Highlights #4 | May 2015 New DSRSG/RC/HC on board Monthly Bulletin Strong attendance of the CRZPC by development partners Donors talk coordination of interventions Role of the S&R Section with Malian Ministries and PM In touch with S&R: CADRI, UK, Handicap In support to the Deputy Special Representative Through this monthly bulletin, we provide regular International, French Cour des Comptes of the Secretary-General (DSRSG), Resident updates on stabilization & recovery developments : exploring ways to empower youth Coordinator (RC) and Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) in the north of . The intended audience is the : MINUSMA supports rehabilitation in her responsibilities to lead the United Nations’ section’s main partners including MINUSMA military off l’Hégire institute, unique training centre of contribution to Mali’s reconstruction efforts, the and civilian components, UNCT and international professional teachers in Mali Stabilization & Recovery section (S&R) promotes partners. More QIPs launched in northern regions and synergies between MINUSMA, the UN Country Team as 2014-15 fiscal year ends and other international partners. For more information: Gabriel Gelin, Information Specialist (S&R Main Figures section) - [email protected] QIPs: 71 projects completed (21) and under implementation (50) Peacebuilding Fund (PBF): 5 projects started Donor Coordination and Partnerships in 2015 for a total budget of USD 10,932,168 Trust Fund (TF): 4 projects completed/nearing On 5th of May, S&R together with UNPOL On 13th of May, S&R section contributed to finalization and 6 projects under implementation 1. exchanged with a visiting CADRI mission 3. theGEC(Groupe Exécutif de Coordination out of 13 projectss approved for a cost of USD (Capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative) on des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers) 8,825,881 over a budget of USD 12,074,433 MINUSMA’s response capacity in terms of Disaster discussions around donors’ support to GoM for the (contributions from Australia, Canada, Germany, Risk Reduction and the type of response MINUSMA implementation of the Algiers’ inter-Malian Peace Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United provided during the Ebola crisis. This multi-agency Agreement. Kingdom and the World Bank) mission objective is to elaborate a National Action Plan on DRR for Mali. Talking points also included the increased PM / extended Troïka meeting took More information on CADRI: www.cadri.net coordination of donors with Humanitarian 6. place as planned on 28th of May. The two Clusters and OCHA and lastly, the review of the main subjects discussed encompassed: (i) As co-lead, MINUSMA (via S&R) participated planned international budgetary support to Mali. Implementation of the Algiers Agreement 2. in meetings of the CRZPC (Commission in its aspects related to the North’s reconstruction de Réhabilitation des Zones Post Conflit) on This was the occasion to debrief donors of the funding strategy, emergency measures, the 7th and 27th of May with a large representation last CRZPC meeting (see 2), and define the key organization of a fundraising conference and the of donors: Germany, European Union-ECHO, messages of the upcoming meeting between the institutional architecture for the monitoring of Switzerland, France and Agence Française Prime Minister (PM) and the extended Troïka (see the agreement. In addition, discussions around de Développementt (AFD), Sweden, Belgium, th 6) planned on 28 of May. the decentralization process also took place with Luxembourg, Denmark; and international the African Development Bank and the EU; and organizations: OCHA, UNHCR, UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, On 14th of May, S&R discussed with (ii) Education: One of the current issues consists IOM, FAO, World Bank, African Development Bank, 4. the visiting UK delegation current in conducting audits and assessment to evaluate Action contre la Faim, Handicap International, stabilization efforts, ongoing partnerships the sector performance. LuxDev, USAID and Solidarités International. building with other stakeholders and challenges ahead. The delegation was interested in issues The overall discussion related to the capacity related to military capabilities, support to the New DSRSG/RC/HC on building initiative of France towards the MSAHRN local police and gendarmerie, and stabilization in board (Ministère de la Solidarité, de l’Aide Humanitaire et de light of the upcoming Mission mandate renewal. la Réconciliation Nationale) and to the preparation S&R would like to In preparation to the upcoming PM / of the high-level political meeting with 4 ministries welcome Mrs. Mbaranga 5. extended Troïka meeting (see 6), the S&R of GoM. It was agreed that there is a need for better GASARABWE, as new section presented on 19th of May MINUSMA coordination between the Government and the DSRSG/RC/HC for Mali. regional stabilization plans to the PM Adviser, different actors involved in the aid, recovery and Prior to this, she Mr. Alhassane BAH, and the Secrétaire development assistance to Mali and for clarifying worked as the Assistant Général of the MSAHRN, Mr. Samba BABY. the institutional positioning of donors in reference Secretary-General for the Both described the initiative as very important to Annex 3 of the Peace Agreement. Department of Safety and Security in New York, and showed their support to the plans. managing issues of safety and security for UN offices More information on the donor community in around the world. Ms. GASARABWE already served Mali (in French): www.maliapd.org in Mali as Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative. | 1 #4 | May 2015 Monthly Bulletin

Gao th of May, S&R attended a meeting On 8th of May, S&R and Head of Office of On 19th of May, a representative of the 1. of the CROCSAD (Comité Régional 2. got together with the Deputy Director 3. French Cour des Comptes, accompanied d’Orientation, de Coordination et de Suivi – Programme of Handicap International by a French diplomat from the Embassy in des Actions de Développement), opened by (HI - Bamako) on mission to the region. S&R Bamako visited Gao. The visit was part of a the Governor, with the President of the Conseil presented the section’s mandate and activities, report to the French Parliament on Government Régionall and Directors of Services Techniques in including QIPs, and encouraged HI to support the contributions to UN peacekeeping. This was also an attendance. Gao boarding school for blind people that is in dire occasion to meet 20 civil society representatives of need of assistance. Gao to assess the impact of MINUSMA’s support to During the meeting, Danish Refugee Council (DRC) the population and visit the MINUSMA integrated presented a project recently developed to re-launch Handicap International informed about their 4 projects camp, including Barkhane. economic activities in Gao and Timbuktu regions. in the region on (i) Social cohesion, (ii) Education th It aims at supporting professional training and so and awareness on explosive remnants (financed by On 26 of May, the Regional Commander far 1727 projects have been selected on the two UNICEF), (iii) Assistance to victims of explosive remnants 4. of UN Police and a Gao Governor’s Chef du regions. Read more about DRC in Mali: (financed by UNMAS) and (iv) SGBV. HI & S&R explored Cabinett proceeded to the official launch of http://drc.dk/relief-work/where-we-work/west- possibilities to collaborate on QIPs projects. the rehabilitation of the Garde Nationale /mali building, financed through a QIP, «a new Read more about Handicap International in Mali: initiative from MINUSMA complementing others Mopti http://www.handicap-international.org.uk/ already realized by the UN Mission in the city», where_we_work/africa/mali said the Governor’s representative. On early days of May, S&R explored with Read more (in French): http://bit.ly/1HOl6qu 1. the Secretary General of the Conseil Régional des Jeunes how to design stabilization Timbuktu and recovery projects involving local youth. One week later, S&R Mopti presented a local youth On 20th of May, a QIP project was officially organization from Youwarou QIPs procedures and launched in Timbuktu in presence of encouraged the association to submit a project representatives of the Conseil Régionall and proposal in support of the young community. the Académie de l’Enseignementt, for the rehabilitation of a dormitory in l’Hégire On 8th of May, MINUSMA’s ASIFU (All Sources institute. The Académie representative thanked 2. Information Fusion Unit) presented its services MINUSMA for its support to the only centre in Mali within the mission to the S&R Mopti team. The dedicated to the training of Arabic professional In Bamako on 20th of May, the Kidal Regional latter stressed the importance of ASIFU covering teachers, a project which will improve living Director for Water and Sanitation was briefed the as an important means to address conditions for trainees coming from every part of on the QIPs in the area. He was pleased to know stabilization needs in an informed manner based on the country and revitalize the training activities in about the support of MINUSMA to the population conflict and intelligence analysis. The ASIFU gathers the region. of Kidal and will provide information on community information on the Political, Military, Economic, needs for future QIP projects. Social, Infrastructure and Information domain, Bamako tailored to the needs of a multi-dimensional mission On 27th of May, the launch of rehabilitation as MINUSMA. The collected information is fused, works of three different security analyzed and transformed into an intelligence infrastructures took place: the Brigade product that meets the requirements of the Mission. d’Investigations Judiciaires (BIJ), the Centre S&R Mopti consulted the Economic and d’Instruction de la Garde Nationale (CIGN) and the 3. Finance Advisor of the Governorr in view of Centre Opérationnel de la Gendarmerie identifying a pilot project which could be submitted Nationale (COG). These QIP to donors for funding in view of dividends for peace. projects are expected to Following consultations with the President of the provide acceptable Conseil Régional, the rehabilitation of the fishing working conditions port in Konna was recommended. The port which and enhance was bombarded during the 2013 Serval military performance of operations, would contribute to increased socio- the security staff, economic interdependence and social cohesion thus to ensure beyond Konna itself, including the Tenenkou, better protection of Youwarou and Douentza cercles. civilians. | 2 Completed & Ongoing #4 | May 2015 Monthly Bulletin QIPs Overview For more information - QIPS Unit: [email protected] Completed Added this month Timbuktu Kidal

Rehabilitation and equipment : - Water well drilling in Amadia village - Evacuation of garbage from the city - of Police Commissariat in Timbuktu Rehabilitation of Kidal and finishing works( 2) / in Diré - of the water well drilling system in - of Brigades Territoriales de la - of the drinking water distribution pump - Purchase of a generator for the Gendarmerie in Timbuktu, Niafunké and at the School and of the water Centre de Santé de Référence de Kidal (3) tank in Dozo neighbourhood of - Urgent support in electricity supply - of Timbuktu Prison - of water tanks in Niafunké / in Eminefade (2) for Kidal City - of Diré Prison - Access to essential medicines for the - Electrification of the Rural population ,Salam, Ber, Lafia - Extension of Timbuktu fish market Commune of Aguelhoc - Construction of incinerators for the - Partial rehabilitation of lighting Regional Hospital, 1 Centre de Santé - Livestock reconstitution in favor of infrastructures to Timbuktu’s de Référence and 3 Centres de Santé vulnerable breeders in Kidal Commune, Municipal Stadium Communautaire ,Timbuktu, following the armed crisis - Rehabilitation and equipment of the Institut de Formation des Maitres - Access to quality school kits for de Tombouctou populations in difficult situation - Access to sports equipment for ,Agouni, Ber, , Erunthedieft, Nibkit, Kit youth ,Rharous, Diré, Goundam, Niafunké, Timbuktu - Construction of facilities for women Views of the Timbuktu Prison, selling condiments and other products , rehabilitated and provided with Rharous a new vehicle - Support to farmers of for the agricultural campaign 2013-2014 ,Timbuktu, Alafia, Salam - Materialisation of 6 cattle crossings in Lake Horo pastoral space - Building of a local products transfor- mation unit for the réseauu Nanay - Training and equipment for crafts-

persons in dyeing and tannery from QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP the region of Timbuktu ,Timbuktu, Diré, QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP Niafunké, Goundam, Gourma-Rharous Baamakaamamakokoko - Support in livestock feed for breeders of the Rural Commune of

- Rehabilitation of 4 of Taoudéni manuscripts of Timbuktu ALGERIA - Repairing and operationalizing of Timbuktu Town Hall Truck Tank for Tessalit garbage collection Tombouctou QIP Aguelhok Kidal QIP QIP QIP QIP - Creation and support to a network QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP of the wise for the reconciliation and QIP Kidal peace culture in Goundam QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP


QIP QIP URIT QIP Goundam Gao QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP Niafunké Gao QIP Ménaka MA Ansongo QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP QIP Moptti NionoN Moptti Djénné QIP QIP QIP ALGERIE BURKINA MAURITANIE Equipment donated to Ségou Ségou San FASO NIGER the Timbuktu Prison GUINEE | 3 Completed & Ongoing #4 | May 2015 Monthly Bulletin QIPs Overview For more information - QIPS Unit: [email protected] Completed Added this month Gao Mopti

Rehabilitation and equipment : - Provision of grinding mills to the Rehabilitation and equipment : - of the Brigade Territoriale de la Women Association GOMNI NAFA in Gao - of Tenenkou Prison Gendarmerie in Gao - Provision of water pump to Coopéé- - of Douentza Prison - of the Police Commissariat in Gao rative des planteurs et maraichers de - of the Police Commissariat in Mopti - Security reinforcement of Gao Prison Djidaraa in Gao - of the Brigade Territoriale de la - Support to the Association of Handi- Gendarmerie in Mopti - Refurbishment of Sergilla Square capped GOREY BEN for the production of - of the Civil Protection in Mopti Corniche - Planning of Gao liquid soap in Gao - Reconstruction of 2 infrastructures - Deepening of the Rambetou waterhole - Materialisation of cattle crossings to for Energie du Mali in Gao in Tacharane mitigate conflicts between breeders - Planning of the footbal field in - Support to the exploitation of local and farmers ,Cercles of Djenné, Douentza, Boulgoundie neighbourhood products in North Mali ,Gao Mopti, Bandiagara, Koro and Bankass - Purchase of a generator for - Restocking in dairy cows ,Boni the Centre de Santé de Référence - Equipment of the cultural radio d’Ansongo station NAANAY in Gao - Water well drilling in Koni-Gogouna

- Supply of electricity to the Municipal Administration and the Centre de Santé Communautaire de Konna


Rehabilitation and equipment : - of the Brigade chargée de la protection des Moeurs et de l’Enfance in Bamako - of the Police Commissariat in Bamako’s 5th district / 15th district / 3rd district - of the Centre Opérationnel de Gendarmerie - of the Section d’Investigation Judiciaire - Construction of toilet facilities for Women of GOMNI NAFA female personnel and equipment association, which with computer hardware at the Ecole benefitted from the de Gendarmerie de Faladié As of 29th of May 2015 installation of 3 grinding - Improvement of health and

mills. More photos: environmental conditions of the Centre .

# of Projects by Sector and Region ot Gao T

Kidal http://bit.ly/1LkY6QZ Timb. de Détention de Bole Femme Mopti Bamako - Rehabilitation of infrastructures of the Public Infrastructures 1421513 Centre d’Instruction de la Garde Nationale du Mali / of buildings of the Brigade Agriculture and Production 1 5 1 2 5 14 d’Investigations Judiciaires (BIJ) Culture and Heritage ----11 - Rehabilitation and restoration of the future building of the anti-terrorism Security and Justice 11 3 - 5 8 27 task force Health -11-24 - Construction of latrines at the Ecole Public Information -1---1 Fondamentale de Ntomikorobougou

--1-12 Waste Management - Construction of a water well drilling, Water Management ---156 water tank and storage facility for the market of Ntomikorobougou Education 1---12 - Training and integration in income- Conflict Management ----11 generating activities for 100 displaced Tot. 14 14 5 9 29 71 women from north Mali to Bamako | 4 Trust Fund in Support of Peace #4 | May 2015 and Security in Mali - Overview Monthly Bulletin For more information - Trust Fund Unit: [email protected]

The UN Trust Fund in Support of Peace and Security in Mali aims to provide vital support to the Malian Defence and Sectors Security Forces (MDSF), and to assist the Malian Government in its efforts to ensure lasting peace and the return of State Authority and constitutional order. It is supported by voluntary contributions from the following donors: Peace Talks Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the World Bank. The fund’s budget currently amounts to approximately US$ 12 million, of which some 75% has been attributed to projects. Elections DDR / Cantonment As of 7th of May 2015 Rule of Law and Justice 6 7 Return of State Authority Baamamakoamam koko Arms Control 1100 Security Electricity Taoudéni International Accountability ALGERIA

Tessalit Tombouctou 9 3 Countrywide Aguelhok Kidal 111 Araouane 2 Kidal 1 8 12 4 9 5 5

ANIA A 2 14% T 2 Tombouctou 9 4% 2 2% 24% URIT Goundam Gao Niafunké Gao Ménaka 2 MA 2 5 Trust Fund Ansongo Budget Breakdown 2 Moptti NIGER By Objectives NionoN Moptti Total: USD 8.8M Djénné





Restoration of Constitutional Order Support to Redeployment of Equipment and Logistical Support to 5 Administration and consolidation of Mediation Program for Inclusive Malian Defence and Security Forces (MDSF) the Rule of Law in Northern Mali Peace Talks (Clearing House) - Timbuktu, Niafunké and Kidal Support to the Gendarmerie for crowd 1 Phase I & II 9 control in Timbuktu, Kidal and Gao Countrywide Supply of Armored Vehicles to the Timbuktu, Kidal and Gao 6 Government of Mali for a safe access to Construction of electoral storage communities in the NorthBamako Support to the MDSF for increased 2 facilities 10 patrolling in Bamako Gao, Bourem, Timbuktu, Goundam, Support for the equipment of an Bamako Niafunké, Douentza and Kidal 7 Operations room and two conference International efforts for long-term Return of State Authority and DDR-SSR rooms at the Ministry of Security Bamako recovery Pre-cantonment of armed groups in Electricity Support in Kidal City 3 Kidal – Pilot project in 3 sites Capacity building of Malian Defence 11 Kidal Kidal and Security Forces (MDSF)

Generators and tents for cantonment Capacity building of the MDSF World Bank-MINUSMA study on 4 and establishment of office in Kidal on the control of arms and the socio-economic and environ- Kidal 8 ammunition 12 mental impact of MINUSMA in Countrywide Mali - Countrywide | 5