<Qhri Istian Redhi^ | -Rus Sitele I'eeb® Ssian Anerh Pilots S
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__ -'1'" — gaHKiibftiaaa; i ncM |||B|mg22SSBBBISB a i p K e r d iing: Sa if Q -r-.-S-L S s ' - 3 n 5 ( M r s e x^qf t o tI'S s of w o^ ' i ^ s Z Z Z ft l fun - B; : Ii r • ' I ............ ■ Y £k ^ 1M l i 1 1 ^ 5 0 ? i f e l ; = S5undayrSGptBmb9r1iri883— u n ^ i _______ .,.:i :7878thyearrNo.254-- T w In F a llglls y id a liL. , <Qhriistian I S S j U PredHi^ I’Eeb®anerh ---------; I Shouf in the faceface of gains made by tte Dnize In . By JACK REDDEN gainst pro-government ChrlsUan DaJtedPressIntematlosUooal ;r Uieir war agair ies back hort r l Q mUitlamenandlmd Uie arm y. Cqngresk^ learns mar^ W v o te r s wvgntM gnn^^ .:— 1-- . “ *nie arm yp »cf t^ > r ic a U y d M ^ Uila,’ls a l d . — ------ii— :lHKUtUT;=Lebanoir?m^-Pw;<^-fapbanem-gov-— ------ ^beoomniuhlqui 'eportcd a massacre of at ~T~~ • nlie y UPI affvey,-whlc6 SSoiso.lncluded a ' d^iJloy UwnwvMX uudt« rii@ t» ^ ng-ffonv-Uie-vUlages-of-Baousr-T— ------ J JnTthe"^ w5r3ofn~SBouI a a j .........7 ....... ! .n u mtUKF l (« :«wyinsslonifl: uU teyfljuw r ud geu*-'=lesoive tahad j b ee n s treogUiened b y UieB>Kowifln ------- people-fieelng- le a s t 50“ C hH S S os fi inddent, ^ . ' Uioae gpse Uie BdadounandHoIH oum al. ------------ liwiiiiaiflSlUidxalledjd ffor international action— ! ‘ ...’ .eral.iI.outtage.about.ibe.sho<Hinjl |^ down o! ;a_l aWIne ind opga arfaead weopen-saldTliar poipdefltrdM" -The govenuemment of Presideni AnUn to sa v e 40.000 of-Uielihelr-breUircn trapped In — WASHINGTON--^ Ycft<j;cftera.: are „ nervousTvKwwreaOrinaasTTiT-by-tiw- twSoviet; *Hw—ifttdlHi'ftrh iurdnial • wreraaffca f f c c t ^ . " '....... ••------------- Gemayel calledUedforanemergency'meeUngof -.......... another town. i^.Ja.Ldianon an d ,le|^^ n a ijtiu 6 _ m a y to v e a ma: •abwAT i raUiefslralned argumrat to9 esay Uie the U.N. Securjcurity C>}undl to deal with Its ' C brlstlan Phalange^ tmlllUamen h lam ed Uie .many want tbecMarlo^liu^' broi^t boihe, not"a a malor -r- eifKt'onRwIdeJ d e h T ^ ^ ’S: ' “It’sara memb«8- irflltj ■ .'•'•M X shouldluld b e a f f e c ts by Uils,'’. sailaid Sea escalaUng crlslirlsls, VhMch government dfldals ________inaaaacmlnJheiowncm of BIreh. one of several _ ' -HouaB-aiio ' '• -^ » r-T b e - :Q)UDdl.-was-not-:--------- : re^m led this week Inh ttUieeniibatU^' Lebanese tits away fipom CSon* rw is g fra g " a r~ ’C^ f y ; •MMl J t d ^ , ‘I)»Maloe. a a oppoa ^yrbo bavo «I* weiS^ - ' , expectedtomeeTieet before M o n ^ . tnountaioa, oo tbelrKir D ruze Moslem and i j nooo'n .Monday .after a .slx-«eWedt summer? UiemlssUa ^ plane lo d d ^ has outragBged Uie WiUi a -U.S.S. F-141 fighter UyUig recon- Palestinian enemies,I, aiaccusing Uiem of slitting heartDgr-fcooc^iA and confusion," .. reces ( a ^ ouilor foreignm poUcy ' and WhUe Uk tUthekUUag of Marines in LeLebanon nalssance missli ov er Uie capital, Christian . the throats or some vlctricUms. .Rq> Bin NeIi9da.^M!lBm :, w i ± Vl .bave . oconcflom lcqueStoia.-.; ■ : V: .•.publlc.UW 9 caiised-Uie driest concerwn,- aei Phalange rtidioidio read Uie nam es of 30 dead. nique t^ d c a st oh stale- . fiupportedttM»MaiinesbQ)r EUtW TndlfiaUons-are-.Uiat-at Uie Koreart-v Umt-Jias-c : An army commmyqi ■vev. __ lnduding_14j>e()people it said were “slaughtered._______ nembers of Congress effecix t on Reagan’s requestto.dedeploy the MX "People>le a re ahgry Uiat we’ve losost four InUie vUla^chiJ church” at Blrdi. iforces were attackeded at Uieir major Shouf ■ Mtisonw^s 0 0 6 0(30 m ei n Uie num ber of pe<vle kUled in hical ^ideological mls^a ile , wWch wUl be considsidered In Uie (men) andOld som e have been wounded,id," said . Reports on Ui petitions, around Souk>ukel < G harb, and moved to represeoUng a seo g ril^ d from SO on state-run Beirut radio , » ^ n y i7hH.rf>nf« tnjhff r ^ ^ r o p r i a t l o n s bfll latestier Uils monUi R ep. Henr}juy Hyde, R-ni. “Pe<yle wanUlt u s to, B ireh ranged frc !S°’€l9t9UBn<44Bl«B8»-fadi07:nie===^===s ^region by denying thee aarmy was withdrawing; ........ .. ' '{{(iiffiir’" . SeeCONGRESSooPageAJ2 offldai radio sasaid news of Uie slaughter came dso reported that a new simunervaeatioa:'' ' I 'i *'t ■hoMIk .who, ^ p o r t R eagan’sin’s request to • S' :: State-run' radio also ' .- ■' ..(rom-25<MOO00 refugees who esc^ied^to --------- : front In the week-oldold,Shouf-mountaUi war wuUiern Ld«non.-........~ - r — ---------- - • IteKh^ubJCglfliiOfthe^ ____________ IsraeU*eId»ut ---- j - - - OPftT^ gn h t^ny f jw t-from U»B-BekoaIaadIat^«VM nrmy . ThoDrUzeCOl1 countered Ul a statem dit read on.. • . - ar-Uie new Unb-hdd-by.V-j • ■ — ^-nian-ir-and^lranlan'forcesmovod rod-through the—brou^t'fr . .southern Shouf near-1 - andDarayar ■ ■ ‘ ' y repulsed Bdrut’s Mouralurabitoon radki that “some of. i The report said If the c li^ashes spread and Uie centritrai Bekaa Valley and jiJoined Druze positionsIS LIn Souk el Gharb. The arm y 1 laraell occigutlon fomirces. isses,”- Uie those kiUed InIn U tbe town were m em bers of the i e fighting Involved inland < highway was takencn Iby tne Druze, "it Moslcslem mlllUamen In an attacluick on ^uk cl the attacki c k e r s ^ inflicted heavy losi ' • Tb e radio said the G - P h alan g lst mUiin llitia and w ere MUed during the I les south of Beirut, wiUi could< c u t off souUi L d i ^un n from U>e capital Chartirt>, 12 m iles souUieast of BeiiJeirut,.at 8 p.m . communiqiniquesald. Itowns about 18 miles "rumors” batUe.” ThQ^y d< denied driving anyone (rom tbe ; i over Barjeln and Ain al <and hav e serious p<dlUcai conseqiuences.”cor (12 p.ip.m. MDT). T he comnm m unlque said there w ere "i iD rure forces taking o^ ny w as planning to wiUidrawV 1from the vlUage. Hawr. Fighting alao0 uengulfrfj^a, Dlbblye Tlie army communique8 iiSuggested PalesU- “THrhe elements of various natloitionalitles were Uie arm y' ^ Bo c/y /ccom jet founcnd^ _____^ ! | -Russsian pilots S SitelE ______ ■ \ i - ^ ByjSTEVENR-REJ • ■ l_‘ _::"BButteiconUnued ut to fly onUie i|pme__ — J - UnJtetfPivsalatenuTidtiooaJ * ' course,rse, at Uie-same bdght, and I receivedvd an order, a precise and defl- - j W r ^- _________ T he soyiet HRhujIter pilot who shot, nite> orortto.” he said ^was , — down. Uie-Korean-ji-alrilner..wim_269_,jirdeie< e te d .to ten n in aio . uie ~fllgKl,'_I ; r,- people'aboard-sa:said Satorday he - fulfUIeiUlodUieofdiar.” - f 1 ' V'' ... V; flashed his lights, flfired tracer shells • inJaJ Ja p a n , aeariy 900 poUcemen w b o ------ i !------ ^nnd-ftnaUy-^tefmlcilnatediMhc jumho loihodmd-flshRrmen and firemen' in a T ".rrr- - jet, convinced Ity-asTO ^ airw rny^ —searchrch ofTieaches-and^be-aeas^U --------- i . ■ mlsslohl ‘ " '-"niortfiaiBerifJ^rcsaHTbra«flpiiatea ; ; in WashUigton, IPresident Reagan bodyly of01 a woman Sunday believed to 1 r r r ? ------ ^ddlvei^horftnnjrsh®t-attack-yet— have-rg—been—roboai'd ' Uie ..down ed ---------- . .'.-H against the Kremliilin, accusing It of a alrcrafOTft; engaging In a *‘masjisslve coverup” and - PoUcMUce said Uie body, wIUi a piece of •5 “ c',] reseving for Itselft llUie right "to com - heat-reit-ieslstlng m ate^ In the m it any crim e, to0 lie, to cheat” to neck,Jc, yw as found Just off Uie port d t y .. [IB a B j iM g. _attaln world communiinlam. ' ___ nf AbfliUaahlriUinQttteni Hokkaido. Tbe Jap an ese pbUce'i»-«wirrhlnff fflr Uie MwiMhntlty of tb e woman w as not im m e- : w reckage of th e pitjlane al&g Japan's- diatelytdyknwTL - ' n orthern shores sisaid Sui^ay they PoUc•oUce said the w om an had a patch found Uie decapitlitated body of a , bt.thesJiestnu t^ ^ ^ ^ tte ba<Aof h M : ~ered corpse-Mleveirod to be among the— bdlev<Ieve Uie body was a Caucasian.— ' . ' ■ V.-;. ■ 1 2(» victim s of Uie ataUack, Induding 61 ■Hiellie body of a diU d also b d d v e d to ! -------Americans^— I-------—: — — -Z-— hflve^-t)f)m ^ t -am ong the vlr«m« was ~ 4B|||h FL^ In a rare broadcdcast, Soviet tdevl- raisedsed from Uie sea In a flsberman's m 8K------ sloo-aired Ihte^rvlews wim Uuee net latlate Thursday. Tbe body was so j • ^ R ussian pilots whcfio'chased and de- . badly_;fly_mangled that doctors_v^ e3 t_ _ _ i |H — stro^ Korean AirIr lines Flight 007 in amlnetIn ed it w ere unable to IdoU fy its . Soviet aU ^ce aften e r a 2 ^-hourdiase exacte»ctageor8ex,pdlce8aId. ________ —over-Uie noH hO TS1 Sea.ot Japan.Sepi:::._::Se^teardier8"J»YCJl8tUttT^‘q>:^^_____ j ■■ ^--------- piecesces of Uie plane, Uiduding a p ^ of _______ -................ 1. - — «'T-new-tQWBTd^jr th e Intru d er-an d — tb e■aireraft*8taUflnriB»aniary.wlngB.-: a iri -------: :------------ -nashed-Uie-UBhts,!s,»-tbe-piiotJ>f th e ■ In-Wn Wnohlngfw^ Ri»apm Ktqppefl up---- ~ *attadcB"OirUwrSavlrt'Unk»u aft» : TVnnNcwtplnlo/UCODELAStMU liHa-SuKRoi-su-injiniereepCirflannfl— hiratt ftoQ/»r{h<ng th? flrtfinal m in u tes.b efo re—Mosco'scow-blunUy refused to apdoglce sboothig down tbe plane. I - ^ H o t ^ H c k s ^ ^ -------------- UieBoeIog747.was.<5 destroyed wiUi two for sho 1 aU'-to-alrmissUes.