Helford, , TR12 6LB. Clubhouse Tel: 01326 231460. Office Tel/Answerphone/Fax: 01326 231006 E–mail [email protected] Website www.helfordriversc.co.uk

Clubhouse Trustees W.L. Collins, R. Rosier, W.J. Jane, Mrs J. Benney

Honorary Life Membership Mrs T.C. Worth. World Cruise 1952–1954 Mrs H. Graham-Vivian W.J. Jane. Commodore 1990–1993 and 2001–2004 W.G.A. Jenkin. Commodore 2004–2007 and thirty-five years Committee service W. Royall. Thirty-five years service to the Club

Honorary Members The Commodore, HMS Seahawk, Culdrose, Helston The Commodore, Yacht Club de la Rade de Brest The Commodore, Yacht Club Des Abers

Helford River Sailing Club Commodores

Cdr. A.R.T. Kirby OBE RNR (Retd) 1948 – 53 F.R. Crossley 1981 – 83

Cdr. D.L. Robertson RN (Retd) 1953 – 56 Dr. Ian Wort 1983 – 84

R. Admiral H.S. Harrison CBE, DSC 1956 – 60 D.L.W. Hale 1984 – 87

Cdr. R.D. Bayliffe RN (Retd) 1960 – 63 Dr. John Lansdowne 1987 – 90 A.C. Myers 1963 – 66 W.J. Jane 1990 – 93 J.T. Holman 1966 – 70 A.R. Hosking 1993 – 95 Mrs A.C. Myers 1970 – 72 R.G.W. Sanders 1995 – 98

Lt.Cdr. G.R. Heppel DSO, RN (Retd) 1972 – 74 A.P. Miller 1998 – 01

Lt.Cdr. P.H. London DSC, RN (Retd) 1974 – 76 W.J. Jane 2001 – 04

Captain A.D. Sharp RNVR 1976 – 78 W.G.A. Jenkin 2004 – 07 Mrs D.M. Winfrey 1978 – 79 R.G.Hewett 2007 – 09 Dr. Ian Wort 1979 – 81 Mrs J. Benney 2009 Contents Safety on Shore

Commodore’s report 4 The Club always extends Yacht racing report 7 a special welcome to Yacht race calendar 8 families and children. We Yacht courses 9 have a strong junior sailing Yacht sailing instructions 10 side and one of the The long route to L’Aber-Wrac’h 12 founding objectives of the Helford – L'Aber-Wrac'h 50th anniversary 13 Club was “to encourage Dinghy sailing report 14 generally messing about in Dinghy calendar and courses 15 Dinghy sailing instructions 16 boats in a seamanlike sailing marks 18 manner” A motor boatist’s perspective 20 With this in mind, we Junior sailing report 21 ask parents to be aware of Cruising report and Gaffers report 22 the inherent dangers of Gaffers sailing instructions and courses 23 being near water, cliffs and Trophies and Cups 24 a busy car park. What may Membership 26 be obvious to an adult Mooring and berthing 27 could present an immediate Treasurer’s report 29 danger to a child. We ask HRSC Accounts 30 parents to be responsible HRSC Bye–laws 32 Committee Members duties 34 for their children, to take Race Officer rota 2010 35 warning signs seriously and Mark codes for dynamic courses 35 ensure that lifejackets are Depth of water at end of Pontoon 35 worn as appropriate. That said, the river gives Cover photograph: Martine McPherson us all, both young and old,

Photographs: p7 Peter Wood, p8 Stuart Sawyer a tremendous playground p9 Andy Dennis, p13 Stuart Sawyer, p14 Katie Sykes, right on our doorstep. p21Martine McPherson, p22 Peter Wood, p24 Phil Samuel, p29 Jane Benney . . . Enjoy it to the full.

2 Commodore Jane Benney, Chybilly, Trelowarren, Mawgan, Helston, TR12 6AH. 01326 221296 [email protected] Vice Commodore Wendy Moore, Landre, Vicarage Lane, , Helston TR12 6JH 01326 231556 wendy@johnand wendymoore.co.uk Rear Commodore Sailing John Jane, Penlerick, , Helston TR12 6PW. 01326 280624 [email protected] Rear Commodore Amenities John Bolitho, 1 Cottage, Manaccan, Helston TR12 6JJ. 01326 231637 [email protected] Honorary Secretary Mark Gregory, Studio House, Gillan, Manaccan, Helston TR12 6HE. 01326 231355 [email protected] Honorary Treasurer Mark Buckley, Tredreyseg, Laddenvean, , Helston TR12 6QD. 01326 281057 [email protected] Captain Yachts Garth Weaver, 86 Treffry Road, TR1 1WE. 01872 242487 [email protected] Stuart Sawyer, Penwarne, Smith, Falmouth TR11 5PH. 01326 250650 [email protected] Captain Dinghies Beccy Kestin, Elvan, Constantine, Falmouth TR11 5RR. 01326 341163 [email protected] Captain Amenities Mike Taylor-Firth, 1 Machan Lodge, Gillan, Manaccan, Helston TR12 6HG. 01326 231076 [email protected] Captain Juniors Joan Kearsley MBE, Huckleberry House, TR12 6TQ. 01326 280337 [email protected] Captain Social Sandra Monaghan, Sanctuary Cottage, 1 Glebe Terrace, Ruan Minor, Helston TR12 7JN. 01326 290618 [email protected] Captain Moorings, Beach and Pontoon Ken Hubbard, Trevaney Farm, Constantine, Falmouth TR11 5RE. 01326 340515 [email protected] Captain Safety Boats Julian Samuel, Moy Trevean, St. Martin, Helston TR12 6BU. 01326 231003 [email protected] Durgan Old Gaffers Society (DOGS) Representative James Lyall, Bonallack Barton, , Helston, TR12 6UL. 01326 340271. [email protected] Port of Falmouth Sailing Association Representative Stuart Sawyer, Penwarne, , Falmouth TR11 5PH. 01326 250650 [email protected] Yacht Cruising Representative Chris Symes, Menehay, Orchard Lane, Helford, Helston TR12 6LA. 01326 231663 [email protected] Dinghy Sailing Contacts Adult Dinghy Sailing: Colin Brown 01326 240722. Dinghy Racing: Captain Dinghies

March 2010

3 Commodore’s report

t is always an unsettling time for our Club when work to be carried out due to environmental I there is a change of stewards, and this was ruling. Re-wiring was also required in areas of the perhaps one of the most difficult and unfortunate flat, bar and kitchen. The old slipway, which was scenarios we have encountered. The Committee dangerous, has been removed and rebuilt. Our was unanimous in its handling of the situation. next major project is the sewerage system, and Thanks to their hard work and commitment various options are being considered. On the during the spring months, we managed to keep pontoon, Ken Hubbard organised the installation the Club open. I would like to thank those of new fingers and general upgrading ready for the members who offered their support during this season. difficult time. Thank you also to the Management This year marked the 50th Anniversary of the Committee (John Jane, John Bolitho, Mark L’Aber Wrac’h Race and once again our thanks go Buckley, Wendy Moore and Mark Gregory) – to our sponsors, to Rob Hewett and his Sub- quite a team! They undertook the daily running of Committee, and our own Sailing Committee and the Club, and it was quite an undertaking to get to all helpers. The whole event was very the Clubhouse ready for the new season. We successful, lots of fun and the reception in France were very relieved in May to hand over the reins was superb. Although the weather conditions to our new stewards, Greg and Alli Laskey. They were challenging, the race was thoroughly have settled in tremendously well and the enjoyed by those who managed to get across the Clubhouse has been extremely busy all summer. Channel. John and Carol Lawrence who for many It is fundamental to the well being and operation years have made the trip to France for this event, of the Club that our stewards are hardworking spent all of Saturday collating the race cards and and experienced. Members’ expectations are results. This event requires an enormous amount quite rightly high, but we hope that all have been of organisation and it is a credit to our Club that offered a good service this year. Due to better this race has continued for so many years. Thank management, bar prices were reduced not once you everyone. but twice during the summer, offering benefits to Our Sailing Committee with John Jane at the the more frequent users of the Club. Certainly helm once again, has been very busy, with Garth the majority of our sailing members have Weaver and Stuart Sawyer bringing exciting new expressed their appreciation throughout the ideas to the keel boat racing and prize giving. summer, as have many other members and Wednesday evening race nights have seen an visiting yachtsmen, many of whom have increase in the PY class thanks to Chris Symes, and mentioned the warm welcome, great food, we hope this will continue next year. A few atmosphere and facilities on offer. Nothing is Gaffers still venture out as the weather improves. perfect but we are doing our best! Our Falmouth Week Regatta Day was one of the At the start of February, under the guidance best with our well-known teas and pig roast a of John Bolitho and Mikey Taylor-Firth, we credit to everyone involved. started a comprehensive maintenance The dinghy fleet continued to flourish thanks programme. A list of work carried out through to the hard work of Adam Mason and his helpers. the year is available should you want detailed Adam has sadly now completed his 3 years as information. Amongst other things the drains in Captain Dinghies – thank you Adam for your front of the Clubhouse were repaired and dedication. Thank you also to Julian Samuel and replaced. Partly due to the terrible state in which the Safety Boat crews without whom there would it was left, the stewards’ flat had to be completely be no dinghy sailing. Adult sailing, race training and refurbished to a high standard which we hope will junior instruction have continued throughout the be a good investment. The Club kitchen required summer, although the weather has not always professional deep cleaning and the bar needed been kind to those learning to sail. We are trying

4 ROYALL MEETS ROYAL: Wally Royall, who was awarded an HRSC Honorary Life Membership last year, receives his RYA Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Sailing from The Princess Royal at a ceremony in London in November 2009. to find ways to encourage more adults to the responsibility of Vice Commodore. This participate in sailing sessions. I would like to thank involved a tremendous work load organising Colin Brown and his helpers for their work in social events and looking after the Clubhouse and keeping the Wayfarers up to scratch. Thank you stewards. Nothing is too much trouble for also to Jane Dudley who is unfortunately unable to Wendy and her support for the Club and myself continue as Captain Juniors. Junior sailing will be has been invaluable. That is why it gives me great reorganised for next year with a Sub-Committee pleasure to present Wendy with the Robin of parents supporting the new Captain Juniors. Preston Memorial Trophy for her outstanding After much deliberation and research by the contribution to the Club. Sailing Committee, the Q17 has finally been Looking forward to 2010, we are replaced. It was generously given to the Club over committed to moving the Club forward, to 20 years ago and has served the Club well, but it maintaining and improving the current was time for it to go and we hope the infrastructure, and to offering our members replacement lasts as long. excellent value. I would like to finish by thanking In the office Kes left in March after eleven all the Committee members who have worked years service. We were all sad to say goodbye as so hard this year and given their time and their she had become so much part of our Club. Penny support to me unreservedly. It has been a difficult has now been joined by Helen Carson who does year but it has not been all hard work – we have the Club accounts one day a week. The office is had a lot of fun along the way! manned five days per week, holidays withstanding. This last year has been a busy one for our Captain Social, Wendy Moore, who also took on Jane Benney, Commodore

5 6

Yacht racing report

making a couple of appearances throughout the season, saved her best for Dartmouth Regatta where they came an impressive 3rd in a very competitive IRC5 fleet. Gotcha! had a storming year, first winning Falmouth Week IRC1, overall, and the zero discard Iron Man trophy. This was then followed by a 2nd in IRC4 at Dartmouth Regatta, just behind a very well sailed J97, which won both her Class and Black Group in Cowes Week. Sadly we said goodbye to Jetta, which marks an end to the J92 era at the Club. The L’Aber-Wrac’h 50th Anniversary Race was a fantastic event with a glorious evening for the Champagne Party setting the scene the night before and a tremendous turn out of yachts from both sides of the Channel. The next day the hat a great season for the yachts; one of competitors were met with warm and sunny Wthe windiest on record and a superb set of conditions with 6 – 10 knots of breeze for the results for the Club. It was certainly a mixed bag, start. Over 75 yachts set sail for France from the autumnal conditions in July and August and Helford, worthy mentions of the fleet must go to summer conditions in the autumn! Rob Hewett as he crossed the start line with Rule Club racing was a great success, most Britannia blaring out of Triton’s stereo and Wally notable being the strong resurgence of the PY Royal, who not only completed his 33rd crossing, fleet, which was one of our initial aims. It has but also finished as first Helford yacht in Xenia, the been great to see a number of new faces getting X361, to win the Sundance Trophy. Overall, the on the water on a Wednesday evening and some British boats put on a great show and ranked old older ones too. Jinjy, Kudu and Valkyrie have highly in the prizes. all done very well this year, but the trophy for The Wednesday night sailors enjoyed a seamanship must go to Amanzintoti who took competitive year in a variety of conditions and her skipper, Roger McDonald, around the course finished with a Wash-Up session in October, single-handed in 40 knots of breeze. which was attended by over 40 sailors. Discussion The IRC fleet has continued to remain ensued about introducing a One Design Fleet to competitive, with the odd protest hearing helping the river, but the momentum has been lost, so to extend people’s knowledge of the racing rules. this would now be in 2011 at the earliest. Regulars on the race course were Jetta, Orijin, Behind the scenes there have been a few Big Purple, Gotcha! and Jacobi, who was less people who have been doing a lot of work to dominant than in previous years, with Gotcha! support the yacht programme. Special thanks go showing her true pedigree and taking the top to Tony Statham for all things SI and NOR and to yacht honours for 2009. Terry Pascoe for the results each week. Alli and Helford really excelled on the club front. Greg have done a fantastic job in looking after us The year started with a bang when Big Purple so well with the important après-sail side of things won both the Savills Cup in Falmouth and the and finally thanks to John Jane, whose boundless Helford Club Regatta, putting on a great show in enthusiasm makes it all happen! the 25 – 30 knot winds. Jacobi won the COGS Here’s to getting wet ‘n windy in 2010! series (again!), with Gotcha! and Orijin supporting her on the team front. Demolition, whilst only Garth Weaver and Stuart Sawyer, Captains Yachts

7 Yacht race calendar 2010

7 - 28 Apr Spring Wednesday Pursuit Series 4 races, 3 to count (start time 1800) Spring Series Trophy 1 May COGS 1 (RCYC) - Sharp's Brewery Falmouth to Race 2 May Fowey – Helford The Jose Collins Cup 5 May - 9 Jun Early Summer Series – 6 races, 4 to count (start time 1815 PY & 1830 IRC) Ushant Cup 30 May COGS 2 (FSC) - Formation Marine Gull Rock Manacles Race 5 Jun COGS 3 (SSC) - Plymouth to Fowey Race 16 Jun Yachts and Gaffers Ladies Helm Race (start time 1815 PY & 1830 IRC ) County Pie Trophy 19 Jun COGS 4 (SMSC) - Bond Pearce Eddystone Race 23 Jun Dorothy Winfrey – Pre L’Aber-wrac’h (start time 1815 PY & 1830 IRC) Dorothy Winfrey Cup 25 Jun L’Aber-wrac’h – 51st Race Guncarriage Sundancer Trophy 30 Jun - 4 Aug Mid Summer Series - 6 races, 4 to count (start time 1815 PY & 1830 IRC) Mid Summer Series Trophy 10 Jul COGS 5 (HRSC) - A2 Rigging Helford to Race Midnight Trophy Jul 18 HRSC Yachts River Regatta 8 Aug HRSC Regatta Day, part of Falmouth Week 8 - 14 Aug Henri Lloyd Falmouth Week 18 Aug - 22 Sep Late Summer Series - 6 races, 4 to count (start time 1800 PY & 1815 IRC) Ronald Coad Cup 11 Sep COGS 6 (RFYC) - Fowey to Helford Race Stewards Cup 12 Sep Challenge Race HRSC / RCYC (start time - tbc ) tbc 19 Sep - 24 Oct Autumn Spirit Series – RCYC / HRSC (start time - tbc ) Gedges Cup 13 Oct Yachts Wash up Meeting – Clubhouse 1930 16 Oct COGS Prize Giving – RCYC 1900 17 Nov Yachts Prize Giving

8 Yacht courses 2010

Committee Boat pre-determined courses 1 Toll (S), Nare (P), Committee (P), Bosahan (S), Toll (S), Dennis (P), Committee (P), Turning Mark (P). 2 Toll (S), Nare (P), (P), Nare (P), Rosemullion (P), Committee (S), Turning Mark (P) 3 Toll (S), Dennis (P), Maenporth (P), Nare (P), Rosemullion (P), Committee (S) 4 Shag (S), Dennis (S), Central (S), Committee (P), Shag (S), Committee (P), Voose (S), Committee (P) 5 Rosemullion (S), Porthallow (P), Eastern (P), Dennis (S), Central (S), Committee (P) 6 Rosemullion (S), Nare (P), Eastern (P), Dennis (S), Rosemullion (P), Committee (S), Turning Mark (P) 7 Dennis (P), Nare (P), Committee (P), Turning mark (P), Committee (P), Shag (S), Committee (P), Voose 17A Voose (P), Rosemullion (S), Dennis (S), Rosemullion (P), Committee (P), Dennis (P), Committee (P), (S), Gew (S), Turning Mark (P) Turning Mark (P) 18A Voose (P), Eastern (S), Porthallow (S), Rosemullion 8 Eastern (P), Turning Mark (P), Gew (S), Nare (P), (P), Dennis (S), Shag (P), Committee (P) Committee (P), Turning mark (P), Committee (P) 19 Turning Mark (P), Shag (S), Central (P), Gew (S), 9 Eastern (P), Central (S), Turning mark (P), Committee Dennis (P), Shag (P), Committee (S), Turning Mark (P) (S), Nare (P), Shag (P). Committee (S), Turning mark 20 Turning Mark (P), Eastern (P), Central (S), (P), Committee (S) Rosemullion (S), Dennis (S), Turning Mark (P) 10 Dennis (P), Shag (S), Nare (S), Committee (P), 21 Turning Mark (P), Eastern (P), Rosemullion (P), Central Turning Mark (P), Committee (P) (S), Shag (S), Nare (P), Eastern (P), Turning mark (P) 11 Nare (P), Rosemullion (P), Maenporth (S), Eastern (S), 22 Toll (S), Dennis (P), Shag (S), Nare (S), Committee (P), Shag (P), Committee (S), Turning Mark (P) Dennis (S), Central (P), Turning Mark (P) 12 Nare (P), Rosemullion (S), Manacles (S), Eastern (P), 23 Toll (S), Manacles (P), Rosemullion (P), Nare (S), Shag (P), Nare (S), Committee (P), Turning Mark (P) Committee (P), Turning Mark (P) 13A Gew (P), Shag (S), Dennis (S), Toll (P), Gew (S), 24 Toll (S), Eastern (P), Rosemullion (P), Porthallow (S), Turning mark (P) Gew (S), Turning Mark (P) 14A Gew (P), Shag (S), Dennis (P), Rosemullion (P), Maenporth (S), Committee (S), Turning Mark (P) Note: • Some courses have passing marks to allow the Race 15A Gew (P), Shag (S), Eastern (S), Porthallow (P), Office to shorten courses. Rosemullion (P), Nare (S), Committee (P), Turning • Courses start between the Committee Boat and Gew, Mark (P) except those with suffix ‘A’ which start between the 16A Voose (S), Shag (S), Committee (P), Voose (S), Toll Committee Boat and Toll. (S), Committee (S), Dennis (P), Committee (P), • Courses shown with suffix ‘B’ followed by a mark code start between that mark and the Committee Boat, with Turning Mark (P) the first mark as shown in the course number above.


Yacht sailing instructions 2010

1 Rules flying code flag A, an orange pillar mark indicating a diver Racing will take place under the current Racing Rules of beneath the surface and a diver on the surface. A competing Sailing 2009 - 2012 (RRS), with RYA Prescriptions, these yacht shall not enter the 30 metre zone. sailing instructions, Notice of Races 2010, and the 6 Navigation appropriate class rules. On all courses competitors must pass to seaward of August 2 Competitors Responsibility Rock Buoy and north of Voose Buoy. The safety of a yacht and her entire management including 7 Start times insurance shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of The start time will be listed in the Yacht Calendar unless the owner / competitor racing the yacht. otherwise advised on the Clubhouse notice board. Pursuit The establishment of these sailing instructions in no way race start times will be advised individually. If, for unforeseen limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of circumstances, a race start is delayed, competitors should the owner / competitor for his / her crew, his / her yacht and remain within proximity to the start line such that they may the management thereof. start on time. Failure to do so will not be cause for redress. 3 Entry and insurance 8 Start line The owners / helmsmen of all yachts wishing to take part in Durgan starts will be between the Class flag on the races must do the following :- Committee Boat (positioned to the east of Durgan) and Gew a. Insure their craft for a minimum of £2,000,000 third race mark, except when “A” suffix is displayed on the course party risks board in which case the start will be between the Class flag b. Complete, sign and return an official 2010 Entry Form on the Committee Boat and Toll race mark. Courses shown to the Club before racing (available from the Club with suffix “B” followed by a mark code will start between Administrator ). that mark and the Committee Boat, with the first mark as c. Carry an appropriate class flag on the backstay of their shown for the designated course. yacht when racing. Where the start is in a westerly direction from the For yachts racing in PY class this is flag 'Z', IRC yachts fly flag Durgan line, yachts shall not pass through the Start Line on 'E'. No points or places will be given to any competitor who the second leg of the course. Durgan pursuit starts will use fails to satisfy all of these requirements. the line from the Committee Buoy to Gew race mark, or 4 Safety Toll race mark if suffix “A” displayed. Course displayed on Skippers of all yachts competing in Club races must ensure Clubhouse balcony. that their vessels are equipped with all adequate and up to Dennis starts will be the transit of the triangle with the date safety equipment. The minimum acceptable safety post behind on Dennis Head. standards for keelboats competing in river and Number of starters. For a race to be valid the number races is ORC Category 4. For Channel and COGS races see of starters must be at least two. the relevant sailing instructions. Whilst it is not mandatory for 9 Finish line / Committee Boat river and bay races, it is highly recommended that each The finish line will be marked by the Committee Boat and competing yacht be fitted with a working VHF radio, duly the nearest mark of the course. To indicate that the licensed, and have a qualified operator on board. All HRSC Committee Boat is on station and ready to finish competing Members are encouraged to lodge a CG 66 form with yachts, it should fly the class flag. The Club line will no longer Falmouth Coastguard. It is the responsibility of the be used. competitors alone to decide whether or not it is safe to race. a. The finish line for a shortened course is between the S This includes an assessment of weather conditions and flag on the Committee Boat and the next mark of the course forecasts, the sea worthiness of their vessel and the for the lead boat. competence, experience and fitness of its crew. Such b. For Pursuit races, if the leading yacht reaches the last standards may vary and the fact that a race has not been mark of the course before the finish time, the race shall be cancelled does not mean that it is safe for all competitors to extended by repeating the last triangle ( i.e. the last 3 marks ) take part. Competitors are individually responsible whether of the printed course until the finish time is reached. or not to start but the Committee reserves the right to c. All Dennis Start courses will finish at the last mark on the cancel the race should conditions be unsuitable in which case displayed course or the first mark after the time limit for the Flag “N” will be flown from the Clubhouse. race. Yachts are required to time their own finish and ( if 5 Divers and Dive boats possible ) note the yachts ahead and astern and advise by Divers and dive boats are obstructions. Yachts are required declaration card to the Club Administrator by the following to maintain a minimum 30 metre zone around a dive boat Wednesday morning.

10 d. Finishing at a mark with no Committee boat 14 Shortened courses In accordance with RRS The finish line is deemed to be a line extending from the 32.2, except as modified by these Sailing Instructions. finish mark, at right angles to the course from the previous 15 Retirements mark. The finish mark should be left on the same side as it All competitors retiring should notify the Race Officer as would have been rounded. There will not be a hook finish. soon as he / she comes ashore. In the case of races where The length of the line shall be two boat lengths. All yachts no Race Officer is present, Captain Yachts or Rear must finish within 2 boat lengths of the finishing mark passing Commodore Sailing should be notified instead. on the side indicated by the displayed course. e. Abandonment 16 Time limits Races that have no finishers within the time limit set are Time limits for Z and E classes on Wednesday evening races deemed to be abandoned with no points awarded. will be two hours after the start time for class E for mass starts. Provided that one competitor finishes within this time 10 Courses limit, all other entries will have a further half hour to finish. The Race Officer will set one of two types of courses from Competitors failing to finish within these time limits will be the Committee boat. deemed to have retired. Time limits for pursuit races are a. Pre-determined courses. given in the yacht calendar. RRS 35 will not apply. These are the numeric courses listed in the year book and will be indicated by one or two numbers possibly followed 17 Alternative penalties by letter “A”, to denote a Toll start or “B” see 8 above. RRS 44.1 and 44.2 will apply. b. Dynamic courses 18 Protests Dynamic courses will be indicated by lettered boards Protests will be heard in accordance with RRS 60 - 71 representing marks located in a frame on the Committee (part 5 ). This procedure must be followed correctly and in boat. Board lettering will be red to indicate a port rounding full, or the protest may not be heard. and green to indicate a starboard rounding. The course A fee of £10 must be presented with the protest, which will must be read horizontally from top left to bottom right. All be refunded if the protest is upheld. named marks and their code letters are referred to in the When a protest is raised within a race it must be verbally HRSC 2010 Year Book on page 35. A black pole mark may communicated to the Race Officer/Captain Yachts, within 2 be laid on the day of the race and will be referred to as hours of the last boat finishing. A protest report form should mark “X”. Its bearing from the Committee boat will be then be completed and returned to Captain Yachts within displayed on a board on the Committee boat. The movable 24 hours of the last boat finishing the race. Protest forms mark may appear at any position in the indicated course, available from the Club office. and may not be visible from the Committee boat area. 19 Assistance to another boat 11 Starts and starting signals It is the duty of every yacht to render all possible assistance RRS 26 will apply. This will not apply to pursuit races where to any vessel or person in distress in accordance with each yacht will start at its own given start time. Courses will Fundamental Rule 1.1. The Race Committee will be signalled by course boards which will be hung on the subsequently make every effort to reach an equitable Committee Boat. They will be displayed before or with the decision regarding the outcome of the race in accordance warning signal. RRS 30 (Starting Penalties) will not apply. All with RRS 62. competitors must take every precaution to keep clear of all 20 Points moored craft in the river. Particular attention is drawn to The Low - Point scoring system, Appendix A4, A8 and A9 those rules concerning right of way at obstructions. Pursuit of the RRS will apply for all Points Series races. race courses will be displayed on the Clubhouse balcony. Dennis line starts will not have a Committee Boat. A 21 Handicapping designated yacht will fly Flag “E” or “Z” from her backstay The handicap system for keelboat classes will be arranged and she shall not start before the advertised start time, and and organised by the Handicap Committee, to whom all no later than 2 minutes after. All other yachts shall cross the queries should be addressed in writing. start line at least one length behind the designated start 22 Declarations yacht, regardless of the time she starts. When competing in pursuit races the onus is on each 12 Recalls In accordance with RRS 29. competitor to complete the declaration sheet in the Clubhouse to include his own finishing time or ensure this is 13 Postponements / abandonments In completed on his behalf. accordance with RRS 27.3.


The long route to L'Aber-Wrac'h 2009

e were determined to take part in the 50th We could see a few yachts in the distance, WAnniversary Race having excelled ourselves none going faster than us (good) but we weren’t in 2007, starting near the last boats and finishing in going faster than them (bad). I must admit to not the dark some 12 hours later desperately trying to really liking crossing the Channel at night, but a distinguish the Libenter buoy from all the other newly-installed AIS enabled plotter did help. Some lights (the one thing it did prove to John was that of the boats coming up the Channel were HUGE - GPS actually can be useful!) one looked like a city, lit up from stem to stern, But 2009 was a different story - the forecast while others had hardly any lights at all. At least was for light winds. We had 3 of the 4 owners on playing with the AIS, due to lack of anything else to board (John, Martine and Tom - Steve declared do, told us their direction, and this kept us amused. that sitting on the rail all the way to France was By daybreak we were at least most of the way NOT his idea of a fun weekend away), in addition across and we could still see other boats. Having to John’s cousin Andrew who had never sailed come this far we were determined to at least get before. Of the 75 starters, we were again to the finish, although it was depressing sailing with amongst the smallest, but if the wind was good we now only winds of 4-5 knots, but we were heading knew we could do well and have fun doing it. We in the right direction. And then it all went wrong as started 55th in the pursuit, and by that time it was the wind died completely. We could just about see pretty obvious some boats had already given up. the coast and were at times heading parallel to it. At least this year there were more boats We knew we were about 30 miles from the finish starting simultaneously, so we had a feel for how and could see a couple of yachts West and East of we were doing. ‘Gotcha!’ was starting only 4 us. We hoisted a lightweight kite and tried to ghost minutes after us, and they were our main rival, along, but we weren’t actually getting any closer. having beaten us in almost every race so far during Finally the wind picked up when we were the year. We had a good start and tacked down to heading slightly up-tide of the finish mark, albeit the Manacle Buoy and then, in theory,169º to the some 14 miles away. But where was ‘Gotcha’? French coast at the Libenter Buoy. We’d not seen them during the night and didn’t Decision No 1 Time. Almost as soon as we know which course they had chosen. We guessed passed the Buoy it all went a bit light. It was West but also convinced ourselves they must have obvious that the fleet was split in two - those who gone East behind us. As we neared the coast we went East and those who went West (and none could hear radio chatter from Rob Hewett that who went South!), so what were we to do? made us believe that ‘Gotcha!’ was nearing the Frantic-ish tide checking and route optimisation on line, although we were still 3 miles away. We could the laptop suggested East, but the faster boats see what we thought was ‘Xenia’ and those boats seemed to be going West. In the end we played that had gone West storming in from the far right, safe and stayed South! Of course as soon as this but none looked like ‘Gotcha’. decision had been taken, we were lifted We arrived at the Buoy by about 13.20, not dramatically and had to tack again to keep heading as bad as we had thought (but 10 hours slower vaguely towards France rather than the Scillies! than in 2007), and navigated our way into the new The wind was decreasing and we had to marina, only to discover that we were one of the decide whether to continue or change course, but few boats that had finished. Martine enjoyed taking given the wind strength what else could we the lines from ‘Gotcha!’ and helping them tie up realistically do? The Scillies would be nice or we when they came in! Well done to Stuart for could about turn and go to Fowey. In the end we winning the Under 30ft Cup at the first attempt decided to make the final decision at 19.00, then and with no loo on board! 21.00 and then midnight (thankfully we are all a bit more decisive when it comes to ordering drinks). Tom Smith ‘Jetta’

12 Helford - L'Aber-Wrac'h 50th fayre for sale. We had an outside bar and BBQ anniversary celebrations two nights running, with live music. My thanks to Greg and Alli who put in a valiant effort he 50th anniversary of any race is a rare considering they didn't know what to expect.On Toccurrence in any branch of yachting and with the water we had Gig rowing and the Dorothy Helford being amongst the few clubs lucky enough Winfrey Race for keelboats on the Wednesday. to be in a position to host such a festival, due Later in the Wednesday evening we had a attention had to be paid. The sub-committee held picturesque candle launch, the wind would be in its inaugural meeting on the 9th January 2008 so the east wouldn't it! as to give enough time to put together a suitable We held the annual Champagne Recovery programme. Party on the Thursday evening. Later in the We needed to raise money for the event and evening when it was dark the culmination of the thus we contacted as many potential sponsors as event was a firework display which really brought we could think of. The response was very the celebrations to a fabulous climax. encouraging and particular thanks go to Nick Gill To record the history of the race, we of Douglas Gill International, Simon Boote of produced a commemorative booklet, and thank Ancasta Falmouth, Robin Curnow and Mark Paul Killinger for all his help putting that together. Dowland. With their help we held raffles, a Draw We were also able to give a commemorative of Squares, and sold polo shirts to raise the navigators bag to each competing yacht. necessary finance. When we arrived in France on the Saturday, We were hoping for a flypast reminiscent of we were treated to an exhibition of the history of the Sharks display team on the 30th Anniversary, the race in the Semaphore, an English/French so we invited the Red Arrows, the RAF Historic sculling race, and a Vin d'Honneur in the sailing Flight and RNAS Culdrose. The Red Arrows could club. On the Sunday we held the prizegiving come, but the week before. In the end, Culdrose which was followed by an outdoor buffet lunch for gave us a brief display by a Merlin. We invited the all the competitors accompanied by live music. Belle Poule and Etoile, but they were on the Tall My thanks go again to the subcommittee for Ships Atlantic Challenge. The Mutin was also all their hard work - Carol Lawrence, Wendy indisposed. So a bit disappointing but we tried. Moore, Julian Samuel, Fred Kearsley, Mike Lowe, In the clubhouse we staged many events to Martine MacPherson, Mark Buckley, Penny entertain the competitors. Derek Carter put on a McGovern and not least Sue, Sam, Sally and Nell fine exhibition of SOE during WW2 to remind us Hewett. of the long affiliation with the L'Aber-Wrac'h area. During the day we had samples of local Cornish Rob Hewett

13 Dinghy sailing report

wo thousand and nine was another successful most!) has also given a lot of time to this. Tseason of growth for the dinghy racing Consequently, the standard of racing in the section. 25 boats entered for the three series, and middle to rear of the fleet has improved fleets were generally 10 plus for most races. The dramatically, and the front runners now have to new Laser stacking racks in the dinghy park, look over their shoulders! brilliantly instigated by Captain Moorings, Ken Our season concluded with a delicious Hubbard, have really helped to boost the Dinghy Dinner and presentation evening, but in numbers. Pursuit racing is getting less and less the weeks following up to Christmas, some of us common in our calendar and our races are now foolishly moved to Lake to join in with mostly handicap with a Committee boat start. The their Frostbite series. This was great fun, but sadly Club’s new Committee boat, a replacement for due to the weather we only managed to Q17, will be a great asset to us. It will allow much complete 3 races out of 8. Enough to constitute a greater protection for the Race Committee, and a series though, and hopefully we will be able to do lot more useable space for buoys etc., together something similar next year when the weather with a safer form of anchoring. might be kinder. Windward/Leeward racing is becoming popular, Finally I must introduce my successor as I and we will now be able to lay our courses for have completed my three year stint. Beccy Kestin these more easily. has agreed to take over and was voted on to the Our Dinghy Regatta was a great success, with Committee at last week’s AGM. Beccy is very three races completed in light winds. keen and I am sure will continue the success of Congratulations to the race officials Sarah Mason, the dinghy racing section. The calendar for 2010 John Jane and Tom from Grafham Water S.C. for is drawn up, and looks excellent. managing in difficult conditions. Once again the Many thanks to everyone in the dinghy fleet Susanna May Memorial Cup was held on a fine who, without exception, has supported me and day, as was most of the racing last year, but I think gone along with everything I have organised. The the season was generally windier. We all gained a last three years have been a great pleasure for lot of experience in heavy weather gybing! me and I will miss it a lot, although I am looking Race training has been taking place on forward to just turning up and going racing! Tuesday evenings, organised by Beccy Kestin, See you out there. Mark Belshaw from the RYA, and with much help from Roger McDonald. Chris Hunt (Buddah to Adam Mason, Ex Captain Dinghies

14 Dinghy race calendar 2010

Date HW.BST Start time Thu 2 Sep 23:45 18:30 Line start Sun 5 Sep 15:23 15:00 Windward/leeward Sun 20 Mar 07:38* 14:00* Dinghy park & beach clean Thu 9 Sep 18:48 18:30 Line start Spring Thursday Series & Weekend Series Sun 12 Sep 8:04 10:00 Wayfarer Cup line start Thu 1 Apr 7:39 19:00 Pre season briefing & social Autumn Series Sun 4 Apr 9:15 11:00 Line start Sat 18 Sep 14:41 16:00 Line start Sun 11 Apr 16:28 15:00 Pursuit Sat 25 Sep 7:05 16:00 Line start Thu 15 Apr 18:56 18:30 Line start Sat 2 Oct 12:09 14:00 Line start Sat 17 Apr 7:49 16:00 Line start Sat 9 Oct 6:52 15:00 Line start Sun 25 Apr 15:49 15:00 Line start Sat 16 Oct 12:42 14:00 Line start Thu 29 Apr 18:49 18:30 Line start Sat 23 Oct 18:19 15:00 Line start Sun 2 May 8:22 11:00 Nairn Cup line start Sat 30 Oct 10:39 11:00 Line start Sun 9 May 14:58 15:00 Windward/leeward Thu 11 Nov 20:16* 19:00* Dinghy Washup Thu 13 May 17:51 18:30 Line start Sat 27 Nov 21:09* 19:00* Dinghy Prize Giving Sat 15 May 19:07 16:00 Pursuit *GMT Sun 23 May 14:17 15:00 Pursuit Thu 27 May 17:43 18:30 Line start Dinghy course card 2010 Sat 29 May 19:02 16:00 Windward/leeward Thu 3 Jun 22:02 18:30 Line start Pursuit Courses (HRSC Club Line) Sun 6 Jun 12:44 15:00 Line start North Cs Gp Tp Bp Gp Tp ( Cp Vp Bp) Thu 10 Jun 16:36 18:30 Line start North East B T Tm B T Tm (V C Tm) All Marks to Port Sun 13 Jun 18:51 16:00 Windward/leeward East C D Tm V Co D (Tm C D) All Marks to Port Thu 17 Jun 22:00 18:30 Line start South East Tm s Gp Tp Tm p (Bp Cp Tm p) Sun 20 Jun 12:38 14:00 Susanna May Cup South Ds Bp Ts Co s (Dp Cp Tp) Summer Thursday Series & Weekend Series South West T D Tm Co T Tm Co (T C Co) Thu 24 Jun 16:35 18:30 Line start All marks to port Sat 26 Jun 18:05 16:00 Windward/leeward West T Tm V Co (Tm V C) All Marks to Port Thu 1 Jul 21:04 18:30 Line start North West G Tm V (G C B) All Marks To Port Sun 4 Jul 10:53 10:00 HRSC Dinghy regatta Committee Boat line starts RYA Onboard Feva event Start Mark Thu 8 Jul 15:03 18:30 Line start North (B) Cs Gp Tp Bp Gp Tp (Cp Vp Bp) Sun 11 Jul 17:48 15:00 Pursuit North East (V) Cs Bp Tp Tm p Bp Tp Tm p (Vp Cp Thu 15 Jul 21:02 18:30 Line start Tm p) Thu 22 Jul 15:21 18:30 Line start East (Tm) C D Tm V Co D (Tm C D) Sun 25 Jul 17:47 16:00 Windward/leeward All Marks to Port Thu 29 Jul 20:10 18:30 Line start South East (Tm) G Tm G T Tm (B C Tm ) All Marks to Port Sun 1 Aug 9:37 11:00 Pursuit South (D) Bp Ts Co s Dp Bp Ts Co s (Dp Cp Tp) Sun 8 Aug 16:40 HRSC Fal week South West (T) C T D Tm Co T Tm Co (T C Co) Thu 12 Aug 19:58 18:30 Line start All Marks to Port Sat 14 Aug 9:12 End of Fal week West (Co) Cs Tp Tm p Vp Co p (Tm p Vp Cp) Sun 15 Aug 9:53 11:00 Pursuit North West (C) Tm G Tm V G Tm V (G C B) Thu 19 Aug 13:52 18:30 Line start All Marks To Port Sun 22 Aug 16:47 15:00 Windward/leeward C = Central. G = Gew. T = Toll. B = Bosahan. Thu 26 Aug 19:12 18:30 Line start Tm = Trebah (Turning Mark). V = Voose. Sat 28 Aug 8:06 16:00 Line start Co = Committee. D = Durgan.


Dinghy sailing instructions 2010

Rules Club notice board. Racing will take place under the current ISAF Rules (i.e.2010 ii) Committee Boat line start - Letter “A” will be displayed - 2012), with RYA Prescriptions, these sailing instructions, the at the foot of the ramp. The course letter board will be appropriate class rules, and the 2010 notice of races displayed from the Committee Boat before the Warning signal. Courses will be selected from the race card, 1 Competitors Responsibility Committee Boat line start section. The safety of a dinghy and her entire management including iii) Windward/Leeward Triangle Courses - Letter “B” will insurance shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of be displayed at the foot of the ramp. The course will be the owner/competitor racing the dinghy. standard windward/leeward triangle as illustrated in Appendix The establishment of these sailing instructions in no way ‘L’ of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2010 - 2012, with an option limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of to reduce the number of laps by shorten course procedure, the owner/competitor for his/her crew, his/her dinghy and and an option to use the windward and leeward marks as the management thereof. starting and finishing marks. A course card will be provided by 2 Entry and insurance Captain Dinghies The owners/helmsmen of all dinghies wishing to take part in iv) Light winds, a light wind course option will be signaled races must do the following: - by letter board L at the bottom of the Ramp, or on the i) Insure their craft for a minimum of £2,000,000 third Committee boat. A suitable light wind course will be party risks notified by Captain dinghies or the Race Officer. ii) Complete, sign and return an official Entry Form to the 6 Starting Club each season before racing, (available from the i) Pursuit - A signal will be sounded at or soon after the Club Administrator, Captain of Dinghies or from the start time published in the HRSC Year Book, or otherwise Club website). advised on the Clubhouse notice board. Each dinghy will iii) Under 16's must complete a Parental consent form start at its own individual start time shown on their race card. available from the Club Administrator, or the Club The start line is the Club Line marked by the transit of website. the two masts at the Clubhouse. No points or places will be given to any competitor who fails ii) Committee Boat line start - The starting procedure will to satisfy all of these requirements. follow RRS 26, with the warning signal at or soon after the 3 Safety time published in the HRSC Year Book, or otherwise advised Life jackets or buoyancy aids must be worn by all competitors on the Club notice board. In addition there will be a signal 5 at all times. All dinghies must be equipped with adequate mins before the warning signal, and Int. code Flag “B” will be buoyancy, (properly secured), and carry all safety equipment. hoisted. Flag “B” will be lowered at the Warning signal, then It is the responsibility of the competitors alone to decide RRS 26 will be followed. whether or not it is safe to race. This includes an assessment The start line will be a line between an orange flag on of weather conditions and forecasts, the sea worthiness of the Committee Boat and an orange flag on another mark their vessel and the competence, experience and fitness of its which may or may not be a mark of the course. The start line crew. Such standards may vary and the fact that a race has will be in the vicinity of the Start Mark, identified in brackets not been cancelled does not mean that it is safe for all on the race card. competitors to take part. iii) Windward/Leeward Triangle line start - The starting 4 Navigation procedure will as per SI 6 ii (Committee Boat Line start). On all courses competitors must pass north of Voose Buoy 7 Number of starters For a race to be valid the and south of Bar Buoy. Competitors must take every number of starters must be at least 3. precaution to keep clear of moored craft in the river. 8 Finishing Particular attention is drawn to those rules concerning rights i) Pursuit - The finish will be at the first mark, rounded by of way at obstructions. the leading boat after the minimum time period has expired 5 Courses (90 minutes after the start signal). If the full course is Courses will be either: completed before this time then the legs marked in brackets i) Pursuit - The course to be sailed will be signalled by on the Race Card will be repeated until the minimum time course letter board hung at the foot of the ramp leading to period has elapsed. The finish may or may not be marked by the pontoons. Details of courses are given on race cards a Committee or patrol boat. The finish line is deemed to be available from the Club Office and Captain Dinghies. a line extending from the finish mark, at right angles to the Competitors should ensure they use the most up-to-date course from the previous mark. The finish mark should be card by checking the valid date on the card with that on the left on the same side as it would have been rounded. There 16 will not be a hook finish. The length of the line will be two 15 Handicapping boat lengths. Handicapping will be organised using the Portsmouth Any boat not on the same leg as the lead boat Yardstick Scale as determined by the Sailing Committee. All when the minimum time period expires shall finish by entries shall adhere strictly to their respective class rules and rounding the next mark on the correct side. The to their PY rating. Committee Boat or patrol boat will attempt to record 16 Use of Club Boats finishing positions. However, it is essential that i) Club boats may only be used for racing by helmsmen competitors note the name / sail number of the boats who have been previously authorised to do so by Captain finishing ahead and astern. Dinghies and only when a safety boat is in attendance. ii) Committee Boat line start Race - The finish line will be ii) Users of Club boats must take all steps to avoid damage. marked by the Committee Boat and a mark of the course. At the end of racing the boats should be returned to their The line will be at 90° to the course from the previous moorings or the dinghy park, properly secured with sails mark. Boats will finish by crossing the line leaving the mark properly folded and returned to the store. Any damage must of the course on the correct side according to the race card. be reported promptly to Captain Dinghies. To indicate that the Committee Boat is on station it may fly a blue flag. Pursuit race dinghy handicaps/ start times The Race Officer will finish the race after approx. 60 mins duration, at a mark of his/her discretion, by following Class PY Start Time (after hooter) the shorten course procedure. The course may be shortened between marks of the course by creating a finish Starting signal 00m.00s gate between a blue flag displayed on the Committee boat Topper 1290 14m 45s and an additional mark displaying flag 'S', and by following Pico 1 1260 16m 30s the shorten course procedure before the first boat crosses RS Feva 1189 20m 38s the finish line. Laser 4.7` 1175 21m 28s iii) Windward/Leeward Triangle Race - The finishing Solo 1155 22m 38s procedure will be as per SI 8 ii (Committee Boat Line start Race) Nat 12, 2512-3140 1130T 24m 05s (Single handed) (1122T) (24m 37s) 9 Shortening course In accordance with RRS 32.2, except as modified by these Wanderer 1129 24m 08s Sailing Instructions. Enterprise 1116 24m 54s (Single handed) (1107T) (25m 11s) 10 Retirements All competitors retiring must notify the Race Officer or Nat 12, 3141-3271 1115T 24m 58s Patrol Boat Crew as soon as possible. (Single handed) (1106T) (25m 29s) 11 Time limits Wayfarer No spinnaker 1108T 25m 22s Committee Boat line start races. Any boat not finishing Nat 12, 3272-3410 1104T 25m 36s within 30 mins of the leading boat will be deemed to have (Single handed) (1095T) (26m 08s) retired. Laser Radial 1101 25m 47s 12 Protests Wayfarer 1099 25m 53s Protests will be heard in accordance with ISAF Rules 60 - 71 (Single handed) No spin 1099T 25m 53s (part 5). This procedure must be followed correctly and in Nat 12, 3410 on 1092 26m18s full, or the protest may not be heard. (Single handed) (1083T) (26m50s) A fee of £5 must be presented with the protest, which will Comet Trio 1086 26m39s be refunded if the protest is upheld. (Single handed) No spin (1086T) (26m39s) 13 Assistance to another boat Laser 1078 27m 07s It is the duty of every dinghy to render all possible assistance to any vessel or person in distress in accordance with T= Trial Number. The race finishes when the leading boat reaches his Fundamental Rule 1.1.The Race Committee will next mark of the course, after 90 mins. duration from the Starting subsequently make every effort to reach an equitable Signal. (As per section 8 of sailing instructions) decision regarding the outcome of the race in accordance NOTE: The dinghy race card may be amended from time to time. with Rule 62. Competitors should ensure that they are using the up-to-date version 14 Points RRS Appendix A will apply. by checking with Captain Dinghies or the Club notice board. 17 Helford River Sailing Marks 2010


Helford to L’Aber-Wra’ch – A motor boatist’s perspective

lthough this was the 50th Anniversary of and try to free us. We had no diving equipment A the Race, I am writing this from the point on board but I managed to find a face mask. Had of view of a non-competitor, a motor boatist the sea not been so calm we would have had to and a first time Channel crosser. continue to France with only one engine as had Crossing the Channel for the first time was been done before. After several attempts, the an exciting prospect. We were crossing in our net, which turned out to be from a trawler, was motor boat, ‘Bold Lancer’, a Nelson 42, and removed. In the attempt, the diver unfortunately were going for the experience, to stretch our caught his foot on the propeller and had to have sea legs and to greet the competitors, amongst treatment in France. them my brother Edd, competing in his first After this incident, we continued on our Race in ‘Dee Dee’. The 50th Anniversary could way in convoy with ‘Moonshadow’ on our not have been a more fitting occasion. starboard side. The rest of the crossing was, On Friday 26th June at 06.00 sharp, the thankfully, uneventful and very pleasant. It was engines roared into life and we left our mooring hard to believe we were in one of the busiest in the Helford, although the racing yachts were shipping channels. We encountered large not due to leave until later in the morning. Two patches of fog from time to time, but apart from loud blasts from our horn let the crew of the odd seagull, there wasn’t much to see. As ‘Moonshadow’, Allan Carey’s Hardy 42, know we neared the French coast, we spotted Allen that we were off. We were planning to travel in Benney’s yacht, ‘Privateer’, in the distance, which convoy with them catching us up. We headed had left Helford in the early hours. Nearer the for the mouth of the river. We had experienced coast, the wind picked up a little, and the sea a messy Easterly sea the day before whilst spray made it too wet to sit on the upper deck. fuelling in Falmouth, but today was glorious. Although the Libenter Buoy was not visible, The sun was rising with not a breath of wind. we approached L’Aber Wrac’h at about 16.30, The sea was oily, in JB’s words, as flat as a the first vessel from Helford to do so. We were ‘witch’s tit’. Of course these conditions, while allocated a mooring place on the new pontoon perfect for us, were to prove nightmare-ish for rafted up with ‘Moonshadow’. ‘Privateer’ was the sailors. At 12 knots we passed the Manacle the next to arrive. Buoy. The following day, the sailors started to We had anticipated the crossing would arrive, along with Edd in the afternoon. The take about 9 hours, and within the first hour we festivities during the next few days were very had all settled down well. Our crew consisted enjoyable. Even though we did not take part in of John and Wendy Moore, JB, Jack and myself. the Race it was good to support the competitors Everything was going well and conditions were and to be part of this Anniversary. It was a great perfect. The crossing proved invaluable for way to start our holiday, and although, as a honing my navigational skills. After about 2.5 motor boat crew, we were extremely lucky with hours, I was in the bow cabin when I felt the weather conditions on the crossing to France, whole boat shudder. We had picked up a net this was certainly not the case during the return on our port propeller which brought the engine crossing! to a standstill. At the same time ‘Moonshadow’ was approaching, and JB had to make a quick Victoria Bolitho decision. ‘Moonshadow’ launched their tender and 2 of their crew came aboard. We could have done with Edd to go underneath and remove the net, however a diver from ‘Moonshadow’ volunteered to take the plunge

20 Junior sailing report he past year for junior sailing was a fun and as young as five years old. This was an exhausting Teventful year although, as usual, the weather but enjoyable day for all. was inclement, especially at the end of the The Junior Helm race was a success with season. I would like to thank all the instructors: perfect weather conditions and light winds. I Chris, Clive, Sarah, Carol, Joan and Sammy for all would like to thank all crews for giving the children their hard work and dedication each week in opportunities to helm and race a large boat. All helping the children learn to sail. We continued as the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience as an RYA Training Centre with the children well as some parents who also went on the boats. achieving their RYA certificates. A big thank you to Unfortunately due to the adverse weather all the parents for their essential help in shore conditions we had to cancel the junior camp, but based activities, in the safety boats and getting the did manage to have a fun games night with the boats in and out of the water each week. children racing, playing games on the water and of I would also like to thank Sam and Lisa for course, swimming. The children enjoy being in co-ordinating the safety boat crews - without the water as much as being on it! them we would be unable to get on the water, The year ended with the Posh Nosh and and to Norma for the fantastically valuable job of Disco Night. The food and tables were fantastic registering the children each week. A big thank with the children looking very grown up and you also goes to Elsa Chance from the HRCST devouring all three courses. A big thank you to Alli for taking time out of her busy life to be our and Greg for all their hard work in making the Senior Instructor for the season. dinner a success and catering for us all every We held a Fun Day when the children had a Friday. During the evening it gave us great Fishing and Crabbing contest. Who would have pleasure to hand out RYA certificates at all levels, thought you could catch large mullet from the and to celebrate the successes over the season, pontoons, not one but two! There was also a ending with the children dancing late into the Treasure Hunt, and I am still not quite sure what evening. a slipper shell is, and not forgetting the children’s favourite – the swimming races, with competitors Jane Dudley, Captain Juniors

21 Cruising report

Due to inclement weather, 2009 was not the best cruising year. Some members managed passages up or down the coast and also to Brittany. Several boats entered the L’Aber Wrac’h Race, but unfortunately it was about the only day of the summer when the wind was too light and hence most of the ‘cruising’ yachts had to motor in. I would like to hear from anyone who would enjoy some cruising in company with others to destinations such as St. Mawes, Fowey or the . I therefore suggest we have an informal meeting on Saturday 17th April at 20.00 hrs in the Clubhouse. If anyone would like to contact me, my email is entering into the Club Regatta. Steve Williams [email protected] and Glen went to the Classics and won their class Chris Symes, Cruising Representative and came 15th out of 20 in Falmouth Week. Congratulations to Steve, Jules and Glen. Gaffers report New sails are planned for some of the Toshers for next season. New members would We have had a varied season of strong winds to be welcomed as well. light breezes. On one occasion a boat from the If anyone would like to join in Wednesday PY fleet had to come to the rescue of the Sea evening sailing, please contact James Lyall, Gaffers Biscuit, now renamed the Soggy Biscuit. Representative, on 01326 340271 or email Unfortunately the wind prevented the fleet [email protected]

Helford Post Office and Stores Open 7 days a week 1st April to mid September Bread, Pasties, Milk Fresh supplies daily Cream, Farm eggs, Vegetables Frozen meats, Fish, Vegetables Helford, Helston General groceries, Off licence Cornwall TR12 6JX Newspapers, Ice cream, Gifts Tel/Fax (01326) 231275 Books, Post cards, Films, Maps Fax service available


Gaffer sailing instructions 2010

Gaffers courses. Wednesday evenings 8P Nare,Rosemullion, Club Line. 8S Rosemullion, Nare, Club Line. 1P Dennis,Toll, Turning Mark, Gew, Toll, Turning Mark. 9P Dennis,Toll,Groyne,Club Line. 1S Shag, Gew, Turning Mark, Toll,Gew, Turning Mark. 9S Shag, Gew,Groyne,Club Line. 2P Dennis,Toll,Turning Mark,Gew,Toll,Turning Mark,Club Line. 10P Dennis,Shag,Turning Mark,Groyne,Club Line. 2S Shag,Gew,Turning Mark,Toll,Gew,Turning Mark, 10S Shag,Dennis,Turning Mark,Groyne,Club Line. Club Line. 11 Shag(S),Nare(P),Porthallow(S). 3P Dennis,Shag,Turning Mark,Gew,Toll,Turning Mark. 3S Shag,Dennis,Turning Mark,Toll,Gew,Turning Mark. Note: The Gaffer fleet shall always use the same starting line 4P Nare,Shag,Turning Mark,Gew,Toll,Turning Mark. • as used by the Keelboat race starting prior to it. 4S Shag,Nare,Turning Mark,Toll,Gew,Turning Mark. • In order to minimise the risk of collision, Gaffers courses should be sailed port hand round when keelboats are 5P Dennis,Shag,Toll,Dennis, Shag, Club Line. sailing courses 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18,or 19. 5S Shag,Dennis,Gew,Shag,Dennis,Club Line. • Starboard roundings should be used on courses 2, 6, 7, 10, 6S Shag, Rosemullion, Turning Mark. 13, 14, or 15. 7P Nare, Rosemullion, Turning Mark. 7S Rosemullion, Nare, Turning Mark.

Gaffer racing will be under the HRSC Yacht 8. Finish line Sailing Instructions 2010 with the following Non–pursuit races. The race shall finish at the first amendments: mark on the published course passed by the lead yacht after 20:00 hrs, or the Club line if this was part 3c. Carry a G flag (Gaffer Class Flag) on the leech of the course (and no other mark passed after of the mainsail or on the port shroud whilst racing. 20:00). Boats are required to time their own finish 4. Safety. All yachts racing must carry on board: and notify the series coordinator by the following a. Buoyancy aids or life jackets for each crew Wednesday. member. Pursuit races. b. Flares suitable for inshore distress use. The finish line is the first mark passed after 20:00 hrs c. Compass. by the leading yacht, or the Club line. d. Anchor and minimum 30metres warp. e. Bucket with lanyard. In the case of either a non–pursuit or a pursuit race finishing at a mark, the line shall be at right angles to It is the responsibility of the competitors alone to an imaginary line drawn from that mark to the decide whether it is safe to race. This includes an previous mark on the side which it would have been assessment of weather conditions and forecasts, the rounded, and its length will be 30 metres. seaworthiness of their vessel, and the competence A fee of £25 must be presented with each protest experience and fitness of its crew. Such standards and will be used to buy drinks at the bar regardless may vary, and the fact that a race has not been of the outcome of the protest. cancelled does not mean it is safe for all competitors to take part. The High Point scoring system shall apply for each Points Series race and each boat shall apply one 6. Start times will be 1840 hrs. unless otherwise disregard for each series. notified.


Trophies and Cups 2009

Keelboat Challenge Trophies 2009 1st PY Jinjy/Simon Filmer 2nd PY Valkyrie/Chris Symes Guncarriage Presented by the Yacht Club de la Rade in 1959 and Late Summer Series. Ronald Coad Cup awarded to the first yacht to finish in the annual 1st IRC Big Purple/ Garth Weaver pursuit race from Helford to l’Aber-Wrac’h. A new 2nd IRC Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer Guncarriage Trophy was presented in 1993 by Mr 1st PY Kudu/Terry Pascoe and Mrs R.G.W. Sanders. 2nd PY Jinjy/Simon Filmer Daring/Damien Bloor David France Memorial Trophy Spring Series Trophy This Rose Bowl was presented by Mrs A France in Presented by Helford River Sailing Club and awarded memory of her late husband Lt. Cdr David France. to the yacht gaining the best score in the Wednesday Presented to the boat gaining the best aggregate Evening Spring Series. IRC score in all the Wednesday Evening Series. 1st IRC Jacobi/Tony Stathan Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer 2nd IRC Jetta/Tom Smith Autumn Spirit Series. Gedges Cup 1st PY Valkyrie/Chris Symes Presented by Dr Ian Wort in 1982 and awarded to Early Summer Series. Ushant Cup. the yacht gaining the best score in the RCYC/HRSC 1st IRC Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer Autumn Spirit Series. 2nd IRC Jetta/Tom Smith Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer 1st PY Kudu/Terry Pascoe Dorothy Winfrey Memorial Cup 2nd PY Amanzimtoti/Roger McDonald Presented in memory of Dorothy Mary Winfrey, Mid Summer Series Trophy Trustee, Commodore and long serving Committee Presented by Helford River Sailing Club and awarded Member of the Club. Presented on the Wednesday to the yacht gaining the best score in the evening race held during L'Aber-Wrac'h week to Wednesday Evening Mid Summer Series. the first English boat. 1st IRC Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer 1st IRC Jetta/Tom Smith 2nd IRC Jacobi/Tony Statham 1st PY Kudu/Terry Pascoe

24 The County Pie Trophy Dinghy Prizes 2009 Presented in 1982 by D.W. Davies to the winner of Spring Series the helmswoman’s race. 1st Phil Philpott 2nd Roger McDonald Gotcha/Jane Benney 3rd Phil Samuel 4th Andy Biggs Guy Viccars Trophy Early Summer Series Presented to the best overall boat under 30 ft. 1st Adam Mason 2nd Phil Philpott Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer 3rd Dave Philpott 4th Phil Samuel Midnight Trophy Summer Series Not awarded in 2009 1st Phil Philpott. 2nd Phil Samuel. 3rd Roger McDonald 4th Beccy Kestin Sundancer Trophy Presented to the first boat regularly sailing with Autumn Series HRSC to cross the finishing line in the annual 1st Roger McDonald 2nd Adam Mason Helford – l’Aber-Wrac’h race. 3rd Phil Philpott 4th Phil Philpott & Carrie Hosken Xenia/Wally Royall Frostbite Series The Jose Collins Cup 1st Adam Mason 2nd Roger McDonald Presented by Jose Collins and Harris in 1986 and 3rd Phil Philpot & 4th Phil Samuel awarded to the winner of the first Fowey race. Carrie Hosken Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer HRSC/Stithians Winter Series Bobby Martin Memorial Trophy 1st Adam Mason 2nd Roger McDonald Presented by the Oldland family in memory of 3rd Phil Samuel ‘Bob’- long time Member of the Club and lifetime Two Handed Overall Trophy supporter of the L’Aber Wrac’h Race. Awarded to 1st Jonathan & Katie Sykes the 1st Helford yacht under 30ft in the L’Aber- 2nd Anton Chamberlain & Family Wrac’h Race. Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer 3rd Phil Philpott & Carrie Hosken Goodden Memorial Trophy 4th Richard Graham-Vivian & Colin Brown Presented by Mrs. Prudie Arnell in memory of her Wayfarer Cup 2009 Phil & Dave Philpot late parents Cmdr. Mark & Mrs. Felicity Goodden and Susanna May Memorial Trophy Adam Mason awarded to the yacht winning the most races during the season Gotcha/Stuart Sawyer Peter Cambridge Memorial Cup Ollie Berryman The Cock Up Trophy Hewett Family Cup 2006 Philpott Family Daring/Damien Bloor Nairn Cup Stuart & Erin Sawyer Laser Plate Roger McDonald Cruising and General Awards 2009 Ladies Cup Beccy Kestin Robin Preston Memorial Trophy Presented by Cdr. A.R.T. Kirby, OBE, the first Junior Trophies and Cups 2009 Commodore of the Club, in memory of his stepson, Robin Preston, who lost his life in H.M. Most Improved Junior Thomas McCabe Submarine ‘Affray’ Most promising newcomer James Milson The cup is awarded to the Club Member who in Andrew Ward Cup For consistency, courtesy and the opinion of the Commodore has contributed commitment. Lucy Innes outstanding services to the Club. Awarded to Wendy Moore Junior Yacht Helm Trophy Jacob Care & Frazer Innes



Correspondence and enquiries relating to Total membership as at 21st January 2010 membership should be addressed to:- 1,232 Members The Club Administrator, Helford River Sailing Club, Helford, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6LB Temporary Membership Temporary Members may be admitted for a Tel, Answerphone & Fax: 01326 231006 maximum period of two weeks in any one year. Email: [email protected] Temporary Membership includes use of pontoon, slipway and all Clubhouse facilities, Membership fees 2010 except the Sailing Club car park. There is a public Entrance Annual car park adjacent to the Club premises. Please contact the Steward or the Club Single Membership (Over 18) £93.50 £93.50 Administrator on arrival. Joint Membership £141.50 £141.50 Club burgee, ties, polo shirts and sweat Cadet Membership (Over 18 nil £27.00 and under 25 in full time education) shirts are available from the Club Administrator

Family Junior Membership nil £12.50 Please keep an eye on the Club notice board (18 years and younger) and our website - www.helfordriversc.co.uk Junior Membership (18 or younger nil £27.00 for news of social events, racing and work whose parents are not Members) parties. We now have a list of Members' email Junior Membership (Under 5 years) Free addresses so that we can remind them about forthcoming events at the Club. If you would like Temporary Membership- per week – £75.00 (maximum 2 weeks per year) your address to be added to that list, please contact the Club Administrator.

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26 Mooring and berthing

Enquires and queries relating to mooring and list and will contact them when a space becomes berthing should be addressed to:- available and is allocated to them. Pontoon berths for vessels under 3.25m will be Ken Hubbard, Captain Moorings allocated on receipt of the relevant fee, on a first Trevaney Farm, Constantine, come, first served basis. As a general rule there Falmouth TR11 5RE. Tel: 01326 340515 will only be one pontoon berth per Member. Email: [email protected] Only open boats will be considered for pontoon berths. Sailing dinghies will not be allocated Mooring charges 2010 berths on the pontoon. Deep water mooring per 300mm £ 21.50 Sailing dinghies The dinghy park is for sailing dinghies only. A Tender under 3.25m on the pontoon £ 81.00 waiting list operates for berths in the dinghy park. Tender under 5.0m* on a pontoon finger berth Please follow the instructions above (for pontoon 3.25m – 3.8m £172.00 places) for a place on the dinghy park. The foreshore and dinghy park must be cleared 3.8m – 4.4m £206.00 in the winter. Dinghies may not be kept in the 4.4m – 5.0m £240.00 car park at any time. Sailing dinghy park Adult £81.00 Deep water moorings Junior (under 18) £58.00 A surcharge will be added if used during the winter . Sailing dinghy park rack £60.00 Payments Inflatable rack £27.00 Pontoon and dinghy park charges must be paid * Maximum: Length 5.0m, Beam 2.0m, Weight 450kg not later than 1st March when the necessary Outboard motor: 2 stroke 90hp, 4 stroke 75hp Permit will be issued. Any Member with unpaid dues after this date will forfeit their berths. Permit stickers All payments must be sent direct to the Club All vessels on HRSC premises MUST display Administrator, HRSC, who will issue a Permit their current Permit sticker. Vessels must also with vessel identification number. Cheques display the owner’s membership number for should be made payable to HRSC. identification purposes. Post dated cheques cannot be accepted. The jetty Please DO NOT place your vessel on the The jetty is for Club Members to launch small premises until you have paid and have received boats, scrub keelboats and carry out minor confirmation of a position on the Property, and repairs, between tides. Electricity is provided at are in receipt of a Club’s Mooring sticker. the bottom of the ramp. In order to avoid Mooring stickers should be placed on the boat congestion or disappointment, Members wishing before it is placed on the premises. to bring their keelboats alongside must book Pontoon berths their vessel in the Log kept at the Club Bar. Individual berths for vessels over 3.25m are Unless there are exceptional circumstances, pre–allocated to existing berth holders each yachts will not be allowed to remain alongside year. A waiting list system operates and is strictly for longer than 24 hours. adhered to. Members who wish to have an Boats or cars must not be parked on the top of individual berth should contact the Club the jetty at any time, or boats tied alongside Administrator who will place their name on the other than for short periods.

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28 Treasurer’s report

he Sailing Club accounts for the year ending T30th September 2009 are, I’m afraid, not as good as those for 2008. This is mainly due to the departure of the previous stewards, and all the costs incurred in refurbishment of the stewards’ flat and the kitchen etc. This unexpected event, as all members will see, put great pressure on our limited Club resources. The Club has also purchased two new Feva dinghies, with the help of a grant from the RYA. A lot of work has been carried out in the Clubhouse and kitchen areas, and outside, such as laying new water and sewerage pipes. These are just a few examples of the work done during the year. We have managed to increase the Club’s reserves again this year, which is essential in keeping the Club financially healthy in the future. Once again I hope everyone has a The Committee is also keeping a close eye wonderful 2010 season, both on and off the on spending in this current year, which we hope water. will be easier than the difficult one we had to cope with in 2009. Mark Buckley, Honorary Treasurer


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29 HRSC Accounts

HRSC. Trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 30 September 2009

2009 £ 2008 £ Subscriptions and Entrance fees 83,182 79,736 Bar surplus 1,402 10,771 Trading account 104 7 Clubhouse income 8,863 7,552 Social events – 3,792 – 2,218 Moorings 24,156 25,236 Sailing activities – 13,549 – 7,967 L’Aber-Wrac’h 50th – 272 – Interest received 515 2,200

100,609 115,317

Administration wages –18,872 –17,609

81,737 97,708 Less: OVERHEADS Secretarial, post, printing and telephone 7,211 6,713 Bar Stewards compensation 4,750 – Advertising 1,371 298 Rent and rates 8,307 7,818 Heat and light 6,192 5,643 Insurance 9,294 10,781 Clubhouse maintenance and refurbishment 17,693 6,836 Licences 789 883 Subscriptions and donations 1,506 1,489 Cleaning and waste disposal 7,011 4,243 Repairs and renewals 82 3,748 Stewards accommodation and refurbishment 9,096 – Legal and professional 875 128 Accountancy fees 1,913 1,491 Bank and credit card charges 2,653 2,082 Sundry expenses 236 50 Depreciation 11,644 12,248 Profit on disposal of fixed assets – 734 89,889 – 64,451

NET LOSS/PROFIT before taxation – 8,152 33,257 Corporation Tax 91 693

NET LOSS/PROFIT for the year – 8,243 32,564

30 HRSC. Balance sheet as at 30 September 2009

2009 £ 2008 £ FIXED ASSETS 234,926 239,794

CURRENT ASSETS Stock 5,097 4,540 Sundry debtors and prepayments 1,615 7,615 Bank account – General 28,209 37,203 Bank account – L’Aber-Wrac’h 715 – Scottish Widows Treasury Tracker 41,253 27,827 Cash account 600 500

77,489 77,685

Less: CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry creditors and accruals 7,262 4,083 Loan – Members (Interest free) 645 645 Loan – Slipway (Interest free) 100 100 Membership Bond 1,750 1,750

9,757 6,578

NET CURRENT ASSETS 67,732 71,107

NET ASSETS 302,658 310,901

Represented by:

CAPITAL ACCOUNT General fund 310,901 278,372 Net profit/ loss for the year – 8,243 32,564

302,658 310,901

Mark Buckley, Honorary Treasurer 20th January 2010


HRSC Bye-laws

1 The Club premises shall be open during such hours as 10 No Member may carry on a trade or profession from the General Committee shall direct, the hours of opening to the Club premises, or using Club facilities. be displayed from time to time on the Club Notice Board. 11 A Member wishing to hire Club premises shall have 2 When social functions are held at the Club and been a Member for a minimum period of 12 months. occasions when high attendance by Members, their guests Applications shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary in and visitors is expected, there shall be in attendance and in writing. Club activities will always take precedent over any charge of the Club premises an Officer, a Member of the Club hiring application. General Committee or a Member appointed by the Applications which can be construed as a fund raising Amenities Sub–Committee. or profit making event for an outside organisation or a The Member in charge shall be responsible to the business will not be accepted. It is a condition of Club hiring General Committee for the proper conduct of the Club that the Member enters into a standard written contract with premises for strict adherence to the permitted hours and for the Sailing Club, which sets out basic conditions of hiring, security. including agreement to purchase all catering and drinks through the Sailing Club. Hiring fees shall be fixed by the 3 The bar opening hours shall be the permitted hours General Committee. for the licensing district or such extended hours as the General Committee shall decide and the Licensing Justices 12 In addition to the powers given to the Committee permit. under Rule 17, if at any time any fees payable to the Club by any Member or any former Member shall be in arrears, and 4 Members must discharge every expense and liability a vessel the property of a Member or former Member incurred at the Club premises before leaving and no credit remains on the Club premises, the Committee may:– will be given to Members under any circumstances. (a) Remove the vessel without being liable for any loss or 5 Member’s cheques may be cashed in the Club damage to the vessel howsoever caused. premises at the Bar, provided that sufficient cash is available (b) Give one month’s notice in writing to the Member or and that the request is accompanied by a valid cheque card. former Member at his last known address as shown in the The amount of cash shall not exceed the stated limit of the Club Register, and thereafter sell the vessel and deduct any cheque card and only one such transaction shall be monies due to the Club (whether by way of arrears or permitted on any one day. Post dated cheques will not be subscription or annual payments, moorings, dinghy park fees accepted. or otherwise) from the proceeds of sale before accounting for the balance (if any) to the Member or former Member. 6 Members shall not bring dogs (except dogs for the (c) Alternatively, if the vessel is unsaleable, after giving blind) or other animals into the Clubhouse at any time. Dogs notice as aforesaid, dispose of the vessel in any manner the and other animals are only allowed on the Club premises on Committee shall think fit and deem the cost of doing so and a lead and attended. No such animal may be left unattended any arrears as aforesaid to be a debt owing to the Club by in parked cars on Club premises when the owner(s) are not the Member or former Member. on Club premises. Provided always that: 7 The General Committee may at any time fix a charge Proper evidence is available to show that all reasonable steps for the parking, berthing or mooring of boats on Club have been taken to trace a Member or former Member and property. that when and if the vessel is sold the proceeds of the sale 8 All boats, outboard motors, paddles etc kept on Club (less any indebtedness by the Member or former Member of premises, on Club moorings, pontoon, dinghy parking areas, the Club) shall be placed upon bank deposit account and adjoining beaches, in the car park, etc, shall be clearly retained against any eventuality of a claim by the owner marked with the Member’s Membership Card Number. This (whether he be the said Member or former Member or shall be displayed so that it is clearly visible and not covered otherwise) for a period of six years. by sails or boat covers. 13 Between 1st April and 30th November each year a Membership Card Numbers, if lost or mislaid, are store is available, the use of which is restricted to storage of available only from the Club Administrator, by personal engines, and paddles. Fuel must not be stored. All such items enquiry or by post, for security reasons. shall be clearly marked with the owners Sailing Club 9 All boats using Club premises or participating in any Membership Number as per Bye–law 8. Club event or using Club mooring facilities shall be insured Member’s property shall be stored at Member’s own for third party risks. The amount of cover shall be risk and the facility shall only be used on payment of the £2,000,000. appropriate annual fee. 32 RNLI Boat safety check Free, confidential and advisory Takes about 1 hour aboard your boat G It does not matter whether it is on the hard or the water G Membership of the RNLI is not necessary and there will be no sales pitch to attempt to get you to join G The advisor is a trained volunteer who is attached to the RNLI G Advice is tailored depending on where and how much you use your boat G It is understood that some safety measures can be costly but a risk analysis helps you optimise the equipment you have on board- some equipment is inexpensive and can be life savers G Discussions and advice given are confidential. A record is made of your safety equipment but it is used only by the RNLI for its own understanding of safety issues in general. Your personal details are not given to any outside organisation G Advice given is exactly that. It is for you to decide what actions you take G There is no follow up unless you request it G Incidentally most owners who have safety checks find the equipment discussion interesting in its own right and the hour sometimes becomes two over a welcome brew (but that is your decision). If you would like to discuss further or arrange for a safety check your local adviser is Kevan Compson (Helford Passage) 01326 251289 / 07879 621799

14 At the end of each Club sailing season and not later waiting list. No Member, Joint or Single, may have more than the 30th November, all Members’ boats and equipment than one finger berth. A Cadet Member, on being allocated shall be removed from the Club’s premises. Boats on the and accepting a finger berth, cannot remain a Cadet pontoon and in the dinghy park shall have been removed by Member. This Bye-Law applies annually and is retrospective an earlier date, publicised in the Newsletter or on the Club only in that a finger berth will not be allocated to any Junior Notice Board to enable the pontoon to be dismantled and or Junior Family Member, and any Cadet Member accepting stored in the dinghy park area. a finger berth will be required to pay the full Single Member’s boats (and equipment) may not be returned membership fee. to the Club premises until the new seasons mooring/pontoon fees have been paid. 18 The Committee reserves the right to put a chain Only the nominated boat shall occupy an allocated across the slipway and restrict access at certain times, mooring, pontoon berth or dinghy park space. particularly when junior sailing activities are taking place. Emergency access will always be available. 15 Club owned dinghies may only be used when:– (a) Permission granted by Captain Dinghies or Captain Health and Safety Policy Juniors and Our policy at this Club is to provide and maintain safe and (b) A manned Club Rescue Boat is in attendance during healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work that period of use. for all our employees and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for the purpose. We 16 Two weeks notice shall be given to the Club also accept our responsibility of a duty of care for the health Administrator before occupation of an allocated mooring, and safety of other people who may be affected by our pontoon berth or dinghy park space commences. If such an activities. allocation will be unused for a period of more than two The policy will be kept up to date, particularly when weeks during the season, the Committee may re-let any the Club’s facilities and activities may change. The policy and unused allocation and make an appropriate charge. the way in which it is operated will be reviewed each year 17 Members, Single or Joint, but not Junior or Family Smoking in the Clubhouse Junior Members, may apply to the Club Administrator for By law it is now forbidden to smoke in any area of the one finger berth per membership, or to be placed on the Clubhouse

33 Committee Members duties

Commodore Co-ordination of all Club activities

Vice Commodore Co–ordination of Administration, Membership applications and Club Steward

Rear Commodore Sailing Rear Commodore Amenities Co–ordination of all sailing Clubhouse and Environs, Maintenance, activities and maintenance. Capital projects, Expense control, Safety, Capital projects,Trophies, Annual expense estimates, Social Racing marks, Expense control, events, Safety aspects, Flag etiquette. Annual expense estimates

Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Correspondence, Minutes, Banking, Insurance, Investments, Agendas, Newsletters, Rule Book, VAT, Corp.Tax, PAYE, Salaries, Year Book, Club notices, Advertising, Rates, Invoices Annual expense estimates, Licenses

Captain Rescue Boats Captain Yachts Captain Dinghies Captain Juniors Rescue boat All Keelboat events, All Dinghy events, Sailing instruction, maintenance. Fee collection, Fee collection, Maintenance, Training and provision Racing marks, Safety Handicapping, Safety Safety of rescue boat crews

Captain Social Captain Moorings Captain Amenities Annual dance, Club dances, Deep water moorings, Clubhouse maintenance and flags, Discos, Barbecues, Regatta Pontoon, Beach, Slipway Laundry, Showers, Telephone, teas, Club insignia items, and Quay, Maintenance, Car park, Dinghy rack, Fee Inventory control Fee collection collection, Electricity charges

34 Mark codes for dynamic courses 2010 Race Officer rota 2010

Mark name Course ref Spring Series Pursuit Courses– No RO required Bosahan B Early Summer May 5 Simon Filmer Central C Series 12 Garth Weaver Committee Co 19 Wally Royall Durgan D 26 Terry Pascoe Dennis De Jun 2 Stuart Sawyer Eastern E 9 Phil Badger Gew G Lady Helm 16 Tony Statham Maenporth M Dorothy Winfrey 23 John Hughes Manacles Mn Summer 30 Ray Hosking Nare N Series Jul 7 John Jane Porthallow P 14 Phil Reed Rosemullion R HRSC Regatta Day 18 David Harford Shag S 21 Phil Samuel Toll T 28 Ken Hubbard Turning Mark Tm Late Summer Aug 4 Andy Dennis Voose V Series 18 James Lyall Movable Mark (Black pole) X * 25 John Gleadowe Black Rock BR Sep 1 Chris Broad Gyllyngvase Gy 8 Dave Whitmarsh Oldwalls Ow 15 Roger McDonald 22 Chris Symes * Plus bearing from the Committee Boat.

Table to calculate depth of water at end of Club pontoon

Tide height Metres 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Feet / Inches 14.5 14.9 15.1 15.5 15.9 16.1 16.5 16.9 17.1 17.5 17.9 18.1 18.5 Time NO access either side low water OK 0.20 0.40 0.50 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.45 Hrs / Mins.

Note 1 Times are approximate to 5 minutes at Standard Pressure (1013MB) 2 Water lapping the slipway base = 30 minutes to NO WATER 3 5.6 metre (18.4ft) tide = 2.1 metre (7ft) alongside the jetty

35 All work fully guaranteed: Free survey quote: Domestic: Commercial: Industrial

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