We Stand in Awe Before That Which Cannot Be Seen, and We Respect with Every Fiber That Which Cannot Be Explained
We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen, and we respect with every fiber that which cannot be explained. In this world reincarnation exists on a different level, where the only way to the afterlife is through the Konso of a shinigami, also known as a death god. Unfortunately these shinigami cannot make it to all of these lost souls, and those who are not saved become filled with anguish, their heart being voided by regret, leaving them with a perpetual empty feeling inside and become a hollow. These hollows search for other souls to devour to fill their lost heart, and since the shinigami and hollows are so different to each other there will always be conflict between them. Other spiritually empowered beings exist here, some being special humans (Quincies and Fullbringers) and others that were created artificially (Mod Souls and Bounts). You enter this world in 2001, when a young man named Ichigo Kurosaki becomes a shinigami to save his family. Because of the danger of this world and the exponentially increasing power levels in it, you’ve been gifted with 1000cp, or choice points to help you fight. Version 1.7 Age: Humans, Fullbringers, and Quincies roll 1d8+20 , Shinigami would multiply that by 10, Hollows multiply the base age by 100, Bounts are all around the same age (over 1000), but can roll for their apparent age as the other mortals do. Gender: Doesn’t matter, choose whatever. Races: While all races in the Bleach universe are essentially humans, their forms and powers differ based on what happens with their soul.
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