The American Futurist Publishing

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Table Of Contents Prologue .5 Chapter I Social Change .6 The Enlightenment Revolution Against The Natural World .6 Individualism, The Demon Within .7 War, The World’s Only Hygiene .8 A New Race For A New World .9 Volunteers Galore! .10 We Are Under Occupation And It Should Be Treated As Such .13 Selection For Societal Sanity .14 Environment .15 The LGBT Question .16 Art, Our Greatest Strength .18 To Hell With Wing! .19 Animal Welfare .20 Founding Fathers And Their Sins .23 Chapter II Governmental .27 Our Manifest Destiny .27 North American Governance .28 No Room For The Old Guard In Our Revolution .29


Exporting Revolution .30 Chapter III Economic .31 We Are Anti-Capitalist .31 Fiat Currency, Satan’s Money System .33 We Are Anti-Leftist .35 Chapter IV In Conclusion .36 March! North America! .37



This book is a project that has been years in the making starting from the infamous internet forum that was Ironmarch with its “American Futurism Workshop” and the book “American Futurist Manifesto” started by Alexander Slavros that is now continued on through this book. The goals of this book and of the American Futurist Project/Manifesto are to create a new American Fascist Movement that we can all rally around and have a true ideology to embrace instead of just attempting to make a carbon copy of the Third Reich here or trying to fuse Fascism with American Republicanism. This is something that we have struggled within North America since the beginning due to the fact that Americans aren't really an ethnic group like the Germans or Slavs for example. There is also the glaring issue that the was never anything but a Republic founded on Enlightenment values, which are completely opposed to anything Fascist would stand for. It’s because of this that an American Fascist State embracing the values of the old system would certainly be doomed to fail since it would be attempting to meld together ideas from the Enlightenment Era with a Fascist system, which was oxymoronic in nature. It would be like trying to blend oil and water thinking you could make them stay together, it’s just outright insane to think it would work. This mindset while wrong is forgivable considering these ideas are beaten into your head from day one living here. It is natural to have these things pop up into your political thinking just as they did to great men like or Dr. .

Through this book, we'll explain in detail how and why this is the case and what we can do to remove this Enlightenment cancer that plagues our movement, clouds our thinking and opens us up towards error. Through this, we can have a more cohesive movement to work with than what we have now, which is just a collective of individuals with vaguely similar ideals who are open to infiltration and subversion. Like concrete, we’re only strong when we’re solid and hard not fluid and soft.

The reason why we pick Futurism instead of copying Hitler’s National Socialism for example is simple. Futurism is a Fascist Political and Art Movement which was started in Italy during the early 20th Century by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Marinetti’s ideas meld well within an American landscape due to the fact that Italy is a nation born of similar circumstances as the United States. Just as the US is a mixture of different cultures and European ethnic groups which have combined to form a new national identity, Italy is a nation made up of many ethnic groups from Sicilians to Venetians alike which traditionally had very different cultures and traditions. Futurism unlike National Socialism for example isn’t based on tradition but rather anti-tradition. As in destroying the current order in favor of raising a new one out of the ashes and breaking from the old world to create our own in our image, which is to use the Futurist term of “Reconstructing the Universe” to its fullest definition.

This is something that Marinetti declared himself, even stating war being the world’s best hygiene and that a total systemic collapse is needed to bring about the proper state of affairs. This is also why Marinetti

5 resigned from the Italian Fascist Party, Mussolini's Neo-Romanism and rejection of putting a torch to the old system to create a new Italy would not work in his mind. These ideas would work well here most certainly. We as Fascists need to put that torch to the American Republic and create a new North American Fascist Nation. We must put this torch to the Government Buildings, Academia, and Media Offices alike. Any and all symbols of this system should rightfully be erased so we can create a new America in our image. Only then will our race and the other races of the world be free from this evil Jewish system. We as white men have a duty and a responsibility to undo the sins of our ancestors and to save the world from this Enlightenment thought based revolution that started so long ago. In the words of “If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the revolution!”.

Chapter I Social Change

The Enlightenment Revolution Against The Natural World

It cannot be understated enough just how disastrous the Enlightenment Era and its effects really were. First, we must define what the Enlightenment truly was. The Enlightenment Era or the Enlightenment Revolution as I call it was a period when many writers, artists, and ideologues started openly criticizing and calling into question the Old Order of Europe that had reigned since the time of Charlemagne. From the Church to the Royal Families, the entire system which had reigned for over a thousand years was now in question. Some of these new professing beliefs that can only be characterized as Atheistic and Proto- Marxist/Republican in nature. The main idea to come out of this being Individualism. Individualism, the belief that the individual should be held in higher regard than that of the collective society at large.

This of course is completely selfish and results in a selfish and narcissistic people which results in a weak society much like we see today. This is 100% a man-made idea that's opposed to all-natural law and order. Do you see individual ants leveling themselves above the collective that is the colony? How about Wolves putting themselves above the pack? You don't, because when that happens the collective becomes weak and divided until it ultimately dies off. You see there is a reason why we Fascists use the Fasces as our symbol. While a single stick may be broken, a bundle of sticks is nearly impossible to break and remain strong against any force.

The same principle applies to all living creatures and systems, and any deviation from this will always result in a failed society and a failed system. As much as those of Enlightenment thinking may say “Well that’s Human Nature to be an antisocial selfish piece of shit!” to justify their garbage ideas, we simply don’t see individualism in nature and it’s for a damn good reason. The way you end up with these

6 antisocial types in society is because it's promoted and rewarded. People aren’t naturally like that whatsoever. It is only seen when it is actively encouraged by the system itself.

Though many who are subscribed to Individualism try to make the argument that humans are “above nature, and that we can change our behavior or biology as we please”. You have to be willfully ignorant of basic natural concepts and laws to believe in such a thing. No one and nothing is above nature, anyone who tries will always end in failure.

Individualism, The Demon Within

When I mention Individualism, I mention it for good reason. While this ideology that was the core of the Enlightenment Revolution is in and of itself corrosive, it is also responsible for its many worse stepchildren. Republicanism, , Anarchism, the economic systems of Capitalism and , and all of these other poisonous ideas are variants of the same schools of thought. This has caused an insurmountable amount of social, environmental, spiritual, and genetic damage. The reason for this is because if individualism is the core of someone's beliefs, then it would make sense that they would put their own needs over not only society’s needs but the greater good as a whole. Like for example, why should an individualist care if he dumps used oil or other toxic waste in the local lake or river? It'd cost him too much money to dispose of it properly or use better methods that don’t produce much waste at all. Sure, it'd poison the local water supply for both humans and animals and cause catastrophic consequences to the local ecosystem but again the individual matters more than the collective at large so nothing wrong has been done.

Another example would be degeneracy which causes lots of social damage and can rot a society to the core. We see this with the supposed “LGBTQ+” movement that has sprung up to dominate the Western World since their beginnings in the with the homosexual jew and pederast politician Harvey Milk. This is a prime product of individualism at large and enough proof of its destructiveness. Again putting the individual’s needs above society’s needs. It’s the very basis of this. Instead of having a normal family that has brought our society success over the past thousands of years, instead, they’d rather cum and have sex with the same sex which can’t produce children and only produces a flower garden’s worth of Sexual Diseases and Plagues. The same goes for Transexuals who are just perverted men and women who get off to playing dress up as the opposite sex. Even to the point of going through genital mutilation such as cutting off their penis or breasts or building a “penis” out of the skin of their thighs. Does this sound sick to you, like something out of a horror novel? Well, a lot of Transexuals notice too, that is the reason why there is at the time of this writing, a 50% suicide attempt rate among transexuals alone. This of course is not their fault, it's none of these homosexuals’ fault really. An Individualistic Society based around Republican Ideals is to blame. In a sane world, such people with sick urges would be put into mental wards/camps to correct such disorders. Anyone who promotes it would be justly executed.

Sadly we don’t live in a sane world, we live in a very insane world. It’s gotten to the point where this cult of faggotry is promoted to children as young as 3. It's promoted in schools and on national television. I remember seeing on “Good Morning America” their promotion of a so-called “Child Drag Queen” named


“Desmond is Amazing!” who’s sponsored by famous crossdresser RuPaul. This boy was only 11 years old at the time of the broadcast. I honestly felt sick to my stomach watching it and watching some nigger and middle-aged white whore interview and celebrate him. I remember specifically his mother speaking on how angry she was on “his critics sexualizing this and they're the real sickos!” while her own son was looking like some crossdressing prostitute you’d see on the streets in a Weimar ghetto. Not long after that broadcast while they were in New York, this disgusting whore of a mother takes her 11-year-old son to a gay bar in called “The 3 Dollar Bill” and has him on stage doing sexual dances and moves to middle-aged men while they shower him in dollar bills like he was a stripper.

Of course, we all know where that money goes to, that mother. That’s why she does that to her own son. Profit and fame. She puts her own needs above the collective that is her family and that of society at large. Pure Individualism. You see there is a reason why I brought all of this up. This is why the American Republic needs to burn, it produces nothing but cancer. Again in a just and sane society, the mother would have been executed and the child brought into the care of the state for rehabilitation. Though yet again we don’t live in such a society. Hence why we need to destroy this one to build another with a more just one. A Fascist one.

War, The World's Only Hygiene

In the words of F.T. Marinetti “War, The World’s Only Hygiene”. What do these words mean? Well, they mean as they say. War is the world’s only hygiene. It can cleanse races and societies and make them stronger. This is a proper rebuttal to those revisionist pansies who whine “No More Brother Wars!” in reference to the World Wars or the wars beforehand. Saying it was “A mistake and a waste of white blood!”. This is a mantra spoken endlessly by so-called “White Nationalists” who should honestly change their names to “White Egalitarians” considering rather than focus on the improvement of their race they’d rather focus on “White Genocide!”. I'll tell you this and I'll tell you this now. A white genocide is something we seem to need. The reality is that there are too many whites. There are more whites alive today than ever before and you know what? That’s the god damn issue. Overpopulation. Now you might rebuttal “Well whites have lost a significant percentage of the world’s population!” and that’s true but you know why that’s the case? It’s because africans and asians (both indians and chinese) keep breeding like fucking rabbits. Africa especially, they just can’t stop having kids and all you need to do is cut off all that “Humanitarian Aid” and Food Trade, and that population will shrink fast I promise you. Still, my point stands, there are more whites alive today than ever before especially now that we live in an unprecedented time of world peace. Again that’s the issue. You know why we had those “brother wars”? You honestly know why? It’s two words “Natural Selection”. Wars equate to killing off the weak of a population leaving only the strong. Though White Egalitarians don’t care about that I suppose, they believe that being white makes you “good enough". Sadly for them, I’m a Fascist, not what’s basically a racist liberal. Through war and violence, we can see the betterment of our race and the proper and healthy growth of our race. Not just what we have now by producing effeminate “men” who'd rather be consumers and cry

8 over a movie trailer announcement rather than doing anything for their race. This is also why this revisionist idea of “well with Fascism all the races of the world would be in their specialized areas and we'd just hold hands and sing kumbaya until the end of time!” is so massively stupid and childish. That’s honest to God not how such things would work. I’ll say this, that I like and respect plenty of non-white Fascists from Saddam Hussien to Idi Amin and alike but that thing is that Fascism is about putting your race first. Guess what that means? It doesn’t mean that we all get these arbitrary areas where we'll have to stay until the end of time and respect the other races and their lands. This is also why Hitler was an advocate of the concept of “Lebensraum”. This also applies to inter-white ethnic groups too. So yeah a Spanish Fascist would most certainly be at war with a British Fascist over land and resources. That’s just how things work. That’s how it’s always worked. It just makes me intensely angry seeing this blatant revisionism by white egalitarians preaching about “Why don't we all just form this one big white nation and we'll be at peace with all the other races and live happily ever after!”. For example, this is something that Phony Fuhrer known as Richard Spencer once advocated for. Which is unbelievably stupid considering Europe isn’t just “white”, it's many ethnic groups that are different cultures and speak different languages. Something White Egalitarians don’t take into consideration at all and just think everything is like the United States where we're all Euro Mystery Meat and we should all mix European ethnic groups. You have to be a literal mental retard to think like this and you probably take it up the ass too. My point is this, through the rivers of war and violence, we can clean our race. To say otherwise is revisionist and anti-fascist. You can honestly just start calling yourself a racist liberal if you think like this. Better yet you can just do everyone a favor and end your own life so we don’t have to hear your special ed babble any longer.

A New Race for A New World

As stated in this book’s prologue we run the issue as colonial whites within North America of just being Euro Mystery Meat with some exceptions to the rule. Due to this factor, we don’t have a solid ethnic group to really work with. So what are our options? One word, Latinos. Now, what do I mean by that? Well like us, Latinos started in the same boat as us in a way, a bunch of mixed-up people without a real ethnic identity. That being Spanish + Native Mixes with sometimes Negro blood thrown in from the slaves. Regardless, Latinos through organic growth became a legitimate ethnic group through building up their own real culture and even their own variations of Spanish too. This same factor applies to groups in Europe as well like the Polish who are just Germanic Slav mixes. Though again through nature, there grew a legitimate ethnic identity through it. The issue with White Americans (and Canadians excluding the Quebecois) is that our entire identity isn’t based around racial culture and language variations like the Latino or Pole. Instead, it’s entirely based on Civic Nationalism and Republican Values. So therefore it’s not organic and made by nature but instead, something that’s entirely man-made and artificial and therefore anti-fascist. Through our American Futurist thought, however, we can destroy this identity and allow and facilitate one of our own. Based around being North American Whites with the celebration of Fascist Values rather than being an “American” or “Canadian” if you will. If the Latinos south of the border from us can do this, why can’t we?


I'll also address a rebuttal I know will be brought up with “Well Latinos and Poles created their cultures from nothing! They didn’t have to tear down an existing culture and identity they held beforehand!”. This is true to an extent but I also bring up as an example that of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. He did the exact thing I’m mentioning here; that's a textbook example of it. He destroyed and burned the existing Chinese Imperial Culture that had been there for over 2000 years in place of his Communist “Culture” that still exists today. I am of course repeating myself from my “revolutionary against the revolution” point in this book but it still applies regardless along with the other examples I brought up. In order for our American Futurist Revolution to be successful, we need to burn and dispose of the ashes of the old jewish system in place of our own. To disagree is to be counter-revolutionary and anti-fascist. Why on earth would we want to preserve anything with this system? It’s the enemy of the world and the Great Satan itself. It only makes sense to burn such a system and throw its remains into the sea. To quote Robert Jay Matthews “So stand up like men and throw our enemies into the sea!”

Volunteers Galore!

Just like any movement, we need manpower. Where do we get such volunteers? Where do we get our men? Simple, look at those ignored by the system. Look into areas such as Coal Country, The Great Plains, Rust Belt, , and alike. They suffer from poverty, drug addiction, and suicide more than anyone else. It’s an open market of volunteers as I see. Considering the supposed “Representatives of the Working Class” such as the American Left doesn’t want them. They push the White Working Class to the ditch in favor of spoiled college kids playing pretend as Bolsheviks in the street. The suffering and pain of these communities are completely ignored. I know because I’ve been to them, I know people who live it. Alcoholism and Opioid Addiction runs rampant. People are forced on welfare not because “well they're just lazy assholes” but because it pays a living wage unlike working the shitty jobs that you have to work multiple of just to make half of what you would on welfare and you're still forced to go to a food bank or live on food stamps. The Healthcare in these places was abysmal too, medical malpractice is common due to hospital networks just dumping their worst doctors in those places. Even then just general corruption is as common as the air. People don’t trust the police or their county government. They view them as corrupt entities and rightly so since it’s common as can be to hear a story out of one of these areas of a County Official pocketing cash for himself or a Policeman/Sheriff doing the same or even being just a straight drug dealer/weapons dealer. It's truly heartbreaking to be in such areas and yet what does their so-called “Representatives” whether it be you basic Liberal to your “hardcore” type do? They mock them. I remember watching on TV one of your Liberal Show hosts. I don’t remember or care about the name of the host because they're all the same. The topic was and its declining Coal Industry. They showed a news clip of some laid-off coal miners in tears wondering if he’s going to be able to even afford to live in his home. They go back to the show host and he gives some speech on “well you know that’s too bad but people against these coal layoffs need to realize the damage coal is doing to the climate! Even then I have some good news! He can just learn to code!” and I remember feeling this disgust come over me. This millionaire who will never know what it’s like to worry about where your next meal is coming from or even just a basic struggle talking down to those lower than him with these “easy solutions” to help them out like some guy who’s got skills for mining is going to know how to code in python. Yet these

10 people wonder why no one in these regions like them and find a multi-billionaire like Trump more relatable. It’s insane and it’s not the only case.

I also remember there being some interview with an author of a book on the Alt-Right. The author remarks on spending most of his time with the now defunct Traditionalist Workers Party. He explains how most of its membership is made up of people from Coal Country and how talking with them these people remarked how they're members because of all the suffering they see in their hometowns from rampant unemployment, drug addiction, suicide, and alike. Now, this author then remarks on “well if they just lifted their heads a little they’d see that there are plenty of wealthy whites out there!” which baffled me, it’s literally just a boomer type reply of “well I know you're suffering but do you know that there are people of your same race that are wealthy including myself? Checkmate Nazi!’. Maybe it should have dawned on this idiot that “Hey maybe instead of dunking on them we should actually try and help these guys out. Maybe we should try to improve their situation.” but people like him and even the supposed “Workers Radicals” like Antifa or your typical college communist groups can’t think like that. They’re incapable of it. Reason is that they can’t relate to them. I’m not saying I’m this “champion of the workers!” because I came from a lower-middle-class family who was lucky enough to not go through the absolute hell of what these people have gone through. But here is the thing, I don’t have to be working class to have empathy. It’s called being man. These Leftists on the other hand are mainly spoiled brats from rich families, I actually remember a broadcast by CNN that I thought was just perfect. It was a story on Antifa and where they interview various prominent activists. I swear literally all of them were upper class who just wanted to play pretend as revolutionaries. One person that stood out to me was this one guy named John Carico. He was just some rich kid from a well-off boomer family who had a “fuck you dad” complex. Despite living in a well-off family, he goes to homeless shelters to “eat amongst the workers” where he “starts his day” and made sure CNN recorded him giving a bag of chips to some elderly woman who was legitimately homeless. It was almost like a parody but a textbook example of what these people are. They don’t represent anything but the stereotypical liberal wanting to pretend as a Bolshevik or CNT fighter. It's pathetic. Though I’m not asking for them to change. Quite the contrary, I want the Left in North America to be exactly where it is. Let them make fools of themselves, let them look like snot-nosed brats who don’t even give a fuck about those under actual suffering. Let us be the ones who give them a helping hand. Let us be the ones who show we actually give a damn about their lives more so than our opponents. Simply because if our only real competitors in these areas are rich billionaires who can only put on a facade, then we have no competition and it’s an untapped market.

This same principle also applies to that of Guerrilla Actions. If you have a disaffected and abandoned population that’s suffering and in pain. Well, that’s a perfect recruiting ground there. This is a tried and true tactic. This is what Mao and his Communist Guerrillas did as well as now with groups like the Taliban in Afghanistan. Both recruit off of and get their support from rural working-class populations. How they do this is simple, provide what the system won't. Empathy and understanding. This could be even simple things like the Guerrillas giving their water and food supplies to the local populations who are suffering due to the system cutting off supplies to hurt the rebels. This could be smuggling in cigarettes and alike to the population who need them for calm nerves. This could even be providing building materials, money, and fixing infrastructure (which was stolen from big box stores and banks) for these local towns there, which is actually something ISIS did and found great success in. In fact just as God commanded, those who succeed in life are often the most selfless and most caring. Something our enemies aren't. If US Troops or even just “Anti-Fascist Fighters’ or whatever started running out of food, water, and alike. Do you think

11 they’d still hand over their supplies to the locals? Do you think they'd help out? Of course not. They wouldn’t do anything and probably just loot and steal. Though if you cut off the supply lines to these glorified mercenaries in the US military. I'd bet that they would just loot the towns nearby for supplies and probably rape too. Which for the guerrillas they’re fighting against to swoop in and replenish those supplies and kill said criminal mercenaries, well you got yourself a loyal following in that area there and a place to recruit out of. The Taliban does these absolutely perfectly. Considering US Troops and the Afghan Government Forces do/tolerate disgusting things all the time and the Afghan troops loot and rape the local villagers. The Taliban just has to defend these villagers to gain a loyal following. Especially when the Afghan Army and Police commanders widely engage in something called “Bacha Bazi” or “Dancing Boys” as it’s known in English where they kidnap and turn young boys into sex slaves for them and commonly just kill them when they’re done. Not only that but the US Command in Afghanistan knows about it and ignores it. It’s not hard to look like the good guy in that situation at all is it now? This is how and why the Taliban now controls 50%+ of Afghanistan and the US is planning on just straight up leaving now at the time of this writing. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be a US Proxy that does such disgusting things. Sometimes US Forces do it themselves. Like in Iraq for example, there were plenty of examples to pick from. My personal favorite example is the “Abu Ghraib Prison Incident". You know what that was? Probably not, most people don’t know and don’t care here in America. It was a prison that the US Military and CIA ran after they occupied Iraq to “hold suspected terrorists” but in reality, pure evil went on there. Name anything you think would be pure evil and they did it many times over. One thing that even the Pentagon admitted happened was when certain inmates didn’t want to comply, US Forces would get their children and rape them in front of the parents. Sometimes they'd resort to genital mutilation of the children and adults too and usually by using a broken broomstick and jamming it through the genitals of said inmate. Not only that but there is audio of the child rape too. Something the Pentagon refuses to release but acknowledges its existence. Thankfully we do have images of the things that went on there. Not only that but the US Troops in charge giving big smiles while doing it. They don’t just limit it to prisons either. The largest military intelligence leak in US history was done by Bradley Manning, a military intelligence analyst which included many cases of US Forces either aiding in or directly committing acts of violence against the civilian population they were occupying. This included rape and outright murder of Iraqi and Afghan Civilians. Most notable in this leak was a video of an Apache Attack Helicopter firing on 8 non-combatants in a village for fun to which 2 happened to be Journalists from Reuters. A van pulled over trying to help them, the operator was happily asking for permission to engage the van helping the wounded, he got it and fired at the van. Killing the driver and injuring the 2 children in the back who were on their way to a tutoring lesson. When confronted the operator stated “It's their fault for bringing his kids to a battle’ not mentioning how of course the operator brought the battle to non-combatants, not the other way around. So believe me when I say, the US Military aren’t these professional soldiers who follow everything to a perfect T. That's pure propaganda if there ever was one. Truth is when you have a military mainly made up of individuals joining for money and free college, they’re going to act like mercenaries, not like soldiers fighting for an ideological cause. If a guerrilla phase ever happened in let's say the Rust Belt or in Coal Country, you will see US Troops abusing their power and abusing the people. That doesn’t help a population that’s already sympathetic to anti-system tendencies and are already sick of their local officials abusing power and abusing them. Another great example to bring up what was right here in the United States was when Hurricane Katrina happened. US Troops, who were supposed to be handing out MREs to the local Louisiana population they were supposed to give out the food to, some troops took it upon themselves to charge the population for the much needed supplies. They either

12 demanded material goods or sexual favors at times. Makes sense, if you specifically look for individuals only interested in their own greed for your military, you're going to have greedy soldiers looking out for themselves. With the proper conditions and planning, a guerrilla force with the proper insurgent tactics could turn the US into another Afghanistan and the beauty with North America is that we have every type of climate and region type that is around the world. So you can learn from any group from any region of the world and how their tactics worked for their region and still apply it here.

We Are Under Enemy Occupation And It Should Be Treated As Such

We are under enemy occupation and that is a fact we must live with. Occupation by who? By Jews with the help of their white traitor collaborators. It’s been this way since the 68’ Riots when the Jews in question using the blacks took total control over the system in question from the WASPs they were power sharing with since the late 1800s/early 1900s. I will state that though the system before total Jewish occupation wasn’t good and is not something we should strive to return to. It was mainly white-owned and ran, it was not run by a foreign race like the Jews in total. Rather just by rich and greedy whites limited by shortsightedness due to that fact. Which the Jews used to their advantage by first climbing to the top to get it where they share power than using groups like the blacks to take total control. In any matter, we must treat this as an enemy occupation. When we accept we live under such a thing, the next step is simple. How do we end this occupation? Well as pointed out in his book SIEGE, we won’t end this occupation by begging the Jews and their collaborators nicely to hand power over to us. That just won’t work. As Chairman Mao said “Political Power flows from the barrel of a gun” so we must expect that we must use some violence to take power for ourselves. Just as how Republicanism was put into power throughout the world. Blood fuels the gears of history and keeps it moving. There is no such thing as a non-violent political movement ever. There is none. Power is taken by blood and by force. Every revolutionary and radical knows this as fact. This especially applies to the United States. Just as this nation was born through blood, it shall die in blood. Now that we’ve established further that to end this occupation it must be through violence. I must clarify that it won’t be through stupid violence. Wasting our lives killing individuals who are useless in the grand scheme of things is exactly that, wasting your life and throwing it into the garbage. To quote James Mason “You’re no good to the revolution dead or in jail!” and “If you’re going to do something, for God’s sake make it count!”. These are truly principles to live by. These are principles that many successful revolutionary groups lived by as well. The best example would be the Anti-Fascist Partisans of World War 2. They didn’t just waste their lives killing random nobody Germans. They targeted vital things to the Third Reich’s system at hand such as rail lines, electric power grids, bridges, German leadership, collaborators, and alike. They attacked things that mattered and played a crucial role in screwing over the German War Effort and Occupations of various areas. Another great example would be the early Irish Republicans and their war for independence. Specifically the actions of Michael Collins.


He was infamous for his assassinations of various British Leadership in Ireland and Irish Collaborators as well. This caused many within the British System in Ireland to hide in the safety of their castles causing it to become weak. This also occurs in Occupied Afghanistan where the Taliban has done these actions so well, the Americans rarely leave their bases and when they transfer to another base, they rarely do so by ground movement. It’s commonplace to just use a helicopter instead. This causes people to view the American Occupied Government there as weak and if they’re unable to fend off some goat herders in the mountains then it must be the Taliban that is strong. As said himself, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse”. In the event the masses see this system as weak, the more able they are, more able to accept our propaganda over that of the system’s own. This is how we win.

Selection For Societal Sanity

If we as American Futurists are going to be masters of the revolution, we must position ourselves as the masters of the North American Whites. Where they have the leadership, the party, and the army to protect them and lead them. Our people and the peoples of the world have been led astray from the path of truth. Instead, they’re left to their own devices to make their own decisions for themselves. As we can see, your average person constantly chooses wrong. We see this with the rampant degeneracy and bad ideas floating around within society at large. We see our nations get torn apart over-simplistic Left v. Right issues. All because they have no one proper to lead them. They’re orphans really. The people need a system that acts as a caring parent that leads them to greatness. Just as when Charlemagne led our ancestors to greatness that lasted centuries. History is filled with such cases as these, a strong man or a strong group of men leading their people to greatness. That shall be us, we have our opportunity and we must take it. That's also why I don’t believe we're in such a bad time, in fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. We have the chance to save our people from this state, we have the chance of being heroes that shall be remembered for eternity. Though that will never be if you do not act. The only way you guarantee our defeat is by never acting at all. Now our opponents might say “You're out to limit human freedoms and behavior!” and you know what? They're right, that’s exactly what we're out to do but let's hold on a second and see what that means. Freedom of what? The idea of “Freedom” is entirely man-made and arbitrary. What a Marxist or Republican might see as “Freedom” to me is nothing more than slavery. As Christ himself said, sinners become enslaved to their sins and the sin is the master, not the sinner. How common is it that we see people addicted to porn or degenerate sex? How often dammit? Very often because it’s rampant. When you allow such things without proper control, society collapses. This is why the great religions of the world whether it’s Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or even Paganism, all seek to do the things we want to do. When you let a society run itself, it's like allowing the lunatics to run the insane asylum. Society needs control to succeed. That's why the most successful societies in the world were all Fascist in nature, whether it was the Roman Empire or the many great European Kingdoms afterwards.


These actions aren’t out of some primal want for power but out of selflessness. If not us, then who else could control such impulsive and irrational and just downright insane behavior that the masses lend themselves over to? It would be our responsibility as rulers. We act as a force of nature to force in proper natural selection. Something that we haven't seen since the days of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. Natural Selection of course isn’t limited to that of the evolution of our species. It’s also into the realm of ideas and culture. We must select the good ideas and cultural traditions while throwing in the waste bin that of bad ones and ones that will cause us great harm. This is the issue with the “Marketplace of Ideas” argument, you're allowing the garbage ones to exist and act pretty much unchecked.


The environment is always an important topic for any fascist to hold, especially that of the American Futurist. Just as one would wish purity for their race, we must also wish purity for the environment. This is also why I personally despise Capitalism more than Leftism considering the Soviet Union or the various Anarchist Communes could only dream of doing half the shit Liberal Capitalist countries have done. Like anything though, the capitalist's co-op anything they can to make a profit. Like Environmentalism for sake of example. It’s becoming a booming industry where companies are now selling “environmentally friendly products which aren't really that good for the environment and sometimes even do more damage but they're promoted because it's usually cheaper and you can charge more too.

This type of stuff also goes into many other things like so-called “Organic Foods” which has no difference in anything compared to regular food besides being 20% more and usually grown in countries like Mexico or China where their food standards aren’t the best. The recycling movement too. That is a big scam as well. Recycling things such as plastic, glass, and paper doesn’t have any benefits over just throwing it away, and in cases like paper, pollutes more because all that ink, dirt, and industrial cleaners have to go somewhere. Things like plastic for example end up in the waste dump anyways though, countries just dump it over in Southeast Asia instead of here in the West. Though from an economic standpoint, recycling makes sense. For a corporation, it’s always cheaper to buy trash that people have thrown out compared to getting raw materials. Now I’m not saying all recycling is bad, it has its uses like in the metal industry, it's cheaper and causes less pollution to just remelt the metal in question than to mine for ore and go through processing the ore. This is why industries such as Steel and Aluminium almost exclusively use recycled metal in their mills.

Another great scam of our time is Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever they call it next week. It's a scam to its highest use of the word. You have all these con artist “activists” pulling in billions from this and the same goes for nations as well like for example in the EU how they put high taxes on things such as gasoline or cars or just general income tax on “saving the climate”. We hear constantly how “in the next decade the world’s going to end!” except when the next decade comes they just change dates. It’s a cult honestly and they sound like those lunatics who make claims of the world ending on a certain date but then change dates when that time comes. Am I saying the climate isn’t changing? Of course not, the climate changes all the time and the world has cycles. However, it’s insane to think that humans can

15 affect the climate itself through the use of cars, planes, and trains when there are forces of nature that release far more CO2 than we ever could. Though again it makes sense why you'd claim such things if you're in it for profit activism or a nation that needs an excuse to place more taxes on things. It’s the very definition of a scam and we have better things to worry about like the plastic pollution of our oceans, contamination of our freshwater supply, deforestation, and alike. Though you'll never see anything done on this except maybe token statements or things that are profitable like paper straws. You know things that won’t do anything because doing something would hurt the profit margins so nothing is going to be done unless again it’s something that can be profited from. This is also why you don’t hear a word out of these “environmentalist warriors” about countries like China and India who don’t give a single damn about anything to do with our world. You won't hear a word from these liberals because that’s where all their stuff is made. China and India and the smaller like-minded countries around them dominate the manufacturing in the world making everything from T-Shirts to iPads. If they had issues with them and wanted them to stop then who'd make all their stuff for cheap? They'd rather blame white countries for it because it’s convenient and fits into their narrative.

All of this is just a symptom of the system we live under and why it needs to be overthrown as soon as possible to prevent further damage to our world and the people who live in it.

The LGBT Question

An ever-growing problem in the world is the LGBT movement and how it’s so endlessly promoted throughout the world. For the sake of example, the US spends billions to promote the movement in areas such as Africa and the Middle East. Most recently in the nation of Zambia, the president there refused and expelled the US Government there due to the US Gov't attempting to bribe the president $500 million to legalize and promote the LGBT movement to his people. It’s so heavily promoted in Africa that there are militias of Africans dedicated to fighting against it, this includes groups like “Boko Haram” which roughly translates to "Western Education is Evil’ or “The West is Evil”. I remember looking over a leaked document from the US Embassy in Estonia that was on Wikileaks. The staff of the embassy there openly bragged about working with various groups in Estonia such as NGOs, Teachers, Government Officials, and alike to promote multiculturalism and homosexuality to the youth. All of this because the embassy staff, specifically a gay mullato cuban remarked how badly he was treated by the Estonian locals for being a mixed-race mutt and a homosexual and how that needed to change to suit American Interests.

This was back in 2006 by the way under the Bush Administration that promoted itself as “For the interests of God”. Again only showing you that no matter what party is in charge, the Jewish interests remain the same. This goes under Trump as well considering that the $500 million dollar bribe in Zambia was under his direction.

Now one might ask themselves, why is the US going out of its way and paying billions of dollars and using psychological operations to promote this shit? Simple, money. Faggotry is consumerism and materialism taken to the extreme and they make the perfect customers. Considering to be a degenerate one has to disregard family and religion to be one, all that’s left is husks of what they once were. So they use products

16 and cum to fill it in. This is also why corporations also go out of their way to promote this stuff. Not because of some big conspiracy to screw over white people, no it’s because it’s more profitable. For the sake of example, Pfizer. Pfizer is one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world and they also have medications that they use. More specifically they provide medications such as HIV meds that one infected with the disease has to take every day for the rest of their lives, transvestite estrogen pills, antidepressants, and alike. Pfizer is also a corporate sponsor for LGBT groups like Human Rights Campaign. The same goes for tech companies, fast food companies, peak consumer companies like amazon, and more. All because they have a vested interest in promoting these things for the sake of creating more perfect consumers and thus lining their own pockets even more.

The transvestite is the absolute peak consumer in my opinion. They spend absurd amounts of money on medications, surgeries, clothing, tech, and more. Every transvestite I've ever met has based their lives around consuming and attacking anyone who threatens it. It's no wonder why there are so many of them in the Anti-Fascist movement when you think about it in that fight, we're the anti-consumer and they feel threatened by us and how we’re going to end the system they depend on it for survival. The surgeries are the biggest thing. The average surgery can total up to more than $50,000 and it’s expected to rise too due to the increasing demand for it. Now the transgender population in the US is around 1.4 million people at the time of this writing and just going through basic math that’s around $70 billion in just surgeries alone. This isn't even including medication that they have to take every day from antidepressants to artificial hormones. I include antidepressants because it’s a well known fact that these people all suffer from severe depression and have an absurdly high suicide attempt rate of 50% at the time of this writing and it’s expected to rise even more. Going off of the US transgender population of 1.4 million, it's safe to assume that 700,000 of them will attempt to kill themselves in their lifetimes. I don't understand how anyone can call this normal. It’s a mental illness and was recognized as such until it started being accepted and promoted by the mainstream after they realized they could make billions off of other people’s suffering. It’s sick really when you fully comprehend all of this and people call us cruel and immoral.

Now they're promoting this to children even with new medications on the market such as “hormone blockers” where it’s just as it sounds. Imagine a young boy whose sick mother forces him on this stuff, what would it do to him? Well, it would prevent him from going into puberty and when he hits the age of puberty he would be put on artificial female hormones (that is derived from horse urine due to its high estrogen content). After which when he reaches adulthood, he will go through Sexual Reassignment Surgery. Where the surgeon in question turns his penis inside out to simulate a vaginal hole. Though as we saw with the “Transgender Child Star and Activist” Jazz Jennings, those who grow up as transgender and go through the medications as stated above, their penis doesn’t grow, and it’s stuck in a toddler size. This causes the surgery to be improvised. Instead of using the penis to create a hole, the colon is simply rerouted to the front. In other words, they take your asshole and move it to the front of your body. Really fun and “progressive” stuff to imagine I know. This marketing and promotion of transgender children are for two reasons. Primarily for maximum profit since now, you can make money off from cradle to grave off of someone rather than waiting until they’re a teenager or young adult and also secondary, to humiliate you.

This transgender child stuff is the same exact shit the Ottomans did to the children of their conquered. Makes sense due to the Turks and our Ashkenazi overlords being related genetically. What the Ottomans would do is take young boys from villages and “conscript them” where they'd neuter them like a dog to prevent puberty and to keep them in a young boy state and have them as sex slaves for the Ottoman elite.


Now, why would they do such a thing? Control. It was to instill in the population that “if they can do this to our children whom we are supposed to protect, what else can they do to us?”. The answer? Anything. They do it because they know you don’t want them to do it and it humiliates you showing your weakness and them bragging how you can’t stop them. This is why we should treat this as an enemy occupation of our lands, not just a system to which we don’t like. People who collaborate with them should be treated the same as you would the elites. This is no other way. This is also why things like Mass Movementism are stupid. You can’t beg your way to power in an occupation, you can only kill your occupiers and take back power. The faster we learn this, the faster we win.

Art, Our Greatest Strength

Just as American Futurism shall be a Political Movement, so shall it be an Art Movement just as its Italian counterparts were. Whether it’s paintings, digital art, drawings, poems, fictional stories, music, and more. All are extremely important and encouraged the American Futurist to express himself. All of which should express one thing, Violence in its raw form that’s celebrated and promoted. In the words of Marinetti “Art, in fact, can be nothing but cruelty, violence, and injustice!”.

We must break from the traditional means and create our own art movement just as we are to create our new world. I already see it with the “Fashwave” electronic music movement and the coinciding digital art with it. The Italian Futurists created many great things with their movement and made a giant impact on the art community as a whole. The creation of Science Fiction in its modern concept can be attributed to them with their early films such as “Thais” made in 1917 being considered by some as the first science fiction film ever. For when we put our minds together, like the Fasces, we are strong and we can accomplish many great things

Art itself can be an excellent recruitment tool as well, while our enemies stay in the void with nothing on their side besides blandless and no to speak of. We shall have a media monopoly of our own. Pulled in by gripping stories of heroes, art pieces that beg to be gazed at, music that one can truly enjoy, and more. Our enemies have none of this. The mainstream has corporate songs that are bland and devoid of anything of merit and their so-called “art” is total trash with the so-called Modern “Art” Movement and even worse is the so-called “counterculture” of Leftism can only pump out shitty folk/punk songs that are just awful and half-assed shit to where the lyrics mainly consists of ham-fisted political commentary that mainly consists of bitching and complaining. The art is disgusting and degenerate to look at and there is just no real creativity at all. Though what is to be expected from people who believe in absolute equality, garbage “artists” are promoted while talented individuals are shunned. That is why I'd go so far as to say that art itself is Fascist and hence it makes sense that the best art can only come from a Fascist. The reason why so many great Fascist men were artists in their own right. The best case being Adolf Hitler himself. Our ideas lend themselves to the creator, the person who can best express his talents without worry of untalented weaklings dragging him down. This is the perfect environment for the artist to prosper and conquer even.


With such great pieces of glory, one would be attracted to our movement and our ideas more so that what we see now whether it’s the bland and boring Norman Rockwell type “propaganda” (if it can even be called that) by certain organizations or on the opposite end of the spectrum, the school shooter edgelord art like we’ve seen with artists such as “Dark Foreigner” which isn’t that impressive either and only attracts edgelords and big mouths to your movement, not people of value. Violence and war should be celebrated through art but done so in a smart manner. Being edgy is good but like everything should be done in moderation. When you're too edgy like in the case of the artist known as “Dark Foreigner’, you start to go off the deep end and screw yourself in your goals of recruiting true radicals and not just dumb teenagers who talk shit on the internet and will only bring federal attention your way and nothing positive. I only ask readers to look at how the Italian Futurists did their pieces on violence and war. They did a perfect balance without going overboard on anything. Aspiring American Futurist Artists should look at them and emulate them while still being original.

Again there is nothing wrong with being edgy in your art, you should be because being bland only makes it where people don’t care and don’t pay attention to you. Which is the opposite of what you want for your artwork. Though making things that only potential school shooters would like on the other hand is downright idiotic and again should be avoided at all costs. When you make your art, no matter what it is, you must ask yourself “Who do I wish to attract with this?”. Always! Always! Always! This is a must!

We as American Futurists need to learn from our mistakes and progress our movement to the future, not remain in the past and remain in our mistakes simply out of comfort and familiarity. I compare such a mindset to that of a bad relationship. All that bitch does is nag you and does nothing but harm to your very being. Though you're so used to being with her that you’re scared of leaving, scared of what change might bring to you. But I say to my brothers that you have nothing to fear and you should embrace the coming future. Those stuck in past mistakes and learn nothing will be nothing and die off in obscurity, a future for themselves they have chosen. We as American Futurists shall not make such mistakes, it’s in our very name. That alone prevents us from failure and only leads us to success when we embrace the Futurist message itself.

To Hell With The Right Wing!

To quote George Lincoln Rockwell here, this best describes every flavor of the month e-celeb that keeps popping up. From to to and any others that pop up from the crop. All of them seem to have a teflon coating to them in the eyes of their followers. They can do no wrong in the eyes of their followers. Sure they may be hypocrites or con men or anything else unsavory but according to their followers, it’s either a big conspiracy against that father figure of theirs whether it's homosexual allegations, race-mixing, or just general phony fuhrer behavior or it's excusable for some dumb shit reason that only makes sense for the person stating such things. Even if there are mountains of evidence proving these claims, they don’t care. It’s like a cult really, where the leadership can do no wrong, and when they do, like I said they either lie and deflect or make excuses. Like for example the case of Internet Personality Nick Fuentes. He got caught hanging out with a Male Prostitute who had to fly in to meet up with him in Chicago where both Nick and this homosexual go on a homosexual date for 10

19 uninterrupted hours. All while the homosexual is wearing cat ears and the whole shebang. It should also be noted to the reader that this Male Prostitute has been recorded drinking fake semen out of a rubber horse cock and then gargling it while in drag. Nick's supporters who often call themselves “Nickers” either go one of two routes, they deny it and claim it's a conspiracy against their daddy figure or they excuse his actions of “It's just a joke” which I fail to understand the punchline in question. Though this is the right- winger in denial and trying to defend their daddy figure at all costs. It’s no better than those pathetic “men” that give away their money to sexcam girls to simulate having a girlfriend. Except in this case, these men are simulating having a father figure to tell them what is right instead of figuring it out themselves. This is just a larger problem with society as a whole. Too many men have had no real men in their lives. A lot raised by single mothers even. So naturally, they try to find a male role model/daddy figure. So they turn to phony fuhrers such as these men and why they'll defend them like we’re attacking their own fathers. It’s because in their minds it is their fathers and they don’t want to take responsibility for themselves and they don’t want this idolized image of their daddy destroyed. It’s the same type of thinking that a lot of whores have too except whores don’t look for political speakers to idolize, they just have a lot of sex and get STDs in the process. I’d argue though that these ideas that these phony fuhrers spread are entirely anti-revolutionary and just reactionary/revisionist trash is an STD of the mind. Really shows you where men and women’s priorities are though so there is a learning lesson there I suppose on the differences between the sexes and how they think, instead of pleasure and cum, a man looks for a leader to follow in the face of trauma and pain. So that’s a positive, it’s a shame the leaders these men pick are such garbage men spreading garbage ideas certainly though that can always be corrected and we can save such misguided men's souls through our words and actions eventually breaking through the mental prison they made themselves for some. I don't expect all to follow us in the beginning. It never worked that way for Hitler or Christ then why would it work for us?

Animal Welfare

Just as we care about our race and the environment at large, so do we care about Animal Welfare. All of this goes hand and hand. During the time of the Third Reich, there had been many great advancements in this goal. From the banning of animal testing to putting limits on hunting and fishing to the goal of ending factory farming (which never came to be due to them losing the war). All of this I agree on. Especially when it comes to animal testing. The use of animals in this practice is endlessly cruel and downright vile and not only that but there is a better way. Why would we test on let's say a dog or a mouse for medical purposes when in fact we could get better results on testing on actual human beings? It makes no sense. This whole debate has been hijacked into 2 camps of unreasonable outcomes. One camp wants animal testing to remain while the other wants it to end but is also against human testing which would end all progress entirely for science as a whole. Even though this has been condemned, I don't see anything wrong with the human testing that went on in the Third Reich that was done on prisoners, whether they be communist radicals, homosexuals, or Jews. These tests brought us to

20 a better understanding of the world at large from finding out the harmful effects of Tobacco (to which Hitler was going to ban) to the effects of hypothermia and beyond. Considering the fact that you’re going to get accurate results on how something will affect a human when you test on humans. It’s common sense really, common sense that people seem to lack. Now you might say “well that’s bad for the human you're testing on!”, well the humans we'll be testing on have little worth towards society at large. Whether they’re degenerates or Jews, they only act as parasites so it’s actually a good thing we test on them since it will only result in them becoming one of the biggest contributors to society as a whole. Such a fate of testing doesn’t belong to an animal since animals are above those dregs. It’s an insult to the animals to be compared to such filth. One goal that should be a mission of ours is the ending of factory farms, both for fish and land animals. Though I believe that the consumption of other animals is natural and something we see in the natural world, especially among dominant animals such as us, the institution of factory farms is endlessly cruel leaving maximum suffering to the animal while leading to the creation of deadly diseases and the destruction of the environment. Even though these institutions do bring us mass amounts of meat and seafood for cheap, the price we pay can never be enough for the damage it causes. Fish Farms which are the most common way for fishing in the world do untold amounts of damage to the water systems they reside in. Considering the fact that as a symptom of Free Market economics, the farm owners find it cheaper to just stick the farms in an ocean, lake, or river rather than having it inland (which would still cause issues but not be as bad). Due to having a mass amount of fish in one singular area where they can barely even move in some cases due to them being so crowded for the purposes of maximum profit gain, this heavily pollutes the water from the waste. This also results in parasites and diseases that affect both the fish in the fish farm and the wild fish too. While the farmers can just feed the farm fish antibiotics and other medications to stop this, they can't just do that with the wild fish. This in turn can cause epidemics of disease-causing massive die-offs and might affect the land animals and local humans who eat the wild fish. Fish Farms are not needed unless of course, you're just trying to get the fish prices down so more people can buy resulting in more profits. Humans have caught fish for thousands of years from the wild but only in the industrial age have we turned this into underwater factory farms like we did with the meat farms on land. Through our ingenuity, we have created hell. Though as stated before I do not advocate for the end of all fish consumption, instead of the end of the automation of it for the sake of profit. On the topic of fishing, wild fishing is something that needs to be controlled as well with heavy regulation to it. This is something that has already seen success in implementing in areas like the Atlantic Cod fisheries in Northern Europe or the Tuna Fisheries throughout the world. Overfishing on the other hand has laid waste to areas such as the Northwest Atlantic where the Atlantic Cod populations were put to near extinction from those areas. This wasn't due to the small-time fisherman or even the commercial ones that were doing it small scale with methods such as trolling, It was due to fishing corporations and their practices of basically taking a large net and then dragging it across the bottom of the ocean and taking as much as they possibly can with little regard for the environment at large. Again Free Market principles at work. When you prioritize profits over everything else, this is what you get. It’s not “Crony Capitalism’, it’s just regular Capitalism. Even worse than Fish Farms in my opinion is the state of factory farms for land animals such as Chickens, Pigs, and Cows.


The animals on these corporate farms live in their own waste and many die from disease. In fact, farm animals in these farms consume more antibiotics than humans do due to the diseases caused by having the animals in such a large amount in such a small space. In turn, through evolution, these antibiotics breed diseases that are resistant to medications and can cross-infect humans. Another issue is just the sheer amount of waste produced on these factory farms. Even on a regular meat farm, this can be a lot of literal shit to deal with. On these corporate factory farms, however, they produce absurd amounts of it and due to the cheap garbage feeds they feed them, their shit is not that good for the soil compared to a farm animal's shit that was feeding on what it’s supposed to eat. A byproduct of all of this shit is two things, number one is the shit in question leaking into the water sources such as lakes or rivers which kill off the fish and poison the drinkable water and fish supply for the animals and nearby humans. The second thing is that the farmers who run these farms very often get sick from constantly being around these farms and all the waste and death around them. They can develop breathing issues among a slew of other diseases and ironically enough barely earn anything compared to the corporations in question who basically just franchise off to them. The corporations in question only acting as glorified check collectors, no better than a nigger with his welfare check really. Both are pretty damn similar except the nigger isn’t destroying the environment on the scale these Jews and White Liberals are. None of these were issues back when it was just Joe Schmo and his small pig farm that provided the pork for the village. Now that you have an industry worth billions of dollars, there is a lot of effort into keeping this practice alive. This also shows the failures of Republicanism at work, instead of representing what's best for the people, they represent what's best for the profits of a few. This also goes in hand with pollution such as waste littering. Now back in the day, things such as paper, glass, and even metal over time would break down by nature. Plastics are something else, they don’t break down naturally. They can pretty much last forever. Plastics are in fact the biggest pollutant of all time as I see it. More than Coal, Oil, Lead, and alike even during the Industrial Revolution and all the pollution that went on then. Plastics have become such a problem that in the Pacific there is a giant patch of it floating around that’s more than two times the size of Texas. Yes, you heard me right two times the size of Texas and growing. None of that will mold back into nature. Plastics don’t just go away, they can break down sure but they break down into smaller pieces that just cause more issues. They don’t oxidize like metal or break down back into sand-like glass. The same happens in your plastic liquid bottles as well, whether it’s water or soda it doesn’t matter. All of it has little strands of plastic floating in the drink itself by the hundreds, maybe even thousands. That doesn’t even cover the absolute toxic effects of Plastic itself on the human body. Plastics tend to contain Xenoestrogens, which is a form of estrogen that’s not even natural estrogen. So basically if you’re a man then you're basically feminizing yourself through this stuff. So besides being cheap for kikes to use as a material, they can also use it to feminize the masses and a femininized society isn't as violent so that’s just an added bonus for them. Just as Lead and Asbestos was the problem of the past, so shall plastics be ours. I do not see why we should not return back the use of Glass, Metal, and Paper as we had been using for centuries with no issues. This isn’t even that radical, it’s just common sense. So the issue of the environment isn’t one of reforms but one of revolution. We can not just end this vile behavior through means such as banning plastic straws or buying so-called “Free Range Grass Fed Meat” (which is most likely just regular factory farm stuff that they use Jewish legalese with the FDA to classify it as that), no there is no reform to be had because these issues are byproducts of the system at hand and

22 are not just flaws or mishaps. It’s an absurd liberal belief that the issues within our system are nothing more than the plays of bad actors and not the system itself. This is just reformist propaganda by the system to trick those into supporting reform rather than revolution since you can always control reformers but never a revolutionary. This is why the so-called “Alt-Right” movement was a sham the whole time, they sought reform through mass movement while we as American Futurists seek radical revolution and the death of those responsible for its evils. The world isn't dying, it’s being killed and those killing it have names and addresses.

Founding Fathers And Their Sins

If it's not obvious enough, I'm not a fan of the American Revolution nor am I a fan of the Founding Fathers. To spell it even clearer I strongly oppose the American Revolution and the results that came of it. The American Revolution and its principles are entirely Anti-Fascist and 100% based around Enlightenment Era doctrine. From the start, all of this was doomed to turn into what we have today. This is why conservatism, even the Alt-Right brand of it, and their ideas of going back to the 1950s is just stupid. If we even went back to the Constitution and its original beliefs then you're just going to end right back here 200 years later. This is because the foundation of this country itself is rotten to the core and has been since the very beginning, just as you wouldn't build a home on a bad foundation, you shouldn't build a society on one either for the same reasons. No matter how good the materials of the home are, the bad foundation is just going to lay waste to it all. Just like how you can do what Commander Rockwell himself planned on doing by building a Fascist society on top of the foundation that the Founders built but it'd be doomed to fail. Simply because when you're combining liberal values such as individualism, republicanism, and free markets with fascist values then like stated before you're just trying to mix oil and water and that just won't do. You're bound to screw up and your society you worked so hard to build will collapse into itself. This also goes for those trying to combine Americanism aesthetics with fascism like I see some people trying to do. Well, those aesthetics are intertwined with Americanism and now you're trying to mix oil and water yet again. It'd be like trying to combine soviet aesthetics with that of fascism, it’s just bound to come out all bad with a society that's not going to be fascist. We as fascists should strive to create our own world, especially us as American futurists should strive for. The Founders themselves were not good men, they weren’t “fighting against tyranny” and the American Revolution wasn’t Star Wars. It was just the elite WASPs of the American Colonies pissed off over a sales tax being put on what were luxury items and would be expensive if you were buying in bulk like the elites of the colonies were doing. So because they owned the newspapers and print shops, they ran stories of how the British were tyrants for putting taxes on the colonies and how if they were “overtaxing” them then how long until they overtax the regular settlers of the colonies? The truth is that these taxes were more than justified, the American Colonies had been a tax haven for wealthy elites from England to move to so they could avoid paying taxes and buy vast swaths of land for nothing (think how the elites today have their hidden bank accounts in the Caribbean and own private islands). Not only that but just before the revolution there had been the French and Indian War defending the colonies from French and Native invasion. The British raked up a lot of debt from this war and were more than justified to put the bill over

23 to the colonies rather than England itself considering there had already been plenty of taxes already there and there were reasonable fears that if they tax too much then there could be a revolt. Which was reasonable because only less than 100 years before there had been the English Civil War and the chaos that brought so that was still in the air. So naturally again it makes sense you'd bill the people you racked up debt on protecting especially if that place is being used as a tax haven. Now I know what you might say “But No Taxation Without Representation!” except that’s bullshit, they did have representation. They were represented by the King and British Parliament as a whole. The American Colonies was not a core part of England so therefore there was no need for it to have delegates the same way those in England would have. The colonies were a backwater used for dumping prisoners and puritan wackjobs. People who under British rules shouldn’t make decisions, hence why they sent them there. Especially Puritans, who made up the majority in many colonies there. You know why? It’s because not even 100 years prior, Puritans overthrew the British Gov't in place of Oliver Cromwell (whom was supported by Jews and lifted the ban that forbade Jews from entering England) and publicly beheaded King Charles I in London and also did all sorts of other wacky things. So yeah real mystery why the English who booted those nutjobs over here to make sure they couldn't do that again don’t want their interests represented in London again. This also goes into the myth around Puritan Settlers here too that’s taught in American Schools, specifically the Pilgrims and the Mayflower. They didn’t just leave because “England was Anti-Freedom and they rejected the authoritarian Church of England! So they came to the new world to find freedom!”. No, they left because their illegitimate Jewish Gov't just got overthrown and they fled to North America out of fear of revenge for killing the King, genociding Catholics and the Irish, arbitrary rules that also lead to execution, just killing anyone they really didn’t like really. So I don’t blame them for basically getting the hell out of England and going to North America to basically set up a Theocratic State under their control in New England to avoid retribution by those they screwed with. Now you understand why the British didn’t want to give representation to these folks, not because they just felt like being mean but because it was an exile colony meant for Puritans and Convicts that also had an elite of rich WASP moving there to avoid paying taxes. Even after all of this, most people within the American Colonies had no issues with the Crown. Unlike what is taught, in reality, your average colonist didn’t give a damn about paying what was basically a sales tax. Though through the use of newspaper and print shop, the organization known as “The Sons of Liberty” spread Anti-Crown propaganda, incited riots, committed acts of economic terrorism, committed physical terrorism through the use of lynchings/tar & feathering of Royal Officials and alike. From a revolutionary perspective, this is something I respect. Even through all of this, your average colonists still did not care either way about the Crown. Only around 3% of colonists actually supported independence while most did not care and 1/3rd of the country were hardcore loyalists. This also goes for the Continental Army as well, most of them were just poor peasants promised land and money if they fought and won. A promise that wasn't kept. In fact, the opposite occurred, the new gov't actually overtaxed the poor to pay off the debts they racked up during the revolution. Ironically doing the very thing they lied about the British doing. This actually resulted in the Whiskey Rebellion due to the taxes being centered around alcoholic spirit sales which was the only way most peasants made money. Hence they revolted and it actually required more US Military troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion than it did to fight the American Revolution. So yeah we can already see the hypocrisy is starting to show.


Of course, the Founding Fathers themselves were no saints, they were followers of Enlightenment Era thinking and were obsessed over restarting the Roman Republic. Now of course any student of history would know that the Roman Republic failed because as is the nature of Republicanism, the Senators meant to represent the people ended up only representing the elites and themselves while being as corrupt as possible through means of political dynasties and bribery. Though the Founders thought they knew better and how their system would work this time around. Reminds me of the mindset of a communist really. In any matter when they set up their Roman Republic, they structured it as it was in the past. The wealthy elite such as them at the top, the middle being the peasant serfs and the bottom being the slave class of negros and the rest. This system is not set up for the nation in mind nor is it set up for the people. It was set up as nothing more than a loose conglomerate of individuals only looking out for themselves and their interests. It's no wonder why the Founders were such big proponents of Individualism and Free Market Capitalism. It was only natural. Speaking of something that isn’t natural is the ideas of the Founders themselves. These people were the Liberals of their time and were also Freemasons. Both are enemies of Fascism. , the author of the US Constitution, rewrote the bible and removed any mention of God or any miracles from it. All out of some Atheist Powertrip. Ben Franklin often rejected tradition himself and remarked on the Enlightenment Principles to guide humanity forward and was a member of the degenerate “Hellfire Club”. There are many more examples of this. Despite what movementarians claim, the founders were no friends to their race. Even if they stated some basic platitudes that were common opinion at the time about race relations. Their ideas are ultimately at fault for many of our ills today. They were also 100% responsible for the French Revolution. The most catastrophic revolution in the modern world. It birthed Leftist thinking as we know it today. From Communism, Anarchism, and Social Democracy. All of it came from the flames of this revolution. It wouldn't be far off to say that the French Revolution itself was no more than a Jewish/Freemason revolt against the natural order entirely. Now you might bring up that the Founders denounced the French Revolution. This is true but they do not denounce it for the same way you or I would denounce it. They agree with us for the wrong reasons. The reason why the Founders hated this revolution was simply that they thought it was “too extreme” in the enlightenment era thinking and they didn’t like how they were beheading French Elites. In fact, all this was, is the same problems that Liberals today have with Leftist radicals. Not that they disagree on the message but that they take it too far and too extreme. This is just where it first started. It'd be dishonest of me though to blame the founder's ideas entirely on this. Considering most of their ideas had been thrown into the garbage over 150 years ago with the work of the Republican Party and . Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party were Leftists. Not Liberals, Leftists. Abraham Lincoln himself could be considered a Social Democrat for his time while many in his party would be considered either the same or even more radical from Proto-Communists to Proto-Anarchists to outright Marxists/Anarchists. The Republican Party itself was a creation of the failed 1848 revolutions within Europe largely led by hardcore leftists seeking to overthrow the old order in favor of their own. It will be noted that the Republicanism that the Republicans largely sought was not the Roman Style Republic that the Founders wanted. No, they wanted what the French created. A French style Republic based around “Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood” to quote the French Revolutionaries. Many of those within the Party were actually veterans of the 1848 revolutions and fled to the US in exile. In fact, many of those would actually take command during the Civil War itself. President Lincoln himself actually offered the Union


Command to a man called Giuseppe Garibaldi, a radical Republican from Italy. Giuseppe didn’t take up the offer but still, the offer was made showing President Lincoln and the Republican Party’s actual beliefs and not some “We Love America!” faff as stated by conservatives today who lie about the history of their party. Another prominent figure of the US Civil War was August Willich. He wasn’t so much a republican as he was a radical communist who was a part of many communist organizations and newspapers in Europe and ran the Anti-Marx segment of the Communist League in Prussia. Now you might think “He’s Anti-Marx though, you just said that!”. Yes, he was Anti-Marx and even plotted to kill the man himself, but because he thought Marx was in his words “Too Conservative” and the Anti-Marx segment of the Communist League was considered the Left side of it. August Willich was made a general in the Union Army in Ohio and was also a homosexual as well. Now obviously we can tell that the Republicans won the Civil War and proceeded through many reforms by Lincoln, completely tore to shreds the Founders’ idea of a New Roman Republic. Through their reforms, they turned America from what was basically a loose collection of nation-states under one flag/ideology where people often identified with state first and nation second, no different than the Soviet Union really, a prison of nations. Turning it into a centralized French style Republic that we see now. How I view it simply is that both revolutions were bad. The American Revolution and the Republican Revolution. Both had disastrous consequences for our race at hand. Simply because both were in rejection of the natural order and were both just Enlightenment revolts. This is why the celebration of Americanism, The Constitution, and alike is just pure cancer. It cannot work with Fascism because it itself is nothing more than Anti-Fascism. These revolts spawned Liberalism and Leftist thinking. They popularized Communism and Capitalism, the two-headed demon of our age. It’s idiotic for any Fascist to embrace such ideas and anyone who does isn’t a Fascist in my book. We as American Futurists must understand that these revolutions and its consequences must be reversed. We need to destroy Americana, Republicanism, and alike under our boots. American Futurism isn’t love, it’s the sword to which we destroy our enemies whether they’re Jews or White Traitors. They all get it in the end.


Chapter II Governmental

Our Manifest Destiny

Just as the American Republicans envisioned an American Republic from the Atlantic to the Pacific, an idea going all the way back to the American Revolution and attempted during the War of 1812 with the failed invasion of Canada. Just as they had their manifest destiny, so shall we. For we as American Futurists must envision an American Futurist Nation from the Atlantic to Pacific and the Arctic Circle to the Rio Grande. All under OUR control. We must settle for nothing more and nothing less. To hell with the secession movements and to hell with the so-called “Butler Plan”. If we're going to have our own nation and our own lands, I want the whole pie, not just a slice. Know why? Because it’s our land, that’s why. Our ancestors fought and died conquering this land and even though it was for Republican Ideals, I'll be damned if we’re going to allow others to take it from us without so much as a fight. This land is our land and this land is your land but unfortunately for them, this land is only for the white man. Now you may say to yourself “Quit pretending and face reality! We'll never have a nation of our own much less the near entirety of North America!” and all I can say to that is how the hell do you think our race got so far? How do you think we pretty much conquered everything including the stars themselves? How? It’s because we're a race of dreamers that’s why. We think up ways that other races cannot even fathom. Not only that but we act upon such ideas simply because it’s our will. Saying anything otherwise is simply defeatist thinking. It will happen simply because I as a white man simply wishes it to happen and will use my will to make it happen and to convince other white men to make it their will through these writings made from my will. It’s that simple. The same way Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztecs out of his own will or how Lawrence of Arabia liberated Arab lands from the Turks out of his own will or even just the British conquering 1/4th of the world by themselves out of their collective will. Stating we as white men can't accomplish our dreams is unhistorical and near racial treason. Speaking of Lawrence of Arabia, he had some fine words to state on such a matter here “All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”. This is what I mean when I say we can because we can. If our race can conquer the world and then space itself then I’m pretty sure we can reconquer North America. That shouldn’t be an issue, it'd be hard, especially not having an organized war machine backing us like our predecessors in the Axis did but it’s still in the realm of possibilities, and that alone is enough for me to keep hope. Just like anything, it requires a flag to symbolize such ideas. When I think up a flag for such a nation that flag I envision is that of a Red Ensign Flag but just as any flag it needs symbolism to be complete. I chose the Red Ensign for a simple reason. Not to hide that we ourselves are in fact, fascists. I reject anything of

27 that sort. I chose the Red Ensign flag for it was the flag in which the colonies here used and later Canada through an altered version used up until 1965 when they chose the famous maple leaf flag instead. An excellent symbol to symbolize a united North America under our rule.

North American Governance

A thought that comes to mind with the idea of a united North American state is how it should be governed. Sure we agree on that of an “American Futurist State”. But what does that even mean? How should it be structured? To start what we even mean by that of an “American Futurist State”. It would be one that follows that of Futurist Fascism. Meaning that any and all relics of the old republics, both American and Canadian and all else put under our control, would be destroyed in totality. All that is known/remembered would be akin to that of the Babylonians. Something of near myth and legend. Not really thought about in great detail. Just a “thing among things” if you will. In its place would be that of a proper Fascist state. One that upholds the values of Fascism. That of Race, Family, and Nation. Creating new traditions and new modes of ideas along the way. A question that would come up though is how such a land is to be governed? North America is such a big place, how are we going to govern such a thing? Simple, by reviving imperial systems of land/governmental management with our own twist to it. What I mean is that we split North America under our control into territories/states known as “governorates” with each being managed by a Governor. That Governor being appointed by the head of the nation himself, the Governor-General. Under the Governor is both the Lieutenant-Governor and of each Governorate there are counties of that Governorate. Each of them being managed by a County Council with a County Manager heading it. All appointed by the Governor of that Governorate. Under the County Council would be positions such as Mayors and Police Chiefs and more on positions and matters with that specific county. All appointed by the County Council but approved by the Governor themselves giving the final say on all matters within their Governorates pertaining to administration and governance unless overruled by the Governor- General. Each Governor belongs to the Council of Governors for which things are discussed and managed with the Governor-General heading it. The Governor-General position should also have appointments in regards to a ministry cabinet. This includes but isn’t limited to Military, Finance, Postal, Energy, Commerce, Industry & Labor, Environment, Foreign Relations, Law & Order, Agriculture, Food & Medicine, Education, and more. All ministries dealing with and managing issues within the new state. All appointed by the Governor-General. All ministers being present at the Council of Governors but having no voting rights but should be present as advisors. In the event of a Governor-General’s death or resignation. The Council of Governors would select a new Governor-General. This would be from a list of heirs that the previous Governor-General had made and would be a requirement. There would be an internal vote with a 3/4th majority needed in order to select the new Governor-General. Voting should take less than 2 weeks time to come to a conclusion with results. To add onto the regulations with a Governor-General, a Governor-General should resign by age 65. There shouldn’t be someone ruling until they’re 80+ years of age. This rule also applies to all

28 governmental positions. This puts a damper on the chances of out-of-touch and downright senile leadership. Having a young and in-touch leadership allows for a better leadership that effectively deals with the issues of the nation. As we can see with the United States at the time of this writing, we’re ruled by people pushing their late 70s. Both the elites and the politicians they control are old, senile, and rotting. Unwilling to pass the torch to a new generation. In fact, we’ve had the same politicians for the most part since the 70s/80s. The youth should be the ones to rule. For the youth are the future. Fascists of the past believed this, in fact, the Italian Fascists wrote an entire anthem titled “Youth!”. This should be respected. Old and senile leadership is what has killed many nations of various ideologies. Most famous is that of the late Soviet Union and its demise over the incompetence of the leadership who were all nothing but old men dating back to the Bolshevik Revolution or WW2. All unwilling to hand over power to a new generation out of selfishness and greed. It caused their own country to collapse with them. I don’t wish for the same fate. In any matter, theorizing about basic governmental structure should be had. It keeps our eyes on the prize and gives us solidified ideas on what we actually want. From there we can create more and even do more as a movement. Hollowing out and being vague and nonspecific is what has screwed us and allowed bad actors, fakers and alike to come in without actually having any ideological purity. Just being “Pro-White” isn’t enough. Ideological purity should be needed. What we want exactly, both societal and governmental. Without this we are lost.

No Room For The Old Guard In Our Revolution

One of the biggest mistakes for any revolution historically speaking has always been allowing the remnants of the old system to take part in it. Those who were given power on the sole basis of “Well they had power before and have experience with having power, maybe they can help us!”, This is the mistake that Hitler himself made. He allowed the remnants of the old guard to stay. He allowed the old guard from the German Imperial Era to join in as Generals and as Political Leaders. Simply because he thought they could be helpful. That bit him right in the ass because they were the first to go when wartime came. They turned traitor on him and sabotaged the war effort simply because they were all angry that Hitler wouldn't allow the Kaiser, an incompetent idiot who sold away his country to Jews and abandoned his people to leftists at their time of need, to take back power and rightfully told the Kaiser to fuck off back to Denmark when he requested to have his grandson take back the throne. Not only that but to these imperial types, they didn’t like that a Bavarian Peasant in their eyes was running the show when it should be an imperial type like them. They even went out of their way to try and kill Hitler with stuff like “Operation Valkyrie” which was their attempt to kill off Hitler and make a peace deal with the allies while reviving the old German Empire that basically acted as a puppet state for Jews once again. If we were to take power ourselves, why should we trust the Generals of the US Military? Why should we put our trust in politicians and alike? Because they have experience? Give me a break, these people are scum and aren't welcome in our American Futurist nation when that time comes. They’ll be more welcomed in a mass grave or hanging on the gallows. These people, like those of the past involved with the German Imperial State, are traitors to their own people. They must be treated as such.


Stalin did the right thing when he got the chance with his “Great Purge’ killing many old guarders off. Now you might be angry that I’m bringing praise to a communist, especially one such Hitler's number one enemy, , but I don’t care. It doesn’t make me a communist to point out successes in our enemies where we have failed at. To reject such things is idiotic and keeps us at failure. If we had our revolution and we successfully established our own state. If we allowed the Old Guard to keep their lives despite all their damage, they'd just backstab us the first chance they'd get and re-establish the old republic as soon as possible. We saw this in action with Mao’s China. He allowed many Imperial Chinese elements to stay and then these people slowly but surely took over his party. He tried to cleanse them with the “Chinese Cultural Revolution” but it was too late, they became too numerous and after Mao died off in 1976, everything he fought for was for nothing. The old guard established “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” in place of Maoism and purged all Maoists from the party. Now everything in China is back to the old ways before the revolution Mao started though they learned from the past and have a strong state instead of the weak one they had before to make sure there isn’t another rebellion against them like the last one. Now I’m not saying Mao was this Anti-Jewish Revolutionary, the opposite, he was Jewish owned and controlled as we saw that Mao was backed by many Jews, in fact around 85%-90% of all foreigners helping Mao out during the revolution were Jewish, this is according to the #1 Jewish Newspaper in the US “The Forward” (which ironically was started by a bunch of communist kikes who had links to various communist groups in the US and beyond) so it’s not just some anti-semetic conspiracy theory I'm making up here not only that but his Jewish handler named Syndey Rittenberg ran the propaganda in China while also having connections to America’s biggest corporations such as Intel, Microsoft, Levi Strauss and more. You may notice that some of these corporations such as Microsoft didn’t really come about until the 1980s, well yeah turns out Jews are rats and communism is just a sham. Really makes you think huh? My point is that even though Mao was under Jewish control, we can still learn from him. In this case, learning not to keep the old guard within your party only gives them the chance to take back power and overthrow you. Those who don’t learn from history will always repeat it.

Exporting Revolution

Once the revolution is won and passed and our goals for our state reached we then focus our sights on Europe. Without the US muscle and money, Europe as we know it will be in a state of massive decay and collapse. Such is the fate of puppet states without their master. Thankfully with the work of the US, the militaries of Europe are weak which was originally to make sure Europe could always stay dependent on the US for protection and therefore dependent on the Jews. Sadly, such a thing will bite them in the ass when we come rolling along. Something that hasn’t been seen since the time of Hitler, Fascist armies will march on Europe once again and do a proper liberation of the continent and a proper liberation of our brothers from the same Jewish occupation we live under. Our ancestors imposed Jewish rule upon them so it’s our duty to undo such downright evil wrongs. It surely would be a very long and bloody fight, especially considering the Russian state would move in to take territory for themselves and their tribe of Jews. A reopening of the Eastern Front is not something I

30 relish but it’s unavoidable if we’re to export the revolution to our brothers and liberate them from the jewish menace. It'd be idealistic to state that such a thing wouldn't cost millions of lives, if not being just as bloody as the main revolution here would be. Maybe even worse. It would probably even go full nuclear too. In any matter, it would be needed for total success and the completion of our revolution. A benefit of this though would be a baptism by fire our race as a whole would go through with another global conflict. Creating a stronger race and a stronger cause. Even if that means our own deaths by nuclear fire. Let this land burn for the sake of our race if that is what it takes. This was Hitler’s dream and so shall it be ours.

Chapter III Economic

We Are Anti-Capitalist

We are Anti-Capitalist. We reject the Free Market and we reject all the issues that come with it. The system of Capitalism has been the most destructive system on earth and the most Jewish one. Even more so than Communism and its variants. It has destroyed the environment and human lives turning absolutely everything into a commodity that can be bought and sold at will. Due to such a system turning society itself into a machine and the people living inside it as replaceable cogs. Naturally, this causes issues of alienation which itself breeds depression, suicide, drug addiction, mass shootings, mental illness, and alike. While supporters of the system may brag about “Capitalism brings untold wealth to many individuals and making countries like the US is the richest in the world!” which is true. Look at the state we’re in. Just look at it all. We live in a country where CEOs and others can have untold riches in the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS while the workers under them live paycheck to paycheck and instead of increasing their worker's wages or benefits and caring for their well being, instead, they lobby the government to keep wages down and fire and blacklist workers who demand better conditions. I even remember companies like McDonald's telling their workers how to apply for welfare instead of increasing their wages. Now I’m not against someone becoming wealthy through a business nor am I against Private Enterprise but what I am against is individuals manipulating the system to where they make absurd amounts of money while their workers get crumbs. It’s disgusting really. An example of a good business owner to me would be a man like . He paid his workers the highest wages that any worker could receive in the world, made sure everyone in his factories worked in humane and safe conditions and most of all didn’t price gauge on his Model T automobiles. Unlike today where the exact opposite is the case where automobile companies move factories to Mexico where they can pay pennies on the dollar, price gauge the shit out of their cars to force you into buying their car loans, and cut corners when need be, consumer and worker be damned. This of course goes for literally every other industry in our world too. The motto of “Fuck everyone else, I want money” applies and it’s no coincidence that’s why Jews dominate our economic system. Free Market


Capitalism is a wet dream come true. Even more so than Communism ever was. In our state, we'd nationalize all vital industries from Banking, Energy, Water, Communications, Food, Transportation, and alike. Reason being is that there is absolutely no reason why such industries that are vital for a nation to be in the hands of private individuals or entities outside of the state. This is of course how Jews even took power in the first place. They monopolized several industries from Banking to Communications to Food and alike. Through this, they were able to conquer everything else including the US Gov't. This is why the idea of “A Free Market without Government Intervention” is unbelievably stupid for those that aren’t a jew or a spiritual one at that. It is to be stated that we aren’t Strasserists though. As Commander Rockwell himself pointed out, rejecting private enterprise and private property entirely in favor of a communist pipe dream will result in failure. As he correctly pointed out, the USSR was forced into similar policies to what we’re advocating for just to avoid a collapse in the beginning. Just like in Germany or Italy you can still hold a private company or private land except under strict government observation. Such a system prevents worker and customer exploitation. This also secures the economy both locally and nationally. Preventing outsourcing of jobs and unneeded automation among the other slew of issues that arise when private enterprise goes unchecked. While we're on the topic of mortgages and alike, Debt Slavery has to be the most perfect for why the idea of the “Free Market” is such shit. In our society today it is pretty much impossible to be a fully functioning member of society without being forced into a loan/getting into debt. This is by design since jews and others purposely price gauge on things like Automobiles, College Tuition, Healthcare, and even things like Property Values too. All of these things will put you in debt. The best example of this is Healthcare. Private Hospitals primarily run by Jews will nickel and dime you to the point you end up 10s of thousands of dollars in debt. Sometimes in the hundreds of thousands if you aren’t careful. It's so bad that medical debt is one of the most common reasons for bankruptcy in the United States of America. Now you might say “Well it’s their fault for not getting insurance!” well you have to remember that the insurance agencies themselves are run by Jews. What a shocker I know. As a result, insurance companies will fight tooth and nail to get out of paying for your medical bills. Actually, plenty of those who get saddled with medical bill debt had insurance, it's just that the Jews at the agency pulled some legalese and technicalities to get out of doing the thing you pay them monthly to do. Though this applies to all insurance entirely whether it’s auto insurance or anything else. They all pull the same shit. Now you might hear some whiny kike like Ben Shapiro or Dennis Prager come out and say “Well insurance is private business! They have to keep their shareholders happy!”. This is true and they're not wrong. Hence why we nationalize all insurance. I see insurance as a “vital industry” considering people need it, especially health insurance. Now after all that I’ve said your response would be “So you're in favor of a welfare state that has total control of every aspect of society!?” and the answer would be a YES, this is what we as American Futurists should advocate for and these ideas saw success from Bismark’s Germany to Hitler’s Germany. Fuck consumerism, Fuck the Free Market, and Fuck Capitalism. We're in favor of our own Futurist system in place of this rotten one.


Fiat Currency, Satan’s Money System

Ever since the 70s, the world has almost entirely converted from the Gold Standard to the Fiat Currency system. Now, what is the Fiat Currency System? To put it bluntly, it’s just turning paper money such as dollars into the currency itself. For those who weren't born before the Fiat change here in the US in 1973, your banknotes were basically just receipts for gold or silver. Meaning I could get a 1 dollar and take it directly to the bank and get a silver bullion piece worth exactly 1 dollar. This is a system that has been used pretty much ever since money was really a thing. The banknotes were just acting as IOUs in place of just carrying around gold and silver everywhere. Fiat Currency on the other hand is basically taking those IOU banknotes and turning them into the actual money itself with zero backing to it. Instead of being based around the worth of gold & silver, it's based on what the majority thinks it’s worth. As you can tell, dear reader, it’s already sounding quite Jewish and it is considering all that gold & silver that was owed to those IOU banknotes is now in the hands of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City. It's also no surprise that it was primarily the Jews within the Nixon Administration who basically decided we abandon the Gold Standard in favor of what’s basically the very definition of a Jewish scam. Another reason why the Jews themselves would want us to abandon the Gold Standard was to get the US to rack up more debt to the Federal Reserve. Most people don’t know this but the Federal Reserve Bank itself is privately owned. It is not part of the US Gov't. lt is regulated by the US Gov’t but that is a big difference from being owned. The Federal Reserve itself is run by and for Private Banks. Due to the Federal Reserve producing all of our currency and through Jewish Legalese, our Gov't and by default us owe interest on every single dollar in existence. Now you might ask yourself, if there is interest due on every single dollar then how the hell will we pay off the debt? Well that’s simple, you can’t. This is the evils of usury and why pretty much every major religion from Christianity to Islam banned this practice and why Christ himself used a whip on these people when they were money lenders in the temple. The reason why you would do this on a Fiat system compared to a Gold Standard system is simple, under a Gold Standard you're limited with the amount of banknotes to print based around the amount of gold & silver available to your nation. With a Fiat system it’s unlimited. Naturally, if you were running a Jewish Scam such as the Federal Reserve, you’d naturally want it unlimited over that of the finite. Yes, the Federal Reserve is Jewish, even ignoring the banks that are owned by Jews that own. the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Bank itself is a creation of the Warburg Banking Dynasty. To whom I’d argue to be one of the main Jewish families in power. Not the Rothschilds who like Mr. Soros seem to be the Jew’s designated punching bag for the masses to shake their fists at. While if I was to mention Warburg to most people, they wouldn’t know anything about what I was talking about. Which is funny considering they personally own the Swiss Banking System outright which has large control over other financial sectors. This being UBS Warburg in Switzerland which is one of the most powerful investment banks in the world. Again not even including all the power they have here as well, like I said they were the ones who started the Federal Reserve scam itself. They were also credited by NSDAP as one of the main Jewish families in control today and one of our biggest enemies still. There are no two ways about this. Another big scam concerning this is a Jewish Banking concept of “Fractional Reserve Banking”. Now what is this and why should you care? Fractional Reserve Banking is as it sounds. The banks, being your local

33 bank, steals most of your money and does whatever they want with it. The amount they save is totally up to the banks. It could be 25% or even outright 0%. The amount that is saved for you is called “Vault Cash” in banking terms. Now you might say two things here, first “What do they do with the portion of the money that they take?!” and “Why does my bank account still show that I have all my money then?”. First is that the banks usually use that cash to give out as loans to other customers or sometimes they use it for stock investments as well. Both result in profits for the bank in question with zero cost to them because it’s not their money while pulling in pure profit off of whatever they do with your money. Second, the money they take from your account is replaced with bank credits. Basically numbers on a computer. It’s actually such a bad problem that 95%+ of all of our money supply is created through these means. Meaning that most likely the money you spend isn’t actual money but just bank credit created right at your local bank branch. This causes inflation of course since your local bank basically has the powers to create money at will for its own gain. Under an American Futurist State, the Gold Standard would be re-established. I recognize that Hitler and the NSDAP adopted Labor Based Currency rather than The Gold Standard but that was due to the circumstances that Germany was in, Germany didn’t have gold & silver and the only way to get it if you’re a broke nation such as Germany was to suck up to the banking jews in New York City and the Federal Reserve Building there where most of the world’s gold & silver still is to this day. We as American Futurists do not have this issue. I doubt that the jews in question have the manpower to move most of the world’s gold & silver that quickly. Even if they left only 1/4th of what is in that inventory, that’s still more than enough for us. Even then North America is blessed by God to have the largest deposits of gold & silver in the world. Most of it untapped. So the jews can take all of it back to Israel or London or wherever and it wouldn't make a difference. This is why the fight for North America is so important, through our ideas and revolution we can create the perfect fascist state that’s entirely self- sufficient and then some with enough resources to support billions (which it already is through US Trade & Aid).

Private Centralized Banking is of the Devil himself and hence why in an American Futurist society it would be nationalized for the public good similar to what Adolf Hitler himself did by absorbing the Central Bank into the Treasury itself. Usury is satanic and is one of the greatest evils of our time. This is also why in an American Futurist nation, things such as mortgages and alike would be without interest along with the brilliant system of Adolf Hitler to forgive such debt at one quarter per child born. Meaning that if a German family had 4 children then the debt owed in a mortgage would be forgiven while the added manpower to the German state would make up for the loss in money. Basically subsidizing population growth and economic growth itself. No more Jewish Economics both in Marxism and Free Marketism. All will be put to the torch and space will be made for our new way, the better way, the only way.


We Are Anti-Leftist

We are anti-leftist. We as American Futurists and as Fascists should view leftist ideology as what it is, the final form of Enlightenment thinking. It checks all the boxes whether it’s Marxism or Anarchist thinking. Equality and Individualism by any means necessary. It is the exact opposite of our thinking and should be opposed even if it comes as cheap leftist copycats of our ideas such as Strasserist ideology. We have no allies on the left or any allies at all besides our fellow Fascists.

Nothing more and nothing less just like truth itself because that is what Fascism is, is it not? Under leftist thinking, society as a whole limits itself drastically when you remove incentives such as small scale private enterprise and private property. Those who are naturally better should be allowed to succeed when they offer something useful to society as a whole and are naturally good at running things. Now, this doesn’t mean we should have unregulated capitalism where it’s a free for all and snakes can just take advantage of the white working class in question. There should be severe regulation and mass nationalization on most things but ones that are reasonable and benefit everyone in society rather than turning classes against one and other. Remember that as Fascists we seek to unite everyone in our society to work towards the goal of a better future for our people. This is again why we use the Fasces. It is also no wonder the sheer amount of Jewish influence within Leftism itself whether it’s Marxism or Anarchism, both are used to divide and conquer our people down a dark and disgusting path.

Though just having lovely speeches and writings won't stop opportunistic parasites no matter the race from attempting to turn the system to only benefit them individually and them only. Hence why all work would be unionized, not by private unions but as Hitler and the NSDAP did with one big state union while abolishing private unions. Considering these unions do little to no good things at all and are prone to corruption while also broadcasting leftist propaganda. The UAW-FCA scandal is prime proof of this, the UAW broadcasts Social Democrat propaganda while at the same time taking bribes from those such as Fiat-Chrysler to screw over the workers they're supposed to be protecting. Under a Fascist system, this simply wouldn’t happen, both Chrysler and the UAW would be run by the State and the Futurist Party Vanguard so there is no treachery to be had in the first place. Thus bringing the maximum benefit to the nation and people at hand.

This is not even mentioning the severe amount of sexual degeneracy that goes on within leftist circles, especially so-called “Anarchist” ones. There is a high population of those under the umbrella term of “LGBT” especially that of transexuals. It’s actually more common to find someone identifying as “LGBT” rather than Heterosexual (aka Normal) in these circles. This again is simply because leftist itself is the final form of Enlightenment thinking taken to its conclusion. Where Individualism and Equality reigns supreme and is practically worshipped and taken as Gods themselves. So it’s no wonder why this is the case. It’s only natural. So just as we are revolting against the Enlightenment Era and the Modern World itself, Leftism in all its forms including must be rejected and thrown to the dustbin of history to be forgotten, and then finally we can move past this dark period in human history to a new golden age. Only then will our race be truly free.


Chapter Iv In Conclusion

In conclusion, What is an American Futurist? Why should you call yourself one if you are an American/Canadian? American Futurism opposes all that is this system. There is no salvaging it nor should we wish to preserve it. Like the Futurists in Italy, we as American Futurists shall create our own world through the ashes of the old. We will put to the torch everything and anything representing the old ways for our new Futurist world. Through the baptism by fire that a revolution would bring us. A new people and culture will rise from the ashes of the old like a phoenix. No more Americanism, No more Enlightenmentism. All will be put to the torch through the flames of revolution. All wrongs will be righted once more.

There simply is no other way. You can not carbon copy the Third Reich nor can you combine “American Values” with Fascism. Both won't work. You'd be insane to think otherwise. As stated we need to create our own race and our own culture. One based around Futurist values, not Republican Values. So it makes sense that in order to even be a Fascist in White North America then you need to be an American Futurist. It's not wrong either. American Futurism is the ideology of the North American Future itself. If we are to win then we need our homeland. Those who would deny us they are the enemy and they must perish. It is no longer a question of “White man! Join us or stay out of the way!” as Rockwell put it. Now is the question of whether you're either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here. There are no big tents to be found here, no “well we agree on some basic ideas so we need to ally!” like we saw with the Alt-Right and how that imploded on itself. None of that. American Futurism or bust. It's as simple as that. Truth is not a spectrum and we won't tolerate any lies or ally with those who spread them. That is the Futurist way. Futurism seeks a total break from the past in order to create our own universe in our image. The natural image. The right image. Jews and White Traitors be damned.

A Futurist Revolution is inevitable, with the way this system is going it’s going to happen. It’s not a question of if but when and are you prepared for such a thing? As I see it, we're not. Far from it actually. That is not to be a defeatist about it though. We are a people at war and naturally, when one is at war we need to mobilize our troops and prepare for battle. For the final battle is going to happen right here on North American soil. We need our commanders and we need our party vanguard at once. Not tomorrow, now! Revolution is not a dinner party, it’s a war and we're in it and it needs to be treated as such. What you don’t do during a war is march around the city streets, try and ‘redpill’ the masses and alike. Something that the movementarian seems to enjoy. No, you need to arm yourself and mobilize for battle! This is how we will win, not by begging the Jews and White Traitors for power through the electorate but by their own blood for blood is the fuel for the machine that is human history and powers it forward. To quote James Mason on the matter “Hang the streets with the bodies of the bureaucrats!”. We must be vigilant but also smart about our revolution. To state, you are no good to the revolution dead or in jail! Hail Victory and Hail American Futurism!


March! North America!

Done in the music of “La France de demain” Bold Caps= Chorus

Oh North America see your beauty! From the Rio Grande to the Arctic! And we will work to make this land whole! As the sons of settlers! We work to preserve our race! For without it we are lost!

March! North America! March! North America!

With our greatness, There is no limit for thee!

March! North America! March! North America!

For we are fighting for our race and land, Our mission uncompromising!

Through struggle there is no compromise! We are not afraid to say such truths! With our faith, we will succeed, We will rebuild our lands!


Following truth will lead us! For it showed us the proper path!

March! North America! March! North America!

With our greatness, There is no limit for thee!

March! North America! March! North America!

For we are fighting for our race and land, Our mission uncompromising!

March! North America! March! North America!

With our greatness, There is no limit for thee!

March! North America! March! North America!

For we are fighting for our race and land, Our mission uncompromising!