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Match the following coal deposit locations Cultivation (List I) with the Country (List II) : (List I) with their countries (List II) : List I List II List I List II (Name of (Country) (Coal Deposit (Country) Shifting Location) Cultivation) A. Sichuan I. U.S.A. A. Huma/Ladang I. Brazil B. Pennsylvania II. China B. Milpa II. Vietnam C. Kizel III. Australia C. Ray III. Central America D. Ipswich IV. India D. Roca IV. Indonesia E. Talcher V. Russia Select the code for the correct answer Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below : from the options given below : A B C D A B C D E (1) IV III II I (1) I II III V IV (2) IV III I II (2) II III IV I V (3) III IV II I (4) III IV I II (3) II I V III IV 2. Consider the following statements about (4) I III II V IV Morley-Minto reforms. 4. 46th session of the Intergovernmental A. It is also known as Indian Councils Act, 1909. Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will B. It effectively legitimised the election take place in September, 2017 in which of of Indians to the various legislative the following places ? councils in India for the first time. C. The British conceded the so-called (1) Guadalajara demand of Muslim leaders for (2) Montreal separate electorates in this act. (3) New Delhi (4) Kyoto Which of the above statements is/are correct ? 5. At which of the following places did the 2017 G20 summit, the twelfh meeting of Select the code for the correct answer the Group of Twenty Countries (G20), from the options given below : take place in July 2017 ? (1) A and B only (1) Hamburg, Germany (2) B only (2) Seine, Paris (3) B and C only (3) New York, USA (4) A, B and C (4) London, UK 261 (3 – A ) 6. D PæÙÜX®Ü ÖæàÚPæWÜÙÜ®Üá° ±ÜÄWÜ~Ô : 8. ±Üqr I ÃÜÈÉ®Ü ÊÜ®ÜÂiàËWÜÙÜ®Üá° AÊÜâWÜÙÜ ñÜñÜÕíŸí˜ A. ÓÜÊܮݰ ÊÝ¿ááWÜá|ÊÜ®Üá° ÓÜãvÝ®… ÊÜ®ÜÂiàË «ÝÊÜá WÜÙæãvÜ®æ (±Üqr II) Öæãí©Ô : ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ ÊÝ¿ááWÜá|Êæí¨Üã PÜÃæ¿ááÊÜÃÜá. ±Üqr I ±Üqr II B. 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