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XET PRESS .t; if . ...,.' c.-f' 'aSlt‘ ¥ '’ ' '■'■■ '■ if V-. '- .WTffRAGB DAILY CIRCULATION* for tho month of April, 1028

5,128 Fail' tonight and^ Frijtoy* Blruilier of ibr Antlll lliir,*iiii ol ClrcnlatlnnM

VOL. XLIL, NO. 185. Classified Advertising on Page 12. MANCHESTER, CONN., 'THURSDAy , MAY 3, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) BREMEN CREW SCHOOL HEADS President Decorates the Bremen Fh®rs BIG CHANGES NOBILE’S

PLAN 10 DAY DISCUSS KEITH . V. IN o m a A L S : : ■tf'r »•••:•: y.-x OFF ON TRIP IN D. S. COST ANALYSIS OFDEMOCRATS ‘LEG’ TOWARD POLE To Fly to Philly, Chicago,!Ninth District Committee State Leaders in Many Cases Milwaukee, St. Lous, De-| Maintains Expenses Here Name New Members at Leave Stolp Before Dawn f ' ' 'i DIMPWOSNOUT troit, Boston— Then to| Are Not Above Average Hartford Convention; The For King’s Bay, 1,600 Go Home. of Other Cities. List. MAN, DYW a ON Miles Away; Refn^ling

I Hartford, Conn., May 3.— A radi­ PARK ^CENTER Stop at Vadsoe, Norway, ^ Washington, May 3.— Out of George E. Keith, member of the cal change was made in the roster hundreds of invitations to visit Board of Selectmen, has made a of the Democratic state central Is Possibility; Italia’s lit­ cities, large and small, in various careful analysis of the cost of committee here today when the Employers of Farm Hand parts of the country the Bremen schools in Manchester as compared state convention assembled for its tle Dog Mascot Still in trans-Atlantic flyers have decided with seven other towns and cities second convention in Foot Guard upon a ten-day aeria! tour whicli in the state whose school enroll­ armory. In several districts a com­ Get Rid of Tuberculosis ■will indude receptions in but half ments approximate that in Man­ plete sweep of committee members Flying Party. a dozen cities in addition to New chester. These figures were turned was made, while in others either Victim by Leaving Him, York and Washington already visit­ over to the Ninth School district the man or the^ woman member ed. Stolp, Germany, May 3.—The committee for examination with a was supplanted by a hew person. The trip will he made in the F-13, Helpless, on Bench. dirigible Italia left Seddin hangar.^;, view toward studying the differ­ Elections In the Eighteenth and a sister-ship of the Bremen in case ences in costs and toward decreas­ near here, at 3:S3 a. m., today on it is impossible to get the Bremen Twenty-third districts were post­ ing school costs here if possible. 4s the second leg of its flight to the to New York from 'Treenly Island After a thorough study of Mr. poned until the convention assem­ Huddled on a park bench, cap North Pole with King's Bay, Spitz- by May 9, when tl e tnp begins. Keith’s figures the Ninth .School bled as a whole. pulled down over his eyes, his bergen, as its. destination. The announcement of the tom district committee prepared a dis­ State central committee mem­ from the German embassy said it cussion of the analysis. The Her­ Welcomed by official Washington and decorated with the Congressional Flying Cross, the victorious overcoat collar turned up, while General Umberto Nobile, com- I was impossible for the flyers tc ac­ ald prints herewith the Ninth Dis­ Bremen flyers are pictured here with President Coolidge, who presented the medals. Left to right are bers as elected today included the he shivered and made vain at­ mander of the giant airship, stated cept as many invitations as they trict committee’s study of Mr. the President, Captain Hermann Koehl, Baron Gunther von Huenefeld and Major James Fitzmaurice. On following: tempts to steady Ms hands enough before his departure that an inter­ mediate landing might be made at ■'vould like because "Messrs. LCoehl, Keith’s figures, in full; the breast of each flyer is the coveted cross; they are holding certificates of the same honor, which was District No. 1— Col. John L. Pur­ to clasp them together, Tony Pupul, Fitzmaurice and Hucnefeld desire Committee’s Discussion created by the United States Senate and House of Rep resentatives. cell. Marian Roberts. Vadsoe, Norway, for refueling. If to return home to receive the wel­ “ A careful analysis has recently of 206 Windsor street. Buck- weather conditions permitted. . District No. 2— Ufa Guthrie. General Nobile decided upon come from the people of Germany been made by George E. Keith of Edith T. Lowry. land section, was this morning and Irelaad and this makes a limi­ the Board of Selectmen as to the District No. 3— Thomas J. Conry, found nearly dead by Chief of Po­ starting this morning when h« cost of schools in Manchester com­ celved word that the terrific storms tation of their sojourn in the Unit­ King O f Afghanistan LUTHERANS ELECT Mrs. Mary Hogan. lice Samuel Gordon as he neared ed States imperative.” pared with the cost in the follo'W'- District No. 4^^E. J. Dolan, over northern Norway.^whlch bfld The Itinerary ing towns: the police station just before 9 prevented him, from starting yes­ Margerle Woodbri^e. terday morning, had subsided. The itinerary 'ollow's: West Hartford, Bristol, Nauga­ District No. 5— Catherine Quinn, o’clock this morning. tuck, West Haven, Torrington. OFFICIALS TODAY . Titiana. the fox terrior mascot of Wednesday, May 9.— Reception Visits Soviet Russia Joseph F. Dutton. “ I’m dying; I will not last long,” the Italia, accompanied Nobile and in Philadelphia. Stratford, Ansonia. District No. 6—^William F. Man- he told the chief. “ The author of this study se­ his crew of sixteen on the flight. Thursday, May 10— Flight t,. gan, Mrs. Nellie McCrann. Tobacco Field Hand About 200 persons,, including the Chicago. lected the above towns because the District No. 7— George A. Peck- For four years or so Tony has number of pupils enrolled compar­ Moscow, May 3.-—Red Russia, a they were greeted by President Dr. S. G. Hagglund, of Bos­ Reichswehr soldiers 'who aided in Friday, May 11.— Reception in ham, Mrs. Anna Williams. lived in this section, being employ­ getting the ship out of the hangar, Chicago. ed more nearly with those enrolled ruled by a dictatorship of the pro­ Kalenin, a former peasant. District No. 8— Thomas Dwyer, Both the railway station and the ed as a farm hand in the tobacco witnessed the start. Saturday, May 12.— Rest. in the schools of Manchester than letariat, whose sole aim i‘. to fight Eleanor Carroll. fields of South Windsor and Buck- did those of any other towns. On Kremlin were decorated in honor of ton, Re-elected President Starts by Searchlight Sunday, May 13.— Visit to Mil- District No. 9— D. E. Fitzgerald, land. Last fall he worked for John the basis of a comparison with capitalism and monarchism, today the visiting royalty. The station With searchlights playing on- it Avaukee. Nora Harris. Dovinski of ,2 0 6 Windsor from the field, the ship ascended these towns, it was shown that the paid homage to royalty for the first platform was covered with gar­ District No. 10— Joseph Tone, Monday, May 14.— Fli^dit to St. cost of elementary schools was time since the Soviet was formed of Conference. avenue, which is in the town of rapidly and was soon lost in the Louis. lands of evergreen while Red Rus­ Adela Tennien. Manchester. He was not always $78.25 per" pupil in average attend­ more than ten years ago. sian and Afghan flags flew over­ darkness. After a few moments, -^1 Tuesday, May 15.— Reception in District No. 11— Philip Troup, able to work, sometimes he would ance, while In the Town of Man­ The royal personage ^^ho receiv­ head. A military band played the even the drone of its motors could , St. Louis. Mrs. M. F. Heffernan. cough and be confined to his bunk not be heard. chester it is $99.04. The High ed these honors was King Amanul- Afghan national anthem. In addi­ Rev. Dr. S. G. Hagglund, of Bos­ District No. 12— Charles W. Wednesday, May 16.— Flight to schools cost in these eight towns in a shed. Other days he would be Mme. Nobile and her daughter Detroit. lah, of Afghanistan, who is the first tion to the Soviet president the ton, was elected president of the Tuttle, Mrs. John J. Carter. an average of $136.64 per pupil ruling monarch to set foot on Rus­ able to work, but was never given bade the general goodbye affection­ greeting committee included Gen­ New England conference of the District No, 13— F. T. Maloney, the “ third row” , the row most dif­ Thursdu,y, May 17.— Re>. option in average attendance, while in sian soil since the Commnnists ately just before he jumped into ia Detroit eral Voroshlloff, commissar for war Swedish Lutheran church in Amer­ Anna L. Delaney. ficult to turn when cutting. He the gondola of the ship. Th'?y Manchester the cost of the High gained control of the nation. and marine: Georges Tchitcherin, District No. 14— Lawrence L. Friday, May IS.— Flight to Bos­ school was $133.45 per pupil in ica, at today's business session of grew worse and during the winter smiled bravely and seemed confi­ ton. Immediately after tLj Afghan commissar for foreign affairs, and Gallagher, Catherine F. Fitzger­ be has stayed at the Dovinska average attendance. king and queen and their en- the conference which is being held dent ot the success of his venture. Saturday, May 19.— Recoi-tion in N. A. Semashko, commissar for ald. home, doing what wbrk be could, They will return to Italy at once. “ If the enrollment of all schools, rouage arrived on a special train public health. at the Swedish Lutlteran church District No. 15— John H. Crary, Boston. Including elementary and High whiok tovrard the last was - not - ’ Tft'gntttrtgdble is expected to cov­ here.’ This is the eleventh consecu­ Dora Egan. much. er the 1,600 miles to King's Bay schools, is combined, the average District No. 16— Joseph H. Law- PLAN BUSY DAY cost in the eight towns mentioned tive term In the .presidency for Dr. He was an alien— had never be­ In between forty arid fifty hours. Its New York, May 3.— Major James EX.-MAJ.-GENERAL Hagglund. He served as acting lor, Mrs. Alice Mooney. come a citizen; never thought cruising speed is about 80^ miles an. was $88.52 per pupil in average District No. 17— William R. Fitzmaurice Baron Gunther von FARM BLOC FIGHTS president for a year previous to much about such things, particu­ hour but this will be lessened attendance as against $107.59 in Palmer, Catherine M. Reardan. Huenefeld and Captain Hermann the Town of Manchester. The aver­ NOW STARVING that. larly since the cough got so bad. greatly by expected headwinds. Other candidates for the presi­ District No. 18— No election yet. Koehl were in for a busy day here age tax rate for the support of Try to Get Aid The Norwegian government is today. Leader i)f 70,000 Russian Sol­ dency were Rev. Dr. Abel Ahlquist District No. 19— Thomas J. On Tuesday night Chief of Po­ keeping men in readiness to aid .the schools in these towns, omittine; TO SAVE PET BILL of New Britain, Rev. Dr. C. S. Oho- Kelly, Ellen T. Hayes. Following their arrival from Bristol as to which accurate figures diers in Jail for Stealing Two lice Samuel G. Gordon was called Italia to make a landing at Vadsoe lund of New Haven, and Rev. Dr. District No. 20— J. F. Hennon, at his home and Informed by the if Nobile should decide to stop Washington, the flyers were to at­ could not be secured, was 10.94 Shirts, Peter Froeberg of Brockton, Mass. Mrs. Ann Bond. ^ tend a luncheon given by the Mer­ and in the Town of Manchester people the man was living with there. Vadsoe is about 900 mile.s Dr. Hagglund was elected on the District No.' 21— D. Fairchild north of here., , chants’ Association ai the Hot' i New York, May 3,— Once third ballot and upon the motion that he' was dying and that they (Continued on Page 8) Substitute Bill Is Passed; Wheeler, Margaret A. Grady. Astor. In the afternoon they are to a major-general in the Russian of Dr. Ahlquist the election was District No. 22— John A. Cor­ wanted him removed. The chief visit several newspaper piants. the army, George D’Hedberg today made unanimous. nell, Mary Mills. at once took up the matter with National City bank and the Ne v “ Heart” of Origisa! Is was in Tombs prison here, Rev. Hulteen, Secretary District No. 23—'Election later. Charity Superintendent G. H. Wad­ JAPS AND CHINESE York Edison Company’s power charged with breaking the dis­ Dr. Abel Ahlquist of New Britain District No. 24— M. Augustus dell who made an investigation and plant at East River and Fourteenth Stricken Out. play window in a department was unanimously elected as vice- Lynch, Lillian Schlitter. learning that he was not a resident street. Thej also wL. ?al’ on Lind­ SENATE IN DISPUTE store in an attmept to steal president and Rev. Julius Hulteen District No. 25— Mrs. Mary C. of this town and not a citizen called IN BLOODY BATTLE say Crawford, Irish Free State two. shirts which he hoped to of Hartford was re-eiected secretary Mahoney, William H. Petrie. E. E. Segar of Main street who is representative. sell for food. on the first ballot. Rev. Hulteen District No. 26— Paul R. Con­ at the head of the State Aid De­ In the evening they will attend ON TAX SLASHIl^G Washington, May 3.— Severely Following his arrest, D’Hed­ boasts of the longest period o£ nery, Catherine K. H. Bissell. partment in the comptroller’s office the gathering of the United Seaman jarred, but still grimly determined, berg told a story of poverty service among the officers, having District No. 27— John A. Walsh, in Hartford. Societies at the Metropolitan Ope-a served since the organization of the Mr. Segar made an effort yester­ Former Tries to Stop Loot* the House “ Farm Bloc” fought to­ and suffering when brought up Mrs. Hugh Fox. House. in Magistratfe’s Court. He said conference with the exception of District No. 28— Edward J. Kee­ day to find a place in a tuberculo-is The Junkers Corporation plans day with its back to the wall to he was a graduate of Moscow one year. Other candidates for the gan, Asa Scranton. ward, but there was no room at to bring the trans-Atlantic plane Divided Into Two Camps on save the McNary-Haugen Bill from University and held a Ph. D. office of secretary^ were Rev. A. M. District No. 29— Valentine L. the time. Last night there-was ing;f-Are Greatly Out­ Benander of Boston, Rev. John E. Bremen here from Greenly Island. defeat. degree from the Sorbonne. Murphy, Mrs. Lena Fletcher. another call to Chief Gordon at his Nelson of Waltham, Mass., and Rev. District No. 30— William Dris­ home when he was Informed that Pilot Fred Melchoir hopes to fly to Question of Debt Retire­ As the situation .stood today the During the war, 70,000 Rus­ numbered by Chinese. the ice-bound island and return in sian soldiers were at his com­ A. J. Laurell of Worcester, Mass. coll. Mrs. Josephine Gisselbrecht. Pupul could no longer stay in the the Bremen. He will be accom­ equalization fee— declared by farm mand, he related, and he was The following were elected as 31st. Ernest O. Wagner, Mrs. house. The chief gave such in­ the committee on credentials: Rev. panied by another pilot who will ment Today. organizations spokesmen to be the active in the last fighting of Mary O’Connor. formation as he had concerning the William R. Frendberg, of Brock- 32. John S. ,Addis, Robert H. case and assured them action was Tokio. May J.— A sanguinary fly back in Melchoir's plane. heart of the measure— Is stricken the last fighting of the 'White ton. Mass., Rev. Fritz Soderberg. of battle, between Japanese troops out. In its place is a bill some­ Army against the Soviet Thoms. under way-. 33. J. Henry Fagan, Anna M. Damped on Roadside and hordes of soldiers o f the Na­ Washington, May 4.— The most what akin to the farm relief pro­ forces. tionalist Chinese army Is. raging at. McEnroe. This did not seem to be satis­ important fiscal issue facing the posed by Secretary of Agriculture “ I don’t want to talk,” he Tsinan today, according to . official Jardine. said. “ I am tired. For two 34. Thomas P. Kirwln, Mrs. Mary factory for at 8 o’clock this mom-; ONLY FOUR COUNTIES American government lay beneath information given out by the Jap­ Backers of the bill declared that months I have been eating gar­ Bride. ing the dying man was brought to anese War Office. the surface warfare today in the the House would reverse its action bage. I stole the shirts to sell 35. Ozoro Hanks, Fannie Dixon Manchester, helped from the auto­ Fierce fighting broke out when BEAT GOV. AL. SMITH Senate light over the new tax re­ of yesterday, whqn by a vote of 141 them and buy bread for my. Welch. mobile and given a seat on the con­ the Japanese attempted to stop loot­ vex row of seats at the northeast duction bill. to 120 it adopted the bill of Rep. wife and three children.” ing by the Nationalists who were in Aswell (D) of Louisiana, as a sub­ TO VOTE FOR SMITH corner of the park near the soldiers’ The Senate was divided into two possession of the town, the war of-, stitute for the first section of the Hartford, Conn., May 3.— Con­ monument. There Chief Gordon flee stated. other 54 in Return­ camps on the question of debt necticut’s delegates to the Demo­ noticed him. while the other favored its gradual McNary-Haugen bill. The Japanese are believed to b€ ed Him Winner by 30,000 Situations Muddled cratic national convention will go In the meantime word was greatly outnumbered. The numbei refunding over a period involving PLANS PLANE FUGHT to Houston, Texas, next month, passed on to Charity Superintend- Votes. future generations. This was the The parliamentary tangle creat­ of casualties is not known. ed by the unexpected action was bearing instructions from the party ent Waddell of the condition and real issue as debate started over to vote for Governor Alfred E. the administration plan for a still muddled as the House prepar­ OF OVER 4,200 MILES he tried to’ reach the State Aid Shanghai, May 3.— A hostile air­ San Francisco, Cal., May 3.— ed to renew the fight over the Smith, of New York, as candidate office. There was no time to wait. plane attempted to bomb the Na­ $203,000,000 tax reduction and the for the presidency until they are Governor Al Smith’s overwhelming Democratic Substitute for a $336,- measure today. Under the machin­ The police car was brought in use, tionalist arsenal in Lunchwa in tht-. victory in California’s Democratic ery of the House the action was To Hop From Rockford, 111., to released by the governor himself. the man lifted into the car by Mr. soutTiern suburbs of Shanghai to­ 000,000 slash. Such Instructions were voted when primary election was further em­ Insurgents’ ' Plans taken in committee of the whole, Greenland—Then to Stock­ day. Nearly, a score of bombs were the Democratic state convention as­ dropped, but the arsenal was not phasized today as tabulation of re­ The Insurgents were reported with Rep. Mapes (R) of Michigan holm, Sweden. (Continued on page 2) turns from the few remaining pre­ as presiding officer instead of sembled here today for its final ses­ struck. A woman was killed. ready to line up with the adminis­ sion. A rising unanimous vote cincts proceeded. tration on the smaller reduction Speaker Longworth. Much de­ The plan\— a bomber— Is be­ New York, May 3.—^Bert Has­ adopted the Instructions. lieved to have flown from a north­ While votes cast for Herbert plan as they favor using all treas­ pends upon Mape’s decision on the sell, a big blonde aviator of Rock­ Hoover, cole Republican candidate Harmony fairly prevailed when ern encampment near the scene of ury surpluses for the retirement of parliamentary situation. ford, 111., was in New York City the convention started at 10:34 a. POPE PIUS AGAINST on thep rimary slate, continued to war debts. A year ago. Senator The action came with dramatic fighting along the Shai.tung penin­ today completing arrangements for m. Fights in Bridgeport, New Lon­ sula. pile up into a huge total well over Norris (R) of Nebraska, sponsored suddness, although Rep. Aswell his contemplated flight of 4,200 the half million mark. Smith’s edge the resolution, wnich directed the don and New Haven were Ironed The attack was made at noon. Ip who, with Rep. Fort (R) of New miles frpin Rockford to Stockholm, out and the convention seemed well ATHLETICS FOR GIRLS over the comblneu poll of his treasury to use a $400,000,000 addition to one woman killed an­ Jersey, has been leading the fight Sweden, by'way of Greenland. This satisfied with everything that had other was wounded. Some cattle Democratic oppone. ts. Senators surplus for debt retirement. against the bill, had previously an­ far north route, in his opinion, “ is been done. grazing in a field were killed. James A. Reed and Thomas J. In the ten years since the war, nounced his intention to move to the most leasable way to cross the Rev. Dr. S. G. Hagglund the public debt has been slashed At the outset of the session the Does Not Believe in Public Nationalists opened fire with Walsii, maintained itself at ap­ substitute his own measure. ocean to Europe.” committee on permanent organiza­ rifles but the plrine flew off .In the proximately 30,000. from twenty-six to eighteen billion “ The “ Farm Bloc” leaders have “ The longest stretch of water North Grosvernordale, Conn., Otto Contests Fon Young Girls, dollars. Another billion dollars will Becklund of Worcester, Mass., and tion presented a report making the ' direction of Woosung. Reed, running seco.nd to Gov. demanded that they be permitted to that I will have to span is 548 temporary officers of the gathering He Writes. ■t Lungwa is about six miles froi' Smith, had a lead over Walsh of be repaid by June 30, the end of continue to consider the McNary- miles, a fact that obviously cuts Ludvig. Lindquist of Manchester, N. the current fiscal year. Of this H. • the permanent ones. This was the foreign settlement. approximately 13,0o0. Haugen bill for amendments, while down the danger of coming down ia adopted without dissent Rome, May 3.— There were indi­ Tokio, May 3.—A sensational. nine billion dollar slash, all but a opponents contend that the Aswell mid-ocean,” said . Hassell. “ This is Tonight All but four 0- the 38 counties Tonight’s program will , be of The town of Orange was finally cations today that some of the girl report was current- here this eve­ few hundred millions came from substitute should be voted upon quite a contrast from the 1,900 athletes entered In the Fascist field iu the state returned Smith vic- general taxation, although the special interest to young people. recognized by-the'convention to­ ning that 100 Japanese'residents of, tcrlous 1 - the Democratic voting, finally. miles of water that must be cross­ sports beginning tomorrow may Tsinan (Tslnanfu) have been k llle d t^ original debt retirement law pro­ ed in flying other trans-Atlantic Rev. A, O. Hjelm of Worcester, day. In all future Democratic con­ jn the basis of returns already The Aswell subsitute was adopt­ Mass., who has always been a lead­ ventions the state’s youngest to-wn withdraw as a result of the deep by Chinese. The origin of the. vided that only one-half of the ed without a roll-call vote, and routes. displeasure-expressed by Pope Pius tabulated. Reed won two counties, debt— or $13,000,000,000— should er among young pe.ople, will be one is to have two delegates. The com­ port was not ^ven. Violent flght-^ Walsh one, and the fourth register­ “ Farm Bloc” leaders were confi­ “ I am going to try and make XI over young women taking part be repaid by general taxation over Stockholm in two jumps. I will of- the speakers and he has chosen mittee on rules made the recom­ ing developed between JapMCSjK ed only Republican vo'.es. dent that some members would for his subject "Our Young People mendation and the convention in public athletic contests.- troops and. Chenese Natlonalfcts at* a period of forty years. The other change when a final record vote is hop off from Rockford the'latter half was to come from foreign re­ in the Church.” , Dr. C. G. Erickson, adopted it without dissent. The Pontiff’s, disapproval was Tsinan when ^Ubinesa began -loot-. taken. They- also pointed to the part of June or early in July for voiced in a letter to Cardinal FLIERS IN NEW YORK payments. Mount Evans, Greenland, a dis­ president of Upsala College, will be Following this; the resolutions Ing Japanese ;,ownedy£ property. absence of 174 members at the time another of the speakers and his committee presented the word ‘ to Pbmpieli, vicar of Rome. He de­ There were ‘casualties on both. Democrats Call of the vote. tance of 2,100 ndiles, and the only New York, May 3.— The Bremen The Treasury Department, aided contemplated stop. From Mount subject will be “ Our Young People instruct the delegates to the _^na- plored the holding of the first sides. Tsinan is the capital ol fliers, Captain Herman Koehl, Ma­ by Congress, has devoted nine bil­ at Upsala.’" Music will'be furnish­ tional convention. athletic competition fox' ,rglrls In Shantung Province. CORONER IN HOSPITAL Evans I will take off for Stockholm, jor James Fitzmaurice and Baron lion dollars in the ten-year period an additional 2,100 miles.” ed by the Beethoven Glee club of Elections of Delegates Rome saying: — iunther von Huenefeld, arrived at Instead of the $3,250,000,000 con­ Hassell will be accompanied by the local church. Elections of delegates from tho “ The Roman bishops must all de­ FIGHT njSBCTS Miller field, Staten Island, at 11:33 templated by the law. The Wilson New Haven, Conn., May .— Eli Thl^'Morning’s Service state’s five districts followed, ac­ plore that, after t-v^enty centuries of Hartfordv C^na., May, 8.— To aid J Mix, veteran coroner for New Ha­ another pilot whose. Identity has t, m., today in the Junkers monu- administration started it, and the not been disclosed. Before taking This morning’s devotional ser­ cording to recommendations al­ Christianity, Rome Is showing less the state exporlmerit station at; )lane F-13, sis^ ter ship of the Bre­ Harding and Coolidge administra­ ven county, entered New Haven off from-Rockford, Hassell will be vices were In charge of Rev., S. C. ready made. When the Third Dis­ respect for girls than Pagan Rome New Ha'iren to continue Its fight; men. ITxey left Washington at 9:28 tions kept it up under Mellon. Now hospital today fbr observation. In radio communication 'With Prof. Franzen -of Manchester.- The local trict’s turn came, David M. Rich- did for Pagan Rome eluded girls ai^nst insect pests in ConnMticutii'’ ; i. m. the Democratic party In the Senate Coroner Mix’i, condition suddenly William H. Hobbs, of the Univer­ pastor. Rev.. P. J .. O.- Cornell > wel­ man, youthful candidate for secre­ from Athletic „comp«titi6n8." the state board ot finance and con-; The filers •were met by members has demanded a halt, the elimina­ developed such a serious trend, that sity of Michigan .who j for the past comed the delegatee and visitors tary of state two years ago, . moved ' The• Pontiff ■> explained, -however, trol today.-votodrlleiOOO to the. sti^, )f the mayor’s committee, who were tion of wartime taxes and a return physicians ordered him to the four summers has^ conducted a after which be introduced Hb'noiS; that the Third District election be that he believed rational ex^^se tion. Tile monisy Is to be devote^ o bring them to Manhattan in au- hospital. He had been lUling for meteorology. . station . at -Mount should be followed by'women tor cblef ly to the AslatiO' omobiles. • (Continued on Pace 8). some timel Evans. ' ' (Continved on ]MUKe-8).. .ffiOAtinoed on^pwe 2), .the. beixetlt ofbeftltlu ‘ aa4-j;ho corn M .

\ ‘K' - r r ’ -Vr!. ‘ 4 ' ; fe- lT\t, M s


{suspended sentence for breach of peace. Monahan was fined |5 each O R U M ZE RABBIT THOMAS STHL UP - for breach of the peace and as­ BIG CHANGES DUMPWORNOilT FRENCH ARTISTS R o c k v i l l e sault and battery and costs of $10.23 making a total of $20.23. IN TRY F O l RECORD Notes OUBIOCAUY GROWTOOLAZY; OF W . H. CHAPMAN The Rockville Fish and Game IN OFFICIALS MAN, DYING, ON Contemplate Veterans’ Hospital Club will hold a gold handicap Roosevelt Field,-N. Y., May 3.— At the meeting of the Rockville shoot on Saturday at the Club’s ART NEAR DEATH At 12:30 o’clock this afternoon, ex­ Chamber of Commeroe Tuesday traps. actly 24 hours since Ue took off in evening Preeident L. E. Hale was OF DEMOCRATS Owners of Bonnies Here Be- PARK AT CENTER Accounts at iStation Stanley Dobosz Poet American ■9 an attempt to eetablish a new rec­ authorized to appoint a committee Legion Observed Auxiliary N lf't ord for sustained airplane fight, to investigate the possibilities of a on) Tuesday evening, with a large (Continued from Page 1.) fieve There Is Big Market (Continued from Page 1.) .— French art Is dying. Ar­ Lieut. Royal V. Thomas was still D. K., Says Partner; Fear Veterans’ Hospital in Rockville. number present. A moving picture tists are growing lazier every day, circling lazily over Roosevelt Field, Also the matter of a gasoline-elec­ "Ten Years After the War" was postponed to give the delegates a Waddell and Probation Officer Ed­ according to some of the best crit­ Long Island. tric train replacing the present greatly enjoyed and followed by chance to iron out a bit of difficul­ fo r Pells. ward Elliott and taken to the ics. Lieut. Thomas hopes to break tbe AccidenL train train was discussed. A com­ dancing. ty. This was in reference to the Manchester Memorial hospital. "The young painters and sculp­ record recently set by Eddie Stin­ mittee from the chamber will con­ Alden Skinner Auxiliary will New Haven fight. As far as it can be learned Tony tors that I meet these days." says son and George Haldeman who re­ Mr. Richman's motion was met Antoine Bourdelle, one of France’s fer with the New Haven Road af- hold Its regular meeting In G.A.R. There wan organized In Manches­ has been a sufferer with tuberonlo- mained aloft for 53 hours. 36 min­ There are no developments in ficials in regard to this matter. Hall Friday evening. A class of with another mdtlon to table it. sis. He comes from Poland and not finest authorities, "seem to disdain utes and 31 seconds at Jacksonville, The motion to table carried, and ter laat night a Rabbit Club, known their trade, the technique of their Fla. To set a new mark, Thomas the sudden disappearance of Wil- Family Night to be Observed candidates will bo initiated and re­ being a tradesman of any kind liard H. Chapman, who left the The Every Mothers’ Club of the the delegates from the Third Dis­ as Unit No, 1, tor it is the first of sought work on the tobacco planta­ art. One sculptor recently came to must stay up until 7:07 o’clock to­ freshments served. me with a figure which seemed to .gas station at the corner o f Center Baptist Church will observe "-Paml- trict were elected unanimously. the kind to be organised around tion. The close air of the bunk- morrow night. The Vernon Grange will hold Not a voice was raised in opposi­ have been hacked out with an axe. and Adams street, Monday morning ly Night" Friday evening at 7:30 "Neighbors’ Night” Friday evening. this section. It Is hoped a larger houses that are maintained by some without a word to relatives or his o'clock at the Baptist Church. tion to either Thomas P. Cahill, of of the growers where men sleep In He pretended that It was a "syn­ S. M. E. CHURCH NOTES The Manchester and Wapplng New Haven, or Leo Sullivan, of body will grow and can be re- thesis!" business partner. The police have Rev. H. B. Olmstead will deliver an granges will be guests and will tiers on small bunks did not. pro­ Branford. "I asked him, ’ the synthesis ot Rev. Karl Ruf Stolz, Ph. D., who sent out a dlscription of the man. address. An interesting entertain­ participate in the program. christened "asBOCiation" and then vide the fresh air that Tony requir­ The matter of the New London later on a state organisation. what?' and the poor creature didn’t will preach at the morning servlco and yesterday had it btoadcasi ment has been carefully arranged ed and his lungs became affected. know how to answer me. He made through station WTIC. and will Include musical numbers, fight then came up. A motion was This is not Improbable according at this church on Sunday morning carried after the report of the cre­ But he did not know the ways of me think ot a little child who, up­ will be remembered as the teacher Alexis Tournaud, his partner, readings and a play. The follow­ to the ten men who gathered In the the Am orlcan'people. Lack of exer­ ANDOVER dentials committee came in, to the dark basement of the old bowling on hearing a magnificent symphony of blble study at the religious In­ denies that there is a'^hortage in ing will take part in the play: effect that the holders of proxies cise after, his work caused the dis­ would begin to beat upon a kettle stitute held at the South Metho­ Chapman’s accounts although such 4Mrs. Green, the neighborhood alleys In the Odd Fellows base­ appearance of the extra flesh of the from the Eighteenth District be ment. They gathered around a table and exclaim: ’ I, too, can make a dist church last winter under aus­ a rumor had started yesterday. It ©asy-mark .... Mrs. Thos. Darcy turned down. Then the Eighteenth big boned man, but he straggled lot of noise.'" pices of the Manchester Council of is also stated that he had hut 30 Mrs. Jenkins, her neighbor with Next Monday evening “ Parents as though looking into the crystal, on, until too weak to go tunber. was to be allowed to elect Its own telling of the future, for to listen Monsieur Bourdelle finds young Religious Education. He Is the dean cents in his p'oeket when he'left the borrowing habit. . i ...... Night” will be observed by the He became confined at the place artists ot the day frankly lazy and of the Hartford School of Religious local Grange in the town hall. Mrs. state central committee. to these ten men, and youths and his friends fear he may have Mrs. Frank Long Bridgeport’s Fight where he last worked. Indifferent to learning. They all Education. suffered a mental trouble or met Mrs. Killjoy the neighborhood Howard Stanley is chairman of the there were foreseen many posslblll- Bridgeport’s fight was settled by ties, perhaps riches, in the years to The tobacco season was lato In want to show genius and they can­ with ah accident . A search was g o ssip ...... Mrs. Geo. Brigham program committee. getting itarted this year so there not even display real talent. In Rev. Marvin S. Stocking of the The Girls League will meet with a vote on the fioor of the conven­ come. started Monday night after he did Mrs. Rodgers, another neighbor tion in which Peter J. Umstatter, were little things,that he could do, painting ignorance has become a North Methodist church will con­ not return and searching, parties and chronic borrow er...... the Misses Rose and Sara Rosen- Of the ten who gathered a tabu cardinal virtue. Ask a plumber to of Bridgeport, defeated P. P. Dunl- latloa showed that they owned 810 but now that there is an Inorease duct the devotional service In con­ drove to different places where they Mrs. Geo. Herzog blum Friday evening at 8 o’cock. in the tobacco work. It requires solder a water-faucet and you will nection with the final musical at Mrs. Edward Nicolini who has gan. With Mr. Umstratter on the rabbits. That is the number they thought he could be found. This Willie Rodgers, her son...... state central committee was named more time. He was not ready to see him get out bis tools and pro­ the church Sunday evening at 7:30 continued through the night and a ben visiting her mother returned had when they left home, but their ceed carefully and logically, mak­ Miss Bessie Kent Miss Josephine Kieley, also of knowledge of the little creature meet It and as a result, like an old when the choir of 35 voices will report was made to the Hartford J. Smith, back from the West. . . . to her home in Hartford Tuesday ing use of all he has learned as an sing Horatio Parker’s “ Hora No- evening. Mr. Nicolini spent the Bridgeport. was such that they could not vouch worn-out machine, that had lost Its police thinking that ho may have Mrs. Carrie Kane District delegates to the national usefulness, he'was dropped by the apprentice. vissma." The choir will be assisted evening with Mrs. Jones and re­ that there would be that many But, ask nine-tenths of the mod­ been picked up for some auto law Teachers Entertained convention are: aide of the road. by the quartet from the Brick violation. It was not until Tuesday turned home with his wife. when they returned home. They ern artists now exposing in French church on Fifth avenue, New York The teachers of the Sunday Miss Janett Smith was a re­ First District— Thomas J. Smith, were not aura whether there might At the Manchester Memorial salons to oegln a composition on a night that the report was made to School of the Union Congregational of. New Britain, and J. P. Browno, hospital, an examination was made, City. Considerable interest is being Chief Gordon. cent caller on her sister Mrs. Chad­ be more. blank canvas and you will see their shown In the forthcoming sacred Church were entertained at the wick in Mansfield. of Enfield. Irving Barrett was elected ns showing a greatly advanced ease of improvising, hesitating methods, Mrs. Chapman has given the in­ Second District— Patrick P. president and W. E. Hurlock vlce- concert, not only because of its Church Tuesday evening. A sup­ Next Sunday the church services tuberculosis. Re will not die today, their Ignorance of the chemical re­ merit but because It is the last mu­ formation to friends that he had per was served at 6:30 after which Sweeney, of Norwich, and Ozra G. president. Edward Manning of An they say. In the meantime the effort actions of colors— in fact total ig­ left home Monday morning In a will begin on daylight saving time. Hanks, of Mansfield. sical Mr, Sessions will direct before a short business meeting was held. The morning service beginning at ” ’ dover, who has given much study will be continued to place Tony In norance of all that has made great leaving for his trip abroad. May 10. cheerful mood, but objects to hav­ ..Following the meeting everyone Third District— Thomas P. Ca­ to the raising of rabbits for differ­ some tuberculosis hospital where French art, ing his picture sent out to. the dif­ 10:45 and the evening events at hill, of New Haven, and Leo Sulli­ Mrs. R, K. Anderson will play dur­ .was invited upstairs where an en- 7 o’clock daylight saving time. ent purposes was named as secre­ special treatment can be given. "The painting of Montparnasse is ing his adsence. ferent police departments through­ “lertainment, including a comedy van, of Branford. tary and Leon Underhill the treas­ This location may seen be found perfectly hideous,” declares Foraln, out the country. At the Christian Endeavor meet­ Fourth District— J. Augustus sketch and musical numbers, was ing Sunday evening the topic will urer. and Tony may have a chance, but famous for his war-posters and carli enjoyed. Mrs. Lebbeus Bissell Lynch, of Danbury, and Archibald Rabbits was the subjecv and Just it seems as though the breaks are catures. "It Is the negation of be “ How to Choose a Life Work” . McNeil, of Bridgeport. VESSEL, RE-FUELED, gave a very interesting talk ac­ The leaders are Nathan Gatchell, to what advantage the rabbit can against him. everything I have learned. FLOOD CONTROL BILL companied by moving pictures of Fifth District— Peter Fitz Henry, be used was discussed freuly. First “ Painters nowadays go no far­ Bertram Wright and Guy Bartlett, of Waterbury, and Charles J. her recent trip to India and sur­ Jr. there was the question of rabbit ther than a "still life,” a package ARRIVES IN N.Y. Moore, of Torrlngton. of tobacco on tbe corner of a table, CONFEREES AGREED rounding country. George Platt will give an old- meat, declared to be a wonderful FORMER MAYOR HYLAN • To Observe Flag Day Archibald McNeil, of Bridgeport, eating fiesh surpassing chicken and a few onions and an apple in a dish fashioned and modern dance in the chief leader of the Insurgent forces suffice to make their ‘chef d’oeu- The Rockville Lodge B.P.O. Elks town hall Saturday evening re­ even ham. This was one of the New York. May 3.— After lying in the Democratic Party, paved the TO RUN kOm IN N. Y. vres.’ Chardin painted 'still life’ helplessly off the Virginia capes for Washington, May 3.— ^The Senate will observe Flag Day, June 14th freshments will be served during way for harmony to prevail over methods of income that could be .with Assistant United States Dis­ had. Then there was the pelt. Gov­ but the celebrated “ Benedicite" two weeks, the oil-burning freigh­ and House conferees today approv­ intermission. the convention finally by making a came from his hands later. ter Western Ocean, steamed up ed the $325,000,000 Jones-Reid trict Atorney George H. Cohen as There was a large audience at motion that Connecticut send ten ernment figures show that the skin New York, May 3.— Former "Long-haired artists spend most New York harbor today. The ves­ flood control bill and recommended the principal speaker. Mr. Cohen the minstrel show given by the instead of eight delegates to Hous­ of the rabbit is used in fifty-six dif­ Mayor John F. Hylan announced ferent preparations of "fur” and Of their time In cafes and don’t sel, which carries a crew of 35, had its iramuliate passage by Congress. Is a speaker of great eloquence and Chaplin Grange Wednesday evening ton. His moCion was carried with today that he would be a candidate have time for study. They have run short of fuel. Rockville Elks ate very fortunate great enthusiasm. Then the roster these can be sold at price'' ranging for mayor at the next election, op­ The Congress accept'^d most of in the local town hall taken Cezanne for model and have Three coast guard cutters and a the major-amendments adopted by ill securing him. Mrs. Thomas Lerver entertained of delegates was complete, accord­ from sixty-five cents to $2 in the posing Mayor James J. Walker, contented themselves with his navy tug had made unsuccessful at­ the House to the Senate bill. The lodge will run an outdoor the Antique Club of Manchester ing in nearly every respect to the raw, but if they are properly cured whose candidacy was announced three famous apples.” tempts to tow the Western Ocean fair from August 20th to 25th in­ Wednesday at an all day session. slate which the regular leaders of they can get at least three times yesterday. Some changes were made with a into port since her plight was first view to meetin?. the objections of clusive which promises to be bet­ Ten members were present. A very the party had desired. National that amount and for some of the Hylan attacked the mayor’s ad­ What, no women chefs? No, and reported, April 18. Yesterday the ter than last year. The prizes are enjoyable time was had. Committeeman Thomas J. Spel- tanned pelts they can get as high ministration and the Tammany or­ there probably never will be any, navy tug, Kewaydln. ran a pipe line President Coolldge whO' has said to represent a fortune. The lacy, who yesterday named a "har­ as $10. ganization that virtually ousted according to Monsieur Constant to the ship and pumped 15,000 gal­ threatened to Veto the bill unless seven automobiles which are to be VICE CONSUL MISSING, mony committee, to get things They are going to take up tan­ him when Walker was elected, de­ Chouret, chef and Monsieur Henri lons of fuel aboard, enabling it to the contributions required of the given away the last night include a | Shanghai. Mav 3.— United States straightened put, stood as the win­ ning and make all that extra claring that the new Tammany and Dufour, maltre d’hotel. continue. The vessel left Hamburg states affected are increased. Buick Coach, Studebaker Sedan, j vice Consul Waiter B. Wilson, who ner of his greatest local fight. His money. The president has had con­ the mayor had betrayed the people. "Give a woman a set of sauce­ for New York on March 27. Under the bill, the federal gov­ Dodge Sedan, Reo Wolverine, Olds- disappeared on Tuesday, was still committee had succeeded, and Mr. siderable experience in the last two He declared that with Walker pans and a small kitchen range and ernment would bear practically the mobile Sedan, Pontiac Coach and missing today. Detectives are Spellacy will head the delegation to years in this work and he has vol­ again In the mayoralty chair, the she can cook the only kind of food FIRE TRUCK BURNS entire cost of flood prevention work Chevrolet Coach. | scouring the countryside around Houston. His aide will be David E. unteered to do the teaching in this city “ could expect a ten-cent sub­ I care to eat,” said M. Dufour, "bui in the Mississippi valley. Court Settles Discussion , Shanghai. Soochow and Hangchow. Fitzgerald, who has been the par­ respect and probably later, when In a hotel kitchen she'd be lost." Evanston, 111., May 3— Evanston ty’s most successful leader In New way fare.” As a result of an argument Tues- Thev said that Wilson had written they each have 1,000 rabbits or so Earlier in the day the former M. Chouret then explained why. firemen know how to fight pther CYCLONE IN BULGARIA. day evening on Brooklyn street, Haven. "The heat In a kitchen is too in­ Sofia, Bulgaria, May 3.— While letters to friends hinting that he Dniaii a Delegate apiece there may be a central sta­ mayor had Intimated In strong people’s fires, but wl;en their own Alexander MacDonald and Jo-hn might take his own life. The vice tion where the work for all of the terms that he would be willing to tense,” he said, "there are too many hook-and-ladder truck, enroute to relief workers and troops scoured Monahan were brought into the city ' On the other hand, the Insurg­ tempermental cooks who need tha the debris left by a terrific cyclone consul was fond of taking long ents claimed that theirs was the associatlo.. can be done. enter the mayoralty lists again a fire, broke out in flames they court Wednesday morning. Mac­ hikes and one police theory Is that Fertilizer will also be considered. and at noon, when pressed, declar­ iron authority of a masculine chef, were were frankly stumped. at Stara-Zagorsa for possible dead, victory'today. Their chiefs were and three years of apprenticeship Donald was lined $1 for assault he may have gone to some isolated represented on thte delegation In Water is cheap and rabbi;, fertiliz­ ed unequivocally that he would Keep cool.” quoted someone from seventy persons who were injured and battery, $5 and costs for in­ sopt in the country and committed toss his hat in the ring, and “ beat would be too long for a woman. the book of rules. But the fire in the catastrophe were bing cared Dr. Edward J. Dolan, of Manches­ er will almost grow hair on a bar “ The best proof of the drain up­ toxication and was given a 30 days suicide. head, say the fanciers. Tammany and Walker at their own kept right on burning. Just then for today. ter, and E. P. Miner, of New Hav6n. on our strength is that the Assocl- The cyclone left in its wake a Delegates at large are: Labor Saving Device game.” Fire Chief A. N. Hofstetter happen­ atioh of Chefs arranges to retire ed along. devasted town. The residents al­ Thomas J. Spellacy, of Hartford. Everybody, it was pointed out, us' when we are fifty-five years What you fellows need, he ready having been through the David E. Fitzgerald, of New Hav­ at some time or another has had old. Then we can enjoy home-cook­ horrors of numerous earthquakes en. or knew a boy that had rabbits, but SPEQAL PLANS FOR began, “ is the fire department.” ing. That’s the best kind. We chefs recently, fled in panic. James J. Walsh, of Meriden. nobody o ery thought how much seldom eat our own dishes.” Whereupon other equipment was William E. Thoms, of Water­ summoned to the scene. With Buildings were demolished, can be done in the way. of saving TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT trees unearthed and crops In the bury. in the cutting of grass and clover Charles Mestorlno, confessed their private fire out, the depart­ Mrs. Lillian Abbott, of Norwalk. ment proceeded to answer the first fields outside the town ravaged. on which they will feed. The rab­ “ torch murderer” holds the speed When the full-force of the cyclone Dr. Edward J. Dolan, of Man­ bits are going to help out in this record for attaining Immorality. alarm. chester. AT G. 0. P. CONVENTION desisted after fifteen minutes, many - ork themselves and allov/ the Scarcely had the judge finished persons were found to be missing. Mrs. Edward Keegan, of Wllll- owners to devote tnore time to reading the charges against him be­ UP-'rO-D.ATE SOURDOUGHS mantic. Kansas City, Mo.— Tbe Western fore Mestorlno was In wax, the star I’LAN HOP TO GOLD CLAIM watching each levelojn.ent that AI Smith says he sees no differ­ Mrs. Martin J. Caine, of Nauga­ they might have to glv.' up in cut­ Union Telegraph company has an­ exhibit of the Grevin waxworks, IN A MODERN SEA PLANE. tuck. nounced plans for the Republican where the effigies of the famous ence between the people of North STARTED THIS MORNING Edward P. Miner, of New Haven. ting the grass. It is an invention of Carolina and the people of New one of those present. The large wire National Convention here in June, and notorious hob-nob as they used Portland. Ore.— Al Sahllnger and Mrs. Alice Mooney, of Water­ which calls for erection of equip­ to In the Eden Musee that New John La Fontaine, two famous York City. He’d better take If. i bury. baskets, such as are used as a dish ment that would normally serve a next vacation- in some otber state holder after washing dishes can be York knew during the mauve de­ Alaskan sourdoughs, will break AND IS NOW IN Immediately after naming the city of near a half million inhabit cade. trail to their gold claim in the than North Carolina. delegates at large a motion was used. On each of the four corners ants. Cost of installations and sal Mestorlno killed Gaston Truph- Arctic with a high powered sea­ made and carried without a dis­ of the basket will be placed small ai T to be paid the several hun eme, diamond salesmen, admittedly plane this year. rollers. The basket will be turned senting voice, to permit each dele­ dred extra employes, It is estimated, over rivalry for Mestorlno’s sister- The two prospectors have located gate to name his own alternate. upside down and the rabbit will will exceed $150,000. in-law and supposedly for $25,000 a rich strike 30 miles inside the Following the convention vo^ed have no weight upon its back. The telegraph company plans to worth of Jewels. arctic circle. Years of tiresome to defer tthe organization of the A number of rabbits can be plac­ occupy 3,000 square feet of the The Vvaxwork artists show Mes­ sledging supplies with a team of state central committee until ed In separate baskets of this type ConventTon hall floor where It will torlno standing beside a half-char­ huskies have convinced them that Swing Thursday, May 10, Instead of fol­ and as they go alon« munching at employ a total of 100 telegraph red corpse in a ditch outside Paris. they are behind the times. Laden lowing the usual custom of electing the grass, getting their feed, it will Instruments and 50 automatic As the scene required considerable with gold dust they came to Port­ officers today. YOUR CHOICE OF save the trouble of cutting the printing seta. A 101) horse power floor space some effigies had to be land and are negotiating with a The convention adjourned in grass. It will be called a rabbit gasoline motor will be placed in sacrificed. It was decided to dis­ local aircraft concern for a sea­ about three-quarters of an hour af­ perambulator. Thus labor can be the hall, so that it may be used to pense with Sacco and Vahzetti. plane. They plan to fly their ter It had started. In an hour's saved. Other rabbits will be sel­ supply current for the telegraph plane Inland from Wrangell alight­ time the delegates were speeding ected for breeding purposes with wires In the event of a power PHIL SCOTT CLAIMING ing on one of the numerous lakes homeward. Harmony prevailed at pooelble markets in all New Eng­ breakdown. in the territory surrounding their Everything in the Store left’ ‘ielegates insist'ed as they Following the Republican meet­ LEGAL RIGHT TO MEET land, and New York as outlet. claim. Four Litters A Year ing, the company will remove Its TUNNEY IN ENGLAND In order to provide the organi­ Four Utters a year Is all that is equipment to Houston, Texas, for zation meeting of the state central going to be asked of each owner tbe Democratic convention. London.— Phil Scott, British committee the convention voted to and this will produce a rabbit that "Virtually nothing can happen In heavyweight champion, and ex- adjourn until next Thursday, will bd given more time to gain In Kansas City, that would disrupt the horlzontal champion. Is the legal telegraph service and prevent the The eighteenth dlstrlpt finally weight and also assure strength to contender for Tunney’s title, in the elected Alton C. Minor, of New world from reading the news of the opinion of Charlie Rose. Scott’s the parents ofthe bunnle family. convention almost instantly,” G, W. [COMING SUNDAY— ^The One and Only Jxm Chaneyl ON THE London, as statu central committee­ On A Large Scale manager in London. I Double Feature REMEMBER THIS SALE CLOSES f in e s t in n e a r BSAT cold storage, tanning tank and Convention. am of tha opinion that it would be TOMORROW TO CONTAIN 200 ROOMS. shipping crates In'his place and ex- an insult to tbe Intelligence of the -----Bm— ^ British public, as Scott has beaten pacts by early next spring to have FIND HAYDN MANUSCRIPT SATURDAY, MAY 12th Jerusalem.—— Jerusalem’s sorely Heeney twice, to overlook the Brit­ on hand, ready to sell at any time IN OLD AUSTRIAN CHURCH Follies^ of our needed modern hotel is at last to 1,000 rabbite. He will also give ish champion’s claim to a match in COME EARLY AND TAKE become a reality. The owner of consideration to the by-products. Vienna.— A hitherto unkuown this country with Tupney. Youth and the the Hotel Allenby, at present the The club is going to meet in manuscript of Haydn, tbe "father ot heart of a beautiful best available In Jerusalem hae be­ another week add expects to have modern music" as he la often re­ HARVARD GETS RONES star bared m this ADVANTAGE OF FULL STOCK gun on a new hotel which when more members. The charter mem- ferred to, has recently been dis­ completed, promises to be one of OP ANCIENT MONSTER intimate and realis­ the finest in the Near East. }«rs that signed , last night are J. covered in the choral library of the D. Lapp, W. E. Hurlook, Joseph tic drama of Broad­ SELECTIONS "Consisting of two hundred Church of St. Jacob at Burghausen, Cambridge, Mass.— A prehlstorlq VesBl, Howard Cheney, Charles Al­ in the province ot Salzburg. The plesiosaur, one of the large marine way. Be sure’ you rooms, Jerusalem's new hotel will see it. . be the last word In luxury and len, Leon . Underwood, Donald Un­ composition In a Requiem In C reptiles that inhabited tbe Inland derwood, Irving Barrett, Edward splendor,” the prospectus just pub­ minor, and bears the title "Re­ seas of the Ualted States many SSSB8SS83BBSBI Manning and William McCullum. quiem in C-moll, a Canto del Sig­ years ago, hat been acquired by the lished cheerily announces. "Many . The Mastera of 33% Interest on Your Money innovations never before known in nore Giuseppe Haydn-—pertlnet ad Harvard University Museum of Palestine, will be introduced. Chief SOVIETS GIVE PENSIONS Chorum Stl. Jacobi parochle ?c- Zoology. Mirth Are Here! amongst these will be a central OF STB TO FAMILIES clesiae Burghlensls.” The new Harvard specimen of a OF MURDERED CONSULS It dates from 1780 and is com­ plesiosaur, bne of the limited num­ hdating system designed especially Love on a SAMMY .u.’t TED plete but for the lost viola music. ber discovered In the United States, to provide comfort to the tourists Tropical Island M ens’ Suits, Overcoats, Furnishings from America and Europe." Moscow.— Pensions of $75 a Experts state, that it is one ot tbe was unearthed In a cretaceous del* Cohen & McNamai*a In keeping with the Oriental at­ month have been awarded the best of its kind c’omposed by the posit In Kansas. The other exbU amidst sales of families of 'five Soviet consuls and bits of this dweller ot thf mesozoic Famous Comedy Team of mosphere of the city, the ballroom great musician. laughter and "What Price Glory" In has been designed to rpsemble the vice-consuls slain last December by The first performance of the Re­ age that are on exhibit at Harvard oceans of joy, Hats, Caps, Work Clothes and Shoes interior of an Arabian palace of Chinese Nationalist troops after a* quiem will take place on Juno 21. came from Europe. “WHY SAILORS the time of the Salah-ed-Dln. The raid on the Soviet consulate In Can­ town of Moedling, near Vienna, In .. OH BOY! .. I French cuisine is sanother feature. ton. A sixth official who was also to the Othmar Church in the old JUST WAIT’LL LEAVE HOME" killed had no dependents. HE HADDA CORK LEG connection with the Schubert Cen­ YOU SEE IT! COMPENSATION The slain consult Hassis, Ukoloff, tenary Festival. George H. Williams Popoff, Ivanpff and Makaroff were Columbus, O.,— After chasing Ed SUSCEPTIBLE POLICEMAN dragged throu«h the streets after A couple in California stood on watd Frank, Chicago, several'miles INCORPORATED (bowled over by fair motorist): Communists were driven from oon^ their heads all night when a fold* on the charge odC auto theft, police COMPLETE CHANGE 8'A ct»-- VaudevBie -—5 Acts SOUTH MANCHESTER My fault, miss. I ought to 'ave etep' trol of Contan and shot down In ing bed looked up; the woman sues of this city were surprised to find OF BILL ANEAEIO that one of thelr shots had'reached ped back. a nubUo square. Two of the widows for $3B,000 and the man 'w r $5,- SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE BILL 713 MAIN STREET, JOHNSON BLOCK Girl: There, now! If you're not |9ibh have two children and a decent 000. Probably the man wants less Its mark. First aid was not neoee y .just the sweetest constable I’ve eve*'| subsistence on $76 monthly will be because he’s used to being stood aary, however, as the shot had. struck. London OpiniOBi I difficult. ' ion his head. sUiak kim In a leg— his cork one. striving tor. For none is greater LU TIM AN S ELECT nor more ennobling than>that of the “ H0RA N0VISSIMA” 1S : -jtv. Observes Birthday Christian Communion. - OmCIALS TODAY Continuing the speaker said that WORK OF AMERICAN While at Conference we strive for perfectio.n in all hu­ WHEaRE YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY \ man experiences. The perfection in ► Vxl (Ck>ntlnned from Page 1.) Christian unity is also a worthy ob­ GOOD FURNTTURE. " > ject of our efforts. Famous Oratwio Favorite of able John H. Hyde, chairman of Eighty-Four Congregations Stressing the outward signs of ’Trained Music Lovers in' the the\board of selectmen of Man­ Art Centers. chester. Mr. Hyde welcomed the this unity Dr. Hagglund stressed the fact that in this comparatively entire delegation from the various The oratorio “ Hora Novlssima,” New England States most cordially small conference eighty-four con­ gregations from seven states were which Is being given at the South SPECIAL SALE to the community of Manchester. represented, besides representa­ Methodist church on Sunday even­ He said in part: "The Swedish tives from other sections of the ing next, under the direction of ------OF------1 residents in Manchester are among Lutheran church. Archibald Sessions, is one of the our early settlers and we count In part the speaker said: ‘‘Other most Interesting works in church them among our best citizens. We gatherings become small in' com­ music and exceedingly popular in are glad to see you and have you parison to all the people of God’s New York City, and other larige Kashmiri Oriental Type Rugs with us. We bid you welcome and household. When we gather, a few centers. The solo artists who are congratulate the local church upon here and a few there we do not appearing here have repeatedly getting you here. We trust that often think of the thousands upon taken the solo numbers in per­ you leave some time on the pro­ thousands who gather about God in formances given throughout the gram to view our town, so as to various places. v country, and are celebrated for the Iniitation Of The Genuine Orientals feel well at home with us.” Eighty Million Members devotional spirit of their interpre­ The president, the Rev, Dr. “ The Lutheran church is a great tations. At the Brick church; New Hagglund responded in behalf of church, both as to activity and in York, where these artists are per­ the visitors. numbers. Numerically it contains manently engaged, this work has Made In France President’s Report within its borders over 80 million been chosen by Clarence Dickenson, The president’s annual, in part, communicants. Even our particular the organist, as one work worthy of was as follows: Synod is not so small, with its more many repetitions. "The Old Testament places God than 1,200 congregations. We are first at the creation 'In the begin­ Rev. A. M. L. Uerenius sponsoring schools, hospitals and FINE RUGS ning— God’ ; the New Testament Rev. Herenius, pastor of the other institutions of mercy. We places the Word first In the King­ Swedish Lutheran church at West ought to be thankful for what the A touch of oriental luxury in your home at reason­ dom of God: In the beginning— Warwick, R. I., the statistician of Lord has entrusted to us.” able prices. These beautiful rugs will make your furni­ Taking up the Idea of unity the Word; our Saviour places the the New England Swedish Lutheran ture show up to greater advantage and will make you Kingdom of God in our program. conference in session here, yester­ again Dr. Hagglund said: “ A real­ God, His Word and Kingdom be­ day celebrated his 70th birthday. ly religious life can be compared proud of your home. They are made of closely knit comes a Trinity which deserves the Attendance at the sessions and to a triangle. At one point Is the fabric, very beautifully designed. A very fortunate first place In our lives and churchly reaching his. 70th milestone made a believer. From this point his purchase enables us to offer these fine rugs at a small work. All pastoral reports for the dual celebration for Rev. Herenius. thoughts and love move along on fraction of the original price. year indicate that normal progress the adjacent sides. The one leads in this respect has manifest itself upward to God, the other down­ which is bound to bear fruit in the during the past year. ward to the believer’s fellowman. “ That such be the case is most near future. The realization of the The third line leads also to God For Friday and Saturday or While essential in the Christian nurture ambitions of the Lausanne Confer­ and unites with Him indirectly of the children and the training of ence on Faith and Order resulted through our fellowmen. They Last. the young. This latter task is too in a fraternal exchange of thought “ If we love all our fellowmen often left entirely with the Sunday on current questions of the various there will proceed from each one School, confirmation instruction; tenets participating and can be con­ of us a perfect chain of triangles, SIZE 2-6 X 4-6 for $7,95 and the so-called Bible Classes to sidered as the last word on church and each person in turn forms an care for. But where the home union. The question can, by no indirect link between us and God.' also co-operates one can best re­ means, be Ignored by any com­ “ There are,” he said, “ many oc­ munion by using the method of casions for engaging in unifying SIZE 4-4 X 6-7 for tain the Youth for the Church. The experiences. Christians have so confirmation courses have in many isolation but a thorough study of Christ’s prayer for unity is essen­ many things in common. There are $19.50 $21.50 $23.50 J churches been extended to a period the sacred word, the sacraments of two years and in many cases ar- tial to all concerned.” In the gen­ eral discussion that followed there and prayer.” . Speaking of the last rangment to have tho Sunday point, he said: “ It is an overpow­ School pupils remain for the divine was a general concurrence that Ignorance as to one another doc­ ering conception when we think of Charles Stratton, Tenor service. Subsidiary activities such the whole of Christendom gather­ Our Spring Exhibit Is Now Complete With the Newest, as athletics etc. have here and there trine and practice Is an unworthy policy to pursue. The present prob­ ed, as for example unitedly in the The history of the poem and its been Inaugurated, but let us not composition is very interesting. Best and Latest Rugs. lem of gravest concern is to bring ‘Lord’s Prayer.’ ” 4 forget the essentials. “ At the close of the 19th century about an agreement as to whether Dr. L. G. Abrahamson of Rock Young People’s Conference Island, 111., editor of the Augus­ Horatio Parker was inspired to set We are placing on sale for this week end a very fine collection of “ The Boston (District Youn,g Peo­ the real authority is to be vested in tana, one of the papers of the to music seventy of the 218 lines Axminster rugs made without a seam. They are rich in appearance and ple has held a very successful the church; Word of God or Chris­ Augustana Synod, brought greet­ of Bernard’s “ Rhythm on the Cel­ many new effects are shown. Christian Conference at Waltham, tian Experience. ings from Rock Island. Rev. Cor­ estial Country,” a medieaval poem Mass. A similar one was held at Rev. Hans Pearson of Springfield, nell also greeted the visitors. The written In the 12th century. The Worcester under the .auspices of Mass., addressed the pastoral con­ church choir sang two selections greater part of this poem Is a bitter Marked Very Special For Friday and Saturday the Conference Luther League. We ference on the subject of “ Church- assisted by Miss Helen . Berggren, satire on the fearful corruptions of strongly urged that you do all in liness and Personal Piety” . The contralto, and Miss Elsie Berggren, the age. But as a contrast to the your power to cultivate the use of speaker said in part; “ Churchllness soprano. misery and pollution of earth, the $34.50 the Word of God in the homes. consists in loyalty to observance of poem opens with a description of Sizes 8-3x10-6 and 9x12 “ Our first concern on the pro­ church practice and method. Pletis- the peace and glory of heaven, of \ gram of activities must be the Con­ tical tendencies are manifested in 445 G. A. R. MEMBERS such rare beauty as not easily to be ference Home Missions. At present strength of Christian living. The matched by ny mediaeval composi­ there are about twenty Home Mis­ Lutheran church generally has kept tion on the same subject. This sionary Bases supported from the the balance between the two alter­ LIVING IN THIS STATE rare and beautiful description is general conference funds. Con­ nating tendencies. Churchllness is the 'Rhythm of Bernard De Morlalx, sidering our possible resources we^ G. E. KEITH FURNITURE CO. a help and not a hinderance to ef­ Monk of Cluny, On the Celestial may consider the whole conference^ fective church work. In pioneer New Haven, Conn., May 3.— Con­ Country,’ being but a brief two CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS SOUTH MANCHESTER a Home Missionary Field. work one may allow for unavoid­ necticut’s G. A. R. posts have a to­ hundred and eiighteen lines of a “ The Kingdom of God should able lack in the finished product of tal of 445 members, according to total of three thousand. have first place in finances. To churchlines,1 but as history pro­ the an'nual report of the organiza­ The composition of “ Hora Novis- remedy the current difficulties our ceeds one must utilize all means for tion read before the department slma” (Latest Hour) was begun Budget Committee will render their the service. High churchllness convention at the Hotel Garde here in 1891 at a time when Parker was report and recommend a new sys­ should characterize the service at t ed very much according tO ' a type per cent. Bigelow Hard com . . 91 95 I trict, Martin Olson, Auburn, Mass. Swedish Lutheran church shortly much used in Sweden. The most The Demoqrats also propose a Bristol B ra ss...... 15 — Vice-president Hartford District, afternoon yesterday with convul­ ^ Frank POlozil has sold to John Mrs. Henry A. Nettleton return­ Chicago, May . 3.— Two persons unique feature is that the present Dr. lower graduated tax for smaller Collins C o ...... 117 — ■ F. T. Oberg of Hartford. sions, was reported as much im­ and Annie Moske his six room ed home yesterday afternoon after were reported dying, today and a pastor. Rev. Dr. P. J. O. Cornell, Secretary, Oscar Anderson, New­ corporations, which the House ap­ Colt Fire Arms . , . . 32% 33% proved today. It is expected that bungalow on Glenwood street. The a visit of several months with 76 third was seriously injured as the served as architect and builder, as­ port, R. I. proved. The administration plan re­ Eagle L o c k ...... 70 result of‘an airplane crash. -*i he wil be able to leave for his sale was made by the James J. Ro­ friends and relatives in California — sisted by his daughter, Mrs. Thure Treasurer, Carl W. Thompson, jected this. Both groups though ac­ han agency. Fafnlr Bearing .... .130 home In a few days.- and Iowa. She reports a delightful — Those believed fatally injure^ Hanson of Worcester, in the deco­ Naugatuck, Conn. cepted the House provision, increas­ Hart I & Cooley .... .240 trip but is glad to be back again Inter Silver com . . , .140 150 * are, Miss Dare Montgomery, 2*^ rating program. The labor and All were re-elected with the ex­ ing corporation exemptions from L. C. Clifford, Jr., of Foster and Eugene Apfelbanm, 24. ?2,000 to $3,000. The whole Dem­ CHUMIATE CLUB In Manchester. Inter Silver pfd . . . .127 — work was furnished by members of ception of the vice-president of street, whose health has been slow­ Dr. Milton H, Weir, pilot of the Worcester district. Rev. J. A. Eck- ocratic tax plan for corporations HOLDS PINAL SESSION Landers, Frary & CIrk 75 77 the parish. Nearly all ministerial ly improving has gone to Winsted' Mann & Bow A . . . . 19 21 plane, wa'k seriously hurt. and many of the lay-delegates had strom of Worcester pronounced however, would grant $106,000,000 again as the climate there appears STATE WITHDRAWS SLTT benediction. greater relief than- the administra­ “ The “ Chumiate” club held its do B ...... 11 13 Dr. Weir, owner of the plane, was“ arrived at noon, coming from all tion plan. final meeting of the season last to agree vlth him especially well. New Brit Ma pfd A. .101 an unlicensed pilot. Miss Mont^; parts of the New England States. Last Night’s Service evening at the home of Mr. and He is staying at the Hotel Beards­ Hartford, Conn., May 3.— Con­ do c o m ...... 27 29' gomery was a Galesburg, 111., school; ley. Pastors’ Conference The official opening of the con­ ALIENA-nON SUIT Mrs. William Schober of 152 High necticut’s suit against North Caro­ Niles Be Pond ....; . 40 45 teacher. At the pastoral conference in the ference took place last night when Stamford, Conn., May 3.— A street, Rockville. The prizes at lina to recover on bonds issued by J K Mont p f d ...... 75 afternoon the Rev. Dr. S. G. Hagg­ Holy Communion was celebrated. $25,000 allienation of affection suit pinochle were won by Mrs. Homer Miss Irene Tibbets and her sister a “ carpet bag” government of that North & Judd ... . . 34 36 lund of Boston presided for the The preparatory address was given Frances, local school teachers, are state and later repudiated, was or­ filed against Mrs. Florence Hilde­ Waltz and William Schober. The Pratt, Whitney, pfd . .90-^ 9.5 KILLED AS PLANE FALLS eleventh . consecutive year. Rev. by Rev. J. E. A. Evert of Manches­ brand of Shlppan Point by Mrs. grand prizes for the season were spending the vacation week in New dered withdrawn today by the state Peck, Stowe & WIl . . 16 19 Efraim Ceder of Portland, Conn., ter, N. H. Rev, Abel Ahlquist of won by the following: first prizes, Britain visiting their brother. board of finance and control. Russell Mfg Co,,... Mary Felter, of Darien, has been .140 145 Sturgis, ,Mlch.V‘May 8,-~Fred ILV addressed the pastors on “ Present New Britain and Rev. Julius Hul- ordered continued In the Superior Mrs. Henry Morrell and Walter The suit was instituted in behalf Scovllle Co...... 49 51 Day Efforts at Church Union.” teen of Hartford administered com­ Henry; consolation prizes, Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ph'ed E. Keish and of the State Training school and Stayth Mfg Co _____ . 395 Newman, 16-year-old sou ot C. O; court according to announcement Newman, theater proprietor v,.yraA^ Among other things the speaker munion to 135 clerical and lay here this afternoon, and will be set­ Walter Henry and Henry Morrell. family of 104 Cooper street have hospital at Mansfield, in the name Stanley Wrks com . ..57 59 said: "Church union is no easy task delegates and a number of mem­ tled for a sum said to be $50,000. The teams ended the season as fol­ removed to 163 Main street. of which the bonds are registered. Standard Screw . . . .109 ,114 killed whbn'the plane in, which he' bers of the local church. Sermon was a passenger crasheit to the,^ to accomplish because of traditional Mrs. Felter charged that Mrs. lows: First place, Mrs. Henry Mor­ The amount of the bonds is just un- Torrington ...... 108 110 was preached by Dr. S. G. Hagg­ Hildebrand stole the love of her rell and Walter > Henry; second, -'Mr. and Mrs.’ Thomas Morrison dbr $300,'000. U S Envelope pfd . .122 ^ ' ground. Lieut. Gerald Smead,. current theological thoiight. Ten­ lund of Dorchester, Mass., presi­ pilot, recently* graduated dencies aLpresent are influenced by husband Raymond S., an auto Mrs. Homer Waltz and William have removed from 136 BisseU The. suit, recently was presented Union Mfg Co ...... 23 dent of the conference. salesman. The Felters were married Schober; third, Mrs. William Scho­ street to Knighton streetr ' ; ' bpfore the'United States Supreme W hit'Coil Pipe . . . . 1 9 21 Kelly Field, Texas, was seriottslf ® Gospel Truths in the spirit of love Rev, Hagglund spoke on the sub­ Court Fessenden, Kenealy & Ryan, hurt. Dewy A.. Gross, 27^ a and not to dominate by absorption. in 1916. Mrs. Felter charges Mrs. ber and Homer Waltz and last ject; “ Our Fellowship with each Mr. and Mrs. John Hartnett plc^n of Stamford, represented the state ger, was probably fatally luJar

, \ , ^ ■ ■ i.' 3lV , a V-

-V •?'.v: :h , .^^: , TfACnC T O P « •TttAWC/HES'nJJK (UUISN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1928. - '______\

bit ot A bully and cares nothing War battlefields, such as Gettys­ about abstract rights. burg, AntietaniH Shiloh and Fred­ We may raise a new generation ericksburg. '*• CttMfng Rrralb of automobilists who will have con­ The main thing 4s to see that WASHINGTON LETTER ' PURUSHB20 BY sideration for others, some time. these'parks are'kept up, As shrines THB HBRa LU PRIN*riNO CO, But we will have to begin the les­ for patriotism they are of incal­ . Foandad by Blvvood & BU, sons in the kindergartens. The de­ culable value. No one can visit ■ ! Oot. 1. 1881 By RODNEY BUTCHER. more Important factor. itedison i « Bvening Bxcept Sundays and cent people on the road— there are such a field as that of Gettysburg Washington, May 3.— Three old rests his claim on the recording I flolldaya. a good many, of them, and they do without coming away a better inventors, who have Invented machine. I Bntared at tba Post Ofllos at Man* things all their lives and are still The Franklin Institute, holding • f sbsatsr aa Second Class Mall Matter. not cause the killings— are those American. It is ta be hoped that I SUBSCltlPTION RATBS: By Mall who are decent everywhere. The Congress will look into the matter at It, today figure In another epi­ that the modern movie wouldn’t ( Six dollars a ysar, slaty csnta a sode of an ancient feud which has have been possible without Jen­ j moatb tor shorter periods. others will have to be bred to gen­ and take such action as will best been brought before Congress. kins’ projector, voted him a medal V .« carrier, eighteen cents a week. eral decency by the schools. preserve these parks for future One one sid^ is Thomas A. Edi­ as the movie’s creator. Jenkins ) rSingls copies, three csnta. generations. son. apparently gave the first large ' special AOVBKTIFINQ REPKIfl. On the other side are Emile Ber­ screen movie shows. He sas^ that BEINTa TIVB. Uani|lton>Ua . Liassr, ARKANSAW METHOD ln<^ 888 Madison, Avenue, New York In no other walk of life is there WALKING liner and C. Francis Jenkins of the so-called Edison vitascope was And 613 Nortn Michigan Avenue, Washington. exhibited under the name phonto- Chicago. such Indomitable enthusiasm and Interest in cross-country walking The fight centers on a bill intro­ scope m Atlanta in 1896. The Manchester Evening Herald is cock-sureness as among the sports seems to be reviving. There is, first on sale in New York City at Scbulta'a duced by Congressman Randolph The Jenklns-Edison feud only News Stand, Sixth Avsnos'and 43nd. writers. These bubbling souls are of all, C. C. Pyle’s “ bunion derby” Perkins of New Jersey which pro­ dates back 30 or 40 years. Street and 48nd- Street entrance ot to be envied their effervescence and across the continent to emphasize vides for the striking of a congres­ The Edison-Berliner feud dates Grand Central Station and at all sional medal In honor of Edison back at least to 1878, when Ber­ MoatUrg News Standa their utter and abiding faith in the that we don’t need automobiles or and his many achievements. Con­ liner filed a caveat on the micro­ . Client of International News Ser­ things of the moment. For the airplanes to get from place to place. gress selitom grants such a medal. phone with the Patent Office and vice. / sports writer there Is no past and And the indefatigable Eleanora Its last recipients were the Wright Edison followed him 13 days later “International News Service has the no future further off than tomor­ brothers and Colonel Lindbergh. with application for a patent on a exclusive rights to use (or republlca- Sears of Boston''has unfiertaken a Upn in any (orm all news dispatches row night. He picks up that which 70-mlle hike through New England Berliner and Jenkins, both ot transmitter designed to get the Afedited to or not otherwise credited whom claim important Inventions same effect, but which the Berliner TO this paper. It Is also exclusively is of today and plays with It gaily just for the fun of it. popularly credited to Edison, don’t faction says didn’t work. entitled to use tor republlcation all and happily. No experiences of the There are few better forms ot the local or undated news published want Edison to have that medal. , herein." Full Service Client of N B A past weigh not upon him. Yester­ recreation. If you aren’t used to It, Mrs. Leslie shows a letter from Complete Room Outfits Servtca day’s bloomer forecast was forgot­ go slowly at first; wait until your Naturally, they haven’t rushed a president of the American Tele­ ten this morning. Tonight’s is just feet and legs are properly toughen­ to the Capitol Hill to make public phone and Telegraph Co., recog­ ATKINS Complete, Room Outfits— installed in protest. But they’re intensely In­ nizing Berliner as the "first and THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1928 as confidently made as it it had model display TooifigDn our second third floors— ed before you try long hikes. But terested in the efforts og a girl original inventor ot the microphone W been proven impossible for him to if you keep at it you will find it lobbyist who is working against and the first to associate the in­ make it easy to visualize just how a dining room, CHANNEL TO HOLYOKE go wrong. great sport. Fresh air, sunshine, the bill on. their behalf. duction coll with the contact trans­ bedroom, living room or kitchen will look in your home. i ' -1 Connecticut should find herself Last week one Sharkey was a exercise, the joys of the open coun­ And they hope to have it stopped, mitter— two indispensables to tele­ And they’re priced complete. It is an easy matter to In full accord with the proposition lenion, a tart, a fiat tire, a wash­ even though the House Committee phoney and radio broadcasting. select as many rooms as you need, making a complete try— they are all yours, and they Berliner patented the gramo­ presented to the House of Repre­ on Coinage has reported It favor­ home outfit. Tihs service is not only offered^to June out, a thing without honor, hope bring great enjoyment. ably and Secretary of the Treas­ phone In 1887, a machine both vi­ sentatives by mem­ or friends. He pasted one Delaney ury Mellon, who makes .the gov­ brating and propelling the needle. Brides but to those who are refurnishing a room pr two. bers, providing for a hundred foot flat. Now he Is a fistic marvel and ernment medals, is said ot favor it. This, he says, is the present "Victor Come in tonight and see them. ' The antl-Edlson movement Is talking machine. Edison had taken channel in the Connecticut river the coming champ. The sports And others from Hartford . Holyoke. This writers are like the Arkansan’s based on the contention that Edi­ out a previous patent on a tinfoil cylinder phonograph, but Berliner ambitious but eutlraty ;sound eco- son has claimed or appeared to hogs. claim that he Invented the micro­ says he invented the modern disc nomio scheme is not’ new. It was It was a stranger who was driv­ phone, the continuous current talking machine and the process of recommended to Congress by Army ing along an Arkansaw woods transformer, the gramophone and making unlimited numbers of ex­ WATKINS BROTHERS.T n g . the motion picture machine. act copies from one master record. engineers in 1915, but like many road. He was attracted by the curi­ CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES another piece of good legislation it ous antics of a group of razor- Berliner claims to be the inven­ In 1897 the Franklin Institute tor of the first three and Jenkins awarded Berliner a medal for his V. was lost afght of In the excitement backs. They were standing still, New York, May 3.— Valets, claims the movies. Mrs. Clara gramophone, but on Edison's 75th of war times. ears pricked up, when he sighted chauffeurs and butlers of Wall Louise Leslie, who is trying to per­ birthday he accepted from his em­ The proposed amendment to the them. Then with one accord they street figures suddenly find them­ suade Congress to ditch the bill, ployes a Lorado Taft statue called selves personages of importance. has collected a stack of evidence to "Orpheus Discovering the Gramo­ Rivers and Harbors bill deals with rushed in a solid pack ten rods to Servant girls and maids in the the problem of the license already the east; then stopped dead. Then show all concerned. phone Record,” which depicted Or­ homes of the rich have- been sur­ pheus holding aloft a disc record. granted to the Federal Power Com­ they rushed, north, and stopped; prised at their sudden popularity. The argument as to the Inven­ Mrs. Leslie, protesting to Congress­ (: pany for erection of a dam at then south, and stopped. And this Their phones have buzzed and they have received endless Invitations tion of the motion picture seems to man Perkins, charged that Edison Windsor Locks, by provldlhg for rest on the point whether Edison’s queer series of rushes kept on, to theaters and suppers. invented “ only the absolutely val­ larger locks than those called for without apparent motive or cause. The notion has prevailed that klnetograph, designed to take mo­ ueless tinfoil phonograph.” tion pictures, or Jenkins’ intermit­ Berliner was associated with the In the Federal Company’s license, The stranger drove on. He came they were in a splendid position to get “ inside information” on the tent shutter, enabling them to be Bell Laboratories in their pioneer There Ai*e Only the government to assume the ex­ presently to a shack where sat a reproduced in the screen, was the days. \ MV p iA av tra expense. i Wall Street activities of their em­ cracker in front of his shack, whit­ ployer. They have been “ spotted” FRIDAY A hundred-toot channel in the tling. and trailed; their market orders me that they have wandered In JEWS CHERISH WRITINGS T W O THINGS Connecticut, with a depth of twelve “ Good morning.’’ have been watched. In a few in­ from every city and hamlet upon OF AHAD HA’AM, FAMOUS feet extending from Hartford to “ Mawnin’, stranger.” The crack­ stances there was some reason for this continent. ’’And they’re not ESSAYIST OF HEBREWS this, but as a general rule employ­ You Need to Do to Have a Beautiful Home Holyoke might cost .three, possibly quitters,” she lelfs me. ” I’ve known ■ fU U T ' er’s voice was thin and aspirated. ers discourage speculation among them to wander up and do^n the four, million dollars, including the Jerusalem.— The inodest house 1. TELL US ABOUT IT. “ Those your hogs back in the their employes and their friends. A streets, without tood and without in Tel Aviv which the last few expense that the additional size of woods?” tew chauffeurs and butlers now shelter. They’re game kids—.these years of his life of the late Ahad 2. GIVE US THE HOUSE TO WORK ON drive their own cars, thanks to the the locks at Windsor would in- “ Reckon they be.” youngsters who come to fight New Ha’am, the Hebrew essayist, made We know you need painting and paper hanging' .volve. friendly market. And a waiter In a York. And that is one of the rea­ “ What’s the matted with them, Wall Street cafe where traders his home, and which he was able Done. Let us do iL sons 1 can say that I never have quietly to assemble his writings In the providing of tidewater rushing around that, way, first here, gather for breakfast made $85,000 met what you’d call a really bad We Specialize on freight rates for coal,' oil; lumber in three days. girl. Some might call them bad; spread over more than half a cen­ then there. Never saw hogs act like tury and half a dozen countries, Canvass and Metal Ceilings and other bulk commodities that On the other-hand, the man who but 1 claim they are the victims of that.” hears more “ Inside” information has been made a nationa. Jewish enter into New England manufac- lack of education and lack of uu- “ Wal, tell ye, stranger,” wheezed than anyone outside the “ street” derstandlng. Their homes have Institution by decision of the Coun­ tnres, such an expenditure would cil of Tel Aviv. The small home of Kemp's the cracker. “ Them hawgs don't never gambles a dime. He Is a bar­ never been proper homes, their be Jnstifled a dozen times over. get none too scrumptious pickln's ber, favored by a score of market lives have been an endless story of the late leader was dedicated as a JOSEPH C. BENSON Dally New England Is approach­ manipulators. He has been given struggle. They’re not bad. They library and museum housing all In them woods, ’n I feed ’em some hundreds of “ good things." But The Sidewalks of New York are ing that point where the far cheap­ just don’t know and haven’t had a that remains In book and manu­ 61 Cambridge Street cawn. Alius been totin’ the cawn to he never plays them. He has passed chance.” script of the man who preached kind of exclusive these days. A er cost of waterborne freights will that there snake fence ’n dumpia’ some of them on to close friends! GILBERT SWAN. reasonableness and cold steel logic seat, on the New York Curb the hare to be seriously considered. it ovaer. Then I’d call ’em. But I and he has seen them get the “ mar-1 to his contemporaries in Zionism. other day sold for $85,000. ket fever.” He is content with a We are not now taking full advan­ got this cold 'n lost my voice. So A world Jewish society for the rich patronage that recently raadi? purpose of spreading Hebrew cul­ tage of our waterways, by any when I dumped the cawn I’d pound it possible for him to open a $100.- d a te ir \ . means; but it is Inevitable that we ture to be named after Ahad Ha’am on the fence with a stick, ’n they 000 shop. A m e r i c a n whose given name, Asher Ginsberg, soon shall do so. And the develop­ got to know the signal and come Statistics show that some 2000 has nearly been forgotten, was'pro­ ment of the Connecticut river to girls leave the small towns of Am­ a-Tunnln’. But two days ago a erica each year to coihe to New HISTORY posed at the ceremony by Ch. N. the farthest possible extent ought passel O’ them dummed Yankee Y ork.'T hese same statistics show Glallk, ;hfc Hebrew poet and dis­ to be a niatter of concern to all ot 1765— First American m e d i c h1 ciple of Ahad Ha’aln. woodpeckers come down here from that the average age of a runaway school founded^ ns. up no’th 'n ever since them hawgs girl has dropped from 17 to 15. 1842— Two state governments set Nothing Is surer than that if the And statistics being what they are, has been plum crazy.” they change little from year to up in Rhode Island. BELGIAN SET RECORD Connecticut is made commercially The sports writers are picking year— particularly where motives 1861— President Lincoln called for IN CONVICTING MURDERERS useful to Massachusetts, its recog­ somebody to lick Mr. Tunney on are concerned. Girls leave home to 42,034 volunteers for three \ nition as an Important avenue ot come to New York, so the records years. just about as sound a basis as the 1890— Merchants’ bridge over Mis­ Brussels. — Belgian authorities trade will be much more general, show, because of unsympathetic obtained 477 convictions out of 727 Arkansaw hogs picked dining homes; because of a romantic-mind- sissippi river at St. Louis especially in Congress, where hith­ completed. murder cases during the last seven places. edness that gives the “ big city” a years. erto its only interested friends have magnetic lure;<-because of an un­ Twenty-five persona were sen­ been the Connecticut delegation— pleasant or embarrassing incident A LONG SHOT tenced to death, 143 to life im­ and they, sometimes, not too deep in the home town which breeds a prisonment, 88 to solitary confine­ desire to get as far away as possi­ ly Interested. Once In a long while therebobs A THOUGHT ment, and 221 to prison terms of up a political forecaster who labors ble and find shelter on a place By all means let Connecticut “ where nobody knows you” — and, various lengths. There were 248 Ye cannot serve God and Mam­ back this enterprise. under the Impressicn that Connec­ of course, the usual assortment of acquitals. ticut may posibly cast its electoral mon.— Matthew 6:2-1. stage-struck maldensi * • • A woman who has mothered See where some of the clgaret »/

« 1:. attend. The ladies will furnish Straight up from the top of a build­ 'W rm RESERVATTONS - CAMPAIGN PORTRAITS --SENATOR THOMAS J. WALSH dinner for all at noon. ' ing .or land on the top of a building WAPPING Since daylight savingrtime, the tdthout danger.’* "Thatr^t.^ P^ee^^'CO^^ y< library hours wilUbe from 6t30 to “ With- such a machine it is pos- give me address of your tiUlor^ 8 p/ m. on Monday evenings and. isoJuie TeM^ ; sible-to-go 360 miles an hour, which “ Yes., OlffreobdiUon that you do^ East Central Pomona Grange, from 1: 46 to 4:30 on'Thursday af-^ wllF.tue, one-half less gas'than the not • give' him --ffliner.’’-^ Walsh Won Fame No. 3, will hold its next regular ternoon, both standard time. present airplanes use.” . Show. ,, meeting, on May 16th with Granby Big SPEED n»SIBLE The Pleasant Valley .club hap Rutzen sald^be. has already negor 1 Grange, No. 191, at Granby Center. held its last whist party for this .tfr • tiated with interested parties in de­ It will be an all day session with season, on last Friday evening. The , ,. 1 1 *1J . _ i J, _ .— An invention which veloping the new principle "of air I I'l (yiniiririiiJiii iMto As Oil Investigator the dinner at noon. The morning following gentlemen were the eh'^ navl^ifon, add an.airplane will be session willybegin at 10:30 and tha tertaining committee instead of the many re^Silutloi^e flying,, accord­ built:¥opn'with new tubes and oth­ YOU’RE ladle's: A. C. Rose, Wellman Burn­ afternoon session at 2 p. m. The ing 'to Rutzen, of. Cleveland, er equipment either in Cleveland or IN HARtFORD . subject of the meeting as provided ham, David Burnham, Harold ’Turn'- its sponabr. 'is nearing'Completion Detroit.' : ' er and Henry Johnson. ’ ' This, the 22d of a series of Presl- by the lecturer, Mrs. Caroline M. here. With his principles applied to The members of the Grange de^- BROICBD ]^SH d i n n e r - dential Campaign Portraits written Bidwell of Good will Grance, Glas­ airplanes, Rutzen p r ^ c ts the heav- tonbury, will be “ Gardens, Paper gree teajn met for a rehearsal of ; for NEA Service and The Herald the third and fourth degrees at the ier-than-air machines will be capa­ t by Robert Talley, describes the and Flowers.” There will also be ble o f making a speed of 356 iniles a ’ fiower drill by members of Suf- church vestry last Monday evening. One of Our Tempfing' . career of Senator Thomas J. Walsh They are to initiate a class of can­ an hour; will use less gas,by one- >4 of Montana. Tomorrow’s article field Grange; recitations, music, half than this present 'machines and Shiiet M etal SALADS OF SHELL and a talk on, “ What shall I plant didates for the Ea.st Windsor S will discuss .Senator George W. Grange on Tuesday evening. be able to take-off: on land without .. ■ FISH...,,- Norris of Nebraska. in my garden?” Guests' will be danger on on roOfs of large build­ present from Springfield Pomona PARIS FACES DARKNESS; ings. His invention, Rutzen claims, W o r k n direct from the.deedh.' Grange. This meeting will be held may be used for dirigibles or SOON TO RIVAL LONDON And dbn’ttfoirg^ bur ' By ROBERT TALLEY On eastern standard time. planes. Hot Air' Furnaces, ,Tin Roofs. FOR ITS PEA SOUP FOGS Rutzen said he. had /made suc­ Frank Billings who has been Paris.— Visibility in Paris, “ The RETAIL V DEPARTMENT Washington, May 3 — A former working fdt his brother, Walter E- cessful secret tests here with model Conductor Pipes, Eave Troughs •1; City of Light’ ’is decreasing at such airplanes whic.n had. attachments of • country school teacher, 69 years Billings of the Wapping store, will a rate that 1950 may find it in per- old, who. has devoted much of the leave his employrhent. Mr. Billings tubes an(| other equipmeht. /He said ROBERT GRIFFITH pefhal darkness, according to he-is now ready to apply his inven­ H O N l S ^ i > past five years to giving the nation will go on the “ cash and carry” Louis Besson, chief of the munici­ a free course in oil, politics and system at that time, and will not tions to a regular sized' airship. pal weather bureau. “ The new type of. airship does 140 Oak St. Phone 132.5-12 22 Staid st^ . Utiiler'drant!i» graft, now aspires to the presidency. run his delivery truck and longer. Besson reported to the Academy , Hartfoni' ,1 v. v.^-. away " with outer forces . of strong • if > Senator Thomas J. Walsh, hero Miss Majorie Felt, daughter of of. Science the result of a twenty- air currehts iby having the propel­ Estimates Cheerfully Given- Mr. and Mrs. William Felt,' left . of the Teapot Dome investigation, five year study of atmospheric con­ ler-dperated inside tubes,” Rutzen has announced his candidacy with Monday morning for a trip of a ditions over the city. He found that explained. “ Two tubes run through the blessing of William G. McAdoo, few days to be spent in New York the density of dust and smoke the center of a dirigible and under , but is making no active campaign. City. particles in the air has increased the wings of an airplarie.' They If the Democratic National Conven­ The Federated Workers will hold fifty per cent since 1903, and warn­ operate through air suction. tion at Hou'stoh thinks his serv­ their next meeting at the home of ed that the growth of industrial en­ “ The top^of the plane has an ar­ ices to the party have been worth Mrs. Asher A. Collins, on next Fri­ terprise in the metropolitan area rangement that prevents It from while and chooses to nominate day afternoon at 2 p. m.. May 4. might make Paris a close rival to tipping to a dangerous degree. It him, a postcard addressed to Room Miss Lois Stiles will assist Mrs. London for pea-soup fogs, compos­ can be elevated and lowered by ^ 436, Senate Office Building here, Collins as hostess. working the tubes.'With such tubes, ed chiefiy of particles of soot and it will be possible to raise it will find him. Meanwhile, he in­ The Sunday School Board will dust. tends to remain in Washington, hold their regular monthly meeting probing deeper into the long chain at the vestry of the Federated ^ of sordid events that marked the church, next Thursday evening. £ ieasing of the naval oil reserves Harry P. Files of Boston, spent - to Edwatd L. Doheny and Harry the week-end with his family at his i Sinclair by Ex-Secretary Albert home here. N B. Fall Jackie Herritage, son of Mr. and It has been five years since the Mrs. Thomas Herritage, has return­ i Teapot Dome investigation began ed from the Manchester hospital, A and the end is not yet. Bit by bit, where he had an operation for the revelation of coflFee qu^ity ^ word by word. Senator Walsh has removal of his tonsils. ■ drawn the long story from an Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner have army of witnesses, and exposed moved into Albert E. Stile’s house “ colossal bribery and corruption. i at Pleasant Valley, recently. , There is something about this Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Stoddard V “ Man From Montana,” with gray have had as their guests recently, hair and icy blue eyes, that spells Mrs. Edna Doters and son George, Dignity with a capital “ D.” He of Simsbury. maintains a reserve and a distance Miss Ida. Relchenbach and Miss that nothing seems to melt. He Senator Thomas J. Walsh Elder Matchulat went to Saybrook came to Washington 25 years ago to visit relatives over the week-end. — a stranger then and, more or Mrs. Franklyn Welles entertain­ less, a stranger now. closest advisers. In 1916, he man­ PRINCE OF WALES MAY ed the Oakland Club at her home - Senator Walsh is a widower, his aged Wilson’s western campaign BE PING PONG PLAYER last Thursday afternoon. , wife having died in 1917, 27 ymrs from headquarters in Chicago. WITH MORE PRACTICE Miss Kate M. Witherel expects to after their marriage. Socially, he After the war, he took a leading attend the annual meeting of the is somewhat, of a bridge fan. He part in the Senate fight for Ameri­ London.— “ I could see that the Hartford branch of the Connecticut ' dresses neatly but plainly, spurn- can entry into the League of Na­ Prince of Wales had played before Missionary Society which is being ,, Ing frock coats, fiowing neckties tions and other measures that Wil­ by the way he put a twist on the and double-breasted white vests held in the Windsor avenue church son desired. At ’one time or an­ ball,” said Frederick Faulkner. 17- of Hartford today. , Sessions were that some senators seek to think other, Wilson broke with nearly' year-old lad who played ping-pong the job requires. He spends his held at 10:30 and 2 o’clock. Lunch­ ^ o u might as welt have the best every one of his closest advisers with the Prince of' Wales 'at the eon was served by the women of the summers in a cabin beneath the but Walsh remained his friend John Bean Hostel, Stepney. Styles In •snowy peaks of Glacier National church. ( The speakers are Miss throughout. “ He didn’t play long enough for Annie M. Barker, of Constantinople, Park in Montana, large colored me to see what he really could do” pictures of which adorn the walls In those days. Senator Walsh’s our branch missionary Miss Es- hair was coal black. He wore a the lad continued, “ but he certainly tella L. Coe of Tottori, Japan, and of his private office, and look down knows how to use the bat and ball on his disordered desk, strewn with set of long, drooping mustaches— the president of the American and something like the handle bars of apd might give anybody a good board. Dr. Rockwell Harmon Pot­ Spring books and papers. a bicycle— that gave him some­ game. I should think he would ter. In conversation he is courteous make a good player with practice.” but none too warm, eyeing his in­ thing of a walrus or piratical ap­ Mr. and Mrs Ilarl Relchenbach Begii^iiers and Old Hiinds pearance. Then one day, the un­ The Prince put down his racket and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John terviewer quizzically over his after ten minutes and told Freder­ glasses. expected happened— the dropping Matchulat and family all of Dem- agree that Rumford produces light crisp mustaches was clipped to soiiie- ick: “ You are far too good— out of ing street, motored to Waterburv pastry, is economical, and assures lightness thing little more than toothbrush my class.” and Seymour, and spent the day without over-richness. Because of its well Heralded as the Senate’s greatest size. So it remains today, though with relatives and friends there on investigator, Walsh uses no tricks it is no longer black but gray. last Sunday, ‘ • known healthful properties, Rmnford actu­ or cajolery in cross-examination. Jn_ l:922i and 1523 came the first SPLIT ’THE DIFFERENCES Next Saturday there is to be a ally adds reel food valm to all baked foods. The versatility of spring’s strap pumps is truly amaz­ ’Those pale blue eyes, set rn"serious rumblings of the oil scandal, new amusement at the center ing. Yet, with all their variations thepe.is pne dbmi- ? and expressionless face, bore into and Walsh started on the road HUSBAND (after heated argu­ which will attract the men of the nent note— simplicity. It is this concession to the es- i the witness from across the table that was to make him a national ment) : But, dearest, don’t you ad­ place more especially, for they are It Never while questions are hurled at him mit that I’m. usually right in such to have a digging bee. They are to RUMFORD sential of good taste that makes these strap punips so figure. Spoils as by.a machine gun. About the time that control of matters? put water into the parish house. W h o fe s o m e captivating. Any one oi several styles will enhance the , Three men exiled themselves in the oil reserves was transferred WIFE: I don’t admit anything of Therefore there is a long ditch to a Baking becomingness of your spring costumes. ■ Europe to escape that relentless the kind unless you’ll admit that be dug from the parsonage to the y \ t from the Navy Department to Sec­ I’m usually right, too.— Life. r w i ordeal. Another man— Will H. retary of Interior Fall and Teapot parish house. Everyone is invited to POWDER H ajs—but his lips until the blood Dome leased to Harry Sinclair, RED CROSS, COON, DOROTHY DODD, ^ came. Hundreds have gone under strange rumors came to certain that searching gaze and few have western senators. These rumors SWEET AND ENNAJETTICK emerged feeling very comfortable. hinted that something was rotten Hoover has been likened to a — not in Denmark, but in Wyom­ beaver, Borah to a great bear, ing, where the Teapot Dome field * • MAKES Norris to an owl. Walsh— he of was located. the frosty hair and icy eyes— The matter was referred to an m makes one think of a Serbian Blindfolded investigating committee of which tiger. Walsh was a member, Walsh Growing Girls-, Low Like A1 Smith, Walsh is a asked Secretary Fall— who had Catholic, but there all simi­ been his personal friend when Heel One Strap Pump larity ends. Walsh is “ dry,” seri­ bo'th were in the Senate— for data test of leading Cigarettes, Mrs. Post Black and Tan and Rose Blush ous, reserved, even cold, shakes on the oil I'esevres and Fall sent hands frigidly and is obviously him a ton or so, Reading the stuff the kind of man who never proved a long job and a waste of $ 5 0 0 “ ^ slapped anybody on the back in time. his “ whole life. Gov. Smith may be “ Al” to millions, but Walsh is Secretary Fall was voluble in selects “Senator Walsh” eo everybody. his explanation that the reserves Nor is there any love lost be­ were being drained by off-set wells Step-in Pumps of others, that they had been tween the two, according to their in Black, Tan and White closest friends. Privately, Walsh leased to patriots to conserve the is said to have expressed his dis­ navy’^s oil supply, and hinted ^‘Personally, I have never acquired a taste for to­ darkly of a threat of war on us like for Smith in strong terms. bacco. For most cigarettes seem to bum my tongue. Regardless of the personal as­ by some great power In the Pa­ $6.00 ‘ $6.50 pect, Senator Walsh has turned cific. and sting my throat The only time I ever smoke, the spotlight on gigantic bribery Walsh listened to all of this— therefore, is in couriesV to someone coming to my a y, and officiai corruption and given and then began digging. house, who would lay her accustomed bigarette aside his party one of the greatest issues By October, 1923, Walsh was in history for the 1928 campaign. ready for the first public hear- unless I at least lit one, tod. True, the oil scandal was an and and examination of wit­ One Strap. Punips “ It seemed absurd, at first, that I should he chosen •a . "'7c - ■ .' ! ■ • issue in 1924 and proved a wash­ nesses. Nearly five years have to attempt this blindfold test... except that never out, but at that time the Republi- elapsed ‘and during that time the in black kid, patent and white can National Committee had not' nation has seen exposed one of the having become a smoker, my taste is extremely been linked with $260,000 of the greatest scandals in its history. sensitive .to the burning harshness of the average ill-gotten profits of Teapot Dome, By means of Carl C. Magee, a cigarette. advanced by Sinclair. Nor had Scripps-Howard editor in New $6.5 0 '“$10.00 Senator Borah, with his usual Mexico, Walsh showed that soon “ But I wa^ very much su^rised to find that 1 had knack for embarrassing his par+y, after the naval resery.es were chosen OLD G o l d as being jperceptibly smooth, begun collection of his famous leased there had been sudden evi­ “ conscience fund” to pay back the dences of great prosperity around stingless and pleasant to taste. In fact, 1 now quite Sinclair money. Secretary Fall’s dilapidated cattle easily understand why. the OLD GOLD compart­ ■ Toyo strap Pumps Walsh has had experience with ranch near Three Rivers, N. M. ment in my general cigarette box must be so con­ in tan with champagne trimmings 011 ever since he was 10 or From Edward L. Doheny, lessee stantly refilled.” , 12 years old, having been em- of the Elk Hills reserves in Cali­ and white with white trimmings ' ployed as a boy to light the street fornia, Walsh wormed the story l^mps in his home town of Two of the little black bag containing Rivers, Wis. There he was born $100,000 in cash that Doheny de­ $6.00 on June 12, 1859, the son of a livered to Fall in Washington. poor Irish immigrant who had And so the relentless parade of come to America a few years be­ accusing evidence has continued. fore from a Catholic colony in Only recently Walsh has been able • . • .. • Ulster, north Ireland. to prove definitely that some of ■ Novelty Pumps * He was educated In the public the proceeds of Sinclair’s dummy gphools. Later, he taught school, Continental Trading Co. readhed in black kid, patent and tan ^ saved his money and entered the Fall’s hands, that more of these University of Wisconsin to Study profits helped pay off the 1920 law. Upon his graduation in 188' debts of the Republican National he went to Redfield, S. D., to Committee. $5.00 $8.00 practice law with his brother. He The hundreds of witnesses who have faced Walsh’s cold blue eyes was married in 1889 and in 1890 J,. he decided to try his luck farther across the mahogany committee west, stopping at Helena, Mont. table range all the ,way from Sec­ - / .Toyo Straw- Pumps There he made his. home. retary Mellon and John D. Rocke­ in green wit^i green heels and trim Walsh won local fame as a law­ feller, Jr., to Al Jennings, the ex­ * • MRS. EMILY POST (MRS. PRlCB,POST> train robber. yer in suits against Montana’s big Author ot “ BTIQUBTTB” uad th« Anthoritttire Arbiter o( 8o ^ U n<« and red with red heels and trim copper mining companies and this Nearly a decade has rolled by 4(,;v led to a political career. In 1907 since this sordid drama of oil be­ ■* I' V m V. V. he was beaten for Congress, in gan, many of the original actors Only the heart-leaves o f the tobacco' plant^opfl^ 1910 he was beaten for the Senate, are now dead or retired from, the $6.00 but ,in 1912 he ran again. He political stage, but the show still good enough for O ld Golds. was elected and has been in the goee on with Senator Walsh still That’s the bedrock reason for "not like smoothness^ Made from the ‘A Senate ever since. playing the hero’s leading role. Made from the hear^t-ltiaves a cough in a carload.*’ . goldenTrlpe.heart*l^ves of tfie to- o f the tobacco plant. ,Tlie tobacco itself! That’s-the i M S The World War found Senator whole story of OLqOoLD's/ioftey- Walsh one of , President WIl- TOMORROW: Senator George e. E. HOUSE & SON, v>n'B.most trusted suonorters and Norris oi SMOOTHER AND BE r r E J l — N OT A COUGH IN A CARLOAD - ^ ■''-*:;--.!4-V'‘ ■' • ;■:•»"/■' -;^ ,*■.■■■■ . v --*■-■■''' ^ ‘ J rf;V K 4 ^ •■■■I';' ^ A U E S D C yw cH^tisR (cojro.) Bvyamro tiMAip^iyyAT. igat i*,;i , ^- •■ • rnttmaernmUtB :LC'4.: utilization of energy of high iuten- nual 'gain in the yaljoe'of lorni pro­ fifth meeting of the society will p r o f 99 ' W ? sity in producing chemical reac­ ducts of i2,ooo,d(ro;opi^. * ^ ' take place at St. Louis April 18 to B oU tu i ‘ # DAILY RADIO PROGRAM W A G O PLANS tions. Foreij^ , 20 and the. seventy-sixtli meeting vUjor the# tho 4 ® ^ Health, the use of physicq and “ Through chemi8try» ‘'scientists at Swampsdott, Mass., under aus­ thft" m4 vision the rise of i^eat' InduStMes pices of the Boston section, Septem­ ipn’t natofgl. Thursday, May 3. 440.0— VKCX-WJR, DETROIT—680. ( Leading DX Stations. chemiatry in studying life process­ 7:00 6:00—Soprano, tenor; violinist. es, chemical hazards, petroleum, based on raniT maftriais of .the f^rm^ ber 10 to 14. Mariruerite Namara, American oper­ 7:30 6:30—Orch; WlUeray Soldiers (DST) (ST) ^ About 2,000 men of'science are atic, concert and musical comedy so­ 8:30 7:30-- Wj Z programs (1% hrA) 479.5—WSB, ATLANTA—630. realns, < laquers and paintg will be now unrUtillzed.'’ ' prano, will be guest artist during tiie 10:00 9:00—Thursday night musical. 9:00 8:00-WJZ Maxwell hour. . taken up at several conferences, in Among, the' foroign. scifintists who • ezpedted to" attend each of the 10:00 9:00—WEAF Halsey Stuart prog Maxwell hour through WJZ and the 10:30 9:30—Trio; dance music to 12:00 the week of August 6. Sanitation will come to Anftrica th pkrtioipate gatherings. Blue network at 9 o'clock hY-iday 5’iO./i_WTIC, HARTFORD—560. 12:00 11:00— Georgia Railroad band. FOR SdNnSTS night. Nathaniel Shilkret's orchestra 6:30 6:30-Bond trio; sketcheA 526— KYW, CHICAGO— 670. the packlqg industry, leather, in the; instliute in Sir James Col- will assist Miss Namara. A May Bay 7:30 6:30—WEAF Comfort orchesilra. 8:30 7:30—WJZ Ampico hour. chemical literature, ceramics, alldys quhoun Irvime,^ principal apd vice- DON’T READ TOO MUCH G(MjP ^ Let us put Hoiod celebration on the village green near 8:00 7:00—WEAF Dodge program. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. and chemistry and other sciences in chancellor or. the University o f St. Boar’s Head Tavern, will be the scene 8:30 7:30—Theater presentations. 10:00 9:00—WJZ Michelin hour. Chicago.— One of .'he -most .note­ Reading golf instructions^ often 3( the adventures ot Kufas and War­ 10:00 9:00—WEAF Halsey Stuart prog 10:30 9:30—WJZ string quartet national defense will be discussed Andrews, Scotland. Sir James, Jn-^ Heels on wick and his companions during ihe 10:30 9:30—Medical talk; orchestra, 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. worthy gatherings of scientists of at a series of seven conferences in ternationally known as an investi- 389.4— W B B M . C H IC A G O — 770. Makes Wayside Inn feature through WNAX<' 422.3— WOR, NEWARK—710, the year will take place at North­ the concluding week of August 13. gatori of sugar, will deliver lectures and the Red network at 9:30. The 7:30 6:30-i-Horton’s feature hour. 8:00 7:00—Hawaiian music, artists.^ musicians to be heard at this t1 8:30 7:30—Detective story dramA 10:00 9:00—Orchestra; artist a western University in ^yanston “ The chemists will discuss 1 ways both to professliinal‘chemists and SEND Y p R CAP TO Include accordion and violin soloists, 9:00 8:00—Candy Dandies concert. 12:00 T1:00—Hank’s theater gang. from July 23 to August 18. to .laymen. . 365.6— W EBH-W JJD, CHICAGO— 8*0. In which they can provide farm re­ .; SStW ECSi' ' supporting a male octet. Tom Keene, 9:30 8:30—N, Y. University prognim The Institute of Chemistry of lief by developing new markets for Syracuse University track coach and 10:60 0:00—Choir invisible. 288.3— W E N R . C H IC A G O — 1040. , TbP Chicago institute is one of Campbell’s Rffing Station SHOE RBPAUt>SHOP one of the coaches on the United 11:66 10:00—Specht’s orchestrA 6:00 6:00—Organ; talks; stocks; tjhs American Chemical Society, in agricultural products," said a state­ the,;tbree big national gatherings; 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 9:00 8:00—Orchestra, artists (2 hrs.) iW second annual meeting, will con­ States Olympic track team will talk 9:00 8:00—Mooseheart hour, ment issued by the national society. planned by,, the American Chemical Selwitz through the microphone of WSYR at 7:30 6:30—WJZ Lowney sweethearts. sider such fascinating and funda- “ One alnf will be to .wipe out 3:30. At the same time the Ampico 8:00 7:00—House O’Dreams program 9:30 8:30—Studio bub hour. Society for the year. The‘ seventy- , For a Grease Job / Corner Main rand P te l Sheets hour of music, fea Luring compositions 8:30 7:30—WJZ Ampico hour. 10:30 9:30—Edgewater orch; artists, ental questions as the processes wastes, proper conversion of which, by Tschaikowsky, may be tuned in by 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 11:00 10:00—Studio program. o r formation and maintenance of it is estimated, would mean ah an- 10:00 9:00—WJZ Michelin hour. 12:00 11:00—Artists: mystery trio. ' Blue network listeners. A soprano, lift, public health, farm relief ...... I ...... ■ I * contralto, xylophonist, tenor, baritone 11:05 10:05—McEnelly’s orchestra. 416.4— W GN-W LIB, CHICAGO— 720, and novelty singer, will be heard dur 491.5— WEAF. NEW YORK—610. 8:00 7:00—Sara’ n’ Henry; songs. through science and national de­ 6:00 5:00—Dinner music;, baseball. 9:00 8:00—Woodwind concert ing the Dodge pre.sentution of the Red 9:30 8:30—Ash’s radio show. fense. network at 3 o’clock. Half an hour 7:00 6:00—Mid-week hymn sing. ‘Twenty-eight conferences, in FOOD GROWS HAIR ON before this the United States Marine 7:30 6:30—Comfort hour with orch. 10:00 9:00—Male quartet, orchestra. o f a man about |o band will play martial music for WJZ 8:00 7:00—Dodge presentation. 11:15 10:15—Quintet: boss race. which scientists from the universi­ and WRC fans. A matinee highlight 8:30 7:30—Hoover Sentinels orch. 11:35 10:35—Vaudeville show; orch. ties and the industries will describe 9:00 8:00—The Cabin Door. 305.9— W HT, CHICAGO— «80. BALD HEADS of much interest is a recital by Tem­ 10:00 9:00—Studio musical program. developments in major fields of ple University band before the micro­ 9:30 8:30—Wayside Inn music. 10:00 9:00—Halsey Stuart presentation 12:00 11:00—Your Hour League. chemistry, will feature the 1928 phone of W ir beginnjig at 3:45. WOC . — WLS, CHICAGO— 870. and WSB will tempt the distance 10:30 0:30—Johnny Jchnson’s orch. 344 6 work of the institute. 11:80 10:30—Arnold Johnson’s orch. 7:55 6:55—Organist;' scrap book. Scientists have found that bald­ hunter.at 11 and 12:45, respectively 454.3— WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 8:10 7:10—Jack and Jean; pianist According to the plan the insti­ 8:30 7:30—Angelus; Supertone hotlr. ness comes from lack of necessary Wave lengths in meters on left«ot 5:30 4:30—Market reports; orcliestra. tute will functioL as an interna­ 6:00 5:00—Baseball scores. 447.5— WMAQ.WQJ, CHICAGO— F70. food elements that the human hair BtHtion title, kilocycles on the right. 9:00 8:00—Contralto, Whitney trio. tional clearing house of knowledge Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 7:00 6:00—U. S. Marine band. requires. “ Foods found in Mother 7:30 6:30—Downey sweethearts. 10:00 9:00—(Concert orchestra. in chemical science. The Evanston Earth grow, nourish and retain and Eastern Standard. Black type 11:00 10:00—Aerials entertainment indicates best features. 8:00 7:00—Retold tales. gathering will attract hundrecs of 8:30 7:30—Ampico hour featuring 12:00 11:00—Studio dance orchestra. hair,” says P. A. Thomas, 1347 Tschaikowsky compos! 499.7— W F A A , D A L L A S — 600. chemists, both men and women, America Pore Bldg., Chicago, the Leading East Stations. tions. 7:30 6:30—WEAF Comfort hour. frdm the United States, Canada and World's leading hair specialist who 9:00 8:00—Maxwell hour featuring 10:3(1 9:30—WJZ string .quartet. (DST)(ST) 374.8—WOC, DAVENPORT—800. Europe. operates over 40 treatment oflices 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. Marguerite Namara, so­ prano. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. ‘ General Problems In the U. S. and Canada. He fur­ 7;UI) 6:00—Orchestras, musical prog. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Halsey Stunri prog 0:15 3:15—Orchestra: movies. 10:00 9:00—Michelin nour. During the week of July 23 seven ther states that hair roots always lu:2li 0:2(1—Organist; dance music. ip:30 9:30—National siring quarteL 10:30 9:30—Studio concert conferences will be held on the 11 no lo:OU—.Slumber music. 11:00 10:00—Woman’s Club orchestra. stay alive and that in 85 per cent 285.5—WBAL. PALTIMORE—1050. 405.2— WFI. PHILADELPHIA—740. 499.7—WBAP. FORT WORTH—600. general problem of developing new of cases where hair is falling or 7:30 C:3u—SI dLo dinner music. 8:30 7:30—Songs; piano recital. 3:30 7:30—WJZ Ampico tiour. 6:45 6:45—Baseball scores; talk. markets other than food for agri­ baldness has set in, a growth of 7:15 6:15—Topics in season. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 0:u0 8:00—WJZ M.-ixwcll hour. 370.2—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810. cultural products by means of new hair can be had in a short li):i)(i 9:00—WJZ Miciielin hour. 8:U0 7:00—WEAE progs, to 11:00. chemistry. A seciond group of time by following his simple direc­ 10:30 0:30—.Musictil memories. 348.6— WIP. PHILADELPHIA—860. 9:00 S:UU—WJZ Maxwell hour. 11:00 10:00—Marylander’s orchestra. 7:00 6:00—Bedtime story, violinist. 11:00 10:00—GoIdkette’s dahee music. seven conferences during the week tions. He will gladly explain his 8:00 7:00—Special studio recital. 11:30 10:.30—Richfield melody artists. 302.8—WGR, BUFFALO—990. 11:45 10:45—Nighthawk frolic. of July 30 will take up fertilizer, method without cost to those In­ C;30 5:30—Van Sutduin's orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Newton radio torum. catalysis, hydrogenation, organic terested in ?estorlng or saving 7:30 6:30—Science service talk. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH-950. 468.5—KFI. LOS ANGELES—64a 8:00 7:00—WEAl>‘ Dodge program. 6:15 5:15—Orchestra; baseball scores 12:00 11:00—Pacific coast recital. chemistry, antiovidants and the their hair. Write him today.— Adv. 10:00 9:00—IVEAE Halsey Stuart prog 7:00 6:00—Agitators; novelty prog. 1:00 12:00—N. B. C. entertainment 10:30 9:30—WEAF dance music. 8:00 7:00—WJZ retold tales. 1:.30 12:.30—.Symphonette; dance. 545.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—550. 8:30 7:30—WJZ Ampico hour. 416.4— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—720. 7:00 6:00—Bulfalo Symphony orch. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 12:00 11:00—Orche.stra; songs; artists. 7:45 6:45—Musical programs. lO'OO 9:00—WJZ Michelin hour. 1:00 12:00—Dance music. . 8:30 7:30—Violin recital; male quar. 461.2— WCAE,- PITTSBURGH—650, 336.9—WSM, NASHVILLE—890. 10:06 0:00—Studio popular program. 7:00 6:00—Mezzo-soprano; talks. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 10:30 0:30—Shea's Buffalo program. 8:00 7:00—w e a k piogs. (2i,^ hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Vendome Theater orch. 10:30 9:30—Studio organ recital. 12:00 11:00—Ramblers quartet; organ. 11:00 10:00—Dance orchestra; organist. • • . ------• . V .. « 461.3—WNAC. BOSTON—650. 280.2— WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070. 384.4— KGO, O A K L A N D — 780. BOWLING I^< 7:00 6:00—Orchestra; piano recital. 8:00 7:00—Tenor, pianist. 12:00 11:00—Dodge prog; moon magic. 8:00 7 :0 0 -F6ur Motormen quartet 8:30 7 :30 -WJZ Ampico hour. 1:00 12:00—Ellis’ dance orchestra. 8:15 7:10—Theater presentations. 9;U0 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 254.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1180. 10:15 0:15—Two dance orchs. to 12:00. 10:00 9:00—WJ'Z Michelin hour. 8:00 7:00—Virginians orchestra. a car faster than hiBi 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 10:30 9:30—Shea's theater program. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 11-05 10:05—Homesteader’s orchestrA 10:00 9:00—Studio concert. SPECIAL! 8:30 7:30—WJZ Ampico hour. > 0:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 379.5_WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 348.6—KJR, SEATTLE—860, 10:00 0:00—WJZ Michelin hour. 12:01 11:01—Weather: markets; time. 11:30 10:30—Orchestra, soprano, tenor. 6:00 5:00—Markets; baseball scores. 2:00 1:00—Mever’s dance orcheslrtu 10:30 0:30—Studio concerts. He’s about to try stxBB^btim^mt «u to- 11:00 10:00—Swiss Garden’s orchestra. C;30 6:30—Orch; baseball scores. 422.3—KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—T’ O. ever has before 399.8—WTAM. CLEVELAND—750. 7:30 6:30—Union College address. 1:00 12:00—N. B. C. entertainments. o u t a F lying O o u d , h a l 6:00 5:00—Dance orchestra. 7:45 6:45—Studio musical program. 1:30.12:30—Neapolitan quartet. For Month of May 2:00 1:00—Orchestra, two pianos. of 1929, this man I 8:00 7:00—WEAK Dodge program. 8;00 7:00—WEAF programs to 10:30 . to ii curve. 8:30 7:30—WEAF Sentinels orch. 10:30 9:30—Buffalo studio concert 344.6—WCBD, ZION—870. 11:00 10:00—WEAF dance music. 9:00 8:00—Organ, vocal, Instrumental you see here. He’s going to and the front end won’t There won’t be. a b j 9:00 8:00—Floyd Bradley’s recital. soloists; travel talk. A T TH E 9:30 8:30—Willard Cavaliers. 11:30 10:30—Floyd Walter, organist drive a m o to r car faster than shiver when the speedometer \K SeconcJary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. in the ma(^ ttd he ever has before. flicks from seventy up. 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—.590. 270.2—WLWL, NEW YORK—810. 275.1—WORD. BATAVIA—1090. fast he goec. , , 6:45 5:45—Big Brother Club. 7:00 6:00—St Cecilia ensemble. 9:00 8:00—Musical; talks; lesson. 9 00 It won’t be simply because 7:30 6:30—WEAF programs to 9:00. 7:30 6:30—Religious question box. 10:00 : —Musical prog: readings. He’ll have brakes that will stop A nd i f 9:00 8:00—Radio skit; chocolate drop 526—VVNYC, NEW YORK—570. 535.4— WHO, DES MOINES—560.Y Charter Oak this Flying Cloud ■will easily 10:35 9:35—Kalis’ dance orchestra. 8:15 7:15—Pianist; game; pianist. 7:00 6:00—Wood’s dance orchestra. h im m ore qu ick ly and gently 7:30 6:30—Minstrel show. ahead, lie^ , learu fw & 245.6—WKRC. Cl NCI NN ATI—1220. 9:30 8:30—Old lime songs. 27-29 Oak Street. Joseph Farr, Prop. hit a higher speed than any 9:00 8:00—Dance orclieslrA 9:45 8:45—Violin-lecture recital. 8:00 7:00—Programs with WEAF. than those on the o ld “ b u s.” things about acceleihiitioh 9:30 8:30—Artists program. 9:P0 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. 10:15 9:15—Bar Association meeting. 10:00 9:00—Jones pi.nno program. car he ever owned. The steering' wheel will lie 10:01 9 :01 -Dance orchestra. 348.6— WGBS, NEW YORK—860. that aren’t taught by m of t 361.2— WSAI. CINCINNATI—830. 10:3(1 9:30-W EAF'dance orchestras. 10:00 9:00—“ Ramble In Erin.” 499.,_KTHS, h o t s p r in g s —500. Awarded Bach Tuesday Night in Roll Off But he can step on the gas quietly in his hands—and autom'ol^es. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Halsey Stuart prog 10:45 9:45—Banpos, harmonicas. 12:30 11:30—Studio program. 9:30 8:30—Vocal, instrumental solos. 265.3— WHK. CLE.VELAND—1130. 11:00 10:00-Dance music; artists. 405.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST, PAUL—740. of Teh High Men During Preceding Week. 8:30 7:30—1. B. S. A. broadcasts. 365.6— WeSH, PORTLAND—820. 10:00 9:00—Hamline University prog. 8:45 7:45—Radioists entertainment 6:00 5:00—Stocks; market reports. 10:30 0:30—Singing orchestra. Jf yo u don’t believe it, here’s what you can do • . . ' . 11:00 10:00—Orchestra: ace brigade. 7:30 6:30—WEAF progs, to 10:30. 11:00 10:00—Theater program. 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 293.9—WSYR, SYRACUSE—1020. 12:05 11:05—Izaak Walton League. First P rize...... ?10 in Gold , Come down and take the place of the man in the picture. Malte a Flytow Qoud 7:15 6:15—Concert: baseball scores. 7:30 6:30—Talk Coach Keene. ^ 508.2—WOW. OMAHA—590. / of 1929 do all the things we’ve talked about. 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs to 11:00. 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON—640. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Maxwell hour. Second Prize ...... $5 Hat 394.5—WHN. NEW YORK—760. 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (2''/2his ) 11:00 10:00—Feature program. In your hands sheTl travel faster than any other car you ever drove. Tadtfo 10:10 9:10—Artists, music to 1:00. 10:30 9:30—Swanee syncopators. 12:00 11:00—Burnham’s rhythm king*. the highest hills and the roughest roads you know. Open .n|i the throttle oOdU Third Prize ...... 30 King Cigars longest straight stretch you can find. ' ......

have a capacity of 1,500,000 cubic Fourth Prize ...... Li -j . 01' feet, capable, aside from carrying DIRIGIBLE AND passengers to carry thousands of WTIC pounds of express and mail. 200 Trips Yearly. Try Bowling on These Six Brand ; IREO FILYING Q jOUDS Travelers Insurance Co. PLANE SERVICE Knabenshue declared that one of REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Lansingf Michig^/ the contemplated dirigibles, operat­ New Alleys Hartford ing 200 trips yearly, and carrying 10 passengers each trip would pay 535.4 m. 560 k. c. OVER CONTINENT all costs. The coast to coast' fare I will be ?250 which includes meals and berth. Ladies’ Entrance a Feature Program For Thursday Cleveland.— With a trans-contin­ Southern dirigible routes are al­ 6 E 0 B 6 E L . B E T t S so under consideration, it was said 6:25 p. m.— Correct time, summary ental dirigible passenger air serv- 127 SPRUCE STREET, of program and news bulletin. ive in the making and passenger The northern route will make stops / SOUTH MAKCSrj^'l^k I- 6:30 p. m.— Hotel Bond Trio— at Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland Emil Heimberger, director. airplane service between Chicago Springtime Progi-am and Cleveland, and Pittsburgh and Emil Heimberger, director of the Cleveland tq be inaugurated late FARREL AND CRUICKSHANK Hotel Bond Trio, has arranged a this summer, Cleveland will become ijfc - spe;,cial program of musical selec­ an important air port in the United IN NEW GOLF CONTEST AT tions which have been written to States, it was revealed here. MIAMI SHRINE MEETING. describe the season and which will Roy Knabenshue of Los Angeles r \ be broadcast through WTIC of The pioneer ballcnist and national en­ Travelers this evening. Selections gineer of areonautes, who was here Miami, Fla.— Two eternal rivals, © 1926 bv NEA Service RUTH DEWEY GROVES from the Schubert-Romberg oper­ to inspect the local airports plans Johnny Farrel, winner of the $15,- — " ' ' M I ' ...... •" etta “ Blossom Time,’’ “ Apple Blos­ to build dirigibles to carry 40 000 La Gor'ce Open Tournament soms’’ by Jacobi-Kreisler, “Orange passengers from the Pacific Coast last month and Bobby Cruieikshank, Blossoms” by Victor Herbert, and to New' York regularly at a low runner-up in the same tournament, a selection from Romberg’s “ May­ cost of operation due to a new fuel will meet here again in an exhibition -V time” will be played. he said he expects to use. match of 72 holes during the a. Selection from “ Blossom Practical Fuel. Shrine convention which opens. May Time” .... Schubert-Romberg The fuel, obtained after all other 1, It was announced at Shrine b. Apple Blossoms...... Jacobi- ingredients have been taken from headquarters. Kreisler oil, has -been found by California Their coming match over the c. Orange Blossoms ...... engineers to be practical for avia­ Bayshore Course will be the high ...... Victor Herbert tion purposes, Knabenshue said. light of the Shrine sporting events. d. Selection from “ Maytime” The Californian said he contem­ Preceding the special match will ...... Romberg plates building a dirigible slightly be a two-day handicap medal tour­ 6:55 p. m.— Baseball scores. smaller than the Los Angeles. It nament for visiting Shrlners under 7:00 p. m.— Sketches from Screen- will be 430 feet In length and 78 the auspices of the local' Shrine dom. feet in diameter to be propelled by club and the Forty .^leves, na­ 7:30 p. m.— Coward Comfort Hour four engines. The aid liner will from N. B. C. Studios. tional amateur golf association. 8:00 p. m.— Dodge Brothers pro­ gram from N. B. C. Studios. 8:30 p. m.— Capitol Theater Pres­ entation. 10:00 p. m.— Halsey-Stuart pro­ gram from N. B. C. Studios. Service — Quality — Low Prices 10:30 p. m.— Medical Talk under the auspices of the Hartford Medical Society— “ Running T o ld ti Water is Not Always Pure” — Public Health Talk read by Finest Fresh Fish Dr. George E. Tucker. 10:40 p. m.— Club Worthy Hills Fresh Caught Halibut Steak ...:...... 40c lb. Dance Orchestra. Fresh Shore Haddock ...... 12c lb. 11:10 p. m.— Correct time, news and weather. Fresh Flounders...... 15c lb. Steak Cod to fry^ Boston Bluefish. Fancy Buck S h a d ...... 23c lb. Salmon, Smelts, Fresh Herrings ...... 10c lb. INSURANCE Special Smoked FiUets ...... 25c lb. OF ALL RINDS Fresh Haddock Fillets, Fresh Cod Fillets. CARNEY AGENCY Stuffed and Baked Haddock ...... 40c each

JOHN P. CARNEY Apple Pies from Native Baldwin Apples. Room 4, Orford Block Finest Fresh Vegetables Phone Barstow 1968 Fresh Peas, Fancy Spinach, -Head Lettuce, Native- 216 Mr(ddle Turnpike Bast Rhubarb, Carrots, !^ets, Cucumbers, etc. ' , . \ 7 f;}fC 4-' MANUHES'tlSK (CONN.) EVBNTNG HEtlALDi THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1928.

«SX3«S3«S63C«CSM6S«30SSCWSSS30CS^^ Fradin*s Fifth Anniversary

Ctean PaintUjp!

WHETHER it’s a matter of civic pride.witli you or just the personal pleasur^i of living in nrM ^ . surroundings that are spic and span, you’ll - ,T'' find here everything you’ll need to do a first The above illustration was taken flfth anniversary sale, ter women for they know that mer­ class job of painting or decorating—from self and the ^rray of merchandise chandise purchased at this store is at the time of the spring exhibition that characterizes Fradin’s would authentic in style, of highest quality sandpaper to wall paper— and at moderate held in the town in March. It and is being sold at as reasonable not have been if it were not for the prices. shows the two display windows of confidence that hundreds of women prices as possible. quality woman’s apparel shop in Manchester have had and do Mr. Fradin does all the buying throughout. These . windows at­ have in this establishment. Their for the store and he says that due tracted a great deal of attention and confidence has caused them to con­ to many things too numerous to Paint Wall Paper drew mucti-favorable comment from tinue their patronage year in and mention, but including his good judgment and the wholesalers j the huhdri^dsS of‘ friends and cus­ year out, and through this very W e U se All the newest and tomers of the store. thing Fradin’s has grown and is anxiety to sell due to very poor j Thursday ,maifhs the opening of continuing to grow eacb year in weather, he has secured some very M asury finest patterns. You the wonderful,;Wiudows, the fine popularity, in its scope of merchan­ exceptional values in many lines store front> the beautiful store it- dising and in the favor of Manches- of merchandise especially for this Paint can have just what you The kind that wears of Princeton: President Butler, of and looks well. want for your house. Columbi : and President Farrand, ENGLAND MAKES ANDOVER HOPES of Cornell. Both Governor Alvan T. Fuller, Massachusetts and Governor Hunt- AVIATION STUDY PRESIDENT MAY ley N. Spaulding of New Hamp­ shire will be among the speakers, John I. Olson as will James J. Davis, secretary of AT BIG AIRPORT HEAD SPEAKERS Labor in President Cooliuge’s cabi­ Painting and Decorating Contractor. net. William Phillips, the Ameri­ 699 Main Street, Tel. 1400, South Manchester can minister to Canada, will repre­ Andover, Mass.— Only an unex­ sent the Phillips founders, of which Cboyden, England.— “ We shall pected prolongation of the Con­ he is a descendant. VVX V X\V X XVvvvvv VX X N \\\\X s vvvvvv Jje very happy , indeed to have you gressional session will prevent President’s Speech see what we are doing and trying President Calvin Coolidge from at­ * Most of the addresses will be de­ lo do in commercial aviation in tending the 150th anniversary of livered in the Case Memorial Build­ England,’’ said Sir Softon Branck- the founding of Phillips Academy ing. President Coolidge, in his er, director of Civil Aviation of here. Announcement to this effect speech on Frida/ afternoon in the dreat Britain. was made by Alfred E. Stearns, open air, will speak from the porti­ Croyden Airdrome is forty min­ headmaster of the Academy, fol­ co of Samuel Phillips Hall, one of utes ride from Croyden. The build­ lowing receipt of an official com­ the stately colonial structures on ings at the “ Liverpool of Britan­ munication from the White House. the new Andover campus. It is ex­ nia’? Air’’ are of substantial stone, The President, it was learned, has pected that the President will .be the hangars are huge anu are built long wished to'attend this notable greeted by at least two thousand Last Two Days of steel ;.nd concrete. A new hotel celebration of the anniversary of graduates of the school, with their is just being completed. one of the oldestf preparatory wives and families, together with Major Branckley, manager of the schools in New England on May 18. a large number of other distin­ Consider Price also Imperial Airways, and Captain Important Guests guished guests. Of The Big Demonstration Markham, commanding air officer Mr. Coolidge will meet at the Phillips Academy, the oldest of ' ^ of the Air Ministry, were kind Phillips Academy sesquicentennial the great American preparatory enough to . explain the workings of a noteworthy group of American schools was opened in Auril, 1778 the great, airport. educators. On the programme for with thirteen students.. The act of -OF- Airplan. as they are built to­ the two day celebration are Presi­ incorporation was signed by John but NEVER Price alone day, need a vast amount of room dent Lowell, of Harvard: President Hancock. The great seal was made in order to clear the ground. The Angell, of Yale: President Hibben, by Paul Revere. field here is about a quarter of a mile square and soon is to be Lady Leisure doubled. It is not unusual for thirty^ or forty planes to r.rrive and The thousands of peo­ quality, think of the depart from this port in a day. Eng­ lish. French, Dutch and Belgian ple who came to Garber workmanship, imagine bhinpanies operate here. Government Owned St^’ling Gas Ranges Brothers did not buy fur­ the furniture as it will The field is owned by the British V, government and all companies pay Onions niture here for the sole look a few years from rent and l:.nding fares. But in' order to handle this traf­ reason that our prices now. Remember this . .. fic without planes crashing into Price speaks but once, but each' other, a dispatcher is neces­ were the lowest possible. sary and this office, the control quality keeps on talking ‘ tower, is on top of the Air Minis­ try building, which dominates the They bought furniture forever. entire field. This Is the center of activity! Of course there is the here because the low weather bureau and the wireless Visit Garber Brothers receiving; and sending apparatus prices were backed by a and the" lights and beacons depart­ the first opportunity you ments but they are all merely standard of quality that agents of the-officer in the control get. See one of the largest tower. left no room for question. , .^..The .tower is fifty feet above the It was positively the best displays of quality furni­ ground. The director is a busy WHAT A MEAL— I man. With headphones on his ears quality that could be pro­ ture in America. Whole, and a great map before him show- pages of complimentary ^ ing the south of England and the BUT duced for the price. Western part of Europe, with little descriptions about our ; flags indicating each plane, he ] keeps 'trach of .'every plane within a And Garber Brothers store could not tell you a ; radius of se-veral, hundred miles and carries on a running conversation backed up every purchase more interesting and con­ j by radio with half a dozen planes ! in the sky going out or coming You can cook these with a satisfaction guar­ vincing story than this towards Croyden. If a plane gets lost In the fog, antee. visit. There are many the pilot switches on his transmit­ AM ting set and calls Croyden. Foods at one time in a things one can learn from In a second the control officer To-day this tremendous our vast display. ' knows the direction from which the ■ request comes, he gets two other family of satisfied cus­ * stations by wireless two hundred Compare with Garber ; miles away to call the plane. They tomers is our most valued ' get the angle and Immediately re­ Brothers' Standard of lay their reports to the control asset. > officer. VENTIUTED V. quality . . Compare with *' Locates Lost Plane Then with the “ direction finder’’ .When looking at furni­ Garber Brothers' Every­ and a rapid calpulation In three , minutes he telephones back to the If you have not been one of the ture . . . ask yourself this day prices . . . and you'll ■ plane giving the pilot his exact location on the map. question... Y^at do I get find that furniture of un­ Pilots ask for weather, for con­ hundreds who have attended this in return for my money? questioned quality costs dition of the field in landing. Re­ GAS OVEN ports come in hourly from weather And in answering that no more than furniture bureaus in northern France and Belgium and the south of England. demonstration during the week you iquestion think of the of no particular quality. “ The channel is the worst of our worries,’’ explained the control of- without the flavor of one affecting* i fleer. “ We have landing fields al­ owe it to yourself to attend! most everywhere in England and ' France where a ship can put in but another. ' • if a ship goes down in the channel we must know immediately where Come and See the it is. We have a tug for instant call on both sides and only once have we ■had a plane land in the water.’’ The best cooking is gas cooking. Advantages of These Ranges The late emperor of Japan was the I2Srd of his family to rule over the nation; the first emperor for whom funeral, services were FINE FURNITURE 'birth ot Christ. ALFRED A . GREZEL direct Headqnartersdftr Plumbing and Heating Supplied. to the JhibUc SEND YOUR CAR TO | The 'Manchester Gas Co. Main St., 0pp. Park St., South Manchester O p ^ s FiBiog Statkm For a Grease Job r" I ADVERTISE IN THE BERAI£4.4T PAYS Hmrutoi A Short Block Frma Mai& MANCHESrrER (CUNN.) EVENING HBRALD, THUKSSDAl', MAY 3, 1928.

LOUIS RADDING GETS 9262 FORESTHir b u l l e t i n 5.70 ed at the “ Malrle” ot the ward, aa w - l-Weitport ...... COMPENSATION FOR HURTS DANONEI Manchester 6th Is required by French law, and the 69 YEAR COAL FIRE If- EYSEES BEACH following day, a large croWd of The State Forestiy Department' 3 above mean Louis Radding, aged 65, of 140 HEADS “ Fropi the above table it Is clear l>eople turned up at the -chdrch to of Hartford has just ipsued a new witness the religious complement. SOON TO BE PUT OUT, Summit street,. has been awarded bulletin on the “ Use of Lumber ■that Manchester is conducting its $252 compensation for twelve elementary schools at a lower cost But the bride and bridegroom kept and Wood in Connecticut” by E. COCKTAIL HOUR them waiting so l6ng .htat .thp bea­ weeks total incapacity as he result D. Fletcher, Marketing Expert and DISCUSS KEITH 'per pupil in average daily attend- ‘ MINE OFnCIALS SAY Old fashion and m o d e ^ dfuieln^ dle finally announced that the mar­ of a claim, against his son, William A. F. Hawes, State Fprester. This ‘ance, than are the average of the Radding, 23. of the same address,, will be enjoyed'at^thsLYwiilibpy in towns considered and ranks third riage would not take place. bulletin of 51 pages includes seven DRAWS SOOETY Upon leaving the Mairie thd day and t^e Aetna Life Insurance Com­ Bolton tonight with' BillfWad^eU’s below the average. On the basis of illustrations' and five diagrams. Orchestra furnishing the music’ and before, it was then learned, the Harrisburg, Pa.— Fire which has pany. It gives general statii^tics rela­ COST ANALYSIS 'high school cost per pupil in aver­ Professor Taylor doing the prompt­ bride had suddenly announced that slowly eaten its way through the The case came up before the tive to . the amount of lumber used age daily attendance, Manchester she did not intend, to go any fur­ ing. This new. combination . for -pH (Continued from Page 1) ranks fifth below the average and Paris.— “ The Lido,” the latest interior of the anthracite mine of compensation commissioner in in the state and source of supply, ther toward matrimony. The groom, Hartford yesterday, Louis Radding fashioned dances is attracting*’con­ , on the basis of the total cost per newly created “ beach” in the the Lehigh Coal and Navigation and also deals with the industrial siderable favorable comment aniorg considering himself a married man, was injured when he slipped on a use of lumber and wood, taking up .. o- TT u V . . i,pupil lu average daily attendance, Champs Elysees, continues to be took steps for divorce and obtained Company at Summitt Hill, Pa., for the dancers who patronize the Rain­ 8.26. Here, however, Manchester’sI'j^ajjpijggtgr ranks fourth below the plank while carrying some boards first the question of box boards, Paris’ most fashionable rendez it. The woman in question married the past 69 years will soon be ex­ bow. tax rate may not be comparable average. These figures would into a building. His left hip was which are used in large quantities vous. again and went to Spain. tinguished, according to Frank badly sprained, making it impossi­ by Connecticut manufacturers. Saturday nights Liphel Kenne­ with that in the other towns meh- seem to indicate that if ability to dy’s broadcasting orchestra, in tioned because it does not Include Cocktail hour finds it invaded by When she returned the other day Hall, deputy secretary of mines. ble for him to work for more than This bulletin, which contains much support education is a fair indica­ every nationality that comes to she found that the Court had fined Hall, who has been with the Mine which Walt Luettgens is sa^phon- the amount spent by the outside tion of a town’s reasonable appro­ two months. The accident happened valuable information, may be se­ districts, but does include the Paris— and this means practically her for a little capricious change Department for 43 years, made this several months ago. 1st, plays for modem fiancing, .This priations for education, Manchester cured upon' application to the orchestra has been heard throuh amount spent by the Ninth District. every one of them in bathing suits. of mind causing her would-be-hus-< prediction in the fact of facts State Forestry Department at Hart­ is by no means extravagant, in fact Women bathers wear the most band moral damage. which show that practically 'every i Station WTIC on many - pirograms The analysis In question went fur­ it seems to be distinctly below the NO SIRREEEEE ford at Hartford, Conn. ther and divided the factors of the striking and eccentric of costumes. known method of extinguishing ‘ and is always dependable for good, average. Touch not, test not,” reads the snappy dance music. . , cost per pupil in a valuable way Almost anything is allowed, pro­ mine fires has been used in the Johnny, six, was told he had to CUS'TER PINE ST. STORE How Many to Supimrt? vided it covers up a few square new sign put up in French bakeries .mine and has proved fruitless, as between the costs of instruction, “ Does not the problem in the go to the hospital to have his ton­ r o PE SOLD AT AUCTION. supervision, administration, mate­ inches of anatomy. Faces are well- according to a police regulation He said he based his belief on sils removed and his mother was LEADER ASSASSINATED. long, run tend to become the same powdered and painted. It won’t which forbids the use of the cus­ new methods which are now being rials for instruction and hygiene. kind of problem as with an indi­ bolstering up his morale. ’The stock and fixtures in the come off for they do not splash. tomer’s fingers to select his loaf or used in the burning mine. Pres­ “ I’ll be brave and do just what Vienna, May 3.— Yussuf MIkhail- Towns' Abilities vidual family? The amount a confectionary store formerly con­ off, chief leader of the Macedonian The water Is nice and warm and rollsl ent plans call for construction of a you tell me, mother,” he promised, “ Mr. Keith’s comparison of the father can afford to spend upon the there are rubber rafts, rubber This rule was really made a few ducted by Louis Custer at 95 Pine Nationalists, has been assassinated, cost of Manchester schools with solid concrete wall, several hundred “ but 1 bet they don’t^palm oC a street will be sold at public auction education of a child depends not horses and ducks fioating about. years ago, but like many a French feet thick, across the shaft of the according to an unconfirmed report ^these seven towns entirely neglect- only upon his total income, but One is allowed to bathe at any crying baby on me like they did on two weeks from today. May 17, at received here today from . Sofia, • ed to consider the ability of the law, very , few have heeded it. mine, he declared, adding that you when you were in the hos­ upon the number of children he time from before luncheon to the There is an almost universal habit 9 o’clock In the morning. Bulgaria. ' ' various towns to support schools. was believed that this huge mass pital.”— Tit-bits. Constable James W. Foley, who has. A father with one child can early hours of the morning, but of taking a few experimental pokes would be more effective than any On this basis it was interesting to obviously be more liberal with that there is a very definite rule that to test the respective hardness, served an attachment on the busi­ note that out of these eight towns, other method that had been tried, — AND FAILED ness three weeks ago at the instance child’s education than can a father bathers shall not approach the softness, dampness, or dryness and and would finally prove successful. .^Manchester has next lo the highest with six children on the same In­ dance hall without ^ changing cos­ other qualities of the bread array­ “ Fancy letting your wife go of the Capitol City Candy Company ^ ratio of taxable property per pupil Engineers have estimated that come. So a town must inevitably tume. ed in rows on the bakery shelves. about telling neighbors she made and Capitol City Paper Company, in average attendance, as shown by consider its total resources and its the stubborn, creeping blaze has both 6f Hartford, will be the auc­ The dance fioor is square and The bakers themselves have destroyed several million dollars a man of you. You don’t hear my the following table; total children in attempting to raised slightly above the ground tried in vain to prevent it by sepa­ wife saying that.” tioneer. Total Cost Per Pupil in A. D, A. make a fair provision for the edu­ worth of coal during the years it Mr. Custer, who operated the level. Innumerable small tables are rating the well-baked loaves from has been smoulderin,g. Hall has “ No, but I heard her telling my West Hartford ...... $113.32 cation of its youth. Any attempt dotted about over the illuminated softer ones. From now on they will wife she had done her best.”^— store for nearly five years, now Manchester ...... 107.59 to compare educational costs must been one of the most active persons Tit-Bits. works in Hartford.* glass fioor. The swimming pool Is point to the pbster on the wall in studying the wierdness with Naugatuck ...... i ...... 93.90 constantly bear in mind the ability which states in good-sized letters a most luxuriant affair made in which the fire has defied all ef­ Ansonia ...... 84.81 to support education and here pastel shades of marble glistening that customers must choose their Bristol ...... '...... 84.08 forts to check it,, but he believes Manchester, in endeavoring to have through pure green limpid water. bread by sight alone. West Haven ...... 77.58 schools of the highest grade, does that the new concrete wall will •Torrington ...... 76.49 At Intervals some twenty foun­ ...... ! Dot appeav to have exceeded the tains are turned on at either side PANTHEON FOR FASCISTS cause its extinction. Stratford ...... 70.3b ^y other towns of of the pool. These spray, forming IS DISCUSSED IN ITALY According to Hall, the fire started when a workman who at­ Low o f $708.13 approximately similar capacity. a perfect rainbow arch which is re- prices “ It is well to bear in mind here fiected in a'large mirror at the end Rome.— The erection of a pan­ tended one of the large stoves, Average ...... 88.52 being which were formerly placed at the Manchester above average. that we are not dealing with a of the hall. Dancers perform dur­ theon for Fascist heroes is problem that is local to Manchester, ing the supper hour and there is a discussed. y ; , bottoni of the slopes for the com­ fort of the miners, accidentally “ It will be seen at a glance that nor even to Connecticut. The United Neapolitan guitar orchestra. The Pantheon in^Rome, now a FRIGIDAIRE while the cost of elementary States Bureau of Education’s 1927 All around- are pergolas profuse­ church, contains the graves of shovelled a pile of hot coals into a , schools in the Town of Manchester Bulletin No. 39 gives the following ly decorated with lamps represent­ Italy’s first King Victor Emman­ wooden mine car and went to an­ are the result of appears to be high in comparison significant figures. ing flowers. One side completely uel, besides the tombs of Italy’s other part of the mine. The coals ^ with the towns in question, and “ “ The total expenditures for pub­ separated from the mens quarters most famous painters. ignited the mine car and the flames • while the cost of high schools ap­ lic elementary and high schools in are thd womens dressing rooms, It is proposed to bury the heroes spread to supporting timbers, fi­ World Leadership! pear to be low, the Town of Man­ 1900 for the whole country was decorated in red and blue. There of Fascism in the vast subterran­ nally igniting the coal. chester has next to the -greatest $20.21 per pupil in average attend­ are about one hundred of them. ean chambers running beneath the ability of any of the towns in ques- ance. In 1926 it was $102.05 per There is also a Hamman. imposing monument to Victor Em­ 4 ’ tion to pay for schools of the high- manuel on the Capitol Hill. pupil in average attendance. If we THAT AWFUL SLIP £*> sst grade and quality. jaise the 1900 dollar to the pur­ With the Lenten season over and There are two museums in the m “ It has seemed to the Ninth Dis­ priests once more able to bless the subterranean galleries, but there is chasing power of a dollar in 1913 < trict committee that the very de­ and reduce the 1926 dollar to a marriage-union, the Mayor of this plenty of room for what may be­ “ And will you love me as much tailed comparison given by Mr. dollar of the same purchasing pow­ city broke all records a few hours come the Hall of Fame of the new as this when we are married?” . Keith omits some of the more im­ er of that of 1913, we would obtain before Easter dawned, by perform­ Italy. It is understood Mussolini “ Darling, how can you doubt portant measures because no con­ these figures: Average cost per ing one hundred and eleven civil approves of the idea. ^ me? I’ve always liked married sideration is taken of the town's pupil lu average attendance for the ceremonies. They all said they women best.”— Tit-Bits. ability to support education. To ar­ whole country in 1900— $25.10; wanted to spend Easter of 1928 as A LONG TIME rive at a more equitable basis, we and in -1926— $67.58 which repre­ man and wife. They sought the MASTER OF HISTORY CLASS (to pupil who has just returned have selected seven towns that had sents an increase in terms of the Church’s blessings during the fol­ IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Q^UANTITY production and General the next lower ability to support 1913 dollar of 169.2 per cent, be­ lowing w'eek. after absence through illness): schools and seven towns which had I’m glad to see you back, Timp- DIAMONDS— Motors buying power have made Frigidaire tween 1900 and 1926.” of the highest quality. the next higher ability to support Below General Cost. The First Chamber of the Paris kins; you will have i a lot of lee­ prices remarkably low. A small deposit and ' schools and have then measured “ We have gone back to the old Tribunal, has just fined Madame way to make up. How long have WATCHES— Jean St. Paul two hundred dollars of dependable makes. easy payments put any Frigidaire model in their cost relative to that of the records

L’Heureux, Miss Margaret Oonnel- Pearl Martin has received two rfh- U.S.W.V.ADXIUARY lan and Mrs. Julia Sheridan. boua for her home service work. HIGHWAY DEP’T Mrs. Walter Smith of Talcottvllle im scoifniEws Mrs. McKay helped at the n\eet- won the beaded bag made by a ing with the tenderfoot work nnd ELECTS DELEGATES veteran at the Noroton home and the rest studied signalling. AWARDS SEVEN canvassed for his benefit. At whist The Girl Scout Council will meet Scout Commissioner Mrs. W. M. Coventry Grange No. 75 P. of H. first prizes were won by Mrs. James at the home of Mrs. Lciuis L. Grant. ^rownell and Deputy Commission­ will observe Chlldren’a Night, to­ He-McVeigh and George Olds; sec­ Buokland, Tuesday afternoon May er Mrs. Robert Hawley visited the night. All are welcppie^!, as this Is Business Meeting Precedes ond, Irving Wickham and Mrs. 8, at 2:30 o’clock. troop Friday. NEW CONTRACTS Whist Party—Mrs, McVeigh Henry Trautman of TalCottvllle and an open meetrag. Wins First Prise, consolation, Mrs. Henry Curtis and The awards committee will meet Troop 6 Miss Laura K. Kingsbury return­ James Harrison. The committee af the home of Mrs. Nelson Smith, The scouts planned to leave the ed Connecticut Agricultural College served sandwiches, doughnuts and 56 Bast Middle Turnpike Saturday Center at 9:30 a. m. today for a this afternoon having been home Highway Commissioner John A. More than fifty attended the coffee. hike. Macdonald today announced the afternoon. May 12, between two whist given last-night at the State and five o’clock. Captains are ask­ award of seven contracts to the Armory by Mary Bushnell Cheney Earl Sande, America’s premier lowest bidders on work advertised ed to notify Mrs. Smith at once as auxiliary U. S. W. V. During a brief NEW COACH FOR MONTANA to just what badge scouts wish to jockey, was among the 69 Jockeys XXX3tXXXX3»98XKXX3tXyX^^ for April 24. The contracts awarded business meeting which preceded in this letting were as followa: try for on that day. granted licenses to ride this sea­ the card games, delegates were Schubert Dyche, who assisted son by the Jockey Club of New 31,000 feet of bituminous maca­ elected to the state convention in Ott Romney in all athletics before Troop 5 York. J. dam pavement on Bloomfleld-Tar* Norwalk, June 22 and 23. The iffville-Granby road, awarded to Romney left Montana State, has There will he no meeting Friday Amos E Bridges, /Hazardville. delegates are Miss Josie Ideating, afternoon. Two new members are, Miss Edith Maxwell and Mrs. Agnes been appointed head of all athletics The Greatest Values in Conn., bid 5100,363.20. in Romney’s place. Marion Wright and Bessie Carson. 10,330 feet of reinforced con­ Gaylord. The alternates Mrs. Nelson Arthur A . Knofla crete pavement on the Grosvernor- dale-North Grosvernordale road in 875 Main St. the town of Thompson, awarded to GOOD Callan Construction Company, Insurance and Real Estate. Bristol. R. I., bid 582,424. The prices below will convince you that we offer the greatest values 7,200 feet of waterbound maca­ dam on the Cherry Hill road in in GOOD .CLOTHES for the entii|^ family. And you can pay fmr them .Middlefleld and Durham, awarded the C M Convenient Payment Way which offem good (dothes at regular to Arute Brothers, New Britain, cash prices with NO MONEY DOWN and only A WEEK. Come in Conn., bid 527,236.76. THE NOW and open a charge account. 7,534 feet of reinforced concrete HARTFORD on the Putnam-Norwich road in the town of Killingly, awarded to M. A. Free Suburban Telephone Service From Manchester CaU 1530. OLD WOOD SHOP Gammino Construction Company. Providence, R. I.v bid 568,998. On Pitkin Street, which has LADIES’ STUNNING DRESSES 1,037 feet of trap rock macadam been closed since the death A marvelous collection of beautiful dresses for stout on Summit and Lakeview streets in of Mr. Hughes, will be open women. Youthful, smart and up-to-the-minute East Hampton, awarded to J. Suzio and Staff, New Britain, Conn., bid Coat In Our Vast afternoons, starting May 1. style. All new Spring and Summer 58,497.25. The Home Bank & Trust Co. colors. Sizes 40 to 54. Look at the 3,398 feet of bituminous maca­ fabrics, then think of the price. Reg­ dam on Hoyt- street in Darien, Executor. awarded to Bridgeport Construction ular $29.75 values. Specially priced Company, Bridgeport, Conn., bid Is Being Offered 514.926.10. Construction of a 40 foot clear span, rigtd frame bridge over Still LADIES’ BEAUTIFUL SILK COATS River on the Beaverbrook cut-off in Low Price Surely you cannot put off buying your coat when you can the town of Danbury, awarded to Osborn-Barnes, Danbury, Conn., get such well made and up-to-the-minute silk coats at this bid: 524.871. low price. Of Moire and Bengaline. HERE IS OUR OFFER: Trimmed with rich fur. These silk coats COHEN AND McNAMARA Hundreds of New Spring Coats specially purchased at new low prices bring to our show every new smart style detail. A.q customers the smartest models of the season at decided savings Every coat in achievement in value-giving. OPEN AT StATE TODAY stock is offered at a lower price...... MEN’S LATEST STYLE SUITS Famous Funsters Starred In AN UNUSUAL GROUP When it comes to suits for dress, faultless appearance" “Why Sailors Go Wrong’ and style, there is nothing that can equal a fine brown Billie Dove in Co-Fea;ture. OF $29.50 COATS N O W ...... suit. These suits are all wool and come That pictures sometimes live up , A complete selection of colors and sizes In many attractive models that feature the in the newest brown shades and mix­ to claims of their advance notices style trends of the season. Fur is used on many of the styles, others are furless in the new tures. Two and three-button models in is proven by “ Why Saiiors Go. est manner which substitutes a throw scarf of satin and wool cuffs. up-to-the-minute styles. Wrong,” the new William Fox comedy, which had its local pre­ mier at the State theater this af­ ternoon. This production features NEW SPRING COATS THAT WERE Sammy Cohen and Ted McNamara, the famous comedy team of “ Whar Price Glory,” and is one of two $35.00 ARE FEATURED A T ...... splendid features at the State to­ Th e ^ s a r M i s c h S t o r e day an u tonlorrow. Coats of Twill Broadcloth" and Sports materials in black. The story in brief is that of a Navy and the many shades of tan which the season spon­ CENTER STREET 2 4 < 0 AS5-VTvlTJVS.*'S'r. taxi and hansom cab driver who in sors. These coats illustrate the newi straight line silhou­ South Manchester HARTFORD helping a young lover, played by ette with light hipline as well as meances in collars and Telephone 941 Nick Stuart, to board a yacht are cuffs. themselves made prisoners and taken over the briny deep. To­ %% gether with the young lover and bta aweetheart, layed by Sally Phipt**. Lhey are at the mercy of the villain. Situations developed All the New Spring Coats in such a manner that they soon find themselves shipwrecked on a tropical island. Here they have ail That Were Priced at $49.00 sortax of hair-raising adventuresi They are chased by lions, captured Now ...... by cannibals and tempted by hula girls. A laughter picture is the only­ A comprehensive assortment of new Spring Coats way to describe this latest Fox pro­ lowered in price to insure immediate clearance. These duction. coats present the smartest styles of the season. Paired with the Cohen and Me-1 bllow Keech Namara feature Is “ The Heart of a Ironies Girl,” a story of life behind the scenes of Broadway show-life. Billie Dove, more beautiful and charming, than ever, is featured ln| the stellar role. Pretty girls, gor­ All the New Spring (h i geous gowns, cabarets, night clubs j and a sweet love story are woven Into this fascinating drama of a Coats that Were Priced footlight favorite who spurned men with millions for

Honk Kong.— ^A claim to have LUXURIOUS FOX SCARFS ABE 'THE VOGUE discovered a method by which sefc- From-$35.00 Upwards recy in radio is assured is made by. a young Dutchman named Van Dru- Red fox and pointed fopc scarfs are shown in handsome natural full pelt models. For your ten. ensemble and light summer dresses. Van Druten is proceeding to the -U. S. naval base in the Philippines ^ Second Floor. in the hope of selling hU Invention \ .ao the American authorites for 5500.009. rr^nmUfT " •■ ■'' . • ■ : '■ '■ . • • ■ ■ • ______■ ^ K ' ^ ' ^ ■ .-■ vy^., Ma n c h e s t e r (c o n n .) e v e n in g h e r a I d , Th u r s d a y , m a y 8, 1928.

This And That In

One wonders just how many Feminine Lore mothers are envious of the mother ’ • Would They? THIS HAS HAFPHNXSD declared their puppy love for her; of the Seattle baby who started There’s either something radicalised ready for New York when you come, her. And she loved her with a smoking pipes and cigars at ten 8AXLT FORD, ward of tbe atato confessed, with tears that blistered so that you will be happy, not timid ly different between German, am! orphans’ homo since she was passionate devotion, which some­ months and chewed tobacco more the pages, that she bad let one of and ill-at-ease. Court was really times frightened her with Its in- American girls or sometUhg radi­ fonr. Is "farmed ont” «o CDRM vehemently than the milk bottle cally different betweefi ' out ' Lind- CARSON the snmmer she la 16. them kiss her, because he seemed very wise. I’ve come to see that tensity. Gazing at David’s picture, nipple when a year old. The baby, She meets DAVID NASH, a stu­ so hurt at her first refusal; de­ now. Please try to be patient, bergh and ih e Gretchena^^^Baroi dent who is worklnar on the Car­ clipped from the college newspa­ Freddie Riggs, now is three years von Hunefeld. For a German news­ son farm dnrlnar racaDon. David scribed her new clothes with child­ darling.” per, she wondered, with a cruel old and a perfect specimen. His hits Carson when he makes evil like enthusiasm; tucked snapshots the onion poultice paper which recently issued a Qhe» "And this summer?” Sally quiv­ pain banding her heart, if this al­ Petitjean’s beauty parlor, 875 Main mother explains his splendid phy­ tlonnalre to its flaxen-haired maid- remarks about his friendship for of herself in the enchanting new ered. “He said I could be with most Idolatrous love for her was the comfort of many a- person sique by the way he began to pick Sally. David and Sally run away dresses between the folded pages; istreet a Nestle Circuline Perman­ with a swollen jaw or similar o,il ens asking if and why they ’wonlf and Join a carnival, David as you at your Long Island home—” mother would ultimately force her ent wave will be given all through up when he grabbed up his Dad’s like to wed their famous flier,- said d-i;'- cook’s helper and Sally as "Prin­ In fact, poured but her heart to him But Enid was shaking her head to give up David. If It should ever ment. The mild Bermuda onion pipe at the ripe old age of 10 cess Lalla,” crystal saser. May for only ?12. This is for is a prime 'favorite and in .the no. “Whyg” were mainly beeauMM,/ In Capital City, location of the far more unaffectedly than would again, her eyes Infinitely fond and come to a choice between those' months and began to huff and puff. they said his fame soon wotild 1^' have been possible If she had been bobbed hair. Both Mrs. Petit jean spring when the appetite is jaded orphanage, Sally is recognised by pitying. “I’m going abroad, dear. two well-beloved, what should she and Miss McAdams are experts at Strong as the maternal instinct forgotten and they did not care one of a crowd of orphans, chag- mailing the letters. do? the little scallion is a fine relish. is which will fight tooth and nail eroned by a benntifnl woman. 'l haven’t been very well this win­ this work. Phone 1672 for ap­ be a mere satellite of a famous hus*-w Not feeling at all that she was ter—just tired from too much Sometimes she agonized over the There are .many delicious ways of for a child’s welfare, one ’♦venders Rnlck work by the barker saves pointment. preparing onions. One of the new­ band. , v Sally. She learns from ARTHUR breaking her promise, she sub­ gayety, I think. The doctors ad­ fear that David might have ceased if the approval of the mob isn’t so Can you imagine many or any VAN HORNR, an easterner, who est is to French fry them, after scribed to The Capital City Press vise a rest cure in Southern France. to love her, might have found an­ much stronger that most mothers American girls carli^g a . ^ hanfi annoys her with his attentions, and to the college newspaper, Today’s bride may wear a wed­ separating into rings, dipping in would prefer a sickly child to one that the chaperone is ENID I want you to go to a girls’ camp other girl, might even be married. ding gown that duplicates her whether Lindy stayed famdus oft^. BARR, wealthy New Vork ma­ avidly searching them for any in New Hampshire. It’s really a Sometimes her hands shook so as milk and flour and then frying u made husky by a socially condemn­ not, or whether he was morA fa-?^, tron. In another state, Sally and news of David and jealously hoard­ grandmother’s, or ono that is til they are brown in hot fat. ed process. D.tvid believe danger of detec­ part of your education, social and they spread out the flat-folded modernistic. Satin is still the first mous than them or not? There are. tion by the po'llce is over, and go ing the clippings with which her physical. I want you to ride and sheets of the college newspaper choice, although taffeta and the some men concerning whom -girls freely about. One day Sally finds diligence was rewarded. Mix one can of vegetable soup Try’n Get It! swim and hike all summer, with and of the Capital City Press that soft silk crepes are favored. Off- never begin to find reasons for not herself confronted with HRS. In this way she learned that be the sort of girls whom you’ll be she had to clasp them tightly un­ and one can of tomato soup; add Five girls are asking $1,250,000 marrjdng, but plenty why th^^ STONE, matron of the orphan­ was elected president of the junior white is favored over pure white. an equal measure of water, season damage^ from a radium company. should. age. David and Sally run away meeting when you do join us in til the spasm of fear subsided. And Lace as a trimming is very popular. from the carnival and in the class; that he “made” the football New York. each time the relief was so great to taste and serve hot, with strips The girls painted luminous watch county seat are "half-married” eleven as half-back; that—and she For bridesmaids frocks, one of the of hot buttered toast. dials. In order to keep a point on when Mrs. Stone and Enid Bnrr “You’re to learn to play golf, per­ that she sang and laughed and loveliest fashions is that of painted their brushes they twirled them be­ rush In and stop the ceremony, almost fainted with terror—that he fect your game of tennis. By the danced like a joy-crazy person. He Liked Ma^In-Iiaw Enid confesses that she is Solly’s was slightly Injured during the chiffon with tulle side panels in A jellied salad of pineapple and tween their lips at frequent inter­ mother and that she believed nn- way, I want you to go to as many The other girls jeered at her harmonizing shades, with larger vals. The five girls are- suffering Thanksgiving game, when A. & M. house parties on your holidays as cucumber, served on lettuce with You don’t often hear of ai man. til only recently that her child good-naturedly because she was al­ hats of sheer fabrics or transparent mayonnaise, and garnished with from radium poisoning. They may was dead. Sally clings to David. beat the State University team in you can. Learn to flirt with the ways singing, “I’ll bo loving you— straws. not get damages for none of them asking for a divorce because hla ' , Enid, however, takes Sally away a bitterly fought contest. college youngsters you’ll meet; be chopped nuts, will take the place wife doesn’t let him see enou^ dt ‘ with her to Kansas City, where always!” But she did not care. It of desert as well as supply the has been employed by the company his mother-in-law. But that’s Jibit Sally meets COURTNEY BARR, By that time she was in the fin­ gay, don’t be—” was her song—^and David’s. Built in tables and seats are for some time. Doctors say that the the Judicial-mannered husband. ishing school which Courtney Barr salad course. what Robert Brant of Los “Institutional,” Sally Interrupted much used in th* breakfast nooks disease may not show itself for 18 Bnrr tells her she cannot come had chosen for her, and was herself in a low voice as she turned sharply She followed, with that obedi­ did the other day. He said that W into their home for two years and ence so deeply Implanted in her, and dining alcoves. A great con­ Aliens Sumner in a clever article years after the entrance of the poi­ that daring that time she will becoming prominent in school ac­ away from her mother. son. wife wouldn’t let him see I’hei* every phase of the program which venience is to have a shallow draw­ on housecleaning, says it is only a mother, and that he was very fcnd attend a southern finishing school. tivities through her talent for It was almost a relief to the gl;-! Just one more little Illustration At the end of two years he pro­ dramatics. When David’s college Enid and Courtney Barr had er at each end to hold the knives, habit or tradition with most women of said lady and missed her. Bd poses to adopt her and introduce when Enid was gone. Her mother’s mapped out for her. She went to forks and spoons and the table­ and they would be miserable if of some the cons of this “career got his decree. He certainly sho^Q her Into New York society. Fac­ paper printed a two-column pic­ exquisite, fragile beauty, her uncon­ outside the home” business, for the ing two years more of loneliness the girls' camp in New Hampshire cloth and napkins. If made shal­ they didn’t undertake these two have. Maybe he’s started a neW, ture of her sweetheart she cut it scious arrogance, her sophistica­ low these step-saving drawers will special benefit of occasionally envi­ and of belonging to no one, Sally out and framed it. and returned to school in Virginia grand orgies twice a year, indicat­ ous stay-at-home ladies. ideal for m'others-in-law. Most ' is forlorn and sad and Enid com­ tion, her sometimes caustic wit, that fall strong and tanned and not take up any of the “knee- ing that one has accepted a dirty them deserve one. „ i forts her by promising to Invite During the spring term she was formed a barrier between them, in room.” David to her coming-out party chosen by the dramatic director to boyish-looking, and was able to re­ house in between housecleaning two years hence. spite of the almost worshipful love take the lead in the school’s last that Sally felt for her. port to Enid that she could swim bats. With vacuum cleaners end NOW GO ON W IT H T H E STORY play of the year, “The Clinging beautifully if not swiftly, could Fig Luncheon Muffins a multitude of conveniences she CHAPTER XLIII Enid, when she was with her. 1 cup cooking figs Vine.” Sally Ford, or Sally Barr, somehow made the 17-year-old girl ride gracefully, could hold her own sees no reason why a house cannot TT was a desolately unhappy Sally as she was known at the school, decently in a hard game of tennis, Vi cup shortening be kept clean instead of being M A K Y E ^ M C M feel gawky, underdone, awkward, Vz cup sugar y. who began what she considered was again happy “play-acting.” shy. Those cornflower blue eyes, could play golf well enough not to turned upside down for this hang­ the unbearable task of living those Enid and Courtney Barr came down be conspicuous on the links. 1 egg over of the days when everybody when they were not misted with 3 tbs. molasses two years which Courtney Barr had from New York for the play and tears of affection for this daughter During her last term at the fin­ had carpets tacked down and coal decreed should separate the orphan, for commencement exercises, ishing school she obediently paid % cup water stoves or fireplaces to heat their ‘TheiV Letters whom she had so recently dis­ 2 cups flour Sally Ford, from the society debu­ though Sally would not graduate covered, seemed to Sally to be a a great deal of attention to her homes throughout the winter. BY RUTH DJ3WEY GROVES tante, Sally Barr. A dozen times, at for another year. It was the first dancing, to drawing room deport­ 4 tsp baking powder MARY TAYLOR powerful microscope trained upon % tsp salt Mom, darling; least, during those first few weeks time she had seen her .mother since all her deficiencies, enlarging them ment, and to her own beautiful band. I’m fond of tho old kid «veA she would have run away, straight they had parted in the little mid- young body, learning to groom it % tsp soda to frightening proportions. She %tsp ginger MENDING MATERIALS I guess you’re right. Thinking it if he Is a handicap In the Pleasure to David Nash, if she had not given western town where Enid had knew that in these moments of expertly. And during the Christ­ Futurity. her word of honor both to her foufid Sally being married to mas and Easter vacations she net­ Vz tsp. allspice. over I decided that maybe Pede critical survey her mother was % cup cookie crumbs. Now that clothes are getting might misunderstand me and think So I told Pede I was aDraJd he mother and to her mother’s hus­ David Nash. looking upon her, not as a beloved ted three proposals of marriage, fussier, the qld' fashioned sewing would get a false impression oC band. from brothers of classmates Boil figs 10 minutes, drain, clip that I don’t love my husband. So I “But how adorably pretty you daughter miraculously restored to in = basket should hold snaps, hooks, gave him the air. But don’t think American women if I .went around But, almost Insensibly, she be­ are!” Enid exclaimed wonderingly, whose homes she visited. She stems and chop. Cream shortening buttons and so on. Put buttons on her, but as a future debutante, with sugar, add beaten egg, mol­ it didn’t cost me a pang or two to with him any more and so we'd, gan to enjoy life again. It was a when she had the girl safe in the bearer of the proud name of Barr, learned, somehow, to say “no” so one safety pin, snaps in a small bot­ have to sing onr friendship to sleep. soul-satisfying experience to have privacy of her own suite in a near­ tactfully that her suitors were al­ asses, and water. Combine with tle to keep everything handy. do it. I didn’t lose my eyesight and as a pawn in the marriage flour, sifted with baking powder, when I got married, you know, or He seemed to think I was holding an apparently unlimited supply of by hotel. “I wanted to nudge game as it is played in the most most as flattered by her refusals something back. Maybe I didn't' spending money and the most every fond mama sitting near me as they would have been if she had salt, soda, and spices. Add figs. r forgot how nice it is to know that exclusive circles of New York Beat well, add crumbs, mix and somebody’s all agog over me. like his company? What a joke that beautiful wardrobe of any girl in and exult, ‘That’s my daughter! society. accepted them. is. If there’s any girl with soul so the little Virginia city to which Isn’t she beautiful? Isn’t she a Enid and Courtney Barr came pour into greased muffin pans. Bake I certainly hope I can live to see And Sally squirmed miserably, 15 minutes in a moderate oven. the day when marriage won’t be dead she won’t thrill to tneltlng Courtney Barr had taken her. wonderful little actress?’ Are you pitifully afraid that she would down from New York to see her eyes and a Spanish voice she’s not She lived for the rest of the sum­ happy, darling?” graduate, and with them they such a damper. Just why should never measure up to the standard The fashionable challis of the One-Minute walking around in my figure. mer with Courtney Barr’s third Sally, her cheeks poppy-red with which her mother and Courtney brought the news of her legal the mere fact that I’m married cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barr, 70’3 is staging a come-back to make any difference in my relations Your heartbroken but noble, excitement and pleasure in her Barr had set for her, knowing, too, adoption. MARYH. who were glad of both the money success in the school play, twirled “A surprise, too!” Enid chanted, fashion. As you know, this is the with other men is a mystery to me. deep in her heart, that she did not thinnest woolen material and usual­ and the companionship which Sally lightly on the toe of her silver want to. For her heart had been swinging her daughter’s hands ex­ Interviews I never expected to marry every brought them. To their friends, slipper, so that her pink chiffon citedly. “Court and I are going to ly has a small quaint figure. It is man I evei went with. So I can’t given to a golden young god of a practical and wears well in spite of the Charles Barrs explained that skirt belled out like a ballet man, whose kingdom was the soil, take you to Europe with us this see why my marriage should mat­ SPRING ATTIRE Sally was an orphaned cousin, and dancer’s. summer, and keep you away from its thinness. It comes in a great ter jny more to the men I know and whose wife needed none of the variety of colors but in dark blue RUTH ELDER WOULD Housework is . loss, dreamy the story apparently was never • “Happy? I’m thrilled and excited qualities which Enid Barr was bent New York until almost time for than the women. Except if one of questioned. She was accepted cor­ right now, and happy that you’re you to make your debut.” with white is ideal for day wear. FLY AG.AIN them should wa-t to make me his spring if the housewife makes her- . upon cultivating in her daughter. wife., self some bright orange or scarlet dially by the carefree young people here, but sometimes I’m lonely, in But 12 years of Implicit obedi­ “Europe!” Sally was dazed. Her of the small city’s best social set, It is now possible to obtain sinks Thrills, according to Ruth Elder, Some day no one will care smocks or house-dresses. The plead-" spite of my new friends.—Oh, ence to the authorities at the or­ first thought was that Europe was ure they give far outwdgh the costi'^ ' and v;as sometimes ashamed of the Mother.” she cried, catching Enid’s so far away from Capital City and and clotheswashers in a number of famous trans-Atlantic aviatrix, are whether you’re married or not un­ phanage had left their indelible different colored finishes as well as as much a heritage of women as pleasure she had in being a popular, hands Impulsively, “won’t you let mark upon Sally Ford, who was David. He was getting his diploma til it comes to the point where they well-dressed, pretty young girl. white, so that the kitchen or men. She says, “Dr. Henry Van inquire before proposing. Just like me go back with you and Mr. Barr now Sally Barr. She would do her now, just as she was getting hers Dyke, in an interview, said that She reproached herself for not now? I want to be with someone —“Oh, Mother, you haven’t forgot­ laundry will have all its appliances asking a friend if she’s got a date STRAWBERRY PIE best to become the radiant, cul­ in the prevailing color scheme. ‘Men should fly the Atlantic, but mourning constantly for David, but I belong to! I don’t fit in here, tured,- charming, beautiful young ten your promise, have you?” women should not.’ for Thursday night. Marriages she knew that not for an instant really. I—I guess I’m still Orphan creature whom Enid Barr wanted Enid frowned slightly, abashed aren’t any more important than Bake a pie crust over the baek When, serving fruits with ice “I take umbrage with this. Since of a pie tin. Fill with custard" to were her loyalty and love for him Sally Ford inside. I’m always ex­ at a daughter. And since she had by Sally’s lack of enthusiasm. when in the history of the world that to those not involved. threatened by her strange new ex­ pecting them to snub me, or to “Promise, darling?” cream they should first be drained The idea that a woman ceasea to which fresh strawberries have been Enid’s letters to help her, the task of all the syrup and should also 1 has man had a monopoly on adven­ added, and put back Into the oven periences. And, although she had ta ^ t me with being an orphan.” was not so impossible as it had “That I could invite David to ture, thrill, and experience? In pro­ exist as an individual and becomes given her promise not to write to Enid’s eyes filmed over with my coming-out party? Mother, I’ve very cold before being placed on a.y couple as soon as she takes the just long enough to heat through. seemed to her. For in the letters the ice cream. Sauce should then portion to the number of men and David, she composed long. Intimate tears, but she shook her head. “We Enid was more real as a mother lived for two years on that prom­ women engaged in the World War, fnarriage vow gives mo a pain. Mar­ letters to him every week, putting must try to be patient, darling. I than she could yet be 'in actual ise!” she cried desperately, as the be poured over the fruit so that it 1 venture to say the female Red riage is all right, if kept in Its them away in her trunk in the con­ at home wJth girls like these— contact. The fat weekly envelopes frown of annoyance and anger covers it completely. If straw­ Cross workers took as great hazards place. And it’s place certainly is in STUFFED BESETS fident belief that he would some girls who have always had money were crammed with love, maternal deepened on her mother’s exquisite, berries are used they should be as men. the home. I still enjoy dancing and day read them and love them, be­ and social position and—and cul­ proud little face. dredged with sugar and placed in “Stories were legion of American palling around with someone who Gold beets can be made into d advice, encouragement, tenderness. the ice-box an hour before serving. cause she had written them. ture. It’s a loathsome word, but I Sally sometimes had the feeling (To Be Continued) officers being forced to command knows somethink to talk about out­ pretty salad If the centers arh dog She told him everything in these don’t know any better one for what that through these letters of her They may be placed over the ice Red Cross nurses to retire during side of the three dreadful' “D’s”. out and cream cheese and pimaito letters she could not send—told him I mean. Don’t you see, sweet­ mother’s she knew Enid Barr bet­ cream with whipped cream and the height of action on European Dress, disease and domestics. Wo­ stuffed into the hole. Serve two- Of Sally wins out against her motTir more strawberries on top, or the of the two or three nice boys who heart? Mother wants you to be ter than anyone had ever known er, and David is invited. battlefields. men soon get to be awfully dull if three on lettuce -with French dr^ps- berries may be placed in the bottom “Why, then, in times of stress they drop their men friends. Ing. . of the sherbet glass, with a portion when women were permitted to But your telling me what you of, say, orange ice on top and perform functions calling for ex­ did about the South Americans decorated with whipped cream and treme heroism, should they not in spoiled my fun with Pede. I don’t JUST - bachelor-buttons, or calendula or strawberries. times of peace add to scientific re­ want him to think Alan’s a sap hus­ cosmos, nasturtiums, sweetpeas, or search, explore unknown lands, and Home Page Editorial candy-tuft. You’ll make mistakes During the house-cleaning cam­ seek the thrill that comes with ad­ TO REMIND YOU - but you’ll learn. And it’s better than paign, sagging cane seats may be venture? •Don’t wait to get your ord&c tis a nine rubber at bridge, as you will made as tight as new by wetting “The trill that I achieved in fly­ Daily Health Service Our Vernal agree when you pick your first them with boiling water two or ing the Atlantic Ocean, the super RABALM STOPPED for a NU-BONE CORSET. HINTS ON HOW TO KEEP WELL Urge for flowers. three times and letting it dry in the thrill I enjoyed at the beginning of They are the best wearmg jEOid open air. the secono, night before trouble de^ most comfortable corsets, to btQ by World Famed Authority Gardens DECORATIVE BERRIES veloped with our motor, and the .. AWFUL FOOT PAINS had. " extra super-thrill of being rescued "Suffering excruciating pains in my feet for years. Do not be in a hurry to get I UB^ Rabalm. In a few months the pain and By Olive Roberts Barton If your strawberries are very seed into the ground on cold spring after breaking the over-water rec­ sw elling were all gone and haven’t returned.” B. MRS. A.fM. G b l ^ big ones and fresh from the coun­ days; wait until the sun is warm, ord, was due me as much as any J. Pendleton, Gloucester, Maas. Start RABALM FEAR AND ANXIETY ARE tory human existences as any other try, serve them with their stems and the soil should be finely pul­ thrill any man ever had. tonight. 60c and $1.00 at all druggists. 689 Main S^eSi ■1 PART OP OUR LIVES factor of which we know. '' Many on, around a little pile of powdered verized to assist in germination. “I certainly never got a thrill of these anxieties are the result of Garden Time again !If we have sugar into which your guests can The soil should never be muddy or washing dishes, and I hope never This is the fifth of a series on long established theological convic­ j two Inches of ground anywhere dip them. the seed planted so deep that the will it be necessary for me to wash the demands modem life makes them again. I do hope to fly the At­ tions relative to the future life I around us, why not plant some­ little plants cannot sprout. upon our health. which represent excursions Into the PARSNIP MOUNDS lantic again and I hope to be suc­ By DR. MORRIS FISHBEDi field of inevitable rather than rec­ thing. cessful.” Editor Journal of the American Joke all you like about Mr. City Spring Onloi|S ognition of sclentiflo facts. Fre­ Mashed parsnips, moulded into “Eat onions in May and all the Medical Association and of Hygeia, quently anxious states are relieved Dweller planting tomato-cans and little mounds and entirely covered Dainty little parasols for men i the Health Magazine egg-plants, but he has my greatest year after the physicians will play,” are becoming fashionable, says a with explanations. with shredded parsley make a col­ is something like the apple a dpy Continuing this portion of his respect. To have the urge to dig up orful vegetable and a surprisingly dispatch from Paris. Fifty million the ground and put seeds Into it, that keeps the. doctor away. Most Frenchmen must be wrong, after “Because of greater knowledge discussion. Prof. Carlsonr states as good one. people would agree that “An onion of nature modern man has less fear, his sixth thesis the fact that sex without even the slightest knowl­ all. life of modern man seems ill-ad­ edge of how, or why, or when a day keeps everybody away.” but probably more anxiety than the However, the onion is said to furn­ man of the past.” With this state­ justed to prevailing social theory things grow, certainly is estimable ment Professor Carlson takes the and practice. There are so many things in the Fashion Plaque ish Vitamins B and C and every searcher for physiological existence “We do not know, but it seems world we can’t explain— sermons housewife is anxious to provide as TERRIBLE ECZEMA into the field which is giving most probable,” he says, "that the very in stones, for instance; but it is a many of these intangible little concern to the modern physician. ancients lived a more biological sex fact that, digging in the earth has atoms as possible. Onions contain Unquestionably the speeding up life. Unfortunately the field of sex an effect upon health and morals some iron and are believed to GOES QUiCKLY ^ :| has been more poorly studied by that all the clinics on earth cannot possess a sedative quality. of human existence has placed equal. great demands upon the human modern scientists than any other nervous system. Modern man was human activity, The greatest thing to overcome Strong, Powerful Yet Safe, freed through the discoveries of “In lower animals sex life is in gardening is the mental hazard. Surgeon’s Prescription Call­ Pasteur from the fear of the great controlled by physiological factors. It Is like golf. Get rid of the fear ed Moone’s Emerald Oil Has epidemics and plagues. In human beings the entire sex life that you can’t do it right. Hungry Moths For these discoveries Pasteur has Is likely to be highly artificial. The next thing is to summon up 'Astonished Physicians. been named the greatest benefactor Modem man suffers from a sex urge courage and a few dollars and pro­ in excess of the needs of reproduc­ ceed to a hardware or department Here is a surgeon’s wondeijful They are waiting, with their tongues hanging x>ut,^ of humanity. Freed, however, from store.' Buy a spade, preferably with these fears the huma nbeing still tion stimulated by other artificiali­ prescription now dispensed by for you to put your heavy garments away without most hesitate over the tremendous ties in his existence. Here is a field a round edge, a hoe, and if your pharmacists at trifling cost, that cleaning. Disappoint them and save your clothes.. which is demanding more and more ground is very hard, a small mat­ will do more towards helping you number of deaths resulting from tock to break up the earth. A ..by having Dougan take away the temptation of motor car, train and airplane Investigation.” get rid of unsightly spots and skin tmy grease spots that no one notices but the ihdthSi speeds. watering-can or a hose will be use­ diseases than anything you’ve ever ful. used. V ■ '’'l&i.-’" - V .V Fear of mness COAXING APPETITES In a luxurious and rapidly living Then get some seeds. It doesn’t In skin diseases its action is lit­ matter what kind. Almost anything tle less than magical. The itching Cleaning and Dyeing -. eommunlty he must anticipate with If children's appetites lag in the •* anxiety especially the coming of you put into the ground will grow. of eczema is Instantly stopped; the Free Collection and spring, try a new, colorful cup, It will give you a thrill one fine eruptions dry up and scale off in a Illness and of death from the degen- saucer and plate for them. They day by showing some tiny tender diseases. In a system of life very, few days. The same is true^of will take thpir milk more readily if green shoots. You’ll never forget barbers’ Itch, salt rheum and !^,that changes rapidly, he must hesi- it Im served in a pretty little pitcher that minute. Flower seeds will re­ 'tets over the governments by which other Irrlteting and unsightly skin and they, are allowed to pour it out. ward you a hundred times. May­ troubles. hie Is controlled and of their ability be you’ll plant them too deep, or T he Id protect him from the dangers of TEA STAINS You can obtain Moone’s Emerald not deep enough, or something, but Oil in the original bottle at any lismorrow^AV ♦ 1 Ice-tea stains can be removed nature isn’t too-particular. She’s SINCE INITIALS appear on ®<>PGAN DTE W aRKS Psychoanalysts ^ particularly- are from linen by soaking the stain as modern drug store. It is safe to use, almost fool-proof. every part of the wardrobe, we and failure in any of the ailments i^nvlnced that anxious states will soon as possible in Javelle water Twenty cents worth of seeds j^v^^yrear upon the human brain and sketch this hat of beige felt with noted above is next to impossible. and then pouring boiling water will furnish flowers for your, table tucked monogram holding up the iOft as much to lu^tist^ throuji^ it. All druggists can supply you at all summer and fall. zinnias or narrow brim over one eye. t any time.— ^Adv, u. • . ■ -.'.vi ^ -. '■ MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 8, ISZR.

tASEBALL NOW SEtTlED DOWN National League TO n s STRIDE, W A I^ ASSERTS Results At New Yorkt—' GIANTS a, DODGERS 1 1 New York AB. R. H PO. A. E. Fffst of East-West Intersec- Roush, cf . • ••■■•••a d 0 0 5 0 0 :| i American League Jahn, If ...... 8 1 1 2 0 0 'ilin Pkllly NatId|ialB ar« a great Llndstrom, 3b ■ • •■• 3 1 1 1 2 0 singing' team, aays a diipatok, Results Terry, lb . • ••••••'e a* 3 0 0 10 1 0 fisw; Si^i It tional Meetings Tomor­ Jackson, ss •••seeee 3 0 0 .1 1 0 Wen, it’s nice there’s some attra^ Mann, rf . 0 0 1 0 0 tlon. , ^ Cohen, 2b ■ 0 0 1 3 0 row WiD Give Experts •Hogan, c . ••••••ee* 3 0 1 5 0 0 Phy b Yjke Bcllji SfM>ri Benton, p ...... 8 0 0 1 2 0 We suggest a song for the other At Chicago I— Fhllsdelplria teaina, that o f Mr. M o TIGERS 7. •WHITE SOX 1 ' 27 2 3 27 9 0 **Am(mg-My floaVsnixa.** Good Line on Teams. Detroit Brooklyn C h a tte l AB. R H PO. A. E. AB. R H PO. A. B. Tavener, as ...... 5 1 2 0 5 1 Tyson, c f ...... 411400 Ty Cohb ia only batting .400 * By DAVIS J. WALSH. Sweeney, lb ...... '■4 2 2 15 1 1 Bancroft, ss ...... 3 But yon can’t expect much this * fflSSSSSrTSa3e^^S3r®S Henline, x ...... 1 This is tbelliiat’ Of six aril- New York, May 3.— After giving Rice, c f ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 early in the season. * cle« in which Roland bury High will engage in a Its customary slapstick prelude of Hellmann, rf .■...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 Hendrick, 3b ...... 4 Gehringer, 2 b ...... 2 0 0 1 3 1 Herman, rf ...... 8 zle, , McManus, 3b ...... 4 2 1 1 4 0 Bressler, If ...... 3 Jack Johnson tried a comeback gdllers and a member of ilie at the West, ^ide Ree Flaygrot may be depended upon to settle lasterllng. I f ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Statz, XX ...... 0 the othw night . and the sports Walker d m team bi lOM, I'hie Is the first, year toe 1 down to legitimate roles In the next Shea, c ...... 4 0 1 3 1 1 Bissonette, lb ...... 2 -writers say he was knocked out. school has ever Indulged In . Carroll, p ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 Riconda, 2 b ...... 4 talks about goif and what he fortnight, beginning tomorrow with Hargreaves, c ...... 3 Knoekeid, or pushed? thinks of it In an intervieir Bpori end Coach Tbm Orchard the first Of the east-west Intersec­ 35 7 11 27 16 4 Elliott, p ...... 2 •with Henry L. FarreBt Ih e 'fighting hard to make It a success.'. tional meetings. Always a show Chicago Partridge, x x x ...... 1 Mr. Richard believes the Tim- Herald and NEA Servioa tporta down of authority, the intersec­ AB. R. H PO. A. E. Doak, p ...... 0 Clancy, lb 4 0 0 10 0 0 ney-Heimey bout will draw, a mil- writer. This Is the first time Frank McKervey, better knoertt.;: tional factor will serve its usual Moore, rf 4 0 0 2 0 0 24 13 1 Ron and a half, he says. Tex that Mackenzie has ever been as.. "Shak^peare” will play Jarld’’ purpose this time In temporarily 3 0 1 3 0 0 New York ...... 100 001 OOx—2 has a good poker face. ' He didn’t Interviewed to this extent on Johnsen an exhibition pool' match.>i answering a few pertinent Ques- 4 0 0 5 5 1 Brooklyn ...... 000 000 001— 1 his favorite game. tonight at toe City Club. Although Falk, If 4 1 2 2 0 0 Two base hit, Riconda; home runs, even smile when he said it. tionA For one thing, it may deter­ 3 0 1 3 1 0 Llndstrom, Jahn; double mays. Jack- KID HBIGHLEY;' ALASKA By HEilRxIU FARtffiLL M ^ervey shoots a remarkable mine definitely and to all practical Clsaell, as ...... 4 0 0 2 6 0 son to Cohen to Terry, Bancroft to GOLD RUSH PARD OF RICK­ Washington, May 3.— In the#b game with one-hand, it Is strongly ^ 2 1 Riconda to Bissonette; left on bases. purposes whether clubs like the Crouse, c ...... 3 0 0 0 ARD’S, DROPPED IN TO SEE days'when you hear fighters talking doubted if he can 0 v e Johnsox Connally, p ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 New York 2, Brooklyn 6; bases on of knocking the block off the cham­ Cleveland. Indians, St. Louis Mapn, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 balls, off Elliott 1, Benton 4; struck TEX THE OTHER DAY. THE v^ry much oppsilon,' especH^ly Ii - Browns and the Brooklyn Dodgers Cox, p ...... 1 0 0 0 2 0 out, by Elliott 3, Benton 3; bits, off KID HAS ONLY ONE ARM NOW, pion, baseball pl&yWs boasting of toe former town chathplon wants , Elliott 2 In 7. Dokk 1 in 1; losing their averages and runnm’s'threat- belong, where they happen to find Barnabe, p .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 A GUN HAVING EXPLODED to "hear down.” It takes a darn themselves today or merely are oc­ pitcher. Elliott; umpires, McCormick, eidng a watch, it Ik plcjuant to 32 1 4 27 16 2 Magee and Klem ; time, 1:45. WHILE HE WAS SE’TTING DE­ good man to beat Johnson with ?WO cupying first division positions by Detroit ...... 103 100 020— 7 X—Henline batted fob Bancroft In hear a real good young athietk hands, let alone one. ~ . 9tM. COYS FOR DUCKS. ABOUT THE speak conservatively of htinself the gratuity of "squatters* rights.” Chicago ...... 000 000 100— 1 ONLY SPORT HE CAN GO IN FOR Giant’s Chances. Two base hits, Metzler, Falk, Rice, XX— Statz batted for Bressler In 9th. After concluding a very pleasant Candidates, for the.Hose. Com- McManus; three base hits, Sweenely, xxx—Partridge batted for Elliott NOW IS GOLF. interview with Roland Mackenzie For another, It may show how Shea; , Tavener; sacrifices, In 8th. pany baseball nine over north are v far John MoGraw can hope to go Kamm; left on bases. Detroit 4, and wishing him siidcess during requested to report for practice to- • Rickard aays he’s conylnced the approaching season, the •writer with his Giants this season. The Chicago 6; bases on balls', off Connal­ At Philadelphia:— night at 6 o’clock at the Cbmunm- ; club is moving west today In first ly 2, Cox 1, Carroll 1; struck out, by PHILLIES 9, BRAVES 8 that Dempsey is through. We’d asked Urn— "Hasn’t Bobby been Carroll 3; double plays, Kamm to Philadelphia almost believe he was. If so many beaten before?” 3 ity Grounds. ' place, regardless of injuries to Barrett to Clancy, Clssell to Barrett AB. R H PO. A. B. / . . , * O'Doul and Walker and the failure to Clancy; hits, off Connally 4 In 3, people didn’t feel so. sure about It And young Mackenzie. came Leach, cf ...... 5 2 2 4 0 0 back ■with a quick— ^"How many Wllfred Bulla may be glYen toe of Vic Aldridge to report. But It Cox 6 In 5, Barnabe 1 In 1; umpires, Thompson, 2b ..... 5 2 2 6 6 0 so often'. post as manager of toe newly or­ Guthrie, Hildebrand and Ormsby; Williams, rf ...... 4 2 0 times?” got where It Is by pushing the 1 1 0 ganized Recreation Center baseoaU time, 1:44. Wilson, c ...... 3 2 1 1 0 0 The supremacy of the 'white He went on to add that there Braves, Dodgers and Phillies X—Mann batted for Connally In 3rd. Wrlghtstone, If .... 4 1 2 2 0 0 •wasn’t a law against trying but team. Last year,' Bulla was mana­ around and, if that kind has any­ Whitney, 3 b ...... 5 1 3 1 1 0 HELEN FILKEY AND HER MOTHER race, of course, is undisputed. ger of the Community Club team. At •Washington:— Sand, ss ...... 4 0 0 3 6 1 As an example, the other day v e that any golfer who thought too thing, then OOogan’s Bluff is some­ much of beating Bobby was lost. NATIONALS 9, TANKS 5 Kelley, lb ...... 4 0 2 9 0 0 saw a picture of Pyle’s runners thing tiiat ought to be called. Washington , Benge, p ...... 4 0 1 0 2 0 MurderlBg par with no thought of The chances are pretty Certain All the speed of the National AB. R. H PO. A. E. struggling across the country, fol­ the man going around with you is that either Ab Lupien or Nino, League field, barring the Giants, is West, c f ...... 5 1 1 2 0 0 38 9 15 27 15 1 lowed by a long line of Indians— the only method. BogginI 'Will be the leading'tetters in the west Therefore, their next Rice, rf ...... 4 2 2 1 0 0 Boston Day of Smoking, Drinking, Dancing Flapper Is Passing In automobiles. Judge, lb ... •••••• 3 1 0 7 1 0 Richbourg, rf ...... 4 1 3 8 0 0 Mackenzie Is becomingly modest. on the High school team thlS .sefr 16 ball games figure to prove just Barnes, If ...... 4 1 2 3 1 0 Moore, If ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 He isn’t timid but he admits once son. Both startte off at a speedy who has lt-7-*-ln addition to the cus­ Bluegej 3b >...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 Hornsby, 2b ...... 8 1 0 1 3 0 •VIC ALDRIDGE HAS BEEN that he was timid. He was scared clip. tomary four out of five. Ruel, c ...... 2 0 1 5 0 0 Brown, cf ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 Says Helen Filkey, Famous Girl Olympic Star, Flapper SUSPENDED BY McGRAW. AND Glllis. 2b ___ ...... 4 0 1 3 2 0 Bell, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 1 0 to death, he admitted, when be The Giants open their western Hayes, ss ...... 4 2 1 5 6 0 Farrell, s s ...... 4 0 0 2 3 1 WHEN McGRAW SEES HIM went out with Watts Gunn for the The Community Club has not yet Invasion In Cincinnati tomorrow. Jones, p ...... 3 2 2 1 1 0 Burrus, l b ...... 3 0 1 8 1 0 Type Ridiculed Too Much. HE’LL PROBABLY SUSPEND final round of the Intercollegiate decided whether ,pr not It wffl enter Then they double back to Pitts­ Braxton, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Taylor, c ..., 3 0 0 2 1 0 HIM AGAIN. THE PROBLEM IS: championship last year. the Connecticut Baseball League. — —^ Urban, c ..., . 1 0 0 2 0 0 burgh jump over to Chicago and 34 9 11 27 ll._ 0 Wertz, p , 1 0 0 0 1 0 HOW DO YOU GET SUSPENDED 'Watts and I always have been Director Jerry Pay attended a m^^^ finish In St. Louis. Every series Ne'w York Goldsmith, p . 2 0 0 2 2 1 WITHOUT PUTTING ON A UNI­ the best of friends and I am sure Ing of the organization last night in ■will be as crucial as the depend­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. J. Smith, X . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago, May 3.— The days of FORM? we always 'will be,” Mackenzie said. Meriden and wUl t a ^ up tho m ^- ability of a shspender button. The Combs, cf ...... 3 0 2 1 0 0 Edwards, p . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 "W e have palled around a lot and ter with the board of directors to - Koenig, ss ...... 4 1 0 2 2 0 the cigarette smoking, gin drinking, * Major League Reds, getting real pitching again, Ruth, r£ ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 31 3 7 24 12 2 Trls Speaker stole a base last year at the Intercolleglates we medlately. The final decision will are playing ' the kind of baseball Gehrig, lb ...... 3 1 1 13 0 0 Philadelphia ...... 006 102 OOx— 9 up-all-nlght dancing flapper are Standings the other day. We also heard were staying In the same bouse. We he made known In a day or two. they showed In 1926 When they Meusel, If ,...... 4 1 2 3 1 0 Boston ...... 000 030 000— 3 even occupied rooms across the bsill Two base hits, Moore, Leach, passing and a new style of athletic, that John D. Rockfeller’s The local team will play at Meriden Lazzeri, 2b ...... 3 0 1 0 3 0 from each oi4>er and, knowing that chased the Cardinals in. The Durocher, 2 b ...... 1 1 0 0 1 0 Thompson, Wrlghtstone, Whitney; good sport girl is coming to take governess spanked him for 'Sunday lu what ■will be a league Pirates apparently have come back Dugan, 3 b ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 , Williams; stolen bases. YESTERDAY’S RESULT^ getting into the jam pot, and We had to fight it out for the cham­ game If Manchester joins. Whitney; sacrifices, Wilson; double her place. pionship, it made us nervous. - fr(Hn an indifferent break from the Grabowskl, o •••••• 2 0 0 1 1 0 Eastern League Thomas Edison’s dad took barrier and seem headed for the Collins, c ...... 1 0 0 *1 0 0 plays. Sand to Thompson to Kelley 3, This Is not the prediction of a “ I was scared to death of Watts MINNESOTA GOLF PROFITABM Hoyt, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Thompson to Sand to Kelley, Farrell Hartford 7, Springfield 5. him to the woodshed because first division. The Cubs aren’t hlt» to Burrus; left on bases, Boston 9, stately dowager Interested in up­ and I rather think he was afraid of MInnes ta reports a proftt^on its Johnson, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Providence 3, Waterbury 2. he broke a china closet with me and we were under a heavy Ing 6% size, but the chances are Coveleskle, p ...... 0 0 0 0 2 0 Philadelphia 10; bases on balls, off lifting the “ poof woiking girl,” New ’^aven 7, Bridgeport 2. his toy engine. golf course for stedents.. College they will be ready by the time the Durst, X ,...... n 0 0 0 0 0 Wertz 1, (3k>ldsmith 1, Edwao;d8 2, ‘nervous and mental strain when we Benge 7; struck out, by Wertz 2, Ed­ Albany 5, Pittsfield 2. pfflrials say they realized Giants reach Chicago. The Cards Paschal, xx ...... 1 0- 1 0 0 0 but It Is the opinion of Miss Helen went out for the final round. We Gazella, xxx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 wards 2, Benge 1; hits, off Wertz 6 In American League Mr. Speaker also got four from the university goL course .ast are running pretty true to form al­ 2 2-3, Goldsmith 9 In 4 1-3, Edwards Filkey, a big grown up miss of started out at a fast, pace and St. Louis 7, Cleveland 0. hits in the same game. But halved the first four holes in par. year. _____ ' ready. 32 5 9 24 12 0 0 In 1; hit by pitcher, by Benge eighteen. Washington ...... 002 133 OOx— 9 (Brown): losing pitcher, Wertz; um­ Detroit 7, Chicai > 1. these rookies usually hit well \7e halved the fifth In birdies and Western Clubs. pires, Stark, Quigley and Pfirman; Those not familiar with the field WAS b a s k e t b a l l s t a b . The Giants, of course, will be New York ...... 000 000 230— 5 Washington 9, New York 5. early in the year, until the veteran at that point we knew that one of Two base Hits, Jones, Ruth, Combs; time, 2:03. of athletics may have to be told Philadelphia-Boston, rain. pitchers and catchers get onto us was due to crack. Watts didn't Carl Lind, now playing second taking on a recognized contender three base hits. Jones, Rice; home X—J. Smith batted for Goldsmith base for Cleveland, was one of the run. West; sacrifice. Durst; double in 8th. that Helen Filkey is one of the National League them. crack.- He started to give me the In each series. The three other beating of my life and he got bird­ best basketball players In the south ■western clubs, meantime, will be plays, Hayes to Judge, Glllis to most capable girl athletes in the New York 2, Brooklyn 1. Judge; left on base. New York 6, At St. Lonls Phlladolphia 9, Boston 3. Kiki Cuyler is smacking the ies on the sixth, seventy, eighth while he attended Tulane at New fattening on the Phils, a natural Washington 4;- bases jn balls, off world, a record holding sprinter R ED S e, CARDS 4 Cinciniati 6, St. Louis 4. berry this season. The theory and ninth, as I recall it. Orleans. victim; the BniVes, who are shot- Hoyt 2, Coveleskle 1, Jones 3. Brax­ Cincinnati and hurdler and a sure member of "I never have wanted to bekt up like a bull’s eye with injuries ton 1; struck out, by Jones 4, Brax­ AB. R. H PO. A. E. the American Olympic team. She Pittsburgh 9, Chicago 8 (10). is that you can get more hits ton 1; hits, off Hoyt 8 In 4 2-3, John­ Critz, 2 b ...... 5 2 2 3 5 0 at the platee than you can on anyone badly and I knew very well and illness, and the Dodgers, who son 3 In 1 1-3, Coveleskle, none In 2, holds the American records for the stances but argues that If sound par Purdy. If ...... B 2 2 0 0 0 THE STANDINGS the bench. that Watts didn't want to show me are beginning to discover that Jones 8 In 7 (none out In 8th), Brax­ Kelly, lb ...... 4 0 0 .14 0 0 60 and 70-yard hurdles indoors amd up, but he Just couldn’t, help It. H« golf had been played on each hole, baseball‘ requires a minimum of ton 1 In 2; hit by pitcher, by Jones, Walker, rf ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 outdoors and sectiona Irecords for Eastern League the golfer would not find himsell (Dugan); wild pitch, Jones; balk, Allen, cf ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 When Bill Thompson holds his proved It at the twelfth hole. He nine (9) players. Unless that 50. 60, 70 and 100-yard dashes. W: L PC. was fifty feet away from the pin many times In such desperate cir­ Johnson; winning pitcher, Jones; los­ Dressen, 3b ...... 3 0 0 2 3 0 Although she is just a miss, the New H aven...... 7 world fair in Chicago in 1938, as pitching to whldh the Giants have ing pitcher, Hoyt; umpires, Owens, Plcinich, c ...... 3 0 1 4 0 0 2 .778 and I had chipped up within two cumstances that he would have tn just taken so kindly can rally Campbell and Gelsel; time, 1:51. Ford, ss ...... 4 1 1 2 6 0 good-looking young Chicago girl Hartford ...... 6 2 .750 he says, aU the world’s sports feet. He made his putt and then save himself wi h the successful X—Durst batted for Grabowskl In Mays, p ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 thinks she is qualified to talk about Pittsfield ...... 7 championships will be contested around itself, the Dodgers figure 7 th. 4 .636 said to me— ‘Lord, Roland, I hope execution of an Impossible shot. to tumble out of second place be­ her sex because she has boy friends Providence ...... 5 4 .55d there. Italy, we understand, will that doesn’t go in.’ Well, his putt T "Playing your man • Instead of XX—^Paschal batted for Johnson In 35 6 9 27 15 0 and goes to dances, although she fore they have proceeded very far 7 th. St. Louis Bridgeport ...... 3 4 .429 send some of her best bombers to rolled right in and 1 dubbed mins. playing par gets you into playing xxx—Gazella batted for Coveleskle AB. R H PO. A. E does not smoke, drink nor pet. Waterbui’y ...... 3 7 compete with the champion Chi­ his game,” ’ Mackenzie sidd. “ As through the west. in 9 th. .300 I was beaten, ten up for that cham­ Douthlt. cf ...... 4 4 She offers two interesting theo­ Springfield ...... 3 7 cagoans...... ' pionship but Watts was such a. good long as he iS' shooting well you With little help avaUahle from High, 3b ...... 4 0 .300 other eastern clubs, the Giants will ries for the decline of the speedy Albany ...... 2 6 sport that it didn’t hurt me sq pad- probably will keep with him to the At CleTeland:— Frisch, 2b ...... 4 1 little flapper with the quick wise .250 do very-will to return home, run­ Bottomley, lb ...... 4 12 American League Of coarse ihere’ll be. no crlcxet ly. Such sportsmanship Is a best of your game and you get Into BROWNS 7, INDIANS 0 ' crack, the scant clothing and the ning one-two, hut the west will find St. Louis Blades, I f ...... 4 1 W: L. championship. The game is played of the gamd as I always have found the grooves o f just doing that welL Roettger, rf ...... 4 3 taste for hard likker straight. PC. fcha McGraw entry hard to catch ...... AB. R. H PO. A. E. New York ...... 11 4 .733 with an English accent. it and that 1s one thing that Riakev But when he dubs a shot you let-' 5 2 2 3 ■ 0 0 Mancu^o, c .. 4 3 The young girls now, in her down with him. at the same time for a month or so, if It is still In Thevenow, ss 4 1 Cleveland ...... 13 7 .650 the game so attractive.” 5 0 2 1 "2 0 opinion, are becoming disgusted with toe thought that it will be first place when it reaches the Polo 4 - 0 0 1 0 0 Reinhart, p .. 1 2 Philadelphia ...... 7 4 .636 . Mackenzie says that ho improved 0 0 with the ridicule directed at the easy for you and five times out of Grounds again. 5 0 1 5 0 0 Hald, p ...... St. L o u is...... 12 9 .571 the control of his nerves hy keeping 4 1 1 1 0 0 Johnson, p .. 0 0 flapper on the stage and screen and A CHALLENGE. his head down and concentrating oh ten you will fall down just like be As for the status of the Browns Blue, lb 4 2 3 11 0 0 Martin, x ... 1 0 in the comics art sections of the Detroit ...... 9 13 .409 Toporcer, xx ...... 1 0 the ball and that be corrected the did.” ^ and the Indians, it may go un­ Brannon, 3 1 1 2 5 0 papers and furthermore, the “ boy Washin. ton 6 9 .400 The Hartford Acmes have organ - Like the vast majority of other challenged for four or five days. Schang, c 3 1 0 3 0 0 O’Farrell, xxx ., 0 Chicago ...... 7 tendency to question his own ability Gray, p . Kaufmann, xxx 0 friends” are getting sick of the 12 .368 ized for the coming season and« golfers, Mackenzie pays tribute to St Louis •will open In Washington 4 0 0 0 3 0 Boston ...... 4 in playing with a strong opponent flapper. . 11 .267 would like to arange jgames with by shooting dgalnst par and paying Bobby Jones as the superb and the tomorrow and the Senators at the 37 7 10 27 13 0 35 4 10 27 12 2 "The boys today are tired of the National League hny of the leading amateuf or semi- Cincinnati ...... 010 030 200— 6 no attenjion to the strokes of his perfect artist.. He rates Jones and moment seem to be all spread out Cleveland flapper,” she said. “ They want com­ W: L PC. pro teams In the state. Gfeorge Duncan as the;"perfect styl- . like a creditors’ Investigation. They . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. St. Louis ...... 100 Oil 001— opponent. Jamieson, If ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Two base hits. Walker, Allen, panions apd good sports with in­ New York ...... 9 4 .690 Last season the Acmes lost only "Ther' Is nothing new In the the­ ists. but he leans, to. Bobby as the •'. are not even challenging the loser Lind, 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 3 0 Roettger: three base hits, Walker, terests like their own and the boys Cincinnati ...... 11 7 .6I 1 2 games out of 12 played and with (mly one ffom whom every gdlfef Mancuso; sacrifices, Dressen, Kelly; ory that concentrating on shots right now. The Indians, meantime, Langford, c f ...... 4 0 1 5 0 0 all are interested in athletics. Brooklyn ...... 9 .7 .563 } practically the same lineup, expect against paf is Conducive to, the pro­ cah’Iearu something of everythingf- will be asked to meet th Red Sox J. Sewell, s s ...... 4 0 1 2 4 1 double play, Critz to Ford to Kelly; I never want for a good time Fonseca, lb ...... 3 0 0 10 0 0 left on bases, Cincinnati 6, St. Louis Pittsburgh ...... 8 8 .500 another bannet year. The Acmes per competitive gist csitlon ahd the He suggested that there is only ■ and win reluctantly consent. How­ Summa, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 6; bases on balls, off Mays 2, Rein­ and I don’t smoke nor drink and I St. Louis ...... 8 9 .470 are becoming better known best means pf keeping ypur game One'way to tell anyone how to bfr-' ever, the Browns next stop will be hart 2; struck out, by Mays 4, John­ Hodapp, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 2 1 don’t pet. I love to dance and I Boston ...... 6 8 .429 throughout the state each year and balanced, but nearly eve^cUe has come a perfect'igolfer •'nd a great' Philadelphia and the Indians, next L. Sewell, c ...... 2 1 0 5 0 0 son 2; hits, off Reinhart 5 in 6, Hald never miss the chance to spend an champion ana it Is the csleSt way Uhle, p ...... 3 0 0 0 2 1 4 in 2, Johnson 0 in 2; pass^ ball, Chicago ...... 9 12 .429 although they are a young club are to learn 4t.” he said. I the Yankee Staudiom and the west­ Mancuso; losing pitcher, JordR Rlg- evening with a nice date. I don’t Philadelphia ...... 5 a hit wherever they go, this fact He admitted that some players because-volumes.. and a complete ; believe I am just one of a type be- 10 .333 erners at both places will have to 3 0 0 4 27 11 ~3 ler and Hart; time, 1:48, GAMES TODAY being prnven by return bookings by like Hagen can be Inspired into course can be given in these w o r^ ' show plenty. This may turn out to St. Louis ...... 100 210 003— 7 X—^Martin batted for Reinhart in cfCuse I believe the majority of the ~ "p la y like Bobby. plays3’| ; 5th. Eastern League the managers wherever they play. super-gqlf by desperate ' ctrpum be slightly more than they have. Two base hits, O’Rourke; three girls my age are taking better care The Acmes would like to hear base hits, Brannon Langford; sacri­ XX—Toporcer batted for Hald In of themselves than the girls did New Haven at Hartford. fices, Manush, Brannon, Schang; 7th. Providence at Pittsfield. from the'following teams most of doublap lays, Lind to J. Sewell to xxx—O’Farrell batted for Johnson two ob three years ago. whom .were played last ^ season: Fonseca, Uhle to J, Sewell to Fonse­ In 9th. "I -^ould advise girls who want Water, ury at Bridgeport ca, Kress to Brannon to Blue; left on xxxx—Kaufmann ran tor O'Farrell Albany at Springfield. Avon, East Glastonbury, Windsor to be t ’^PUlar and have nice boy Looks Cardinals, Simsbury, Neiir bases, St. Louis 6, Cleveland 4; bases In 9 th. friends, as they call them, t o ,take American League on balls, off Gray 1; struck out, by up athletics. The boys like to go Philadelphia at Boston. Brltidn, Middltown and Manchester. by pitcher, by At Plttsbnrgli:— For games address Manager Sam Uhle (Schang); umpires, McGowan. PRIATB8 9, CUBS 8 around with a girl who is known as Others nbt scheduled. Connolly and Van Graflln; time, l:3l! Pittsburgh a good athlete and to entertain her, National League Sobn, 89 Magnolia street, Hartford, . ■■ AB. R. H PO. A. B. That"s one direct result and a sec­ Boston at Pittsburgh. ConU^ Phone, 2-4540. L. Waner, cf 0 Harris, xx ... 0 ond and equally important one is Others not scheduled. JUNIOR LEAGUE Adams, 2 b . . . 2 that athletics are conducive to. good P. Waner, rf 1 health and good health produces Wright, ss .. 1 good looks. r LEADINO LEAGUE HITTEBS The Greenacre Boomerangs de­ Traynor, 8b . 2 feated the Keystones on the lat- Grantham, lb 1 2 11 “ I didn’t take up athletics to be­ Comorosky, It 0 1 2 come popular and acquire boy HARTFORD (SAME! National League ters’ field yesterday. Both Lupien and Steinberg pitched excellent Gooch, c ...... 0 ■friends or to become good-looking. Grantham, Pirates . .472 Scott, xxx .. 0 I had to on account of my health. ! ball, fanning eight and eleven Smith, o .... 0 1 Douthlt, St. Lonls . .385 players respectively. 'Vaifro, Saun­ Miljus, p .... 1 I was so delicate as an Infant that At SprinKfleldt—. P. Waner, Pirates . .382 Dawson, p .. 0 my parents almost despaired of SENATORS 7, PONIES 8 Bell, Boston . .377 ders, Joslln and Steinberg made doubles. The Boomerangs seek Brlckell, X .. 1 raising me and a few winters ago , H artford Purdy, Cincinnati • • • • • . .361 I had to go to California. I took I AB. R. H FO. A. E. g o - Leader a year ago today Horns- games with any teams between the 38 9 15 30 14 6 up athletics then and the results Peloquln, err...... 6 ages of 12 and 15. Call 1418. The Chicago ■Watson, of ...... '0 by. New York, .413. AB. R. H PO, A. E. •were so beneficial that I took se<5- Slayback, 2b ...... 4 American League box score yesterday: Beck, 2b ...... 5 2 2 5 4. 0 ohd prize in a health show last Roser, rf ...... 5 Stop sereping your lace with <^-&shk»ed razor Kress, St. Louis • • • • • .490 English', ss .,.. 5 2 0 year and would haVe won first Schlnkel, If ... , <. Miller, Philadelphia “Keystones” Cuyler, rf . .... 4 2 6 place if 1 had not been a pound Martlneck, lb .421 AB R H Wilson, cf , . •.. 4 1 1 Schmehl, ss . Goslln, Washington .404 under weight.” til you use ^ Ai)loi3ttop Razor—‘witii the Lupien, p .. 1'. .4 1 1 Stephenson, If . • . a 6 2 1 Comiskey, 3b Meusel, New York Grimm, lb 1 12 Many male athletes think train­ Kisemann, c . .397 Rich, ss . . . . .4 1 1 bifides naafi^Muted ib accordance K. Williams, Boston .373 Kelly, lb ., 0 1 ing is a drudgery because they Thomas, p -... Borello, lb . .3 ,1 2 Gonzales, c ...a: 4 1 2 tiiith our c f ated treating. Leader a year ago today, Pother- Cone, 2b .. Butler, 3 b . .... 5 have to give up drinking, smoklpg . .4 1 1 and eating promiscuously, but Miss gill, Detroit, .519. August, c . . .4 1 1 Jones, p ..: .... 1 The Big Five Jacobs, zz . __ 1 FUkey says her mode of Hying is 1>pent7H3iie yeaxa’ adibaliavinc pnb- Neil, 8b . . . . .4 1 0 Nehf, p ...... 2 Albert, rf Gehrig, Yankees ...... 357 Kennedy, cf about the same the year around. Icffifi bifi devtioped tb li new U | d e . The name . .2 2 0 . "I have to give up pickles, candy Demoe, 2b ...... 3 Hornsby, Braves .340 Burdick, if . .2 1 1 it fi 11 k3Q 17 1 Bedford, of . Cobb, Athletics . P itts b u rg h ...... 408 100 00b 1— 9 and pastry when I am in strict Wight, 8b .. Va l e t «ttt tihru the'blisde idM this new .333 Johnson, rf . .3 2 1 Ruth, Yankees . . .308 Chicago ...... 201 028 000 0— 8 training but otherwise I live about Belanger, lb Two base hits, Traynor 2. English, the same all the time," she’ said.. Fitzgerald, If Slaving wonderi T^fit^rt^rcven the 10^ or 15^ Speaker, Athletics .213 30 11 8 27 13 16 Beck, Wilson; three base hit, Daw­ Benes, ss son; stolen bases, P. Waner, Stephen­ “ I am going into. training -May 1 Niebergall, a ^ v e ud£h the sfinii you be* THAT SPEEDY KAYO son; sacrifices, Wilson, Wright, Gran­ for the Olympic games and"then .I Page, p 'Greenacres Boomerangs" tham, L. Waner,' Traynor, Adams; am through with dances, movies Landry, p . yond doubt Hipt it i| gretteit addevcii^ New York, May 3.— ^Whether the AB R H PO A E double plays, Wright to Adams to Dreesen, x . New York' State Athletic Commis­ Kean, 2b . . . and parties and I will . be in bed . .4 0 0 1 0 0 Grantham, English to Beck to Grimm, early every i^ght. The gOpd feeling .Althauser, p sion will Investigate the circum­ Johnston, lb . .4 2 1 3 0 2 Cuyler to Kelly; left on bases, Chica­ stances surrounding the one-round go 8, Pittsburgh 9; bases on balls, off that results more thiin'makes Up 83 *5 "7 i? 18 "0 Steinberg, p . .4 4 3 2 11. 1 Jones 1, Miljus 3, Nehf 3, Dawson 1; Apeej^H^StihHtuUt : knockout of Jack Delaney by Jack for the sacrifices, however." Hartford ..; ...... 060 200 006—-T Saunders, ss . .4 3 3 6 3 1 struck out, by Miljus 3, Nehf 1, Daw­ Miss Filkey has received any Springfield ...... 011 080 010—B ' Sharkey on Monday night remained Shorts, 3 b .. . .3 0 1 1 0 0 son 1; hits, off Jones 7 In.8, Miljus.9 number of offers to eaplta^ze on Two base hits, Peloquln, Rossr; SAiifry RAibli Go.,biCn Nsfr YokI(N. in doubt today. Rumors that the R. Joslln, c . 2 In 5 2-3, Nehf 8 In 6 2-8, Dawson 2 In Comiskey, Landry; home runs, Slay- . .4 1 11 3 2 4 1-8; wild pitch, Jones; winning her talents b.ut she does not intend baok, Wight: stolen bases, Marfif , bout was not strictly on the np-and- Stinson, cf . , . .3 1 •0 2 1 1 pitcher, Dawson; losing pitcher. to become a professional. "My pa­ neck, Wight; double playa Coittiek^ up have caused a furore in fiCtlc S. Joslln, rf . . .3 0 1 1 0-- 0 Nehf; umpires, Moran, Wilson and rents wouldn’t permit me to if I to Slayback to Mar|ineok, BenSs tq circles here. Vaifro, If .., ..3 0 3 0 0 0 Reardon; time, 2;16. wanted to as I' "have' another year Demoe; ' left on bases,____ “ .Jrt B, No acticin can be taken officially X—Brlckell batted for Dawson in Springfield 9; bases on balla off I w e Benson, cf .. . .2 2 1 0 0 0 10th. before I finish school;" she said. •8, Landry 1, Alexander 1, Thomas 1 ; by'^the eommliuion until its meet- XX—Harris batted for L. Waner in ■ She has her mind set'on.a career, struck out, by Page 1, Xiandry 8, ^ Ittg next Tuesday. The general im- 34 14 14 27 18 7 10th. however, and guess what it Is? She Thomas 2; hits, off Page 8 In 1 S-S, presfion today was that the only Innings: xxx—Soott batted for Gooch In 7th. Landry .7 in 6 1-3, Althauser 0 .ih 1; z— T'wo out whsa winning run was Ivants to be a sports writer and she hit by pitcher, by Landry (Thomas), charge that might he laid against Keystones scored. Is going to take , a course In journ­ Slayback); losing pitcher, Hagei DOlanqr'ls neglect of training;' ■Qrbehacres B. zz—Jacobs battad tat lonai In 4th. alism. •pires. Kuhn and Morsa: time. i :b8. GUM ‘ JiANGHBSlBR (dONN.) teVBNIJNU HBKALb, THURSDAY; MAY S, 1928. , CoUmms Are A Meeting Place For People With Specific

c ‘ ------_ - a n r . n j w i .r r ,r rnn.,-uTj-LW ^ J u - V .____ Want Ad Information Annonncementa fif Business Op^rtioitiles ' 8 8 ^ ------' ' ' Houses for Sale 72 Legal Notices 70 STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parta ot ESTABLISHED ICE CREAM, candy ENGLAND PLANS NEW Manchester the world. Ask for sailing lists.and and tobacco business for sale, A-t BARGAIN-IF YOU are looking for a ^ Manchester, May 8, 1928. rateg Phone 760-8. Robert J. Smith. location, reasonable rent, priced good house at a bargain, don’t miss State of Connecticut Evening Herald 1009 Main str e e t right Phbne 347-4. this one. Ten rooms, 8 family house, County of Hartford m ust be sold this -week to settle NOTICE BUILDING C A liP A P Classified Advertisements estate and pay taxes. Price 84100 Taken by virtue Of an execution tef Count six average .words to a line Aatomoblles for Sale Help Wanted—'Female 85 Phone Your Want Ads Call 438-12. ^ * me directed and will be sold at Pub- Initials, numbers and abbreviations, uc Vendue to the higpest bidder at each count as a word and compond 1927 Studebaker Standard Sedan. WANTED—GIRL about sixteen for FOR SALE—BlAlN STREET, nice Custer's Store, 95 Pine street. South With 18 Houses 'Alrerfy Grohig words as two words. Mlnimuxu cost 1924 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan. mothers helper. Write Herald, Box To The ■ bunga'tow, just the . place tor busi­ Manchester. Fourteen days after date Is price ot three lines, D. for Interview. ness. Car washing and greaslna • * • 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. ■which w ill be Thursday the 17th. day Up Buys Lot^ degree team Ads are accepted over the telephone You will find our prices below zero, NORTH END—5 ROOM tenement to ize Their iWork. motored to East Windsor Grange cottage with fair sized lot. elee> at the CHARGE RATE given above SPECIAL MAY PRICES Miller's all the time. We don’t have to holler rent, all improvements. Call 159 last Tuesday evening, and Inltlatied trlclty. bathroom, garden and pool* as a convenience to advertisers, but Auto Accessories—Tires Baby Chlx, Reds and Leghorns, from our heads off to let you know how, Oakland street, . North End Tailor. try place. -Why p$iy rent? Oen* the CASH RATES will be accepted as our own 1600 disease free, and trap- low our prices are. Those thht holler Statisticians of the motor vehicle a class of candidates for their . PULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ tr$U location. INDIAN SHOCK ABSORBERS. Let nested breeders, blood tested by the loudest give the I'ast. Our low POUR ROOM TENEMENT at 27 departments of fourteen states and Grange In the third and fourth de-. ness otllce on or before the seventh State, and 100 per cent free from overhead. Is what does the trick. Ridgewood street; also two garages. two Canadian provinces have been grees. There were twenty-four Seven room single, farnaci^ gaa, day following the first Insertion of us put them on your car for a ten white diarrhea. Heavy layers of You can always do better at Ben­ Tel 93-3. each ad., otherwise the CHARGE day free trial period. No obligation, large eggs. Weekly batches. Local son's. Invited to a conference at the frqm Wapping Grange •who attend-- etc.,- walk and onrbing, 2 ear ganvh ■ItATE will be collected. No responsi­ 5 year guarantee. Center Auto Sup­ delivery. Phohe Fred Miller, Man­ FOR RENT— 6 ROOM TENEMENT at Capitol, Hartford on May 24 and ed the meeting. East Windsor poultry house, land for anothei bility for errors in telephoned ads ply Co., 155 Center. Tel. 673. chester 1063-3, Coventry, Conn. WE ARE OFFERING 85.00 for your 150 Center street. For . Information 25 by the Connecticut Motor Grange furnished refreehments at house or garden. A few fruli will be assumed and their accuracy (Brooders and Supplies). old mattress this week. This surely telepjione 171 trees and grapes. Price cannot be uuaranteed.- Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 is the home of good bedding. 7 inch Vehicle Department and the Hart­ the close of .the meeting and dand- • • * OLIVER BROTHERS day old ohtoks rolled edge hand-made floss mat­ FOR RENT—3 AND 4 room tene­ ley Corporation. Consideration may Ing was enjoyed afterwards. terms. ^ ments, on Charter Oak street, near FOR SALE—1925 Henderson motor­ from two year old bena tress 829.50. layer felt from $15.50' be given to the possible forming of George West of P'OSter street Index of Classifications Strain-Blood tested and free from up. Cotton m attresses from 88.50 up. Main. Inquire Philip Lewis, 83 Char­ Porter street, nice single with 3 Evening Herald Want Ads are now cycle. Apply 185 Maple street after ter Oak street. a permanent organization v>f celebrated his sixtieth birthday by 6 p. m. or Phone 829-4. white diarrhea Oliver Broa. Clarks It costs less to advertise this way! car. garage. Bouse Is lUl m(^em grouped according to classifications Corner, Cona that’s why you can do better at statisticians, making It possible for spending the week-end at the home and the rooms are well arranged. It - below and for handy reference will Benson's. FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement, all appear in the numerical order indi­ the members to meet periodically O f his daughter, Mrs. George Rat­ if offered at 17,500, $1,000 eu h . Easiness Services Offered . 13 BABY UHlCKiV—Best looal stock; Improvements, newly renovated, cated: windows shaded, 30 Russell street. with a view to standardizing their tray of Brooklyn, New York. Six room American colonial o d Births '...... A popular breeds; guaranteed live de­ i Office an^ Store Equipment 51 Call 28 Russell street. work so that it may be used with Joseph Rukus son of Mr. and trim and floors down.- steam, gasj Engagements ...... B LAWN MOWERS sharpened by ex­ livery; we do custom hatching;- free benefit by each member state of the Mrs. Michael Rukus is ill at I'J-, Marrl.tges ...... c pert: also knives, scissors, shears, catalogue. Clark's Hatchery. East FOR SALE—TWO show cases $35. FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all Im­ white plumbing, 2 car garage. Ugh Deaths ...... B axes, saws and all kinds of tools Har'ford, Conn. Apply Campbell s t'illing Station, E. provements, 118 North Elm street.- organization.' home with bronchitis. elevation, north -end* Price onij Cards of Thanks ...... E sliarpened. Spruce street, corner of Middle Turnpike. Telephone 2257. It will be the first conference of Miss Irene Buckland, Miss Elea­ $6,600, $1,000 cash. in Memoriam ...... F Bissell street. BABY CHICKS ' nor Stoughton and Mrs. Marion Lost hnd Found ...... i its kind in the history of motor Baby ciituka blood tbsied, Ohio Wanted— To Huy FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tenement, Five room single. Ozeenaores. A Announcements ...... 2 CHAIR CANING NEATLY done. Price ^late University acuredited. Order in 58 at 59 School street, near Educational vehicle law administration and has Pierce, who left'last Friday for „a nice little eottagsb all modem Personals ...... 3 right, satisfaction guaranteed Carl advance. Manchester Grain and Coal Square, inquire of Luigi Pola, 55 been called in response to an urge trip to Philadelphia and other ^. Aatomoblles Anderson. 53 Norman street. Phone WANTED TO BUY German police $6,500. $600 cash.' 1892-2. Company Phone 1760. School street. Telephone 546-2. from both commissioners of motor places of interest, returned to. their Building lots. Buy now whex Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 pup, Address Post Office Box 287, So. vehicles and statisticians for more homes here oh Tuesday evening. Automobiles for Exchange ...... 5 Articles for Sale 45 Manchester. TO RENT—5 ROOM PLAT, 90 Holl prices are at lowest of year. Pricei $4 Auto Accessoiies—Tires ...... 6 WANTED—TEAM work, scrapping I WILL PAY THE HlUHES'l' price street, all improvements, including uniform methods of collection and Tba baseball game between the as low as $150 with dty water ami Auto .Repairing—Painting ...... 7 cellars, plowing, carting ashes, etc. for all kinds ot junk and old furni­ shades, curtain rods, screen and application of statistics. Those at Union school and the Wapping Cen­ 55' Bissell street. Lu T. Wood Tel FOR SALE—NO 1 TIMOTHY hay at reiectriclty. $350 with sewer, Auto Schools...... 7-A 498.- ture, Prompt attention. Call 849. screen doors. Also garage. M u st' be ter schools, on Tuesday afternoon Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 barn $17.00 per ton, hard cord wood seen to be appreciated. Apply Man­ the meeting will be from member water, gas and electricity. Tbest , Autos—For Hir^ ...... 9 at road side 85-50 per cord. Af WILL PAY HIGHEST prlcos for all chester Wallpaper Co., 527 Main states of the Eastern Conference of was won. by the Wapping school the are absolute bargains and a lot fot 3arages—Service—Storage .... .< 10 Florists—Nurseries 15 Columbia Lake. J. A. Isham, Colum­ kinds of poultry We will also buy street. Phone 2326 or House Phone. Motor Vehicles. These Include, be­ score being lO .to S. . a little. Motorbycles—Bicycle.i ...... n bia, Conn. i;ags. papers and all kinds of lunk 2108. sides Connecticut, Maine, New The Friendly Indians or the Wanted Aatos—Motorcyies ...... 12 FOR S.ALE — NURESRY STOCK— Cal! 982-4. ilusinesa imd Protesslonnl Services FOR SALE—ONE ROLL top desk, FOR RENT—GREENACRES 65 Ben­ Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu­ Junior Y.M.C.A. held their meeting Forsythia, Flowering Crab, Tamarix one protectograpli check machine, Business' Services Offered ...... 13 Go.|den Syringa, Bridal Wreath! ton street, 2 family, lower five room setts. Rhode Island, New York, at the Parish House on Tuesday Household Services Offered ...... 13-A some baby carriages good as new, Apurtiiients, Flats, Teneincnts 08 flat, all modern Improvements, cen ­ afternoon. After the meeting the Robert ]. Smith Building—Contracting ....i.... 14 Honeysuckle, Golden Alder. Ever­ few gas stoves, all guaranteed, ice trally located. Telephone 1111-12. Delaware, Virginia, District of Col­ Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 greens. Carolina Poplar, Hydranges. boxes exchanged, if you think of FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, all umbia, North Carolina, Ohio, Mary­ boys enjoyed a game of,hand ball. Funeral Directors ...... Wistaria, Flowering Currant, Flow- furniture for your cottage, see us. modern improvements, at 158 El­ 1009 Main street AD. ^ e r in g Almond, Boston Ivy, Sweet FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, land, New Jersey, Pennsylvanit and Miss Elizabeth Pierce and Miss Heating—Plumbing—Roofing Spruce street Second Hand Store. dridge street. Inquire 39 Griswold newly renovated, all improvements, the Provinces of Quebec an’d On­ Josephine Zokitls are confined to REAL ESTATE. INSOBa NOE Insurance ...... IS ' Syringa, Barberry, Privet, Rose Tel 2627-4. street. Phone 1027. and garagj. Inq- rj t. 54 Arch 3t. STEAMSHIP TICKETS, Millinery—Dressmaking ...... ip bushes. Asparagus roots. Str.v.v- tario. In addition, the National their homes with the mumps. Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 berry plants, Flowering plants. FOR RENT—MAY tST.. five room TH REE ROOM SUITE—New Johnson Safety Council, which has been In­ Painting—Papering ...... 21 Perennials, Annuals and Spring FOR SALE—LOAM, inquire F rank Hat, all Improvements, garage If de­ Block, facl.-g Main street, all mod­ terested for some time in a move­ Dfesslonal Services ...... '.... 22 bulbs. Greenhouse plants and cut Dainato, 24 Uomslead street, Man­ sired. Call at 38 Pearl street or tele­ ern improvements. Phone 524 or Repairing ...... 23 flowers of all kinds. Floral, designs chester. Phone'1507. phone 1781. janitor. 2040. ment of this kind, has been invited THE BOOK OP KNOWLEDGE: Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning 24 for any occasion. Burke The Florist to send a representative. Wayside Gardens, Rockville, Conn. FOR SALE—FERTILIZER for lawns. FOR RENT—PKACTiC.’VLLY brand Toilet Goods and Services ...... 25 Tel. 714-2. FOR RENT—FIV E ROOM FLAT with Besides uniformity and the (279) Parrakeets Wanted—Business Service ...... 20 Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. Tel new 5 room flat, all Improvements batli and garage for 1 car. 32 $t. Etiiifiidoual 1877. and conveniences. Ceriirallv located. .lohns street, Soutli iManchester, E. regular methods of obtaining and Sketches by Bessey; Synopsis by Branchtr rs.-'s and Classes ...... 27 FOR SALE—GOOD VARIETIES of 'Pel. 1519 or call '25 StranI street. A. Standisli. Andover, Conn. Tele­ tilin,g statistics, one of the import­ Dahlia tubers. Mrs. .1. R. Lowe, 465 phone 1351-3, WilllmanUc. Private Instruction ...... 2S Porter street. Telephone 1829. ant questions before the conference Dancing ...... 28-A Building Materials 47 APARTMENTS—Two. tliree and tour will be the determination of where ^ ^ Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 room apartraehts. heat. .Janitor ser­ 5 vice. gas range, refrigerator, m a- to stop in the gathering of statis­ W anted—Instruction ...... 30 Moving— Trucking— Storage 20 & Financial FOR SALE—CONCRETE building door bed furnished Call Manchester FW RFiEOTM N^^ tics so that the work will not be Bonds—Stocks—M''rtgagej ...... 31 blocks and chimney blocks. Inquire Construction Company. 2100 or tele- increasing indefinitely. Business Opportunities ...... 32 L0C.4L AND LONG distance moving Frank Damalo, 24 Homestead street, . phone 782-2. Money to L o an ...... 33 by experienced mr L. T. Wood 55 Manchester. Telephone 1507, Money W a n te d ...... 34 Bissell street. Tel. 496. HUDSON STREET. 6 RuOM tenement FIGHT RUNNING BLAZE Help and Situations Electrical Appliances— Radio 41) and garage, near Depot, in good Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 PERRETT & GLENNEY moving sea­ condition Modern Imnrovemenls OUR COURT SYSTEM IS Telephone 981-2 Help Wanted—Male ...... 30 son is here.. Several trucks at your ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appll- Yesterday’s Woods Conflagra­ Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 service, up to date equipment,' ex­ ances. motors, generators, sold and FOR R E N T L s e v ERAL Hrsi class Agents Wanted ...... 37-A perienced men. Phone 7-2. repaired; work called for .Pequot tion Ran Half Mile Course OUTLINED BY LEAGUE Situations Wanted—Female .... 38 I rents with all Improvemenis. Apply Electric Co.. 407 Center street Phoni Edward J. Iloll. 865 Main street. Tel. Before Conquered. Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR Dis­ 1592. Employment Agencies ...... 40 patch—Part loads to and from New 560. . Live Stuck—Pei.s— Poultry—Vehicles York, regular service. Cali 7-2 or A second blaze yesterday after­ West Hartford Women Voters Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 1282 Fuel and Feed 4»-A 3 ROOMS FOR RENT at 170 Oak noon, for which an alarm was Make Important Contribu* Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 street, all improvements, hot water beat. Call 616-5 turned in from Box 29 at Center Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Painting— Paperiug FO RSALE—HARDWOOD large load tion to State League. Wanted — Pots—Poultry—Stock 44 21 and Cooper streets, at 4:40 was a 88. Ashes moved. Charles "^almer, 44 FOR RENT—ONE 6 room and 1 five For Sale—Miscellaneous Henry street. Telephone 895-3. sequel to the woods flre'that start­ “An Outline of our Court Sys- Articles for Sale . ..’...... 45 GEORGE E. STURTE , ANT and Sons, room flat, best locations, rent $35. After the Macaws ui species we-eome the Parra­ Boats and Accessories ...... 40 painting and interior decorating, Call Stuart J. Wasley. 827 Main ed------early^ In------the afternoon.- The iiioLfirst I tsni” has made its appearance as Bulldipg Materials ...... 47 prices reasonable, work guaranteed! Garden-Fann-Dairy Products 50 street. Telephone 1428-2. blaze brought two companies oj ’the latest publication of thd League keets or Paroquets. The Carolina’Parrakeet is a foot . iViamuhds—Watches—^Jewelry .. 48 198 Eldridge street, Tel, 1922-5. still alarms.-.In and another' company of TTr... Women ... *rT— Voters .. « in Connecticut. . . long with gorgeous colorings. Their sociable habits ■ Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 FOR SALE—"HOWARD 17" straw­ on the regular alarm. The 4:40 This contribution to , the fact resemble those of bats, but their home$ are^in great ' Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Repairing berry . plants, 81 a hundred, 87.60 a o’clock alarm called No. 1, the •Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 thousand. "Double-Ender” white STANDING ROOM ONLY material which the League offers in hollow trees where they hang huddled together, grip, -JHdusehold Goods ...... 51 only company not out on the other SEWING MACHINE, repairing of flint seed corn, small stalks, medium support of its program is made by Machinery and Tools ...... 52 oars, easy husking, $2 a bushel. S. three calls. the West Hartford League under ping the surface with claws and beak even when Musical Instruments ...... 53 all makes, oils, needles and supplies. R. ,W. Garrard, 37 Edward str-et. G. Bowers, 75 Demlng street, Man­ AT ST. JAMES’S BAZAAR The final alarm was necessitated asleep.___ _ _ Office and Store E q u ip m e n t...... 54 chester. Tel. 258-2. whose auspices It .was published. Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 55 Phone 715. when the fire swept towards the Miss Ulizabeth Talcott, of West By NEA. Through Sfieial Perml.iion of th. Publiih.fVoi Tli. Bm Ic el Rnowltilgt. CopyrltM, 7933-28; 1 Specials at the Stores ...... 56 south, burning over land owned by Hartford, compiled the information \^'earlng .Apparel—Furs ...... 57 3 OR 5 PIECE MAHOGANY suite, re- Household Goods 51 The opening night of the three ■ Wanted—to Buy ...... 58 upholstered, new springs Inserted R. O. Cheney. Jr., and then Into for use In a study group In that and finished. Make your own selec­ nights bazaar held under the aus­ the pines and across the meadows- R >oniM-noarii—Hotel*—Resorts tion of covering. Call for free sam­ SMALL SIZE ROLL TOP desk, Hoff­ pices of the Children of Mary was league’s department of Efficiency in Restaurants ples. Tel. 1268. man gas heater. Good values in near the old Shoddy Brook pond Government. It Is also being pub­ ■ Rooms Without Board ...... 59 household furniture. Ostrlnsky’s largely attended at St. James Par­ into the northerly and undeveloped :Roarders Wanted ...... 59.A HOLMES BROS. FURNITURE CO.. ish hall last night, when a play, lished serially In “The Woman 649 Main Street ' Furniture Store, 28 Oak. part of St. James Cemetery. ' Country Hoard—Resorts ...... 60 “Mother Goose,” was presented. Voter’s Bulletin”, the organ of the H otels—R estaurants ...... 61 LAWN MOWER sb'-~*>enlng, repair­ There was standing room only and Brooms, brush, chemicals and Connecticut League of Woman Wanted — Rooms—Board ...... 62 ing. Phonographs, clocks, electric ARCHITECTS TO WORK ON shovels were used in extinguishing Voters. Real Estate For Rent NEW HAVEN CITY HALT. the audience through the whole ■ Apartments. Flats. Tenem^-xits.. 63 cleaners, locks repaired. Key mak­ pentormance showed that It was the fire. To persons on the hills The twelve page pamphlet con­ ' Business Locafons for Rent.... 64 ing, Braltbwalte, 68 Pearl street New Haven, Conn.—A dozdi ar­ to the east of Manchester, looking tains sections on the Courts of Con­ Flouses for Rent ...... 65 chitects are working on p l^ s for enjoying the show. Tonight there down into the valley. It appeared necticut, Federal Courts, District of ■ -Suburban for R ent ...... ’ 66 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and a costly city hall here to re^ace a will be a short play “The Travel­ Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 repaired, chimneys cleaned, key fif­ as though the whole town were Columbia Courts, Territorial Courts ing, safes opened, saw filing and sixty-year-old brown stone pile that ers,” from one of Booth Tarklng- enveloped in smoke. and Consular Courts. All courts Wanted to Rent ...... 68 grinding. Work called for, Harold has sheltered New Haven’s munici­ ton’s stories. Renl E state For Saif Clemson, 108 North Elm street TeL The bazaar will close Friday The fire also ran over a large under each di-vlslon are tersely Apartment Buildings tor Sale .. 69 462. pal’ affairs adequately In the past, area owned by E. E. Hilliard, mak­ described as to jurisdiction, judges Business '’roperty for S ale ...... 70 Dean EYerett V. Meeks, of Yale evening when the , hope chest will ing a pat^ about 100 yards wide Farms and Land for Sale ...... -7i School of fine arts, who will be the be awarded. There -was dancing, and their . salaries, and terms. i-v-*-1 Houses for Sale ...... 72 Business Opportunities’ 82 and fully a half mile in length be­ Acknowledgment Is made to George Lots for Sale ...... 73 final arbiter of plana, has six New modern and old fashioned, as fore it was extinguished. A.'Conant of Hartford, retired clerk r'» • . *J •Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 Haven and six New York architedts ■■there will he this and tomorrow ■l; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — Dining of the Superior Court of Hartford l” . X Kt •! - Suburban for Sale ...... 75 car—like new. Best location In town. lined up with sketches and several evenings. v> ... V Real Estate for Exchange ...... 76 Spring Poem; You Do It County and to George M. (3ohen, 10 room house, can be used by own­ of these workers -will be •'commis­ > • Wanted—Real Estate ...... 7'7 er or turned Into rooming house. 10 sioned to draw plans. Here are suggestions for the Assistant U. S. District Attorney, The Carolina Parra- „ Auction-Legal Notices year lease with option to purchase Cats and owls are better equip­ spring poet: Spring, ring, love, for checking the copy before pub­ Auctlop Sales ...... 78 property. An opportunity of a life­ The structure will front New ped, seeing In dim light than keet is the only North Degal Notices ...... 79 dove, tweet, sweet, hush, mush, lication. The pamphlet is being Parrakeets forage time. Box N., Herald. Haven Green, facing Yale Univer­ humans, due to the lAscullar con­ grass, brass, fair, pair, pretty, dit­ American parrot. It is sity, two unobstructed blocks away. struction of their eyw. distributed by the Connecticut boldly in regiments, fill­ ty. Then read It and duck. League of Women Voters. almost extinct. The Gray­ ing with, despair culti­ (JAS BUGGIES—Why Bother About Details breasted Parrakeet is vators of rice and corn pictured above. i N O W 0 0 By F^nk Beck fields where they abound.” YOO SM/VYi FOR THE LAST HOW DO YOU KNOW _ ^ AND FiNAL TIME , 1 7 T KNOW THIB. THEY t h e y ’r e H 0N 68Ti t T h o w l IDCPLAiNEO EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT,! SAY POSITIVELY THAT GAN YOU BE SO POOTI^. JURIES IF YOU THINK I KNOW ALEC SMART ID • ME AT THE TIME . X DON’T HAVE (Z •v WHEN ' YOU CAN’T HAD ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT ALEC CAIFT EXPLAN AND C0L06RIP ARE SQUARE *10 GO . THOSE PETRIFIED REMEMBER THEIR OF THEIR INNOCENCE. ONCE SHOOTERS. JUST . BECAUSE EXCUSES FOR < TH E AROUND WITH ^ GAS p e l l e t s , S i'* X WAS CONVINCED, THERE A CAI« OF . X^M NO HUMAN ENCYCLOPEDIA GAS PELLET NO USB IN REMEMBERING m c a l l H IM THAT REMEMBERS EVERY ICE ON < UP A N D BEING A W H Y , VAS TMEfir A WHEN DINKY DETAIL, MEANS FAKE. THEIR HEADS a s k h i m HBVI RECdVBlED NOTHING AT ALL. / / ^ JURY OOE5NT. MEMORIZE NEXT ViDURSELF J| ^ PROM THE THE TMTIMONY, IN A D A Y , CPFECTS OP? f CASE WORD FOR WORD. ERTHER. HIS JOYPUU 1 0 0 TH E Y ! REUNION ANTfV' WITH ALEC SMART AMO' OOLOEEtP* • Ntt MiMPVtAS *fDO h A z y * o n THE OETAnS OI> THEM EXPLANATION ' they are the best taiiT. |hOF r PETWPIEO SAS orattadJ'theTh^ Hnests, but iti icase TO ^attack th$y band together, and-woe to the intl'u^* TTrey h%vs .been,.known to drive off an eaElo’s attack* i i s m ^ 1 \j- f t t e l r " " * 1 1 t»W» Ktap., m !/ m«l to th»lr dipwioft, - cyj g, o»ntinu.cl) 1 tu.

X -'A‘‘ I .•k'-': ••I-. SENSE "x i NONSENSE

THE ONLY ALTERNAT.WE . Squids is a vtfty Sm a r t p/yn- i r Am TH6N u/Airr Of the high cost of living when 1 UNTIL TH€V COtt\e AdOVN’ A^A/N.TWClN hear men complain US6P TO S ir ON TH6 DOCK \se on ooin* ir I cannot refrain from replying, H6 CR^es ANorneR. th 6 y Keep ' “ It is still somewhat cheaper on ' cm hide s n u IN THE SHADOWS’ f=/rH woNocR. cunaee t h 6p ; coM iN’ a r o o n ' oust r n e j a m f » earth to remain, n r a p a For just think of the high cost 7H6N He'D SHOOT ou r A ' 6 ' Aci. C U ^ N T r of dying.” 6iV rce FISH from a w H oce .schooc TOW coNc Doer If a man will talk, you can size him up quickly. \r

Johnnie Rapp gazed at his stun­ ning date, as she gracefully des­ cended the stairway. His heart beat violently as he realized that all this beauty was his. Charming­ ly, she stood before him and whis­ pered, “ How do I look, dearest?” “Sweetheart," he murmered, as he took her In his arms, “ you look mighty good to me.” “ Don’t let your impressions mis­ > s*G.o.a.fAT.orr. lead you,” she breathed, snuggling BV KW •DWlCe. INC. closer. IMa, FW9lE> OiMbr, CMbit 1 It takes a lot of wind to move a Jim— Knowledge Is better th;. a bargain sale. wealth. The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox Tom— Yes, I know, but I’d OUR BOARDING HOUSE rather have the inferior article. By Gene Ahern “ A forty-dollar saddle on a twen- ty-dollar boss” looked silly; and that may explain why a college boy e 6 a p -a/K a m s a s e r t v a i s p doesn’t wear a hat. HoUSfoK^ \a1ILL MAKe"f^lE •foSfoPoMcEM If a fellow stays more than ten TOMSECUKiV/g MAtioUAL COklV/e«rfiOUS I'Oi: BASKOBALIi FANS minutes in a phone booth while X \\fisfe ATfEMPEp;-^ AKiP MAtik others are waiting he deserves the ME UlEU- VME, X PKEPICf In letter golf, as in baseball, a wrong numbers he gets. __ \ I TTvAio^ OF BElMe TME AWSTSPmrflEP 'Si WALK may develop into RUNS life's LEARMEp) cda^ICER If it comes in a tight plade. To­ THEIR STRANGE HABITS “Tp PATE SEE day’s par is six, but you may be Spring, summer, autumn and win­ PAV/E,--' VaIKi4 “THE AKtk^iAGB Wei4- V/e«1fe|LO0UiSM) able to beat the solution on an­ ter more or less peacefully come A MA'fiOlSAL COkiv/DrfloA other page. end go every year. uaam Not only In Sprlhgfleld, Massachu­ l-tS LAPSe OF foup^ a r s , -TALkiMfi .4 setts, but all over the country, IS MAPE IMCOMPREi4EMS|BLEr PURIM6 we hear. -B uT VIIKM MVSELTf A PoU-flCAL ^ Springfield, Mass. Union. A SHAUE!. Spring, summer, autumn and win­ AMP AAlALTfiCAL ter come each year to practically all of the states. But out here in Newark, Ohio, we now and then feel that they have mixed their dates, Newark, Ohio, Advocate. Spring, summer, autumn and win­ ter oome by and visit us every year as a rule. And we say without fear of success­ ful controdiction the latter part of June is quite cool.

There is a limit to everything. THE RULES No airplane can fly so high that It doesn’t have to come back to the 1— The Idea of letter golf Is toground for gasoline. change one word to another and do it in par, a given number of strokes. An angry denial Is often a con­ Thus to change COW to HEN, in fession of guilt. three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, HEN. Customer— “ Well, it looks like 2— You can change only one let­rain.” ter at a time. Milkman— “ Mebbe so, but it’s M A i a l w a y s d L A I M E P H—You must have a complete milk.” word, of common usage, for each - t h a t I p “T H P V i l l a <4P P o l k . lump. Slang words and abbrevla- Over $1,500,000,000 is at pres­ MOKP RPSPPdT fO f^ t h P :lons don't count. ent invested in the motion picture 4— The order of letters cannot be Aa R -TH^N oorSiP0f%^ w o u lpn ^t :hanged. industry. Where did all that money come from? From your M A K ^ 3 o MUCH pUN op i-p, pocket and mine, of course. r^MP ’BARBERS ALuJAWS SE T J^onttlnt Fo«, 182|, ffh* gell Synd No, Maude, if you doubt a woin- "YME r a p T o r BEIMG (3ABBV=i. in’s judgment, just look at some of Grocer— Who broke the window 0«*U. ■« M* UNVHX INC. '.he husbands they pick. when I was out? If husbands went every place Delivery Boy— The butcher did, ‘.heir wives told them to go there sir. He ducked when I threw a WASHINGTON TUBBS II would be fewer divorces but more potato at him. By Crane widows. “ Is Edna dumlf?” r Many a man who wouldn’t take “ Is she dumb? She tried to slap '“no” for an answer is writing the doctor when he told her she :hccks. for alimony. had acute dyspepsia.” tr Be POSSIBLE That ■BOUU DAVflSON POLLtD A BONER \kmew STomr 4^ nal cochran— piciurcs 4^ knick HE MAROONEI> raa. u. I. PAi. arr. \MASH and C»02Y ON UORRiOANe ISUE’^P^O GAVE U9 SEARCH POR BORVED Tr ea su re ?





1. u. s. PAT. on.7^—^ l»as. lY NEA 8CHVICC. INC.

READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURL SALESMAN SAM The Call oC the Wild Tlie old wheelbarrow rode along, enough. I’m all tired out. Please By Small and Clowny burst out into song. tell me where we’re heading for, “ We are a happy bunch,” he sang, and when will we arrive?” “ Don’t “ as happy aa can be. The garden­ worry,” said the garden man. “ I er is a real good friend, 'cause on move as quickly as I can. You him we can all depend. He'll take Tinymites are heavy! I can’t gal­ us to his garden, where we’ll see lop. Sakes alive!” what we can see. Right soon they passed from “ When everything is said and rocky land, and found an open done, this ride is really heaps of space at hand. “ Now, there’s my fun. We travel o’er the hillside spadlqus garden,” said the garden­ , with a bumpty-bumpty-bump. But, er, with a grin, “ I have a heap of ^ahucks, If we all hang on tight, work to ^ 0, and I’ll be pleased If I’m sure that things will be all all of you will help me. Kindly right, and we won’t fall whene’er say the word, and we will all pitch we hit a rough place vt^th a in.” thump.” “ You bet we will,” the Tinies “ My goodness,’’ said the garden cried. They , rushed up to the gar­ man. “ Sing on some more. You dener’s side. "Just give us all a surely can! I like to hear your shovel, or a little rake, or hoe.” voice ring out. It makes me feel Then, with a very merry shout, so glad.” "All right,” said Clowny, the implements were handed out. "here I g o !” And he kept singing, "Now, watch us work,” cried high and low. The other Tinies Scouty. "We are clever. Here we clapped their hands. It really go! ” wasn't bad. And then the whole bunch (The Tinymites meet some flow­ heard him shout, “ I’ve sung ers in the next story.)

J V-. •I' ’’l ''

' \ ' ■ - • TnauRsbAY^ Alfr rx&gi rOtJRTEBlf fflaurliffiitfr ^Eofttina ^lfralli

done in the bounty at large as well nlor Y band of Marlborough will] MODmiN-OLD FASHION as locally. mako Its first public appearance, PRIZE playJhS several numbers .under the DANCING PAGEANT, MUSIC The musical features of the uin- direction of A. E. Lyman of Colum­ Masquerade Dance ner are being featured. The High bia, director also of Junior bands Each Saturday Night School Ensemble, led by Edward in Rockville, WllUmantlc, South MANCHESTER GREEN Starting This Week FO R ‘T ’ DINNER Dzaldls, will play tor the general Willington, and Eastford. SAT. EVE. MAY 5 BUCKINGHAM FOUR CORNERS social hour preceding the dinner, Wehr’i Orch.—-Beebe, Prompter DANCE HALL and during the dinner. “Larry’’ . Tickets for the dinner have been Admission 50c. McKay’s Serenaders. Emmons, who made such a hit in distributed to a number of local the Klwanis minstrels, with his men by George Rlx, chairman of the A Joint whist will be held by the Entertainment to Fjeature banjo, has been secured to give ticket committee. The dinner Is Ladles of Columbus, the Daughters several numbers—and as a novelty open to ladles and gentlemen of of Isabella and the Knights of feature the recently-organized Ju- the geheral public. ABOUT TOWN Columbus In K. of C. hall soon. In Anniversary Gathering preparation for it there will be a Joint committee meeting In the hall Here on May 14. Mrs. Thomas J. Cole of 10 Mid­ Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. dle Turnpike West left today from Springfield for San Diego, Calif., to Company G, 169th. Infantry, C. The general committee arranging visit her daughter, Mrs. Alfred E. N. G., will have a supper at the Hall, formerly Miss Mae E. Cole. State Armcry Saturday night. The for the Tenth Anniversary Dinner Mr. Cole and daughter, Helen, ac­ arrangements are being ui.uu' .. of the Hartford County YMCA to companied Mrs. Cole to Springfield. the non-commissioned officers who be held In the South Methodist will meet tonight to furthc church Monday evening. May 14, at W hat St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters preparations. of Isabella, will meet this evening 6:30, daylight saving time, is giv­ at 8 o’clock In K. of C. hall. A ing especial attention to the enter­ A M anufacturer’s Close-outs lull attendance Is hoped lor as tainment and exhibition features of in buying a several matters of business are to KIWANIANS TO MEET the dinner. bo discussed, including the joint | The pageant being presented un­ card party with Gibbons Assembly I MONDAYS HEREAFTER der the direction of Rev. Truman 400 PAIR Ladfes of Columbus. H. Woodward Of Wapplng will use Wapplng Y boys and leaders as REFRIGERATOR Coming so soon after the school characters portraying the story of vacation, the Buckland Parent Organization’s Lieutenant Gov­ ‘•‘Ten Years In Hartford County.” readier association has decided to ernor and Dr. Johnstone Such familiar figures as The postpone its regular business meet­ Here Next Week. Friendly Indians, The Pioneer, The ON’T buy a refrigerator on its looks alone. Make sure Ruffled Curtains ing, which would fall ordinarily on Stalwart Athlete, The Torch Bear­ that it is soundly constructed, well insulated and scien­ next Monday evening. i The Manchester Kiwanis club er, are woven Into a narrative that D will meet on Mondays hereafter depicts In dramatic form the con­ tifically designed for proper air circulation. Sec that it has the Manchester Tent Knights of the I and next week’s noonday meeting tribution Hartford County Y has proper food chamber ice chamber capacity for the size of Maccabees will hold its regular will be at the Hotel Sheridan. Ben made to “Father Hartford Coun­ At the Special Price meeting this evening in the Balch Allen, lieutenant feovernor of Divi­ ty’s” boys. Among those who will your family. and Brown hall. sion No. 1 will be present and will appear In the pageant are: Friend­ bring with him the Rev. John F. ly Indian, Clyde Johnson; Pioneer, Have a. good refrigerator, keep the ice chamber well filled $1.50 and Mr. and Mrs. Jaiiios Campbell of .Johnstone of Hartford who will Donald Johnson; Hl-Y, Paul Smith; with ice, and you will get the fhll benefit of all the ways in A variety of Main street, Earl and Miss Ethel i talk on "Kiwanis." The members Country Boy, Homer Lane; Young. styles and $2.00 Campbell motored down to Brook­ are urged to turn out in good num­ Man, Luther Burnham; Athlete, which ice saves. lyn today to attend the funeral of ber to welcome, not only the lieu­ Russell Stoughton; Camper, Wil­ colors. $ Quality their niece and cousin, Mrs. Helen tenant governor, but Doctor John­ liam Tripp; College Man, Wesley We will gladly advise you in regard to the selection of a 1.00 Fo.\ Ryan. Mrs. George Fox, Miss stone. who has spoken before the Smith; Group Leader, Robert refrigerator. Millicent Fo.\, Mrs. Frank Rawson Manchester Kiwanlans oh a preyl- Sharp; Church Worker, Truman H. and Miss Marie Campbell left by ous occasion and Is a favorite Woodward; Torch Bearer, Guy train. speaker with locrl audiences. Smith. A lot of curtains such as this manufacturer’s close-outs is what is Frank Cheney, Jr., will furnish Moving pictures of activities of the Wapplng Friendly Indian. known as the plums in the wholesale market. It is very seldom that we .Miss Hazel Chambers atid lior fi­ the attendance prize at Monday’s meeting. Buckland Pioneers, and Manchester L. T. WOOD many styles and colors ance Frederick Finnegan were both High School Torch Club have been are able to purchase such a lot. While there are sitrprised last night when tliey be­ taken and are being prepared to be 55 Bissell Street. Tel. 496 in some models there are only one to three pair of a kind, but thpre are a gan to play bridge at the home of CASSELLS-TEDFORD thrown on the screen at the ban­ Moving twelve pair of a color Mr. Finnegan’s sister. Mrs. Thom­ quet. Exhibits of handwork and Trucking great many models that can be purchased six to as Curran of Summit street, to other activities carried on by Coun­ and style. In such a large and varied assortment you will find practically have about 25 of their young wo­ ty Y Groups are also being pre­ this spring, now is the men and men friends drop in to Miss Annie E. Tedford, daugliter pared to Illustrate the work being everything manufactured. If you need curtains make things merry. They pooled of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tedford of time to buy them! their gifts of money and bought a 144 High street and Clarence Dav­ handsome upholstered willow chair. id Cassells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Games were played and a buffet Robert Cassells of 54 Orford street lunch served. MLss Chambers and were married this afternoon at J Plain Marquisette Curtains Mr. Finnegan are to be married o’clock at St. Mary’s Episcopal Saturday afternoon. May 12. church. The ceremony was per­ in white and ivory backgrounds with dainty colored ruffles, Ideal cur- formed by the rector. Rev. J. Stuart mfA — tains for the bedrooms. Morris Hausen, former manager Neill, in the presence of a large Muminum dasher of the Oakland Paper Mills here, number of relatives and friends was in Manchester yesterday on a from this town and elsewhere. Or­ 51 Dotted Marquisette Curtains combined business and pleasure ganist John , Cocker i. gave a e-.-; trip. Mr. Hausen Is now superlnten- short concert prior to the ceremony in plain models in white, cream and ecru. Others have dainty colored lent of the Irving Paper Mills In and played the wedding march from dots in the wanted shades. Curtains suitable for the bedrooms, the hv- Irving, Mass. Lohengrin as the bridal party pro- ceedr rp the aisle anc* took their ing room or the dining room. 'riie IMancliester Green Commuui- places at the altar. Tb attendanis ;.v club will hold a meeting tomor- were Miss Violet Tedford. sister of Voile Curtains ■ow ni.ght at elglit o'clock. A busi­ the bride as bridesmaid, and How­ T h e D o o r ness session is the only item on the ard Cassells, brother of the brlde- in cream, white and ecru with self-ruffles, or gay colored ruffles in blue, nrogram. j groom, as best man. The bride was gowned In whlit rose, green or gold. The i\lancliester City club will I satin trimmed with lace and rhine­ to H a p p i n e s s Hale’s Curtain Dept.—Main Floor hold its regular meeting toni-’.it stones. She wore a veil of tulle ■it nine o’clock. A dinner and pool ' which fell from a wreath of orange is the entrance to a home built with quality e.Nliihilion will follow the business 1 blossoms and carried a shower I bouquet cf bridal roses and sweet lumber. By giving exceptional service and the best meeting. I peas. ' I The bridesmaid’s dress was of in quality at reasonable prices, we are building a Harry C. Clcnison formerly of this coral georgette trimmed with lace Colorful towti but who now lives in Hart­ with hat to match: Her arm bouquet business that we are proud of. If you contemplate ford. phoned The Herald today to was of pink swe.'t peas. A recep­ SALES and SERVICE building, let us show you “the door to happiness. report that he had sprained both tion followed the ceremony at the ankles while alighting from a trol­ home of the bride’s parents, al> ley car on Pearl : treet this week. tended by about fifty guests. 'The bridegroom’s gift to the bride Cretonne Aprons Loyal Circle of Kings Dau.ghters was a string of pearls and to his HILLERY BROS. who are holding a rummage sale best man, white gold cuff links. W . G. Glenney Co. at Center church this evening will The bride's gift to the bridegroom Tel. 1107 continue it tomorrow until sold out. was a white gold watch cfiain and 384 Htfd. Road,'So. Manchester Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies Tonight and Tomorrow * to the bridesmaid a ruby ring. Herbert, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cassels, on their Allen Place, Manchester. Phone 126 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seymour, who return from a motor trip to New has been confined to his bed by Ill­ York and Niagara Falls, will make ness for the past three weeks. Is their home for the present with the able to sit up a little each day now. bride's parents. Read Herald Advs 99^ ana $1.49

Housework will be so much more pleasant when you wear one of these gay colored cre­ tonne aprons. Slip-over models in a variety of ?uom shades trimmed with plain colored satine and bound with a neat edging to match. The colors include gray and rose, blue and yellow,* green and 'tan, etc. Well made, good and full aprons GOOD THINGS TO EAT in the wanted sizes. These dainty aprons would, make a practical bridge gift as well as a useful STREET LITTER. shower gift for the bride-to-be. Mony a mickle makes a muckle, says the old Scotch proverb. A half inch scrap of paper on the length of Main street is not seriously defacing. Hale’s Aprons—Main Floor Let a Broadway canyon snowstorm of such scraps hit tliis business street of ours and It would take all v)l George Waddell’s sturdy men weeks to dig the street out from under. An empty cigarette package is a negligible thing —ehucU it away, anywhere. A torn envelope is a nuisance for the pocket—throw It into the street. 8 i A kid drops a candy wrapping on the sidewalk. Presently we have a rather shabby looking thor- onghrnre, despite the care of the householders and store Uoepers. Just a matter of a wee lack of care, of interest in keeping things spick and span. And easy to train .iiirselves away from that lazy Indifference. SOUTH ^MRhCHESTER • CONN/ Howoasy it Is, we Pinehurst folks know. Once upon a time we made up our minds that a little thing mislaid here, another thing a bit out of place then . something else momentarily laid down, to be put away later, all together made for something short of absolute tidiness. And we made up our minds tltat we would avoid all the things that in­ The Power That Moves ter efe red with splck-and-Bpanness. No trouble—really no trouble at all. All you have to do Is just not do the lltUe things that WANTED create messlneas. Manchester streets could be WATKINS BROTHF.RS just as immaculate, from street standards, as Pine- T hem All; The Bank Time to Have Your Asbes Re­ hurst Is judged by the fussier modern food shop • FIUMS satndards. moved; By Load or Job, Also Anyhow, we politely suggest that It. wouldn’t do DEVELOPED AND ^ u n e r a l any harm to try. r HE roar of industry—steel-boned sky-scrap- PRINTED Light Tracking. Tel. 1465*j2. 24 HOUR SERVICE ^ . 1 ers—powerful locomotives, luxurious ocean Film Deposit Box at ^ irectoro Buck Shad ...... 25c lb. Store Entrance H liners—long, sinewy bridge cables—all forged at Robert K Anderson f}-' Typewriters Roe Shad.— ...... 35c lb. the golden anvil of the Bank; Let this Bank be KEMP'S Phone: $00 or 74#2 . We bave aXi makes io The Forty Fathom name stands for the your Bank. cboose from, new and re­ best of Fresh Fish* built. Special Rental Rates. - Forty Fathom Filet of Sole. SEND YOUR CAR TO See us first ' Filet of Haddock INSURANCE Smoked Filet of Haddock and Dressed Haddock. THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. Campbell’s FiUing Station K E M P ' S I Our first delivery leaves the store at 8 o’clock. JOHN H. LAPPEN Gladlola Bulbs ...... 50c per dozen South Manchesterv Connecticut Pbone 821 Bacon In the piece...... 25c lb. -\ Lilac St. Pbone 1800 For a Grease Job Special Sliced Bacon ...... 33c lb. Swift Premium Bacon ...... 59c lb. J-Olm Mclldufl ot Hilliard street;, Is recovering at St. Francis hospi­ j wbb was operated on last Monday, tal. Hartford. HeraU Adfs. Brisi KOdb ii>>msiKiiyrr¥inm nnnm

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