Case Studies Using Patterns The following slides describ e several case Design Pattern Case Studies with studies using C++ and patterns to build highly extensible software C++ The examples include 1. Expression trees Douglas C. Schmidt { e.g., Bridge, Factory, Adapter 2. System Sort { e.g., Facade, Adapter, Iterator, Singleton,
[email protected] Factory Metho d, Strategy, Bridge, Double- Checked Lo cking Optimization Washington University, St. Louis 3. Sort Veri er { e.g., Strategy, Factory Metho d, Facade, It- erator, Singleton 2 1 Case Study 1: Expression Tree Expression Tree Diagram Evaluator BINARY The following inheritance and dynamic bind- NODES example constructs expression trees ing * { Expression trees consist of no des containing op erators and op erands _ Op erators have di erent precedence levels, + di erent asso ciativities, and di erent arities, e.g., Multiplication takes precedence over addi- UNARY tion NODE 55 33 44 The multiplication op erator has two argu- ments, whereas unary minus op erator has only one Op erands are integers, doubles, variables, INTEGER etc. NODES We'll just handle integers in this example::: 3 4 C Version Expression Tree Behavior A typical functional metho d for implement- ing expression trees in C involves using a struct/union to represent data structure, Expression trees e.g., { Trees may be \evaluated" via di erent traver- sals typ edef struct Tree No de Tree No de; struct Tree No de f e.g., in-order, p ost-order, pre-order, level- enum f order NUM,