The Republican Journal.


Colonel Henry Walker presided. Mr. Ed- a post between the United States A Belfast in Lewiston. parcels Boy Obituary. conducted by the Rev. Myra Kingsbury, irpubltcan Journal. gar O. Acliorn, a of llowdoin, and British thousand S. T. Carr died this morning at 5 o'eloek graduate Guiana.Eight of the Universalist Belfast. was elected the ease of bills have been introduced in Con- pastor Churcli, at his residence on Fulton street, of heart EVERY Till USHAY president.In already T. of died .. 1 MOltNIN'G BY THE Capt. Joseph Conant, Camden, disease and He Ponce the Portland where and after a session of two pneumonia. was sixty-nine against Masons, gress, months, in Belfast at the home of Elisha H. Conant, years of age, having been horn in he sued to recover $2,500 for a only three unimportant ones have passed Capt. Daniel L. Cousens died Friday af- Luber, furnishing early Monday about 51 Maine, in July 182J. He went to at clam hake and the verdict was both Houses and become laws. It looks morning, aged years. ternoon at Michigan Journal Co. $5000, Sandy Point, Stockton, of la an ami was the of iiolican PiHMi® Conant had been ill for some time and early iMi Terms. For one square. one inch land Mills. the first divi- lamation that arrangements un- lated a ot this a year a verv Friday, being reciprocal and snug property and had a pleasant, precinct ago by large ;; ••ohunii' si.go tor one week, and 2."» friends. He grew worse as which dend of profits to he shared by them. der section .'J of the McKinley act had rapidly well home. majority, position lie' held at the aeli .subsequent iimenioi.. A traction ol provided Not many of his old There was a at Monmouth been concluded with the British colonies night eame on and died before lion-of his death. He was highly esteemed narked as a full one. large gathering morning. associates in his business, ifanv, are now liv- by aii because of his manhood and in Feb. sth in the interest of a condensed of Jamaica and its dependencies.The Capt. Conant was the son of Warren Conant, sterling He uriiey, 1 m-shies man \ > a which Maiian I the week. Mr I'.laiue not a were upon sea-faring life, "t present and spoke in glowing terms .The navy department is endeavoring friends, in 1828 he married Charlotte relatives in the east and south and a Host ot > W a tera !e 1 »mt r;. iw h i-ed (i land A r- j lie continued until a few He of the The is to head off the several' colliers which years ago. triends every where to mourn their loss. His .ii ie> Paw < ourt \ Uell.tst Jlo> in industry. proposed plant: Slmte. Their long married life of (12 years rose in his and in 18<>.'5 was life was a useful and a 1 1 < "in n 1 tu >tia\ 1 xciniM- lo cost *40, Ut>0 or *50.000. Lben Jordan started from Now York during the recent rapidly calling busy om lb- was has been our of unusual Of a s in command of pleasantness. alway found hi the angiuird f A'1 L*. I of the lirm of Jordan. Marsh A Co., of Chilian war preparations, headed for the placed bark Trojan. lie af- i-rngress family < I tliri e gins and two hoes he leaves ib was indeed a 'Tend s>'. nr. ‘Ari- ! ikkmden C" Poston, to take >JO.00 > of the Pacific.The House committee mi elec- terwards commanded the Loch Lo- pioneer. "ires]-"tideii '• < ai r V a> !'• ;•’ v.,• iJ kin in ! Momnomli arc* interested.The store of it has considered, and decided it in favor ris Griltin ami Frank Cousens. j mr’y l;d PaiuiH. Sharpsbitrg and Arizona. I n IMb the bark Friday w here h< reshb — v. < i. Mori ill at afternoon the funeral fast, He w; a<. Pros.. merchandise. of who has been eon- \ < < services of .Mis. { general Craig, Democrat, I.YAH K. x)M ];>. John M. Clerk was built for him at Camden, a <;. a New >haron. was burned morn- tlte scat of Stewart. Fastis were iiciii at the classmate of \Y. H. and W. L Sunday | testing Republican, In last wa k the his house where the\ Simpson ■ reporting election and in- under immediate She was "ft h .eat:lie-Me me Mate t olhii: Cause supervision. !’\. ing. unknown. Loss. *2500: in from fiie :Mth Congressional District of both livi and be tcr. Mrs. i< i <' Nr A«.r 4. | stallation of officers of tin- Central Labor a successful vesse l. d, In-tore tin- servir. s slued *000. G. P. very About ism Capt. j for The A. hall in the ; Pennsylvania. The vote stood 10 to o, 8on, resides in Mas*-. .1 isl: l nion of Lewiston and The Au- Conant left the were over. Monday morning the wife. Mrs. S|uunjMb-n'. -econd lost hut the Hags. two with the Auburn, sea, placing his \essel in 1.; e < •: i. t with "iiiioenee Men story everything ! Republicans concurring burn with elite t- command of Charlotte Cousens, who ill at the time ■ Loss. *200: no insurance. The or Democrats of the Daily Gazette, customary L. W. of lay .4 :;. l'M lei :<■' New- of | Grange committee.Captain Capt. Pendleton, Mi'. 1 of her husband's Frol L. Carter. «.| Belfast. di« d n I- 4 Lrk- Maud Sold, Personam copied the same hall and lost their chart- Schley has asked Secretary Traev to allow prise, gave portraits of the officers, and of Islesboro, who had been bis lirst finer. death, passed away, aged ■ Si. < i. •• .1 snlii Court. Mrct- last 50 ears. 7 mi er. etc. *25.. ..Ernest the him to remain in command of the Balti- State of When the 8.s years. She was also a victim of la day aged y months: days. "lint (.Tiilce Loss, Perkins, | Deputy Commissioner Labor, K. F. Cleveland administration eame in grippe. Mr. ( 1 son of J. F. Perkins. Path. more. and he would like to to the The husband and wife dead in artcr had Bright's disease. ut w •.■»: !2-year-old go Cliolk. Of one of the trustees, Mr. Alvali Capt. Conant was appointed Collce- lay their \\ Deputy hile on South Hill. Path. Satur- China station in her. It is his at the Taken dl a lew he tore his a coasting thought 1'.. tornf Customs house same t inie. days deith with AOE G. Coombs, (wliose portrait is reproduced at this port, and eame here was run into a sled and so will be day night, by request granted.The President. had cold, followed infimn/.a. The com- !•!. I’"« m Whipple and Farragut. above the of our Auburn lo reside. He by that he died the sent to the Senate the nomination through courtesy made many friends during le-eki.i:,"- All < 'III 11 "Use ill North injured during night. Monday, Mrs. Clarissa ot diseases hca■ failure the his residence in Bird, widow of the late .John plication produced ier;ii New- and Notes Ueji'ister On hand there are indieations that of Edward C. o'Brion of New York, com- contemporary) Gazelle says: Belfast and it was every hoped M r. Carter w as \\ !■! \f-.-e!.- Mr. Bird, Sr., died at her resilience in Rockland born in Montvilh and was lie Hast lureeton the position of General Manager of the misioncr of navigation, vice William AY. Coombs is one of the most, energetic lie would remain a citizen of the place. At J a <. 7. labor workers in Feb. at the a son of the late Jonathan Carter He was Poston A Maine is to offered to Bates, ! Lewiston. He is 27 years the end of his term in 4, age of H4. Mrs. Bird was a r.ien be Pay- resigned. the custom and Household.. .Love of Christ old, was born in and came to house, a brother son Tucker, of the Maine but Belfast, Maine, daughter of John who died of Messrs, j I. A. and M. b ('art- Protect the (dune. Central, Lewiston 10 however, he moved with his to Laco- Capt. Gregory, Ti ijf Tories. Mr. V. AY. of years ago. Mr. Coombs is mar- family of 1AI.I «s. Maine that he not Hill, some since over a Belfast. Mr. Carter was a member of people hope may accept. *• ried and lives in a homo on N. where years something hundred Exeter lias sold Ids fast pacer Uncle cosy Biverside nia, II., his eldest daughter went ! Correspondence. — treasurer 1 oi Jiowdoin street. He is also and a Plnenix ot Masons and Belfast Conn l.ot-ai-.County oung College, Josh" for s500. Mr. Hill lias secretary of the Painters’ into business. The years old, granddaughter of William Lodge is at recently l captain, however, long- present in California looking after nion, th*' success of which lias in a great oil and carried lift two nice horses: a Gregory who settled in South Camden in Royal Arcanum, >1,500 \K\VS OF THE WEEK. the interests of the in the recent bought very one, gold- measure been due to his untiring efforts. ed for his native State and the sight of old college and was insurance in the latter a en sorrel, stands 15.2 1-2, is seven years and 1770, the second bona tide settler of body. He leaves S400,000 two men in Mr. Coombs is to be the son of ocean, shortly after returned to Cam- bequest.The thought the town. wife and four \i. A1 a i;s. ileceiit old and weighs 1000 pounds_Gen. James Mrs. Bird leaves three children. The funeral took investiga- Brunswick who are accused of doing a den where he formed a with sons, F. at Anthony Coombs, who moved to Belfast copartnership have shown that in insurance Robinson, aged 00, died Lexington, Aim on Bird, and M. place on Sunday. ABnlnasport graveyard business have been from Isles Isaac Coombs and to John, 2d, Sidney Bird, He was one of the best boro. The subject of the above Capt. began build ves- e township are two granite qttar- held for trial.( .lames Robinson. Ivy., Friday. of John Bird wholesale apt. was sels. The first vessel built was the three- Company, grocers, and a known turfmen in the United States. He sketch born here, but left Belfast when Mary C.. wife of J. S. Knowlton. of Cam- iiuesii..u« and marble quarry of Dockland, a brother of (’apt. David and three daughters, Mrs. Harriet has been of the Asso- or masted schoooner Wm. H. Sumner. Packard, oi s'aie. The most valuable Robinson of the steamer president Kentucky ten twelve years of age. Capt. den, died of heart disease Feb. 2d «-1.fisii Rockland, died Mrs. Clarissa Weeks and Mrs. Lorinda Bar- suddenly is now leas- ciation for 20 Waterville Conant took command and made the lirst i*r«*]n*iih-s. probably, ahem 70 The deceas- years.The aged 42 years. Mrs. Knowlton was tin ►Sunday, aged years. stell. Mrs. Bird has been a member of the worked the Mail says: “When Col. Tom lived in 311*. 131 aine Not a Candidate. in her to a icing by Macliiasport ed was a well known sea captain and Lang voyage Southern port. Iiis firm of the late Yassalboro and owned the famous First Baptist Church of Rockland since daughter Samuel Chase ot Fompany. This is a quarry id’ lime burner, while as a he had few stallion then built for New York the barken- 1828, pilot PRACTICALLY parties Camden. She leaves a husband and two- d situated on the water Gen. Knox, he had a sleigh built for the HE DE< LINES T1IE PRESI- was an earnest Christian woman, and was granite, equals hereabouts.In the annual re- t ilie Minnie which was launched but a Swan, to mourn her death. and some fifteen acres of special purpose of driving the General DENCY. widely known and revered in the daughters early The covering port of Adjutant General Sprague, the few weeks It is said greatly in it. This is now in the ago. that his partner, funeral services 1 >r. At. Twitchell will retain former brigade commander. General II. sleigh possession W ashing To n Feb. 7. The following community in which she lived. She retained were held at her late resi- <»f S. L of this Mr. Capt. Coombs, was ill while this vessel was lion as eierk in the oiiiee of the Abbott, Esq., city. dence on Elm •. L. Mitchell, urges the desirability of letter explains itself: all her faculties in a marked until al- St., Thursday afternoon, lb Abbott lias bad a ed in the and degree Board ol three full of | pole plat sleigh building, Capt. Conant, while not well Jones b\ Agiieulture.The j maintaining regiments infan- most the last hours of her life ami died Henry officiating, assisted Hew L 1 ! and drives out a with it. It is a little Washington. Feb. (>. 1NU2. i ; td insurance nuMuess to t as authorized b\ law span himself, worked w hen he should have been I >. E\ ans. reported ry Honorable S. < remarkable that the colts in the are .1. Chairman of peacefully. She leaves a fragrant memory. •Mini' Insuranee ommissiimer the span Clarkson, alter his own health, Conant the National Committee: looking (’apt. ar N as follows: Tile. j both grandsons of Gen. Knox. It is unnec- Bcpubliean klFhur*b,htid; married Rebecca a sister of William ot the late i\ Buii-.r. The Vermont <». A. R. en- to that both are also as My Dear sir 1 am not a candidate for Conant, Mrs. Mary A. Converse, whose ais. >1.T>4..V>U; •■s7;>7.o7(>. essary say speedy, Mary, wife of Horace Banks, of Boor’s losses, the J». and Elisha H. Conant, of this who campment embused commander-in-( hief was their famous a Presidency and m\ name will not go city, g4'.*.04'.»: grandsire’*.Vt Mills, Belfast, died on Sunday, aged r»4 Palmer’s famous Rebel Order, hut meet before the National ('onven- with two Mabel and sur- sl4u..'>:;s. The losses Flag nig of the executive commit tee of lie Bepublican daughters, Josie, Mr. and week, tin* Dainariseotta Herald says: Mrs. companies' 1 years. Mrs. Banks had both been of the known as the National Association of iion for the nomination. vives him. I'Ut a trifle more than the disapproved society Trotting Horse (’apt. Conant was a man of de- Converse was one of the earliest members of previous 1 make this ill with the grip, but bad recovered. On Loyal Veterans.Carlyle W. Harris, a Breeders in New York it was announcement in due sea- •'ided and \i the meeting of the New Fng- Thursday, ability sterling integrity. His St. Andrew's and lived and died in student accused of son. To those who have last started to ride to Mr. ehureh, in Boston last young having poison- I decided to establish a new tendered me word Thursday they \grieult.ural .'soeiety unanimously was as good ns his bond. He had the the Christian faith and communion. is ed his Helen in New their 1 owe sincere thanks and a Slut he fol low trustees were * iiosen wife, Potts, York, stud book for the registration of support, George Erskiue’s, neighbor who lived two ing high respect of and the warm was found of am most for their everybody regard pleasantly remembered by many of our old- <■. K. o. guilty murder in the first de- class trotters The sentiment grateful confidence. and a half miles away. As rode line: (_>. Beal. Bangor; exclusively. of all who knew him they along Russian .lews have 1 am sure, make an earnest intimately. He was a er residents as all the .>t Portland: Fred A wood. Win gree.Several gone among the Kastern breeders is almost a They will, Mrs. Banks remarked how well she felt and possessing .pialities most t" work in tin- Lowell mills, and the La- unit the admission id to effort in the which genial companion and a staunch friend. mind and heart that y. mak- the ,i; Aloses North Berwick: against pacers approaching contest, how much she the ride. Mr. Banks go true llussey. 1 is enjoyed bor bilious threaten ‘.rouble.James A. tlie standard. rendered specially reason His death is a severe loss to his town. None wife, mot her and friend." nkei Aiekean. Fryeburg. President trotting important by was and noticed Ire of the talking that his wife did tel hen and William H. Smith charged industrial and financial of outside of the immediate will mourn mi and Seeretary Bowel! were re- policies family not with the munbT of Fisli AM) liAMK. Bios.. of t he at answer and that she leaned heavily uj»- Tin* death of Howard <»ood- Tena ,1. Davis, have Toney government being stake. The pop- him more than E. W. Pendle- ....« deeply Capt. <> Wyman Wallace Clitcr. Pen.’ -n prior been held foi the the .Mal- Milbridge. caught loot) pounds nf smelts ular decision on these issues is of »i him. She had received a severe shock of of A iigusta. and a w ell grand jur\ by great ton, now in the sell. Win. IT. Sumner. meriy in one on They and for the -a p. ibu,. Mass., district conn.The trial of evening the river there last week, moment and will be of far conse- paralysis and was unconscious. He drove inspector port .dud .Maiin- young man. i> announced in reaching were for and each •• the will ease was and at the now tor them shipmates many years Feb. t of having on i:ia. Hie will of Hu* late 1 lun. ikmiahy begun in Provi- price being paid quences. Very sincerely yours, to the house of Benj. Wentworth and .Mrs. consumption. the in tlie market ii was a had a warm regard for the other. In his dence iast week. 'This is the will in which very protitable J ames <;. Be \INE. sy-k list since Max'. Mr. im. r \\ • • Tinian. <»i Bangor, wiio was killed Banks was taken in where she rema ned un- mem- Mrs. lei; Dr. i Thatcher Graxes evening's work. The catch down east famil.v (’apt. Conant was a kind and indul- ber of The Fourth ek a! I* reder’n ton, X. B. has heeii Barnaby THINKS II A PRISON WILL HE I.' ENO.M I X A TED. til death ensued on Mrs. Banks Ma lb g \>. in t!:• ooo and thus far exceeds that on the husband and Sunday. a a I made iiim ex.cutor. As Dr. greatly gent father. The bereaved late xx ar from 1 si;j :. im: probate Bangor. H bequeaths W \>iiino rox, Feb. 7. Fos- was the daughter «*f Phineas Barter, ami h ,, Craves is now wanted in ( oiorado. a I’cnohscot.Fox hunters upon that Secretary hi> to his jus; have tlie sympathy of the entire of a severe laig>- property widow, ter was seen a and asked for community. was a woman a- b- y d All. (Tinian had iile insurance is probated. The suit to break it is quite correspondent of He said he had been its Mr. E. H. Conant at 10 a. m. I fe was a t bv Mr>. Bai nabv’s famih.s shot, while more ban* been tracked hut anticipating ap- Wednesday, the Journal and her mantis- was fieri, i. •;.■ p, at 111 sni.ihiu. aim iiiTiHrin brought ript always mg jmi lc-t pearance. 1 mt was it had come Rev. T..\. Savage The remains '■ '' lute. 1 lie r:it<»r win* tailed captured. surprised officiating. neat, and correct. from l*b4 t" ls:\ v, i;-1, -rlb.ouo imue.1 lit Bangor board giain <»]>«• out The Journal extends now. were taken to Camden for ha> hern reinstate*: in tlie New interment,. \ ■ istration's show tlit* recently. I’outk \ i. Point.-. Tin* Boston Even- to the bereaved xDpnt collect,which c p. : : It-of figures popula- ••ii will result in. I think. he said. sympathy husband. She ; York >h»rk K \«• 11 a 11•.Tile 1J i: 11 <•!' M. '1 to he about 2b.000. J lie ing New.-.. Friday. published a long article left no children. ev.-r since. Mr. I Im ;■ w-< Bangor 1 President Harrison's rerunnination.'' ruder '’> intis, the nrt'w. I<*r tin- murder of 1' tiie a of ]«).- 1larging the 1 >cmo<-ratic and state of 111 Pi '•gave city population city Fdxx 1.: post. (i. A. I. ... V. .IS :i Policeman < Cant I;.• -1 »< -i:\ATl)!! II.LO.M A < A X I >11) A T K. Iulmnnd P. Brown died at his home in ..The annual of tin state gun in San Krem-is- <•'unmittci with meeting receiving huge peeun- I'l-axe -old c: ,1 I c it;/, 1:. ot <<>.V*l\i*->> 1 r< >m m. Belfast of on Jeremiah of died at patri. .,i„- will be held in senate Petersburg say the aid in late from the Eoui.-iatia Senator < idiom, of in an inter- pneumonia, Monday evening, (-'apt. Stover, Belfast, .ssoeiatiou the iaiy years Illinois, I he of in the his home on of the Ulo-t cmtIIhiI u| mo; } 1, \\ ib- b.-r. Feb. 17th, at 2.b0 price grain distressed provinces state 'l'lie Demorrats the view to-night announced that he would he in the 77th year of his age. He lived on the Saturday, prevailing Augusta. p. lottery, deny and of is tailing owinj i>> the iiineam- in tin- rail- a candidate for the (»!* a host friend- !<• mourn .-nth. 'ib the ioliowing order of business: charge.Additional expressions of opiu- nomination for Presi- farm, on the Poor's Mills road, where he was disease, aged years. (’apt. Stover had i mad facilities.Th»* annual of i»*n in to dent. in view of Mr. Blaine's been a man :s and election of officers: address banquet regard Mr. Blaine's letter show declination. born, and where his entire lift* was sea-faring ail his lib*, onnuaini- I the Merchants' and j spent. Hon. ( harles Manufacturers* Asso- that his friends look it as linal and DJS A several Mrs. petsev ,1. xv doXX 1 I., h:te president. F. Libby: upon ITOIXT.M KNT TO UEl'l I5I.1CA.XS. He was th** son of .John G. who ing coasting vessels, and was an « \- lloftge. * <>f Brown, lion. Orxille 1). Baker, suh- i iatiou. Raitimore. took place last will make no effort whatever to have him by Xkw \ oitk, Feb. 7. The came to Belfast from Gorham in 1X04. Ed- cellent citizen. One man in Belfast has rea- i 'Thursday night. Among those nominated. Tribune says: Uie Profession:" address. b\ Hon. present son to m-arix ms. She xvas m .: Pic j This formal announcement will cause sor- mund P. was one of a of chil- he thankful to the late Stover. !0y. oldest all. Keminis- ; were Cnited states Senator Vance and large family Capt. Drummond, subject. The row and rsons :n toxvn. and ;- vreil and < n I>* *u telle.Tlie City of Waterville Disfranchised. deep disappointment to thous- dren, ami though in life he had to Twenty years ago J. W. was p* i.nor.dily > of the Kennebec Bar.'' The 'ongressm eorrespond- early (’apt. Ferguson meeting ands of and no remember* cut of the London Times at Republicans there is rea- adverse he in command of sell. Earl and was d by .iir old.-r t ,/,ci> onelude with a at 7 m_ J Valparaiso struggle against cireunistanees, making banquet p. 1 11K .MAVOIJ KHIT Sl> IK) son for a at the house of TO Ills 1*1,AIN dissembling that fact. the McLain, about bb. a iisherman. says ]»«>li<*«* guard Mr. achieved success and became a prosperous passage from Belfast to Boston in He- i aged 1H No in is maintained TV. other living American has inspired ed into the sea at llcron island, at Kgan Santiago by the farmer. When a man he took his cemher. Jeremiah Stover was mat. h ! W. St The matter at Waterville such ardent young Merrill rout. who died Wo!, ,, Chilian authorities, with a view to registration is devotion, and upon no other nontli of tin- Damariscotta river Feb. prevent was in tin* still unsettled and there are have so father’s farm for the maintenance of his night time and the vessel w as off | Muss., Sum lux was l.orn in an attack from the fears that the many Americans longed to confer Durham. Me.. : 1 was drowned, ilc was ill with the rough element.Kx- entire will hi* the The farm was Boon Island free. The and President of the l\Soo" city disfranchised at the greatest distinction within their gift. parents. rough, uncultivated, running captain 7b years ago. ami xvas town clerk. selca nan and was in- Finney, line, pro- probably temporarily election. The Portland that cook were on the t«» build an air line from to coming Press Certainly foremost citizen of the and there was a mortgage it of >b00. deck, latter at the un*4 school agent of Durham. Mr. St -out re- 11 e leaves a jioses Chicago upon wheel.) family.(Iilman The cause of the will not 1 New York. He thinks the says: predicament in country he the next President of and Mr. Brown over- The foreboom came over and knocked ( sided in Pruusxx v of w hile a barn saving of 234 By industry frugality apt. jck. Me for I'd vears. \ Jefferson, moving which the linds itself is a deadlock in the Pnited States and the miles and six hours city presumption came all bis overboard. so it town was Feb. b by express trains obstacles, got farm under excel- Ferguson The cook was wifloxv and four eliihIren siirx i\ e him—three seriously injured the Board of about that he will never that would warrant an sufficient to ac- Registration brought occupy great office lever him, break- outlay lent cultivation, assisted bis and frightened that lie did not let the vessel who Iix e m Mas-uehtiSf tjs. ami Mrs heavy falling upon the refusal of the cannot fail to afflict a children, the const ruction of such a rail- primarily by Mayor of multitude of his fel- ins collar bone, his complish has left liis wife a In his im- come to, but ran below and called Mr. Stuv- < !*. 1 amt n 15. :fast. dislocating the to his low citizens with a keen sense of snug property. j hard, way.At a meeting of the Met ar- city perform plain duty. personal der and it is feared him in- Friday mediate he was a most useful er and injuring AN liether the registration law w as w ise or grief. vicinity citi- Henry Gilman. When tln*\ got <.u of Maine. G. thyite section of tlie Irish parliamentary diy.The department unwise was no business of the The withdrawal of zen, and was charitable almost to a fault. deck tile vessel was a Albion P 11 .Justin was Mayor of ! Mr. Blaine may not long way from tin- i.ggills died Suudav in Prook- h will its first of a partv. McCarthy re-elected complete quarter Mass., after a AA'aterville. It was a settle the He his ward in the The was, short illness He a as this The first in president.The wildest excitement pre- passed by legisla- immediately beyond controversy represented city govern- struggling captain. vessel rounded 'ury year. post Maine ture to it. and result of the born in Thorndike, Me., on n, rob.•; r isji vails over the in fully competent pass sign- Republican convention, but ment, and was a useful member. He married to, the boat and the boat in in Bath. June 1807. discovery Plymouth lowered, guiding He was educated in tin- common s. h ••4s. organized 28th, ed the It was and it does in a Hock at Cold of a chim- by governor. morally undoubtedly large measure Joanna Pierce, of a The Maine Medical .School its shaft, 11111, Co]., Montville, sister of A. the darkness, Mr. Stover put hack to find and taught lor some time, lie xvas in tsi- began on whom it clear the field for Gen. Harrison. ney of ore. which to legally binding every person K. of who for ( ness in ib.ckland. Me ami mil term Feb. 4 with the usual gold assays $12,000 4 Pierce, Belfast, forty-eight aptain Ferguson. Mr. Stover's atterxvard cd good affected and was bound to The Herald As far as the judgment si:.,000 W. Harris everybody obey says: Re- to Ne\V \ XX'hefe he hecailie a lueUlin oj ndanee.The officers of the Maine per ton.Carlyle years was indeed a t>» her hus- was accurate for he ol’k, it of his views of its arc concerned, it be help-mate put the boat directly on the who poisoned his young Feb. irrespective propriety. publicans may said, piano warehouse firm of Thomas S don, league of American Wheelmen, wife, 1, band. Mrs. Brown and three children sur- to the and 180C and win* Mayors of cities are not authorized to re- without fear of eontradiciion, have captain rescued him after In* had Ih rrx & Co. He was also connected with decided to the \ ork last Thursday was convict- they accept county view acts and to or lost their man. vive—Arthur I. Belfast's efficient I been in the water the Webers and xviti Freeborn t lie La tax cite A cm,. Pres- ’ijured by his horse running away at each is well known to the readers of the Journal to he members of the ra- Chur*-!', xx 11 sc Murderer Mellvaine was electrocuted at party, egist Law Court. a graduate of Harvard and of Har- byterian pastor ! w ( I r.-gg. kland, Friday, llis wife and child cs- as the author of many articles on education- college N. \ tion board. It was mandatory in spirit ! Poston Journal. <-d new of Old Sing Sing. Monday morning. Two j vard medical school, from tin* uninjured.The city and in letter as al subjects. Mr. Brown was of graduating of the current was well. The Mayor of Clerk o! Courts Wadlin has received the justly proud 'ii is to have in the near future applications necessary. latter in 1802. lie was House likely Most i>i tin* AA aterville began to his un- liis wife and family, and on more than one appointed witnesses described the scene perforin duty receipts in the following Waldo county cases: The < oneert l uesdav tbli«• hospital, in which all schools can der the Physician in tin* Massachusetts General Hos- Evening. as horrible. All hut <>n<‘ of the law by appointing a Democratic occasion the writer has heard him extoil me. A has been a doctors James F. Fermi Id vs. Andrew E. Clark. oni]>any formed, member of the board. He next them. of pital and remained there for a In declared that death was appoint- One Mr. Brown's brothers, Arthur, year. Tile coin nr in I’eirc. > Parlor I'licitn d of directors has been chosen, and instantaneous, Belfast In 1878 the were ed Reuben Foster the parties. parties ISO:; In* was Assistant .lust before the current was Me- ex-Mayor Republi- is of the rand Piscata- appointed Surgeon in last '.In* < has been and for. applied in the marble* business. superintendent Bang* Tuesday evening. losing lit- lain- purchased paid | can member. The Democratic partners They dis- tin* l nited States and llvaine cried ‘*Let her appointee ordered to the > Tate outside the business section go."_A fire. quis railroad. In polities Mv. Brown early navy ineiil in lie North < In!■ .a:: .‘tat ns. and was t t,. music city, I ed as a member of the contract was | in Hotel corner of Sixth avenue Board. Mr. Foster drawn uj and signed, Mr. steamer .John this are to be rebuilt Ifoyal, olitionist and later a Adams at t<> sail in buildings upon on the other band declined the Republican. He was a Newport lovers. It is imi toe much t> sa\ that it was anil 40th street. New York, and a I appoint- Clark all the liabilities of the firm. fitted to serve the new fright- assuming pursuit of tin* Confederate Taeonv. purpose. ment and did not The of firm believer in the of the barque the most concerts ever ful scores qualify. duty Mr. Clark went stability govern- among pleasing given lias catastrophe followed, being subsequently into insol- Alter the war Burleigh appointed Augustus the in this was ment. Mr. Brown was a he became a either burned to death in the or Mayor contingency plain. useful citizen, and practising physi- here. The hall was well tilled and the audi •dlman. of to fill thevacan- flames vency, tin* creditors a Foxcrofi, It was to select another taking percentage. cian in Boston, and was killed to the streets below. gentleman. But in his death the city has sustained a loss. identified with cnee The ot ■ii the State Board of Assessors caused by jumping Mr. Fernahl the creditors the remain- highly appreciative. munching At last -Air. Jones took the strange ground that paid The funeral will he held many public institutions in that !m of Frank of accounts 100 people, guests and this afternoon and city. Sept. peanuts, the of and the death \V. Gilman, Ban- bis bad been der of tin* indebtedness and then submitted rustling newspapers servants, were and the death roll duty fully discharged with the services will 10, 1808, lie married Caroline Cross William- lie is a mcmocr <»i me >raie rsoaru missing, | lie conducted by Rev. Geo. buzz ('1 conversation were b\ the selection of Mr. Foster. He his claim in conspicuous is at not less than 70.The Allan assumed against Clark the Court of In- son, of a sister of .1 and lias served on the placed F. Tufts. Belfast, udge Joseph Wil- Agriculture, that Mr. Foster was a their absence, and the tine musi. could line ashore on the member of the but the court ruled that he was 1 Valuation ( ommission.The an- Polynesian, Virginia solvency, liamson, who survives her husband. board and that he was to therettire be enjoyed to the full. Tin- Ariel coast, has been floated.\ fire refusing act. not a creditor. He then sued Mr. hanquet of tin* Lewiston hoard of IJ when the Clark, occurred in the business of .Manches- fact clearly was that .Air. Foster Mrs. Sarah 1\ Kustis, of Point, Ladies* (Quartette of Rockland- Mrs. R. F ••• was held last Mr. part which went to the law court. The court Samly Thursday night. had never been a ter. N'. H.. the member, never having ac- died of la Pah. X!» On Jan. Spear, Mrs. 1>. N. Mortiand. Mrs n L. Andrew s, of the Lewiston Jour- early .Sunday morning, renders for the defendant in Stockton, grippe 2, aged both, IVre\ Lester, son of Capt. W. sopranos. ! cepted the and never judgment the worst since 1870.At 8.30 appointment, having She was horn in Louise Furbisli. Miss Julia ntrab was toast-master and among the Monday qualified. following rescript: years. Bristol, Lincoln G. and Nellie M. Kin-elan 1, died at the resi- Spear. night, a fire broke out in and j tos— won the fa\or of the audience ikers were Hon. Henry B. Cleaves, Memphis, county, and was the daughter of Miles and lience of his parents on on their soon to A partner who sells his interest in the Mystic street, 1 business blocks. The >nel Fred N. Dow. and ex-(Governor spread many Maine Grand Army. At the of 15 she lirst appearance, and the The total partnership to a co-partner, taking from him Mary Thompson. age years Charlestown. Mass., of consumption, aged during evening ■.( buries Watson has been arrest- damage amounts to fully a mil- an agreement to pay the debts came to now to live with -0 f> were repeatedly encored. Iieltast. has lion dollars.The Poston Journal Oil page three will he foil ml a of the partnership’s Prospect, Stockton, years and months. He had been sick Why o Hamilton. Ont., for burglary at Al- says report cannot recover against such co-partner for iioi heard these ladies before, and often, that one of the sessions of the Maine G. A. It. her aunt Sarah, Capt. Shiite’s two Last winter lu* plans agreed upon tile opening days debts which he was afterwards to Benjamin nearly years. went to seems Me.The governor and council, af- by at compelled surprising, but better late than never. Transit Auburn. Friday officers were elected as wife. In she married Joshua South America and a Kapid ('ommissioners is the doing pay for the co-partner to credi- 1824, Eustis. the West Indies and this Die male from abroad will meeting devoted to routine business, follows: Commander, Isaac of Skow- partnership quartettes have away with the present Poston and Maine Dyer, tors, the co-partner having received a dis- They moved on to their farm in the same to the south for his to look to their laurels. It be said here mmied Friday afternoon to Feb. is. liegan ; Senior Vice Commander, A.E. Nick- year health, hut change may station in and the erec- charge from the same debts by that a as to dates use the constable of Andros- Haymarket square of Swanville : Junior Vice insolvency where business tact of climate was of no avail. In through misunderstanding of liquor son, Commander, in which such neighborhood, by good December In* tion of a union station between the Pos- proceedings creditors proved the ladies were not so well prepared as they -uin was to Feb. 19. Jethro H. Swell, of Rev. and accumulated a took county postponed Kittery: Chaplain, their claims and received dividends thereon. frugal industry they cold at Citronelle, Ala., causing a se- would otherwise have been. We shall ton and Lowell station and Lowell street. C. A. Southard, of St. Medical Di- hope i'etition was received for the appoint- Albans; handsome In 1870 she was left a vere to hear them at an .President E. S. of J. C. Frye vs. J. H. Parker. This action property. attack of pleurisy. He went to the In- again early day. The 1 Bartlett, of Dartmouth rector, Coan, Aulmrn. nr of a special liquor constable in Wal- widow. Their married life of 52 harp soloist, .l/iss Harriet A. Shaw, is un- has II. Peers Representatives at large* were chosen as was on two promissory notes rtf $150 each, long years firmary at Mobile, and was there three Cobb Lime college, resigned.ffm, a line hut while her se- ounty.The (ompany, follows: H. S. Mclcher of was one of and questionably artist, has as of the New York Portland, alter- at Boston due iu singular industry pleasant- weeks. As soon as he was able to out of Auckland one of the most or- resigned president given April 17, 1888,—one go lections were of a high order, and served to important nate, Clias. Hamlin of Bangor. ness. She remained on old Life Insurance and has retired Represen- one month the homestead doors, he came hut the show her of the the en- •Miizations of the kind in the world, elect- Company, tatives, C. S. Crowell of Lewiston, Jas. H. and the other in two months. home, long journev mastery instrument, on a pension of a year. four years, the remainder of her life in his feeble cores were most appreciated by many of the •tlicers last week, as follows: Directors $23,000 Thayer of Foxcroft, A. D. Russell of Weld, The notes were given in favor of J. C. Frye, living condition proved too much for P. P- with her the late Philena Patter- audience, the writer included. Her first en- Mon. William T. Cobb, Colonel E. R. Gilmore of Dedham, Wm. Wiley of & daughters, him, and lie lived three weeks 1 Co., Boston, and were signed by J. H. only after his core, A Romance, was her own : N. F. Gardiner, W. Montgomery of Bootlibay, E. son and Ann Eliza Cousens. She composition Cornelius Hanrahan, Cobb Washington Whisi-kkings. The debt possessed return. He was a member for several the second was on an old O. Fislier of Bowdoinliam, E. Howard Vane Parker, of Missouri. The deft., is a western years improvisations lion. A. I). Bird. President—Hon. statement issued Feb. 1 shows a decrease a benevolent and sunny which of the Irish air, and the third was The Nun’s of Calais, J. F. of C. A. horse dealer and has several car disposition, Young Men’s Christian Union, of Bos- Pray- Day Springfield, brought er. .l/iss Shaw sails for T. ( ’obb. Vice President—Colonel E. during the month of in interest Southard of won for her a circle of friends. Europe next Satur- January Bidcleforcl. loads to one large admiring ton, and hail many friends. He was called Belfast. On of liis trips here lie deferred her a few Spear. and Treasurer—1L and non-interest debt of Resolutions were on the day. having departure Secretary bearing $1,995,- adopted death of She never shut her door the those who knew to was sued the and the case was i against poor by him best, days keep her here, and this Fierce.The sudden death from heart 652.50. The cash balance in the treasury Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. by pi IT., tried “Young engagement at the Jan. 1891. The verdict was for ! or needy, and was universally respected for because of his was probably her farewell concert in this M ;ise of Mrs. Alfred Winslow, of Oak- Jan. 31, 1892, was de- The next encampment will he held at Rock- term, Champion,” success with those $131,368,459.54; the in the sum of her country, ,1/r. H. .1/. Lord, of Rockland, w ho is She was a most es- land. plff., $438.90. Exceptions many good qualities. Early in life she of twice his as a chess announced. crease during the $3,205,668.70_ age player. His came here, out of his month, The closed were taken and allowed. The defence in abundant good nature, ‘"‘able and the entire is A state dinner was encampment Friday evening took a deep interest in the Universalist faith friends at the lady community given by President and the action was statute of factory where he used to work to help the lecture out of a dif- with a camp tire, under the auspices of Burn- the limitation. The management widened the loss.At the annual Mrs. Harrison to the law court overrules the in and took her Bible as her guide. She believ- sent a beautiful floral ficulty, carries with him by diplomatic corps side post. were made Com- exceptions the design, with the word everywhere great of the Bath board of trade Speeches by and a tine tenor ‘•'■‘•ting Friday Feb. 2. Secretary and Mrs. Plaine and mander-in-Chief Palmer and following rescript: ed in a God of love and mercy. She was an at the personal popularity very prominent “Shopmate” base. The funeral took voice. The 1M'i. William was chosen Mr. and Mrs. were the latter was heard to good advan- Rogers presi- Frye among guests. Grand Army men. Commander Palmer ar- Notes of hand not witnessed, in which the devout and had no every-day, Christian, place Wednesday. The services were con- tage Tuesday evening in solos, in the duett at.Bangor liquor dealers are alarm- .An arrangement has been made to re- rived Friday afternoon and was accorded a defendant is payor and the plff. payee, that vengeance for any one. She lived and died ducted Rev. with .1/rs. and in the merited en- over a that each one of them store warm have run before suit them for by George Crawford. Music Spear, report the steamship Ohio to her owners at reception. brought upon by cores. a believer in Mr. Lord was in excellent voice and •'o holds a United States license is to he The Woman’s National Relief con- more than six years since the note became strong universal salvation. Of quartette from Church. Three Philadelphia, March 6th. She will then Corps Trinity of sang with much his vention in are not the statute spirit, pleasing many first annual reunion of Lewiston Friday afternoon elect- due, barred by of limita- four and one she leaves one the bearers were ;a'Mcted.The have been in possession of the government daughters son, pall the most intimate old admirers and new ones. The ed officers. The the never lived in this winning " association of the Zeta principal are, President, tion, parties having crowded state of New England forty at a cost of daughter, Mrs. Cousens, and two grandsons, friends of the deceased. The remains were our columns us to days $20,000.The Mary E. Inman, Cherryfteld; S. V. P., Mrs. state nor in the same state, territory or compels 1 was held at the Parker British minister and Postmaster General cut short this notice, much unsaid fraternity, Ella H. J. V. Mrs. for time since the notes were Eustis Genn and Edgar Gammage, to mourn placed in a tomb in the St. leaving | Mason, Biddeford; P., country any receiving Phipps that we would /i&e to in commenda- *°li8e in Boston, last Friday night. Wanamaker have a convention for Ellen E. say—all signed Patterson, Bangor. given. their loss. The funeral services were ably Burial Ground until spring. tion. Lonesome Falk landers. They are all of European breeds, and the bullocks, with long bushy hair on the Knights Templar. cluster around this Commandery an ci its Cheviot variety is the favorite, one fleece head and breast. The face is short and asylum. T1IK TWO 111 NDJIED ISLAND A IICII I l'EL A GO Wishing you. Sir Kinght, all the happi- under favorable like that of a but infinite- OFFICERS OF PALESTINE COMMANDERY averaging twelve pounds broad, bull-dog ness which and CLAIMED 15Y ENGLAND. STRANGE VEGE- PUBLICLY INSTALLED BY PAST your knightly conduct conditions. There are no wild animals to ly more savage; the rough mane hangs character deserves. I assure I shall al- TARLE PIIOI)J'('TIONS IN A CLIMATE SO EMINENT SIB WILLIAM II. FOGLER. you ItcBESTshirtJPERFKT FITTING ^HIRr'MAW) and the mouth is and to [(* COLD THAT TREES CANNOT GROW. THE kill the sheep, and the complete absence thick around the ears, —PRESENTATION OF A JEWEL TO TIIE ways promptly gladly respond any [AQO0J>-flATURei> Iiu^panp. SEA-LION AT II ONI E. A 1’ENGIIN CITY. call which shall summons me to the ranks of burr, or substance to the armed with two crooked teeth in INSTALLING OFFC’EU.—BANQUET AND --v/--* any injurious long, of Palestine SPINNING YARNS AVI Til NANTLCKET is DANCE. Commandery. fleece, is of course an while either jaw. The ugly creature’s tail W HALERS. advantage; Rev. J. A. was called He each Savage upon. the many springs and small fresh-water divided into two large flippers, flip- The officers of Palestine Commandery, ! said it was difficult to talk a Special correspondence of tlie Journal.] and the aid of upon subject lakes are of to the per having five nails, by Knights Templar, of Belfast, were public- great importance sheep lie knew but Pori Stanley. East Falkland. assisted nothing about, frequently peo- and cattle breeders. A few years ago the these, which he moves sideways, ly installed at, the Temple on Wednesday are thus called He thanked Thanks to 11 io of the ple upon. courtesy English Falkland Island Co. adopted a process of by his two front flippers, he scrambles Feb. 3rd, by Past Eminent Sir I evening, Palestine for the uniform governor, a steam was at the Commandery GEO. yaelit placed boiling down whole carcasses into tallow along the rocks as fast as a man can walk; William II. Fogler, of Rockland, assisted T. extended him since he lias been of our whose had courtesy disposal party, Captain and the successful result has added anoth- —but not for long, being soon “winded” by Past Eminent Sir J. 1). Parker, of a resident in the Ho had been instructions to aid us in the place. READ,| “exploring er profitable industry. by his own excessive fatness. The blub- Hugh de Payne Commandery, of Melrose, much pleased with what lie had heard. islands." But that would he a rather large ber is over the whole six or as Grand Marshal. The Before leaving the subject of indigenous spread body Mass., acting Mr. as there are more than two Savage complimented Commander undertaking, I want to tell about the eight inches thick, and makes excellent asylum was well filled with the mem- growths, you Wadsworth on his so presentation DEALER IN f hundred in the group; we have content- The flesh is eaten and invited speech “Balsam-bog,’' a vegetable wonder which lamp-oil. by many, bers, their families, guests. m ed ourselves with around the and said it was one of the best he had cruising can to the fact that the liver A of Miss Charlotte 1 have never heard of in any other part of and 1 testify choir consisting 1 ever listened to. While he listened to the ! wo largi >t island'', and visiting their few the world. Approaching the low grounds of the young ones is a morsel lit for an Colburn, Mrs. E. S. Pitcher, Elbridge S. Made so full of he Seiitj Fuji©,Mini settlements, which are all near the coast. M. with Mrs. remarks, feeling, wondered in many of the islands, you think they are epicure. The lioness is considerably Pitcher, and Charles Craig, what Col. would and was thereby gaining a general idea of life in Frank F. at the rendered Fogler say, scattered all over with huge gray boulders, smaller than the male, and though quite Crowley organ, plies, Etc that. ;ill so Bell, Fadi, this little world, lost amid a waste of pleased acquitted themselves I; music the cere- from five to ten feet across. To heighten fierce in defence of her cubs,—having most delightful during waters. linely. AGENT FOR Ei >tormy the illusion, the blocks are covered with been known to tear off human legs and monies. Rev. Deo. K. Tufts said it The io- d i pulation of the archipelago The Sir filed into the hall in gave him lichens, and grass is seen growing in their arms when interfered with—is at other Knights much to be About on* is ur. 'i.DCn, Englishmen. were pleasure present. only molly crevices where dust has collected, precise- times gentle and timid. gay uniforms and arranged into line I lie visited ( Scot. .a!', u ion! Argentine Cuachos. East under of Sir Wm. R. ; year ago Dunlap .,m- ly as it would in rifts of rock. Eachbould- That enormous species of seal, other- command Marshall, Falkland. the of the islands, lias an munderv of bath and was the of largest Senior Warden. The Grand officers were recipient <. or-likc mass is a single unbelliferous plant wise known as the “trunk-nose,” is call- \ i \ r j- (»i*— R-. areaoi nvi* thousand square miles: vet to the East. Past many favors. He could not mid,•island, has been so slow ed the Falklanders the clap-match; and rereived and escorted -Bolnxglebaria—which by at A E l< it Hi:!■ 11"«ui'\ tliree insignilieant hamlets then installed the follow- lirst, why lie was so honored, hut later M O T O Ii S in growing, and the condensation from j though of astonishing bulk—often thirty Eminent Fogler in the lie ascertained it was be- besides 1 ’.»11 StanleN the est of the evening as «*i t'i'a I f i*• • n:. j» >.. •' peo- constant so that it lias feet is an inoffensive creature. Its ing ofihois. the Generalissimo being ab- :i a | .-a branching great, long, w i'i cause lit was a same n«I;«jm♦"j lor ’•_•••: a 11, h-im 'You ’l '•’! \\ i«i• :\ st member of the Com- jriiur ple lixiiiL, panned shee]>-runs. sent : M\ lloi m- «.». become almost as hard as the rock it re- “strong point,” like that of many human Hyr1* yinffaBS i \\ ,i; c,' ! as Col. farms l' l’heie it m» loads on of'the islands, mandery Fogler. The speaker ati.l vili.i-u-, < all a‘:ii' s. any so it to cut Ansel Wadsworth. E. Coni. ; W. R. Mar- semhles- hard that is difficult beings, is its stomach— a cartilaginous tMuiiia Is ati.l u-: imatu*.. alluded to the esteem in which Palestine * hut they are criss-eiossed in all directions shall. S. W. : .lames J1. Howes, .1. W. : \. a shaving from its surface with a sharp I substance, hard as bone, resisting the FOR SALE BY is held and recounted the sev- !»n horse-trails, lor here goes F. Houston. Treas.: ( has. E. Johnson, by Dunlap, Li/'ltoirt Forget the Place. [ c\erybody knife. Examine closely a lump of bal- i edge of a knife. Egg hunting during its eral pilgrimages of tilt- two bodies. on horse-hack, on that cannot he Recorder: J. C. Standard Bearer; journeys sam-bog, and you will find it covered with season (commencing in October) is great, P. Palmer. The and guests then re- Dwight GEO. T READ- made Iin sea. Evcr\ well-to-do Falkland- H. E. Sword Bearer: Frank E. Commandery When tiny hexagonal markings, like the calicos j fun, because sure to be attended with McDonald, no agency is convenient sen.! paired to the hall where an ex- er owns his as t lit* eit i/.ens of other Warder: Elmer Small and E. L. banquet size of collar and price of shirt wanted yacht, of a withered piece of coral. These are brilliant and millions of Crowley, 44 .Wain success, penguin cellent awaited them. After direct to and order St., Belfast, ,v countries their There is j Guards: E 8. Sentinel. repast supper factory, your will ^ keep carriages. j the circlets of leaves and leaf-huds, ter- and those of other wild birds arc sold French. Carter, eggs the tables were removed and the be filled promptly by mail. also a steam launch that The took immediate- company regularly plies a multitude of stems, which for in the Falkland markets at an presentation place minating average danced a few to the 3XT ES '\X7r s the Sound between the two main islands: The hours, inspiring mu- centuries have on with ex- rate of ten cents the dozen. ly after the installation. jewel pre- BAV STATE SHIRT gone growing sic of Prof. Whitten's orchestra. CO., while the of the “Falkland sented to Past Eminent the produce brig treme slowness,—ever since the now enor- our recent cruise we went ashore Fogler by LEOMINSTER, MASS. During All were unanimous in it Islands Co.," is patronized members of Palestine is in pronouncing 1 y re owl! Sheep-farming mous plant started out, a single shoot from on a sequestered island to view what the Commandery one of the best of the many pleasing enter- Komi! by the poorer classes. sun warm the form of a Latin of solid 14 karat a tiny reed. When the shines called a Sure cross, riiotograpli Captain “penguin city.” tainments of Our lirst was Port Lou- Palestine Commandery. objective point it forth a aromatic odor, gold, with blazon sun, surmounted a gives pleasant enough the whole island, comprising per- by is. little north of Stanley, on Berkeley and the that crown. Above the cross is a Old Times in the yellowish, astringent gum haps fifty acres, was laid off in regular gold banner, Country. Sound, where the French founded the the one and a half inches one inch j exudes from the top is prized by streets at long by squares by running right angles, To the Enrrois of the Jouhxal: The CABINET earliest settlement on the in an PHOTOGRAPH archipelago, as a On most of the exact of the banner shepherds vulueary. the lines and true as a wide, reproduction f straight surveyor other while in one of our back towns 17(>J: and which, times de- day though many islands a shrub abounds w hich the people of Palestine Conimaudry. On one side of could have drawn them. As is well known a in and the ed In bombardment, as various count- neighbor dropped passed stroy use for it hears no resem- the is the tea, though | their lives on the jewel following inscription: $3.00 Doz. penguins spend water, in social chat. the even- per ries enforced their claims to re- (‘veiling During possession, j hlance to the Chinese or to the fa- ! “presented by Palestine Commandery. plant except during the breeding season, when he talked of old times and how mailed the seat of until a few ing poor UNTIL SEPT. government j mous mate of Paraguay and Brazil. It is No. 14. Belfast, Me., to Eminent Sir Wil- 1,-511,, \ j they are obliged to seek the shore. You people lived in those lie of years ago. when it was removed to Stan- liam days, spoke a species of adianth, bearing a fragrant will neverthe- H. Fogler. First Commander. Jan. which I j hardly believe me, but it is a in an town and of After Ante ahull take i, The island is cut in two family adjoining what ley. big nearly in 1802.“ The is a beautiful one and white and the infused jewel 1 berry, leaves, j less true, that the birds not only lay out he observed in their home a on either side. forty-live years reyulnr /trice of #3.30 per tin.. by dee]'sound (Choiseul water, make an i is a to Col. Fogler the members of boiling agreeable beverage, their city in blocks, but pick up all the gift by The consisted of and Bremon). which leaves its northern ago. family nine per- In the Falklands. as in all Antarctic bis loose stones till the whole is smooth commander}. sons. seven W. and southern j place the parents and children. L. HALL, portions connected only by Eminent Commander Wadsworth | America, celery grows in wild luxuriance. as a board floor. Then take rose they posses- They lived in a log house having a rock in isthmus. The lower half is crossed by Mt mortal < Bate as lsr*7 there w as not a single set- | in a in his and said: Huilthny, lliyh sion couples, each pair selecting place about fifteen feet at tin* a range of iow hills, and the re- chimney square rugged on West it is ! Sn: tier Falkland, though eighty home site, not to build a nest, but Kmi.hi-: The honor you have be- BELFAST merely base, the top made of sticks and < lay. mainder is a strange mixiurc of peat beds live miles and stowed upon me I with due miles long by twenty wide, to a on bare accept appre- pre-empt particular spot the Think of the horse or oxen on to tnd lus'ook grass, and morass. ! eiation of the it '1’he hitching pasture from its twin island a obligations conveys. separated only by ground. of this in tin* a and it into the house vnli i: “:\ small stjvams and shallow prestige coininandery past large log drawing narrow Sound. It is more than any The one ami one. admonishes me that I cannot be hilly hen lays egg. only indiffer- for a hack and another for a forestb-k. tarns of itvsli water. Next to log Stanley, of the other islands, crossed a ent to the duties and the po- being by and during the lime of incubation the requirements with some cord-wood on for an even- tin* most on the island sition top i:nj»ortant village whose attains demands. The prosperity of this rugged range highest peak male bird brings her food from the sea. lire—one in fact which would last two is ]*ort Darwin. <»n ( lioiseul Sotiml. n sta- coininandery is ver\ interesting to me, ing an altitude of :_yj70 feet. Just ! twenty- or sits on the egg 51 while himself if she and 1 assure that in tin* future as in or three before had to draw in tion of tlie Falkland Island To. Dispeo- you days they live years ago the English government, the 1 shall use ef- wants to go out to take a swim. But in past every legitimate another log! What a comfort to sit before pled entirely by Seotch and P shepherds, learned that West Falkland con- ; fort at my command to promote its inter- having this ease, as in many others, virtue is not s.ich a lire and listen to talcs of the olden such a piaint little town can be found 110- ests. 1 am with the | tained some of the best deeply impressed grazing grounds "its own great reward." be- times. Before this lire all their 1 wlit-ie else outside of Scotland, with its exceeding fact that its present good standing is due cooking in the issued a otter- world, proclamation cause tin- so fat to the ami unselfish devotion of was done. On the in the j Pn sbyieiian kirk, built of lady-penguins grow efficiency day question (appropriately t<» colonists: Eminent ing great inducements with! and sleek under the care of their sirs Fogler. Lombard. Hall and had for dinner. When iron, to matcli its stern and its1 good family soup the creed), the result that in ten mouths' time Burgess, who have preceded me. as its happy faithful husbands that they are the more was done the turned out blue Presbyteiian" del <_yman and i Eminent. Commanders, to whom l wisli to soup parents acre of available land was Call and See every occupied, j hunted at that' season. for a j seliool master, whoiule the lives of the eagerly particular acknowledge many knightly courtesies enough themselves in square hake and for several the annual ex- years past The old birds are too and to and a generous co-operation. IS INVALUABLE FOR villaot is to the minutest detail, j tough fishy pan. and from this the} turned out for temporal | Sir 1 know 1 have entire port of finest wool from this one island be relished man or but the ten- Knights, your and by beast, each into a hole dug out of the table about | sjiiritual. approval and that I voice your sentiments E. S. PITCHER. all has 1,500 der are averaged pounds. young matrons in great demand, the size of a and each had a Lang Though more than three hundred miles ; when 1 accord to Eminent Sir William H. plate, they laughs ^ The of West Falk- e general appearance both for their ilesh and oil. Even the Fogler, who was our first and continuous to eat with. The -AT HIS NEW \olos distant from Patagonia, scientists a^ree spoon pot containing ROOMS.- Troubles land is about as forlorn as can well be eggs have an and tisliy flavor, and commander -for live years, the honor of 1 1m m* were oily the remainder of tin* was on that islands once a part of t hat j Palestine in soup placed No. 11i• un11 and still connect! d therewith tin* estimation of the (.rand the hearth before the lire, and the seven Commander) -(Over Boston 5 and 10 <>m Stort*. land, unrelieved tree nr shrub, travel s- kerosene. E. MORGAN by of Maine, second to none in our State ii children down around &SONS, Prop's, by au •. k-vated submaiine plateau. At squatted it. They ed by rocky ridges and limited by a low The is no means either a its Those eminent AM* KX \MIXK HI-' ST« U K -! PRO V ID EM IL it. I. raTi penguin by efficiency. accomplish- had half •«! an iron be- I ans the ideological formation and spoon—l say half, coast which surf with contin- handsome or creature. He has ments which have s<> distinguished him a upon rages graceful cause the handle was half With lloi;: of the two arc essentially the same, the Bar: that knighth fortitude manifest- gone. Pianos &c. ual violence. Nothing can be more dis- like other bird, but are Organs, Music. * wings any they this the eldest took one from the kel- t h o id h i;-* animals arc indigenous to the ed amid the scenes and trials of many dip mal than the view to Can furnish nnytir.Pir wanuM in tin* nv.i-i. ;hie from any hill-top,— altogether too short t!y with, though so of of an- isla.u is bid foxes. ;its and rabbits. There battlefields, typical knights tic and then passed the spoon to the next, from a .low’s Ham >a I:t;n•:i it; .<• black bog and moorland, far as the eye they may assist him somewhat in wad- cient tine. the grac- and dignity wit l.tUVKsT are ahv two 1>«* and so it went around the rircle. One of things to said in favor of which ho conferred the orders of can reach, intermixed innumerable over the When in the wa- knight the h*. by dling ground. them took two from the kettle, hut *#*RFMFVBE« the place. asPy climate <-i'this locality-- tiiat it hood >o us. that go where we dips of impressed li.', N .V K.l — pools greenish-brown water. A pecu- ter he has no use for wings, because his is n- nimbly uniform, (linifoimly bad), nia\ and witness whatever work, oi r ho received st blow from tin* next, with a liar feature of the geology of the country broad feet, webbed like those of a din k, thoughts turn to ihis da' bat tile e 1;i 11 v. ihb> wbicli bindeJ' instinctively asy- caution not t<» repeat that again : each then is that it abounds in lum for standard. streams, not of water propel him rapidly. There are *everal Tiro amz'.n- t < ii: tvv 11 ;•« s IT mi a. i n;d. and wheat and corn took two dips around to equ liizo.und then pm but of stones, which to Ihnv At thi> in the Past appear down varieties of them, the largest, railed the point presentation -h' ;.: *. IT aininu like- resumed the former custom tintil the meal :>v q maturity, prevent •• "i i : -.' the hill-sides. Those streams tire often a from Eminent .1. 1 >. Parker. asCrand Mar-dial, B .v’1 :.S ; j-rs wi>i- "vistciici of Emperor Penguin, weighing was finished. many ii\in«d pests : 1 fijii I i quarter of a mile wide, and tin* stones twenty-live to forty pounds. It is funny presented Past Eminent W. 11. Fogier n Biyf Iliad t d-*'* ! m-aivr to tin* eemdor. There A round t ho w as an space ■•himiiey open To »•:>•.•»'•' ?»:!) make vary from one to live fed cube. As for. to see a colony of these birds fi ivt of the East. Eminent < '"miuand a pur." *• ungainly about w tlieitiH-n! :i. « in •».» < iiv snakes line. nor re).tiles of any feet ide. This was tilled in with ;»' in worse I>i,o«si}h,{ i<* jiikI >peru{i' Wadsworth then r cond‘1 genuine rivet there are none of any con- marching up and down their streets like* pro.-n-ded say:] vcr is the ur m* i.'iuis not is, tlies nor straw, and tlie children there at Seat c" iron >;; t >■ | spi<;. tleas. slept he -u< must { sequence on the islands. San Carlos, on soldiers, all the time standing caret and Eminent Sir: V,e. the Mr >f art 0:1 •> 1 m. .,.r IVK art mv; Knights had no bedclothes. Dr, ISAAC HILLS. oilier creature, night. After »• at*;, objectionable The} directly •>** !. her 1 Yroe Fast Falkland the an air of and Paiestin-. Commandcrv. ro» -ognizing u HIM** Buffing. IHiih si, ..jioslie Court !! being largest.—about maintaining great dignity tin- How of hi) v, !:<• !. <\-. i w !i_( i. ; era w linn. eating children took a ramble around Maine. >0:1 t!.«>sc qualities of mind ami liearl eisaroi’i I'r Belfast, miles long and nowhere Eanmi. B. Waui>. •' thirty navigable. importance. so the until laid settled their V :■*. r:: i Tictsv.oiihl probabiv jtrow. if planted which adorn man rendering him so chimney the} for so cold a there is Fortunately country useful to his l'cllnws. and dinner and then laid dow n to l and cultivated. were if not for the eternal < 'olby ('orrespondence. remembering sleep in the OsTtSV; DYE;1 a deal of which your kind deeds and sacriliees for a perfect imitation of nature: great peat, everybody many straw. The* tloor hoards had knots in imposs- ! There are none upon of the ible to dete«-; n. SI A. L. Ml Ul any Blam-hard, ''.‘4. wh" has bn-ii nut teaching, us. have long cherished the that at Price, per*boxJ rAlCSONS, burns the year round for fuel. Some of hope OJlice, 39 «i: -31 Park. Place, New York. .''lands. we a kind of box. two some time we them and the wood wore faster than exeej.t has returned and again talo n up work with could manifest to you in a away the are <*f size and peat-beds great depth, manner our the knots. took a Hoorn Masonic o] three teet 11ii»Ti. to be found in some lo- ids class belitting high regard and They huge stone jug 4, Tempi. —very dense and bituminous at hot- esteem, in of that we oahties. uni the one pursuance hope such as you have seen, in the mid- OFFICE HO LBS—7.30 to 10 A. M., 2 to 1 and much-boasted apple President Small was a of larger _lyoo_ .and the is inexhaustible. The away good part have selected this occasion in which to tom, supply dle than the ends, in their cream and 0 P. M. ::.rve which is struggling for existence in last week. During his absence he address- this put present jewel. ails Mrs. settlers claim that the freedom from tim- drove a Night must be left at Field's, There is a of woolv ed the Union at the students in stopper tight. Then the FOR SALE. Stanley. species rag- Baptist Boston, [Eminent Commander Wadswoith then jug rose Hill. J4tf ber is an advantage rather than an was laid clown on its side and weed. which often as as a man’s objec- of Wooster Academy ami tin Vermont rolled length- grows high descended and pinned the jewel over the real estate c»n Bridge street, in P.t-das tion. because the laud no clear- known as the WILLIAM o ALDUS >houlder. and is said to assist requires Academy. wise of the tloor, and the rolling, together I^HK prop, rtv, the chilly left breast of Col. He then resum- of from the and the Fogler. consisting the large two story house, with ell ing except stones, latter It is rumored that Bowdoin would like to with the knots in the tloor, it such a and with winds in producing the bronchial and ca- ed his station and gave barn, good orchard and' arden grounds CROSBY INN. make excellent and ma- proceeded:] This property is well located and m •..n,li. fencing building try Colby's muscle in a tug-of-war contest. shaking that: in a short time it would be go.*<: tarrhal troubles with which most Falk- The and accord with which tion for a boarding house, and will be sob; at a - terial. As but little interest is taken in tiiis it unanimity reasonable It ^N'EYV A MANAGEMENT here, it has been consummated for churned. figuie. desired, one-U.1 the pur- landers are afflicted. The betokens you. chase can only grounds is doubtful if to in money remain on mortgage a reasonable The most interesting village of West Colby agrees participate the kindest Shoes were scarce in those and the time. For Gooil terms to parties desiring perma worth to cultivate are found personally, feeling. Above days terms, applv to trying along such an event. KO BF. BT i:. or W M. O A L DE Falkland is Port Egmont, where the first the crown of the jewel we have caused to were to barefooted most of N, Port 1 am 1, nent w inter board. the of the in certain poor obliged go oral Belfast .savings Bank. margin sea, plains The from the Lincoln be in a of the ban- British colony was founded, (in 1705,) af- appended clippings placed, gold, duplicate the time. A with a of calf bus- Belfast, June 15, 1891.—25tf Belfast, Jan. 1 1S0LV 1 that are sheltered hills: but ner the ladies of lady pair partially by County News shows what a little rank will presented by Palestine, ter Commodore Byron had wrested the kins was classed with the ! nowhere can be or their esteem. Encircling the j high-toned peo- grain fully ripened do for a man by way of notoriety: “Mr. symbolizing islands from Spain. Its sole defense and crown is a wreath of our tender al- and used to most of the getahlcs t<> any of per- Whitman of love, pie, they go way brought degree Verne Colby University took invisible to the natural chief ornament is a large timber-block- though sight. Yet to church barefooted and then their fection. November and Decem- X in studies of the fall put During rank term.' 1 assure you it animates the bosom of \ A which was New for Belfast, house. made in on Business buskins and walk into In*r <1 of wild England many Sii church. The great variety flowers literal- The editors of the ’92 Oraeles are as fel- every Knight of Palestine Command- I and out in and THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COME TO T'oWN AND WILI, ENGAGE IN years ago brought pieces, it. Sir, as a token of our men also went and our ly carpet the ground, and lichens are ev- lows: Donovan, Stark, Watson, Kalloeh, ery. Accept barefoot, neighbor be as an with our would about as useful egg-shell highest consideration, sincere ssid that a time he warmed a erywhere. A few years ago the whole Boss, Andrews, of '1*2: Sloeomb, Wing, Lom- 1 many large modern of warfare. prayer that your life may he spared many upholstering;^ coverings was covered with ••tussock" against implements bard and of ’93. From such a chip and carried it out in the winter to ! archipelago Hodgkins, long years, and our greetings to you in To an old down to an even- a pin Egmonter hoard of editors a good may be stand on while he cut firewood. At seven ! grass- most curious vegetable product- publication this asylum may he many. MATTRESS WORK A SPECIALTY, about his “hair-breadth of his which fi din a little ing's yarning expected. years age parents kept him at home ion, distance looks like Col. was taken and Fogler by surprise, to hoe when he left off scrapes’7 in whaling and sealing, is one of The of prayer for was observ- potatoes,and going \ forest of miniature It is a day colleges as ^•Harness palms. gigan- was, the hoys say, “broke up." Hut to school In* could not cypher in long di- Repairing and Carriage Trimming-1 the most interesting experiences to be met ed here Jan. 28th. In the forenoon the ^ tic, sedgy grass, which grows in dense lie rallied and in liis usual pleasing style vision. with in this of the world. At one union meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and V. W. done with neatness an,1 tufts, often two or three hundred part These with more I despatch. HARNESSES of all grades in stock- Remember roots responded as follows: statements, many time the Falkland Island trade in whale C. A. was addressed by Rev. Mathew S. have not the time to 1 listened to I make to order Harnesses from $11 to $60. from the same tuft, with stalks write, springing of the First Parish Portland. Prof. Eminknt Sir am> Sir Knk.hts: I the and and seal oil and seal-skins was of Hughes during evening thought they six or seven feet and blades even great never before realized so that I A GOOD HARNESS FOR $11, HALTERS and thin :n thatl:u long Mathews spoke to the young men in the sensibly might he of interest to your readers in WHIPS, every value, but is now almost at an for is silence is No longer. Cattle and horses are extremely end, ‘•speech silvern, golden." comparing the past with the present. And evening. words of mine can those sea-animals these adequately express my of at the we fond of it, and its fattening for huge frequent first in 1 many present day might say F. A. qualities The report, which appeared the thanks for beautiful or ROBBINS, shores in diminished numbers. your gift my ap- “These are they which came up out of all soi ts of stock are very great. It flour- yearly Lewiston Journal, to the effect that 50 of and per preciation the friendly courteous j great tribulation.” At the Wadlin 37 Main Seal hunters their adventurous in Store, Street, Belfast ishes in any situation, in winter as in sum- pursue cent, or more of the students of this college spirit which it is presented. £ trust I Wayland Kxowf.TO.N. on much the same as miners or is with- that it is not for me to to ! mer, ami may he cut three times a year, calling plan were down with the grip measles, necessary say that no no from out a shade of as not more than three you gift, testimonial, you the each Not on- in our own far West used to go prospect- truth, j Genealogy of Black Family. being improved by cutting. is to assure me of brother- of at time been sick j required your | on That is. hire the students have any ly are the leaves and stems most excellent ing “grub-stake.” they lv love and From the of j Henry Black of had with the above named disease friendship. day Sandy Point, Me., a boat to its owner a cer- the of this in fodder, butt he stool-like root-crowns have by agreeing pay organization Commandery, four daughters as follows: Interest in base ball is good at the college. which £ to the took part, present moment, ; 1 a sweet, nutty flavor, irresistible to all on- tain share of what they may bring back, Sarah, horn in Chelsea, Mass., June 17th Mains, the well known pitcher on last sea- I have had constant proofs of your conli- | niverous and herbivorous creatures. It a crew on the same terms, select ; 1707. employ son’s Cincinnatis, is expected this week to dence and esteem. I can recall, during best on shores one of their number for obtain all this no Elizabeth, horn at Sandy Point, Me.. Jan. thrives exposed to the captain, act as coach for the Colby team. The inter- time, no unkind act, unpleas- j *2 1773. some ant or word toward i ocean's spray: and a great pity it is that their provisions from accommodat- collegiate league will in all probability he ungenerous myself from Sir of this ! horn at as the and start any Knight Commandery, Jane, Sandy Point, Me., April 29 in a few years more not a root of it will ing dealer they did boat, made up of Bowdoin, Colby and Bates Col- and I believe I can truly say that 1 have 1775. on a or four months I teams. lie left on the islands. off three expedition lege ever accorded to all of true anywhere you Knightly ] Mary, horn at March the Islands. Sandy Point, Me., No wonder it is being rapidly extermi- among Newspaper Notes. courtesy. 23, 1778. in these waters is now I cannot accept the full credit which nated, considering the enormous number Whaling princi- Sarah, married Josiali Ames. The Portland News has you. Eminent Sir, accord to me contribut- of animals that here find The i pally followed by Americans,—Nantuck- Daily suspended pasturage. ing to the success of Palestine Command- Elizabeth, married first. Nathaniel Clif- and have their head- publication. j few cattle and pigs that were brought eters others,—who cry. Its prosperity has been readied, its ford and raised one child named Nathaniel, The Bath “the little from time to time by the early colonists, quarters on New Island on the western Independent, green efficiency as a Commandery has been ac- afterwards married Joseph Mathews, and has been 1 have heard wild and mi,” enlarged. quired, its high for had four sons and two have gone on increasing, whether or not archipelago. many reputation Knightly daughters. the of Edit- bearing and has been attained incidents connected with their We are sorry to hear of illness courtesy by Jane married James Field. the islands were occupied by the human startling the united effort and devotion of all its or Fuller, of the Rockland Tribune, and wish Mary married Jonathan the seamen have how. species, until now they are countless. lives; but hardy proved members. I thank you for this beautiful him a speedy and complete recovery. If there are any of the descendants of these There are also at least wild their and attention to the sci- gift more and more than 100,000 horses, intelligence sincerely deeply Best grown in China. Finest drank in America. The Eastern State and Dexter Gazette, mere words can 1 it in now living in the vicinity of Searsport, Bel- from a stock side of their business the varied express. accept sprung originally imported. entific by both in Dexter, are Packed in and weekly papers published the same spirit of friendship and brother- fast or Stockton I wish they would commu- only half-pound pound tea-lead packages. is the main of the for who in- Yet sheep-raising industry information they have sent to U. S. being negotiated by capitalists affection with which it is The same as served in the Garden at the Pure Food Exhibition tend to consolidate the two, and there is ly presented. nicate with me, as I want to ascertain the Japanese the it having proved more I shall ever it as a treasure, not We send on archipelago, hydrographic department. some idea of issuing three papers a week. prize names and present whereabouts of the dif- free, receipt of a 2C. of either Formosa for its stamp, sample profitable than the rearing of cattle; and The most beasts I Daily News. intrinsic value, which must be or Breakfast terrifying-looking [Bangor ferent families for the purpose of preparing Oolong F.nglish Tea. State your choice. great, but as a token of your esteem, a though many of the districts are too ever met in their natural state are the sear a of the Black CHASE & SANBORN, Boston, Mass. The proportion of pure Anglo-Saxon memento, the sight or the thought of genealogy family. for there are said to be not sell swampy sheep, lions that abound along the Falkland words in the Bible is 97 per cent, of the which will bring to my memory and to W. F. Black. __We only to the trade. Jess than of them on the islands. heart the associations 304 First Ave. S. 400,000 coasts—ferocious fellows, large as young whole. my delightful which Minneapolis, Minn. Gm5nrw Republican State Convention in ,, itl Norembega Hall, Bangor, Wed- \i til 27. 1892, at 11 o’clock a. m.. for the -electing two candidates for electors of and Vice-President of the United States u legates at large and four alternates to National Convention to be held at Min- 1 Minnesota, on Tuesday, dune 7, 1892, other business that 1 .acting any may prop ‘, before it. i'.a-is of representation will be as follows: v. Town and Plantation will to W. be entitled GEORGE BURKETTS j._ate, and for each seventy-five votes cast I,', tit‘publican candidate for Governor in 1888, and fora fraction of j, ;icital delegate, forty c.\cess of seventy-five votes, an additional rjlie. . ies in the delegation of any City, Town or * » - [jgiou can only be tilled by residents of the -MEAT ANNUAL in which the vacancy exists, CLEARANCE SALE1 j state Committee will lie in session in the re- i uin of the Hall at nine o’clock on the 5: «.f the Convention, for the purpose of re- the credentials of delegates. Delegates, .: t“ be eligible to participate in the Con- A must be elected subsequent to the date of PERFECT HARVEST OF BARGAINS FOR OUR ii: t.»r this Convention; and delegates under PATRONS. 1 -hould not be elected to the State Conven- t-c hereafter called for the purpose of nomi- a candidate for Governor, idols Do not a line. It will our of Maine, without regard to past skip pay readers to scan item. To make business and to reduce differences, who arc in sympathy with the closely every lively this mammoth stock before expressed in the call of the Republican an ii for of the we have determined Committee the Republican National taking inventory same: to submit prices to the public that ought to make our store a beehive of a.ion, arc cordially in\ited to unite with the perfect activity. iicans of the State in electing delegates to •mention. rder, Republican State Committee. dosKt it H. M Chairman. LOOK AT THE LIST AND JUDGE FOR South aki*. Secret a rv. YOURSELF. Me.. Feb. 1. 1892. < ounty is entitled t<» dd delegates, as lol-

1 <) Morrill.1 1 Non hport.2 2 Pau rino.;l 2 l*ro>pe»-t. I ! 2 Sea diom.. :{ '. I Sear.-port.4 o. I >tockton spring!*. BLEACHED COTTONS. Ladies Misses Garments! I Swam illc .2 TUMBLE TBE & rhorudike.2 PRICES. 2 Trov.2 illc. ;*» nil 4.000 Yards Nice Cotton, worth 10c., for 6 l-4c. a Wiii.;.. .t ’<. ; |\\ interport.5 GEO. W. BURKETT 2.000 Yards Nice Brown Cottons, only 6c. per yard. $2,000 worth of Garments we shall close at an immense sacrifice 1 31 a i ne 18.00 11.00 harities during the year, 84,618.60. DRESS GOODS. ,e committee on pensions reported. "ill ask the legislature that families t terans shall not be removed to or All the remnants j'orted in poorhouses. of Nice Dress Goods in stock have been meas- e auxiliaries make favorable reports. SCRIM. >ons of Veterans organizations have ured and placed upon our counters and will be closed at d two and increased their camps 1 :iership to 1,125. LOW SHOULDERED JACKETS. Case Curtain Scrims, only 4c. per yard, sold at 8c. he Bath Orphan Asylum has sheltered lildren. The managers are eonscien- ONE-HALF VALUE. and enthusiastic and enjoy conti- 17 Wool Jackets that sold from to e and respect. The harmony which $6.00 $14.00. in the This prevailed department during holds good with every remnant in every department of year is a gratifying feature. Will sell now your choice at $1.70. As. Ilebron hew, of the May president our store. man's Stale Belief < orps of Alaine. re- New Jackets that sold from $12.00 to $20.00. TURKEY RED TABLIM 's for the organization over which she 'ides, as follows: Number of Subor- Will sell from $6.00 to iic Corps, 44: number of members in $10.00. ■ standing Dec. 1. 1800. 4,11b; nuin- 1 Case Remnant Tabling in 2 and 2 1-2 yards long, onlly 20c. per : <>f members in good standing Dee. 1. 40 Children’s Garments from 4 years to 12 years old. 4.404; number of Corps gained 8; j ALL PEERFECT. KID GLOVES. .ber of Corps lost, 2: receipts for the | Will sell from $1.70 to $7.00 each. yard. 84.562.57; expenditures, 84.450.87; I mis amount was expended for charity. I "47.02: cash on hand in state Corps I 20 Dozen Kid Gloves in Black and in sizes isurv. 8444.00 left, Colored, 6, 7, Mrs. Clara 1>. Leavitt, president. De- 1-2 ni* nt uf Maine, Woman's National Rc- 7 1-4, 7 and 8, only ?o cents a pair, worth St. * oijis. reports as follows: Number' I -V.: members in good standing, 400 Yds. White Dormet Flannel, 4c. a RED and WHITE CHECK TABLIM. : general fund on hand, siHi: re- yard. fund on baud, *>71i.”b; amount ex- ni tor relief. >*7■)-. 77. ■ ■sides these an* 60 organizations there a ! inch wide in 2 and 2 1-2 yards long, ALL PERFECT, only 37k., hei ot independent corps in the state 7 air* \ahtable auxiliaries to the Posts sold at 62 l-2c. < ihe\ an* located: The comrades of per yard, everywhere Departimnt «*f Maine acknowledge LADiESTcbTTbwTUHbERWEARl||j gratitude their appreciation of the RIBBONS. e work "1 these ’Aomen. Cod bless A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK JUST RECEIVED. Will open 2,000 yds nice Ribbons from 10 to 18c. j rite K|moi*tli League. Coupon per

■■ Worth 27 to 77 cents Lpwortli Lea(pie. No. a 1:1. of the yard. per yard. Yards Scotch h. church. ()rono, 3.000 (Jiiighani lately unanimously I Remnants, pled the name of ••Traflmi Chajiter, '*'«irth League." in honor of the Rev. " ■1 j ■tk i'ralton. who Labored with that Only 9c. per yard, sold from the piece at 20c. u'cli in its earliest history. Upon lioti- vYARX. •ttion ot this. Dr. Trafton, who is now -4 REMNANTS OF4 years of age and lives in West Sofner- '_ e. Mass., sent the following poem, ded- ucd to the Lpwortli League: 100 lbs. Homespun Yarn at 8c. per Skein. Marked down from 12k- Youth and age hut seldom meet, Rave as strangers on the street; As two ships together start, GUNGhH^AlVI©. Rut. alas! soon drift apart; * Vge is lingering on the past, ^Brussels In the distance fading fast : Yards Nice Life's lasT task with is Carpetings!* 2,000 Ginghams, 8c. per age done, yard. 1 >im now in the sinking sun ; Well, or ill, the picture stands Vs the pencil leaves his hands; 500 Yards BRUSSELS REMNANTS, Vain regrets from life’s last shore, CARPETINGS. To retouch becomes no more. ONLY 75c. PER YARD. \ oath's bright gleam is forward thrown Over fields yet to be Sown; -A NICE STOCK OF- Plans and schemes and tasks there lie, HANDKERCHIEFS. Brilliant in ambitious eye. Nice Patterns for and worth $1.2?. Self-sufficient, self-assured, Rugs, Easily by false lights lured: Age may caution, wisdom call, Yet, alas, ignored by all; 100 Dozen Fancy Handkerchiefs, 4 for 25c. ‘You have failed,” they say, “but we Mopette, Brussels, Tapestries, aud Cotton aud For ourselves the prize would see.” Lovell, Wise the few who caution heed, Cheeking earth’s eons in n ng greed : t ’herishing a higher aim, Waal Carpetiis, Oil Art Seeking for enduring lame; GINGHAMS. Bugs, Ms, Spares, Toil To lift a fallen race. Still the master’s footsteps trace, For their on hand at suffering fellows living, f Cases Elegant New from 8c. to 12ic. SKIRTS. Constantly LOW PRICES. Self-forgetting, self still giving. Spring Ginghams per yd. 20 Dozen Cotton Flannel each. Youth and age not often meet, Skirts, 50 Seldom these the. others greet: Now is the time to Dresses at Yet with moistened eyes I read, purchase your Spring REDUCED <> young friends, your generous deed! Worthless I to dream, to claim, PRICES. “Epwoiih League” to hear mv name, I. now past my four-score years. In my youth with hopes and fears, Trembling there life's work began, I COLORED BLANKETS. , nfolding t hen (Jod’s love to man, re, 1 while Poles, hey lived, ami they passed away, \ on rill their places here to-day; 1 For ibis Case Blankets $1 sold at $1.25. kind deed, <) youthful friends, Gray only per pair, And everything- in the DRAPERY line will be found in stock. His henisou your old friend sends. Fur West. Mass. Capes! Somerville,

Maim* State College.

In a i* cut talk regarding the .Maine FUR CAPES AT LESS COST. ate College, President M. C. Fernald said [2 JHAN ii tin* college was never in such a pros- roiis as Gent’s condition it is now. on a All It is firm Wool Scarlet Underwear. "am ial basis, and the enlarged facilities LADlES’TlfWOQL^HOSiERYiMi H now furnishes for the education of young 1 1 | n by means of the most approved methods Case Scarlet Underwear only 75c. AAarked down from $1.25- instruction are not surpassed by any her in the college country. At the present NIGHT GOWN TWILLS. We shall our counters a me it has 10."* students. place upon magnificent qualitv of Woo The has instruction since it college given Hose at cents a as established to 080 students, of whom 349 2$ pair. pave pursued full courses and have been paduated and 331 have pursued partial Only 8c. per worth 12 i-2c. | "tirses, ranging in time from a few months yard, and THE CELEBRATED COMFORT CORSETS. In fact of this i three one-half years. Of the 330 liv- every department Large stock will be placed 12 or "g graduates, per cent., 41, are engag- our 'd in and allied 21 at the mercy of patrons, and we to agriculture industries; to propose reduce the same | '*r cent., or 71, in civil engineering; 17 per A\arked down $1.25 from $1.50. • one of the most lit., or ">7 in mechanical engineering; 13 by effectual mark-downs that has ever taken | "*r cent., or 44, in educational work; 8 per As a we as the as in the •*nt., or 20 in professions; 7 per cent., 23, in Special Favor ask many of trade possible to place city. usiness, and the remaining 21 per cent., or x, mostly recent graduates, in miscellaneous come in the morning, as during this GREAT RUSH it is mployments. J8e“Be sure and examine our stock. Goods shown with The new term and begins this month, the to wait our customers with the atten- heshraan class already numbers 23. With impossible upon pleasure and every courtesy shown our customers. We cannot 'he commencement of the term, the new en- lOO Yds. Linen Crash. to lace ring hall will furnish superior ac- -tion we desire.- begin enumerate in this space all the items that will at- • •mmodations for the departments of civil prove and mechanical only Sc. per yard. tractive. A visit to engineering. our store will convince the skeptic that we The first white enamel factory in the ORDERS BY MAIL STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. mean what we say. United Spates will be located at Dubuque, Iowa, and the plans for it have just been received from Germany. The process >f manufacturing these goods is a secret and that it may not be discovered the LINEN TOWELS. building will be constructed without CEO. W. CEO. W. loors or windows except those opening BURKETT, BURKETT, in an inner court. 100 Dozen Elegant Knotted Fringe Towels only 12 1-2 and 2Sc. Laae’s FobIIj Meilelae Mom the Bowels use Odd Fellows Belfast. each. of a Each day. Most people need to it. Block, Bought large Bankrupt Stock. Odd Fellows Block, Belfast. Societies. Personal. Republican Journal. A Blow to the Fishing Interests. ; Secret Encounters with Confidence Men. The bill introduced in Congress by Sen- Belfast Council Royal Arcanum lias been Mrs. W. C. Tuttle went to Boston on Mon- The Boston Globe of Thursday last con- tained the ator of Rhode for the organized nine years. Fred L. Carter, who day. following: BELFAST, TIH'RSDAY, FEBRFARY 11, 18R2. Lapliam Island, died last is the first one of the local Another stranger was taken in in this city wholesale slaughter of mackerel and men- Friday, I. H. Eaton is recovering slowly from liis MONEY the festive bunco steerer and confidence council to die. by haden “at all times,” and in all places long sickness. man. Daniel W. Thomas, of Belfast, Me., I'l HI.ISHKD KVKKV Till ltSKAV MftUNINd BV THE SAVED BY BUYING The officers of Chase of left his native heath a few days ago to visit YOUR along our coast “where the tide tiows,” Timothy Lodge Williamson Jr., has been appoint- Joseph the “Hub.” Mr. Thomas, who, by the way, the Masons were installed last Thursday even- ed a bail commissioner. Republican Journal Pub. Co. has caused a great excitement among is 60 years of age, brought with him a well- by E. Johnson, D. D. G. M. A filled but it is now bv citizens of Maine, who teel outraged ing George J. W. Clark of Rockland is visiting his wallet, lighter many clam stew was served to members and visi- dollars. At 6.30 last night Mr. Thomas en- aimed Belfast friends. HAK1.KS this attempt to pass a bill evidently many tered the Eastern on Causeway St., Furniture tors. depot, for the of the Pullman for -OF- urssFl I. DYER.Local Editor. at Maine and Massachusetts, and framed in Mrs. William F. Clark of Belfast, has gone purpose taking E. Johnson, of Belfast, will go to his home in the Pine Tree State. In the George to on a visit. the interest of a few foreign capitalists, Freeport station lie met a well-dressed who had Feb. 22 as a of Enter- man, Mr. Boston, representative of a and was ISlaiue’s Withdrawal. who wish to rob our poor Maine fishermen Last week Hon. W. B. Swan and daughter every appearance gentleman, prise Lodge at the annual meeting of the soon in a confidential frame of mind with and ruin our coast were at Natchez, Miss. M1. Blaine's letter, elsewhere published, fishing. Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United him. Just previous to the starting of the Before the advent of our Warren left for train Mr. Thomas’ new-found friend said that he is not a candidate for the purse seines, Workmen. Mr. E. L. Tuesday New stating that lie had a bill to and a small was and pay pur- fishing unexcelled; but the free in ter- York, on a business trip. presidency. and that his name will not go Unless something now not known chase to make. Could not Mr. Thomas of unrestricted use of these machines of de- the of the Grand Dr. of was in oblige him with the loan $100? He could hefoiv the Republican national conven- feres, annual session Lodge Pulsifer Skowhegan, Belfast give him a check for $850as until A little saved, every time you amount*. M struction to the finny tribe, soon drove of Good Templars will lx; held at Bangor and attended the Year ball. security buy, tion for tiie nomination, will cut oil’ one Friday Leep they could get it cashed. Mr. Thomas could Dep. Sheriff Wheeler considerable in the end. and them from our and a wail and Wednesday and Thursday of the last full ami did advance the >100. Now lie line of gossip, but will naturally create coast, long Capt. R. F. Patterson came home Saturday wishes week in he had not been so hasty in to Does Not Care to Live loud went up from those interested in ob- April. from New York on a brief visit to his fami- giving money We Will Save You new fields of speculation and invention. a even on so se- stranger, large, apparently, If He Cannot Have Someth^ a livelihood in a limited The Rockland Tribune says of the presen- man left tin* on every article von of us. Do not fur 4 !t cannot be said that this letter was taining by fishing ly. curity. The station, and he buy to call and see our tation to Col. last week members failed to return to redeem his check or to manner. Fogler l>y Clifford J son of James While nine-tenths of Pattee, Pattee, take the train. Mr. wholly unexpected. of Palestine “The Thomas wended bis with enforcement of Commandery: jewel, has Orono for a four the mallei published concerning Mr. Wise legislation, entered college years way sorrowfully to station where lie un- which is is ap- bis of law s lias the of suitably inscribed, greatly course. folded tale woe to sympathetic ears. Blair.e is sheer invention, and for the passed, improved fishing Solid M Glianiier preciated by the recipient, and is certainly a He declined to go out with ail ofiieer to HOODS $17 | the entire coast of Maine, and the fisher- Charles H. Bray, wife and son Willie re- search for bis whilom but retraced It is a beauty and '"1111101 be equaled f M most par; emanates from envy and mal- tribute a friend, fitting to most worthy man.” money in the State, our stock, is com X men are over the return of the i turned home Friday from a four weeks visit bis steps t-> the depot to take a later train iee. the among his friends and rejoicing Sarsaparilla with all the impression A new of Knights Templar for his home. Me carried with him the check old time and are in a commandery to Boston. well-wishers has been that lie would at fishing, preparing, for $*.-><> as a souvenir of bis tot be Mod- was instituted in Minneapolis last week un- trip It would be difficult to find a man small w ay, for more extensive operations Cant. Marcus Pierce, of the steamer Ka- ern Athens. the proper time make just such an an- der from the commander better known in the of Latest Styles aad tie Best dispensation grand a No a as Daniel vicinity Burling- the season. tahdin, is enjoying vacation at his home in such person \V. Thomas nouncement as that given to the press this coming of the State. W. K. Morison, formerly of ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of that money <*an buy. and we can and wii; | lives in be a Belfast. Possibly be may resi- prise you wlieu you see how low we are "■ The summer our shores were G. new com- Hampden. week. It need only he said that his de- past this city, was elected F. The Winooski Falls, the efficient our j lient of one. of the neighboring towns and Deputy goods. with summer f Judge Williamson went to Boston Monday of : mon is regretted bis friends, and re- crowded visitors, enjoying mandery will he mounted. Sheriff Burlington county. He says by have bought a ticket for Belfast. want your trade and jk from the i to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law. •‘C. I. Hnoil & Co.. Mass.: over bis In the line fishing. The farmers will read with interest Lowell, joiced by political opponents. Knights Templar Dr. bound to have it if money saving i*. M Robert Willard. “Dear Sirs : If Hood’s cost interior come to the shores of our coast the of the and Sarsaparilla this letter Mr. Blaine practically declines account installation present;* Tin* above story will go well with an ex- object to you.^^fH Mrs. Jos. Williamson. Jr., went to to a short from labor on the tion at Palestine on Augus- the office in the of the Ameri- enjoy respite Commandery, published perience Henry (>. of Belfast, had $10.00 a Bottle There are SOSE that ('OMEETE with < highest gift ta to visit her Gov. and Dodge, §| and to catch their winter's the second The address of Eminent Saturday parents. 11. Had he said he was a candi- farm, supply page. with two sharpers recently in New York. A I should still it, as I have are HE Ui'EEIiS for everything i' people. Mrs. E ('. Burleigh. keep using j* was we are about to Commander Ansel Wadsworth very man as USE. tie. date for the and that his name offish, and just as enjoy reined up alongside the walk Dodge for the past ten years. With me the presidency, who is lin<* and has received comments. Fremont C. Fletcher, doing business as the fruits of our these flattering was with a and question to whether life is worth would go before the national past protection, trudging along heavy valise, Republican in Lowell, Mass., arrived in Belfast can The of Friday said: “You are from the living depends upon whether I get convention for the his nomi- pirates, deadened to officers Tarratine Tribe of Redmen eountry.” “Yes,” R. H. Coombs & Soi nomination, porgie thoroughly on a visit to his family. Hood’s I don't think I were publicly installed Monday evening at replied Dodge. “You are just the mail I am Sarsaparilla. nation and election were assured. This is any sense of right, seeing an opportunity .1. could live without it now, certainly I 70 & 72 MAIN STREET. Odd Fellows Hall, by F. H. Welch. The Dr. H. Sherman of Middleboro, Mass., ; looking for," said the stranger. “Get in conceded. The Boston Globe to enrich their coffers at the expense of should not wish to, and suffer as I used generally was The even- formerly of Belfast, arrived in town last here.” ceremony well performed. to. cer- the cause to be framed a bill to For over ten years I suffered the says of his withdrawal: 4;It is quite masses, week for a visit. ing’s entertainment concluded with a dance brief Henry got into the team and was driven horrors of the damned with tain that the most and formidable nullify our present wise State protective popular in the small hall, with music by Sanborn’s Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Lombard left Saturday to a stable. The man explained that lie had of all nominees has laws, and have it before Sciatic Rheumatism possible Republican placed Congress orchestra. for Boston, having been called there by the a horse belonging to a rich lady who wanted a the State where a taken himself out of the by Senator from great- death of Doctor’s brother. the animal boarded in for if ever a man suffers with These are the finest electrm way." This, The February assessment in the Ancient the the country, and anything goods steel, in this world it is with that awful dis- pered. the best made. If you want a c from a Democratic states the case er of these vultures live. would a handsome sum for the same. organ, part Order United Workmen contains seven D. N. Bird went to Rockland last week to pay try them. warranted ease. It seems to me as if all other thing Every pair mildly. Mr. Blaine, always strong in his The past season there was such a vigor- deaths from pneumonia and influenza. The attend the funeral of his Mrs. “If you can sell the horse,” said the stranger, grandmother, physical suffering were compressed into FINGER RINGS. ous war these law-break- has been severe John “do so: the is and it is a party, and with not a few supporters waged against ; prevailing disorder very Bird, who died at the age of 93. price $300, bargain." that one. I took about man. everything One of the largest lines in this section, se; that it has driven them to resort to winter on insurance societies. Four of While they were number *jt the was never so ers, this talking stranger ever tried for it but never a dollar’s ■ among Democrats, j Mrs. E. J. Morrison did not arrive from got Diamonds, Opals, Moontstones, Emerald. the claims of which amount to two came and wanted to the Oarnets. etc. Also SOLID, PLAIN and with as an to a national as all ! the deaths, along buy worth of until I KNGRdg strong Republicans to-day. Those attempt pass bill; last week, been detain- help began taking KINGS of the best and make Minneapolis having b it No. 1 would not sell to him. No. quality their endeavors to an obnoxious .*8,000, are in Maine. horse, who opposed him a few years ago, are now lobby ed by the illness of one of her children. j 2 took Mr. Dodge one side and said : “Now Hood’s Souvenir Spoons. bill the Maine have The Grand Posts of Waldo Sarsaparilla among his warmest admirers. His digni- through legislature Army county A varietx of unique and pretty styles got Mrs. Murphy, the mother of Howard Mur- 1 want 1 hat but he will not sell him- were honored at the recent session of the horse, I have taken it now for order. tied and statesmanlike? course as thus far futile. pretty regularly Secretary proved phy, Esq., of tins city will be 97 years old to me. Here are $.'>00: and the horse ten State in the election of Hon. A. go buy years and have no more pain and All kinds of engraving done in die l»est u State com- The demand Department, Old of lias disarmed criticism and people protection against next month. She is still smart and active. and I will meet at a corner below and can around all I have English. .Monogram. Cypher and Set E. of to the second you get right. such and it is to be : Nickerson, Swanvillc, pelled even flic Mugwumps to admiration. cormorants, hoped Mention is will $2o for the business." advised a to Hood’s Sar- office of the State—Senior Vice Commander. made elsewhere of the illness give you doing good many try R. Hervey’s Store As ilie Poston Journal well “With that the Representatives to and of Editor of would tin* but saparilla." D. Wheeler, j Jewelry says: Congress Mr. Nickerson would make an excellent De- Fuller the Rockland Tribune. Henry buy lmrso, stranger Deputy Sheriff'. Winooski Falls, Vt. Phoenix Row, Belfast, Me. such tact, consideration and Senators from Maine will use their ut- Since that was written and we learn No. 1 said: “I ..card conversation; unvarying partment Commander. printed your now 1 o;r.* has Mr. Plaine borne himself that most endeavors to defeat the passage of that Pro. Fuller has recovered and is once don't want that man’s money : I don't Hood’s PHis Liver Ills dignity The officers of Phoenix Lodge of Masons, f 500 BDls. this bill. The future of Maine's more .-n deck. want anything to do with him. 11 you have i\ :>.» after nearly three years passed in the lishingin- of Belfast, will he installed at the publicly $300 1 will sell the horse r<> No. never looked more than Mr. ami you." bright merciless light which heats upon dustry promising next Mrs. A. A. Howes arrived ln-me Temple Saturday evening. Judge then advised to and lie would at and there is no doubt as to their from their Henry buy ORIENT INSURANCE public men at Washington lie is to-day by present, Johnson. District Deputy Grand Master, Monday evening wedding tour, j COSV1PANY, meet him at the corner below and rake the Choice Brands Floir- in this matter, when will receive tin ir friends at their resi- Of Hartford. Conn, common consent the object of far greater position thoroughly will be the installing officer. Masons from They anima and him >'>u for the ... dein-e mi Church street nil in give bargain. Inno,■> in V-7. ./ 72 favor and confidence than informed as to the wishes of the people. Searsporr are expected. Refreshments will Thursdays j popular popular ■ Mare h. Dodge did nor have the mom-v with him. from the mills and selling low ever.' 1m* served. CllAS. 15. w H1TIN .! \.Mi;s I TA f\ n ill. and would m*t have taken tic bait b>r lc rreslileii Sec reran The announcement of the head of the Mr. ^ Li a hack of who v While Mr Plaine has so The Rockland Rebekahs who vis- Portland. represents HuWAKl) U < )i )K. A'-l. sc occupied large recently caught on to the racket. A, Louisiana that “owing to the re- the Penn : A, HOWES & CO lottery ited Belfast were mu h with the Mutual Life Insurance Company. .! share ot public attention, due to his pleased Wl: n lie left them it was with the under- Paid In ( ash. cent decision the constitutional- "as Capital !p st.Ofld.Cdd. affirming heautitied work as Aurora in P>e;iast o- er Sunday. He sang in the ! and to the course of events presented by that he would return personality standing the next >' of the law and the I ill versa list elnur Mr. Liahck is \--1: pi:.'. 1 s: ity anti-lottery great Lodge. The Opinion says : Sunday. J which have his office into such week with the money and would c- brought manifested towards the member of the Sehuhert telegraph Kea! a:*- "H ne V > the <>j• j .m R.H. Coombs & Son hostility lottery. | The Rockland ladies arc now determined Quartette. the wisdom and his d •parture. unincumbered 22.7 l." 7* prominence, patriotism to have the heautitied uii he and his associates <}o not want the degree in Miriam E. C. of the Heseiton House Loans bond ;ii d mortti'au'e first Heselton, | This horse trick is as old as the cheek >f President Harrison have not escaped Lodge. The subject, was discussed at the liens. 27*::.ATS 21 charter renewed oven if no tax he ! was in Belfast last week and ! Stocks and i«>nd' ••••- >.-•»i.v 11 impos- evening, and the Skowliegan, which Thomas was victimized, and UNDERTAKERS. attention. In the meeting "Wednesday pro- gam by campaign which pre- met with A attended tin- Year Ball. pany. market value. 1.4f»'».»7«. :;r. ed,” should he taken with grains of posal general approval. Lea]. Mr. Heselton j done in tiie most m r:. many degree both have been ventilated in the newspapers Loans secured *>y collaterals 11 .bin On Embalming thorough ceded his election Air. Harrison gave sig- staff will be made up very soon, we believe. is said to be the allowance. Indeed, we do not think it is youngest hotel proprietor 1 hundreds of times. Cash in the company's principal ot- We have the largest assortment nal tire and in bank lor,.4f»4*4 proofs of his ability, and bis state pa- j Oliver Otis, editor of the Rockland in the state but *J”» years old. entitled to the slightest credence. There I Opin- being Interest due and accrued 2'V HJS 7>2 Caskets, Robes and Burial (rood* a News pers. and his conservative course as the ion. lias been presented with handsome I nder the of the Granges. Premiums in due course of is a political cat under the meal, i heading <•.’ W,aiding Bells the i of every description to select from, and altl, lottery Chancellor's of tion. 2<1 l is Chief Executive of the have reflect- Past jewel, Knights Pythias. , Belfast Journal of last week announced the j nation, The Louisiana 1 we use RETT Eli o|>s in this line our j »r i< Democrats are divided oil of Mr. E. P. one of the well- ! Sehasticook Grange. Burnham, met and ed The was in of Mr. Otis’ ser- ! nuptials Frost, Aifirreuate of all the admi'ted as- credit upon himself and upon the gift recognition known drummers M IV H l.oWEli than any other Inmse in t o.- the lottery question, and are who isit tins town, and j eh >se otheers for the ensuing year. Jan. 23d. sets of theconn :m\ at 'heir act nal lighting vices the in behalf of the order. You will find us American people. Viewed from every past year we copy the announcement it will value. >2.n7s.4'i.s ss always PROMPT and REM Vt mad. Indeed. one faction j knowing also initiated one new member. recently The nresentation was made . MV ! s'. 1 U'e guarantee .the most manage' his official acts bear the clos- gracefully by pleasing tin-many Mr. Frost 21. competent standpoint received a of Winchester in this section. consignment G. Martin. Chancellor Otis in the [Pema.puld Messenger. South Branch <; range sociable, Feb. 1‘Jtli. Net amount of un aid !os>.-«. est and must accepting R. H COOMBS & SON, 70 & 72 Miin : scrutiny command even the to be used if occasion ! claims. 1 .".VJ4 4;» lilies, requires. token is said to have done himself credit. Mr. Charles B. Hazeltine received a Stockton < i is to meet South Amount re-insup- i'.elfas, l'eli. 1 1, 1SH2. reluctant of his tele-j range expected required safely lyrtj approval political oppo- There is fear that because of this all risks 7' srm contest New Tufts. gram ‘Wednesday afternoon from his friend Branch Grange Saturday evening. Feb. 27. outstanding 7 7'2 England's colleges—Harvard, Total amount of liabilities. .*x• ;■ t nents. The continuation of so excellent which has W Louisiana, been held by the illiam Bacon of Boston, to meet him for a sto.-k ind m-t Bowdoin, Vale, Williams, Colby, Brown and Members of Seven Star > t<> Par- Ajrjrreirate points recently, and after his visit the ad- of the New Association of the Zeta Algiers.thence A crowd was and a ss | England large present gmeral clmliiijr net surplus .>2.u7s.4i;s mi is London : Fruits, Ants, Kaisins. Citron th'ii and re-election and and home. as ..lic\ holders s 1.1 ::7»; «'-7 of President Harri- dress of the lottery men appeared. The I Fsi Fraternity at the Parker House. Boston. good rime is reported. At tin* last meeting Surplus regard* Confectionery, Mr. W. F Black, incur oinc time since we noticed in the year! daily School, and Mr. Roble <;. Paul. n- a resident of and laid on tin* 1 able tided over, the ■will have Fry**. Minneapolis, a, -ft. A. HOWES & CO a New lottery sharps papers A oik despatch a | member "l the firm of Hail. Black A Co.. I concerning The officers were Isaac (). tie- new .coturer ot the ample time To lav their plans for a contin- foil,,wing inMalh-d last Winslow, wedding in life, which was and stationers, of that it' high largely ( job printers II. Stale ;< uation of the nefarious business. There Thursday in Atlantic haute] f R..y;R .Vvli -Maine (iran^e. an cntorprising busi- STATE dev-'ted. to say- in- 1: never la-sided in St. Pan., and NORMAL SCHOOL advertising a certain brand of Masons at Viimihaven: IK R. !1 ness man «■! St Albans ami now Las hvit six- should he no in tin* warfare Munson. let-up upon Las no desire t>* hail from there. See his < 'AST IN K, MAIM champagne. Soon after a Washington P.; O. C. Lane. K.; A. Cassie. C. ; T. E. Lih- tv men in his employ. i!e lias bought tla- this concern e iniquitous until it is driven elsewhere concerning a ..f f HAYK A FlUST-t LAsS 1‘1-Ll >J >LLK'S V. \ \ to a genealogy saw mill oi’G. I.. is 'l l!liM BKDINS M '.Ki ll despatch relating social event in that hy Treas. \V S. Carver. S.: F A. Grin- ^mti- X<*lson and running that ! tor sair at a priee whirl. will main \ot smile VJl’HIN.. >ut < 1 existence. tin* Bla.-l; famih » <’•; f Jos. WILMAMson. jj;. S- if Dipl..mas urantfd tit*••'«* \vh cit> ontained a of the same dIe. (’. of H.: F. II. w. bster. P. S. F. E now. Mi> lumbering operations \ putt wine. employ Over Vmerie.u. l-Lx ores* Ollier. r,e!i'a> Me. tl'.f foursf •!' :\vi.\«-ars. I'uiti.-n fiv •. «.. : Ci if>s than >2 " a urn,, '■ r- ^ The « of Littletield. R C. : Wm. Grant. M. .id V. : about teams. Besides this lie c irri's inrludina J!i- ill Jill I <-lii-s ui-iv in Boston jamming children mentally at 1 In* Leap ear thirty I ]>ubljSin>il Party. in. f.\prri>i* «il -•>.(tkil)f. Wood, «■!( F. S. Hamilton. M. Jd V.. R. K R herts. M. on a ia:u farm and two >*• three uii Maiae dailies without school, to the injury of their bodily health operates For * ta e> address distinguishing TK- 11*,»•, 1st V. L. \V. year parry gm :i ,:t tin* Belfast ereamerns. ALBKRT F. RICH\KDSON, Prlorip* n \\a is Smith. Chap.: W. H Brown. NOTICE. arks, and re supposed to come from attracting much attention here and -a H.-use last Friday was a i Sentinel. The instill ling officer was J. }{. .-wiling great Tile are the installed tie Associated Press. elsewhere. Last week, before the com- following newly Naturally this uii- success in point of numbers, finance, ami Cioiiif*- Out of Busiii(‘.s»i. Sanborn, assisted F S Walls. lh \. W. ■»fticers i>l Branch "•< by South Grange: Master, krri from the munication from Mrs. K. 1*. Ik was soei.a; For Sale. i.departure methods pub- enjoyment. Tin* party was for the vt* sold out stove, hardware ami furmt E. Gaskin addressed the G’napti r in some 15. M. Fames: Overseer, W. 11. (Jinn; my VN*i]' !• have a business to Sl’FNi ILKA NASON, amt 1 iiete!>; f always prevailed in that news ; lished, gentleman of this city brought benefit- of Sanborn's orchestra, although no Ilia interesting remarks. A banquet, served by ; Lecturer, Ahoy W. Thompson: Steward, request all persons indebted to me to ma Ur iiniir THE of land k'i.iwn as tin I’illsburv advance announcement was made. •« association excited and up the subject and condemned the prac- The la- diate payment, and all jiersons l;a\ina a■ •.11:.: J about *>7 aeres. and situated surprise provoked the ladies, followed. It was a very dies ley Oria •••_«i.uiiniii4 pleasant dies the aff air in Ridley; Chaplain, Libby; against me to present the same for settlement. l'erkins road and N Avenue in !;•■! comment. Now it that the des- tice without reserve. We do not feel at having charge have handed .rthport appears occasion. Treasurer, John F. Libby; Frank JOHN STOKILl.l. Apph to Mr. Sanborn, leader of the orchestra, a Secretary, in cheek Feb. 9. 1892.—0 "»tf VOSK M' l \\ patches question must have been the liberty to further report the conversation, S. Ward: Asst. A. J. Winterport, A ELf. Bail}; j The installation of tin* officers of King Sol- for si:;:*,. Steward, Trevett; w ak ot and but he referred to some verses from Puck •‘enterprising*’speeiaIs. have omon No. 1., and Select ! (J. Keeper, Geo. Baker: Pomona, Nancy Council, Royal Mas- The management of the party was in tin* found their way into other columns which met the case, and later handed \ Belfast, on Ginn: Flora, Angelim* Trevett: Ceres, Viola ters, Tuesday evening, Feb. 16th, hands of the following ladies, and to their through the medium of the scissors, and them in for he I will be the most elaborate of the in- Fames: L. A. S., Jennie Ward: Organist, publication. They may many taste, tact and energy its success is due: Alice not wire. Our old found on the Otli stallations this winter. Haley. Twenty-six persons were by friend I). R. Mc- page of this issue. The ceremonies will Mrs. T. B. Dinsmore, Mrs. K. P. Phase, Mrs. be the Grand Master of the state. A com- present at the last meeting. Kee, Esq., Associated Press agent at by W. L. Littlefield and Mrs. J. S. Harriman, \\ mittee is after all details. The At the of Sebasticook No. asliington, says in a personal note: ‘*Of The Bath built ship Shenandoah is cre- looking ^he assisted by Mrs, W. R. Marshall, Miss Char- meeting Grange entire course Grand Council have been invited and 20b, Newport, Thursday Feb. no despatch advertising any brand ating quite a sensation at New York. All lotte T. Colburn, Miss Kitty Conant and evening 4th, it is a number 1 expected will be present. The there was a full attendance of the members, ol champagne, or anything in the nature the papers have had glowing notices of Miss Jennie McLellan. Tin* affair was some- will be as follows: At 6.45 and about invited The program p. m., what select,, invitations ami it seventy-five guests. of an advertising despatch for any pur- the largest wooden ship in the world, and being limited, there will be a to the Mas- occasion was the installation of the officers reception grand was in a ladies’ whatever, has out from a New every respect party, they hav- pose gone this of- York correspondent of the Boston ter. That We are about to REDUCE OUR STOCK. official with such of the Grand choice for the coming year. Mrs. R. H. Libby was ■ ing of for the and fice. That settles it. Now we partners dances, suggest Transcript says: 'Her lines are as clean officers as may come,, and the Master of the witli E. 1> Pratt as assist- jiaying all the bills. The were installing officer, that the offices on gentlemen Newspaper Row be and delicate and graceful as a greyhound’s local Council will he stationed in the east of and installed the officers as follows: R. -AND WILL SELL- the invited guests and themselves ant, searched enjoyed and the one in which limbs; her shapely masts rise and the hall. A reception committee will pre- H. master; F. M. Shaw, empty straight hugely. In many case the ladies sent car- Libby, overseer; champagne bottles, the brand in as a from a forest of sent the members and visitors to the Grand Mrs. R. II lecturer: C. C. bearing strong young pine riages for their partners and returned them Libby, Curtis, are be held to shelter One old sailor at her Board. After the reception a turkey supper Steward : J. C. Oakes,assistant steward ; Mrs. I juestion, found, the cordage.’’ looking to their homes by the same conveyance. will be served in the banquet hall. Then •J. P. O. C. •bender. The punishment we are remarked, with a hitch of his trousers At 8 o’clock Sanborn’s full orchestra of Gilman, chaplain; Jacquith, willing will occur the installation of the officers of treasurer; J. O. Gilman, secretary: Miss to leave to the Oridiron ( lub. and a turn of his quid: ‘"The Amerikiu the Council. The evening entertainment fourteen pieces; stationed themselves in the -WE SHALL OFFER- will conclude with a dance. Ten of Annie W. Bigelow, gate keeper; Mrs. Emma wood’ll ship ain’t quite done for yit.” pieces centre of the hall floor and played the four Sanborn’s orchestra will furnish music for L. Mrs. A. selections announced last week. At Shaw. Pomona; Georgia Bigelow, '\ e do not remember ever t<* have seen the occasion. A select choir of the the ! leading Mrs. Effie L. Oakes, Miss G. The Greatest ever in the will close of the concert Mr. J. S. Harriman Ceres; Flora; Offered in Belfast so a rebuke from the Maine By a slij) of the pen we referred to singers city sing during the in- step- Bargains general press L. A. S. All were much in- stallation ceremonies. The tables will be ped on to the and thanked the ladies Evelyn Bigelow, as that railed forth Howard Owen as a stage IN- by recent utterances candidate for Register served the terested in the of installation. Mrs. by twenty y oung ladies, daugh- in behalf of the orchestra. Mr. Harriman ceremony of the Waterville Mail Gov- of Deeds in Kennebec It should ters of members. Each will wear a white concerning county. reviewed the <>f Libby as installing officer excels in that po- apron and cap. King Solomon Council al- briefly history Sanborn’s ernor It is worth while have been of Probate. The mis- sition, from the fact that the entire work of Burleigh. hardly Register ways leads in social entertainments. Orchestra and of the Belfast and said band, several pages is at her tongue's end. and no »> use harsh in take was natural, as Bro. Owen language characterizing registers our citizens were proud <>f them. Both or- book is used in the entire service. After Read} Hade Hats, ami of fche the were Clothing, the deeds of his installation the seated at Caps the Mail's indecency, but it should not good friends. Meeting County Grange. ganizations are second to none in the State. company the tables where a banquet lit for a king was unnoticed. In w hose interest these Waldo Pomona met with Seaside The grand march then took and at pass County Grange place, spread, to which ample justice was done. diatribes have been published does not Supreme Judicial Court. j Grange, Belfast, Feb- Otli. The day was stormy least 150 couples were on the floor. We Goods. and the traveling bad, still there was a good at- shall not island Furnishing to describe the Clark’s Sold to John Pierce* appear, but cannot fail to in- attempt beautiful clearly they An adjourned session of the Supreme Ju- ^ tendance. After tlie exercises. Sister opening costumes worn the ladies. While it was jure all who are concerned in their by This is no We mean what we saw one wishing pro- dicial Court, Judge Whitehouse Lewis gave the address of welcome; responded to An important real estate transaction was humbug. Any presiding, j not intended for a dress hall there were duction. while Sister Grace Bowen. Fifteen were in this strengthening the cause of opened at Belfast Tuesday to try the run-a- by Granges recorded in the Knox Registry of Deeds Feb anything line can save from lo to 2> per cent, bv all in many costumes made expressly for the occa- buying the at whom sellers. The was not called represented by delegates: reported good 1th. The transfer in was a mort- gentleman they are aimed. way liquor jury sion. question ot us. Now don t wait until the sizes are all over. condition. The fifth degree was conferred on a picked Com.;, It is bad enough when the candidates of together. gage deed, by the terms of which Mrs. Mary class of seventeen meml)ers. Remarks for the One feature was a number of theolder peo- NOW and get fitted at once at the descend M. B. Smith, on an indictment for common A. St. John, of New York, for the considera- opposing political parties to vi- good of the order were made by Worthy State ple who are seldom seen on a dance floor, hut nuisance paid a tine of $200, and one single j tion of Slo.OOO, conveys to John Pierce, in tuperation: but it is still worse when a Master Hunt, W. M. Ritchie, J. Cunningham. I>. who acquitted themselves finely: and there sale was 110I New Clark’s in St. prossed. O. Bowen, J. Ellis ami others. After the noon re- York, Island, George. -One-Price Store.- Republican newspaper uses such weapons were also many young misses who made Clothing The matters of Frank Nash were over The transfer includes all of the put | cess and music by the choir, it was decided to their debut into After the property, against a member of its own party. society. grand to the April term of court, he recognizing have an open meeting. The question, Resolved, real and personal, of the Clark’s Island march many passed the time in playing pro- for the “That foreign immigration should be restricted,” the and Mrs. C. W. HANEY. same. while lovers of the granite cutting business, granite The latest of the of was Bro. 1). A. followed gressive euchre, Terpsi- Belfast, Feb. 1, 1892.—5 recognition power Isaac C. Baker as a witness. opened by Wadlin, by ‘tlier fixed the in recognized chorean art danced out the thirteen dances quarries, derricks, machinery pen politics is reported from Lew- Bros. .T. Ellis, L>. Dyer, T. Durham, (>. I>. Wilson, William B. Chase was summoned as a wit- mid tools of all also all of the iston where on description; the Republicans propose to I). O. Bowen, J. (1. Harding and M. B. Hunt. The the card. run K. of the Lewiston ness in January, hut ran away. He was as- buildings thereon excepting four small Harry Andrews, members of Seaside Grange acted a drama re- After 10 p. m. refreshments were served. for Mr. Andrews rested a few and He was The houses. It is understood that Mr. •Journal, mayor. may days ago jailed. j markably well. It was voted to extend a vote of ladies had the assistance of.Mrs. W. C. dwelling count the united of the taken before the court and told White- who has made a as Pierce in turn has a 10 lease of upon support Judge ! thanks to Seaside Grange for kind treatment. Cunningham, reputation given years’ state of if he that lie not a caterer. press irrespective politics, house did know the law, ami j The committee on time, and re- the property to John Snow, of New York, place programme Many visitors were present who entered •desires it. The Maine editors were never a THAYER that seller told him he would as follows: Star the & liquor pay | ported Time, March 8th; place. into the occasion with much spirit. who will start up paving cutting busi- known to desert a comrade in cases of ADAMS, yet him $1 per day and board to clear out, and | of Progress Grange, Jackson; programme: 1. The ladies are to he congratulated ness A small crew was on last such dire distress. [Bangor Commercial. upon again. put so lie ran Chase was ordered to rec- exercises; 2, address of welcome Sis- the great success of this, the first year away. Opening by leap Thursday. It will prove welcome news to That is so. At the same time it of the season. must as a to ter Ann Gould; 3, response by Sister Abhie Ellis; party ognize witness the April term, hut in the of the island, where a of The card itself. people nearly be admitted that is default went to 4, report Granges; 5, conferring fifth degree; following explains Harry badly handicap- jail. thousand workmen once found music the of commit- The of employment, & (», choir; 7, members Sanborn’s ben- Jewelers liis connection. While The court by appointment Orchestra, ped by newspaper adjourned Tuesday afternoon. for the two or three it tees ; 8, noon recess; music the choir; es- eficiaries of the “Ladies Party,” re- hut where past years Opticians, by 10, hereby bis abilities as a turn sincere thanks to Mrs. T. B. everybody recognizes say by Mrs. Tolford Durham; 11, question: Re_ Dinsmore, has been very dull. Ferdinand Dodge, of Lawrenee, Mass., Al- Mrs. R. P. Mrs. W. L. Littlefield and journalist, and liis many good solved that it is not for the interest of the labor- Chase, qualities, Mrs. J. S. their plionso Dodge of Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. Harriman for kind and effi- W. M. Rhoades returned by train Tuesday even- FINEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. the L. J. has the merited of ing class of people to subsidize the steamship cient efforts in the contempt Perkins behalf of entertainment : from a few visit in Portland. Frank of Hampden, arrived in Bel- Aff. Bro. T. D. ing days’ both for its numerous offences companies. Durham; Neg. Gould; and also to the many other ladies whose lib- parties fast to attend the funeral of their Tuesday 12, entertainment by Star of Progress Grange; 13, eral contributions, patronage and presence Mrs. E. W. Pendleton, of Lslesboro, was in this against journalistic courtesy. mother Mrs. J. made the so successful and Johnson’s | Betsey Dodge. closing exercises. O. C. Cammett, Sec. party pleasing. city the first of the week. High St., Block, Belfast THE NEWS OF BELFAST. J. W. Oxton has been appointed postmas- A small boy was hurrying along the street | Miss A. A. Hicks, who has been ill several ter at West Camden. Sunday morning, carrying from the bake ! weeks, wishes to announce that as soon as has been The city lock-up completed. It the ’the beans. she is able to be out she will the ar- The County Commissioners began an ad- shop pot containing Sunday complete is in the south corner of the basement of the there was a crash and the morn- journed session of their court in this city on Suddenly rangements with the young people concern- Memorial building, and is tifteen feet square. breakfast was on the sidewalk. the Demorest Medal contest. WHY 1$ IT ing’s spilled ing THAT Tuesday. The work was done by William Stephenson. The bottom had dropped out of the bean pot. Next Sunday will be St. Valentine’s Day. Keating & Field, Belfast, have begun to Messrs. Clarey and Jones, Tail Inspectors, Constable on was circulat- the annual statements of the The fancy stores in this city are making a Files, Tuesday, publish many were in Belfast last week and took a look at a Whiteliouse to great display of handsome valentines. ing petition asking Judge companies represented by them. In to-day’s die County institution on the hill. They re- issue an injunction to close up the saloons paper be found the statement of the Mr. Charles O’Connell is in Boston buying may marked that The jail was in good condition. of Bicknell & Carter. Henry Wyman, M. B. Orient Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. -HAVE LED THE TRADE IX- a full line of for the and sum- clothing spring A Belfast does not to he very much j Smith and C. B. Dickey. The request is glance at the figures will convince one of appear mer which he will in his new trade, open | to this winter. Prof. made under the nuisance act passed at the its soundness. given dancing Haley’s store on Plicenix Row. last BOYS & CHILDREN S school was given up for lack of support, and Legislature. A part of the force of the Dana Sarsaparilla WENS, CLOTHINBP Henry Hayes while lisliing through the ice die orchestra assemblies have not been well The mill of Mathews Bros, began on Mon- Company went to the Skoda Wed- last week for a white building smelts, caught large because the of sell lias never failed to hold their un- patronized. day last to run nine hours per day. The nesday, and to-day they begin to put up 15,000 Simply quality Clothing they perch. It is supposed this fish came down questioned superiority in MANUFACTURE, FIT and STYLE, which together The freighting on the Belfast railroad was proprietors report an excellent run of busi- bottles of the Skoda Discovery medicine. from some of the ponds by one of the numer- with the extreme lowness of their prices have won for them an ever-increasing never and is ness ami the outlook for the coming year as The company begins the medi- better, continually increasing. ous streams. advertising and always satisfied patronage. We now make a made a eon.tract to cine this and it Large quantities of hay are being loaded from good. Last week they week, may be said the arti- Last week Mr. C. R. Coombs bagged sev- cles ill points. Besides the regular commodities furnish all the inside work for a large hotel has been launched upon the market. See eral rabbits and them MRS. NETTIE A. RIVERS. from L. A. Knowlton is reports quite plentiful. at Blueliill. testimonial in today’s Journal. forwarded Belfast, building “ DESPERATE SLAUGHTER OF VALUES. They are hunted with dogs. Charles says With Heart quivering with shipping eighteen cars of guano to points in A Belfast family prepared their baked Parker-Sperry. The Roanoke (Va.) there may be better dishes than rabbit stew I realized that CUT RIGHT AXI) LEFT. the interior. beans this week according to the recipe pub- Times announces that Jan. 28th, at that Agony ^“PRICES ^ but he knows nothing about them. The New York. 1‘sleshoro & Rockland lished in the Journal of Feb. 4th. They had place, Mr. W. II. Barker and Miss Bessie I must Die.” Swan Lake has no more ardent admirer Lime Company, capital stock •’>100,000, has heretofore parboiled the beans before bak- L. Sperry were married at the residence of Our Grand Mid-Winter than Fish who first Mark Down Sale of Commissioner Stanley, : W. ('. was PHYSICIANS OF NO AVAIL! been organized at Portland, for the purpose ing. A member of the family said Monday Overby. The ceremony perform- discovered how t*> take trout from the lake. f mauuFuduring building materials, lime ‘•There will be no more parboiled beans at ed in the presence of a few select frit lids. Mr. that this month he will Dana’s to Save! and cement Tin oflicers are: President. Stanley says our house. They were the best baked beans The groom is a son of J. I>. Barker, of Bel- Mighty the lake with a of the of Lawrence, Mass., *<»i. 7• in? B. of Portland: treasurer. Fred supply quantity fry \n e ever had.” fast, ami is a man of excellent abili- Aug.!), Kehoc, young Dana salmon. Sarsaparilla Co., \Y of Portland. land-locked ties. He is operating an iron mine in west- Chase, A Union Temperance meeting will be held hind Bnnoj'K'tors:—l foci that I must -V grand old-fashioned reduction sale of surplus stock. AVc are carrying too large The Commercial the fol- ern Virginia. The bride is the daughter of tell you how much SARSAPARIL- a stock for this time of and are to sell at a loss in order to reduce the C'-mity Attorney Brown lias been notified Bangor publishes in the Universalist church Sunday the 14th your year willing LA has benefited me. Some over two stock before we show our line of which we lowing: There are two men the late Col. Sperry of Virginia, and a lady you Spring goods, have bought and ■ hat the* Governor and Council will act, Feb. j young petidling inst. at o p. m. An address will he given hy will on our counters about March 1st. Low and honest is over ami in different of of rare accomplishments. The couple were place prices goods 19th, "i: the petition of Moses M. Hodgdon ! soap soap powders parts Rev. IU T. Hack, followed by short address- GUARANTEED the recipient of many valuable presents, in- S'; our motto. Remember. through the month of February we will make Ex- the state. These fellows claim to began to be troubled with a death for as constable of Wal- “give es from Rev. and others- a beautiful marble tv appointment speeial Myra Kingsbury cluding calendar clock faint in tra Low Prices at the them feeling my stomach, followed wa> away-’ soap —you only pay 51-00 for the All interested in the cause of are from M r. .1. 1 >. Barker. d< e.iunty. Some time ago Mr. Hodgdon temperance bv a burning sensation, thena vi- leave and in a week come a and it, soap, they they cordially invited to he present. Business olent Sick Headache would set in •irculat-ing petition many signed Belfast Price Current. back and get the wrapper and give a valua- and men are invited. and what I would sutler I eau never de- not expo* to hear from if again. It was professional specially ting CORRECTED WEEKLY FOR THE JOURNAL. scribe—this for Waldo 77 Main ble never continued some time then Store, Street, to he a at the time. It is be- present. They give any presents Clothing thought -joke The Commander of J. M. Warner No. my sick Headache would he fol- or come around and their is a Post, Product: Market. Price Paitl /•roducers. lieved he will he given leave to withdraw. again soap lowed by fainting spells, which 4, of Vermont, G. A. R.. noti- Apples, t> bu, Hav, 10 oo poor article. These fellows have been ar- Department 30(060 [) ton, 00012 left me just the brent li of OWEXT dried. It,, 4«."» Hides, it,. 3 1 2«5 1 2 | BROS. Barnes at Liberty. William 1). Barnes, fies Rev. Miss that it is the unani- |> V> life. I lost flesh I until Proprietors. rested for fraud. Look out for them. Kingsbury Beans,pea, 2oo«2 25 Lamb, lb, 8a 1() I weighed on but 63 lbs. Could take irrested in Belfast suspicion of having mous desire of the Post, W. R. ('., and “medium, 1 75 02 oo Lamb Skins. 600100 onlv weak The official time table of the Maine Central a beef tea. or a little robbed the Albion was taken to yellow eves! 00 ] 75 Mutton, fc> It,. "(>07 chicken broth post-oftice, friends outside those organizations that she into is issued for and other in- Butter, fc> lb. 18 a20 Oats, fc> bu.32 It., 40 a 42 my stomach, and sometimes even Portland a C. S. after remain- February, among • I a by Marshal, deliver the 3/emoriaZ Day address before Beef, fc> It). 7 Potatoes, 35q40 that would distress me. husband covers My BE IN THE contained within its 55o(J0 Round SWIM fc> bush, 1-2 ing in jail about two weeks. Last Friday lie teresting things said Post on .'10th next. Miss Barley, Hog, lb,600 used every dollar he could spare in em- May Kings- Cheese, |> tb, 100 12 Straw, >> ton, 0 0007 00 is a short sketc h of the veteran conductor of ploying the best hut to was taken before the U. S. Grand Jury, who will and deliver the Chicken, |> tb, 12al4Turkey, |4 tb, lTfalH Physicians, -And follow the vast of that are of the-.- bury probably accept no avail: army purchasers taking advantage the John A. who for 22 Calf Skins. 50a.70 Veal, lb, 7aS they could not help me. Com- failed to.indiet him. Barnes was discharged road, Mace, years address. £> Duck, A tb. 12 a 14 Wool, 31a 22 pletely I looked upon run over and for four washed, discouraged, said he started to look has the Belfast branch 20 husband and and it is immediately The Trotter “Seth L.” A correspond- Eggs, fc> doz., Wool, unwashed, 23.0.24 my little child, and with my than that time has been in the Fowl, (4 It), 10a 12 Wood, 4 00 heart after a on the iee. years longer hard, 0006 quivering with /\imR job ent of the Journal who is interested in horses (leese, t> lt», 14a 16 Wood, soft. 3 000 3 50 I realized employ of the same company. Mr. Mace agony that W UKt A in this claims that an at- Jletail Price. Itetail Market. I must die. Murk Down Sale of family city that while in Brooks recently lie saw Red on his says Figure never has had a Clothing passenger injured One a was to woman a tine Beef, corned,p lb, 7qS Lime, t> bbl, 1 0001 05 day package of your Papers was tempt made poison them. The Seth L., horse owned by Staples & -AT- train, although he has traveled nearly 1,000,- j Butter salt, fc> box, 18 Oat Meal, fc* tb, 405 left at the housi—I read them—a rav of came home in the afternoon and found a Son. Seth L. is a brother to Ledo has 02 000 miles since conductor. Girl, Corn, bush. Onions, fe> lb, 2 1-203 hope seemed to appear. I got a bottle. being appointed Cracked corn 02 a 14 small of tea on the table. On the line size and is fast. The Hon. fc> bu, Oil,kerosene, gal,8 Before it was half I to package His heads the sheteli. style, good 02 gone. began portrait Corn Meal, £> bu, Pollock, \> lb 4 1-205 I continued CLARK £ was written the words: ‘*1 do not Seth L. Milliken has a handsome lb. 14a 10 improve. —using the SLEEPER’S, wrapper presented Cheese, |> Pork, $■> lb, 0010 PILLS with Some of the ladies of the North Church Cotton Seed, ewt, 1 50 Plaster, bbl,l 05 your SARSAPARILLA. I wish to offend you. I will call.” Some of blanket to the which our p j4 0001 horse, correspond- 8 a lo 4 gained so I society met at the home of Mrs. R. Frank Codfish, dry, {4 tt>, Rye Meal. p> lt>. rapidly that be- 83 MAIN STREET. the tea was steeped for supper and made ent says covers the greater part of Brooks. Cranberries, j4 qt. 8a 10 Shorts, t) ewt., 1.20 came an object of wonder. I Bierce last week and a Clover 1.2 a 18 tt>. 4 1-2 a 5 am now who drank it ill. organized history Seed, t> tb. Sugar, >> taking mv ninth bottle, and Never in the annals of the trade in this has there been such an those very The husband Police B. Clothing city oppor- The first was held last Mon-k Court. Maitland Smith was Flour, |4 bhl, 4 50a 7 00 Salt, T.I., bu, 40 137 and class. meeting weigh lbs., feel that 1 have to well that makes the man with the slim then drank some and it made him sick. An H.O.Seed. bu, 1 75a 1 80 Sweet Potatoes, OaO tunity purchase made, becoming Clothing, before the Police Court oil for a fully recovered day afternoon at Mrs. H. A. Starrett’s, and Saturday Lard, t> tb. 10a l2 1-2 Wheat Meal. 3 every way. two suits instead of one. Remember this mark down sale is all fair will be made to find out who left 1-20:4 mi' heartfelt pocket-book buy attempt sale of on com- Accept thanks. next the class will meet with Mrs. single intoxicating liquor, and open, the old price is black on the tickets; the cut price is red on a the tea. Monday MRS. NETTIE A. RIVERS. selling tag. the plaint of Constable Files. He was found C. O. Boor. English history is present MARBIED. Dana Sarsaparilla Co., Belfast. Maine. Si kymer Nhtks. The Electa lias been re- The are now at work on our store, and next week we shall show a subject, and it is proposed to hold the fourth guilty, tilled SoO and costs and sentenced to painters you and resumed her between Bel- paired route meeting each month in the for the thirty days in jail from which he appealed In Brooklyn, N. V.. Jan. 27, William B. Ford, of evening and Miss Eleanora P. Blanchard, of fast. Islesborti ami Castine... .The Cimbria. and furnished sureties. Other Boston, Sears- discussion of the current topic of the month, complaints port. ■«f the H&angor and Bar Harbor were sworn out Smith F. Ill Jacks*ui. Eeb. 7. M. S. Stiles. Albert Steamship '.rhe gentlemen will be invited to this meet- against by Benj. by Esq.. will a B. I urti.-j ;ind .Miss Mary J. Stevens, both of Clean, Pratt? kKilty Line of New as Large C... l been taken on tin* marine railway (’puseiisj which were postponed to Monday Stare, ing and are expected to participate in the. Brooks, n La- t-i be overhauled for ksport improve- discussion. next In W avefh, Bremer < o., Iowa. Jan. 25. Williaui ■ urs. .The steamer building at Searsport W inebelh pi Shell Rock, and Mis. Emma E. CLOTHING & GENT'S u !. FURNISHINGS. 11 k Walked Home. Not since a well Shipments. The three masted sell ,J. E. W]n-h>\v, ui Waverh t*■ Take the *>1’ long place the Emmeline on the in 1 hit'. Feb. 0. b\ Rev W. A. Du has been in for Meservey. Alton known lawyer of Belfast engaged to deliver Biguou port loading Beau- of » nitv; ami lo» ki.nid and Vinalhavi ii route, will be r.. Bhuiebard. Miss Mabel Allen, of Just opened for the spring and summer trade. These are made especially for us in a fort. S. (', Her cargo consists of ha\ and ice. Belfast. .( temperance lecture at a near neighbor- manner :tnd of latest and the men who want p"\verful, fast and ef>mniodioiis boat, and is In West CAuiden, Jail. Jo, V. thorough spring styles, -stylish young The former was on hoard F. G. White Ralph Ingraham cod. It was in the winter, and late in the put by and Minnie E. Andrews, both of Rot artistic clothing and fine goods will take notice that we are in it to them this ,'t x}«ressi\ f«»r this route. Her engine, kport. supply and the latter IT. E. Pierce. The ice was In I)e: was Guilt at Cleveland. Ohio, is com- they ham, amt Mis' Man E. Maddox, of taken directly from the and is 14 inch- Bucksport. of styles in SOFT and STIFF, MENS and YOUTHS’ •• sled. The a lecture, which pond In Southwest llarl)or. Eeb. H. Emit, of spring i'le .ml lias been set up for trial. It will lawyer gave good 1, Joseph es thick and of excellent Mt. Desert, and Miss Lottie Robinson, of Ells- HATS this week. Our custom department is now running full blast, and Gents b» was followed a and entertain- quality. Cutting -h ppei her*- it once and in tin* by supper worth. as phu-ed and who appreciate stylish, well fitting and thorough made garments, can be well satis- ment. The lecturer, of course, gave his ser- loading began Monday. Mr. Pierce es- boat which will be ready to rereive it ;n a lied with us as though had ordered garments of a swell tailor at twice tin- timates that it will take about two they city h-w vices free, but lie was called t< weeks to weeks. .The Castine brought up a upon pay DIED. cost of ours. Cleaning, pressing and repairing of old clothing, is one of our big cut the cents for his clam stew and lower pond. Three more schooners a manner, moderate freight i•! ilsh. etc., from Peer Isle. Monday, twenty-live specialties. We do this in thorough at prices. have this In Belfast. Fell, s, Edmund F. in the cents for one into the cleared for port To load ice. Brown, and ret urued yesterday \\ th a full cargo >f twent.v-tive dip grab 77th year of hi- age. no lie We learn that the In guano. bag. There being conveyance home furniture, hrie-a-brae, Belfast. Feh. 8. Betsey .1., widow of .leremiali 89 and lo months. to morn- to Dodge, aged years walked town at two o’clock in the etc., belonging the late F. E. Wright, the ( Shipping In Belfast. Fein 8. apt. Joseph T. Conant. of (SUCCESSORS TO MARK ANDREWS) Items. Carter X began re- ( ing He has retired from the lecture field. Boston artist so well known here, were all aiiiden. aged .">1 years. last week Oil >• -1 \. W on tin- In Belfast. Fell. 7. .Mary, wife of Horace Banks, pair*; F.llis, sold to friends and The How to Catch a Mouse. Nothing cre- acquaintances. pic- aged .'>4 years. 83 Main Street, Belfast, marine railway Sell. Tiara. N. s. Pendle- tures. sketches, were sold as In Belfast. Feh. .7. Fred L. Carter, 39 ate.'* such a commotion in a house, especially etc., per cata- aged years, ton, returned t.. this port last week, 7 months and 0 days. and realized about > I STEPHEN H. WARREN. I TAILORS AND MEN’S OUTFITTERS.- among^the women, as a live mouse. For logue, 1,."»(«). This is In Belfast. Feb. 0, Capt. Jeremiah Stover, aged --CLOTHIERS, from Brown s Cove in distress. In heeling considered when it is con- 00 years. three nights recently one little mouse quite satisfactory FROM THE ISLES OF THE SEA. "ft *he struck a kept In North Feb. 8, wife of rock, making a hole in her sidered that of Bneksport, .Margaret, a Belfast on the The many the paintings were Alfred .McDonald, aged 62 lo inns., .7 bottom. The family ragged edge. years, days. straw in her hold, which was without frames and the sketches In Sandy Point, Feb. 2.' Sarah P.. widow of | Liver & mouse got into the room, and then incomplete. Trouble •c aked with salt sleeping Joshua Eiistis, aged 80 years, 2 months, 20 days. Kidney water, was diseliarged on His Salon >1*00 and there was fun. One said she had read large picture brought In Charlestown. Mass.. Jan. 3o, Percy I.. Knee- (O.mtlXED WITH wharf. Most of her lady layer's deekload of cord was Mr. Damon of Hotel Thorn- land. formerly of Belfast, aged 2o years, .7 month.-. that :t you throw a hoot or shoe on the floor bought by was In Appleton, Jan. 30. Belinda, wile of w«-ud lost during a northeast gale while dike. Lafayette PALPITATION OF THE HEART WITH OO 11 WAR 0 CHILI the nn-use would run into it. She resolved \\ orthing, aged years. months and days. sin was ashore She was taken on the beach In Kelso. North Dakoia. Jan. 10, Olinda S.. wife CURED! Andrew will to try it. ('uutiously she reached out of bed Johnson Lecture. Our of A. L. Wentworth, of I in liver’s yard h-r renairs. s.• 1 >1 »• \.-r THE GREATEST CREDENCE < \N BE next showed up she threw the hoot on the Sat urday evening, Feb. 20th, In Rockport. Feb. 3. Evelina, widow of William -TU uiu at $1.50 j*«*r ton for Jacksonville, and GIVEN TO IUS STATEMENT. To A REPRE- he will McLaughlin, aged 8.7 years and .7 months. door, ami sure the mouse ran into it lecture at Memorial Hall, and will j SENTATIVE OF THE SKODA DISCOVERT lumber 1-aek to New York at $5 th«*u- enough In Camden, Jan. 20. Jonas A. Gleason, aged 04 per tell the of CO., HE RECENTLY” SAID: and secreted himself in the toe. The boot story his slave life in the south to- years, 1 1 months and 20 days. a 11 d It is said that at least 500 vessels are j “For more than two years I have suf- with that of his In Natick, Jan. 23, Emily Mansfield, wife of hca. was ivered and the mouse held a getlier parents, brothers and m ft* red great inis- "a tied up at New York.. The seh. Lizzie prison-* j Dexter B. Wingate, formerly of Camden. Maine. ! & CO. from P. what Phv- E. FROST er. sisters. Mr. Johnson served two and a half 7-7 8 months and 4 K FI I E 1^ «*ry Ba'-rook is aged years. days. sicians called loading potatoes for Charleston. hi I.ineolnville, dan. 20. Richard M. Liv- years in the l nited States on the ! Lovett.aged | er ami Troubles. all G NY. (b.rl.ain funiisln-s the The V.»ti:iss uf Belfast. Tin- board of Navy gun- 87 \ears. 11 months and 21 Runs. Kidney Nearly cargo ...Scj.. the time I would have severe boat Fort Henry, and was in two naval cn- ! In Rockland. Feb. 4. Wyman W. FI me r. aged .73 1 pains Ida ... has k aded hay ai Whio 's for Bass registration aek and side. with a constant years. 1 month and .7 days. gagcuients. The incidents of his slave life dull pain in the region of my liver. Harbor. day last, and all the voters of so far In Rockland, Feb. 4. Clarissa Gregory, widow of My Belfast, __ 1 towels were —«- _ _ «• o n arc interesting, and lie should have a John Bird, aged 03 year- and 9 month-. stipat- as tlic board could are enumerat- good ed. 1-'« o d I * ^Iressed ascertain, In Rockland Feb. 3. Johanna, wife of John Me- ■ "H £t N L<-AN ANP Bril.I»ING ASSOCIATION. Attic- me a n m v PEOPLE’S audience. d THE badly. 'd. The Hallies linas. <>l .7:*. CLOTHIERS, and the street address are Bneksport. aged years. Heart would at umual meeting of the Belfast Loan and Ill Rockland. Feb. 3. Frances R wife of John palpitate greatly times, i into a book made for An Evening with American Humorists. ! in fact 1 was well broken tip. "pied large the pur- Duncan, aged .78 year-. Building A ssociatiou 1 For two months I have been IIAVK DKf'I.A 15KD Wednesday evening. Frol. V S. of who In Bo-don, Feb. c. Hr. Robert Willard, .73 taking l">s< The whole number of voters register- Battis, Colby Fniversity. j aged SKODA s DlSCoYKKY and SKODA’S Feb. 3, directors wa-re elected for the ensu- and 2 months. was so successful in years LITTLE and 1 AM A MAV ed is 1877. divided as follows: Ward one. pleasing the people nf in Thorndike. Feb. 7. Paulina Wentworth, TABLETS, ing year as follows: John G. Robert aged MAX. good. Itowels in Brooks, this itt his 91 and 9 months. Appetite 424: ward two. 880: ward three, 801: ward city impersonation of the charac- Nears g;ood condition. Heart F. Dnntou, John M. Albert C. lii Feb. 1. Josiah Griliin, 84 1 Fletcher, ters in “Nicholas liockport. aged all gone. four. 148: ward 171>. new names Nickleby," will give a and 3 months. palpitation (; [l( || Burgess. Geo. B. Albert Gam- five, Fifty years Xo trouble with Liver « ™ ^ Ferguson, In Rockland. Feb. 1. Adelbert S., .-on of Win. (>. were reading from American Humorists in the or HIGH PRICES. added and 1(18 stricken off. Mr. now. I AM WELL. You WAR AGAINST mans, S. IT. Mathews. A. Cutter and March, and Annie M. Malik, 1 month and .7 Kidney* Sibley aged days. have a Wonderful in tin- clerk, it is the most Baptist Church Wednesday Feb. In Rockland, Feb. 1. Sarah S.. wife of Chester certainly remedy VY B. Swan. The says perfect regis- evening, SKODA’S DIM OYFKY as 1 have taken corporation officers W’ill 8 | And the Men and Women who believe that F. 31 months and 2<> tration ever in 24tli. under the of the Peo- Day. aged years. days. of the and have be. at had Belfast. The list will auspices Young many Sarsaparilla*, been elected a meeting of the directors. The In liockport, Jan. 31, Capt. Hiram Haskell, aged treated different l*e ^ ple’s of Christian Endeavor. We and 1.7 by Physicians without further revised before each election. The Society 71 years, 2 months days. benefit.” tSSoeiation lias $ 1,000 on hand to loan. The In Jan. 1». getting permanent feel confident that lie will even Rockport, 31, Capt. Ephraim Robin- cost of registration will not lie far from prove more The only medicine sold first year’s business has been a good one, and son, aged 03 years. with a “A PENNY SAVED iS A PENNY than on the In Warren, Jan. 30. wife of Samuel WITH EACH EARNED," it is if .$2»X). entertaining previous occasion, Abigail D., GUARANTEE CONTRACT BOT- believed will increase from year to 77 and for him a full house. Spear, aged years. TLE. Try a course (b bottles) at to our and learn our bespeak In Jan. 30. Mrs. Charlotte Green, Will find it to their advantage examine goods prices year. In this connection a few figures from Resignation of Rev. J. A. Savage. Mr. Yinalhaven, OUR RISK, IF NOT BENEFITTED RETURN aged 77 years, 11 months and 9 days. before buying anything in the line of the annual of The Standard Granite Company. A BOTELKS AN D GET YOUR MON EY. 1*A Y report the Rockland L. and B. Savage, pastor of the Unitarian church, on In Rockport, Jan. 30. Stephen L. Yeazie, aged New Granite 1 ONLY FOR THE GOOD YOU RECEIVE. Association will be interesting: Sunday last announced that his resignation, Company, with a capital stock 74 years, 2 months and day. of In Rockland, Jan. 30, William J. Allen, former- The for 1891 were which was summer $50,000, has been organized in this un- SKODA DISDOVERY ME. receipts $40,250.00, and tendered last and not city ly of Hope, aged 71 years. 4 months and 4 days. CO., BELFAST, HATS OR loans were made to the amount of $31,950. der tlie laws of the In Jan. Sarah 70 CLOTHING, CAPS, accepted, would be accepted May 1st, and at State of Maine, called Rockland, 30, Gay, aged years. The resources have attained the handsome 4 months and 23 days. that time he The Standard Granite Co. Office and Works t-otal of $01,188.45. The association has added should sever his connection In Washington, Jan. 30, Joseph Lermond, aged New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. at Mount Me. about 55 TO 104 shareholders the past year ami had 51 with the church. Mr. has been Desert, The officers of the years. MANCHESTER, New Hampshire. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE Savage pas- In Washington, Jan. 29, Love, widow of Samuel borrowers. The total number of borrowers are: C. J. H. In 1869. Commenced business 1870. tor of this church seven and has en- company Hall, President; Fish, aged 91 years and 7 months. Incorporated now 90. years is The association has nearly reach- In Jan. 28, Samuel B. Waltz. James A. Weston, John C’. deared Mixer, Vice President: E. L. Sec. Waldoboro, French, ed 'the maximum limit in the issue of shares himself, not only to the society, but Warren, In Thomaston, Jan. 28, Joshua S. Linnekin, President. YOU MONEY.- and aged Secretary. -SAVE of stock. The that num- to the Treasurer; H. Mixer, of 59 0 months and 19 by-laws provide the community at large. Mr. Savage is Superintendent years, days. Capital Paid tp In Cash, 8700,000.00 ber of shares shall not In Waldoboro, Jan. 28, Helen Wat ton, aged 17 can be and refunded if are not exceed 2,500, and the a of work; E. L. Warren, General This of us returned money they preacher great ability, doubtless the Manager. years and 0 months. assets, dec. 31, 1891. v-^=. \ny g0,His bought record shows that at the close of the year, in as company has of C. J. Hall all of his In Thomaston, Jan. 27, James Leonard, 50 Real estate owned un- every respect just represented. 2181 shares were and still the ablest pastor the church ever had, which bought aged by company, disposed of, years. incumbered..* ..$ 9,000 00 demand continues. The is much. extensive houses, monthly receipts of saying The retirement of Mr. Sav- granite quarries, plant, &c, In Waldoboro, Jan. 20, Mrs. Anna M. Hoeh, Loans on bond and mortgage (first the association average $3,000, w hich is more at Mount .74 and 2 months. 8b St. age will he a loss to the community, and the situated Desert and propose to car- aged years liens). 550,090 E. P. FROST & CO., 78 Main than enough to supply the call fur loans. In North Haven. Jan. 20, Mrs.Rhoda Mills, aged Stocks and bonds owned by com- best wishes <>f all will ry on the general busi- attend him and his granite contracting .79 years. pany, market value. 1,072,134 9b es* in all In Jan. 20, Elvira, widow of J. G. Loans secured collaterals. 00 The Chi kches. In a private note Rev. family wherever go its departments. Mr. Gorham Liberty, by 23,750 they Brown. in office Aborn has Cash company’s principal *W. H. WTMiams, who is pleasantly remem- gone to Somes Sound and will In Yinalhaven, Jan. 25, John A., son of Mr. and ami in bank—. 103,123 b7 BELFAST MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, R. H. Coombs & Son. Belfast, dealers in Mrs. William 1 10 months and bered as the of the Methodist Church immediately begin the erection of a two- Turner, aged year, Interest due and accrued. lb,123 00 pastor 25 of furniture, announce that money can be sav- days. Premiums in due course collec- here, writes from Springfield, Mo.: -“The story building JO by (X) feet, which will be In Worcester, Mass.. .Ian. 24, Tileston H. Smith, tion. (55,73 2 51 FERNALO & MUDCETT, Proprietors, ed with a statement and 1 am by dealing them, they used as a store the new When formerly of Thomaston Rockland, aged 77 church I found to he much by company. ... Me. serving, and 5 days. of all admitted assets Annex at North End of Shoe Factory, Belfast, can fully maintain. As undertakers they will years Aggregate Brick heavier in debt, and in a more critical con- completed they put in a good line of In Mauston, Wisconsin..Tan. 24,Susan B., widow of the company, hat. uoast raccoon In Ellsworth, Jan. 19, James B. surprise W'e was on the lull ot Capt. Blacking- Net amount of unpaid losses and Belfast are “in the and have made a ton, formerly of Thomaston, 80 years, 9 are to off swim," aged claims.$ 93,717 20 working pay $2,000 of the indebt- fare at the Crosby Inn one day last week. months and 1.7 mark down sale of A. days. Amount to re-in.sure and edness and to clothing.... Mary In Jan. 27, Mrs. Durt'ee, required safely Marble or Granite Monuments Tablets. Headstones, Curbings, raise $1,000 more "to expend on ....The snow of Sunday night made good EllsNVorth, Mary aged all outstanding risks.. .*. <532,2 1 5 <>(> Richards, of “A t<> 03 Burnham, has Card the years. All other demands the com- improvements, our pledges are all condi- sleighing-An in the In Ellsworth. Jan. 31, Mason, 78 against And in the Cemetery Line. interesting object Joseph aged via: commissions, etc. 50 everything Public"... .Joseph Williamson, Jr., Belfast, 5 months and 18 pany. 13,14(5 Also Wash Bowl and Shelves. tioned upon the whole $3,000 raised. heavens last week was the of years. days. amount of Tops being conjunction In Jan. Mrs. J. Total* liabilities, except has a peddlers wagon for sale_Manufact- Ellsworth, 30, Betsey Hodgkins. net So far we have for The the two capital stock and surplus. 739,079 3b pledges $1,950. bal- planets Jupiter and Venus_The In Olamon, Jan. 2.7, Leslie N., son of Stephen 00 MILL in the State. Uso FOUR PNEUMATIC urer, wants a in a Capital actually paid up in cash— 700,000 We have the best STEAM POLISHING we Searsport, Me., partner and Elesea E. Gross, of Ellsworth, 28 or the oiil\ one.-* in Maine, lather tool will do ance hope t<> secure the next two Dana sold 110 of aged years, bevond 400.881 84 TOOLS for cutting ami lettering marble granite during Sarsaparilla company gross 5 months and 17 Surplus capital. * work, either marble or < HkAl'hh well established business.... John Stoked, days. the work of from two to three men. We can furnish granite. >r three months.”-The Knox and Lincoln medicine last week. the Boston work. Me the stock and d<> Saturday Aggregate amount of liabilities than am other firm in the State, and do as nice carry largest Winterport, announces that he has sold his local firm in Maine. Quarterly .Conference of the Advent Socie- Steamer took 1230 cases_Knowlton & Co., including net surplus.$1,839,9(51 20 the most business of any business to & Nason... .The 3wb ties. will be held in Spencer spring on had Rockport, commencing Monday, flounders in their market. OTA RA XTEEh. ! -VO TROTH I.E TO SHOW WORK. term of the Castine Normal School, A. F. lFUtr-PERFECT .i nS ITISF iCTIOX Thursday, the lltli, and holding over Sun- The fish came from Rockland_Capt. E. p[VASV is A All. BEFORE l‘TR< ilASIXi. Richardson, principal, will begin March 8th Women of Maine! lay. Quite a number of speakers are expect- O. Patterson writes from Charleston, S. C., ...See notice of a of Belfast A. L. MVDUETT ed to he S. D. meeting the J. F. FEBNALD. present.Rev. Towne, of that he is doing good work on BREADMAKERS ! Machine and Co. dredging -4m."> Bangor, has been at Deer Isle the Foundry Charleston and Belfast. Feb. 1.1S1>2. during bar, soon there will be a Ask for this Brand of Flonr,-M three weeks Rev. past assisting J. S. Rich- Yachts and Boats. Mr. C. H. Brier's deep water passage into Charleston_A unis, of the Your pastor Congregational Churcli, pinkey Ella made a trip to Swan Island last gray coon kitten has strayed from the resi- You Can Buy T. A. ELLIOT in a series of two weeks at .the meetings, week-Charles F. Brown, at Pulpit har- dence of A. C. Sibley, Esq., and Master Sib- Brooks, Mnino, First church and one at the second church. bor, North Haven, is building a sloop boat ley mourns the loss of his pet. It is hoped A remarkable revival has MEDICINES Manufacturer been in progress. for Wm. Hatch, of Oceanvi 11c. Mr. Brown the finder will return the kitten to its home.

More than two hundred have .... risen for pray- has won a reputation as a boat builder, but Bucksport’s centennial occurs the 27th of dotllUlg, ers or to their desire express and purpose to the one under notice is said to be the best of June next-A little snow stimulates busi- and Patent Medicines ANI> DEADER IN THE live the Christian life. Among these are in- bis many boats-John Gamage, of Booth- ness. Notwithstanding the storm Tuesday us than at store in Waldo Co. cluded of the citizens our Cheaper of any many leading of the bay. has completed the model of a 24 foot streets were full of teams. Francis Pianos, Organs, the 7th we place-On page publish a ser- clipper yacht, which lie will build this win- Whitmore, alone, put up forty-one horses at, Estey mon on “Love of Rev. -AND- Christ,” by Frank S. ter-We hear that Mr. A. R. Roix will sell his stable-Last winter the sidewalk on A. A. HOWES & of a native of CO^ Forbes, l'tali, Brooks, Waldo his sloop Edna, now on the beach in Dyer’s Franklin street from the Post Office to Court and a man of county, young education and yard. The Edna is thirty feet over all, is street was not cleared, and people had to Sewing Machines. the pronounced ability-At ttniversalist well found, and is the smartest boat of her wade through the snow. This winter the Just Received KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON H AM* THE BEST QE ALI'l Y Church Sunday, Feb. 14, the topic of the class in Penobscot bay. In windward work new proprietors of Crosby Inn have had the AT THE LOAVEsT PUB ES. 3m0 A LARGE STOCK CP morning discourse will he, “The Impatience she will give points to the English cutter. walk cleared. The thanks of the public are POWDER of Humanity.” John XIII., 37. Y. P. C. U. ... .The schooner yacht Una, well known in due to Messrs. Wright & Varney_The Absolutely Pure. Accept no substitute. This latest triumph of at for was and Crashes meeting 6 o’clock. Topic, “Permanence these waters, is said to be for sale, her own- newspaper mail Belfast not put off A cream of tartar baking powder. High- modern milling Table Linen Napkins Stone & Wooden Ware, of Divine Truth.” Matt. XXI Vr.; 35. I. Pe- er, Mr. Harris, intending to give up yacht- t ne postal car on the main line at Burnham est of all in leavening strength.—Latest U. HAS NO RIVAL. bv the piece or vard, at wholesale or retail, at ter 24: 25. at last Thursday and Friday the S. Government Food CHEAP, all kinds, by 1; Lecture 7 p. m. Topic, ing. The Una is hauled up at Boston. She night, night Report. Makes most, sweetest and healthiest was to the whitest, entire mail carried by, great in- 3m6 I. last clause is a noted craft and was modeled 1 jread. B. F. WELLS’. •“Punctuality.” Samuel, XXI., by George convenience of and no doubt to & CO. everybody 1892.—3in4 A. A. HO WES of 8th verse. Prov. XXIL, 29. Steers, the great naval architect of his day. the loss of the business community. H. B. GOODWIN & CO., BoBton. Belfast, Jan. 28, News and Notes. A School Idyl. Aii Old House in Nort h C'astine. Literary Register of Deep Water Vessels. BELFAST DIRECTORY.

Hun it cram it Golden in, in, There stands in North Castine a Days for February (monthly BAD ECZEMA ON BABY house, SHIPS. RAILROADS AND Children's heads are hollow : part) is fully equal in interest and variety STEAMBOATS. Slam it in. it built “Lang Syne, Lord knows how lang” Abner G A arrived at Trains leave 7.20 a. and 12.30 and 4.1c jam in, of contents to preceding numbers; and Coburn, Nichols, in., Still there's more to follow— Dee 28 from m. Arrive at and 10.25 a. and Head one Solid Sore. whom built is as uncertain. more Liverpool Philadelphia. ]>. 0.25, in., Itching Awful. —by quite nothing need be said in w ay of com- A G Hygiene and history, Ropes, David Rivers, cleared from 0.30 p. in. Had to Tie His Hands to Cradle^ The are that it was erected mendation. James New Don’t Astrom unit* probabilities Elverson, publisher, York Nov 0 lor San Francisco. Boats leave for and mystery, Boston, Mondays Cured Cutlcura. Delay Algebra, after the close of the Revo- Philadelphia. A J Fuller, T P Colcord, at New York for Thursdays at about 1 m. For by histology, immediately p. Bangor the new, Latin, etymology, San Francisco. and intermediate landings and trying Cottolene, either John Admiral Porter is jn his grave but Gen. Wednesdays Botany, geometry, lutionary War, by Perkins, Alameda, Chapman, from Philadelphia for Saturdays at about 0310 a. m. Butler in his book still Our little boy broke out on his head with a bad successful vegetable Creek and or Thatcher or both just published pur- San sailed from Delaware Break- Steamer Castine leaves for Buck's popular, trigonometry— Esq., Capt. Avery, Francisco, Harbor, form of eczema, when he was four months old. sues his old with water Ram it in, ram it in, antagonist vituperation Jan 8. Brooklin, Oceanville and Green’s We tried three but did not him. Lard. Don’t wait for might have had a part in it. This Sedgwick, doctors, they help your Children’s heads are hollow. building and abuse. He refers to the Admiral’s Belle of Bath, C Curtis, arrived at New Landing, making connections for Bar Harbor, We then used your three Cuticuka Remedies, and after them weeks to house has a history which if it could be alleged “villainous”, statements and reit- work Jan 18 from Havre. every Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 a. m. using eleven exactly accord- neighbor tell you about it. Rap it in, tap it in— C lujjiuuucuuuiiB, iie erates the of cowardice. To all C Chapman, arrived at New York Nov Returning will arrive Mondays and Thurs- uegan What are teachers for? written would possess more than charge to and first of the house- paid correctly 10 from London. about 1.30 m. steadily improve, It isthe duty which Admiral Poiter’s with becom- days p. after the use of them for Bang it in, slam it in— a local interest. son, at Centennial, B F Colcord, arrived Manila Steamer Electa leaves every week day seven ar»* and months his head was to wholesome What children made for? ing dignity pride, simply replies, Nov 23 frc m at 2 m. keeper provide In 1814 the British it as Newcastle. p. for Ryder's Cove, Hewes Point, well. When we Ancient arelneology, occupied quar- "During the war nry father received four Charger, D S Good ell, arrived at New and Castine. Leaves Castine every week began using it his head was food. Everybody recognizes ters for of their votes of thanks from sore Aryan philology, many officers of rank. Congress for conspic- York Jan 24 from Taltal. uld in his hands loose. We preten CMieiich yearning lay Avery’s protection Literature, National; Anuradliapuia; a Miller Rev. G. B. Cliad- any way get know JO for Boston. Methodist, street, Cuticura Remedies cured him. P'*r the field and grassy nook, Pre-Christian Gordon your We leel ul w i ace the officers at different City, by Gumming; wiek, pastor. Prayer at 0. a. m.: s if<* anJunfit, hi t has Meadow and quartered places Henry B Ilycle, Pliineas l‘c ndletc n, sail- meeting in recommending them to others. green rippling brook, In the ol service Country the Albigeuses, and In- ed from New A 0 for San preaching at 10.20 a. m.; Sunday CEO. B. Hi JANETTA HARRIS, Webster, Iud. Crive such wicked afar, in the country. ork Jan Francisco. disco ee:-. 1 thoughts cidents in the Life of a Naturalist, Scln ol at 12 mu*n ; young people's meeting at Teach the children that are Tnnple Henrietta, A. M. Ross, arrived at Mel- they This picture is of a work of William Praise of 0 p. m. and general prayer meeting at 7 ]>. m. Put machines to cram it something Bar; Cobbett, and in bourne Oct 10 from New AYhatcem; in port in, I liitarian, Church street, Rev. .1. A. Sav- it slam it in — art and was done Lieut. R. M., one of Mops, Macmillan: More Indian Birds, and Nov JO. Cuticura Resolvent in, by hour 10.45 a. m.: F. AY. cleared frc m New age, pastor. Preaching That their heads arc hollow. The of Summer. That Iceberg, Treat, The new blood and Skin the ship's officers. many relics of Coming Longman's; Sunday S< h< "I 12 m. Purifier, and gn-.-.t- of Among A’ork 14 !<>)■ uke n Nov 11 uiior Office and Brick ( ham- Sept Hong King; sj I Remedies, cleanses the blood of all >:. ■, Scold it in. Foreign Bag, Tea, I'uivi corner of Court and mould it in. the most are an old lat 0 Ion J1 AY. salist, Spring ties and remo\. i: past ages interesting with --Pearlin’ “Pris” and 1 14, S, j poisonous elements, and thus s 1 nhun d ;d. \ i1 t s\\ pers’; streets, Rev. *' ci Its hat lhey can allow ; Jean,” Iroquois, Fiji p Nickels, sailed frc m San Myra Kingsbury, pastor. while CUTict ra, the great skin cure..,,.: clock, from London more than service at 10.45 a. in.: '' 1 <>ld 11 in. hold it brought poetry. ! Preaching Sunday rici.iiA an skin b. :uiti;i .. in, Francisco No\ 12 for Havre: spoke n Nov 21, I Soap, exquisite :L W'.il C .! i” v. V K v lie ii 111 cl Sclnml at 12. Pi skin and and restore >' id there's more to follow. one hundred a old bureau, lat i» Ion 118 : o scalp, the hair. Tlinstl.' years ago. very In July, 1331, there were discovered in N, AY. 1 lower !'Tici■ p.a Remedies cure of t« I,In >. 1 t> s sad and G Catholic, Court Street, Rev, Father i every species : v; pin 'icd, pale. the ancient of '1 the mummits I Jacob L F AYatson, arri\ed I Co se f lie- a pair of bellows, a powder horn and car- city loirs, Ridgeway, oi at ruing, scaly, pimply, and blotchy skin. M-aIp, and many T- 1 the sa ic tab at Calcutta Jan Jl from Garriiy. Winterport, pastor. Services blood, undying of Slianghae. diseases, from pimples to scrofula, fr -j*j T< a Egypt's mightiest Pharaohs, among j 10.20 a. III. a o 1 n v li oi moments robbed fr< m sleep, tridge box, part of the equipment of a J sc 'flu Hi as 1;« ai r. v e cl at 1 i • ini to when the best ties of w'>i- h be them that of Baineses the Gleat. ’1 litre 14ns, g< s, ng | '.ncy age, physicians fail. Meals mi asted. studies deep: j J\( ng Jan 20 in n, New ,i rk. STACKS WITH U. S. MAIL. soldier in 1770. a tlax wheel and comb, were hou><. Tb •>«.• w Ii i'\-e tin* furnace also found seals, coins, statuettes, T eeper piiSM-d through, j Llewe llyn J. Morse Savory, sailed from j Camden, via. Lincoln villi- Peach, Novtli- enjoyed. \V.; ach brow will tell to a knife box made one of the preserved lor d, and a lew mils of Baltimore Nov rancisce Sold ng you distaff, by papy- .15 lor San I* spoken ! |"it and Last Nort hport; L. C. Freeman, everywhere. Price, Cuticura,; S.»,\". need no lierr. r b sitete in the s< me of the latter of val- Jan lat 0 ; Resolvent, .$1.00. the Por u ancestors of the on the coast rus, being great 22, S. Ion 33 :>5. Arriv cs at 12 noon : halves Prepared by How the ieacher crammed it in. Avery family proprietor. daily J'nii'i and Chemical Corporation, Bostmi. ue, curiously bound together, and,notwith- Juicy A Nickels, C M Nichols, cleared at 2 p. m. use of shorteni :g in c t'ering Paiiiiued it in, jammed it m. o Africa in Not the IfirScnd for “How to (,’ure Skin IMseasrs,” c.| 1712. least interest- In m New A « rk Se s for Ci nuiclied it in. it j standing the mould and mildew of ages pt Shanghai*. litre Liinmlnville, v ia. Grange and East pages, Oo and 100 testimonials. punched m, illustrations, ■ The them all is a wooden to Luzon, A L sailed from A. P. forthosewhi aredtTcate. PuIdled ii in. clubbed it in, ingot' mug used ! upon them, as easily read as if written Carver, Hong Belmont: Knight, proprietor. Ar- Jvong Nov 17 for Now York : passed A a jit r rives daily at 12 noon leaves at 3 m. Pressed il and caressed it m. set on the table with molasses for the j yesterday. A queer little book entitled, p. Skin and Scalp purified and >■••• is solved. Use Cotto- Dec 8. v ia So. Montv Searsinmit and P^DV’O problem dapped it in. and slapped ii m, “A with Baineses 11..’' has been Liberty, ille, □ADI 0 by Cuticura Soap. when hotel. Night, Manue l F«.w Smalle cU arc-el Absolutely When their were guests Capt. Avery kept Llagttno, y Pelmont Gen. I>. Dyer, Arrives all heads hollow executed so that the proprietor. lene. Sold by grocers. cleverly, oxydiztd from San Francisco Feb 1 for Ne w York. ilaily at 11 a. m. : leaves at 1.45 in. iio.-k l>e it known that this was from 1700 to of p. seal, suggestion mould, antique coloring, Mary L Stone, C C Park, Manila for New Freedom, v ia Knox, East Knox, Morrill PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Made in Chicago by about JS20 a public house called and and York, passed l_)e < 24 lor C. S. and Poor's Mills: Pnbie Mears. Of females Avery's partially decayed ragged-edged Anjier proprietor. instantly relieved by that &. ami Nanc J N sailed Arriv es at 11 a. and N. K. FAIRBANK CO., Whipple Farragut. and for many years the one in papyrus carry at once to the mind the y Pendleton, Pendleton, daily m.: leaves at 1 j». in. new, elegant, infallible Antidote to Inn; only from Ne w York Boston. ol a veritable relic irom tlie- Hong Kong Nov 5 for ; pass- North via Swanville: Geo. W. Pain, Inflammation, and Weakness, the 5 Central Wharf, tins And fair and level possession Searsport, vicinity. yonder ed Anjier Dec 8. Arrives at 12 Cuticura Anti-Fain Plaster. A few weeks ago a patriotic host gath- daw n of civilization. Mailed to any ad- Nickerson, proprietor. daily field was the where the militia of R D Rice, A B Colson, sailed from Liver- noon : leaves at 2 m. ered within the walls of Music place dress on receipt of (i cts. in stamps, by J. j>. Hall, pool Oct 20 for Sail Francisco; spoken Nov Stockton Springs, via. Searsport : W. F. 1m; Mr Hancock county met in C. Ayer Co., Mass. lat S Ion 30 AY. Portsmouth, to witness the presentation annually general Lowell, 22, S, Brown, proprietor. Arrives daily at (>.30 a. R Jl J* J? at muster for review and The Lee and are about to out Thomas, Ni< hols, Hong Kong m., and 3.20 p. in., leaves post-office at 0 a. N ew Grand inspection. Shepard bring by Hampshire’s pioneer Army Dec 31 for New A'ork. m. and Railroad station m. of the a remarkable book under the title at 3.30 p. (Time register kept by Capt. Avery, Inn, sailed from New York to of time Post. Storer No. One, of Portsmouth, of “Dreams of the Dead." The is a Raphael, Darkness, subject changes railroad table. THOMSON’S shows that it was a common for story Nov JO for Melbourne. the of General William practice most realistic Poe never wrote a EXPRESS LINES. portraits Whipple one, yet Robert L Belknap, Staples, sailed from the Governor of the Commonwealth of more weird and tale. The most and Admiral David Glasgow Farragut to gruesome Havre Jan 5 for New York; passed Isle of Liberty Express from Liberty, "West Sears- Massachusetts to attend these military astonishing experiences are related in the AViglit Jan 7. mont, North Searsmont and Belmont. J. C. 'lie ami for the respective new city, most matter-of-fact The book deals S 1’ sailed from San Arrives at 11 a. gatherings in person, accompanied by his way. Hitchcock, Gates, Fuller, proprietor. daily m.; Corset the honored Francisco Nov 20 for leaves at 2.30 m. Glove-Fitting school with the and treats of other than Liverpool. p. buildings bearing honorable council and his occult, staff. material San Joaquin, Drinkw ater, sailed from San fr< m Stockton names of these heroes of things. The author holds that Staples’s Express Springs, distinguished Francisco Nov 12 for New York; via. Jessie LANGDON & BATCHELLERS The last of the Governors who made those whom a materialistic judgment calls spoken Searsport, Staples, proprietor. different eras. To Comrade Joseph A. Dec 12, lat 12 20 S, Ion 128 AY. Arrives daily at 10.30 a. m.: leaves at 2 p. m. K GENUINE his was are to and in headquarters here Gov. John dead, only beginning live, St Nicholas, C F Carver, sailed from San ON’S Mnith was the duty of the form of these he has veiled SECRET SOCIETIES. assigned presenting Brooks in 1818. Prior to this Gov. Caleb dreams, Francisco Jan 5 for N< w York. ^0MS the of Admiral and he the teaching of a great truth. The book State of Maine, 11 G Curtis, arrived at Masonic. The bodies meet at Masonic portrait Farragut, and others had Strong, Elbridge Gerry is entirely original, and maintains a very Port Townsend Get 27 from Shanghai. Temple, at the corner of Main and delivered an able and patriotic address. High honored Avery’s Inn with their presence. high tone from beginning to end'. No one Thomas Dana, C N Meyers, at Seattle streets. “Comrade Smith" is otherwise known as Jan 21, to load for Palestine K. No. 14. Around his table can read it, especially if they read between grain Europe. Commandery, T., gathered dignified Tillie E Starhuek, Elieu Curtis, sailed 2d in < d. J. A. Smith. Paymaster U. S. N'., the lines, without a better man Regular meetings Wednesday evening law- becoming from New York 10 for Portland, O; each month. at call. judges, pompous brigadier generals, or woman. The who is well known Sept Special meetings and he is a worthy son of the Pine Tree author, spoken Nov 20, lat 42 S, Ion 50 AY. King Solomon Council, II. & S. M., No. 1. yers who have made their mark on the and active in industrial writes un- state. In his address Com- reform, AA’andering Jew. 1) C Nichols, sailed from Regular meeting 1st Tuesday evening in each concluding der a nom de and a deal of in- pages of their State's history. plmuc, great New A’ork Dee 1 for llong Kong. month. Special meetings at call. rade Smith said: terest has been aroused those who AYm H sailed from San Corinthian Arch No. 7. The mansion is now owned Mr. Al- among Mary, Ameshury, Royal Chapter, by Francisco Get 25 for As we turn from the portrait of Farra- have read the advance sheets, as to his Queenstown. Regular meetings 1st Monday evening fol- bert who married a AYm H Conner. Frank .1 Pendleton, sailed lowing full moon. at rail. gut our thoughts will revert not to the Dodge, granddaughter identity. Specials of ( from New York Sept. 0 for Shanghai*: spoken Plnenix Lodge, No. 24. Regular meetings blue and that adorned his but apt. Avery. We are glad to learn Professor Lanciani’s on “The Pa- gold form, paper Nov 2, lat 24 S, Ion 20 AY. Momlay evening on or before full moon. To the man within, to the spirit of good that Mr. Dodge will put the outside of the geant of Koine in the Year 17 B. garlands tilled with sunshine fall number of the has an article on Cliampcrieo. in Portland may have a full regis- Atlantic, j To his silvered crow n! family Carrie L Tyler. Pattengall. cleared Waldo Lodge. No. 12. Kegular meeting gild “A .Journey on the Volga," a graphic from] 1 give the name that tits him best— ter. Host:a 1>. W akdwki.i.. N« w A’ork S. pt 10 for Cape Tow u. ev cry Frida • v « sketch of Russian life. Henrietta Chan- : Ay. better than his own— Clara E MeGilvery, Phillip Gilkev, arrived A urora Kc he kali Lodg» Kegular meet iugs ning Dana discusses “What Flench Hills < The sea-king of the sovereign west j at New York Jan 25 from Santa ruz. on the 2d and 4th Tuesday evenings of each Who made Ins mast, a throne." Study," and gives a very sympathetic pic- C P Dixon, N F Gilkev cleared from New niont h Willi this ski*trli our coitcsjuukUmii. ture of the life of a French school, and A'ork Do- 18 for Knights oi P Tin vs. \ 11 i.odi« s ..l this who is both a local an an- Edw ard C A arri v< at ord» r nu Transfers in Real Fstate. historian and the kind of training which French girls Cushing, AYhittier, d in C; Mlc Hall. High street, over .Ian 25 from Guantanamo. Chas. N 1 Slack V si t»re. tiquarian. sends us two "1«1 documents. receive in it. Professor N. S. Slialer. of Philadelphia. Edward Kidder. Melvin Park, sailed from i Silver Cross No. IS. meets everv LADIES of BELFAST and VICINITY Tin Harvard a Kentuckian Lodge, following are tin* transfers in real es- J One is the indenture by which Daniel Cniversity, by New A’ork Nov 8 for A’alparaiso and Antofo- ! Tiiesdav evening. birth, writes with on “The need uot leave town to procure tld.- Corset 'or Tan-, in Waldo knowledge Fiiiformcd lank metis everv county, for tin* week ending j Bridges, ot ( astine, a soldier in the loth gasta. Monday Bonier State Men of the Civil War." an Eimna I Crowell. V S I'fl'. -d : Andreas to Frank Pendleton. sailed evening. Biuue, Boston. Be<>i.. b. S. \. hinds his son John interesting pendent to the paper Prof. from Hong Kong Non 13 for N«-n\ \ 'ork : ! Primrose Coi mil No. li. B Wilder as by Pythian trustee. Springfield, Mass. Hat- s. Sister-] Bridges as an apprentice to Thatcher Hildersleeve. in the last number of the passed A njnt I >ee hood, meets t>n the first and third Tmesduy ! BURKETT t!«* F. Barlow, Belmont, to Fred If. Knowl- Atlantic. Professor (iildersleeve. it will Escort, lv fiction, Henry Norwell, Berry, cleared from Thomas H. Marshall Belief Corps meets j up-hill job to gel a tong from day to lie done — by others, without reason- under the title of “The Short Zaza Jan 15 for New York. Fridav As soon as abnormal condition** April 23, 1MU lyrlT Beuj. A. Fogg, same town. J. C. giving Story," every evening. day. Fairfield, ! a desire the able notice thereof to his said master. He complete a number well composed, and ; John .1 Marsh. H B Whittier, cleared from Andrew E. Clark Camp Sons of are apparent strong impels Troy, to John E. same town. Charles Veterans.] sufferei to find relief. He is to Peirce, worth Philadelphia Jan 14 for Cardenas. No. 43. meets every Monday evening. ready try shall not waste the of his thoroughly reading. Houghton, j almost anything that offers; this he to William (Hidden, lid goods said mas- James for Honolulu. E. Johnson, Odd Fellows Block, on the first Yours truly, .McKKNNKY nor shall he Teck, This Great German Medicine is to Charles commit any acts of vice or for New and third of each Wkst \|>ri! 3. 1891. thei held, Mass., S. Sears- Mr. G. W. Childs and Mr. Penobscot, McCaulder, Singapore Monday month. •• SI' I Adams, Lavelaye. evening Gentlemen —Alter using I. !•’ Atwood’s cheapest and best. 128 doses of which are forbidden the A. J. \ ork, passed Anjier Dee 20. Royal Ari ani m. Belfast Council, No. PHI K BITTERS for niont Beuj. S. Merithew, Searsport, to immorality by Drexel of Philadelphia, Mr. anti Bitters in my familv for more than twenty $1.00,lesstlwu St Lucie, J T Erskine, sailed from New 71*3, meets on the second and fourth Thurs- one cent a dose. It will cure thCi B. but in Mrs. Booth of New years. 1 take great pleasure m recommending Ahiali Merithew & al., same town. Albert Commonwealth; all and at Balliugton York, S worst cases of skin things York Oct for N Z. day of each month at the store of litem as a medicine. \Vc would not he disease, and a Wellington, evenings family Is3 fromj B. ()t likeness of Walt Whitman Wa common on the face. is, Boston, to Abbie Otis Bel- all times he shall and behave him- striking Willard Mudgett, Crocker, cleared from C. E. Johnson. without them. They are especially good for pimple Kilgore, carry to that awful disease Scrofula.i with a characteristic post card. Boston Jan 28 for Buenos Biliousness and all stomach troubles. fast. Calvin A. Richards *t a to self toward his said and all autograph Ayres. TEMPERAN< K SOCIETIES. SULPHUR BITTERS is Is., Boston, master, oth- In the Record of Current Events are Yours very truly. 1». M I EltNAl.D. the/ < barb s same por- If dealer does best medicine to use in al' W. Wilds, town. Burton Rob- as a BllIGS. Belfast Woman's Ai.liance meets your not keep them, send 35 |i ers, good aiid faithful traits of the novelist de every cases of such stubborn ai apprentice Guy Maupassant, other afternoon at the cents to us ami receive a bottle express paid fYnur Kid II inson, Lineolnville, to E. same Thursday homes of seated diseases. 1> Ahhy True, to the late Khedive, the new Khedive, and David arrived at Pensa- deep ought do, all the term afore- Bugbee, Stowers, members. Girls' Club ever\ eve- HAY nevsareout|| during Thursday H. H. & SON, Portland, Me- nor -v. r take sc II low 11. the late Wolcott Balestier. The cartoon cola Dee 29 from St Pierre, Mart. >f order. U said.” ning at the Memorial I L'J.i H B Building. lySft 1 m5 BLUE PILLS J is as as and Hussey, Hodgdon, arrived at Wey- E3 huhE The Two Rock lauds. department interesting ever, ! Belfast W. C. T. ( meets every Satur- The master, Thatcher on the the mouth Feb 3 from Charleston. Avery, character sketch of David B. Hill begins day at 2.MO p. m. at the homes of members. H C Sibley, (i W Hichborn, arrived at * and other hand, promises "to teach and in- i with a line of Mr. Hill, Good Templars. Belfast Lodge No. MO Sulphur5 Rockland, Maine, Rockland, Mass., full-page portrait Port Jan 5 from will load ',n,?tt,?L"'hutallBIuu>us0 which is followed Spain Barhadoes; meets every Monday at the Univer- I the purest I or cause said by another strikinglike- at La Brae for evening ; experience much difficulty in regard to mail struct, apprentice to he in- j Philadelphia. salist church est I medicine ev ness from a favorite and ry. BitUrS I I photograph, by Iphui'1 |l| matter, packages destined for one in the trade or of a Sunlight No. M, .Juvenile meets place structed, art, calling ! portraits of Mr. Dana of the Sun, Mr. SCHOONERS. Temple, Common KSIsyonrTonjr SJ t«- Monday 1’. M.,at the same place. I t wait until you W frequently going the other. The Rock- mariner the best or means Howell of the withayello1 by way that he Atlanta Constitution, Sena- R B at ! substance? liable to or Iff Ben) Fabens, Condon, Pernambuco THE COURTS. walk, land, Mass., Standard tor t on says: may or can (if saiil he Gorman. Mayor Grant of New York Jan 3 from Rio Janeiro. I breath fou your back,111 apprentice capable some it the month of December one hun- Mr. Richard Carrie A The Supreme .Judicial Court for Waldo I offensive? atonce, During to and City, Croker, the chief of Lane, Dyer, arrived at Baltimore ||| dred and learn): during the said term to find | holds three sessions on the Soap I stomach Is e you. Sulphur ||| of mail and a Jan 2(> from Horse Island. County annually, thirty-rive pieces matter, | Tammany, large number of str iking of order. 1 letters to and unto said E first in and the third Tues- | mostly destined parties in this provide apprentice good and ! cartoons for the most Clara Colcord, Colcord, arrived at Ha- Tuesday .January 61 | reproduced part of and (h tober. m ’""li, were received at the post office from vana Jan 19 from Pensacola. day April • bitter ilid’s Friend, sufficient meat, drink, from Puck and Judge. Portraits of Mr. Probate Rots Clothes and the post office at Rockland, Maine, having washing, lodging Edward Johnson,Warren, arrived at Court, Judge Geo. E. .Johnson, on the aged and and i and Colonel Reeve of Sagua the tnt-g£ been missciit there: and seventy-two pieces, apparel, both linen and woolen, suit- Edgar Minneapolis, Feb 2 from Philadelphia. second Tuesday of each month. Is your I'r- on made well by 11 destined for of Count Tolstoi and his and of Insolvency Geo. E. Hands. ine thick,i ember what you 11 Rockland, Manic, were inissent able for such an daughter, Georgia Gilkey, \Y R Gilkey, arrived at Court, Judge Johnson, Chaps to apprentice the on the second ropy, save I I the post office in Rock land, total during Madame Novikolf accompany the article Matanzas Non 17 from Mobile in Jan 19. Wednesday of each month. elo-jf may your Mass,—a said port udy, c ife„ it has saved hundreds. II two hundred and seven in a month. term, and at the expiration thereof upon the Russian famine. The article cleared from Pen- Belfast Police Court. Judge K. W. Rogers, pi single up- George Twohy, Farrow, .2- >on’t wait until to-morrow, This includes such were sacola 15 civil term, on the first in each month. || only as exchanged shall unto said one suit of on the London and its Chica- Jan for New York. Monday give apprentice Polytechnic Commissioners 1 between the two offices. Of course a Hattie McG Buck, H F arrived County Court, M. S. Stiles, IU3immediateb g° excursion contains three and Sprowl, a Bottle clothes suitable for and I portraits Chairman: I>. □ j Try To-day! E good many never get as everyday work, at Mobile Jan 21 from Pensacola. Jackson, Otis Wilson, Sears- exchanged, j ten other illustrations. Mrs. IVORY Humphry and Simon A. vou and only the more prominent residents can he one suit of clothes for the Sabbath day.” Henry Clausen, Jr, Appleby, cleared from moiit, Payson, Belfast. Regu- Arc low-spirited wcak,| j \\ aid's portrait the review of lar session at Belfast on the Tues- For from the excesses ofl determined upon: a large percentage, must accompanies Philadelphia Jan 2b Irom New Orleans. second suffering The document is sealed ! ber new and of It so, M L1T1LU BITTKKt?I of necessity go to the dead letter office. duly signed, book, the review of the first Horace G arrived at days April, and third Tuesdays of August /youth> Morse, Harriman, Fwill cure you. and witnessed. On the hack ! of the ‘‘Darkest social Feb 2 and Jfeeember. | As Rockland, Maine, has the prior claim the town year England** Darien, Ga, from New York. i scheme is well illustrated. Thus the John C arrived at Vera MAILS. I clerk of Smith, Kneeland, to the name we that Penobscot, under date of March SOAP suggest the Massachu- Send 3 2-rent to A. 1*. & Co., Review of Reviews for is a Cruz Jan 18 from Sabine Pass. stamps Onlway February pic- for best medical work setts town its name. 1:1, certifies that John was j Jos W 8 TheBelfast mail closes at 7.05, a. m., and Boatou, Mass., published? change 180(i, Bridges torial as well as a and Foster, S Heagan, sailed from | journalistic literary 1-10 and .“>.55 p. m. The mails arrive on the horn in that town and is hound an Boston Jan 19 for Matanzas. ap- review and of the arrival of the trains and for DOES NOT. _lyr27*_ | summing up preceding Lester A Lewis, Burgess, arrived at Ncnv stages which Maritime to ! month. time see under head of Miscellany. prentice Capt. Avery, and that lie is York Dec 7 from Bangor. trains and stages. "marked with a scar on his left arm and Linali C Kaminski, S E Woodbury, clear- BELFAST FREE LIBRARY. N. 8. LORD, Notice is that, on or Doctor Yourself. given about Feb. 15, ed from New York Jan 28 for The one GeorgctoNvn, Library and Reading Room are open lyrllnrm 1892, a whistling buoy, painted red, will be straight finger on his right hand.” S C. ami save money, and perhaps your life. from two to five o'clock, standard time, on moored in about (iO feet at mean low water Lizzie A G Send three 2-cent stamps to pay postage to A. Lane, Closson, at Searsport.. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday after- Sail Maker, about, half a nautical mile to the seaward of P. Lucia cleared from New The World’s Fair are not Ordwav & Co., Boston, Mass., and receive Porter, Grindle, noons, and from G.MO to 8.MO o’clock An 1 maker of tents, etc., at the Chatham bar off the entrance to Chat- managers York 18 for Tuesday, awnings, carpets, buoy, a of Dr. Kaufmann’s Medical Jan Havana. and on & Co.’s ham, Mass. satisfied with small. For in- copy great Thursday Saturday evenings. The ii- building Swan Sibley wharf, formerly Magnetic of anything A M arrived at < bearings promi- Work, UK) pages, elegant colored plates. Mary Hall, Veazie, Apa- brary and reading room are free to all in- occupied by Capt. Geo. T. isborn. nent objects are approximately: Northeast stance, a contract has been made with lachicola Jan 14 from Matanzas. habitants of Belfast over fourteen years of HSFAOTION GUARANTEED. Slue channel whistling buov, S. 3-4 James the London It seems to be very generally doubted that M B Milieu, sailed from _SA W\; Payn, pyrotechnist, Dyer, Sagua Dec age. Persons residing in town Chatham (S.) lighthouse, \V. 1-2 S.: Chat- who will let oft worth of men descended from monkeys, and yet men 22 for temporarily §25,000 fireworks Apalachicola. may use the library on the same conditions ham bar W. 3-4 N. descend to of L. buoy, when the Fair are dedicated every day making monkeys Mary Peters, Williams, cleared from as residents. The sclis. of the Dover buildings themselves. Navigation Co. next October. The will be made Philadelphia Jail 29 for Havana. IrHUNDREMOlTcHiLDWN^ paid the dividends last display R F at following year: for three in succession. “Who said Hood's Thou- Pettigrew, Morse, arrived Philadel- Sclis. John Brace we 11 and J. Frank Seavey, nights Twenty- Sarsaparilla?” phia Jail 28 from Demerara. Id five thousand dollars is a deal of sands of people, who know it to be the best Specimen Cases. per cent: T. B. Garland, 3 per cent (small good Sally rOn, W H West, arrived at Mobile amount to for blood purifier and tonic medicine. S. H. New was due to extensive repairs); John Hol- money spend fireworks. Jan 29 from Cardenas. Clifford, Cassel, Wis., The NntVkl hii«i 5 15 troubled with and J ««»t Effective Remedy known Ih V land, per cent; Z. S. Wallingford and Critics are beginning to find fault with the Tofa, A S Wilson, arrived at Pensacola Neuralgia Rheumatism, his was his TRUE’S John J Hanson, 12 cent; Jonathan Saw- on the new Feb 2 from Havana. Stomach disordered, Liver was PIN-WORM ELIXIR. > per designs halves and quarters. < 1 11 Chester It is not known that affected to an fell ■ Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. > yer, per cent; Wood, 9 per cent. generally Georgia There’s no necessity for any feeling in the Warren Adams, Colcord, cleared from alarming degree, appetite PUT UP EXPRESSLY '»§*., 50r„ §1.00. Hr. J. F.TRIK k CO.. Aaliurn, Be. i The well known firm of or soon will a ex- away, and he was reduced in flesh Brown, McGilvery is, be, prohibition State matter; it’s very easy to change them. Norfolk, Va, Jan 15 for Rio Janeiro. terribly & and Three bottles of Electric Bit- Co., ship brokers and commission mer- cept in incorporated cities and towns. William Frederick, Cottrell, sailed from strength. FOR FAMILY USE 14 Coenties Now This. ters cured him. chants, Slip,New York,has recent- The last Legislature passed an act pro- Try Fernandina Jan 31 for New York. in 3, 5, and 10 lb. pails and 10 lb. tubs; also ly undergone a F. W. Willie L cleared from Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a change. McGilvery hibiting the sale of spirituous or malt It will cost you nothing and will surely do Newton, Coombs, H. P. Brown and Leo- New York Jan 23 running sore on his leg for eight years’ retires,leaving Joseph in within three you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any for Demerara. PURE LARD to continue the business under liquor “any quantities” standing. Used three bottles of Electric GIRLS WANTED. pold the title trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. bv the tierce, barrel, half barrels and is of miles of a church or or Bitters and seven of Buck leu's tubs; Brown & Co. This firm handles most of the public private New for boxes Arnica for sale first-class and school King’s Discovery Consumption, by every grocer provi- \ FEW MOKE GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE. lime from Rockland. Mr. house, except within Bucklers Arnica Salve. Salve, and his is sound and well. John sion lard us shipments McGil- incorporated Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give re- leg dealer—all rendered by is free A Steady employment, good wages. Apply to continues in the cities and towns. Speaker, Catawba, had five Fever from all Cotton Seed and very ship brokerage apd com- lief, or money will be back. Sufferers The Best Salve in tlie world for O., large Oil, Tallow, Suet, W. F. KELLER & CO.. paid Cuts, sores other adulterations so and mission business, under the firm name of F. found on his leg, doctors said he was incura- commonly used, from La Grippe it just the thing Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever STRICTLY IT MknafliclBrtw, Cfci.fl W. at 39 South New York. ble. One bottle Electric Bitters ami one, WARRANTED RE. None genu- _Shirt McGilvery, street, services in the church at and under its use had a speedy and perfect Sores, Tetter, Hands, Chilblains, ine without our name the During Chapped box Bueklen’s Arnica Salve cured him en- stamped upon the roof recovery. Try a sample bottle at our ex- Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- Slabodskoi, Russia, gave way and tirely. Sold by R. H. Moody. package. Tax Collector's Notice. There are more divorces granted fell the pense and learn for yourself just how good a ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is annually upon worshippers. When the TAX COLLECTOR will be at his office, (the in the United States than in all the thing it is. Trial bottles free at It. H. guaranteed to give satisfaction or The banana has a of uses. It John P. & rest of was cleared it was found perfect great variety Squire Co., Assessors room), SATURDAYS, from 10 to 12 wreckage away, size 50e. and refunded. Price 25 cents box. THE the Christian world Moody’s Drug Story. Large money per is said that flour is now made from it. It is BOSTON, MASS. a. m. and 2 to 4 i\ m. put together. that fifty persons were killed or injured. For ■1*100. sale by R. H. Moody. no secret that the skin makes low slippers. 3 24 Belfast, Jan. 7, 1892,-ltf Protect the (dame. Love of Christ. them, are as useless as a lamp without oil. FAlOl, garden and household. Love is the essence of the Christian life, The of this is a SERMON 15 V REV. FRANK S. FORBES. the foundation of Christian character. game supply country \ u-iations in Milk ami its Products. “The end of all law is love out of a pure much more serious matter than the Boston & 1S. Co. FORMALITIES DO NOT CONSTIT- and of a and faith I' w as the topic of Prof. Cook at the MERE heart, good conscience, average man realizes. Unless we apply a Strength! Vitality! Bangor UTE PURE CHRISTIANITY —RELIGIOUS unfeigned." rut State Dairy Conference, and the remedy now, the day is not far distant Winter LIBERTY. It is customary on Memorial Day to Arrangenieut. Gazette. the when our of will be con- Auburn reports principal decorate the of the nation’s dead pleasure hunting — The following sermon was recently de- graves as * mo of thought dwelt upon by him, livered at the Procter Academy Hall, with flowers. I can see how one, who fined to the absorbing pages of Theodore ii.llows: S. lost no friends in the conflict will, Provo City, Ctah, by ltev. Frank great Roosevelt’s most interesting books on big Two a Week to Boston. Fat determines the commercial value of as a mere matter of form, a few Trips Forbes: place game. fN 11 k. The breed has a general inti lienee dowers on the grave of some sleeping "I eame That they may have life and may There are three matters which, in my nh in determining the value of milk hero: to such a one the form is the KIOW THYSELF. . have it more abundantly." John, x, 10. much, should govern the of Or barn to opinion, rulings SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only products. Change from pasture reality but little. His feeling cannot be Gold Medal This short sentence is an echo of all the every game State in this country, and PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and ■ ,-reuses the amount of fat in the milk. deep because liis experience has not been PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of teachings of Christ. He came to impart form the basis of strict laws. In* causes of variations in fat Not so with that wife, whose YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE- principal life. itself is life. What- deep. loving First.—Seasons laid out on a sportsman- MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES skimmed more Christianity at the call of his dark- milk, depend upon husband, country's like men familiar and WEAKNESSES of MAN. ever form of religious belief to this basis, and by with the 300pages, cloth, -thuds of setting than anything else, gives est hour, leaving home and dear ones, gilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only ji.od life a more abundant is subject. double sealed. shallow will not the tats development his life on the nation's and by mail, Descriptive Prospect- setting get tends to de- lays altar, Second.—(dame wardens of charac- us with endorsements on ac- Christian. Whatever form good rnrr* I cram Jan. •it. It has best chance in summer sheds his blood for the nation's atone- of the Press and laic fa fa I Commencing Monday, 4, 1892, of its true life is anti- ter, and not reformed thieves, who shall voluntary ini of the The prive humanity ment. When her care-worn hands testimonials of the cured. I IILL ! NOV/, Steamers will leave Helfast, weather ami ice per high temperature. deep thin, have some interest in all the Christian. ‘Tie that hath the Son hath pecuniary Consultation in or mail. Imm- as follow-: is Put milk into cold over person by Expert mining, ;ting system best. place the choicest dowers the grave inent. the life, and he that hath not the Son of fines their vigilance brings about, and INVIOLABLE SECRECY and c:._:- and Hoston. v.itci as soon as after drawn, all that was once to For Camden, Kockland Mondays possible containing dear her. who shall he for TAIV CURE. Addw»««i !>r. \v. IT. purker. cr 'God hat h not the life. severely punished neglect The Medical and Thursdays at 'about' »*. M..«>r upon ar- ic is to come. It takes as Peabody Institute, No. 4 Duiliuch Si., separator bound the beautiful as it may is rival of steamer from Christ his life to the character symbol, be, of their duty. “MOTHERS. I WARN YOU!” Poston, Mass. Hueksport. .• milk of cow and makes the fat imparts lost in the love which moves her heart. For and and any man convicted of a viola- \.:)trh car-In !y your (laughter’s health, The Peabody Medical Institute has many imi- Searsport Hueksport. Wednesdays of the believer. As the soil life ',uir a. or i imparts Third.—Every — at 'about; m., upon arrival line out The secret of is a The dow ers are but Wln-ti the am- ite or there is a grow* tators, but no equal. Ileru'> every soul that enters would put quietus wealthy irreS'd::te. eyelids dn»np. and lan- to milk. Tlie stanchion was op- | her love, her heart, her very life. She has expression be STRONG •— Jfedical Review. (<. ’cpyrighted.) From Hoston. Tue-dn\- and Fridays at -l.cui’.M. into relations with him. city ‘•sportsmen" who willingly pay a few :.uid. then devote one hour to a ; sympathetic therefore she l'eels thorough From Koekland. Wednesdax- and S cm days at experienced much, dollars for of iuvr-fixation of the cause. There is no true life apart from Christ. the privilege bagging big about H.oo \. ••(.. touehin^. at all landing-. \n and instructive talk <>n and loves much. We so em- interesting much, may it likewise save the at t, Without his spirit the souls of men are game: would game Front Funk-port. to,.-him.' -port. Mon- of ilit* churn was the of wor- s I \. cheniDtry given phasize formality religious districts of our rv. Week- day and Thu rsdax -at .<)•» %t dead, «lead as the withering branch cut count j Harper’s LYDIA LPIHKHAM’Sc^rd v ter •>! Orono. The that the life will —..,i Prof. Wa Palentinc ship. itself become cold ,wmr .-im I-, n—m—ibiimi FKKI) W. IN >TF. Alien:. Helfast. from tlie dead as the root extracted ly. be said, are covered tree, and The heart must be -is use < ALVIN AI 'ST I \ V jen; Hoston. globules in milk, 1 meaningless. promptly iu such ca<-°s; by iis your from the soil, Cod's will be speedily restored to I dead i" and virtue, dead in I- altli. Ii is h olbei in the churning process they morality glory; the soul must feel the inspiration The Railway Age figures the new rail- the only I' -sitive Cure and ever\thing ttiat is noble and true: t<» rc- imate for the weak- :. ak and tin adhere of Christ's love; there must be the road mileage for ISO!. at 42S1 as against Remedy peculiar globules together. experi- v | reive lite the new branch of holiness must i'"'-'1 and ailments of women. Every Much on the temperature. ence of a new life. Hid these can only come r»7-’»s for 1M>0, 7700 for 1SS0 and 70i‘>ii for Belfast & Deer Isle. depends be d into flu* old tin* root of i >mggist sells it as a standard article, or : graft' stock, as sweet of lss. Indications arc that the new mile- hi. what this should be the dairyman the spirit Christ abides in the •n‘ mail, in form of Rills or faith must be implanted in the nourishing ip Lozenges, must learn by observation. It is between heart. Kind your life, with the tender age for the current year will show an cn of 81.00. soil of ( iiristian love. and hu receipt to be Divinity increase the total of the \ear Steamer CfiSTiNE and 70 The cream should ripened chords of love, to the pure life of Christ. upon just two 2-cent must in the life of stamps for Mrs. inanity mingle every more than tons Pinkham's"^ m nh .a the butter will not -uuc evenly. Let your heart heat in harmony with his. passed. Already (500,000 beautiful 88-paae illustrated book, entitled ^ 64 St., Boston, Mass. true Christian, the human must become ■ Sudbury I.KAVKS IJKL! V>T KVKllT Prof. Palentinc answered a uumbei of Let your life grow and develop under the of new steel rails have been contracted •GUIDE TO HEALTH AND ETIQUETTE.' tlavored with the divine. It is the It contains a volume of valuable information. # c.icstions and tlien ex-Govei noi Hoard privi- guidance of Ilis and He will for, an amount equivalent to id,000 miles Wednesday and of heart to receive the spirit, impart It has saved lives, and may save yours, r Saturday, \\. i>cor Isle. of and trusting, the character under His Setluwirk. Brooklin. Orean\ ilb* a‘iel (■ -u*- l.ami- ;> ■.ward co-operative work. Most peace, that life, that hope, which this It has been truly said that half the world Fire anfl Barslar-ProBf Safes I be able to attain that in*r. KETITXINb. ■ may t In* -lieese is made in this way. We are guidance world can neither nor take dues not know how the other half lives. is give away, From Green's Lamling Mondays ami Tin usnws For- perfection, which otherwise far beyond few of us have last reducing didrying to a science. (dory and praise be to the name of Christ. Comparatively perfect health, at s a. m., for above landings, arriving in Belfast tin* reach of human power. Whenever to the condition of mir blood. .:»<> I". M. merly milk was brought to the factory, | In that name is unlimited power; in that owing impure about 1 ; the spirit of Christ touches the human But we rub along from day to day. with S. H. BA HOOF B. weighed, and the product of the butter name is measureless love, in that name Manager. the soul enters a new scarcely a thought, unless forced to our at- fa. torv was out in to | heart, upon exper- are fathomless of in that given proportion depths mercy: tention, of the thousands all about us who icnee. new growth, and a new life, this is tin pounds weight brought in. This sys- j name is the brightness of ever increasing are from salt rheum and the beginning of eternal life. *This is life suffering scrofula, ■.-11 was vicious and the tendency was to splendor: in that name is the dawn of a other serious blood disorders, and whose ag- Maine Central R. R. eternal to know Thee, the only true (rod. bin; the quality. The 1 bibcock tester new life, which shall not cease to broad- onies can only he imagined. The marked TIME-TABIiE. and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent/' success of Hood’s for The Best Remedy III will do away with it." The Governor gave en. till its far reaching beams of love have Sarsaparilla these The Christian life means more than a troubles, as shown in our col- In this world, pays J. Hofherrof Syracuse, N. Y., On and after No?. 29, 1891, trains connecting ai an iee umt of his experience in adopting encompassed the earth, and brought to advertising umns seems is Pastor Nerve Burnham with through trains for ami from Ban- He also theological belief. Jesus Christ spent no frequently, certainly to justify Koenig’8 Tonic, became mv son, the tester in his creameries. all humanity a knowledge of the gor, Waterville, Portland and Boston, will run as time hairs on the kingdom urging the use of ibis excellent medicine hy who was partially paralyzed three years ago and the testers. Tlie re- splitting great questions follows -hi how In* used of eternity. all who know that their blood is disordered, j of the soul. He was broader than any attacked by fits, has not had any symptoms ol FROM BELFAST. ill of using Jesters was that the divi- The .Christian life means a fitness for claim in of Hood's lie ever had. broader than Every behalf Sarsaparilla them since he took one bottle of the I to 100 varied disciple any remedy. A.M. P.M- P.M. dends the pounds greatly. eternity. Here the soul must bear the is hacked up what the medicine has church creed ever written. All he re- fully by most heartily thank for it. Belfast, depart.7.20 12 30 4.15 The lowest *1. in. and tin* highest *1.01. a j burdens of sacrifice and toil, and there it done and is still doing, and when its pro- Citv Point.17.25 t!2 35 |4.22 quires is an obedient heart, willing and difference of .’>0 emits in the different shall see the conformation and prietors urge its merits and its use upon all Nervous Prostration* Sleepless* Waldo.17.36 \ 12 4i 1 f4.38 to receive his love. He calls him- comple- 7.40 12.59 milks. Die result has been that ready tion of the who sutler from impure blood, in great or and Brooks. 4.55 my pat- j problems which this life can- ness, Weakness* Knox.8.03 *1.13 15 self tin* (food Shepherd. The shepherd small degrees, they certainly mean to in- i fo. ins are constantly striving to improve not solve. Every pang, every tear, Wkst Broughton, Quebec, Oct. 1, '90. Thorndike.s.12 1.22 5.33 leaves the and nine within every clude you. 'in* of iheir milk." j ninety safely sorrow is but the on of the Tonic I ordered was Unity.S.22 1.32 5.50 quality 1 laying hand of Thei'iff’tOf Kdehlg’S Nyrye he lorn, aim mu alter my pile Burnham, arrive... > 45 1.55 6.15 gpes snoop u<“l hotter for a of 2DV was al- to prepare the soul i«ji' useful- Always wipe your peh using. It will young lady tvlio 2 25 Home-Made Caramels. that is lost. His is to find i WutOl’ViUe. ,9-18 7.05 1 — only object: ness'in His eternill Mil, Show trie L'tsl milcli longer, and you should remember most useless to herself and others, owing tc 6 30 killed* a u i Bangor. JL4*' tbat ami bring it back to tlie the A is a is earned." nervous prostration, weakness, A.M. sln-cp safely heart that has never and adage, pell saved, pen sleeplessness, r.M. PM. i' suffered, i will ivc. there is a Tk« n candy was to lie sold fora cent a fold. •‘The Son "f Mail is come to seek Ac., To-day quite change. !<<«iin \ Portland.U*' * show you a heart that has never U HtU4* the use a man where he young person is much better, stronger, and lesi gTIJar.k Safci, uul(. f 6.20'V stick, but the sticks were not scanty little and save that which is lost.” sold yet experi- asking ^ K. D. 4.45 9.30 Every — She will — | enced the realities of life. Show me a got that contih He can't tell von. And nervous. continue to use your modi* ; Boston, lt. 1.30 snips by any means. Mrs. Cartw right made ! living under the curse of sin is lost: and cine. 1 think it is very good. heart that does suffer, and hears its sorrow what's the difference anyway. Tell him to BELFAST. a oi the molasses. Lois the Son of Man is KEV. P. •fo present brought going to seek after that go and buy a bnlib Adamsmi's Botanic j SAKVlfi, I Doors, and Work of all kinds' with the spirit of (Tirisl, and I will show Deposit AM. lie sugar from home, A’ Fay tlit* soul until lie finds it. and it. lie Balsam and «».*• ;t if, brought j finding a some w Cough —A Valuably Boole on Nervous you heart that day ill shine in the _ 1 saieratus. remembered about the will knock for an entrance at the door of Diseases sent lrec to any address, Fatty crown of His The ”'old in “You said Sohki r w:i> a-tive in your and poor can also obtain Boston,;\y 'i,.... for (dory. wedded q'«i‘e patients '■' s •-jar. and the but- t • heart, if the heart to receive The //• if/' in the JTiirh/, ] 50,000 "» use Marjorie produced opens the rocks r< 1 the defeated can- this medicine fie© of charge. ■\M. amon”; and earth is of no value ampaign." j»li*•« — ter. his it will enter in, and abide for- "' This remedy has been tlie Reverend Portland... 11.30 1.1.' spirit, to the world while it didate. “In i.• i: "parity About a prepared by remains there. The •-r F wt ;."se were the ingredients: a half gal ever. We are sometimes inclined to ?:> K .cnUf. --f Wuvno. Ind.,;! A M. A M .” ,M. lay gallon a da\ A?a fii/t their confrnf.*. rock must be blown to atoms, ground to is i.owprepared uud^rhis directi-..i by tlio jtvr>'C Waterville. > n. 7 7 Vew < >rle,(n> moiassrs. a ciij. of vin- too much emphasis upon mere theological powder, tried over a bin nin”'lire. and af- B.xdia ihukliaiii'" warning to mother." Bangor. 7.20 12.45 g.t.j a jiieiv ot butter as large as two belief. it is the spirit of the Pharisee. KOSNIG MED. CO., Chicago, I!!. Burnham, depart. 7.P o.iio 5.05 ter passing through tliese stages, it conies should he heeded 1: all. ahd “Cuide to ggs. a good teaspomiful of sal era t us dis- .:n>l not -*f the Christian, which would ex- l.'Osold in Lvi.-., Mass., since that Lfreat lire, Unity. 7.5ii '.».2o 5 27 hath bright and as Health ami Et heeded every Sold by at per Bottie. G for in pure the sky under bpiett. hy Druggists Thorndike. >.12 950 5.38 solved hot water. •dnd from the <»l heaven. those ■ Kingdom Motbei and >u tin- world. :> which it shines. The souls of men are Danghtei ivili/.ed l..u\ge Size, Si-75. G Bottler for S9. Knox. >.25 .17 -5.M We melted the in tin* wh ma\ ns sugar vinegar, differ witii in their religious r»»; of our Brooks. > .5o 0.53 5.5> often crushed b\ tin* burdens «•}' the lyrAT where safes were subjected to intense -uin.-d it i*;*• the molasses, and let it beliefs: whoever has the spirit of Christ in Cnmso. “Old Soak seems t«> be trying to Waldo. •.(12 -:u tit, t6.ii world, mound unde]- the foot of misfor- till a drunkard '> grave a> fast as he ran." City Point. to. 15 io 10 to.24 "tie the boil, stilling steadily. The his in-art is already in the Kingdom of .T"ys powers e will do j >f sorrow, hut these sufferings are often grax be fuil." Flag station. The 12 p. m train with Flying When tlie syrup began to thicken we ! deprive that soul of its blessing. I' is Yankee for Portland and Boston. blessings in an* the in the saleratus. which makes it disguise. They only A Much-Married Woman. Limited tickets for Boston are now sold at $, dropped natural for people to differ in their relig- JOSEPH WILLIAMSON & Record ai-c, iii the (treat < hi.\ V F. Crowley, \gent. shine with purity and li”ht in eterni- as it may seem, tixe of them died The longer we pulled, the white! it surroundings. \gain impressions are exactly in 1S71 in the Graf Hutton Fin in 1 S72. mut Belfast. P AYsoN TUCK Lit, ty. txvo years from their Her Offices Over American Express Office. Belfast. Vice Pres and i.en’i Jl'ew. We ale sonic of it. but We girls made the heart to marriage day. Manager. upon according exper- F. K. hot As loii”- as the human heart heats with present husband has been sick for the last KSTAIJLI*HKI> 1-Sld. iTHRY, (ien’l Pass, and Ticket Agent. were unite dim in half for >ur sale. ience: and few same lyrl saving very have the w Portland. N"V. 1891. people h>v<\ as hui”' as the soul breathes in four months witli chronic jaundice, and as 2", Then we made caramels. sym- tri(E subscriber notice to maple sugar experience. Three people are sick, each given up by four of our best as hereby gives public all in all the .treat fires since. Send for circulars. pathy. as loll” as there are tender feelings physicians: • concerned, that she has been Have '.’0,1 ever tried them.' They are is restored the use of a dilferent a last resort he Bitters, duly appoint by remedy ami emotions began using Sulphur ed ami taken herself the trust of Adminis- deep in human nature, so and upon splendid. V"ii must have sugar to and thus ii is natural for each to yesterday told our reporter that they had tratrix of tin1 estate of maple perfectly loll” will there be sutler ill”' in this -: with: from trees wofrkl. saved his life, that lie >eg real sugar the Think bis remedy the best. It makes but smilingly saying guess- WM. H. late of It is one of the means which Christian ed Mrs. be HATCH, Belfast, Vermont if can it. You by Fowler xvmiid unable to take a you get little difference the means used, since the in the of Waldo. deceased. Wanted. character is seventh better half for some time to come. County by giving bond Agents HAYNES’ wiF need a Then into a result is the same in each case. One soul developed. as the law directs: she therefore all 3B deep saucepan. The Christian lixxtJ requests per- life means a life of use- —Kxchanft^. sons who are juar* of fresh sweet milk break two | may find its way to Christ through the indebted to said deceased's estate to fulness. “A e are the li”ht or the world.'* make immediate and those who have a lvl. pounds of sugar. Set it ovei the lire. As church of lbune: another in tin- warmth "1 have been known to heat a railroad." payment, u> /ARABIAN I It is demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settle- your duty to illuminate your life and said the "hut there is one he sugar melts, it will expand. Roil, of an old-time Methodist revival: another tramp, thing I ment to her. Ut4 IA'DIA A. HATCH. the lives of others a> l’ar as with never did beat." is that V" « to -it. boil. stir. stir. >tii Nb \et it possible What “A ar- mind : through the straight and nairow path of the splendor of Christian love. Yt are pet." \ 'iir lace glows hot. One cannot make | Pn .-I-yteiianism: another through the THE STANDARD BRED STALLIONS the salt ol the earth." It is your dutv to mm l> sitting in a rocking chair with a and liberal way of I niversalism. Catarrh in New England. (broad with the ma-> Uie do.-.if t .• deulate as permeate preserving power to. great another may have hi sins washed away at Ely's Cream Balm satisfaction to Balsam gives I "f about The eanmu of the a mu humanity you. li”ht 1 One Best Medicines Ever .Jessamine always say s. tlie others be drawn every one it for > atarrha t roubles.— PHILLIPS & j baptistery: may throw ill”1 out its using THACEAMEAU, In- I-* test w !;. \. help fragrance nor the Invented for way it n u think it is through the imi>- and din >»f tlie Salvation K Mellor, Druggist. Woiv.-strr, Mass Will make Th*’ season of lttb2 :tt tlie farm of the lire its heat. So it is the nature of 1 iieliex Creani Balm is i< *-.(• i.- i" in cold water, 1 oi there be various otliei very Ely's the h--si ar- di-i]»a portion \nny. may the MUDGKTT HliO-*.. on Nor Aveuuo. PERFECTED IMMEDiaTE RELIEF i Christian life to convey its liylit. its ticle for catarrh ever o’ffered to tin- tlipoi-t nil tie enough to lueak. it is done, ! channels which tin soul find public. !> CISKS OK PAIN AM) IN FLA 5131ATION. through may and love to —Bush A ( o :i;i)v i 1 sympathy every heart brought Druggists. Worcester, Mass. into luit'Te and mai n its wav to Cod. It makes but little differ- Phillip-. N". 7 4. wine colon-i brown. was >ire*i the A lev- -n,-, rh«* sire 2A in the 2.2<1 h-r. This excellent i* ndiii ving th" rno«t pans. under its An article of real im-rd..—C. B. Ahleii. hy great emupound inspiring influence. imduoi ng the great 2.1 2 1-2. has sired A sons, which in turn haw-in-1 11 asionishi ig 1:1.n\ > h> ia< no*., while -oft into little squares with a : cnee which course one takes in his march 4-yeai-ohl McKinney Alcyone signal t.uumpii- Mas>. hi- >1**11 to use ;• >. !!.■• u M< i; ;• ... .- knife. Mir in tins world can be ;i blank. It Druggist. Springfield. performers, -on u.anermn-ter. u liieli is hut iy : to the of heaven, it' he walks in who no on 1 ii"in ot' tneirsul? I*01 ,i <•: ..-n ah\ am. intern Kingdom i* the of science Tliosc use t speak highly of It— fee' that blood trains or reproduces itsell like the blood .*! (i.-orge Wilke-. A ley on-. in- .-in- <•: ring.-*. >'Un» Like ivaHi is theory that the .sinalh-M It is salV-and tv:'aiii in it.-, ucMnu. people camiv. !i i rim spirit and. love f .b-sus Christ If A. Hill. Druggist. Springfield. Mass. Phillip*, has the Pillowing in the 2.2o list McKinney, 4 years. 2.1 2 1-2 Ueryon. 2.1 A 1 *na. 2 17 ! 2: ally. ■ blow .*1' tie '■ hammer sends a comms-don Martha \\ ilk**-. 2.1 ^ 2-1-: tiohlen Hod. 2.1 For /> niti .*. Fr/• *•••- .r. -,r. uli ij 1 this wav: three huge cupfuls of ;ip- .1 ( hriuiau t lie World w ill know i* (.'ream Bauii has giveu sati."fa't >rx rc'idts. 1-4: Sil\crone. 2.1 b 24. he by the great Oeurge Wilke.-, Rvrn*. the universe. its u iii« h ha- 74 2.2)i !>«t:orim-r.-. T’ln- dam ot was < ien. Wbthers, the sire o( 1 1.1... 2.24 A 1- >? the />/•-•■>• <•• ’> .. •'.'*. / v-, /. mn » m\ w ale; through influence, W. B. Mas.'. Phillips hy tf-'iiga*. of 1 b\ cn*ed. While it is ;:n Draper. Druggist. Spring:b-i. lalilc-sproni'iiis y-iur important mour Maid. 2.2b: lie ia A Imont.-ire of 2.s in the 2.2" li.-r. including I'ama Wit la-rsp. 2 I I \. (ism, .>h"iilUt though is real. life, >' /• wi’aoiit stirring. in a bright tin in ! 1-- be established in imperceptible, Every i’ieiimont. 2 7 1-4: Aldine. 2.1b 1-4: How. 2.2" 1-4. N»r« Thrill. >;, Jirunrki(is. p thing thoroughly however “Are any of the colors d iscern:*»I.• t tIn* Early util it will insigniiirant. has some influence Second by Volunteer, with 21 in tin* list. He i-the sir*1 of Sr. .lulien, 2.11 1-4. <.. -1«.•:. 2.17 crisp in water like molasso m-ob•aie-d b( lief, ii is not the founda- Price 25c. and $1 at all Druggists. i in this great world, and is this Alley. 2.1b: Hoi line. 2.1 b 1-4. 1 hi • r. 2.1 b ] -2 2d dam hy Imported Halrowine. Tliori iin• in.iv especially often felt blue." tile box ;,T the I .••ad trm- of the Christian replied Phillip.-foaled in 1SS7. isa wry handsome horse, 1A 1-2 hand- high, weighing 1"A" Ii. Sri-mg, vanilla: life, winch is the em- of 1 he just before it done, add one !i:i\v established intellect aal lass. -tnootli made. good. |*-g-and f*-.-i, an expressive eye, broad, intelligent head, good iengt! ot neck. tine, £. MORGAN &. SC inorouglily bodiment of tiie of MS, Props, tif cream of tartar, l’owdcr spirit Christ. The tapering t*ar-. and line di-po.-itim. Hi- gait i- even. frietii»nl«*ss and elastic, and altliom. h n«’wi work *>. aspooiil'ul j belief of the nature ami character of For provo))” < a Over Fifty Year*. eii for he can-how to a trottct of '■ o hristian liie is not harren desert, whose speed, enough convince the most skeptical that he is ,he tir-t order. ii band.' with llottr. and it until it >i a a* pull |< i.-t. ml still he far from the king- After August 1-t lie will he in a 2" we sandy soil receives the rain and the An ()i.i> ani> Wk].i.-Tkii:i> Rkmi :i>y Mrs. plae.-d training for mark of 2 or better, which haw tva-o:ia!d>- [_yrn_ perfectly wliite. (ioin as the 1‘arisce. Or one he all drops ground- 1 o In* will do. As a sire we believe lie will he a as the -on- of are may and Winsi->ws Sonthing Svriip has been used for expeei success, Alcyone Plain One sunbeams, gives nothing in return. -tring of .1 high order. ('arajiH'ls. of brown adrift in hi* intellectual belief, and have over miilinu> « her. she had remedy pleas- Wilkes.; tin* ant to tin* taste. Sold in Abdallah. ime: test into cold water. Finally Christian life means an em- by druggists every by dropping believed what she could, hut “she hath ft I H-amhletonian 10 1 liellfaunder. bodiment of all that can be found in the part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot- PVnNt 00^ Imp. Flavor with vanilla, and mark otT as you done what she and wheresoever the AlUlURC ZZ it i dam, ('has. Kent mare \ dam by could, life of Christ, lie tle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and lo the caramels. came to write no creed, i 1 Hamhl’ian maple gospel shall he the ask for Mrs. Winslow’s and Dolly Spanker.. ( Bishop preached throughout to no sect, to Soothing Syrup, Home-made is sure to be of organize lay down no dog- (. Henry Clay. candy good whole world this that she hath done shall take no other kind.. Iyr4l) ] dam ma, but to give life, simple and ( hy Telegraph. materials, and will seldom he harmful un- he of for a memorial of her.” pure. Alma Mater, f Mambrino Patchen 1 Mambrino Chief t Mambrino Paymaster. spoken There is no need of “Our theatre has less the eater takes a Then human lips to eulogize Manager (boastfully). LI ( great quantity. The Christian life means more than been 1 him, for his deeds of love are newly fitted up: the curtain—in short, ( Dam by Gauo. American Eclipse. the pleasure of making it counts for some- forms and glorious ceremonies. Symbols and is iron.’’ Critic. 1Estella. » Australian. written in his warm life's blood. He [everything “Yes, yes; Imported thing. [Harper's Young People. ceremonies are the outward manifesta- everything except the performers, and they I Fanny G. by Imported Margrave. came to deliver humanity from the dark tion*..f the inward life. They should serve are wooden.” (*Gen. Withers. Almont... ( Alexander’s Abdallah t Hambletonian 10. Fruit Growers Convention. gulf of death, and to feed the ( as channels which love should perishing .Mambrino Chief. through soul with immortal to I Sai. Anderson. Kate Pilot Jr. How food. He is love in- Coughing lead* Consumption. rftlft (Bloom. ( y ( by from the heart of God. But how Hitchcock’s Ashland Mambrino Chief. Arrangements have been perfected foi carnate. His language is the music Balsam will the at LlRAi by often bigotry and hatred have liown very Kemp’s stop cough f f (Toronto Chief. holding the meeting of the state Ponio- of love, his deeds are deeds of his once. through these channels. Without the love, 1 Lady Bryant. ! Old Kentucky. logical and the Hoard of Agricul- miracles are wonders of his tears the Faxon... ! Mare. .Society of Christ the outward form is in love, “My client can clear himself, I feel sure, (Lady (Townsend ture in spirit Volunteer. Hambletonian lo. Cornish, Wednesday and Thurs- sympathy of love, his death the of if you will give him time," the 1 vain and fruitless as an hull after pain only pleaded Patriot. Feb. 17th and lSili. The citizens of empty his And the kind-hearted I Lady day. love, resurrection the victory of love. lawyer. judge gave ( dam Balrownie. the Iruit has been removed. There has him by Imported Cornish extended a cordial invitation to His entire life is a message of love. This twenty years. been more struggle on the part of human- Thaekambau 3003. Record, 2.35. By Gideon, 1.45, sire of Ezra L., 2.21 1-4 Bay, 2.27; Gretchen all interested in the development of one message is going the rounds of the earth. Miles’ Nerve & Liver p«Hs, during the ages, to the dam of Nelson, 2.10; Skip, dam Independence, 2.21 1-4; Glenann.2.23 3-4; Gideon by Hambletonian <;f Maine s ity past preserve leading industries to attend the awakening echoes in the hearts of the in- 10. Thackambau’s dam was by 1.15, the sire of Little Fred, 2.20 3-4; Lamars. 2.25 1-4; 2d ECONOMICAL. worthless hull of ceremony, than the ; Act on a new the Dirigo, PURE, pure the principle—regulating dam Vermont Blaekhawk. ant ( linst in the Miles’ New Heart Cure is the for Good or for mares from a distance at reasonable rates at owners’ risk, but width of goods and price per yard marked on each. cursion rates over tin* railroad, and prevails just thing pasturage stabling good good hearts of men. and them. For their care will l>e taken to prevent any and all accidents. 3m2 entertainment in from the clash of sect- The II. nervousness, headache, Printed Circular of information sent with Sam Cornish for visitors at & A. Railroad. weakness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is arianism, and diversity of beliefs, there TERMS : pies. Iyl2 reasonable- rates. unequaled. Fine treatise on “Heart and will come forth an which Mr. B. Walker Me the with return to insure. underlying spirit ! Keen, the newly eleet- Nervous Diseases” and marvelous testimo- Phillips, $25 by season, privilege. Thaokamban, $10 will ‘‘d ultimately unite the followers of the ! secretary of the Maine State Board of CASH OR SATISFACTORY NOTE AT TIME OF SERVICE. 31 issionaries Ag- nials free. Sold and guaranteed bv R. H. Eastman Bros & Massacred. meek and rieulture, believes in the of Bancroft, lowly Christ in Christian love. j development the Moody. MIDGETT BROS., BELFAST. Christ came that the world have .resources of Aroostook county, ami in the to a St. Paul le might It ME. According Loango dispatch j Bangor and Aroostook railroad as a sueeess- has been remarked that prominence has PORTLAND, ih*- New York Herald, the American mis- life. Christianity is life. Whenever men i tol means of doing it. Under date of Jan. 27, its drawbacks. The drum-major doesn’t see •>n. which is established on the have tried to God without Congo Riv- please right he wrote to Col. Fred Atwood of as much of the parade as tin* man on the er in the of the have failed. Winterport neighborhood Pallaballa sta- living they Men have tried as follows: “The building of the curbstone. Hut lie is in it. has hern made the scene of i Bangor tion, a terrible to reform the character, not by trans- and Aroostook Railroad is of immense im- in which five American mission- A Mystery Explained. ELYS Tragedy, forming it from within, but by conform- ! portanee to the whole State, and I feel it the aries—three men and two women—and sev- of Catarrh ing it from without. This was the meth- j duty every citizen to aid it to the extent The contain notices of n native converts and servants lost their papers frequent COAL of his WINTER'S no matter in od of the who a ceremo- I ability, what section he rich, and educated with s ■ lives at the hands of murderers. It is also Pharisee, placed pretty girls eloping CREAM BALM may reside. Our agricultural interests in and coachmen. The well mentioned that all of the mission nial standard over the individual, and be- | negroes, tramps -AT- buildings, Aroostook need this outlet and brother far- known Cleanses the lieved that obedience to specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says bools, residences and granaries were burn- that standard mers should aid the farmers of Aroostook t<» all such girls are more or less Nasal 'Ml •1 to tiie ground and the cultivated fields made a perfect life. This is the method their hysterical, Passages, get crops to market. I hand you my nervous, unbalanced ; usual- ■aid waste. The is that the of all who think that very impulsive, suspicion perpe- character can he subscription for live hundred dollars.” ly to headache, Allays Pain and iators are a number of half-civilized Portu- subject neuralgia, sleepless- E. Gr. WHITE’S. carved, pressed and beaten into a perfect i- ness, immoderate or These Inflammation. guese natives, who are members of the Lo- crying laughing. state, under the pressure of law and cere- are said to be show a weak nervous system for which there PjAYFEVEfl®^ ft igo tribe, and w ere taken into the Negotiations progressing Congo like a of in the in New York for is no to Restorative Nervine. Heals the Sores, free State by Henry Stanley. mony, lump clay hands of ; the consolidation of the remedy equal Vein,” and “Lehigh Coal.” /mp Trial bottles and a fine hook “Plymouth “Jermyn” the potter. Character cannot be made by coal interests of the Colorado Coal and containing Restores the -ry^. I there are several severe eases yet ill tow n. fur last Wed- Feb 10, sell J P7 Beau- I have suffered continually for the last 15 sumption months, passed away work at ice .Several members of Mr. T. W. Pease of and Dubignon, Turner, cutting... Appleton teacher, fort, N ('; A P Emerson, Day, St Johns; years with pain in the kidneys and blad- Miss Thomas is in town nesday, Feb. 3d, aged 31 years. We shall I Margaret visiting Harvest moon grange attended Pomona in Dist. No. 4, Miss Mabelle E. Paul teacher- Idaho. Bass Harbor: J/agnolia, RoeA*port; I der. Somethimes I would have sharp, miss her from our midst. She was at one darting and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. t\ 11. Mon- grange meeting at Belfast Tuesday. .Mrs. Both were very successful terms_The George. Washington, do. 1 pains, and at others it would be a steady, time of C. E. dull but it was roe. president the Y. P. S. Her AMERICAN ache; continual suffer- Chas. Bellows of Freedom, left by$ train snow which fell Sunday night made very PORTS. mother, Mrs. Harriman, and brother, Fred ing from one day's end to another. I could not W. E. (Irinnell has loaded schooner (Ja- en route for New Tuesday morning Augusta. nice sledding, and all the farmers are getting York, Feb 4. Arrived sell Olive T describe it if I should trv. The passage of water Shute, also Capt. Harriman, have the sym- /elle with hay and straw for Hurricane Is- up thrifty wood piles. Whittier, Whittier, Savannah; (i, cleared was accompanied with smarting and burn- of friends. Riverside Avenue. Jan. 2‘.»th Mrs. Cora bark Blanchard, Brisbane: sell Me- were land. pathy Evanell, ing, and my bowels con* inu&ily con- lissa A 1 M. Blanchard closed a A successful and South Montvillk. A very successful Willey, Willey, Fernandina; arrived stlpated. I have not been free from pain for IsLEsnoKo. There has been a great deal of ery The markdown sale of < ds at t'h-m- sell Geo Twohy, Farrow, Pensacola. 15 years until I began to take ALLEN’S dry g< profitable term of eleven weeks of school. term of 15 weeks school, taught by Inez M. sickness here. Typhoid fever, pneumonia Baltimore, Feb 4. Sailed sell Carrie A SARSAPARILLA. About 4 davs after be- nt & Adams has made business lively at in District No. 1. closed Jan. 29. j The number of scholars Peavey I Port its use I * and the are now, and Dr. Avliole registered Lane, >yer, land. ginning began to fool better, a- before I si grip prevalent their ore.* Whole number of scholars 10; average num- Feb 4. Cleared sell AY II (Her. ! bad taken half a bottle, was ent frpp is and Avas twenty: average attendance nineteen* Boston, VICTORY. ! Williams kept busy night day.... and from and have not had anv (leo. E. Merrill has a vein founda- bers. Chester and Annie B. Tanner Baker, Belfast Philadelphia ; sailed sell pain, M strong The scholars ay ere not absent one Grey ■ I Since Christmas there have been five deaths following L 11 Hopkins, arriv- bowels al°o h,v e he n t> .■ a d grist niill.(fc» Maud Shute, Arthur Merrill cently trapped two owls, one of them meas- Made, Belfast: Winslow McDon- SAPARILLA has d.f*-r r- II. widow Shiite, Sliute, Morse, medicine Parker, Staples* youngest daugli- 5 4 inches to Fii/.a. could do, as I have tried < •’.5r a:. : one of our citizens. uring feet. from tip tip. He has ough, Winterport: Alary Morrissey, John L. oldest Adelaide Erskine, r->- Sargent. ter. Ebcn Babbidge and Mr. John Sliute, Mary Erskine, M'iseassetl Brunette, spent hundreds of dollars | Capt. Mr. A. of to Knox, Searsport; but ! ;ui a -tr« k«- •*!' last Saturdas and Edna P. Robie Erskine, Frank engaged Crockett, Liberty, Walter W nothing ever h>-!ped me one-! n h part parahsis ('numbs: and in the same time five births Erskine, cleared Rason. Yanaman. Bel- | Allen’s as much as one b..t'le >f SAR Fred Fossie Croeker. ! mount them.... Mr. Harrison Simmonds, of last and Baltimore: b, arrived sell Daniel B ALLAN'S iow ^ II. L lleartson. lleartson, Sarsaparilla cry and three marriages—Myron A. Farnsworth SA PA RILL A. If anyclody doubts Hockland. was in town last week....The re- Fearing, Philadelphia: cleared bark Bel- OUT VICTORIOUS Absent tAvo each on account of sick- these can c -me Ti e siii*w fall tin- i;i*»t wok is Christine Hatch: Maurice L. De< k- days statements, they appreciated io Miss mont, Parker, Rosario; arrived sell Mar\ i:< uu;; rirsT j mains of Mrs. David Gilman, mother of round. and hear it from my own : i 1 \ ness Blanche Crocker and Martha Crocker. Farrow. Belfast. w « od liau lei a lid t la are mpn ing the ! er to Miss Delia Haynes; John Benson to | ('ondon, snail be pleased to tc I? I William Clark.of Bar Harbor. were brought Feb .... Mrs. Frances Heath to Boston ibis riiiladelphia. b. ( b ared sell Young mi in s of wood. iMiss \.tli< Pendleton.. Otis lias goes '•<: 11 «n v t r s r-;- ?v s eb I "it'«iiiii} f'O ■ji:aniti« D"dge I here Iasi for burial. Brot 1.. Snow. 7. at nx ed >rh I >a\ Aveek to meet her husband.... is Saturday rs, Tampa bii’lt a nice rowboat this and Isaac Sliute will meet winter, Capt. Iigbt. Niekerstm, |»t nearly < mpleted a yawl happy. up Mary Jar soiivil < F. b s. Arrix ed Sell Florence -, Ti -da > i'V'• u: n a will: M vs Ma r> A 1 and lias it for the sto\ c. .The sick ! died at her home of Feb. .“»th. ami Li iau, Smith. New Vnr cleared seh b. at feet long. ..The w inter bas been so prepared pneumonia \ u I J -t 1111 pi *it ] -la d i; util Friday Marx F. ( orsoit. ibihinson. New Yor ! > r:»t' ones are all betler. La avc 47 years, s moMl.s and s Her mild that the have tbe six new grippe, hope, aged day- :! •\ eliin: | carpenters Pelisae. ba, Feb Ch and ><■ i1 11 .1 ( ol- ! is about over here. of sickness were bci wen ao-om- t ■ 11 ages at Dark J larbor w ell along, ; day- lew, rei l, J | a-d\el1. ! I a\ ana. ; i. .;m- Itr< mi lu-re to have the paiiiod Imuch pain ainl sufleiing. Sin Chari, si.oj,, it. 'J. Sailed seh Flora Rog- i been ver\ \'inaulayen. .Sheriff F. M. Lai it is Mokkii.i.. Dr. J. N. Harris bas Deputy ers. Darien : seii. Atldie a:! -.,i Fridax evening, occasioned, was a devoted v\ id-and mol her and will be 7, arrived, ,Jordan, -irk «11 ia 1 His son. Dr. Jolm and derAvood is ill from hemorrhage of the lungs. i larriman, Belfast. -... a >ia! eh-rk who works the Harris, I.;, span- pi j ! great ly missed, esp,-,-;;; •!y by iier own lam- Feb L Cleared seh Marx wile, from New and hi> ....Sheriff J. W. Cray, spent Sunday at Apalachicola. -1 1 i in ii t hat Jer>ey. daugbtev. day. | ily. io whom she was so dear. Site leaves Hail, Veazie, New Y< >rk. Mrs. Sarah Frye, lrom Massachusetts, made Yinalhjiven.. .La grippe lias been very pre- o Briinsxviek, Fel. 4. Arrived seh Flora Rog- 1'. A\ ( ■' uid has n i\ ed a « all to at 1 w iuldreii. Everett. and Kva.wii ••! Mr. him a short visit Jan. If'.'tli and :»0tli-Bev. a alent here, aa bole families being ill at one er.-'. Johnson. Cliarb-stoii. ,i ■ 11\. itt i• n of New coin Will of Id. She will b«- mueli England Emery, I’i11sti« Feb \. Bit li Pearson from Yam eboro was in town :ime....Mr, Kimball, owner oi the steamer Savannah, Arrived seh M V B OF A!.I HINT'S Vi -- ..m i- "i sea and shore fisheries at J’»os- .missed by her fra uds and iiaghbors. Chase, i'inkham, New \ < rk 7, arrived sen. last ..Miss <>ra« i< Simmons is Emmeline on the route betAAccn this toAvn many Monday... Wm. 11. Suiiim r. Pendieton, New York. Tliis niooting is illed To Take action and their heartfelt sympathy will he • Mend- spending the winter in Belfast with her and Rockland, Avas in town last Aveek. He is Fernandina. peb Sailed seh Harry i.i -t the proposed Congressional law. ed to her bereaved husband and children. grain!' *a rents, M r. and Mr>. Edmund Brown. avcII satisfied Avitli the business of the line, White. Hopkins, Brunswick. Ga. man n is The funeral services were held after- Satilla Ga. Feh L Arrived sell Atl- i-T. Mebihi Post again honored ....Bev. Mr. Mi from Poor’s Mills and his new boat will be some Sunday Rix-er, Dougall says ready die G Bermuda. Holburns; mam, Kev. H. W. of Bryant. Cleary. t « iiepaitnii-nt of Maim-hv the election at the church last time in .The town Norton, Winterport. T. June... olficers to W. preached Sunday.\ began lalgartoxv n. Fel. b. Arrived sell Anna M 11"!'. A E N iekerson. oiu-of its members. I officiating... .The selectmen will be in ses- list of those who have been sick with la audit the town accounts Monday. ...A ref- Dickenson, Hart. South Amboy for Harri- i sicuiul office within the sion next week settling up the affairs of the son Island. highest gift grippe would embrace a large majority of eree ease aa as heard here last Aveek before A s< ltIi ti. Arrived sen Di- POINTER! town.....Mr. of . Ford. Eleanora Lodge Templars Rockland A Litehtield, Gray, New Yovk, in tow. Men's Beaver Cloth Boots, from here will go tin* iee at learned that the following officers for the present quar- were 1 he counsel, upon Hampden Galveston, Feb a Arrived sell Fannie A by experience P. Ikanehard, married Wednesday. January Buckle to work tills week. Gorham. Carter, Baltimore. Men's High Cut Three lKfrj. At liome after Feb- ter. •. .Herman Merriam, C.T.; Lillie Hatch, ;weiity-sev'entlt Unity Plantation. School in Hist. N< the best place to W. F. FORKIGN PORTS. [Arctics, buy imarseventeenth at twenty-one Sargent V. T.; Linda Merriam, See'y.: Brown, Winter port. Mr James Campbell, a 1, Unity Plantation, taught by Miss Myra dan *_4. Men's and F. S.: John Hartshorn, T.: Elida Sheldon, well known resident of the died in Matanzas. Arrived sell Carrie E Boys’ Arc-ties, -in- P.oxbury. Mass. town, Lihhy of Unity, closed Feb. 5tli after a pleas- Woodbury Bryan., Mobile: 21*, in port, bark Men's and Lumber- Chap.. Will Wing, M. Chelsea, where he has been spending the Grace Boys' Miss Holland of I'tiea, N. Y.. with her ant term of twelve weeks. Whole number Lynwood and sell Georgia Gilkey for winter, on His remains will be North of Hatteras with man's Rubbers of all kinds. chaperone, Mrs Win. Beckett ol Humholt Appleton The of Mr. of Saturday. sugar. family "Worthing, pupils 14; average attendance 12. The Jaii 2b. Sailed sell James A I’ark. have recently heeii the guests of John brought home for burial and funeral services Cienfuegos. and Lace our mail have been sick. Mr. were not absent tin- Ladies' Beaver, Congress Boots, Kaiu the and efficient clerk of Mill- carrier, very following pupils during Garfield, Fisher, Delaware Breakwater. genial will bt held at the home of his sou, Oeorge ard Avenue hotel. The wedding day is not W. and bis son are still quite sick, and Land- term: Ettie Getehell, Edith Bacon, Meta Havana, dan 2d. Arrived sell Morris W Ladies' Beaver Foxed Button and Lace wife ol Horace Um « hm the event will Campbell.... Abbie, Davis, Child, k. N S : hi, arrived sell t appointed, important lord Fred Hart is the mail at Grant. Maude Grant. Ba- Annapolis. Boots, carrying pres- Flagg,Glare Mary lamia Porter. New York: Feh. 1. [ •."ohahly occur it the hotel. T Chicago died at her home at Ellingwood’s Corner Tapiey. ent. The funeral of Mrs. occurred and There < Worthing con, Jimmie Brown. was an en- sailed bark Carrie E. Long, Stowers, Dela- Ladies' Felt Sole Lace Boots and )pinoii. after a tedious illness. Sunday long, She ware Break watei. Fine Tuesday... .Ames Bros, have just patina tertainment in tin evening, consisting of Perfumes & Soaps, The turned out ami leaves a son and two daughters to Feb Arrived sell S G [Slippers, neighbors Saturday have of husband, Cadiz, Haskell, new waterwheel. They bought Fly declamations, charades, dialogues, reading, Boston. Ladies' Cut Two Buckle gave C. C Hamilton an old fashioned moving mourn their loss. Mrs. Davis was a very Biehardson, High IVase 100 cords of stave stuff, and a large and vocal and instrumental music. The parts Bio Janeiro, Jan 12. Sailed brig John TT fee. Some thirty horses were in the line worthy woman, and a devoted wife and [Arctics. on ol Enoch Fnion.... were Crandoii, N’orwell. Imbetiba. BESTSPONGES, lot. the stum]), Hills, all very tine and a credit, to both teach- hauling a stable from the east village t<> the mother, and will be greatly missed in the Hong Kong, Feb J. Sailed sell B B. Ladies' Fleece Lined Rubbers. Artist l’ease lost an ox recently He had er and pupils Miss Lihhy is a young teach- bn at ion of his recent tire, where it was land- community as well as her immediate Thomas, Nichols, New York. FREINTCH by Ladies and .Misses Cut contracted to haul 1(H) cords stave stuff to er hut gave universal satisfaction... .There Manila, Dee 2v hi port ship Centennial. High ed before dark, amid a great deal of gee-off family.... Dora, wife of Hannibal Baker, tin-Ames mill.... Mrs. Winfield is is snow enough to make Coleord, for B >slon (takes a full cargo of »n A and haw-to Fliaples just good traveling died at her home the Cove [Butt< reties, near Eel). 1st of hemp at >.”» per 4 bales j. s <-k. .1 esse L. Hushee is on the sick list.... and everyone is making good use of it... Ladies. Misses A Child*-' Vivtics earn after weeks Melbourne, i>ee lb. Sailed* Great n. \. lbibertsoii and wife left here for er, many of intense suffer- ship Wc received a short but pleasant call from Mrs. Geo. Flagg is still confined toiler room. Admiral. Boston. Funeral services were held at Powell, Mil and Hair her late Brushes. lnmie at From in- ing. LOW PRICES & GOOD th-ir Augusta Saturday. Larkin S. Sanford, of Dakota, Saturday.... Zaza. Jan 2S. In port sell Edward H QUALITY. residence on conducted Lev. to a friend we are led to Frankfort. Solomon ILdmes, the oldest Thursday, by Blake. to sail for New York Feb 2 imations hope they A. < (iush'M* lost bis valuable foxhound Smith, Purest resident in died from the ef- H. W. Norton.... Miss Caroline for Feb. T Arrived bark Her- may at no distant decide to return and town, Friday, Morris, Champerieo IN THE Drugs, day Monday He had been offered S‘J5 for it..... bert B Ea EVERYTHIN*; a resident of this Black, anehard, Lilnrtadad. make this their home. Sears extends a fect of la grippe. His wife is not expected many years village, died at port Mrs. Love Fish, who was buried in the cem- Sagua, Jail. 2b. Arrived sell M. B. Milieu, Choice "rdial welcome, that Mr. Robert- live Mr. H. was horn in t he Old Ladies Nome in Bangor. Sat at A knowing etery at McLain's Mills, last yveek, died at long. Belgrade. unlay Bunnell, palaehieola. Cigars, m's ! in and was over old.. the advanced age of so years... .John Manzanilla—Ar to Jan 17. sell BOOT & SHOE LINE weiity-live years experience charge her in she Me., eighty-tive years previous daughter's Washington, although John L. and to have their Stokell. w ho has been in the Treat, VeLure, Philadelphia (ami prescriptions •!' schools at Augusta w ill be of great bom-tit 1 >anicl Bray, aged se\ eiity-six years, died at hardware and AN BOTTOM PRICKS. had lived nearly all of her long life (over 00 sld Jan is for a port North of Haiteras.i tilled, is at to us as his advice in school matters would Ids home M«>nda\ of the He leaves a furniture business here toi a good main yearsi in 1 his town. grip. be in\ aluable. widow and two children. Mr. Bray was years, is about selling out his business in Tuokw.iki Station La grippe lias vis- a hristian man and was loved Messrs. Daniel M and Charles wiJOOdUHY’S ANTIDOTt

dered .... H arm on N Morse four car- Lew iston w w as not a full believer, know ing his father shipped mounting it.... Tommy. Prospect i- not in tion at last eek. i iiavk i.kaskii tin-: nouns, had been loads of and five more. AT HOME ? lighting grip several weeks, took bay bought They it”. The hooks have arrived for the new Sr*m K !*>\ S PRin«;>. Miss E!\ ;t IfaiKlcii ar- l\o. 50 Main St., over Kalish’s 1 of and & room a TUTTLE h:s ride ami went out to investigate, return- bought ,”>00 pounds potatoes shipped I read; ng and 1 ready the old and oi;ny rived Saturday from Monroe, where she has SON, two -1-J ear and also and are over Clothing Store, ing in about hours with the pelts of four loads, bought packed poring their pages. been teaching school... Mr. and Mrs. Phin. 04 hhls. o! \ use \ Bessev and am to execute all kind- of urers—the largest of which was over six feet apples. shipped < iriHi 11 arrived in town from Portland recent- prepared AN VII.I.K. art Artists. S\\ La seems loth 1 < > j,.T Ptotipjim Crayon three < ar loads of and would have grippe i"iig. hay ship- ly.... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fletcher, who go its Several *>t our citizens have and * I ped three more eouhl have had the ears. grip. FINE JOB PRINTING, they have been visiting relatives in Freedom, are -—$3.00- are a turn at it. and them are also and stored son bushels of having among NORTH SKARSRURT ITEMS. They bought at home Levi our veteran Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. again. (Jrittin, FOR CABINET Farwell Tilton in Billings, L SIZE, Mr Tlmmas has moved his family potatoes. bought some barber, lias his field of Wagner Nickerson and Miss Martha Nickerson. All changed operations. New and First-Class tive ear loads ol and two Everything To 1 tel last. potatoes shipped He uas left his old stand in the Masonic are T. 1). Nickerson. -$10- ear loads. This work, with the sold improving-Capt. -Orders by 1Vail attended to.- goods block, and is now located in the Huberts promptly Miss Lihi*- K. Serihnei has gone to Frank- while hauling a load of lumber from Nick- and sent out. makes work for the trad- from out of town will do well to lively block, the corner room over the ; For a People write lort to work. erson’s mill, saw tit to leave Ids oivupving Large, Life-Like Creyon me for and ers...The two blacksmiths, Mr. Monroe 2"-years-old prices samples before placing colt in the street without P. 't Ottn e .The schools ill District No. 1. their orders. Mrs. Geo. Patterson of East is hitching. Some- itellast and Mr. Edward I’hilbriek, have all the work WITH ELEGANT FRAME. started the horse and lie close Friday the 12th inst. The work done Siting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Nickerson. thing went for the they can attend to....The pants factory is I -Full lamp-post which broke short off in 'he primary room under Miss Lizzie Han- length PANELS, all sizes.— SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Mrs. Ezra Patch of South Itrooks now and will start breaking was in completed up business ded. has been Miss Lena the lamp into pieces-Mr. Josiali Nicker- especially good.... Also Ihc New Style “Colored wn last week her this week. We all it a Photographs.'' GIVE ME A CALL. visiting daughter. Mrs. hope will he success. Handed has to I son's colt gave him a bit of an overturn last gone Westhorough to work Ered W. Smart. OI K A!OTTO IS ALWAYS i’ROGKKSSIVK. in the straw Castink. F. 1*. Wood, Esq., of Bangor, week. As the animal seemed a little skittish shop. .To he in style this win- Mrs. Ruth Thomas went to ter. our citizens must have the BELFAST, MAINE. Frankfort, last has n-nted his villa at Castine Mr. N. thought lie would drive him to a grip and join magnificent pile Dec. 17, to attend the funeral of her the and old are 1S91.—tim51| R. E. Friday brother. to Col. A. B. Bolan. a wealthy gentleman of of wood he was shying from. But that grange. Young enjoying t he SHUTE, Wyman Thomas. didii t work as soon first, blessing, and a are SO Main St., BclfaNt. New York. Col. Bolan was a member of the well, he found himself good many taking -HAVE YOU A- in a of snow advantage of the second. Nine new mem- handsomest Kind •! Rev. M. Andrews of Wellington, Me., will 14th Maim- Regiment and is a Standard Oil drift while colty was making September J4, 1891.—39tf We are receiving some "I the bers have within the compliments on our > for home at railroad joined past few weeks upy the pulpit at the church at this place man. He is a great friend of John D. Rock- speed. He was caught or and Piano ? without a little several more are contemplating the Sunday Feb. 28th. efeller, the magnate of that company. Col. damage except shaking up step. Organ THE BELFAST BED SU1 EE. If so have the tuner from the #18.00 ROOM of his driver-The Club will The grange i> in a most flourishing condition expert factory, Mrs. J. Bolan rents tin* cottage all furnished, to- Literary meet H. Kneeland and Mrs. H. H. Fel- It iii"iirv saving is an object it is a slide that will at Hon. A. E. Nickerson's next and its meetings are both ami gether with the stable. Mr. Wood is now Friday eve. enjoyable on "to feet i* s Y oil have read a g.I dca Ker, who have been very ill for the Mr. H. E. per past for the Y. P. Marshall, about ami ha\e u-u quite making arrangements to lmild another fine •Mr. Wilbert Nickerson sold last week a profitable.. .Subject (’. L., next furniture, perhaps you month, are 1 now located in this city, who takes the entire care believed all that have seen in but ibis convalescing. eve of yon print, heifer two years and six months old Sunday Permanence Divine Truth. l *ii lost. m at for S4<». Do. own will the Machine and cottage Castine, first story to he of I of them by the year. All work WARRANTED. suite tells its st'>r> > Tlie man w* liappiest know of is Martin Mr. N. lias a contract with Matt. 24 bib. 1st Peter 1:21 2b. Our meet- Foundry wonder when ymp see it. How it can la stone... .Castine is Inn a of tin- Massachusetts ing seige --THE CELEBRATED- s.m 'i a will be a riddle to \oii. « oine aba.- liwellie who resides just over tlie line in for fence are well attended :ind announce to the public that the erec- figure Fourteen members of the parties 27,000 pickets. ings very enjoyable. during land ei'ho what we about it. and don't forget grip. Normal tion ot their new be found sn> Frankfort. It is a ten A letter words building, they may iu take advantage .d‘'the ..pportunit\ wbe b pound hoy. School were out Miss containing many encouraging Marshall. & Wendell at the old stand, now the ; last-Thursday. Marv Buck sport.. Because of the Piano isit will afford us to >tmu \"U our entire si... new s received from Ed was taken ill Mrs. D. (1. Harris, of-. a former resi- Thompson quite with la Hooke, teacher of the school, will be seen primary went Wednesday evening of the death at Kock- in Belfast a8 soon as arrangements DANA SARSAPARILLA last lient of this and a staunch l niversa- BUILDING, grippe Wednesday night. Sumner Nick- homesick noon. Mr. place, for store can be made. Monday Locke, pastor laml of Mrs. John Mclnnis. mother of one who list. was read at the last thanks They are prepared to do all kinds of '11. has been having la is better. "f the l and meetingand Leave orders now for grippe, nitarian, O. H. FernaId, pastor of the cast. Mr. T. E. Mr I the rendition you tuning, unis, are extended her for her kind works. SPENCER & JONES. Miss Kate Kneeland lias returned to ot Hie Methodist r.ltf BOX BELFAST. the Church, an* both sick and of "Above the Clouds" is indefinitek 801, 21, iS'.ej post- .\ series of sermons on the creed of FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORK. Belfast,.bin. Normal school at Gorham. She been no services were has held at either of their Christoniatiieaiis will poned-The give a Daniel Webster will he in Also manufacturers of the her vacation with her Mr. delivered Colcord spending parents. churches Sunday. Jan. :>1st.The seallon entertainment in the public Franklin street hall Hev N. La as Farm for Sale. 1 'id .1. by Marsh announced PRESCRIPTIONS Circular Sate Mrs. ] 1. Kneeland. fishermen have discovered a new lied of M. E. IIeye Mills. the vestry next Friday and one Said farm consists 5n a- evening, The first of the series will he given next I'red M bivalves above* w Holmes' Stave Machine, agner of Prospect, who lias been in jue\ just narrows and are rek later tin* members of t he Achyllian so- Carefully Compounded by our ex- Sunday afternoon, weather permit! ing. Don’t Belfast It contains orehai !.<• of JL E Robbins of this town hu- making large catc hes will do the Hall's Stave Jointer, employ every pleasant day. ciety same, these being tin* onlv miss it. perienced Druggist. of 2uu apple trees in good bearing ll" Castine 25 and past few months, has gone to the Keiim- scallops command the highest price public meetings of the societies for Mill Gearing, Derrick-,. condition, and plum pc:u literary Brooks. A. A. HOWES & CO. Quarry trees, also a large of and rasp i- in the Mrs. Will Jones and Mrs. (.’has. piece blackberry river to work oil tin* ire. market-The wife of Mr. Alexander this term of E. &c. is an the M. C. Seminary.... At a Hoisting Winches, berry bushes and straw berry vines. Here Shaw have been a Perkins, one of our spending few days at excellent chalice to raise, early vegetables. I shad Fred of Frankfort a prominent citizens, died meeting of the holies' societies at **“G I V E D S A CALL Spaulding caught literary •John 11. also sell my egg business, with a eapaeitv ol hold at 11 (Jordon's, it seems nice for the Swan Lake trout one last week which Wednesday night .HO.Mr. J. W. tin* E. 3SI. C. Seminary on the of TO BE ing 50 thousand d ./.ens of eggs. The buildings day evening to LET, Belfast Machine tt• >n farm. put- year 1 Silo, in hills committed to A A Brown. > ed. The next negative, Luce A., B.: I 1-2 miles from village on shore road, loo r<«ds party will he tomorrow weeks. Mrs. Green is now able to be Smallidge recitation, in a stock of corn and fine let-tor III' constable of said town on the lib day niglit Mary ting Hour, feed. on Penobscot frontage Hay; woodland, pasturing, of lSUl. has Inm at Mrs. Eli Miss Chase : essay, Miss Levenseller : September. been returned by (Friday) Colson s. about the lion so.... Josiali Coffin died Jan. original He has a his feed and fields, omderdrained. about quite business at mill.... mowing cutting me as remaining unpaid on the 11th day Sep quotations the word "Love": loo tons best hay large barn. +o so feet, with The social dance at •>0tli, after a brief illness. Funeral services containing Hall & by tember. 18;*!. by hi- eertilieate ol that date, and Ward's hall the niglit Baehelder are getting along well in Window and Picture house, smaller barns and implements. music, Miss Fuller. Glass, now remain unpaid ; and notice is hereby pven of Feb. :»d was a most, were held Elder Brackett of Brooks their of Exceptionally tine spring water. Location enjoyable occasion. Monday, job fitting up Ne.alley’s photographic very that it t he said taxes and interest and charges arc ALL SIZES. BY elevated and an extended outlook. Susan commanding not paid into the of said town within Excellent, music was furnished L. C. officiating-Miss Adams, who lias Prospect. The sick ones are rooms in the C. S. Brackett N. E. the treasury by improving. building_ Also point of village, known as Mack's eighteen months frotu the Aateot thee, mmitment been sick with 90 acres, of pneumonia, died Feb. 4th. who lias keen in of Point, finely timbered woodland, mixed of so Cummings Prospect 1st violin, assisted by Among the very sick was Mrs. Luring T. Joseph Stimpson, charge sail! bills, much of the real estate taxed as Howes tfc growth. Applv to will he -William of Pittsfield was in the ice has Co. sufficient to pay the amount due therefor Homer Clark at the There will he a Whitney who Dr. of Win- crew, keen very busy, but. the organ. Cummings, gives Fellows, CHAS. F. GORDON. including interest and charges. will, without town friends and business will masquerade hall in the same hall the night, Saturday visiting relatives. terport, credit for her improvement and slack up now-The wife of Care National Bank, Searsport, Maine. further notice, be sold at public auction at tin -B. F. who has A Card to the Public, Post Office in said town, on the 2<>rh day ot Febru of Feh. Ik. Mr. Ward will an Harding, just closed a cure. The committee of Alonzo Roberts was buried last Rev. furnish oyster the Grange to visit Friday, ary. at 1 o’clock r. m. very successful term of school at West justice to my former husband, WM. H. KIM- supper. rJ he are Troy, the sick C. H. Littlefield and H. Small at the funeral-Geo. Property of Julia Brown. dancing public cordially report wife, officiating BALL, from whom I obtained a divorce has IN Janu- 24 lbs. S. T Yi M Ml, Treasurei. invited. Music returned to New Jersey, where he is C. H. and A. Jones, who has been friends in <>. 185*2. 1 would that the SUGAR by L. C. and Partridge wife, and Charlie Kid- visiting ary say said Wm. H. Li berry. Me., Jan. 2<», 18‘J*2. Jwf> Cummings Kimball has to the best of others. to teal'll for the ensuing year. Many regrets and wife this has returned to his home in the my knowledge always ley improving-The house of the vicinity, sustained a also for good character, temperate habits, $x.oo, rh!ohe«fer,(» are expressed by who were to attend West-Thaddeus Huxford has in a and that the stories that are Fntf..*h Diamond Brand. pupils widow Fletcher near Ferry was got. being circulated re- 0 ^Prospect discredit on his character as above men- Center the spring term of High School, where he burned last nice clean lot of goods_Mr. Dow is flecting A. A. Montville. Miss Nellie Oxton of Friday... :«riie town clerk, J. F. giving tioned are false and unjust. By HOWES & CO. had Pennyroyal pills been L. Cook has closed excellent in his out sales. MARY A. and Ct-nulne. a Rockland, formerly of this place, is the guest engaged—E. Libby, has appointed A. A. Ginn as bargains closing RICHARDS. /-wcV Original Only sub-reg- Burnham, Me.. Feb. 8, 181*2.—lwt> SArt. always reliable. ladiks. ask his winter term of school in -Miss for e of Miss Louise and Mrs. Burnham and istrar to issue burial in the eastern Lena Chase and Miss May Huxford rii/1 Jrda I>ru-;gist Chichester Knglish Dia-JO^X Sprowl....Mr. Leslie permits wotid Brand in Kcd and Gold will a term of metAlUc\\|f&r Nash of Pittsfield are their begin High school at the part of the town and Freeman in are taking lessons in music at Belfast_ & JA m-aled wiih blue ribbon. TaLe visiting parents Partridge other. \V Spencer Jones, w ¥yjnn Refuse dangerous suhstitu- ’r -Mr. E. P. school house in that town in two The school will continue a few even- lions and At Rowell is dangerously ill with Dodge the western part-Our spring that we singing 1 / fa imitations Druggiiits. or send 41«1 by all Local Druggists. Philada Pa. evening. The meeting this week will beheld ! Thursday evening-C. B. Cook of Jackson now winter is if the is sick, is on the road to recovery-The sick business. Well established. Now paying large coming spring sign on amount Fraeiical Undertakers. profits invested. Address lyro at Mr. lias been relatives in town and ones here are much Volney Thompson’s_C. T. French visiting at true-Capt. Wm. K. Heagan on his arrival generally very better 3w(> MANUFACTURER, Searsport, Me. of Belfast has tlie same time an and the the bought the Nathan French suffering from attack of in Boston recently to take charge of his ves- indications are that wave of la SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. farm the 50 Boxes of That ami will move his family here the first grip-Alfred Estes is at work for C. II. sel was taken very sick and went to the hos- grippe has passed us. But haven't the doc- Belfast, Sept. 24, 1891.—39tf of Belfast Machine & Co. next month... .Almond Messer, who has Bachelder. They are camping at Peltoma. pital in Boston. His son William has been tors been busy? Dr. Kilgore has been Foundry SPECIAL MEETING of the stockholders of been one of the ... Belfast to active, stirring men of this reporters, when trying turn on to visit him and he is now reported im- obliged to have a man to drive for him, and A the Belfast Machine & Foundry Co., will he thus with holden at their office 30 CENT has a too frequent of horses to Feb. 18, A. I). region, had slight paralytic shock sharp corners, sometimes get left—(in the proving-H. B. Heagan is at home at pres- change good Thursday, For Safe or Rent. about the 181*2, to electa clerk and and to T|A get the hilly country in least pos- treasurer, change which leaves him in a enfeebled con- road), in is to tie but will into the A quite especially Troy_There ent, go Penobscot county next sible time. And then lie was sure to find by-laws. majority of the stock is required to THURLOW HOUSE (brick) upon Congress -JC8T KEUE1V ED BY- transact business. street. 0ition. Mr. Messer is nearly 87 years of age. a grand hall at the Grange Hall March 4tli. week. calls awaiting his return. THE WM. C. MARSHALL. lwG B. H. KNOWLTON, Pres. Belfast, Jan. 5. 1892.—ltf A. A. HOWES & CO.