Community Engagement Summary
Community Engagement Summary June 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 This report summarizes community engagement for the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project from June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Overview The I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, led by ODOT, will improve local, regional, and international travel on the I-5 corridor. The project will reimagine highway overpasses to complement local street improvements that reconnect neighborhood streets. In doing so, the project will enhance public spaces while supporting opportunities for economic development. On the I-5 mainline, auxiliary lanes and shoulders will be added to improve travel reliability, safety and will smooth traffic flow between I-84 and I-405. Throughout the project, ODOT has and will continue to conduct outreach to and engagement with the public. ODOT continued public engagement after the close of the 45-day environmental assessment public comment period on April 1, 2019. During the environmental review phase, engagement activities included: • interviews with Black Portlanders and communities of color • working with a Community Liaisons Group to inform outreach • project presentations at over 100 events • nine hosted events with more than 280 attendees • community walking and biking tours • door-to-door outreach • a public hearing • updates via the project website Engagement during this time frame was described in a previous Public Involvement Summary through May 30, 2020. This summary describes the engagement from June 1, 2020 until December 31, 2020 leading up to and following the release of the Finding of No Significant Impact and Revised Environmental Assessment on November 6, 2020. Most of the community engagement during this time period focused on project awareness and outreach to environmental justice and Title VI communities to collect feedback informing project design and decision-making, particularly focusing on the historic Albina community that was harmed by the original construction of I-5 and other urban renewal efforts.
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