Republican Journal
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The Republican Journal. (‘I-I ME (4. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1892. NUMBER (!. Colonel Henry Walker presided. Mr. Ed- a post between the United States A Belfast in Lewiston. parcels Boy Obituary. conducted by the Rev. Myra Kingsbury, irpubltcan Journal. gar O. Acliorn, a of llowdoin, and British thousand S. T. Carr died this morning at 5 o'eloek graduate Guiana.Eight of the Universalist Belfast. was elected the ease of bills have been introduced in Con- pastor Churcli, at his residence on Fulton street, of heart EVERY Till USHAY president.In already T. of died .. 1 MOltNIN'G BY THE Capt. Joseph Conant, Camden, disease and He Ponce the Portland where and after a session of two pneumonia. was sixty-nine against Masons, gress, months, in Belfast at the home of Elisha H. Conant, years of age, having been horn in he sued to recover $2,500 for a only three unimportant ones have passed Capt. Daniel L. Cousens died Friday af- Luber, furnishing early Monday about 51 Maine, in July 182J. He went to at clam hake and the verdict was both Houses and become laws. It looks morning, aged years. ternoon at Michigan Journal Co. $5000, Sandy Point, Stockton, of la an ami was the of iiolican PiHMi® Conant had been ill for some time and early <lay discoverer iron Ponce is a new trial like an all summer session.The State Capt. granted by Supreme grippe, at the age of 5)1 years. He was born in the Lake Superior region in 1.S44. He went eame to Belfast a short time for medical Commander G. has no of the re- ago in to California in 1841) and was a candidate on ■est Circulation in City and County. court—Department Dyer, Department knowledge Prospect, now Stockton, and was the old- A. made the follow- intention of to send a minis- treatment. The disease was in the ticket for the in h\, Saturday morning ported Italy neuralgia est son of Whig legislature Yuca Nathaniel ami Abigail Cousens, in mal is the Charles F. ter to this Senate Thurs- the on county 1850, at which time he owned and paper for Maine sea- ing appointments: Jones, country.The head, brought partially by hereditary and has always resided near where In* was conducted a large store in f faring people." assistant the of the committee tendencies and at sea. Marysville skowliegan, adjutant general: day adopted report partially by exposure l-a ter on in born. For he was a master life lie returned to the East, A. D. Kussell, chief on elections in the case of the Florida While he was forty-live years Augusta, recruiting very ill his people did not ex- w here he remained until about eleven u ru'N Terms. In advance. S2.uo a year ; mariner and had command of ves- years officer.The S. 1). Warren Co., divided Senators, declaring Mr. Call entitled to the a several w hen $2.r»U; at the oV the pect fatal result. Sunday the was ago, lie came to Tombstone where he year, expiration at captain sels in the $22,450 among their employes Cumber- seat.The President Friday made proc- coasting business. He accumu- has since resided, lie was elected constable limeh better and conversed with his family •>iMi Terms. For one square. one inch land Mills. the first divi- lamation that arrangements un- lated a ot this a year a verv Friday, being reciprocal and snug property and had a pleasant, precinct ago by large ;; ••ohunii' si.go tor one week, and 2."» friends. He grew worse as which dend of profits to he shared by them. der section .'J of the McKinley act had rapidly well home. majority, position lie' held at the aeli .subsequent iimenioi.. A traction ol provided Not many of his old There was a at Monmouth been concluded with the British colonies night eame on and died before lion-of his death. He was highly esteemed narked as a full one. large gathering morning. associates in his business, ifanv, are now liv- by aii because of his manhood and in Feb. sth in the interest of a condensed of Jamaica and its dependencies.The Capt. Conant was the son of Warren Conant, sterling He u<ts an man legerity. He leaves a wife and two children milk which it is to es- House the census bill ing. honest, upright and stouts of To-day’s Journal. factory proposed passed deficiency and was horn in Limolnville Centre in Thad Carr, who had a has been a clerk for Mr. Lv- tablish there. President i. ('. after sonic discussion in which the pleasant, social, winning way that won Libby Friday 1*41. When a man he went to Cam- dow for the past two years, and M rs. !• -USE 1 young the English and two directors of the Democrats attacked the eleventh census. respect of his and a wide circle t hew < Newport factory den and entered neighbors iie ot <»ii r district at t >riiey, 1 m-shies man \ > a which Maiian I the week. Mr I'.laiue not a were upon sea-faring life, "t present and spoke in glowing terms .The navy department is endeavoring friends, in 1828 he married Charlotte relatives in the east and south and a Host ot > W a tera !e 1 »mt r;. iw h i-ed (i land A r- j lie continued until a few He of the The is to head off the several' colliers which years ago. triends every where to mourn their loss. His .ii ie> Paw < ourt \ Uell.tst Jlo> in industry. proposed plant: Slmte. Their long married life of (12 years rose in his and in 18<>.'5 was life was a useful and a 1 1 < "in n 1 tu >tia\ 1 xciniM- lo cost *40, Ut>0 or *50.000. Lben Jordan started from Now York during the recent rapidly calling busy om lb- was has been our of unusual Of a s in command of pleasantness. alway found hi the angiuird f A'1 L*. I of the lirm of Jordan. Marsh A Co., of Chilian war preparations, headed for the placed bark Trojan. lie af- i-rngress family < I tliri e gins and two hoes he leaves ib was indeed a 'Tend s>'. nr. ‘Ari- ! ikkmden C" Poston, to take >JO.00 > of the Pacific.The House committee mi elec- terwards commanded the Loch Lo- pioneer. "ires]-"tideii<e | promises brigs '■'•lia. til!. 1 tin 11 hmtali.ii "i aim ! recent a one Son, I )anie!. and t wo is. II. M< : 1‘rospel pi. stock. A number of prominent men of tions Friday decided the lirst election ease mond and Don and the barks gram ais, r- ■ Quixote, ! ilium in the A "tint > <iene;Uoc\ of M >'• < ai r V a> !'• ;•’ v.,• iJ kin in ! Momnomli arc* interested.The store of it has considered, and decided it in favor ris Griltin ami Frank Cousens. j mr’y l;d PaiuiH. Sharpsbitrg and Arizona. I n IMb the bark Friday w here h< reshb — v. < i. Mori ill at afternoon the funeral fast, He w; a<. Pros.. merchandise. of who has been eon- \ < < services of .Mis. { general Craig, Democrat, I.YAH K. x)M ];>. John M. Clerk was built for him at Camden, a <;. a New >haron. was burned morn- tlte scat of Stewart. Fastis were iiciii at the classmate of \Y. H. and W. L Sunday | testing Republican, In last wa k the his house where the\ Simpson ■ reporting election and in- under immediate She was "ft h .eat:lie-Me me Mate t olhii: Cause supervision. !’\. ing. unknown. Loss. *2500: in from fiie :Mth Congressional District of both livi and be <!;« d Avery. \ si>tcr. Mrs. i< i <' Nr A«.r 4. | stallation of officers of tin- Central Labor a successful vesse l. d, In-tore tin- servir. s slued *000. G. P. very About ism Capt. j for The A. hall in the ; Pennsylvania. The vote stood 10 to o, 8on, resides in Mas*-. .1 isl: l nion of Lewiston and The Au- Conant left the were over. Monday morning the wife. Mrs. S|uunjMb-n'. -econd lost hut the Hags. two with the Auburn, sea, placing his \essel in 1.; e < •: i. t with "iiiioenee Men story everything ! Republicans concurring burn with elite t- command of Charlotte Cousens, who ill at the time ■ Loss. *200: no insurance. The or Democrats of the Daily Gazette, customary L. W. of lay .4 :;. l'M lei :<■' New- of | Grange committee.Captain Capt. Pendleton, Mi'. 1 of her husband's Frol L. Carter. «.| Belfast. di« d n I- 4 Lrk- Maud Sold, Personam copied the same hall and lost their chart- Schley has asked Secretary Traev to allow prise, gave portraits of the officers, and of Islesboro, who had been bis lirst finer. death, passed away, aged ■ Si. < i. •• .1 snlii Court. Mrct- last 50 ears. 7 mi er. etc. *25.. ..Ernest the him to remain in command of the Balti- State of When the 8.s years. She was also a victim of la day aged y months: days. "lint (.Tiilce Loss, Perkins, | Deputy Commissioner Labor, K. F. Cleveland administration eame in grippe. Mr. ( 1 son of J. F. Perkins. Path. more. and he would like to to the The husband and wife dead in artcr had Bright's disease. ut w •.■»: !2-year-old go Cliolk. Of one of the trustees, Mr. Alvali Capt.