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• IP" ICULATIQN ONLY. ASIA THE Sh Eih Ch (SrSIATBA -KAJiiT- COAST). RUBBER HANDBOOK 1 A 1 1. ^ manual of Rl. •'!<. i-ln'r^r rr.,-nr.-,r,ins and iteS, detdtis, a ' l,.>,plr.r.m^'r,!. C O M P I I k 'J B ' ' BOS, -.. , . ., ^ t - i-, :i 1- t M^/rA Compliments of Messrs. UHTMER i Co. Limited. CORNELL 54 ^^^1^ Lini UNIVERSITY L ifi LONDON LIBRARY rrERDAM. Rep O. R The Colonial R ation Ltd. Guthrie & Co. Ltd. Singapore. Sungei Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber Company Limited. InsuTinde (Sumatra) Rubber and Tobacco Estate Ltd. Simpang Sumatra Rubber Company Ltd. Telok Betong (Sumatra) Syndicate Limited. Anglo Java Rubber and Produce Company Limited. Kali Glagah (Java) Rubber and Produce Company Ltd. Kawie (Java) Rubber Estate Limited. Marawan (Java) Rubber Plantations Limited. Francis Shaw & Co. Ltd., CORBETT STREET MANCHESTER IRON WORKS BRADFORD. (ENGLAND). Largest makers in the world of Rubber Plantation machinery. ARTHUR PROBSTHAIN OLIN LIBRARY -CIRCULAu^' DATE DUE Francis Shaw & Co. Ltd. CGRBETT STREET IRONWORKS MANCHESTER iiRADFORD. (ENGLAND). LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD OF RUBBER PLANTATION MACHINERY. We supply and erect complete Factories in any part of the world, including Buildings, Engines, Machinery, Gearing and all Utensils. Plans, prices and Full particulars free on application. Catalogues Mailed Free on Request. Sole Agents for Dutch East India. LINTNER & Go. Ltd.^ LONDON — MEDAN — AMSTERDAM — SOERABAYA. If you want one of our Engineers to call and see you, just drop a line to. LINTNER & Co. Ltd. MEDAN. FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE m JOla ^^B ( SUMATRA - EAST - COAST ). RUBBER HANDBOOK 19 11. A manual of Rubber Planting companies and Private Estates, details as to the present stage of development. COMPILED BY J. BOS. Rubber Planter and Expert. With Compliments of Messrs. LINTNER & Co. Limited. TYP. LIT. DELI COURANT MEDAN. 10) PREFACE. It is with considerable pleasure, that I send forward this first Rubber Handbook with details of companies and private- estates in the East-Coast of Sumatra (Netherlands-India). I have inserted a table of fluctuations in the price of rubber for the last 5 years, also tables of the relation of the British measures and monetary to the Chief measures and monetary of the Netherlands-India. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining exact particulars regarding some of these concerns, the details in the following pages are not guaranteed but every care has been taken to render them as accurate as possible. Should the particulars of any company have been inad- vertently omitted, the undersigned trust that the same will be brought to his notice, so that they may be included in any future issue. I cannot omit to acknowledge the valuable assistance which Officials and Planters and exclusively O. R. L. J. Magnee Esqre, General Director of the Banking and Ti-ading Corporation Naudin ten Cate & Co. Ltd. Medan and Representative of the Medan — Branche of Messrs LiNTNER & Co. Ltd., have given me, in connection with this edition. J. BOS. MEDAN, January 1911. DELI, ' ( I 1 Tabulated below is a method to see at a glance how many trees are planted per acre and per bouw when only the acreage and distance apart of planting is given. Thus if 18X20 is stated, take a cross reference with the combi- nation of 18 and 20, by which it will be found that the number of trees planted is 121. voooooor^csioo'=*0'*ooO'-it^ § roooNOor^c^vovo^iO'^rococQ lOTtOOiCOOC ir^coocMO'^iO'.-i CO lOOlOONOOC 1— '—' > 00 '-H I lO CM 00 'O O "* 8 <OOnOn( ) 00 r^ lO -^ (TO in r-^'*iO'^^OOOCMvOI>.ONQOOCO CM i-ii>.^oooqi-iooaNCO^m'^-^ CMt-Ht—li—Ii—It—^1-Hf— cMt^T-it^ininoco»-HOoi>-cMCM^ S l>.i-iOO\DiO'Nfir3CVlCS1000l>Oin fOCM^vOOa^-HOCl^-HOOONO 00 O'tONOOC^'OiO^fOCMONQO^O OOCM"—(.—(•rHi—l-.—l-i—I,—li— >.0 CO vo OOCMOOCMiOOO^ CMiO-^OOOt^^iO'^CSlOQOt^^O O O rOCMCMr-li-lT-l—l,-l,-l,-H,-l OCMvOON'^'^OO^HvOOOOt^OO vO ^r^csioo5COi>.voioroooM>.^ COCVlCMCvli—It—It—It—It—IT-Ii—I u rOQCMCOg^cr^'-iO'^iO^D^CMCM lO ^OCT^'*CMOC^OOt^vC)T^.—iOnOOC^ oooqcMCNicMT-iT-ir-i,-i,-<,-i cO'-iONOCMi>."^ocMLn'<^coQor^ QOf-HiOCOCMOONOOr^iCCvlOCOC^ OOrOCQCMCSlCM'—ii—ii—It—!•—I'.— QOlOC^t^O^COO^t->vOt^•^^^n^O 00 T-iiOl-^iOOOCMOOOO^OO'.-iC^QO '^COCMOaCMCOCMi-iT-iT-H,-!-^ COCOCMCJ^O^CM^OO'*-llO•-lO^O (M lQvOOt^lOT^CMT-lO^OO•^C<IOO^ ^rOCOCNICMCMOCICMT-11-ir-i.^rt n-CQOCQ'—i^r^iO'*'.—i|>,^CMO m^corococMoqcMCMCMi-iT-i,-ii=i ovgrQooGOCQQorocMt^T-iLO^o 00 OO'^iQT-iOOO'^OJOl-^r-iOOincYD 00 O 01 CO ^.lO Ot^OCOiOOlOO ,-H.-i,-iT-iT-i,-ir-i,-iCMCMCO00'=* 00 M M The following estimate will be of value in showing the relative activity in Sumatra's East Coast widi which we are concerned : the figures are intended to indicate the ap- proximate acreages under Rubber. Para planted — — — Algemeene Cultuur Maatschappij. (GENERAL CULTIVATION COMPANY) Founded Otli September 1905. Directors. Offices. Dr. J. G. C. Vriens, Polonia Medan E.C. (chairman). Sumatra. Estate Manager: J. Stiirmer. Financial year ends: 30th June Statutory meeting August Names of the Estates: — Gallia; Damah Gloegoer Kiri; Soengei Parang Goea and Bah Samat, Situation : Serdang district, about 9 K.M. from the railway- station and Post- office „Bangoen Poerba" Tele- phonic connection with Medan and the Port of Belawan under number 721. Authorised Capital ^5G0.0(X).— Guilders, in shares of 1000 Guilders each. Issued Capital — 284.000 Guilders. Area — The estates consist of 2450 acres ot land. Tenure — The land is held under lease from the Sultan of Serdang and confirmed bij the Netherlands Indies Government, expiring 7th September 1965. The rental is equal to about 1 sh per acre. Cultivation: About 1200 acres are under Para rubber; Castilloa : Ficus Elastica, Liberia and Robusta coffee and coconuts. Particulars of the Para-rubber are as follows. planted in 1901 — 60. trees. 1905 — 3000. 1908 — 5000. 1909 — 31412. 1910 — 90173. Total. 129645. trees. Amsterdam Bedagei-Tabak-Company. Founded 9th October 1906. Directors. Secretaries. Offices. H. M. Pantekoek. Van Heekeren&Co. Keizersgracht, 455 L.L.S. van Heekeren. Amsterdam. A. M. de Veer. C. F. de Ruyter de Wildt. Estate manager: D. Hulst. Fiuancial year ends: 31th December. Statutory meeting: June, Name of the Estate: Soengei Parit (Kebon Parit). Situation: Padang Bedagei district, about 3 K. M. from the railway station and Post-office : Rampah. Telephonic connection with Medan and the Port of Belawan under 805. Telegraphic address: Amsbedak-Rampah. Authorised Capital: 500.000.— Guilders in shares of 1000— Guilders each. Issued Capital: 230.000.— Guilders. Purchase Price: 270.000.— Guilders. Area. The estate consists of 5250 acres of land. Tenure. The land is held under lease from the Sultan, and confirmed bij the Netherland-Indies Government, expiring 24 February 1962. The rental is equal to about Ish per acre. Cultivations: The main business is the cultivation of Tobacco. Arrangements were made to plant Hevea-trees during 1910. —In 1910—200 fields of tobacco were planted. Particulars of the Para-rubber, are as follows : planted 1910 75.000 trees = 750 acres interplanted with 100.000 Robusta coffee. 10 : : : (I^msterdam Langkat Compagnie. Founded 13 September 19041. Directors. Offices. A. de Stoppelaar Blijdesteijn, 2 A. Sarphatistraat. W. C. de Vlaming, Amsterdam^ Fedor. C. Bunge, General Estate Manager. Jb. Bierens de Haan, A. Le Lorrain. Bekioen. Post- Office Kwala Deli. Financial Year ends 31th December. Statutory meeting: June. Authorised Capital : 1.000.000. Guilders in 6% cumulative Preference shares of 1000 Guilders and 825.000 Guilders in Ordinary shares of 1000 Guilders. Issued Capital 1 825.000 Guilders. Purchase Price : 715 Preference shares and 825 or- dinary shares as fully paid. Name of the Estates Bekioen ; Soekaranda ; Tandjong- Langkat and Tandjong-Kleliug. The latter is the only Rubber and coffee estate of the property, the main business on the other Estates is the culti- vation of Tobacco. TANDJONG KLELING ESTATE. Manager H. von Gymnich. Situation : Langkat district, about 5 K.M. from the railway station and Post-office Kwala. Telephonic connection with Medan and the Port of Belawan under number 409. Area The estate consists of 5250 acres of land. Tenure: The land is held from the Sultan of Langkat under a concession up to 18th July 1946. The rent payable is about Ish per acre per annum. Cultivation : Over 790 acres being already planted wjth 102.000 Para Rubber trees 1 to 5 year old. Hevea-trees . 71600 1 — 3 years. 30400 4 years and older. Liberia: 105680 old trees. 26880 1 — 2 years. Robusta : 70380 1 — 2 years. ii : . (Amsterdam 5erdang Tabak Compagnie. Founded 7th July 1906. Directofs. Offices. G. C. B. Dunlop. 132 Singel. R. van Lennep. Amsterdam. J. H. Marinus. H. M. Pantekoek. General Estate Managet M. Paul V6ute. Ch. Mioulet. J. H. Fock. Financial Year ends : 31th December. Statutory meeting. June. — Name of the Estates and managers : Simpang Ampat Titian Oerat — M. D. Weyergang. Situation : Serdang district, about 8 K. M. from the railway station and Post-office „Perbaoengan". Telephonic connection with Medan and the Port of Belawan under number 791. Authorised Capital .\1.500.000 Guilders in shares of 1000 gulders and 500 profit shares. Purchase Price : The price paid for the property (including the 4016 bales tobacco), sold at 117 ct. per lbs was 1.500.000 Guilders in fully paid shares and 500 profit shares. Area The estates together consist of 16134 acres of land. Tenure : The land is held under lease from the Sultan of Serdang and confirmed by the Netherlands Indies Government, expiring 18th October 1974.