(Iowa City, Iowa), 1993-08-02
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, 25th ANNIVfRSARl' }'fA MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 199 OWA CI1Y'S MORNING Nf\"''SPAPE Campground decimated by flood waters Jon Yates Jagged ed of Ul'Ved limeatone jet out The Daily Iowan from every an,l all stranded carp troule It used to be a campground. to work their w y ap.inIt the rapids. It ia a Now, as the last bit of water trickles over ~ne of both beauty and d truction. the spillway and down toward the Iowa Riv Hau said it may never be repaired. er, it has become a symbol of the nood "I don't mow what we',., going to do about waters' destructive forcell . th campground,· he said. "It's totally gon .- Inside Twenty-five feet deep, over 70 feet acroll • According to Park Ranger nawn Cum the Tail East Campground at the Coralville miJllB, it would take milliolll of Y'!8l'I for a Lake has become a river unto itself, with river to naturally create a rorr th lee cre cascading waterfalls and white-water rapids. ated by the spillway's wa n . What milk "It'd be beautiful if I didn't know it w a the n 80 amUllli, ah 'aid. i. that th campground before," Supervisory Park Man n.ew riv r b in took only a fi w to cn!- ager Randy Haas said while aurveyin, the ate. damage Saturday. "It just batdcally el red everything down Weekend rains stall opemng,• us," h~. mt art I cleanup :oequir&o Rickey Henderson, base~II's all Jon Yates time stolen-base leader, was traded hat ar( , from the Oulud Athletics to the The Daily Iowan Toronto Blue Jays Saturday night. Just when he thought it WBI l draw· I See story bad page. over, it started again. It the~ For Coralville City Administra mtasti~ . tor Kelly Hayworth, fighting the ," he continuing barrage of flood watere rheY'r. ' , NewsBriefs is getting a little old. good, "We got behind a little bit from ilnny. t last weekend'8 rain," Hayworth LOCAL said of the city's ongoing attempt to a~;!~~ I Two Ie reopen First Avenue. -Now we're eBsaryJ teens unhurt after shooting for mid to late week.· ailey car overturns Saturday's rains also pushed tbJ Two Iowa City teen-agers were back cleanup efforts in both Iowa City and Coralville. With a week of It 04 a bit shaken, but not hurt, when ling his mostly sunny skies forecast, city the car they were driving flipped officials are hoping to start where over Sunday night at the 900 s.8S 'I~'I they left off last week. 1S were block of North Covernor Street In Iowa City, two Flood Cleanup ,ult of fi Carrie L. Strub, 16, of 13 Lyn Resource Workahops have been 1, the~ Den Drive, said she was driving scheduled to discuss resource. n't be home from work with her friend available to flood victims. " he when she heard a sound outside On Tuesday, the workshop will be held at the Lincoln Elementary the car to her left. Four weeks of raging waler ha stripped away the land below ~ 'is planl School, 300 Teeters Court, at 7 ar grad; "I looked for about two sec p.m. The second workshop will be Coralville Reservoir spillway, exposing the limestone bedrock It. i include onds and I guess we hit a pole, H See WORKSHOPS. Page 6 beneath. gorge filled with truggling carp, pretti turic fos and g fo l Strub said as Iowa City police and an 81 firefighters surveyed the scene. $.C; MILLION INCREASE SOUGH )1 o.g poei· "They're both OK because they r a carl took the time to put their seat ~ slot a\ belts on," ICPD officer Kevin 700 to attend eel bratio spaper Regents to review '94--95 budgets lack • Prestegard said. "Plus they to con· weren't going that fast to begin Lesley Kennedy reque ted. 'reelantl with ." The Daily Iowan The UI r quested a 9.4 percent Increa e in atate at Cedar Rapid th at s work. Prestegard explained that the If preliminary UI budgets for the 1994-95 scbool funding for th g n ra! UI budpt, includin in~U1e8 Megan Penick g to add Plymouth Horizon they were dri year are passed by the Iowa stste Board of Regents, of $1.5 million to trength n graduate education and The Daily Iowan r thret ving veered off the road and academic activities will see a $5 million increase over research, $1.25 million for program to improve ry fe', rolled over after striking one of 1993-94. undergraduate education, $745,000 for mlnorit.y Th. "Graduation Cel brat 00- the 4-foot-high barrier poles that The regents will consider proposed budgets for all recruitment and $250,000 to increase acceu to higb r h .. b n mo d from th FI • arch 3~ education. SeUODl Center to th Paramount are placed in front of the utility regent institutions for fiscal year 1995, which begins ibute 11 July 1, 1994, at a telephonic meeting Aug. 18. However, non of the e programs received recom- Thutre in Cedar Rapid. du to rndicafl poles. The Ul budget for FY '95, at $295 million, covers mendatioDl for inere . the theat.r'. lower co.t and "They're there to protect the most of the academic activities of the 10 college •. There is a $1.2 million incre (or WIU'Y annual- amaller . g itseJ(,~ poles," he said. "It ends up being Approximately $190 million will come from Btate ilation, a $1.1 millioD increase for gen ral inflatl n Th eel rau n, a non·UJ..a.nc ed if 11 a lot cheaper that way." funding, a 2.7 percent increase over this year. coste, a $586,000 increase for library material, a 1.1 .on..t event which i intended to -Thomas Wanat The entire UI budget recommendationB are jUllt millioo increase for building repain, and a $900,000 plllQl til ur' tl'adi ' onal grad over $1 billion, which includes $242.4 million in state increase to pay the ,tate'a portion of a yearly $40 mil uation' will Itill tak place on i funds and $446 million in tuition, fees and other rev lion proposed Department of DefeMe conversion pr0- planned d of Aug. 6, at 8 p.m. NATIONAL enue. The state portion of the budget would be ject to deaign vehic1ee Uling computer itnulation. Summer gtaduation i tYPlcalJy approximately $18 million less than what the UI ~ P'IOPOSAlS. I'Igo! 6 held at. Hancher Auditorium, but Restaurant gas explosion was canceled by UJ adminutra kills 1, injures 5 tion in July after t.he auditoriwn .-/ ) NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (AP) flooded. - A gas explosion at a restaurant Chriltopher Rosebrook, an killed one worker and injured five executive officer in the UJ Stu , dent .\allOCation Oradua... and .others Sunday, authorities said. ProfeuionaJ Student Seute, aid The body of an employee was movin, to tbe Paramount will retrieved from rubble about two bring a more forma! atm~bere hours after the morning explosion to t.he celebration. at EI Torito Grill. The victim's "J see moving the celebration to name was withheld pending noti the Paramount .. a YeI')' positive fication of relatives. change.· Rosebrook aid. -It's Five other employees received malJer and more intimate and the surroundinga of the Pan • minor injuries when they were hit mount makes it DlC)ft. cluay.• by flying debris, police said. Renting the 1,300 aea' Para- , A gas leak in the kitchen mount Theatre will ~t $2,200, , Caused the blast. ~--~ le~--------~--~ DEMOCRATS WARY. '; .;.~ • Coralv Clinton trolling for votes to pass budget program John kina . But it.', 110 sure bet; the YOteII he Associated Press neecU mo t are from lawmaken worried about the poIitic:a1 impact WASHING- r----=-~• ..., Features ..................................... 2 in NOftIIIber 19K. TON - Within Metro & Iowa ............................. ] That'. a lon, way off, and it'. a wmsker of a Calendar News of Record ......... ] risky to predict what the economy I compromile, will look like then. 80 the ea, Viewpoints ................................. 4 President Clin option for Democrat. (acina toucb l Nation & World ......................... 5 ton is counting re-election campaign. is to vote Comics I Crossword ......... .. ......... 6 Smashing on a few final against Clinton', new tuN, deala to wiD Movies ....................................... 7 Guitarist James Iha and the band Smashing Gabe's Oasis Friday nisht. Look for a concert removing even a potential ftapoD tbe votes to ~_-"::;"""_-' Classifieds .................................. 8 Pumpkins played a sold-out, sweaty show at review in Tuesday's Arts and Entert.ainment .... from Republican c:hallenpn. , Sports ..................................... .. 10 pIUIII hia economic pI'IJII'8Jn. 14 See OJNTON. ~- - ------------- ------~~-:------... -~.-:~....".~-.~~-~.--=~~~~---~~---... ~,..~:===-------- 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa aty, Iowa - Monday, August 2, 1993 - .. Features University Preschool ASK , , WOODBURN'S• .• 11 WILL ITST APES ~niversity lifestyle suits prof fine PLAY IN MY VCR? I 10e1 Donofrio involved in what we faculty think ·What I try to do is think of careers: CoUin said. -rt's also a Founded 1947 IFITSA D~ lhe Daily Iowan of as 'service' activities,· Collins myself as spending most of my bit of a challenge, because engi· 212 Myrtle Avenue PANASONICPAlMC ORDER; the . said. "That's a part of my life at the time doing both,- Collins said. neering students - and I suspect We are stil accepting appIcalions THE ANSWER IS ..." YES!" 'Ii : For those on the Iowa City City university that means a lot to me · Perhaps the most obvious place that this is aJso ch8l'act.eristic of lor I'IlOI'OOlg and afternoon sessions beginning Fal1993! ~ati ~ouncil, and any other townies ..