TUESDAY, 0(?ft)BEE 2», 1968 iSlanrbrBtpr Cnraino Avdtuga Doily Net Praia Run MIm Janet Moaaly, daushter Far H m Week About Town of Mr. and Mrs. Biverett Moee- School Board October 26, IMS Clear, cold again toniglit ly of BO Clyde Rd., and Mias BOY SCOUT Vow SO to SO. CMder In outly­ cd Jttooaah’s Wit- Dianne Johnson, daughter of ing areas. Tomorrow moetiy arlH ■ttend a three-day Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson Notes and News W ill Review 15,323 iiaurljpatpr IJrraUi ooBfWenoe beginning FrI- ol 53 Oonatance Dr., have been sunny, cool. High 60 to 6B. Haneheator-^A City o f VilUigo Chaarm day at C;4S p.m. at the High named to the women’s vrrsf.y Pack « , Aebool of Commeroe, 41S State field hockey team at Drew Uni- Photos ’Ban Jeff Jones and Kurt Mlclwels VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 26 (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) BIANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1968 Adverttatag *■ Page S7>' at., l^irlngfMd, Mass. No meet- versity, Madison, N.J. o f Culb (Soout Pack 2 of the In 1968 the Boand of Dduea-. PRICE TEN CENTS Inga of the Manchester oongre- ----- Second Congregational Chunh tlon nfled wA o o m v M i^ cation are scheduled for the The begtanera bridge group of won prises for the most origiiial photos of both (daases aim rti- local iCingdom Hall for this the Newcomen Club of the and the funniest paper bag dents In elementary ariiooBi, but •waskend o f the convention. M a n ch e^ r YWCA wlU meet to- maalcs, re^Mctlvely, at the last night a letter from the Ver- - . .. night at 8 at the home of Mrs. pack’s Halloween party Friday ptenck PTA president, Mrt. Arthur H. Anderson, a pa- night, Oct 26, In Feltowrtilp 'Ifioodore Brindamour, pvotnpt- Two More Nobel Prizes tlent recenUy at the Vetsrans »*"• HaU. ed a review o f that piUtoy. Admmistratlan Hospital in West Tay*®*- Instruct the Den 1 oonductad the opening The flrrt deefston agalnrt the Hasrsn, Is visiting his sister, ___ ceremony and won the Inapec- photos was made by the boaml Mra Xstber Walker at 81 Cam- , m ^ tion trophy. Prpjetits that the becauae of charges of favoritism In Chemistry, Physics Envoys Spar in Paris, . „ Mias Judith A. Teets of 44 cubs have been working on for by the photographera and oom- ___ Porter St. was named to the the paat month were on dls- merolailam by -many parenfa dean’s list for the second se- play. who felt pushed to buy the allots. Oib Scout Pack 98 of Buck- mester of the 1968 academic On Saturday, the pack will at- according to Aaristant 8upt ley School wlU have Its first year at the University of New tend the LfOonn-Boston Urt- George Bradlau. Are Won by Americans nte^ing and a Halloween party Hampshire. venity football game and band Board member Herbert A. tom orrow at 7:30 p.m. at the — day at Storrs. Scouts will leave pheton Jr. said, “I can iwe no ~ ^*** peace prise baa been A native of Norway, be came to school auditorium. Refresh- Srig. General (nt.) Horace the Second Oongregellonal more oommerctallam tn tiUa 1966 NW>« prise* In chemiatry awarded to PrM. Rene Gaasta, toe United State* In 1928 and ments wiH be served and prises B. Wetherell wlH speak about Churdt at noon, than the printing of the high and plipskA went to two Ameri­ an 81-year-old BYracltmon, waa naturalised In 1946. asnarded for the most original “Airport Planning for the Pu- ------------------- — school year book.” cana today, the riMmlotry prlM whUe a Japanese noveUrt, Ta- A lvarei, 87, waa homned tor Talk of Halt Persists oostume and the best costumes ture,” at a dinner meeting of A '■ J Harriet . HaaMt, an to Lori O ^ger ot T ale Unfvea^ ■marl Kawabata, 69, waa the his "decirtve contrthutions to el- PARIS (AP) — Envoys in the pcuik and In each den. the Society of Automotive Ehi- i/O C tO rS to A lC l officer of the Martin-South alty and /tha itoytioa award to wlnner of the prize for IMera- ementary partkde phyatoe.” The of the United States and Bojrs should wear costumes and glneers Wednesday, Nov. 6 at Tfc ■ J _ Schods PTA, told the 'bostnl her lAil* W. ^Ivares of the Univerat- award committee cited In par- North Vietnam sparred in­ ■Makers (no uniforms). Web- the ’Terrace Dlnii^ Room at I 3 n ig JiiC lllC fltlO ll PTA last year had written to ty of CaBtornla at Berkeley. ' The award* are wortfa $70,000 tlcular hla discovery o f “ a Ituge conclusively over a basis hM Miould be at the school at Bradley Field, Windsor Locks. ■ p iff TVw superlntelident’s oCflee re- t warn- a clean sweep of the each this year, a reooid. number of rasonanoe steitoa, for Vietnam peacemaking Nobel adenUfic award* tor the 6:30 pjn. to help aet up the Dinner will be served at 6:46 H itiort in lo w n quesUng a change In tlM photo . Onaoger, 64, won his prtae tor mode pcoalble through his de- today amid persistent re- cafeteria. All cub family mem- pjn. and the meeting will start _ _ . *1__ policy, but got no answer. She Und^ *fltates. Thrra American toe disoovery of the Ohaager re- voCopment of the techrtque of 'its that a U.S. bombing bers are invited. at 8. Dinner reservations close proiMeora who dedjplmred the clprooal relations, “which are using hydrogen bubble chamber ----- ,Monday and may be made by right we oomrt toe «i h, a change In the poilcy. genetic cod* shared the prise fundamental tor the toermody- and date analyala.” alt may be near. Manchester Medlcri A ^ l^ ^ H m American Legion wUl conUcting Donald E. Manning, fW m ^diw and physiology an- namlcs of Irreversible process- Hje resonance ^ te refers to The American delegation meet tonight at 8:80 p.m. and 6i Marion Dr. Uon’e entry Into toe town’s aa»nw nounogi aoruer. ea,” toe award oranmtttee aald. ahort-llved particles of the blacked out all comment both (here will be an executive meet- ____ new referred toe mat- atom. In the 1960s moat phyrt- on the subetance o t the ex­ Ing at 7 p.m. at ihe post home. Bible close and a prayer meet- changes at toe 28th aessloa of asaodatloci preoldent ana mem- . __ . (See Page Five) the peace talks and on uncon­ _ . _ _ , Ins' of Calvary Church will be ber of the sdiool board, said the ‘®™ «**«>“ ^ Vriad- P in t Caiurch of CliriM, Sclen- conducted tomorrow at 7:80 pals' opinions. firmed reports of an Imminent Ost, wttl conduct Its regular p „ ^ j^e church. town’s medical men are con­ breatothrough. Wednesday Evening Teattmony ___ cerned about drug abuse and An official of <me allied coun­ the asaooiation will have lour Meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Newcomen a i* of the try with troopa In South Viet­ men as resource people and the church. Manchester YWCA will have a (AP Oolorphoto) Beregovoy nam, who declined to be identi­ speakrae to help educate toe fied, told a newsraian in refer­ ___ . „ . ^ Hahoween party Saturday from town on drugs. Midweek Holy Communion g p ^ midnight at the South ence to a bomb halt: "Bhrery- Thousands of Britishers Protest Vietnam War Three of toe men are Dr. thing 1a settled.” esrvlce at St. Mary’s Episcopal Windsor Community HaU S Robert J. Aleebury, an ob­ Ends 4-D ay But he declined to elaborate. Church WlU be conducted tomor- Main St. Dress is casual, and Demonstrators parade Viet Cong flag along the anti-war protest by more than 20,000. Police con­ stetrician; Dr. Frank H. Horton, m Bangkok, Thailand Foreign row at 10 a.m. tickets may be purchased at the Strand in London, England, Sunday during huge tained the crowd without using a nightstick. a pediatrician; and Dr. John P. Minister Thanat Khonwn tidd door. Those wishing more In- Braat, a neurologist. The fourth Space Ride newsmen on Ms return from the ’The parsonage oommlltee of formation may contact Mn. the training, the oi^Mrtunity, doctor chosen took Ul and his a 1 1 n 1 ¥71 * T¥ doctor chosen took Ul and his United States that the United North Methodist Church wUl Patrick Connors, 02 Croft Dr. Barry Backs and the incentive to earn dol- MOSCOW (A P ) — Cosmonaut School Hoar a t acins Press replacement on the uat is being States and Nbrth Vietnam had meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the ___ lare.’ ’ ~ sought now. Dr. Schardt said. Oeorgy Beregovoy and the So­ EOA P r t^ a m viet space ship Soyuz 8 returned entered toe “final otagea” at Sister Snixabeth Seton of baigainti^ on a halt to th* air ----- Northwest Catholic High School youth services for the schools. to earth today after neariy four State Sen. David M. Barry To Build More Classrooms attacks on the North. He pre­ ’Trinity Covenant Church Bible ,^11 speak about "The Teen- Sotuh W indsor days In orbit during whirii they Mudy and a prayer seevloe wUl age ChUd’ ’ at the annual ben- said today that “millions o f Despite the vote next Tues- tlons bring laid for homes set no records and apparently dicted results In toe "not too distant future.” be conducted tomorrow at 7:80 quet of the Combined Oatholic "“T”dollars are saved the atate an- Vfktex ITpfr6»fl day on the 22-room Center now.
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