. tendent Ronald P. Scott. along the canal alnee the lOddle The comparison was made by a year in Connecticut, accord­ ate some electricity to stun prey JordenMin Conunimist party snd tracting promises from local annually to metropolitan Portu­ Taft, RauSt. Ext.; Susan Seidel, Hi««rqiuage»: Bnmn. 28 to 32, ranged for Mveral repreMnter gional accreditation agency for rohdarshlp sponsors make use folneted a unit of study on the oidy 24 per cent. will get a lollipop. by Horace Gruden of the Ace East war In June 1967. Tolland; Stacy Bloniars, pavls . tile Manchester Property Own- ing to an architect with the and repel attackers. The elec­ to the Pan-Arab NationaHat par­ leadens to prevent further gal much more eugsr cane than 37 rnathmiaffoir” •* S '’®* from various Mhoole to New England rohools and col- of PSAT score, in considertng newipaper. Mrs. Steven Ursto West Germany Is toe country After the second graders Cabinet Shop. Rt. 6, Bolton. e n Protective Association in an state. tric eel is the most commonly ty, Kawmayon BS Arab. Hisy strikes and demonstratlans. Dayan toM parliament there the figure tor the past few yaars Ave., and David Kamal Cres­ Student ffiiirf oiii vtelt Rham suxl talk to interest- leges. Member schools must be applicants for awards. and Mrs. Ja y Bates were chap- that buys the most canned flto have marched there will be a Hand Anniveraary la no chance for a separate cent Circle. advertisement in The Henald The vote Tuesday on the $1,- lowwn fish of this type. were sent across the Allenby Ut ths towns of Rama Hah and —7,000 terns. ■rtmni to to at the ed students about their pertlcu- evaluated once In every ten Award Winners erons. Jeffery Blow was the from Portugial. Last yeer Ger­ short break so that parents Mr. and Mrs. WUIiain H. Monday. 965,000 bond issue for the S h i « ler program. years. Rham student wtaneni of student chairman for the trip. many bought 10,616 ton. worth may take the younger children Hand will celebrate thetr 28th »*««g and teacher.. It During toe noonto of October Hie viatting committee is Scholastic awards at the home. Scott______admitted 'the _ Whitney___ ter Springs School has piompt- Man- Mrs. Marjorie Grant and Mrs. $7.3 mlUion. wedding annlverMuy Sunday. Sdiool's $13 per square foot cort S T e ^ concern here Children have been given Friends and neighbors are invit­ UNICEF collection cans at good even for the fall of ^ E****** ed to drop in at thair home at thetr churches. These may be 1966 when It was put out to bid. an architect of the Bureau of 330 Carter St from 2 to 8 p.m. School Buildings of toe State brought to the Halloween par­ But be said, “You get what you Department of Education ‘for CAKE M IXES ty, or returned to the chOrches Bulletin Boaid pay for,” and he began listing five years, today gave The Her­ JOIN erately Representettve. PuM pointer 8A. The sdXMl’s Uhrary is so last January is an exception to QREEN GIANT needed. Anyone wUUng to do­ ■naU that toe only one of the trend, he said. nate any one of theee—It doean’t comparable rtxe in Manchester But he added that the Enfield CREAM STYLE CORN need to be new—abould contact Maaofaeetor Evening Herald is at the Lincoln School, Scott school went to bid Oct. 1, 1966 IB oz the Mlectmen’a office a . aoon' Bolton oorreepondent, said. “How it passed toe ataCe, or “back in what we call toe cant a . poarible. weU Toong. teL 6i8-6i61. I don’t know,” he said. low price days.” It was a re­ The building has a great deal petitive school similar to five of glasB wtto wire reintorce- previous Enfield schoola. He msnt wfahh Scott said is ooo- noted Manchester’s Martin H eralding Politics sidered unsafe for children. School went to bid in April 1967. The sdxwi w u built on an The Martin School's cost per My SOL B . GOHRN eight-acre site tar from tta chil­ foot of $19.71, he said. Is close Bart OatooHc High School State Rep. Donald Oenovesl, dren who are mostly bused in. to the $19.69 average of seven etudents, in a mock election running for re-election. “They are not stoddng to the schools built at the same time. yerterday, went overwhelming­ Oenovesl said today he has neighborbaod sdiooi concept as “Taxpayers say, ‘If they can S I 000 WlRHir ly tor Hubert Humphrey for ordered 3,0 more copies of the we are trying to do in Manrhes- do It, why can't we.‘ But It prertdent, but indicated that photograph and that they may JUst doesn't work that way,” he. Gesivitvt Qsinn ter,” Scott said. Wk I HarHtrdi Csss. tooy expected Richard Nixon to be obtained at his N. Main St. “They have used their money skid. win the national eleoUtm. Eart headquarters. He blamed the rising building $600 W iH R tr r wiaely,” Scott admitted, “But of f inast Foo(l Mrs. WaHn Oesdt Catholic rtudents come from costs mainly on labor costs. it’s going to coat them over We have all yow favorite brands SlraHtrd, Otan. Mancherter, Eart Hartford, Mrs. Mary Lti>ic, Demo­ the years." ‘‘We’re paying more for less South Winctoor and Olairtonbury. cratic candidate In the 18th Dis­ labor. The contractors make a — and the savings really swing! Fraidc U. Lupien of 21 Sunset Ihey cart 658 or 68 per cent trict, today idedged that, if I strong point of this. The old 40- 8L, member of toe Mamhester of thetr votes for Demociat elected, she will Introduce legis­ Property Owners Protective As- *>*>or week is out. The 354wur lation for drugs and medicine week la common now. And then Humphrey, to 806 or SO per cent soclatlon which mede the En­ for ReptibUcan Nixon, and 60 substdles for elder citlsens, field Manchester companian, travel time and the slower pace Instant Coffee Her proposal, she Mid, is for of work all come into the or 7 per cent for third party said after toe meeting tofSt be oandidate George Wallace. subsidies similar to those paid did not agreed with Scott’s (deture. Tea Bags under medicare tor medical and figures. "About S3 cents of the school $1000 WiMtr Voting on who they thought hospital services. Maurice F . Smith, superin­ building dollar is lor direct and Mrs. F. Mtcary would win the election, 585 or tendent of toe Enfield Schoola, indirect labor,” he said. Waltrkiry, Cssa. Liquid Bleach 66 per cent said Nixon, 486 or 42 Edwin May said in Waterbury gave more inform atinn on the Manchester’s fight for toe per cent said Humphrey, and today that he favors a Eli Whitney Sttoool. Oenter Springs Sobool is typical $000 WIsHtr only 28 or 2 per cent said Wal­ guaranteed Income of at least- Fabric Softener lace. The adsxH id nxiglily the many towns around Hartford, JoOy Green Savings Oskcrl LIpki $1,200 annually for qll persons) ____ aa Ylve previous ele- Newington, Glas- East Na**., CtRii. Asked how they toought thetr 66 and over. mentoty schools aB dertgned by Rocky IfiU and now on FROZEN FOODS! Liquid Detei|[ent parent, would vote, 680 or 63 “Richard Nixon,” he said at the seme anhiteet. nut forward Bloomlldd. per cent aaU Humpluey, 826 or the OonnecUcut Council of by toe same building committee “There’s always a group in Senior Otlzens Convention in „ new 82 per cent m id Nlxpn, and 03 in power tor toe last 12 years, Lo-Suds Detergent ------n or 5 per cent M id Wallace. Waterbury, "would do more to and usuaBy the same con- »<*ooIs,” he ’•* said. MIX or MATCH SALE! support and Improve our Social tisctor, Jobn Romano of Suf- ‘At least you peoj^e in Man­ Margarine % Vottng separately tor vice Security System than any of the fiekL chester ocHne out wHh some ex- SSOO WiRRif president, toe students went al­ other candidates.” ceUent schools, especially tor MEDIUM SWEET PEAS most 4 to 1 for Democrat HSd- He said the town was fortu­ Mrs. F. WkltesRik the, money, arxl you have for nate to have the $915,000 figure NcwIr^ sr, Csrr. NIBLnS CORN Soft Maigarine ■ i l 1 mund Muskie. He received 793 The State CitiMn. for Hum- cover everything including the many yean. I ’ve seen some of or 77 per cent of the vote, to 200 phrey-Muakie Committee ha. the projects going through in s' or 19 per cent tor Republican 40,000 for the land, $18,000 to In - > eent ietters to iq>proximately drain it and $62,000 to truck fill state towns and you have dCoe Mayonnaise L M very wdL” Butinr 10 tz f^fo^*IZ <00 “ey wpportera^ S«i. Eu­ to it. $500 WiRRor cent for Gen. CkirUs LeMay. gene McCarthy, artclng them “It is almost maintenance Sibley is the architect of over p t p Sauee Salad Dressing Oertlky Itck Albraham Rtbiooff, toe Incum­ to work actively to head off a free. It is an extremely well- 200 adtools in toe states around bent Democrat U.S. Mnator, New York City. WnlHrt, 09.9. Nixon victory In Oonnectlout built and functional school set led all candidate.. He received up on a more traditional basis,” CUT GREEN BEANS Finast Flour next TXiertlay. 831 or 78 per cent of toe vote. The letter, urge them to In- he said. MIXED VEGETABLES Hto RepubUcsn opponent, Edwin that U.S. Mnatoriol can- But Smith agreed with Scott CJonference Set that trying to compare that CARROT NUGGETS Shortening Jr., received only 224 ■ » Republican prert- paring “apples and bemanas.” Butter ^ dent in the next OoogreM Hlatory Department. ” Lupien also charged that the Francis DellaFera of 142 S. Sauce Pkgs new Lincirin School to cost a Lakewood Circle, administrator Roger Ladd, OOP candidate of Manchester’s Crestfleld Oon- ’’Jerry the Greek,” Las Veg­ total of $1,965,000 Is $700,000 tor First iDistrlct oongreuman, valesceoi Home, will attend a a j a x ^ 9 0 1 as bookmaker interviewed on overpriced. He said the town today urged ’’sweeping changes Regional Conference on Health $500 W iR R tr national TV last night, declared could better buy the land on IWlHDWr pill in the relationship between fed­ Main 6t. Just north of the Lln- Care Costs, scheduled Friday E m i Maetala that the odds are now 6 to 1 and Saturday, at toe Hotel » J - (Uoakratk, Saaa, eral employe* and the foderal c(Bn School and build an addi­ D E iB te E in toat Nixon will be elected presi­ government.” tion there which would be far ton in Boston. dent. DellaFera, who is president * RICE PILAF RICE VERDI 10c Deal Pack Speaking to election woricers cheaper than a completely new USDA CHOICE at Mancheeter Republican head­ of toe Connecticut Association Former GOP Town Chairman schocH on the north side of Oen­ $100 WiRRtr * RICE MEDLEY quarters, Ladd proposed that ter Springs Park. for Extended Services, is the RICE RESOnO Francis DellaFera, returned RsynMi Irsy CAUF. ROAST 69i "oollective bargaining between Scott said the town’s leaders only nuraing-bome repreaanfa- SA from a three-week trip to Cen­ Pswcalsek, Cmr. SPANISH RICE BUHERED RICE I the federal employes’ unkona considered this idea first and tlvc in New Etogland invited to GIANT HEALTH and BEAUTY VALUES! tral Europe, said today toat the conference. CHICKEN STEAK and the government be made rejected it quickly due to the ‘tssr the people of West Germany, The New England regional a matter of federal statute rath­ costa, hazards and disadvantag­ In Switzerland and Luxembourg conference Is one of iSne In toe McIntosh unmm er than executive order, so that es of the resulting school. Bultor 12 nz BEEF for STEW 89’( appear to favor .Nixon for preel- country, being held almultane- OCTOBER ' this right cannot be destroyed The town would lose the state MICRIN 12 oz dent. ’’The people of Central oualy. Sauea by a atrohe of the pen.” funds it expects to get on the P k p CHEESE FESTIVAL! BEEF SHINS 'ir 59'. Europe are looking for a strong Center Springs- _____ School by- conferences are designed MOUTHWASH Btl abandoning a school more than bring together leaders of the $000 WiHner U.S. president, to offset Russian • CAULIFLOWER in Choaoa Snuea $1.15 Size TUP CHUCK STEAK 79% Influence,” he said. Ladd has Indicated that be to years old. Those funds health community and of the AMERTCAN Aaat Dnroilor will be on hand tonight when amount to about $787,000. insurance Industry wlto ^ • SPINACH in Cronm Sauca APPLES TiHvillti OoHa. DellaFera said that he didn’t the Manchester OOP Town Scott id s buying the valkable «umers and purchasers, both SH9RTRIBS > » . 59% speak to too many persons in $100 Winnir • OREEN BEANS In Muohronmo Committee meets to dlsouM tb s WTein St. business land and grad- governmental and public, CHEESE Austria. ’’As for France,” he progress of the local, atate and tog ft properly for toe school The dlscusstons and seminars RachtI Stysuiiik • BROCOUl SPEARS SECRCT <« said, "most ot them don’t like Walllstford, Cosn. us 2Vi” minimum national campaign. R’a mMt- would he very oosUy. Also, toe will approach the problems ^ • WHITE SHOE PEG CORN SPRAY DEODORANT can S.I Us under any circumstances.” Ing to at 8, in the 806 a t. hazards of Main St. traffic rieing health-care costs, through • LaSuaur RACY PEAS 2 9 ' MIX or MATCH BREAD SALE! headquarters. would stiU be with toe educators **>e stimulation of experimenU 126 Daal Pack IIJ M Siza 2 lb M e An oddity, probably the only along wito the npise and fumes. *"«» tonovtUlons to the organlza- one ot its kind in the state, also dlscusMd tor tion and deUvery of health-care LOST AND FOUND l/ I P I f t C F0RMUU44 tViii • BROOKSIDE FARM WHITE exirts in the 52nd Assembly Dis­ about a half hour the Manches- services, as they reUte to state 10 oz RATON, N.M. (AP) — Dis­ v l u A W COUCH lYRU) iU 79 ' trict, which comprises the towns trict Court a a rk Loto Donatl re­ ter ConununUy College and Pro­ and k>cal communities. CRACKER BARREL OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT PkS> $MI V l P I f 'C "YOOIl COLD ot Hebron, Columbia, E^rt cently w a. MicceMfuI In track­ ject Ooocem, toe busing of 65 tin w i v l i d MUieiNi SHARP Hampton and Marlborougli. MISSIONARIES n p eoUc I ifQ 'i 10 01 It • FINAST WHOLE i lb ing down a helreas who had Hartford tolldren to Manches­ $1.7J Tomatoes M The towns of Hebron and Col­ EXCLUDED tin IN If 27 pk| I v i a WRITE p k f WHEAT or CRACKED A Loaves moved In 1925 from the north­ ter. BAYER ASPIRIN 4(200 $000 Wianar umbia are in the SSth Senator­ eastern New Mexico vUuig. of The meeting began at 8 p.m. NEW YORK (AP) — In 1961, CHEESE there were 80 Protestant mis­ WHEAT ^ Alkarla Rakarga ial District, represented by Re­ Dawson. and was over before 9.* $S0 WiHRRf QraialltM, Man. publican Andrew Repko. How­ sionaries to toe north African Ttrtaa iivti The Raton.Daily Rang, print­ ever, the towns ot Eart Hamp- ed a story concerning Mr*. Dao- CEPEDA SNAPS SLUMP Portuguese colony of Angola. Nasgaltck, Csss. Um and Marlborough are In the ST. LOUIS (AP) — When Or­ Today, there are only 20, and no natl’s Meroh for the former He­ lando Cepeda. first baseman for missionaries have been al 4th Senatorial District, which len Waluk, daughter of Staidey the St. Louis Cardinals, singled lowed in since 1964. includes also the towiu of Man- Waluk. The family once rwidwl to the sixth toning to drive to his The figures were given to a PLRv Bonus Bincom ohesteik and Glastonbury and Is in pawron. team's only run to the second report by the National Council uim UP T01000 in nsHm represented by Democrat David The search waa prompted by FRIZn SLIW Barry. a requert from the CkxiUnental > World Series game this fall, the of CSnirches. which said that al- PROORAM * .4 7 slugger snafiped a streak of 12 though toe ProteiAant churches The towns of Hebron, Colum­ Bank and Tniat Oo. of 8aM Irtka hitless trips to toe |Aate to the to Angola have eight hospitals, bia and East Hampton are in City, Utah, which t . in charge cf classic. only two doctoni are left to man toe 2nd Congressional District, her late father’, ertat*. Oywiy bad failed to hit to his them, represented by Democrat Wil­ NUt long after to . rtory aP' last six stfotte agatoM toe Bos- PutugueiM autooriUes, in re­ liam St. Onge. However, the peered, Mrs. Donatl reortvud a ton Red Box last fall and was fusing to allow furloughed mls- town of Marlborough to in the letter froas Mto. Waltd^ n«tr biUess to his first six efforts this sionariee to return or to let new 1st Ctongresslonal District, rep­ Mrs. Chartea Kwrt. of OaltaB resented by Democrat Emilio N.M. Mr*. KM .1. bad bMtt faU. ones enter toe area, blame Pit>- $60 W iR R tr SOI W lRRor $00 W iR R tr $00 W iR R tr 110 W iR R tr $60 W iR R tr too WiRRtr Q. Daddarto. tactwl a half-brotliar, Ow n m Oepeda iiBlowed his first hit of testent missions for the nation- jMiitk Flaektr EnMtl ToftUo Mrs. W. L Adaaii 1100 WiRRtr L KtRRiOy Marla Zakiltkl larkara Taggart I I I WlRROr iioo WlRRor to o WlRMr 8100 WlRRor $100 W iRRor tlOO WiRRtr $100 WiRRor Stnortd of Glurwood Hp^ S l the 1968 Belles with anotoer ito- alist tosurrectlon agaijwt colo- Rtckvlllt, 6999, HomOir, OORR, NirtkaaiptM, Matt. Mika StaRktakl WlatlMl, 6iaa. SpriagdiM, Matt. HarMari, Oirr. Z N i f l t i k DapoRf Yvaflflh Oitky Mrs. Harry Rwtal Mn. Karkar CUT OUT (MTiai ao* A rare 1015 photograph of De­ Ooh>., after h. rMd abowtjK gte to the ninth inning. nial rule in toe area. Naw Orltalfl, Oirr. lira. KiawHia la Uarlaaa Rlag Okarlai O'lriaa V ON DOTTtO t.lN( 7 MarMaaTOM TlMMHtaRrlUai Ot. Waal HarMard, eaaR. PiiRltvIlla, laaR. Haw IritalR, Oaaa. Marldaa, Cmr. Irligaparti 0.aa. tail Hartltrd, Otaa. -----U..------'J pot Square has been distributsd search In toe Raton Raai;..^ to each home in the 18th Assem­ WkrMMvtllwr10itliHmHi Mrs, Donatl oonfiriMA Mm Oaar, CI|iritH end Tobaeeo pradueta a$ainpt from itimp affir Prlcai affactlva Rrat Natlanal Otam thru Saturday, Nevambar 2,1968 Wa ratarvi tha right te limit ouanUtlat bly District by workers for GOP former Mtes Waluk*. IdeatHy, \ V' •V , i*AGE TWENTY-POUR HANCHKSTBB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEK. CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 MANCHESpa EVENING IffiRALD, MANCHESTER. C»NN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 fVALU A iij c o u p o f TsI Me OFF w e t e r e Choose ''Super-Right“ Quality Meats ttOOWOoSuCK or __ ®«OUNO ROUND I QumlHf B O N E LE SS B E E F NO PAf ADDID

0 : M H a n i s ' ;P 20c OFF SnAKSoROASTS ^ t h tU i ooopoa and flw luaiiluiPii of SHANK HALF-SHANK BONE REMOVED Any BUTT HALF-FULL CUT-M EATY. TENDER n \ SANA LEE CAKE •AVB CABN AND TRIRLB-B BLU l BTAMDf TOP or BOTTOM ROUND, Ooapoa good Mon., Oct. IS thru Ont.. N*v, S TOP SIRLOIN, CROSS RIB lim it One Coupon Per Ourtomer mMtewiWurewmaitTo-a RI^THRPIICR Tipsabout or CUBED STEAK B0LB8MA OR -J»"' uuy,... . CUMtOX BLEACH LIVBRWmSf US applesi 9n A m t Beef liv e r Jaa with me coupon PORK r^ i Coupon good Mon., Oct. S8 thru Ora... Nov. S ROAST ‘Saper-RIghT QiaUty Idmlt One Coopon Par Cnetomer CHOPS Now...ng^ iK>vi( is the to buy nppi<^ SHclally SslectsE 4 9 f now at A*P, Slides are at their beet ttgjaii coupon Pik gistOMiR^gc lb. SMOKED . 'V - , ■- i SAVfjgiP TQ ip ^O N URGE Here are some apple buying and handling tips: ' EsANdoHei Sliced Bacon PORK Pork iXTRA IRAN Shoulder U. .D.A.CMOICf SELECT APPLES TH A T ARE FIRM, particularfy the AUfiOOl IRAII 11 PORK LOIN SALE . 3 les oa MOBi larger siaes. Big Slides tend to mature more Tif QiaHty pil . : 6 9 * agfer°^r HMIB0NILB88 RIB Lom RXFHIET lb. r^ddly and when soft, usually have a mealy texture. “SapwdUchr QuIHy SspsrdllcM Rnad IKIHUtS "Siptr-RIlM” Rsof-RHURK, ROHMH b B f SHORT RDS - 55* nORIRTIR PORTION PORTION WHERE Ox Tails For Sovpo or IroWag 35' BMOKIBHAMS udlitcSii&tjii AVAIIABIE Dinner Franks p £ ;7 9 ‘ talifornia Steaks 79,;; REFRIGERATE YOUR APPLES. Wbnn tenq>eraturaB nnin CHICRENGBtAitDS >. 3 5 ' O N m iAR I FIUSH FROZIR-IIW ZIAUUID ‘'Sapar-lllgkf' QoalHy Roof 3 5 i ’i CHOICI came apples to lose their crigaifiBB and tnugy flavor 4teAlb. 4 5 i SHEU It-lb. Haddock Fillets 5 9 ' Avg. Wt. ROAST BEEF > n> Legs of Lamb 79,' Chuck Fillet Steaks 89^ RIB SIDE LOm SIDE STRAKS WMRTIAR4 FULT NOKB) WHb Farts ol Rarit QUICK PEELING TIP: If you are going to cook spjdes, d^ them quidci^y RIIF, VIAL, PORK lb. H>. 4S« u>.we HARD SALAMI Vt-lb. siworonSH Ste a d . 99' n iH I RA1VRAL CAflRt in and out of boiling water The skm win come off much more read^y DangenessCrab ^ Sfao 79 * Turkey Log 29,J MootLoofMIx 79; reSRMRINBft SUMED ROLORMA, SAUMI or HAIR UAF SopoMUfM-OM FasblaoMl MMIIRATIOR OHOPS ARD RTIWIRE GeiuumBologim lb. TO PREVENT DISCOLORATION OP PEELED APPLES^ UTTLENECKSou. .,..59' masRAWRALMiawunRwiRn Colonial Meats '.^39' Smoked Pork Butts 79' Lamb Shoulders 69; SUNSHIME BMDIRCHWtlGER - 89 place shoes in a pan of ocdd watec Add a pindi of wait for eadi adade ayde peeled KRISPY CRACKERS LEAKING PIES: ^irinkle salt on spilled juice from pies in a hot oven. A Fresh Crop of Good Taste— Fruits and Vecjetables' QUICK. EASY TO PREPARE i BAKED A i ! ;rj- ,r. GOODS The juice bum crisi4x making easier xeniov& 1-lAL win it to PK 0 8 . « FRESHBAKE DISCOLORATION OP ALUMINUM UTENSILS WAFFLES < SHOP GRAND UNION FOR THE FRESHEST PRODUCE IN TOWN can be ranoved Iqr boiling a number of apple peelings in the utensfl. iNdwicIi Bread OAMFBELL*g eOLDEN RIPE CREAMY WHITE THE BEST TTP OF ALL: Doift miss the wonderfrdselectkm, I.S. Hr f (M l CHICKEN SOUPS loavisfpgp the great apple vahiee AAP bag ri^t now 2%** NiElEW-'^ BIBOSEYX CilBUPLaWER coPTMain^ iSis, THE oasAT Anjumc a PACinc icA CO. INC ityj-oik MM M r ORANffi PLUS t k CANS ^ ______i< bRRi RARnLnH ...... LASr CilU roft NilUOWEEN CAMDYi i ^ J T warTpmTOD 3 DOHUTS 2 9 * I ^ H im iu i U P hn 1 fBH T iritty tf tpEciil ittEM EEi u a tf bm ' -W I ( I I DAnnHonR B a n a n a s a 2 *^ 2 9 larfs boil CABJLY H osts S' 5 :4 3 ' C auliflow er rr .A I M A RG A RIFtf TREwniAmEPiE .:;49' Emperor Grapes lARCUTM . A Savings A-Plenty on Fine-Quality Groceries ^ — ORANGE JUICE l-UB. PKGS. DATEamiTLOAF i::: 4 9 ' lARm iRi dbdb BR^LSSnoon...29' JM T^'ii;;£t3X49' ENGLISH MUFFINS g; 2 9 ' MDSHROONS . 5 9 ' Al^icADOS is r „ 2 5 ' RT ^ ^ m u r V UNION A PPLE SAUCE POTMfS PINEAPPLES „ 2 9 ' FRESHDATES ':g 39' nGBARS WESSON O IL 1 RFIO M iriR N GRAPE, n n rn i STROEDELSisv PAST. PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD DRINKS 12'OK. AAPBnmd 3Siz.ATc ForSakHls 38sz.JLAc Far SeaariRf I 4S4RHP N I4R OflwileA Jar ■§# wimI Cookif bet Not Ire n iM n e ta WK. OWII’ flf-; IRI. t’tkK JEWISH RYE GRAND UNION >Of I AMSOkHtN I ^______2 i i a a a n < #1 (APPU RAN) 4 VacMim PtLtnURT RRARR HILLS BROS. 10 « STAR-KIST IRARB nAR-KIST-Saadeiafe pSla rw h ip pit SCOTT Smacker Jellies Cake Mixes 3Z1.00 TunaChonks 3*tlri.00 COFFEE 2b. TuneSpreed 3 ■ ,(•.. rgi . I r jK ,r. >/ :. 1 ( B M N 8 FigBors ; ; « M ______COFFSECAEAMER 4

PwbtebprolilblledbySipipLauenenipiboeiPUIdTtiiiiiinnif Stop A Shop* wM be boppy to tocleetn vo m t Federal Pood Coupons of our Moochettor Stop A Shop . :■■■ 3t Store— 2A3 West MIddfo TurnpHie, Mraicliestor.

.'X PAGE TWENTY-SIX Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n .. w b d n e s i) a y , Oc t o b e r so, i 9«8 m m a n c h e s ’t e e e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n .. We d n e s d a y , Oc t o b e r 8o, isee RBCORD FOR BRENNCR that wo can think of," said On- the Richards Medal, and the De­ since 1913, thought he was about de'or'b'd On.-vgor a mnlhe- p a g e t w e n t y -s b v e n Kline Exhibit Shows Nobel Only Prize lagar'a son Kiting when notifled bye Award. to receive a Nobel three years matloal gaidus "wbo can do BAST LANBINO, Mich (AP) Vernon ior Worn I’a Oub. Tlia festival Arts FestlTal, National Aaaooia- Ait Aaaooiatlon exhibit and fo the ToUand County A it As­ — Riien IDchigan State beat tooay of the Nobel Committee’s In 1963, when he was awarded ago. He has reportedly been un­ mental mathematieal analysle atoowM in Boston, New Hamp- Onsaser Lacked, wffl be bMd et toe Tolland Ooim- tion of Woman Artists pilM, award* at tbs Maaoheater Fine sociation an^ most recently won C h a n g etes in His Work Baylor in the second game of deciakai. the Rumford Medal, by the der consIderaUon for a Nobel the way we do stonple artthme- ahlre and Maine and recently Halloween Dance for Teens the season. Spaitan captain At Itie Mder Onaager, a nativa- American Academy of Arts and for eome Ume. tlc,” Agricultural Oenter, Rt. SO, Canton Artlsta OMM awaxd Aa.oeiaUon and Clinton Art a priae at the Manoheater Fine reoelred first priaea in Bolton P*on» Dac. IT through Jan. 36 Brenner set a school re«ord for Says Son Erling bom Norwegiatt wbo became a Sciences, one of the other reci­ Onsager, 64, was bom in Oslo, Onaager and Ms wife Maigar- Mrs. Owen on Nov. 16. and second prise in the Plaaa ^^«*y'n exhIblU. She has alao A lt Show and to e axhiUt In and Colohaater. AP A fte Um trnr it wB be at the Dallas Muaeum yardage gatned on paae inter- naturmJlaed U.8. cttlsen in 1946, pients that year wu Enrico educated in Norway and Swlts- eta hava four cMMren—Erling, Mia. Owen baa had bar work FeaUiral In Hartford. accepted for eeveral Ooktoeater. Only Public Party Planned ceptiona. NEW flAVEN, Oonn. (AP) — has been frequently honored as Fermi, a IfW NbM lamate. erland, and came to the United a computer programmer wbo efcUbited at toe Wadsworth Otoer exliMtata will tndlude jo c y -howa. 'ihe others are: Henry Novgrad, vice preai- N E W N A M E F O R B A R N A R D N*W TXIRK (Af*)—The r»- of Pine Arto; from Peb. n In Exhibit M arch 96, at the San The Spartan end and safety The Nobel Prise which Lara On- one of the worid'a leading theo­ H ie other was WlUla E . Lamb States in 1928. Ha came to .Tale Uvea In suburban Hamdeiv In- Atoetieum; Natioeml Anademy of n>«ntoen of toe Tolland Oounfy Alton HMt, a aelf-taught ar- dent of the TCAA, has had JOHANNESBURG, South Af­ A teen-age Hebaween Dance aChoci buUdbig cat Bcboal St iro t p m lU re cxhlMtion of the PlaaciBco Muaeuni of Art, and caught six paaaea for 15S yards. aagor won today, was about the retical chemists. Among Ms Jr., wbo won a NobM two years in 1913 attar working at Johns gar Oldham, Hans and Chris- Dw lgn, Near T o r t O ty , and Art AaaootoUoii. tlat, has had hie work accepted wort accepted at Eastern States rica (AP) — _____ Baart______transplant____ for youngetere In junior and aeto- 1'is Reeraatton DepartBunt lo ttoe w ort a t Mrt. June Ow«n at the Plaaa 7 New Talent woTlu of Preju Kllae, now at fibn April 13 May 35. Itie old mart was 160 yards by only chemistry award he hadn’t awards are the Rumford Medal, latOT. HopHne and Brown and won Ua ttan. Tyrlngham Gallery, the Bert- members of toe ait recently and won a priae in lugeon Prof. Christian Barnard lor high school will be toe caiiy << aflto whfab An Gene Washington against Notre the Loronts Medal, (he Learie o< Vatnan wlU be exhlMtod art ahlrea, Maas. aasoclatkm who are exhibiting Show In 1967 and Eastern sculpture at the TCAA recent the WMhiey Ifiinenin o( Amctl* Muaanm of Obntemporary alfeady won. Some of Onsager’a ooUeagues Ph. D. at Tale in 1986. ia known as "wavusa inhHsyo” town supported function tomor- ooaponaored by tos T m i O m tar Dame in 1664. Kirkwood and Olbbs Medals of at Tale University, where he One of hla colleagues, chemis­ In 1800, the population of Denh tba ait Abw wbteb will be part She baa been toe radpionit of Include Mrs. Jaoqui Bosley who Stateu in 1968. He won beat Lhow. can Art. otfecn a demaoatrmUaB Alt. Odengn. among Zulu tribesmen. R li raw night OounedJ and toe PoUoa D^wit- "He’s won everything Mae the American Obemlcal Society, has been a faculty member try Prof. Raymond Foaa, oaea var, Oolo., was 106,000. oE the HoBday Ma«le Feattval many pitaea, among them toe recently won the beat of Miow of ahow at Coventry in 1967. Mra. Jeanne Pehbvlak te pres­ tribal vernacular (or "be who The dance wlH be h<8d on toe of how one of the major Sgorea •pottaonod by the Vernon Jun­ of abetraet pafiithu firat priae In toe Waterbury award ^ the Tolland County Mrs. Trudy Lee is president ently hawing her palnUnga wakens the heait." top door of the former technical 'n>e limtt on admtttanoe be 600 hU late style. V youtos, axxwftSng to Walter Many muneum-goecn are Ih- ~ Fortin, soMng racrssflon dUwo- mOlar wkh those rlgoeeue Mack tor. Lest year tos danss w«s and white ilsMiea, sereiilinlj Always a crowd pleaser... held at tos Armory, but sttsnd- appUed to the oaxnras with emo- pasta and tomato sauce! Any or all eoipoM May ba raiaoMai ance never went over 800, he tlanal force. wMch he was patnt- Hunt’^ Bald. tB g for more than a decade be­ When you vote ^ ■ Wflfn wMi a 16 iMrcAaM ar nara At one time, w d attenfied fore We death in 1961. a t the ^'•WAro ^ parUes uasd to held in ton a ^ o f 51. elem ontaiy aehoola. Ttas FTA’a The diow, rnorelidu n The maxi-men help ran moist of tos prcgipao* ■* works, fciclodes seearal prime for mini-pricings.. you save money on guided by fbe Raeresfkn Da- eaamplea of these late pah* i>artment The Atoertoam Lagioa isKB. smoof them the taufe: this favorite! Ham and the PoRea aiM Five Atolstio ‘Tfew Tesr W sH: Night," of' You vote for the lowest possible price on n’ Cheese ... buy Assn, atoo apenaoved danoas and 1960. 7 to 8,000 items in our stores. You vote parties. But for many Mewera, Ibt Stop & Shop fresh The custom o f having pacClaa earner works win be of eren for top quality meats, fruits, vegetables Bread or Rolls! In public bulldlngn died over tos more Intereat and dairy foods. You vote for a big vari­ yeavs, however, - lor ,a mimbsr One of the eaiileet Is a 1986 LaRosa of reaaone.' wateroolor, ‘ ‘PuftOB FIMi I b r - ety of nationally-advertised groceries. "A lot of toe groups, when ket,” which Kline exhiliited that When you vote for mini-pricing®, you Hunt’s Hunt’s they started, didn’t resllne all year in-belie«« H or not—the vote for big, clean stores and for service toe beadaitoaa you can get," annual ootloor exhibitkai at Regular Spaghetti Fottln aald. Waafafngtoii Square. by helpful, hard-working maxi-men. You Tomato Paste Tomato Sauce 20 The dem ise o f a fiiU H allo­ In the beglnntaig. lOfaie’a work The paste with tnM Italian type tcmatoes. Hunt no further for the lowest price! ween night In public buildings was represeatatianaL In IMS he vote for the best of everything a food You don’t have to be Italian to enjoy a bis heaping dish of pasta did not come about by lack of won a tlOO priae for a landacepe in an Italian sauce. Spaghetti is painting by an aitiat under 16 storeore can offer. Intsreat by the Uda but by lack easy to prepare, it’s economical of peofde to run toe i»cgrama. years of age. with "Palmerton. 12 « and it's something that always Banish Ham Swiss Cheese Pa.,” St the UTIh annual Aow pleases the family. A good time The adulta got tired of Ircnliw to stock up on your fa i^ te type. toMrttJx Slk64 ~ Stop Shop Salad Mustard of the' National Academy, the S to p e S h o p g t Sliced 16 oz pkg (Coimtryfiiie) out all toe hsadaohaa and to- fcOowInr year be won the same , 8 03 package 9 oz Jar — Stop & Shop wnrd to e end, Juat a few paiv prise with "Lehigh River." Both with this coupon with this coupon eGlally Jackaon Kraft Cheese'n Crackers 12/‘l with cereal in the Shop lying Were Humphrey to win in all PoUoiA and WOlam da Koonh«, CMS morning Or how kmg 18 82 Oven Ready Ugs TTib you f r ^ - these states, he wotdd reap a to­ since m 'v e had a nees< have been a major factor in the Mozzarella Cheese 39* CMS every day! tal of 286 eleotoral votes. While raeeat succeae of American dalicious peach Lonih Forts s m i 4 5 °ib 1 2 - 8 9 Soft Margarine PUHKNMUmrs • 2/93* shortcake at your lb he might win enough of toe patoUng in the international house? From "possible" states to force toe MUTT Parkay Margarine •orr .. ______44* , CARROTS Californio contest Into the H oum, the The cUUMt wllll be at the iritirifitr'k if'k 'k it'k newspaper said, he would not be WUtney through Nov. 34. Borden’s Froii|ed Shakes 6/1 expectedi to capture enough to Shoulder Lamb Chops 88i>> CELERY HEARTS ’^. SV win the election outright Devil Food Jumbo Pies •rcfiMtr's .5 3 /1 Sun Glory Save over other famous brands MfNnfTAlNEER BROTHERS The survey allotted Annertcaik Modern Fruit Bars I? 49* Independent candidate (3eorge MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) Rib Lamb Chops 'irkitiirkM SSM SM C. Wallace a total of 46 eleotoral — If an goes according to plan Seedless Raisins .S^rp ^<^*,.^Z^2/A9 Fudgies Stop & Shop Chocolate votes from five state*—Ala­ the Porter brothers of Ml. Leba­ Grow your own hoUse planUl bama, Arkansas, Georgia, Loui­ non. Pa., hope to be footbaU Fiddle Faddle Caramel Corn 3/1 or shortbreod swirls siana, and Mississippi. teammates next fan at West Stop & Shop Caramel Corn 3 /1 Brownie Mix The survey listed Maine, Virginia University. ’ZT There are over 60 — count ’em — 60 ■*“!* •'Yl Narcissus Planter MJchlgan, North OaroUna and Wayne Porter, a aophomore. Sanka Freeze Dried Coffee 29* cookies in each nuts if desired. Be a hero­ 3 "paperwhlte" Narcitsua bulbs Texas as states where the out­ is the firat string flanker back ine at your house and mix Famous Swift’s Premium quality heefl In each planter. Ju it water and package. They’ re Famous Swift’s Premium quality beef! com e is a toa»4q>, but where a (or the Mountaineer varsity. His Evaporated Milk 6/89* sure to plaase the em a big batch of brown­ watch them grow. lunchbox set ies to go with that hot 7 9 ' Humphrey victory 1* "possl- : brother Don is a defensive half­ chocoiste . . . todayl W e." back on the freshman team. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A Humphrey vlotmry was also London Broil Steak Boneless Chuck Roast semt as “possible" in 13 of the A happy way to start the day! states that the survey allotted Dozen Doisy Donuts Luscious London Broil. Cut thin zippy taste treat. Simmer pot roast to Nixon. in bouillon, vegetable stock, vege­ Plain or Sugar. Rushad from our SbAkC dlaqonally across the grain. Top The 12 are Alaska, Connecti­ COMPARE /Vm p , low p rice! table juice (I ks tomato) or canned bakary with the -right from the V U Sun Glory French Fries with heated condensed tomato cut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, kettla^ flavor. 9 ox. pkg of 12. A # mushroom or celery soup. Give Freeh froxan Maine pou- 9-1b E I A C VO-5 Shampoo or cream of mushroom soup. Armour w Kentucky, Missouri, NevSMla, this cut loving care, and long slow t iM cooked in vegetable PRICE Olly^or Super Lather. a g U Shoulder Cut 'It timmering time. Pennsylvania, South OaiwMf Largs Silvsr Csks Light Bulbs Ik Tennessee, Utah, and ™--h1nr SAVE 196, Worth its wsight In sil­ ifss„'7.rte’£fc"“ 69 ton. — -w vsr. Scrumptious with let cream Stop & Shop Fish Sticks COMPARE 40, 60, 75 or 100 Boiielett Chuck Steak TOi Sliced Bacon The Monitor said Humphrey’s and topping 1 lb. I ox. pkg. 49' Kaap am in the (raaxer for a quicK* Watts. Just in Jargon's Lotion Boneless Undercut Roast 78^. poaslbUltles ar* "quite stN («" supper, or snack-tima goodie. 16 ox A U time (or the da- fur With cold weather coming, your swakC MIRA-CURE Stop t Shop Roisin Brood package. ~ # perture of day­ hf'Yls wiii need Jergent (o keep In Oonnectlout, Texas, Michi­ SERVICE light saving time. them soft. $1.49 slie. 14Mi ox. bottle! 9 9 ' gan, Missouri and Waataingtoa, Chockful of raisins. Yoif jurt rt1 k l| and "rather dim" in can't buy a loaf of raisin Frozen Waffle Jomboree and South CaroMna. bread like this anywhere else. ijissv ss I Aunt Jtmima Buttarmiik or _ . STOP a LIsterIne Mouthwash ■ ') Raguiar, 9 ox., Eggo Waffles, 13 4 ^ Paper Towels SHOP ^•^“* 4 / 1 For tod breath, colds or minor sore aajw C ox., Oownyflaka King-Sixa. 12 J gkgi | Ito HI fiOt} g ^ 4 Greenland Stop Shop Ecloirs Fabric Softener touch n ei pirn oti w“t S S T b S i' 8 t t ••Oen CA# 'l b Bojr»g l/ettth SAVE 196. Oalicste pastry ^ Fabric Softener *!SSr’' White Gem ooxing with a rich creme Son Glory Orange Juice Coronet Print Nnpkins Th* srom* of crisp sllc*s Raked Aeddental we make ourselvts. Topped p k g ^ Scrubee Pot Cleaner ol lean bacon cewking wak** with chocolate icing. 1 lb. of 5 3 t Each can contains the juice Where else but with mini Halibut up even th* most jsdsd *p- STAFFORD BPRlNOe, OOtm. 9 ox pkg. of 7 fresh orangae. "The ^ Dishwasher Powder ‘5;/ 2,** 4/1 pricing* can you get 540 qual­ p«tit*sl (AP)—A medioal rnmTnlTnr Itots a real thing from Florida.'’ 6 1 “ 9 9 ' ity paper nepkine lor your dol- 3 . r r - i as aookdental toe deato of a Roasting Chickens 14-yeaiNoId boy wlioe* body wa* Rieotln end Ro­ Annair Star ^ Fraakfirta 63u> found in toe wood* wttx a M Fillets Skinlsu or Chssi* snd Bscon mano cheese Teats the dsllcloui dfifarancel wound the h ea rt between rich M tter • by • (ar becaute they’re with that unmistakable bullet to noodlea, topped fresher by • farl just-caught flavor. Enjoy WaMw Gernsr J r . wee found Upton them baked or broiled. NaiMa S lia a i OaM Oita 49" Del Monte with ground beef Bologns, S*l«ml, Pickis A Pimlsnto — 8 ox packsgs dead Tuesday by slato poMoe Tm Bags K ilt y Kleenex Land O ’ Lakes Modess Reynolds end Italian able lAooaxMcads about U haunt Mt- ^olor TV Cut Grean Baani Strong Heart* tantte sauce. 14 la rg l 16 ct Pkg Pat Food Facial Tissua— Whita Buttar Raguiar M pkg. Park’a Hal I Sagay 6r •r h* bad betn reposted mb**- Aluminum Foil Deg Feed « tog. His fatosr'si jn oaUher 48 ct Pkg 110% SSm 6iiS 85* 200-2 ply 6 la 8 A 2 1": 35* 4 ’‘ w 41# l i- ib 2 g o Parfc’a Saataga 69" rifle was by bis sidt. - 100 ct Pkg Tai I a u r n M i 3 ^ 45* pkg* 57* t;'J 79* ’ X 79* 2'r*5l* T com. "FI • M iaral Salad pkg iM io n rs Cram avr awn Caiarar't Kilctiafl avaraga 'A In Poiioe said tos bey had M t Ntagara S y y SUrch. lOc off ipmi. 22 ot can »7e Park’s Uak Saataga 99"u> bis honxe on Tetroult Road la rntm ioN Burry Chocolete Chip Cooklee, ox pkg aVe t West Stafford on MioikABy : V VOUAMD x m . hunting with Me tettMr*s dr 699-MM When b e did not ‘ father ceUad p o ^ ad a aaarch, with au MIDDU TURNPIKE WEST, MANCH of toe rural'area.' '.'.-it,' 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER. CONN. Hte hoy*e body w i t i s ^ a wooded area about hum toe Gerqer honu PAGE TWBMTY-BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU). MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, OCTTOBER 80. 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAJJ). MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-NINB New England Hospital Bilk Vignettes Seen Tripled Bonoir (AP> — New B o­ land eicaattae: lUdatil M. Maon it laadii« In 21 Years Hubert H. Hoaiifaref S to 1 ta (be bubble gam cigar poB tai By m en, cMunmiaB Otaeort. MM. AP LwJMr WiMsr niiwerer, tba poll baa raleril WAiBHCNCnOia (AZ*) — Bow aertoas qaeaUana aaioag eatar- pitsl bHla hxva m ors Umui tit- aa poMOeal aaaljriats. OBe polaU out that Ntaon'a pled «iid dootora' Im h omM aubatantial lead may be atttlb- Umm doubisd (n Uw peat ai uted only to the fact that atorc yeera, aooordlng to e govaan- RepubUcaaa thaa DeuMcrata ment report like to diew bubiiie gam ahaped Hha cigara. Ths ovaraU rlae to madteel Aaother aaya that anyone pricu during the period w u BO ■pending flee eanta for cigar- per cent greater tten the gmar- rtiaped fanbUe gam pnobabiy ei riee in Hvlng ooate, the Latior laa^ ercn d d ■»»«««;«■ to know Department aald today. what a praaidfid la, and thinka And the report haN an aiwwor Hubert and Dick play outfield tor why few dootora wlU mail for the New Toek MeU. houae caBa any ihdra. Local merchanta are celling "With an overioad of pattanta, the gum. W ikS/IMIm i Yd*i» CSw . ______phyalclana to aome caaaa bava SMnly Faiehea 4 Mn Preriono or Zorex trted to dUoooraga the praettoe The Athol (Maaa.) Memorial of maktog houaa oalla by ralatng Hoapital AuziUaiy ia calling tta the rate for such eenrloe to a maaical abow to raiae money (or Com SbaHtMMrtarOl’T^Me Anti Freeze 1" levrt that few paUeirta are arlB- a new X-ray machine "The StaWaMi M l • M U bHN s w Wn IS| EMrai/nMOSM Iqg to pay," .the report aald. The ehortege of dootora and Xtehy Stitches Revue.” M i l n N Cn i, I n hek FnalMMr 4 L:: M SksH U k ShoHIHi’f Poifc Lab Sate IM Fran Don Fad Ym r i Farinn »OawMTs 30c Off U M other nwAcal peraonnal waa cit­ A Brunaarick, Maine, man Lm M iS.14-.Ml.3lt AiH Fruit -^-Islt ed aa a major factor in the riac thought it waa pretty funny Q ddM (h eed MsesksHsf) in metical cccta, oouplad wlNi a when a woman alipped and fcH rise In demand becauaa oi madS oa the aidewalk, but It area the 0 ter *1 ca) ineurance that haa made woman who had the last laugh. Shop-Rite better care avaNable to mit- She bought the “gooiest pie in lacteal MR Uona. , atoek" from a nearby bakery, FCnllaOfl r i.ie Cw rm Um Iw»olij >a» Drug price# have remained walked bito the cafe where the Spaghetti InstaalMit • t f f l s M relatively stable, acoordhiN to man aat, and let him have it in 2T 77e U Off U M the report. the (ace. CMMkdi Regular Thin lIoow Macaroni Raynakb Wray I id -4k The report said that tinea IMS "I wanted to cod Um off," 4 ^ 1TM hospital room rate# have slqr- she told police. Fte AFPte* PORK LOINS rocketed (64 per cent and doo- The piie-faced gentleman de­ kOH U M D tehllifll ’Td*' 47a ■lb. pkgs. BiNwRk tore’ fees cltmbetl 107 par cant clined to press charges and the DavtteHet a r ; ' i V 3 k AH medloal ooate averaged out matter ended when the woman Duncan Hines Uaeh l a p to a rlae of ld6 per cent. contributed (10 to clean up the Late Rlh Thla compared with a rlaa of mess. C n per cent over the aama peri­ The pie was lemon jneringue. A^'Maaaaar 2*«^«*31a Cake Mixes PtrIloH od tor aB Hvlng ooata m e a a m d Wesson Oil A|oh a h Nrgaoe, 3 k Off U M Portten by Ilia fovemmeot, including RadcUffe Rathbun, 4^ , haa a Devil Y-'low Itnion So. ff'me CaapboH’t U f iN M o im ■ lb. Av,. food, boualng, olothlngo trana- dlqxieable tail and his oam elec­ Blip Mie Qtm/Om tf tric beating pad for these ddlly portatlon, recreation and madi- lb. 3-oz C ) CT _ V4wLM .2|t 4!t cal oara. New iBnglaivl fall evenings. £ 1.89 TonialoSou|> He's an iguana—a Jolly green boxes 0 0 ^ 39 "The Inoreaalng demand lor member of the lixard family ibrMlaWhIli hospital tervlcaH haa fMcad boa- arho lives arith Mr. and Mrs. taWfc tiE lw ir, Uc OH U M pltala to expand both their (aett- 8 a M y < -8 1 e awfAHo*, UADA. Ohv*I ittoa and their ataffa, p««»iu«g Cfaaties Rathbun of North Ston- Fteal Tanah *i-.M L |2t "S'lle • hmIsJ Ctwlrn Weor loof ington, R X FraR M M 4 *1 Kraft CaraMli Center Cut ooata upward," aald the report. RadcUffe has the run of the FOQ UaMt Itogiilar StyW Fiwth But while wage ooata aeoount bouse when someone la home to F n i l M M 4 i r ♦! MNMSii vran ’V r 4 1 e iSir 3— for aome 86 per cent oC hospital watch him and sometimes SbaHWa Oallaa - i f e operating ooate, It to due mate watches a Uttlc televiaioo before Sf f l San wrt 3 ^ *1 iSflyBai 3*1iS^«t to a vaat expiuiaton to the num­ FrUOadrSc Off U M Rib Pork Chops bedtime I n f t M MI mm 4 !;1 M ‘ ^ - T l e ber of workera than to high HU tail can grow to a length i n n w ViMlyFalrTtwil 3 d b 17a wage#, the report aald. F M 4 R F m Fm > OM CtHm of eeveral feet and U a fonnkU- 4W.IW i 7 e FUi H/OMkm Advanced medloal technology, bie weapon. So ta r he taaan*t Tartar’s Chalaa Fn tia Drtei KIHyealFaaA , l t d *1 Boast 69** or Roasts M i l e more expenaive equipment, and fitehud anything but the family thap Rili Raflaa i . n A U CM/CM U CM/U I m DAIRY FROZEN FOOD ■peoiaHaatlon hy doctona—aH eat, arho escaped with minor Fibric Stflmr Me R n t Cat adding up to better medloal damage. SKIHaateatFaaA 3«drM cara--haa tUeo been rcapcnaNzla LaanWy OtiNrfNnl—38c Off U M Tastor’s Choice Mr kvafON MawlAtear/CMoMi i f b Ite M i lb. Ma lb Mott's When he's in danger. Radci- S4bwM«. MM Foil 29 Mortan CkkWTurfcay/laaf/Maal Ua4 for some of the rapidly rlalng iffe can break the tail away M wWm DafFaM I t ' l T M Cm Dawn Fraak 8-k a rN Dteaan^Hi^.'*^ I k ooata, the report aald. I from hU body, beat a fad re­ Dash Pariaakflfeav f— (MS, PiicsEisi tsbs ( 4 m An- Btap-RUa The report noted that dootora’ treat and grow a new one later. LftUHDRY CoKoo l» Steak lb.891 fees roaa 7.8 par cant to 1886 ) RadcUffe sleepe Indoora in a • r a H M I M s c t s M lb. Large Eggs Ooftea Ughteaar d. I/M a Fariaa Dae Shaw ! d while dentlata Inoreaaed their cage containing a heating pad *r nclii.4, VW CMw Btap Rha 79 C U T UP rtiargea only 4jS per cent that uben the amather gets cod. In T M 4 , 5 ^ * 1 Crada A Baaf Rargan Ik year. the summer, he basks in the D e te rg e n t MTaHsiia lb. B i uww.c^kkNH/rwi n iu » •s^ 1.49 9 FOWL 8 8 e HiW-Ut* iM/CrWd. CM “One poaatole reaaon tor the sundiine. Be'a allowed to roam f Spare Ribs l r \ diepaiity la the fact th%t («Hr n thayaid, hd the Ratbbuns ke^ 30c OFF LABEL FraaehPrtea d 8/M a L Cal Fm 4 I ’i r M IMi iy. conaumera hava health Inaur- hfan tied to a long atring ao he A jax 53"«» doesn’t forget where be belongs. Hi-C Drinks 9-lb 13-oz 1 / Q H r AwMNiatlc Plihwaihtr, 13c Off U M Oraagl Pfaa 3/ 7k Etnoe covering dental care while k s c a k MX4-.M.5IC APPETIZERS Biap-Rtta over 80 per cent of the popola- % Grope Orange* Cherry Orange I a I V DELI tlon haa aome kind of oovmge pteahman residents of the Bmp-Uon LMW dm PrtaraMt SEA FOOD S b8F-R R 8 D e te rg e n t Iraiial Spraate t / l k tor pbyalclans’ feea," K eald. Noah W ebder House at the Uni- Pineoppir Fruit Punch k n i s « *^4k ^ w ^ m v m h m r OraRgaJitea altl. Wte Shep-tHa **HirWa*a laat" Oronta aegalty of MaaeachneetU cele­ «ps ^hoo 8lM lOc Off Label Jalea i L I / l k » 2/ T k brated the ledcographer'a KBnd lhap RUa fahrtbday by reading aloud from qt 14-01 S Water eanittiaMr’d ^ 4k Spiced Haa Cake Mixes M h •— * , lOc OH U M 3-lb. 1 -oz C l ^ 7 SkiniMS OadFItote * ^ t/T k N o t H ow !!% ort. . bU major work- CAN Dos Food OaiterOil ApiriToidM^ !ir89a R was the fourth year of a Yailow, Devils Ned, Safliqaa I4M—.bw 5k '■"Boxbo:"’' Oh H w c^ Biap-Rlta FtoH Fundi/GrapN/OrMN But How Is It conUnuing project and the frodi ■rawaie Mix, Hus 7 SargariM 39a M|Mragai Ipaari t / l k hoped at the end of the four-day 14Vt Ox. S b a H U te D S t4 ’^ d rM c Lb. Sbortened..? UNMck/Or—ga/Owpa/FiwIt F«Mb w ■t ssinn to have read through ^3(NNadw0a ffwkwraU Kaftar DM Flrika/OiMiMM Bteao Hygrade’s “oemeaU" on page ®* Con 6 9 Swordfisli Steaks i9io|hRlla Maifartat 6J^*1 NEIW YORK (AP) —n*a not Wehater's Third New Intema- I m m OItci Stekaly Irtek t4 ^ > ^ - M Nalax naklaa * ^ 4k how short y«u ntake It—tt’a bow NIKO SoMlI/Urw CM aMp-Ul. r C- m M T . ___ «wHHh tkmal Dietlanary. 4 *1 Ritesaa k I k kttafallwaaa dSk you make It abort. And Pve They hoped to equal the 1**T Sw m IN m T T 1 . 1 I MynSSnil&rtaki 4 * d T M FarklBaaai i*^-1k been learning all ktoda of Niori- XX ----- Franks “ ■ h w N s M ” total of 134 pages with a ached- ^■hwwU ff^MNw outs to shortening alnca I dto- ule calling for each man to read h b 3Sc OH U M Ml—,/wwt. Ml. Pntm OraiiaJBioa IT Ik FMs/Ceni/Poas t Carrol, MRw 4 ^ M a ^ r i a r i t r 4M - . i k covered thia faB that every one aloud for a t le ad one (O-minute hn WWW IS* OU 1______lastaaf Oaffat t r I J I FwfcIRaNM 3* t r i k AMileaB Ihaaia » ^ 7 k 9 9 .iflaaRION ShaHUte Saar O raan ^ S k of last year's dreasea hava apent period. Omrrf Serry/l»*e* Umm/ immm Omw* M i l the summer meakUy growtiig When the lad man intooes SaakaSaffaa • i r i J T TMMte M e t S I k Kteat RaYiflll 4 'id I k VegataUi Harnett I r U i SMRrt* SoftaiifnlM longer. "nemesU," they planned to cd KHi Imr Oaokad ib.pka After depleting the family axr the birthday cake baked for the H t y f iM iiN OhickNafthaSaa ’r 38c IjHieiMNa■NnivffWia MaafOTWI '*'**' NM 4k 59f chequer 1^ having three ooata ooeaskm. hemoned I decided In reactivat­ ISU.M. •1 e &mikLlKMTaM 4ntT»1 Chock Full O’Nuts IrapaM ly Roast Hoof ing the real of my wardhohe not SaOCLP HAVE NKN « ------1— 1- Old Finn SMumiRMb r r -m 8 r 9 9 f to let Oeoege, the local tailor, do 'ISIKIS IrayaJaHy k. 4«. 37t It. OH Scott Towels TeMtektsiF firH Coffee A, VwMw ttwMU Since my eewlng ekUla censiat g r a n d ju n c t io n , Odo. Ma Mat _ _ Otnnn GsfH Cam ( t m Ii ttla lM t « h I I w Im « lltealMMite 4 : c l k of being able to thread a neadle, (AP)—A thief Who made off Tuna Sale MIb. 9 8 D—myfiak. Unt WhlA/Asearted/Pacafulad All PurpoiC Grind RaMor/Thldi Larga Pixu Ph 'id 4k with tuck and an automatio with a pair of cowboy booU FloiHdk Filtet n 7 9 « Wafftoi ,’d i / * i fro m a dioe store apparently ttaiKRIte needtethreader, up until dow I MOn M»U M i l H i T i R i JL S^tU N . '!£»e Hwp.RH. Wtwt. picked the wrong sUe. The boots ’t d l / 7k have depended on a atrategto. were found in a tradi can be­ Mm TaMfaai 4 ^ v ^ M Slir-K itl Trrs ^ Shop Rite RSirt af TaifcRy £;8k Itrawbarrtoa ayatam for getting things al­ hind a nearby store. 3 'sr 89* 1.39 WhltlRg Ik 2 9 * si^iffibaK nrrrt (wHt Inw n anS t u n lUa w tered. SiMHHt White 7 8 1 8 ,1 eimSahaal £!8k Patttaa d : M « Talented frtendb, called upon Bleach Romcm 4 Nb to show me how to take to a iGrfta ~ Hormcl Swift seam, put tq* a hem or repair a MASKS FapFiroal a ^ U S BAKERY Plzxa ! d i / i i » 1— 0 "Tridi w Tn«" rtp, always euded tqt getting tha I a n d DISGUISE KITS Bisquick Mix 3r*l faaateMoa fs *^**—31 Mottle 0 0 - N(w York OaliMarl SgiM ^ 89* Job ftoislied befora I waa abte to ------— » Appla Olkr • d 8 / * i fo r HALLOWEEN Iritiqf SaHinti ■*^25e Cent. Oal. [|^ Tailny lalual (L 78c Pork Shoulder patch on to how It waa dona. Maaaraii Hototo SoM/CsM (low/ Hortoa Doaate ' j d i A i Now they are all too buey Niort- ARTHUR DRUG iSiteirtiTM i 3 * ^ I k U m W/CMiIi—/M l Macaraal Salad •b a Whole SrwHi «, 2 67* Clmwman SfkU or Ctm entof their own aMrts to be able u" 39c RkMARanI 8 ^ * * ~ 3k 88 to pay any attenUen to mlna. Fater Faa Picnic Rant JaaihM J d i / i N Api^ Sanea • d *1 #t/#f ar tlbaw Macaranl ten iM MwMn Wtol, I don't claim to bo an KMMa Wo, kfadi ItyU 0mm SpMf jaMy/Whala ^ Frtaaa SpafbalH 8J t *1 PHaat Ratter HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS O haaaakn nidTk J Yves 8t. Laurent, but I certain­ OraMMTVSaaaa 4 d 3k / t f m HUw M—M _ . _. thaw-RiN . ly have created a number cf iNMisaM I B1.M TaMto Saaaa IkM-OH* O—Jr - Ctady CI Rasa SiHnjtellt M Stewal TaaMteii I d 199 dill Drap Soap 'd : 8/ l k (ctehtog new hemitoee. They FaaMrt liH ir .'d 6k MHItea MM/rUte/Mwehfewii IhaF-RMa MwiHRIte Aaaela >*•*•*-I k dip, they soar, tboy ripple, they i a r BM^rRHa AR fUviar UCal Aootrla^ 3 II) Can W pucker, they meandhr and they FMf IM 3 ' d l l U ag Rrala Rtea d Ma Naw RteM OaM lb. 5>ox. irailrtnrilJatoa d M /lk flara. SmnmnI II 'id T k a StiiF Rita Ivflaa f a ir w a y Swenidewii Ydbw/Davi F M MiHiVHaiUM Pry D taknart M d ^ lk Oreaamaklng expotto teN mo r/RST MaUircMai 3 tS H there to a sel«HUle way to per­ iS k lite Mix Cory 5-Cvr Oteaa BM ppadliM aH'dl/ll* GERBER Cake Mix 4 tJ !r* l I k UMy BiaR-IHa TVawn MaHrtaolia IM form the bemHfUng operatipn. aMS.HM EtmSi »irto * knatfcnurt • d H SlaNM OHvm I k Parirtator I.N It includes all aOrts of I r a n l a a i i IlMw-lila Craomy ar OMiy llyla 89< fw—l.ln 4 il.iww.ir A il. Fal., CM—I, Stylw etppo that I could novar maator e i m O l fuMr CM/fnwh a»l» _ , ... Fcaaal laHM> Me iMtab. ClwwaUs even it I oould remembor BABY F O O D Intn laaao . I 'J i ; H Taiaate Faite I td •! Oaffta Magi ... Craom them. Their' mothod famdrae Omiiwmm i f ‘ „ t Shop-Rite Frozen ALL VARIETIES Fapa M ^ I.48 L aM Meat I H VHaiilii .1 .1.99 20c OFF rtpptog. tximmtog, meaaurtog, Rtilabbafa I8fs Taaate Faite 3 d ♦! 'iz Pccon Coffee* Coconut Cinn Nut pbinlng, baaltog, peyatog and Dry Romms Hm huf, RaRMShava ' d ' aiw-siM MM Twl‘i Appliy* Danish All Vcir. rtftching. It tabes an hour and 4*A -oi. Plaaftre Faaiili *r^4k Va^rtaMii • Me TMPliW vmbIW I td •! S h S Vaittebtei iJH M Aqia Naf MN nrw cornea out looking prnisaNianl )a n kttaaSwak V 7k TOWARD ANY HEALTH Shop-RHa Miy modus optoandi 65' H i d I k filtbftM -Jr M> ■w iui Mm , S M rs 0«sw* eu-fvi m m i . f i imilileiii • *1 Cake Sale prises equal parts c( AhmiMM Wrap Ron OlisI 7e e ii|r ii£ 6l» TV Trayi -* 7k and BEAUTY PURCHASE and hopi^. I put tha oraan cn, FUEL OIL inaort afaw pins In atratofto COUPON SAVINGS I Coupon Good at Manchester Shop Rite Only j Plaoea, twirl throughttUOy to Coupon Expires Nov. 2,1968 front of a mliror, taka it ett and 14.8c ______Limit I Per Customer ImmobUtoa the thuotomted ham I OaL m a . OA>J>. 59= with nootio and toraad. n tehm Day Nattea fsr DaKvery HI W DDU TORNPIKE, EMT, HMOHEnCR 20c OFF 20c OPF two houra and comas oat lecto 20c OFF tog a mam. hiaCkek Frospacr Ava. A Mvd.. 311 Waot Moia St- ---A ------ALL STORU OFIN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Just asil wao gatttati raady as WvOTT llWIlUra lilMiNMn TOWARD ANY TOWARD ANY settto tor brtng dowdr knd dab dtter Haun Emeremcy 450 Slotar Rood. 1249 A M iy Ava. TO W A R D A N Y ed rathar than taca any nmo ON DaNvatlae M ala a t 1269 Albany 460 Slater 885 Washington 811 West Main 626 Farmington aowtog aaoNona. tadwtry cams UAc par OaL MEAT PURCHASE PRODUCE PURCHASE D ai PURCHASE Ave. Rd. St. St. Ave. to my rosena. I dlmoverad tbN| Hw tford Middletown BriMol there's a tH»a that Mmanmito ar OrtUBilSspry Coupmi Good at Manchester Shop Rite Only New Britain Meriden 280 WiNdsar Ava- Sfcop4Uta Coupon Good at Manchester Shop Kite Only, |i Coupon Good at MianchcBter Shop Rite Only oanMoto ralattons beawsei dm m i Coupon Expirea Nov. 2,1968 W m m Our (-Day WBmm WB MINNOIMfwwM------Coupon Expires Nov. 2,1968 Coupon Exptrrn Nov. 2,1968 160 SUaa Prospect Ave. 687 Middle 1601 West 280 Windsor tunisdup edge and the Limit 1 P«r Cuatomer Limit 1 Per Cuatomar Deane Hwy. Boulevard Tpke. Main St. Ave. ths garmanto. Hanuntog |g am Opaa Moa. • Sot. 835 Woiliiiigtaa Sr., Limit 1 Per Cuatonsor «xw>pH0 hN wtth an --in iMtada 9 A.M. . 9 F.M. Wethersfielci West Hartford Manchester Wiliimantic Wilson of a nsadto. ■ , DIO. I no langar read OH oohunna wtth ON PrIcHB •ftectiva through Saturday Night, Novarnbar 2, 1968 W f reserve the right to limit quarititiea hamUnaarim tha ooeaaion. Ths Into MW at tha m ^ TMM MANCRESTEE EVENING HERALD. MANCHB8IEB. OOMN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEB 80. 1968 PAGE THIRTY.ONE MANCHESTEa EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTTOBEB 80, 1968

i i



■L.BiM center cut l^erk Chops met three pound ^ ^ inned Hem *2*99 Patrick Caai —I* DAIRY SPECIALS R ipiv Cen Oil irgnrinee 39 It : bltsst Asst. Flavsrs 9 V d lip N' Dressings 4 1 rsuset m BHttanuilk Pillsiniry Biscuits '»■ U Alucke’s We never want to Corned Bnby Gouda 4 9 Olhre Select Choice Choij be without you! Tatty Br« Brisket-Head Fop Quail FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS MIX N’ Veal St( Whole Brisket Popular . . . In fact, we can’t live without you! And you shouldn't be Birds Eye MATCH Corn • Peoj without our Everyday Low Prices, finest meats, garden fresh , Chiffon DisI paany.32 o>. bottia S I ^ for 10 sz. produce-the best of everything AND Top Value Stamps. Silver Floss 4 for 4 for 8 S 0 Chopi pkss. Clip these coupons now-use them today. In no time at ail you 4 fo rS S d Leal Afax Laundry I . Giant si BO will have extra filled books of Top Value Stamps. lot 4 1 I I Aiax Cleanser I ^ cons ■ Pi Ilradel Ajax Liquid [ d 8 o B .tl. 6 9 More Top Value Stamp coupons in appreciation Lestoil Spray Sti 3 for I I > • T W V «LU C K K T C im M M f. IN C I t a * 53 i i i i ;.u m :i ! i o i i p o w Save 300 on .0 P

CoMom A a c wt TOOTHPAS' worth 300 itiniM on porchoM ol $20 throufh $24.99. tttle Ceupem a a C art SZ. btiiMS pack worth 350 ttampa on purchau of $25 wie 2 Frn mhcss throtifh $29.99. 0. ' ■ ^ . . 6 Rsgulv e ml"! Caopona A, B a C ara worth 450 atampa on purchaaa pound bog of $30 or mora.

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MAOeiNUAAavSiUiLCQ | ^ e t up to 850 Extra Top Value Stamps with this week’s coupons! Popular carrim AMCRICAN CRAFTSUCN WITH A CCNTUNV*0L0 TRADITION Of ftNC '.■S'V. YOUR DOLLARS WORTH MORE WHEN y f ^ OUALITV CUTURV \ '1 CRISP JUICY THAT GIVES CALIFORNIA I TOP VALUE STAMPSr CELLO CMMTS GOOD EATING T h i s w e e k s FAMILT PACK specisi Tomatoes 9 to pack 39®i*« DELICIOUSi popular BROCCOLI SAAB WAUHBk U. e MOb 1 Tondor— Rich in Vitamins APPLES if ..‘''■J Solid stainless steel stays gleaming bright POTATOES 20»8S forever! High silversheen finish never needs FDUl, TBNDan polishing. Guaranteed not to peel, tarnish, V; bunch — rust or discolor, and to giva perfect and lbs satisfactory service. You will be proud to. comaine 1 9 « m set your table with this deluxe tablemif.. •.f'' ■ LETTUCE


. / r. MANCHESIRR EVENINq HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 PA6B 'IHIKTY-TWO MANCHBSTKB EVENING HBgtALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 BUGG8 BUNNY OUR BOAROINO HOUSE wHk MAJCMI HOOPLB ■■ " '■ ■ Shop Soft'Treads WHAT a r e VOU L (EfiAO, fATHER AM«tr ta PmtIm t a l k in g ABOlKjj HAS BEEN 4AV,MA30g,6ltt W YMOTHER- BOY? ? TRUE, /(SEEING JoFTEN/TM6 "iOirRE 6ETTIN‘A' UKE6HE BEEN 50UIRIN61J(D6A ISPRE- ACROSS 4 Pant IM eoTm ------6 Term In With uirer j f T A U M l 5HOWSIRLFORA PLA YED f u l l ­ A T00N6 LAoyKPOSTEROOS SChou----- physics (MO-mEA-lM-LAW b a c k FOR THE but-— BUT IT n x ib l. •^•HOW COME 10 Plan* surface 6 Educational 2 Dtloy^ BACKERS-^ 11 Property group (ab.) 3 T op i 2- A37-41 'YOU KATE TWA' b a c k b e f o r e broker 7'Malayan 4Tind«iey U J C K 7 THEY U SED 14 Holes gibbon Trt City— Vernon Circle Area Main Street Storea ^46d5«)6e ST odoy 15 Certain out­ 8 Soprano d P ro lictt fiACE/KASKS/ New. I. the Teen D o ll 7N rT door worker prima donna Hearing Wedding BeOar Freshen Bogs for the HoUdaya 8 D o o n 17 For 0 Brain .o. *"*P®'*^ ^ Colors REGAL MEiN’S SHOP, 007 Week altar weak but espeolal- 9 L o o lu 30 Chinese 44 Blow with wlu e^dbrate ita sixth yasr in Tou’a find it at k a t b ’B It.Sphere of Main Street, is the name to re- ^ around the hoUdays w hen f?)36G9-52-49 lO A r . action 12 i a . 1. phlloeophc open hand b u a i^ with a BIRTHDAT BPORTSWB5AR. the 11 A 20 Compau 13 Nevada city (2 words) 46 Much colder « vZS cis.. ^ ,2 member whm the occasion calls ^ tempo of entertaining 1 n- 12 li point 16 Beam of light 31 Near East 48 Lp- demon be ordered. R la a convenience, n»ke yoin- rugs look bright and 110 20 In NISHT MOVm! 20 Measure of 32 Decrease 42 Roman opportunity ABLE, ^ v ld u al attentto!?*u new. RENT A MACHINE for $1 21 U st distance 24 Pictures goddess of 53 Devoured available nam. bestowed upon h^>py ctistomers a time-Baver, a peace-of-mind JULY24I 22 Woman 32 Ancient area 25 Excavate harvest 57 Noun Wffix aanirance that everything la Just a day that doaa tha nonibbing .Aud.23 2 3 W o td i 5 3 F o c ti 28 Broadctit^r*! 43 L#6ndon 38 Swamp and toe tiring work for you. Just 2 4 0 p m 54 D ay in Asia Minor Cotoe to the Birthday Rale again because they alwavs like right. No guess work, no de­ 2 3 F « rrtt 55 To 33 LisardS gidget district 80 Employ pour In the GLAMORBNE a n d gUPiD'S THE CAROU8EL Gift and what they buy at KATB^ pending OR measurements alone. 3 6 L lk . 5 6 A PU8LIC- 36 Chlneae You try on the tuxedo, the cut­ glide the machine oVer t h e vwoo 27PIOCM 57 To capital 2 2 4 8 I 7 1 Q ud Shop invitee you to come _____ 2 8 F rlm d 58 Long n v 1 away, toe WHITD DINNESfl rug. Your tug will be soft and 38 Lubricated tomo0r(mr, Friday and Baturday Tou can do a good job « le- frerii. 29 Out 5 9 R u l« € #iwnrWAtM.Tmi^>tRs.m MENe 40 Great Lake 10 11 12 is to partake of the BIRTHDAY heating day-old roUa l^ l a c i n g JACfQCT. You’ll like what you 30 Some < 0 Y o u 41 Banal see In toe mirror. Bring In your 14 16 U of Tri City Shopping them into a paper bag and twtot- Your Heart Beats Faater ^)(3ood (^Advene 42 Secretive Plasa. Plan- to do some hoU- tag the end riuit Then «p the beat man. your ushers, your ring OUT OUR WAT group (ab.) 17 11 10 bearer, -the fatliar of the bride. YOUR OIFT aALLERY on BY J. B. WILLIAMS 45 Greeic letter daysbopplag now and enjoy pro- be« into water, reenovii* It Im- hoUdayRAVpiGB on tobuloua medlateiy. Plaoe toe bag In a All will be outfitted for toe im­ toe main floor of Watkins twin­ (pl.) 20 21 22 w J r 26 io kles Uke a predous Jewel an d w/nrHrrtfHUM.''lOUAwpi. , 47 Light brown mefvbaadiae. tt’a a gala, proud hot oven. By the Unto the bag portant occasion to their corn- USED TO DWELL ON WHAT WCt> , 43 Lively dance 27 20 to SI event you won’t want to mlsa. ia dried out, toe roUs wUl be plete satisfaction at the REGAL brimming wMh the brightest, gayest gilt Ideas and home de«- DO WITH A MILLIOM, BUT HES 81 Letter of heated thoexiughly through. MEN'S SHOP. CROCHET BO Y SCOUT DAVY JO N B S BEEN BRAIMWASHINA *i«DU/ alphabet 32 33 14 36 ‘orationa FYom toe finest crafts­ L E F T s a d McW i l l i a m s BETTER STICK IVTTH/ME, FRIENP LbC that pte crust stay in the Town Offices --THERES/MORE »HJM INBrBNDMS 63 City in China 20 si pie pan for about five minutes Anatrereary Sale men of Hhirope and the United Notes and News YES, WOOPY, I'M SINCE MOTHER DIED 80 Chinese 31 17 4 , Enjoy a Change ef Face 5370 SORRY TO SAY I DON'T KNOW ^ A A4AKE-BEUEVE FORTUNE before trimming emd fhiUng Code Saturday States, come treaaurea of cop­ I'V E DEVOTED MYSELF THAN THERE IS IN TRyiN' classic 40 41 f. JANE ALDEN F(X>D SHOP, per, cryataL pewter, stainless To Close for I kAwe NEVER ID PADDY... A N D - TO LATCH ONTO IT/ (2 words) and will not riirink Tri City Shopping Plaaa, invites There la still tim e to riiop and 'c S e e o rrM M u m ’p te M ^^ESE SOFT slippers in eisy-croehel Troop M REALLY NOTICED 60 Run 42 43 44 44 you to come for toe pleaaiire avo at WATKINS, 0tth ANINI- .„H,«nti^v renroducad f o r “P *l**l"* *"* Boy Soout Troop 35 of Center Zanghi Funeral IT AEPORE f 61 Raw metals AreiToa------MOddle-Alallngm ItT— ■ and relaxatlaR you’ll derive 62 Avid tt 40 SO 81 62 i\ 'B R ^Y S ^ , conttauhv your own home. Especially tor *dCtongregaUonal Church honored All town offices wUl be closed ’ CIOTHIER, Tri Caty from your very first vlsdt here. through Saturday, Nov. 2. On you, ihaidiMiviinr Dinner Ta- Su'LiSfi.-?* those leaders who have given 63 Hawaiian (0 your Thaidmgiving Dinner Ta­ giftgiving!...... A tomorrow in memory of former bit-d S3 64 u 66 S7 ®*4*Shi4JPIesa* hen a comiHete The food Is good, toe service is all tour floors there Is quality ble, why not add one handsome Pattern No. 5370 hn crochet direc- Selectmen Ckrmelo Zsng- DOWN 00 11 1 line of FORMAL WEAR and gentle apd attentive, toe prices fumtture tor every room In the new serving piece: Gravy Boat, acoeoMrisa for toe groom, his are pleasing. Try a SEIAFOOD tions - sites 4V4-9V4 inclusive. the troop at ttoAraual Rerog- ^i who died Monday. Last 1 Strike lightly house. Make your home more Butter Dish, Bread Tray, Relish 62 S3 beat man, father of the bride, or MEAT PLATTER, or a Inviting than ever and enjoy u m see II cent phn ise nr itot-emt Mtlon Dinner Monday night a t night’s meeting of the Board 0 Swiss canton -S DMi. A hand-carved TTOVIT Mtll Mi tptcJil hMiNRg isf Mck pettsre. ^ 6 T1i(96 J*s Ragtm rm ti Selectman w&s poctpotiad in 3 Fishing seine ushera, ring bearers. ROTH’S SALAD or a comWnatlon SAND- eubetantial savings while the from INDIA will be a oonveraa- _ ahm Cabot. Maaefaei^r fon haa for hire toe FORMAL Wmi phis DESSERT and ICE sale lasts. hie memory. (Niwtseacr tuHrpriM due.) tlon piece on your table. A « lrffifo S !‘*^fBW**YOBSB^ N.T. guests honored were The town road crew wlU not WEAR that befits the once-a- CREAM SPEOIAL/nES. Open 11VV"'T«

K ■ ■


THE T| NCAA Cracks Down on Violators Braid Angle Yale GlingS to Top of List^ Coaches’ Comer By c u n ’DEMERS EARL YO ST East OaOionc <4wits Editor When we’re good, we are very And Places Schools on Probation Harvard Nearest Challenger good — when we ore bad, we In Bdlnneapolli, Hardin told ST. LOUIS (AP) — St. St. Bonaventure ran up a 2S- BergstTMn said the LaSalle several of the prospect’s friends are very bod. oocuililng staff was guilty of tar- during the tourney. The AssocUted Press: '1 « Fortunately tor ua Saturday, Bonaventure, ranked third gtanie winning etreak until beat­ remove the schotandUp of • hoy Honest Error but G>stly One BOSTON (AP)— Unde­ While Idle. Boston Unfverrity, tie with Brown tor the final spot 1. Yale, 64) mktatlng an othletlo scholarililp Florida State, highly ranked I™ we were more of the former at in ' the 19^ Associated en by North Carolina In the named Fern Soott when he quu Fodtb^ oMicialB, like officials in any sport, make feated Yale, the mythical 8-1-1, tWa season, moved ahead In the Top Ten. Brown moved a Harvaid 6-0 188 though we did commit a few for poor performance and In the Southeast, was found of Dartmouth Into fourth place. Into tbe select group by upset- ___ , ' , , . Press basketball poll, La^ NCAA Basbam regional aemlfl- the squad. I did teU d»e squad emyrs, honest errors. king of New England col­ 144 major errors. The 28 - 21 vks- threatening to repeat the action guUty of organising and con­ after a poor game they , would The Terriers ooUected 119 tii« OOlMte, which defeated BU *' OoUege, 8-2 Salle and Florida State nala at Raleigh laat firing. in outer cases.’ lege football last year, was jjj tory over Penney has to be the ducting early practice sesstons ^ Saturtiay’s thrilling o *** " » * Otobs earlier In the 4. Boston U., 8-1-1 have been traced on proba­ either have to play ban or thslr boat win we have had this eea- LaSahe reached the NCAA LaSalle's freshman coach alao last spring for the bCLieflt of scholaraMpe would go," High of Bast t 1 1 with a 241 record, reertved only emison. 8. Dartmouth. 3-8 tion by the Natie p robation bars them from ment from ooachea or officials that several players holding Bergstrom, considered nutnda- back and didn’ t remowa any of a field goal tor approximately *'**®*’^« quarterback Kan place votes snd piled up 179 record. hiked ite record to 6-1 and 10. (tie) Northeastern, 4-2 have ever faced. He throws postaMMon famM -4jaSalle for o f the aoi¥x>l8 Involved. down off-oampus Jobs were be- tory. The coaches further broke the acholaishlpe," he a^iMd- the 80-yard line when a drive “ d wormed his way points. Just one shy of the maxi- Now Hamprtiire Jumped two moved up one spot to ninth. Brown 2-* 18 strikes, even when two yeuw, FlorliJa State and St. However, Jim Harding, who ing paid for hours they did not NCAA rules by ^bringing two B e r g s tr o m commented: stall^, through a h6st of defen^rs to mum. In the balloUng by a pan- spots Into seventh after their The Top Ten with leoonM and Otow^iecelvli* votes: Am- I** ** pressure, and Bonaventure for one year. was coach at LaSalle when work. pros|iects to Paiuuna City, Fla., ’ ’Wien tho coaclj Influeneed the Itw ^ a wobbly boot and waa •dore. . .BUI Skoneaki, Charter el of sporta writers end sports- victory over Northeastern, total points based on 10 for first, herst. Central Oonteeticut has receivers who can hold onto The disciplinary action was some of the Infraction oc- St. Bonaventure was penaL on a sight-seeing tour at no coat committee to tenntnate a riu- elloed off to the right. It bound- Conference oommUsioner, casters In the six New England which dropped from No. 7 Into a 9 for second etc.: Rhode Island, Tufts, WUUams. the ball. Although our defensive announced Tueaday by Arthur ourrad, admitted vicriatksj of ised tor giving a basketball to the athlete's, denfs Bcholaistilp, he waa ed erdally along the north side- moments, too. When he states. unit hcM Penney to 48 yard s J. Bergstrom, aaristant axecu- n d e a In rogtjpA to achotanhlpe. prospect an expenae-pald tour to Bergstrom said at least one usurping rights that didn’t be­ Hne abd went out of bouiKla on worked his way to the 'jeotlon Tbe lone diseeoter picked Bos­ rushing on tho ground, our eec- Uve directbr of the NCAA Ooun- Harding now la with the Minne­ the NCAA regional towney at LaSalle athlete was told to wlth- long to Mm. A coach camot approximately the two-yard where he had a reserved teat ton OoUege over Yale although ondary played poorly. They al­ oH ahoTtly after the council sota Pipers of the AmMican Ralelgh, N.C., Bergstrom said, hold infomnatlon from the thraaten to terminate or termi­ line. ticket, he fouitd that eomeone the Eagles were defeated 39-0 lowed hko long touchdown pass- opeLied a three day meeting. Basketball Aaaoolatloii. The BChaal also housed and ted NCAA. nate a financial aid contract.” Demers and hla coaching as- else was sitting In the same by Penn State, the nation’s No. eo. In each case, the receiver sManto nearly feU off the bendi seat and both tickets bore the 4 power, wliUe tbe EUa made got behind our defender and when the offlciato brouiyit the same eecUon and seat number, ComU their fifUt victim of fits caught paseea o f 80 and 88 ban cut to the 20-yard stripe and * • • season 26-18. smrds. Wc gave up a total o< Losing Record Game Plan gava the boll to Penney at thia Q|p£ C u ff DeepMe the first place vote, 829 yards through the air. SCORES—Stanley Hayward scores with right hand to head of EknHe Griffith p t ^ . BC slipped a notirii to third as On any normal Strturday af­ HANOVKR, N.H. (AP)— bW iOc in fifth round en route to split 10-round upset decision. (AP Photofax) S h akes Up ; Ideas from the coach- a i Frehett, who tutora the Harvard received 14 secondB ternoon, you can ahnost count Daitnumth wlO carry s hta- e s fr il on d ea f e a rs. k ickers at Ecust C atholic H lsh and four thirds for 166 points. on losing if you give up that big record Into Saturday’a TWO of the game officlale con- reports Steve Clccalone’e thrae- The Crimson kept pace with much yardage through the air. ' OLIFr DEMERS footbaU g a m e at T a le iMr the With Picks ferfod but neither saw the play pointer against Penney High Yele, hiking their record to 64) But Saturday waai’t a normal first time since 1464. NEW YORK (AP)—It Seems Saturday was from th r^ with a 2-7 triumph over Dart­ afternoon. Wo probaMy came up may be the longest field goal “There’s no dohbt that Split Verdict to Hayward fiUs fumbUng pigskin prophet Is out to the 20 instead of beiPg yard line and not the 81. This mouth last week. w ith e.-x>ugh Wg ptaya, both o f­ ever kicked in the state. The won have our hands .-fifll the only guy on the oflenklve placed in play on the Penney i, a new school record tor a BC w as a soUd third w ith 144 fensively and defensively, to last amazing thing about the goal again lids week," Oosclk Bob points. The Eagles won three GritCKh, who twice has held the all I had to do to win wae fln- platoon who hasn’t run to day­ Itwo. It was an honest mistake goal. It was Oleealone’s a whole season. John Quinn, our kicked by Steve was that he PHILADELPHIA (AP) Blackman said atteft the In­ tltUL middleweight title and was wel­ trii.” light yet. After last week’s 40- without question but It was a second of the season, the first straight before toeing to Tulane starting Q.B., played what I kicked it Into the wind. I was dians’ record dipped to S-S and then to Penn State. —Stanley “Kitten” Hay­ terweight champ. IS-I mark the season repord ocMly one for East. being 87 yards. . .Mike Ovlan think was his b ^ game ever. very dissatisfied with our extra Orlffith’a manager alao dto- In a n-7 loaa ts Harvard last ward won an upset split 10- stands at 268-90-12—a backsUd- On the first iday from acrim- greens superintendent at El- H e com pleted 18 o f 22 paaaee point attempts. We had three The bone of ctmtenUon wee olooed he had toM the cmninls- w eek. round decision over for­ Oayton’a scoring of the lOth atoQ Tuesday aftamooo shout ing. 714 pace. mage, Penney pesaing ace Jim llngton Ridge Country Club, wlU good for 200 yards and ran the extra points blocked; We’re shaking up o ur game Madigan and Joe Qonyeau start hla second term as pres! baH club with authority. John "this week we have an open mer middleweight cham­ round. He carded it 5-5 under receiving kn anonirmouB tela- Castoff Top the Pemsylvania scoring sys­ phone call warning htm, “Hay­ Mon^nkopf Out plan tMe time suound and here teamed on a hrllHant 80-yard dent of the ConnecUcut Aasocla afoo contributed to the victory date. Hopefully we can get a pion Emile Griffith Tues­ tem of five points must for the sire the picks: touchdown. tlon of Golf Course Superinten- by scoring two touchdowns in number of starters off the Injur­ ward will get help from the offi- • * day night. Griffith and his winner of a round. clala. I made the commlaaion Kansas over Colorado: The denU Nov. 6. . .The Eaet-Pen- Pass Catcher the fouitii quarter on runs of ed list and have them ready to Due to nines s Jayhawks keep coming bstok ney football game took two three and 46 yards. go against Berlin High on Nov. manager, Gil Clancy, GMffith, however, appeared to aware of this and was assured It H ere *n There would use Its beat officials.” with the same game plan every hours aiid 80 minutes to com- One of the pleasing points of 9 at Mt. Nebo. Right now I feel win the final round handily. In The Uve^ stlment that has sent With 49ers screamed they were rob­ fact, he had Hayward stagger­ OiUtith, who ended Gypsy Joe week ... atx or eeven towdih Central Valley Oonference plete. Including 28 ai4>UlUt«M minutes IWfor our offensive performance was that w« have a lot of momentum Ooatfii Jack MoUetricopf of No. 4 downs and a cloud of prairie aritools, which number Rock- the last four minutes of the final the balance we had between our going for us. We are now five bed and would appeal the ing as the bell ended the fierce­ Harris’s M fight unbeaten NEW YORK (AP)—CTlfton ranked Purdue to the hospital is dust. vllle among the mMnborshlp, period. . ..’Tom Happeny la a running and passing game. We and two for the season with verdkt to the Pennsylvania ly waged fight. streak here last August, waa MdNeU, the Cleveland castoff “not a real severe case,” his Houston over Geoigja: Tlie are still looking for basketball chip off the oM Mock. The p ick ed up 288 yards on the three games left to play. I feel State Athletic Commission. Hayward admitted he bad building for a crack at Ifino who found a new home at San BenvenuU, who took away his w ife said. Bulldogs should take a Wg Mte officials to work their games sophomore starting tackle with ground to give us a total offen- that It la in the realm of pos­ Referee Zack dayton attd oonoeded the laat round to the Francisco, Is making a runaway middleweight title laat March. Mrs. MoUenkopf took her hus­ out of Houston’s 88 points per- this odfoing season. The CVC East Catholic, is the son of Tom slvo of 476 yards, our Mgheot sibility that we could finish the Judge Lou Trees ea Dr. Loyal W. Oombe, team season’s quota of goal tins and play them one at a time. by the aMioola to have Western ‘*•5’- • -Speaking of tickets, an average of 18.6 and has o v e r 100 yards in a gam e. He phyeiclan and director of the stands upeetlng Notre Dame Moakachusetts and Eastern ticket seUers were caught scored • four touchdowns. His alao scored two touchdowns to Purdue HeaMh Service, said la st week. Connecticut Board officials ^ 0>« East-Pen- bring hla season s to ta l to 60 MoUenkopf would not be able to closest competitor, Charley Gauthier Returns Bates Passing G>mbination Rated Tops Penn State over Army: work the games have been re- ""y ^e*^ Taylor of Washington, the points. Peter Jacques chipped in resume his duties tor at least Bhat’s in a name? Ask the Ca­ Jected by the rcspecUve boards which found many not champ for the last two years, with 60 yards on eight carrlea. three weeks. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) —* BOSTON (AP) — The Batee yards and 13 toudidawn Miota. Springfield’s Ted Alflen leads dets after they’ve tangled with . . . Charter Oak Conference has caught on ly 31 passes. John Siemienskl, our steadiest Bob DeMiosB, a Purdue quar­ Hie Providence Reds of the combination of Jim His cloeest rival is Wasleyan’a in scoring with 60 pohita, 10 State’s Steve Smear for 60 min- Pony FootbaU League offieiaU mldw^ in the first pe- Bart Starr’s passing display performer picked up 28 yards Pete Panders, who has passed more than Wealeyan’a Stu terback star in the late 1440i, utes. American Hockey League were Murphy and Walt Jackson domi­ wera far frimi pleased with the ^ against Dallas earned the Green on seven carries to go along for 405 yards snd 11 touoh- Blackburn and American Inter- was named aching head coach. T en n essee over UCLA: nates the weekly stsllstlfs an- reception they received laat Sat- J* Bay quarterback the lead In with hh. 64 yards he gained on bolstered today by the return to nounoad today by the New Ebig- dow ns. naUonal’a Glenn Dumont. DeMoss is in his 19th season as Tennessee’s *magle carpet ... two receptlcaB. I also was ex­ tudM foght by tbe Hartford ^ passing. Starr has a 66.6 per­ practice of veteran defepseman land OoUege Dlviaicn Football JsckaoiV Murphy's pet target, Jack Maltlsnd of WUUsms a Purdue coach. the new synthetic turf at Ney- sT Saturday affalnat East- centage of completions, 18 tremely pleased with the play Jean G ainer. Information Servtoe. leads New Ei^land reedvers maintained hie grouDd-gettlng lond Stadliun . .. fans tripled up touchdown passes, 6.0 percent­ of our offenoive line. They out- Gauthier, obtained from the Murphy, who tossed for MB w ith M passes osngfat fo r 407 lead with 414 yards in 94 esr- BUI TOomey, 24-year-old fo r­ better teams than the Gary Be- taUled,42bytheRed^W hlto. age of Interceptions and an 10.01 hit and outplayed a much bigger Boston Bruins of the National yards snd thrse touchdowns yards. Trinity’s Ron Martin is ties. Dsve fOarais cf Trinity mer University of Colorado ath­ ban-lees Bruins. ^ Cosch Dave Wlggln wasn’t sure average gain. Penney defensive line. Hockey League on loan two second with 84 receptkms for 414 m oved in to contenlUan w ith 644 lete, is the first man to win tour against Acadia last week, leads Texas over Southern Method­ rtart of the season If he Gale Sayers moved back out NEW JOB—Curley Johnson, regular of the , gets set Steve Ciccalone, in addition to weeks ago, had to return to Ms small ooDege passers with 1,342 yards. yards In 76 ruriiea. National AAU decathlon tttles. ist : Chuck IBxson, SMUs* Mint­ game oRileiaii ware lined up would welcome an open date at front In the rushing race. The for new chore—kickoffs. Special shoe features solid cleat across toe. He ties playing a fine game at defensive home In Montrea ing so^tomore, won’t haUs and In general tbe treatm«»t the mld-polnt In the schedule Chjea^o Bears’ halfback has tackle, kicked a 38-yard field personal business. He arriv^ enough rope to lasso the Mggy was cold. The younsters. In ad- but he’s happy to have Satur- run for 819 yards on 103 carries, laces behind shoe to form solid lock for his ankle on kickoffs. Punts are hit goal on the last play of the wHh his wife and three children Longhorns. dRlon to putting on a good day off. Injuries have piled up a six-yard average. on instep. He has averaged 46.1 yards per try. (AP Photofax) x first half. We believe that this M onday. California over Washington: khow, .brought in a number of for hla chargee In recent weeks BiU Brown of Minnesota re­ California’s dreaming about paid cuatomers. Cromwell won, and tbe week’s layoff should tained the scoring lead with 10 Jets and Chiefs NEW IX)OK—Neophyte quarterback Vlygl! Carter of the Chicago Beim has R ooee but its defen se Is wMte SA with Jeff Woods’ 60-yard help get some of the boys ready touchdowns tor 60 points. play reminders list^ in two columns on right pant leg—^mostly for situations. awake. The Bears have given nm acoountlng for the local for HaU on Nov. 9. Tops Defensively iq> Just fou r T D s In six gam es. E lsew h ere; Atherton Heads NEW YORK (AP)—Running Bast—Notre Dame over Aavy Price on Taliaferro^s Head against the New York Jets and Bulls Blow Big Lead but Spring Big Upset at Philadelphia; Syracuse over Proposed Slate Kansas City Chiefs Is getting Holy Ckoss; Harvard over Peim- their League sylvanla; Yale over Dartmouth; Of C€ Officers rivals nowhere fast. k w Princeton over Brown. Ownell It’s no coincidence that the Main order of business cU the Celtic Rally Impressive over (Columbia. Philbin Collects Jets and Chiefs, leaders In the S m C f S W R E S i annual dinner-meeting of the South—Alabama over Missis­ AFL Eastern and Western divi­ NEVER BEFORE Manchester Country Club Thurs- _ _ . _ _ sippi State; Auburn over Flori­ sions, respectively, also are 1-2 da. Georgia Tech over Duko; wlU be the election of in defense against rushing. o ffice rs . West Virginia over Kentucky; Defensive Honor Now York has yielded 78.1 TAKE YOUR CAR WHERE THE EXPERTS AREt But Not Enough for Win Louisiana State over Mlasissip- ' NEW YORK (AP) — Mike Taliaferro had a |210 Following Is the proposed yards per game on the ground. sla te : The Chiefs’ defensive unit has pl; Vanderbilt over Tulsne; prijee on his head Sunday and collected NEW YORK (AP)—-The from Tennessee, led Chicago and Barnett with 20. Rudy La- North Carolina State over Ctom- John Atherton, president; Joe allowed 88.6 per contest. it; ------— The, Houston Oilers are the Boston Celtics put no one back from apparent defeat. Russo scored 23 and Nate Thur- son; Wake Fhreet over Ma;[»- Skinner, first’ vice president; motid 21 for Son Franctsoo. land; Miami, Fla, over Pitts- rtiUhln collected the reward Ray DellaFena, second vice over-all defensive leaders, hav­ of their patented rallies Haskins scored tour straight Back of Week ing given up an average of 240.8 points to put the B ulls ahead 98- Kevin Loughery collected 29 bmgh;' Florida Statq over Vir­ because be got to the Boston president; Norm Clark, third and impressed the CSiicago points, EaiT Mbnroe 26 and Ray ginia Tech; Virginia over South quarterback the most times In vice president. yards per game. Including a 92. Then after Boston tied it, Honor to Texan passing low of 106.4. The Jets Chikago went ahead for good, Scott 22 tor Baltimore as the C arolina. New York’s 48-14 victory last Also, Board of Governors; Bulls—but they didn’t best are right behind with a total Bullets breezed post Milwaukee. Midwest—Purdue over Illi­ Sunday. He also was rewarded Larry Gazza and Bund! Tarca, 97-96, on tw o foul shots b y Jerry ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) yield of 241.9 per game. them. Fred Hetzel and Jon MoGlockUn nois; Michigan over Northwest­ today with The Associated one year; Carl Bolin and Virgil Sloan and a foUow-up by Boer- —Brooka Dawson of Texas-El San Diego continues to set the Boston, trailing 60-40 at half­ each bit 21 for Milwaukee. ern; Minnesota over Iowa; In­ PreeB* award as the American Hartzog, two years, and Harold NGMEIUNEIIP wlnkle, who grabbed some key Paso, whose fourth-quarter per­ pace offensively. The Chargers Clock Radio time, exjdoded to outscore Chi­ Elgin Baylor’s Jump shot In diana over Wisconsin; Oklaho­ FootbaU League’s defensive Jarvis Sr. and Nesd Tyler, three rebounds and made a crucial In­ formance last weekend earned have rolled up 416.7 yards per cago 84-11. in the third period. terception in the final minutes. the last second gave Los An­ ma over Kansas State; MUsouri lUayer of the week. him Associated Press OoUege years. geles its upMU squeaker over Members of the nominating gam® 1" seven starts. Kansas Wake IS But the EiuUs fou gh t b a ck and over Oklahoma State; Nebsaska T1)e $310 was the total in the FootbaU Back of the Week hon­ Flynn Robinson was Mgh for Atlanza. The Lakers led only City is the rushing leader, hav­ won lOS-47 In the first h alf o f over Iowa State; Bowling Green poo! operated by PhUbin and ors, says, ”It was the first itime committee are John Matterm lerane! C hicago w ith 22 points, and briefly in tbe opening momenta ing ground out 183.3 yards per America's Favorite Winter Tires a National Basketball Assocla- over Marshall; Dayton over Xa­ four other Jet defensive linemen aU year I felt like I was playing chairman; Ted Plodzlk, Henry All transistor ministure com­ Sloan got 20. Boerwlnkle added cf the game, and trailed by 17 vier; Ohio University over West­ gam e. ti

MAWCHliSIXIR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER BO, 1968 PAGE THIRTY.flEVElf Penalty Kicks Give Hamden Verdict AutomobllM For Solo 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BT SHORTEN v td WHIPPLE WewtoJ Hdp WoiifsJ MdS 3« 19M MG sedan, excellent con­ dition, low mileage, good trans­ CcTTM a MATMELU^ID EAT A pdcCNT S uT.EATWG 0UT,GUE96 WMO SUPMML'f HAS CLASSIFIEb portation car. 868-2961. AT HOME e -Wt VfORlO^S T0UQW6ST J Q S- PAINTHR8 and ptdatoM’ hslp- 1H£ eiG SC«r(M P MOST EXPENSNE)[ArrEm' CHAIR side dental asaistaxit. sn, fun and pori-tlBis. T o f VOUC8WAGBN 1966 with a 1962 Training or experience iMcea- »4of i o o n t ^ sary. Call 6464)076. pay scale, paKi holiday*, group Over Hooters in Long Cl AC Battle engine, very good condition. biauranoe. OaO Joospli P. Laur- ^5?. 'NANNAEAT'rM "advertising $276. Will trade for truck. Call A is, 649-9606. 'gU U^'WEM. MMMM' CLERK, experiettced, general Kuelicttw (1) Haotdea (1) 648-1468 for particulara. Boy, were there a lot of It was «t this point, before Manchester 10th in the 10 team third period goal deadlocked the Wan Hutchlnaon CLASSIFIED ^VERTISING DEPT. HOURS office work, some typing, Jai^ O 8 A JL to 4:80 P J t vis Eirterprises, 288 East Can­ tired soccer players ■ at approaching darkness, that field. Issue and forced the extra per­ Bailott PONTIAC 1967 BONABVILLE. CTAC rules Tor post-season play iods which left both teams BofU r s Ebcoeptlonally clean car, air- ter St. Hamden Hi?h yesterday Meanwhile, Coach Dick Dan­ Brannhsk ' Sttalinc MOLD MAkERS went into effect'. ielson’s crsw was winding up weary. FB conditioning, power steering, GIRL part-time, 2-8 evenhigs Hlach side was allowed to se­ Nepraah * ^ 2 ? p m CLASSIFIED ADVT. power, brakes, radio, haater, afternoon! another successful campaign. DanMson reported it was Word RHB BKPOBB PUBUOA'nON weekly, general office work TOOLMAKERS The reason was simple. lect five pisyers to attemately The Red and White poated a 6- hard fought throughout, rimgh Kuuaik Brunnel n«*dlltie for Saturday and Monday Is 4:88 p.m. Friday. 4 new tiree, 649-6690 after 6. tjrplng, and triephonlng. 648- tsike one penalty kick eadi sit OHB 1442. Host Hamden Hig^h and 0-1 won-toas-tle mark. Over this in sports, on a beautifully turfed tilalek Bruno LIN(X>LN, 1966 OontlnenUl Ful­ Interviews Monday to Friday, 7 the rival goalie. wfen the locals outscored their stadium field. Again the offense LHB vl»ltln* Majicheater High col­ Petaraon PLEASE READ YOUR AD ly loaded, air-conditioning, a.m. to 6:80 p.m. Saturday by Hamden was succeesful in toss, 20-14, with Werbnsr set­ did not apply the pressure and London WOMEN — over 24 to assist appointment. 648-4287, 878-7927. lided in an opening round Ctaas OL leather seata. No money down, three of Us attempts while Man­ ting the psu;e with five. Whitney this caused the local baokfleld Henllo Tobin demonstrator, 2 hours a night, L CIAC Tournament game. Af­ tfike over paymenta. Call brok­ 8 nights a week, $6. a night. chester was able to counter but JenUns end Gary Larson added to work extra hard throughout. Hi ter ^our regulentlon periods, two JenkUv Harrii er, 23S-8T16. Call 643-7463, 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. Vernon Mold A Tool Inc. once, Steve Werbner finding the four and three tallies respec­ Standouts for the Red and il . five-minute overtime sessions, range. Thus, the home crew (lone Wrlflit tively. ^ White were Ware, Kuuslk until IR root or om ltM Insertion lor M v ^ v ^ s n m 1987 CXJRVETTBj convertible, 4- DOCTOR’S assistant — 1 p.m. 916 HARTFORD TPK B . plus two more sudden death pe­ wearily walked off the field Laraon Oerahman to the extent of a “make speed, 466 posltraction, 827, 816 Tile winners moved out front injured, uxl Bagley on defense OR not leeaen the value through 6 p.m., Saturdays 0-8, ROCKVnXE, CONN. riods—each of five-minute dura­ with the decision and a further h.p., marina blue, mag wheels. no Wednesdays. Call 649-6630 tion—neither side was able to Hancheater hO-l-q«-l hy “make good” Inaertlea win not be oorrotod shot at the State Class L title. via a second period tally by and Weriner and Bob Herdlc Hamden 04- Houswhold SwrvleM Manchester — Salary phis truck. Running condition, $60 Pointing— Paporing 21 Holp Wontod commission. Full or part-time CONCRETE Call Mr. R. between 10 a.m.- (Hemld photo by BuoeAvIclUfl) Free to Herald Readers or best offer. Call 647-9690, af­ Offwrvd 13-A PAINTING — Interior and ex-. FonMdo ter 16 p.m. I terior, very reaaonable, free 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday, WELCOME ABOARD—Roger Ather, rigtit, general chairman, welcomed Bos­ VENETIAN blinds — repaired, 232-1100. LABORERS ton Red Sox announcer Ned Martin and Boston Patriot football player Larry retaped and recorded. 646-0278. estimates. (JaU Richard LUNCH w aitress wanted. Eisenhauer to Manchester last night. Trio looks over dinner program. Auto Accoisorlof 849-2971. Martin, 649-9286, 649-4411. Please apply In person. Gas­ GENERAL OFFICE work, fil­ WANTED L. PELLETIER — PainUng — light Restaurant, 80 Oak St. ing adding, etc. Oaer Brothers, EDWARDS Tiros 6 f u r n it u r e reftnlrii^. ^lijr 140 Rye Street, South Windsor. surance estimates made. Man­ interior and exterior, papering ANSWERINO SERVICE HOLLEY dual-feed 4-barrel car- chester Reflnlahing Co., 49 Win­ aiid paper removal, fuUy In­ ASSEMBLED needed ^In our No experience necessary. Brazing Dept, on the second BE ASSURED of money f o r burator, 880 cubic feet per ter Street, 649-6046. sured. 648-9048. and 649-6326. Christmas Shcqiptng — peut- Question, Answer Period 6494S00 S7S-2519 minute, all parte and acceaeo- shift. ExceHent benefits, pro- Coll 648-1984 between 6:80 (NSIDE>., 1866 ToUand I ’pke., Man­ SALAD woman wanted from 6 Highlights Sports Night pair, 41 Oak Street, 640-8879, me. Estimates given. 649-7868 chester. p.m. to approximately 9:30, 876-8401. SHEET METAL man, expert Trailon— Rockville, 876-2193. Monday through Saturday. Ex­ enced. Bench and layout men, wa.9 nunong his wounds after George Scott will be tried at AutomobllM For Solo 4 PART AND FULL-time fabric By EARL YOST Mobil# HotiMS 6-A GEORGE N. Oonverse. Painting perience not necessary. Apply erectors. Wage# above prevail­ the Patriots were annihilated third base with either Ken Har- salesgirls wanted. Apply Miss Cavey’s, 46 E. Center Street. ing rate, extenfive Hat of bena- Question and answer pe- by and the New relson or Dalton Jones playing HERALD 1966 MUSTANG convertible V-8, SHASTA travel trailer, 1964, Buildln9~ and decorating, paper hanging, Cobum, PUgrim MUU, Hart­ fully Insured. Call evenings, flts Including company paokag* riod highlighted the 10th York Jets last Sunday in New first base. . .Tony (%nigllaro power steering, radio, heater, excellent condition. Sacrifice Contracring 14 ford Rd., Manchester, between automatic transmission. One 64S-28(H. penoicn plan. Apjdy 6n panen annual Manchester Lodge York in the feature a f l East- will try a comeback ait a pitch­ $700 firm, or will trade for three and six p.m. only. to Mr. Delteh or U r. TUrootto er. If he can convert, he’ll have DOX LETTERS owner, low mileage. Excellent Volkswagen Micro bus of equal ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ Holp Wontod— Moio 36 No 73 of Masons Sports r- , condition. 647-1831, ask for Sue. rage, rec rooms, bathrooms at Kasden Fual Cb., 840 Tol­ to start in the minor leagues For T4mr value. 78 West Center Street, land St., Eaat Hartford. NlghtlMtmghtat theMa- graduate injected humor or call 049-6862 evenings. riled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ CLEANING woman wanted, two APPLnjATTONS now being tak­ . i. .Scott got 80 fouled up and 1966 VALIANT Signet, 6 cylln- Floor Finishing some X6inpl6 wit-n W60 hia talk and was a per- got so untracked, and had so Information ment work, cellar floors, pa­ days weekly, 6494686. en for three superintendenta Martin, Boston Red Sox base- "straight” man for Mar- der, automatic traiismisaion, tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- FLOOR s a n d in g and reflnlsh- and two day msLintenanee men. much a MACHINE PRODUCTS SWEEPER wanted Smoker would be staged in Jan- srwers: Red Sox will make some available by 1970, imder league land clearing, septic tanks In­ ' porches and roofing. No Job service, J. D. Realty, 648-6129. 102 CXJLONIAL RD. rules. . .The only posslbUity is companies you do NOT Fastback Volkswagen with ra­ stalled, drainage fields. Paul eon preferred. Apply Morland uary, date to be announced, at trades next month. ’They are want to see irour letter. dio and heater in excellent con­ too smaU. Call 640-8144. Tool Cb., 1404 ToUaiyl T ^ . , which time those in attendance looking for a catcher, pitchers Tour letter will be de­ Schendel, 649-0466. NEED MONEY? Accepting FIRST NATIONAL Haa Immediate Openings For: dition. 649-7867 afier 4 p.m. or CARPENTRY— concrete steps, Mancheoter. last rtlg^t would be guests of and a utility infielder to take stroyed U the advertiser 649-0400. mortgages on resd estate. Call STORES, Inc. INSPECTORS—Experienced in the lodge. Rain checks in the Jerry Adair’s place. . . Jim ‘M r. M artin .. YOU ARB A-1 , truck is A-1 . floors, hatchways, remodeling, for confidential home Inter­ Aircraft Parts la one you’ve mentioned. Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ PARK A OAKLAND AVES. form of dinner tickets will be Lonborg wili never be the “Just one more queatton,” If not it will be handled CHEVROLET, 1964 Malibu 8S perches, garages, closets, ceU- view, days or evenings. Past honored. jittcher he was in 1967. He will Ned Blartin announced to the In the usual manner. ways sealed and email truck­ Ings, attics finished, rec All Beneflta—Equal Opportunity LABORER JIEEDED convertible. Automatic, yellow service, telephone Mr. Hall, EAST HARTFORD, CONN. Employer ’The towering Eisenhauer (6- be of more help next year and gathering at last night’s Ivlth black interior. $780. Call ing done A-1 right. Call 'Tre- rooma, formica, ceramic. Oth­ 249-3468. 4 and 244 pounds) admitted he will win more games. . . Sports Night at the Masonic 647-1686. mano ’Trucking Service toll- er related work. No Job too Own tranaportation necek- free, 742-9487. Temple. smaU. Dan Moran, Builder. mry for intereating outdoor Evenings 649-8880. PART-TIME TELEVISION Technicians — He spotted a cote, little Lotf cuid Found 1 TREE EXPERT — ’Trees cutj Business Opportunity 28 work. OoU 648-6177. iSast, MHS Make Grade blonde-haired giri and mo­ OTO 1967, 4-speed, many extras, DIRECTOR OP Immediate openings, 40 hour l o s t — Full sise male collie call after , 643-0916. buUdlng lots cleared, trees top­ WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ week, paid holidays, paid hoe- tioned that she had the floor. 6 ped. Got a tree problem? Well “Mr. Martin,” 10-year-oM five y ea n old. Answers to modeling speclallat. ^Additions, VOLUNTEERS pitallzatlon, free toainlng on name of Prince. Call 649-8160 1966 FORD Galaxle 600. Like worth phone caU, 742-8262. rec rooms, dormers, porches, SUNOCO transistors and solid state, earn PAINTERS —YEAR 'round RlkU Lynn Everett asked, new, low mileage, full power, Wanted by Manchester Me­ work, plenty of overUme^Can- “is Johnny Peaky going to or $4S-26$8. cabinets, formica, buUt - ins, up to $160 per week. Call Cross County Teams sacrifice. CaU 648-8811. STEPS, kS e WALKB; stone bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. New three bay service sta­ morial Hospital, minimum chester. South R^daor area. take your JobT” waUs, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ of 2 years of college re­ RCA Service Co. 246-6601. An LOST ~ CaiARM bracelet — tion to be built on Tolland equal opportunity employer. Experienced. (Jail after 6 p.m.. The veteran Boaton baae- gold color, last Friday after­ 1667 MUSTANG, white, 4-speed, races, railings. concrete re­ Tpke. in Manchester. For quired. Must have an inter­ 628-7449. ball announcer waa stopped noon, vicinity Manchester Hos­ 428 Cobra Jet, Detroit locker, pairs. Reasonably priced. 648- Spockri ServicM IS information call weekdays, est in working with people. State Meet Qualifiers short for a second then ans­ pital and Eaat Center Street. 81 spline axles. Many extras. 0861. 668-8400 evenings and week­ Hours 11 - 3 :S0, 6 days a MAN WANTED tor Janitorial wered, “No, he’s going to Must be eeen, never weather­ AAMCO ’Tranamissions of Man­ week. Contact the Person­ work, Monday through Satur­ Sentimental vahie! Reward. ’TREES cut and removed, land ends, call collect. John Coming up Saturday at Stanley Park in New Britain join me!” CaU 649-1721. ed. Price reasonable. Can be chester, nationwide, guaran­ Perry, 749-S185. nel Department, Manches­ PARTTIME days, hours 12 noon to 7 p.m. Pesky, former Red Sox BLACKWALLS seen at Dick’s SheU Service, cleared, reasonable. Free esti­ teed service. Budget terms. ter Memorial Hospital, 643- Must be reUable with steady at 11 a.m. will be the State Cross Country Champion­ mate, Insured, 289-8720. [Jayer and manager, haa SIZE SALE 668 B. Center St., 648-7008. Loaner cars. Free towing. Call 1141, Ext. 243. RETHIED MAN habits. Good hourly rate. No ships and qualifiers in the Class L and Class M ranks 043-2467, Manchester - Vernon respectively which indude Manchester High and East been added to the Boston FOUND — SQnlature toy SHARPENING Service — Saws, MORNINGS I^ne calls, apply In person broadcasting team for I96B. 2 for $34. poo<9e. 89 Hilltop Dr. 640-9972. 1666 SUPER Sport Chevrolet, town Une, Rt. 88, ’TalcottvUle. to manager. Brunswick Paric- CallioUc H i g h . ------knives, axes, shears, skates, Help Wontod— CLERK—TYPIST for general 2 for $38. 860 turbo Jet, leather interior, rotary blades. ()uick seridee. Hours flexible. ade Bowling Lane. Both schools qualified yestei^ ^ field of over LOST — Paaebook No. 28- bucket seata, 4-speed. Asking BRONZED — Baby shoes, office work. Accurate with Harvard Stadium, expanding to 2 for $34. (Japitol Equipment Co., 38 Fomolo ' 35 day in the Eastern Sectionals at competed 006474 9, savings department $1,600. (JaU 644-8120, 644-0227. sporting articlee, many other figures. Apply in person. Dean Apply in person PART-TIME mechanic for eve­ the University of Connecticut. honors were garnered 60,000. . .LoU of cities would 2 for $38. Main St., Manchester. Hours items. Number of styles to W O M ^ WANTED — Jobs in welcome team, including Ha­ of The Oonnecticut Bank and Machine Products, 102 Colonial nings and weekends. Must be ■me top six schooU a a s s L ,,y Newington High with 68 2 for $40. 1962 RAMBLER Chusslc, 6 daUy 7:80-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. choose from. 643-7686. your area, your hours. Secre­ waii. . .Nick Buoniconti is the Trust Company. Application Rd., Manchester. McDo n a l d s d r iv e -in quick to learn and meclMuilcal- made the State Meet. Manches- p „ j ^ j,,ew Britain (74). Water- made for payment. cylinder, 4-door sedan, automa- Saturday 7:30-4. 643-7968. taries, typists, clerks. No fee, ly inclined. No phone calls, ap­ best linebacker in the league. WHITtWALLS 2.40 Istra excellent pay. Staff Builders, 11 46 West Center St. ter placed fifth and East was Norwich (93), Man- (No a rg w e n t there.) He stops Uc, $800. 1-228-8802. LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also Roofing— Siding 16 ply to manager. Parkade Bowl- thlwl among the four O ass M Chester (172) and New London LOST — Black kitten in vicinity Asylum St., Hartford, 278-7610. Manchester ing Lonee, Manrtiester Shop­ the run and also Intercepts pass­ of Kennedy Rd. and Soott Dr., PONTIAC 1066 Tempest 4-door moving large appliances. Bum: entries qualifiers. were other qualifiers in es, something most linebackers ROOFINO, aluminum siding, CLERK ping Parkade. MaUng the State Meet was a $ .S $ ll3 ILACNWALL TUBELESS ■ Prices Pfvt 1.81 fe 2.84 fed. fsc. Tax Per Tire reward. CaU 648-1818. hardtop. Automatic, power Ing barrels delivered, $4. 644-' can’t do. . .Yale’s Brian Dowl­ steering, exceptionally clean 1776 or 289-8824. gutters, carpenter work. 80 NURSE’S AID, 11-7 shift, fuU- goal the Manchester thln-clads ^ competition found •Thit» the mitt, dstif nslion. Thste it no mhitlntntido tlsndsrii. years’ experience, (fonnectlcut Opportunity In our buyer’s ing (quarterback) deserves a LOST — Man’s wallet In Oxford car. No money down, take over tlme. Laurel Manor 649-4619. office for a clerk with good set at last year’s^ banquet and East’s Dennis McCormack good look as a prp. . .Babe Package Store, Friday eve­ REPAIRS — Lawmnowers, Valley Construction 0>. 648- no one was happt4r than Coach placed fifth In 1»:07. Heavy reg- FREE MOUNTING! NO TRADE-IN TIRE NEEDED! payments. CaU broker, 288- snow blowers and garden trac­ 7180. Free estimates. COUNTER girl — part-time, figure aptitude, must also Parilli is a real terained foot, placed is :48, Rich Ricci was 32nd in six years of experience for a door sedan, 6 cycllnder, four Call anytime, 646-1737. pairing roofs of aU kinds, new apply Mr. Donut, 266 West Mid­ SPEC IA L SAVINGS SALE! 'WINDSHIELD W A S H E R ] m s o i m d roofs, gutter work, chimneys dle ’I)>ke. 20th to lead the Red and White 16:09, BiU Shea 33rd in 16:10 club to Jell. . .Our biggest prob­ P I new tires. Excellent condition. RUBBISH — tra i^ removed to in 16:18. Teammates trailed in and Wayne Tyo 36th In 16:16. lem is that we lack experienced Asking $626. CaU 649-0884 or cleaned and repaired, 30 years' FIRST NATIONAL Workers ANTI-FREEZE WANTED — Ride to and from the dump, lawns maintained. WOMAN to care tor home aiyl this Older: Steve Dieterie 26th Team scoring found St. Ber- offensive players. . .Our de­ 043-6930. experience. Free esUmates. STORES, INC. Manchester to vicinity of Mt. CaU 649-1868 after 6 p.m. Call Howley 648-6861. 644- three school children, days. in 18:26, Jim Naschke 81st in nard’s of New London tops with fense is all right.’’ Call for particulars between 7 PARK & OAKLAND Aves. 18:87, Jim Burke 42nd in 18:47, 7 points, followed toy Farmlng- Autographed baseballs were ANOTHER 500 GALLONS EACH STORE! Sinai Hospital or McCook Hos­ OTO, 1067 convertible, 4-speed, (XIMPLE’TE Janitorial services. 8838. IMMEDUTE OPENINCS AVAILABLE pital Working hours 8:80 to and 10 p.m., 742-8204. EAST HARTFORD, Conn. Nlxon 64th in 16:06, Bob Dixon ton with 83, East with 90 and presented to all youngsters factory warrantee. No money Residential, commercial and 74th in 16:20 and Doug Hansen Ledyard fourth with 137 points. present. 37< 4:30 p.m. Call 643-1606, 643- down, take over payments. Call industrial. Windows washed, 4987. on 2nd and 3rd Shifts The excellent backdrop was PRESTONE or ZEREX Assures operation of broker, 288-8716. floors washed and waxed. Wise Miliinoiy, LOOKING AHEAD OENEiRAL OB'FICB worker Earn $1,000 for Christmas eigaln the work of Fran Aldrich. windshield washer to RIDE WANTED to and from 1966 ^CHRYSLER, 4-door. Good Maintenance, 643-2603. Drotsmoking needed ^or full-time work in Father-Son Relationship Dinner was served by the Or­ aslowas-15*F. Keeps Bolton to vicinity Hartford in your spare time. Choose credit bureau. Must type, file. No Experience Necessary i running condition. Reasonable. TREE removal-Trimmlng. Rea- i your own hours. Call Mrs. t der of Amaranth. Roger Ather windshield ice free. Hospital, hours 8;80-6. (JaU 649- CaU 649-0964. FOR ALTERA’nONS neatly and Apply In person to (Jredlt Rat­ was general chairman. sonable rates. Covered for reasonably done in my home, Tina at Enfield 746-2376 be­ ing Bureau, 088 Main St., Man­ ANTI FREEZE 8670. property damage. Got a tree Asset at Boston College 1061 FORD, bucket eeats, call 648-8760, tween 2 & 4 for appoint­ chester, Room 12, 8 to 6 p.m. This is your opportunity to grow with us. A RIDE WANTED from 40 F New problem? (Jail Dana’s ’Tree ment. and Coolant Hurst, tac, Olds engine, triplea, Service, 622-8429. BOSTON (AP) —Joe Yuklca after being named New England State Rd. to vicinity of First Isky cam. C!all 644-0426. DRE88MAKINO and altera­ SALESWOMAN — experienced good company with liberal fringe benefift. has a quality about him for Coach, of the Year last season at Bowling tions, zippers replaced etc. woman’s apparel, part-time. National Office, Park and Oak­ ANYTHING taken to the dump, CLBAKCNQ woman wanted one such as: which mos^ football coaches New Hampshire. Before that he land Avenues, Elast Hartford, 1966 CADILLAC convertible im­ (Jail 6494811. Excellent salary and store ben­ had served a five-year appren­ PINNETTE8 — Ruth Hene- appliances, bulky furniture, at­ day per week for Glastonbury efits. CaU Mr. Altshuler, 643- would trade their clipboards. j ^ ^ ^ D u p o n t dally. (Jail 649-6717. maculate condition, low tics , cellars cleaned, light ticeship under Bob Blackman at gan 199-189 —643, Dot Peter­ mileage, full power. Will sac­ DRESSMAKINO and altera- home. Call 1-688-7041. 8112. ^ Paid— Blue Cross - CM S for you and your He has developed a father-son trucking. Clieap. 289-6860. tions, evening wear, suits relattonMiip with his players so Dartmouth. son 196 —488, Wanda Kaselaus- GET SET FOR THE rifice, cash or trade. 629-1477. family It was under Engle where he kas 176—473, Ronnie Newber­ Windshield DE-ICER] AutomobllM For Sedo 4 DOUG’S Welding — Arc and gas made to order, 16 years experi­ that each side respects the other learned what the ideal player- FIREBIRD 1968, 2-door hard­ ence. Call 648-7042. for what it is. The result may be ry 191 —612. Lois Lapine 186 — COED WEATHER welding, 8-6 daily. 344 Broad St. # Paid— Life Insurance coach relationship should be. 806, Helen Downham 183 —400, $ NBBD CART Orsdlt very bad? top. Automatic, V-8, power the return of Boston College as behind Dairy Queen, Manches­ He worked us hard,’’ the soft- AHEAOl GREAT Bankrupt, rspossesslon? Hon- steering, factory warrantee. MEN one of the football powers in the Barbara Algren 176, Marie Bo­ ter. spoken Yuklca remembers, lls 472, Lori Jones 466, Janet 134 •St Douglas accepts lowest No money down, assume # Paid— Sickness & Accident Insurance East. Movlnc^Trucklng->- THERE IS A CHALLENGING JOB "but he was a very sincere and Keener 491, Lee Pope 186, Rae SAVINGS ON down, smallest payments, any­ balance. CaU broker, 238-8716. "He doesn’t say much on the New IwmsiJ Mfoisl tpiy 4«'ic« where. Not smaU loan finance Stoiago 20 WAITING FOR YOU AT # Paid— Vacations very fair man. He commanded Hannon 186 —619, Barbara God­ (ntt widi coMiifi Mttan. mtlli field,” says Gene Cornelia, a complete respect from all his FAMOUS IRANOS! A Gal. company plan. Douglas Mo­ (JORVAIR Monza, 1968. Very Housokold Sorvkos dard 199 - -464, Toni Fogarty K« iMl. Scilet iWly loOMMd Kl MANCHESTER Delivery—light # Paid— Holidays Jiinior fullback, "but when he players—complete respect." 187 —616, Betty Sharp 479, Jo wiRi itNN. this team goes anywhere this his respect, he now not only 19U CHEVROLET Bel Air 4- LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk dell^ Pai Btats in 1960412. the field. From there it’s jp to 6 cylinder, automatic, bucket CONN. FILTER PLANT Utchfield 2, Bolton 1 OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 to 9 ■ SATURDAY 9 to 6 CORVETTE, 1967 Stingray con­ 0487. JOSEPH P. Lewis, custom Hs came to Boston College us." RHAM 1, Washington 0 seats, one owner. Gall 640-6686. painting and papertianglng. In­ RBd-Lea Meiat Finishing Co*- Inos vertible. 4-speed, factory war­ TWO HANDYMEN v i^ t s T ii- STAFFORD SPRIN6S. CONN.' . ranty. No money down, as­ terior and exterior. Dry wall 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air, V-8, riety of Jobs by the hour or work. Fully Insured. Free esti­ 69 WOODLAND ST.—MANCHESTER automatic, 4-door sedan, $126. sume balance. CaU broker, 288- day. Reasonable rates. Ckdl for An Equal Opportunity Employer 8718. mates. 640-0668. If no answer, or best offer. Call 648-4216. information, 648-6806, 648-8202. 648-6862. ’»r«( ^

M m THnmr-EiGHT MAI^CHESITR EJVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COxnN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 MANCHBSIIK EfVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER "80, 1868 H o u s m For Rant 65 Wanlod Tq R uf 6B H « l p W c w f d ■ Aportmunti flats 7 2 Houses For Sale 72 H e For Sole 72 TnumdiHs 63 W ANTED — M «7>o*» * P «* * O u t o f T o w n W ewted Meal Estate 77 04* F r h io Ir 3 7 SIX ROOM home, near Main ______* ■ St. $166., Wolverton Agency ment around $100., flwt floor, MAMOBBOniR and vtohilty, conveniently lo- MANCHESTER — custom built F o r S o l e 7 5 South Windsor allow children, peU . 628-78S4 FAMILY of 4 looking for 8-bed­ Musicians Strike CLASSIFIED PART-TIME nl(ht», $1.M> per THREE room heated apart­ R ealtors, 849-2813. Over 78 homos from $7,800 up* clooe to dwpptng, tnum- center hall- Cape, she rotmu. HORSE BARN — 4^ acres, hour to start for counter work BERBY’S WORLD evenings, weekends. room home With fireplace. If ment, stove and refrigerator. Can Mlttm Realty Obmpaair' etc., third apart- *■"fuU dormer,------—rec ------room, “SL training and riding ringa, 6- CaH 64«-lH5. BRAND NEW six room duplex. possible. Limit $18,800. No Lansm an Suitable for working woman. WANTEID tw o bedroom afNurt- BeaKoes, 6ad9N. *»•"* poaotbUlUeo. Phllbrick James Pariah. Only $34,800. room brick Ranch, fam ily agents please. Princlp^ oidy. Two full ceramic tile baths, , ------^ Agency Realtors, 6494847. room, garage, trees. Hutehlns Major TV Networks EXPERIENCED offset strip^ Call 648-6018. ment or duplex for midiHe- Hayeo Agency, 646-(nsi. Write Boot O, Manchester Her- ADVERTISING all apidlanced Wtcheiv full A gen cy, R ea ltors 649-8824. per wanted for fuU-tlme. Ex­ LOOKING tor anything in basement, garage. Oas heat aged couple and daughter. CaU shL NEW YORK (AP) — Mtisi- show. We won’t have any live F a v o r in g cellen t fringfe benefits; g; o o d CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEFT. HOURS real estate rentals — apart- and hot water Included. Cen- 048-8828. three bedroom SCHALLER RD. VERNON-Manefhester Line. 4-8, dans struck the three major niualc obvioualy.” working comUtlona. Apply In usa. Write Box L, »«’‘ -tfhnstnr LsARQE F A M IliT WAnta to buy nneiits, homee, multiple dwell­ traUy located. $280. m onthly. Ranch. Huge breeseway and two family, two furnaces, tdevlalon networks today in a ^ CBS spokesman said the 8 AJL to 4:80 PJl person, Rockville Reminder, H srald. Split level, 8 bedrooms, throe or four bedroom home. Pupil Grants ings. no fees. Cell J. D. Real ' Fbr appointment to see call, overeised two-car garage, unique opportunity for econom­ Old Town Road, Rockville. An dishwasher, dispoeal, new­ In Saint Jamee’ ParUh. Can dispute over wages and job so- mIhSfh*/” E state A ssociates In c., 648- 849-1924. Butinnss Propnity ^ e d lot. Lovely temfiy room, ical living or Investment. On­ equal .opportunity employer. $20,900Near R oute 18. m ly decorated, near grade Democratic State Representa­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. M29. circular buitt-in bar. Immed­ school and Uiopplng center. ly $21,800. H ayes A gency, 648- W^Itoui^n’^lto^^L flteM ’ ^ was nof qf a rebroadcast of a previoJi^ POUR bedroom older Colonial. F o r S o k 7 0 wooded acres. OH room Ranch w. Dougan, Realtor. 6494686. ejqjectod to have any immediate Ed Sullivan show Sunday in tive Edwin A. Lassman has 4 :M P.M. DAT BEFORE PVBUCaiTION FULL.ER BRUSH GO. has fuU- iate occupancy. $22,800. Meyer 0181, SIX ROOM apartm ent, $160, a ImmedUte occupancy. Call IH baths, waU to waU earpeto come out in ta yor of across-tlM- tlme and part-time openings BOLTON —Former Rosamont A gency, R ea ltor, 046-0609. 648-0640 QUALIFIED younger couple effect on most musical and var- P»6ce of ajlve prograln. DwtMiic ter tettardajf aad Monday U 4:M p.m. Friday. month. Security depoirit an d 640-9616 o r 648-6666. H ufaM iif A g en cy R ea ltors, 649- BAST HARTFORD —Spilt Lev­ for men or women and Mu- Restaurant, now for sale, ap­ 6824. needs 8 bedroom home 1 n And ABC said R expected no board grants to towns tor edn- one year lease required. Ever­ >*ANCHE8TBR el family room, three bed­ iety show*. dents to work from home by proximately 10 acres. Great _ - 8 roopa $14,900 -2-BEDROOM Ramdi, Manchester. Can pay up to T*« Interruptions In Its program- cation and air pollution control TODR OOOTEBATION W IIX ett Real Eletate Agency, 649- rooms, garage, good slsed lot. phone and by appointment. Car potential, T. J. Crockett Real­ MANCHESTER -- Young SH Ranch. 2-car garage, fireplace, porch with wrought Iron rail­ f2O,0(XI. Paul W. D ougan R ea l­ BE APPRECIATED D IAL 643-2711 8688. Out of Town Handy location. $38,900. F o r Miolcian^ AFIXXO. said pick- Slis^ mShS‘^ ‘*’pre^^ leglsIaUon similar in n»pa to necessary, very profltaUe. Call tor, 648-1877. room Ranch with a real coun­ walk-out banemept, reoreatlon ing. full cellar, garage, 100x200 tor, 649-4888. For Rnnt 66 *w»i, beautifully large wood­ appointment call Phllbrick ______ete were set today tor 18 televi- rence Welk shows pollution control legis- 247-1M9. THREE ROOM apartment, try sized kitchen and a built- lot, trees. Hutchins Agency, ed loL Inunedlate occupancy. R ealtors, 649-8324. A^ncy Realtors, 0494847. 3ELUNG YOUR HOME? For dudloa In New York and The musicians union whose stove and refrigerator, sec­ V e r n o n —BeauUful room in oven and range. Large liv­ ConHBMd From frocodinq Poqt HELP wanted for cleaning be­ down payment Owner prompt courteous service that ^ Angeles, whsre most of ^ contract with the networks ex- Lassman stated that he was ond floor, $96. m«Vhly. Call apartment In excellent resi­ InvMtmnnt Proporty ing room with wall to waU ------’------EAST HARTFYiRn k--— umi ^ ' " j V, “ cvniraci wim me networks ex- ijossman stated that he was tween 7:80 and 12 momlngB, 1'87S-8981 Gvenlugi. PR^ACY - partillke 280 x 286 getscets rosulU.results call eal> Louis DImock shows are prep|^.nrenared. a^and toin M-Ml- pu-ad..i—.• July —31. ____was nieklng an •_ favor of replacing the present 648-4401. dential area featuring one bed­ carpeting and a corner fire­ six days per week. Apply in F o r 5 ak k 7 0 . A yard, spotless six nxm Rondi. Split Level, family Realty. 849-9828 «OTi Beach t^ero the Jackie immediate raise of $64 a week, state formula for aid to educa- Hdp Wowtod McdR 36 H«!p Wontml— Malo 36 room, heat, hot water, refriger- __ place, 8 generous bedrooms MANCHE8TB5R — H iIb oktor room, fireplace, dishwasher, person, Vernon Bowling Lanes, SIX ROOM duplex, $128. month- Plsstered walls, wndeck, ga­ ator and range, adults only. CJHOICB locations. Drive by snd 2 fuU ceramic baths, alu­ and disposal, wall to wall, 2 AU HASH fnr vniir P***" * V^r cent raise the sec- tlon and repiactog It with a Route 88, Vernon. ly. Available Nov. 1st. Secur­ Cape has been remodeled with rage, trees. Don’t miss It MAN TO WORK on grounds of $120. C all 872-0628 week days. j^rge corn er at E ast Cen­ minum combinations, oil hot a new kitchen, new bathroom full baths, 2-car garage, spot­ within 24 hours^ Avoid ^red ^*1^^*** Y***" the contract and a 8 straight per-pupll grant. Accord- MBXSAMIC —fun-ttma. must large home, 8-4 mornings ity deposit required. No pets. HutcMns Agency, Realtors, EARN EXTRA money for ter and Goodwin or look over water heat, Buckley School, and new furnace. Call today to less. Price high 20'a. Wolver­ have eome mechanioal experi- weekly. Permanent position, 648-0160. VERJION — Mount Vernon 649-6824. Christmas, work 4s a demon­ at the property at the corner $28,600. Wolverton Agency, see this 8 or 4 bedroom home ton A gen cy, R ea ltors, 649-2813. Agency 646-0181 ^ ’ ^ rejected a netw ork tern o f state aid to tow ns c a lls eaoe willing to learn pin aet- spring to fall if satisfactory. Apartments avaUable Novem­ ^ P ^ B r o a d c a s t in g System offer of a $40 raise over a tor a higher grant for the first strator of TV advertised toys MANOHEETER — fflv« room, of Center and Griswold St T J. R ea ltor, 649-2818. priced at $19,900. Paul W. Dou- O'ARRISON Ccrfonlal in one of ting maidilne. Apply in person. Write Box "U", Manchester VERNON INVESTMENT PROPERTY Anaerican Broadcasting three-year contract. The musi- hundred students and a in a store in your area. Ex­ I three - bedroom apartment. ber 1st, new rooms, at C rockett R ealtors, 648-1877. gan Realtors, 849-4838. Manchester’s most desirable Vernon Lanes, Route 88, Ver- Herald, stating desired wage, wanted, 6-20 unite. Am quail- ^ walkout began cfficlally clans now sasw a top minimum 'esser amount of aid thereafter cellent salary, 20-40 hours per A vailable N ovem ber 1, $180. $180; 4H at $170; heat hot wa­ MANCHESTER — Central loca-' — ——— nelghbothooda. Modern Kltdi- IMMEDIATE **” •______age, aiid references. fled. wlU buy. Write Box M, o f $287.60 a week. This method, sqld Lassman, has w eek. C all c o lle c t 623-S849, M rs. Call J.D. Real Elatate As- ter, refrigerator, oven- range, MANCHESTER — Rooming Uoo, B-room Cope with shed REAUTIFUL five room Cape, en, formal dining room, family OCCUPANCY disposal, dishwasher, wall to Manchester Herald. NTC s ^ the Johnny Carson Herman Kenln, international Flven greatest aid to the small- PAOT-mm Janter wanted at p a r t -TEME service statlaa at- F oster. so cia tes, In c., 648-8120 o r 648- house, .'good location between dormer, one room flntehed off c>“ t«>ra built, fireplace, garage, room, large living room with Large Cape, full shed dor­ waU carpeting, alr-ocndltlon- redevelopm ent and pnq^Msed ------Tonlpit show would go on as president of the union, said towns with this least number PRgrtm MIBb. Apply to man' tendant wanted nights and 8779. • iq>, targe o n »-ca r garage. This excellent “ condition. Central lo­ fireplace, three large bed­ mer,' Mg lot.. Fireplace, FULL or part-time, made or Ing, swimming pool, tennis shopping center. Potential bulH-lns, 2 car garage, It plsm ^ today as would all other pickets would be removed dur- children, ager 10 a.A. to B p.m. weekends. Apply at Cantone’e is a custom buUt home. Only cation. Gerard Agency, (MS- rooms, two car garage. Phll­ female, morning or evening (0 INI ir NIA. Ik . * POUR ROOMS on first floor, 80 oourts, parking and storage gross, $6,136 p er y ea r. A m ple »9 «p 8494X588. oan be yours fo r $20,900. meduled programming. John tog the broadcast or taping of Lessman pointed out that "the E sso S ervice, 806 W . M iddle $21,600. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, b rick A g en cy , R ealtora, 849- B3CPANDINO corporation has hours. Apply in person. Burger Locust St., heat, hot water, no all included. No pets. Tele­ parking, reflnished inslda aiid Logoi NoHcot acting producer f^ the programs by political candl- system of, real property taxa- Tpke. 648-1577. 8847. Prudent buy! Wise invest­ openings for skilled form build- Chef,! 238 M ain S treet " If you o re willing to work very hard and practice, appliances, adults. Call 646- phone H a rtford 827-9238, V er­ out. Excellent Investment prop­ ItANCHBS'l'lun, 8H room older ment! Lots of potential. To Tonight show, said, "W o’U do a dates. Uon has reached a point close eis. An sppeentice program is BUS BOT wanted — part-time, practice, practice— you could be as good as DENNY 2426, betw een 9-8. non 878-8721. erty. Call The R.F. Dimook NEWER 2-tamlIy. Large, bright town locaUon, aluml- BRAND NEW Ranch under see o a ll M r. Lew is, 649- OBDU or NOnCK to saturation 'where the home- available for men willing to days, 11-2:80. Inquire Bonanza M cLAIN !" Co. 646-6246. kitchens. live practloally rent num siding, etorms and oonstniotlcn, 8H rooms, IH 5306 o r 878-6611. AT A COURT OF PROBATE owner is being taxed more pertidpale. Union riiop with Situations W ontud — AVAILABIE SOON 4 room ROCKVILLE — 8 room furnish­ screens. Brand new furnace, held At NanciMater, wltMn and tor heairlly each year by the de­ Sirloin P ic, 278 W. M iddle free. $80,400. Pasek Realtors, baths, garage. Nice area. Call Um Dlatrtot of Mancheater, on the ToIIand County Politics duplex, 8 years eld, adults, no ed apartm ent, heat, $108 MANCHESTER — Excdlent year ’round work. Equal op- Tpke., Manchester. F o i i m I * 3 8 MLS, 289-7476. good equity builder, with low, now for details. H. M. Frech­ 2ted (k>y o f Ootober, 1968. mands of education which poituntty employer. Allied pets, $186. 643-2268. C entrally m onthly. C all 649-6626. investm ent, $10,000 down, low down paym ent. $16,800. B &. W Preaent. Hon. John J. WaBett, represent over 70 per cent of ette R ea ltors, 647-9998. Judge. BnOdlnc Syrtems, Inc., Msnr MECHANIC wanted, top wages. WOMAN would like to babyeR located . 12 per cent return plus tunor- COLONIAL, paneled iMntog Wolverton AgeiKy, Realtors, BARROW S k W ALLACE CX). TOWate of John Qulsley, of Nan- the town's budget. Articles For Scdt 45 Antiques 56 8^4 ROOM sublet, all electric McCarthy Supporter Gives C h e s te r , Conn. 846-0124 Excellent benefits for first days. CaU 878-6381. tlzaiUon plus potential growth. room, new modern kltcben, 049-2818. SEVEN ACRES, H mile from Manchester Parkade, dieater. hi aaid taitrlct an Incap- "In order to balance the equi­ NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ appliances induing dishwash­ CaU J.O. Possum A Associates, disfawasher, dispoaal etc. Large 1-84, 6H room R anch. F ire ­ M anchester, 649-5806 a lte penaon. class mechanic. Contact Mr. EXBXlUnVE secretary, part- SCREENED) loam, processed WANTED TO BUY — anUques, ’The conservator bavlrtna exhibited ties, It is now time (or the state MECHANIC, {xrwUng pto setting luxe garden type apartments er and disposal. Pool facllitlee. 648-9869. Mvtog room, three bedrooms. p la ce, 20 X 80 m ason ary cxit- his annuat aooount ______Schwarts, Bourne Buick, 288 time, RoqkvlUe, Vernon, Man- gravel, also bank run gravel. steins, finnlture, pewter, lead­ Backing to Rep. St. Onge to absorb a greater portion of msoblnes, will train, inquire available now. Call Paul Heat and air-conditioning in­ Exterior of house jtut covered bulldlng, double carport COVENTRY — Cape, just re­ tate to dlls Onurt A>r allonance. Main Street, Manchester. Miester. Write Box P, Manches­ G eorge H. G riffing, 742-7886. ed lamps, art glass, primitives, it U the education costs to order tor H olid ay L anes. 39 Spencer St. W . D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4888. cluded. $141. m onthly. AvoiU with new ahuntoum siding. MANCHESTER Hutchins Agency, Realtors, duced to $19,900. Six large ORDERED: That the 7th day of Democrat Congressman WU- Stafford Poll ter Herald. any quantity. E^imlture re­ able N ovem ber le t, 878-0906. , rooms, IH baths, full base­ N ovem ber, 1968. at two o'clock a f- towns to hold the line on tax PLUMBERS, experienced. New DARK rich stone-free loam, $28,900. Fhilbrtck Agency, 649-8824. paired. 644-8962. '>7E HAVE customers waiting Land For Sok 71 ment, 4H acres, excellent c o n - tectUDO______at the Probate d th oe in ^ presldenual poll at Staf- increases and at the same time, construction. Top hointy rate, RELIABLE woman will baby­ $16. Pool and patio sand, - ... - - R e o lto ri. 649-8847. Beautiful 8-bedroom Ranch, the Municipal BuUdb« In oohi Kon- (or the rental of your apart­ ROCKVILLE — attractive 8H EXECUTIVE seven room Gar­ dition throughout. Owner anx- Chester, be and the some la as- Sprtngu Middle School this provide some other services de­ CREDIT SALES overtime. Imperial Plumbing, sit for one preschool child. Call stone, fill, gravel, sand and OLD TOYS and bottles sale. BOLTON —28 acres of beauU- ^ immaculate condition, base­ ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ room apartment available Nov. IMMACULATE sevm room rison Colonial Lakewood loua. Judith Wilhelm manded and required.” M ANAGER South W indsor, 644-1821. 843-9238 between 4 and 8 p.m . manure. 643-8804. Save to 78 per cent. Pattern’s ful high wooded roUlng land - ment garage, finished rec- Real ^^SLt orgaiJISSSr^ Lessman went on to say that tate A ssociates, In c., 643-8129. 1st, stove, refrigerator, heat. home, with large cedar cloeet Circle area. Overrtsed two- E state, 1-228-9676. estoie, and tMa O ou r^ i^ thS In a statement vesterdav 3fc- Senatorial candidate Robert "Z"' TRAINEE AnUques, Windsor Ave., Rock­ near new highway, long road reatiem room, living room SPARE (kahwasher wanted. RIDINO tractor with snow blow­ Adults on ly, no pets, $100'. to fourth bedroom, new oar garage, breezeway, tw o notice of tbe time and place aa- Ya . Houloy of Vernon runnins: far ^ the last General Assembly ville, opposite Hartman’s. MANCHESTER — Park Chest­ m onthly. 649-4824, 876-1166. frontage. Priced to seU. CaU with fireplace, prime IcKa- COVENTRY — custoih built aymed for said beortM be flvM lo Oorthy co-ordtoatOT Gerald An- » runiung lar ^ Pollution Control Com- The Goodyear Tire and M ust be ov er 18. A pply Ca- er and mower. Electric start­ ceramic bath and vanity, 100 flreiriaoes, lovely treed lo t penmna known to tie liuereated derson of Andover enthiiidofiN ahead of the ticket, racking up . , . ^ , Situations W anttd— nut Garden apartments, avail­ early. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. tlon. Ranch, 6H lovely rooms, ga­ Rubber Company has an vey's, 48 E. Center Street. er, reasoivtble. CaU after 6, BEAUTIETJL imported inlaid amp service, recent furnace Call J.D. Real Estate Asso- thereinto aopear and be heart 302 votes comnared to 127 "»®hiate the hazards caused by DISHWASHER and tasitdyman, Hardware, Br al- Chloago Convention,” An- Praises New Law reds, blacks and chocolate, $60 upholstery. Rent electric sham- W o n t u d — ^To B u y 5 8 well, desirable residential area acre of huge pines, full base­ lowance '' ' coff defeated his Republican injUL-TDIE servloe statlaa at- experienced. Opportunity for un. Also Peklrgese and Wei- THREE ROOM apartment, first W ontud To Runt 68 pooer $1. Pinewood Fiirrrlture MANCHESTER CAPE —8 rooms, formal dto- near lake and school, $4,800. ment, 2-car garage. J.O. Pos­ tetuteet wanted, must have conscientious handy, forward m araners, 1-628-6878. WANTED — Antique fimiiture, floor, stove and refrigerator, ------Shop. Ing room, 3 or 4 bedrooms. CaU 64945422, 640-8841. sum k Amodatee, 643-0669. ternoon at the Fnofaate Office In the MicCarthy su p p orters '*'**^® Incum bent D em ocra t M acDougaU, C on n ecticu t state good mecdianlcal knowledge. looking man. Call 647-9901. glass, pewter, oil paintings or parking. $96. AvaUaWe Novem- FAMILY of executive wishes to LOOKING for good homes, one other antique items. Any quan­ her 1st, CaH 646-2878. Y * " o r leas I n New six room Ranch home WE HAVE choice one acre ANDOVER, 8 room year 'round "He not only voted tor the oom m M rm er of correction Apply at Cantaae'a Eaao Serv­ handy location, $21,000. PMl- ETTlAf-TIME counter man, black and white kitten and 2 tity. 643-8709, 165 Oakland St. ______- Manchester. EHther unfur­ that fosfures three bed­ wooded lots near Bolton Oen- home 8 bedrooms screened SSE?'* * .}*— on the s4- peace plank to the platform, bis RepubUoan oppon- says the riate has put its ice ; 106 W. M iddle T]rice. G a r d e n — Fcnmi— EX>UR ROOKS, secon d floor brlck A gen cy R ea ltors, 649- w anted to w ork In one o f Con- tiger cats. CaU 649-6480. after nished houee or 2' - bedroom rooms, famUy styled kitch­ ter and other locations. For porch overi^^ lake, pine m2 SSHltSb; '^*^1 hard to ptS^ it “ If. money at the wr^ eM of toe Dairy Products 5 0 all utUiUee, stove and refrig­ 8347. JODRMETMAR electrician and necUcut’e fastest growing elec­ 5:80 anytime weekends. HOUSEHOLD lote — Antiques apartment, preferrably with en, with plenty of cabinets further Information, caU R.F. ^ eled rooms MOOO ^ tbe Uroe and Mace ns- to the Oowecticut (3aucus.” ac- Republican State Reprosenta- funnel” by epending for achilt trical siqrply houses. E3ectrical bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, erator. Security deposit re­ storage space. FamUy is bus- and buUt-tos. Also gloss brick Agency, Realtow'649^47 ^ ^ Anderson. ^ camUdate Walter Lanagan ra^r than ^venUe offentero. helper, paid vacation and bene- TURNIPS, $1 haU bushel, yel­ START HERE, immaculate D im ock C o., 649-8248. experieiwe required. Standard GROOMINO ALL breads, ttar- glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ quired. CaU 2894060. band and wife and two teen­ aUdtog doors leading to a ______thereto to m m and be The area McCarthy leader «dif«d out inciunbent Democrat The new |18 mlUion state Ots. WOscn E lectrica l C o., 649- low globe and purple tope. work week is 60 hours. Paid many H1B. H.C Chasa. H shroe lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 age boys. CaU or write to J.L. sun deck, large dining Ranch.-Large corner lot. Dead COVENTRY PISHING BOAT and motor In- ^ Pointed to St, Onge*s endorse- Ronato Calchera b y three votea. Prison at Somere compared to 4UT. Comer of Glode Lane and end street. Fully finished base­ -large build­ sick time, holidays and vaca­ R d.. Bidton. 648-8427 Lake St.. Bolton. 649-3247. CENTRAL — 3 room apart- SUver, Rogers Oorp., Rogers, room, Uvlng room with full ing lot wMh artesian weU and eluded with our beautiful wood- to ment by the New York Times. 230 to 227. Both men live in ^ low-quality Juvenile inatl- Tolland Street at East Hart­ ment. Mid teen’s. Wolverton MALE ProducUco Workers tion. .^pply at Elmiwmy Elec­ ment, stove, refrigerator and Com ., 1-774-9608. Accommoda­ wall brick fireplace and GEIRMAN Shepherd, male pup­ ford, Manchester townline. A gency R ealtors, 049-2818. oommerclol sceptic system ed one acre Ranchettextanenene Inm Cen-tjen- SuBtS^ the Hy. ofa2id*heSSi^^ before wmoa setecit selected the incumbent Stafford. tutlon at GSieidilre Is an exam- Openings on all three shifts. tric Supply, Inc., 834 Main St., WANTED — Restaiuant equip­ heat. 643-1064. tions are needed by Dec. 1 at pis. he said. py for sale. AU vaclnattons. beamed ceiling. Lower level already tostaUed. ExceUent ’ tral Florida's Lake sectitm. No j. WAiZmT, Judie. Congressman as one of 27 out' R a te s ; $2JW p er hour and up. ManMiester. ment, store, tavern and bcmk- latest. Read Herald Ads has spacious paneled rec tor high rite, $8,999. F. H. money down, $20 a month. Will — • Marfco k . ciiUbrt, Oona. standing legislators throughout MacDougaU, who took office Priced resisonably. CaU after ruptcy equipment. Call Fon­ AppUcationa accepted daily. HousohoM G oods 51 room with field stone fire­ G aal A gen cy, 648-2882. send plat and color pbotoe. , a t . a„ ( X>u r t o p p r o b a t e the country, picked on a bt- this year, made his remarks 5:30, 643-7566. taine Restaurant Eiquipment, MANCHESTER A U.S., Hanoi Said Can M rs. M arge H am pson, 648- F t im is iM d place snd buUt-to bar, two Write Gary Morse, Rainbow Kt "Jjj ^ paitisanriilp baste. "St. Onge Tuesday at toe oeto annual Con­ W oufud 36-A 478 W indsor Street, C om er U68. Apply to Rogers Oorp., CLEAN, USED refrigerators, fi|U bsths, two car garage. Acres, P.O. Box 869, lOaml, of Ootoberi988. ’ was toe only Congressman from In ®FSnal Bargaining’ necticut Social Welfare Oonfer- . Canton Street, H artford. 627- Aportmants 63>A VICINITY MU and Oakland St., Manches­ DOUBLE your income. Sales­ EREE pups want good home, ranges automatic washers Large wooded lot. Excellent Rosort Proporty Florida, 88182. ^ Connecticut to be selected,” BANOKOK, ThaUaad (AP) — ***” • **e praised toe new 6771. ter, Conn. An equal opportunity man, foU or part-time in your 4 w eeks old , 646-2726. with guarantees. See them at THREE ROOM furnished apart­ BURNCR SERVICE MM value. $87,600. For 5alo 74 TSState r i John J jK ln * , of Meui- A nderson sa id . $18,900 buys this n ice 5- (ononn ia/ ra., cheater In 'liS ”* “ KT The United States and North Jaw that set up the Department em ployer. area. Oordact borineas and B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 646 ment. All uttUtles Included, pSnS?* Wrtrki an In- Anderatm also pointed to St. Vietnam have entered toe “final Oorrectlons, caHtog It “toe room Ranch with combina­ AMSTON LAKE —Ideal (o r professioiMl people. H you have WOULD like good home wrlth Main St. Call 643-2171. heat, electric, etc. Handy to Experience Necessary . Onge’s record of "attention de- stages” of bargaining for a halt ^"®“* P*®®® correctional leg^ chUdren for Saint Bernard, tion porch and carport. handyman, new cottage shell, * 1 previous selling or intangible Room s W iriiouf Board 59 center, $180. p er month. PhU- EXCEU jENT WOBKINO OONDm ONS, U 4 R REALTY CO. INC. rotfs rti voted to his conriltuents. He has in T .S . bombtoT^orto Viet- »*ad seen. BACKBOE or payloader opera­ three years M o ffice , 100 percent tom built Ranch, family room, one of the fastest growing SEWING MACHINES — singer ROOM for rent, just painted. $28,900 glvea you luxury liv ­ retan food chains. Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ 8 bedrooms, walk out base­ ing to this 7-room Dutch “SJ^O riL a ^mS^con^i*! 'e a ' s t Hartford -$2°i00 down o<5Sr M o f c or Fumdu 37 automatic zig-zag, excellent $46 p er month. CaU 649i’2290. low ’ s, 867 M ain St. in the "not too distant future. ment, trssd lot, large family Colonial, 18x24’ Uvlng room, 8tii, 1966 between toe hours of No experience necessary. A rticks For 5criu 45 condition. Makes buttonholes, oven. _ Recent____ _ heating system. payment if qualified. Immacu- 'Tbe Eastenr OoimecU^M llk ME3TTAL Retardation Aides — CXIMFORTABLE motel near Nu kitchen. Hayes Agency, 2 ftiU tiled baths, 2 fire ­ late 5-room Ranch. J. O. Poo- day hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ 474 M AIN 8T . o ffic e fo r r e n t Exquisite setting on three To perform responsible and FOR SALE — Men's rebuilt shopping. Rooms new available 8484nSl, places, 4 bedrooms, jal­ sum an d A ssoclatos, 643-0889. Company benefits budude inally over $800., 6 monthly Canter of town, plenty of park­ acres with spectacular 'valley ^ tlon has Issued a statement sup- ^ Distrlot: Town HaU, paid Blue Cross, major rewarding duties in care an d shoes, better than cheap new payments of $8.60 each or pay- at monthly rates unUl May 1st. ousie breezeway and ga­ oo^ MsrienK. emrort, oona. rtlng Congressman St. ‘h® Voter Regtetawtion Room, ing, 648-2426. 04i. ^CANCHRSTBR, 8 room Ranch view. High 20’s. Hayes Agency, 'VERNON Raised Ranch, medical, Ufe Insurance, an^I training of retarded chUdren ones. Sam Yulyee, "Shoe re­ $51 cash. 522-0931 dealer. 878-0067. NOW RENTING rage, patio, over one acre InT., ao letter ,.vto St.at Onge, JohntJ ,.- North Vietnam was Hanoi’s re­ South Oover.try. rity water, sewer, 8 bedrooms, 646-0181. and adults. High School grad­ pairing—the best kind!” 23 Oak FOR RENT or sale-461 Main wooded lot. 8 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fire­ cip rocity . company paid profit shar­ Veridanck School area. Act G. York, General Manager, SectMid District; OnrMtry uate or equivalent experience Street. LEFTOVER new 1968 zlg- zag ROOM for refined lady. Must place in Uvlng room, bullt-ln NOTICE ing retirement plan. Apply Street. BuUding and lot next fast. Only $14,000. Hayes Agen­ TOLLiAND —minutea to Man­ thanks St. Onge tor his "Interest If toe bombing is halted. Grammar School, North ; required. Starting sa la ry $98.49 J portable sewing machines. have local references. No other For fuU Information on any stove with lots of cabinets, one TOWN OF BOUTON, in person, 9 a.m. to 6; p.m. to Post Office. EhcceUent loca­ cy, 6484)181. chester from this well kept, 7 In and consideration of legtela- *^® North Vietnamese must C oven try. ($2.68 per hour) for 88 hour 1^*8 TERRIFIC the way we’ref Makes button holes, sews but­ room ers. C all 643-9428. of the above properties, caU car garage, close to school. CONNECTICUT tion (o r any use. 646-2426 from SuJtruy. fijwoJuL room Raised Ranch, luxurloua tlon deaUng with dairy agrlcul- ^ ®®*“® activity in Dated______at Ooveotiy,______Gonaeott-______weric adth annual Increases to seUlng Blue Lustre fcr’ clean- tons on, blind hem dreases, Vacant, Immediate occupancy. b o a r d f o r a d m i s s i o n CENTRAL, clean room for gen- 9 to 8 p.m. .MANCHESTER — 6 room rut- waU to waU carpeting, IH . 1. during the 90th Congress. aotlvitleB such as firing cut. tote 24to ^ 'o f Ooto^ CUMBERLAND FARMS $113.08 per sreek ($3.28 p er Ing ruge and upholstery. Rent etc. CHearance p rice, $34.20, ExceUent financing. Gaston OF ELECTORS tom built Raised Ranch, top MITTEN RE A LTY CO. baths; paneled rec room with NoHr. ta ^ Teacheis For Bepko ">®ket8 into population centers wob. STORE hour). Fringe benefits include electric shampooer, $1. Olcott cash or terms available to tleman. Separate entrance and t MANCHESTER —Spruce Stiaat Realty, 849-8731. bathroom . Parking. CaU 649- quaUty construction, excellent fireplace, dlriiwasher, alumln- 109 CE N TER STREET three weeks annual vacation, Variety Store. reaponstble party. 1068 consede 214-218. Sm all store, heated. ^ 0®«n«ctlcut State Fe^ra- ^ * ® ^ 8®“ “ * V ietn am ,” Michael J. Pesoe, 4286. location, trsed lot. Mid 20’i. Realtors 643-6980 um storms, etc. Youw neigh- VERNON Teachers has endorsed *>® "» they don’t, there Manrtteater three weeks ammal sick leave, models zig-zags sews with ______R easonable. 247-4046, 1-688-7402. D onald B. D a v is, FREE — New wheels with snow D i l i n g o . Hayes A gsn ey, 646-OlSl. borhood. High 26’a, assumable N®P“»>«can State Senator An. will be no agreement." eleven boUdaya, three personal WHHam O. CHennsy, tires. Discount price on studs. one or two needles, makes but- CLEAN HEATED comfortable .MANCHESTER ~ 10,000 square VA mortgage. Sseluga Realty, 8 ROOM COLONIAL Part-time clerks also needed. leave days, H o^tal and 3Ca jor tonholes. P rice now, $49.10 MANCHE23TER — 4-bedroom in ®>® ®®'°*'® t“ll-8cale peace talks Boaati of Seteotmeo Order your winter tires now. rooms, also two room efficien­ (eet of industrial space. Prime DUPLHJX 6-8 fram e. N ear Main 742-8886, 742-9284. M ary B enoit Sits In a lovely wooded i^ e Co^unity HaU in said trlct. could be started, he added. ____ Medical Instffance, lAIe Insur­ Free delivery. CaU Capitol cies. Call Scranton Motel and Street, bus, sho|^>tog etc. To Colonial Cape In AA zone, on seftlng ready to move In­ Cole’s Discount Station, tele­ location, Inside loading dock. By Ibiym oikl F. & Leiiis C> Pm w«*« 742-8474. Axamin. The endorsement was amwun- many problems had to be solved ance, Retirement Plans. Full- W arehouse, ccile ct If toU, 246- C abins, 649-0826 before 6 p.m ., NtUe estate. Call 848-8808 after quiet dead end street. Two-oar ______0______to. Large fireplaced Uvlng ARCHTTBCTURAL DRAFTS­ phone 643-8332. CaU (or details. H ayes A gency, nnniiAanA. *** week by Jrim Bannon, and “much negotiating and bar- tim e poettions a v a ila b le. CaU 2140 until 0 p.m . 160 T olland Tpke. Deluxe Apartm ents from |145 per nMmtn 6 p.m . garage. Professionally apprais­ BOUrON-OO’VENTRT Une — room, formal dining room, MAN — Arridtectural precast 646-0131. ap^ante wtiose rigtote have president of the state organlsa' gaining” would be Involved, at Personnel OMce, Mansfield ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used ed (or fast sale. BelHore four bedroom Colonial plus buUt-ins in country Idtch- cctkcrete manufacturer. Sever­ KELVINATOR stove and oven, ITIREE bedroom older Colonial. matured subsequent to October tion at a meeting in Cheshire. BUSINESS Training School, Mansfield De­ as printing pistes, .009 thick, ROOM tor rent tor business STORE o r o ffice s to r rent 460 A gency, 647-1418. two unfinished bedrooms. m, family room, garage. TOriO ... ri_lA. A- aa_ - ■ > ^ al career poeitloos as job cap­ built-in w ith cabinet, $48. Small lAige treed lot. Central locar 1968, and admit to the elec- performance for too teacher or- pot, Mansfield, 0>nn. or tele­ 23x86” . 28 cents each or 6 for woman. Garage and kitchen Main St. Across from Friendly Breeseway with 2-car ga­ $82,906. OaU John Sledesky, tain. Wffling to train promising tape recorder, used once, $20 tlon. Low 26’a, owner anxious. SEVEN ROOM older home, ex­ torte oath those found qualified, ganteation, as weU as toe edu- OPPONTUMTY phone 429-9891, E xt. 263, (o r ap­ 81. CMll 648-2711. privileges, convenient location. Ice C ream . 046-2425, 6-6. PAUL W . DOUGAN, Realtor rage, IH acres. Only $27,966. 649-8806. INVITATION applicants. CaU 646-0124. 875-8781. R eferen ces required. 648-6664. H.M. F rech ette R ealtocs, 647- cellent condition, on bus line. Sald session wiU be held be- cation field.” pointment. An Equal Opportun­ ^ 6 4 9 ^ 5 3 5 Louis D im ook R ea lty . 649-9828. FALL SPECIALS — Storm 9998. Property inoludes 2 extra buUd- tween the hours of 2 p.m. to 4 District PoU • Male or Femalo TIME TO get out in the fresh ity Emidoyer. KNOTTY PINE drop leaf ta­ HOTPOINT windows, furnaces, radiators, PRIVATE home with adjoining Ing loU^ Marion B. Robertson. COVENTRY — Eight room Capo B &. W ' P-™- A random telephone poU con- TO BID air> O utdoor w orkers, shop ble w ith pad, seats 8-10, $100. OFTICE SPACE now available, of fiuy ago toilets, wash basin, 4<4 to 8' den, kitchen privileges. Park­ NEW UOTTNO---8H room R ealtor, 6484)988. Rlcfaard Morra, ducted by a Hartford television flealed bids wiU be received at wotkera, concrete fabricators. 649-8861. Andrews Building, 63 E. Cen­ on three lota with garage. New BARROWS k WAULACE . modern cast iron tubs, assort­ ing or near bus. References. Ospe, aU nice sized rooms. kitchen, pine cabinets, stainless Mlohari Peace, station credits St. Onge 'with the ofHoe of toe Purchasing B F art o r Fall-TtnM Have many openings for ter St. Call 232-8416. CUSTOM built five root" home. Manchester Parkade, ed lumber. Open all day Satur­ CaU a fter 6:80 p .m ., 649-7646. Com er of New 5tote Rieod & HHUard S tryt Quiet location yet walking steel sink, electric range, sun- M ahehester, 649-5806 Joseph S. LicMra, 47 per cent of the Secoi^ (ton- Agent, 41 Center Street, Mian- steady work in healthy outdoor BOOKKEEPER GIRLS —1968 Capitol zig-zag Large Living room with fire­ day. Weekdays by appoint­ demonstrator sewing machines distance to bus, schools, shop­ porch, fire alarm system. Price Board of Srieotmen Sresslonal District vote; Repub- cberier, (tonn., until November • Work at home type work. No experience re­ 800 SQUARE F E E T o f o ffice M odels O pen from 2:00 p.m . tM dark ping. P rice d In toe teens. place, formal dining room, BAST HARTFORD — Imma- With knowledge of account­ ment. Choman's Housewreck­ must go. $75.80 and up. Terms $17,800. 742-8488. Dated at Bolton, (tonnectlout, JJ®®>1 Peter Mariani with 20 per at U :00 a.m., tor AUTO- quired. Tear ‘round work with space in professional com­ Wolverton Agency Realtors, modern kitchen, jalousied ______culate 4-room. Ranch, 80x180 October 28, 1908. Independent Daniel MOTIVE SUPFILIES — GMBO- • Flexible hooiB ing. Able to mcdie adjusting ing Company, entrance through available. New machines guar­ Apartm ents— Flaffr— overtime. Top pay rate. Many M cCabe Street. CaU 649-2392. pound, 287 E . Center St. E x ­ 6I9-3818. porch, two bedrooms, space tor VBRNON - Manchester Line lot, taxes $200. y ea rly . E x- O live H. TVx>mey, T a ra sev lrii w ith th ree p e r cent. U N E , M OTOR O R B , G REA SE. entries and familiar with anteed. Call Capitol Sewing un­ Tenements 63 • Good benefits. Union shop. An equal cellent parking. Ckll 848-6827. third. IH baths, 2-car garage. —seven room oversized Cape. ceUmt retirement starter Town Clerk ^ laige undecided block vote Bid forms, plans and spedfl- opportunity employer. Apply in preparation financial til 9 p .m . coU ect if t

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1968 PAGE FOBTT iSanrbFSt»r Svraing SrraUi Moat Manchester Stores Are Open Tonight Un^l 9 0*Clock The Theocratic Ministry The board of trustees of South and Mkn Cktrol Burgess of Og- For a motor trip to Montreal, A bout Tow n Sefaoot of Jehovah’s WUneaM Methodist Church will meet Fti­ denabuig, both Meters ot the Canada, Mrs. Mott wore a gray win meet Friday at 7:80 p.m. day at 7:80 p.m. at the dwrdi. W eddings bride; and Mlaa Susan Page of and white coat ensemble with Tlie ObMUopolltm C M of AT Kingdom BaU. Wapping, cousin of the bride- navy blue accessories, turnpike store MEtndteotBr win moot VMdajr of Holy Communion aervicee at groom. Junior bridesmaids were The couple live at 288 Oak St. \ DnRy Nat Praos Ran The Weather S p.m. In tbo yeflonotlcn Rooin Beaman Apprentice Joseph A. St. Mary's Elpiscopal Ohuitdi Mott • Banto'w Miss Patricia Burgess and M i^ a Clear, froaly tonigM. Lmv a- of CCoter Oongnvktkmol will be conducted 0 and 10 Theresa Burgess^ both of Og- Kotah - Sandals is open tonite till 9! M aaaro, DSN. aon cf Mr. and at, Ootobar 88, 1168 bout 82, to 20a. in rural araaa. Churdi. ICn. Arthur M u lthoU Ifca. Ardnir A. Maasaro of 60 sum. on Friday, AU Solnta' ilatirtetpr Euenitig HeraB win be h ofeoi. Mro. Hoorard Sand*'* «>» Friday runny and mHder. High Brie 8t, haa graduated from Day. New York Oty. tormeriy of ovr hallowMn Uodcirard of Btdten wtU pr —w* bMic training at tha naval about 80. a proKrain of monelaciMO. ‘ V ’Jt*®*' Manchester, and Peter Edward fa Y 1 5 ,3 2 3 training center, Great Lake, Hi. The Salvation Army will have the h otw attendant’s and they ^elsh of New York a t y were OtmeheaUsr— 4 C ity o f Villago Chmrm a harvest auction Friday at 7:80 also carried bouqueta of as- Sunday afternoon at Tern- assortmaat Afity W. David Keith of 06 Mr. end Mrs. Walden St John p.m. at the Youth Center, 081 sorted autumn flowers. pj* Beth Sholom. FAIRWAY oa Paga 91) PRICE TEN CENTS Ifillcreot Rd. and Mb daugh­ MANCmSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1968 of 6 Quaker Rd. recently attend­ Main St Miss Lyjln Ann Qayne of jh e bride Is the daughter of ^ /R'^r LXXXVm, NO. 27 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ter Bllsabeth took p u t In ed Parent's Day at Bay Path is most eompletol Fathei -DaugMer Weekend ac- RichviUe, niece of the bride, jjr. and Mrs. Jacob Sandals of Junior OoUsge, Longmeadow, F im of Manchester is in need Uvltlee last weekend at B rlu- was flower giri. Her green gown jg Brookfield St. The bride- Masa., where their daughter, of volunteers tor any one of the • c o n d iM • eOBtIfflIM oUff OoUefe, BriarcUn Kanor, and headpiece were styled to groom is the eon of Mr. and IQsa Lamralyn S t John, ia a aemrlcee It offers. Those Inter­ match the honor attendant's, Mrs. Abraham Kelsh of Brook- • cIm M m N.T. • matin ested may call the FISH num­ and she carried a basket filled lyn, N.Y. ber 646-8474 tor more intomnar with assorted autumn flowers. • candiM The Hartford Oounty Associa­ Rabbi Leon Wind and Cantor Uon. Fred Newman of Bordertown, • parly wMor • piimpniM tion of Medical Assistants w U Little FVnrer of Jeaus Moth­ Israel Tabatsky, both of Temple ‘New Peace Step N.J., served as best man. Ush- ’ Portions of Lost Sub meet Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. at the ers C9rde win meet Friday at Beth Sholom, performed the sra were Robert Burgess of Og- and fcrfrwoy pricad, lo o !. Hartford Hospital Continuing 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Adult Study Group No. 2 cf ceremony. Nbrth Methodist Churdi wUl densburg, brother of the bride; Oare Unit, room U8. Quest William Lautenbach, 876 Chart­ Mrs. Kelsh is a teacher in ^neet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the t loeatlowi downtown main street sod t speaker will be Miss Karen er Oak S t Siatu Marion JuHe Kenneth HanMaaon and T i m New York City. Mr. Kelsh is a church. « « r t middle tnmpite> *0 Carr, a member of die Hartr win apeak on the “Crisis of OorawUey, both of Manchester, case worker for the New York A reception for 160 was held City Department ot Social Serv- ford Hospital Speech and Heaiv Fhtth in Adoieecence." Mrs. Hinted by Thieu The Greater Hartford Jewldi tag Clinic. The meeting is open Joseph Lawler will be oo-host- at the VFW Hall in Ogdensburg. ices. Community Center C9ui> Is to all medical assistants in the sponsoring a dance Sunday, SAIGON (AP) — Amid Some rooketa fell about aeven atand for peace la aafeguarded Qreaier Hartford Area. - Loyal Black Preoeptory wUl Nov. 3, from 8 pm . to midnight Heilpem photo worldwide speculation that Uocka from Thleu’o Independ­ eind we can overcome all obata- Found Deep in Atlantic meet Ftiday at 8 p.m. at Orange in the Youth Lounge of the cen­ Bits. John O. Mott ence Palace. Hie attacka had clea and preaaurea, and we can Cab Scout Pack M ot Buckley the United Statea is about HaU. ter, 886 Blomnfleld Ave., West been expected becauM thia ia safeguard our Independence qnd SohoM arlH meet tonight at 7 The miarrlage of Miss Diana tit stop the bombing cf nsurroru.Hartford. Musicmumv williwui be piuvld-kawy***- ^ ^ neftSdbrwihiifv N Y the eve of SouUi Vletnam’a Na­ liberty.’’ pjn. and not at 7:80 p.m. as St. Mary's Bptscopal Church orth Vietnam, President tional Day celebration. The ene­ In Tokyo, the newspaper Tok­ WASHINGTON (AP) — to ^ G B ^ ” Scheste; previously announced at thef wUl meet tomorrow at 11 ajn. S^guyen Vim Ihieu told his my fired mortara into the pa­ yo Shimbun quoted Auatrallan The Navy announced to­ school auditorium. in the upper churdi hall. ^ a g esT J o 36. Th^wilTbe was ihny today “when we are lace grounda lart year on Na­ correspondent Wilfred Burchett day that portions of the Members are reminded to bring a nominal admission charge. flbar to a new step of true tional Day eve. aa saying that the Viet Oong haa lost nuclear submarine Army Ool. Piank C. Heoly of ordered de-eacalatlon ot fight­ sandwiches. Dessert and bever­ mid gufranteed peace” the In a flve-mlnute, taped televl- Scorpion have been locat­ 20 Newman St. recently gradu­ .r-fs s xw rxt 1 1 The bflde is a daughter o f ing in South Vietnam in expec­ ages win be served by Mrs. Ger­ struggle is niore difficult alon addreaa to government ed, more than 10,000 feet ated from the modem analytic trude Cannon. Mrs. Allan Hotch- Club Ilears talk Mt. and Mrs. Ralph Burgees troopa, Thieu raid he waa “ de­ tation of a D.8. bombing halt. ahd fierce. deep in the Atlantic. techniqnea tor executive de- Mas and Miss EUsie Trouton. _ Ah'* Y T Ogdensburg. The bridegroom No TREATS termined to win over all ebtta- Burchett, who often reflects TRICKS '-'Thlru did not attempt to ex­ cislop making course at Ft. Lee, O n A frica H llllt is the son of Mr. and BCrs. Pran- Hanoi’s views, said the North Amn. Thomaa H. Moorar, plain this new rtep, but he had clea and preaaure to aucceaa” Va., and is i»ojeet manager sen- „ , , „ da G. Mott of 233 Oakland St. Vietnamese are reacting guard­ chief of naval operattooB, an* The Salvation Army wlU have Dr. Don A. Gulnan of Man- Joseph Trombley of tol4 reportera earlier that North and added: “ I believe in your ttael munttioiia at HQB Mu­ \ ^ WHEN YOU SHOP PfNGHURST THIS WEEK AND SAVE edly to rumora of a bombing nounced that “ objaota tdeaUflad Rs weekly Bible study tomor­ Chester diared his African sa- performed t&etnam had not agreed to D.S. atrong aupport. I need your vic- nitions Oonunand, Dover, N.J. toriea in the battlefield to fij^t as portions of the hull of ttw row at 7:80 pm . at the church. fan me double-ring ceremony and MONEY AT OUR Pio-Invonlory Solo. Our groeort say iW y termr fore dlacovery, reported by a rooma at Center Church. Hc. Sectmd Oongrei^oniU (^ u rA . rtkge by her father. She wore Ar It to empbarlM that the Pope PauVs Navy oceanographic research P»wn of French war ia atUl on, the enemy bleat­ “ When wa are near to a new atep of true and guaranteed ship last night, culmtaafaa a A ^ ' re-embtoldered with se- ed Saigon with Mvan rocMta, search of more than five montha tiful land of Zambia, Ainca, __ Melvin Strickland, our egg man, wants us to Idlllng at leaat two peraona and peace, the common atniggle of sinoe the atomic powered atd>- and showed colored eUdes of wounding tour. aH the mtUtary and ctoUiana ia Cabinet Has WE FEATURE A SPECIAL OORNINO OF U.8. CHOICE go along for another week with the special maritM disappeared with a crew the big game and dangerous "*®"**“’ *“"! ' Moat feU hi realdentlai areaa more difficult and more ftarce on large GRADE AA WHITE EGfGS. Only of 90 officers and men en route Uving^K^s of tbe coun- ,eu",3 BRISKET and a D.S. military apokeaman . . . I, the government and your from the Medlterraneean Sea to thing about this is that we do not want you ggld “there probaMy wiU be a leadera, muat have atrong aup­ Closed Talks Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Jo«*ph L. Swenmen of to feel upeet when we Tiring eggs back to nor- tot more caaualtiea.’’ port from all ot you . . . ao our I .the club in t^ u ced a . guest of VATICAN CITY (AP) — A The Boorpion laat eras heard HOIBE mat price next wedc. This is a ofHnWned PIN E - from by radio on May 21 when it the evening the club’s candl- “ f * * , ^ * ^ cascade bou- QouncU of Cardinals acting aa date tor Burton’s “ Woman of fli** CORNED BEEF HURST-STRICKLAND FARBfS EGG SALE Pope Paul V i’s cabinet met be­ was about 260 mUea south Ot the the Year," Mrs. C. Hoyt StU- Miss GaU O B r i^ t of I t o - Aaoies. Extra lean and oomad Just right! hind oioeed doors today amid son, and presented her with a and neither Pindiurst ikm* Strickland is getting Although there have been per­ ^ $5.5 BiUion Allotted speculation it was an emer­ fall corsage ftiU-lenglh gown of autumn very rich on it . . . but we are making a lot cf iodic reporU that the general lo­ WHOIR 10 to 13 Lb. ■ < , — gency session to consider the Twenty-one new membeiB for K «e n cation of the remakas of the people realize that there is a difference in rising tide of disobedience with­ the months of September and was fashton^ with 1 ^ ne c ^ Scorpion was known, Moorer’a in the Roman Catholic church. Ootober were presented with sleevM, jA-llne skirt BRISKETS L.. C Grade A A Strickland Farm Eggs from "run of ^ Federal Aid Apportioned annouHcement was the find 79 It was only the second meet­ flowers. They are Mrs. Donald word that the resting place had HALE EXTRA X^EAN CIENTWIt OUTS OF . the mill" eggs. ing of the council since the Pope Anderson. Mrs. Jolm Ferguson, m atchl^ veWet h M d p le« wim been found. Mrs. Patrick Gralwimky, Blrs. carried a bouquet CORNED BEEF BRISKET [For Highway Construction Mt it up lost year to act as lila » ■ cabinet.. The very rarity of its The 10,000-plus toot depth N. L. Krasedia, Mrs. Ronald assorted autumn flw ers. 3 to 7 Lbf...... lb. 89c and 99e where the huU pieces were lo­ McGarry, Mrs. Richard Pabet, Bridesmaids weis Ito. 8m - ; WASHINGTON (AP) —The tor urban portlona of the prl- seaaions lent weight to reports FRESH EGGS mary and secondary systems. cated Is far below the “ crush Department of Tranaportatkm of an emergency atmoophere In- Mrs. Pascal Prignono, Mrs. dra Gayne of RichviUe, N.Y., depth’ ’ ai the submarine, which has apportioned 96M bllHon in Nepct year’s federal Mghiway aide the Holy See. C. Sumner Roberts, Mtb. Al­ COOKING CORNED BEEF waa reported able to operate Oookiiig Ume 8 ^ to 4 hours. federal-aid highway funds to the aid total Includes $200 million to Vatican sources said the coun­ bert Rodonis, Mrs. David only oa tar down aa about 1.200 fiO states for the year starting incresM the capacity and safety cil, whose members are the car­ Shearer, Mrs. Peter Taylor, Dover corned beef with water, then cover utensU and cook am t July i. of streets and roads—a program dinals wtio head the various feet. Mrs. Richard Valentine, Mrs. The teMorch ahtp Mliar re­ slowly 8 hours. Special 4 9 : i The allooattona included a to­ designated “ Topics’’—and 9100 Vatican oonwregattona or minis­ 'Thomas WUkle, Mrs. Walter ported that the S c c ^ o n ’s loca- tal of fsae million for the six million for a new program to tries, may also have discussed Morrissey, Mrs. Robert Thorn­ Wash potatoes and peel. Uon “ haa been confirmed by flaw Kngland atattea. provide advance acquIaiUon of the VaUcan’s tax relatloni with ton, Mrs. Hugh mranson, Mrs. GOOD ONLY AT means of remotely controlled After corned beef has cooked 8 hours, add potatoes (and - Tbe aUooattons, aulhorixed by rights-of-way. Bfairgaret Carlson, Mrs. Horace Italy., underw ater photography," cabbage if you af« having this) aiid simmer 1 hour longer tioapreee last aummer, total The cardinals met aa mem­ Brown, Mrs. LUUan Fttxslm- The fiacal 1070 aUooatlana (TampaierninR Vice President H um phrey Mooreris announcement sold. or untU vegetaUm are tender. about |TW million more than bers of the Italian Parliament Hiibert H. mons, Mrs. Arthur Smith snd WITH THIS ralM to 960.6 billion the total of The Mlaar and axntlMC. .re­ ufilh coupon was naade available for (he cur- let it be known that the Vatican Mrs. Robert Dcunmer. federal highway aid to the .. sticks out his hand-to ready receivers-as his motor­ search yssMl, tbe Bowditch, us­ Dm tbe fork teat . . . and sample a slice to be sura meat VALUABLE fnt year, the department an- would be allowed to pay Its tax A straw scarecrow center- -states since 1918. -9 0 ^ of the fl- Nixon ‘Goes to Polls,- cade moves up the Avenue of the Americas (6th ing underwater’ aenaora and is cooked tender. Do not use thermometer. n o u » ^ Wednesday. nonolal assistance has come backlog—esUmotod at more piece encircled by fall leaves COUPON o l iofl cameras, have tor monttia been FVtr Bruseris sproute . . . ftUlow i>ackage dtrectlons. The bulk of the new fundo—94 than $11 million—on the install­ Avenue) at 47th Street in New York City yester­ with moss green candles dec­ since 1966. The programs are fi­ scanning the ocean bottom in iiillUon—ia earmarked for expan- ment plan. orat* d tbe refreshment table. [ 1 ] LB. CAN OF nanced through the highway day, (AP Photofax) the general area where the find and a Iton of the Interatatea highway The meeting took place in the Casts Absentee Vote Mrs. Frank Cervini, Mrs. Frank trust fund from federal taxes on waa made Wedneaday. Conway and Mrs. GHmoure HIUS BIOS COFFEE system, tor which the federal highway users. Vatican apartment of Pope NEW YORK (A P ) — Richard them in the mail. VoOIiig wrlth kovernment paya W per cent of Last July, this waa called a Cole poured. Just as our meat man select the very leaneft, Here is a state-by-state break­ Paul’s secretary Of state, Amle- H. Nlxcm beat all his opponents him -were his wife, Pat and $5.00 purchoiu the coat. “ highly suspect” area. down of the allocatione ,gra»ted to Cardinal Cicognami. A brief to the polls today—4>y oasbbig an their 22-year-oId daiighter, Pa- Race Appears Qose properly cured Brisket Corned Beef, they settle ! More than 8,000 mUee of the Tbe Navy said tbe Mlaar ia re­ the New England states, with commLinlque acknowledge that ahsentee ballot. tricia. TIk daughter, better projected 41,000-mile interstate maining on the scene “ in on at­ Downtown Main on PENOBSCOT for the finest chicken . . . and interstate highway system funds the meeting occiured but gave The Republican pireaidentlal known as Tklcla, was voU'.-tg for gjatom ia now open tor trafflo. tempt to locate and |)hotograph Hated first and firilowed by total no further details. candidate, here for a nationally the firs’ time, they feature them this week . . . ' The flsoal 1870 federal ^ipor- additional portions of the Scor­ Si ., MonelMsltr HILLS funds: The speculation was that the televised rally after his first big Nixon had some fatherly ad- Humphrey Seen igmment tor primary, Mcond- central issue concerned how to pion’s hull.” -Connecticut: 971,088,000, orowd flop of the campaign Li vice foi the young woman on PENOBSCOT SELECTED UROE ary and urban Mghwaya totals confront the widespread refusal Cleveland, OMo, meu-ked his how to fill out the ballots. After that, the Navy soliL the HOUSE ★ 986.172.000 U-22 btlUon, an increase of $225 among laymen and priests to ballot in the Uving room of his “ Oh, I know what I'm going to reMsreh vessel will return to nUlUon over this year’s total. -Maine :9ae,881,000, 986,744,000 accept Pope Paul's July 20 en­ Fifth Ave.iue apartment;. do,” interrupted. port and photographs will be OPEN 6 DAYS Gider these progiama, most -Masaartiusetta: 909,170,000, flown to Wasliiiigton and Nor­ CHICKEN BREASTS 6 8 1 COFFEE cyclical -banning artlfical birth Asked ‘by a newsman how he “ I can’t tell any of the young- Gaining in State tes match federal grants on a $126,322,000 control. ______er generation what to do," the folk for a detailed analysU. ' -New Hampshire; 922,062,000, was voting, Nixon said: “ Well, “ Present informatton is con­ Tliun. m 9 P.M. (1 0 L b . Lots.. . L b . 65e) sot M) boats. This disobedience, amounting qf couraeTthat’s confidential i v candidate remarked, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS seems to be ahead and gaining a*-The apporttonment Includes $27,960,000 to open revolt in some cases, is sidered fragmentary and con- formation. But I don’t mind if Nixon said he waa voting ab- -Rhode Island ;920,400,000, Democrats are encouraged by in Waterbury, a city which has atota of on-scene biterpretatlon ★ Doe mplon for primary roads, causing the pontiff Increasing you speculate.” sentee because he’U be flying 927.944.000 reports that some Cctmectlcut elected a GOP mayor twrice in of Initial_____ photography," the |U0 million tor the secondary concern. He recently spoke of "nie .oandidate had to mark Los Angeles to New York Charge Accounts PENOBSCOT CHICKENS iwatem to farm-to-maricet and -Vermont: $27,810,000, voters originally leaning toward a row. The latest straw poll by .„ l,, HALE two separate ballots and place election day and might not Invited either George Wallace or Bu- the Waterbury American showed WITHOUT Meder roads, and $276 million 982.807.000 (See Page Fourteen) either George In Ught of the /2 lb. Siio cent behhid Humphrey, wWle lb He also e}q>ressed hope that, didate Hubert H. Humphrey, lantic Fleet headqimrtevB In CASli VALUE I/30OE I, by pubMclzlng absentee ballot- jf the reported trend- oonUn- Nixon had 30 per cent bocking Whole or Cul up Norftdk. As Thousands Bid Farewell 1-ng, he might encourage others chances of Richard M. Nix- and Wallace„ , 1 ^>er . cent. . A alm- “ It ia turned that new evidence TOILETRIES f6000THRU M m . e ] who will be away from thrif* on carrying the state tvlll di­ liar poll token two ^ e m S T th e Na^^ to aaceiv Make a muol loaf with our 3 in 1 bland o f Peril, voting residences on Nov. 6, to minish. Earlier in the cam­ rated H u m ^ y w ltt «U y 86.6 ^ ^ ^ ON SALE THURS„ FIN. AND SAT. cast absentee ballots before it’s paign, the Republican candidate per cent, Nixon with 28.1 per „o o rer aald. Vool and Roof which is loalurad cri 79e R>. And too late. was just about the unanimous cent, and Wallace with 21.1 per ^ Nixon threw out a suggestion; ‘Queen’ Steams Off to Retirement choice of polb taken in Connect­ ened first on Juno 4. It has pre- romambor, Ifiara is nolhfng in ground buof lo with a 66A6 purohaM That aU voters be Issued a card M G R T GUARD TAMpAX icut. ' The American attributed Hum- pared a report not yet released, I----- much like a driver's license so Anti-Peiapiraat Regular or Super bool our DELUXE ROUND STEAK GROUND While a recent poll by Hart­ phrey’s increase to prevloualy which waa understood to havg should they be out of town on ford radio and television station undecided voters and those who made no specific Judgment cn ol 99e lb. Cold Culs and Frankfurls by Tobin iL election day, they could present $1.19 Size. ' KRAFTS W n c rtiowed Nixon with a -lead had been leaning toward Wal- vriiat had happened to the sub­ it at any polling place in the na­ " ‘ • 1 .0 9 (IslPriw ) and Groia. of 11 percentage points over lace. marine. tion ana at least be permitted to Humphrey, the Christian Sci­ ! MIRACLE WHIP vote for president. Meanwhile, a McOorthylte A day after tbe coiut was ence Monitor newspaper now who turned Riblcoff-suM»rter convened, Moorer tarid reportera DOOR CRASH9IS on SALE THURS. ONLY! From H. J. Heinz. Hamburg Relish, Hot Dog, Nixon flew to New York Ibts Humphrey's chances in claimed other previous bartcera the Scorpion and her crew were Greet “ FamUy SIm ” Piccalilli Sweet Relish, £ 11 Oz. Q Q Wednesday after speaking in a WILKINSON Connecticut as "quite strong.” TOOTHPASTE . Barbecue Relish Jars (See Page Nine) The Democratic vice president (See Page Five) (Bee Page Twrtve) BLADES 5's - liter ^1.00 I----- With a ISA# ponOaM n (Limit t ) ****■ 28c Octagon For Dishes, IVt qt. size. Special ... .4 0 ^

KABUKI SOLID PACK > UNO O’ LAKES or GHienE FOAMY N Y U O ^ In House of Representative Races Lemon and Lime TOOTHBRUSH I IOWA STATE BUTTEfll « __ '(Quartan) 11 O t # 7 ^ Reg. 69c. WHITE TUNA YOU'RE IN GREAT SHAPE Reg. fl.19. 0 # C B rin e Pack Democrats Hold Slim Lead by 26 Democratic congressmen _ h b M Valuabln Coupon HP ipB SpGcicd Sok On COTT WASHINGTON. (AP) —Dem­ each state, regardless of slie, WITH BEST FORM ocrats hold a narrow lead in would cast one vote. and 26 Republicans. But now 3 : FULL (PUARTS O F GOLDEN GINGER ALE races for the House of Repre­ Tran-slating survey results there is some question whether ALKA * 1 M sentatives. But as election day Into control of state delegations it remains in effect since it did Plenty of Charcoal and (Charcoal Briquets TOM COLLINS. HALF AND HALF nears, the potential lineup for leaves each of the three presi­ not get heavier aupport. dential candidates well short of Some candidates say they Ciontents . . . and note: any House election of a presi­ SELTZER dent becomes more muddl^. the 26 state votes he would need would vote for the man who car­ '] Only CMden Ginger Ale. Q te. to win in the House. ried their state and others say Baeiforin'i light lacy bra hai toft fibsrflll ^ 2S's (Ito9 . 09e) 34WITH COUPON j | Gampbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup G for G 1.D D A 3tate-by-state Associated If House candidates who now they'd follow the xxqpular vote ol padding toe a natural losk. Singla band Press survey shows Democrats lead are elected, Republican their congressional district. •trstch itropc 1st you mova ovary which HUDSON NAPKINS ahead in 231 districts—18 more than needed to control the 436- Ricliaid M. Nixon apparently Many candldatM said they'd wav comfortably, ifrsfeh cMsc and bock. C O nO N RALLS AYD5 200 eoum ...... 3 boxoo $1.00 member House. Republicans would get the votes ol 17 states, stick with their party in any A l cup tiXM. RSDUCtNG CANDY SCOTT TOWELS (W8 Mft, wbita uapldua) lead in 180 districts and 24 are Demoerht Hubert H. Humphrey event, but numentua others re­ 300t. Reg. 89c. 12 and third-party cand(date fused to say what they would Reg. $3.25. 9 2 * 3 3 J U M B O S IZ E rated toasupa in the evaluations made a week before voting. George C. Wallace 1—Alabama. do. Defections from their party 98c PlBstk Leaf Bm v ...... 7D0 Democrats control the present Votes of Hawaii, Kansas and by thoae who are now noncom- Raggedy Ann Starch, Defense conunemoratt'ng the Hoiue 245-187 with three seats Nevada would go to whoever mital could change eome statas’ By JOHN MUliUOAN bor craft ranging from flag-be­ cluding her master. Commodore Rubber Tipped GLADE or Son Country 3 i n .o o Lost week of o d e...... S 22 oa. S O t vacant. wins the popular vote In that voles. .» AMOoiated PreM Writer decked tugs to saucy, bouncing Geoffrey Thrippleton Marr, liner's service aa a troop carrier The survey also turned up at state. Montana would be unable The pressure party dlaot- BOBBI PINS AStntESHBIER motorboats. ot N » W Y 0 R K ' -(A!P) - Her were aboard por the final east­ in World War II. least 86 candidates writh a good to vote because of a deadlock pllne—with Its possible threats •aetform't long log ponty girdip I* the 60*. B«k. 25c. n . sa.. j y g To each craft that hailed her, "Today we can say, ‘The chance of winning who say U delegation. that choice committee assign­ ontwpf tp ovary girl', proyor- Imooth tong three, A-flat stMm whlstlea the last of the leviathans, re­ ward crossing- queen is dead; long live the the presidential election goes to Sixteen other states are ques­ ments or Mniority might be tak­ Ippfc. okfro conlrw at front and tido*. Uo- Bearing a heart-stopping faiw- turned the triple notes of the In retiroment the Elisabeth Is Inlorcod ponolt at hipc and lummy tin- the House, they wrould support a tion marks as of now. Tosaup en away—could also persuade Johneen'e PINEHURST t(9U the RMS ()ueen Blliabeth, traditional salute of the sea. klated for service as a hotel, queen' because in three months, Agito Net races leave party control of garir edging for fho fomlnlno tauch. SItoo Grocery, Inc. popular vote (or winner for some dlsaldenta to return to par­ muMum and convention center the Cunard Steamship will A m , I, pl. largest paasa-nger liner over ' Hundreds of New Yorkers Co. president even if he Isn't their some states In doubt and In ty line, voting. HAIR SPRAY FOOT SOAP In Port Everglades, Fla.—a fate brit^ into New York the sple.i- (16-ea. Imperial) CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE OPEN tin 9 THURS. and FRL jilt, sailed from New York Jammed ttte pier end as the lin­ party's candidate. many there are candidates who BoMd on ;urrent standings shared by her sister ship the did new flagship, the Queen Irtwr Wednesday tor the final es' got under way and ttioiuands The new House would Inherit say they might vote for other and statements, the Nixon .. MpIb Floor Reg. 49c. Queen Mary, permanently Elisabeth H” Lindsay said. c eP T Iw n ne. more wo.ved from office win­ the Job of picking the next presi­ than their party's nominee. states would be Alaska, Arlao- MS-ilSS 61 the 88,000-ton Royal Mall dows aa she steamed regally berthed in Long Beach, Calif. Then the crew began announc­ dent K no candidate receives 270 Some House candidates say na, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, 1 ^ left the 484th peaceUme down the Hudson River. In a ceremony aboard the ing: “Last call, all ashore" the or more votes in the electoral they woidd back the presidential Iowa, Michigan, Mlnnsaota, Ne­ (Purehaoee limited on All Itema) orchc'-tra played “ AuM Lang college, whose votes are cast candidate who won the national 6 PAYS ~ THURS. Iff 9:00 P.M. (naneatlantlc croaelng Wednee- About 1,600 paMengers—little ship 'before she sailed. Mayor braska, New Hampsliire, North G y of her 28-year career, rite more than two-thirds of her oa- John V. Lindsay presented a 8y.ne'' and finally the ship was Dec. 16 and counted Jan. 6. If popular vote. A petition advo­ M S escorted by a flotilla of har­ poolty—-end a crew of 1,100 in­ plaque from the Department of imder way. the election goes to the House cating this position was signed (Bee Fage Feeitew)