E.S.A. Engaged by Mlniehieuo’A Father, Years in Prison

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E.S.A. Engaged by Mlniehieuo’A Father, Years in Prison ■ ; PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT A m g * DaOr Net P n m Ran FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1909 ^ nrlf^ Htpr Ew niw g ilfpratii / tile Weather Moatly cloudy, ocoaateoal pe- A /trf^ a n art exhibit will be 'The CouplM Club of Communi­ About Town held tomoiTCtw and Sunday from rloJb of rain through Sunday. ty Baptist Oiurch will meet to­ LOW! tonight 45 to 60. IBgh to- • lla .m . to 8 p.m. at the Ameri- morrow a(t 6:80<'p.m. a^ the 15,790 CUSTOM MADE DRAPES CAN BE YOURS \ morrow 60 to 66. Monday** oat- " PoUsh Women’s AUlance c^iLatvian Lutheran phurch, church for dinner. A program': Ipolt-moce of the aanw. Oroup 518 will meet Sunday at Garden St. "Resources of the Ocean Msmehmstes— 4 CUy of yiUmge Ckmrm •i; s 2 p.m; at 77 North ^ " IN TIME FOR THE HOUDAYS! Floor” , will be presented by \>jVCML. L X X X IX , ND..34 (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION) World Community Day, which Dr. J. Leslie Goodier of An­ WE eUARANTEE 2 WEEK DEUVERY MANCHESTER, CONN., SAtUEDAT, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 fCaaaamed Adverttetag ea ^ Calvary Church wlU have will be celebrated tonight In dover. - PRICE TEN CBNTR ' cottage prayer meeting tomoi Center Congregational Church, OVER 300 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM f row at 7:80 p.m. at the honle will be open to the public. Des­ The Rev. Ernest S. Harris of Mr. and Mrs. Sterlin Hi sert and coffee will be served of ■ S e c o n d Congregational tus, Swamp Rd., Coventry. at 7:80 in Fellowship Hall and ■Church will conduct a service N « c » l « Reattached the celebration will be held at Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on radio Coldor Members of the Sunteam 8 in Memorial Hall. station WINF. The program is Contaminated Arm Works Tkk>p of the Salvation Army sponsored Johrtly by the Man­ EXIT 93 * will attend a rally tom ow w In chester Council of Churches and WAYNK, Mleh. (AP) — South Troop Training Manchester Little League WILBUR New Britain for all tr^ps In the Manchester Clergy Associa­ Tea days aftM' ttw y rext- Ladles Auxiliary will conduct tion. ' CROSS tached the arm loot by a southern New Bnglanch' ITiey three cake sales tomorrow. will, also participate ii/ the Sun­ ^Fowl Found garbage coHeotor in an ac- Cake sales will be held at 10 day morning worshlp/servlce at Manchester High School will cUmt, do^rs ag wayne the Citadel. a.m. at Mott’s Supermarket and LOGAN MILLS WASHINaTON (AP) — Gov­ County GeAeml Hospital re­ at the Sears and Roebuck Store; present lU annual Talent Show, tion regulations permit no "Our Gang, Then and Now," to-’ ernment Inqiectors are mpHng traces of pesticide .residue in port . the openetton has been and from noon to 2 p.m. at the IS YOUR night at 8 -*'*>-•<— • ------- an iBtenaive check of tuzkeya meat and poultry proiducts. ‘Ihr- suooesafuL Jehovah’s Witne^es will have Popular Market near Caldor’s. i^ h t at 8 ^.Bailey Auditorium. COMPLETE Gen. ‘“nie body has not rejected a service meeting tomorrow at The event Is open to the public bound for the Thzmkegivlng keys or turkey-produota found to Proceeds will be. used to buy and tickets FABRIC CENTIR martlet after flmUng traces at a the Bmb, the ■. danger is 8 p.m. at Kingdotn Hall. equipment for next year. may be purchased be contaminated are con­ at the door. powwful pteiclde In tena of demned. past,” said Dr. H. J. WeSs, EVERYTHING Ukouaanda of the binte. hospital stgierintendeat. BAIGON (AP) — Osn. Cralgb- Heptacbolor la a pesUclde that ton W. Abrams, commander of ^ l o n EvangeHcal Lutheran FROMARUnON Agriculture Department offl- Is frequentiy appUed to the soU However, he held out Dttte hope that Donald B. Musaer, the 486,000 American troopa In Church will have Grade 7 youth TO A BOLT OF ciaUi say they are confident no to klU grub worms and other In­ Vietnam; said today that South instruction tomorrow at 9:80 V contaminated turkeya reached sects. „ '86, of BeUevUe will regain fun normal use of the arm. Vietnam’s armed forces havs S90P PERO’S FOR VARIETY a.m. at the church.' CLOTH... ^the retail mzaheta, n d tiiez »ii MeanwhUe, the Nixon admln- Hip ann was severed at the “ prepared themsetvea tar tha turkey products in federally in- IrtraCLcn is expected to support ORCHARD FRESH: Macs, Cortland, Bed and GoUen De- elbow while trying to load a rapidly approaching and evantu- The Elks Lodge regular Sea- spectod proceaaliig idanta are a proposed year's delay In im­ ,.. J. ■, *1 ■ ' '• Uclous, Baldwins, Greenings, Russels, bedspring toto a packer gar­ al taksover of tha defenaa of Macounn, Fresh Cider. Night will feature baked being checked. plementing a new law Setting their country.” bage truck Oct. 29. NATOVE: Cauliflower, Beets, CMckory and Escstrole, Acorn stuffed shrinlp tonight starUng The Investigation began after minimum nationwide Ettandards Museer sold his arm was He set no timetable tor a U.S. and Butternut Squash, Leeks, Boston and Salad at 6 p.m. at the Elks Home m residue of beptaclurim-,, a long- for inftmatalte meat pacUhg pullout, however. Bowl Letiuce, Cranberries, ShaJots, Anise, Broc­ BtawU St. The event la open lived pesticide ranking in tortci- plants, aooordlng _ to govern­ caught by a packer blade 08 he tried to force a pro-' "Our VIetnameee eountar- coli,. Yellow and Sweet Potatoes, Cherry To­ to members and giKsta. ty with DDT, was discovered In ment sources. parts havs demonstrated their matoes, Belgian Endive, Black BadisbOT, <%1- JecLng spring ahead of It. IIOILSE a Minnesota processing plant If the d ela y -^ the form of a wUUngneaa to endure anonnous nese Cabbage, Yellow Globe and Pnmle TUo ‘"nie arm and haivl will be Members of Hose Q>. 3 wui ®tsL 9. The department spokes­ Senate bill—^is not aiqiroved by hardships In order to attain Turnips. better than an artlfictal one' meet Sunday at 7 p.m. at the man said the pUmt was n»tngr Oongreas and signed by the thsir freedom from Oommunlst FRESH: Cantaloupes, Honeydews, Bed, White and Blue and far better than what he birds supplied by Arkansas Val- President by Dec. 16, the 1967 oppression," Abrams said In a Grapes, Persimmons, Imported Cbeatnuls, » “ *!!? Home, 225 could have expected,” Wells Grapelrult, Tangerines, Xangelos, Pigs, Dates, a . to pay respeoU to . ley Industries, Ltd., headquar- Wholesome Meat Act beemnes said. mssoage released to his com­ Pears. John Regsgotto, a member of ' tered at utUe Rock. effeotive despite reports the mend In commemoration of Ve­ tne company, states are not prepared tor IL A team of spedoUsts per­ terans Day next Tuesday. Spokesmen In Little Rock de­ formed the surgery soon af­ clined comment Friday night, The law covers about 10,000 "Your achlevemanta have CoiiM Sm Our Display o f Importud BathoH planU packing 16 per cent of the ter the accident. Wella cred­ made this poaslbla and^hawa The Perennial Planten »>ut said they would issue a ited the quick aotioq of three Garden a u b will meet Monday II lALE statement later. nation’s meat. demonstrated to the people of Westland policemen who ap­ RED DELICIOUS . ...............4 qt. bskt. SljO O at 8 p.m. In the Federation The Agriculture Department the world our nation’s dstsnnl- Depertment officials said that plied a tourniquet, and the NATIVE CAULIFIX)WEJR.............per head jlAat Rwm of Center Congregational of 160,000 birds checked on has not token an official stance nsUon to defend tha InsUtutlona 8 immediate avaUablUty of a Church. Vernon Prior will show on the bill being pushed by Sen. of freedom.” CANTALOUPS ............................... .eech ^ ranches supfdjrlng (he Ariuuisas surgical team at the hoqtftal color slides of Cape Cod. Mrs Carl T. Curtis, R-Neb,, although Ha sttrtbutsd the progress of company, 90,000 were found to for the suceas. - Melvin Schmidt will serve as the Senate Agriculture Cmnmlt- ths South Vtstnsmsae to a pro­ have residue traces and the rest The policemen recovered hostess assisted by Mrs. Don­ were, uncontaminated. tee has asked twice for the de­ gram of "Intensive training s»a We Carry ’The Manchester Evening Herald ald Manning and Miss EkUth partment’s racommendation. the severed arm by rummag­ modernisation.” Another 180,000 live turkeys ing through the garbege COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPEB8 Phillips. on farms supplying AVI are to A Small Business Administra­ Abram’s message was mads truck atvl rurtied it to a hoa- public as North VIsInamaas OPEN « AM. to • PJM. DuMLY Tlie hew look at hit’ll school includes pants suits. be checked befoee they are re- tion spokesman confided, how­ pltal. The Italian Ladles Club will \ leased for slaughter. ever,. that the "AgrtcuHure De­ troops along Ihe Cambodlaa border attaoksd tour U.B. 1st tave a Holiday Fair Him/fay Also being detained for oheck- partment has backed the bill to ^ m 1 to 7 p.m. at 464 Tolland give another year’s time.” Air Cavalry Dlvtalon baasa m . federally iivpected proc- 8t., Baat Hartford. The varloue Coventry Packers dealing in more than north of Saigon, lafilettng light essfiig plants are four minion .oaaualtlea. booth* will include faU and* one state are already subject to pounds of turkey meat. Publicity The ensiny pounded the ■PFPO P*^ODUCEI" Christmas arlrangements, han­ federal inspection. The 1907 act Officials indicated the Investi­ bases, one of them s brigade dicrafts, baked goods, old and New Dress Code in Effect requires states to set up stand­ gation extended to states other headquarters, with more «hg« 876 OAKLAND fltT., M AN OH B8TEB - 648-6884 new toys and games, and white than Arkansas and Mlhneaota, ards for plants operating entire­ elephant gifts.
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