Guinea Worm Eradication Program
On The Cover: Sunita Day of ]amshedpur, India, was one of five "Gold Medal" winners in the Paint Pals international OLymJ)iC art contest sponsored by The Atlanta Project in /995. More than 3 ,500 children from nine international cities wok /)art, creating art in the sJ>irit of J>eace and world friendship. MES AGE FROt-.1 PRE IDENT CARTER CHAIRNIAN OF THE BOARD OF TRU TEE hen Ro~alvnn an-! I un,h:rr.Jh• pc.tcc mt"llllb 111 f\;,,rth re!.!htr~ tlll'n'urc ch1ldren 'ray lnunde,l The- C.mer K,lrl.'.l, ll.lttt, Rnsm,t·H,,r:u.:nnna, .mel he,dth) through ltll1cl), prnper llTIIlllllll· Ccnrl·r 111 I9S2, ''e SuJ.m; mtllatcd ,1 new devell>pmcnt .tid :attnn,, ,m,l .1 "I'"''J'llrt" t~1r parenc~ tl1 C'l1\ l'l<l11l!d II .1~ .I plcH:C' -.rrare~\' w11h Gu\.tn.l; lwlpL·d mme than rc<.:ord \'ltal health .mJ safety mforma· IIW i1l'l"l' p~·ppk• UHtkl Ulll1l' togl•thcr to 200,L~0L1t.Hill t.untltc' 111 Erhtupi.t an,l rum ,thnut thctr childrLn In aJJ1nnn, V.L' rl'" '" ,. 1 hetr ,ltt!crt:tKe' .mJ ~nh-e <lther Afrtl<lll rrohk·np,, ...::ll1Ll' then. we ,d,, l ha\'e n.Hl<llh muc·,,...,. 11111 t.ltc,lprugr,un 111 demucr,tc\ .mJ gr.un produlfton, d,·n·l.,pmcnt, hum.m nghr-, glohal .md rr· 1\ I lied hc-.dt h, .md urban fl'\ n.dtz.ltton tn 'tr.1tt.'~lc' to .t,l.lrc" the ~~'lie' that C,llJ'C' dt,C<1rd.
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