Journal of Agricultural Sciences UDC: 634.8.047 Vol. 49, No 1, 2004 Original scientific paper Pages 41-48


Branislava Sivčev1 and Nevena Petrović1

Abstract: Phenological stages of white varieties grown in the “” collection were recorded during a three- year period. The included stages were: time of bud burst - shoot growth, flowering, véraison and full ripening. The number of days, sum of active and sum of effective temperatures were established for each phenological stage, 12 features in total. The features such as the length of vegetative period from bud burst to full ripening and sum of active temperatures for the same period were of crucial importance for the classification of varieties. Based on climate characteristics and phenological observations of plant organ growth and development in some cultivars, the total of 66 cultivars, of 71 investigated, can be grown at Radmilovac. Late-maturing varieties cannot be successfully grown. Key words: phenology, temperature, precipitation, white vine grape.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

The knowledge of the phenological changes during the vegetation of vine, on one hand, and the meteorological parameters on the other, are important factors in choosing the sorts in a vineyard region. Mesoclimate conditions, sun radiation, precipitation, evaporation etc., reflect themselves throughout the phenological process during the period of vegetation, the ability of grape growing on a certain site (Hopp h man, 1988). According to the results of To dorović and Petrović (1986), the analysis of precipitation, sum of temperature, and hydrotermical coefficient effect on the grape quality, reflected by the index of

1 Branislava Sivčev, PhD, Assistant Professor, email: [email protected], Nevena Petrović, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, 11081 Belgade-, Nemanjina 6, and Montenegro 42 Branislava Sivčev and Nevena Petrović ripeness, points out the existence of the linear correlation between the hydrothermical coefficient during the ripening period and the index of grape ripeness (R=-0.51). According to Veresh et al. (1984), the sum of active temperatures during the period of vegetation was of primary importance for classifying the cultivars in Czechoslovakia. The aim of this work was to select and recommend the white grape varieties for growing in the growing area of Grocka, according to the phenological observations and more important meteorological parameters.

Materials and Methods

The phenological observations of 71 cultivars assigned for production were carried out at “Radmilovac” ampelographic collection during the period 1991-1993. The plantation is situated to the south-east of , in the grape growing area of Grocka. According to the results by Pet rović and Todorović (1991), the Belgrade subregion is in the second climate zone, with the sum of effective temperatures of 1470oC . The normal precipitation sum during the period of vegetation is 413.2 mm, which makes 61.76% of the entire precipitation sum. The hydrothermical coefficient is HTC=1.24, which characterizes the area with insufficient humidity. According to the Branac hydrothermical diagramm, “strong drought” appears on average in this grape growing region at the beginning of grape ripening (Sivčev, 1996). Phenological observations include: bud burst, shoot growth, flowering, and full ripeness. For each cultivar one day during the investigation year cycles were marked. The period in- between the shoot growth and flowering was designated as phenophase 1, the period in-between flowering and veraison as phenophase 2; the period in-between veraison and full ripeness is phenophase 3, and the period which includes all three phenophases is designated as phenophase 4. The number of days, sum of active and sum of effective temperatures were established for each of phenological stages (phenophase) - 12 features in total. The data were processed using factor and discriminant analyses. The starting basis of discriminant analysis was the classifying of cultivars into the I, II, III and IV ripening epoch. The calculated values ranged between 101 and 103, so they had to be transformed into log(x) for the sake of easier data processing.

Results and Discussion

The adaptability of a cultivar is based on its genetical variability and phenotype adaptability. It is a general rule that the grape variety of wide adaptability has a high genetical potential and that it gives very high yields in favourable ecological conditions, and lower yield and grape quality in Phenology of white grape in Grocka area 43 unfavourable conditious. Therefore, the survey of the influence of climate on the grown culture – vine, is very significant (Sivčev , 1996, Cvetković et al., 1999). Observing the features in multidimensional area, our aim was to decrease the original group of data and to investigate a part of variations which is common to all variables. The phenological features having the primary significance for all the investigated cultivars are defined in our case.

T a b. 1. - Correlative factor analysis matrix structure of the phenological features

Activ1 Activ2 Activ3 Activ4 Effect1 Effect2 Effect3 Effect4 Feno1 Feno2 Feno3 Feno4

Activ1 1

Activ2 0.186 1

Activ3 -0.215 -0.847 1

Activ4 0.513 0.418 0.017 1

Effect1 0.689 0.144 -0.269 0.175 1

Effect2 0.190 0.945 0.791 0.402 0.146 1

Effect3 -0.261 -0.809 0.839 -0.198 -0.267 -0.769 1

Effect4 -0.086 0.045 -0.137 0.260 -0.051 0.045 0.024 1

Feno1 0.836 0.114 0.078 0,527 0.204 0.129 -0.083 -0.081 1

Feno2 0.169 0.909 -0.783 0.387 0.148 0.735 -0.741 0.043 0.076 1

Feno3 -0.099 -0.497 0.799 0.361 -0.208 -0.395 0..485 0.199 0.011 -0.54 1

Feno4 0.541 0.389 -0.052 0.871 0.086 0.374 -0..237 0.084 0.635 0.359 0.359 1

On the correlative matrix in the column that refers to the phenological observations from bud-burst to flowering, it is noticed that there is greater correlative relation between this phase and the sum of active temperatures than between the phase and the sum of effective temperatures. At this time of the year, daily air temperature is seldom higher than 10 °C, so greater sum of active temperatures is achieved by increasing the number of days, i.e. by extension of this phenophase. In the second phase, i.e. from flowering to varaison, all three features: sum of active temperatures, sum of effective temperatures and number of days are in the high correlative relation in-between the same period. This period has primary significance for the length of variason-full ripeness period, and stands in the negative correlative relation for all the surveyed cultivars. The relation between sum of active temperatures and number of days for the same period is somewhat faintly expressed. In the fourth column that refers to the period from the bud-burst to full ripeness, the positive correlative relation is observed only between sum of active temperatures and number of days for the same period. 44 Branislava Sivčev and Nevena Petrović

The differences between cultivars are the greatest in the field of sum of active air temperatures for the flowering to variason period (activ 2) and in the negative correlation with the sums of active temperatures which refer to the period from variason to grape ripeness (activ 3). The greatest deviations have come about in the sum of effective temperatures correlated to the period from bud-burst to , to what also point the results of Forlani et al., (1988), Sivčev (1998a). The cultivars are classified into four groups: early, middle-late, late and very late. Using the descriminant analysis, based on the features: the length of period of vegetation from bud-burst to full ripeness (pheno 4), sum of active temperatures for the same period (activ 4) and the length of period from bud-burst to flowering (pheno 1), we succeeded in separating the cultivars in 80.56%. Additional division of 13.47% was provided by the following features: sum of effective temperatures from bud-burst to flowering (effect 1), sum of active temperatures for the same period (activ 1) and by sum of effective temperatures from bud-burst to full ripeness (effect 4). The features referring to the periods from flowering to varaison (pheno 2) and from varaison to full ripeness (pheno 3) have contributed less compared to the previous one – 5.96%. Such a small contribution to separating the cultivars during the summer is, by Wolf art t et. al. (1988), ascribed to a physiological condition of vine. Boubals and Truel (1980) explain the appearance of varaison on grape by the polygenic character of this feature, with cumulating effect.

T a b. 2. - Disposition of cultivars according to grape ripening time

Medium early New Start Medium late cvs New Start cvs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 centroid of group epoch centroid of group epoch Muscat Ottonel 1 1 Lisicina crna 2 2 Muscat Fleur 1 1 Traminer weiss 2 2 d'Orangen Malvasia Istriana 1 2 2 2 Kochis borksa 2 2 Late cvs. centroid of group epoch Müller-Thurgau 2 2 Kokorko 3 3 Godominka 2 2 Cataratto bianco 3 3 Traminer Griss 2 2 Feher Dinka 3 2 Pinot Blanc clon 2 2 Emerald 3 3 Muscat Petit Grains 2 2 Grulling 3 3 Harslevelu 2 2 Ribolla gialla 3 3 Pinot blanc 2 2 Aligote 3 3 Vugava 2 2 Palarusa 3 3 Albana 2 2 Sremska zelenika 3 3 Zelen 2 3 Belina krupna 3 2 Meses feher 2 2 Phenology of white grape in Grocka area 45

1 2 3 4 5 6 Kreaca 3 3 Bratislavka 2 3 Semillion 3 3 Krstac bijeli 2 3 Veltliner rot 3 3 Rebula 2 3 Mustoasa de 3 3 Botun 2 2 Madeerat Furmint feher 3 3 Bagrina 2 2 Tamjanika zlatna 3 3 Traminer gris 2 2 Souvignon 3 3 Riesling 2 2 Elbling 3 2 Kladovka 2 3 Riesling italico 3 3 Traminer gewerz 2 2 Bojanka 3 2 Zilavka 2 3 Ohridsko belo 3 3 Rkaciteli 2 3 Veltliner Rouge 3 3 Precoce Krkosia pirgava 3 2 Very late cvs. centroid of group epoch Montonico 3 3 Bajan sirej 4 4 bianco Lisicina okrugla 3 3 Heunish Weiss 4 4 Medna 3 3 Dymiat 4 4 Prokupac beli 3 3 Gjujabi icicak 4 4 Krkosia zuta 3 2 Belina sitna 4 2 Ugni blanc 3 3 Sibirkovij 4 4 Veltliner 3 3 Aramon griss 4 2 Posip bijeli 3 3 Grk 4 2 Kujundjusa 3 2 Muscak Petit 3 3 Grains Balbut 3 3

Calculated discriminant scores are based on the first two canonic discriminant functions, and they represent a diagram i.e. disposition of cultivars by ripening epoch in disriminant space (tab. 2). It is noticed that the cultivars of I

min t °C 100 25 20 50 15 10 0 5

1234567891011120 temperature °C precipitation (mm)

-50 period of vegetation 183 days -5 sum of active temperature 3311 °C Fig. 1. - Meteorological conditions in the period of investigation 46 Branislava Sivčev and Nevena Petrović and IV epoch clearly differ compared to the ones belonging to II and III epoch. The nearness of group centroides incline to that. The Armon gris cultivar as well as Rkaciteli cultivar give relatively high absolute values of all three discriminants. Armon should represent the transition between II and IV epoch, and Rkaciteli between II and III epoch. They both originate from distant regions: Armon comes from the Mediterranean, and Rkaciteli from the Black Sea. The strength of the third discriminant, which explains the part of period of vegetation from flowering to varaison (activ2, effect2, pheno2) and the period from varaison to full ripeness (activ3, effect3, pheno3), brings them together in our region. Meterological conditions of this period influence the belonging to a certain ripening epoch more than with other cultivars.

C o n c l u s i o n

Grape growing area of Grocka lies in the area of the region and belongs to zone C1. The average sum of active temperatures from bud-burst to full ripeness is 3311ºC, and sum of effective temperatures for the same period is – 1470ºC. The average length of the period of vegetation during a 183-day survey varied between 167 days (year 1992) and 207 days (year 1991). The normal height of rainfall during the period of vegetation is 413.2 mm, which makes 61.76% of the year rainfall amount. Heliothermic coefficient has a value of 1.24 which speaks of insufficient humidity in the region. The deficit of humidity appears in August, at the beginning of grape ripening phenophase. Heliothermic conditions are favourable for growing and developing of the most of white grape vine varieties. According to the time of ripening, the cultivars are classified into four groups: there are 2 cultivars of the I epoch, 30 of the II epoch, 34 of the III epoch and 5 of the IV epoch. In the conditions of Radmilovac site, the cultivars of the I, II, and the III epoch could be successfully grown, all together 66 cultivars. The cultivars of the IV epoch could give satisfactory results, with the optimal load, prompt and efficient measures of summer pruning, except in the years with extreme meteorological changes.


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Received November 6, 2003 Accepted March 29, 2004


Branislava Sivčev i Nevena Petrović1

R e z i m e

U kolekcionom zasadu Poljoprivrednog fakulteta, Oglednom dobru “Radmilovac” u periodu od 1991-1993. god. praćena su fenološka osmatranja 71 vinske sorte namenjene za bela vina. Zasad se nalazi jugoistočno od Beograda, u gročanskom vinogorju, na λE=44° 45′ 77′′; ϕN=20° 35′ 18′′; H= 135 m. Fenološka osmatranja obuhvataju kretanje okaca ili izbijanje lastara, cvetanje, šarak i punu zrelost. Za svaku sortu evidentiran je jedan datum u toku godišnjeg ciklusa ispitivanja. Prvi period: izbijanje lastara do cvetanja vinove loze

1 Dr Branislava Sivčev, docent, email: [email protected]; dr Nevena Petrović, van. profesor, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Nemanjina 6, 11081 Beograd-Zemun, Srbija i Crna 48 Branislava Sivčev and Nevena Petrović označen je kao fenofaza 1, period od cvetanja do šarka fenofaza 2; period od šarka do pune zrelosti fenofazu 3 i period koji obuhvata sve tri fenofaze kao fenofaza 4. Utvrdjen je broj dana, suma aktivnih i suma efektivnih temperatura za svaku fenofazu, što predstavlja 12 obeležja. Podaci su obradjeni primenom faktorske i diskriminacione analize. U diskriminacionoj analizi polazna osnova je bila svrstavanje sorti u I, II, III i IV epohu sazrevanja. Zapaža se da se sorte I i IV epohe jasno razdvajaju u poredjenju sa sortama I i III epohe, koje su dosta bliske i često zalaze u zajednički prostor. Blizina grupnih centroida ukazuje na to (tab 2). U uslovima lokaliteta “Radmilovac” sorte I, II, i III epohe sazrevanja mogu se uspešno gajiti, ukupno 66. Sorte IV epohe sa optimalnim opterećenjem, pravovremenim i efikasnim merama zelene rezidbe mogu dati zadovoljavajuće rezultate, mada ne svake godine.

Primljeno 6. novembra 2003. Odobreno 29.marta 2004.