1998-1999 Annual Report
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TELEFILM CANADA’S OFFICES HEAD OFFICE HEAD OFFICE Tour de la Banque Nationale As of October 25, 1999 600 de La Gauchetière Street Wes t 360 St. Jacques Street 14th Floor Suite 700 Montréal, Quebec Montréal, Quebec H3B 4L8 H2Y 4A9 Phone: (514) 283-6363 Phone: (514) 283-6363 Fax: (514) 283-8212 Fax: (514) 283-8212 ww w. t e l e f i l m . g c . c a ww w. t e l e f i l m . g c . c a OFFICES IN CANADA EUROPEAN OFFICE Tor o n t o P a r i s 2 Bloor Street Wes t 5, rue de Con s t a n t i n e 22nd Floor 75007 Paris Toronto, Ontario Fra n c e M4W 3E2 Phone: (33-1) Phone: (416) 973-6436 Fax: (33-1) Fax: (416) 973-8606 Van c o u v e r 310 Ð 440 Cambie Street Van c o u v e r , British Col u m b i a V6B 2N5 Phone: (604) 666-1566 Fax: (604) 666-7754 Ha l i f a x 1684 Barrington Street 3rd Floor Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2A2 Phone: (902) 426-8425 Fax: (902) 426-4445 Ot t a w a 360 Albert Street Suite 1560 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M9 Ph o n e : (613) 947-2938 Fax : (613) 947-2537 This annual report is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Department of Telefilm Can a d a with the participation of the Policy, Planning and Research Department. Additional copies may be obtained by writing Legal Deposit: to the address below: Bibliothèque nationale du Québec Telefilm Can a d a National Library of Can a d a Communications and Public Affairs Tour de la Banque Nationale Graphic design: 600 de La Gauchetière Street Wes t Agence Code communications 14th Floor Montréal, Quebec Pr e - p r e s s : H3B 4L8 Grafix Studio Tabled in September 1999 Pr i n t i n g : Transcontinental Litho Acme Telefilm Ca n a d a Annual Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 2 TELEFILM CANADA: A VITAL PARTNER TO THE INDUSTRY AT HOME AND ABROAD TELEVISION • CINEMA • MULTIMEDIA cultural agency of the Canadian government, Each year it contributes to the development and Telefilm Canada is dedicated to the development production of some 600 feature films, made-for-TV A and promotion of the Canadian television, movies, drama series, documentaries, children’s film and new media industry. programs, variety shows and multimedia products Telefilm Canada is a cultural investor. Its mission of outstanding cultural value. is to provide financial assistance and strategic leverage To ensure that these products reach large audiences, to the industry in producing high-quality works Telefilm participates in other industry activities such as that reflect Canadian society, including its linguistic distribution, export, versioning, marketing and promo- duality and cultural diversity, while ensuring tion at Canadian and foreign festivals and markets. their widest possible distribution in Canada Telefilm’s financial support is varied. Most often and abroad. provided as an investment, it also comes in the form of advances, loans, loan guarantees and grants. MORE THAN 30 YEARS OF EXPERT I S E Telefilm shares product risks and revenues with S E RVING THE CANADIAN INDUSTRY the industry. Recouped amounts are reinvested in Annual Budget: Close to $200 Million production and distribution activities. Established in 1967 as a Crown corporation, Tel e f i l m A Strong National and International Presence Canada has contributed to the current success of the Telefilm has four Canadian offices that provide their Canadian film and television industry. While continuing clients with a wide range of services. These offices to invest in these sectors and refining its support are located in Montréal, the Corporation’s head office; for feature films, the Corporation is also focusing on Toronto (serving Ontario); Vancouver (serving British multimedia, the newest 21st-century communications Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut, medium, where Canadian talent is increasingly the Northwest Territories and the Yuk o n ); and Halifax making its mark. (serving Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland The Corporation enjoys an annual budget of and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island), stimulating close to $200 million, which enables it to act as a key creativity on a national scale. financing, strategic and promotional partner on the The Corporation also operates an office in Paris, national and international scenes. which provides valuable expertise for implementing international strategies that open new markets for Diversified Support: From Scriptwriting Canadian production. to International Sales Telefilm works with production, distribution Telefilm administers 17 funds and programs including and broadcasting companies and other Canadian and the Equity Investment Program (EIP) of the Can a d i a n foreign government organizations in the audiovisual Television Fund (CTF), a public-private partnership; sector to enable the Canadian industry to grow in an the Feature Film Fund; and the Multimedia Fun d . environment propitious to the creation of original, high-quality products with audience appeal. Telefilm Ca n a d a Annual Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 3 1998-99 AT A GLANCE Telefilm Canada: An Active Presence Telefilm Focuses on the New Millennium in National Policy Matters Telefilm’s 1997-2000 Business Plan, Towards the New Millennium, published in November 1997, ¥ Creation of the Multimedia Fund by the Minister defines the Corporation’s medium and long-term of Canadian Heritage; appointment of the goals and strategies. Notable accomplishments Corporation as administrator. in fiscal 1998-99 include the following: ¥ Participation in Canadian Radio-television ¥ a significant increase in the volume of and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) production created by Canadians for Can a d i a n s . hearings on the future of Canadian television. Telefilm provided assistance for 588 production and development projects, representing record ¥ Participation in CRTC hearings on new media. activity of $550 million, up from 506 projects with total budgets of $500 million the ¥ Revamping of the Canadian Television Fun d previous year; (CTF), for which Telefilm administers the Equity Investment Program (EIP). ¥ enhanced support for regional production through decentralized services, more regular ¥ Participation in the Feature Film Policy Review. industry consultation and a larger share of Telefilm’s investments (28% of commitments), resulting in better representation of the experience and dreams of Canada’s different communities; ¥ intensified international partnership activity, particularly in the areas of co-productions and film, television and multimedia markets and festivals, which benefited SMBs and large companies nationwide; ¥ improved client services achieved through efficient administrative practices, initiatives to increase industry visibility at home and abroad, more effective use of CTF resources, an acceleration of the decision-making process and a commitment to accountability and transparency. Telefilm Ca n a d a Annual Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Board Members and Senior Management 6 as of March 31, 1999 Letter to the Minister 7 Management 8 Message from the Chairman 9 Message from the Executive Director 12 1998-99 Financial Results 18 Di s b u r s e m e n t s Com m i t m e n t s Administrative Exp e n s e s Highlights 23 Policies Ð Television and Film Production and Development Telefilm Can a d a : A Longstanding Commitment to Canadian Cinema Communications and Public Affairs International Relations Telefilm Publications Television 35 Equity Investment Program Ð Canadian Television Fun d Cinema 49 Telefilm Canada’s Feature Film Fun d Telefilm Canada’s Feature Film Distribution Fun d Multimedia 59 Multimedia Fun d Financial Statements 63 Telefilm Ca n a d a Annua l Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 5 BOARD MEMBERS SENIOR MANAGEMENT as of March 31, 1999 as of March 31, 1999 Laurier L. LaPierre, O.C. François Macerola Ch a i r m a n Executive Director Ottawa, Ontario Peter Katadotis Laétitia Cyr Di r e c t o r , Canadian Operations Vi c e - C h a i r p e r s o n Moncton, New Brunswick Danny Chalifour Di r e c t o r , Finance Jeanine C. Beaubien, O.C. and Administration Me m b e r Montréal, Quebec Deborah Drisdell Di r e c t o r , International Relations Bluma Appel Me m b e r Suzan Ayscough Toronto, Ontario Di r e c t o r , Com m u n i c a t i o n s and Public Affairs Ron S. Bremner Me m b e r Stella Riggi * Cal g a r y , Alberta Di r e c t o r , Human Resources Elvira Sánchez de Malicki Guy DeRepentigny Member Di r e c t o r , Policy, Planning Etobicoke, Ontario and Research Sandra Macdonald John Pelletier Member ex officio General Counsel and Government Film Com m i s s i o n e r Corporate Secretary Montréal, Quebec * Joined Telefilm Canada on May 25, 1999 Telefilm Ca n a d a Annual Report 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 6 LETTER TO THE MINISTER Montréal, June 28, 1999 The Honourable Sheila Copps Minister of Canadian Heritage Ottawa, Can a d a Dear Madam: In accordance with the provisions of Section 23 of the Canadian Film Development Corporation Act, 1967, I have the honour to present to you, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the 31st Annual Report of the Canadian Film Development Corporation (now called Telefilm Canada) as well as the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 1999. Yours very truly, The Chairman, Laurier L.