Get Ready for Some Spontaneous Hugging Get
FOREVERMANCHESTER.COM june 2014 FOREVER MANCHESTER'S FANZINE FOR PEOPLE WITH A PASSION FOR GREATER MANCHESTER IN THIS GetGet ReadyReady ForFor SomeSome ISSUE SpontaneousSpontaneous HuggingHugging Irrespective of the inevitable disappointment we're all Page 2 about to feel when we exit the World Cup in Brazil on penalties to Germany in the quarter finals, I'm looking Our Telly’s forward to that unique sporting occasion... the spontaneous Bigger Than hug. It only happens when you can't contain your joy (or grief) any longer, it's usually accompanied by some Your Telly childlike jumping and hoarse screaming and it's one of the most celebratory expressions of community I can think of. Page 4 this month’s Community happens when passions We recognise what skills we’ve got collide, when people share moments and how to use them. I’m sure that if heroEs and memories with friends, family and we harnessed these good bits from the people who like the same things. work environment and applied them Page 5 Communities aren’t defined by postcodes to the other communities we belong to Freefall 11,000ft or political boundaries, they’re what you (and vice versa)… sparks would fly. want them to be. The lads at the match, Humans are simple beings. We like to the girls down the pub, the family for Forever laugh and love. The communities we gathered around the TV, school, a band, create and exist in are for playing in, Manchester a choir, a dog walking club – that’s a for being creative in and should inspire community.
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