Acquired Characters. See Inheritance of Acquired Characters Adoption
Index Notes are indexed only when they significantly amplify the main text. They are identified by N preceding the page number to which they refer, and can be found between pages 385 and 416. Acquired characters. See Inheritance of in macaques, 178–180, 183, 188, 207, acquired characters 220 Adoption, 187–188. See also Foster origins of, 333–336 parents prevalence of, 177 Agency, 208–209, 224, 231. See also stability of, 179, 182–185 Reproducer in tarbutniks, 158–159 Aging, 130 in tits, 169–170 Agriculture, 237, 296–297, 363, Antirrhinum, 141 366–367, N237 Aphids, 83–84 Aisner, R., 170 Arabidopsis, 268–269, 270 Alarm calls, 34–35, 54, 159, 194, 196 Ascaris, 68–69, 83, N68 Alleles 24–25. See also Gene Asexual reproduction metastable, N332 and epigenetic inheritance, 114–118, Alternative splicing, 65–67 138, 148, 250, 275, 277–278, 346 Altruism, 34–5, 187 and sexual reproduction, compared, Amplification of DNA, 69–70 82–84, 103, 346 Animal traditions. See also Behavioral Asimov, Isaac, 78 inheritance; Cultural evolution; Assimilate-stretch principle, 290–292, Lifestyle evolution 308–309, 309–310 in birds and whales, 172–173 Avital, E., 156, 291 in black rats, 170–171 in chimpanzees, 177, 183, 313, 368 Bacillus, 138 complexity of, 178, 180 Bacteria, 237, 328–329 and conservation practices, 190, 370 epigenetic inheritance in, 119, 138, 332 and cumulative evolution, 176–180, genetic systems of, 30, 85, 233 220, 335 mutation in, 79–80, 88, 93–98, 105, in insects, 189–190 106, 322–323, 345–347, 364 448 Index Baldwin, J.
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