Peace Education, Tolerance, and Acknowledgment of Palestinian Narratives and Suffering in the 2019-2020 Israeli Curriculum
Peace Education, Tolerance, and Acknowledgment of Palestinian Narratives and Suffering in the 2019-2020 Israeli Curriculum Grades 1–12 Selected Examples March 2020 Website: 1 1. History, Grades 11-12, Knowing History- Nationalism in Israel and the Nations- Building a state in the Middle East, E. Dumka, C. Orbach and T. Goldberg, 2009, p. 802. Permit No. 4215; History, Grade 11-12, Time Travels: Building a Country in the Middle East, K. Avieli-Tabibian, 2009, p. 209. Permit Number: 4218. Visualization of peace with the Palestinians is presented by both Rabin and Netanyahu signing peace treaties with Yasser Arafat. 2. History, Grades 11-11, Knowing history - Nationalism in Israel and Nations – Building a State in the Middle East, A. Nave, N. Vered, D. Shachar, 2009. p. 272. Permit number: 4200. The following section contains a quote from Yitzhak Rabin discussing the desire of Israel to achieve peace with the Palestinians, in reference to the signing of the Oslo Accords. Rabin believed that the signing of the accords would bring about peace in the region. 2 3. Jewish Culture, Grade 8, Being Different and Making a Difference in the World, Hartman Institute, 2018, p.115. Permit No. 3350. Students are taught about coexistence between Jews and Palestinians in East Jerusalem in a chapter titled “Between Israel and Other Countries and the Attitude to Non-Jewish People”. A picture of a Palestinian and Jewish girl hugging is illustrated to describe positive relations between Arab and Jewish youth in Jerusalem. 4. Homeland, Society, and Civics, Grade 4, Young Israelis – Yazan from Tamara, S.
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