__ -'1'" — gaHKiibftiaaa; i ncM |||B|mg22SSBBBISB a i p K e r d iing: Sa if Q -r-.-S-L S s ' - 3 n 5 ( M r s e x^qf t o tI'S s of w o^ ' i ^ s Z Z Z ft l fun - B; : Ii r

• ' I

...... ■ Y £k ^ M 1 l i 1 1 ^ 5 0 ? i f e l ; = S5undayrSGptBmb9r1iri883— u n ^ i ______.,.:i :7878thyearrNo.254-- T w In F a llglls y id a liL. , r ic a U y d M ^ Uila,’ls a l d . — ------ii— :lHKUtUT;=Lebanoir?m^-Pw;<^-fapbanem-gov-— ------^beoomniuhlqui 'eportcd a massacre of at ~T~~ • nlie y UPI affvey,-whlc6 SSoiso.lncluded a ' d^iJloy UwnwvMX uudt« rii@ t» ^ ng-ffonv-Uie-vUlages-of-Baousr-T— ------J JnTthe"^ w5r3ofn~SBouI a a j ...... 7 ...... ! .n u mtUKF l (« :«wyinsslonifl: uU teyfljuw r ud geu*-'=lesoive tahad j b ee n s treogUiened b y UieB>Kowifln ------people-fieelng- le a s t 50“ C hH S S os fi inddent, ^ . ' Uioae gpse Uie BdadounandHoIH oum al. ------liwiiiiaiflSlUidxalledjd forf international action— ! ‘ ...’ .eral.iI.outtage.about.ibe.sho}undl to deal with Its ' C brlstlan Phalange^ mlllUament h lam ed Uie .many want tbecMarlo^liu^' broi^t boihe, not"a a malor -r- eifKt'onRwIdeJ d e h T ^ ^ ’S: ' “It’sara memb«8- irflltj ■ .'•'•M X shouldluld b e a f f e c ts by Uils,'’. sailaid Sea escalaUng crlslirlsls, VhMch government dfldals ______inaaaacmlnJheiowncm of BIreh. one of several _ ' -HouaB-aiio ' '• -^ » r-T b e - :Q)UDdl.-was-not-:------: re^m led this week Inh ttUieeniibatU^' Lebanese tits away fipom CSon* rw is g fra g " a r~ ’C^ f y ; •M Ml J t d ^ , ‘I)»Maloe. a a oppoa ^yrbo bavo «I* weiS^ - ' , expectedtomeeTieet before M o n ^ . tnountaioa, oo tbelrKir D ruze Moslem and i j nooo'n .Monday .after a .slx-«eWedt summer? UiemlssUa ^ plane lo d d ^ has outragBged Uie WiUi a -U.S.S. F-141 fighter UyUig recon- Palestinian enemies,I, accusingai Uiem of slitting heartDgr-fcooc^iA and confusion," .. reces ( a ^ ouilor foreignm poUcy ' and WhUe Uk tUthekUUag of Marines in LeLebanon nalssance missli ov er Uie capital, Christian . the throats or some vlctricUms. .Rq> Bin NeIi9da.^M!lBm :, w i ± Vl .bave . oconcflom lcqueStoia.-.; ■ : V: .•.publlc.UW 9 caiised-Uie driest concerwn,- aei Phalange rtidioidio read Uie nam es of 30 dead. . nique t^ d c a st oh stale- . fiupportedttM»MaiinesbQ)r EUtW TndlfiaUons-are-.Uiat-at Uie Koreart-v Umt-Jias-c : An army commmyqi ■vev. __ lnduding_14j>e()people it said were “slaughtered.______nembers of Congress effecix t on Reagan’s requestto.dedeploy the MX "People>le a re ahgry Uiat we’ve losost four InUie vUla^chiJ church” at Blrdi. iforces were attackeded at Uieir major Shouf ■ Mtisonw^s 0 0 6 0(30 m ei n Uie num ber of peukel < G harb, and moved to represeoUng a seo g ril^ d from SO on state-run Beirut radio , » ^ n y i7hH.rf>nf« tnjhff r ^ ^ r o p r i a t l o n s bfll latestier Uils monUi R ep. Henr}juy Hyde, R-ni. “Pee capital Chartirt>, 12 m iles souUieast of BeiiJeirut,.at 8 p.m . communiqiniquesald. Itowns about 18 miles "rumors” batUe.” ThQ^y d< denied driving anyone (rom tbe ; i over Barjeln and Ain al

^ Bo c/y /ccom jet founcnd^ _____^ ! | -Russsian pilots S SitelE ______■ \ i - ^ ByjSTEVENR-REJ • ■ l_‘ _::"BButteiconUnued ut to fly onUie i|pme__ — J - UnJtetfPivsalatenuTidtiooaJ * ' course,rse, at Uie-same bdght, and I receivedvd an order, a precise and defl- - j W r ^- ______T he soyiet HRhujIter pilot who shot, nite> orortto.” he said ^was , — down. Uie-Korean-ji-alrilner..wim_269_,jirdeie< e te d .to ten n in aio . uie ~fllgKl,'_I ; r,- people'aboard-sa:said Satorday he - fulfUIeiUlodUieofdiar.” - f 1 'V'' ... V; flashed his lights, flfired tracer shells • inJaJ Ja p a n , aeariy 900 poUcemen w b o ------i !------^nnd-ftnaUy-^tefmlcilnatediMhc jumho loihodmd-flshRrmen and firemen' in a T ".rrr- - jet, convinced Ity-asTO ^ airw rny^ —searchrch ofTieaches-and^be-aeas^U ------i . ■ mlsslohl ‘ " '-"niortfiaiBerifJ^rcsaHTbra«flpiiatea ; ; in WashUigton, President I Reagan bodyly of01 a woman Sunday believed to 1 r r r ? ------^ddlvei^horftnnjrsh®t-attack-yet— have-rg—been—roboai'd ' Uie ..down ed ------. .'.-H against the Kremliilin, accusing It of a alrcrafOTft; engaging In a *‘masjisslve coverup” and - PoUcMUce said Uie body, wIUi a piece of •5 “ c',] reseving for Itselft llUie right "to com - heat-reit-ieslstlng m ate^ In the m it any crim e, to0 lie, to cheat” to neck,Jc, yw as found Just off Uie port d t y .. [IB a B j iM g. _attaln world communiinlam. ' ___ nf AbfliUaahlriUinQttteni Hokkaido. Tbe Jap an ese pbUce'i»-«wirrhlnff fflr Uie MwiMhntlty of tb e woman w as not im m e- : w reckage of th e pitjlane al&g Japan's- diatelytdyknwTL - ' n orthern shores sisaid Sui^ay they PoUc•oUce said the w om an had a patch found Uie decapitlitated body of a , bt.thesJiestnu t^ ^ ^ ^ tte ba

h M : ~ered corpse-Mleveirod to be among the— bdlev:^^_____ j ■■ ^------piecesces of Uie plane, Uiduding a p ^ of ______-...... 1. - — «'T-new-tQWBTd^jr th e Intru d er-an d — tb e■aireraft*8taUflnriB»aniary.wlngB.-: a iri ------: :------nashed-Uie-UBhts,!s,»-tbe-piiotJ>f th e ■ In-Wn Wnohlngfw^ Ri»apm Ktqppefl up---- ~ *attadcB"OirUwrSavlrt'Unk»u aft» : TVnnNcwtplnlo/UCODELAStMU liHa-SuKRoi-su-injiniereepCirflannfl— hiratt ftoQ/»r{h v e t l l a $s t’judgje s h ip copenini4^9 everything bdiindtli th te ., ...... — fremimUieWhitoHouse.' t] --- : By MARTIN TRILLIUJiAASE I B ' acUng trial court aiadministrator for.- vorsltyIty law school, SmlUi Is a parp artner _ , TUnea-News writer UieFlfU»JudIcl4DlslUtrict. Prior to his in the ei Tw in FaU s Arm of SmiUi, B< Sponsors^; vow to continu'me If ' ' April 1380 ap^lmn^ e t to th e m agls- and _ Gc < ^ . Elected_toJfae_Twln_fn F a Us ^ ____ CouncU in 1974, SmiUi servrved e as ~ . tW IN FAULS““--^ A form er Twin Wgji iraie court, HOflBQ ; Palls mayor,'two counounty prosecutors,— |B^.deputy_prosecutor lcIn Blaine County^ mayoro r from 1978 through 1980. H^ e b en ess o n R u sssia berated ourt judges and a . B Before coming to Idallaho In 1978, he w as s e ned ^ a term as county '^n s^ • three magistrate cour ByMARKSHENE!EFELT Itariaiirlanlsm when Uiey shot down Uie ; : partner In one of Twlrwln FaUs' larger 8 B associated wIUi UieJ ChicagoC law firm fromIl970tol972. IS so_consider^ making a'bidbid for United Press Internnational ahiU x ; legal firms are In.tti.Uie running for .B lp l ofChadweUandKe^ . Also . oan,- 37," of T \ ^ • - Uie post po is Uie cioTM t Twin[1 F alls ------N ap i: ' Judge Tberon- Ward’s^ 's PUUi D istrict • Michael Redma harmed by Uie confereoce, but.be Falls'. Redman, a 197:975 graduate of U» Countyaty prosecutor, H arzy 'DeHicH aan ;------BOISE - An.I Am erican Legkm' be h ai : Courtjob;...... Jected to any taUc am ong Amerl- innaU law school, 38,ofFif F iler. However, D e H ^.wbols wl leader:sald SaUirdId a y his group wUI object : AU a re vying foi WM University of Clncin ns about Improving "human”.rela- ;; r4 graduate of SouUiem MciUwcUstUk ^ c a n c ^ U orin' of an imcomlng cans e — * fMMTttrmUftn by thft—] IIW ■ has servki .as a nm a g istra te . court - a 1974 ( HttTPWl______^ m^\ "•‘■M i Is since JuAe i»7d. u m v e r nesB^^-ooQferenoe-A^— Uo q m ! CouncU, Which wiU ^sub m l t two to four Judge In Twin faus ■Ijust d(m’t Uilnk we need Uiat type |i\V > P rio r to-U w a'ppolnitntmMt; Rflriman declslos lo n .. ’oe H a a n w as appolipointed Boise In an effortirt .to cut short any “ I J i ; names for Gov. Johnhn Bvans'-consld— H B 4 f ^ I n g a t Uils point,’ ’-hft-sald.------. pracUcedlawInTwIc/InFalls. proseciiecutor In 1981 and won a two-:vo-year . percepUons. (hat the t U.S. lacks.ro- of fee ; eratio n . Since Uie JixJudicial councU's j ^ K /e’re In a period of mourning, and I 1^ rrnlllinnrrf 4, of HaUey. A.1977 termil nIr Uie 1983 election. ^ solve a g a i n s t ^ SoSoviet Union. “We’r a a a n a L fgr P eace Uilnlflnk~lfw oald be UetrUnentolio-faave— ; to r thfln fl flwi ^■~gra3uatirof^tb()'UiU a w ^ tiie nrolderfellow'vlio'BpentTeairearsin— member sald-slw*»and-other plannerB— thatc(It conference bwo wheo we a ro lo ^ — • ’-appucant4'T5oanrBweswell beyond*"ihe law-ecbool.'Roait-fl:-8eTveB'as-Blaine— of a iro to slow' w O T'^ddrs’to titbelr decision to go i^rlodriod of nwrrnlng.” ~ ~...... > *: } tiumberalreadyonreoro c o rd .------^ ■ - “County prwuculor.-lrPriorlo hls elec- -the-pitpit flghUng and decided U> i 1.” De- ah ead wiUi Uie Octictober event desplto NapMapler said be hoped a resduUon hts reslgoaUon \n J U D D Uon In 1978, R oark wcworiced as a d^H ity down andi offer sagq counsel.” ; W ard announced hU JDGE THERON WARD h e r I’m Uie Soviet destnicUcUon of a Korean Air fromHH Uie 8.000-member Legion stq ) down Ja n . 6, . R e i : In Uiat office. H a an ssays. “I don't know vtlieUier — pJone. He plana .to stq lu rin g after 25 years; j 3ut Uw UnesJetwiUi2G9p(peqileaboard. chapUapter in Idaho would raUy pubUc . ' ; fdUbwing 25 cbwocuUitiU veyearaim th o ' — • JonShlndurilng,:3,36,ofTwlnFaU8. readyiy to do that or not. But me.” **We are againsts t Uiem b d d ln g Uiat .<»pposition08 l next week to Uie long- c o u rt, bench, bl BurtUck sisrved as;prpro- A 1977 g raduate of[ tUie University of InteUetllectual Daltongrt attracts me --- - hnw—— DeSpagpIte-DeHaan’eijoo^iUoo- on-of-a--^ipe.of conferencece,’-’-Melvln.Napler.. plannanned “Russian Awareness Week? rj^uoo ihawet^Bocauiij beoi~Jd^zlaiR2Schg9lj= ram atamnrldalw. eveiiheiUB ^ d iedd ed fo r-Q cfe-lM a /t.— ■------spent'his 'career prinracUdng'private Judge-ee-as -an • oWer -law ^, 'ail~olT:;Amerlcan:LegKn al L 38, of Jero m e, electediedloUiatofflceinlfleo. V ■BctoeilseStaleUnlversUy;:-—— - ~ iooe.“ -law to Tw in F alls. H e Is a p a rtn e r in W ard’td ’s (Ive coUeaguea la thee-FUUi ! said.- . Burdick, a W4 sduaW of UM;UaI- ' ■ Dec>anlel HurU>utt,~34, of ShM boo t-ol-Uil8-4»aference...... AnnAnneiIausraUi.amemberofBoi9e. . ^ : )Utl« a-l07& gradiiata o f UielUo;UnI- - Uie firm of 'May;;-May, l Sudweeks, JudidtIdal District-arerdaUvdy/ yy« o u n g - •-‘“n ie qwnsors- ^ , ; v e rrity o f- Idabo OdOoUege of L a w .- J lu r lb u t ; Russian h u m a n lt^ ' ' Woincoineai'for P W saw sbe dbcusaed': : ; rate court judge in «ersltyty of Denver CoUege of ^w , ShbidurllngaDdStubIibbs. m ^u (Given Uiat. -Ward’s reUreiIremeot are taUdng about H > serves as a maglstratt racancy lanism, but 1 Ui>htnk the Russians UiecoB conference cooUoversywiUioUier . Jerom e County,-Priorrkv to hU S ^ : 1, - s e r v e>8 s ias a m agistrate court Jud!^i ^ II n . .. * Jie o n SmIUi,.46,.!i, of Twin F alls. A couldd meani Uie last Judicial vaci Aa " d l ^ a y e d Uielr fee)jeUngs about humaiH— —- • 8 eeRU SSlA 0DPi«eAI : : ; 1961. appointm ent to 'Uie m ag l^te - Shoshoclone and bas been app(^^ited 1966 g n u lu ate o l Uieb e W ashburn Uni* « SeeJUDICiEALooPagoAal

!■' ’ • ______^ - ^ T l m B s ^ e w a . Twin FaJIa.-rIs,Idaho Sunday, Septomb>- «‘W»»rnn«tff<»wnf mm ln g nijty t ____ T hbro. a iy en ra— tor~be--general - _ only-t£U»UnQtliy_Congress If he sends nffirt'd«r,-S:pjlng-arieasrtwi members ol a ramuy CTark, a SeatUe-ale-area dentlstrsurvlv'^'fof'iniZ'daya "ifudsUwve continue to be hivblved In agreement, even amonjtag many sup- tnx^a Into Int forel^ lerfllorles.: them, and Ihcn surrenderdercd peacefully, police sold,^ ^ with.the artificialIpum pu p. t b e ^ t l nng.” g (Soldwatersald. porters of Reagan’ss polldea In “equippeded ffor combaL” Uils allows [arrison Township Identified Police In nearby Han R ep G.V..V. “Sonny” Montgomeiy.y. Lebanon that tbe presltsident has not., nocongressl-cssio^ action. i. 31. of Natrona Heights, abou itics My'thal Raagan-^booKt ~ : -suspect asDoyldZewe*.! w e n ^ - i>-Mis».,.chi ^•-^constdtcd-Congress-^ttproperty.,. But ___ H lacri.tig ------mUtsTMjrtheastTrfPittsbi -— Russlairf reretgliterstill-'fro: nder anotfierprovisibn cbv&^' . . tr, Affah'airs Committee, said, “Ourur there alsd Is doubt thtbat Congress report undei , A spokeswoman forir Alleghenyi VaUey Hospitall^ln LOS ANGELESS »(UPI) — A Russian frelghtei are getting hit like sltthig3g want^ to grapple with1 theI situation ing deployaioyment of troops “into/ ton idenUned tbe dead as Ci !S or Into situations wbere nearby New Kensington Craig iiarbor by a» d< dock w orkers’ boycott will® duck3.- Tinrhat’s not peace-keeping,g. th xtH i^ th e IS73 W ar Poi\nvers Resolu- hc^tilltles o Heights, and'Michael Frantz, It involvement in hostilities 1^ ' Pc6aU;-15, o f N atrona He 17, unjjej. 244wur waU/atch because tbe “hlg^y c That's civil/il war. Tbe president oughth t Uon, ' im m inent in address unknown. ------. -atmosphere couldId lead1 to vkrfence. the Ckwa - to reassessss and consult-Congress viTTbel'you-a newli :— indicated _ ' by ;^.'.t ^ — Police said when theyley arrived iit tbe scene ai sisnon said Saturday. hat the War Powers act is gressmen would ratherer oot be in- circumstanclances." "niis would trigger tim o ialer, Zewe WasIS “taJUng very strange,” Later, at a rallyy aiattended by 250 people in frtiranlotthe. volved and let tbe presidiident tako the' the 60-daylay Umetable In wWdi. the’: surrendered without Inctc[jctd en t- federal-building: in Westwood, R ^. Bobbl>l Fiedler, ______nMv Pnhtobert Carr. D-Mich.. saidId heatonthat^” Hydesaid.1 • ‘ troops wouliDuld have to be w itbdraw n'lf .-'. , - __ RtCallf...5Uggesteded that UA officials "try to eet that people are?o confused as to why U^S._S. Paul Simon, I>-I>■111., said the Congresss ddoes not a ^ ^ their Look-alikcihhiiriate £lees“pHsb»on- damn ship out of the hartxrT and sebse Soviet s“ s ejflobe tiwpsarelB in Lebanon, and "abiscnth t m o o d 'in h is' district iss to “get out, continueddcdd^lbyihwl^ " ation for fiimllies of tbe vlctlmims. ------C A R S O N -a ry ,-N elev— v . (UPl).-TT--An-Inmate,e, - im- used as_«impensaUo Ike convict wtjo had finishedled his tbo frefgbterNov'Jo v o k U n ^ ^ v sk h as langiOsli[shed'filacc ------personating a look-alllce j-longshoremeni protesting theSovletth ______;• vjir' sentence.-WflUffidJJuUJtjjtJN ia 3idti!ainmJ oiuntsccyieuritv— lyesday ti^usalo oTKbreari'AIrnnesFIIgM 007D 7 rw n n » r— prison Saturday and wawas ^ven a bus ticket foror Las Unl6h|s downing dll issia—^ rf yodka^and l»m her.- . ------«-CoDtinuedfromFiP a e sA l______the.planeJji^ n cldent).”~Ms. Hausr&th ------Vegas:------• Ignored a s ^ o n s tfie I x ^ I 3ut wo are not, and never-,., Prison officials saidd a n Im m ediate search fallealied to Workers have Ign government, which chartirtered tbe - sponsors after tbe alrilr x J I g te t^ o r lte g ^ an goTt--'___ _ tum up a trace of Gregiregory McWilliams, 30, w h10 o was ' hurting the Finnish iiotirt*eryjihivased on Informr;Tjp-Uon, aggravated the condondltion. church organization so an $11,000 .utudethatUat they don’t want lo c a a ^ 1^;____ firom a former IRA comnn rade. Voreter becamee pprim e m inister in 1966. andid won the —goverhment-grant-couldId be obtalned---b^uM tbthe ^ ’ve b^'w dridiig on its Ifenses—lespect uf tlw whltoatte-minority-forWs-toughTei r e a d e r ^ TfOMSTiyEB^“ O r ~ to finance tho event. since April.,ril.Idoa’ltbInk’thal*saY^-v - ranging from conq?lrapiracy to commit murder^ ^ Ihrough 12 of the coucountry's most turbulent yeanirs. ' Urgess c o n f e r e n c e ’s e n d VOlJvlously we a re out!jtraged (about goodexcuse.u se.” possession of a bomb, did not confront tbe IRA infonto^r His political cancareer ended in disgrace \w hen an I n c o u rt Information Departmrtment scandal involving; a multi-' _ — . ■„ infnrmnr, Bnfcgh) yed to- .mllllAn rlrtllnr aliwh be the outlawed IRA’s sec laaTis propaganda aroundmdtSTwwidaSlac^'^le dieiah— ------in protecUvecustody-wittvltbUHamlly.------— ------fltlUln office;---r mtlnued from Page Al Burdick says magistrstrote court is individual'sal's qualifications may weigh ...... - Police witnessesd tb e toldc o u rt tt th a t In m o s t c a s«s e s the__ Vorstcr-ietired1 Uthe. prpmlprship in 1978 V. Istrict for the foreseeablele' ' muchakintoafast-foodrIrestaurant. moreheavUavUy thM that conslderatton.-; tyea defenda^ w ^ b a s e d so [«>»g^so^ailIed-“MuldergBrgflleiJcan$Iafcwafl.-sfl^ :T“f '* ^ I b a v c likened It-to-M I L ^ - 1^ hM been grai onservatlve Afrikanerdom an “ oh'taformaUon from L waves through'cons i p e ^ to be a 'factbr lh ^ mle e Is the people’s wiirt..., It's a h i ^ " issue, immimi ty from prosecuUnitlon. eight months was3 forcedfo to r e s l ^ tbe largely )llcants' decision to seek, the^e volum e court with a limlr^ te d range of “ M y fecliiecllng is thal the expertence Nationalist sources,, bihowever, said Lean may/have b nial post.of Statete President to which he b are a s. Truly, 90 percentit riy named. » i wouldlid have liked to . stay in who borne hito court gomthrousbthe. trateoveriai forces Inside tb e IRA alncilnce be joined tbe organlzatio[Uon In ------— p r a o t t o einothep-five^earaiir ^ 90,-but- HM the otiiS receivesI Inin bt e i^ an active courtroom - _ th e ea riy 1970S.------Mati lunges3S a t po p e , arres!s t e d If I h ad anyly aspirationi for the bench, it hand, as ai professional,, I think I’d like trial attoraDmey. But tbere are many ' irrihwl hv had to be b. now,” Smith soys,"S. to bo Involved In some6 (of the la rg e r aspects of trialti law tb at a m agistrate k family halts filn1®^ -VIENNA. Austriatria (UPI) — A man desa t gain experience In,” Shin- - Barney Clark f *aul II and “ N orm ally,ly, when you have a districtct declstons that are made." - does not gs Utah (U PI)-*n» family of Dr. police as "sick” lungodlun, tow ard P ope John Pai says.'^'Andl feel It is lmpor-:i SALT LAKE CITT, Ub y-^St^ -Judge.^isy usually stay there;*’------The Jump from magliglstrate court durllng'sayt ------Barney Clailr-vetded-a--a-documentary-on the-histlistoric— was-overpowered'b;d'by-security men Saturday ■ other hand, the growing^6 Judge to the district bercnch is also a tant, partiarticulariy in the person wbo rally of 100,000 young peoplesat a Vienna On the o Implant of tbe first peraarmanent artificial heart, sayingsaj the pontiff left a rail n um ber of law-school graduates,s. logical progression for‘someonewbo s takesthedlie district bench, to have some • ^'verges on sensationalism.'*r . stadium, witnessesessald. s jcehitheplt.” the surgical sequence “v* but denied which has} mm ade the practice ot law anin wants to be a career Juris•isL ■ ■ ■ experiencel Tbe Clarks VetoedI releaser of the documentimtary, i^)]Ice said a manoan was taken into custody bii gly competitive venture,e , “ I'm com m itted to being Ix a Judge my serious.attempton the p(tSjH Se increasingly produced b y th e UnJveraeralty of Utah's public telovlijvlsion there had been any in more candidates running3g and pursuing a judicial1 career,< and I j ~ ~ v . i»nln« /A^^npw nf rinetflTB opei[W>n^ng Vnt>i»nn*<^ rhipf pres3_spokesman.-tbe-Key>prf v / ^ m e o • _ - w«ars. 'W " leanors and smallere r Figures (ntJicnIt* N - Misdemei! ^ \ / o o lawsuits are aj tried in the lowere r N.iiwii.il WiMitii I :.i ni. 11-b J division, theLhe magistrate court. ______lilt-o ffecrs-moro-chaIJengc,--Re-- n dman-says,ys_UTbo-nature of the casese [ferent, and there tends to be c ll c o u d i n e s sS7 b tr t- s lig l-{ h t l y w a r nn iG r .loadisdiffei m ore chnLlallenglng -issues broughtlit . .Twin Falls, pcct, Jerome- DOrthem IdobilahooDdpartlydoudysIUcsto ranged r from Ute 60s in the Dort^ beforethedli district court.” ' ______O oodloflareBst .. ___ • aouthentrldaijftf»wt-oit-fiaturday.-wlU^—-ii and a ' Htlle^ moving eastIt outw of lhe ^te today. TlKre 'Sv^v^nble from 5 to 10 ph.Thehlgh' ------rParQy” doudy"tod«y «i Bwloli^^cNofd • MicroPro • Aettehlon-Tnto (IP I. Wlods light wUl tM eoougxigb moisture remaining for for f( U»o'day. 72 degrees, wasIS at M ah^ iBM • DIDlgltDiq Equipment Corp • i^ewl' ‘w arm e r. High* 75 to 00. V ! i Mostly fair (onlEbt aod Monday,Moc again . aome acnttentered showers In tho north. WhUem IhclQW lo Ibe state, 24 de{legrees,was — ^------^ ------s»------Sslthtightwlrals...... —HowertMnoa We’vehelpecsdT T iore-kinds-» ■ ^ Camas Fralrte, KaUqy., ^Wood Rtrer as on upper-liir-level hlgbi^ressure system -nw agricultural ouUook for[or southem o moves (n fromomtbePacinc. liIdaho Indicates that total prt^pltatloa « over th e next five days wlU bebeleBslhon ^ o f p e o p lee buy more ^ ^ [ ly cloudy today wllhlh thighs la the— Bkles acrosress-lhe state on Saturday o — I H e kkn^an m Special Orders I •mid>709. Lows (t^ g tit »} to 36. Wlada oftenwoa voivaried from dear in the ..1 10 of oh loch la the volley areasias. Average * _ ’’m oally Light.______. aoutheost, lo partly doudy in tho ddolly evoporatioQ rates will rjrdage from -g • kinds of cC( o m p u te r s 2 0 % O F F ..... ! wlUbo4to7 n ' i • Nortbeni N«v«U aod Ulah:h; southwest, lo clouSy In iho north, 'nie .23.2 to .28. Winds forqjniylD gw l ------^ k jc l Jh :1 ({om-Quality d e s k s ..0 CC0:—i ------. : It la exported tb be eunnyu y In Nevada," la te s t' radfti nn^Trtn Art : i f f i = t bs=wocldi=== e j g - ' ■ r=iHefcmaftittftio u e b ------; . ■ \ flftemoon. temperatures on tttho h lg h c s F f e m p ^ tu re rocoiw ded’was « -SynofMla: ------...... - Saturday werivere trom^S to 10 degrees li112 d c sro e s at-G U a Dcncl. ArAril., while------*------An uppcr-olr dlatuitontjflDco, which w nrrnerthonlUJ Friday at many locations In WW est Yellowstone, Mont., haddlhelow t .22 * A 'brought cloudy skies andd li lighl rain to aouUiem Idaho. Ida Aflemoon readlogs dicvt«ytciradaUoaiUrariar f delivery - d>Uy. m per M k; SuBla9d*y.S0tper kooed between 7 and 10 «.-m. oaly : C t i ^ t k m phooea ar« m k m r n d Sooday. tl.e per RunI ,NUEL DAVIUA h a3S0 s 198} GQfjillQc Seyij/ilje Djesel,._4j__.J _ : recelvayourpaperby7a.m..«lu call the oumtier for your area: - ' ■ ddlvety-dadl;daily. Il.«8po-week: SuodW.»«per • - man SAVE “=^5J«S35—-anO-Smavrlorrti-89 r~%edon'=>faenutifui-lu•luxury-qutom obiler-fuiuity-equipped------^ r-^teroo*WendeIH5ooaittfrI^HagBnnaB.^r------~ triaL-iiwt---aflvUKo. avil •: Ehiriey-Rapcrt-Paul-Oaidey7 mlnUbKdI - diUy wvt Suxtcy. I laaalh C ia . jding leather intefioi•Torr“tD cal~one—owneier—cat_witb _ BuliI-CastI«(ord »l7J3.omortfiiMUM PtJO. U CDOctbi m « ; d4Uy ODi: Mlm tilTS. e mooUa O W U aeol usands of (Jollars off ththe new price ^ I :• FUer-Ro0BrBavHoUl»ler SMSTS t4J3. 3 nMothi 2Si?i2^ 30,oc000 miles. Save thousi :• Tw in Fa lls aod aU other areas«as 73M931 SuncUydnly.lly. I moUi Ilca, a ineaU* M.13. • ewa _ . U moaUw S3S.ISM.eo. SpecUi sad MrrtCHMlu n n u . t7 o n t hhis i exceptional usedI c(c a r . :■ N ew s miMHlagetttar JoaKtaaey.cOyeDrttOtor mBUooly.HBO^JO^lDaaUlfar(la^y•adSuDdty. : If you havo a oewa tip oor r Wirii to talk to aomeooe to the edltortol - tn., weetoliyt^._ eunteiamiU COKTO _ »nll Ttumt lietWbtib Kn 9:90 BJn^aod.S:90j>,oi-.. .M«w*bp(«>u*Ki(Uiyai'mitaMa ~ —reportlalfrflmead^Nctsrasmuitacaiy.caUTSMOS. - - - "Ngw« Foil Hours:- ' : ^FiliSBDthj iF o r d poMfli pakla i d * ^ ' tUbw Ni = 8a.rii.to6:30p.n(in tl. * o u n g ^ > A dvertlsliig anmakaa OTdil cwy and coupty am p upir p« r If you wish (o place an adviadmtiaomeat. .caU 733493Ltl«( j-M of Um idite cod*, itandcy SAVE!! ^ J4S.S3: sot.j.-8 a . m . t o 5 p . m . 678-0491 1090^6 E. Main . . '■ eaten Mooday-Frklay fromm 9 a.ffi. inta S p ^ . and oo SatBatiattays from 6' destgnaledatI a day ol lb* ifwk atik* l« ti I a-m. uiitll nooii Infoonatioo30 oaa dii^ay adt ia avaOafole woekiseMayaody. wl. ■ • ......

------J— ^ ------J------X - t-

MM M . Sundaday. Sdplombor 11.1083 TimTimos-Nows. Twin Falla, idotio A-3 ------S am w rite" ^ s ^ o A b b ^ ■ ------: WASHINGTONN (UPI)’- “D ear' they/ arean accurate.” ...... | Abby Is getting a 1le tte r fro m JJn c le “ OeaDear Abby,” wrote Deputy • H eat Ibakes Midwej1 >st; rainri w etslNorth Sam . lal .Security Commissioner • •• ------By nNDAWOLOHAN\N • ...... • T ■■ The'latest round of heat killed an cldciiy numan •— I t 'w a s '^ 'h o t in FayettevUle, Ark.,-that-a t-th e ------Tho-9odal-S<3iKirlly-Admlnblra^— ISihimons. ‘Thls'Ktd’Mrrect '— ~ United Press IntemaUoJtJonaJ near Sikeston, >Io. SllaSilas Hunt, 82, of Haywood Clt;ity,' University of ArkaoJaosas Razorbacks were wan,'am ed tion said Friday.J,. 1It had w r i t o to information given you In the died from apparentt heathe exhaustion F riday whl1)110 they would have to playpl< their opening football1 gagame syndicated new^spaper advice coi- er ,signed ‘Notch-Year Baby,’ ; — - Temperatures ln thelhe 90s wilted thO'iutUon froi[rom -working In a producee fl

. m an^te requiring Soc nas possible. ■ - - ■ - - ■ i- ' i review the cases of 3. • ______abtodAnerleaiu to dct ~ ijjs Angiijes iunes reported■rea ------o ne is receiving paymm ei ents who Should Saturdaylay that Social Security askedked not be. PreliminaryresUmates es show Rehnqul!lulst to issue the slay. I J ✓ H R e a g a n1 1) - MlUions of o th e r Americans A to similarly takila k e . hard-of-bearing persoirsons too timid, advantaiUage of av^able heartog^hdp,* _;____ proudyrasham«np3l&)Wa~heflringald--8ald—Jo ^ ------L-.., I may be enMuraged1 to try one out In directorlor ofShe Belt^ Heartng ~Ii? in . the coming montiiss sas a result of stltuteine in Washington, D.C. President Reagan goii — yilahpnringf^f^' lis should-dosUgmatlze-tbi- t h e - — X-vHR ng aid and encourage fnUlIonsow o f - • Only 12.4 percent of'1ot'Uio naUon’8 20 e wbo can be h e l p ^ by hearini ------inUlIon.persons withj ______toVseek fielp.'* a ^ d A J'L e^iiedne; ------tv e a r aids', the Nation of tho Deafness Rescardarch . Health Statistics ^ t lation:------J------Caroleole Kogin, curecur oi MarKeimimrg ------V F o rty p ercent • of all hearing-- atthe HeHearing Industries of America ...... • lm p a lt^ - a r e - 6 5 -o)r-o r - i ld e r------h a lf-^ Bald-854,JS4.000 hearing -aids- were- solesold------I ------j- ' ■ buffering hearing lossas3 In~both~ear3.~ . la a t yeaiear. .UP from sso.ooojailtgaiintf “ ■ — Thi^l^denH372,------____ . - . ; - ~ ~ a B y lC.dficflde.agoIiroplojwW 5 frorrr o m _ ^ “ I w as d e lis te d to0 le a m that Pres- $450 too j$600 per fitted aid — elthcj ^ e n t R eagan is publicblicly wearing a behindj thetl ear type or a type tuckecJced JATION hearing aid because it >will encourage Intoglosilosses. C O M B I N /

I M ' - 7 ' 1 F O R FA LL-I- ■ : P R O M - ^ I^ T seielecting /jP I /E IT Z ___ antid — ■ — iw - ^ ^ Franging— n " ' A > b l D J Z O3 D ! ; : i is u a ! b u t c o o r d i n a t e d , ...... - y FFor a look th at's cosuc | | t Furirnishings slacks and izod knit turn to John W eitz sici • / * ^ / ______s shirts l_Stretch cormnerton er slacks are ______^__ I b yr : ------— ------T N y 680% polyester, 20%% A . F Big, comfortable cotton knit shirt by IzcIzod. A vailable in G — -pecioHy- popular••ar-choico-for- modorn-or-or-confemporary sot- BjL . m n -...... fJpga.--Tholrblg.pll.plus.is.floxlbilily — bothth for fho prosonf ond . w ide variety of solidid colorsc in sizes sm all' th o fufu ro . Q : ■' J through extra large,e . $i 2 7 . ■ V Mpdulor fumiturfuro- m akes—groat “convajversoflon groups for^ ------— ------n _____ ^-thoso who ontortorfoln o lof and’have fho10 :space to spread ouf' in on improssivo,Ivo. cb m b rn o flo n "6 f"p lo co:or"But-modolamilscr— r - nodapf to.Iho yoursung couplo's needs in smsmalt space on a limit- i'j od budoot. ThQVja y jcao -alsD Jso -m o v o d rou:oundin-now-combinc.— ------7 tionsosnoodsania n d sp o c o c h a n g e w ith flm'Ime.

- i M s uJNDAY ^ Tho’’noturols"' aor r e a n a tu ra l fo r la rg e' groupingsgt of modular ^ ■ 1 flm OPEN u p h o lsto ro d 'plo'clo'cbs. All-ovor natural tones t< make a small ______^ U jl- _A 4 ...... - p - T ptoco loom Targotgor, or thoy can bring unitnity ond warmth whon usod In 9poclo\js\js ro o m s. A d d so m o of nonafure^s spico In color _ ------—-f o r'd t'a m o rllk oJ Ihihoyollow 6f flowors^r'lrr'Ieafy greens. In tact, , ■ tho noturols, likoike oarth tones, ore a hopoppy choice for any of today's Inferiors.rs.

Whofhor you arcaro looking for big uphoiholstorod plocos or o small occasionallal fable, you will find a happy I choice in our homo furnishingng showroom dIsp|oys^S|cStop in and browse, or ----- • r- talk fo dno”of.’oif."our helpful ^sdlospj^rsonsjns oEouf your needs. ____; ____Como,in soon! _

— g l r

\ S. ROSIE- I SHOP)P DAILY 1 0 -6 , Fri 'til't i l 9 , S u n . 12-4

{ ’tT w r cO/iS I rj f c - CHARGEe IT ON YOUR BON OR AMEfMERlCAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT. TO ORDE)ER,.CALL: TWIN FALLS 734-434-4800. le S t o r e Y ourur D rexel H eritage m m tm m m a utUNIT OF ALLIED STORES. ^ ■ 3 2 Q .M o ln AvA v e n u e N o rth 7 3 3 - 2 8 0 0 # no Sunday. Seotem berH . 1983 A-4TlrtImes^owa. Jwin Falls, Idaho

m p y l f i l ip n — 2 . -

EW sr-1-pM Au.gws

!— \ ------Wffiamli^ H o O /aid ______-“ aS? ia a m C .B ^ ______- - Pubhihoi - . Stephenhen Hanacn JorysryHcyt . Mansgmjg m g^tor ...... Clreutrrubaon Mwgcr

? T he m em bers>ers of the cdltoria! board andnd writers of editorials —; ------— are StiS tephen+Iart^ and WinianiamE. Howard— -■------■■■ —

Q o v e H ^ i =sh s o u ld =

=H=spar€^ e i i s - s e e c:ond-bid=^ -T

_ j ------W e ll, y o u 5Us u r e k n o w p o litic s I s i n t h e a i r w h e n H a r o l d — -T Stassen aeciai:iaes to eibwge agam[ Ulute'a 'giiiaiiH WIUI a— _____ ; f o u r - y e a r fl eif ec y c le a n d w h i r w i t h1 yyet another hum for ^ : the Americanan presidency, ! But howcan cai we explain the expxpected decision this i " week by lormrm er Soiith Dakota Sen.in. George M cGovern,; v J' todothesamsm e?-_ loved something of a ______: ____ revival ot put jubllc sympathy lnl«ciBcent years, perhaps -V^o^w^cr( - - ...... , T ' i because of“ti“ the“ shame"with-whvhich- his -victorious — ■. ■ ; ! opponent, Ridllchard Nixon, left officec e . : “Don’t Warlame me, I voted for McGovern”K bumper . ! ...... “s t i c k e r s a n ddplns I have become colwllector’s item s, and HistcDry'sccoildfn'opegrcowingllong^ ;■ ' thanks to Nl:Nixon’s occasional sururfacings in strM ge _ except to imposeifurtherhardsiiiponAmerican fun ' WASHINGTON-A• As an exampleof the orator’5 5 ■ places like tlthe David Frost showow, they're likely to -TartrPrBaidflamoaBai i a n a i i i i . 0 .' ' disastrous years Ofr virtually flawless. would have turnedxi tdto alternative sources or,'more But .why’ McGovern1 would wwant to rejoin the jebusinessiust right; thetepc lantes ...... Hehadallhlsstage, op«l ■ ^ B ______^likely; sjm pIyUghteihtened everyone’s bell by one ’headlong race to find1 a f a t s a c r i f i c i a l l a m b recordings of lhe Soviviet pilot add«I a fine’dramatm tic— t K i . ^ - - D e m o c r a t s ’ h( Kilpatrick------morehcJre^ - t - for Ronald ReR eagan In 19S4 Is beyondn d u s . ------—-- ...... touch.- • ■' Without concertedrteds^portwithlntheWestem Its, a top hat and a star-spanglngled - fered the w orst defeat Given striped pants an c t^ d have taken no punitive - McGovern,n , y o u j n a y r e c a l l , s u ffe i siuld have modelcdforUncle------woridrMr.-Reagano al candidate, wlmilng vest,-the president coi imenlof high-technology items. Bver bv a Dim^ocratlcp^ldm M j^lng.“Iwantyou.'’ . aclion on the shipme ______S am In th e posters sa; ‘Opt ■ - The president wasIS lybadly burned some months ago ■ f e : : ; ^ o n l y M a s s a c H ..... •• •'Butoncetheforensi [oriri haa bWii aiiiuired.I. thu e ...... i i ijriM h e5ttei4Fr truth, » and it h gnlllng to nrfPi mains to be examined, and of il:T h e p re sld e n t’sfe lecturing and wrilr i t i n g . . _. . defenseless civillimaiijdrjiner was a “n u ^ c re .”” 1 11 ____h u rt m e.” to ------The long and shortlort of it ia that the Sovlels bave' f c - : B u t t h e r e3 tm ust be something in the-politicalair of ist humaiflty.’ ’ Sudi a crim e. . t'Mr.'Reagahhadno.I no sticks to wield, no stones to ...... w as a "crim e against rter gotten away literally•ally with murder. of aging politicians, a "m u st never be forgoigotleh.i^' Itw a s an atrocity, an throw.Hehadfewerc-er options tiian Prw ident Carti E;-. W ashlh^n1 thattl stirs the bones of n. There will be no0 apapoIogy,.no reparations, no a had at the tlmatheSo3 Soviets invaded Afghanistan, heady belief!it that they are indlspepensable, that makes ctofturbarism. ! compensation to the:(he families of tbe dead. But tbe And what response did the president and Mr. Carter’s optl)ptIons were nothing to strike t o r e t u m . childish jingle fallsUs shortsi of absolutetruth. Words >r- themwanttoi recom m end? He propoposed a Joint resolution fromom terror into Ihecomminmunist heart. e l y , t h e e g o d e m e n t i a jsis j n ^ ^ catching, and response would have been a dohurt; theresolutiolutlonsof condemnation may not F-* Fortunatels ______Congress, condcmnlnting the Soviet Union and ______^ The only effectiveve r pOmrBltliaKaaeviCTehEtreadaires-to-try-out^ :idns------^------}flfz==:hnrtUioJtoiiUinlco' = =demandJngreparatio le incident and ils after reserve us. Within the Kremilinlln thedoomedairllnercer came from 13 countries. The o n ^ I leal m each election, Well, the saints pre; > chapter in tiie booic. Ice resolutions have no Impact,let. Soviets’savage defersfense of their own airspace muiiust • • provldeonemorechi f z ~ ' M c G o v e rm n d( e s e r v e s t h e r e s p e cit t oc f A m e r i c a n s f o r h is walls, such comtlake To t>e sure, not manymaj Western iMders are The Soviets eat themm for breakfast, cause internationalII Ctconcern among pilots and P;- Integrity andnd dedication to public11c s e r v i c e . O n I s s u e s ;ilto , passengers who flyy globalgl routes. incllnedtoreadthebhe book. Until Afghanistan came Mr. Reagan wantet rights for 60 dflva. It was thee fnKtrallon.istokecikeepCTlltpgaro^o^J^s^y^ . •- v;_ ■ just as sooniputBtlUBam).-^— pi • of ‘ military and slrol llout which the Soviets one curtailed, but if anysi^such "now ” now ls'gotng fro:(rom moralequivalenlofnof requiring Billy Martin to sit c itandflarold Stassen everyev four years. But___ ■ “ T O — Ihetlnlted States to) tithe Soviet l/nldn, wehave an - -• a-Simdaydoubleheadzader: ; f e ■: p l e a s e . G e oirge^spareus. r g unprinted front-pageje story crylngout for Tohavecanceledlld lhe grain deal would have James KlJpatiickvJck WT/tesWscQ/umn, "A- ' - , _ t — K.-.h-nratTftn— nfffflmplisbed precisciselv nothing —nothing, thalll9. 1 amservaUveVJew."tw."tromW^nglon.. .. _ Ij Flighlit 0071tragedy showis differrences; in pres5 S workkings : . T te sbooUng downnofaSouthlteean ol . — com mTiercial ( airliner. alrilnerjjy the Sovietst UnionI has given us In the Insteitead, tho Soviet press agencicicleshave ~ Lionedexactly-aswemlghLex]oyp o r t ^ t h n t____ ------news media andyottrtiirthepuWlcra rare------K « n ------^------rfunctio R U > 0 R I33-wn-^s-scmeFW iH^ > r - “ ’gUnip9e at Americanm eelectronic surveillance, - - S i t e ' s l s ,a s! ccaptive arm s of the Sovlel gogovemnlcnl. Sovletpublicrelatloha)h3'and bow a major news Y H a r t g: g e e n - - - ...... Trutiuth, in an authoritarian gover^emmentllke- ' ■ ■ ■H ■ N n i smm . event la fodder formalnanlpulalion from all theSovoviet, is denned in narrow teterm r s, I trty” pogltion,_____ > .’'Zi-l . Std e a . ------^------______^______prim allarilVinndhcsiontotheW ; S aM g HIT - A ll Uiree a r e tied together.tog Almost from'the' ' I ■■ . . ' orincfcarefully proscribed deviatlo:Horn from ir 17« AKU8ER CWW1 iten’s great start,ltwu^>paientlutthaltbe'Sovlels’Qat-out dm c llien^ and criticism. The,Tie press helps T h erere is nothing like John Milter SP6cra> s ^ . ^r - : denial of tbe incidentIt wwould not withstand the .r.perform lhat valuable functiciction. ex p resesslon of free speech and presress, Inwhich — concerted etfoTt by thetbe United States to------—- Howdlfferentthatisfrom\im what we've seen— tnith-ai-and error contend In'the consuisciousness ...... - TMyJ “Bbare” Its ele c tricilctapesofthe I . lin the Soviet Union lhe pastit twotv weelts. First, of the5 ppublic mind. K^VUSSU&VIKUdH ____ conversations wllh vlPvirtually everyone who ■ the ti Soviets denied they knewew anything about instc;tead, in the Soviet view, then;erearenottwo a ^ I:- • w ouldU sten. "t]the plane. Then,-they admlilttedtheyknew tte sidesi tcto every question, but only; a ifocused or - ...... GB flEOMi :: *niat.lnlt8elf,isabii)bitlronic..coiisiderlng qaboul it. Then, lhal they hadad Interested1 it. on unfcifociised image of reality. : bowrigoroiBtbeadmlitminlstratlonhasbeenln iT hen, th at they had warned!d itit. Then, thal they mW(Western democracies like EmCnglandand ------thepartlndtlng‘‘naUilatlon^ security" wben It—t,-had shotit down;------rlca,-the press Isa walcbdogc>gof ------■------I j t A — : ' wants to wlthholdjen^analUve Information. _ ____ A nd! Inallyta a pr^cpnnference fe Fridoy^_____ governrnment, a gadfly, a monitorinring force lhat ' H H j^ . . .OnroatteralteUiMtfrtwlHtflr^BBhnq g d U ------^\ ihBv^ad3«ie so ...... h^lfisicheckihfi r powoc9{i<^ccniuunent-JLis— ------from rinh » hna talron yonra nf____^f|^or)HAnnllyjj tw n iw * thpyfhellevedthe______Immen hP cnsdypQgcrialjArticulariy.rlv in this ^ — i iawsulls,Freedomoflof Information Act filings . cconunercial plane was beingIng used ^ a cover m odenBm electronic age in whlchboboththeprint ------' — and citizen probes tots0 uncover the truth. f,for spying. We may never re^ylcribwrea and bnjroadcast media seem larger;er than m any I'-T ' But wben tbe admlnlilnlstralloo bas an Interest vwhelherllwasornot. o ther: Institutionsll in society. Z'-z- inreleaslaglbedata—a—as ithas had this time—— E ach di'angtn-vas a measurisurwl response to ..... ' _ llh a gen u ^ely l>eCTme,-a3 Edn:dmund B urke------\J Z-:- tobolsterllscaseagaii;ainstlheSov^—the tlth e rising level of world conden3es. So every year wo seosem i oreancl I'masenJoralTwhi] has made their (reedoms crimImes?” s ta te d th a ttthepoiicowerejudgeahdjuiy.'nii the r InFallsHlghSchool. and new statute or stetutes...... m o re legislated crimes and mono re a n d m o re your recent action In lhlhe gas business cost me lakes no difference what labelel.is put on driver that cai 1 4. The execuUve'appe^Is toU the legislature, crimltnlimls Just because they areijdoing t ------— - ‘ “Itm a k 1 caused aU this paid a nne of flve ; andlhepeopleofTwlnldn Falls and tbe Magic actions. The citizens of any cotountiy.so hundred doUaoliars and it was also this person’s commissioners or city councunclls for more funds some(lething this year thal was nolMlacrimolnst such act — VaUey 19( m orefot.agi constraLrained, are not free—but slav------“ people committing theseleglegialnted crimes^------care or see tha t he is l>eing us ------wife drives5 tbitbo «ar.-Itall atHs up to what taw.------people and eat out their substtjstonce. H eonly 7. Tbe next year we see1 thithat the crim e rate ^ 1:^.. . enforcementoait offlcera have been saying /or spaycheckat . Crime followsi;s growth cycle bas gf ne up 5%, so n w repersonnel ^ is h h ^ to cs tiial he is going to get hispj Me preferspi a tough poOllCy * years, Ifyoua>u are going to dRnk. don’tdrlve. end of the month. He lives andan dies, never------T h isa ' Itie law i^oroeineplfflilgroMrthifflustry— asnim e the buraen of protec& ngU»e:r".‘ s a r e p l j ^ a M r. Rcdrich of Bulutiey— ------Noone.'Irepei proves that crime doesoes pay, and pays_ ' , community from Ibeselegis:rgislaUvely created rwUblizing thal he Is merely a pawawntnthegame~ concerzi]srhing Um ritiits of drunken driirivers.'. takeanolWp xeate bigger and more oppre:resslvo E^dei «--C handsomely. Tbe growwthc^egoes , lf everyone could or evenjn8bould.obeyallol a aslchihim self: a c d d ccn n t t^th a drunken driv^. Finirst, let nie have a free) reinrel hi slopping and a r r e s th ig ” legislature and propoffwscs a new statute. . tthe statues passed by thelegllegislature, over “ HiHave the people of Poland loslosttbeirrighl saylsln«sincerely hope thalyou neverr havet lhat drunk drivers.ers. C -T — ^2;71>eLegIslaturepaipassessaldstatuteam 2,500i govemmenl employeeseeswouldhavono ' .totraravel witlxKit perm its aod lic(license?” , experfen-ienee. W ell.Ibave. FR E D MICCREA C O b v " 'createffwalmlnalBctictwbewnoDBetlstBd—- . reasoni to go to woric in tbejm mi o m li^ ------‘-'HiHave tbey becomo subject to isearch and ■ ■'------lh a vive e 'one brother dead, anotberpbrotber t .....-.--Sboabooe__ - Sund ~TTrngW Gro Jalk en anger C A R PPETING i & EXPERT INSTAttATIONIN ------: J idedJllz »ry Clggntng ;P tck-t?p ------^ WASHINGTON ((UPI) — Last IntoI hish car after two hoursI wwith wanted to set wasI theU absence of the rightsits issues, first and foremostlost the Ift-Hanglitg Scrvlce week's meeting (nIn MadridI between _ShullzItz injhe_aust^_ elegance of toei __ tra ditional amenitliItles - bottles of .shootit>ting d o m of tbe Korean airiairliner _____ Corpot ond______zzzzz::,s«ceiaty:or5tAt£C'£C«)iSe:Shullz.anaL_dinIngiigroomxif t&-D.S. amtiaHaSoSaoifs __ soaaor'anada: . " ;lt,$h’u llz _ r q ^ tM y describeI B e a ^ PFT M(nl-Bllnds______yoss violation’* of human riRhi Soviet Foreign y.Minister Andrei rcsldcidcnce. According to thoaKejmenIJSIiiJllz’ iRhts. ' - DroMry Fabrics ------arom yto ended lirarablatantdlsplayof t ------7U"Cs-Gromytorenterea-onTUursa • facc w as stony as bo bcgim listing Uic _ ------■ ' W ' * W I % o rF r ..»Wov*nWood. 1 . flnfy r rarely seea at romyko, after listing whathat he 1 at sucb lofty dlplo- ShultzItz w as w aiting a t the entrance Items he wanted totiitalknbout-whlch u™” |! V«rotoli mallcbelghts. tho tx»m1 . TTiey shook hai ted to talk about, began flrslIrst, os # 30% OFF w ere precisely thoM things Gromyko B f Krtitaisidti»titl »tK tm vte to tCCtiTI TOO iuoats Shultz desctibed-xl-the meeting as • perfunrunctoilly aikl took places oppos it, to deal with arms control cot did not want lodlscuMSS. E IN-HOME ESTIMATES ______lltougJj’I_an d ._ G Kiromyko—appoarcd ii cachlohlothcr at a large mahogany table.tat m atterters involving the missile talk)OlkCSin CorlSurton^ FREE IN ______7 3 4 * 3 B 0OS S 'Oot.ol-Towno.i" Coll Colloci _ ..somewhat 2 after a ho climbed Atipolpof f of the tone ttiat Shultz, ossbost, be - ShulU’ list Invol'olved. only hum an E uropiopc. . ------.. - . - — ---- OMO«ilo

'S Mariji;uana grcowing ls~ ' a ^ __ ^ _ J WVULEAILSJIECREATIOIL I DRJIEMIIIMEHI _____la t ■ VJomQn'saina /\ ____ M en.’s ______AEROBICS> PR6!6gRAM“ ~ usiness il Dtrocfiad byShori in U.S. t # ' HairDosign lo rrH u ir ______.Roglstrotlon1 Iis Soptombor 12:23 at thp_Rocr_eatl.onfho D op o rtm o n t ___ ------W lLLO W SrC allf(1f.-tUFD'-^nietora— cali-lt-|^“the billion dollar harvest"a t" o r ------• Lynwood • 733-6666 or by molllntng fo rm s to P .O . .Box 190'1907. twin Foils. Pre-rogis- ______= waa as high a s ana elelephant’s eye all "thee state’ssJ No. 1 cash crop." ------— — Ird tioruis.roqQqulrQd.and_Qnrollmont_wt_will Jjo.llmltod. For moro ______Informatlonjiij>]oa'se_call 7 3 3 -0 8 6 0 o r 323 2 4-1139. ------i -- to Nortben) Californomla, neatly hiding— IsTna something up.'^ said- [_Wft-Caa.Tame- ' CURRENTCl»LASS tfM ES ARE AS FOLLOVLOWSi : 1 ______m ariju an a plants gixgrowing b e h ^ th e . King.g,_ admlnistrator_of _tl» stalstate's J The Wildest • ...... 9:OOA.M .M\-W-F -\ Lovol 111 Ad v a n c e dI a t Episcopal C hurch j B ureaxiau of N o r s e s Elnfortt'mie>m^l - -■■‘Mane" Into com . • 21(10 Bltje Lokos Blvd, . - - " —taw officers fronrom Glenn County "Wec i never haVe fully assessedid theJ TheGenilest 9:00 A.M.—— Tue.-T hurs. B eg in n er LevelLev I som o location who pierced the acom curtain and extentint of marijuana growth here.”»»» Hair Fashion 4 :3 0 PJW. —-M-W ^ Friday-bprional Levelaveh&llCloss ______; ______found the pot p at^ Aug--31 w rote a — Kln^Ins said the economic aod polltljiltlcal _ ■icoin fciem oniary :>cnool footnote In Am ericalean social mstory. ~' impac(acliaenOnASiB T ...... ““ — “ qI Lfnc -_iAiia5ioxi3i_____ f ...... 5 :4 5 P .M . —- -Tues.-Thurs. Cood ConditIidltloning a t R obert ~ 1 t o j s J i e j L u p t ^ Calllalifomla-ls nearing the-harv V------—Sttio'rtrtGynirAlHTrvoIr'^------an d burned 94,000 marijuanam a bushes. season son for the booUeg crop, moanOfUy Owner 7 :0 0 P .M .. Turuos.-Thur. Cood Condition]io n in g a t . .. In terms of plants‘jsdestn^lt.w i M wn in secret gardcns-ln mountUntaln~~~ —»VlcI numbers for theirr storiesst someUmes andar: a r ^ t s of 46 suspected ^ w ew r as . : ProxmlirersaysRi i lejganclaim ^ is nonsisen se an d misleadingi ^ h HI ^------WSSHDTOTON— I(U Pl) - Stm.------proroxmlre5 said Kegan should kbbwko ' William Prttmiire.Je . D-Wis., a tta cked intenTest a rates-ara^iigh-because'^:le-'-'ba ------"Treasury SecrelaiyarylSm ld' Regan hag borrowbe ed neariy $400 billion ji Saturday for blamlnnlng, banks for hlgb to flmInance the federal governmen ■ - Interest rates, calllnlllng th e 8ecretary’8--insaUitlable B appetite for money;*’— argument “nonsense roxnUre said Regan, the fomorm er -ranking Democrat _ Proxmire, top-rai d o f thef M errill Lynch brokers:erage on the Senate Banl should be " tb e first to knoww thtl a t put tbe blame forNU^lnSSSlS bl can't sell that much Tre^i!^ u ry • •,' sq u arely on tbe RefReagan admli^tra- er without driving up interiterest Uon an d Congress. a .’.*______— — i-Ttegantgald-mm-t “ ■ that “there doesn’tn’t seem to be any BvCT t h r most obtuse student of IS^B E I^S good excuse" for IntIn t^ t rates to be Econoinomlcs 101 knows thisIs is imwbi^S as high as they arele iand huge-federal nonsasense," he said. “MerrUl LytLynch - deficits are oot to blambla e. / ^be bullish bn America, butt WWall R e ^ said o there r Im ajo r sections of S ^>et t is cleariy bearish onn theI ' ”^ 1 ___i_ r_ th e American ecpnortoomy have adjusted Treasiasu ry ." '.j to low Inflation, 'and sooner;'! liope,...... "••II kk i» w II Is pollticanyeonveniienient' - rather than later, thethf banks and other to bla3lame the banks or the Fedeederal financial InsUtutlonJons must do tho Reserlervc for to ein g Interest rates sam e.” ______}"” Proxm ire said. M traits^Q^igmember^ ^to d ay s ITggIc mon iiiHl steak |=^4aked:C m S A V I f I .O O •' . ip W 1 Albortsonsi s S u p r o m o Full C ut Bon j t f 3 9 o z . / ■ y i m / 3 With Coupon. . / H 5 K - Umll l ------: / -I CoupenCood......

«€»f' ■' '' I

— ------ittonHlounili l ^ - Albortfons Supreme ^^PancalalrMiir Kfusteog A -3>/a Lbsr - 9 With Couoon.... - ...... - CegponCood c ...... I# F p*r coupon S-

-^Wholer P i c n i c s ~ & Lemmonade . W hih a lo __ M lnute.M ald -----Smo Ift 1^-, 16 ox. _ . g SAVI I ...... - • LlU m lta ______p i ------— . 6 9 ■ ...... ------— Pit•f Coupon ■r-™™=-= - '■ ■■ 10» wwallet size I 9 9 5 9S< depoilt i^Appresp j— S Hett Pears S e e d le st ! o i r a p e T H ------; « J ^ C r o p - ^ __ Thom pson . ' "tbcdPGrown _ , Sears studios3S specialize5 In photograph!3hic portraits of-babies.- - Goldon D»lldoui>US Seediats ^^9 children, adu.dults and family groups., N o a p p o in tm e n t nec- essary. 95«'fcI'for each additional subj^iij^ct In a portrait pack-- age. Your, choice.ofch scenic or.traditditlonal backgrounds...... -Pojesourselselection: ' Alsoaso Available tn Additionr TT o P a c k a g e ' — — ------lm Blackick Background & i?ouble Fee“mature Portraits t o ...t.i • . . . . Passport Pai Photos •,C opy& ReR «toratjon ! s ■' O ffergoD d-ft•fbrpqrtralts^kerr) rrthni Septem ber 1 7 —-

- ■ ------AvallafalBl e a t m o s t l a r g ^ S e)ars a i retail stores. 9-4lem6lsrw)ulr^Uti^^ — _ ^._'Stuai(aro H 0urafSnnrJ2=5S-HW onr10-5~-^-^^ ~ B . avaiiablo tor sale at or l}6iQ «u^B T 7| 9 me idvertlsed prin In each K H i ______T u e is.,IS., W ed., T hurs. & Sa3al. 9;30-8:00 B l Albertson's store, except as ■ R l . — — Fflday^1(»~ B -spedllealV noted V this ad.—B B — J z F r w i l XI f cIN-H a m U H CHECK W i — C T Wb stitve to have on haiicl ' H RancJihlre^^ f Ponny |a||n| Twin Falls, idl< . ■ ^ K H enny P H sutfldent slock otadvartlsnl ■ ■ " ------— f r * ih — B^mirctuRiiiw^ ll-tor an y .n a .~ H |B — ...... — U«eyo«ifSg>f»Chjr96 H - son we are out ol sioAI — — I^B BakM j ■ RAIN CHECK wRI bO'tssued B S B enabRng you (0 buy tlK item : You>can c IC aorc1 Portrait B at'thB aavsrtlsed prite as H H . countIt on D cd lo J Studio B 13 9 F "uonultbecomasivaltabls; '■ j H tlAfTL IKXSUCK MVO CO.:o. •______■ ’Ii T 1 1 ^ ^ . I ■ ■ "SJlinBtUfartion G u jiw n tfg d o r YoorlUr M oney iBack

- f - • ^^-i— A-ft-Hm«>N8WS. Twla£a1 FaiiH, trinhft___Sunday»Sepli ^ G o m nmemSei^ a r t d - - Ter planee attacks M ------I------MANAGUA. Nlcaicaragua (UPl)-— - escape'apyf Owtn Rlr f l______.. Three planes launchi:hed by rebel leader" Thelie hiddent was the-fourth-raid m — _ —llCommander.Zero"o" staged the guer- flownvn by Parra’s rdiel pilots M g p ^ a r r :o ou st U.S. rillas’ fourth air raid n In two days, agalnsifnirSaiiainlstF fa^tlra'ln' two g ------attaeklng-a Nlcararsguan-army-base — days^ifft, flr l L A N D S agreem ent ending 3656 years of U.S. "'Papua,-1,- New G uinea — begojjgnn . rcbel planes attacko oi. m iles south of Mar:anagua al Clbolsa Bothk)th rebel pilots were WUed In- V ru le ov er th e cci^cnlral Pacific Thurscla;day in the NiUjela, o were repelled by , stantlyntly and a customs employee at the I archlpeJago. latest ]plebiscite re- parllamiim ent building. The countinijting late Friday, but v, ilrcraft fire before airportp o rt. died Friday from wounds \ ^ I L turns showed. w as expocpected lo take another twtwo govemment antl-alr any damage, and suffercfered in tho attack. ... ------1 ^ 3 7 ig With"aboul half Ulhe vole from days, they could do an Wednesday’s ballatlollng (xjunted, The rerepublic’s 24 atolls have 13,00J.OOO — I — 1_ '-A J li sup p o rters df a'*'Cdn6mpactofT=Yee di^bfe^[^voters, tHil it w as not immcune- ' t :-- ~ jmbered oppo- diatelyy 1 known how many actuall; , ■ ------— i _ Association” oulnun • . ------PAPOAKEW : ------n pnts'hy 2.517 tO-2.002.32,-or 59 percent - -partlclj>jIpatcd intheplebtscltg:------? ^ _ _ _ magicC VALLEY’S FINESEST BODY SHOP ------■ — P a cm c ------1------"In favor.' ■ ■ ...... A keyey Issue was iiic amount'0 v s . / CivV "«>*<= ^ o c e a n Aides to Republic olof the Marshall compens!!nsallon to be paid IslanderS ...... H a s 5 Your Car Lostit IIt's Luster? i _ INDONESl Islands President AAmata Kabua displace,ced or exposed lo radiatioilUon L e tf IUs Protect & BeautIlutify It's Finish ' ' predicted passage of the compact during? tl;the nuclear testing, ------^glvlng’ th in m tlo n -o3f-33;000-pa)plc f------TTie-c—compact- provldes-a-$16$!W- (— GOMPI IFF M M IOB— ^ ______complcle_lndependeiie n c e _ te n i_ th e .....millionn ttrust fund wMch opponent PLETFWASHrBUFI ie r ina'deciuate and should'bi3’bd “ — Forosblnor ' S K ~ i United States excepept In.defense, cxjnslder I ihan now spaja rk io , m atters. ------■■■ aj3o- H eavy opposition ajappeared to be The 307i»ge agreement—als< i ■ ^ AU^iUSTRAUA \ coming from Islandeilers affected by providesles about $750 m illion In aid aii I Or If Y our Paint Is Beyonend Help, G et A U.S. nuclear tests frorX)ra 1M6 to 1958...... ov er thebc compact's 15-year term ani j _ L B rk ...... - - oppc^ to the ITie M;M arshalls’ 24 atolls have littliittle u I 1000 miles range, alM w ere op compact. But resident•nts of the main Industryjy and are heavily dependen'lent 601 MAIN AVE. n ^ — CADILLAC DATSUN >. g rants. The Islands have hadhai EAST ' island of Majuro werere overwhelm- o n U.S. g o r s PONTJACGMC- liigly Ih'favbr. ------Ijm ltedd^f'govenuncntslnce s 1979.79. - ~733'»B23— ------

! H u n g e r --driven ( loooters attacii k i.P.R. > in sgarch I : By BRIAN NICHOLSONON Policefl . Sgt. Jose Luis do? Santos • l/n/^edPressIntenjflUorUonal ■. su iprisedled 20 m en carrying food throughQ thtl e w recked front steel g rate —- — -’ZiZIwCDEirJAr^iRORO: Brazil — ■ a ^ Weded to stop them' by shooting out ------: Looters shot a poi:pilceman and— their tirrarra7BrIto sald. Dos Santos Wasvas ------__? smashed Into supennarixarkets Saturday shotlnthtthe leg In the ensuing gunfire. "•* ‘ In the secooffweelrof-of~f6od-riot8-ty — Rla’s1 ^ - 3 3 ^ polic&.were oo.alertjmm d ______huDRry BrazUlans denuunandlng a solu- army ancand federal police intelligence nion to thfl mintry'B ii .m ritfl' \vo ; nomlcproblems. H undredsids' of'people' have ’ been' de­ In the eighth straightght nlghl of vio- talned butbu most were released after — ‘ lence In Rio’s poor’ northerndc zonof cjuesUonlitnlng. f = O I w e K i e #N • mobs attacked six superp e n n a r k e t s .m Gov. BBrizola said- tbe rioting re- N i ^ violence took . placeice against -a mindedi himh of the period precedingIng • . backdrop of mouoUngIng poverty ^ th e mllltUltai 7 coiip In 1964,' "whenhen I economic austerity Inn tJthe country of Brazil wwa as poisoned, when there wvas as M I a d e PoD ssible WVith th e ccoop eratit i o n . 120 million people. a clim ateiteof confusion." .. Rio state governor LeonelLe( Brlzola, a B ut BrIBrizola also said he acceptedlied . • / ;—-lemst-aald theapparec »ple_were;h«ngry-iiliIiam:nolnoi-.-. ------o^ f t h e TV^/V»N FALLLSBANK & TRUST.r. ;. -anyone-to-put-up with hunger,- J thwart his state admIrminlstraUon and nilsery.' and.unemploymcnt,a but loot-DOt------:------1 [- tbe promises of Presidesldent Gen. Joao' ing superjerm ark ets wlU not rteolve the This is out- w ay of saying3 thanks to allall of M agic Plgueiredo lo restoredejittanocracy, problem,'m ,” h esald. 1) Interests those . \V alley for thee b est y ear in oour nearly 38 yearyi history ...... “This (the looting) li :e said they could not confirmUrm M . wbo want to Justify aitlljtltrary rule and ct 11 Is also a BrizoJasI's accusations against right-ght- Q if ip X — with a 45'5% increase iiin sales durintng the past \ dlctatorsUp. ^ /act groups , but . said, there were'ere challenge Vb PTguel-uelredo."—said wing, gn Brfnnpm«trgfl»v?y ous signs of som e kiiid of orga-•ga- ~ q^u d n ti^r_ ltls djlsQ I: Q ur.w ay to:i ' . ' ...... n^ninci tne f6od ri6t3.-~ — -Meeting with theTjreslcidifop^Io^ nuauopi ' •. Presideident FIguelredo, after n ^irly Iy A l J ^ E A Ss0Hir l worst case of rJotlioting was at the two,decaccades of military rule, has saidlald LAUNCICH OUR Fi [ Caraeiro siq>ermarket^ 1]In the Pavuna he wantsits to return Brazil to democra- - I subnrb. whOT a pollceHceman w as In- cv . He hahas granted amnesty to polltl-liu- ______/71A — tried-to-caicapture4ooterSr—^ -p rlsa ' cerisoreHIg ons ^ • • police ^kesman FerFernando Brito and alloulowed relatively free elecUons featuring FAtrSPECIAES-Thf tl iroughoutisurt 2 stores. To ------• said . a t m ostt levels.le see them all,I, you m ust taljke tim e to shshop all our

depaftm ents con all 3 level;■Is — also ourir C learance - ______... C c enters. ALL DEPABIMENISD S_AREJNCLUPEJ>ED. — : Tt=-izzr-\“I m a g e C ^1 c o T “ Home Fu^urnishings for everyr ri o o m I n -A n a ly sis> . . -______- At The Pariris yoonrKtyn^e~»“Sietih^Ayi AxittresfsSS^'^ P'^W ater— ^ ■' ------~ E a c h T hiu u r r s d a y F r o m l 1 :O Q A .tt,:i“ i ^ T 3 0 'p : M r ~ ------Beds—•J\Aclohaw kG oitrpet^*“Wa all UnrtST------"B y A p p o h tm e n t Onlynly” E CalKorlnlorilorriiationabout Saturday,jy Appointments. EEtageres, Curios C & Bliock Casess • S o f q Sleepers •»Guildcraft < I Showcasee G a l l e r y ...... ' 5 Sharp. WhilirlfiOftLZEci H igiidQ ir< ^:n izi A/Hcrowqvees • CompFlet^liiies^ ^ f = W f t i f ^

o 5 • T e l e - ...... ppool and FFrigidoire appiionces vlsibns gridd Stereos. /— ■■ -— i p n

1 NOinE:~Mo:ost of the itterns (nevv & used)

' in i l OTJT“CtEE A R A N G E - CG E N T f R w WmII be in- [ - - C aroi B fockw /ay,y, Color Consultant for IrImage Inc.. will per- eluded in ththis event, . sonally analyze! youryc color schem e. Cartarol is a Certified Na- , tional Instructor3r w ith 8 y e a rs of expixperience. Carol and ------M a u re e n -P a v e lelec. c Wardrobe Coordinatilato^ from The Paris. (The Clearancece Clean Sweep IIItems will not bele Includeil) , will help y o u findId ith e c o lo rs th at will maViake*you look and leel y our b e st! ■ . Call (collect) 208-D8-733:1506^fpr your appppoinlmenl. The. cost A f i n a l Rclem in d er., You have onlyf G6 days. i : i t is only $25. The nleo people at th e Bank have Hil i m l t - I sg g a B v Olad Ihls low 9.9 interest In rote For O< n e J f / < > W -" vW \ eek O nly — IT ALLA ENDS SATURDD A Y , y n y ’ SEPTEMBER V7th. ( C 7 / • Liberal Tradedes • Delivery > * o ^ 9 b and Service ToB , A l l O f M a g i c V a l l o y

______-■ ...... • Ope,n Fridayr Nr i g h t s ^ 5 E Z Z Z Z 3 l ZZZZzz:'v:::zzr: ------^ T I I I T — 124 M ain;In Avenue North, twlri Fal•ails 733-1S06 • Free Parkingi g W h i l e valid;alidaiod Po»liL Lc ot ShoppingS! At Qurur 2 Stores * _ _ L . • ' • ' 9;9% APR llm lteiled To First 204IM / ain A ve.N . 7 3 3 r 7 1 1 V Y ear O f Contract,c t .

...... • Jf - ' SuncJoyoy.Soplomborii.'ioaa Timenmo3-Now3.TwlnFall8,tdohoA •- H n c M em t i j m d sians t( BySTEVKNR. REED as t»lh neccssaiy andnd lawful.1 _ and now this,” lie saleaid. “And every time II happcP P ^ ■ . - . . . Unll^ P r r ^ McmaUb.iUonhl - “I am sure thereI arear differences among privavale there Is a rush to closcose the wound, rewrite hlslo^ory o r ____ ^cillzens.and_bow_UKthey read,”, said .a Westetern . to offer tQ) black as whwhite with a straight face.’-^— H»;iMOSCOW=WlUiirrin tlhe tightly se a l^ b onl^'*rsof diplomat.-^'But I Ihlnhlnk lhe great mass of peopople - At the forefront of)f Lthose efforts Is the ublquiloi . 1,. lhe Soviet Union, thec mmosses acceptedjhe.do.wnlrnlng. havfc some oLlhe'sansame security-concerns as the t) -awesomely— p^werferful— -Kremlin— propagnn^ P o U ^^ tn k & s lUffrdwellers\~ ff ^"TTTDnCOiiiim AirUncsFlijFli^fiw? with no more emoticJtion govemmeht about saciLacred Soviet territoryr violateilors machine. SANTIAGO. Chilhile (UPI) - Riot clubbedbed on the head by. a police-- than they show for KreKremlin claims about the grdiydln having to be dealt with.Ith.andsqfo^. ------What did tho avera■erage Soviet know about-K/'-K/\L— -police- Saturdar~«~~chargcd • lnto~a— m an-and-nched -ar to-a-hcgpllal.l------iiTher© are numbersleriof-Soviet e l t i z ^ who shaHare—ujghrwrrandV/WiU dldhoknowlt?------did sed tea r gas and ~ " Sev ern:ral Utillean protesters also ;, - No one protested, peipertiaps none cried.-More-thsthan— a sense of slwckra •feelingfet of how can-thls haRX ^ — ^Only“us"mUCh~ass his’govemmenrtoW'him'tth rnnd-- “ bnS^cfSsTOil^perse I0;000 a h ^ wererinjurt-'^ ln] wheriTour bdsIoaOsof ,, a few felt a surge of pallpatriotism. here? only in bits squeezeded out in a manner designedled to slum dwellers attending the policere uused force lo repel a rock-' If most of the svorldirld was united in outrage,.270 Z . "But Uie avcragc-gc citizen-Is ool only poor<>«y- - put as much space as possible between the trage“gedy funeral of a manm who died In a throwinikving spree by angryi ■ -HjnrjiUlonSovlctswereboi Ijo'und first by their ignorantonce Informed, he doesn't]'t ;give a damn about whal ement. protest against 10I) years) of military moumejmers. uiipf.what had happencjlK!)! and finally by lhe needtd loI happening oulslde his particular sphere, ll's ha:a rt :ldent rule, Thele 101 -minute clash dispersed' . - JusUfyit. for the Western mindnd to understand Ihls reacliotion A Moscow taxi driveiver said he realized the incide inlry “ major unpleasantnessless." The protesteiters screamed most[ of the protesters, who had "The Soviet Union1 is not only lhe one couniry7 An..{ ..this menlallly.” ...... ' had caused his couni uenl But whal he wantedxl Ito kiww was why lhl‘ UnitiJnited "assassins” andd ran from the - stageded at one-hour march from a the world enforcingg t a! policy of shooting dovilown One Soviet experterl recalled those infreque shanlytoilytown parish church lo the i,reivlllan.alrllner3..1Ll3Lis the.only. place.where.tti.the . monumcntal cplsodeses Ilhal expose the nature oft U>>,„ Stales used a paisscnginger plane for carrying outIt spy^ graveyard, aclivIUes— ...... - ...... A-correspondentnt for the French.....m etro'opolltan ^ cemctery, uslnghuge...... 0 people tacitly endorseorsc such a policy," saidId a regime packaged by Ils rulers as a one-par newspaper ybeileratlon. Marie- - rockss to block IrafUc-on-Uw.Pan------r, “ It was a shame so50 imany p eo p l^ ere killed. B — * -Westeniernvlngin MosWoscow. __ .socialist democracy, ------Christine-^ i t -— Berger.— was— Americsrican hi^way:-----— ------iens._ .~*‘TRcroaiaire'Stj^'*sIfi’s'piii^^ Khni^'ev’s ouistet-..wOTd:UrejW)jyjhIn iirihnt~cou!d2:' bcrdone;” hcsat £ con be said to have accticcepted lhe plane’s deslructic:tlon after he exposed them.cm. U)e Invasion of Afghanist^stan echoing the press. C C ity p ic kk s u p 1 afte r ty pip h o o n — — . nONGTCDNG'-TDPir*If^'Hong K o n g ------^ residents cleared debrl:iris and repaired s t damag6 'Salurday' frofrom the worst DOWNTOWN/VN TWIN FALLS storm to hit .the BritishJsh colony In four , ____" years, a typhoon (hatit 1left< flt least six ^ people dead and morere tthan 300 others “ « Injured. M, Typhoon Eiicn batterItered Hong Kong __ « with winds gustlng lo1) IClIG mph Friday, ® ciittlng power and communlcallQos.r.J Mr ^ triggering mudslidesles In squatter ^ villages and blowing' shships onto rocks — fi 4»/&rE»hMdl/ig/or5outh : S A V EE l^ 0 % 7 r .^Ulen, d ^ t e d to0 a tropic^ de* presslon Saturday, vwas reported . 2 F O RR 1 P L A C E jjlowing Itself out.L. (over China's /. _ i Guangdong province.e. Hong Kdog's /j I wealher bureau said"iid“Ue~typhoon ------ih % S E T T INN G S A L E J dumped moro lhan 9' InchesInc of rain on Ijt f the colony since Wednesnesday. - ' Sf ^ T ~ F R A NiCISCAN— t : T — _ : . Offfcials said at lea: ’“^TwefeTanaTaBd-W ol " ....' ■ SICS ‘ with 120 requiring hospltallzQllon. h< CLASSI Four people were rep(reported missing lf« f.| SALE ENINDS SEPT. 24 I and some 1,500 othersrs werev forced to. V® ------; ~seek~refUBe~ tn~ temporipor^”shelters;—; — —IB ‘.oHldaissald. Classics Collociloctlbn drnnoFwaro ^ ^ so ts y o u r ta bblo le wit^ hand painted •' '* i P o p e pitleads ^ c o u n try Charm.rm . C h o o so from A." ^ aix Franciscandn ifavorites: . f e ' ' D osort Roso, A| I, Appio, Twilight ^\/orunitiitp— ------rer. Bou n tifu l ot^d------:------[ VIENNA. Austria1 (UPI)(1 - Pope ----- ' ^ ^ Fresh Fruit. CChi h in a.. ' » John Paul II openedxl tthe first papal . raa. SAIE ’ a pilgrimage lo Viennaa In two centuries S-pc. place sottJotting. 52.50 2/52.50 •’ ' Saturday, urging Eurouropeans on both _ . . . ; sides of lhe Iron Curtiiirtaln lo unite on Also save 20%D% on open stock * I the basis of their comommon Christian and serving piocospie from our « heritage. local warohous - - 0penlng4L&uu>day-v.ly vklt tn AiMtrln, ______■ his 20th trip outsidele Illalyslnce his ■i election as pontiff, JohJohn Paul prayed h i before a crowd of 10000,000,C in Vienna’s “ 1 a. CURIO Heroes Square, askinginig for peace for j Austria and its commurnudst nel^bors. ^ jljMijMI™ • TABLE 49.49.99 i Later in an addresss to t( 100,000 young S j ) % r . . ^ g J ______-i-o9.-_S5.0P_2-0 24'/ix20x24” ..... J 5 people at a Vienna,a sladlum,s John >AVE TO 50* ------Paul-q?oke out.againstihsl the threat of ‘ ^ ------P . b. MAGAZIhZiNE ; nuclear—war , ■■ uoompimpl&ymeal,-,the_ " ' w . ■$TANiJ..IS> IV.9V - — . cnvlronment^andoppreiprcsslon.------— ------o . < ^ ^ EXCLUSIVE” (■o^.i.i:(Ti() r.og. 4 0 .0 0() Hie ’^’xi^xisi/,"* r O W N H O U S ______c^O.VAL AQ\CCENT __ _ SV ___ T< S E ■ J ------29^9-'— rog. 50.00lO WM arblo Top. i^LECTJQfcjb L _ I Z X ______9 x 1 7 x 2 0 “ • l a l Out)u r o xclusivo im p o rted occorc o n t r I I I I turrurnifuro offers ologant hom(>mo ' T i b . ■ I P i l l iccossorlzing at an offordoblisb le I I - d.ORIENTATAL URN 1 ' airico. c c Each ploco dosignodlin in h o rid ; C. 1 1 STAND>49.99 4‘ I ■ pricu b b o d w a ln u t finish, so m o vsw ith 1 1 ro g . 7 5 .0)0 0 MorbloTop^ iocblQjbps.-Qdd5.a,di5tinctiy:tiyo ______' " ' 'IIIIIII'■Tl :" " 12 X.12 k3iSZ 5 1______^ — i__ mojlocorator touch. Gifts. e. VICTORIARIAN ! , . S a ve M o r PLANT STSTAND 39.99 jnev—^ ___ ■„ is 'rd. x29t2 9 'A " ' ...... i Buy genu luine ------frBUNCHIN'ItNG------1“ S w ss qui TABLE 39.39.99 u a l i t y ~ 7 ^Y 6 p m \ ! and preci r o g .6 0 .0)0 0 Mh arb lo Top' cision /I SUNDAY 1I - ■ 1 6 x 1 6 x 1 6 "" T O c g. WINE ^ \U 12-4 / ...... TABLE 19 ------no M a rb le To p . = | = f e ^

“Z l - , -

^ The Bernina yi SAVEiilo o ______f e a f u r e s : 9 3 U ______~ ~ C CUISINAIH'r - •'* • Automatic but U 4 _ . ------— •-Automatic-tena u t t o n h o l e ______D L C -7 P R ^)______— S A N S U • Clamp-on pre:;ension ; - - f e e t j r e s s e r F O O D P RR O C E S S O R C O M P= C O N E N T ------! • ••impoppable' . . * ....s t i t c h e s ...... le” stretch 229.99 SYSTEA:m „ • • Eiectronic nee o n u s gift. W ith p u rch aso of r ^ I n e e d l e ' Including froo mfg. boni [ p o w /e r spoclally markedd b o x o s, y ou w ill rocolvo o ------,------cortlf Icato rodooIftamnbip to Cuialnortfor g sto ln lo ss'sto o i gri(griddlo. Limited quonlitios.IS. -HooaoYvofos, Lowor-iovele l ------— M ^ 7 ^ 9 T -SA V E ■ ■ Rog. $899 • W llh ovory purcl •, J oraroaulorjjflcourchOBO • ' Bornlna. Rocolflcod03O • AM/FM Storoc»roo digltal roodout ■ ' " tcolvo a tunorwith12:12 s ta tio n p ro so ts. FREE • 7 0 w d tts/c hh o o n n n o l w ith n o m o ro ;e ' CU:UISINART then 0.05%; distortion,di r i . CABINE controlled Ddtby® j • VoluodOvorSAl E T . PASTA ATTACVCHMENT « S oft'T ouch cor r*400...... ------casseU«-(leck.tck.------■ * __ !_ n | ^ | • S o m i-au to mnatic atl d ire c t drivo y • " i--r^ r - n^|l=Zlltum tabiQ . _rr 99.99 X U jH R ' *3-WQy 1.2"sposp o o k o r sy stem . yniir f iilnlnnrt n : : — s a n d : ±nLCiZ.or.DLC-,8______P^!affl_ . *.GlasadoQr. slaslontl. Sl»r008.- . . .. d : ^ = _ _ z 'W ith 'tlils d o v lco o n ddonjfay oi delicious...... j B E R IV I homomaj^opostcssta in six fo rm s. ___ ^ UN/K Hou% owarosro s, L ow er L ovol' ■ H ^ O F B U R : 1234 0akre-.ri : e y " = i B u r l er e y v A v e . j 678-157 m iii£}7H'm c h a r q e i t Oo nN Y O U R '^ N O R m B B lC'.AN.EXPRESS A ACCOUNT. . ■= • ______TO ORD£R. c-4iCAU:XWIN.mLSJ»^-f800., " ■' ' ShShop D aily 10-6. Fn.w3E?7sm^T2747: L-M ■ c C - _____ A^JlmeaJJQwaJtwliiEalI Falls. Idaho ' SundayrSoptcptofflborll.1063 ------a h o / W e s

==Speedd f i T ^ c Sr i a s e ^ e i K[ d s i n m a r r e ^ S F vn ^iiightersbatTHle blaze I sheriff’s-deputy damages;es wero rcported.lQ the cha; :> — aeriff'.s __ iaup le-hhid lt In“ (he home o f Sterling-n g ------Prcscott' said'a shi ____ JOMEIDEEBZrM oritrfOTT) but offlcifflclals w ero concem ed about ; ------CAtDWEfcL— - ier lafeJ^ur^ayjm d attackeded arivlng wal ot NampapaSMQrtiay^f=—and-arres O.OOftrflcre Fire.'aloirg I te •; ; , ------deputies chased a t high^ jspeeds.alonjl^ Grammer _____ H undreds—of___liJireflghter3_nnd_uic.l0.00 led him when he arrived, thenen Icm oon sp o (!^ a plcki:kiip"lruck-|rtflt- ----Mst-W rs and other volun- northenlem border of the Northern • < rural roads and aireslecsted Sa(urday a and killed J fQj. , scoresof ranchers ds body and dumped I( In thehe chlng the descriptionn of a vehicle lakeij toto theI Jail and interrogated fc to lu r^y tocontrol Cheyenn'enne Indian Reservation.’^ I coupla suspected InI tthe stabbing taped his him‘two hours, the sheriff salt te e rs struggled Sal luth of Caldwell, owned by Grammer.r. The deputy morelhai fires thal burned whichh nRussell said would not be , 1 death of a Caldwell mlan an whose bound river souU d they were formally chargereed two giant rango fi ; floating In the An autilutopsy performed Saturdayay began pursuing the trueuck and radioed He said I ^ ] ( j a t l « ^ t 41.0(,(X)0 acres in controlicrolled tefore Monday, rrto^p, j _ body was discovered flc g showwl Grammer. 45. a for help. after, thehe Interrogation, and he sai ntana. ing. Snake River, authorities!les said. morning charges might bq lodged* bvb soulKcMtemMont Donald K.-FcUcrly.-2i’ 2C, pp(1 Knrla welder, was w stabtxid nine limes, in- ____ Tlie_sheriff_sald offi.racislnelBhl _ _ “Some pretty' good stands of " It’s:’s theU only real active fire.w cir ; ivdce In the heait, authorities utors next w o k ,______d(Slroyedr^id”n-^t!ll havefiavc;‘* -R u sscU sald o fth eR y e- — Windsor, 27. boUi o t ’Caldweli, Cn were eluding tw patrol-cars c h a ^ theJ Ltruck for about ^ timber” were dc cott said authorities w ere ui he Bureau of Land FlrE.: ‘‘E‘

iTD e L oreaa n ’s T fiM J u d g e in ■ ChannelIls SP/A Y & N Er I U T E R ll w i t h h o l d s t a p e s frtr o m p u b l i c ^ F o r CLINIC€ . ' — J-- LOS ANGELESi (UPI) - ■ “ IriaI r< realistic sense, (here is abso- Videotapes thal allegedgedly show John lutely no10 method known to this court ■ Th# De Loreaa discussinglg Q .$24 nUUIon to removejve (he taint upon the mindsrr,. of m j N ewf Location! t - i - cocaine deal will not[lot be released potential.al Jurors once the exhibits are 868 G reee e n A c r e s D r iv e because they could'trhave ai^de-, 'releasedtid to the electronic media.” W P r i c e TwirWIN FALLS ■ - - vastaUng effect" on tho former Takasuis u ^ said De Lorean's case, set . _ autom aker’s chancesi foifor a fair trial, a _ forJrlal1 0Oc(._4, has already generatedted :______S_-VenormQLious..iaccssantI^dionlinually. : z ^ ^ z 0 t = : — Lowest!stprices:lni~ “ jlngpubllclty.” - • In a brief written opinlon^diy—op (he defense and prosectlqn Magkjic Valley, ~ ; U.S. District Judge RotElobert Takasugi 3 Two pays, neuters & lon earlier this TTakasugi J Tuesday to deny theS Choose ^ Y J ■ on spay formalized a decision request for access to the 'i 'L \ vaccinationsions-quality service , ' week (hat denies theJ mediam prt>-trial ^ im ... f^deo^pesand ipes andpho(o_graphs. O fTlieFtFollowing Premiuir Channels _____access to 10 hours of ^ orcanifr«oon^inllllan bail,.13 is ______certairiphotograpfisT accusedd of< conspiring (0 finance the ■ 7 3 4 - -3 6 8 5 ! _ Ing, ‘"nio court finds that;lat the release of cocainei j deal to .sav e his failing . H ours: Moitflon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 V Z ------fiave^¥“d^^U ng-ii[-efrectrOflZllHiZIJdniier'raraulomakerrnas-clalmed-hir :r:=r:z:TH6:DISNeY— fiiiT c^qpoN i defendant’s M ^(s too t a- fair trial."- was luroired Inlo the con^lracy b by: F ~ - -CHANNEi:---- Takasugi wrote. undercov(over government agents. ’ ■ ■ ■ ■ id Receive FlFREKK ; _____ t • _ '11 ___ An< z^b B eje ■ D I S T E MIPERORPARVbV F ) VACCINATION r" ------BOlSE-(UEli--=;_DeL Id seU 1(3 truckingsubsidiariesiT Q + CS’' H+ i l g f l _ ^ M------WITFHSPAY-ORN-NEUTER officials say thoy wiUdll permanently to~Mnc«centrate on the fo ^ business: MUtlCTILIVtSION*. ' I close.Bolse Truck & EqEquipment Inc. Del Montjnte is owned by R. J. Reynolds oxplfCs9/20/8393 *>" ■ next week, costing 48 people (heir Industrieries Inc. I PLUS A SK A B O U T F M\STER S EO . jobs. ■ EarlierIer this month the companyany • P I M a g ic Vail(Iley Spay & Neiisuter Clinic ______^Sl»ke5man_Mart_Gut3utsche.sald.Del__ s o ld jdIa_CalJ:relgh( a . T.inns, Nampa, rW airl^rders n r T o d a v ! ;! " - ^ — 7 I. 868GreenAcrc:res Drive TwIi Monte has been lookingigforabuyerfor- f and Twinvin Falls Truck & Equipment,?nt“ ^------^ D o r r rwln Falls ..",734r3685.,;;‘j(^ .... th e business, which sellsells and Mrvlces Tw lnFal?’alls. A buyer Is being soughtght ____ —- heavy duty trucks. The Tht firm’s pro- for Wllllsills Shaw Frozen Express Inc.. a iS . KlUOCRUY ANO HANSCN T3>U30JIO ' . i. .-jlUiitc WCNOEI.Lvv ANO ODOOINQ U6-eS6S pdrty and buildings willwll be sold.-ho— which haihas major facilities in Boise. 1 PLMI f miM hep-firmi-Idaho-Fal^TUok-&k-A------kLlSCOUNTY FAIR - • ------.. . ------Monte announced:ed last year that EqulpmeTient, was clo s^ last April. SEEOUlUR BOOTH AT^HE TWIN FALL ------r/piin: ~ l ( d a h o F aM i s w r e c k c kills o ri^ JDAHO FALLS (UPI)Pl) - A two car driveri by Uoyd C. Hansen, 40, Idaho v!w r accident Friday daimecTied the life of a Falls. WI(iVIlnesses said the victim's car^ v w \ / 9 K /i 5»ycar-old Idaho Fallsis wwoman, police failed lo(0 stop at an Idaho Fallsdis j f ^ / k said. _ Intersectlic l l o n . ______?The victim was identif:ntllled'as Norma . Hansenen was treated and releasedxd l/nl/ _____ Irf. Cheney, who diedid a( 3:23 p.m. from Riviivervleff Hw p U aU alin lnio o r.r: . — . .w^ien-her-c^-<^ld^^d-wlh-a-vehlcle__ Iniurles.— t i i -FAfctrSFEGl :■ | f ■ Fall in SSun Vallcy-ls-a spec5ecial season-. — r peaceful,. 'warm and inviting.i g . T h i s i s ‘ a g r e ^ ^ 'Ji, SUUNDAY BRUNCHH B U F F E T _ ^______tim e o f ye'ear to relax and enjenjoy all of Sun ...u ^ uu j sorted breakfast------“■ nTireede:ellclous entrees, asso Valley's-firine restaurants andnd recreation." [ i t e m s , s;oup& o salad bar ANDD Irene's dessert O ur fabibulous fall packagege Includes luxurK ^uj u"i) ------tableiSS.5 .S 0 - ______o u s a c co-mmqdations n plus) oi o n e c h o i c e . p e r ^ ■ : S2.50-Cchildren under 12 (un'jnderSfree) ...... day of thele following recreatiiational activities:- C o mT iini g In ------S 4 . 2 5 - Ssenior citizens ited Tennis & Use_of.oLBall-M achlne ...^ £ ____ lo p t; Unlimitc s o i FOR BUFFETJ-C- O V E R S J _____ 1 r . - GHANCf'4DI,'WIND-WALKER— All Day B icyclel e U I s e - . . L u n c h e oon i Buffet - A hot & helearty,-^ W lTTHOUT h A TRACE Morsiseback Trail Ride j± — JV4 Mours _ ' % •all-you-Cccan-eat lunch! - Mon.'n.-Fri.S3.50 ..... SPSPRINGBREAK ne Round of Qolf —- 18 M o l e s " ...... I S T ■ p i n n e r BiBuffet-Different spececiailties.including One (C.nC.irt Kcnlul At Inciivlduuls'■ OvOwn Expense) ‘ 2* oi£ (amo.ious Soup'& Salad Baitai;Fri.&Sat.S5.25- = , y e / n ’discoUnf) — ------3 “ “ lARTtNNIVET R S A R Y - ( s e n i b r 'cciUzens^alltf i cTiildrenc 2 NIGHTS LODQ> G I I N G B t ~ - DDINNER l EXTRAV^/AGANZA SPECI AliL ~ 2 D A YI'S RECKEATIOn)n FOR ONLY ;:j, __ • ■ • T ry OL^r ninightly Rib Steak Dinnnner Sept. 12 - 17 Receivive 5 Free — $ 7 7 P er Person, D oublble O ccupancy • 11b. cut S$7.95. V2 lb. cut - $ 6;6.95!, . Aembership. $ 1 0 8 Fer e Person, Singlgle O ccupancy ___ Movie R . ' 1 ,]1-800-632-4-4104' J' ' -Twin Falliills 1350BliielakcsBlvd.'.Nl.'N.- ph. 733-0C5O . „ 733-1 I __ 1| „Slln_¥alIe[ey_Coinpany,_SHiii_ViuVuiiey.^iD.asASS^J; -—— Sundoy. Sailaplem borll, 1983 Tlmo9-N«9-Newa,TwlnFaUa,IdahoA-9 ^ . S u n d aay crossvw o r d /P e s }

:; WATERLOCKED- I CaiirsonxeelebratteahisJ THEiS u n d a y CrI r o s s w o r d -rByOIJWflBin B C U R R I E ------^ r . -property involved"-Sayilys-McMahon.- M l^^fi-ant'and.StevCT, fi, vdll .havet^CT'-r'. ~ By w M « a LatwinUka k . . r sliver jubilee m ake their - Edited by Herb Eltetulenson UnltcdPressiss/n^eniaWona/ "We’re celehrotlng our a elr own meals and do Ihelr Oct. 13 — and w e both ha\lave the h air lo own laundrjndry “until they decide lo : A C R O S ^, ■ ------T h e c jty -ccotmcil o of Moraga, Calif.,— ______shapo up JUKI arrf acccpt my demands, It — - i» -j4 ~ Q ------hBsmtfipwidacd e d a n o n to a ncft-roqulrln B..-^L Popo John Paul H ha;las reaffirmed tnay takei twtwo or three days, but.I.am, -;i__; - -TWorttK** — - —“ “ M I |l |l I ------the dty man lanager to live within the) the Roman Catholic ChiiSiurch’s strict dctcrmlne3~iled lo hol'd'oul7' She purtqr^""= wwapon ruling on priestly cellbac;3cy and Ils ban signs on the front porch and In win- ' • 13 "Mtfry Widow" ■ A city lim its1 becauseb manager Garyr ■ compoter,. ------C hase 13 allclUerglc to his own homo) on political involvemenl•nl by p riests., d o w s-o f thitho Davis' home- reading. •••• - - IS Clothetpmas ^ town. "Ufes l5Is tbo shorfto_be m lsera-■ H e, told a ? . U.S.. blshshops_at his “Jamie,-Ml-Missy. Steven-Unfair — — 'l9'Min«tr*r« b le ," said ChJChase, an d the pollen fromI Castel^'andolfo papal sisummer villa . Molher onDn Strike”S and “1 want less . ' o ly o r t ]------...Moraga’s gra;;rassy hillsides has ‘‘turoedi soulh of Rome that “An^ understand- complainingling, more hdp around thO , .20 Sourc»_of__ _ ' do In p/»rfnrm hfiinf* me- into -O'bI'bear.” "I have always5 ing of the need for-priestj tjobs-when asked, uso happy- J ib w ' fimltmcnt and vol«».” ~T21 Une (rom John ■------believed thnta t the city m anager should1.. .. with full human comn D onna ...... ------live In the to\ town ho manages." Chase; deep compas.slon. thoslose activities ,23 CoolIdga’sVP I’ve lived here eight y earss which only ordulned pri)riests can do. Comedianlian Jerry Stiller swears this l l l ' l said, " b u t I’v nf fhn Rkh>ip<; jg tnio Tn M ------104-0 u a fla d ------■ ■ - - -and-I-know-1i^Moraga-as-well-as-rm—J— confirms ^Jic-wisdom n Mlnncnpolls. whore haand -'-'--- las **— whalyoo ■ ■ : - —gD lngtokmowJt^SohelsjsiDfLtojWerr w >— synod of 1071, ln_ rcgi’gqrd to_ th a t Wife Anneme Meara are starring In t w n k r *“■ In Oakland laInstead. general exclu^n of priests p froni “Gu>^ andand Dolls" aPlhe Gu&ie l2B'Unb , madder family ^an Club, Its memben bope» ______Put back 59 Town R A U > H F ao &5 H urok th e ' 990 0 Water aoHener 17 Pu m appearance by Gleason Wnrtiolor 61 Mondiwn employee 76 Salem':kp.rtot. lo land an Im presario elem e n t 18 Wi ^ thAli- *THng Hwv<>ntlnn a W illiam s ______*rtaondrianof 79 MonkpjJnSst______MmsclLaLU gg T raveled w ay 91 91 R usalan ran g e Wi -B2T*nPt5HMI------T T PPesky i bugs 63^11rt0t irtion d u b sp o k esns m ^ said Saturday. 57 NYC reso rt 94 ^ NY Bay sig h t . 22 Q 6 3 ‘— n a c h O aten <03 ■ ss HOU.. dubpresldent...... 103 Settled down ’ 32'fA ai jp ^ S lie - ■ ™ j ^ l « Bualninpro».’a 36IQoilKngall Q c™“ .lul Inwronodolng leorder orwniBhbor o n a ta M laami m auction.. 69 Weiiawayl , capital 37 N "O- CriscenUtl said the auction bouse 3 Certain ateeds 36; C s ? s - :70—Ihechlpa 2 = 5 =7=71 claim ed thaihat RALPH had ta l^ too ( ^ n b t t f ______I4 Sty aound sotvent______a< as?" T O J i H ------long In ^ aym g u e $650 oia for tne abbr. 40 c I H uniform, andmd declined to ddlver it ' 74 D reaa a h a p e . J Curved iSa ,1 "WE DIAMONDS-OL “THE _:.«WIIIiam- 58 A dom a 4Ii Bonbons q ^ i g r H RALPH., A which stands for Royal“ ; ______Sepi. 15-244 (.(•i»pi_5onday>)______o«.p< a-ia <»«e»pt hmdon) ___ 7 Skirt openings 433 “ •• — a so n g j | | | | If U ... -.-Associationi>n for th e Longevity and tbe 78”rcannot 56 H ardy heroine ' ggoouill” ij] Jon of The Honeymoonen, 9 B ro .o rals. [k« I ■ Preservatlor ^ D rive Ovver For A Gnreat Time! 10 “- Y a n k e e ...... 45i S S a c k e d ...... i d S t i 'V rtSlUyi hasextendecjed form al InvlUtlons to the^ ...... bun - Ihiiii 3 Souroe •Indpals to appear at the T7 T m ndled Doodle™’^ 46 S ■ In s H show’s print k A A • D e lu x e Guesr u e s fXoom For Two 79 Earparta 11 E nglish 433 A A m erced ^ [ as t a convention,n, slated1 for M arch 24,1984 -Free Top ShowShe Emrerroinrrienr - _____ dialect 493 SS p re ad ou t f g » t College. 5 RCM P m em ber------^------1 1 f H y S _ a t C . W . ^ t ■ $ 2 9 -la'Saiadchoice 60 B ■Wautrto-rennite-Gleason;^ .Oonus-F.un.RoI^__ .— - - BI Retlnue-...... "1313 Y ourigciiap ' 51'Dr O e lu x e ------J f ' * Addirionolil NighiSli S25.00'■ ■ ; -j ' ' 62 D ay o rD u k a 14 Ouaint 533 PP arty-poopera j - who p layoyed bus driver Ralph 63 U raeua expletive &44 SS tym ie 1 1 ■EEI^ , CramdenjA; Art Camey, who played his^ ; Spociol Wri'Kond r\irXoUfi lo o ’ aym bola 16ISCook’adls- 577 TwistsT cut n rlftiwlSwl - n d g b b o r No:Norton; and their TV wivesJS 67 M ajorca, e.a. covery o c f sh a p e t m HpTTil gg ; Trixie, played by AudreySy ’ I > ,l.:/;.-j£rlV-IV-V Cd v w I'l.l rioor.^..jr.i, . tjOu''n».-l IWOut-'IV Alice aod T Cf'...... • Ou'Ocoi Po^'l • V.,1. •' .69 T heol. I n s t 16 Stood of I 568 PiquancyP __ .1]^ - —Meadows andam Joyce Randol^. for theW -.M.Mc------' conventlwi.0. ♦ ...-A ______.. ______^ • • : - f I f 9 ' SvCOiJ ___ •• S ------geographic ^ j I D A H O ■■■■ " ANOiORAGE, AlaskaI (UPl)-An(U But the3 State of Alaska gave j JEWELRY . ;\- EffpshniaD wbo walked1 19,70019 inUes M ee g a n p eermlssJon rr aridoompMy of- are i always bur^iicratic. R 6 D u o n in r and personal obstades."England, who madeDE AT HOME 1^ IDAHO -Irdm -tbo Up ol South Amernerica to.the__flcl^,sald_d of_tbe flnal_leg of__ L"n"OnOp*J------,ennl9sloo'tol ca _____ .V/.Hfv, Dm* __ d\ u r i ^ h te u X salti Irenii 7 - ■ _ lannt denied____^’ilhe.staleale hflfl.sald.beLCfln. go.and— because he wanted to do permlsskm to cross the PniPnidboe B ay oow w e haveive.to woric out bow h e gets g uniqueness, I’yrneoii.Jcu'dcr 206S Idoho> St,S • Ell 5e.-Moegan said, otMAtKm— :t ------ptibllc access. sa id in a teleelepbooe Interview.“ There ]striking thing Is lhe smal] :ftt'iuu„\. • s nTWINlKUMi I planet." ...... ^ -1 = ig els^licif ri>efB» n (im» foi plcry.i^) it »o(r “H e i r s A n c itincj interes -W IIKIND^lNfUtnOM(MfiaHTIB J -p:r •ond a time lor.-rv—------:--- DALLAS (UPI) - Tbe T Hdl’s -nie movievie. "Kell's Angels Forev- c ff l- A U AADULTS I GET IN FOR $ 2 .7.76 6 0NSAT.-SUN. Ip ’; -Angeto-roUed-tnto Dallaa.Iaa.thls week. ..er,”-.ls..a_s<_semMocumentaiy_whlch ___opened In D a to Friday.. >M 4T06 F.M. ANDAllSl.SUNDAY-NIGHT- -J dimming.'oh but not to 8tlr up trouble. club membcibers say shows them as ATMOTOR-VUtGRAtlAND-VU. Uiey were Jn townoverr tbtbe weekend peace-lovingng brothers of the road. The b yG^IF'arirSio^”'wicig about d u b I dmmovie about film , Viliidih ggiven their grandfathers' AR.WAIUR. I ^ LOU FERRIGNO . to have twins but "gratefueful" to have first names,9, Brice1 and Blake. > 5 @ r ' *-c — tw6 healthy boy*.------E T C I R f L i - twin boys are tbeethJ^setof U Theboyswswdgbed"5p6imd36'ounc« twins bom to an America•lean testtube and 5 poundn d s 2 ouncM when bom by )F THE I HEfiitESin ...bapl.. program. S aral ^ .multiple C aesar^s.1 section a t a Houst

‘■■'i -. • « A-10T?m8»^ow«,Twlifwln Foils, Idaho ,Sepl«nb«’rl1,-1983 ^ ^ B a t r e p aarirsaps~the,sre’s:hope^r- ChilI d r r a o not a fai d ^ e « « 4 o - s t aa y D le r 'for______^______=.-i= :--3y SHARON RUTENENBERO— --theAnAmerican Medical^AawclaUon.-)n,.;^::^-.incnti.poorcr.oDil cocoramuDlcatlon.and _ .a^ Ieslescents. National Onter ilth- Statistics -figures.showow^ th e...... ^ ' ------UPISdenctfWriter-,— ------In i£1980, 60 peK ^t-o f-h lg b -scbwhool— c m ay-not be able toJ if y p i t inform ntlop H>»ntni seniorsors said th ^ t h a d sm oked 'mmart- a gained ttliile underer the influence of tliree« Ileading causes of deathI amar ong ) — Marijuana use Juanala and 93 percent said theyY hhad the drug. youngng people in the United Staltales In CHICAGO (UPI) - Ide.and______------uinohg chUdrcn andId a adolescents is rot - consunumcd'alcchoi. National Instltiitltute ------"n»ere-ls-cloar-cr taket much longer • and 16,16. D O L L A R DAYS D .Y. ing mmarijuana Interferes with1 thet . than th^ actuallyly.do.".Schonberg „_.AlcoIcoboL usp is “ m ost universe ta] In th e Bronx, N.Y. ______: C iircular, l th e foiollowing fe 0 ingrained wllhin abilityty to leam ," Schonberg said. said: “ F ive to 20 sececonds will seem to highischools^ore,” sc hesald. — !‘ll-w lll becom e ii do not :4 us,” tie told a conferererence on "Impact An1 at^lescenta smoking marijuajjiuuia the.lndlvldual to go gc on forever and Unfcnfortunateiy, adolescents do g u s e a s •item ' s did notf iarrive:" -rt: of Lifestyles on Childilld and Adolescent whilee altjenaingi school may expecperi- forever.", percei'»Ive their aloAol and drug uj ...... 'H ealth' Problems"" -c■ co-sponsored'by encerr-abort-term-memory- - • Impa;ipalr-____ Alcohol .usc-oft^.!n. provraJataLfot—. anJssua3Ue.o£problem. Schonbe^S55Le. basic bnprovemnents en - 12 West European aiand other stales. .« ^ lv e board lo Isst^;ues u n - _____: ______—HcritBgerranalystr:ttrRrfwi-Jrookszzneedede d b y .w m e 1.3 bllliontfaildrenTn ln-Trrr:*-aiiesfc.changesi.meanrthat29-of-4l~ J ated toThe UNICEF mandaid ate — ...... ' , • ______said, lhat since Dr. ,Ji James Grant, an thedevlev^oplng world," executive board hhmembere represent h as . disarmament.’' ...... inchecks willI beb issued,. - 42; American, took overer as director last Recec e n t changes in the m em berahr^Ip either the developliping naUbns or'the Rail , ; year, “ I h e . I m ^ olof UNICEF has of UNI'NICEF also pose problems,s, tlthe Soviet Unionand itsts allies,” the report- . • ’’Collaborating”( with-the5 VW orld------changed-(rom-oo0 odf-cb^ty fl and aid - r ts a ld .— ...... ,. - said. “This creates,a a m ajority on the HealU[Uth Organization,... In monlt — ...... for-chlldren to onee cof-advocate-for Fromom 1(3 post-Worid War II foundanda*— board wha*favor tbtbe Ideolo^ of the the InInternationa Code of Marka^^e th ig ■■■■ •:— 'child reo ran 'ln w g BruDderJyli«rsT)ew“ 'u n tJoD'lhJthroufib'l9SirGrant- wroterurthe— ao^WearicwTnlAriftrnftlidnaTI^iwm^^d ■BrM sfM Itt'Siitelilutesr’' ISIIIliB Doctorss enter ^ doctor’s*s iiiat ...... AKRON, Ohio (UP!UPI) - A String of p sy d iia trists and ps;psychologists will h begin taking the stenitaod Monday in tbe . w ^ ■[ ll ------try in g to prove b e wflw asle^yins^ when he acted outmt p erv erted , fan* __ “ taslea.- r:r-— .Edward^ Jackaon-;n-Jr.r-»,-of-Col«-^B-— ------u tn b u s f - h a s - admiitl£d^through_W ltti a_^B ___ ------attomeys.that he comCO m itted the 22 ra p e s and 38 relatediedcrimahei^ H tHal for in Summitit (County Contmoo_^B__^ ^ ^ ^ ------PleasCourt.- - - His defense agalgainst a possible 1,380-year p ris o o te£nn n is that be is a. dual p ^n allly whoyhose evil side was H V powered duHng thee pipast four years by~ ^^B 'B vivid fantasies of raptape and bondage;. ..^ B B ~ y o | 1 • B ■ THIS trial, enteringIng its third week,; ^ B fl J * I ^ ra l ^ 'd r a w n a'~crowdd ofol spectators w ho-.;^^fl f l n iu st w ait for th e feufew available seats ^ B B lh the- smUTcoartroctroom npt .filled by ^ B Bt ® r l - ;iTMportera=Bo(*:pu&llubllshcrs hnvo-cooi^^i^^^^Lill - ^ 5 6 = S u tactedlawyerslntheihe ciase already. ^ f l ^ a ^ ^ = S €EEE€Tfe0ljH= t '/'For more thanavini week, 30 rap e and ^ B } assault victims toldold how they w ^ ^ B 1 EF ORDERS ■ attacked as they sle;slept by a man in a ^ B iki mask with a knife ki who bound, ^ B - gagged and frequent]ently s m o th e M his ^ f l ' | r v/clinu. . ______' To. .',"fli' Jackson sat throiigiii^'this toUmony -^ B 'yi'‘ ------wuh-a-bowed-headro1,-oflen-nibbIngJiis— ^ 4 ^ Lb. I : • forehead. - —Priced for cots . — I H 1 Desired and ‘^m \ ^ e e n s /Fioed i " B

fctrswinmming B” U niE ROCK, Ark."(UPI) A - .H ’ Eight teenagers whovhose Impromptu ^ B swim in a city waterter tank contaml- ^ f l S B '/M Y E fi=AR ROUNDB - nated 2.5 million gall^ons of'purifled ^ B ------—water-should-be chaij»arged-$9,700-for—^ ^ damages and prosecuticuted for criminal ^ f l EEP^RDEI^^■“ mischief, city officialsalsdeclded. H T be youths could hhave a been sent to ______Prison for IQ_yeara foifor impairing the ^ J ^ ^ ^ z z ::z z 'z :'Givingg v you 400 Ibs. ofT ^fl operation of a vital pul:public fadilty, but H Sirloins, Porterhouse,j^fl ...... th e felony charges hgaigainst them-were—^ f l ~ .IrB o n es. Sir dismissed Friday. PProsecuthig At- . ^ B ^^R ib Steak, Clubb SSteak, Rump 'Roast, ^ fl to m ey WUbur "D ub”ub" Bentley said ^ fl ^irloln Tip Roast,t, Ground Beef, and^^j "the state penltentialUary is not tbe H much more. You alsoIso receive this TOO Ib. ^ fl[ solution'! fortheyoungingswimmers. k and Poultpy Bonus,, A bsolut^^ charge.^|l Tbe criminal mischlichlef charge they ^ B ^ cach still, face Is a misdemeanor, ^ B E F L E A N -punishable by up to oneon y ear (n Jail, a — ^ B • G ibs. Fryers' L D l 2 _ _ ------jr.OOOfine o r bo th r-— _ ^ _ : ^ Y I E L I 10 Lbs. Ham 2a(Ttbs7Pork Chops-^B All boof sold hanging welglsight ond subfoct to cuttiniin g I , J ______T h e .city ._ Watcfe r __Commission, Al —I /IQ t-bs. Bacon 0 Lbs. S a u sa g e BoaBased on 52 w eok«__i^B l ------.l^-roeanwhileHiMldedjol-io-asMhe-i^ths— ^ B ^ ...... -^iw v p h bova~arid'nLglrCEllapayJDr el ___^ B P P the water they spoiled.ed and for repairs ^ B rrr to the tank. h - ^ y " j i W ater Commlsslooeroer Robert Taylor ^ f l' : . ' ------sold ho thoughtitT rasn j 1unfair to make— ■'the youths pay; evenn t^ti ^ tte tank- had (o be drainedid and cleaned. USDACtCHOICE FOREQUARTERirX|_^B01IUS ^WnHSPEGIALHo^ CHOICE HINOaUARTER STLATES SrtA H K S^ “ B R I N G UIS S YOUR I ; PLUSSPLATES I & FLANKS "lO tbiiFfjryers ■ 5i.btPork'r'kTChopST - 5 i b i . B a ccon; a : .;:r:5:tb,..Sw ALUMININUM I s 'H ______A hfoluOuMy.N»Chora ..F ry ar9 '.. munis W e PPay i I ;B.B.QRIBS 1 0 L bt. S ol u s a g o 1 0 i b . . F lon5lC.1D.3E. 3F.3G _____ j •fiOBOf Socflor(Ions 1 A, 1B. 3E, 3F, 3G -r-. ... BUMPBO , o n c h a r t ------^ 1 0 ibf.¥oTk;Chop» — rr - rfEWAi POT ROASTS ------“o»sT , l o al n i H r i e i t l a lul.lyNoCharg»WllhPuri'u r c h o ,; ■ l»™>" r I L ean 1 A b ib lu t _ POUIIND B^ ‘••'oh'.OW;iobl*fl-- • — ■ teitlmloit. M U L « 0 » * 1 r ------W o A lioo BB u y ---- — ^ H - y ' rAUmMTioldbrwalBNDvaUe-ollabU.— • - — P o p a r, Cordfcrd b o a rd 3. 20' Ib. proMdlng chore*.-0«- ^Q 3 R d . O R R E / B . 9. All wxiM lndud« &>in> plot*o .,o « d ^ FOKPACKAOt i I A -^C_r^ours:"10'AJAJ&-“h>7PJ». ------NCTIN. -Jerome; Idah 10. Uompl* P AYMIMTS DO N a ) DAY LIMIT ^ I ------Sunday ♦!>th ru S citurday a U O l procMtlngor m U*-Ibx. le -- 3^1 ^^UAHUfACrumNO AND O

liB M o rk * t Avo..ve..TwlnFallf ^ ______X 7 » a - »9 6 8 9 w a n t!;s k id ^s to * ^s t a y tiirtfa e» h n s i g a t s ~ " ^ Medical Centerrthosorvice-» cy savs that two-thirds of U ie ______te tbe same, says workersi5'\^iBti«ct'tbe pam lsonJD Ithe proper^ “Regional Me ByPATMARCANTONICNIO ... other ot] medical fadlllies to ^ I yono. Teater says; - restraining scats(sWuM M aro used Improperly. •• lumpbrey of T v^ use of tbIbe^seaLlbey also will takexicareo(lhe c opcntoanyoi ___ "naies-Newswriter ______auauxiliary member Margl Hun luntwrs— _Educatifln_ls_est essential. Humphrey adds. ------' 'What UwTm program needs now la ve to Q ofe SMts-in'gobd-condlliot ■ ' t w i n JA L L S - LasLa^ w c^’s death of a Undw tbe proposed MVRNRM'C p ro g ra m ," a ~ "ThM O be a signed agt«rtdiidit between- -and donatloi • when I’m only going-to tho; ...... — cq)ted. Humphrey M ys. T heS p o S tlon't need one wh . Twin Falla 5-yearportu- m couraglngot; other community groups to b

------s u ncnaavrSeptsmberlirlgea—-Tlmea-NewB.-TwIn ^Tlt Fallartdahc^------— »-Qbituaries,4=iciospilals-B 2 ------

■ M o r e M a g i c V/ a; l l e y n e w s B ~ 2 T ■ Agri-Business. sectioni B5-7 = B M

' ~ » B 2 2 2 s e e i ^ j choot I I o s i t i o i P ^ . A s atassistant ‘supef .. ’X - T W[N m EFALLS — Tlie search for an .„ 'J a s s ls twant t superintendent of the Twin

forw ardrd lila st week, as a com m ittee of l E S y adm lnistrilstrators began the Job of ■ J i H ^ f T V ~ ------soreenlngling 22 applications.------______.....,T he-.cc_cQmmUt^_whIch_was_8Pr.______pointedid by Superintendent Ga^ . will lifflTOw't^ fleia'W'lhree.'^ then ‘iViU IntCTvV" rinairrfq r^m ^ i m ^'a'candidate to tbd' b oard.' ’ . M emiibers be of ibe committee arei- '-n m - ChalrmarSSn KaiKTurnerrtKeT^ of~'Sawt(awtooth-Elementary; Dennlr - .... - ' Sonius.3. theu principal of Momingslde H' Elementsentary; Ullle Brovni. the prin- l>T«tN«wt photo/<0/aC0CaASHMUTT Cipal of Bickel Elemlratary; Ja£t. I, the principal of Robert Stuart • ^ Lwas-sold.durlng Satunrday’s sale—. ------|,--H6dger Pow«ll'oli. teftr^uras-busy.spotlatilng bids aslivestockw . J u n ior r ' HT I ^ D u k e Wl8*man,“ t|x i.------T athleUcJc cdirector of Twin F a^Ifl^ { f t a i i d - e l B m st& e - l r t c l “—carTlculDm— ci director;— aod------hantpi^ E ugenene Chanqjlin, a sdiool boari • m em ber. The.dlt3 district has advertised the Job . - in profe:xifesslonal Journals and. edueav * A bri rl $10,0D f Q f lb p liJ ~ tlo n alpI placement ta centers,------:— — — ' K?V« \ l a g s s l j -T w entyenly-two p e « ^ havo applied for- so ld to iarea biisinesses and farmers,JTS. a lo t Of w o r k - I h adIto t walk him a t ^-■'ByHALBERNTON the Job, Includingll 19 from out of state tf V' . Tliesle sale Is the grand flnale of the le a s t a m ile a ^ ^ - aandhe’s really ^ni^News}^l^ and- one trom within the district.______- l>lUer‘ sa:says, A)^cants irom-'as far . i .7 ; F1L E R - A cheebeer erupted from . Futureire-Farmera of-America mem The fat-stock sale:e w as an all- as the Midwest have applied. • . In Ibe.saw dustcoyeied arena, .away a s t ~ : ^^itbe grandstands aa13 ifIfflnHtKnIggotflri.: ^ b © ^ , ll volunteer production,in, with area- ►candidates "kKrftpretty goodofi.T.— : - |;:.ber grand^diamplotplon ste e r into the th e you■buths' m onths of bard woric paid~ — aucUoaeerH>itchlng-lj;-ln-tobelpK»n— icbolt'h^casn, ------— — "*fair>gTat=stgdfOT5iiB alu n lay rin to i b e r - o “ ->nc( ~ d u e t- ^ 3 n a s iy e .- d m[ay4ong-salerA"^^^^J ~'fi-for~tlffthe'commlttec-to-plck-thrw •— r lurtiay'B'btddingTamveil^Jow * '- 'a re n a for one finalinime. tli ^ . Satur crew of fiw qxiftersirs worked'the candldatid ates,h esay s. --:r- loor prices established by ’a r^ . r .i :;! r iin .'tb e r e ‘WMas Bilence,i quick ly .. th e floe crowd, while theJefllead auctioneer ^ NodeaoundbuIlc.WiWithin a m a tte r of to theJie 0ant steeis tbey have _ to J a c k s o n . o( _ C a^etoi[oird ^ Tnisy.. ____ D esfafterlFl r, jritairt^rihw werewe only Uiree bid- hallei^uvlralned and groomed-tc . ' ...... “ I didn’t think shee was lhat good'- 9 ^ ten- spraying "Grand ChaiuunpkMj" on his , d ry in g wwith a vacuum cleaner: . ' KPattfSTiBarton’s -PW lectiCtion, M d U> t l ^ r o f t o other pig to the . ------gaerB-left:-Cactu*^F ■ . -steer, Simon.- ^ray,-Jackson. . . Pigs8 < also w ere jprimped for■ the th and almost took, anotl rftmciFVodS:— ^— sHihboi least—fair-teateQdJMHorrlU■m -6ald,^t4- r tt ^d,-^'ma)ces Simon'srs lia ir stand 19------aren arRirM os t-w ere tr eated to at lea; V ij y icttiLoy I s bid the p rice into Knlg{ilgge, reflecting on the forth- rush decIdedtheotherj)lgv.jwastopfat.: _ i - W . E^jrhe^three firms bl ^ ' -end also helps keep denkwnlheflles.’-^-: --a.quick:k rubdown .with a stiff brusi ^•pouod rangange. Then. Idaho comingIng d^rture of her. prize ) being led Into the arena with;1th a ■ “ T he j w l ^ lik ed btf1« becai^ she Iti^F^azen Foods pusheshed the price td a wlnnin]dng ste e r to the slaugblerfaouse,U3®» In a nearby IndoorriitaU,Chr«liie 8 incane. is long, and nol too1 fifat and not too 'J'o Oaid i poor families ? , n c b rd ^ re a k ln g $9S9 as pound. No one confessessed to a television reporter.■***■• B arto n of Rogerson, aaldedbysever- 'T ? ”' grand-champion pig - ~ Kdared match thallat bid. Knlgge’s . *Tmg(»Robig to cry all nlR ht’.' al friends, was flnlshihlngthetaakol ened Grouchy at birth but latelater &vmi] hundred atarea business By PATH\TMARCANTONIO ^ v ^Jte, te . velvet-coated_ h w’s hadmbre m i^ enwlions.203. gluing be r ste e r's taU I i e d _ i ^ y _ - fetched $8 a pouniund„ p^cipat^.in the auction,a either itoes-Ms-JVewg W riter . . . . JsI^i^drtBadbeen'Mh^dfor$10,071. " lison Florence, 12. of Twin Pallsalls7“ arrangement to bdp an Independent Meat 1x0^ly^.-' buylng the^rn^'fofor-slaughter o r - - g^^B ^g^PM --sald-tt-tb a t - ber- lam b ..was -A'alway:fays . S e p w)lg’s impressive falr .sbowinw ing... purchasing._.them _f(for resale a t t WINTN FALLSI — T te South C e n b rS p ies_to_areapack- _Communnunfty AcUoir^genqT'Kas :_i “ ~ pS^wai^UwJiiiaig ctio5ate”dnd'^vlng-you-kl8se3ssesT ------IiraacSbier- boothi, -i-8' ste^B -coat-— BurprlsoIsed- its—owner,-l3-yeat^told^.. normal jnarkeLpdces r^Jengthy fat*stock st Ing plants. applieded for 1 two grants, to.fund-pro-.__r do get attached to him , but he’ihe’s W being given a lasast-mlnute blow . ChelleNsMorriilofKlmberiy. 7-—— — ^gtgmsjjis-that could serve-more, tban i rlowrlncomo“bouschoids-7t^tte...... ^“=^Fairm am g(^ e r v o w s — o-Valioyifaxtyuur, ...... RecentcenUy, the SCCAA board jved a $118,510 request for a A ) r g o> ?of the state’s 1984 commui^y- . ____ J tsflavo servicesces federal block grant The || nty Faiirwillri cotlon“w as-senl-to-tbe-state,------| i llsGoun — ...... 'appUcatl - f S - as well as some of tbee nmore exotic fair,, and ...... - .Johb Garvin. a.fanihequJtuJfiment salesnian, commmnissloa on the fair boarard’s financial Office—^e-ot—Economlc-Opportumty,-;— tj ______a l v H & B E R ^ N)N ...... - ijjjj— I,------iappointecUn^yer— statustus.. . ^ ; II adm lnlstera-tfae-fedefal-fundgr------J 2 T . . . ______,, ------. . vtsitedtteihP^ockfltaUs said be was aomewhat-^lsap ■ ' ' ' ■'------«W ch-at ...... 'ATimesrlSev^W. » ThMa lnflatable_ Thelie county bas cut the fair's ai rthe direction of the state Kedim; fl ■ • ' • ■ ...... M any’ falr^ o era atoo10 ttook v & l^ with the: ..Iallaterest In bis “ ag bags.tiL: annual subsidy under tb< m'-$15.000'to $10.000.: E ventmually, he says, laTVeli ? F IL E R —Tom ShouseShe Is proud that the starsIS , merchants wbo bad set ^ shop along tbe ba bold iq> to ISO tons ofI fefeed. HoweverTJie ■ from'-; Welfare Departmentrsayg-Vickt,— —I attributed ^ r t . o f his probleijlemJo.poor.placeT_. tbe..fai..falr_wIU.have to pay forr Its^, which Kidd,.the tbe SCCAA director.------1 gbf tto T^-FaUt.iIs .County. Fair .remain .the,he___ fairways and Inside wve■everal exbibitkan halls, all )bably-wiU m eaiL aim odest iniincrease-In the ------ITWutEI &j l ^ funds, the agency. pla n a H - '- - 1 !^ti^on% people, proproduce and U v e s^ — notlot' Some merchants are repocUng-tbalrep thls.ialr _nnmenljjatbeniWway.l ___ • ______probal ------,$ i,550 0 ggeneral admisston p ric e r^ ;geirt8lde7"brg*ha™le enferCalnmoit or slick,Jt, -season has been briskersr Utban last; others have — - ■ ll'.' ' provideide informational.- refetffii: - a Blit agricullural exhibits,a, particularly the' But(ut Shouse says he is deteitermlned that services !H«)mmerclaldl8pIfli^ays. reported sll^ t decreasesleslnsales. I I ices. It would find h d p for fomiiL f | livestock, cm tlnued to b e aI ppi rim e d raw a t (he re dtuced u a counly support will nooot change the ijes w wh hen it cannot serv e t l ^ -J ■■*- And after neariyly ttwo decades of managingQg Ron Hlc)^ tbe ownerner of Canycmside Art Ilv II point lo ever-increasingng Gallery, said that a sensimsuous poster of n aked falfair this year. fa ir’s!r’s homespun character. through)ighltsownprograms, Klddsays^- ■■} >'-Uie fair, he can ] g better In stylo and “AA Ilot of county fairs around th attendance as proolroof that his form ula m eetsrts Natalie Kinski, wrapptipped In ■ a serpent’s '“Tbe livestock are getting b the country are Undertder the pro p (^ program,'tbs' ley used to b e short losing[ng sight about wbat these “•with popular approvjroval. e m b race c o n l l n ^ to be a bot-sdllng Item In [piality,” Sbouse says. “Tbey e fairs are all agencyicy also would locate gaps.;iii f isumer wants long, about,Hit. They think they bave tc il_MTv}cc3laibeLflrcaand.devel.------Ur T to year’s fair•is Js exp^tedI to easily top lastist itssocoodappearanceattiat the fair, onand stout, but now (be consu to Jiave fancy sodal se ______~-vear*8.recordJumtimout ot 8 2 ^ peq)le. ByBy ,__ •!Eveathe-older-wome>men seem to j^ a kick -le^leaner a n lm a ^ You se e thle e ichange eq>dally —eiUeriertalnment and home shows,-ii.-and-am dolus*------o p p rc^gram e r s to fill the holes, sbe says.1 ne ^oufont”'. -t:-- - . — r- In-.the IwgB.and. the cattle.,le. They. b av e less a way a y wllh ' produce exhibitions." “ Friday evening, the th fair liad drawn some = f= = ^ '. ;:7Tr;;:;;v, . . T hele block-grantb funds also wouUt marbled globs of fat.” ■ Butlut the Twin Falls County Fair,F j wfll con- coverf theU expenses of distributing r. 73.000 people, witwitb an- estim ated 22,000>00 Je ff M artin, th e m anagnager of J.M . K itdiens, nu Tlilit morning. Sbouse willU beginI the task of tlnueje to reflect Ibe area’ss agricultural govemnimment surplus commodities •• expected to attendJd oon S aturday — th e ev ent’s t’s said tbat lower Inlerest■est rates have bdped ...... ' .“business be better.for.r m e th is year.” M artin shishutting dowg tbe exhlblUotJon balls and pre- heritajltage.besays. . such1 as cheese and milk, and the . : flnalday. : p a ^ tbe' fairgrounds forir winter. He also “AllAll tbe wealth we have corr>mes from tbe piAflntni . rlTiey watched the rodeo, sampled some of sells..kltcben. cabinets,s andi otber types of pa miniist ndHnlt-a-detall^ repoqxBl to the l6:a-gro«p- ■ ^By'HALBER^NON ■ ...... 1)10 powerful soundsIs year«lds«Aio are— ’niercponandthelead . . _ :r f^^U ER 'i^ -Elhwbow'to^bow, tbey crowdedled * ^ 1 5 ^ 0 ? * ^ » came from tbe Twin n M ^ c Valley with tbe aervkes ' Accnding to Sbaw, 1 Okt-Tlme 0 Fiddlers fiddleIdle commences to play. . . onto tbe stagefSebSaturday at -the Twin Fills ^ F a lls a rea. B ut som e caicame from as far away . V th a t would wo be funded by tbe grant: ------4 i.CountyJTalr-^-flddpiMit»ra, b a o lo .p lay ers.aill1 a as Meridian, Pocatdlo,Uo, Fairfield and even Assodatkn A bas served as a m1 odel fo r sim ilar Mm a ost of th e gnMq>’s songs a ree Iinstrumentals. , The -gc-grant-would-nm JrnnuJw isi-, — . a and Soiw Dakota, but a > smatteringofguitarItarlsts. Wells,Nev. . 0gim va in Netavaka, Jlortb a It a few on Saturday Includeded vo^.by a uuxHigblU^ tbe following December. - - ...... -i. For the better' partpa of the afteraooo, thesese iiMy are all memberssn of< tbe Idabo Old-’Tlme .aiandMUmeeota. urel-diested guitar player. T bele agcncy received-about-U» ’- w hkb baa about 4iX) • .: V old-Unie ihu^dansua serenaded falr-goere withith Flddlera-Assodatloo,I, astarted by FaWWd ;'T be Idabo assoclatkm. wb le amount of block-grant mOo^. _ members, is divided Into1 i:13 districts whose “Yesterday’s Yi gone, Just lovee m e from now. tunes such as “Reded River1 Valley.” ‘'When You'ou musician Mannle Shaww duringdl tb e early 190O’8. m year, Kidd says. Tbe (uods ...... -'- m usicians bost Addling cqq«tventk)Qs\ a n d nlav B e3 ttrue r to me and forget tho pa:jaB^-beaangaa ' :' and I ;Were Veo^ety.-Young, Maggie,” andind The association seeksitoketpaUvetbeWest's to n i about 7 penMil ot the ^ , at various regkina] events. t he e crowd a cheered its approval. ______: ■«nfttffa>nSh#!phcrd.’'■ d . ' * ______;______tradlttonal mutic. passliasing on ttoe-wwn. b u t . al ' ...... - - I --S-■SeeORANTSonPaapBi ------^TltneSNOTwrrwlnFalFalla,Tdaho SuhdayTSoptflptembflni:iB83-^------

^ z ~ ^ r a n i temporary basis. There also are ^ froi f s ta rt centers In Twin F alls, q ^ i r r l ilie V a O ——r — amount of 0 Bntslh€ ! ^ — :, JeromeaiKlBurloy: , Community ActiaJon also is seeking Buhl,Je ___ IS y o ffers acadditional coursr c o th e d am a s long a ss theth federal government paynys T w in Falls, th e develc?Jc?)er. $406,901 to operatelie Its Head Slart Morejro lhan 200 preschool children .r thebtU^ - - _____ ..A prellminaiy planIon prqMSCS 28 Uvlng units,uts, program lnl9M.T-l-_____— ------thclr-i^jarentfl w ei« s e ^ e d -la s t :; s ta rt ut 7:30 p.m. ut the Burie;Icjr iiiOngWlth U (AJiiiiiiuiodtybulhllng: Jt ------;------:*• The a gency wflTinip^y'to'thc-rc*—yearby’ ‘ l)^c-prograih.-whlch provides^ inri: . < ^ u r c class bas beenn aadded lo the fall Idaho Stal glonal Head Startt officei In Seattle, assblan5lance to entire famUles Ihrough ' Unlvcraltyschedulele liIn the Twin FaUs area. ___E vans asks.hhelpjor^child __ says' Donna Suhrhr, -the program counsdlisdlng and educational and health ------wUma Benlntcndl;!d l;th e 1u a tn K tu r. s a y s tlw c l fe /-T.!; rT ^tlireclor.'P am ir.tliebagrantffljyld pay_instructiTiction.' ~ diUonal artd~contcmporairS^EPA T>Ianstr-trautmeetiiigs---■=^B O ISE (UPI ) - Therhe InfBiit-granddaughteroftJ ------: ~wmi“ “audjT“ lradjUi , - ___to c .^ )e c lal-6efv{ceaea-to-handlcoppcd |0n Ipffklnlnr fmfn-Riirifqrl®y-needs-*-liver-transplant; chUdren’s Ulerature,ire, with an emphasis on newne b u h l - The_U.S^S Envimnmrntnl PmlfftKu ^ children, such a s ph:jhyslcal and speech Head»•ad S ta rt classes begin In October. ts is enlisting the bd p of Idaho ^ (fen^ and Uicrhcs. A gency wlil hold mimeeting this Monday an«ind and Gov. John Evans L th erap y . • P aren;nt t orientation meetings and ' : ThecIaS3-^vl]l beDe heldI on Friday nights and an Tuesday In Buhl to discuss new wastc-wateter- news organizations lo{lo publicize the story, . SCCAA is sediingng about the same healthLh screeningss for Uie children ay lhal Chelsea H iu i^ ln ol Saturdays, w ith thee fiif ir s t se s s io n s c h e d u le d forthe r tii guidelines for trout farmsfar and hatcheries. Evans said Friday amoimt as last yearar. Suhr says. Tfie" alreadylrdy have started. Suhr says, granddaughter of Republican w eekend of Qct: 7-8.i. T h e m e e tin g will■ill discuss the details of: ia Cleveland - the gra ^ only change is addJtUUonal funds for a Thee agencya£ should receive word on - Is in “desperate need of a • For more Informati)lation, 0011734-4478. proposed EPA permitmit system that contains nevew Rep. Ernest Hale — I • permanent da^roo;Dom In R upert, to Its grant•ant applications by the ond of the .. newllverintheuextfeLfewweeks.” . - _ . . - ' — ifist ypnr year. - - water-quality^tandanlards for the trout Industry, rj.g . Q Both m eetings willill taket; place in lhe communit]Jty Elizabeth Hale, ihe 10-month^ld girl’s ' BurieV tohos ost dam meeting^ room of the T w in F='alls all Bank and T rust office:In Ix grandmother, said the infant underwent surgeryery p — J -B U R L E Y - H ie• federalfe Bureau of the Recli5cl“ ' Buhl, a t 200 Broadwvay ay Ave. N. They a re expectettod F rid a y a t a M emphis,is, Tenn., h o ^ Ita l, a s doctorsors. ------imatiommd the Natloiitlonal Park Service wUl bold>ld a — -to lastthreohotirs:------trie d to prolong her lifeIlfewbiiewalUng-foran organ?an------^public meeting Tuesdesday In Burley to discuss‘ tbeth The Monday meetlnitlng will begin a t 7 p .m .. ani:hefttrcivrl ctharges"~ =7------FUNERAL- : W i n F A U S - A'33-yi3-year-old Twin'— CarlUele also has been named as-ai -a - TTie charges stem frcrrom CarUIe sale - - Oncd beie soldi tbe mercbaQdi5e..be.w A CHAPEL ; man has been charsla i^ with nine defendantUlt la a dvU suit, fUed In Apriliril—of-nine snowmobiles3 While he was obligatedted to forward a percentage j u ------ALL.HAIIHS _____ i; counts of grand theft, allegingoUi failure, by BombisibanllerCredlt Inc. And that’sit’s doing business as All SeSeason Motors of tbesaleslesto'thecompany. !■ torelm burse a soowmobnoblle company where theJie case should remain, insteadad • Twin Falls. He has; isince sold the In It’s’s ]lawsuit, tte company daislainis iit-LalL \ ^ :■ ufidor the terms of a securitysec agree- of spUlln,ling over Into the criminalla l business and now wovorks os a car that Cati^ ile now owes more thithaiL— ’! m w t . courts, sasays Carille’s lawyer, Randyidy salesm an. *28,000.). Svln Falls was Stokerof]of Twin Falls. Carllle stands acats vegetablosticJoaodmillimilk. cookie*Je and milk. slick, peara and regulgular or chocolate _ Tue«d' nsnadoy: French dip soisandwich, fries, Friday:' Wiener V wrap, carrot biles,es, • ■ . milk.k. j; ^ peanaodoiUk. ____ applesaesauce, sugarcookie and milk. CTATF.SCHOiOOL Wednesda:■day: Goulash, com . appiecrisp ai ' • _ ^ 4iy: Flah txiiBcra, groaroen salad, fresh ______Monday: Lasagna_butiuttered broccoli. milk,k. <*-‘ fnilt aod m ilt ■ HAGERMAN . lemon Jello salad, cakeke and milk. Thursday:ay: Barbecue on bun. peas ax M ooday:: IFried chicken, green beons,ns, Tuesday: Roast turkey>* dressing,c gravy, carrot;rots, peara. cheese slices and milk. s ; Hamburg^^^r^omi^ )« li^CO^ - ^ n n rtmllk- = : = . — p l O s i l p l s[N n r^^^rrpFDUCTIBL’E— roUandmilk. frcn<^ch fries, peanut bullcr bar andmd Wednesday: Meal loaf. gr«jeenrice.buUcred MALE FEMALIALE , "iilA'LE FEMATe' ~ red com. purple _ .. milk, beets, cukes In sourir crcam. apricot WENDELL |; iQeadiy: Burrito, buttered aking UND ER A G E 30. 0 ...... $21.20 $33.0<3.00 $17.00 $27.10 !< > plums.brownloandmlllcxllk. W edoeadaylay: Turkey gravy, mashedled Gobbler, hot rolls andI mmilk. Mooday:/: Vegetable beef stew, baklx • : WedneKlay: Kflmburger,, frenchtre fries, cor- poUtoes, loe carrot sticks, fruit cup. hotlul niursday: Salmon patlattles, scailopcd powdcnier biscuits, peanut butter’ aiand 3 0 through 39...... $27.20 $39.4(9.40 $22.00 S32.10 rot nnd celwy sticks,s, chocolate c chip rollsonand milk. potatoes, buttered spinach, i apple - honey,cy, fruit, milk and salad bar. 4 0 through 49...... $37.00 $48.3<6.30 $29.70 $39.20. ; . n cookJoftndmllk. _ _ Tburaday:y: Spaghetti wlUi m eat sauce.cc. wedges, crcam puffs orandmilk. Tuesday:y: Goulash, g t^ , beans, chcnbeny SO th ro u g h 59...... $49.80 $58.9(6.90 $40.10 $47.90 ,, I tu iw te y ;. SpagholU wllhllh meat saiicc, green'sn'soIaif.-'ffcslrfruJt.-brcad sticks- — F rtd a y : 'R o a s t- beef,— nvmaahed-potatoos, ...... plc, br. broad and butter, milk' and saladsalt 6 0 ...... -...... $ 62.40 $66.4)6.40 $50.20 $55.80' ;> (ossod solAd. opdcots.ts. french bread and millTillk. gravy,. buttered a^i^Miragus,. sliced ■ bar. O rm Cfilid .::;.:n;T7.S18;90 $ 1 5 .1 0 ------andmlUc. F « d a y : Fish F l fillet, com and broccoli.)ll. - tom atoes, orange sherbjbet and milk.. Wcdaida:Iday: Plaa. green salad, jello> wiwith ' Two Or More Ch:hlldren.....$33.30 $26.40 mrflor.Jntof ponrhi«LLAR HEALTH CARE PLANPU FOR INDIVIDUALS i - r?Dgopaay7~H&t- (gp . po taarrorpuffs,~Tnlxed— TQeadayr—r— 8paghettlrr- - g ^ — »d.------npplecrisp and ro llk ~ 4tUE9 ;S E W F O R^ W FFi^^B W ^O CHURE. - r r ! :3 v^tablraTchocoJaUjcaJocHEeaixfnnnL walcni^ ------w e d D B d y : 'nirfcey uudT>iTjoodles.-buttered------id celery, mixed Wedoeaday:;ay:' Chicken fried steak, s c o l l c«d ^ peas, hot rolls, m ixeditruitandmllk. ft I ^ E N O ME YOUn1 IFREE "PROTECTION PLUS"IS" BROCHURE.I HAVE A ‘ntemlMy: BurriUa. sUtffed < MURTAtlGH icks, applcsauce potaloe:« 3 , celery sticks, frull. bot rollsills T hursday: Taco. com . peijeach cobbler and ' IVE CONTACT ME □ YES □J NONC (Please mark box) • ; “ vcgirtables, bread sUcka !.Asagna, steamed cabbiige, car-ca ! REPRESENTATIV . andmn lk lk ... milk. Mooday:r. 1 a n dm llk. sticks, cbocolale.cakc. pearss andai I NAME;...... • I Mtodaeaday: Sliced turkiurkey, mashed Huinday: BakedI polalo qjedol, fruit, bolw l F rid a y : F ried chicken, potjotalosalad.baked’ ~ • rot sti > - potatoes, gravy, com,n, rolls, i banana rollandmdmllk. beans, fruit and chocoljolatemllk. mUH:iC. y; Turkey or ham pockocket I ADDRESS:.-...... A...... PHONE;..JE;...... - " ;; r: hal/ondmllk. Roast turkey on whole w heal bun,in. Tuesday: F rid a y : Roj dwlches. carrol or celery stickticks. I cjTY sndwleh on tnin. trench* fries, carrot slick, frull- andjKl - VALUi:YY - sandw: .....;.:..STATE...... ' •"'Q sundoy: Roast beef sand' xi graham cra cte ra. fruit and mllllnllk. , ■ Mooday: Chicken fried bBtcak.scallODed fUIodfi . tater.tota.mUcdXniHnndondmllk^______^ - mllk.- id ^ : Vegetable stow; tfjcesestickt l ^ • ■; FHday: Macaroni and chccse:csc, whole wheat potatoes, green beansihs. peachis 'ana Wedoeada: hot bbbiscuits,'boney butler, coconut i !• rolls, peanut bullcT.cup,up, green beans, TWINFALLS ------. milk. colate pudding and mlUc. cherrycobblcrandchocolocolatomllk. Mooday; ItlUillan spaghelU. green beans,ns, Tuesday: Spaghetti. green salad. -. chocol. ay; C ream ed turkey, whippiIppcd garlicc bibread, mixed frull and milk. applesauce and milk,.. Ttiuraday: (rHuecShie Blocs, peanut butter cup. ggreen ro ^ ' ;: j e r o m e!______TtKaday:: 1 Tuna salad sandwich, nachoJ » W ednesday: FVled chli•hicken, mashed • Po^t» acuo______“ if'Taooday: PlsTvwlgrscalloallopcd potatoes. chlpsrc n a------pota toes; pea srpeaTTO'ddm lik. .ftoHnSr Imllk. •itotCAL service eunUflE*UOF(&AHO. INC....^V_ . freah strawIjciiles.~hot•hot r o lls .'J a c k — puddlnQIngandmllk.- Thursday: Com dog. UiUiler Ujts, -fruit • - and ml ; Tacos, com, chcny or appIo co ;; ■f' H o ro e r ba r and milk. Wedoeaday;a y : Com dog. la ter tols, npricols.Is. cocktail, com and milk.Ik. Friday: Ti ^ ^ LEWISTON BlBOISE POCATELLO 1-«0»«)>»23 r with toppings and milk. P.O. BOX 1100 P.O.3. DOXI 2500 . P.O EJOX 2304 ALL HCALTM CARC PIAMS AAS ; Tuesday: Hamburger pimil2za or toasted chocolalDialechlpcookleantI milk. Friday: Chicken noodlele soup, bologna blerwl SUBjeCT TO APPUCABie EX­ B3S01 a63702 83201 CLUSIONS AND WAITINO ______BUHL _ 74«-2671 33(136-2420 234-0020 Petwoos. » 3 0 (Un y r Bunitos, frena frtei milnully ' ^ ______. ___ pcacbicb dessert and milk. ______tj^ O b ifilu a r le s ...... ^ ..Tueaday:y: Roast , boef sandwlcbea, trea a.frultandmllk. _ ficymbved io‘;ierome im324'nnd“d ------sno-wnsprecaJed indcatlMJrty jd a n s h ------s s S S ' J ^ ------Ruth-M. Reynold ...... /d e d im ic y day:-Canadian. bacon.ptaa.,bi y i a s -^ealtCTdciideil tho Gooding SUitc^choai for—ir— tcr.Threebromersanffffsist x! green beans, pineapple cupp oi - TWIN FALLS-RuthM T he funeral will bo held h^^Rcyp^^TY, -thoD^MfandDUnd. k. . . . . ^LTwiiFallfl^dl^-Thutw latrfedJhcodoreiScliuk on Dcc.—:.rr^;3 0 p.nVfttRoynolds Func rtstbr— In J erome, whore Ihcy farmedd Twin Falls. Burial will bibe In Jerome i.-fniitfcooktoand m llk------following o long iilneas. untllhlsdeI death In 1334. Cem etery, ; Chicken sandwich with sauc B o m Ju n e 28, 1909. innKulm. Ki N.D.,ahe Sho maxmiTTled George R. Reynolds Inn Friends may call at thee funeralf homo uce ^ ct^i. buttered carrots and cho " m oved wlUi h e r parentsts InIr 1912 to Aber- Klmberiy I n on Monday and until the ly In IMS. and they had lived In ” ■>' “« S ^ m llk . _T w ln F aills lls since then. Mr. Reynolds diedd _scrvlceonTucs<^y. In M a rcb blM i; i- ' ■ ’ ' "■■■■ "• —snc^as?as-a-mcmbcr of • ihir E ^f-au b — ______^ Sfior/ene W U s o n ~ r:Siervic a n d a m ce m m t)erot the t^ulhcron Church. .-1 — ------W ENDKIi—Thofunormoral for KennoUi------Survlvlnji^lpg nr«»- n tlniifrhlpr Pniillni>a..‘ _ RUPKRT— -Sbarlcoo WWilson,- i ^ o f ------.no r.. £>. u i l ^ , 62, of W cnddl.Jl.~wl»'died \ Wed- Flym rof-of-Twin-Falls;-(our • broUtera,—>.— itotburgnnd formeriy ofthethe Mlol-Cassla nesday, will be held Moodjonday at I p.m. at Arthur Nc

-=M osppitals= * .‘T r V c b eeen buying C omtnmon i Stocks__ _ irs through MAGlAGlC VALLEY an d Mrs. Tony RostsstotWendell. c " - \ J fo r m or»re.than 20 years REGIONAL/\LMEDICALCENTER 1 ------QQC “ zE d w ardd D. Jones & CoC o ...... 1 .V- AAdmitted 3O0DINGC0UNTY MEMORIAL ly investm ents rem ain va — . Raymond Wotcrs, Harlejirley Summera. Jeremiah McNuriln. Me AdmlUed . . . a n d m y 1 valuable lodavl" — ;J»am ela Lynn AUen, M ra.1. LLuke Francis, Mra. Rodney:y ;Mason. Mra. Tom Jacobsojbson of Gooding. r _ Al Edw.ird D. Joiii'S St C o wi-'ll liulp v'ou pick2ickconsofv.iliui‘* I ccminwin Clarence Undsey. Lawrencencc Colay.and Claire MacArthurhur. all of ■ slocki llul IIh-;.!m iOit vuur linoncii3ljKcdi_Ch_C}»oie Item J vjpL'iv ol______' ...... Twin FallaiJflm cs Bdwnrdd ClCladowskI and Michelle HartweIwell. both CASSIA MEMORIAL I Burlov: Kristv.Tcn: yatrick-of-TMmo;— = ------r _:V i:^jttra-SIcvo.Slm inona,-<>ll-of-tof-BurieyrJasepfrBiBmrorMiD UnrenrKfir w illlom M atty Jr-. . ofof. t'e n d a le . W ash.; and SantossDeLeonofPnul. I ■ ' I . • C a p i tb aI l sains & • Agg*ggressive capital, T "- ■ Jack'LongorK lm bcT lyi Loon.oonord Murray of Buhl; Sarahlh IReed of ' D Ism lM d g i n c o ml e e . S al in i n i s . ____ “ '■•■•Jlalley; John Hill of Hanseinsen; and l>*vin E llx a b ^ Sn>Snyder of Lona Hymas, Ckoni)onna Henley and MlUle Osterhouout, all of Buriey; ! , ,-^“ -^ackpol. Lyle Nelson of M Ma altai N aShal'N elM a Of El&a aod vcmico ■ • • Btrths Henderson of MosesMS Lake,I Wash. - i - T W O aOFFICES TO SERVE-YOUU INIt TWIN FALLS------— ■' Sons lo Mr. and Mra. Jctforrroiy Hortlng. and Mr and Mra.s. RodneyI Blrtta ■ Daughters lo Mr. ■ ____ Iv. Mason, all of Twin Falls. A son to Mr. andnd Mra.7 J ^ Banks of Buriey. Di P h o n o :?73 : 3 ^4 9 2 5 Phono: 734-9106 ‘ and Mra. Rodneyf U nd of Buriey. Mr. and M rs.. JerryJ Temple of R y ^ p H R upert, ood Mr. aodu d M1 n. Juan DeLeon of Paul. 1^1 BobSoibol &< A oscoo P atton ' G eno Sturgill r. BENEDICTS . ■IC 13SShosholo n o S t. No. ;...... ~ ~ ~ ■ AAdmlttod 1027 Bluo Lakos M ra. Doug. LiMKton Of Jeroierome, Alice yyxlcrson of Wend(^ndell and . ’ 1M INipOKAUEM ORIAL' 'Albert Reoner of Shoehooe. Admitted E d w a r d O . JJLonas i Er Co -.'.'.•■I.* " ~ ' .DlDtsmlssed . Halleb Clark of Rupert,Ruf Utn-S»'$S»- »0'» SttO [jCfijnjt ("c Shay Robertson, KevinI PiPeterson and Kenneth Ives.a . all of DtaniaM d - in.trsi ^OIKWn Ce>KCe>w'jt.oi' __; Denise Rucker., RichardRlc Newtoo. Tony RUson ^indTrenaWataoa " e—tm. T»lii t.u . ' ■■JLBihha— :------::r: ------a ir b f Rupertr MaiMarlon'Moncur and-Lester^St:SUntffcr,-l)oUi of— 1 ------—iH tw suJ *«; ___ A daug > te rto Mr. and Mra- rs. jDavid Barry of Jerom e. A sonaontoMr. Heybum: and DavidYidWri|»tofHa^loiL ------r M ■I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ' S u n i ^ mrNewarrwmFansndantjB^— r— gasK g i c r v a iI l e f ; ......

' ......

~ ■ ' ‘IlTsedlogI get in sblm fchlrcrbuBleTI’d^oto school andd noti com e hom e! iuntil after dark. I always hadid to see w hat w asIS a r o u n d t h e n e x t cornerj overer th e n ex t hill. I’dd g e t a b e a t i n ’ f o r ;______i t , blU u l t I alw ays did it:a a g a in . .

— Mlichael i< Edm insterr

J ' Wm W •

- .j:-

f ‘ 'HBK h H

ful setting, with M ountt BI a ld y a s a b a c k g r o uin n 'dd s e ttin g f,' Ilchael. M olly and BenJ;n ja m ln M Ichih a e l E d m i n s t e r t e n d s 1h i s f lo c k in a p e a c e f u l ; M ici * ^ Pracc ^ t i e s is g f t l ^ q jze /o r^shephlerdancSjfaiinir . .. ': By DEBRA JOHNSO^WNGELET m em bers beingg dldrawn to the outdoors. t Times-News correal^adent , “ I used to get;t IrIn so m uch trouble. I'd go to school and _ ------th en not com e hoihom e until a tte rd a rk,^he_spspeaks_softly __ ~ =CAKECREEK^- Sbqiherds are lu t sd.unusuam^lntKe=ranaiOinsnrindw always ■faadrto'isee'what^was:is-around-the Wood River VaUey.E. E very spring they push Ihelilelr h e r ^ .^Mixt com er, overv er the nextTUUrTd gefaT)e.t^tlh’ for'It, up north, sometimesies via the shoulder of Highv;hw ay 75. b ul I alw ays didId il again—usually lhe next dj ilm to stay, - Their rattling compip 'wtigons, Ihelr browned skskin and . Realizing hisis wanderiust was with hlr m'roam. He - glistening dark hairair contrast with the light,ht, dusty Edminster optedited for Jobs which let him studied wel(Ung,vig, woriced in the construction!n trade, lived sheep. ily studied at BuUi shepherd withrith a long, blond pony tall? NdidgrW dI,-I~^^^B ~ ‘ dark n ess'falls on theJie mountain. The sheep bell;ells tinkle w as alw ays askiniking if there was any chancee ia t all of m y _____ n softly and occasional!:lally, like gentle wind chimes.s. getting in. I guesuess they finally got tired ofIf im e buggin' — T; — Edmlnster-tethersars-his-horBe-and-stacks1 his-few h — them."— — — lha Pines, next to the remaiitains of a —Sittingbeneathath millionsoftwlnldingstars,rs,£51,000. Authorization re- - The public bearing' tto consider"TBe said , so essentially thithe waler fund has approval of two-thirds of tholhe am ended >1,225,723 but« d get/w hich in- t l B S ^eruoir been subsidizing it. ^R U PE R T . ,-Rapert- -1 C lly ^S S -PThe~fundg^would-be-yed-to-to — eluded >31.000 for r e‘creation a w ithji____ J To compensate for’or the- deUdencyr—J n d ; __ — G ounclLaroroved a $7.s lfie“clty and counly fJre de-ae: >9,703 recreation tax. levy, was «,t g Q Q digentiundi CIS the mayor said the! ccouncil Is consld- -^^^^^budget at Its recentcouniKincU meeting. . !nt into one facility an d to held. aks upjund: : . ering a sewer chararge to raise the , -‘?Tlie people m ust trust In our judg- g JJ™se , new fire triicks. Heller explained W(Wednesday that gy KARIlRENMAIN ______>45,000^ ____ ■—“in e n ts td'bow this mornoney should b e P'TSjsday, Nov. 8, w as set as* the rubles ^ because of a challengeelo I the amended Tim es-Ni■News correspondent -— O ther planned budjap t expM llira gy — -^spent or else we’d haveve someone£ hert5 general election dale. Two aNENEBUCKWAY budget proposal by tbe» Assoclatton of in d u d e >344,000 inn general tun*. dispute these figures,'es,"commenlg a r city council positions, ciu*- ss-Newscorrespoodcnt — Idaho Taxpayers, andlon 0 the advice of BUHLIL — A new municipal wat< >170.000 for streets18 and highways, , I p a a y o r BIU Whlttom concerning co the pgntlv held he by June Dombeck and city attorney C edi Hobi)bdey, the public reservolifoir will soak up a large portl( public budget « >86.000 for sanllaUonon. >37,000 for the aur>c^lOSHONE—The largest increase • -y;two unattended put Cameron, are up for elecUon. hearing was canceled. uhl's >1.^ mllllon budg L of Buhl . S - I'b ra ry , an d >29,000OO for the city’s eUncolnCouaty.l983-84budgetls., . Qtlng petitions m ay be fUed.al. e d 'th a t because approv<«(viJd by ,th e^ !tr= c o u n d l th improvement dls- “ Included In the budget . ® share of the local in he Indigent fund. Y offices betw een Sept. 29 and 'as not hdd. lhe week, f slroels on whldi . . ixsalaHes lor both the mayormj and tho the public hearing.waj ,, , trict assessment of i le new budget adopted Ihis post xidget,..adopted. __ Appro)roxim ately >300.000 of the city ■ ^ ‘cltycoua^mcmbeia-- _ ____ original >1.210,020 btt ^lndudes->70,000 for Indigent------bearing Aug. 1, water fundfu wiu'comc from a^edeT Councilman RonaldI idKI eb e proposed foUowlng a public he f e o o - ^ Lers. m ore than double tbe 19S2-83 ace as certified Housingng and Urban Dovdopme •al property taxes r i':a 5150 Increase In salary sa! for the. would remain in plac raised from general reof>31.305. Jerk’s office. No . ^ ra n t awarded av earlier this year f and >64,000 will conome Icderal ~^-mayor, and >100 per monthme for each 1 creation through the county d e erk Linda Stevenson expIMned itresenajlE*—______-councuman. recent COUit dticiuluiis (UKl Uw ' ' S ffbud^ '*T^l'city will m atch tbe grant wi «^Ainw«»mnn Dwloelleelle Allred' re- /g lJM comment on the am The airport fund,'[, which was more b e r of Indigent claim s c o m l^ lo " p om itted ncil ^ t e d to s t ^ approxh-x lm a td y >100.000 ' generat year, will bo only 'rijm lnded the coiuicU lhathat tbe last pay y T uesday and the counc: thim >7fi0,000 last y« counly have necessitated tbe lo­ Iget and thereby . through^ waler rate increases Ih ^:^ :S in ” caBe Jho .mayoiLflK£Bd.councllrnM By^NEIlENEBUCKWAY with the original budgi >277,000 this year. se. ■ - . -avoldapossiblelegalbi nto^:recelved was In 1976. TV/neS'/Ve^e»s correqwodeot baltle.-rr-— ^------w entloU terlncreaseff^ortbrflscalTfear-^ " If fu rth er invesUgal^Uon shows that But e'even w ith tbe Income fro a F ederal AvlaUon TZ":' Thepn^JOsedsalaiylBytocreaseswere . budget cam e from a 1 nnlng Oct. I Indude two.-new rbp tbe am ended m etered•ed waler sales, the grant ai intto renovate the iZ^Saroroved unanimously.jly. Ilie mayor GOODtDING The Gooding budgetget a form al m otion to dro| ActalnlatraUoD grani Ity employees’salaries. • • J g } necessary, '.a other rwrevenue totaling about >615,0( •^w < » now receive >650) P300 n e w sfoir ri tho new Gooding RecreaUonJon spedal meeting of tbele council w ill b e th e w alester fund could como up shortr ° f O ut of this y e a r'ss irevenue, approx- cq, -4 -each councU member wll 'esttmated e:q)eodItures 5lh District Trial pourt ad- ^ ...... D istrict t.- ' ■ ______called before tbe endid o ftb e wedc,^’ th e “ es ' ^_lmalcly>l73.000,v^l^lhe^anM of , '-—perrnontt. “ ' ’ ------1642.000,'00. H w as noted.------istralor. Lincoln.Coudty.magls-.:.____ 'n ieGSoodlng o i City Council had votedtea"Hdler-4dtol; ------=— Is'this tfia^ed^^ant. i Danid C. Huributt Jr. was . '::z: Inotherbuslness: B, tbe council Ooet rereason for tbe difference is'U tr a te E oved an b>crease earlier tolo reopen the budget lo'addda a ’ In othtir business, Is what the airport n anipd. ^. to the administrator post l-r- • The council aK>rove of Bl-fdd year tbel»e d ty lowered Its expectatioations A nother >72.000 is jn rates fo r th e .0277 lev;evy for recreation that wasvas approved, tbe purdu get' from another ntn^ing ;-~ in domestic irrlgalloa i y Hall's mulU* forreveivenue from' tbe water chargesgesto t>oard hopes to gc tIngSept.1. rlt! coming year. 'Rje neww rater wlD be 40 o m ittedd ffrom, the budget adopted oo0 0 doors fdr tbe City ir Jim government grant oo: r loOn to build a T bte e (county' will also hire a new . ' .purpoae/rooQk'and1 matwtols for anesUmim ated >120.000, said Mayor J{ B„ foot a n d &. A u g .!., new ahxraft malotenenonce tnilldlng. appralsiraiser for tbe ass»or'8offlce. -:i:ccntt per- IronUgo ItdwQ area trom Barker. to |21 per acre. The levlevy w as I?ft out of ^ budgetget finish work In tbe.Utc evttison said both poslUoa) are • m inim um o f $17.60 to J (tor»4,®L Intbebe previous year, tbe dfy antimtici- Councilman Terry^Lechnersaidthe Steve ^ -me Minidoka InlgaUaItion District In^ followingng tbe .organizatkin of the dls-dls- : Volco loc. la (^ 0 (^ Ik r building iffneeded Due couDcO also agegraedtoooDtrith patedtbtbe Increased water rates wmwould . fUed-base operator b ~:creased Its rates torthe tl dty three trict However, Ho >20,000 In revenue lhe l a i ^ . planes *S•See BUDGET3.ooP»gBB< - the--ute>aX)fottbe-“WeCiCartfApn)gram!s.„ bring inlo around m o o o , said.L EBut lo accommodate th “ T '.^ "dllTerenlTlinei^J wt^yeojfear. maMng tbe ahariag-fg-fuods was desigBatod.|tt^^ to ------B^Himw^BwsTTwtiTFa -ptombef-1trt083------

" JE ^ d q i6posalOfi^.774' ■ eOootlmiedtromli m F ^ K s li^ t ln0ct.l.- -— = •• By KAREN MAIN ■ - Times-News comspond^ r — ~ ~ cstatJon: Horae - g firo department needs the extn f c o s t s ~ ~ ~ to prepare for (he city's growth, H ospital ----- “T r‘iCER~=rTbe FflefISrCItrCM UKO^'J”" ' •“ 1 T. lyors^d. Ifonly^tbSOOmon VINYL 1.000 budget tor A L U M INUAA ^ ' h a s adopted a 1976.00 ? move into FUer. the d ty will^Z bt take biggger bite U.S. STEEL I : 1983-84. •ed to have a lulUime' fire de^ SIDING I ■ Tbe budget droppe-re^AQCbtiM rb a g efees^______saya.the.county_.ViiU.lU levy $20.000 in______COMi\pletelySNSTALLED i w a te r tan k a nd th e $63.(63,000 balance df propertytaxforthebobospitalthlsyear.------hi'"' TanEInvlnniinentalProl«rotecttoAga^-.:;:ByJaNI3 >n3NE BUCKWAY------but-antldpatedbospliQltal.revenues for „ g ra n t will p a y oM thbe e renovaUons'ofi Tim ^N-WswsoOTBqsoodeDf t ■ tbe fiscal year, vrtiidid ) will begin Oct. YOURHHOME f OOSQ.FT- • : th e city’s sew age treat!satmentTaantrhe— ...... — l.wlUbeabout$5.0008Osborl. - ,- kGE 3 BEDROOM HHOME UP TO 1400 a l b u d g et $70,000 FOR AVERAG .( . said. SHOS«SHONE - The Shoshone citycity O f th e total h o ^ lta l Although the aewerrand ai water funds budgett s shows a $2,929 Increase foefor will come from federal fei revenue-. show a dramatic decSecrease. only a 1983-84\ o\over the current year’s figure.re. , sharing funds.

. . . ■ jh e r d F ^ % estqin i Oo. nd~S^STbuf* ‘ S •CoDtlmiedflromlmPageBS persuasiiasion. dogs’ insistence and ■ke Creek’s cool OM AT 570 ADDISCI S O N W E S T ear always on the -Edmlnninster calls his dogs to workork. - rising sound i)f Lak SEE OUR CO MPAPtETE SHOW ROO ^ ;bat not soundly, one car on.-nie dust gets^------“ Come o are moving at i ^ U.S. Steel. R evere.e. W olverine, ^ Dunn & Br.adstretreet Rated ' ■■-.wnuldtf^tnhriphlinii ca tc h i ^ t m th e nevffl#s of each other’s w ith T e d la r Finish mroove his flock, fairw - - f^d y - pace, Edmlhstei thev aU herd the______Arsco; A naconda wl T rip le A Q u alityty andt Service- ■ dldn^t need^ to oe aaw rea'cfe"es Into a saooie oag for IUj — finaUy ttothecorral. - t^-\> Keyrtalds-Atom iumium ond Vinyl SlcUng- g n ’Exp Tarie n ce ------• _ ...... connectsction with hom e - a two»wa; — L. j!How^s-your_scboxxilwork-Icomlng. _____ A lum inum ancJStement Dealer and cooked the Edmlnst p -k ^ the can^i up an osier’s wife, Lynne Karcher easy this time. Clear,u*. beauUful skies, A lum inum Patio CoversCc & Carports h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e m eals w hile w e w ere« oout But I sure andthelilelr thre© daughters have move< M ember T.F. Cha a little company andad only one sheep ; n in g s_ ^ ____ _ : ■■, :.:jeqp>edalotlromblmli[ftln lbatmonth.'l._thelr-cat^aq^^a^^a^i^^.baj» ” ,?f=;teUrj|di.-Edmlli3ter,u* looks^Batlflfied,— < .Shut^rsjanjj A v/nii le 'ra n ip ffll»=a®«aaJIyn»itirM s-|r-famUyrgattoBredrj. ^Biown-lnCelluIose:^rnsulatlbh^— ^— : i'-tose lakes iS ateister only a few voice urgesur daddy to “Hurty "dowff™ around. ;;r-iD6utes. The momln■ning air smells herelWcWe have bluebeny muffins I'' From a distance,I, most shepherds pQORAPPOINTMENl <2sweet and mixes wellQ wwith the scent of He smilessm and t{ulckens bis paceace. and thdr flock appepear tranquil and a < 4 HOURS PHONE ■ -:Jiagb. He carSMly- ltlooks over tbe Tljesunlin Is a few hours higher now anc^ happy. Up dose, thouDugh. th e hard and . .8 h ( ^ , a od surveys thethe downhill slope thesheefeep are slowing dowa dusfy work becomessreal. r C AALL COLLECT. ..^ 7 3 4 --7 0 7 0 ' ^jjl^e^ocmtaln. ______: _ inl T his w ayj Cully, o v erb erelrel” ’ But tq) dose to thithis sbeidierd Just ) I ^ are "now," the' tranquilityIty and-;peace of ____^___jniaelm il a r o rdyiomove. ^ i Weil,_-.he retrilitrilnds'Ws dogsTTlie sheep an llttm-TMrtOYErtffriveagertogo-on.-but-withithe—^mlndllesoftlyontbat thi abreeie.__l!______

—— MI ! ■ n m ! ■ I , Trji li’V ] 0

F a c i l i t ies e s ' - - ' ' ; i - 7 - — JOH)HNANDROStM(MONEY \ • 5 RocquotbIball/H ondboll C ourts w ithith ttomporoturo control . Moot tho Pro■ro 'John Mooney is a inationally - ....^ • An Exhibitiiition C ourt w ith s p e c ta to r viewingvli through gloss ' . . j iquetboll and handbcball player ...... - - — ------:in th o b ack:k w a ll- ...... :------—known. racqu .. Tho Twin Fbl=blls‘Atiiletic Club has bebeen purchased by John ______e M on's a n dJ \W om en'a Locker R ooms wwl ith S a u n a s ;j ;!or. John hos over 2020 years of teoching . 9ney7-We-hQvo^klon*}v«^*^o.«>(perlenc4Mn.develop~ ^ — — ond-Ro»®-MoOfi _ _ _ » SopQrQTO-V^W.oJg.hLond.fcx.o.^s.oJ_roin(flining Aroos for Boih __;_i__ ------■- —*experience-i<-in-rocquetboll-ond-d-handbaU,-He-hasIII — “ IngPowrtlng^rond::op«cotlng::racquottMil ^i^)l/hrmrlhrTn~nnrt-lHn fT«tic~ ind instructing seven I, thVTYTomin been Instrumiimentai in guiding one orlontod othlolotic clubs. Our goal willrill b o to giv o Tw in F alls • Exorcise (Aorobic)(A Area notional chartampions and numenarous state and re- tho bost possilsiblo facility, monagomoTiont. and Imago for tho^9 • Co-Ed Rodviiwood Ponollod Whirlpoolol A/ ro o ! ------; --giono! champnpions.-He has w/on: t>two national cham- - best possiblo pprico. To begin our offoffbris wo dro.adopting ao .-•OutdoorSv Sw im m ing P ool------— _••••'• - pionshipsr^thithfee-Atr-Force-W ororldwide.cl^mpion-- - = — now slogan:-^"New OwnQf. New Nan’3iin§,J^eviUmage”-:tha. ho— ------••Free-ood A:A m ple B ark in g------r — ■ : ships, four regional r and severen state, champiori- now owners orore John and Roso Moomonoy: the now pome will'ill • Pro Shop be "Tho TwinI FoilsI Athlotic Club”: and on the now Imago willin eT.V.VlowIr sh ip s. Jo h n1 'will be availablef 1for private, semi- Expansion PloPlanned ; ■ bo: oddod noww facilities, now oxorclscIse and filnoss programs p riv a te a n d grgroup lessons. l * Tho Roeopllon,n, Pro Shop, lounge and T.V.. arooarc will bo expanded Irom 'op- and sincoro po30oplo/monagomont toI insureir thot you got thef’O promlmotolyiSiSO (q. It. to 1200 tq. ll. This »pac(pacewlll; r ...... •• M o o t t h o - WMonngomont— l Rosee Mooney, wife of -m o s t fo r y o u r doHd< or.— ...... - — . - Expond ihe.PriPro Shop jndjfock.vyith rooulailprallon equipment and alhlolie . opporol John and co-o3-owner, will be mono'taging the reception • ExpandlhoSoSocial Ibungo wilh toup. talad.I. sandwich,loi beverage and ' food and beveverage, social, andd accounting octivi- * |ui<«bor ■ _ CHARRTERMEMBERSHIHIP OFFER • Add o glatsIS oneloture which can bo opencpened to the swimming pool.pnd ' ties. Rose is the current Womerten>_{Age 4^ e L45)__ dockaroodurin'Ing good woalhor,' creoling an1 indindoor/outdoor polio ^ ' Colorado Staitate Racquetball Ch"hompion. She has atmoiphora cOffer good thru Soptombinbor30, 1983 • Provide foellltl > of managing the frcfront desk activities lliioi lor rocquot ilrlnglngandIrogripping rog . . | many years o MEMS£RSHIP TYIYPE INfTIATlON FEEEE MONTHLY DUES • Expand Iho T.V.T.N viewing aroa in m ajo r a thiletic le clubs. Approximatol/1/ 2125 »q. It. will bo added lo> tho upper level to house an Aero- 1. Full Facility . blcExorelisondnd Men’* and Women’* Fllne««» Conter.Coi Anthony O'CoConnor will m anage» call of -the mainten- Ity Slhglo i/cr^ $28.00 P r o g r a mIS s O ffered ance and procro g ram activities in tl’the club. Known as C ouplo "WAIVV E D $ 3 5 .0 0 ; Profoiilo'Solll ExorcltoE Programming lor boihJlhmenondwombn" n ...... — llTooy-j -he hehas -five-year.s..of_ex|}xperience-in_.main^_ :__ __Junior.&£tiatu d en t—:__J______^___ ^0,0-0_____------— ——■Protoislonolliil'trtitructlon'In'RocQuoToolhunddHondball Ko ------r-— $ 4 .0 0 teanance ancind p ro g ram m in g inn a- major athletic Children U13-18.(odd-on) • Profetilonoltiil.Initfuctlon In Swimming Children uru n d e r 13 $ 2 .0 0 • Aorobk Exercirclio'Cloiioi club and is highly hi qualified to kkeep the club one • Computorlxeded Ergometor Aorobic Exercii e ' ynii wiM be prcjroud.gf. ______• RocqufttboliI 01ond Handball Leoouei, Toumameaments. Round Robins, Clinics______-______~ 2 . fitn e s s • rroleinonallyllly'fil(5Bn»ffP loro.'dtMercl^'PfogProgram REGULAR DAILYILY CLUB H0URS:Th050 hloursrwlll oi bo ostabiishod ___ ■■ SInglo ------$ 2 2 .0 0 - - - •Sporl»M»dlclticIneCllnlceandSympotlums nanogomont and any chcihangos will bo posfod by tho clubi mar C ouolo —_ WAIVIVED $30.00 A m e n i t i e s Offckoruie------,---- , •Rtntollock«rt>rt aro Qvaltoble . . . -12 n o o n t o 8 p m , IE EZIZ S u n dlay, a ; Soplombor 11,1083 . Tlm0»4J®w8.Tim Twin Falla. I d a h o ^ . ■ L uxui'y C ois &!■ ■ 3 u s i t n e i S S ^ — ■ Soviets buy grjrain-B7------— ■ Efrought persisi s t s B 7 ■

J 0 r f S o p ^ m w A p sV t ClXlSri O C r f 1 1 A g ric uIture lt Departrtm ent figurees due to b()e r e le a s e d co n M o n d ayy y 1983 Winnter wheat orerop yields ^ Average bushelels per acre for ma|or-.E2-31.UJ-35 ^ bushois— — r ^ ' ' ^ y J E R O M E IDASZ,^ZAK tng presets itsevidoidence of whal has happened■din a g e .lh e w e a lh e r'sinI impart already liiis' ti^ tataken k i . winter wheat gigrowing statos c:CZD 37 10 47 bU3hol3____ _ 2- . . . H 50 to 63 bushels CWcagoSuo-TYraesss tboceoterofU.S. conn m fleld s." into account in futures' (u prices, which l>egi» g an f — done by hts companyy In ■■ JumplngineariyAujlu g u st - ...... - ...... Leslie’s forecast- VT. \J « r S Prospects for thot» harvestI of com aiid soybea}eans . Chicago and*(Ustribcrlbutcd by E. F. Hutton -- is Coro futures for’ deddivery in December closedied at ------— havo boeo reduced)d s6baiply-ln-the latestcstimmate f — bascd-on_a Sept,—U -l-survcy-or.. 2,500-p©(^lpie.— W.G4 a bushel-Thursirsday-at tbo Chicago Boardu ^ o f - y \~ rjs ^ s .g ~ '■------____ _by private crop analilalystCpnrad Leslie,. ______including g ra in .eilevator le v managers, f(^ prpro-' T rad e, up 1 ^ c entsrSoybean ts: futures fordellveivciy His forecast eniballs (or a com h arvest of' just Ji ctesors and others, in November were) offof 2 cents to close at $9.27^27^4. wYoyo l~*° )— I un d er 4.4 bUlIon busl;)ushels and a soyt>ean harvestest of ' Hot weather throuj'ougb’the Midwest In July aiand Both a re fa r short>rt of reco rd s— W.Wl'-i for•com co: j jowA 1.5 bllliOQ busbels.Is. Both oro about 16 percercent August has caused3d forecasters to lower theticlr s e t Nov. 28,1980, and^ $12,90 fo r soybeans, se t JuneJui w v / ------( ax. MO.I below Leslie's Aug.g. 1 forecast. estimates repeatedly,U y. ______------5,-1973.------■ KAH. » lf t\ - r - x e s U f i ’fllatfiStioreeningFTF riday, sa id Susan H a d c mrum S n,. harvest around 1.61.6 blUlon. The U.S. Agricullttllure five-year average ofof 11105 bushels. groin analyst In ChictiicagowithA.G:Be<*er.- - D^artment is duelue to Issue its latest foreciecast . The soybean yield,jld, Leslie said, would be 2525.3 And sbc said Ibele 1USDA forecast M onday mimoy Monday. bushels per acre. ThaiPhat's much lower than the 19E1982 be slighUy higher tb^th an Leslie's, Viliich couldH lej ead \ I ^ i o said th e fUu(Inal com h arv est m iy be eveven record of 32.2 bushels.«Is. And it's near the low of tlithe toadlpinprices. low er bccfluse '**thcthe-Ml*cxtent-of the stress*ss-on ----- last

i ^ ' c r ^’ ’■•^ ^ ''^''^" ^ * ^ • ’71''

| | H

Businel e s s ^ e d i

T r t i s P S ooistmay l buy^ p lan t ...... BOISE(UPir=“ Trus'JoIst Corp. says It hah a ; acquired on option to _ purchase a plywlywood plant' in Natchltoctoches. La., to expand • ------^ — ^laanufwturlngof^lor^tslamlnaledlumber-produdUCtS.^-^^: ------i - T- - r - , - - — =- If It exercisesses the option, Tnis Joisfoist plans to use the 106,000«iuare-foolool plant to Increase prod'•oductlon hi the eastem sections o j ^ coui»u n try . So far, Trus J o ist'ss M^ icro-lam line has been' p r o d u c t only inn ttthe Western states. Produduction coHd begin byJate____ 1984. the opUon for the plant, whlctilch lies on a 69-acre plot, was acquired (romom W illam ette Xnciustrtes.

T r o n a ’ s troubles haanging on GREEN RIVERER,Wyo. (U PI)-T he upss andJ d o w ^ In the trona industry continue,ue, with Iwo com panies annouiounclng layoffs and one company reportingJng recall of lald^iff workers,rs. ______T is ^ g u lf manaimager Cam Albln'said the3 ocompany will lay off 10 I______.p erceh fo U ts’aSfl-'jsoremploy^ltdlreduce.o^sts::EMC:Coip.- manager------Rod Kvldabl saidUd 13 em ployees lem poraril;rilyasslgnedto'summer m aintenance woricjrk would be laid off in two wef sub-s soybeans under a seeicorchhigsun.' “but a{ •______President E .B3. . I H art said eam lngs fo r the i U a l c t o t " ______. w ere $4.76 muiion, (;88TnlUhKrao«a^«“ '*J®rr;::------TOLONO,~1U— Lindn-WaiW-proba^— sldle&->H -^ c h —to—other—Amerio - from — w ith-your Wds out-tUbere-walliig-theTIIWpfi'flr/ftlanlHBtaahnuallncomelnthe ■ ------Per'share'eanilngIn ^ o f 26cents-wBTc'up-18;23^ percent' (ronij^^jcnts? — — —6iy~wotfld "consider- 1hlmsdf -flrst-a-^nil^t-£t-Beem-indistinguishable - (r beans,’.’said Wariel.el, a member of tbe 20 yeaiyears he has been farmin^has - - . ^ e s of 1205.59' millionml rose 7.6 perccnl frorrora J191.07 mlliron in tho w elfarerepayments. Christian. _____ edloa local school boardI aan ao elder In his ra nged ^ (rom $20,000 to $60,000. : r so m e qu arter in11982. IK U ie n b e m ight say/ -— in something . A l «12, , 'Wariel Is happily m arried t tlbera- church. "I give theM kids 80 a c re s to “ IIhe h e best year was 1968,’’ b{j re- Earnings for tbethe (list h alf of fiscal 1984l ofoi $7.41 million rose 25.3 ------llko this order s thatal heila afamUy . m who eschews women’s libe if flve (o n n . They choose'ie'their’own'crops calledled^ondly. “Thai was tbe year you ______; pcrc,ri^ ^ now is sevra years old and has from$371.49mlIIIoiIllon a ye a r ^ U e r . ttenal ;.American’.;-ch U c^x n who range In age from 6 to he calls the tradltl( drinks—field atfiajn ^y ^.jy m n m in g '* 148,000ooomilesflnJlt.^ ______r______------— ------TbC'dmiirtjpen*rates-147-«tore3-in-ftve-W«Westem-«tates inciudlng------v a lu ra ris 'a o n ro a b l^^l^anythlng-a*:=rfiMerOfr0f-the-chlldrK3-8m0kes,-drii Wnrf**l ppngq fl >ho fnrm nn tn ; WflrfCartel’s___greal^ra^aUierc _a ____ ■ IdaSowlUjanouUeatlenhTwInTans^ ^ cso t^ c iis'anldehtlQriycrtHto;: : : : isdnigs.— —-— ------i.Warfels-liva-ln a-whlte-fraframe those of his diildrenenvrt»wanttorun GemaTnan ho salihonce worSS ^ a - Ho is a conserv^v of the Ho'knows thal'AiAmerican farmers saveded ihis wages to buy the first 80 — A M e : o r < Reagan and an adiidinixer of John pool aw[ud surrounded by some of i rders recall conw iring J acre, are In deep trouble,}, IIncluding some of acresesoftbefann. o Glenn, another Midwtwestemer and a worid’sli’s b est soli, Worth $3,000 an ac SOUTHFEELb,D. Mich. (UPI) - Americrican Motors Corp. said farm lhe 750 acres they ownmand £ his neighbors. As foifor hhnself, he will "MyMy great-grandmother rwas Democratic a^lrantnt : to- tbe pre- Theyfai ii^ t to this country to worfc-as a • ' • - F rid ay It Is recalllailin g 19,500 1981 R enault 181 sedans and wagons for- im ad dditlonal lt 900 acres they lease,e. n e v e r consider selUilllng out to ck) any- b r o u ^ sldency. m aId,” l i ” Wariel said. r ------possible faulty engEaigtoe wiring. ___ Linden .A. Warfe■id . also te a W arferfel fa rm s with a home cgcom- U ^else. I Tbeautomakensr^aldihe'electrical'wlrcs'lirin-some^f lbe cars may-— • ncdlty------“ We’d -b esellln gg-our i w ay of-Iife,^'------AfteriterW arfel’a father,-an only child. — millionaire, olthou^h" i t ' n ^ “ \TOuId ■ p u te r &aand r^ads'Utelatesl oommod routed or secured, >WUchh i m ay result in potentliU in his said Wariel, wbo) still owes about wast killedkl hi F ran ce a s a soldlfcr In 1 . not be properlyy n occur lo him lo desascribe himself as prices3 oGO an electronic screen In 1 - circuit malfunctloiilons and d a m ^ tb the electi•ctric^ system, tOdrra $l75,000onlandandld farm madilnery. : ^^FA M ILYooPafleBgT one. - _ offlwatatbome. BulheandhlschOdj i _____ AMC and Renatnaull dealers ^ InspecU^the vehicles and perform r repairs without; c ch h a iw . A M C sald 'ifd o es oolDot know ot any acddM ts » . . -- ' - 1 - . . . .ormjuriearesultlhItlng" fmm

Steel finirm planningg cutbacks 'DETROIT (UPI)-- virtually every headingh g iq> a second groiq> of 10 The governmentit got the Chrysler offersr byb; Shearson American Express. tovestment- bank-^ com pana n les. G oldm an Sachs & Co. tand - warrants two yeaiiors ago when the The?be investment' firms alM could . plans to close three major major Wall Street in\ piT O B im G HrH C (UPI) - U.S. steel Corp. pi lng*flnn has Joined9d ooe of three Prudente n tlal-B ach e- Securities - hihave— near-bankrupt autoitomaker was seek- exerciiircise tbe warrants themselv^aod— iT^TwirgnnlMtifln move whlcMch could mean the loss of ' _— ------piahtflaspartoCa: — - pxjt^j&planaing-toJaidlrifflrl4.4miHifln fpnn^jjdathirtgroup. - — Ingpermission.tobiborrow p a rt of >1.5 b u>r y Chry O sle r stock a t $13. This would ' M, a Pitlsborgh business newlewspaper said In a report i up to 10,000 Jo b s,) fed;oraIly hold warracants on (Chrysler Chrysiy ie r Is stiU'aecIdlng'^tbcjther to billion in fedierallally backed Joans meanim CSiryslv woidd bave to Issue- -- } : released Friday./...... p u t in1 a bid for the warrants. Robitobert approprlatedbyCiocin g re ss. o®wV stock s to cover the exercised I Business Times said tho C^rp. slock. ; • In a copyrightes to close it 'reasury D ep^- finance,:e, said the automakerr will\ remaining $800 mlmillion of tho $1.2 streengthofltssharcs. n g le Works with plants In Now .York srtien Tre 1 . Chicago, Dl., amand Its Natlonol-Duqueane m ent officials sviU opopen sealed bids “ke^) v w atching tMngq unti] thoto last1 billion In loans il it oventually bor- Duquesne, both near Pittsbisburgh. auysler strongly opposed the gov- . . M cKeesport anda D and award the warranlmts to the highest minute.’Le.’’ . ■ row ed. Chi^ ' ■ U.S. sted alsoIso plans-to-cut-manageme-i'govenunenr e bolds 14.4 millnililon '•— The resurgent~aautomaker earlier "cmmeunenl's plans to sell the warrants, int reduction could lead tO" '- . blddar.------I I combined plantt shutdownsb and management The Detroit Free Pn:■niss said Morgan— 'w ariwm it ts worth ooe share.of C^h^irj^er^ this year offered Un[he governm ent $250 saying/ing, the Treasury Department ■ 0 newspaper sold, citing luJd not make a profit from' the ■ t : the- loss of moreore th an 10,000 Jobs,” th e i S tan ley & Co. Is leadBdlng- a grotq) of stock a t J13. T b e autom aker’s "shares ^ ~mlllloo for-the-wai'arrants, Thai offer should 1 - . Infc^rmed sources.e s...... - I - e ig h t firm s a n d F irst.;4Bost£Mi(>Mp..la ..a ra n oiw w worth about $30. wai rejected, as w a s.a $300 million au to m i ; — — i v o i d h p s w h e ng ap hhone ^ Herer a r e w aa y s t o a iang-u[ >n buyii iking.phone$,.Boma'are-boundlto__ H — money since 1978-byby-purdiaalng-a ------Memcluory dialing Isa pcyuLu-fc4l Jtravellng”-bandset— mnkin, • Suddoiy you’re • fac f a » r i ^ l H " de?— S m I when the boom fades. Also buy phnnft nnH p|lmlnnHngng tbe equipm ent o f som[ne e electronic pbooes. Withh this,tl that operates al var^irylng distances (up f&U wl : clslonslnanentir^oewnew ^diere. m a reputable dealer whd: will rental charge, repororts Bill Smith, tbeuserser can store frequently oall«U edor to 1,000 feet) fromn base station, from Should you bu^ a teletelqthoae aod, If . vice tbe equipment - ; . ------General Electric’s mmqrin»»ng mf>rv. emergCI e m i ^ TheB on a radio (re* serv^ ------a g e r. »4t has bSa n gleprwSWiraBB j and toe: ■_-Bpcnd?_What warrantia^servk»-ory-tQUchlng .a. pedal sy st^ lias beenjn one complaint; youca ’ • " Phones'U w tliang Offthe’Wall the or sit-on—~ ~ — ^Ibtf.' Tho manu- bolngingr^>aired...... tS c push^MiUoci Trlm llne pbomone against 'a yeariy reiental of fl03.08. . “redial*al” button. Or ooe touch canUl dl^t piracy' haFbeen an :.ad esk ? Cordless modelslels, even phones A basic ling th e problem s. .* aieck Ch the warranty poUcy;..tfiQ-.. (rom tbe local pbcne companyany Quitaaconlraflt . pollceoiio rfire . facturers are flghtln buUt Into clock radios?I? re n ts (re nInvMtf any- ICOgthgth of tbe warraniy ant^whldt - Ior.' ' ',‘El6Ctn«lc^'td«phiibooes’.are 'Im-.V'- You can buy a pi be great AT4T- '(or fromm <3.21 in Portland. O re.,-Io dels are covered. ? ' 1 • ■ 'Rie breakup of tbe cawie . tliyr , Hie3 imicroprooesBor diip’s ep^ c e wherenow—dq»rtirtment stores, drug modeL • empire goes far beyondlod th e corporate $8.59 Inn NewI Yoric Cily. In obe yeiar.liEur,. 'ocp^islve '. ’ beca And don’t shrug off “little ive paid <26.53 tor your IW m llneJoe .' \miccofiirbcenor^^'- € ^Ipe • rw jlace th e a^vioglg also^ has permitted manulinufac* stores, catalog showrooms, sl ,mass t ' w orid and right into ouiourowahomes. ypuhav© S to inlroduce t»i«^vinga b fits. In 1 ^ phone AT4T“&T” I r u bet my bottom doUtf this H>-keycoQaocttoa~^5uPo^ K k... Rin»h fairgya i s ^ t merchantlliw outlet ------whenrtbephooetoourfc I A dl^feat^ct^radlb. “ ' 'sales exceeded $86^ g - rp"' 734r34-0649, 678-4686 1 / T m onth. , ' , B u rg er's commentsints were the first from a GMM iofficial Cadillac plansns toI continue offering rear-\r-wheei drive ^rth'erslirsiiip-=r-Duflnc-HagiRione-tS~Ot i ' , , :■ ;;, - . .on (he specific soureurce of the problem in thele luxury versions of thehe DeViUe and Fleetwoodd Brougham Coeur d’Alene.d’/^ J.R . Slmplot of BolsJolsc — ‘••Models. H e spoke tor<0 reporters at a preview of CacCadillac’s models until at: letleast this spring, officials sai InIndude an Eldorado Blarriirritz COD- The divisionI plannedpl to eliminate thosese cars upon believe! theL mine can continueB to t I ^ ^ ■ ^ *.-1 e silver for many years. 1- vertlble.------^— ------introduction o fr thi the new front-wheel drives;1; IB ut DoVille produces: ' ______K Y oour In N eed of a SteStanapipeor ___ GM-plans.to.build. _ln:Orlon— and Jleetwoodsa:LsalesJiave been strong, alonjng-wlth- 0 ther_ ._?^There.T&J&.aJ}n}ad.£Qns£nsusJh2 C ulvert Crossing Towiwhlp. Mich., aand r Wcntzvllle. Mo. Aboulout 5.000 la rg e rear-w heel!el cdrive autos. the poteni4aitlal of the Crescent Mine i —^ ■■■ "partnersht^lp Is fully committed t V-HEtP YOU-KI ^ ------realizingfig that potential.------r°^-LET-ROY ^ f u n d a s5 i s e t s y y i e2lds l Glim1 ...... yfQ ^win immediately cmtMuk-o an am bitbltious development prograrra^ m WELD SEEAIFARMCO PHPIPE PRODUCE - •r^ :r* NEW YORK (UPD-- .Assets of Donoghu^ue’s Money Fund Index rose» funds have outperform©ledMMDAs. which wilj,vili Include deepening th e No.Mo, 2 ' 5 ‘ Aoney maricel mutual1 fufunds rose >13 ~ to lercent from 8.7D percent lasts t ,. The- B ank R ate Mon 8 O f f ic e .4423-4892 ' Home _____ " S : y > P ^ the a v y a g e ylelc SL_Z3.i4dai 15— r a tes h av e nof gone up,iprThelndens opcratjoicons a t the Bunker Hill Mine.;.lts It 8 A .M .-5 P.M.I. EEvening C alls W elcom e n ts ------The------: basea-on-WMPAr-fateites-at-CO-torfla lead sm ell je’s "sSTassets^of^tiw^MSZ'.- >elt«^glnoplant, ;!v T h e Investm ent Coihpa _ banks and. ^vings andnd loan histitu- . 1 n— nm ^t funds It .^ d a — tiona in the top five m > A P I I P 7 million h i tbe latest week to , ■ ■> :.j‘lse lirlustltutloffonlytai T he av erag e ra te pallaid on 2 Vi-year 1 I « W ! * D n n l i l f l w -MT^urpose funds-and-brok ilU te f ...... ------. certiflcates'dropped toto tO.52 percent • • — — __<285______m i|l|nn»—__ a n d -. « 5 ...... Donoghu[hue’s also not^ It was tbeM3 fromlO.54 p e i^ t, thole (Irst time this ..JM CONSTRUCTIONI PFPRODUCTS biViSION —g tl^ lltonpypodlvclyr -t------: n rt^AWokiiitiythnfTTinTmy-tTinrirpHTiirtiinl-al — TutPtTfls ^n a rio w n sinice g May 18.------* \y °— ■1790KimboHyR«jr Rood-— -Jvyin-FaUs"—------cn____ ' l^L___ Last*i6bs&cle~tirnelew BPA lines- ; r - ---- f i n aal l N otlco-^lossos Star^lartTuostiay ...... 5ULA. Mont. (U PI) -- The suit was the lasast nmJor legal iinkeW ater -5 5 •CoDUnuodfromPS r ^ B s 2P— obata d o - t o - complctlot I A i f C O U R S E - — I . grafldraaUka j|g ajagainst the construction of kUovolt lines thal aree to carry elec- ^stem s^-^— : ^ 'Massed tbe fann tohlm. He Power Administration>Q trlclty from southeastertem M ontana's Th» 5% Leolo Plan Is nowovolloblo WITH PEOPLE? IN- THE TUITICJITION IS LOW and covors ^5^5 "rve bad no regrets,"].."hesald,"but I Rolnko Irrigation ll?. LIKE TO WORK Wl sston lines across westernrn Colstrip power plant cccomplex across ^ rA o' ng , -7ERESTE0 IN EARN!NING ATTRACTIVE—tho—compl)mpl0t0~'C0Ur*0;—Including ; .q o rm ih g h a s beien like^trying-tobita tr; S S f ! Ing offorod now ihrougH R.M,, • PAY PREPARING tarAX: RETURNS? Ic*lbook».iks. all matorials. suppiioi 3, officials soy. Idaho to Washington. lukehariari Inc.. your Roinko Walor so guides, ond roglstrolion, ;^oving target I q>endJd ai lot of tim e igomont Spoeiollti inOoodlng. roloronco < H W^rpa III^a______. Monogo: t. oro no oxIra charges. An . • jreadlng.and. studylngJI Idoho. IF SO — THE H &: R BLOCK COURSE J .l d l mlont Z poyment plon is ovoi- ' -■ > r m alw ays behind on w^ t t I need to . ' | l R.Al.ftA. L ukohart Inc. CAN quolify you to proporo Individ- [abloHdoiidosirod. - ;^^mow." ■ ...... 230 Colorado ual lax roiurns will'Ilh confidonco and oHonHg -ringaay •— i _ ^ —moy.plocg you In ood an Immodiate nood for . '.Z ; of Illinois a t Urt>Jrt)^ . only 12 st iOELITY ■ I como lox riling s«o>«lon>. lley. - aav8aii.A.<»gumiJUi,i.Ii-WX...fU!.'n>_,UM^...canJrainQiri, you_. in_ mis rowo^ing schodulo». . . . Hold, ({It[It itis o fascinating line of wb-rk'" “ . - - H e ^ a -a -s ta u n c b siq)popportep of the CoContracts ' i1 : • Municipal Loaj >u con qualify by successful — ~Payj^t--ln Kind (PIK;IK)-.-program,‘ , c^ , . ,x>n^HI Ilfo insurance . ■ I W.FORMING— ^|TTT and'lndustrlal 1 ' ^;; and L eases • • -CLASSES’ARtNOW fllon'of'lhis'coorio,) ...... w hich p ay s fa n n e rs llke-ike hlm-in BUT-...... - ROllMENTI»-oponn andI cla»»o» begin . ------— plus for not piMtinjiting tbelr own - - - ...... ^ s e ^ " z 11; ^ . w “ zZLJI*J^’ccbunts_Beo£ ; celvable!'/ _Soplombot.a*_A.«!’ tTjrsmnHaiB— —^n6i1eal-Ea1a4e'H:^>aflS------It * —oiHt-ov«nln9-*«»tl« - -— a;gcf^%IBIHSDt'^tirTi Iniurorx* .. ■ ANYONE MAY EhENROLL — APPLI- YOUR tolopelephone. Just coll lor com- price^resslngstockpUe»Ues. C;om o i m ercial - Income • Loans ! l _ j _ CANTS nood onlylly th e wlllinqno»» pleto datafnin Qi lo clot s l o c o l l o n s . ____ v "U it hadn’t titfji for PJ ind Ag-Property------•-Purctiase— cos. StartingI dot>dotos, luilions. etc. :::— hav»4iad-a^vere-depref - ...... -M_STto^?l.ei ^rupertyManagementIt ■ “ SU«ESSFLILSTUDPi>ENTS w1lI'RECEIVE““ V - woultl h av e torpedoed tbo diploma as woll as Act promptjmplly as classroom spoco is ■ III. lo,„fai ‘ an H & R BLOCK dl — oariy 'roglsirotlon will Wartel said. “PIK savedrad our skins, ■ end-harl, ->1" tho opporlunlty Ito intorviow for limited — We woiild have hhad m ass » , ' I omploymont with HHSRBLOCK. insure youryourplaco in tho school, | E. r T w i n F a l l s - 7 3 W banl«tQ)tcies of farms: axaround here. H,______312 Shoshone SI. E. r s - i - ;— F<= 6 r MORE INFORMiMATION-- I’ve bever se S n ^ lt^ir igovernment I p ro g t^ than PIK." C A L L N O W p h : 7 33 3 3 - 0 1 0 6 ------H,000 ~TRAND1Ee T H S R P Tl A m m COPIERS ^ ______(Annuql P«rc«ntag.ta g e R o te o l 1 4 .4 0 % )_____ • D esk Top S ize* W/Veights e 6 1 lbs. ■ W arteT^d hTliLas bubii^ M ever ...... 9 %; oiodo^ ' * 'A Conventional AdlutfabUie IR a te M o rta g e s to $ 3 0 0 ,i • M ak es.o p to 9.9 cop:opIes______L ■ ' 'tjecdUsc beonlytooK'lMM sacres out.of ■ — - - Low I n te re s t S e c o n d a ry FI in an cin g to $ 1 0 8 ,3 0 0I -- — ' — ...... c o n t production under the thi PIK pro- • T en'copies p e r mlmilnute- graip and those acres musilust be planted ■ ■■ - • « Copies 3x5 to 10 xX 1 4 511 FPlus 2 cases paper■ FFFREE (5000 sheets peie r . c a s e ) __ __ ■ - *^dr televisjoD set lais tbrokoi and ' Call Karen Etchenem endy, V.P. s ittld g o ut th e re in m y shishop under a / //y, _ b]ai^et."Warfelsald."WeW edon’tm iss . N J T E D SVTYMORTAGl ^ f E — ” S P E C Ili A L ■ s p is c C I A L It. n i e kids read , w rite ama i ^ draw. We USED► visit as a family.” NEW SA>AVIN 8 4 0 iiAITA 500 DC

all Us Today Forir More Informcl a t i o n : r j L i brother; : JJUCONSTRUIRUCTION (208) 7733-5695; Routo 1 Twinn Falls,I ID 83301 Location: 1176^BIueLokeiJhcd.^, Bl' ^

__. ' _ ------Sunday.iy.S8ptambfit.lUBa3___ .TJitiaaitiflStNfiwaJTwIn Falls. Idano.^7 . T z ^ T qimiihg . ~~7Afalrgrxxirirrbuyefs^visit I\North Idaho — SANDPOINX (UPI)»I) — A group Uie weeke representing Arab nallaltons Interested going to0 BeBoundary County Moniiy. : ta purchasing wheatt fromf Boundary He saiduild Uw-Uuw Arab counWes J l LI.S. g r a i n ej x x p o r t s _ | ______C o w ty 1s vislttag north'Utera Idaho. purchaseLse ai total of 17. mUllon bushels__ whpnt nnnufllly from AiistraUoL r-7—; - ” k7 o-tt»» :9<»ri»Hinkinion -;----- r - — ------______ThetouE.for.buyer3ts fmm thft United__ OlSoILwbC • m (rouns o( cTwnc m ■ Arab Emlrates;-Kuwavalt and Bahrain theironlynly icurrent supplier. 1 lot ffisAeBng yMn «*»na0ndi _S ^ » ______Is betag nx>nsored byr 11Uie state and Ute “ T hesese arcj the kinds of customer? - 15 ' - Idaho W ^ t - Commimission, WbcaL.. wonoodlodio find” said Bush. - ______C om m lsasloo-. Adminilnlstrator Dick - The gro«group also wiU visit Minnesota : S e p te nm b er Bush said. and W ashlashtagton w heat growing areas J After arrivtag ta1 Lewislon, tho as well•11 as shipping facilities ta . By.SOsqnjahillgren . IDryland sorghum fields3 were severely stressed aroup f e w to Stuidpoijoint. Tbey spent PorU and.nd. . :___ 'tedPr^InierDaUpael acQcross the MUUiero Plains.;. CottonC was ta mosUy fair . d i ® M ______^ca»)hdlUon, except in Missourirlandlbe ! SouUjeasl, wbere i j jS ® ® waWASHINGTON: — 'HirsBverffsiirsiunm er drought con- Ulhem CTop was fa ir to poor. Mollolsture stress caused some ' * M tfiWSBBl tlnuetiied Into September, alfcctlngg cropsci in states east of botx)U drbppage In Texas and the SouUieast.- .WAYRAT jF i theRRocky c Mountains. Pastures continued lo deteeteriorato and some water jecomlng short. : r GRAINNAUGER \* »xto9Bafl. a. V w ceidy report Issued by tbe Jo in t Agricultural su]uipplies for livestock were bee '_ ol ^y>W88i^ 1 Wcatha th er Facility of the Agricultinilture and Commerce In ] the Soviet Union, procl];icIpiUiUon and a cold front _in7B-77-3B^ jai_»2_33La*-j^______deplartmenta ar said sM ttw ed^ww er r s over Uie pastw eck ln(lncPM ^Joi^]l,nw for planUng winter grains InI l-JLOSEj — =rpnjVlt - only lemponury relltf-r '-to ti o o p s , aod the poo'c_.;_iiQ: t«»m porttens of the n a ^ 's - wentKither delayed seeding 'of' wlntrinler'iwhMf from tbe weivestem portion. Dry weathererconttaued i in tbe south but^ • I e"K6e' • CnueaTitw«OwtAiwt«.US" r S J S U - them Great Plains into the Corooro Bell. rairain Is needed for the winter•wheat wl crop. • I Bollom Orlv* ---'------«9«w*MCMa«>T>«uannH— ------Theh e next survey^ Indicating thele decreasedd size of the In 1 the New Lands of Uie) SovietS< Union, rain causedd i Corrlag* Aua«r * 2 7 9 5 drougught-stressed crops will be releaileased Monday. fui[urther delay of the ^qjring r grata harvest taI, I R*o- ...... bowers this past week prtvldedded only lim ited benefit no:Mrthwestem c n ^ areas. Whllo SuSupplios lott Sho' SOIIforant Mod red by substantial jaln over_ t \ \ X i 'beanpiHls Li portions of -' ~ miTiuch'of'FraDcerSpaiit'andDo iiurtlieroitalyrlnittlwrata-" t o — ------cropTlP7DQiTaiima«nraingor5oybei n------•planted soybeans in U>e pnirobably hurt m atui^ c ^n . ______[-EMPiREfiiJURlTOIOiPi theCoCoro Belt and benefited la t^ a , I ' 297WYCOFFCIR:iRCU • TWINFALLS ^ WT rem e Soulheast. Dry weather helped the haharvest In West Germany,’ I 733-4096 oror800-«33-0a47 -South Carolina, some EsSast Germany and Poland,)d, but rata Is needed to [owever,. from .Virginia to-Sw ° i ______b u y m eo r e soybe.btekis continued to lose blossoissoms and pods due to rejreplenish tqjsoU moisture for3r winter\ grata planting. ------Isture sfaress. And-farmera -In-the-northem-PlalnsIn------! reascd Insecticide applicationtions to control large halarvests ahead of last year In'In U>e Canadian prairies, ta z x r ^ M u?nnUy theesouUiem a plateau cmnJslL. eariy maturity, by t^ anUld northwestem mountainta watersheds hdped im- • . WASHINGTON (UPI]p i) - T h e S o v le i...... tvps are being pushed to ear stress from the Gr^t minature crops and replenlenlsbed reservoU^. Most .Union bos purchased41 nblned heat and moisture stn iliis to the East Coast, the jointIt fafaculty said. " ...... noilorthem croplands ahd riinchelAes remained dry...... ; metric tons of Ameria ' ^aln-buylng spree: underu a new flv e y e a r grain agreeiTOsment., B O B Q O B O e ■ The flurry of salesles came In the # ^ nUdst of tension; between.,I Uw. r d p S r = r ^ MAKBRiV lR AUCIICTIO W -^------^ . ‘ superpow ers over downlag dc of a ^ —I ^FALL=1H N C E = S;piciA I i.s I F'«*rv313 has rejected calls Thomson • COMMERCIAL f — Wall Auc«>onoor«aSoUtMona«oioflomini Co------: . ,~ <- for'cancellation Of tbe)be new pact as a in a rescesearch report this week that I I ■ W( • INDUSTRIAL 3 still exist for soybeans i to I FENCES: i ' ’ sanction against tbe Soviets.Sov chances latnrday,.*aptem b Soviets at undisclosedled costs for five Teo V said « she thinks the esUmates ______MIlUr 4 Pev.oll ' sti^ght working days, - USDA-report-wlll-be-Wgber isisales were the first[t asince the new K«y,usQ ss— l i i i i i i i so Leslie already IT pf^cA Iflg^e~ \ l~~7| i I w im ::T:~'agreement was formaTnniiy signed on — piTfn _ Llovd K Nolo Hoat, Burioy •«« ,Aug.25. , onduetothedrou^t. AavtrlUomont Sopl. IIS V * " , i : - j p yWell Auellenoor* t Salo* Monoginogomont______... Vi, The latest Soviett asale had been USOA won’t begin to show thatbat announced eariier, bulbut with an un- lovember or so. ------____ : ______.CHAAIN LINK Till!ill Sopt. 30 khbWdestlxiallon. W'•dnnday, c •aptamm i] b a r a i Complot* Fon(ncoPorFt. ChclnLlnkFicFoncoporSbft. roll ' These new saless iraised Soviet ...... $ * * .9 0 ' KV Dairy Farm Equlpmoni mlUlon tons of Beyonc}nd that, Leow said-she dis-Us- : I 4 8 ” ...... $ l . * 0 4 8 " ...... AdvorlltomonlSopt. 191’ S S purchases to 2.35 ml i with other analysts who think ____ _ « a .3 0 6 0 " ...... $ s s . s o Wort, Ellora. BonnoH t Moitortilortmllh ^ American grain. Includludlng 1.5 million 6 0 " ...... ms are aboul at their near-term I Iticlud.. — Fobibrk, Top Roll, Un«po»t. E|Ey* Top, & Tie Wire rhurtday* S«ptemi b« b o r 2 2 <3; tons of co m and 850,000OOOloiso[wbeaL I I . ^i^l.The Sovlets..also_havejvo_bp_ught 390.000 , I I Doo« Not Includ*d » End P o it, C orn o r P ot I & ' Tho8rod*howEttato0 f’rei.stlIlJooking_Qt continued - :Wtnd«lt.-.tit run n u their course for the time b u s h e ls ...... being, u:unless it appears that theh e ______ivdIlngfl rivu>nrghgra•s a rc aavtstng " I don’tm’t th ln l^'re C T ^ danger o r . Idaho potato farmorsg to let their cr^ » —ancariy-fy-frost;'’Hackmanimid: ------m a tu re completely beforebef' harvest to —— lessen-chances-that-et-eariy-blight ------'--iU t’sf- - l100-^rces-on-the.-westem- las X J unusually widespreadtd InIj the state this (edge of the grain) belt. The heal has M ck year—will strike. pushedJ tthe crop to maturity fasterle r 1 University of IdaholO ppotato research than nonorm a], and we should see some — -a _ ^ M ts jg.worklng Inin 11the I d ^ FaUs h t ^sting tlr by the end of this month." area said walling foi 3asliJl([ Q W / ^ ';-2'’matun5' fully' whileUe underground bean cro|TOP Is '^likely to m ature about- slop a tough skin 10 daysrs ahead of normal and thus I ^ aUpvra them loj^eloj : ------[ 13 that helps them waigbtabffblighl spores-reducerUrthe-threat-of-frost-damage."- f l ' ■’Sir~dnthevihra‘and80ll8Ursurface.'— '—" “ Traders-rs-and~farm«9-ht^lng~ror- for— ^ - r - ^------XJ3 X . - = - - — JohnOJalabftheUolU of I's College of h igher pprices may see tbem nextext — A griculture In Idabo»FaUs F i said grow- springeror summer, Hackmann said. e rs ^ u l d w ait aboutIt 2'A2 weeks a tte r “ T h} o ttrade’s going to be awfullydly •’rr* ., vinekining befOpe~haiharvesting tbelr -nervousIS abouti next year's cnq> oiit-'ut- ---j'^^^^pc^to.crops...... look,"sh(sh esald .

5 P E C I J I

i" CASEE-ZmCASI i L c u sSTOAA lo wV -4 0 & IZIIII ^ i r r o w^-SOUOTCORIOIL— . 3 r ' " - — -

*' .R ag u larP rIc0 ‘ • p a r 2 4 /1 Q t.C p n i $ 5 « 4 I

S i x d ajUarspc ercwt. _ ;i: —YOU PAY? : COR I a d v a nic e fc rtbeans= S! ypnijg^jverictrM ste

, AT. ■ D e ^ r y o orbeautoPU i l Islwu y t -Q trG dns-^^^^^ r ------1 2 /1 - G Starting now, at haif\aivest..Rill3b'uty.wilKtake. ».ypur entire 1983------i ; : " ' ~^lblebeancr6p(or(or any part of it)—and payp you $6.00/cM.'for—r ------— - - . your #1 grades on> d»- ■ ___ decidaJosell^dvaivanced program ends - November 15. rite tff Oil How's that fora quicuick cash flow fix? ...... t-Urii OSINCEJ940'' — v''SEflW N^fG SOU THERN IDAHO ^ -1 9 9 3 kim bTly W r ~ - - - - - .....-73»?t)33- ...... ; . . I jl.I I ■. I

M : ' ’ li• • IJt'. 1» . r' I ) \J-1 h L i " * e I i

KW b i m HH n - J P I ■ l :d .9.yY l . I lAE QU A N T TIES LIMITED B H m '■■ ' - b e e KkRLY r l' FOR 8 :ST S Q E a lO N gSM I •i.b.ppiOPTIONAL CHARGE

I \ v M A iTTERCARC E I i • lA yIavvW A Y (S AALL M gai j D^PDSIDSITWILt HOLD) ™ H I j *^1097]stmasjustaro O n d C E - We hlove ta□ken 63 ird'sj: ecijciai reduictionsiihop9|:3d|ani 1i!l5:30pm/ Hon.^Sat. Fri. till 9:00pm.1 ; !. ^ ^ ^ I , G O ID)R^^]l>RICI I i : = 4 = i = ^ S aree continuing buurA jutuiiinlScrele; Event vy ith 6 ddays of Gbid jRus;ush| Values -r- Be sure to r e g ^ ijmtULdlgjornqvy low pricesi I . i -j . :^ soundesign ; S fashion , )//r~ ' '■i ^ MEN'S F •HIGH C IAIR bygrGRACO/ A 0 9 9 .•IliFA rTZP-A i^U i — ' Triggorirorwi 1 lapMllions. ' Monyprint*! choo elrom. auiLT I I/yruFi^sHiRTs; ■ : = ^ V \i JEANS'5-CC RDS / k rHt*gU^ o W a» »^c>j 3J.00 ...... Gt?4 m M IUg.i7.00W iPrieidaj .... :cv^3<03g'i; :i / ~ -----^ ^ ^ ------J.g. 25.00 I: , JM V'S '■ r :■ M T ~ ~ ^ ^ m : i ■ -jptitBduflV !// I Vr'f \ w GRP NOW M • fll s h i r t s " I [goidstXr! LAD ES 1 ': f f '■” ' 1 / ^ 1 '?IN C H C O Lcii S P O l T S W f A f X . / : I 1 trELEVlSIO\l e 5 . ! > 5 i i '^ '0 15 5, . 1 ■ ,. ^' I : CPP “ I :StSSs- #15ii5^Nrs Z=„ V I J ^ [ via PrIc«o'V°" ^»9.449.9S r , I 1 I JUNICIOR- PRICE IlfZ.:...... ' : 2299.0Q; ' |jI jrfZo ^ ^PR'« ElECTRt BLANKETS ' bovs ^ ■ Ik ^ STApil1 UM kT'"’^ f P = = -----===S--~^ I ! J Limli.d.B*.di.conK„i,«l / WOMENS _ »0Y^ Quilled styled in SBvseveral colors f'"‘^\ •! , - ^ I I 1 29” 11 SWEM^^ I I • SizasS-M-lM-L : f > [ ■ j m i ' . I - .- •i!ilAMO^ONP CUT G.OLD CHAINS f N 7 j ""Id rA^ i Rod. 60;0();oo '. } I ■ ; i ' I 4 Im e n 's> cCONVERSE SHOESi S«Jbrocofotj.l.ll W as Pricedd 3<3 9 .9 0 ^ i W i'-' >iM-Whito-Nav>iavy Conva*, low Tdpt j '■ i Qoom»tiofniih. 61* V I 099 ...;. .39?»|/ ' ■:{ " ■ i G R p r o v "7\ : )jiiiU95. r ’GRP ; C 9 9 R«B|4.50to7.00 T 4 \ l ' ftPric*<17.00.0 0 ...... j. ... NOW ■■•■■9 . d r a p e r r o r ^ ^ * ^ ' s 4 ir> s i I MEN’S> NNYLON SHELl '• - A itbrled *olid» 0 Id^ 8f.$Be*SM-l-XL j ^'jjp I Ke9'.to2X'9B ' ^/Ai ■ 'U 9 9 . B B V / J i APriced : NOW... l U s ^ ^ ••••“ •l.AtETR ...... E S ' ' ....r . . r ' i ■ i jackets H f i a I G IR L S T UraUiylotSttScoIon. >*«., w idihs.V dutf Ic { I i M F S r i tJg; 11.001 )3.(12.00. GRP ^ 9 9 Wa Prie^39'y .99.* f *'®®Yes.|Siress;M.L B E fv 1 4«Pri‘*d7-« ...... NOW ... ^ ,^ .O o if ^ Jello'',! .'•••r •HANDT\'^oNHs : y I R0BB,=,i9 SWEDISH •if\se'^ j-'a dDIES i KNEE H 'S DRE&ES • if] \J//i) 1 Sunlanondond beige ond novy; \ Re .101.75. P GRP' . JylylOO ------— ____- I i A nc-.'d :.^'L'i crd / i f R*g. 89' .=to-> ; • I f . 10 0 1 , ^ J I WolPrlcvdle w f jr ...... ” ° ' j 4 / 1 Reg.to J4.00.' I jl ' W cjpricak'’--.OH /(// ..^ i 'I . . i If -; gagmB^^E^^sm corduroy i ; i GRP WOW' : i f ^ '■ w \ ' ^ -Gffp '5-’,oo; - J ! ^ I B S M M M W i B l i W BIAZERS ;.; J i O f c o iM r» ; / U ' ^ j A lIJ i J j.,09 sfri';* j;: • = = = ; = ; : ^ lj / ia ,p . p ' ' - j S 71 ISriB ^s' If^‘””1 . 1.T l J S m m S m M m S B M m ■ ■ ‘ I 8 . / 7 /I A ' ’“’'•'Pdf mr. ' *,9 ■ PlllkYPEi^ '"dsolii-i 1 I liBy W elsh. )^9 il ~L M ■” V :! '-‘ I • \ \EN‘S I .'. B I 38x38 !o dsflJsflol.' ; ^ fl.- p ■•. For'eaky ||: S JITS I 7/ : u s n b N E W A ^ E ^ ■ Til ‘ - .V-rrs-i ^ ' ° r - I KiMiliiiM^ -■ : i ! i ;»l.-T--j.:-. =3-.hli!i^/j•■•. U ’ , , ’.Vss r,ccJ9^03 , S : rn' ; f S h | H H | | SAMSONITE : 1 ' W I L^*'" ^ . ; f ’ GJPNOVV ' 45pc. s e t s . w r v■vice k for 1 M E ’ lEN'SSUEdESHCOES , \ \ 8 . Several ootteHems. A Lo«cmuasuoli. Flexible Krot( n bollom. Slil2et9lo12.2< : \ I11. ^r-" ' i - \\ Reg. 12D.00.OO.i- l \ R » g .330.00 0 . ^ PANTYHOSE h i— ■ - i J | WoiPHcm166.56.00' I I Wc»Prl(Prle^ 19.90 1- Suppo t leg and lextured Ityl9». / ^ I I f / I G R P N O I < Suppo I choote from basic Fall / dQ^ t'P ■'ovoller^ 6 r ^ n o w I ,^11 GRP WOW NOW...... isf 7; | j colors Textured in high foihion ' ilfVr.KvV^ ' :K ;l”jU ^ £ > ! £ l( 2 J ll 2 J £ : and36w/whe«1,. I I ' 3 » P ' - im 'a: ’r"-1 . Ret,.«.OOand6.SO / ^ T WDsPrice99.00 ^ f ’ f \ if- I vos'’<' i« c 9 9 .- 9'^N ow 59.99 I - i w ' : i S f i f j ID^\ m DIPP A ^ PEMT STb ,.„ Ju _ Q _ E ii'iO !n B i ^ iAAIUDCOWNTPWNrmiviN F A L L rM ^ ^ :^- m I ' : . . . . , i U..' 1 : , . — . 1^ ...I'i ..j..:., !, ' —,"--f - .' ’.i '. |: . :' '' / ______; ; ____ ■ ' ■ ; ' I ' j ■ ^ | | I ' : ' : ■

i I 'i , ■ ■ ■ ■ :i ■ 1' !i ! ■ ) h i ' '■ ■ • : . iday, S optem berit, 1683 Times-Newa.TtvIn Tin Falls, klatio -j

■I College football,llC3-4 . ~ sT ; ------: — - ' - - - — I =^*=^61assfied'05^12L 2 = — - = = C Peimn St. [ Blarn d co►llects g eits t stung it again J all-rroundi title B y JO E2JUL1AN0 JL UnJledPrtPress lafemat/ona/ ‘ ByMIKEPRATERI Umt of[ RMarty Melvin’s 4.0 steer h g run, w as good enough lo ; . Times-News vrriter wrcsUIng UN lV/ERSITY Ef PARK, Pa. - Sep- 1 on t(^ in that event. He „ . .-remain o — -Sjlll— tembcr-lsj:-lanit-two-week» old-yeUand------i ■ tii^lS7r.38l5=^aJlM t«I I - alreadyy P Penn State’s tlefentUng ra- ra lla n cowtwy Nevllle_Mc- • - : less Uum 17 secondsods OTTnri^ at- A us^ Uonal ddiaiTipidn3~ ig hav e' been~embar-~ ■'t~ • ha d a'4.7 lo lead Satunlny ‘ ‘ _tr^icUve, Ihcn tryy ;a h ^ at Carthyhj twice, iMVhig coach Joo ;-Ueld-‘n>c-time-wa3_good . ■ “ becomlngaprofessioniional cowboy.------nlghl’i- f l PatcTTiolO grgroping foranswers. I for second place and a S teve B laod p ^ oonnaHhalleal m check. |BPr~.7.~:T — Before-re-83,083"8hocked-^fans-at------_ L ; .Qqttirrioy nlg^t,nrtrtlngling hla nam o lo Woolman and CUy O’Brlan _ B eaverr Stadium Saturday, ------^a-preaU0ou9-llsl-ote: ngs. ** 11-yardd soscoring pass to Bill Booie and ' trophy for winningI thUie aU-oround I Ross won Uie b arrel racing . y:!" 4 fuUbackD:k Don Goodman ran 8 yards for . . Utle. , and 9G5i.54.16. H er 17.21 effort Wed- ’V tuM thertoTtoucbdownjust2:16later. ‘ r-nf^ c-hdd-idr~»Htlwutf*~ inecQmDleted2Sol^PRS9g3_^ . ^ , , ^ ■ crowned Saturday' n rord prepster Stacee-Hell 261 y arduxls s hi Brown’s hlghiiowerw conclusion of the rodei 1 strong chase Saturday withi • offense,e, whid]v. be used at VanderbUt . .'-..the largest In Ils long Jl 2-second' place effort, a e . r.TNvWle nnan-j ftMtHiiint th ere th e las t tw o------Filer Fairgrounds. ed»17.83,___„_.^______- y ears. ' '" F U ^ s Shawn Dnvis y Wahlen. who won_Fller’fl_ T b e N ltlanyit L loh^’0-2 for Uie first ” ______79 saddle i lund UUe'ln^l^l, captured.1. . _.time hin P Pflterno’s IB years as head lUldlng, Wahlcn nippwl d Job ot ; i . — of a local- crowd durti cUhe-cnnnLwlUiJilaSftpointzr ~'Poarfilng1Intttom rl Uifa*l have let Uiese ; i - w ben b e m oved into s mance, which he tacked onI MdsdOWIlown, because Uiey w a b e tfe r...... ,ln bareback riding. ' previous th ree night's effortt fooUiaUdl team t and should be playing { No. 2 ranked horebacbade rid er cov- , 225I points. r Dari Allred was( b e tte rriS•rightnow.” ered “Special” forr 7f76 poinis and I J wlUi 298 points. HaU or. f , P atememo t tried Uiree .to' ' collected $745.53 for lh e ellort,. S o clclown-buUflghter Wick PeUi g et his offense< going but Uie unit' ;T h u s far, Young M haa won^m^ _ hndamJ94. n e v e r golgot organb^ hi Uie 90y Younft vo 78. 7«JB; 1 lUel SJ«ve O-for-6} WiWiUl two hitercepUons before S ^ l n t ride beld iq)up during lhe . ani Oat lUsUn. 74. S12J8; S. noUio n. Z79.SO; 0. (Uel Stephen SmlU) and IH I B L y^6^t^ngt^ Ofo rT I______ilKiauiay^Mlh------J S i S i ------i/ocoDtLASHMurr quttiierrS Uie $900.91 first placeidiedl c DHSyBSI tefore John Shaffer.entered e In S a t u r d a y ’s n lg t it’s r AnoUier first-nightit performance.—p •SeeB^PageQ, »S( -r-r^Mfckey-Young of Jel e r o m e h o n g S o n t o " SSpecial'* p duVlnga ride li Iri Uie fourth tiuarte r. ~ •; ______.1

P f o r m s ^ S o le a n ssm eej YdaHtl o S a i H o b a r t sishatters schhool record n Boise St. comes frorDm b e h in d ^ Bengails-upend WTEP— ' a t V a n dlais-catctS. a ). Colorado Z to d u m p> Eastem Wi^7^H inqtCTT~ _ ] : MOSCOW - Uniververslty of Idaho the gameme was 2G3. That pass also- ‘b T i r P e?fersdn iss lfy u r ^ d ^ BOISE (UPI) - T(Tony Massagii 22-yardI scoring! pass to Pat j^red on seven ofIf iIts iast eight ■ sent himim -p a s t N orttiem -Arizona’s- 1- - ■ kicked four fieldj goals and Fitzgerald■aid a fte r Eagles ru n n b g .on subsUtute qiiart^iA possessions and quaruartertMck Ken ScoU UmJndqulst of 5.940 yard s for Uie30 ISL -PA», Texaw s -'t " -Perry '- second on . quotteriiack-Gerald-ID p^P tm firw!__b a c k .J eleff-Haock-fumbled ff. and de------r ' ~ “fe5art'"shattered'sevseveral records "conferencaice -mark.- He-added-some'l e ------LaE*»H>ooted-a-46^i>yan!I)did goal • -DonvHonom'K 17oranlrfhird-d

P S N aavratilo3 va cap>turesiher firsst U .S. Open tide1 ------sm ile Off m y fa c e fo r a 1longtlme.-It’8 - on-.her.:r. U th. attempt,-NavrsUlowlova— 19 gam es.— ------—:------serW ce. ' '> 1 ^'.ii^^B~ByTttA RTIITINEADER ------^------ain IH Uie second serN avratllov a , M j UnitedPre. YessIoteniaUoaa/ - - belter than I eiqiocled. earn ed bersdfbe an astounding payda;rday NavratUova, who nown has won all Again I “NQw^Jl_JLdOQlt_t win flBQUier— o t$ 6 2 0 .( mplonshlps^basa- falte^ired for Uie only Ume w H t j n E ^ ^ ^ i NEVTYiYORk“^'Crying fn victor^ry tournament In my life,>, I caiLsay I've earnings^ to $8,089,756. She recelveiIved four W imbled^ chamj ^I- thls year, the . wonthrehree games too row. Two doubiw ip. k ^ H |H 7 i Just as sbsbe bad hi defeat, Mahlnala done II all.” $126,000D'as'a champton, plus a $500,00),000 m atch reco rd of 66-1 KaUiyHorvoUiin. faults,J byb Navratilova, Uie-second 1, ' N avratHlova-flnaUy ov claim ed b cT ifirst.st _ Connors, a four-Ume'e Open cham pi- ’ bonus for adding Uie'Open crownn tto only loss coming lo K< nd-flbiceTlwuary, comingng on c breakpoint.-allowed Evert A K f ------U .S .O p enen -'Ttwnu Sat'U- ~ on;-reached Uie flnal-fcfor the sevenUi—tw o-pre’ireylous .des lgnated—tourharpa-— the French OpeirflDd 1 left-hander has bibrcok2ok hi tbo fourth gome. ;l u rd a y ,. v4iile defending championM U m e wiUl a 6-2,

. ■-'.I..'■• .... •• Easfc^ 'ticdessaner•ease^JleadB, Ji^E In two runs rui wltli a bomer and a-,.!ti New York Ued the score■cMwlthtwoI 5 ByUnltedF i d Press International . >y_UiJtttift«»lDtcnialiot ______s a c r if ice OjOy to lead tbe Detroit Tigers rundoubleby o u t In tho ninth on a lwo8.StLoui85 I over, seve}ven Innings and Tippy'py ------er games. 11 was California at tro m lirs t base on MUt.MjMny'a single — ------ive I n l a t e r g ---MelHaUwent4-fois5,Inincludingtwo Martinez! registeredi his 16tb save jandTtocflsatSeattle. ; - and Garry Maddox's overtrerthrow with I night, giving the Baltimore3re Ataeveland.Tc*yHxHarn* drove In ChtaisoaiK h e lOth Inning' tw o-run e!lghth. l0 With one out, pinch, I homers and four RBI, inil leading tbe Saturday nl ono out In the boltom of tbe y over tbe St. Orioles aa 3 3-1 victory ov er the Newow, three runs with a homersrandatwo-run be Pittsburgh Utter Harpu p e r doubled off WlUle (Chicago Cubs to a viclory S a tu rd a y night, lUting tbe 1 Y ork Y ankmkecs and a sweep of theirelr sIngleandPatTablerada d d e d a tw o -ru n r )ry over tbe Hernandezz andj Tony Pena singled 1 T^iiu Cardinals. HM oavATwr^< ? /Pirates to a (M victory n tbe seventh twl-nlghtdo.double-header. home nm to help Richh Barnes notch Philadelphia PhUllcs. ^ hlmbome.N. Miguel DUone ran for P ^ Hall broke a W tie in i SPICIAL ; opener. John Lowenstcin2in his first maJo^leasague vicloiy. . . mpled witb an d Hollandnd relieved. A fter Jim M o^ ’ with bis I6lh homer, off Jeileff Lahti. 3-2, In , th e 0 MotfCertlPlckupi Tbe decision, coupl . six-run ninth w ith a Iwo-out,ut, Barnes. l-O, replacedd s ta r te r R ic k , , it Now York, rlson popped)cd out, DUone stole sccond >. w' hich scored BiU Bucknener, wbo h ad capped a sL :v l,ln lln o ...... • ! * • 1 Montreal’s triumph over I It grand slam to powerrer Sutcliffe In tbe third ammd allowed one ^&6Cyi.i stplacelntbe end scoredd on o D ^e Berra's doublo to isingled. K eith M oreland foUowedwlthfc pinch iilt_ .d o r...... :: i moved tbe Expos Into first p e to an 8-4 victory. run and five hits. Bud AlA n d erso n c a m e y a bair-garoe left-center. Ia single and .scored on a Carmelo Baltimore ti Jo t Lobor. ftlngt. Rod Boorlng*. . ■* __NaUon^ tcague East ^ a ------3bo-awroc^xJcft-BalUmoro-at^-tho- oc JlC__ .rin fn wtglgfpr spvpnliotbjayejjoug— ' — G«*lt,-Oil«F)l»*f------'— — I o v ^ PhlladeipIiIa~wlUi tlieti« T ^i« ln —Montreal lo;I0;N ew Y ork9------^------—1 Martln&’sdouMe.— ^------d 3- ' A m ericana LI ^ g u e Elost by. 5'h gamIGS es Bird, Mwastbeloser. 'ChrChrom*rlnsiS25«xlra. e. _ • InMontrefreaL Tim Wollacb hit a 1-1 IHoustin 5, Sm Ftaodsco 2 - thli^agameoffthepace. ____ MlDXK90tA.6. K ansas Clt]i t y s ___ ;TDkulvo,7-4, - pltcb-olf xUrell ever Jesx Ormcd'Iot-a.'-.::;-A tSan Franclflco. Jen^py-MumphrejL. JMairDetroIlMit______: ______;i. Tbe vlctojy went Kent Te nightcap, Boddlcker. 13-7.-7. A t M innesota, Tim LLaudner hit a ^ of one-bit home runin in the bottom of the ninth Joshed I a .two-run singlee &ikl m k l e In the ni wtio pitched two inning allowed only walked nornone and struck out five,/c. solo homer and Garyry Ward went relief. T7U5 loser was Al Holl[oI!and,8-4. Inning to1ft lift tbe M ontreal Expos to a ire lie v e r Je ff H eathcock a ecordhUfirst Martinez workedwi tvw_ innings of one-le- 4-for-4 virith tw o RBII to pace the iAUTOMATIC. 'V r!’' " - - .-WJth^ono-out^ln the UlOtb, Brian victory overer tbe New York Mets and s l i T B AW N NtMlfflONMPAWI Harper reached on a IleldeOder's choice end-Oroscoico'B nlofrgam e winning imajor-leapie victory an AottOv.rfio«ll$239-$3J5 .. -Astros.- H ouston scored tfathree runs in- s ta r^ Johtohn Montefusco in the sixth:1b h its and all th ree Roya!^a!s runs. Ron «»•’GonorolRopolr-BroKot, _ — and Frobd-ran-for him, Mi -!— -Davis-worfcod tbe last 1T ■ 9.1 Innlngii tn______hesitated at Wallach's's 19th bomer of tho year, — aie-second-lnnlng^ off Preted-flrcinlng.- -Inhlrigof^helhfrri!ghtcap.-fdHo^l-B.— . to center, but Frobel be opener, Lowenstoin reacheded ^ rn his 27th save. EriiIric R a sm u sse n Eiocirloctfkol.AJrCondltlonirig , ; all would be over (be leften field fence, came with '■9-12. D ickie Thon hit hisis 19th hom er In th e opc second to soo if tbe ball lir^ Inning. RichGossagsago for his 12th hom e run of fclito2-5. HONtITIITMrtNOAUIOUAtANTttSnOK M (j caught Seing (hat delay,lay, Maddox one out andId handedI Orosco, IW , his 1Icadl^', off tbe thir d Koepper in the seasonn Ito help make a winner of DetroU4,MihvsukeeO e* threw to third. But tbe ballUl tbounced at first defeatt sisince Ju ly 19. F o rm er M el Heathcock, J 1-0, replaced ______JSnm m y.Stpitew art 7-3. and drop Shanene_____ ^In MIIwnuk©ei_Juarian_Berengi^__ HIOHl ao lbB~base~and lulu font"ul .tuiiltuiy; Jcff"Reardontonpltrf)fHl ntnth'jnntng—-I—the second.------is Atlanta at Rawiey to>14-12. 14 pitched a four^Utter' :fo r h is f ir s t • ~ •y»4.raM allowing Frobel to score. fo r tbe victortory. bringing his record lo___ ^ In a late game. It was _.Xos Angeles------______C levdandS.18.B06t006______carcer shutout and Chetc t L em o n dro v e — — TbePlrates tied the scoreore Wwllh 8=6-8.-=^ '' •"

. . •. . BiES n A m Y i O lM i " ■ ; r - - ; v r M a h a f f e y/ stretchess his lead CollocfJblo GlS uns A ccum ulotod OvcDvor Many Yoars - One of the bigcggest oid collectionss e ever sold In this ; , v.-^. s J L B o s to n Jt o u r n e y __ : a re a . = in = B a n k ji __ ~ vrr^ls&STJTATtFAlfwSROUNDSrSOU^ 0UTK-WiNG~"~-:; 11^ SUTTON. Maffl. (UPI)[) — Starting various times tin throughout tbe day,ly. &OISE, IDAHO slow a nd fltdsblng fast foro r tbe second fUiisbcdwIUvlth a ^ when he bogeyed the^ S o p t os i m b e r l S , 1 9 8 3 , 55 : : 3 3 0 P .M . straight day, Joto Mahalloffey fired a final bole> to to finish a t 204. Inm an, who 4Hmder par G7 Solurdayly'to gain a^ has won on)only once in 10 y e a rs on theh e C o i nTHERON PiPER45252-4786 ; -- F u ^ ZoeUer a fter threee rounds of a seven birdiedies. 1350,000 PGArtoarnnmentt r------S anuny - Rachel held - the- leadad T he tournam ent ts kncsown as the midway through tli the round, bullUl . —Bank of Boston Classic; ------^— finished witwlth a-69 and was alone in­ - Mahaffey. wbo begann theTroond fourth pla«ace a t 205, e l ^ t under par. aEL R: CRABTFrR EEJiEh-"-! » r' with a o n e ^ t lead, had1 sixsi birdies to Wayne Levievi and Jim 'I^rpe were in A T T O R N E y - offset bogeys on his first tvtwo holes fdr at206u1illelHe leading money winner Hal[al Practice Includes: a tournament record toito ta l/o f 201. Sutton, whcvho has 18 birdies In the who won this— totanam entiBtrwaa-enfrof-five ployew ------^■ -HtHVtAN4NJUF ^ tournament in 1978 a wet«ek after be groupedat2it207. won the PGA, is seeUnIng his first Mahaffeyey missed a 12-foot putt onon F or a p p o in tm e n t c aill: l l : tourney triumph in mort>re than two th e first bo]bole and then followed withth ^ 734-9622 -- y e a r s ...... •' another bogwgey on the sccond to fall F IR S T IN TERSTATE p BANK-BUILDINGNG. TWIN FALLS ' ZoeQer, wbo was tied foror the lead at one shot offIff Ithe lead. M o n tg o mnery battlee s w in d s toset-ffve- Por tla n d —- --pMII 7 BD A Y l B A W E n ( PORTLAND. Ore. (UPI) - 3-under-para r 141. JoAnne C am er, the Charlotte Montgomeryy overcame tour’s leadjading money-winner this S L L ^ S f ^ - swirling winds to fire a 4H.lHuxler-par68 year, andi t two others were lied for INFOOTBAI shot lead over fourth al 2-u2-under-par 142. ^BIGSC^ ; S atu rd ay to take a o n e ^ S U N D A Y A FFTERNOONS&MON l DNDAY NIGHTS LeAnn Cassaday through sphenson, who fired o 68 to S i Z y S J™ . .yO U R FAVORITE DRINKSg K S t F O O D ___ “ Of the-J150,000 LPGA'PoiMruana King •nrstTound leadr sllpped gto _ . p l u s :., 'ED RIGHT O N THE 5 0 YARDiR D U N E ll...... Golf Championship; .g^dw„bu.chedw.U,,'vo ------Montgomttry^s • SMwIe-.« tut^ WU3 others Srfil c o M iJ oOIMUSTHltWIUCI n _frunder-parJ38._Cassada:lay._who_8bctl ______2*underi>ar 70 on the secocond 18_boles, IViontgomcimery started 'th e ro m d ^ I h finished the second roround at 5* two stralghlght birdies and finished the - -■ und er-p ar 139.------^-- - - ______fm n t nlm»i.at-4-undcr-par n 32—Shc-faad------Judy-CIaata^waa251grrvT^Fafltof. mily^ofie boboRey in thc'cntlre round~id— ^-TBarADDisorrft’ SaeWrtil- ■ ■■■ A • I tday, ^vlng her a thirds}]p lace total of th a t ra tHee li16th fiolel

1 ^ - - ■ -

------■ .rLr^KKS'''-^ TOBI*- J7 S 10 < TottU ■emitir ------ggg,.-1r^^..C | •-' nnco5Wft-9-----uiraniinN.fctncoi«BSM ------—Atboxscores IOft>llt< tieawnU.O A Lstandings G«fii»-.Uw>inBR8l-Hon« >USouih'Wjl«n3 ~ E-Worriien. UMMi C LSano ------V E ^ n.PluTl*

W L Pet 080. :S .% iiilra;sH s a I a oilona JU S-Mjt!fiew s s s ^fljcJimondlO g , ( |J , , ,MiMO«.Sf-Defii IP ^H REBDOSO 5«w«nMU.fati6 ^ iiTl4^AU.Sal»7 1“ w v . i wV - ii!! ,.c'sr*“ m i Bu . ill" Uurrty lb 3 1 0 Wyn*®!/ c - IM ' HMnicit II 0 I Sfflin«y It s s a n ! i i H ' S EnwW»bba-- E3nrYOIJ S " S i S .S F ^ im iW u ttn n 1. i «»•"« « ■ 0 ( , HoH^ad^lLMl } J _OereU«L__^ ____St.n..*11 n»ln » i...... smoiBtMdh J 0 vt.Mi I, and the dealeater's ability to malntaliIln that product Whethe . DtUeit<.iUarauliNO >u expect a dealer to shashare . j :i r ? . " ! s s s ".:m = you own onene m achine or fifty, you n-H jUICUCA p 0 0 0' * • •£.K*flloClT'?5,tWiSUI«)0 (Fwi« llfl II OHCJ90-- - ISK'Ss” ,.S S “"-" SKSififfig ■» SLf„ v,','.ss.i.i iii “w saw s Pts'sjj- a ”niss.'s I & : .v.'.'.'s.w> -If 0 0 0 Uontrvil 7. JO-Tnik) W* n 10 1 wr~9« e CIO H»*B. HB-Vfibon (6). Cl ■ £SukSi*«iNe«Y'iff nigfii tl 0 10 Dtiiion (XI. Rivxi (n. SI B s s a a s ! I eh 0 0 0 'r ^»"0-0 ESrtBSii ...... N Lstandings Gumv*f’30 3 8 9 ►‘two tl I < I • 4 « - ULS*nvia7.l«lt«Ur ' ■ • 'HATIOHAL l£AfiU£ '■ " • a ’” h ! ! !’i "‘fSSSffi!nr>£i*imr By lMt*d PrtM >wri«acBi< ■ J j 0 0 0 NWu)a».Wr»Ut> ______BMpm'*_____ S e . > -n s a “ -T:er;^^i r ! ; ! - ’-* K » i a U (sI^S^MlngRBI-neJS” •,...... i-o-mctMrUomoJiutt)uto. LOS- JWUcUon , . 5 » S L , - r ...... pniudofpftu n U .|]J v4rt EUnmof* }. Htm Tem S. ffl-MwiUuitiy. N»l- Bvrtu J J .KatriOTl7(tM) I Mt. lotfltlcin. Snill«if. Ripk j i n i i « l s » S S S !.|V» _siui»(7i,s-no«m»^ ^ ?! uihjB flERBBSO . g irtwtfWO » ^ §S:Si> "srVs! S '|S UtWftyeiWUtlJ ^ '■ 6o(jS2S*!w 13-T) ’ * I, .' . J J T. U yw M S 1(1 110' ? ^ W t) 'ZrT“' S g S r ' • UOAI«'uice 5 : I ■ g g v _____ S " M H r,Uomtn( ■ PinuOutch I. J. 10 MtRMA SSSrt' PHUOQW^^yPjnSBUnOH^ i W s s i a B : ^ " Y O U R -— ...... • -.s*fflu«t tt i i i t wriw*#.cl UwSical HdUnd p 0 0 0 0 Licy «l ------(MTtowinni ^ _ a!g AUUmi:^SfrKh7 WI>eon»ln37,No(ltw l A / E S T iE R N l f l CATERF: 1 P I L L A R PhiiKM^u iHudten r-n ll PllUtiurtn^ KS.ll?, iinofloSS^rt1 iflfl Art.sut»r/.T»iw, WltttW)*rfl31.C*pnil ^ H»m»«*JpOOOOTN3mMn16 : o m p a n y I l i J ►„ - — !S ! . s r a s r s s i ' ffiiiitlaiit EQUIPMENT CO E R * I »Met.l> - AlrFemllTmtTt»T»«tit3 ...... till — UJ) tl cwucoZ’ [)ijier^U A St.» sovmw*tiYnu«.F•.PrMrMVItwr Locust, Twin Fal oSouTn'’ 1 0 0 0 Urtfoimi.p ilS.Qnmtianol) U o n t;M lt% ^ uSJImV !!! ■ ES!5:r,B !SidV j - - ...... TMUUrtMSwM.AJSSnO C 734-5665 T

• J y Sunday,y, S oplom borlti 1383 Timesmos-Nows, Twin Failis, Idaho 0 3 '

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th e gam e wore comp:ipletlons.— - - “nie-tpitouchdowiL-Came ^ pln^ __ ^ _____ By United Press Internatlcational ■ T The Wildcats ihlsscd a sMrihg op- ‘ ' after Ternrehn^see' foiled fNowTVlexico—------portunlly midway thnirough the third punt alienItem pt lo take possession at the . Alfred Anderson pluijiunged three FR oclcies i quarter when Tiuinlclicllffe hit Dobyns Lobo four. fou Vol linebacker David y a rd s for a Ibucbdovra vrillwilh 49 seconds — ...... I on a 60-yard pass plailay, but Dobyns Scandrettrett crashed Ihrou^ the Lobo - i le ft In tb e gnm e Saturdaylay night lo lift w fum bled Ihe.ball ju stt Iiieforo crossing blockers,JS, prompting punter Ron • , ; B aylor to a 4(M0 victory vli over . on anotherier 1-yard run by M orse after 1^ ^ the goal line. K eller■ to try running — only to be ' { Brigbam Young. MSU graWabbed Colorado quarteitackk Arizona’s offense wwas plagued by tackleddby b> safety Chris White. • ; " ’- It was the season opcDpener for both. _ i^ lc to r Scoik»lt’s fumble on the klckoffIt other mistakes, indudjdlng a’fldd'goal Tennes«nesee fullback Randall Morris team s. - a f te r thoifield fi( goal. attem p t from the 3232-yard-line lhat scorcd1 on or a 2-yard plunge minutes .1 Anderson, a senior wh pnM n f 32 sh n n ltpprt rtn n 9fl-ynrd punt out of bound.q. third quarter, but It wasIS tl:the passing of > 04-yard pupunt, sbtlh longest in Spartan yards set iq> a'42-yarord field by . The VoVols pushed the lead to 31-0 . sopl^more quzuioba^JcTVim 1 Muecke , history.-T-THo-Blg l Eight’s Buffaloes,- MaxZcndeiaaln.tbethth irdquartor.— --w h e n middle mitl guard Johnny. Williams-,—— . [1 that; got’Baylor back IntIntbthe"^me^-however, --m arch ed 80 y a rd s -tn -ll 'T ennessee 31, New Mffi[extcoO blockedid a K eller punt and com erback . ' m idM y the third quarter.ter. plays, pulQulting- them ahead oh the In Knoxville, Tenenn., Tennessee M ark HoganHog pounced on tho ball In the - -J _Muecke’s touchdownn p o s ^ of 42 g a m e ’s fb-first touchdown by split end converted N ew Mexicdeo punting pro- endzone.ne. el : andf39'yards.to Gerald'dd McNeii and -Tony Andeiderson,w ho g r a b b ^ a Vogel % blcm s inlo 21 lhlrd:qux[uarter points and : Bnicc Davis came whcifhen the B ears p a s s afteiler it-bounced off intend^'' Alan Cockrell tossi5sed a 53-yard ----- were-throwJng-2H3-aDd-od nppcarcd-to— tecelverD.J n r r y l .Tnhnaoa------—_ ^B-touchdown-pass-to-popower-tbo-Volun- j s p a ^ Baylor's second halfoffense.hai Mlchigaigan State added a 45-yard teers to triumph. uiko field goal tq end the hai f. Brigham Young hadid ja 3M3 lead Mojfiejenk B y i In the third quarteiler, the Vols, H , , lO game-When- ; Coloradcado got a 35-yard field goalal ■ I blocked a pu n t and rc(tjcoveredlllnthe * fP ^ : wJtli 3:29 left In the i ir' : Wnymon Hamilton scofetjred on a 2-yard from Tomjm Field in the third quarter endzone for one titouchdown and I 1 ( “ ♦.yardTD-paas-rom-Vogel-to- run,“his second of tbe iilfnlgfii, to^p a and~^y — tadded-the-Lobo-purunter at-his-own— — touchdown drWe.ve tailbackc Chris McLemore for a 4-yard line to set upm another'score.___I ____ :— Baylor,~sparked-fay-th«-theniinnlirrf^df^aurth-^ roartcr touchdown.-— t H ^ T D was it UP when'a Lobo | ...... ce28,Tara8T6aT3 8 ; BroaefiC K 'Sargent, Allc\llen Rice and AlrForce! punt of Just-28 yardsds gave the Toll ’ T b b ^ s winning drive . _ In CoColorado— Springs.— Colo., - possession at tho Neww Mexico 40. _ t Anderson, launched ils w id - fromlls25onltsnextposExjssession. back Martin Louthan rushed CockreU's long pa!>ass lo split end i yards and scored threeee Etaylor o)>encd tho gamrnmft by driving for 65 ) • ' Clyde Duncan cappei>ed a 12-play, 81- ! w n s to lead tho Air Force to a 79 yards to score on Rice’Ice's 1-yard run. touchdovirr ■J y a rd d rive foUowin;ing the opening • | BYjLJ countered with twowo firet quarter vlctoiyovioverTexasTech. - ; ^ '-.Wckof/. by Louthanlan, the key to Air Force’s!’s ' : Tennessee’s 'Coiomblan-bom ( J s c t^ , a 5-yard run by s t * down? j i S tey e Young nnd a 5-ynryard pass from wishbone«j attack, scored in the first i kicker, pniad Reveiz,I, 1nailed a 48-yard i as diL ______i- _ on3n a 1-yard sneak T e : ^ _ .^_fteJd-goal-ln-tho-secocond quartor-aad— J------AA-poirolConifort-lnlov«-can-holp—i— pe ------r — Yotng to Casey Tlumalu.. ■sl- llifcM pBii^^ ------The'Cougara-led-only,niy-i4-7-at-thft~ T ech.halid taken a 7^'lead on IlsTltsl- , kicked four ex tra poiminis. I fl«».gat.rld ol tho oche in your (eel | ] ibn. TecarT6cttTCored-on-a--a— ----- tnol hoppont when you «tond a | , haU , b ut the offenslviislve' flnjworks pcssesslor — ^New-Mexlc0r4-a^spored a fourth- i from quarterback Jimm e n ip ted a t the sta rt of: theth( second half 3-yard pa ■ ■ quarter toudidow n oron a 14-yard pass » hand m ode orch supports ond, In- i the ball and Hart to I sjsplit end Leonard Harris lo from quarterback Tot!Odd WiUlamson to | __ lays.lays. Wo oro Moglc Valley.'s_o!ljy_.l___ whbn Baylor look th o^hoped^^shoo^j^cclolul. |oo- |, ;/ wtfnTTTPri fiS yards In onlyIlv 1live Diava lor te a 7-play, 64 yard drive. lliamsTTheLobos " j' omK< S |^ .falled"on"^a'twd^n!rnrajisverslon ui- I l^oo ___ atoochdown.- - I a •hoot, '4 E^lQi stUl trailed iil314-1 bccause ol 38-yani! runri in the third period and a 3 * tem pt. lai '.za. — unt** MAGIC VALtEY • a in ls^ extra point,lint, and BYU 2 1 -y ard1_ _ keeper ) late in the final Tennessee lod 1^0C at halfthne and | ■ lo clinch Air Force’s secondnd • ------0 17-0 early in th e _____ BRACE & LIMB j ; extmded Its lead tolo 2M3: belore quarter U ? r b a c K 1MaTtp-bouihan-in4»Tun-down Saturday -t_ of th e season.-'Hie gamo was-as-:.-A lrForcc quarter ■ Mueclce p ut B aylor 2&-21Wi wlth hla two victory of — “ '-‘ third quarter on'a-1--l.yard-plunge-fay~i— fwiiTFfllli* ~ T ~ ^ loofrscoringpasses. Tech’s serseason opener. - se t up another . Arizoiizona fullback Sam Rendersiso n . . 28 . In the .fourth quarter, qu -North punt--S< ' regained the lea'lead a t 2 ^ 2 6 on Sean PaP a v lld i added field goals of 28 iown in th e final period, BYU he D akota’s M ike Day weivent fo r 6 on an touchdow Young's 3-yard run. Baylor Ba; m ade It a n d 43 yiy a ^ for Air Force in the ona Is unbeaten in two gameunes, -^^*1 ockemcr’s late -second qqu u arter, glvhig the Falcons1 a . u -y a rd p ass from L arrirry Kullas. That 33-29 on R alph" Stock drive for North while Ul«Jlah is wlnless In 2 starts. i ^ RVtT wpnt back 1 3 ^ h a imiftimelead. capped an 80 yard di wrapped ip the \ Boadvy;Iw ay and Lam onte Hunl«unley. amlllon’s score ’iexas i iro___nalrntn ThO SIOUX Wl ahead briefly on Ham lie game with a touchdcasiSTTw rni^-P^ before Baylor clinchedid Uthe game wllh came onn a 4-yard run by tailback Dale s t h alf while the W ildcats w eere I E-BY EEEQ j to conq)lete a ground-orienteded Jacoxonl5y^run. ^ ---- tE E Anderson’s last minutetetouchdown U ____ B ro w n lo He ball in Ihe alr. - Setllngtf5 their act together.------o u r W ' M ichigan S t 23, C(dorad(•ado 17 69-yardJ (drive early in the fourthl h T h e B obcals kept lhe x Johnson scored both Of 248 y a rd s offense fo:fo r M o n ta n a. 193 V an c e SAUESMAilANofitheM ONmy j In East Lansing. MicWich., freshm an period, lg of quarterback Arizonajla's touchdowns in the firstt b( . ' haMback Bobby Morsee carrieda for two A ir FoiForce's defense had Its bestjst came from the passing' jrt runs, although it wass 11the I 4id M ike G odfrey, who was w intercepled -On ^ o rt touchdowns in the fourljurth quarter to game Inin ttwo years, llmlthig the Red g arm of quarterback To •ns once. T he Bobcats hadad only 55 y a m s P ^ n g ^ lead Michigan Stalee tto a Raiders8 I to 271 yards. Tbe Falcons :liffc that provided the big pu I season-opening non-corconference win intercept!ipled four passes, three of them:m rushhig. N orth D akota kept lowlo’ to the ground along thethe way. ■ ______c o m l ^; ^in the final period. pnn’s first scoring drivo ^ all— with2i3yardsTUShtngtgou^tm yarda^^;^ ...... The wlmnade MSUU CCoach George— -ftebert- included a pass-from-Tu ...... X-ee'fiasrE a JW ^ H B lj ------: n school’s first rusherss 'will 133 yards and 23 al- at- total offense. B to C hris B rew er of 29 yaryards achievedI theIht title - ____ Eerles_the Big Ten { ih n _ T h e Sioux tried onl;nly four passes. 1 i debut-gamewdnnerinSOisoyears.-— -tempts.-i.-Alr-Force_fullback_John. 24-yard toss to Mark Walczak.ak. !sman of ; *66 completing the one n-y[-yard to u c h d o w n - “ 1^ ° ^ ; Morse put the Spartairtans ahead on a Kerschneiner led the Falcons with 66 second touchdown drive! alalso the mor■nonth ot ^ pass from KuUas to Da; ooe-yapd touchdown nanm early in the yardsantm d 17 carries. • b e lo n g>od ed lo Tunnlcllffe, coming;w wi llh '' due fo his • ling a .7-play, 65- N .D akoti»ta21.MootanaSt.3 Arizoca38, UtahO unning out in tho half...... excellent salesi . fourth quarter, caoplng Ive In Tucson, Ar\riz.. Arizona U m ei^ yard M lch l^ Stato dri\drive Hi^ghted In Gnurand Forks. N.D., an effective X30k th e W ildcats 48 yard s in a recordda a tRI o y ! ata linebackers Steve IBoadway and • i by a-3S-yard pass-rece]^ t\nn by_5pliL. groundi ggame pushed North Dakota w er a m inute by m ixing passlasses _ aymond nHaH BBBH' j ■ontand S tate in non-conferenceice Lamonte Hunley led1 ;a defense that HWe ove _____ : cnd.Daiyl *nimer jM UW sUyt_^| nrWilUiMUfuuiiJ to Jayr Dobyna,n Jon Hnrtnn nnd Br UalGrandFoi^. smoinereo Uuiliualluj .-yard M SU ah ead 13-10. ish to capture a Andersotson. while Johnson’s l-ya tongraluloJtulalio'ns, ■ ------MSU’s kicker Ralf MoMojfiejenkothen Montaotana State look a lead In firstrst enough offensive pus! 5.plunfie_wa3.sct_^J?y_a_pa r behind a 32-yard field goal by-^vlCtoiy^b y ------r — — ------sc o tin g -i : ______a n 18-yard chips! p shot to give the . qu arto b )na‘s outstanding interferejrence penally In the end zone3ne ------M ark Cai:a rie r. T o p unctuate ArlMn; S p a rta n s a 16-10 lead. merback Randy Tunnlcnlcllffe connected on . 17 of 26 ------T lie field goal w as setset im b y a N a le -___ BuLNN c orth Dakota wenl up 7-3 in defensive effort corn } ~ fo r —298—y ards, an d_one^^M . o B~Z__7 d 'a -touchdown-pogfl^------; n— of— Buffalo--seeond-qi- q u a ^ -w fa e n -fu llSnck T ony.jhy‘ Robhths-contrlbuted: JowirorfouryanistffWalczakzak in — -3Cored-oa..a-one_yacLrun..un,___ivJth a 37-y a rd intercec e p tlo n r e tu r n in “ tOUiffl{kw quarterback StewVoge!jgel’s p ^ S ------M azru-s- mrblocked-Utah— theJlnaliflLouarter^ls.first six throbro\ra_;^^|B B _^r^^ •n sealed the win cap p inigaSO-yarddrive. g s the trird quarter indl Kft^IZZZ M ichigan S tate then s layivigine Hiiskiziesblaimk Norrthwes]item inidebutt ^ B g »y«« arivM M Ford... • i f T " , ^ i" mm from 5 y a rd s a t 14:5454 of the second secondsids left in the half lo givevo tiie nrnllonal______— By, United P r^ Inlema ------quartec-togive Fullererton aJ(Ml lead.___ ^ 4 9 e rsaa 18-9 l halftim e lead. ____ 7he_TI^hadjumpe<>ed a h e a d 3 ^ on a O c o} ^ ^ ra opened scoring in”In -th e '-,''T rr.T r red on-runa of-31------^ ------Sterling Hinds scored ___ field goal by Greg Stelclnkeam :32 qf v^bcondHidTialf:wltli a'45-yard fleldd-goal g t j4 t- -1- — t-T rr-r- mrterback Steve — ------and 2 yards and quarl • thal mainade th e score 18-12. rd touchdown run the quarter, : ill' Pelluer added a 5-yard t ack Four minutes laterer, Alien ran In Dlllonlon w ent down w ith a leg InjuryInji 1 to a 344) win field goa’oal a nd Washington came back to lead Washington t< mAkfe it IWJ nnd jate inn Ithe third quarter and pla:p l a j ^ . T F T thwestem In the .to driveve 8&-yards in seven plays cul- from 1 yard out to m Saturday over Northw [tin Todd Gerhart scampnpered In for a jusi oneine series before giving way'ay for ; { i i . - '■■■ ' seaison-opener for bolhlh cciubs. mlnateded by Hinds’ run with 8:04 le n in ird quarter. • two-point conversionjn to give the the rem^m alnder of the gam e to b a d wm r kicked two field th e third a^cker Jeff Jaeger W D o u g D iiney. 1 quarter for the------R icky-ty-Edwards-.fumbled-on-theth e __T ltan s.an 18-0 l^ d . go als in th© sccond qi uUerton’s'scoring d Isdney'got o' th e l9 ^ lb'within'iln-flix— -J:r :i- strong pass rush WashingIngton 8 wllh just over tiu«ciree Allen closed oulTul Hiiskies, who used a sti last with a 17-yard scramblIb le a t 14:11 o f th e p o in tss vwith l 1:55 left in the game3 wlwhen td keep Northwestern’au’s offense off- minuteses to go to end the Wildcat’s lasi iout i^^rT T rrrT eto avoid a shutout. _____ fourth quarter,______A lf red d Rowe s scorcd (rom 1 yard oul _ . - _ baiance.throughoulMhothe'game played— chance tj i-lS'coraebacli nl _____L o nig g - hTiylrM n FtiHprUerton_j^*. ____ w B d O S : ------H inds'ds'"fIret TD capped a 44-yard,u t l r — iii temperatures in the n uarter when Jose punt with^ 45 seconds, remaininglg ai n d m J t ^ m who gained 80 eigiit-plaplay drive that was aided by>y as G:17 of th e second quf ■------'Tailback Hinds, wi nnH t'V o p ip ra connectedio 01 n a 50-yard field recoveri’ered the ball at tbe Titan1 35.35 A - ^ B ' H W { e o ia lJiiu 2 =yanl— running:af»-lnto-U>6-klcker-pcnalty-anc )----- y t t ^ in 12 c ^ e s , ac « r e 18-3.------— p e n a ltyIty p la c e d th e b ^ ^ i t h ^ "lil v lil M * les^-openlng-drive— camcjirfiiirflhOtuaUefUiLihftiiuactSJ^ :0 n~~g6^ to make the score u p : tOTiap the Huskies*- 5Ct«nnnr33-Tnrd-4o^ecor»nds-Jeftrtjatthe^9ers1alle» illed-tir-^ ------dded a 31-yarder the Husiuskies’ next possession. PclleuiIcur todd.UlUoncoia«l game. He adde the pass to Lexuiy Montjitgomery with l9 score.I., i^dway Ihrou^i the5 ththird quarter to scoredi wilh> 5:13 remaining in th( - -h^puUhe^TOoutofit of rcach.^^^-^-^ - qufu-ter.er..------j m wtMon's Sizos 7 to 13< - •- !*•* ■ * ' ‘ haped Washinglon1 dominate ( the camewiwilh 6:19 .left in theliarf and hD • WidihsB&D.M ' : : t r ' g ^ e , scored on a 5-ya-yard run la te r hi secondd of ' 33 yards came wilh 31 c i N C r S5 3 9 5 4 ^ ds remaining afler Roberr AMIPWUNi tM first quarter. Peli«>eUeur completed scconds 1 yards. - - L capharlart bad-intcrceptcd a Schwal ■" 2R)f-32ptoesfor2llyi 1 : : - _____ ^ : jSbrthweslcm. whichilch hasn’t won a p ass. - ' - a S B reatJte»ani__ ; season^peher since 1975,191 could never T heI Huskies Ii capped their scorin{ I'ard ^ c r . ■ - - g e n e w to a rushing gamgan e to establish w hen WW altj H unt scored on an ll-y an Ita passing attack inIn tthe game. Tlw touchdo'down w ith 7:57 rem aining In thi I Huskies, who recorda■ded three sacks, game, * rie|d the Wildcats to only 9 yards 'i f e . liBhlng in the first half.alf. • B^ertolio a S t 25. Long Beach S t 19 Northwestern's best»st scoring oppor- In Anaheim, ^ Calif., Damon AUeuien timity cam e on the operpening possession rah ofor r th ree touchdowns to leadiC Ca al ^ n - ifler the^WUdcats State FullertonFi lo a upset over Lon o fite second half afle = AN/W UNMISTAKABLE ; { ; ' >feeretraUing2(W)athft halftime. Sopbo- Beachh State in the Pacific Coas : £XAMINI■NE THE CLEAN UNES OF iT o p T S F O R ' : i : ------more .quarterfaaclc &Sahdy Schwab, AthleticUc Association seasonopenee n e r - ^ CLASSIC. DESIGN-THAT C

^)rt»o was intercepledsd-ooCB'and-who— ' for both>th te a m a.-r^=--— ------■- ^ ------^------ou7UAtJTrVVER-THe-WHIMS-CtS^F-FASHIONr ------— - f Lo3 | g ™ {a | m m g a r j f - fuinbled onco in thea firstfli half, drove Allen,in, the younger brother of Lo IE CALM ASSURANCE OF■TIMELESSNESS. 77/ I j: j ' les Raiders’ running badM ck ' ^ i i l tl» Wildcats to the WasVasWngton 14. But Angeles ■ ' - - THE CLALASSICS. BUILT FOR ALL.VM VA E.fiYG.H.BASS: ■ r i missed a 32-yard Marcusus Allen, scored the first tlmtim e ^ W cker John Duvic mi! > B B I Blorwd — R ein k eeWaterJVUins lagement Sk s S t m s'andC ls . I TwoLoeotlontl j I ^ •Continued (rom!> m P a ^ C l S y ste n jec Woodbmy. 0.9. 3. Dee PIckeU tied up with Relnko MonufactufinJring to ofTe^ yoa-proveh p etnke-k e ------i . ------'■ - -■ .'••|"-to«orv*-you%-,i- t — - steer w f Umg M*Maity Mdvln. 4.0. , an a!x e\ 5^ . We hove teome ^Minlfloloi'ond Alumloator'Wc OtfUiy, andMlkirfllui D«en. 7.4, so u s: 4. Dkk and J.D. Woter MAnagcmcnt« Systems: Uie EJcctiogalors'M: A I Downtown ■ i<7.S.4SJJB. - - lla which enables u s lo recom - .. .TlmParfcer.9.*,mO;i• 4. Mk * P«flW. «.l. V#l«<7-! JJ. ore foctory trained1 w.wolcr mannaemenl speclallsls ' / I I & Lynwood, , #.?. «SJ9: «. a o .. n d r a d i « - 1. Pam Roaa. 17J1. fOM.lt; Jelnkc center pivot for your need;ed>. We sell and scrvlcc Relnke 8. Sieve BUad. #.1 ceeiteU. i7.32.si7J3:3.Suna»F»u*rt,'aei. m efld lhe proper Rel ■ 1::; Bankt< Cards & Charge I i I I Twin Falls --r,'{ ,• KeU<*.7-J.l«-a. - • It System s: because we beilevee IrIn ihclr performonce. Come In Shiwn DevU. ISS, 17,70.0143111:4. Peesy w -«:: S5^x . V/oter M onaflem enl! .-£J' Acco'.ounts Welcome | • — SKklle hwno---»-. » Woodcock. 17J0, auua: «. Kaypavu. - lodoy. ond visit wlili_Jlu9,i«urBc:nhc Deolcf. . phc> h o n o J3 4 i£ Q m ■ -- |i.osnoja.DixooH*miiu« nght *t «»1. >t»nm — ■ 4. |U«) DuaobDaIoM 17JI, 183IdM. ■ . / W uaoo; 8. ttrry Mg rtr i d b t f - 1. Kelly Wabta. ao. IIJM .*; • • and Owl* Aak«*o. 14«, 3. Garyiry ToiM. 79. i. ■ Jelw MUtca - l.ua.00.00. Sever ...... ' • ■; l i ------i^C^TIm8»^QWi,Twift£al, PnH^ Maho SufKtay. Septaptambor1l.1983 ______~r7 -EBBS ileW i n g f = = T he T irojans m issed an opportunity ' By United Press iDteroatn atio o al' mmmmmm winJn the gam e when a low extra point snapsm was mishandled by holder.------MUce R ozler ra n forr 1!191 yards and Top 20 T im Gre-Green. four touebdowns Ito become • T he eT Troians. i (W)-V are on prdiaUon leadhig rusher...... N eb ra sk a 's oU-Umo lea 1 and hieliIndlglblo for Bowl appearanres. lom huskers to a Semlnoleflies for a touchdown late In the a n d pow er tbe No. 1 C on ' Floridaidalsl-O-l.r 1 quarter, with the big play a W -20 win over Wyoming:g SSaturday. sccond qi !*’a USCUC took over wlUi only 46 seconds ; -Rorier opened the sascoring with a 25-yard-pI-pass, to Weegle ThompsoQ.o n .’ ' i g y md moved 80 yards,_aidedby4wo .. int out of bgumls on the 1 y ard V ^ ^ ^ B j ^ f l — left a nd 1 4>yard nin barely fiveie imhutes hito v/tio w ent 15-yardird pI ^ U e s . A 22-yard pass from • ““ “ •‘■tbe- game ’and' brofe« loose for a Une.Lowiiwrey plunged over from there, bury to Ware and a penalty for a p hi the second Floridada s ta te regained tb e ball and B ^ ^ ^ ^ B -' Salisbur . . . ': i 2-yard scoring.gallop ll : ^ K m ^ B i m la te hhit it movedI Uie ball to Uie Florida ^e • Ite senior I-back final playayofthehalf, . ------: r e e r y a i * . sending tb e i en 'dnneone on UUni down and Flcjflda ...... - •• M)astI.M.H!ppasNcbrasrraska’sail-tlm e ------W ith mi p riz e d for having U» many SemhMleslies d i ^ for two quick scores w as pen V. leading nisber. on Uie fid d . movhig UjoMLI o------W yom ing beld a big'edgelnOmeof ed hi tbe thithird pdriod, both on Lowrey S a n d giving U ^ OM l a s ^ d i ^ ays quarterback'' aerials, •me -Florida - Stateale— ^ th e 2 5 a r p o s & t t o . and Cowboys w ith ncMnot lmelcft------—2------:------—riddled—^ the— qiiartert>ai»cfch)oked-lo-his-leflrtben- ten— — v -B n^B aui»befger t Sallsbills b u ry Uien connected wiUi W are on two long, floated a 16-yard pass to Jones for a Nebraska-secondary oi In thle e nm iddle of Uie endzone. forj Uie m drives, coo- 21-14 lead,ad. and foUowed th at 3:22 la teter r lecoixH ialf toucbdowD.. tyingjtouchdown. to i ...... i a .. oectlng (Ml scoring strikerlku'df 1 and 18 with a 20-yard20 pass to Hester for a I T he e GGators had seemhigly talto a •y ard s. touchdowijwn. . . . m'anding 19-13 fid d w iU itw o ^ ld ^ ‘ Rtvntyj on n 2B-yard nm to L ^ f l H H ^ B ' com m ar ------N^>raska-quartcrback — goal5~hir-hrUnr-fhial-two-mtotrte^by— ------388 y a r ^ total In c re a se« !F lorida S tate's lead to 33-14, ____ : j e d _ t ^ H u s t o to 388 Bobbyjy Raymond.R ' r‘, HtlHnrrt with nn &Hdff^ttatbpo5lU«na»fih^UrsL--; : nm.-Florida-Stale scored Its w ben tb ey took JC8S tbarban an average 8-yard nt f id d go(goal when defensive'back *njny ...... •, lriv« . ------' ••—flnal toucKichdown on a'6-yard nm by _____ of l;3S bo sbc scoring drlv ____LiUy-bltJilt Salisbury and:forceda^um-_ . ^ _ - • 'Anwog-Glll*g-«^e it Uie T rojan-l4 wlUi 4:23 left. It i r^thaTyardnmr' r. J ^ T ------ble a t u 49-yard scoring strikeje to vrtn^jadc'” "aroflngwi S w as wa:w as USC'8 sIxUi fumble ctf Uie ; litch back ftom Hilliardird fhiisbed with 128 yard s on I n ^ Fryar of! a pltd m A day. Six p l^ later. Rajroo^d kicked I ------Rorlereariytotoeseoooc!OQd quarter. -- -20 carries^es.to lead tbe Tiger, nishhig H , ; an I8:ya^yard ffdd goaJ^to UiJrf^ the . c lit a 4»^ lead attack, Ndiraska bad built ^ ■ L gam e.e. before Baumberger blit it. Jay Novacek Iowa 51,, IcIowa St. 10 ^ ------After-ter‘defensive-tjack-Pat-MlUer ■ SUd»dow>flh tb e ------in A mn e e s , lowa, OWen"GIIl”ru s h rf ~ — lor^ybmlng's-nrstUWd ------hitercep•cepted a Salisbury pass at;USC’s n fo rl3 6 yy a ard j s and tied a school record)rd / . tblrdquarter. 37. Rayila^o n d ' kicked his fourth fidd I lur touchdowns'lo lead I7tb- Just loto tbe fourourth quarter, with four goal,. Uiisthi ono from 19 yiirds out wiUi r ” T^*BgnnibergBr'tossed~anHm-ltyard-ecw^:—ranhed4o' tn n iirfn ftvof Tnwn Sfnto W f X ^ • fngwtriketoChrisKidodi h ia n o nKonlerencogame.- < ( useIc had1 tieci 1^13, 49 «• "wlngtiadc J i m ' TTie 'seaflbfropenlng~,win~for-the s e ------n d s J n to -th e f h ^ pcyjo d -o n a .. ''"T bra^on fumbled ouT 45-yard 1 ta le Stadium crowd of 54.066,66. ^ tbe Nebraska eodiooeoe for a safety Iowa Slat Thele Gators,G wbo trailed HMf,^_took :• w ith 3 :11 left In tbe gam;ame to give tb e ended thhe e Cydones’ three-game win- • first lead of Uie game^^th 23 t Je. th eir fir . Oowboy? th**** palnliinu: — ' - ~ ning strezreok In tbe Intrastate battle. nds remaining -fa Uie.^ihhd T ■51 points are.thP rnofit-gver ...... seconds — ^=jUab«na » . Georgte TeclW h 7 ------lo w ala-S l q u arterter-w*CT'hmhhJg:back,I^peozo v . ...r. ' In B h m ln A a m .' AAlt lk r' Alabama ' scared bibl 1the series, w hidfdatcliadr ipton went over: Uie top. ircim 3 »; after a blocked tolSM. acored touchdora afU ^ y ardIs s 01out. H oridii UiMHl 13 phiys lo-go------. . p u n t a a d a recoveredI fumblefu to bu t MichiganWi20,Wa8hfaigtODStl7 f W V 87 rards, aided by five runs by “ ' - Gea^aTediaodglve.DtenewcoachRay , ^ Annnn Arbor, Mich., quartertiackack Hamplo:iplonfor35yards. ; P o U n s h is O rst victoryjry afler replM- Dave Hal{all steered No. 5 Michigan175 75 use>C defensivec tackle MaU Koart j :r IngBearBryaot y a rd s aand n then swept left end forr a recovenvered a Joe H enderson fumble al c ' Jamiary. six weda afterafti be retired - salvagee a, ' victory-over.stubborn _ foUowhig a 21*15 victortory, his 323rd, washhigtigtpnSU te. lisbuiy. l&of-29 for 227 yanis,. " ' . o v e r H U ao islh tb elJb■ertyBowL ert ’ W ashhii l n ^ State. 1-1.-h ad takenn a J . connect!iected on Uuee passes^on ibe •) imsoo Tide look 17.^4 jgad Tbe I4tb-ranked Crimj lad with 9:42 left when sopho-iho- ensuhiging drive and moved use dose j ' advantage of GeorgiaI TechT( turnovers nioretallailback Reuben Mayes wenlIt 2 . : V d H I k h enoughIgh for a 41-yard Add goal by ^ '' to run m> a lead andId tbeI Alabama yards ue the middle to give the H B j^^H ^B H fl Jordanan wlUi 2:35 left fa Uie first defense stifled tb e Yelkiellow Jackets hi cougarsfrs a 17-14 lead. quarter.le r. thf>f»«*o»«H)peo e r f o r botbothteam s.____ g u t MlMichigan, 1-0, bounced right T hele T rojans w ent 66 yards on -11-^— i- etf-thft-hflll Hake-lb^l^-^th-lts-75^y8i^ playss to take a ICM} lead Uiree minutes ‘ ; CO tbe game’s tUidInl play drlvewhivhidi featured a 52-yard ran>by by quarterback Stu RogiLogers fum bled ju i^ o rtal«ilback i Rick Rogers, llsbury’s 15-yard completion to aJ ” • a n e r being sacked b;by Ihiebacker Rogersjrs, wbcrgaincd 124 yards on119 19 t i ^ t; end eni F red Cornwell brought Uie v -?.] pmmnntiol King aOdd ttackle Randy 'e m ' i, was only prevented from ...... ball to Uie1 Florida 22, and one play 'i* 7:; Edwards recovered on tbe Yellow scoring > •om g when be was brought from ... • - later.•, S Salisbury and-Comweir con- - Jackets*20.. ^ beU ndfoiI following a sm art cut from leftI'U N e b r a s k a ’s MMUte RozJer (30) hurdl35rTempl -John-Congeml , , . '■ p assed Cor tw o toudxtotxiowns and ra n ‘S S -y artfli fid d goal w ith 1:11 left In the^ terccpted Hall pass.5. Hie pass was by senicn io r Cougar quarterback RickyRic In Pittsburg, od on a 41-yard aUempl wlUi 23 . 5 ale 12 passed for 177 yardsIs and a touchdown . for three other, scoreses toi rally 13lh- third qujjuwter. missed a 37*yanl try^ deflected by sophomorore light end Sim T u rn e:r r on the Washhigton State inds left afler Florida ' ranked Florida State1 fromfn a I4i»hit With 2:lS:tS to-play to save Mchlgan^ Nelson. an d twowo plays la te r Rogers scoote-oted 8 and ran for anothei rterback W ayne Peace moved Uie ■ -' kicker Todd Sdilopy from be- id. college s ta rt lo lead 1 ■ , riftfldt tn a yirtO?3Lgye>ver lOtb-ranked senior kli H all, who took ovciver from Smith yards; to ^ v e M Ichlgana 14-7 lead. toUieUSCM.. ------— to -a •romp-over-<-cross-Blate - rival LSU. 5C’s“M Idiad'H arper-fnm bled-on— jr- - • L ow rey scored oo twitwo-l-yard runs ■ E — Tem ple.------firefplay"an«’Uiace finished 13 of 2i-for 148 yards >± quartern before he "L; rig h t tq> h i tb e secoodid Ihalf, throwhig B n —- terception-hrthreeq Hampion w as Uie gam e’s leading mother sophomore, touchdowns of 16 yanrards to Hassan w as replaced by anc ie r wlUi 76 yard s on 20 carries. ■ Jones and 20 yards to) JessieJe H ester hi ChrisJelic. /irgfaIa48,Padflc7 . span_oL5:2L.e^yriy hi the third I w M aryland 20. VandQ I -Morgantown,-W.---Vai;:Wx- dif------fpiarter. Lowrey additdd^ 'a & y^ In NashvUle. ‘Temi., Norman ,5 „ .nnt t lWest Virginia players scored U- toucbdown run lale hitbiitb eg am e. "Boomer” Esiasonn hit Ughl end BUI i„uchdoJidowns, and kicker Paul u- SofAomore tailbackk EP al ton HlUIard .. f l . Rogers on a 43-yarcird louolidowii p ass . woodsicKiside kicked all sbc.ccmverslons . o __ ?__accamted -for allII t ^ with 2:24 left to playly lo u n ZOth-rankcd [wttwo fid d goals to lead Uie No.,15____ ^ ...... toiK *dow ns.tw oofw hlc/tiich caiM in the ^ a ^ ' yMaryland to a victoiy-over Van-- Moiiiiijiiitalhec^ IcJaBIowoul ofPflClflcr" n •" first.quartar and gave ------^ ^ ------WWW-6oored-on-3.yanl-tuna_hy ------la: — 1— !4-o-lead— much toI lbtbe dellghtoT air^^^H ^ B ^ ^ - ^ g e r s c a u ^ t ^Ssiason's short pass — j^iTnnlnnling hnolw Tnm G ray arid John c‘f' record crowd' or 75^75^6nrTTgec^JB|Bi 1 ^ aiid' appeared to be stopped by two h oIfldd; iS a 1-yard liiri tiy fullback -:oi ; sta d iu m . HiUlardcoUecliected S3 yards in Z Z VanderbUt defendeifers, but got loose 1 Wolfley„ and a 3-yari run by ".ci ' tbe first quarter alone. B H a n d rom ped tho (Inal fij « yards un- luUbacIsack E d HUl. The-M ountihieere — — 'n a ' sa ifty niiUiei' m — <*• touched to break a 14-14M Ue.- nliaicfviiscor^ohajs^yarUJeffHosteUer. igt -' toudxknra~hi tbe fourtlirtlr period on ■■ri~EalnsoO fin3li^ff:i73f:3i:ror_2^:::J^^ sto wide F^lvertUdTHoIUhs-add------1’0' 8-yard ru n , then G arryr y Jam es scored yards wiihout an btcitercepUon. . .anl8-yi8-yard pass lo Willie Drewrey. on a pair of 1-yard rruns u In tbe last T he TD capped a 94-yard.5 fouri)lay ' Th^he ,win gave WVU a 2-0 record, - m h iu teo ftb eg am e. IjM ij d riv e Uial b egan whvhen Uie T errapins’ ^ ^ jjele pPadflc dropped toM . .But tbe last three quai[u art^ belonged L en d d l Jones Intcitercepted a Van- Auburnwni24,S.Ml8Sl8slpplS-''r to Lowrey and Seminoleloleninnhigback M fl derbUl pass al thele Maryland 0-yard ^I Auburn.au Ala., Oond.James aod !:fn '.T Greg Allen. w,1w soscored Florida line tostq> a Commonodoredrive. Jack in rolled for 245'yanis and ______State's flflh touchdovmiwn 00 a 2S‘Vard Tbe game, playeded in temperalures—» itouchdowns to qiirtJhe 3r^„ . • nm. Lowrey (Inlshedlhtthe gam e 1 9 '6 n r ~ measured at 119} degrees on Uie rankedked . Auburn Tigers te a for 223 y ard s, whUele Allen - the — artincal-turl,.waa.LLUKLSeascitopener^season: sQiyopenlpg victory over SouUiem. ' nation's leadhjg scorerirer last year — for both teams. M ississsisslppl. carried 22 thnes for 20101 3yards. O klahom a 27, StanfoifordM Jamcames led tbe Tigers wlUi 172 yards Tigers quartffbert)8ck Jeff In S ta n fo i^ Callallf., with Marcus on 16[6 acarries and scoredhiQ an 8’yard " Wdiersharo; hi hlsr first D collegiate D upree leading Okl•klahoma's runnhig run.. JacksonJa picked iqi 73 yard s OQ-U .- , ,- ' ' ; f 26 passes for 274 sta rt, com pleted 15 of 26 g a m e t h a t 'g a l ^ O'over 300 yards, tbe rushesbes and scored on a lO-yard run i ' . 'L yaitb, but was hiteiitercepled three ^ — fourtb-nmlmd-Sooron ers - chewed up - andI a 444-yard p ass from quKterback--.^- _,-L_um e5-and sadcttUour.xir-thnea-by4he.-^^^H — stanfonl.'—27^4—S-Salunlay h r tho— Randy*idy CampbeU.- ~ — ^ ------' Seminole defense. --seasonviU»U:h Iftalng hatl aaVEO- •'' re toocfadown r u n - 1 ■______" i : — a p p eared 'to b c a su re t T h e Soooers hadd 1a 16-0 lead before limies es —• sUhiUiesecooilbalf lokUl H ;• and tbe Tigers for tbe Semhwles, ai S tanford scored on a 26-yard pass everyay of iqwetU^ y®^* ' ’ • gtbel»gthoftbe .^respondedbymovhigUi B / ' J U • - i;* from Steve CottrellII tot Tom Henley but Southwrth w ^ t fV»nf«irpfy«fl PlinrnpfaMl and ''.n i: , lieldfortheh-secondtoiItoudidow a th en tb e Sooners addodac a fid d gcud. sccondood-ranked team fa the coUQtry. tbe drive was a W B iiii W* i mJiA • S , 1116 big play on tbe Jdm son's secood1 .toocdidown.1 and a Tlielie blocked punt hxMfadoOT^ hy • ' ^ 34-yard screen pass trom gBHaCi ^ B saIeii'-fora27-7advlete TroJanHeadCoach'bTedToUoer. Intbe [2BEr£*W his=:Oklahii h o m o 's . .^ c o t t C a s e (1 0^ ) iuprads Stanford recaM was'lpcomplei the g am e^ . • '■ Sunday,.Septem 5 ber 11,1983 TImes-lles-News, Twfn Falls, Id a h b W

0Q2-lost&Found 007->lob9ofinterMt 007-Job8otlnt«Mt ■ ' '^^UJStrM aloTollowTabrS’■« .. .ATTCNT10N LADIESI ------yf9r— =by KlUlU "Houso of-tloyd". iH>w-hif-- • h adto.4?3-ft34a.4?3-4i39. _ . Ing .toy/glll demonstrators. .- • LOST;. Mon'i^rofl ^ '* '0 ®an '' Party plan. Work now_>«'■ _ CONSULTANT-...... - ey-~lhrough“ Nov.“ -No~1ftVdJt- SPECIAL EDUCATION d oyo.*Ry>^"cl.734-0051._____ mont. delivery or colloctlno. a s s lQ fill “ FREE kit. training 4 hoiitosJ? , STATE DEPT. M 00<-Speclal Notices olll8.CallSmannoS37.6920.L OF EDUCATION =u AVON.NOTJUSTPRETTYY (BASEOATU.OFI., . ^ DEVELOP YOUR TALENTS^ PhOFESSlONAL MOSCOW) With HYPNOSIS. Scnool’°J There's flood monoy In SALARY: 'SDE Salary 088Varlerletyfoods 125'25 T ravel trailers aludonta.. welatit loss “ i co8moUc3_So!UAvon-ttJ—Q------Schedulo(9mo.-posttlonlT--...... : - — tobacco oasyrib yoarcoxp; ...... 090 Potsts& p e t supplies '226 6 (C a m p e rs 4 sh e lls ------t P - - saQ4or734-9256.------_____R E S P O N S I B I L IT I E S : -. 27 M olor h o m e s CallJohn lodav 324-7281. BABYSITTER Noeflod In mynv Perlorma consultallvo pro------092Aucti ' tosalonal duties, including Clcjsssaffiedlinciex ...... — ...... 26 Ulillty trailers hom eln Buhl.Call543-8970. r, research. . Intorproiailon,------005-Memortal Notices BEAUTICIAN with or wllhout'V‘ and dlssomlnoilon ol oduga- — lollowlno lor now salon in ■ ^ ^ FaFarmers’ market ^^'A utom otive Thank, you good doctors llonal studios; asalsta .in ------057 Ren tal m ob ‘ ®’-Rooorson-M all.- Twtn Falls.- noblle h o m e s ...... 095Fertirtiiifer& Vopsoil.!.' ' 13131 A/ uto sorvico nufsos at MVRC&also cola ■ In-sorvlce. ' auporvlaion 'o t ' ' ' Announcemements ^ RealestaJtate 058 Olflce &bu!b u s ln o s s ren ta l Inquire at Evelyn'a. lOt W. foderal and stale apocial rm s e o d 13232 >A ulo p a rts 4 a c c e sso rie s . livo & Irlonds tor tno llowors Maln| Jerom a. ______05acondoralniiilniui^fotJonl------097 H ayr ------{Hant9;-0(tt9r-vffers DSrAcroago&lofilofs ------T5BaCompure?ff boroavomonl. Espoclally Fa-Fa COOK, axparlMCM In omphasla In Special Educa- ^ ~^9'Se)ected offe equipment 106SheeOOP 149>49 A u to s - A M C thor McNoll, tho Twin Fallialls homespun cooking, 039 B u sin e ss pro|iroperty 069 Camera eqi llon- I 040 C e m e tery lotao ts 070 W anted to tbuy 110 Poultultry&rabblts 15252 A/ utos — Buick Clinic, tho .CouACll of 0 Especially baklM, Good ABIUTIES: Communlcallon. r. ^ 007Jobaoflnlorost Catholic Woman ot Buhljhl, asiary and hours. Wrllo Box 006 S a lo s poopio • 043 Vacation proproperty OTiShoeeandimd clothing gallon 15454 A> u lo s - C a d illa c a human relaliona. and lead- - • ,g ' 113 Farm'ms a.ranch supplies is6> . and a spoclal (hanks 10 thitho K-52 c/o Times News. P. 0, orahlp akilla; (amlllarlly with • " •' 009Employniontagoniloncles 044 Condominiumumsforsale ' 072Anllques 56A ulos — C h ry sle r ' lono pIpor-Oon Eiaxtor tronom Box 548. TF.ID 83301, •mImplements. i56>56 A u to s - C h e v ro l e t ------— . rolatod aorvlcoa/aoancios. - 0 1 0 Pro fessio n al servl(irv lc e s------045 M obile homnes es for sa le ------074Muslcalln3ilnstruments- . 114Farm - • SaltLakeCHy. EXP MAN to toed csttio' »& EXPERIENCE: Three yeara • ■— ^OISBabyalttefs------0780llic»*QuliQulpment______115 Farm•m work w antod '____iq o j M A u lo s — D o d g o ______— labulato (oed rations, Musiu®.' oxporlonco in'Speclat-fdo-—r ~ 077 R adios. TV:TVs & ste r e o s 162>82 A u to s — Ford Elloon O'Sullivan Loltch am>no t30 lamllair w/vaclnallont> & caflon; conslderalkin given 016Sltuatlons wantoded [ _ tamtly: ______:n :. KiOirBufllneBS opporiut ? ...... •. Q7&Furf>ttur»^ saAut03--T^ncoInrMnrr.ury SS:___ [oi_BihQi_ifllaiBd_flMifltt_____ l. riunlttes— g U Rentals^ S - RR^rsatiofrai e ------_ - onco. • . • •• 71.0 ,j;Ot£llncome,propBrty 079 Appliances BSA utos'— O ldsm oblle Robott j&air'cond;------120Aviai'lation 172/72 A utos — Pontiac EXPERIENCED milkers, Paul.aul -OEADUNEFOR- l— ______•I..11 , 020 M oney to loan ■ ■ 050 F u rn ish e d hohouses 060Heatlng&i Michaol .....- .a re a . no.houalno availatsio,,,)lo, ,APPUCAT10NS;_Oclober T. ------r."-. -.'021 MoneywantGcJ--i------051 U n furnisheda d hI o u s e ? ------082B ulldingmg m a te r ia ls ...... 121 B oat>ats 4 m arine items ...... 173/73 A utos — Plym outh ------■ ■ “ Patricic...... ■ t#83. . . . 74 A u to s — O th e r------_ - Kovln...... -• ^ - — ...... '-O23inv6sim0nt...... ------052Fum- rap1s.-&r& i duplexes------0 8 3 Q arag e sals a le s ------, 122S portortinggoods - ...... ^ - 174/ — S ^ I E N C E O body ■ man '- - CONTACT:------; — ' 025 Instruction 054 Unlurn. apis.IS. & dupiexos 086 Firew ood5d ' 123Skllrling equipm ent 175/75 A ulo d e a le rs waniod. own tools, powor & Donald J, Carpenter The family of ^ 026 M usic le sso n s 056 R oom s for reirent 067 Plants 4ttrees trt •l24Snovlow ve h icle s 34040 iB u s in e s s directory hand, send roaums & relor-for- Aasoclato State Superin- * OfiJ. - ■ ■ CHUCK EISENHAUeR ancos to P.O. Box 1327, wishes to thanK-lh#-mani* " ? ~ Elko.Nov.8UaCl ...... Sislo Dept, of Education wonderful ' trlond* ' i — 'LenB. jfrdanBulldlng” ___-;2-. - •■c.Iiil.-:'''- : ' ------noldhbors'-fof-thotr-visiis LEGAL NOTICE: LEGALNOTICEE LEGALNOTICEE calls, prayora. flowors t i.' )3:JIEGAL NOTICE UEGAL NOTICE;E LEGALNOTICE momorlol donations. Youi5 p w i s iP r An Atllrmallve ActlonyEgual |o the date 0ot 27lh'0ay ot Septem b^sr. oi N 31*47’36" , E, ■thouflhtlulnoaawaa sucn i NOTICEOF “ tho_____ AMENDEaNOnCE ------he------853:e6-feBHo^tatlonll07t-rbTcWrio“ dufInriho”lIff)o^ 1)L" trm ram '^ '**d!r£c^r — '^-‘^pOBOCnomiNa—— - “rr f l , ‘^ “ ‘sFrSreot. OFPUBUCHEARING) The proposed reqiiesest Council Chambers. CityIty - I16-f60.61- 58 footoot ' tholosBOfour^vodono, Our leading sales ropro- .sought lor ICF/MHunlLEx- . , -Notlce Is hereby given’en •.------Subdtvlslon:------Notfce Is hereby givenen Is'not In -cotrfonnanceice - Hall; localed at-321 Sec-(c— rtght; NlnaElsonhauor Bentallvos -oarned. ovor ■ perience - working.---wllh ' E, Jorry Elsontiauof ilBmlly ‘ •J50,000ln 1982. •• -by the Planning andmd THENCE Soulh 0’7'29■29" by th e City Council for^or w ith -th e C om prehenslv(Ive ■ ond Avonue East. Twin»ln THENCE N 54’53‘30’‘ E. S II you aro rosily Intsroslod,„d mentally retarded « mullt- »• tizohlng Commlssron-fof,for. . East. 391.86 feet t Is, , Plan for the Clly of-Twlrwin Falls. Idaho.^ lo con3lc*j}r'or ■ 664.19 feet to Station .In sales .and’ have a good handlMpjiod^^^^^ hn------•7a3,aO.!iBfaott<9bfe= -.^fStele ol Idaho, that a Public H ea rin g ’ will be . an amendment to th E i w o n r j w * i L ^ ^ tloned-akillat-abliily to worK — - l o c a t ^ ^n■NWV«SW'^, . boundarylinoofsald)ld and along chord 3om Sunday 9-11-63.KKK, thiBandolhorareas. , with community loaders, R S e c tio n 10, Towmshlp !2 i ______— ® Wt^ofLot6,fwinFalls. secllon S 89'36’39"9" bearing of S — Established -. aceounts, public rolatlona-oxp pro- . 17 AMENDED NOTICE AMENDED NOTICE OF 37*2ri4" E. 2t2,i:2 1 3 HOTUNE Tromendoua potential, u lorrod. Bonedts: tt6 9 monlh .. J j ,.f 10 S o u th . Rango 17 E MilnerAddn. £.2342.05 feet: - EXCmNQ SALES PLAN ■ an, OF PUBUCHEARING The proposed requestDsi PU B U O HEARING ON E, leot; 73M122 Btlpend, hoaith Insurance, ' East, Boise Meridian, THENCE N 1*05’46" E, , c A Pcoblom is not a problonem Direct dlaltlbutlon-faclorvT ’olo travel cxpa& other baneHts. .,.-.‘-Twin Falls County.lly. Notice is hereby giveliven Is not In conformance,c a APPEAL 25.00 loet to a pointInl THENCE N 7*38'46" E Ivo N otice Is h e re b y giver whon shared, Mon»fl/Hoa/«ilth rotail dealera. No direct (ac-lac- .Call Bruco Bonnatt.i CSI. . • " Idaho: said parcel Is by the City CouncilI f<‘Of with the Comprehensive on tho Northerlyrly 109.23 feet; Association. 9om 10 7am. -'‘^ ‘■^■theSouth 72.22-feet(Of of th e -C lly o l Twin Fallialls,-- pion for the city of Twinwin by th e Clly C ouncil foi ------Rinht-ol-Way . .. ofof. -THENCE along a curve r . KtEUjSw”"''' REPEATKT ilfo th e C ity of Twin Falls, ii? [« -• »WILL VIDEO TAPE your - ’• th e SEV4 ol Lol 8 8,, State ol Idaho, thata* ® Fails and would require Polollno Road. saidaid right having a radius3IUS focopllona, reunions, oaloilos SALES-At full commlsaion.lion. ■ WANTED,-...... part-tlmo — “ ' Yeatman Addillon. heh e P u b lic H earing will b lhe Idaho, that a Public point being thoho - of 440.00‘loot andid a promolions_ or anyihlncIna ConBUnt d e a le r. Inventoryitory w eekend desk cler^. Ca* ' p[g~- tum.-ProdticlB-tirlno-dealBrla ta r - • nyon Sotlnos tnn.— ------—; ot held at Ihe hour of 7:C7-M r " p°a in' .H ea rin g will b e hold ai Vh iif p n ifiT qQE.^ p ___ lnnp-r.hnff1 hnnrino ’ 14, Mid addition. Cotot o'clocK P.M., onTh^ifljtTBni order to be approwi d — trfo n0 u r~0 T 7:o o '{r c iDctf BEGINNING: ...... ------o f- S -2 2 » 5 9 '4 5 "-- E, & -,falos,W JKl*' WJCfiilD pOUto trliCHi-ia u th — d a y -o f-S e p te m b e r, 108; iye— P.M.,-on-tho'26th day 0: " halirirom fiaid to-ooliarloi------; » 13-except tho-South 1083. T h e • C om prohensive- THENCE- along saidlid ' 359.20 feel; INVENT10N5. -idoaa. now - approx-M.^ya.Good-^hau^^ onr B Monday, In the€ounc Pfan .currenily.-.deBig-;|n. . September, .1963, In IhcP,® i__RIgtiL-o{-Way_line_, N _ T H E N C E N .66t54’14:LW,W, produoto‘wanlodl InduBir) .. i . l 261eet, saldjddltlonr v5 ~ C o u n c l l ‘ C h a m b o rs, ;C lt) r-.-zrpYeaeftlaironvnnttona .J " * i ;q , ^2-except me Eastast— Chambers:— Cily-^Hal — n a te s ------the— tibove- ^ ty ------89‘38‘39"W r1021;3i;3i— — " 10.00 f e e t : ; ------ithiy^:' ' | r “ ho“ s Farrna,-837-8269*0? - 125 lo e ato d at 321 Secon as Hall, loeatod at 321 Sec w oxposltlon. Call 1-m-52& V- » 65feeloftheSoulfi125 :ond described properly aS' '?■ foot to a polnl Iden-3n- THENCE S r05'46".W, 60&-XS31.______iefiy.„.^7.e33a. • , ■ ■ ? feet of Lot 12, saidaid A v en u e E ast, Twin Fall:.alls, rosldsnlial. ond Avenue East, Twlr'''2 tilled as Stationon 1091.12 leot to tho of Falls. Idaho, upon the HP LAOY SEEKS atnglo ranchoifior ^ b ERAL' travel ■ addillon, moreore Idaho, to consider ththe The proposed use of 63-^21-25 foot loft aas s TRUE POINT OF on- APPEAL ol Sloven K or pormanoni ranch hand • particularly described}ed app lld atlo n of Davl the property Is a con- Iq ' h e ______------40-w:------Companionship — Mual-l>o-aolMTW IIvatdd-i—^— , n-qfaHouuaL.------ur- Said parcel "C". con-:on- poasiaio warrlaao. 734-8231, ina gf tbe Planning anc iL nights overago per week on BEGINNING at the' Inlin- ”Maglc Gardens, for Any person or persons w " voy. Pfol?':* No.40. l a l n s y .13 a c re s .’ — — jgTjOTtion—of-Biufflue— ZONING— ^------OISTRIGplGJ— sD*1ntBres1od-may—aps------UWSHOP---- the C ?t^ l Twin'Falls Uncontostod divorces,.*75 •5 .. L ak e s Boulevarda rd CHANGE, ZONING MA pear and be heard al the 116------^ fjc e -o l th e Idahoiho been • made' lhat the^ Bankruptcy and corporation urn AMENDMENT from R- >nd Idaho, denying th( .<• North and Heyburn n-6 --appointed -time- -and n®- Transportation De-3o* proposed request is Ir $W. Wills. « 0 , ole, Mal JCE- Wanted: M othar'aHalpw « ' density to C-1 denslt'3lty, p la ce . ap p lica tio n of Mr. WhlKce partment. DivisionI of conlormanco with the m ! KCEII e NT ADVANCE- .. A venue East; th e ordor avallablo. Call 338 MENTOPPORTUNiT1E3-No• No New York Beach Suburb. JHENCE Southuth and • COMPREHENSlVI'X l DATED This 7th day,of of for a SPECIAL USE C o m p re h e n siv e Plan foifor 0732.Bolao.______PERMIT which. wouk — senlorily program: Promo- , , 89’48'19" East,isl PLAN AMENDMENENT S e p te m b e r, 1963; l]t:....the-Clty_of.:TwIn_Fallall3_LEQAL-^—3, KFTB.— Divofco ~{~r;rnr:r337:35Teol7aIoiTff3mj»0 “ TiromrTD5ldontlat:to=con;om-— gvChrirraiKTn^lbn” ~— — allow - the- above-namet'®° ol-Way lino Iden-an- Idaho. alralflhl bankruptcy. 734 " " Long Island. NY 11659, 618- applicant to operate < «• ■ centerline of merclal for . propenlerty , MAYOR i . “ tlliod In a C orpora-ra- The proposed use) ofo' 03B7. M ailorders avallablo.L . e x p e r ie n c e PREFERABLEkBLE -MMMT:______;______: I'- Heyburn -..-/Avenuelu e - lo c a te d a t ■ 560 FIKFiler PUBLISH: Sunday,lav plumbing and heailn( lion Warranty Deedled the property Is a shoplOp- MEET.. . . CHRISTIAr ly. .. WANTED: M alurfl.peraonJD .rr_: i n j se rv ic e truck Irom hi! East. said, point alsoiISO„ Avenue, Twin -_Falh dated Doc. 14. 1961961 p in flm all. ______-_____ SINQLES^y-phono-of-mallloll,— ^ | F r r ^ f ^ u a t f * - T F ^ livo In Buhl noma, full or part | tfl" w hich p r b p e il y ls fflOf j 5;iJtQ m o_w ith. ftlorafle ,fo ' a n d rocordO'fl“a 5 T n : ge- -INa«Bolhlncla>sroomandI and ..ilm a.-H elp huaband caro for .: ___ lie s N orth M MB'ifl" i n : A ny p e rs o n o-n>'er8pn! in In olderly, senile wife. Preter -. jetV’-parHcurarly— 'describoI ^ 1983. : ...... service material, oi slrumont Numberor so interested may ap ee. in tlold. Top Inaiructlon In Ea8tr'r329.-39“ feen 3 TF. .pro d u cts.an d .sa les. Solid older woman. Room 4 board •• from the Inlersec-dc- a s: - property located at-7HlI® '■ ' 809134 In tho re c o rdrds'^ s poarand bo heardatthc Grandview Drive North _ - back up -servlcff-and auoi- sup^ -+ Jiatarv.Ref.-roa,W «2C. •=. tion o f Elm S lreeleel- The WVi ol the E%'h of( .» . •'______- - o f Twln-Falls C ounty.it^. a|>pointed lime anc i— .. Twin -Falls, and legail; MODELING CLASSES star WHY JifcllLb lor just ------^'T-and Heyburnurn Lot 6, M ilner Addt ‘"S' Idaho, N 0 -a3 7 1 " 6. ^ ^MPANY.SAVINOSPLAN--AN- .anolher truck driving |ob . . I'lf'/ AMENDED NOTICEh _------d e s c r ib e d a s: 1 A v en u e East: Twin Fails Count' OFPUBUCHEARING 33.00 feet to StationIon ^ pATED This 7lh dayy o0 i Paya prime Intorost rates,S '... whon Mayflower haa an A p a rc el of lam . ».• ^ X-HENCE N orth 0*7’M29" ” Idaho, EXCEPT the'® " Notice Is hereby given “I? 63-J-21-58foetleft S e p le m b e r, 1963. — ------inSu R aInCE PROGRAMRAM owner/operator program? - I ------Iocatod-In-Townshlp.1iJr-THENCE— along— eaidaid— s/Jack-OrMlller------ANt> RETIREMENT PIAN-AH -A - Look torthe Mayflower AO tn ~ '— U'W*: Southwest cor-•or- The proposed requei ,iu' Soulh. Range 17 ^if*' l - Right-Of-Way line N . CHAIRMAN T-----MORMONISM-. . very dynamic, anc] completepieto ciaaalfled Socllon under ma ..t ' ^ tho caroor program. Bualnoas Opporlunlty - ^ . ' n e r of Lot 12,12 is not in conlormanc t Boise Merfdian, Soc,®A* . 69*36-39'’ W .,254.08i.08 PUB LISH: Sundayrjav Whal do you know aboul thi Stale ol Idaho, that h aS ____t i o n -6, - a - p a r t of thi and Mof'no" Church? 734.26t3St3 • ■ . O ' Y e a t m a n -Addillon,on wilh tho Comprehenslv^•'(0 .Public Hearing-wilL.bo ;V,®______feel— to-i-SiBlionlon ..September . 11; “il? anc --878-9103,-343^242-for-a-rero--—CAa-.1«l-«2M ni^-17! •oal P lan fo r th e City of Twi —SWV4-.— m n — Foil 60 + 66.96-56 feet ieltlelt T h u ra d a y , Soptom bor 15 ZONDERVANCORPr •j'r':-!: w hich Is th e roal tw in h e ld a t th e h o u r of 7:00 eordod now m aasaoa wkly.ly;, ____during fifIlc.o hours.or_w;|H ...... REPRE86HTA7IVE8------g;------Ealls-and-wfluld-tcquli '-•.a -:.i983r-:-^-:-^-— — -nr?— Point of Beglnnlnflr- lulra— p.ciech-p-MTTon-the 26th -•-a8--ldentlfled--fn'--.a '- PREQNANC^OfUNE' _____^.Nationa loading publisher ef ,,, ,JHENCE Soulhulti a n a m e n d m e n t lo ih day ol September, 1963. )0G------Qoit—Claim Deed " Pregnant? Nood holp? Ca ,M.- ...... 1— : ■.'■■:a9*48^fli‘rEa3t:3e:4Bi:4B— C om prehena-6MI»:-Enctos along. the Eaal feet.-to..the REA S’ S loast 17. Bo all you can tiobo In tiona (oven part time}, -f t» • Lxii. -b o u n d a ry ,L o tl3 : . appointed.. time . an PLAN------AMENDMENT :C ,^-T H E N C E -N 82‘ 19'56" W. Q ' peMlnont Inlormaifon and " ' 'l ha Army Roaervo,______your ovrn boas & chooao w P0‘NT OF BEGI^ w. =- HOUND POUND .-poaalblooholor ______•JTHENCE Soulh 09*«-31]'3l p la ce . from residential to Indus- ■'N* I13.06foot; — Healing & Alr CondltlonlnDining own - hours. Many reps -— Ea8trnn;49 fee t to - -DATED This 7th day ( iiaH NING; • - ,„,u THENCE N 89’ 06’17" W,w NEWS TERRORISM for a ' urgently noodod lo properly , trial for property locatedv®“ TH ENC E - S out ostabllahment looking for s irv S e p te m b e r , 1983. a t 319-323 O rchard Drive, 273.20 feet: " • " c _. Sco.lt nowl The now doct . S ervicem an.... Mual .; bet>o I aorvlce local, stale 4 nn- fti;«Qrj'.v the East boundary. 89‘52’19" Eas monlary of thia fliowlng li Ia si' ‘tlonal aroa.-For complete ------^______Lol14, said addilion}311} s/ChrlsTalklnglon ■ Twin Fails, which pro- THENCE S 0*23'21" W, FOUNODOQS ’ , knowlodooablo iftoll, gaa 8 179.00 feet: , tornatlonal Ihreat lo you _ a l r .conditioning. Sand ro- info ploaao attend Iho tareer .THENCE'North"0*10'31”-—MAYOR. ______,T u 207.00 foot to a point NOWATTHETWINFALLSl-LS NO PLACE TO HIOE--froi • PUBLISH: ^Sundai 5[!y_.THENCE ------s o m i im aa- .opportunity meeting: call toil - k '"V W e s t,172.22 feet: ™ ------on— Ihe— Northerlyjrly------ANIMAL-SHEtTER— — wosronfGwraRinnaanon; Our Irotf to 80(M5W491 for llmo 31” S e p to m b o r 11, an 00*00-13" Eas Right-Of-Way olOf LOCATED: 139 6TH AVE. W hi.-'-lTHENCE F^or1h89*46'31” ®il? T he S o u th w e st live -W . Sunday, Sopt. 11.8:05 pm — em ployees know olthlBad.#d. - ..4locatlonofmeolinglnyour_. ,01 .--Thursday.Septemberi: . h i 144.73 feel: Polelino Road Iden-en- , 10:05 pm MOT on Turni ----- area thia week. .. ‘ f • W e st, - 304.48 lool, _____a c r e s - _ o f . ,Jr’5,® h c -T H E N C E N orth 89*59’47 Ion” "'> -'"O ^chahund- X. mal( i t;< -n 'l'- a lo n g tho Soulhliih ' -18B3:- - - SEV4SWV4, S e c tio n 21, ...... ’tinod— as ’Slatlor Tiaio, • Broadcaallng-Systom’s Na- N, WANTED gan«r»l.IartaJianfl 5 - : West, 179.00feel: , ildnal C ablo- Nolwor'ork. and caflloloeder. Ploaao dc Township 10 South, , 3.. 55-1-60,01- 56 fool°H*--..:2.S p a n )oKX..mfl[o. black an - ■ M . i . » ^ j _THENCE N orth 00*00‘13 k and..cfiannol a..For.lnlormatlcItlon — noi call unless experlencecneed yrould havo-you enter Ihls “ ■ ------Han^7E:E7^rfS5f« ------Weat.-145.12feel;— = ^ »lQ»>0lheaeline9;W^r^m “ --wondarftir*~Chnsiian—tjosij...... -- ■ ~particulariy''deacrlbec ;7 ;“THENCE— contmuTnB s f BoaiorTsFirx, malo. bTS • Any and all porson n e ss. II you mlaa this Im- . a s follows: along sa id Right-Iht- , ondwnilo,4mo8ol(J,; ’ WANTED aulomatk ,ho desiring to commoi tranamlsslon mechanicc tcto (wrtant meeting thon write COMMENCING at the '®J" ot-Way N 89‘3 8^39" 9" 4. RoltlovorX, fomalo, oolc h«in- to Zondervan Racrultmenl...... t o pirofessiohal r may appear and b an ohophord, malo. brownf«“d an ^ Selected offefers run hla own ahop or h«li Southwest corner 0 ,,“ S W, 60.00 fee t to a r •»Wf ' N e w s cIm i ,r«, DATED THIS 7th day < th e re o f a d ista n c e 0 I'-?-' THENCE N 88*50’19 "‘w,W, . HourB6to7pmonly ,r- .,- lthas carpenteIters, window . S e p te m b e r, 1983. ' - 301.17 feet to S tatioion r Monday thru Friday >ndi- 330 fee t aiChrlaTalklnolon-..-.. -THENCE-rumilng Easn ...... — 5T+9F5fffB’enefiT " — ’Cairrrrrr:^733oe6aen« ; ? ,7 MAYOR -'.HnstalJers^-ayjtNhoiegamttof ----- d ista n c e ot 660 feet; THENCE.N 40*04’06-.' W,W ■ Bocauso Oofls aro brougl PUBUSH: ■ Sunda; in ovary hour. and SOLO ( THENCE running Soutl 196.17 fee t l o a polni ■ l . i ’' helpyou wili neneed,to get the inM September 11, an 21?,! DE8TR0YE0 tfta r 48 hoon £. *eAi«iiiiERSM ilDED: a d la la n c e of330 le e on the Easlerlv ploaso call orvlalt tno poun TTiur»day,Septembori! Riflht-ol-Way line 01 '• * . h S m e in s h a plefor'wlnter: e to tho South bound ' 21 dally lo chock whoihor m i m tn ■ .100-400 BlockI ofo.f Plorco. A lso Jofforaon aw. llne_ol_aal{“aSld._ .m - '- ...... ------;- U .S .-H ig h w a y — K p-ortTsTj^npIckodutjrVh ::: - SE'ASWVi;______...... NOTICEOF . identified as SlatlorIlon Ts not en up-io-dato lla ss;--- -S»rc6rW ^ka.'’hoi hour q day b6f0f«?ch<^r “ Call todkiy (THENCE running WeaVest PUBUCHEARING 107-»-36.82- 56 fee!e b t" Mlxod doQB are hard to di ro- a n d .k o o p y o u r aoftornoons l t freo jo iq ^ m . __ _ ------aloflo-aald boundar^gnf--N o ttoo irh arebyTtlvQ BCflbQ.cQmQlQlhflDOundi If^^inraS'Ncw ______— i.||nd^-aiAtatnuLoU8i .cofrr«r-!oonlancUndJaecdma-lndopWd^ " • feet to the PointIt o0 f Z o n in g C om m ission fcf o r ...... along ^ d ^ I g R i EOE C o ll y o u r o p pilicatlon lic c Into tho TlTnoa-’ ills, of-Vrty line o n « ^ 3 3 > m !s 1 B eginning. th e C ity of Twin Falls ; 8 wouMtowtohavirwna; R-;, ' ■ Nows733^93J.oir^'M HfY aT73'4'0 V37: ■■ ' Cldfsified EXCEPT the South1 225 state of Idaho, thatt a curve-to the rlgh‘o?! FOUND, a maf>8 18TO•r Tv» jrri ASSISTANT MANAGER yfluneedj ■ fe e t th e re o f. • P u b lic H earing will be b having a radius . 6 .M ia High School clasaa rlnorlr JACOBY'S. Apply In persirson :-'^\Z:ForJhe:help-y.o ------:SUBJECT-to-deedft-C 7;30_____ -J087j2. feel and.j Twin lat 818 Blue m a s Blvd N.N.TF , a_of—heid-«t-the-hour-ol-7;3 ..a ..on Jackson S t r o ^ g Twl : , . . :belwoon9-mmseot12. : trust of record prlcprior o'clock. P.M., on ththe Iona chord beartntring :calltoJdBntilv.^^-::n ~ &eT{me9-New8,TwInl^alt8dla. Idaho Sunday. Septemembqrll.1963

...... v : - ^ - C

...... C30-Ho(ne8ForSale 030-HomeaFofSale - 03&-Home8FofS8l9 ; “ “ W Wftcofne Property 023-lnve«tment ...... —— 03&-Homes For Sale ; -._-030-HomMF«SftIe ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ w r ^ B u t f n ^ o w t w r ~ ~ ~ ~ SPACIOUS 3 bdrm. Ili^ b ^ h ______^ - - w in BUY w -S E a real osiflies ------AREAL6 TEEU------^-----FOR-SALE by.oWrtof*-Tudor..lor___QWMFR SAYS SELLI Tho JOURNEYWAN— MochiniCT— ~~~~^T4^UNn~^Ay r ^ M onipeiior,- - irrT440grB^yyfOCt-nomaronrt=Kt=homs=^or=»rlafge-family; 1 ^ - : ' ' • eonlrads;— mofigapee.—i;-^-fadrm^Uv«jod ocro lot, N.E. location. 4 modom. fl bdrm. Canyon D eeds ol Trust al discount. sort, huge kitchen wllh jonn hydfaullc & cloctrical. Expo- . NEEDS REGIONAL Trade or lorms. 5100.000. McCoys brokorago. Box 391. doors. large lol & moro. Bositl bedrooms, 3 balha, library,ry, Placo. $79,900. a irs microwave, Iruillross4 rioncod wim conslruitlon Call 8 0 1 -5 3 3 ^ .______Twin Falls. 734-2066. of all, 6 7/6% assumablele family room, play room %■ & • NEAT SHALET DREAM OQuipment. Salary common- REPRESENTATIVE :oe HOME. 2 baths. 3 bdrms, LUXURY CONDOMINIUM. lols of extras. Realior 4-PLEX wllh assumablo loan with low down pay-/• much moro. Call to aoo ori. First limo ollorod. This do­ owned. $66,900. Assume _ _ 7- suralo with oxporlonco. mofigaflo. Two lols forr Why■ -sioro It whOrt you canI mb/TT'Aak (or Ran^.otat 733-7609. $175,000.------W ould-corulder irado on Apply In porson. ColonialI ToEsiabllsh “ ,__latgor- home.V'417-Morn-rn___ llghtlully decoraled-homo9 is . with lovV Oown“OTTOlinarK*. 7; A Network of opartmonts and modlcal ol-• BOlf -It? Place a low^oalI .• Weatem Realty 733-2^of - opon & spacious. Took KamY733-10e3or734-ai01._ • - Concrolo. Addluon Avo. liCQ..Neaf Magic Valloy.hos-• — —classilled #d lodsy. 73M93t. —•—h o m B T a4-S 477.------• Ingsldo Or. $54,900. Woat. Twin Falla.______.DlBlflctDoalnra------OUAUTY BRK:K HOME. Top00 Hardwood Parquet floors.Srti' THIS HOME QUAUFIES lor Z ----- Within PfOlociedTorrltory' ■ ollal. 837-«92. I BANKRUPTCY AUCTION ook cabinetry. Air condl- Lp N. Part limo i lull timo, . ‘‘ jUSTUSTED* locallon. firoploco S kllchon Low Inioroat Idaho Housing ____ ATTENTlOit aultable-homo-for downtown area.-foil basomoni. 1309100 tloned. oloclrlc.alr cleaner, LoanI 3 bodroom, m balh. s ConlacIV DNSr Mountain‘ Each Toffliory to Consist ol FIno. oxbcutlvo 0khorn>n living cr convorslon lo ofltco al; security * rnuch, Vlow Caro Contor <23-5591. ” 020-M onayToLoan Real estate homo lo bo ouclionod to .Evo^oenr-Loi'B— doal; ‘','1';' rango & dlshwashor, panlry, i ^ 2 Million Population, I gr spaco. zoned Prolosslonal. - dtnmg aroa, fireplace, lull NEED EXP rojponDlblo ■ highest cash bidder ovor ,rn storago. Third bodroom up- CASH , .,5202,000, Spoclacular vlow & near court houso. $34,000. ex tr a’ SPECIAL Oroam bosomont. 2-Qn.Call<3?-5565. • ' YESTERYEAR • FORTRUSTDEEDS olaboraie amonlilas. ICO ouilo 4 dressing area. ANDMORTOAQES_____ 03&-Hoffle8far^9 ^ reduced tott9,000--I____-alrQ0l.-411 Oslrandor,^ price oA _ 733-9043o ve's.______; . -NEED .SO M E. nufalna.tiQlO— .LOG.HOMES..:.. . - Abovo-Oasoment— squaro------Ownor moving oufof stato A------i.(2oew 4^62a ■ loolage Is ovor 2,328. ‘22 all brick homo In lop loca-ca- lowered 10 $5^500. ;n Is selling Ihls condominiumium TOTALLY MAINTENANCE | wilh contloman. Call 733- . •BY OWNER* n. Hon. huge yoar-roundind OWNER IS t Ka NSFERRED. II to FREE: 10 yoar old brick 6 39i______. llroplacoa, lull kitchen. ri,h lor below cost. You owe II to • FEATURING: . Tudor. 5 Bdrm, don, 2W^ custom Intofior. .69 acroa In Jacuzzi hot tub in woodlod 5 bdrm. AC. lorgo lol with-lo yoursotl to view ihis lovolyvoly homo In quallly N.E. Twin ------OfRCEMANAOER------I— • Har>d-hewn Rusllc Look------— ^j;bolh;—f8mily--roomi—living-0 --saoocr^ok-auOdlv13lo^7-for- 01— deckr-2-(lreplaeee,-AC.-3- ?ih— carti-frotmomg^------FaHs'tectttWftr-TNs-homo-ta ------— Eitpr^oiC' ■companyr-nootJ-' • Extoflor . room“ (ormal'dining room.-’•’ ^uflhurTrirotrfiatlon coltiGam^m ^ b o d ro o m io n main.lovcl.J-ln.. galary. .—Low inlereol-(l- S31----- bdrm noflr shopplnp cenen- ' No oxporlonco nocossary, Q ._ noncJngsoCALL.NOWL, = 2 ___lota. 112QWIIlmoro.$il.000.a . ■- wo train. 734-6070 •• ___ ^ CallMr.Tumorcolloct'- -•-Melfopolitan--Mortgage,- • &I ...- a. dining rm.-2 frplcos.-WoIl. . SGCurlilos, _ C a ^ __ landscapod w/ sprinkler 1/ Bodroom condo. NowJew } .708 Shoahone SI. E,TF^ ayslem. hoalpump."''“ HAMimREAtTY-I ------^MrnotIrro~gbod”8S3umaBlo-iDlo------Bon MotlemrBroker— OiS-Babysitters. ------V E S T E ^ ^ LOqV omT s " ‘ Call C oll..s...... 733-0)71m P.O. 80X1046 734^)367. ovos 733^1889. Assumablo loan. 734-3510. . {28 Yoataot Honest S a n leol ^ Idaho Housing loon. Call BABYSiniNQ My Homo. MOORSEVILLE. N.C. 261151 -. — O F n c E ...... T g f g179 a 734-4411.______: ■ Glow lo Ha/flKin ScW. h o t.• PROFITABLE BUSINESS for • < & -O p e n H0U868 - Joyce Cota:...... S ’?™! - 029-Qpen Houw ' DavaHomlett...... 73»4a3q ------tT^aalB. dfop-lng, 734-S5S2. ->:salo. . No compelltion.J>4ako.. gp ENJOY-.- - „i,:v:rPROF£SSiONAtn BABYSITTINQ 1.1 my homo, ol(er. 734-3830,8-5.______■ Bargain Prtced.'S Bdrm brick^ck- This suporbly malniaifted Momlnoslde eroa. Can lako homo noar high scho^.ol. homo and yard. Open lloorloor REALTORS ^ EXCtUSlVEIVE PflimdF VIEW - - - ____to & (rom achool^Apea j-up, s. Inc. _HIgb_Ji3aura_loan_S43.900^M. - .pln n -E x traS-lncltide .wood,99^------^734^860------This lovoly 2.650 «q.□. tt.(tThomo abound* In Innovo- ---- S0METHING5PECWL— iy Owner agent. 733-5605. .burning Ilreplace. bulll-ln orler ihroughout Ihe Inlerlor. National organization re­>. MaglcV^Io^fey’s L argesf sloreo systems, heat pump.mo PATIO HOME on Falls Avi'’'0 lion* from-iho oxtorle Babysllilng In my homo. *3 Easl. 3 .largo bedrooms. : Noitlod omong plno.0 Iroo*Ir on Q beoulKulIy lond- quires agent (0 oversee and BARNES REALTY 7 3 M ^7 ■ and much moro. 3 . J5/day (or 18I child, ,Maal8,, , operate ALLIED (UPS.t N e w _ H o mm < o B u i l d e r ___ ...... Bedrooms, 2 baths. 1400 sq.5Q bolhs, range and dishwaah _ K opod hoK eero .loHnI In tNG Twin, th li cu»»om hom e • Includod. 423^432 KImborly. . ifda Of. pantry; 2 car garage, (ul: Ineludoi 2 flroplosoi,Oi, formalI dlnins room, hugs • vftsTERN UNION. 'TRAV­ 5 ick fl. of living aroa. 122 Avonlda BABYSITTINO-anytlmo. Day ELERS EXP,) SERVICEE "There is ao-reason'' NEW luxurious whlto brick (oncod. Ovor 1200 sq. ll (omily room - kllchon:hon comblnotton, ^offko, roc j homo, 4 bqdroom, 3 bath.th Del Rio. $51.900. $52,200. QuallJIpJ buyer cai CgN^RSrr^e^se^^ — foom. 3 nico-bodroomi m 0 9 W L 9 PRIME 20 Acres, waler - . . finance .balance ot 10.21% anyllmo. Vory roasonabio locallon In the Twinpalls”'» W « d .- F i ‘ $2500down. - !o^ 3 - proporty. FIf»l Jimo» oKoil oradl S nO .00.00 For do- ratoa. hava oxcolloni color- rights, highway Ironiago. )an Coll 734-9660 or 733-904 area. Exceilenl return on 2« AdREolock ranch, Huntuni 12 V.% Intorosi- 30yoar loan, loll* and oppolnlm enlpnl tcto vlow call: •encaa: Call 73*4)716. -----— InvostmenlB .' • ouaranieed;". • S o t.S S u n . 1,-4 ------ill AURORACAPfTALCORPi p .• . ovo'a. Call 1-800-^3455} ext R-25.5. I------^------area. Terms. .Ownor will CARLETTACeX, •___B«by*minfl. mv hom«. any carry a t 11%. • 734<347. - J A C K O R C / ___;tlmo bulFri.nlonl8. any apo... Minimum Invesmont ro-? L ______: ...... A«k aboutto ou u r7 V i% _ ...... Eve'o and woekonds For Sale by owner, bulldl Dfot>-lna wolcomo.733^_14. ■■■ Qulred«28.500.~...... 7 . eoRV«nlIonalI lelec a n t wlih a* ' W arren BriQOS. 733<894. Joan Brawlev ...... 733-98333833 'N ow 3 bdrm homo In Won 8UNVALLEYKA1R8ALON ' oar* deil. Will consldor partia BO PEEP Klrxloroartan. 5% down. BEAUTIFUL Homo on Golfiijf FABULOUS VIOW In yoar- . Comptolo preparallon for 1st Completely equipped w/3Ij lor around log home, docking,Ing. irado. $31.900.535-2256. m mTATE REALTY Courso. Win Irodo equity lor jn 1 — ------grade. Emphasis on pho- chairs. Qood track record, For m oro ln(ermeillon land. $66,500. Assumablotjlo studio & beautilul yard on 1 - 734-0400 H I om e; 733-2080 niea. math A Spanish. High Iralfid location. Donnis S Coll734-44>-1 loan $65 000.32^926. acre. Reduced to $88,000. oaO-HoineaForSale ------Uimnni Rwitltors 726-3303. C T... or734-_3_31J------— will trnrin Cnll 11^^62.3661. Garden Valloy (49 I * * — would llko lo trado (or Magic0''^ miles N.ol Boise).______-----'BfiWHTHOROONS. Kinder­ ’franchise opportunity. Con­ vallov Homo. 345-4843. garten & Preschool. Full ac- tact: Jospeh Casey. Vico ILLS, INC. FACINQ FORCLOSURE 4 .adem lc curriculum. Agoa • Prosidoni. CralD Food 1n- 77, bdrm. 3 bath, many oxlras.L' A V E N ^ - 316-7— Mon-Sal. .8;45am.l2 ..dusirIo8..Box 9255. O g d en .,, riniui>^lliu«b.ili___ : b y ” OWNER- Nice olderlial N.E. aroa. $67.500.734-1360.60...... mldnlQht. DfO|>4na UTAH6440B, 1-601-621-5464. , i»eifp.«..w«,, — homo, 2 bdrm. 1 bathrpaniai w slcoow. Full tim s alois basomeni. foncod yard.ird, PRICE REDUCED BOSS WANTED ood locallon. $2^500. .available only, 734-6040, . Muat be able to hire and lire, JJO' OWNER MUST SELLILl . 7 3 3 ^ . 733-«33. ' hown by appolnimoni only. handio money, run the t733-8186. - Has boon translorrod. 2.40C>,400 NEEDED play malo (or 4 yr whole shov^. Porlland basedI P P INIHOUSE I — SF of living aroa wllh a good old girt, largo ' spacious company looking lor a local BY OWNER. 2 bdrm older''O' assumablo loan + owoorvQor homo on quiet culdesac, person lo run o Qlslrlbu- »AY 1-5 homo, nice. Ownor may help will carry a second at 10%. ~rorahIp’_haftdimfl— KOOaKrsir: SUNDJ —(hance.—220- 9lh- Avo-N. LocatotJ In now subdivisionalon ----- produets-Only-WOlV-ln- -733-6511.------:m.rKimBenyziCaiirstii:iB;w o z = ~ t i • WILL BABYSIT CHILDREN worklng capital will brino — Muck al Doahler & Holley,lley, - i C — ^ agoa 1-4. Nutritional moals, *1000 prom every week. Can LARGE ASSUMABLE LOANAN Realtors 734-2922 or provided. For moro Informs- 503-235^90 belwoon 1pm & on this Supor 3 bdrm. I'A evenings & weekends 733' - tlorr.32M913, aak (or Julio. 6pm (Oregon-lime) (or de- bath. great location,on. 9301. fireplace, llie rool. For only , tella. Dial Direct. All calls 'ur? VERY LARGE V.A. iV4% WILL 0 0 babyaltting In my, relm butsed: $64,500. Call Pam. Century honte, days. Infants 21-Mager Roally. 734-7935; or assumablo loan on this thi; welcomo. Call 3?4-3a?e. INTERNATld^L Sleol choice 3 bdrm. 2 balh homo bulld/ng manufacturer'sr 904l.ynwiw ood Blv«l. ’wTti 1110 9 S U N B U .LOOKING FOR a rental lhal K S V s M l ! . . ™.WIIL , • ■ U R S T t Wanted awarding dealership In arpa'8 ir 3-bodrooms,-1%-/». bolh, brlck-‘homo,-- —could- pay- Ils'way?-Cuti} ’2 so o rirN o Invorilo'ry'InVosI-" 7J 4-3O66. Main Wost Roally-ally. RANCH STYLI HOIi o M i y HOUSECLEANINQ fencod backyord with •• bdrrfi nM 555.______Wo do mosi nousanoiQ ------tiEgpigco.Jorao ! Mtenllal? Wodgcor- 303-3- RV parking, ouiomomotic sprinklor system, VERY VALUABLE duploxox i & ~ ^ 3 ~ b Pt ]r o o m s"- -S-HJ-bo1hi-main-floor,-2^bodr edrooms-. -1“- boin-oown-— — —. ” '■ c h a r o a w tr y ua--you'll llko c X p a U l‘‘008l>ief“&Hciilai WM2Q0 for applicallo n , „ . sm all shop^in.beckrr multiple-apt.-.ROCKY:MT:MT. i j o l r s . k j f c h o n jwwith dining aroaiijiu.lltil.rli:ir» d ls h w a sh o r. w all to ^ i,e !^ 7 3 ^B 7 5 o W 6 flB , - Roaltora 734-2922 o r - 7[?-_REALTraV.E:733-e92{t.- » .------IDAHO-” OELUXE'. - - ‘'The ------: B rire ih m ent«w n tu U lb»«»fv»d.- ■■ ■ ■ — —-woll-rofpiBrilng, ■funylfitilshodfi basQmonf.Wlr.wlthfamtly room, atone ; J25gl(t e*rtiflco(* i l l - "2 STORY HOUSE. 3 bdrm ,; m ost Versatile Band In' - WARNING Drawing (or S3! ■ LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL vet l3or. Cornor lot. undordorground sprinklor sys- n. from Conniinnors Nur*«ry SPACIOUS HOME? Customofj; bath, fireplace. 2V* acres:rds. firopiaco and wc Magic Valley". Now bookino The TImes-Nows re­ fcV $53.000. Call 543-8072. an^^ement^ ^r^^^nioa. com m ends lhal you in- bulll homo wllh largo fbt. ___ tom. Roady for !rrIm m o d lato occuponcy. ___ yestlgale- every phase o|_ _ :v 0ry_0riva!e..-ahad0-L (rufuii ll___ 4 JEOROOM.HOME on.Sun MAYER.REALTY Iroes. Don'l miss In catlingling rise Blvd Norlh: Flnlshon 2 mllWi>■ w *it o( Filar en HIghwoy h as boon roducod, a won- YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 30, tu rn north e l U.S._St««5t«*l. (Ir*l houi*. (Welch (er • T C y * 1 potontial. Call 734-4675. ___ vou havo roqulrod Invosl-______1 b 18J?.o.o odroom tfl-lovol homo ------MARKETTNa-ASSOaATES------m 6trbrr.^.00r7oin:an- featuring a spaclouious fomily~roorn~an3~ ___ Btart yQuf-^.Pfp!liabio y d _ Fi?8ilrlio?Bt^^k Blflg succosslurbuslnoss m«ingig— -fovoly^klfchon'wHhth oxfra lorge panfry. ______Maln&Shoahonn - - ___ proOucta forall businesses:— zSitufltttd_en_8_oj;res.w wHh-blq treos.-prly- p3r2rn33.-25£ IJ------C USTbM-MEAT-proeesalng;— — -vote-setHng.-LIVE-STiSTREAMr-xorrdU^-ond- L__ wa-lftstaJI-rftacMnotV’ anri~ ly m o c h in o s h o d i'p ltj'sfu^™a~cozy~2~Bodrdofn~ Truck located soum ” o^i oquipmonl and thoroughly Jorom o. Excoliont buslnoss, train you In production. Wo'a homo for Grandpari n ' 6 r“ io u s—to .aolL_lor health, accounts lo handio products i: ___ ^ 1 ______1 00^% . anni^lj]orceritage_ro :^ ::^ re « « o n » . Call Slovo or.on a l— ~ and— e s s is l- ' In— l/alnlno.^ -li: ,OR gr ------___ saloaooople available Intz iRQBERiaeil -!0.5% -«nnual psK«ntag«a g e - r o t o - ^ - " i " -*■■ ' " F rote: = • - 324-7S1B.______" ' your aroa. No soiling on your pari- no exporroncoIS 7 3 33 - - ( 0 4 0 4 Fln.O .A . C. 2.5 yr. od(.. rate.ra 1_ ___.j EARN ia lo 30% on your’ and no ago llmll-juatdesire H m onoy. tax Iroo, Invosi In a‘ and ambition. FUQUA 28 WIDEDE hydrooloclflc proioct. oxcol. taxatioltor. 734-0416.______HOOSE FROM 2 MODE)DELS Each Stato haa a V07 limited.a •k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k-k'k'k'k'k-k-k FUQUA 28 WIDE EXC pari limo lamily bu3l- numbor ol (actorios I ------n w s ■in“ Wuriduirr^"Oldof ; “ -avallabliFACTNOW I------C HO M\ '1 2 .5 0 %> cannual porcentate rate ownor/oporalor; __ Established Suppor Club & ______F l n ^3.A g .C . 2 .5 y r. ad), ro te g WEWILL:--’...... hi your ov^ lwo.handi..Thl»,]^ Roslai/ranl In dow*itown BUILD UP EQUnY wllh yf • Train you gj . now 2 bedroom homoI wilhv»l doublo gorogo li juil ^ m • Supplyyouf loads. Buhl, Including liquor tp ltle Iho un(inl».hod m oito/ v ------»SuppIy>-a trailo/.------llconso and all equipmeni.ll. ^ ^AIso' includos.a commorctat bo

I • ------Sunday,.Soptom S born.1983 TImoa-lina-Howa,Twin Fnlla. IdatioC _____ y y A C

■ Oa^omSSFofSalB------(OT^Famsi Ranchos Ck3S-Acr^e4’Lois' ' ■•■"045^M6blle Monies ___ 051-Unhjm. Houses ■ tS I-U nfum . Housos 057-Mobile Home...... • 073—Antiques...... ' 07B-Fufn.&Cafpel9 ...... ^ ^^ ^^ 000 HEAD Cattlo Ranch wlllfiT iriliorA C R E S , voTy" nlco^4-"T ^ t l ' S a J t l b ’MSS'MUST ( 3 o r =^^"BEi)nOOMrz"batR7iDirfull— 2’BDRM parf-'f'urnlshed^ir j^ouEoakomcVcRjindrfdr~BEIGE-plaW-lovo-aoat,-ttfui^’‘^!^ , I, REAGY TODAY.:; — ovor 16.000 ■deeded p luus s' bedroom.2balhb{lckhomo,i)r':'Tho’B4Varo horoT Closo^ut -A'nRACTIVE.S.Bdrm homo. Basomonl. garago. lovolyely privaloiol. Call324-38?^ salo. Call 733-55?a. only *ft,95, Coin-9 C loii-^-'J , 1V^ balhs, garago, loncod (or you and youtsi ThisIs B,L.M. forest & slalo land.id. Largo family room wllh «a-s- prices wilh a'i 63's plus a oldor homo In a Counlry OAKHOOSIER Kllchon Cab- OfKOConlor.733-7ni,____ ' 'alm ost.now ' 3 Oodroom, 2 . . 11.900A.U.M.3.Maysplitup.ip- rousol Ilioplaco. covorcd•4 *1,000 lactory rebalel Carterr yard, carpelod. drapod. De­ Soiling in Excellent NWw 058-Offlce Rentals posits ond roferoncoa to- ln«l,3oak Hl-boya, 2walnul.lui CASH for good usc.^!'! .J balh homo has 1200 sq. II; orOf Can Bill 326-4213 or Mainiln pallo, oloctrlc hoat. doubio10 Homos. 734-«M,______,5' - location. Garden space, (rult 's Ali bcautiluliy restored. 1052052 lurnlturo and appllancor... f,', Bt' Woat Roally 734-0S5S______qulrod. *265 monlh. 733-2038, ireoa. *37Vmo, Lnaao s do-d i! - FOR-'RENT body 'shop, "s Bannor.733-1421. ____ >iy!oQ_SDaco... D oLbio-tat " -- •saiago* corrals lor.75 hoad-- ato' • bays + painl t>oolh, loncnd-)d__ Keegan Lane. 734-7069...... nafaoo-foncod yatd. 120 AC Farm-hog oporallon.fi. ol calvos. Full wator shares, COUNTRY 2 bdrm. wood-•d- posM, Immodiato luo - EARLY Amorif-iin n o c l i n u : ' . - ‘ ?30AvQnldaDo!Rlo.S52.900. r BONANZA burning stovo. w/d hook-up.ip. possession. Cali rW-2121t2l In yard, good locaiion in ir> ROUND SOLID oak anllquo J- 120 AC-Farm land-low dn, (lull 'tro o s. Twin - falls Burfoy. all uliliiinr, paid butut table, oxcfllloni condlllon,on Avocado color. *43, BaniK-i OWNER FINANCING STOCKMEN’S REALTYP f ■schoola, *139.500, Markallngla In Burley haa iho MoblloJ *275,Noj)nl3,n3-i;3L___ day5L.^3-4^_ov_onlnga._ 733-1421, ______...fl Home you can bo proud to Jy, hoal, air, compressoror *750, Cail 432-5573,______AVAILABLE. 324-4333.______Aaaocialea. 734-4875-_____ ’ IN BEAUTIFUL Hagermanan 4 BDRM SIOUSE, *380 -► *150 lum ished. advoitlacmont — FOR SALE brown-plaia...,:.' «500down. • S. " 195 ACRES, Wondoll, nlcor„ itve In. lor a prtco you can> Valley. 12x00 mobllo homeno Oopor.n:: Can - 324-8213 or „ 2 ' DARN GOOD' FARMS, S Ilvo wllh! sign lurnlahcd. *625 month.n . , . , Q74-Muslcal ______quoon-slze 3ola;,-;v ' 12 V«% imcrc5l-30yoAxJiaan_r — -Haiotton aroa.-480 acros (or-o r- - home, 2 pivots. *88,000, 5% lor (onl. Fhhinn year'{*' 733Jiie______- AURORA CAPfTAL CORP -Wo trade for cats. plcKups.'.' around. Ico skaiing In 67H-7560. or 676-0977.______— bod .733-3474______' J900,000, 104 ac!t}5 (oror assum ablo FHA loan, n, Baldwin Splnolo Plano,!)S- FOUR drawer chosi ol draw-v ,, - 7M-6M7. na 060 ACRES. Jo;othb. bigI- campors. travni Irallors. eoason, Prolor rosponsicio OFFICE SPACC Excclioni 1220,000. Price ano torma * motor homos, whal havoJ married lolks.637-6355, locaiion. newer bulldmg.n Excellent condlllon; *1300. • ors, now only *24.95-Cain’s-..,: E to'8 and wookonds „ ncQotiablo. Call Bob Btownvn -hom o, good Impiovomonls. . !!.“ 052-Fum.AptiDup. “3 C aim 40B ^lli}r6pm :______J o«n Brawloy- ..-.T T aa^M !■, 'y ou? So long as It doosn’1' 4 BEDROOM houao (n Filer, ample parking, all uiiliHos — Cloaranco Conlor. 733-7111, . - ot Markeling Aaaoclatos.IS. sprinkler irrlgatoa w/plvots.Pg • oatl A CLEAn' i BDRM. lurnlshodod paid. *325 monlh, Dosnior i BOX GUITAR. 6 siring wllh SHARP 3 bodroom. 2 bfllhId 734-4875 or too, 734.6183, & whool line, could .spill Into Noods somo work. Wilt ront HEAVY Wood Framod Sola & jl: apt, water & sanitation Pd,.ti-. Holley Roallors 734-2922- caso. Ilko now. *85, Call Chair. *199. Bannor, 733-, homo. AIR CONDITIONEO. 200 AC, rock froo row crop'on- 320ocrounlls, , a s is for *225 month. No S125/month, Cali 734-4070, M 32W5_41______larqo (oncod yard. R.V. ,,S Alan Warr & Assoc.. Ruport. Juslsoowital doposll. 734-0387, -- OFFICE SPACE lor"rent. 4M .— 1421. _larm , oxc. locaiion, cencroio ...... -wot:aveloatlcrl------j-JE R O M E , 1 Borm, available..Jlo-- sq .ll. BluoLnKwBlvd-Notlh-If,-----CLASSIC—aolia-mahogaaii.------porkirio.- doo-honntjl 'wllh' < ■ dltchca. S260.000. low down.In 436-45W, - - ...... ----- MOBftE“ H O M E 7Tbdrm .2' s y — HEX-tSAME-TaQto-and-four?-:------runs..-8x1 Q_jJoraoo.jjnlL;;. bath. Call 734-2169, - now.-ali utlllliea-lurnishod.><<. - IqcallDnXaM 788-246J. piano, -1910, *600, Call 734- chairs. wicker backs,-’ ... '^ -“ «oel«y-Mln-fllty,-733-1406:-)6'---- 33-ACRESr-3-.S:*TH^ W -o5 Il- ^ . : ^ no-p«ls-'il8S pluo .deposit. popular iioor plan, nlco Evo 733-5)85,______Buhl, Subdlvidod w/6-5acro B0NANZARV& -- ;■ -■ ■ NICE SMALL 2 BdrmrSloSo" • - OTOCE’S^VAIt:ABLe— location, doubio aa'aao. 32*^183or3301 or7204, _ FOR LEASE CONN' ELECTRIC Band Or-Of- A3 new. only *499,95. Cain’s! n 40 ACRE OAIRV. Double 8 i two 1 w acro lols. Boaulilui MOTOR HOME CENTER' & loldg (urn. ideal (or cou­ naaumablo 10% loan, 4 sotting, good ground.j. 400 Blk. Overland Ave. ple. 234 Nonh Waahinnton,in’ LARGE 1 BDRM. Also Stu-lu- Convoniont location, amplello nan. Seldom U30d. *350. Cali-all Clearance Conlor, 733-7111. 165,900.. Markolina,a Horrlngbono. boautilul 4 ' aio. Heat & walor pd, 203 4th parking, roasonablo -raio5.,5. 324-2704 allor 6pm Mon-Frl. . ° Bodrccm houso. *400.000.X) *79,500,324-1246, By owner. BurtBV. a Pk 67^9476 *260 -I-*100 don. 733-6656. • KROELER SOFA. Excolieni,' , A ssoc iatoa.734-(875. nn S I.N ,734-5325 allor 4pm.____ 450 10 1400 sq. It. Phono10 GOOD USED BUNDY ALTO•TO condlllon, groon/gou*- - *100,000 down. 10% Intorosiisi‘ 5 ACRE LOTS. Melon Valloy. CLOSE-OUT SALEI 1 lolt, NICE 4 BORM. 2 bath homo OR 733_^2_282; all beautilul sotting. Alan Warr j In country. *400 month. Callall LOOKING FOR A HOUSE OR ______SAX. CALL 436-9739 JN IN __ ¥Dlour_J1S9._8annor._73a-;,i------on a 10 yoar paymonl. Call Boautilul 1983 Concord flUPjfiJj^ ._____ , rZZ . 3?4-7435j------— & A9soc-Rupcrtr436-4S75r-—:----- doublo-wldrr-Prlced-to-soH- ____ APARTM£NI3.CalL0ulJlci:a_Lfl.-----PRIVaVe .QFgl&S-^atv^ f•------1421------. ■■ — . — ^(01-Out ot Town ' :7r— 733-2940.— ^ -----_1~' copllonlal S answering - n ACRES: ol Mod larmrm 5 ACRE parcels. Buhl. *1000W lmmodiaifilyl_]9ft_niodcls_S— SMALL-ACREAOe-S.Wror ig Kimball' piano, pocan liniSh.31’- MATCHING Couch. L ay o u r''.’ For Salo by ownor. builder. — available soon .al Manic. 30 PARTIALLY lurn opt. ExtraIfo sorvico, *350 monlh, Caliall lust like now. *1000. 734-9552552 ioungo. colloo lablo. aoi lor ' land,_eio30_JQ-Cflallolo»d^■d.— «Jown~?33^tm4-w00kaayS. c Twin. 3 bdrm home. 24x30 jro Bruco at Globo Really_733- Now 3 bdrm homo In-Worv—-'‘I— Full'- wator rlohls, Tormn,in, 734-3555 ovoa&wkonds : Valloy Mobllo Homos. iVi^ shop, corrals & somo out-j |. • nlco, to working mature >3- 0^ 734-7629allor5pm, _ *250, good cond. Brown- , ;00 poraon. no smokers, *275 ■f-f 262C;______^ ------'aolirW ill conaldor partial J162.500, Coll MUNROE-3E' 5 ACRES, 3 bodroom. 2 balhf, milos Wost ol Hospital. Hwyy buildings on 1 acro. *400 MEMPHIS etoctric Guitar.,lar. naughanydo couch- tiion-' lrttdo,-t31,900,536-2256,------• - -ROBIRTS-REAL ESTATE' 0 .....30,733-6141, ------— men: cleaning dop roquired.,3^ - dop. Inciudlno ulll. 733-C94K oxcoiiont..condlllon. *tOO.;00.' a-bod. chair, siooi, c>*c. ■ TE' - brick homo, 30x60 fnsulaloO ' ' ;;i. O6fr-M obil0 Home Spc. cond,. *550,324.2166. HAGERMAN Custom Homo10 siw so e . and hoalod ahop. Foncodd IF YOU OWN a homo In thoD ChuckChapln 324-7445or TWO 1 Bodroom apart- C_^L^M:315eallor6pnv _ on 1 ocro, view.- priyalo. lols ^ ond cross lonced. FruitIt Lazy J Ranch & want to soili\ CANYONSIDE REALTY monls. downtown. *95 and CAMEOMOBILEESTATES3 Moving-Musl soiil 95 yoaroar OAK dining act table with 3 ' of'oxtros.''Assuntsbio'loan.' ------It'<3os.“ vocafo(r~n'4“ miio3—13— ■orifyoirarirwaitincno-bura- =— (Comolivowllhus,)------Chlckerlng— plono^ - Mlnl-»nl— Ioavct,-0-chalta.-«»aa <15 ■ 83y-fl<02 Of 537^82,______038^Acieaaetloll _____south.on Eaalland..S129.000._5.__ homo.liUljo.La2y.iBancrL)L_i!— "733^1082 or 32«354:~17 WHY~RENT whlrT you can;an Adull sp avail. 734-6064, .. cond.*050! 324-2507.______Culn-3 Clearance Center.: 3----- I'BDRM houso lorronl.-luHy- ...... PRICE REDUCED: On. thisra~ BY OWtiER Now Beautilul13 3 Markolino Aasoclatoa.J. only makes good aonso lo ”X~bu7'ror"S500"00Wn-S-*250- 6-14 WlDETRAILCTS,-Qas oro r - Yamono Trumpol. Excellcm'cm' .. ------nleaoidor homo. 1239 aq. It..1., bdrm homo, 2'/j balhs, on 734-4875.______... ' contact tho realtor that lives3 carpotod S paneled. Ah'7 '' monlh. Jim Volk. Big Wood T, condlllon. Call 423-4025 alter ^_0lQclric hoat^W Elm,Jwjn_ ali oloclrlc, ADULT COURT, ------3 bfldfoO'm.-'IullHnotilated,-d.— IH -ftcrer-F en c ed .- - lantf--i«*'— 50'A CRES, foncod, w ater-,jr -,. In- !ho-U uy-J-R aoch,-C all- '-IQ-, floallv 733-5605.734-G5S1. ._ . - No P01S. 733-3836...... olfelrlc -and coal heallnQ.g. scapod. w/undoiground 1- Oavid Lut: 733-1717 evos orr Fans. *200 month + dop, ; ^ 0 7 & ^'AppliahrBS : nd rltihts, well, highway iron- - 733:41M a(lor6.------1 BORM Furnlshod IncluOIng . igC^prTflhTTpjANO.'' good - — BoaOlifWiy-HSndscapoarin^n^— sprlfHiiofTT95:ooor3;4^054rr4. - " lane., polantlal aupqlvlslorin - David Lutz Roallor6733^)716;- :=riulllillo3.1W6LkInd>dull,;!r!^ •i-BEDROOM-smail-rcntal------lono. ornBlor-*600/bost o(-o l' • FOR SALE;-wniio-wasnor-«r— ------clodlftfl- epPlnWer- 9Y8lom;-"I CITY LOTS FOR SALE slto. omall down, ownor willill PRICED LOW lor quick sale: ' « smbklhno>~pol3.7m&58~ lor. Coll326-4043or 326-5348.l i dryer, *400 pr. Cali 734-6402. S39i00; : - Call MLlNROE! | . various sizes carry. Assume paper 9%.>■ 1961 Broadmore Mobile houso, 424'/^ Walnut. *150 r m M erchandise RisiRTS REAL ESTATE' 2 ' month, ' 11 APTS comploto with cablo ■ FOR SALE. 30" ons while ... Call 423-4441 *85,too or bost reasonable0 Homo, 14x70 wllh 6x12 ■n TV. Weekly J45-J60. 1201201 '' “ 077-Radio, TV i Stereo olfer. 934-5749,______• oxpando. 2 bdrm. 2 balh., • 1 PEDR(3(3m api,. clean. Stovo. *130, Cail 4^3-4377 or . - r- EXCELLENf building tots In ' large, (urnlshed. 262 Sih!lh Kimboriy Bd, 733-8284, Oe?-Mlscellaneous r j 423:5738.______„-.’- 2/46 ACRES OF P ^ E£ Joromo and Twin FallsMs 8 ACRES south ol Wondoll.I. narden tub i many extras. _ COLOR Televisions. Used'. COMMERCIALLY ZONED 11 Call alior 6pm, 438-4169. • Avo.N.I2.*140monih, BEAUTFIUL 6' rusi coloredBd___large a ^ocllon. From *9 9 .^ SPEED QUEEN DRYER,:;',' 'i___Counlla3„.low_down_pay.i_ly::___P-OionllttiJofJl01T)08ll9.3rnall_ ------»-?-BEOflOOM-houft&—t____ - 05l=UnlunuAms,______LANDIiirift::BuH,-IMlh-T.5--5 --m enis.-C a(l Sieve Dixon ol (arm stoad.. mobllo ..bornee ...... jfw ros.ol TFCC_wal9f. Hb8_ — basomont - r©om,-gs»-heal.-ll.------& Duplexes------tor rods Swhlio^hoersrPaldlid ' MalnS.-Twln;------'------WASHER "a^ ^D R Y E 'fl^ lO i-''I------'«— Roal— Eauto— .Unlimited^d___ 3ll(3_Ownct_linancing.J.O}i;_ ' pplngr1736-Ad— art ottractlvo and sim'dy 3 324-7518,______down, 25 years on balancc.J’— ----- ^THEVOGUE------A LARGE 1 bdrm apt wiihiih— *750rt1Ke-new*?00r3?4-7646r RCA' color I-, vory good t>o;clroom .homo. A groal - IS BACKl month. 17 cubic 11 (rosl-freo Tolrig. “ 837-6363 evoninos. • REAL CLEAN,g cute 3 bdrm laundry & slorano, 226 3rdJrd BLUE ’ Ireo-standingig cond. *150.324-2166. 'ocatlon lor most any busl>ip ' FAIRFIELO.IDAHO ,lh -AveN.*210, 734-W75. ____ ; FIREPLACE, Pipe coitlpieto. ■ RENT A NEW TVI Own a nowr i , *250. W ashor/dryor. *300. T: 1088.168,500. Call MUNROE Floolwoodo, lop-ol-tho-llno.'• homo in Joromo. 325 51h Sosi ollor. Call 324-8752. Eloclrlc oven/range. *150. * R081RTS REAl^ ESTATEF Princess Mlno Ranch, 1 or■2‘ 2 039-Buslnes8 Pfoperty Single widos are In stock.■ Avo, E., *325 monlh, ' FALLS APARTMENT colorTV by renting, Nocrod- Qibaon upright Ireozor, *250, ' • acro parcois. Wator. oloc-- cd Close to schools 6 ahop-)p- COMPLETE ""rock, shop}p . Ilora checitod. 204 Main Avo. 'm BRICK WAREHOUSE. 45000 Hardboar'd-sidlng. 6Vsido-: • » QArXg E & OFFICE, used 733-835ealtor7pmr" : triclly. counly road. *2500 lor auto- repair on Addison:n ping:— Children welcome,10, equlpmoni. Grinders, pol-:i- N.CAlNS- 733-7111.______. .. oach. Anderson Ranch Res- 8quaro_^ loot plu5^ofllco_D walls, ' calhodtaT jC»j|o(^- 5C...-Wami.-lxiemllY-&-QuleLat-_at-___ lan ctsg O — saitllJl LJaMcn:. fg?-H!ihWnifirHnmntT - - r ...... - in r — ■■■■•■ " "" " c iju d ' oy f*ino, roano. docks, Immodiato p o s ^ a ?TdOM ^buufr^ff^oT^ m03pnoro. i S 'J uouroonijii l^ '”iJi0''iiiacnrh‘O jitff“ 5lOiV05■a!"™ 4 yoars 0™ *149," each.' " Acro parcois, wator, olijc- 3 MAYER &-ASSOCIATES apta, *195 6*240 monlh.-863J63 Silver, torches, laspora. and Banner. 733-1421,______■ AirCondllfonlng H- lon. Terms. *80.000. Markct-1- moro! 2 & 3 bdrm modols ...... lols- more, Nolhing sold. O^KImberly-Hansen trlclly and county road;^ inn Aasoclaies. 734-4875, available,' Tho only ining3 734-7935 • • Oolncy, - USED COLORED TVS.•s. LIKE NEW Franklln-01ymplc'"3 $32.000.. .lorms. or *22.000 "3 C A a 734-6600 ' . .soparalo. i5000 cash only, E- DOWNTOWN STO RE-lot—;i— mlaslng lo iho high price. No} 14x70 MOBILE- HOME. -3 ''j— guarantood S rocondltlonoO.BO. Hoavy CasI Iron-Woodalovo " • cash. Call Bud. ASPEN RE- d- GORQEOUS 2 bdrm apl,p\. 54f-4913. ______ALTY.377-2310or37MB10. . .leaso^or 3aio..Dohlnd Ih0 o - :.. oxira chaigo lor Twin Falla3 bdrm. bath S Vi wllh wood- Portables i consoles.03. with brass hand warmnra, t ' ; ...... CO4-Jerorti0 Homes. -.. ,r 'Tiroa dollvory, Soo how larr - burning stove.-Located-in-in - -W/D-hookup.-bollt-lr* appli--Dll----- CRAFTSMAN .. table--caw"■— .. Blacker applijnco 733-1604L — : - - S150./b03tollor.733-0e99. - - 3 -- - Bon. TotSi or. ollico. ali or No now, *250; New Soara best ’ ^BEDROOM wim slokor pan, 3,000 sq. ll. GoodH youi housing dollar can go- lovely Family Patk, *275 + oncos. *275 -f *100 dop No 17" BLACK & WHITE T.V., jlsclric basoboard hoatora.0^ RRST TIME OFFERED- vory icrm s. For details write P.O,1 . H&WMobileHomes. dop-^4-5713or 733-6646, pols. Non smokers, 734-34- wood laiho, *200: Also" oxcollonl p :turo. *49,50, 082-Bulldlng Materials . f j '.'orpotod, full basomonl,ll' . productive 640 acres allI'l Box 927. Port Townsend. WA . 259 0vorlandAve..Burioy Sira. 1 bdrm. -1 balh cottano.a 056^______Chickorlng piano, mint con-"■ Bannor, 733-1 •21-______undor oprinklor, good wator M dlllon. *950.324-2507,______— ROUGH LUMBER, Troaled'.'^ n rd o n spoi and (rull Iroos. Relrig i slove. 936 BiuoJO o n e 2 BDRM S ono small 1 25" SYLVANIA color tv. . & lays well. Consider torms ^___j^ i^ M ^ ^a>ropeny1y bdrm, semi (urn. No pols.is. HARRIS 150 d^uxo mobllo POST & POLES. FEED- - 5y,gpaoJfltinflnL224;tf7B. 5 - nynuaWfmttJUTTrr: - — P^ R-UPPEH-o«t-t^o7«V- 3Y. OWNER: 4 bdrm. 2V4 zonod commercial or indus- Hh compieie,_42^7or5738_' J329!9^ C^n-s Cloam'nco” }alh, oil oloc homo w/dbl 18. trial. Freoway fronlago,I. 324-4288,______2 BDRM. Cloan. (iroplac'o.0. s"PACrOU5 3 bdrm 2 baih Conter. 733.7111.______. TOIPLE"P"' 5' 3300+or-Productlvo Acres. no HEAVY duty voilicai wood laraQo, llropl. & wood stovo.“• All sprinkler Urigaiod. canan Southwosl edge ol Joromo. gaa (urn. Insulatod. No pols.:s. Duplex. 8 rooms, largo WOOOPRODUCTS j.ro ilco yd, corrals & pasture. Is *45.000. Markeling Roi. 734-5234 or 734-5483, ■’ loncod yard. 1 or 2 childrenon spiillor. gas or eloclrlc. has Treated Poat. Corral Poleai.ts ‘’i bo split Into smaller parcels 0 USED MOBILE HOME _ hl1Ch,*lQOO. 934-8360OVO3, . ' 075-F um .iC aipet3 ^Vll on 5 acros. SW ol or aold a s a unit. Good tormsns Aaaoclatos. 734-4875, • 2 BDRM HOME In Filer.'Ap--p. OK-Call ovo's, 734-6025. _ Building Polos, Utlilly Poles.-.--: loromo. S76.500. Assumablo SALE Oak (um, couch, chair, ond>nd Rough Lumber. Landscaped.irn '0 ,(0 quaiillod buyers. Some10 SHOP (or leaso or salo, f 2 24x601979 SKYLINE In lamily. pllancos lurnlshod, *195 -f■f 1. 2, or 3 bdrm apis, • oan. Forappt 678-3674. low Inlerosi assumablo''0. bay, wllh air, 3 phaso oioc- •' dep, 326-4514 aller 5pm,------lurnlshod'or unlurnlshod, - - table, collee lablo. *200: Lrg.rg Timbers.-' Custom- ordoft./ ;■ • park. >«: HUGE pull pillow, *50: Lrg-rg Doweled lonce. i-;vu lEROME. 2 bdrm, compiolo-CH contracts. This proporty'. ■ 11. Call 734-S809, 734-fel. _ bdrm. *225 -f *50 cleaning ocatlon. M4..500,32<^Mg. 320 ACRES' all undor 25 dop. 1 baiholor *190 + *50SM Aniiquoo. Guns. Horsos & i . box springs, like now condl-idi- r,'3 D43-Vacalion Property *28,900. 2 BDRM house lor renl. *225 3. tion. *179.95. Cain's Clear­ sprinkler, lays well, ono o( • 14x70 1961 GOVERNOR. month, 733-7346.______dop. All utilities paid. Rolor-Of. Trailers. Motorcycles. ar- 8- 2x4’3 Economy *1.2&.,,t ___ OSfrr-RealEsl. Wanted the most produciivo farmsn3 ARK. A rlisrs Faniasilc S , .oncoa.543-5995___ 'V'V^ t. Furnllure. Many lop (^alllyly aneoContor;733-7111, _ oach. ~ ~on Boll RaplOs and onlyMJ_U..-_2.-Spdroom J b a ih ^ . ;i:.mi!Xflltanoou6 i^iomfiii.cnriti: 31T— ^.-14'.'rCD--b!ow-p!yw«idcM ^- s!~^Z^eDRMFDI5n-wasflit:iAC.,: ‘ > = r0C K E R ;:--R 088— BolgoTT f z : : i , 'VANTEir HOUSE' to ' mp v1- o ~ m)lo-r(0(Ti44<^quatte(s.-Out~'Ul— tainlop-cM8f;-6-wood«J— ; - roltig. alovo^carpot, ijrapes, ‘‘P;- ' Covenant-r Foilowrshm— 348^“S— Nylon FrizooriSg.’ Bahhdr.dr. SB,49aihool. 1-; Voforrably Norlh side aroa. ? m 56"lS 77*V A ^‘HACKTAii' oarage. 657 2nd Avo West.11. water & sant lurn. Lawns >. ol slalo ownor S'prlccd to Acres.-LskeViow, 2 w o lla J'.__ e- mowed. *280-t-*100 dop. 644''1;J 4ih Ave, North. Monday.''Ii 733-1421-______H " RufI sawn sidinor,.;, :atl 324-7262. . sell. G. Thompson. Mountain- Evans Proporty -Manage-. “ Sopl. 12.-6;00 pm. Soo lull ; *5.Ka8h00l.|r '• ° ^ $8,500. m ent. 734-1401.______EastandN.Rol. 734-2413, -fibSE BEIGE. Nylon Frlzoo burg.Ark.rai6. 14x70 1978 KIT, All oloctrlc. — delalia. In Monday’s Sola Bod, *79. Banner. .. .c37-Farms 4 Ranches (501)369-2687.______^ *270. 411 4th Avo Norlh, '2 2 2 BORM. Opon boam colling.fig. ____Times-News. For luither a shoot. , GLOBE REALTY : *12,000. )d lireplaco, dlshwashor. dls- 733-1421.______340 Biuo Lakoa Blvd. No. HOT ARTESIAN WATER,1- 12x64 1972 FLEETWOOD, Bdrm, gas hoai, hardwood Il3- inlormailon call 734-7344,___ W Cladwood aiding lloorfl;-tjasom «nl. Evans po3al. stovo S rolrlg.. ia ROSE BEIGE, Nylon Frlzoo ,' . DAIRIES 733-2626 lelsuro/rocroailon slto.>- -*5,500, _ ■ Lace Tabiocloih. glxlDS. lor, Fir pos,o_ . Proporty Managoment,It, facuzzl, *285,733-160_2_,_____— Chinoso handmado. *300.M Swlvol Rockor *39, Bannor. ACRES Dairy eoftlpfdlb 1;------Bruce G.Mocham. --Closo. Ready sooni Lofa 733-1421. ' ______0 - -B m kor. 1 : . 733-S4S7S7 vlall. 734-8296.543-8082 . CONTEMPORARYHOMES 734-1401. _ J ______2 b d r m ' APT. Parllnlly■Ily PW 8 . __ each. ■>,„ - vlth cowB.-Wlli-handlo'lOO— 0----- lumlahedr-Cott—lo< dolalio Ty— SELL. 3-piooo-veioor-oofaofa -• 2e-wiao-Ooira-rib gatvai'S------' load. $30,000 down, " ■ flayCrumblIss 733-1745'ff^ 'R IV E R 6 LAKE lot onn ‘ ‘ 2064 Kimboriy Road ...... J2S0. 2 B Jtm .'l bath.-stovo:- -METAL-OETECTOR-Bounty 6 KaySnidor...... 733-2546 3 relrig. carpot, drapos,ai 733-5374, ____ ,. Humor VLF/TR 840 dls-..'•so t. Rocker ioungo chair,..air, nizodtin.03fi6m e-j.-PUqi:.------3rodo A'40acrosafW ondoii.— - ---SUN VALLEYI Adordablo..0.. dow n. payment. *175. por. IS aiovoT foriced “ 'yardT misc .733-8356 allor 7pm. r£ludosl2S cow 3. OouOloe Proporty Management.-.It.-, chiidron ok. 734-8025. MINK STO Li autumn ha:o r-J- PLYWOOD SALES“ “'- _ ::__ month ai.l2%. or.wiii,foni.i6r_-— 734-1401;...... TWO-naughah-ydo aoF55; _____*(6h-i6Q-iock-upa:i'£:i::i“ V“-■ ^F O R S A U s by ownof-on 2-3if'~Spoclou8m‘‘ .T.M7m,--2 baih“b- - I17S. 788-9452. . ______(Behind Unltftd Oil)___ iJl:______5— TBDRMm531h“ DciubIo-car Ono- 6-plece-bodrcom - sot.------tff-ACReS-Daify.--closo it»--fr---ncro5-2-t3drm,-2 bath.-lB8t Townhouse condo. Exc. 14x70' KIT Goldon Stato: 2 ? ' ■ 056^R6OTTS'F0rRent— - Cail 324-2920,allor 5pm, rwln Falls, Doubio 6 HB. 163a mobilo homo. Garage 8, garage. lonced yard. No .-I Norwegian Sllvor,Fox Fur • - 733-5909 • cond, Convon loc, *69.500fl Bedroom. 2 bath, Ilioplaco. ° • BOARD and ROOM, lor'so- roo stalls, small room altachod. Air v//*54,00Oassum.at10%.No0 -Dulll-ln dishwasher, slovo,• pols, *400,376-1613,______coat. Like now. Size 7, Ask------ROW CROP------OOndr«30,600.536-6487------nior clllzon who wants a ^JIS^wlnBM ^ralta ------_____ 073=rSewlno i Crafts— ------— forriormovneio-doocrMusi-i— 3-SDRM-haHwsy-bolwoon-— frrondiy-aiitioapnijrorHomo-— lna$15oaor.ollot_734.7366.— s 3good120'3. lamily/couplos. Otlter quail-** 300. *10,500. Call afterr Jerom o and Twin Falls. 2«t 200 ACRES North o( Joromo, S cooked (ood. laundry and so pI n'BALL MACHINE lor salo. , SUNDAY, StPIE,StPIEMBlR 11, ISBJ I- MOBILE ' h o m e LOTS lor,Of- ty proportlos avail. Donnis3 5:30pm. 423-1567.______Acrea pasture, 5425 -f-«200 lorlh. For moro Inlo 733-2513,13, Noods a couple ol light 240 ACRES noar Wondoll. sale "Magic Valloy Mobllo ^ deposit. Ro( req. 32<-8267. .. — bulbs. *250.733-2807. ____ Fnlntofl.". Now adult aub- [;___ 14x70 Tamarack, boaulilully ------'CairJInrPaulobn 543:^830----- dlvlslon, Washington St, So. :------POWER-TnOWEL. *900 S ort------f l a in H - A t ie a it! ------800-10 approciaie. Sligarsi nlco yard, liropiaco. i*xc —, - trado ol oqual volue. Cotl011 & 1 block wosl on Phoasant M5-MobllB Homes condition, 733-61U.- ___" 14x70 MOBILE H0ME“ 3 *; BARNES REALTY •Rd,Easy lerm s,734-8943.__ Roaort. (urn. or unlurn. J 436-5684 allcrnoona.- I- 1043 Bluo LAkes Norm - 837-6503.______3 BORM in country. Carpel,' "'bdrm . bath S wiih wood- MUST SELL AcrosZf. 1982 KAUFMAN & BROAD. . 20—' burning stove. Locaiod iri in QUEEN SIZE Soria porleci 15 _____ § » Call 73^^277 ,r 1600SQ It. Dbl Wldo. To bo.3. 1972 SIERRA, 2 bdrm. 12x644 lamnyroom&liropiace.-i320- + ---aleoper mattroca i box*. south of Joromo. Bost oiler. II month.934-4967OV0&. lovely Family Park. *275 + —_- ______Call 324-5621. •______moved. Call 436-8344. In Adult Courl. *5995, Call ____dooJ34-57l3or-7334646^-—_____spilnos,._t3cd._lfam o___i . ------1953 NASHUAi4x70r3 bdrmr— ------hoadboariu_wood—d___ bcmtr—storm—windows, ~ unliriliilVod^Iurnlluro- dMia:.------A-ACRE6-(lal-6,-2 bodfoom—" ~ ~ B ttir,-^ B o x 26s! Drowaoy—y— -atovc; many-exIrBSrCall-lor— ^ Rhonei^Z ^^^nrcT436:3Worfl32^a30:—^^S-+^50tioT?33^0.— — pnd roi! lop M?-y — f f ------_ Carlor Contor, 733-3493, 2116fe V v jOjACRES- doubio 5 HB. 3 P *- FourthAvo.E,.Twln Falls. Kidroom homo, 325 cows u tility 'T ru c k ^od lor 1 Ton «qdJotaiaLoQuipmem. . . Truck with 7 comp«rimor(la. ^ 1 ------| i^ ' i i i f i - | i i i ^^^^rlllTTiniFI»>-^ 7 g 5 ,:g ^ir4?33564.^=--. - ~ S S jC R E ^" Double 3 HB. 3 WOOD PACUBTS-for saior------/-i #«dfoomhomo, A d v o rt U o ------— Assorted sizes, lots lo B!£ " ’ chooao Irom- Cali Bon Cyr;6061.______bedroom homo. Cowa could3 PROFITS . ■ ■ 16' 'HORSE POWER WC ^ ^ o u o b t. Sharp sot-up, s e rrv lc e g ujid e Cadotle riding lawn E ARE MADE mowor-traclor. Cali 733-5528,a" ib'V cRES, olnnle 4 HB. 70 MA. . froosiails. 3 bodroom homo...I-...... BY LISTING C montii oid wail away to- banaddSO'-oroacres. diner, doop rust. SltO-0- ...... ■ " YOUR SERVICE Call Pocan marble lop end lablo.0. .i:Mfll!>lMAS IIUIDS .itJilll , /'j.t') lifAvri nil ! *CO,Caii 734.8577,______’ ji> ACRES, doubio 5 HB. 70 ari,itnl(i. vmtik- diirc. < S^tMARKETING 432-5565-...... lrun^ .fii:li((1>-0 I i'f'r. (t 1-1 - - , ANCE...... DIETCOU^UNSELING PLU>LUMBiN0ANDWEL01NQ . Stnd *2.50 lor tjcfi pMemllein A(JiI SUi cjcli p.illcfii llll BLDO MAINTENANC 0 © -C am era Equip. poslaje and himiling Stnd to; £.^-ASS0CIATES • 0ulld*Ropalr»Re•Remodel All natunural horbal diet. iiutzman'a Stut Plumbing. JSJi- ra^750(flc« Heating & Welding. .New, ______Small lobs^a syecl.joclally. Wo . Lose 10-29129lb3 in one month. Hoa Allct Broeb Craft} 1 1 .2.2 o .,... ______intr /S^217/, . ■ BU'lu~~-seilelf—esleom r—feel----- — r«m — bTMVantedTo ——------:RMdtrMiil------B ^ D 32o"- combination. • 3ualltv 8orvlco.73i7l24 ^(pVERTiSE— ...... • •mcat.-freiroo-in(o-wr(te-M.O. - Qua B’u YING' 4 SELLlNG'“ail BDrlnkler Irrlgalod. good )UAUTY PAINTING Boi 163.Old Ch«lwj5UUon. N n York. N.T. 10113. Print Nimi. lene«3. lots sf won & canal • YOUR ■ ' Romodoilng. ronov forms ol gold & sliver. Con­" Addiest. Zip. PatUm Numbtr. LTY amoll repairs. Ovor ?oaaonabIo ratoa. Int 8, tinental Gold, 633 Bluo toator. 4 bdrm brick homo» SERVICE SPECIALT rlvowaya. parking oxt. Lakes Norlh- 734-4567, YOUR NtXf CBAH it in oui ritw NtW 1904 NCEOltCRAn CAIAIOG, ttoxi lo BLM. Roallor owned. kny oxperlenco. Call111 ^Jack (or For drivi ixt. Froo estimales. 733-7648 Oter 170 ijriei) dni(nv 3 iiKK papalKin}, S«ni] *1,50. ■ IN THIS DIRECTORS Froo ostlmato, 423-4!23-4528. lots, otc.. YYou haul or wo can :0am-9pm i ^ or 733-3194 ALT. BUYING: Evorylhing In gold ------deliver, hNorthwest Crane :roc .'fl K l CRAR BOOKSOOKS. .*2.00 m il J/ng ot CARPENIHY tOORNG ______& silver. Idaho Coin £aller- Placed undorlhotioadini |lnfl,TO-1234. ,. ■ • ------^ - las, 302 N, Moln--73>85a3- - Ul (fld CiUlot-idd soiOt t MchI. for p«tj|» and Imdlim..- - - SHORT 40 ACRM, twy endt. - -youfcliotc«l------Now construction, •SS-Roollng & Remodel- • ----- oraln. FulL‘Vraior.-sharo5;:_ . - ..modeling. cablni Q______- ng. ing. Froo ts t . build now. WANTED NIQHTCRAWLERS» 135-Odh t CMhn On Pjud«J« ll^Rowei11 Crech«t ■■ ■ Painting.- — — '•rom;omoaet:addon.-423-5419.- - — HignosT Prtce3r430-?nd-ATo -134.14 (JukillJchiotQ ailtt-11. - llSOochrt wltft-Sfla4re i - ^ - - j . r — -:3::----- yew arounfl-lhrw~stream;; -~ ' Yoor"aarwnrr6a’cn^23.'22.000 ----- turniture.Charlos.T:i8.734-314C~------Olck‘3— Z 133 FitJiioniknt QuUUni 11 umn • . Comm/Far■arm/Homo; 30 yra. Ir qt East. 0am-11am i 5prt*- 117.tan Art el HMdltpeinl ------____ m od torma, .lO^.lntetoal—>— r—lamilitfo-eveiyday-ooil.IdJhO ------—- CHWWEYCLEANIW K>TO,T1UJNO______^ 132 0aill OrlrlB*b 1]l] 6-N.I^Filtj()ullb _^Markct!r,o-} results will omazo.you. i ------^oxp,-734^r eaopai ovflfvday. 324-1151. MnnSv (-iJCky Ponhy ( ------:ris;Jow Is tho lime lor now ■------J3lidd* Block OBiili_,..- - II lI5-Rippl«Crechst______M-altii, IP, G4&-2328. ------. , Quallly work. Low.ow prices. .. . Clean. NoiJoal. Reliable. Low outnlUl-of-tQwn runs- Yellow 072-Antlques______I20XnxhttaNvdrt)ba 10ior^i?'^ uit^ 1 J VERy NICE -3 Bodroom1 B A lim iB REFlNiSWHCr1 G _ Free local oal. 734-2114-2154, price. Can:III 734-7130- ______Cab^bCompany.733-1536- a n tiq u e Oak Framod FiOOtOf ...... h i m • on^ a A cos* •, Hopoir 4 rollnijhmo0 for CONCRETE RNISHHSHING PLUMBINCNQ A SEWER TRE•R E E _S E^(^______Mirror, vory unique. Approx. Soulhwoat o( Jaromo. Shop, f i ...... S p e c i a l ’ porcelain & fiburglass b A&A Concroto. FlaFial work, ^ Boyer's PPlumbing- Ior aii Trot'roe & Shrubbery trim- 2W'xB’., *350. ALSO Anllquo ial Offer f ' corrals, many oxtrw. Terms Solid Oak Library Dosk.w/4I* - CMctrtnrthrttBook],...... •,,,ntONEraEE 5-"^r ~ jfffluallllod fiuyaf. Call Jerry - lioa, *ld»-...... -:pIumblnoa & aower needs, mlnjning.Froooflt. Inaured. S ... n3-1658, • • :&B1| 734-27??77B. 034-6233 'im's Tree Caro. 734-1484. opon sido shelves. 1 contoror ChoictelanytJiBinh...... t^rnonu ^ Ja c T ^ n ot Roal E»t.lo Un- - drawor*200.734-6492 allot 5-_ -|lmltet<.-324-7618or3244922. 0 8 Tim ea^ewfl, Twin Fall)=all8, Idaho Sunday. Sopfentemborll.l963 lected offersJ ^ 8 2 - 1 3 6

2 ~'~l25=TftverTranflr8 - - 127—MotorHomos - - 097-Hay, Grain & Feed ,114—Fann Impjoments_____ IIS-Faim 'W ork 122-Sponing Goods -- 082-Building Materials— osa-Varlely Foods ...... 1D5r-Horse Equipment -r. USED - ^ ALFALFA, GRASS. STRAW,W ■ CHILEAN MOUSER, 7mm rl- 25' KOMFORT doluxo appli-Pj,': 1975 OPEN ROAD 22'.- Class - ,_ A S K _ O U R CUSTOMERSIL. ■°,,.-LARGE S u oply-ol-ncyf_5_I___ lH ~_jai___bcafl__com bliie^ Jof-----■llo,o»c.condr<75:625^043..-t..— aneos.-nloo balh, lorcoo-alr- 3— niuV'tupeaicdly toll un-lhoy ® usod Horoo 4 Siock Traifors1 Spoody.lront mouni 8-row)w‘~ C u 3lom~SiacK0fl, 2 w id e r A. low, low-mntanmmaetf------ilh Past quality work. Jorry T , (urnaco. sloops 6, llko now lind Ihc awoeiesi corn it askforGionr^. ______1 bean culior, 4 6-ro»ir Healh "V NEW IN BOX: Browning S-92 .condiliqn." Boughl now 'V." In 'laio i— ...... - ...... po3i3-Call3?M Qei-______caninloup they have overr WANTED: Whoal, loodrd Exchango.'’'?)agerman^"837- conlor discharge30 S laloy,^4.7622.______— -44 Magnum Rlllo w/caso.“' 1078. $6,250.733-4019, 1978 . SPORT KINO UW. " CEDAR Inland fod Ua-1M2.; oaten al Horc’o Ornanic; barloy 4 corn. Polo Lanlinn,p, -^ 6294 dpya, 837-6?82 ovos. wlndrower. 829^1257, BALING, SWATHING,IG, Supor coyolo 4 door gun. — oroal lloor plan, aupor con- , ■ 26' ROAD Ranger- loaded.O'), dilionl - - , , 'i - Inconco Codar. Redwood' Gardens. Polo Lino Rd. E, Conox Food Plant, 733-1583“ . POWDER RIVER hoavy duly STACKING, CORN 4 HAYAY $280. Call 734-2319. loooh lumber. 324-2127. ; ■ JOHN DEERE 6600. Boan'■o. CHOPPING, (sell propelled). S;. oxc. cond. A/C. Priced-lo•’0 1973 MlNf-WlNf^lE 20'. ■ Ph. 733-4560. __ ;______or 733-4921. panels. 45-14', 16-12. 3-8' aliac^imonls. dip 4 pour oio- '»• Prp84 W lnauio 12ga. $285; 30III734-2089.______3?4-6l20 • ______Manure hauling, oround Long Tom 12 ga, $50; Mod 70 _ sloops6,Goodcondlllonl BU2ZIN-. ACRES HONEY. WILL HAVE 55 ACRES ol 3rdrd gales. Value $7500. askingI valor.Cail625-5^5. ' Slh 1978 CHEVY PICKUP A So- , FORT HARNEY SPECIALS-. Will nil your coniarnorir. Call—II------Colllno,-Oood- units »80. porr Orchard, 543J0q4/5«:C987^ 10 TON I3l cultlnn lor salo.„ roducllon salo. Iloms ouch> chopper-. Will irado lor live-'c CUSTOM BAUNG. 3-widO _ . CAB HIGH Poilor insulateditod 643 2nd Avo. Soulh. TF.' ___ ^ Now sooding, S&i ton; Cali Slacking. Havo man with so campor shell, $125.125. 734-2991.______MbdFl-:1x6or litW wmo.• CANNING PE'aCHES, Now as: BUS. bridlos, spurs,, slock. Call 834-5370. 'II’ SUPER MAGNUM Gooso ^ 7 : « S 8 . _____• • swalhor, Arnold Pruoll, docoys, $80 por v^i dozon,)n, Enclosed shorlbod ullllly In unlls MSS. MBd.Fl.Codw'' roady at Akiand Oichard. hallors. loads, reins, clr>-•j ' TWO Lockwood . polafo " “y 1980 FIREBALL 23' molor ------looco— unll___ puichasos^:___ Somc-arc nail marKcO.so.i*" o !_ cfie a.___ paila.___2rpomjna_ 543-4048..______. nylon bag Included, Supply3ly trallor, $125. Call 733-7532.- 7 _ homQ.-Excollont condHion. 1 x 4 ^ " - 3U oa; U«-6' only.'■ are charging $6.50 a DuShcll [). supplies. Sunboam clippoia. ng— iim1iod-~ 50’“ Ofdor~NOW.'"•■“ CAMPER SH£LLr'“w !ir firni 15.000 mites. 328-5095.. . ,1 34toa: u W KXoa: l»i2-6' which Includos tax. Bring] _ S o u lh o IJQromo.324-a704. ond much more wM bo• appl'lcaior, H.'*'’ Sch^uilo.'0 and_hJuling,.CutV543-57T4. _ 734-2130afler7pm...... _ Daiaun P,U. Short bod, $165. 'o n l y Si',39: fc(4 Studs S td 5- '"com - afriors:7 miles Eflsr,-4'-‘ ■ ‘ ' 25 TONS 2nd Cultiri^AHoiraffl"'p - - 1ac o d 'o t -pubHc-.-Qucllon-_ '82^5044------•---- k=cusfOM--BEAN.-Thfaahtng.ng. - -WE- WILL .6011 jrouM Juni. 128-UUlltyTrail9f8^- - BIf In uniis J1.49oa; Cabin‘ North, S VA East ol S.£. Hay. Sell ail or part. Cali111 Now and used name brand - wilh CB htizo. Call 423-5731n1 GunsmllhinQ- Pawn,' Gunun lTkE” "n e w Doluxo 8' , USEDEOUIPMENT 981, ONE EXCELLENT UllllW.'.'-''..,^;.'! Grado in unlls St.03ca: cornor ol Buhl. Call boloro’ 324-3269.______Woslorn i^^and^^ now’o ? —____OvcfhaulcQ Ncw-Holiand 42S_?«; ovonlnns. ___^ Shop, 543-4260 BunL______Campor, Full ojershol. 1981, Econ. .astoa: '■^conU noS43-C0a3Qr^43-4Qj4^.- CUSTOM .GRAirj' 4 boanlan WINGHE'&T6R- MOPEtr^O :ffr-— Tffltlcf.- 0'nfl'M2:.-inicla5n{l.' - ,*• d o Y show saddles. Largo, Hay Balor. $8995, ,uto $450 or bosi olfor. 324-1219.1 .'" X f l ■ Bir— Knoichod- va:rtiu5! Elberlo PEACHES. BaiUoitI fho »old^C^aitj24-7Tjl.'^'^^ Ovorhaulcd.NcwiHQlland.42a..20—.comblnino.^^ Will haul. CaJI_:al!___ XTR Foamor woigni 3WW-06 - Irlg. slovo. oven, prosSuro longltis In unlis only'.R E A R S. Concord.Grapo3_S _ - soloclion ol roping, culling, ■ colinet 423-S065 ollor ffpm. w/4xLoupotd Scopo; 22 ■■ waler, mermosiat lurnanco.■CO. 8'xi8' 3 oxioiiarbodinuor- •',‘•"*-1 : 5i.oa;Sx6Std.-&BrR:L-rio-- i__ Hay.Balcr.,ia8a5.______: j apples. 423-4474.______- ploasuTo;------youlh:----- end—5- New Holland S1049 3-widO IG’ / • lovor Aclln,- Modol 9422122 IliiSh lollol. lacks- 837-4905.5;_ - 532-4591.--- ...... - 10' In units J?35. WbdFt. Std ' wPPasturisFoTReni childron’s oadfllos- Also JO ' CUSTOM HAY'STACKING:- I EXTRA LEAN Ground.BonI J Hay Slackor. $17,995. 2-wldo 1068 siQCkor. 'Call:aii W inchosior, ' S-L-I.R. - -8 'CAMPER wllh 4 'Overshot,not. & Bir 2x3 lonmtis to 20' In ,• HORSE PASTURE for ronl.1 now pack saddles- Hems 4xBushnoli rango master, $1 Ib. Call 734-3771. Tuoiiday jl sold aeparaloly and In ids. Now Holland Soil Propolicd 535-2273.______^ Of' Slovo 4 relrig, $225. 734-4302 IBI "'-■JJ'.,'' unlla only J» 5 . MbdFi,;\ ■ inru Thursday. flam-2Dm. Sum mer 4 wlntor. Call 423- , 1260 Hay Balor, J3750- S3.6j5_77,______... - alloi-4;30.______Plywood 4x8 Ali priced In ' 4213...... Dealers welcomo. Aucllon „ Cuslom haying, swalhlho. ~ GH Automotive •unlls por oa. Wo will soli - will slart al 7:30 PM. Inspoc-. John Dooro 468 Hay Balor. baling, slacking. Quallly 'S 4 - WINTER WITH US In mof'O 8' POLAR campor shell Ior . .090-Pels&SuppIles • lion • o| merchandise alI $S.905. • 4opondnblo work. Will trav-a v Grand Kaymans; Mexico:fo: V, ion pickup, $&5.734-9075, — = = = = : - ■ 'e^viiriiJcaM 'A |‘ tD2-Cat(le ' 6;30PM. Plan now lo aiiondA Inlornallonpl 430 Hay Balor.T- OL53WJ310 or 636:2443^____ ' San Juan Islands; CA; j .. ADORABLE AKC fOg bull , t1495, ___ Tu___ Hawaii «LJHo^VUrgia.l3tonds _132:ri^lo. Parts S______------t8,}Q)-(U1143.S31-J?lyw00d-:-'— Cockof~Spanlot--pupplcrs:—------BULLB-lor-roni or ealOrOalry—•y__ ihl8-monoy-savlng.aalo.au w"-"CUSTOM HAY-stacklngrCall- 1; -127-Mo»rHomM----- wIIIboMgtiornoxIwook. III Iho Holiday Inn. 1350 Qluo, Mas'soy Forguaon 124 Hay wo will bo diving mom ati In Accessories______I $100, 734-5437 doys or 734- cows 4 hoilors lor salo. Bill , Baler. W95, ' • G.nllPaulsojL5i3JM3_— thf^noxt few months. Roa-5a- CLASS A MOTOR HOME lor Wo havo sovoral hundred •H.irrifl.SS6-7SIB.______U k o s Blvd Norlh in Twin rn CUSTOM Haying, swalhlng, ,i2 ' 'ALMOST NEW 4 Atmsitong .. - ' __ 3132j «o'8 ond wookends.------;rrTFali07:iD:ofl^uoseay=Sep--I.— Ma66oy-Ft^ o o n - ? 60 Corn ^0- sonablo prltds. Noxt Scubaba__ ,o n t.2 1 11.. sleeps S. 733-1027. nhoo1a'^"«x8P4T. sanded-— ,_.... COLOSTRUM-FEO day- old- • ------ballno-&-3!acklno.-Rolo»~ Norsnmon-'ttroJi'-SlxlO.f'-^^r per shool.— any— amt.—— ADORABLE - Bl8ck-A- whlio— 1ombor131h. g*~7~dlvlng~cla'ssos 6iatl'9-j?-83,'as, oraller5pm733-8244 - . - ^ I S u T ^ o n . chroniB_alDH«Ji-i.Jiri2'.*‘_ I Springor Spanloi - puppies.... calvos . for-salQ _..C ontact. - Wheel Typo Sanobruch .oncos.- . 733-5839; 733-0798.. tl2.50aa. Wo Mvo much , I Kara, Magic . Valloy Dairy.jl D0NTM1SSIT1------734-6832 . ______mags, will 111 Joop or-Ford :i^i'0>cr , Woil m arked.-1 malo S 4 -WIndrowor fla k o .$ « , —____559 Wesl Main, TF; Rosorvo _____ COME SEE THE DickuD. 733-2820; $C T .___ v .i ”-V r--femaioF-io-wo0k5-oiai;J5O._1____ 436-6292...... -— - Hosslon 6200 14' Augor.-af.-cuS T O M '-M anuro Haullng.tig-___your piano 734-9224;4-0pm,--:------^___ ^laaiSOUTHWlMQ_____ oach. Call 733-5132 ovos. COLOSTRUM Started Bull Swath orUTSO." ■ Also"nroon' chop hay-and------FOR-SAk^flocemiy-robtiilt---;^!!-^ ■_____2x1M4’ T 4 G only «75, IW ^ w in e 3 GOOD QUALITY fibor lliiod'od MOTOR HOMESI 1BR ong or will Buy sariy 70'S‘*^''' ____ Ml3(lF.l.,any_nmL-aI^imQt—'—, AKO-afflharr-riounffrmalo:;------Calvos Ior salo. Day old ot NQRTHSIDE IMPLEMENT corn sliano. Gooding Groon siooplng bags,- 3 lor $100.M. “ • Blo Timbers lo 4"x16" i upI noulorod, crcam w/t)lackt oldor.Call 538-6116. WEANER PIGS for salo. Joe Progressive Sporry, Noww Chop, 934-1730.______~ Call 324-^34.______• Yoar End Savtngs lo 2Bfl (onfl. any amf. MW. mask, , 5 yrs old. farflo. good> COLOSTRUM Starred holfor•f KIppos, 543-8597-______Holland Doalor CUSTOM manuro haullno, OnTSSS Por MDdFt. Sldlno '.^xS 1611. looking, i good waich dog. ond-bulls calvos idr salo.)- WEANER PIGS, various OnthoNorlhoido hay baling 4 stacking, Clyde’(ft i25-Trav8lTrallers ’ Jamborees &Soum«Ind81. FOR SALE; 200 Cl Slralghl .__4425_lSxfl-HLlQ.lflJ275.;.l«8.._'I— Will glvQ FjH££ 10 good.hofno_ - sizos, Call 3244054.- 321 S. Lincoln ____ Mjsaonger.324-2245_,_____ . engino 3 spoed trans out- “fore '___ Call 324-3438 or 324-5688i - “ JoromcTTdano------sad ol 68 Mustang. 25,000 ml/osi: •''' RL 10 16' J175 WbdFt.ln un- a , s I'm boing translorrod and S WEANOR PIGS lor salo. Call CUSTOM POTATO DIG-IgI silv er STREAKS- now 4 ' 100 HEAD DAIRY COWS ______324-2904______------usodr-F arm ors-E xchanoc. ° ° ° exccond.$?ca.734-3M5. :rr"itB.T-^c«ut.:affl:soard-Waiic^.—CHr>na\ iSkqnim.-728-306fl.------tLHlA.;i4yd5j3:AQ3I^W ::—----- ^324'1179ti(lfrf-5om:------^----- ^ -----OINQrCail 734-8372.------~ Chock wlih Konl'tdwdtfls - i ■ ■ Hagorman-837-€294 days eror' \ illn'J AMBOREils^gdriridn- lMPCO-2‘ OorTorcarorDr{b-T>-5i i ; r - Mtl, 4tt In units only -706;Q0. 1 . ii7PinQSlrQot.Klmborly.' malo-Call 324-7134.______“■ . CESSNA 210, Now Inlorlor. ; Horsos Dought-sold-traded,'■ 112-lrrlaatlon '^1'^ 35‘TerrillC3o!octlonolUseded ■ 1972 K5 BWor. Parting out. . . . ^ 3 ■423-4864. Insulated wlnoow AU------U6fiftWAlL£aS-__ ’ Uvo^cy PH.^moss" GATED RIPE Special Combines, 2 wlih ’^p' pricod fighti » 1978 20' Nomad, SOll-ioil- complolo axles, olc, Mako ^ SS'*"'™ .!;!!. o°ach°Cali 536^%5. o 4 underground PVC cab. Each havo boan pick­y. Transponder, olrobo. sharp. > HORSESHOEING, graduate I $18,500. 734-3383 or 733-1056. contalnod oflor Jor parts you want, * 'A CHESAPEAKE SPRINGER; . Farrlor, 12 yoars oxp. Rales,J, Amoih l r r ^ ^ ^ 4 Supply ups. 2 wllh bolt unioadors. I , BONANZA RVCENTERR . 1977 20' Al)o. soil-loU- 733-8196 or ^ 4 0 1 , , , ' ^ malo dog to givo away. i' • 423-4217 KImborlyariorfipm. Ready to go. COME JOIN mo Roioc 400 B i t Overland Aye. contained from al spocial discounts. yoar old. shots S somo Advonlurol Finest uiira light • R.M. LUKEHARTCO.. a . 1978 11!6' SportKjnp.o n j;.-Isa-AutoaWanled : - t— r | ■ Iralnlnfl.543-5413 Of 543-5592. - HORSESHOEING ,11 .Several usod pivots and Wiih Iho low prices wo havo'0 alrcrall avaiiablo. No llconso BlirleyjlD.Pli: 67^9478- campor, snll-containoo. Exporloncod larrlor. Call . on Ihoso machines.- Don'l■•I roqulrod. 733-1305.______198715'ROADRUNNER WE WILL PAY CASH lor 1974 ' E COCKER SPANIEL PUPS.^ Larry Evorsolo 733-4074, ancillary oqulpmoni jacks. 08M3arageSajea AKC lOg. $75 wllh papois & - ovollablo. Call934.4010 lako a chanco' on leaving'0 ONE QUARTER INTEREST:ST Furnanco, porta potty, ro-'0- ' *1978 FORD 250 pickup 4x4. 4 nowor P.U.a 4 4x4's. Also . , f $50 without papors. 734-7230, Moon Crook Ranches Sovon , yourcroplnthollotd,, In good older Cessna 172,172, Irigoralor', oiocirlc waiorlor 400 V-8. oxcollont condition,on. 1977 4 nowor Aulomobllos. fi . A-1 MOVING Salo. Sopi. 14. , Bt-annual All Brood Horso0 USED whool linos, lour tup,. F_ronllgiMo.l,ot»;.Wj04q,___ '■ - ; COCKER SPANIEL PUPS.Ior t Farmland whool linos. $1500 0311324-6660 allorepm. pump, now parpoi, largogo .••1973 FORD F-100 pickup,, 16, 16. Tools, tralna. Elvis I Salo Sunday Ocl 9. 1983. 1 ° Wo also" havo a comploto10 " ----- ' ' — cusiom storage aroa In roar,af. - 360. campor oholl. 33,000 ac- Prosloy-rocords. household solo. Purebred bul no ■. pm al our now loc-JeromeQ ooch (as is), Ono Roady ' oapofs. black. $50. 734-8607. 3 Rain, a ll.4", $2300 (as is).; aoioction ol now axial ilows“ 121-BoaissAcces-a. dual porpano lanks. Nico.'0. tual mllos. 'Z 135-CydB3& Supplies ' E miBC. 1047 Elm SI.. Twin. ■ Fairgtounds, Joromo ID, '' Instock. $1635.Cafi 734-7963. • 1981 BUICK Skylark, 4-door - -C O C K E R - SPANIEL- pupo.— -----324-8165______-j--AHT-IN-THE-YAHDSAlEr-r, Ij— CatiinilQaJoadlmo.Occistm — r :: .JJLLCALLUS^______——_ BOATSr-MOTbRS-A-JRAlL.;^■l-*’^ 9 7 t ---- ARISTOCRAT -21Nr ,— -Sodan.. aulomallc.- crulso,,iso-; KAWASKtKO-;1?5.:$3po-et,r-r l l i l f—-purobredrho papcfSFblond3 -“ coosiflnmomB— ^accapiodd - Wo aro a new- dealer for' bost olforTWlli Irado for rlHo. ^ ------PalniingB'donatod lry local— l bullcoiors j 50.67^263_4^ ; ■ • WOLVERTON ERS. Magic Valley Marinalna Double axlo. soil conlalnod.(d. air. ■ a d lsls to hoip Debbio Gleb .. V until salo time. Total Ioo3.$50>0 C om gated Motal Culvorl •2MtW, on 30-93. 733-614t._ excoliont condllion. Many Call733-5787alier5, g I, EDAH-HOWKENNELS, NowV - for Rog horses 4 $25 for)r Pipo. All okos ip^siock In­I • INTERNATIONAL a?I Wo wolcomo uado-inss YAMAHA 650. oxcollont P for lour with Continental. , II 181 SrdAvonuoWosl .....Evinrudo 4:MorcUry.Molors.Jts. . Iloms fOD'>’cpd, $3000, Call Slncois. 2508 Addison Avo. 'Taking hunting dogs lor Gunn Grado,Call 208-487-2628, cluded 36" dia, Seo us loraii tie. 734-3193 wookdavs. • r - -condllien. ■ wlih .helmol, ^ Oog Training. Rolrosh your 1 your irrigation pipo noeds. ______733-g112______boals 4 llshinn lacklo. EnalTU ES.13th..aiQ 6.___ '' POApalnlmaro,vorygonllo. -, Tom's Marina & Sport Gds,ds, 1972 22' KENSKILL travelml LARRY'S- • $1600.324-3232.______fc . t oun dog boloro the hunting ' BOB BAILEY PIPESALES WANTED FOR PARTS; °1 • LEISURE LIVIN* BACKYARD SALE. Sun &} aoasor. 17vrsoxp.324-52?9 0 934-8164, Goodlnn.______oi Hoyburn/Burloy, 678-7473,L_ irallor. Tandem axlo, roar 1974 CB 550 HONDA. Fully Mon. Clothos. misc, TV, rg 73^3dayornJohl___ M assoy Foinuson Diosoi • 6670vorlindAvo. loadod, oxcollont condllion. ' •, POCATELLO Horso Tralntng traclor Modoi f>5'. 734-4610. . SK HAUL MARLIN aki boatioat balh, soil contained, oxc , ffcoior.t . dfshwashflr. 106 FREE CATS TO, GOOD“ • Contor for loaso. Indoor azy condllion. $3950.788-3344: - . Burloy -$1000llrm. 733-8587BUS------3 HOMES. Will dollvor. Call n . 113-Fann Supplies 16' Aii moial spud budrt with 85 HP Johnson.. Eazy B7&-7057 ' 438-4581 spood biko. arphans, 35t 2nd " riding arona 158'xlI4' wiin , , , - l oadlraller.S43-6fl00...... -1974-TETON- 24'-, -Fully- ooll ^ 1974 HONDA 100. R u n a .____ — ■ 734-2735.------:------:■- '.oldco.' kllchon- ”5-— 2“ •- •-w/belt; -ohloadet -4-motor, - :NT.- -groal.'DOOdlfailorirrlooiIng - ^ ALUMINUM -58". ."pOlalo''5 837-4642 noon or ali 7>30pm— 1«; FT TR1.HULL boai.and.ind. contalnod, oxc cond. $4150. HUGE YARa SALE. SoptI FREE; 7 wook old Female,', . bathroom s • on 25 acros.’• collar pipo. 8'xlS'Low boy 3 mp' 655-4220 days or 655-4328 ___ - bIko. $250.Call328-412f. - .ITl Goldon Rolriover Mix. CallII subdivided into 8 horso irallor. 15 Fl. Arlalocral camp' 0 n»lntr.illf.r 532_-45pl._. _____ifailer-.infl,im,E].C.iminfl:, > . M g ^ HOME fot ront. Call - ^ f i & i iuffls. -A a iaii aiaiiion— ___ Ready lor Iho r ■ barn + 4 Bdrm brick-home-^CRUSHED. • .QRAV£L._Top_ Trodo tor RV Van ot equalluol -1^76 t e r r y , 20Vi'. Loadod 1 _ .yARD5ALLSooL9,.lQ&n. . : KEESHOND,.PUPPIES, lo r ;, f — vefY'flood.-Call 703-1560------Vuttjo7Anvr$4500;-438-6527..-7^ - : : wHh-exirasrExcoiiont con-l^i‘1^ 0 N E -ia 8 3 24: EI.OoxadoSnLmini,- siB .?l29iy-a6-2a3.. . . 1 3^ tt-i; r.n(1r.n InMn .■Iftwlfig.I. salo, 6 weeks old. 7 females.:— wllh ■ orchard. ' inioraiaio"' .'.■■■i96a-CftSE_t}can..,3DQClnL. m nlor-homn. doalor Oomo. ■ $75.678-1573 or67M 045r--— i'L-^gt-HAMMONO;* 306-6hevr ''IS — 1974-YAMAHA - MO; .ownor S ...... machlno, clothos S misc. E ...C.ombJnQ^W LSumT^p c ^-5-^eri0in0:^M«)(Cury-0Uiarlv0.- ^ r-____3000 mll03.-Ford.480. wllhl*'5^-fl3klna“$500:an0-wams-to— ale, » — 1714 Ostorloh al tho ond of T • monin.g08-g32-i^fr^.------GRAVEL — FOR----- SALEI - w/swamp cooler, Good^ ivo;— lOTT'FlflEBALL 24'A* trallOC crulso. lilt. Micholln liros. I MALE Slamoao killon ‘ Doiivored by tho lood. CALL powor nil, Eazy load irallor.'Of. Self conlalnod, pullod loss '0®- r'nll.& ll 734-5428. S-j Soulh Locust.______WANTED- Caii 733-5354 ailort QUARTER HORSE SALE. cond. 326-4682 or 326-5336.. . flieroo, sun dock, plush Inio- gono'ralor, rool air, storago H?.:___lhan_2.000 .m i!oa_J5M 0.-----boxr-color—lv,-mlciowavo.3 1074 1 75 YAMAHA'Enduro., J-' ------&-PAMIt;'i^art3-9a(©riO-yTS----- l*-“ '.' rior. soo ’ 'I6“ ipprocialelato <-Goodcondllion. 543-4014, ;avo~TbrsaiarJ275-C3tl7»?403r— y — occumulatlon. Tools, oili PROFESSIONAL ‘ Salo Frl. Sopt 18. 1983, 7pm 324-5813.______' $11.000.733-8302. - . ovon 4 much moro. Savo , at Iho Quality Inn. Pocaiollo.Jl 114-Fann Implements -77, # 8 COMFORT Travel Trail-ill-- $8000. Bank Ilnanclngcliig oJlor6pnL______f ; hoator, album coltoctlon, 8I QROOMINGI Vacallonlng? 25 ALLIS CHALMERS Bootot 1977 TAHITI |01 boat wllh 460 G 1977 HONDA 750 Aulomallc. J ril board your^j^ g .^ Chorl 10, Soiling is voailingsoiigi- CASE 660 Boati Combine lor ,^60 or, 21' Fully soil-contained.Id. available. G 4 G ^ Harvoslor. Call 324-4030. '____ Pord. ■lSaQO_Call_7S8-3333l333_ExU a.doaim oiLQ ucen flUc 'S -'iiM S'ifc!SfeuS?==g=^ No oarlv sales. 243 Ash. - Futurliy.-3 year ..olds and av‘-Soyeoolo°r^-^M l_i520.JOHN_D££eE_lfaclot_Qt___ dfly3..76flr2045eyes. ____— . b00.788-4213or788-4879. _ , H^hway 25. P ^ l d . 4 ^ - PUREBRED Bassol hounds'^ brood m ares brod lo-SHvor w/JD 148 loador. seap-onin ------:------;— DONAHUE SWATHER irail- 1978 Slh whool irallor. 8x40. 1977 HUSQVARNA 250CR.— X $100 oach. Cali alior 5 536- ' Dollar Stallion. For Inlorma­ ; duals. Also divided 300 gal. 122-Spoi1lnB6ooda -■_ Call 544-7786. _____ Real cloan 4 dopondablo. 5 066-nrewoocl______6245-______lion phono 801 752-7701 or,f or. $1850, good as now, $1000^ overhead gas lank w/siand. $895.538-2129 or ^ 2 5 3 3 . & PUREBRED Old Englishn 208852-3015. .______undor new pilco. Consider' 324-2124 alier6pm. FOR SALE Doublo A 4 Biuolue 79 STARCRAFT Toni Tralloror PACE ARROW: A BIG BUCK SAVINGSI Dry, - trade. Call 436-6L92;______Magic shol gun shell■Oil w/scroonod In pallo. Sloopsps 1977 YAMAHA 750, Sha,ll.;j ------p4nor-CoUto-lonoth_By-iik----- 5----- BEAL— GENTLE—TonnoMO— , - 3.SPUDJBUCKS-a-l-dump^If]— omoll03rAttorS:30733-2249.19, - - - 7,$2500.733-7187or733^809:'i'~ "TDdPionoorin...... -driver^ 15,000 mil0S;-i:0004'ftifc»n------foad orcordrETC'37324-fl355r-----“ i£”F°aSte".rc«=^— WaikoFhorao. Goodmoun-V FOR SALE COMBINE JOHN^ iruck for salo or irado. Call cond. $1,000 or bast-olferj^-;, 2126 oarly morns/lalo eve's, DEERE 8820. Call 654-2341, Allordablo Luxury." Abund*nc« A-1 Quality Dry .. . loin & pack horso. 326-4631, 324-2243.- 733-3833 or 733-9575, ],\ lodoo polo. cuslOm cul, or- PUREBRED Slamose kll-*■ REG, Appy Maro 8 yrs, oxpo-;. FOR. SALE Now Holland f27-Motor Homes 127-MotorHomes isod 1978 HONOA Goiflwino QL -A - tons. Housobioko. roady lo 3, Swalhor 4 balo Great soloctlon of. Usod dofnQW&3avo.324-474Q, “ rioncod rldor-Soll or Trado, j___ 115:::Fanii)yorK______'M olor Homos. Don't buy 1000: loadod. low milos. Cal.l, ----- nort35.-733-6342allor4pm.-—------AlSO"W oIch-pony -gentle.— Our 734-4387, - ______h ' AU’S FIREWOOD *■ baiora 4 '“ misc. haying unlil you have chocked Our , Dry plno. doliv & Siackod. PUREBRED German Shep­h (lood lor kids. 423-M30, 3 GAfiV'S cu'siom ihic'ahing. Pricosi 1981 Honda GoidWlng. F u M j^ - jl— oquipmonl. Wllio lo Sox‘ prain 4 boans. Wlli haul, 14-i 6" spill, small. JM. herd pups. $50. Hall Gorman[) REG. AQHA Rod Dun Maro. loadod. lols ol oxlras, 3000- 5 . Shopnord. Goldon Lab Z-51. c ro Timos-Nows. P.-O.• 326:41.6L______18-18” Spill, modium, S55. o Excollonl brooding 4 - dls- __ BoxS4B.TF.IDS330I...... __ BONANZA RVCENTEfl-Efl— miles.-•'•Imfflaeuialo;-'-Call-’- - , f — ■ 1B-24” spIlt;Ttt?, oo3lllon.'B34;S^------FOR SALE. 7060 Allis C. 400 BIk. Overland Ave. Por hoaplno ^ ion pickup. PUREBRED black lab pup- SOUND. Quarter Horoo • inn. Roaoonobla ralos. 733-7804.______^ • Dies. $50 oach, 734-2787.___ ■9 traclor wllh 2083 hours, Llko5 733-8405 or 733-7535 allorC. ■ Burley. ID. Ph:67M476 Golding; 16 years. Call 324- now. 18.4 x38 rubbor wllh BEAVER WOOD CullInQ Co. REG. DOBERMAN pupplos.i. 4030______----- adlusiablo roar wheels. H.M.I, Cuslom-corn 4 hayay I m ' — Good cloan dry plno. Cul."".--oxcolloni-podlgroo, $150. “3 YEAR OLD Sorrel grado0 loadod w/woighls. Havo• ohopping 4 manuro haullng;- ■ ISajKIJIIME! r -TiO GA :------J i^ ffiR S T A IE Hondir,- K p spill & dolivorod by somiI . 733-8894,______jn a ro , Gomio, wlti bo good i 324-3311, Alior 5 324-5771 or MonyaccoB50llos'.7':i;2DO J*' ronlod my farm. Tractor ran -324~i4B3, ■ • ■' . - - ® Jf 6 7 load, cord o t block. Also’ REG GERMAN Snephordd hunllno horse. $600 or best« -vory lllllo tho las|-;3 yeais, \ \ ------"Amoflca's'Bosi------:------rmllcs.-$4500.Be6-?75a.-.-Vi-— 5;* -- available posl & polos Irom'___ piipn. a_w npkfi_old__CallII____ o»or^320-5lS4.. . ___ _ 9_tiAytJWOJ7jlVJjEEL£BS_ I______Molor HomoVaiuo."___ ------Island“ ■pa■tk^~Al5o~6^0Cn— ;----- Aoklng—$18,000— 7050-2819- ...... a ...... ■' f r ^ ' 3 2 W 7 6 6 ^ ______- _ 3_YB_0LD HoQi5tofod_Vi^ hours- Rubber, llko now; will haul PEAS or WHEAT, ------ftvallftblo.-73a-32C0...... 16— Johri'"Duoro'"plOW.— 5 -ia-- W i^ j^u n y w h o re .- 734-3676-76------1 - i583HlliITAGE29ViFl'v4 fM K lA ^A H m J W ™ / )I ------Soe-our-s«iocHon-ol-usod ------REGI^fERED t'^ Yr, Fomalo~0 Arabion. Appy Mine. 16 // Moior Homes. FANTASTIC! Dry Plno iA spon.J45/cord;; ■• Brlltany. H u n lo d ^ ^ s o n1. . hands, groon broke,' $1000.;.; boiiom alO 'packor.S oliasa ICl ' DINGBAT SPECIAL. You can"' S ____ 2.iacord.lQafl3_S55Jcnoiri-i^ __ .<^lomrHAy-4-SMAW4>e«—n \ V ------$80 cut UPrDellVOf. 3 ? 6 ^ B_----- EH~ t n S NAKE RiVgR ~ : X ^is ^----- Poriy-t150r0r-best-oltors, - -~r^L~'^flW ~row^orn~f,— ing.—Good -3-strinn bales-3- -X , , ct ; r = Mo-jrjOOtMtor;638-2273. ' — ~ ■ 400BlkrOver1andAve;—r..-.|;ilflK-CuU-Vaft-wllh-ia'-b«a . e - *— {iOOD'OUSllty Ilfowootlr133 Konnol Club is noidmgg 37»n?lg^ =~• chopp^^nayjiMir^UL5laan Cry Dino..qp|itI__ _Clly-.Park_7:30em. 733-1897 n — oxco1lo n r ”conditloft- d a iil|— strovr -baling-wim -JO -487- ■:------HoaciQuarior3rW£rfQaturo_:a no-B HOUGH LOAOER,Ott3.4WDF=^ ;-■= & dolivorod. $7a/cord. Can1 ■or324.4560allor5om:" Sioros 733-7096.______536-6744 evonlnos, -T B alor. 0311320-5888.------Buoart - ■ ■ V "full ranflff^ormolor'Tiom'oB. . —.■•lfl?U?fl3.a5?-4429.______... ' __ - J ’ ..m:.!- Now- U sadA conslgnm ants,mts llko'_nQW-rubboi_robulU,.^ <— ------LUCKY“ PENNY CHIMNEY , \ All compollllvoly pricod,cod! ram s. $3500.788-3678, ; ------SWE£P— FroQ. lnspocilpn5_ gj 127-Motor Homes 127-Motor Homes, 127—Motor Homes . Professional; Irlondlyndly : ! — «llndlv. Call 734.1898. ' - m Farm ers'm arket M oorvlco Always at Travol ■ Town, Whoro you savor's by -Rlchner*W ttQatonr2 -J— ------NOW_TAKINC_.PI/owood ^ordJilmF ilH ■ dealing diroclly wllh tho ofdofsl Long longihsrueiiv; owners. tho Pro^f ' orod $50 por cotd. 733-32522 09&--Fann Sw d ...... - - TBAVEL-TOWNr------_____ or 733-5m ovnnlng3. ; ------r^wKTrek'aSpo^r^’ — , R iatoil^Price— t G43 2ndAva.South.TF . - • Cat.613 .alov#tlog;feaior ; SALMON RIVER WOOD CO.'■ ' •■Portablo". Savo your own . . 734-2W1. • laking oidcrs 5-8 cord loads» sood slock lor on itio larm -Ionnl0lh3,$50cord.655-431D 1977 DIPLOMAT 26'. 43,000■000 • For ronl: Cai 688 C wtio'ol * I ...... 1 , miles, rear balh, tool and .loador(1980). ' . " J ----- TOP QUALITY LOGSTiyT^io 13,950 cab air. gonoralor, rool rack.3ck. 4l0lQeke1erLAne lorgo iruck .load, For In-'• TOP QUALITY Allalla sood. Call 53 8 -2 ^. Wondoil, _ . 20»3aM a3. Boise. lormallon. call 733-4293. Dollvorcd. Call Bob 3/4 TON PICKUP Load, gooda Hamlllon 734-3567. 136-Heayy Equlomenl plno. $65. Call 733-8261. | B m ^ r n SAIilE P R I C E ' ■ 136-Hflavy Equipmeni' |,1 097-Hay, Grain i Feed 088-Varlety Foods ALFALFA-OAT HAY, 60 tons, We've gott >you covered I FOR CUCUMBERS callII $55 a ion. Call 324-8457. f ------Fl0ydDr0wnr733-C?26.- - • ' "APPPOX. 5^55'lonS o fjn d " ...... JONES U-PICK.FARM..Can.I ------culling-uilalla-.hay.. Somo . * nlng cukos. dill, lomaloes.I. rain, mako ollor. 934-8298. M § 9 v | boans. boll poppors. groon" BALED HAY Boom Loador chlllios. lalapoanos. & cnb-’’ mouniod on 1973 Ford, exc baoo.Call324-3490. condllion. $3485. 324.1134 Col 930 whool loaderder toriol1 No. 62K.54I8 oquip- . C* NOW AVAILABLE- canning° days or 324.5222 ovonifgs. Poaches & Pears. Nociat- pod wlthcob. Ilghlt,. 23’.^ % yard buckoi, reor tounlor ' *1 - BARLEY WAHTED--SOibs or a v - ~wolohtr*3*.SQO.- - • Inos, Plums, early ApploD.'j botlor. 324-3438 or 324-5686. B B ' s>; ^ ____Kolloy Canyon Orchaid. 2 . 1 • BVRLEY WANTED. SOIlTs 0 ~ - MANUEL-D/iDAVILA-hasa-r973UUte Liner-C lassA 25f5 .F o o t------I Miehlgort-Mheel-tooci-6e^»th;-■*-e8s^^^etol— ------C Q M l M£^TQ Ti \ A ^ More Cofnof, Buhl. 543-53M.—_Up_lo_30,000-bu4holl_C»li- —NoW'Fall-Houi>ursi ------BURJR L E ^— w —(of m orv^inlor^H on-l^^-Ij L WE S T lli HAVE FRESH S44-2771.______a n d ■ ^ lW E B T EPII\KY I concoming' - __ Raspborrlos-$l3.7S/llai. -/\A*F 8 a.m . to|=«:30,p.™. i ItMi program. . “ 3 _____ Huckloborrlos-$16.50gal. i7 8 .0 4 9 1 ------MIKE'S VEM I 109 - • LiBlchancoforlrosh...... Sat. 8 o.m. to 5 p .m . I— —— i VO U R . Blackborrlos&Bluobonlos. STEAM ROLUNG ‘ :733-3832 , Olhor borrfos Irozon. Com- "Custom rolled giain noTitdtmiiluolClHHiilUtTtieierCo. -Inosoon; Concord grapes.- — • -onyourlarm. m _____ ^ f\D G _ Call 64«327 or 543-8082

V, • ■ i ■' i Sunday, Sapoptomb6r11,19d3. TImes-NehNewa. Twin F a lli Idaho 0 9 , rreathnmidrAutont^otive 1136-158 -

13B-H«nyEqu^)nwrt -- I K M r o d a ______21^ i«^Trudc8' ' " mlf42-tmport fi Sports Care 1KMWhwlDrtm — ^1—ITS-AutoDeaiora— ...... “-' TTS^AutoDMlen “ ~ 17^AutoOMl6r«_ _ . JTS^AuidDoaTora.^—I I J I I ' I i r ^ I ------^ 'll19T1 FORD RANGER XLT_ . 107a-lHC-Scoul-Trsvel«( 4- Bhor^^^K.^ alep 8ld^plckup._^V• 1978 FORD S600. 381 V-6,5 “i 1978 18' -TOYOTA -CORONA H ... - - Luxurv^«dltlcn,-itoadod.wtttu*,wheel drive. Turbo diesel, — JOHIii)EERE-:— S -2.-PSr-900.20-tlrea^ii500.-----Lw TS, PBrsir.-f/ftntoiserwmtie— ■ •734l?633'allBr5^m; ° 324-:fi9or32*-?83>; 3 -nil the extras. S apd, good P- ' ' ------:------:------— USED liros, low mlloago. >3500. sjapoko wheels, low miles, -tNOUSTTUALEQUIPMENT 1974 OATSUN PICKUP. Vory - -197B-QMC 1 Sierra, PSrPB : 423-4049 or 423-5580 Peoov. ~ ' •JexIraa.Ukenew; 32WOB1. good ahaoe. >i<50.733-6808. AC.fi now paint, 51,000 miloa. 1979 OMW 633 CSI. Sliver, «1860 BRONCO, low miles, j.D.S0OCBaekhoo.t19.500. . 19741! FORO &600w/dollvcrY Includes [| campor shall. Can 19< bo soon al 1605 Addison sun sui roof, black lealhor, 4 wwhilo spoko whoels, sloreo. j.0.544Loadof,l2<.500. vivan. Acc^ting aoaiod bids b spood. mogs, Duiltsioln &Call 733.0456.______^ W4t)Co777Qf#d8f.«7.500. ttthrouob Sept. 15. Contael Avo. ^ East, 733-5338 or 733- . sp 9069. >4295. 'shocks,i Ij crulso. 1 ownor. is1880 CHEVY PU 4 whl drive Mr. Bower al Soars, 403 Main 9 503^664545 weoKdava. ClChoyonno Vi ton. Now tires, ELLIon’SINC., gAvo. West, Twin Falls. 733- real cloan. >5795.54^6600. 0621.______1<1-Van3______1980 AUOl 5000 S: automatic, ro AI IIIOvartandAM. PS/B. A/C. Good cond. Cali is1980 FORD ISO Explorer: B urtw .ro 1978 CHEVY-CHEYENNE 10 INTERNATlONALmoirovan; n •■ 733-8657.73: '______■ps/B, Pl 4 apood. 39,1)00 miios:------PICKUP. Many extras, very r 67M787. , ^ Good mechanical condllion. 1980 HONDA Accord 4 door; . Good 9,' MP5. Soli or trado (or - . oood cond. Soo at Tlio Quick -W u ill-consider-Irado. t650.- i W 4x4 In good cond. 3244543 •Slop In Hagerrnan; 837.C393. ' j 5 apood, stereo, radlals, ^ Bob Houston, Sates Rop 73*4514or 733^621, rack, rog >5850 NOW -ovoll -OJ ______^_____ H om oPf'ono...... 73^1490 ^1977 CHEVY PICKUP. 350 1971 V DOOGE Service Von, »>5295/o(ler. 678-3372. miCHEVROLETSuburban, 19 l e e l o V.6, 4 spood, dual lanka, accepting ' soalod bids «gi air cond., radial tirea, runn­ W h 1980 TOYOTA COROLLA al ' 0^stereo, (og lights & roll bar. Ihrough J] Sepi. 15. Contact in ing boards, rool rock, extra «300.Call73fC921.______^ Llliback. 5 spood, AC, in Mr. Bowor a f Soars. 403 Main . akAM/FM sloroo, super clean, clean, cl mechanically real lia-TnKlM r1978 CHEVY LUV PICKUP. A vo Wesl, Twin Falla. 733- m>4100. Call 326-4735^^______sound,8( retails (or >8m0, our —t o ngbpd~w1tTrCan6500— P' 678-3796—or------Can bo soon in Twin Falls, .1977 v FORD 250 Landmark,* 49 678-8042.______•' ■ pickup. (lalbod. Call Calia2&-5074orPS55a4. q J 49,000 mllos, groat cor. Too '*.1 ,- 3S0 V.;8. auxlllan nas tank, - manyme klda,324-3563____ • ___ ifl19fllJ>ATSUNJ^In8.CflbJx4:____ ■ 1B79 GMCTi Wn’plckuprfi—~ Ic 1( o b o x ,' Mlcholfn Uros.' 5 spood, PS, storeo. strtDos,' ■— UTILITY Truck Bed Ior 1 Ton cylinder. I* 3 spood, sunrool, 6678-7057 or <364881 1981 SUBARU GLF, A/C, radlals,- J, Roo. >6595. SELL Truck witnj companmonn. X AM-FM Casaolio steroo, J? —1979 ..C H E W . BEAUVILLE Sspd, gji Exc. condition, 23.000 ^>8195/O((or. 678-3372, ------milea:^5B0C:Call 734-8399.-'-----” 19SB2V> to n i^ q T ifu c K . ' w w 1 9 5 7 .2 r tlo n tM » o ttru c k .... ,, 88 VW BUq. Now motor A 148-Antique 1 AulM . lires. Sharp. Call 324-4236. * 19S7 2V, ton tiydraulic end 1o ! b (M ^ fle s .'l^ !« 13900.324-2463. soptom Rr bor 23rd & 24th. 1962 OODQE (MOO: cab and ^63 Kenworth Convonllonal motor, AM/FM casaetio. Fl-----... ------^W oslorn Idoho Fair w/262 Cummins 6&4, 20- cna99ls.ovefft«uled3#iv-«. » nancing ovoiloblo. 7344035 1«->4WheelOrtve8 1 giGrounds, Boise. A Canadian < apoed.t1175.734-5789.______gSpud bod. (9000. or 737-2126 ask (or Glenda. _ 6 Notional Advenlsod Event...... —66-Aulo-cefr-280 Cummins;— i 1963 CHEVY V, ton pickup. 2 “ IIK E NEW 75 Toyota Corolla ^— “ pfttcescun ------'Samo& day pay. Call early lo f U4.20'Spudbed.U000...... •40 OLX WflQori. Low miles,- ' 1977 CJ7- Hardtop 6 wllndor, Prime p, Salos wsillons. AT. P S /8 ,- v*e, S995. Call $71 Mack RL 700. 335 Cum- . spokodwhcots-ttioS------1_. 734-91«:-— : - S —Butomatie.-t279Sra37-l96B.------8p ------GARY WETe S bEH------mlns & quaarapidx, zu'YpuS 1979 CXf7- Hanjlop. 8 cyl­ C lossloC v Auction Co. 19S3 6M enolne. 5 and bibed. $11,500. 1964 BAJA, onolno in great indor, low mlloago. >5000. -4 tnin9r$2ioo. Convonordollyw/10.00x20——s hape. ->9T9-CJ5--BnDrifrod-wHh— , □ - 503-384-2786. Oregon ___ 1964 INT 1600 Load SUr; 345 ' thtlfOs.llTSO. 1964 CORVETTE COUPE 327, nice n<( black top, 8 cylindor, 1932 19 NASH 2 door Sedan. Y-8i 5 ^ ,- 2 9pf®«^®"d;nin8 - . 4 i.w>ieol trailer, 10.00x22 385 horso power.-AIBO-196J--wf' wKiio 8(Joko wKeeis; mtoo. * ■ -Eaayreatoratiofj.-Ei H*ve title.------"oiSpbr go M . flO « n u l> M fr~—ttresTTJujls—front-rii-fear.— < h - CofvelleCouoe. 3 2 4 ^ . -— -1981ibj CJS-Llko-r»ew-con0i- tiaTO.324-2876or324.3805.-. >1 -- short Wheel baso. Ideal for KK250. 19e7MOMK}IT tiotion. Only 17,000 mllos. Many 1960 is CADILUC. Runs r u l □ulllna trail^ra or tow truck. D«CKCA8reR Good condllion. *2500. Call exextraa. IwOO. good, g< 4 door, rap around i12D0/ol/er.6SSM19. EQUIPMENT BROKER 734-3184even/n08.______Ca//7M-iaS9 roar ro window, would restore 73M2l5ofg»22«3 196a FORD 800: 390 V^. 4 - 1969 Mercedes 230 Sedan, 19!1952 JEEP. U io OHV“ i nicely, nl >650. sp eed, 2 speed rear end, 7!75 DATSUN PICKUP. With onglno, 8550. mo boio ano jocuity ol novofrm miu iu ir^ o o w (rado. 654-2048,______*1 > 1 ^ . 825-5956______«SELL >5995fo(fer. 67«372._ NowytXKconoo’tooeifw' wtn Ihomoji monl, novor vrtitir^O □ chock Of#ovonhovina ovo • ... 1972 PORSCHE 911T Block 1911973 J6ep Wogonoor; 6 cyl. 4 c6nvonlontIt nenow cor auto loan ycxj-vo (Ivor locomoifMoonorrico. (^upp.^EKCOllont_eonfllllon opsp. roady (or hunting. < hodvouilontcontoyo comootilivohy low iniorost CoTTM to UNted flat ond Oolttiomoitool r . 154-Aut03-Cag ' "j ttros/windsnioid. Call 825- >33[M. Calt 733-8507. 32 h h - 5338or82«7l4:...... ' ■ ■ 197B19; CHEVY-BLAZER.- AC, " -■■ ii975AUDI100LS;-ACrcfUl8o:-r‘I'l-Hit wheei,-4 apoed.-chromo—-15MutM*Chry8[er-:- 1 - control, AM/FI^ casjotte, .whools, wj! oxc cond. >5995.' ,7 687-8881 Mountain Homo. _ 1967 « Chrysler Newport 2 dr, low miles, oxc cond. 12300. >395.733-3955 ader 6pm. 733-1823. Jolt.______- I . . . 1981 DATSUN 4x4” k cab: 5 «19TO CHRYSLER Now Port: ^ 1978 CELICA Liltback. Now >425. Coll 734-9144. tin»^j^n^y^ood|^4^1inder, spood, .r.' PS, radlals. atorooj W irst ii- >^”o'l(or?67^^ 15&-Auto8-Ctievrolel 1 ------^ B n b i- iu in i jb — ^ — 1976 OATSUN B-210 lor aalo. 1983 CHEV 4x4 4-dr 1 ton ‘ ,0 . Idoho-slerflMlsoisovlngs ojsocloflon >1000. Call 733«)62. 4-spd, 8.2 diosel, 9,000 1973 CHEVY wagon, nico S raD Y RRUCKS I 1976 OATSUN Station mil inaldo & out. runs very good. mllos, radlai tiros, storeo, lilt >750.3244439. ^ ______. . 1976-1977 Ford LN900CQOO trucks, 6V92TA wagon. w Low mlloago, oxc wh'whool, HO hoator, choice of Detroits, RT9509Atran‘ansmisslons, SQhp. condition. c >^00.7 3 3 ^ . notoeore. Tako ovor po™onl8. 1977 'B CHEVY 2 door Impala. AT, AC, low miloago, exc 38.000 {b. rear axle,, springsp suspension, ^1977 PORSCHE 924: Jl4>14,900.67S-7S80, or 6> ^ 7 7 . A oxcollont cond, >8900 ^95 condition. Original owner. pow«r steering, Buddjdd whools, good ° 1983 CHEVROLET Silverado Cali 324-3548.______HURRYl Call 7344312. 4*44x4: oxcollont condition. ^ rubber, 20' steel potatcoto bods, with bolt 1978 >]' SILVER Anniversary . Low Lov miloago, will consider '78 CHEVY Mallbu wagon, 22 a n d m o to r. Cofvotte. >9570 or will tako Irado Iroj In on oldor modol. MPG. ” looks poor, runs tltrade. 324-2876 or3244605. 7344848. 734 ______groat, ai >1395Jlandy538^148.

nTS^ASto Dwtere ' ~ire^AiitoDeaJOT T17 ^'i;■ITS^utoD^ "' "^ A ceD R wW e t ” ^ 1 ______^ UA8I8IN O ' ES P h o n e 7 333-3033 ; W l y.LS 1 9 8 3 DOD(G E C O N V EIer t i b l e s i Ik_____MOlbR COIIMEAMX ______------AS tO W -A S ------A Congratulijiates ' 178-AuloDetl»r» 1 - DOUQ-Bf |— C O M PPI.ETE I ' INGSAbESMAN ------^ CLOSEE-OUT — ' ------ornirreBrBiMiilTV i' B m eH ilir ■■

236Shoshbnsne Street W est' 13-7365 ------983t:H R Y SI;l e r n e w Y

—a • • a , 9 8 8 I Lrolllng'fosfl W o New models'droLr.i OLUrJChoices ------'— = ___ hove o very qoQiop.(LjielectlDn_o{— K • 6 to choose ,; ; cFevroiets, Pontiaiiacs and Oldsmo* ^ from biles and Butcks.K. Wide' selection ^ • Front W hoel o f m o st a ll m odels.Is. ______d riv e .______i c i t e : : - 1S83CUIUSSCI!CIERALS SEDAN lO jtebd , S m o r* fo e h o o lV fra n ^ilrtrilmltor'aquipmenrtwicl- lIfr “ - -' prlces.~ful|/~«qulpp«d-wi>hwith olr-CTmditloftlngrond' • — or==: ino»t oil th a populoropll6n*.sni:------:------1981 BUIC|T~ 1979CHR'!< R Y S L E R J O W N ~ ^ ~ r -WAS ------S K Y P A R ir: ------RCOUNTJN|TRrWAC?QNr- — ■= : $T1;202... ..NCidvv^9M9^ ^ erest No. 390 • NcNo. 303 « 4 4 8 8 o r »3flH4 8 8 o r = 1=^1983 BUlClLSKia:yiiBK 4 nnnR _ , i^Down^l-SftpogJUtot o J ______?fl9.D ow n.-in.-Al6 #p»rjvmj:_____ L.___ - *.SEDAN..-.;Alr_eor>dltlonlng.',ig.V-OllO--mony„popgIor:: ” mo. ot 17.33% AJ».R.: D«(. $5976.re.96;. • 24mo. cl ll.37^37f7A>:iiTro5r.'s4a6s;96i" T. I op'floni. “ =^9100GiievrDleHiii^ I I D«vrniplu*laillitlaO.A.C. ph Down plui t o stlill»0,A.C t (ill ' r tlo a C hoose Froom ^ '$1**497 .. N O W« ’1P,138 . JODGECLUB ______As Low AsS ...... ^ 1981 FORD- 1981 DO ' 1983 CHEVMLETITCAVflllERCJ CABB ! Va T O N lOlic tranim ltalon, power MUSTANG 4 DOOR SEDAN. Automoilc No. 1563 . »t«*rlr«g; fully equlppod. «558«1 8 ^ No. 394., W AS . $8582 ...... NC,ow »7599 H %^ 4 9 8 8I *559 8 8 riS83SfDCH£VR0ROin PICKUP Chevy S-10 4U 4 - Air eondlllonlngr-V-6-angln 1983 G ng|[f», 9 *p«»d-.m anual- - oropllon». - • ^®n»i^»tlon. oinof pgpulofo ______o:*!h»«»!fc!Froi NO. 3-356 Wa s $10,437...,. NOow W ...... BQodSolectioflof'Stlierf»-Ctievrolet PIctoiK. £ , . , . * 9 y a nniiiii) s-iiNPicloip"^ - 1 - G R ^ A i SEUeCTIOLQ N O iM O ST I ______• j r e X b o o M FroM P i n ' - — OTHER MODELSIS IINCLUDING m OLDSMOBILESES. BUICKS. ' CHEVROirrs aVND n PICKUPS! r r ^

- U r0*S«l«

— - ...... ' V ------Jf------rtflftibor11,-1S63------175-Auto Dealers 175-At(to Detiers . ' c*10Tima3-New3,Twin FaiFaiisridaho— SundayrSoptw . i;Sr-AutoDealefa I^A uto Dealers

t n m o t i v e9 ______; 1HS-17S ]

------l eOrAutos-Dodge--^^- - 162=Aut_o8^Foftfa . -" - T . iea-MBrcury&UfWOln 172-Autos-PontIac 17i-^Auto8-Wymouth n -----irorxouQARr'top-cond;.-- 1966— FIREBtRDi— i^077-PLYMOUTH;iSJ4iWaxa;= l a a a i ' ■ MOTHER'S SPECIAL, 10811 WANTED any 71. 72. or-73 5 * * 1 IjHTSUI ------AlfO0-5UIl0r» Wagon. FtonII Ford Pinto. Any modol, anyV AC. till whool.'A M /FMI/, /, ..painl. 400 4 8pood^,wldo,I, ,6 cylindflf oconomy car.. t----- w>w>.W-1661 or 734-mg2. -’ Caaa. alereo. S199S. 764-23444 tIroa. nico car. S240o/tradaI Good condition, tijns good. 5, fofdoconi 4x4. Call 655-4419. »1200.7334835, locKs, A/C, P/S. P/B, oic. 1970 PINTO. Now palnl ( & 1977 LINCOLN Conllnonlal S6J95.7334754,______.. Interior. 46,000 orolnlBlBl Mark V GIvonchy daaignorIf 1975 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4, mllos. Sharp lliilo car, prolorJ, oorloa, oxc -cond, 51.000—•0—apociJroxc-palnt-4-body.— •— 175=-Auto Dealers : t o s i lOrS DOOGE OMNI. AT, AC, mllos. $6,000, 643-6102, Atlorir N ow llroa.m S . 734-0379. Cl ^ 00^ ^ a a mlloaflo, C«UJ J1700,543-0800. ^pmOt-ilQWn 79 TRANS AM. low mllos. many oxtras. Groat cgndl- rE A R E N D CLEARANI NCE ^ , A(JcJ on 10 your family Oy 16&~Autoa • Oldsmobllo tlonl Call 733-4378. WE BUY I nctoplino an odorablo cat or* 16&-Mercury&Uncoln 1974 Oldamobllo Toronado. I' . dog. Uso closslllod to lind a ir auto. AM.FM-Aio(oo.-good.d.._.173T-Aul0S: Plymouth USED CARS ■ * ” o()i"oucanlo»o, ’ CLASSy-ollror 1980 Cooflsr XR7. 45,000 m. PS. PB. air.r. conoiilon. t l 295.734-4024, 1973 DUSTER- 2 floor. In PICiICUPS howlfrra, t5500r54*-^//a. 'lB77CUTUJSS"SUPREME; — ; -ACE HANSEN'S- ( 16^-Aufos-Ford 7 350 onglno. PS/brakoo. A/C. MECHANICS SPEOAL. 1972 n r s r E s : ® ' CHEVROLET 78 FORO GRANADA 2 door, Morcury Monlogo MX. Ev- oood ahaoo. Call 734-4387. 733-0255,. orylhlno o'oal o«copl noodss 1978 OLDS TORONADO. ICMBIuoLfkeaN. A/C. P/S . A/T, good mllo- j Call ClasaUlod. 7 3 3 ^ . Twin Falls QBO,J1700, «3-4305oliaf4. onolno work 733-30?6. Excolloni condition, Loadod wltne»lra3,934-58n0.______Wo'fo roafly whon you arol P^. 7330033 175-AuloDealef8______MIEREST ^ ------jTS-AuloDoalflfS___ — j75-AutoDMlant ------^175-Auto Oeatort—:------— JB -A utoO ealara______T a J B S i» SLMM OFR i ^ . - - Z ^ : = W = ] NATKlONAL 1 9 8 3 J AUTOFFINDERS 5 5 , o o CASHBiBACK ^ W E C A N S EELL L YOUR CAR » 3 0 0 "Wfl'vo lold ovor 60030 c o n lor Magic Valloy MAOPEEL Cusiomors... lol •xp«Vall bo d c h ro m e tlo-I33 I No. 35)3. Powor Doorr Lc Lock* - Timed - Chrls Jordan'*' . - Glo«*,-Rear W indow D Do ^oggor, Afr 2 DOOR ... Condlllonino, Croiio. Automoilc'.'Till Aui Handplckod W heel. AM/FM Sloroo.»o. Vinyl Root U sed C ars and A Whole Lot More I' ' ' • No. 2518.. /Auiomotlc.' 2 .5 'Liter E.F,i. - Ratcill V olu*$12,(12,096.00 Engine. Tilnil Wheel. Maroon Cloth Intorlorond.idMorol ' ' .... t p e c l a l Sav e $ 1 5 0 0 .0 0ONOW N ------l ^ - i c e « O n ------MOWM^ 7 9 9 5 S p o c l a l M r Y E if l U t j s -C ars... ~MODI CLO!SE-IPU Dick Anderson's Special of the ^ ------W eek-.-...___ : - PONITI AC ______^StnclTNr3P9^RfRetail’11,314 ^ - 1980 AUDI 4000 . 1983CHEVO(EnE m^ I heS ^ 1983 PH>H0ENix:4Dir= A door. ,*tick »hlll, Jront nt whool drlvo, 2.5 lltorItor fuol Injoctod . S f t'' whool drive. 4D00rR 2 DOOR gtno; auto, trans., pow«owor stooring & • w y No. 3506. 1.6 Litre, 4 CyiliCylinder Engine, No, 2499. 1.6 1 Litre Engine. 4 Speo'd ikos, air conditioning,I, /AM/FAl\ s to r e o ; I *5495 ■“4~Sp*odj"Man0at—Tronininimlf*lon:—AM- -M onuol—Troron*frl*»fof>.-While- Woll 10REI ' 6 8 7------C09i« i ^ :ioHo; lltf& crulso control-aol-andmuch-mororrvk^g.:-:- ' 1 Hom»734>l7S2 f»odlo. ileellnino Seo.t*. andond MORE! Tir«*ond MO ------BuiInott,733-29S4 _ 1 ^ 1983 PARUIISIEH IIE4D R.:: sM hd. -R etail‘14,288 * IftS - JiomC■ > 5 3 9 ^ ^^_PonfIac% largest corcar and equipped ■ S K — rRIchord Rice's----- ■ W - tIto-w cv y o u w o iildId o x p o c t a luxury^^^^^^-V— ------=:rr:SparinI Q fih p ------i y ~ c o r t o b e : ' ...... ^ e o k . . . m m : ^ S I M ILAR L / SAVINGS ON ALL'8/ 3 AftODELS IN STOCK I ^ — 1979CHEVY— '/. TON. C o n n er top. 4 ^juod,' 6 cyliric)or;'cultom °'”’'»3995 fL Financing TXAOlILLAC Hom«934-3'06l ——»mlno»».7Ja^54 ------Q -O n .. 1983SESEDAN^DeVILlE--SSMfc.lM-111lBtail-‘2 i.ra 7 -^ ^ — D'ologanco packago,j'go. white wHh" - Ciievettes - CelebrityCi - Citations - SrIO Piclaips! bluo cloth intofior.r. HHos absolutely ^ D ennis M oughan-s ------O N L YL - T T IL M I D N I G H T S E R T L i J s t ______8 , 4 9 f ^^ow6ry.thlngJoc.oquIpnilpm oflt.______. . }i Spoclal of tho I W e e k . .. SAVE EVEN M ORE ONC 3 DEMOS IN ST(j T O C K . . H r ^ A . i n 1978 PONTIAC .FIREBIRO...,Stlck » hlfi,_' mog*. oir. 55,000 mile*, ------0 1 P F " *4595 MIC----— — i f ------Hom e733;3639—^------t 5 EXTENDED CAB 4x4 -stock- No. 3822-- f Retail^,606^i||--.------ButtfT»T¥-T38’g»54 - 4 6 —1M3jj^l5j i S lo rra, 5 sp o o d , p o w o r•steering, ste :iOgal. " ! I -----^1983^10lCfi S D t l Z Z Z I M q-KOO^yiood ,.qau^«T^. AM/FM ' '------_ -No.—12575^Iinted-Gla3J la is _ S lld ln B - -No,.. T2558,■ J Folding Rogr Seal*,_ V-6 . ptOTtrPtrdCOgor* -E n o tn er-^ —i Q,Hump.5QQtg-Qno m oror~~ Ron Bustor's V-6 Engine, 4 Speed Manucinuol Tronjmi*. Gollon Fuolol Tank, Powor Steering. *lon, 20 Gollon Fuel TaTonk, Powor AM Radio. Gougo*. G P305/75R15 itool Special of tho Stooring, Whito Loiteredrd Steel S Belled belled radioliol*. lull >lio ipore lire, W ook . . i _ Rodlol*. AM Rodlo. ChrcIhfom od Rear eutlom vinylyj^hlgh I backed bucket iooi*..- ^ -1S83 GMC^C%40H4x4DIESa-- Stock No.-3fi3-:Ri:Retal .M5;973r=:f^och '6 :2 Dlb9ol7“ H rgh- SUSlerrF^ speed Whool*. Sport Two-Toneme Paint ond transmission, dual1 tota n k s , b ig m ir- ^ ‘w’'- 1978 HOHZA 2+2 Much Much Moro. Mog*. brow n m o io llk ) m ro rs, 8 6 0 0 GVW ,, gigaugos, radial \ poinl, loilbock. *10,995 «*K 3 ,1 9 1 tiros, 2 tone, slidingng roar window, ^ «1995 MOW ....* 8B353 ! wo* _ ^djrm ch moro.___ ^ Home 7 3 3^ 908 - Duiirteii 733-2951 4 ^ 198313BI«CV2lON-StDclck No. 3629-R etail’IIM4.947 ■ ^ _ 6 .2 D iosol; S lo rra C Ct( la ssic ,-4 s p o o d ...... - - ovordrivo auto transansmlsslon, pow- . ^ |0 er stooring, windowlows, door locks, S A W air condlionlng, 2 tono.' AM/FM W y « * 1 S2 ,4 9 9 cruise, dnd lots cossotte, tilt and cn 3 .... m o ro - - :------1SIBV.W. -1974 AUDI 33 CHEVROLET DASHER FOX l^aCAMIIMIHO" 1983 6MCIC 4x4 “JIMMY”-S ti;tockNo.3G25-RetaiitailMB,314 ^ 3 doer. ho^ichbock, 4 No. 3485. Powor. Doorr lock*, Power / 2 ' ^ ------■jpood.'^rrixiHIbVgold- _2 door, S0,00^_actuol _ ! TON PICKUP . mi|oi. front wheel - - Window*.- Intermlnternl --W M lper*.- Alr^ No. T2362r1rTlmed OlaiirEiclftj-Cop.- ^..£.2.biaaQ!^Iou:a_£lfla“Innnlr 1 irp ^ H J a «K»orlor... 55.QOO drive, lu p e r *hope. Sport Mirror*, Conqul*toi*to Poekogo, oeity Roar SrSrlngt, Heavy Duty Powor H ovordrivo auto. transnrnsmission, doop mllet, mint condllion. Aulomotlc, Till Wheel. AM,AM/FM Sleroo, Broke*. 4'SpopeedMonuoi. Powor Steer- W tint glass, full powoiwor, cassette, , j,V C o llette. Rally Wheel*.I*, andi MUCH mg, AM Rod sdio. Heavy Duty Rodiotor, s y t9 9 tilt & crulso, skid plaplates, 31- gal. .MOBEI Gougo* andd MOREA I *aa95 *1980 tank, quad shocks,cs, ro m o v e a b lo A K iiv o r...... y W 1982 F0RD " 1381 Oliis CUtlASS ■ M P W .^ 01,995 / I MOW.....*8495 top, 2 to n e b lu o S silve _ I ~ MUST/iHB EL ^ J U P B B IIE ...... W E 'R E T H4E E FRIENDLY FOLKS:s W HO MAKE DEAlALINGFUNI ^ Crulso, S ip'oodl (ci- totto, Iwo ton* paint, bki«-m

■ Dear, Abby D6s t l e y e ; .. ■_ Erm aBom beckk D 7

Ju n i -^ is s l^ e n

M E l^ N D A C A R T E R CO;ONNIE BAGGETT S A N D R A BAiG C G E T T MU4UNDI BLAKLEY S U S A N BRIR U N S J f M E y 1 7 aiireagrlriSToJ^ eO T T^ i e te t.l7ffbrfffiUe

B — By-LORAYN E O ,S MITtth ______music.andind_dance_andj^^uld llkeji m Tlm t^Nem writer pursue a career In cosmetology> ooi r ...... iaw:------S TWIN FALLS - Se^leventeen Magic SusanI ElaineEl B runs plans to attendend j a — Vailey-girls will vJo for:or U)0 -1984 -Twln—Uie Unlver/eralty.otldaho.and.be.afllghj ■ F a lls Ju n io r M iss UUee herei Saturday, attendantnt ian d Uien pursue a career Ii B SepL 17. law. Thee daughterd of Edwin and Deallean ■ T^wprogram-wilWjo- 3L E d e n .-:sh e.atten d s Valley B a t Uie F in e A rts Audiiditorium a t Uie'^HIgh Schoihool w here she Is senior d a s: CoUege of SouUiero Idf[daho, ^ n s o r e d president.nt. She enloys debating and ant :sKlwanl»^Club.-»^^driU team < N hfas^ of ceremo'nlos[OS will be Dr. Melindada Carter woidd like to wori^rlT ^ • Arth u r W. Frantz; with compmputers afler completing heiher P T he w inner wUl rei'epresent Magic cd^atlon3n a t BYU. The daughterr o J .VaUey in the state Jutfimior Miss Pro- ' Gordon and ar Susan'Carterrshe-Is-i 4 ’ . gram_to_beJ>cld.lateite rJ h ls _fall in__student aMT^ri al Falls H i^ Schoo ^ Moscow and the IdahQbo-wlnnCT will where she sh< Is acUve Tn^ Madrigals;als; com pete in the. naUoUonal finals al Glris Leag!>ague and the Outdoor Uvin{^ing MobUe.Ala. AssociaUoUon. She enjoys tennismis, y L ast y ear’s localI winner, Dorl basketballlall, snow and water skiing. H Whittaker of KlmberiyIy, also won the Llsa Crothers,Cn a student at Kim # ■/ il^ Sdwol, parUcipates ii le naUonal event bcrly HIg — ® was i flnalM in thea i Spirll of Miss student w 'i l j k ------Junior Miss category andwooapprox-_-GlElsai Leajeagiie and c n j^ basket^jaU,. a' n g ' e l a h o "o p s _ LISA CROTHIf H E R S E: Lil a i n e f o r e m a n im ately $5,000 worth of college schol- track, ^ •Die T E R R I F R ITT : Z L E Y AI arahips. daughter•r of Steriing and Beveri]erly Ilie 17 contestantf3t^ have been CroU iers.;s. she plans to attend Oregoi!gon w orking on Uieir prog)jg ram since U»e State Uni^Wversity and major in busilUSl- first of the summer.r. according to nessandoJcommunlcaUons. G reg WiUs, program1 chairman. He Elainee Foreman, daughter of o n.nf.:ialent.zapczJame?__jand Emma— Foremannan. ~peanaice~and^yslcal'alHtnessTOuUne- parUdpati»ates -in-Pep-Clffii^luain has been choreograpbched by Jeanette Council an d driU team a t Jerem e Higiligh WUls w lU tSbaw naFuUjUer as program School v,where she also wasI ai director. cheerlead«ader. She enjoys cooking, bikibike T he g irls wUl bo'' (competing for riding andUld skiing, plans to attendlUie thi — s o m e '■»>,000- to-.avjivaUable-flcbol— Unlvorsltylity of Utah and .would.llkcJ< - a n h ip s , W ills sold, int d c l u d ^ $4,500 of teachEnglngllsh wi U> Uie Peace Corps. . local cash, scholarahip:ips wlUi Uie re- Terri FFritzley r enjoys sewing, readead- matohlna.Bdwk ing and1 framklng. gjie dflughtgr aU. She is Uie daughter o softbaU. snow and walmterjkllng_and_ Tliomas3 andai JaniceHutchlson. p ] ^ to attend eitberllliicksC^egeor - Rhondada'JTKIslIefrdau^ler-arJln BYU and would likeke to work in and LaVoiVonne KlsUer, Is on the Twii[Vdn __ lnlerlor.orJloral.d«igti. •______F # s _ ^U g ^ _ S d io o ! new spaper sUilsUiff M Sandra Baggetti dauaughter of Gene—and acUveive'ln Shepl^ to atlenle iil.: J r i ^ l e n .CtfntA TTnlvftpilly fltli rr^cTtorraJne-Baggett;ittrTdso-aUends-reSK^-:? B uhl HIgh.Scfawl wtKT ~a w eer in business ad — ta Key Club, Pep Club!1} end drill ~~^^^>’trattalJon^^~^ecIaIlzIng^Tn~^rani Sbe enjoys swimminEgTvon^Ban;— putcrsTSI■SheTkisr"8boots~and“play ilays— softboU and Jogghig anmd would like to. baskeUialllallondfooUiaU. _..be.-.aa_elementaw_jteacher after KaUirynryn Klelnk

Started withh local sj^rriphoto n y i ¥ FlaiL U t i s t f n om Kinmberly conceirtizing[in Neuu Yorkj: City

^ “ jA'young m usician frofrom the Magic fM M M ented Uie Kferitortousfl iService award State UniUniversity and in 1976, wawas Bloke ^Id, but addJded "1 kept on w u ils» olof Glenns Ferry, Is ju^or ‘Valley Is making goodod In New York by D r. J a m e s A. McCoCnnn, director of aw ardedid a. doctorate degree by Cor*Co: them .” ' - princess,ess- ' • i arshehasheoded * lliereasresa Bradshaw, 17, daughter of '■;Clty. KBtbtoen Boodunhffant, dai^ter j y Lorayne O.• ' Uie NaUonal FIsberiIries Center a t neU Unlv v:of James and RuUih IBondunuit of Leetown.W.Va. co-auttnnlored more than 25 sdentifl aho runnerup ------HCimbwJy.-wm-^ve-a}-a-profes^nal • Smith — Among the Hagencm a n m an’s ac> pubUcaUolUons. . m any civic w orkers, s >rup for senior princess, a title . '• - concert a t M erkln Cone©ncert HaU'Oct Y ^ ) compUshments -are idiscovery (In AnaUvfJve of Sharon, Idaho, be serverved for oUier causes bcfon)re. won byjy ILisa MUler of Bruneau. Lisa S p o t l i g h t nrlng The se c re t of b e r ^hicccss, she feels. Dawn1 LemricI of, Caldwell ^wu~ .'15. A 1976 graduate of[Twin Tv Falls High collaboraUoo with Dr.tr. John Halver) a s an lnf(nfantryman In Euro$)e durin _ „:::Scbool,.ahe8t«dlad.uflltltbX.^.Cuttls. ._Kd£Li^ “ of Uie cause , o f ' hqtiepatoma, liver Worid WaiV arn. is thot sb e tried to .“nolwt give ptople too sclcclcdfIcd senior queeri. , noh mnilHng in ^Uiem just to go ____^ ______.--r -1 ___^ .. - ~ .m usic directo r a t CSIrOir nniH nrafflftTOBd" >r -cancer.-in salmooid fl matiy houses,' asking oibood" aDcflfira - Joaqili wlUi;the Magic; Vallealley .Symphony, has beena a ^ o r o d s i i r i a t f p H vsle^'^'virtuai S cradiCTUon olOf this d&uise Housede-tb-bouse fund raisjlng~'fc'for in uielr own ncighBor ^O stoko^ ^of-Heiman le bow they w ere and Florence Floi O ste^m p of Twin - h e r e . te a c h er r ono th e E a st Coast since 1979. problem In fish propspagaUon; d ev ct coinmuiUIm l ^ causes can stUl be sue- sw phoning them to see 7—'A fter earning h » B3.S.-degroe ^, from - She-alsasa bas t»en.guest faculty:atat_ (^mentofadshmetabib(dlsm dum ber- -cessfulrg,-^VM good orgnniT.atton,,;en-- ei doing.------. F alls,,..sU sti uled d a sse s Uiis montl»:3at“ “ “ § - Ball S tate U niversityf in Indiana an d South Central Cc Communi^ College;se; and subsequent formulation fo of. thuslasmm a n d (oUow-through,. ac* a< M rs. Bioko h as Uvee cordlngtc{toAUceW.BlakaofFUer. •: y e a rs a n d Is acUvere lo Uie U n ite d MecUclne[JnealRcno. . IveiBlty, she Is POW a; RPhi> qandldate design a n d coQStrucUoHon of a resplra- Under•r her.1 leadership about 20I vol-vo MeUiodist Church. .-S '. A1979;979 graduate of Tw in FaUs Hlg}i ------^------/ ~S?-scftoolrb 11 _Z__' in flinf* pfrfop^™ ^a~fli~N«0:QrtC f - A_magerman sf ^entist at tbe U.S. _Moa colorimeter. —_____ m u > m 'n rra la e d |37p_ln t p t co m m i^ l jlrbe earned a bachelor’s degree- ■ -University. Tbe flautistJst has recorded— Fish andod WUdlffestatlraliBS'recdvisd'ed — Ti» latterlraed tmmneasuring-aad— irtngrdurliig"tb0^^B^TUngtngef^^^Scveral"ElmorB-Ct county^glrls^are—froiif^l ^^iM ^teU nlversltyearii^- •• for the Chicago Natkwuional Radio Hie- the Depapartm ent of the Interior's sec-ec- • analyzing metabolismm data for flsb pnmnalgnIgD fo r Uie Idabo Mental HeallBalUi am ong Uie I b re e Islxsland rodeo court thlsyear.ear. . r- . • - _ »- - ater. Cwes-Fire Studlttdk>fr-wU.Iohn —ond- hi^Igbest .honor-for his reaearchf < * - a o d te rre stria l airfmalials.-SmiU)joined. itlo a. ’lU s w as nxH-e Uiantfive, -chosenforl983^. -• r r.. ■ ■...... H e lala 1part of U»e 35 men anffia" I.' : UlricksonAssocUtesawand been a guest contributXJtkUM.'-. the wQdUfe agency In 1955 and has uom-, thibe'amount e received last yeiyear Sbdly Eylns. 12, ddaughter of Mr. wominb UIn tbe d a s s of 1987, which .waa {r- ' on WQXR’s Young Artisi■tists Showcase. .Dr. Robert R R. SmUh, researchrch sp e n t -m o st of blihis career at and tbele m er coordinator basI p re- and Mrs. Ray EvlnsIS of King HUl, Is - chosen•n ffrom 141 Instate applicants ; ..rJJe r.N e ^ Y o rk d eu ^ t t w ’ as in M a rc h - - superWrlsory * physiologlst-lnxbaree^ H e receiveved b a c b ^ and - - celYed a mr erit award for her efforts.Is. Junior queen, and .JQ l WUilS, 16, and276o<76 out-of-state appllcanU. . 1961 a t C arnegie RecitalI t^ HaU m -sbe— th e H aaelaern ^ fidditation, vwo "CS- laUy Eia a goodlxowr^MriH rsr” daughter of Mr ancn d Mis , G eorge SM SP0TUGifraot^D3''- t ' £ ______------— ^------14— ------= 1

______r,______lll i i g c i g a r d i n g s ^


r " ' ' I#


• _ J ___ ...... ' - > • - - __ '■ ’'j

Frings-B akk e r Jla a r n a R a e S harp I Seamari-Berbrbin TideJdens-Bemt — ___ Sievers^Qay.V W e Johnson JUI West JE R O M E — Lorri Frings of • FIIFIU5R — Mr. and Mre. jiitf[Sharp TWIN FALLS -— Janice Louis^' LENNS FERRY - Beth Tenreresa ' KIMBERLY-AAnnej M arie Slevers ■ fnviN w FALLS - Cindy Ann f Filer announce the engagement of married Jerome;, and Rodney f Baker of of Fi • ; S eam an and MJchotJiaei Carl Berbln Tldderdens became lhe bride of GerSerald became tho bridee of Dr. John Gay andd Greg< H. Jcdinson were nu h.of the Hagerman were“e lihl^d'in marriage 'tholrlelr dau^ter. Jana Rae. to Martin _ . ..tzwere:mame^uiy.:tiy-8_at meJ3roce — p . Rkmi:A'u&.27.atSt.:Paul^Studjp V tud en t— AuK- 12 ~ a h S tr- Edward’sE' Catholic Junene 11 at the First C h u ^j ------Ju ly 29 a l the JeJerome BIble-Bapllst ' Russlussell Hedberg. Ihe-soo-of-Mr. and------' ;■ B aptist (ihurd) In Twii'win Falis. Centei ChurctrinTwtnFallills...... ' N aiia ia re n e in Twirt Falls, te r In Boise. f Mr. and Church. MIrs. rs. Lloyd Hedterg.^Kuna. ______j ___ Hie,brideJBjhe._de .daughter _of t h e ___ x h e uan.B.., The bridejs jhe ^^ugW erofiyt.and ____Th KauUmanwastheplaplanlBl. ” and Wendy Gaalsvjyk. aLo£lbftgo»flarj^ n i,..;.cuusirf'of the :eta, accented wllh „ Laurie Slevers wwas maid of honor wasIS thet maid ol honor, dnoy^ and lace over taffeta ouglas King of Glenns Ferry m Becky WlS^ma; *aulaGaU. .. ___ \;i = L *^-._forv ie r slster.Shell-«lla Axtman, aunt of s isit^-ln-law ta of the bride, at^md Jana_ C^dlell^lCT wa ^ pearls and embroider t-manrRlchard-Bemtrbrother «riialds.. cousin of the' bflirideV and flower glri HAGERMAN — Paul and CoDwn •: ------f.— bouquet of roseDw • -the bride; MarianajBGay,.slster 6 fthie Carairaway wefe the bridesn groom, and James Evi slissa Plnther was flower girl.iri. was Debbie Hov man. Stev« ers were Mrs. Bert FMneI B and A ^ y i _ A rrecepUon e was held at the hom(5m eoL_SS3.-^!^------1------ringbIghenrer. Tbe candlellghtcrs w rlm fopMourttaln-BeH,------^------J i^ a ' ----- m e brid^s-brotherando r sister-in-ii - Special guestsIs Included Ann - Dawiiwn Johnson, niece of tbe..ge.^wm, DeBle, all of The wedding Is planned fo rS ^tr 17. ------r - - y 6 dmsmen and itsha and M rs. Paul Tlddens In Bdl grandparentsdfU?the br?de. 5 -A-recepUon-was-as-held after, the ' J f • “ f 0 ’H alloran,grandnImotherofthebride. andlid Lonnie Paul. wna—Tlddens,— niece of v as-held-after-the ...AA reception, w as^held afleifler the gA reception followedfc the cercmo- _ . > ceremony. Jane Seaman, Set a sister- “ A*" reception - wa syth and Jiille Eyre- om.was the guestbook attends ie Sharp was the cereiremony, with Helen Stokes.:m. Pam ny. Laura Fors> ------in-law of the briderfiti a lS ceremony. Marie uesl book and Bedcy rattendfidJhe.gu«L_S^^{-Steven Sulfridge of Boise, sis ttendant. - Carla John|in«uin, Sharon Johnson andnd Cindy attended the gue i tjook. Debbie Seamannan. a sister-in-law * guostbook__.. aW ndled gifts. the groom; Lisa Tlddens iwna" Fillm ore im d“ Stok«okes-serving.-Joan Smith altattended . Stlllhammerhanc P of tbe bride, and SueSu Jones. Susan Skabronski, Shawi rPat-Hlle.'Theresa— kane, sister of the bride, t slsted with the glfls. thege guest book. Serving were' *• Beus and Sherrin Bohne served, M arcl Sterling assl ancyStillhammer. alyn Sulfridge, niece of the grot , Pat Sterling, Ruth AnAmong the guests were Mr. Mr and Hereford and Nan ; Assisted b y MickeyyK K nodel and Cindy Colleen Fillmore, ] ^graduate of Jerome ^ ibflfTftn CTitrMy servcc^ed______gina Slevers served. Mrs;rs; Walter Romans, g ra^pm w rentsof____The„bride,_a_-j ; ■■ -WdKef;:Karea:Robar ------S le v e rsa n d Georgij ~ ~ ~ iT-7HlghSchQ0l,-l8-eremployed'aUbeNprth:^:: ------: ...... ■ Bolton werelii chargei^of^rts. ~ The'h e' b ride is a ’p id u a te ^ o f YdahoYd) The bride'lsagrayaduale of KImberiy— tiiee bb rid e .------. The bride graduated fromI theth Col- Side News as a grgraphlcartist. ^ > . 'n j e b rid e Is a 1977877 graduate of Twin statele University and is employed/ed by High School andI |>oth a re graduatesates of Bob Jonra spe^ a 1974 as a medical tetechnolo^t at St. grooi ech therapist. The groom, a 1 employed by tho Idaho PowerverCo. em ployed for Ral]alph Phelan. n ------University In Greeoeenvilie, S.C. The ^adad u ate of Glenns F e n y HighiSchol Sc Benedict’s HospitaltallnJerome. Isenr I'- After a trip to Yellowstone: NoNallonal Following a trip tr to Rupert for a ^ ------^— aroom.-'rtM-Is enyiiiqdoyed bv Blue I ISUi-Is i< a Jub:conlracU)r for'or the Tlie groom, a.grgraduate of the Uni- Afi iric,-the couple Is JlvIng a XBrownlee ^ softball loumatrtmenl, the couple Is |||9 :•! Cross-Blue Shield,1, plansi to attend u.S.P.Postal Service. v erslty of WashlniIngton. obtained his- Park ary medicine degree Daroam In Hells Canyon., ‘ residing In Jeromime.—-...... ^------C tnedical ^o o l., . doctor of v e lc r^ a r p-tn-Ketrtmm-?nd— fiVrilitollfwliq»^4rii>^to-feake-feoulBej — In-im ------t !l^l^ the couplec& Is.Uving in _. Banff,Iff,-Canmia,-the co^ilo-ls livliving------~~ r^Tnm hln, S f!. ____ w estitolGlennsEeny. o ______

lecisrepre.eisentd^ves ------4— —JEROME^-Scboolroti t«pi'taeDtaUves. _____ i ___ for the JemmerBaret Happy Schrader. Anyone inInter- , i zaUon h av e b e ^ ancannounced byiom n r;: ested: p ^ d p a t i n g a s a voiuni[Gnfeer T! ^ > Correll.theorganlzaiIzailQp’sp resldent; ;ah o ulUid l( a t 324-3427. ? They are: Janetmet Boll^ hi^ dth'jlhef office include: Charlilariotte BGVQO(fy Hackne] f school; Janet Babcobcock, Junior high; Merrirritt, secretary-treasurer; Mardarsh a ------< C arol ScfalunflVCfenLemrnrElHinentary;— rowIjwlandrpubllc-relatlonS'Chalrm }T ” “Joyce Thompson.n. Jefferson Elo- a n d1 Anni Poole, Loma Boguslav s e s s t a r t •! 'm entxuy; and TorToni Hendrickson, andi DDeborah Collins, advisory boa :____ v__,WasWngU)n Elemententary. _ ___ A nk membership drive is underrw w ^ , - S e p t , >- - - J P S O m e m b e raI ar re senitog a s vol- RowliwIandsayB.The feofora familjn lly ls — ------•— ^------I— - u n teers In the schschools, under the S3. . Pre-Balkllet Through Adult ;-

■ Mvt.A. in Ballet I J u n i oo r M i s s - — ^— Univliversity of Utah — - -thanks-too-the^utri/SystenL ns on attending Wcks College.! ^ Cootlnued^it^PaeeDl p la n s' je. She— ' R e g i s t rr a a tio n S e p t; 1*2 p r o g r a mI, , and haven't gained!edMj|||B^^P r' icatlonatBYU.She Is actictive In Future Homemakers completing her educai ) T o 6 :0 0 P.M . b a c k a n y ------^ S ^ p ia y s ^ D ltn rs in g s:,-dances-and rd plays— Amerierica,-Key-aub;-ctwlr_‘oiid_dSS! f 9* ***” m -at-Buhl-High School..!1 H er 7, lenhis.'baSketballBndand softball.------te a m - Je Lakes BI«d. N orlh' No dietpiilliHsrno jniections ents are Leland and AudCudrey 210 Blue :• S ^ c e y M orlan, ddai a u ^ t e r of R obert parent \u o rey 7 3 3 .5 3 2 1 ...... y,. 7 3 3 -4>559 5 ; ^ ■ ______I-*-Proiesston maliy-supervisflri — ■im^'i^Mirnd lsM hvoly^ ln~Jjgiib.'"'— Cl - i . GlubrSponla^^ 3 ynd :r_No^taTya&ttiongr fc^;decisk)ns—— >— a t Buhl Hlgh School-:joland'alsoswimsi— Litersjrature Club and-actlvo-in sw J* plays softball andd eenjoys camping, mingig and mnnlng at Jerome H ^ • Mlstake-prproof food pian,no Kwl.-Tho-daughler-of-James,.e s .a n d ______------^ - She plans'Wi attendending Bolse-State— Schoo ''73J.T05S-- “ „constantCi;calorle:«5M nt|ng...:;-^;;^ TorSchlundrshe-plans on attenc - University- and - hoIwp^ to be a Ca;^ 326*5328 Jts College or BYU and is In _uNwtif/.s^( guarantee: follow the ------A— p s y c h o lo ^ t.------______^______R i c f e $ a c < ; ------T M -1 4 5 5 ------rf in wlidht^wlth'computcis:- > Joanic Nlshimoto)lo Is active in J csted ii> 3 c e n t e r , '%> Nulri/SystSem pro- 1 :• Club, drill team andmd band a t Je ro m e Sheiherry Lynn Slalloy participates«;r^ volleyball, baskelba ig. Tbe ) i f ' s t A rts — C o m p u te r — ^ a day. Ach;hleve • : 5 -; -cooking. She plansi on attendlngelUiei:___m lpg.[Ig. gym nasUds and dancing. ' S trS ng 3 R's — M usic & Ar j^ 'te r’of Jack' andDonna Sial5ialley,:-:.<[J'_ :._i your goalll Iby th e------P Ricks College or BVBYU and wants to daiigt i t h U s - f> _ dalB spocicified, or ______h w• cic u rre n t am bition is to partlcl{Jcipate /-V Grow Wii ? study law.------the~l984-Olymplcs._She plMJ p aynoadi M arcinc O stler sinsings and plays th e In” th« end the . chaiges io ------•' -guitar and piano.. SheSI would like to atlen( In economics and studydy law.., _ _ _ Nutri/Systistem serv- ;• 'pursue a career in ...... 'T l Ices unlil jyou T H i CO B B A T S T O V E S Ai U l l “WITH THEIE NUTRI/ l i g h t — ^ - - SYSTEMPPROGRAM;- ^ A _ S p o t l i . i d X SAVAVE ENOUGH TO BUY _ M l WY FBiOODDECi:.„_^H Jf •fVirrf { fromfpp; PageDI Pau‘mDa^am<)al5'Homfleld-o^T^Tw ^n'— M Us. a major In the Idaho /Vrmy /Vr # II" — yoiOURWIMTEirWOOD!- SIONSWEIERE MADE!” ■ Robert D. Camphipbell Jr.. the chief Falls. nf r1 ^ T -M )r TMIIU FA M O V * U k M tn STO V I tional Guard, recently gradutduated s executive officer of ol St. Benedict’s _ NatlO! \R.HEATiN6RD1C«OlVMPlC Gener- • ituB CALL TOIDDAY FOR A FREE. NCMJBUBUGATION CONSULTATION ^ •] I; Hospital In Jerome.le. was’ advanced to' fromtn thI e A rm y Command and Gei m ^ 9 PORTER • WOODSMAN • CHAUU • FIREKING>WELENCO . membership statusus InI the /\merlcan alSlai;iaff College. mm am m rnm m ® ' ege of ■ ■ ^ T * *• College of liospltalII A dm inistrators a t in An Instructor a t the College Ids a • • HoilUHOKAPPMV •I tiie g roup's 49th comxinvocalion ceremo- Soulhtilhem Idaho, she holds rhelor’s degree from Bostonm Col-i THE 3 centers^"^!^— ^ •I ny recently In Houstoiston. b ach e n CHAUEUR. f c i w eight loss c 1; and . a master'Ji-degree^!-fro n m •. __ ^ ~ __ !; The college ls.n_Cn_ChJcaco-based In- leflfe. ____ .CHAIEUR" ;--inti.ds5V.TT?i?;r<,.; iii r ■wuinwim .------"" i.; ___ lernational profcsslc ssional society rep- Amerlerican Unlveralty.' L 11*1 Prlc** Initallatlon, Z-. i____ S552.00 • •! resenting more than lha 17.000 health- »— ■ ■ ,UitfHt.$»75.00 ^ care execuUvea.i. M embership Is LECREUSET SALE PRICEC t SAIE PRICE {• granted to IndlvlduIduals who demon- ROMERTOPF C. . strale their educatioiition. expcrlcnce and “ w TWWIN FALLS --734-0405 I I L leadership In th e heaheallhf> ’ n fn m .__ JOYCECHEN 525 Blue Blvd. N. ': > ----- K ':— successfully— com; ' Cobkwilio iinJCiieri(iTT.ircon::brn — ■■ prchcnsive-oral and:indrwrilten-exam o n ------i*'. _bealth-servlces manjlanagement^ • 2 - Canipbell, wte} hash been at the ’ 'J t ^ KRcc h i l l e r ^ — i Jerome facility sineilncc May ISOT. pre- /^kKlTCHE g lEN !• viouily w orked aIt l tlthe /\rco hospital. - ^ 1 StoVe; BURtEY - 6JWI7WS : ( I , J. H e Is activ e In the Jerome Rotary . ^ “ V c -- aub; Uw-Jeromcu CChamber-of Com-— -3 ^ W W«lt-*l

M on.♦ Frl. lO o.m .-9p 5HOi>i»IN C ’ P -'"- I, — ------i Sot. 10o.m.»6p.m. r z T ^ v ^ f c ONVENIENCI&-^ ____ Sun. Noon til 5 p.m. ^ —*—— ——•“ r z ___coi W—-»-•:---- ~. ------J—-- eXTINDED mIBS. FORi ^il • • • • • .34 Storeses to Servo You in Onb ______^ // • • • • • - • ------I f J Convenient Location. T rr=i—err===jlj . ' •• ^ C • Buttroy/Osco A • • • • ' • S h oip p in tho Com fort of 0|v r • Woolwoiih limotO'Controjied Mali. ___ • Me-N-Ed’s PIxzo • Mandarin Houso 50 R estau ran t • ^tonty of FREE Torklng. • Third D Im onsion'>n Guts I^HI w^M EVIERY(ONIE ^ ZIISj a m HTIEDUT(OA-JTEI



S JN THI MAI» . F ¥ i l A IHTIIIMiMALp. W ^ B O N 'Tr M I S S ♦ I T r t i . lACH EVIWMIMGS ^— gowblnuHi PERFORMilANCES , ’•■.■ji®' WnaS BY LO CA Lj;!ALENT [—— AWARItD t w o GM^ A i i i r p R i(IZES : ----- I A $ 1 0 0 aco W inners COMPITI FOR K 1 s t a n d 2 n d P l a c « 5 P R II l l - r i N A L S !S E P T . 1 2 -'-1 6 -J ,A gos 0*6 y o ars SHOPPING SP Agos 7-12yoors at( the Blue LakekesMall “ lstr2nd-andnd-3rd-Placo-PRIZE-p-por—Aqo_Cotogorlo! o s E a c h •- & Shopping CeCenter nqtod by tho Bluo Lakosos M orchonts.______nr$400Tr— - r r r = r 1st and 2nd PlacacO'W inncru "^xoniPETETxnrn A gos 0 - 6 ------...... Sopt. 12. 7 p.m Each •v*nlng’* w v in n a r i Ages y 13-18 . SHOPPING SPB PR H w ill b« a w a rd e d aa U t, 2 n d ...... Sopt. 13, 7 p.mI.m. gnd 3rd plac* priiriz« . 1*1 Agos* 19-59 \atthe Blue Lakekei Mall Agos 13-18...... Sopt. 14, 7 p.mI.m. ond 2nd piaca wlnnnnari will Agos ^ 60 and otdor & Shopping CeCenter . m quolify for th*» G ra n d " A gos 19-59 ...... Sopt. 15, 7 p.m•• Prlx** and p«rfornrm again :_-._|iii m— ii^rrfr -Agos-60&i0ldMdbr.-v.w Soptt-46r7- p.mi,m.----on'5atu/doy, S«pt..i7ih.':;. 1 ... -y-— IO— —'—'• — ..


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( A M E A S a bK BOK IIIIII^ h R ^ ^ H ,v : | H a d tlfo w k . Illlnot,-'■ Fo«/1 . .Iv -i— ' grSgH lii : ■ SM achltfc-'. -r~. ■ •'-; ?te .fljB = _____ u o q .

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I UPCOMING ly iNI N t S s _ i - ♦ Pfof—ttenolPhotogrophihyExhiblt-oiidUploylalh i.lh* MoltS*pClM5Jh.Jiy.i7J.M=L^^d . g photogrephart. • C.W. W eodhcdd A rft & Croft*C S h o w r * tu m i S *pi. p t. 3 0 -O ct. 9th. i f e i s : t e S ''•*r • Vtdloiymplci — Chack ala t Th* Gold Ml no for {urthrth ar In fo ^ o tio n ft to rogliifllit* r. Oct. 1 -9th. .... - - - ;. .-j ,:[HTIin«!i-NoM ,TwTwin Falla. Idahc S u n d a yy, , JSoptom bor 11,1883


1 f f i i i 1 Prlc«i EH*ctiva'• \ thru Tuosday, ; . ____ d i i S«pt. 13th. QuaruantltiM Limited ------_ to Stock o n H artdlidi ftrrrr^ f fi e i I... ------TraashBags^ I — WtthJtl Atfch»dTt—— ■ -

*• * l*X J 5 r i i i L * I T T ------• • • * s e I

K O R D I T EELA ¥m H E F T Y 5iO-CT. 0 PK G . KLELEENEXa^^. WOOLVL W O R T H \TH TISSUE PAPIRR T O W E L S — ------& T R A S HMBAGS T R A S H BAAOS J jM « RDITE PLAIL T E S B A I m s 9 ■ 1 — m Bie. 1.09 ■ B IO».I.M . 2 ■ M O . 1 .3 9 ■ M S . I.B 9 71 »R» 20-ct.-30*gal. tlx* 8 7/e7 /8 " fo a m p ic ttic p la te s. 330 two«ply^ 0 sh aa ti par roll. ! ...... 120on»*ptyih p ar roll. 15-ct. 33>gol. sSz*.

___ ' ^ "" ” ” '■ —^ F»*iaeM5»-“lH r.ii.

^ ------ar ■ssaaa- g ______■

Ji____ _r<. .*'; ' -.•'.■.•:;.-5

EE e eO L D U S T E R 1 - O AI U l ., ' ir WBRAIk N D 3 - P E M O NN , ^ I I H j i c ------1DOMETBNT ABINTENT— ------COLEJE F -'i------— ...... - ~ ^ ZLICHT BUI.BSI WALLTEW' ---- ^----- CA ? ; - - M.9* v.ist.u! 5 : ______2 ^ u s . 9 . W 1 .1 .« » ____ L 2 8 « S , « ^ >• ralardom nylon 8'x10‘10'H'Hl Wanial Tant wifh wotaVrapalpaltant poly/* Fual For all goioltna esm plno oppllorwal...... 97‘«7'**S“ domo 9 tonl ^ol Homo i Of 100 w on Inild* Frofl Lightiht T x T * i T wHh 18** h. nylonylon w all i nyton Moor. 7'i ______l_Ch«.t._60, 75 ot_ vwoll end floor. CORVOtv o tr o o f i nylon w oli». 6'2*cantactarhalghl. Ru«t InhlbllorIloraddad. , _ lutb*. ------2JWANWAa.TINT,R*g.2'9- 2 W 9 .•: — • • • ' --

. 0 M i ------£ ------PlBSB S t O n ^ r i ------—feiiaaai -___ ^Z i= ...... =...... 4 fB e= z w S m IS & ENDS^-ZZ: iZ : ---- TTPRISTCr o N n r - ^ " " ^— — rURMACE;e- ' ■ -s s - o s L j a R ^ CO 0 L > A 1 K ^ = t = 3 b m S ------Y A RUN I SKEINS " ----- ANTI-FIFREEZE FILTERS ; 1INSTANT NEESTEA DRt R I N K M I X < ■ v A u in 8 7 1 «» ■ 4 9 ■ U S . i M 2 c B R ^ l S A L. B IS . « .W ■ M S . T O M t ifortmani of nomo brond yomi In A S i C h o o f. 100% l« i wMh Iholhot lr*«h bravrfd - KooMIol-AW conlttar, m okat lO^)t». ^ t Savaral la rg a ' o iio rt M olU n. R«bal* -w han . you . buy 44‘ — - l« ( ( .S 3 -Mlr.-M<9l luy Ctoon lufnoc* IllUr* lavo le «n«rBy. Choo»« ^ ------ditconllnuadwad color*. - to il* o r fu g a r A lacnon N attMM. . . ' noworv o n . .^- 3 2salloni. iro m

1 ^ - ______M i I I } J

6 ^ " PLANTER'S-S-l^^ __ftdL-M .^^HOM E-r,r —Iz: ~ SKIPPY— II ___L z ~ a 9 ^ z . CASHEWLHAM.VIS------CjHlANNER^KfT—------P 'E AnM I lit BUTTER COTTCCOOLER T I D E O R CHEER< 1 9 - a 99 O A 9 9 a 0 1 ■ t t i o . 39 .9.99 ^ ■ B IS . I.T 9 U . .M har. tolandor. , 5^ , 5^,^ >1 m H*<) Cahaw 31%-«%-qt. connar. 7-ql. *-ot. blonehai Sklppy Paonut Buttar in Craomy or «rS ; # 3 l i-o r ^ 3 n'A-faaw»r«l% - isBlvd.l —I t - 4 EWJWjgSTO w i iVfirII Falls a)t 705 Bllue Lake: N. ------:------J— ______^______• Sunttnclny. Se'plember 11,1983 - TiTimos-Nows/Twin Falls. IdSho D-5

Q o U & r i t ' Diverr t i c u l o isisreqtuiresa graducalchannge of p Psdfet ' activity for a daybr)r so gels him back stalio;tion. New York; NY lOOlD. My question is.!. can one alsd have Il i.s ls ccommon for.a person who loses . - D EA gO R. LAMB!B - Mv husband ______to normal—:------______-DEtffAl^nRj TAMB—Tv^ft-yea^rears-ago—fat (eeU7- Can one: liliteraily-drop a shoe— weighjig h L io d c v d o p Jo o se shoi.-s, .\s .b o n y _ — hois l ^ h diagnoseiosoO ^ havihii - ...... Will he always-hahave thcse-spells? i txiga 1 ate ihe sl?c as welTaa- aa" W alst^stze'^^lTisk^-as-focrfoel'appear to be.- Ihey do conlnin' --- diverticulosls.' He Igan a slow diet,- my pwn. i at [e has several ______i\jc.clear wntrr ene ne.-^lthougbrSrophaslJing-st[ stonm- my t- ' ______------• pockets, quitee lilarge. He is on a HI,Lawrencc-■ onco a week harmful:ul? Are there other foods rather tiian frying,lg. wilh bools, ski boots aiand the like now ConCongratulatloii-s on tho succcs.s of diet of no seeds andIno no raw vegetables ^ • We have, been in- smalli e time 1 nxjuiro a heavier!r sock and slill leel yourlur :sensible proiyain. And use two that would Ixi hard1 loto digest, such as ^ » Lamb, M.D.D . dietary factors? Wi allef portions. At the same tl creasing fiber in hisis Id iet Is this wise? worker k ^ on an Increasingly demaiTianding loose. pairsilrs of .w ks for your feet — one carrots and cabbage. I like Mclamucil exercl Its have DEAR READEFSR - Your feel are . llghlw;hlwclghl and one heavy If Iwo Since t>elng on ’ th:this diet he has Would something irclse program. The results “: dally be beneficial1 orc harmful in the ix»enJl :rewarding, most of a 25-p25-pound affecled by body■ fat. f: /\nd many peo- heavy;avy ones are not comfortable. That improved some. But he has spells so helps lo prolecl against blisters mcs constipated and he fatlguiIgues long run? How doI nerves n affect this beerbT belly is gone. I am 37. C footoot 2 and pie who are overwrwelght tend to have also h rerk. His.stomach, becomc 5 223 pouJidsrNow I’m 200 pomwunds.- - an increased retenjntion of body water. - andKi dld isc o m fo rt------becomes _sore andand bloated, he easily.y. /\n enema and very low-k«v-key condition If atiill?- • ...... w asz . . . DEAR. READERR -r. From, your . . description of your > ' husband’s ' symptoms — gas, distentiondl and con- BreasiJt e x a m bbetter stlpatlon—it sounds[Is as though he also ______By PATRICIA McCOlCORMACK------Hlddldden.in the modei.are fixedj andaj has a spastic colon,1. Many authorities ■ WINI YS T O SEW! UPI Health Editor mobileile tiny apd large lumps — ranrang- think the distentiItion causes the E 1MOST R\SHIONABL^^E A SO N , IT PAYS ing insn size from more than an Inch)ch in pockets of the coIo)lon. The pressure ______SALE STAR-RTS SEPT 11 n’s fingers lo find diamieterondownto'/<*inch. et • - •literally causes a bitblo\v out or rupture—------...... — o)UR u COMPtETE liELCCTION;---- ' ~ ’ Training women’s [.colon causing the • . __ very tiny breMl'Iumlumps; not just the Theale sm t^est one is tiio size of thosetiio _ i n - the -WaU- of., the. c L---- -—...... - includingG' l O O * COTTQNj\Nn.nLIBLENDS ' ■ - newest assault on that^cacannot be detected, during' con-cc divertieuli. big ones, is the nei vc a complication breast cancer — a major cause of ventionionai breast self-examinatloation. Unless you have L„ CALJ C O PRINIs I T S death among womcmen and claiming said DrDn Henry S. Pennypacker. one of such as Inflammatlction, perforation or ITM HUNI^ECEDS OF YAKDS TO CHOOSt; FH«tem You are moving; inii the right dlrec- ISft COl.OtlS-BY self-examination on nd a gradual -im* I BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS ft strated at the firstt of 50 MammaCare will mmake women more competcjetent tion. 1 recommend /V IP . PtTLK mN. CONCOm:ORD St ViVMSUTTA .to.open.ncros3_the and giv^ v e them more confidence.. provement in bulk; inii the diet, if none »3'29 TOro JJ3.')8 A.YAHD Centers that are.to. ipiicatlons-I -men- 16 months. They will *«Jostoj women'do Tiot-Tto-brejJreast— of^he'three-com p nation In tbe next 16 n It. Melamucil and ewly-formed-Mam- self-exjexamination becausc they doionot r tloned are present. B B . N O w l j] J > 7 t o 2 . 3 8 A> YYARD / be run by the new] s are userul ln thls' matcch Corporation.on. knowwV what they are feeling,” sheI said,sal other bulk formers em does is educate Thetle sm aller the lesion at the time[me of way. . -W hat this system id out which foods ^ o c r pF ■ fingers,” said Rose»e Kushoer. presl-

1b1». ta tbe-JU±-flL-_^B_ contemplating one’si’snavei. n

hocKlof; Chock !or; yC ouh totonthey ^ Chippod lOOiO M I DioDiamonds Q.omoi'dt ! l i e u s e < i r i i s j Cl.o

U .S . N Oi . T T W a s n i niton ^ : — = = ^ i;iieeGl-Rm-Hali j If - IT fiE IJIIN=PRUIIMES^ = PORRKLOm s ^ -30-tb.-Flat— L o i n H aalf ll P O R K L O3 I I I N A ^ « 6 . 9 9 ^ I b . « l . 2 < W l l ? , U.S. l\lo. 1 lo cal ______- U.S. No. 1 calif. ' li6 . M R O A S T i l i C C R E E N B l ------— .(C O R I i . . 1 2 PEPPERS?l.'i,69C 'i' ...... EmpireBr sirloin End ------" - P o rirkLoln — P O R K L O I NN C O UINTRY I U .S. N 01.1 .1 Idaho J.H. Hale tURR K E ¥ S -Z Z T R O t t S T — R5 l I B 5 - . : i Pound^^~~~ “ P o u n d PO'ound 'CAIililiiWCPEACIO H E S ^ 4QlbrBUShelB0I'M m m - g

» flfi Fffgctlve — ^ 6 ^ - Septv-1-i; 12 &13, ■ 1 = 3 ______~ __ ~ ^ ^ ^ Bututtreys DeHshus— : Buttreys'Dellshus^ — ^ ___- BU' M A P t E SANDWICH ■— r B A R S ^ ^ R E A D - t - : ' - - eG ro u n cd B e e f ■Sllqed' ^ - 6 F o r ------i — • f i -1 2 9 R etail ■ . . , 6 9 < ^ ■ : ^ I b . ^ Quantities Only

------— ------g


1 2 -DJz.cans; 2 ;z_ Buttr_eysLSt*ck: k ------T M e a d o w G o l d Del M o n te S lic e d o r Hah — D e iiio n te — r ~ D e l Mw c onte Fruit d l^ves_ eOOR!E S B E E R IMARGARINN E c o nT f t C E PEACHES C A T S U P i COCICKTAIL s CHEEESE ' -lb. 1 2! p a c k ■IB. Pkg. 1;!^ - , 3 2 Z f ^ ■ 1 C ^ C arto n I [G | » r = ® 1 - ..... i : 1 —— .— ------^ ------eJlarWaho-----8uf^yrSeptfl hnhad.were 15-cent _.bope he.wBj.wakes.up.tp reallty,sopnj or ho___^ .....: TvfayTquote'an-flrtlcIitlcle from'tho ■ * '> ^ = ^a Let’s talk - - father’s Influence andid love. So, • arm s twist/Ist more easily than others.ITS. stamps. will haveIVO a lonely imd loveless old — * rihloumal-of-Physical-:al-Education . language ■ please.-stop inviting himm lo-all your — Your- messassagc-translates,--"Don’t of- WeU, his falber blLtLthe joofI-I_am__age__ ‘ahd Recreation,’’ Ju»June 1979,, by drinking p ^ lM ..and *'"men only” fercandy.Uyto my baby.'i...... not talking about Just:t being upset, I ^ r- 'Boiinie Parkhouse,- assistantass pro- expcditiohs. B etter• to U direct your message loto am talking about violeilencel He called DEIARR AABBY: I sec so many letters U^sor, Department o : ones, which convey dnd Don’t twist his arm toI sstay for “one yourbusbatband. our son every fbur-lett(tier name in the in your• columncW from wives who con>- • 'Raijcation, University < experience. Tlie orts.ele- m ore beer.” And If he sosays no. don’t . . DEIAR^I ABBY: A casual, acqualn-Iln- book, interspersed wlli'Ith stupid, lazy, plain beccjccause their husbands have • CiUlfomla.LosAngel«is: ■ i„ vate man’sji’s ^ Ir lt and show him make fun of him and acaccuse him of lance, aftcifter losing his wife, started■ted no good, etc. Our son Is neither stupid retired and nro now “underfoot.” i : .-'■‘rW hafs wrong WlUS_KL^_what_lto_nmltfit be. They are a ______telng_';hgnpecked.” _____J______^calling meme>and coming lo my home,Tie.- nor lazy. Ke is a good^Wd 1 who w r k s _ Abby, retiredre busbands do not haye .tr:— “America' today-deflect lon of faith, a regeneration ' I know he n e ^ his rec■ecreaHoHTbut kc has never he token me out. .(1 give^ve wlthTils'faUicr putUngginWOhoiirsa to"be” “umlerfobir’-rTuwwr-MlJW"ui -'--— Itself. In an era of ten Irth for his soul. They three or four nighls a week w Is a bit jjjm tea, cake,ca etc.) day lo earn his coUegejfees. f< retired aftiafter 30 years, and we moved Ucism and fnistration, our .sensibilities, our much. You are ^ c o meln e : our home Ketoldnd me he would like lo have sex __ .Tbl?^goes_oiuiiLJhe.ie_Ume.\yllh all from ablgbig clly to asmaU town. I haVe l>e able lo turn to thees^rtsaraia-W Sf sss^and ^ are one of the anytime, but please, don’ln’t Involve my relations.s. I1 told him wiihout a licensense four of our sons. 'Ibi[bey are never m y boiistoiisework and be has hjs for a freshness, a simpl it _struclura of clvUtza- husband In activities' thihat keep him it does nolMl go. Ke StlU comes around,nd, allowed to defend then:imselves or talk gardeningIng and workshop: Whenever I ~r~ ~ y cn m for-. .'. - Sport- : -Xroin. lils' family. -While[le he .Is .out:' hoplngtobobeawlnner.-.....— ----- back to him because3,iha,t_wpuld J be needjilmIm for something, I caU him i : . America’s release. Its souroe or having fun with you, hisI wifeu and kids------What-ls-Is-your-advlco-to-mc-aboutout-'. ..-dlsrcspeclful.'' so ihcr loud bicycle hom ahd he comes______fescape from these prepressures... lam50 ^ appalled'at the lack of aro alone,- and we miss hlrilm. him? bullying running, |hey (chUd developmeiment experts, knowledge;e about the history of -m S W IF E . - FOREST KlU ^, N.Y..Y. ■ I :say he—is-abuslalng-the-rboys------—1 N0PR0BLEMS4IiUEXAS— ^----- physicians, sport educilucators) con- man. How# ccan we know wbere we lend that the rapidlyUy Increasing . might go,, if wo don't know.wttere.: of physical andnd emotional ■ wehavet>ee>een7 - ...... m ■ , . Injuries Is attributedd tto tbe pro- ' T e s t t u lbe fertili'iction ss h o w i n g r g r e a t e r^ ;s u c c e s s fesslonal sport momodei, ■ I.e. T 'ffljoy youryo articles'very much; " - - overdemonding-parcntfmis oiid-tt»ji-- _UiopC-ltltoux>ugh our Commission for LONDON (U P I)-T e® tlibe fertll- article In1 lhell British medical weekly,ly, “The incidence off multiple • pre- Graves WatTies,Wa Regan Jeffrey, Colin ; at-all-6jst coaches wilhrith superstar Excellence» inI EducaUon there WlU izalion may become monore effective The LancetMt.',...... gmmcy after In-vltro {U(test tube) ferUl- Matthewsws and Uoyd Cox, aU of U)Q ; . aspirations.” be a Changjige In our schools. The than the more traditionanal method of The doctc>ctors also wrote lhat womenlen Izatlon and embiyo1 transfer with UniversityBlty of .Adelaide and Queen ::«ay7r!?wijcn=: poob!em,-bc:bQWfiYerj-itnot.-Ju8t-lhe_ —rtrptoduclng- pregnkncy, ;a team.of who.under at least 10 limes EUzabeth's!th'sHo3ifltalIaAu3traUa .....; ...... I : ■ 'gam es’ become a mal[natter of life schools but bu within tbe home, Australian doctors reportirted. treatmentit are. much more llkdy *to lo h i^ r lhan in^turiltil conceptTon/’ ■ ' ! : and death. It’s more thathan a matter Parents-munust take a large part of “Tbe probabUllyofpreregnancywlth give birthhtotwinsortriplets. It theartlclesald. They wwrote tbat their own woric h$d ) i ' : of excq>Uonal sadnes[ness; ifs a . the respojponslblllty for their (the . lest tube) method m< bas 11118 Is1 sosc because of the Improveded produceded sseven multiple pregnancies ; v .; ; human tragedy... AmeLmericans are children'sseducation. ec . r approached ^ may (suipass the techniqueses of transferring embryos-os The article was writritCen by physf- in 20 casesases. Five of the seven cases ' - -'^T-obsessed—wKh-wii-winntog-r.-.- ...... :— -■'______Slncer^y, _ • notiirfll ffltp tn humanI hplnjpt,>* t the fmm teSt-!S t-tu b e.to patients, thebe 4^ans. John Keiio. PiPatrick Quinn,__involved-t'd-twins. StlU vlabje after 12 ' : : •WB'n No. I’ Is gallinging OQ‘In God’ • Beveriy Wacteey eight physicians said M(Uonday in an Australianm doctorsc said. Christine Kirby, Rob«>bert Seamark, weeks. ? ' • : ^Ve Trust* as our natiODflonal motto.” ____ F ar loo many petqilef)16 feel the arts :: In mad5TisrsdswiObenrtff:.t6o— r" r : I have nothing lo teachfa a cfaUd; But IllUe empbe)basl3 on th e humanities. . . 4' • : icfiools have the fifuncUon pf There’s mumuch more to> being a • ■- :so6laJizlng the child,1, and a Jwrt of humanbelni>lng in good standing than •. • ' thM to hntiflff .to, ery of physic^ ^ l l s and ^ e-mpn!cate.'AU-«rtBtlo-f(e-forms-are-a.— the memon:oiizaUon:oGa?03^ftffK!r ^ -- • • .language,awayofcomijmmunlcating not a macbicbine, Dor Is ho a mere t-:ihiughts, feeling anddideas. Id niing cabinainet. We need lo leam ' - - Art is an extensionlon of man’s more andd to teadi more about -fe ^ Irig s -a n d UJOUghtfl,hts, ■ his Joy,- ;crcatlvlty.r. VWe need lo find out bo w -- — : ‘ 1 laughter, sorrow, fury,a y , fear. .m an _cann become a peaceful 4 -! ^iguUtr-Through-man’s-\'s-variousrart— creatureJS-We-need-to-flnd-Jt-out ------• ’fn^TTM. the whole humai[nan conditktti gooo. If we do not, we may win . ' tcffl he expressed. Artr t toi m alen ^ n ^ - Ojyl5^Rnnedfllsr~raany ------Ot, Hot P’II r i c e s o n11m Tires ns, but- Into agalnstinbuibumanlly. ' : :ot: ‘nlelle^uallzatfons, Close Outs - Obstsolete Lines ■ O)ver8tocJrs v < A lII N a m e UNIROYAL l ^ n i o r ' c e n t e r ' n e w s I Br a n d s & B. F. (GOODRICH TlGEl3EB PAW ALL SEASON RADIALL TT/A 70 SEBIES f : : (TM a Fans Senior ClUxeateas Center ^Ithentertartalnmenl. 02-3 8-8-P15.5/80R-I3 ...... 38.8989 02-4-11 9-18-185/70R-13 ....83,52 ■ / : j 339 Fourth Ave. W.,Tyrirwin FaUs • Saturda;day, center closed. G u ca r d n t e e d 03 <4-Pr65/80R-I3 ....42.2929 04 6-235/135/70R-14 ...... 87.11 ' ______* Sunday, ay, center closed.______11 1-F1-P185/80R-13 55.0050______^ l22.5/ 25/7 0 5 :1 5 _ ...... 9L 29. ! = = ---- = : - 0 4 — 4^F4^P205/7ffl=-W’ '..■:..:.53.54 60 ------, 02-4 5-P215/75R-14 S ...,54.92l l ...... 60 . : Monday, fried chicken,:en'."'- J , 03-11 8-P21P215/60R-14 ..81.87 r -: Tuesday, spaghetti.1. > with ham- .. - 04 2-P205/75R-15 2-F 54.41 [ ^! burger. jelees Senior a t t o a BIG-0 02-4-5-5 10-P215/75R-15 ,.56.7272 -5050 SEBIES 11 *. > .Wednesday.perilchc«tops. 3 lSM S alnStN ., Kimberly BIG FOOT 70 • 02 3-P225/75R-15 3-1 58.6565 05 2-P23J'235/50R-15 ....79.29 ■ 1 i.-’^-T. /niursday,-salad -bar, -bi ..baked...... : ; 0303-4 9-A70-13 ...... 38.04 02 l-I1-P235/75R-15 ...... 62.7C . ADVA>/VANTAGE T/A ! ; _ I ' beans, bam wilh cheese. Menu: ...... 0404' 1.F70-14 ...... “r T 4 6 J r ...... — RAIlALLEYE BADIAL '180 . 11 2-215/15/70R-14 ...... C 3J8 >Inaer, turkey • Monday,lay,_chlcJcen ,ple w^th p ^ _I _ 04 2-H70.14 ...... 52.42 , 04 :2-185/70R-14 ....$50,1313 04 . 1-225/:25/7QR-14 ___ £6.50. ^ carrots,)ts, cheese'sll^'tom ato onl ~ "------0404~n-H7fm-S ...... T7.7T7.-::S3.28---~-“ -.-04 -_3-155SR-12--____ 130.9397—------11-2-P-23S/3S/70R-14-:.-.....68.85— ilacult 'aiid:6uHCTr8pfaaeh. . S....-L ------...... s t e ...... ' .'- "Mtuw.^ tilac ------SPORT PTBDCKTl RADIAL 7 offee, tea ptv^ milk. banana,coff . 003-4: 12-165SR-14 ...... 34.92 , 05 . 1-P225/75R-15 ....50.01JS - ...... : -0 3 :. _?,12R-2R-16.5 ...... _MO.OO ...... 1 quUlIng 9:30 » W ed nesday,_hambu^ ^ ^ ieak,— 03:rr:2::i7SSR-i3 ..:t?IO:50 - : ------04.: -■- - r-P23S/>SR;i3:r.:.T5S;t» ifhle al 1 p.m.— potatoes andind gravyrom i, leUuceand— 04^2-175SR-r4^r:rr:T^rr-38.ftl ----- ^------' TTIGER PAW POIT " , , :"-.-T/A::jAljniDDEBS — ...... - tomato sala

j f II I, i . . . Qnt A Tlra ftPorrout_i:^ ^ ^ K ' ' ~~'sVtC<*i-PURCHtCHASet— t— ------^ t.'i ±-3E UNIROYAL'" m U N IR O Y'YAL , DOUBU STIil ALL-SEASON m l F A S T R A ll 11______4Ply Poly w ^ R A D IA L S RADIAL —— ERMTREAD ^

rti(;«oi4 17.88 47.88B “ f i t j j i o u -----:___ • SS.M NOI•OT Pt7iiOII9 9S ...... - __ . MettM 18.88 >m>M.*--49.88:B ~ 1 1 9 “ „ 99 Mimou i i 5 BU£ M K f — ...... P15580R13 . _ KC P2i«ru>i4 ' .. fUMtlU - «H||10.88 48.88B ■ ■ ...... •------PlufI.SOFET 92 — - ' -fi* EC >I>9»DU ~ 4I5.88-'”"”''„ 5 ; B j" ' ^ _ _ ' Fr**" volvolv* ti*m. Comput*f boi- I n PMt?MU . •mruti B2.B8 rotation. Vabolonc*, flot m 9 k --piu.ftnusJ5T08 HOMES------HIWAV - TRArRACTION k t 700-156pty SS13«. 6 y « « f , 750-16fiply a*M • 7 .H RoIs*d whH*I*H*r4ptypoty BOO-U.SSplyy M .M ••1.M , S75>U.S8ptyy 7: oxltroc’'plu»6.2iFET*xch. _ 950-16.5 8 ptyy ■> T13«______7;liS -— C : :-i--See-Mr;-Goodwrench.chlor-'dependable performaniance all season long! - ___ HI-PEM. RAISED leTTERrERRAOtAtS— --- ^---- 4 W / b R A B I j ENGINETTUNE-UP '.S ' M.T. d w id e 9.5x15 i»»^Wll n Im "i*** - I/70IU IV.M >,tO ■ iMoxltrac rd lte d " • J • ; V.ciii W'GooCli T.mu •Uf>Ufii Cil'o I411 woall'oi »tl m, >00 c.i iii/rotu MM ■'** rtu/7B\»/7CIII TIM *** ^ white leHer •« * % " : moOJy ■*il’iC£>ni'0«nco Cai^sstanifwj- -eipontivij pBrtormanc* »r«0! “ . iiiiJi«i/T0tu M^a *•** rtunai ixjtM i.ia ; ' • gaifn''«oova’Ol'v»nji»Aru»o'(I> 0< 0O, •oo’’o'rT'(?01)fGM«e.fl-i. tnccii ■U^uoo>u>«i oiuU i^ cKtH/'ewnjiniems I' -i ij-tBr?.vtRW*-W«ncarti--,’7--:----- DuelOuckie Ud r ~ ' ^ uir.’.J''’ ^"T |ii| *43^.. *3; .. CHROME 3 7 .9iiEo. t i . . IEschong* ■ COlDa9,7*8o. G MIQUAUIV 6 ||J I || _ SERVICriCE PARTS iH a ll— - OH«rC«od«hru5«pl.t"30.^1»83 30 ' iHiiM uon ■ ■ ■ ■ :• ■■■KEEP THATGREAI-ATGM FEELING WITH G£AENUINE GM p arts:- ; * ■ ^ 1 4 ------HOURS^-MoD.-l.-Frl.7:30 --5:30 _ Saturday S; 7:30-t:00 w m r A U S . . . j n t i i C K DEY l aiiAddiildliooW*il-73M373 Truck 328- SOtSe.LInd^ind>ln— 334UU9 . : ■ .! i t e - ■ I N B T Mi i m l U T H J Ul Z K T O N p > m , z m J ^ U ^ B M I P «q|j^67^241^158^qin — ;^f12A 1a?n AVo.S.; . 7 3 3 .8 7 2 . I — ------'ounoay.'Sop;optombor11,-19a3—T-Ttmw+Je'rNews, Twill F a ll# ,k ia h o D - ^ - T Valles•y hcipipeiiJiriings Prof J anility makirng her inriadenovaghrtorsuwear : hair stand up on a raUle ' ----- I-* m .j» L -» lln g to pipreface this * you were forbidden to evever see again make the bai were you and snalce's chestfjest, but they bave deetoed --_- R ed Cros>Ssseeldng]WSloxidr:; ' — r:,- Pflttnnn bjrthe old.cllchec — In vour. lifetime? Where w liy neededattScHedll.-.. _ , — wfa^wcrcLZ.yoii. doing [ypurbome^nd Ihi readers ---- _TWIN FAU^—'— T y ^ O Mood is e^qieclally —pruderbut-.— "------a vocabulary that still'4»n- . ; . Cross Wood dniwlnwlng.Monday and Tuesdayy i at the Pirst Uolled * I am a pnide. Maybe ththelastoneln r* Hrma ^ ^• learned tbat the real >reason Mr. by using a vt » tenure and veysalltheebe emotions wlt^ul offcnd- PresbyterlanChurdjrch. ' North America. . B o m b e c k Towsbuiy was not given dismissed was bet^aim3 be1 told Uie Inganyono.'0.- Arlene Florence,:e, blood progranv chairm an,an. said both positive ^ A prude who fllnd»esa wben she j he point. and negative 0 bloo(lood U nooded, but people witi:dth any blood type are ]bears a ^)oater pepper aa 1lecture with ^ At wit’s end ■ principal wtiere to go in fotfour letters? Thai’s the p 3>nfesskmofa M ayboicaI can't control tho langiu^ cncouragcd to donaonate. since blood supplies becomeb( very critlcol ,four-letter words. A pmdeie w lw Is still The opponentsof t ^ COI oct its (pjota at tbe last , prude will scream aboutJt tbelr rights on public elevators,ele at public sports . during tbe summericr and{ Twin Falls did not m o d shocked when-a- televlsksldn'show'ln erstlckersaiiimdraagailiKS. r.of the sale^rson.whQ.one___ ■ r:— tJloodmobUe^lt:" I used lo get niinlc bacwck on'bow far we havee to freedom of speech. Il’cI’B Ironic that- events, or.ofi prime time u m words I you are now day rippeded a package when she ; . Hours arc rromn 2 to 6 p.m. Monday and froi'nm 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. jmy mouth washed out wlwith soap for come. Wballal was the brand name ofif tbe newspaper which yc oap your mother put in yourr --read in g , in addlUon to being tho handed I It to to me and q>owcd out a • Tuesday. Quola fasllOplntseadiday. 11 1using. A prude wbo Is notot am used by the phik soap melted my credit card. . " itions bave all mouth whenien you told your brother to0 greatest single dian^lon50 of the First word that me) children vvltose conversati< ist bastkm of Bulsurelyiely mass media can be made the imagination of restrooi(omwalls. “Shut upl"I” and she didn't want to0 Am aidment.-ls tbe lost C hild COIouncil sets mn eetln g i ? decency alive in America,la. ' responsiblelie for 1 expanding their vo- THIS country Is becomlnling bilingual, bearlangua;uage like that In her house? Profanity Is a lot llko , TWINFALLS-1—The CouncU for Exceptionalnal Children will meet i ’ a re qxtken How long diddid it take your Dad to hosee Ttie contents of thisIs paper are cabulary. Pi PngiitA and Profanity i iwroen whose smoke. Bcinjclng around it is Just as bad ; a t 7 p.m. Mondayiy iat Robert Stuart Junior‘ HHigh School In Twin ,OuenUy here by childrenm and adulls down a dirtyrty word written In chalk onn written by men and wo aUUjy-yoioLhouseJ)y_a.boy„y„spokenJaDguago_j«)^juld probably asuslngltyott yourself. ______■ j • r m not naive. Like taxQuglfla Wri __ H p n ^-f n f ftlTT I potholes and______3 ffiilfiUJocaLplanls{LJ>nd.K PHltUTQ OS p -S ept.-6^,-9^ti1 2 - N o o n _____ ; ' State delegate. Pre:*residents of other federatedd cclubsand ofi/cCTs"of billboards. They are onon television. legistration— lhe Idaho FedcraUoiItion of Women’s Q u b s will be»guests. | fUms, T-shirts, and tnI classrooms. < - They are on records. In books,b( bump- tw orkerefdrg^ t h e r ...... M B C v m i ul A ^ a o “ iA Q cblUJDIO t 1 R etiredi; TIMES-NEWS TWINFAIXS-— The National Associationon of Retired Federal CLASSIFIED ADVERTmsiNG H eadad C oach: Ju d y BarkIrk le y O r DDAHCE . in Ite cq^erenw room PHONE 73W»31 ______Employeea will nie PEGGYr J A R D I N E ...... J . . ___ 5. birf< additional Inform ation^1.___J...... ------B o yys s Coach: -.Martin LuL u h r ■ Q ------MemberiborOfDEA _____ E^TAP* JAZZ . ; li^w om en liln a n ^ a l e W T . ■ CREATIVE^ Method!^ -COUNTRY’JYWESTERN ' . FILER - Womeimen of tbe FUer United MeMethodist Church are •»Complete ( Gyn^■mnastic AfX - R#9 litr«llonS«piS«pl.2,nooiv8j».fn.-- - holding a q>eclala 8sale of collectibles, and ququality mlscdlaneous . W alS«0«*734-734-6841 •ItarS items from two estiestates Sept. 15.16 a nd 17 ait t thet (lurch's Wesley Program House at the comei■ner of Fifth and Union. Thee ssale, which also will ------Include.reguJfffusoused merchandise, will rim, frfrom 9 a.m. to S p.m. LAIlj^biU.t:>d-^5vei f e l s ______^______3 I N G ^ £ each day. — G L O G ^ 1 " WE »Boys and Girls■Is .. Ed & Vickie) A u s tin BEGJ^NNIt^G.JNTEjERMEDIATE& 1 * ' »Aoes 18 Montiiths & Up . ... s =i= —PAY GAS • Large Selecticjon of 8*9.10-12,13&oldOlder. A dult PORTLAND, Ore. (UPlJPI) — Humor vent disea!ease, said Ms. Lelber. an . Classes Begin SepteptemberlS ; i n the ho^ltal need nottbe be confined to InstructoriIT in tbe Sdx»I of Nursing at ID ___ . tthe-crazy antics of televi!eviskm doctors— Oregbn^'HeHealtb^Sdences UnlverBlty F0RG001 "on “M-A-S-H.” but coucould actually and' In ccommunity health care 'serv e as a significantnt therapeutic systems, USED.. REBECCAJOOHNSON ;;;;device, says the fqmdeijder of Nurses “Nursinging has always used humor as M.S. Physical Educejcatlon/Dance ftftnt part of the treatment ^DULTFITIFNESS ' “ForLau^ter...... an Importa fURWTUtlil p u B A U .E TM 01:OD ERN ^.^ ------'* “ I cnmp nnt n{ Intftnalylalvecare nurs- process, bubut it bas never before beeo ing. which you would aaassume is the valldati^1 a ^ le^umizdd.” suid Ms: rES------‘ -most stressful kind of: nursing,nu since Lelber. - m ~ ______FFLASH DANCE (A lun clac la s s fo r 4th th ru ^ • A erobics ------•"the paUent is not only’ strippedsU of all ■ D r. Wllmiliam-F. Fry J r ..- a — dthgradirades) ' ^ “ r:thelr ri^ts and'autonciono^ but is psychiatricrlst aod associate clinical APPLIANCICES :i• Dance ExerciseB RRHYTHMIC GYMNASTICTICS (Dance ori- : . d floor exercise) ^ hooked up to a frighteol£olng machine professoralr al Med- • O verw eight Eitererclse ^ en ted fl • and has no privacy a at t aU.” said l c a l S ( ^)ol and a writer and lecturer Deborah Lelber. foundertder and presl- on the tqt^ Ic of humor, has d t ^ • Exercises For PrPregnancy ^il F or All Your FItnesiJ88S F a s h i o n s i e •■eseardi on the « d en t of NFL. a naUonallal iorganization extensive m .. :i• S e n i o r C i t i z e n E>E xercise SALLERY r . and laughter in ptyslologlc^cal effect of laughter. " ...... LEOTARD -Zth at promotes humor and ■ ^^-GyjaExeiPisA»e ___ criiidranaAduttiizflsilasolLoolartl*' - I — ~ ...... *^thepractlceornur8ingT“ ing-has-been-proven-and— ___ - ■ - I Lgq W«mw>rr^Ttohts-ihts-^WnrmUp* - . »*- - _ -r— - "To help them comm'tunicate and there’s jtmstU a lot of researdj to be maintain a good attitudeude. we helped done, butI Dr. D Fry bas gone so far as toi T 3 3 - 1 41 1 1 ' them laugh about theI ridiculousnessri( make stateatem ents that laughter could R A ^ l IO of their situation — some!metlmes we put play a role3le In tbe prevention of some SE GVmi t‘ a UtUe stuffed, bear inin thetl bed with major discliseases. such os heart dls- _____ 20424th.AyENiJ^ j U E E A S T ______C A L L 7 3 4 99900 * them, orputona funnymy hat, or tied ease.” Ms.:[s. Lelber said. [ng Is -funny aboul having '■1 bows on the tubing.” sheaerecaUod. r ..... -“ Nothing y ^ p l ^ F aroh is f i b o v ^ . Jsaid Maureen Whitman,

n hewing — aod m l^t evieven help pre- tlon at 01OHSU......

3iyefhann k s r ^ ^ 1

agltsyou-i J o s e S H! 0 1 t e ______, : ~ r eDyThanfe: s s M n s . B - - -rrjoln by Octictober 1st • — ^ A T B E U T t EER^BERNINA- I -MONDAY, SISEPT 12- I- : a n d y o u ’ll s w « v e u p t o Jl $30.00. O n e D ay CD n l y l j g i l l Join the courjuntless num- SAVE ON CLASS .— ------bers-of-successassful-redu-j______ROOM' - MACHINESESi ------;— cers by cominging to Weight MODEL CLOSE-OUTtITS, — H - SCRATCHEQMODELt ~ “ ~7“ W afchers now!wlWe'vegot _ __ OEMONSTHATORS, ------quite a holidayly cdeal cooking .------— floor models.- l y t a g g i —^ ...... L - J rn rT n n v ------" ■ "Sign up by thene above aaie, - W ------AUTHORIZED ang.wB‘!tTT t^ you a $10:00 ' ------&ALES& __ a SERVlCE^-:j I ^ aiscount otf youryd registra- tion tee (regulaularly $15.00). * I Then attend thrthrough Christ- .« 1,^ __..- v niasra nd-w - ll- i ’ count couponsns worth up to * r EWING $20.00. That'ssatotal a savings VIKinGSE) JO.VVhatagreaj^______---5- ;; ------—:— — of up tb $30.00. ______Mn A C i f l ^ iD I R E C T r wav to lose aneciticial-rateT-Offer------— ------1E X T E N D E D hHOURS ____ i _ • ssr»;r;r;"“ valid in participcipating areas IM O N D A Y , SES E P T . 1 2 Was V $499 Was $71S’"'® “w as*759 - - E ' ■ I only. ------= > L o s e w e i g h t >329 m!9 >529 ^ ______o h c e . a n d [ f ao r a l l .______: In Burley Tues.,..Sept. ! 13 \ ' ..■• Lowest Viking PricesPi I In Our History, • No FreiglntChararges — - ^ TM m l— »T 0 _ cJlJIJSJJUilIH' ^ m t E I G IH l f - So Save Even More!:M s■SsrasriSL ” ' W a s $1029 ______-jLQuantitiesara-LiI i-Lirtilted— ____ ^ -War$i449-^ ^ — ScHuTrylrri—^ . *798 S o w e ig LLwatchera v InternatronalII lilnc.'l982 Owner of th e WeiME G O O D INNO MLS V ‘ “ BURLiRtEY ------JEROMI 25 7 .Malla ln A v * . W a*t“ . = TWIN FAU • UlBopllitCFitChurth (Stor1ln99/'ia Huiiusqvaina r 2” Eplieopal Church ol|lh*A~*c«nclon th« .'H & RBIo^Bt cbsiUM. . —- ...... — Cttv Hollr ’> . - ■ Tw in Fails (^ To In k U y t) 210BIo*IoI<»»8UBUd.Northc f , 16500*.fl«,rlo*Rood' r;T.“57i0p.m. TUESDAY...... tiSOp.m. 308 5thAw«i»«nu* .-5i30p.ff». MONDAY ...... 7t00p.nj._., r U _ WEDNESDAY.^-.— . 7-.W p.fiir-TMintSDAy-rr;r r r r f a o o:fn.— ------—...... MONDAY-.....,: tMUKDAY...... i r. . ------^ ,- ' • ■-----I.— ' ; ■ ■ “— ■ 1 •------jy s n iTieyNBwsrTvrtfTfait:Faltyrtttatro— SumlBy7S0pt0fitomber11r19a3 _ — • - danccatap.m. BapUstCh:Church at Wraod Shoshone. ‘" — ^^-Cooafi^CtomberefOjnaPHMfee ----• ...... >------■ - Desert Gold CowbdJ« ...... ■ . TwlnFtltolUtToptQuvterlDS ...... M e e ts a tn o o o a tlb eU U ocololna____ ,. B i * l SS « e k B k c O U m . . ..t:.'.;' — M«»<»bi a t 10 n.m . nt JB'IB's .resUiun>nt_ln___Uacctflfltlat 1 p.m. atlbe.aty.HftlL______r lE ^ le in d a v - T w In F alls,______...... __TwloF»UilUsTnstmastenOob ______O t n o ^ t Dooo at tb e seaeotPTcm le r. ~F O er^Sarfo^QtlMai Eklcii-HndUiiSailocCU:iUzen« • MectsatI at 0:30 p.m. ot Uie Hollilay lintt. je ro m e K h m ls C U ) oerat «p.m. at UwsenJor«wier. . - ' "VaUey Ca/codar" topuUfcOiUahcdwedtSyln in Gooding. Dhincr at roon at seniorreenter c In Eden. Meets at nooo at UUw China Village ooodtngFbgRotaiyaub n : - Uto Sunday ediUon of T7ten e Ttmes-Newa. -.-Hac am aBemSeoJoraUMOS- - -— — -CienM Fi^SeoJarCtttenos...... ~ ' WEIMESDAY ------Resuurant------~ ~ 1 _ ' M eets*etsatiwooatUwUncoinlnn. - Slid bv bwught to BroaitfUBta s t from 9:30a.m rto l2:30p.m . a t- Dinner fltiwppjtthc.'nirTinaiaiaftdScflto r-: B u h lSbto^tfaos- t^ — r:: .1:JerOT»KangFuqul):i. ^ ^^~V)ir'nae^N^~onim la'Ta TvHtt Fills, - the seniorrceoter. ct ■ - c ^ tir.~ = — ^------_ Dlnijerii!r dtnoonotthoBBiioi'ueiUut. ' ‘ M c e trtf^ ta y ttln i: irt ■ : -bulled to:‘Uie Ttme9-New3.W3. Box 543, Twin UoodayBrliS rW se a u b Gooding Al-Aooa FUerSeolontorOttzoB Danas CaOer la Jerome,•e. JeromaeSsdarCtUteoi eS i : . JCalls 83301. V k deadlineoe «cjich week Is- -Meelsotla t I p.m . a t Uw YPCA building In Moctat8p.m.atUwWaUalker Center. MeetsI aiat noon lor quilling, handlcmln its JeoMoeOpthnlitCW) D ionerineratnoooatUwaentorcenter. ;; ; ^tnvdayooon. T w in F a lbb. . Gooding AlcoboUcs Aoooynymoua and a potJXtluck dinner nt Uw Filer Senhlenlor Meets at 6 pjn. at Uwb a Ptzza Co. restau- sio^M■jaeOddnYeanSadorOtlieaB3aB< » . M agic VaUqlUey C e n m le AnodaU oo , M eets a t 8 p.m. a t Uw oldoii hold on SouU) Haven. r a n t DtnnerineratnoooatUwaentorcenler. “ : > ^ TODAY M c e ts aat t? 7 p.m . a t Uw Ceram ic Polaco In MainSlnset. lanSeokraUieas Jerome Take oaPouDdi:d iS aa ritd ; TwtDFaDiEUb'n)tstznlstreaGM> » • ! &£ISeolorCIU2eni TwinFaUa.la. _ Gooding Optimist Qub - DinnerarratnoonBtUwHcnJoroaiter.—— ;•------Meet8-aU3 .p.m. at UUw Jemne.Public ...Meetsjta < a t -9 pjn.at-U«.GQkieQ.Gr1rcenUir. ’ JerooMOpOpUmistaab Tbe support group for:or adoptive parents SATUBDAY ^ • ♦ MO^bAYY p.m.althet)whosplUU. FUerlOwanlfaub . MeetsatI at 0:30 p.m. ot Uw Ftoa Co. moots at 7:30 p.m. atIt Uw F i n t BapUst K ^ ib eertyA^eMSadorCUtMDs rty n . rce mcfafleldOcI Ooldeo Years Scsdor au x n s . Meets at noon at Uw FilerlerUnlledMeUwd- JeromeSaSedorCIUtm ChurchlnTwinFalls. _ — --Breokfaakfost from 7 ajn. to nooo at l^ ; ' T'Meets at noon o( tlw Ramoomo on restaurant. Dinner at noon at Uie Assembly ot God“ IstChurch. ' .. Dlnoerarat noort at Uwseniorcenter. T ak a O tl PooDdi SeosSil]!3)7 aenlorcIU:rdUxoBcenlerlnKlmberiy. ; j; -; - , UtMOvmUenAaoajteaaoia Church. Abl\ blood-prcssure clinic also will “be FUerSeoioraUnns MagicVaQr«Qey Compasslaaate Frleodi M oots 'a t 1:30 p.m . *at Uw Hogennan ^ : Meets at 7:30 p.m. at St.. JoJohn's Lutt>eran conductcd.d. .. DloncratDOonatUwFUcUcrScnlorHaveo. MeetsatI al7:30 p.m. In lUxf student conicmler- Senior ClUiens Center. Pntrcfa In Buhl. SboobanArA } l-A tm a Je ro m e Kcmg Fu Chi) ence roomom*ol the Taylor AdmlnlstraUcnUon TwlnFaOsCredUWomeaMlotenadoaal ______M SacfarqttaM. ______M e cta tBt s ip.m . a t Ute senior crater. ______M«ta.atJ:30.p.m.-Ot-UiJhc.Mll2l GrizzlyOr Bear 00 VeteraoiofloftbePorelgaWan. . • ' Mecls'athoonTtJeadoyatAtUwMooseHall. axnlwaeCn GoUH Yean Seokr CltlaenI F W k m tiip SSIFIED ADVERTISING : Dvciiaod in Burley. P o st N0. o .:2130 will m eet a t 8 p.m. a t Uw“ JeromeSeoJoraUieoi Bnmcb* Ifrom 8:30 n.m. lo noon att U;Uw MecUat7p.m.atUwSBSuoahlne C om er a t ^PHONE p 733-0931 -i : labor templeiple on Second Street SouUi. ■ D inner at noon a t Uw seniinior center. scnk>rcGnlenter. 147 Shoshoao S t North. ?Jto!t8Ot*?:30 p.m. at-UwU» Pint Baptist WeodeBSeaJcDSorCiUceas KetcinaihSanVaDoyRotai:■zyaub SingleaPtnPlnodile TwiaPUlsOpUinMCUbi> ■ • 1 ■■ ■ ThurchatgiOShoahoooSL, E.:E. In Twin Falls.-'------D lm icr aand n entcrtalnm oni a t noon at-Uw“ - Moclsatl2:10p.m.-atLoLouie's restaurant MeetsI at 8 p.m. at Uw DlsaUed Americarican MeetsatQOOoatUwMatfandartn House.______-./T ------iXHiBtiled American VertenuMms seniorcenteinter ofl West Avenue A. In Ketchum. Hall at HarrisonHai and Shoup SUwt in TwinTwl TwtnFiDsTtJi*anbIDa5» C S : Cb^)terNo.5meetsatBp.r3 p.m . a t tbo DAV Tj^f Falls. M eets a t 7:30 p j n . a tliaS5SboupAve.E. 11 ------HjaiOTTTamsBnuvTsnoopsip s c ------TUESDAY------M eets a t 10 a.m . a t 5377 Monroe1 In Twin WenddllOllOwanlaaub InTwinFalls. POerSedorCUIana BuhlDupUcilicateBrldSBCtub Falls. ■ MeetsatI at noon ot llw Iron SUUet rcsUii t Meets at.6 p.m. for aI popotlucic dinner. _ .P n lrsmle c c c t a t 7:30 p.m . a t Uncoln Courts^ MaglclaodRegloaalltavdrdCoaunlUee rontlnWerVendcU. <3«eftsarelnvlt«d. Com munityIty Building at 1310 Main St. in M eets a t ooon a t Uw3 'Warms Spring iSeodlngUaaaOub------______B uhl...... • Ranch Inn on Warms-^.Springs-itoad-ln ---- — THimSDAY - - - r Meetsat6:45p.m.attlieLIJitLIfxsInln^ BuhlSeiteiin-C S tfzM ...... K ctchuhi. -BurieyOvtOvereaten Axnaymous AnAiymflrroduB~...... ■. iDIhnor nt nt noon at the'senior "ccnler. inmerce Meetsatiat7:30p.m. Intbotawenforcemet : r M W alker Center H ank's bancand wU| provide Uw m uslc-lor a - m ent I rm' IM'HAEE-i:ri - — C Meets at 7:30 p.m. lothoW M eets Ot ooon at Ulc Man!inhattanCafe. centerconJunfercncerooni at 129 East MUi S SboBtaooe G o k k a Y e a n Seattitaratlzens - ' in Burley.y. . '. I j ^ IMPRO'OVfflENT^ .. J k r \ D inner at noon at Uwsenl'mtorcenter. _____ BuUSeoknakitfltt*?oi ______Super Savm C oi^ aiidiR R ehidlngO ^^ Dinnerr alat noon at Uw senior ceotcr. Improv® YborPorifr s o n o l lm o g o ' • ' i S o m e f t oiiiy i ri& sdss y o u - sa tk n Eden^fatxe W ith Confident LMivlng Courses tio • Meetsat7:30p.m.atUw.ieJeromeCofe. Dinnerr aat noon at Uw eeok>r ccnUtr 1 J "^mebody N ^3 ' You,"' fl ’ IwittiBr'lhtichto this'arM . the Twin Falls ______■ • Itnci n * o f L b v « lln t tfiaf-aRpeart— Communltnify • Actlon’ Agency" needs'" ------Ettcn.------jjubHcsenico~coIunio "tt ^ Meets at noon for a Iu»jDcheon and busi- FUerSeaioioiorClthaa S"eItirnprover j ^ d j Sunday la Ute Timnmes-News, is storage spaces{ at 33 to 42 degrees,~ ness meeUng a t Uw Coloilonlol Garden In Dinnerr at noon at the Filer Senior Havenvea Women ond GiSirls of All 111 ^desigaed to matcb tbooeISO i a ^ com- A n y o n e m w th walk-ln coolcr space^ Twin Falls.. OleoasFeriterySeokrCltlMW A g o s aU C a ro l a i e t t a t 733-9351. ■jBualtywbo need volmteioteer help with should call Twin FaDs U agktords BailaitertbopCbons Dlnoeratr at noon at Uw nireo Island SCJ^“V®*" • iinag» Color • - D i s c o v e r ' \ l » i ..... !2hosewbocanpmvldelL.ff...... ______M ccte.ot 8 p.m,.at_Uw_Tt _ '^ F ^ Fltrt _Center...... - -Your Bost -Cololo r s T o En-.- \ IFABRICS • |l iV'iiicome'-person—needs—n a______^ A low'lncome fam ilylly in Jerome working; stovest and refrigerator. If you)U ------• J u n i o r im a g o - I P o is o a n d , M f l 'Deeds a baby crib aod matBattres8.Ifyou have one9 totc do n a te , c a ll th e Tw in F^U s WTERNSfrr 9 - 1 2 Y o q r ____ * n ttv . ArUnn Aoimev a t Trtt- Posture for 9 J^efferle at tbe Je rSne " C o m m u n J ^ i . SEmTWfeHtVOOID i ' ‘A ctk o Agency at 324-8890.550. ' Magic: Valley' Regtonal Medical aKEHE iB KCniM S-Hai) , E ------CenterstUltill has needs forvoltmteers toto ” — llV4>r'nftOTTWWTi~wifp»X^ CTTprogpam for aU kinderidergarten and sunpHes , tito help with office work, or \ )r SJ|J|JFi||i' . ^ ^ 'g r a d e tnJhfiiTwln th< Falls to & lp with the infant car-seat pro- * ' ■ t^lRms,Ki«K5cw^. n Sc^DW rfctVolunteeiteers>riU spend f you can help, Jo Teater AcCNlS ■ ------; iabout twD-aiKta-baU boulours per week at 737-2166.66. - . . jjCrom now m tn nprgmhe^hor. Fnr more ______SWorroation, call WesI R A m ^ e y , tbe____i/yourar oTsaoIzatloo needs a voluih fdemeiitary physicalal educatldo (eercallB...... C a rcIB ro ^iwoy. w - ______/ Bruce Benoett at tbe Ct^ege it Inilructor rsupervlsor at 733^1 orir423-4Mi. « of Southetbem Idabo at 733-9554, GJctBiislonSnSSS.to'bave It appear In tbls Di/etes . Doov , /■ i .w; in order to bring nnpiiBplus cheese and column. Certlflod Nolionolli m - flau>ot.uiST»hvm£S) I z - l 9>9.i«age oJSfoi/:»day,S«pl.30 \ ^^SoSTAVUkCU.'K/MtULV.M IT , W :/j23-5733 ^.xtv - C la«l*f B*Sin TuMC1-093S . - • ...... ForAddHlonoIlnf. 1 FALUi>9,?: a t H f ,Phon* 733-0 Dn These You Carin Count O _ J E n t

I . .; 1CIC: E S T . m - ^ a r o u n d TheJb & s tM o c * = = = = = C 3 g g c 2 g D J d will win “ONIC I C in ix A L IX ^^ U E K C y j V A l U C ! — MCDOQNCAVMERAYc 3 on TV! A ll ccontestants wWl ill b e v i d e o'oumay tl begingW aTafen _____ ^ E in a alists andjwiinn n e r s w i ll a p ptapedforjudsom g thejr Mob>Oi :

>pearoriT V do

• With Country Subujbufban coordinates, ere;reate just what you _^wan'tT fashion that's3t's cias'sic. fresh and afiifthe'sam e finie"!".'. r < ^ o i j h C ainJVlOO! n — t versatile and^alfordardabie! Q igpt^r the ma■nany options of Faii '83. Double-b'fi^leble3 ■filSarrflliSi: Fully/ line'dT?briFII 2 rp“pant;— — ere’s Wher 75% wooi. 25%) nnyion, $65. Print bloususe with ije, 1 0 0 % IVIoi polyester, $42, ail ininw ine. Smith is Addison Ave. E.,,10 1( a.m. to 12 noon ' • -O n the:right.u-Elald.t]d.blazer in w ine, navy & i on., S ep t. i taupe, wooi biend, Safow 1 2 spping Center, 1 to3|13 p.m. $118. Dirndle skirtrt ini taupe, $50. Ascott tieti biouse in laupb^...... ^ ButtriIth’s Food King, 191:Shopping Center, 4I to 6 p.m. ------; : " $32. Ail in sizes 6-16-16. Suit jacket, back-zi;-zip pant, siim skirt, eway, Lynwood SItoi -V -sweater&^nd-blouscjses.also.availableJO-CiOiT!; imoLale the iook. ______^ Urey’s, Blue Lakes Sr ~ Open 'A 'Roper'sVp is&^arBankcerds----- — i = = l u e Swen son & Washington,,10a.m.to12Noon-~ 1 ( ; Wlllla rAve.,1 to 3 p.m. : ------Alberanseh’s No. 4, Addlsison Ave. E., 4 to 6 p.np.mi'- V ' ■ ; : : - Mam’s IGA, 647 Filers ______> erlson’s, _ 1 Ml Addlsi I- TWIN FALLSMBURLEY •RU PEERT•BUHL f ~ . Tr m A N tel