1 MarcJ. Randazza, SBN 269535 AlexJ. Shepard, SBN 295058 2 RANDAZZA LEGAL GROUP, PLLC 2764 Lake Sahara Drive Suite 109 FlLED/EI^DORS IE D 3 Las Vegas, NY 89117 Telephone: (702) 420-2001 4 JAN 1 3 2021 Email:
[email protected] 5 Attomeys for Defendant, By:. E. Medina Veronica Brill Depijt>' Cicrk 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 9 Michael Pestle, an individual; 10 Case No. 34-2020-00286265 11 Plaintiff, DEFENDANT VERONICA BRILL'S 12 vs. NOTICE OF MOTION AND ANTI- SLAPP SPECIAL MOTION TO Veronica Brill, an individual; ESPN, Inc., a 13 STRIKE COMPLAINT UNDER Cal. Delaware Corporation; Joey Ingram, an individual; CODE CIV. PROC. § 425.16 14 Haralabos Voulgaris, an individual; Daniel Negreanu, an individual; Upswing Poket, Inc., a 15 Nevada Corporation; iBus Media Limited d/b/a Judge: Richard K. Sueyoshi "PokerNews", and Isle of Man, United Kingdom 16 Dept: 53 Private Limited Liability Company Parent; Jonathan Date: Febmary 11, 2021 Little Holdings LLC, d/b/a "Poker Coaching", 17 Time: 1:30 p.m. a Nevada Limited Liability Company; Solve For Reservation No. 2545114 18 Why Academy LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company; Todd Witteles, an individual; Run It Action Filed: 10/01/2020 19 Once, Inc., a Nevada Corporation; and DOES 1 Trial Date: Not yet set through 1,000, inclusive; 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -1 - Defendant Veronica BriU's Notice of Motion and Special Motion to Strike Plaintiff s Complaint Case No. 34-2020-00286265 1 TO: ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD PLEASE TAKE 2 NOTICE THAT: 3 On February 11, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.