Features: Editor’s Letter: 3 Something to brighten us all up: 4 Clubs: 5 Felsted Memorial Hall: 6 Volunteers: 7 Felsted Parish Council: 8/9 District Councillers’ Corner: 10 Birds Eye View: 11 Recipe: 12/13 Felsted People: 14 Churches: 15 Puzzles: 17/18 Rainbow Seekers: 19/20 Gardening Tips: 21 Local Food Directory: 22/23 Local Services: 24/25 Trade Directory: 26

FELSTED Note from the Editor FOCUS COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Welcome to the second edition of Felsted Focus. Thank you so much for all the kind words sent following the first edition. We really appreciated them. Thanks to all of you, who kindly contributed pictures and articles for May’s edition. I had so much content that, even after increasing this issue by 4 pages, there was not enough room for it all. Please keep sending it. I will use as much as possible in the next or future issues. Remember that only150 words are enough to fill half a page! There is a new section in this issue with details of local food outlets in the Village, Flitch Green and . I wanted to make you aware of our local businesses and the choices we are lucky to have. A lot are having a hard time at the moment so let’s try and support them. Look for rainbows drawn by children in support of the NHS, when you are out for a walk, and listen for the bagpipes in Chelmsford Road and clapping everywhere at 8pm on Thursdays. From the 60 volunteers helping with shopping and so on, to Felsted School hosting paramedics in training, we have a lot to be proud of here. Keep safe and healthy.

Janice Ratcliffe

Editorial Team: Janice Ratcliffe [email protected] Margaret Attwood Sarah Gale

Graphic design and layout: Astragraphic Design [email protected]

Print: Paul Clark Printing

Parish Council: 01371 823071 Clear Sight Drones 3 Something to brighten us all up

Don’t the village flowers look good this spring? There aren’t only flowers on the main road through the village though, there are tubs outside Oxney Villas on Watch House Green and Bannister Green. These plants (and containers) are paid for by your Parish Council and planted and watered by a lot of volunteers. We change the plants twice a year, in May and October, which involves 8 - 10 volunteers emptying the containers of spent plants and some soil replanting with over 700 plants. One of our volunteers borrows a trailer and water butt, which is a great help. I don’t know what we would do without them (let’s hope he doesn’t stop volunteering or worse, move away!) The plants we remove in October cannot be re-used so one of our volunteers puts them on his compost heap! The plants that we remove in May, usually Polyanthus, can be planted elsewhere to establish and flower again for a number of years. They seem to start flowering very early, too. If you want any of these plants let me know. There are a lot in Felsted gardens already. Once the volunteers have done the planting in May we rely on 13 waterers around the village to keep them alive. Each year I ask all these volunteers if they will continue and I’ve never had a refusal yet. Recently, Felsted School have offered to water some containers if we get stuck for volunteers. The nursery that supplies our plants tells me that a delay of 1-2 weeks in our planting schedule this year will be OK. Let’s hope the country will be in a better position by then. We could always do with more volunteers of course - it only involves about 2 mornings per annum.

David Dempsey 01371 820665

4 Felsted Friendship Club

Felsted Friendship Club is not meeting while we are all self-isolaing. Members have received an Easter card and are reminded of telephone numbers for committee members who can be contacted whenever required. We hope to be ableto resume our 2020 programme in July. Please see the article about Book Boxes at Chaffix and Willows Green if you have runout of books to read. Alison Moore (821632)

Wool and Waffle

Whilst at present there are no meetings I have had a request from a charity for jumpers (see pattern below) and also either scarves measuring 5” x 26” and hats in any colour/s for war children and children in India. Thank you, Kitty 01371 820444 ‘Jhuggi’ jumpers Cast on about 56 stitches. Knit in k2 p2 rib for 4 rows. Knit plain, preferably in stripes, for about 50 rows (approx. 7 inches). Cast on 20sts each side. Knit for another 50 rows, Rib k2 p2 for the centre 36 sts of the next 3 rows (to make a firm neckline). Next – k30, cast off 36, k30 Next – k30, cast on 36, k30. This completes half the jumper, to the neck opening. Complete the jumper by reversing the pattern. Sew up sides and under arms.




Size 8 or 10 needles may be used.

5 Felsted Memorial Hall

Hello everyone. For those of you that don’t know me, I am Hazel Fox, Chairman of the Memorial Hall committee, and I will be giving you updates about the hall in the new look community magazine. What a refreshing new look too! Lots of interesting and “newsy” articles. Well done Janice and the team. We have had to close the Memorial hall during the current lock down. All our regular hirers are affected as well as those of you that have booked your parties and celebrations, but we must follow Government instruction. One advantage is that the builder, who is going to refurbish the toilets, can start earlier so that when we re-open, we’ll have smart new facilities. He is working alone, so will not be breaking any rules. During the lockdown, we are keeping the car park barriers closed to try and reduce the anti-social behaviour occurring at the back of the hall at night. Our AGM was due last month, but like many organisations, we had to improvise and have a virtual one. If you are interested in joining the committee, please get in touch. We hope to be writing next year’s panto very soon, then start rehearsals in October if we can. If you would like to join the crew, in whatever capacity, just give me a ring on 01371 820108.

Keep yourselves safe. Hazel Fox 6 Volunteers

Following a request from the government for 250,000 volunteers, over 750,000 people came forward. So, we were confident that the good folk of Felsted would be similarly keen to join the Parish Council’s more modest local initiative. And we’ve not been disappointed! With around 60 volunteers we’ve been easily able to meet every request for help we’ve received. Some volunteers will not yet have been asked to do anything at all and we hope that’s the way it stays. We need capacity to be comfortably ahead of demand. Low demand also reassures us is that there are many local, informal, support networks throughout the parish, ensuring that vulnerable people are already being identified and routinely helped by neighbours. Our volunteers represent the best of Felsted, with residents and short-term visitors, caught by the lockdown, throwing their hats in the ring with equal enthusiasm. Most of the requests we have received have been for help with shopping or collecting prescriptions: easy to fulfil when our superb village shop and our wonderful dispensary are working flat out to keep village life as normal and as safe as possible. One positive side-effect of this awful virus is that it has distilled community spirit to a much stronger proof that will survive long after the virus has been defeated. People want to help. TILING | SLATING | LEADWORK | GUTTERING | FLAT So, to all the many NHS ROOFS | CHIMNEYS | ALL REPAIRS health care professionals living in the Felsted, a | Free Estimates | | All work guaranteed | special thank you and if we | Over 30 Years Experience | can do anything to make | Honest & Expert Advice | your lives easier, give us a call. We’d be proud to help! Home: 01371 811308 Mobile: 07951 349837 Felsted Community [email protected] Support Line: 07936 070732 7 Felsted Parish Council

There has been a lot happening in the last few weeks centred around the Coronavirus situation. The Parish Council Office is currently closed continuing to work from home. If you need to contact the Parish Council please use the telephone number and e-mail address given below and arrangements have been made to forward all post. In accordance with Government guidance, to slow the spread of the virus, all children’s play areas have been closed, along with the public toilets and car park in the main playing field. The weekly Green Waste collections at Bannister Green have been suspended by UDC to save resources and the Beacon Lighting ceremony scheduled for 9 May has been postponed. On a brighter note, the allotments remain open, as they are designated as a suitable exercise facility, but only allotment holders should visit the site to work their plot and safe distancing must be maintained at all times. Dedicated Parish Council helpline during the Coronavirus situation The Parish Council set up a dedicated Felsted Helpline on 18 March to respond to requests for assistance from from elderly, vulnerable or self-isolating residents. Appointment of a separate Responsible Financial Officer for the Council As part of the arrangements leading up to the Clerk’s retirement later this year, Daniel Plunkett had been appointed as the Council’s RFO. Daniel is a Felsted resident and we hope that he will enjoy this new role. Please pick up after your dog No-one wants to step in dog poo while taking a walk along one of our many footpaths. Please think of others and pick up after your dog and dispose of the waste considerately. The Parish Council has more than 15 dog poo bins located in prime positions around the Parish. Please use them and make life just a little more pleasant for everyone, especially at this difficult time. Take care and Keep Safe. Diane Smith Clerk to Felsted Parish Council: 01371 823071 • [email protected] •

Keep up to date with all the Council News – Visit the PC website and enter your email address to receive automatic notification by e-mail of all News articles as they are posted on the website.

8 Felsted Parish Council

Chairman’s Chat Fly tipping is harming the beautiful countryside, posing a danger to wildlife and livestock and costing farmers and landowners time and money to clear away. Three instances of fly tipping have taken place in the Molehill Green area in the last three days. Bags of rubbish have once again been dumped in the lay-by, tree and hedge clippings in a field gate way and builders rubbish and car parts in a ditch at the Leigh’s Lodge cross roads. With the Council recycling centres currently closed the situation will only get worse, so please only use reputable tradesmen. Check your waste is being taken away for disposal by a licensed carrier, either by asking to see a Waste Carriers Licence or by looking up the company on the Environmental Agency website. How disappointing it was to hear that the fruit trees planted in the nature area, along with other trees, were stolen shortly after they had been planted, the fruit trees had been planted in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We are now moving into our second year of transition from overgrown field to a nature area that will give many species room to make a home. Owl and bat boxes are due to be installed once we find ourselves back to normal living. Apart from nature, the area is for use of the village and to be enjoyed by all residents of the village. In these difficult times, stay safe. Graham Graham Harvey Chairman Felsted Parish Council


Hello from us both, life at the Council as everywhere else over the last few weeks has certainly altered but please be assured that work at UDC is still going on. Hasn’t it been a wonderful sight of normality each week to see our bins collected, which has been possible because of the dedication and hard work of all those keeping the service going. The Garden Waste Collection Service for those who are signed up will restart from Monday 27th April, but unfortunately there is no date as yet for the weekend garden waste service to resume. We both continue in our roles, Sandi chairing a Zoom enabled Planning Committee, and John is preparing with Officers’ a report to bring to Full Council with recommendations on whether to withdraw or continue with the Local Plan. Thank you to the Parish Councillors for organising and all the volunteers that have come forward to help those in their community that are self- isolating or in need of help. Stay safe, stay healthy and if we can be of any help please do get in touch. Sandi Merifield John Evans [email protected] Tel: 07958 389059

10 Bird’s Eye View

Clear Sight Drones

Clear Sight Drones started as a spin off from a property maintenance business. We had a number of enquires forsurveys of inaccessible roofs and so invested in a professional drone and its associated equipment. Clive completed his drone pilot’s licence which is accredited by the Civil Aviation Authority and is fully insured as a commercial drone operator. Adhering to the CAA regulations is required at all times on our flights and of course the inevitable risk assessments are carried out to ensure safety. Fiona acts as technical support and as a second pair of eyes during flights as well as using her experience of photography to edit the images when back at the office. This allows our custo- mers to have the best final product for their needs. As our client base has grown we have been involved in a broad range of jobs, including photographing last year’s town Regatta at West Mersea for The Mersea Life magazine, photographing properties for owners, estate agents, finding existing boundaries and roof surveys. We even recently surveyed a roof of an old water mill in the Cotswolds. The areas of application for this technology are vast and varied and include agriculture, marine and even finding lost animals. 11


CHOCOLATE CAKE CAKE INGREDIENTS BUTTER CREAM INGREDIENTS 300g butter or margarine 125g softened butter 300g caster sugar 180g icing sugar 75g melted dark chocolate 30g cocoa powder 1 tbsp milk 6 large eggs beaten 75g cocoa powder 225g self raising flour 1. Grease and line two 8” round cake tins 2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius or gas mark 4 3. Beat together the butter and sugar until well combined and the mixture is soft. You can use either a stand mixer or a hand mixer. 4. Beat in the melted chocolate 5. Beat in the milk 6. Gradually add in the beaten eggs making sure the eggs are well incorporated into the butter/sugar mix 7. Folding gently, add the flour and cocoa powder with the last of the eggs to prevent curdling. Do not beat at this stage or the cake will have less chance of rising. 8. Divide the cake mix evenly into the 2 cake tins and level as best you can. 9. Put the tins on the top shelf of your pre-heated oven and cook for about 30-35 minutes depending on the sensitivity of your oven. The cake is cooked either when a skewer comes out of the middle clean or the middle springs back when gently pressed. 10. Leave to cool for 5 minutes and then remove from tins to cool completely on a wire rack. 11. To make the chocolate butter cream, combine the butter, icing sugar and cocoa powder until smooth. 12. Take one of the cake halves and add butter cream to the flat side. Add the other cake half on top. If you need to level off the bottom of one of the cake halves, this will help it ‘sit’ better. Dust with icing sugar.

TIPS • Melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring after each 30 seconds to avoid burning the chocolate.

13 Felsted People

An interview with Colin Taylor, Vicar of Holy Cross, by phone under lockdown Colin was born in the mid-sixties in South Africa and came to as a student to further his studies in the early 1990’s. Although originally reading law he latter retrained for the priesthood at Wycliffe Hall. Sylvia, his wife, came with him from South Africa. She finished her further medical qualifications in the UK and is a GP in Earls Colne. Colin first served as a priest in inner city Carlisle and then took up a post training young clergy and as chaplain to the Bishop of Carlisle. In 2006, after nine years in Cumbria, he applied to become the Vicar of Felsted and Little Dunmow. Having lived here longer than he has lived anywhere, he describes Felsted as a ‘fabulous place ‘to be. “It’s the people that make the difference.” Over the years Colin has seen Felsted change from being a sleepy North Essex village to a place that is very much part of the busy South East. There are more incomers; there is more ‘churn’ with many new houses. Despite this Felsted still holds a village feel, connectedness that is really special. I asked about the relationship between church and school. When he arrived it wasn’t particularly close but has become closer. Many teachers are churchgoers. He helped in the School for a year after the previous Chaplain moved on. In many ways the closer relationship is redolent of the past. In Victorian times and before the School used to meet in the Church and, indeed, the annual Founder Day service of the School is still held in Holy Cross every year. Colin described his hope for the future. The current Covid19 crisis has given him, like many people, pause for thought. ‘The rush of life’ has been stopped. People are reconnecting in different ways , re-evaluating their lives. This will be beneficial. ‘We are taking notice of each other more,” he says. There are and will be significant financial challenges but relationships should be better, creating a happier place. People are learning new ways of connecting and working using technology. Much of this will endure. Online services are very well attended by every age group, even though personal connection is impossible. We are understanding that we don’t need as many material things as we thought we did. Simpler lives are good. Margaret Attwood

14 Felsted Holy Cross Church

Life Explored tells six original stories through short beautifully shot films that articulate and explore our inherent longing for more. The films and Bible interaction then work together to provoke us to consider whether the things we’re living for are bringing us what we want, or whether actually – and quite strikingly – they might be imprisoning us. It’s not just about sharing knowledge or learning new facts. The sessions persuasively encourage us to reflect together on how we were choosing to live our lives, and where we can find true happiness. Live steaming via the Holy Cross Facebook page ( every Sunday @ 8pm.

The United Reformed Church

The United Reformed Church and all related events are currently postponed because of the Corona virus, unfortunately, and will remain so until a directive from the government enables us to re-open. Under normal circumstances we hold a service every Sunday morning at 10.30 am with a family service and holy communion once a month. We pray that with God’s help we will all keep safe and well. Should anyone need help during the current circumstances please call Diane Denny. 01376 583994. God bless. Diane

15 Thomas, Age 12 yrs PUZZLE PAGE

Word Search

17 KIDS Page


To Colour Maize Maze

How Many Words? How many words can you find from the words “CUTE KITTENS”?

18 Calling all rainbow and bear seekers

A colourful and cuddly Felsted trail

All around the world people have been creating rainbows and putting them in their windows to spread some cheer. Now Felsted residents are getting the rainbow vibe, too. Here are pictures of a few we have found around the village – can you find more on your daily walks, jogs or cycle rides? Can you paint or draw a rainbow and add it to the colourful display? If you can’t make a rainbow, please place a teddy bear in your window. We hope to recreate an alternative adventure, inspired by the children’s book ‘We’re All Going On A Bear Hunt’. Take a photo of your rainbow or teddy and send it to us. We’ll print a selection in the June issue.

19 Calling all rainbow and bear seekers

20 Gardening Tips

Top jobs this month Watch out for late frosts. Protect tender plants Earth up potatoes, and promptly plant any still remaining Plant out summer bedding at the end of the month (except in cold areas) Water early and late to get the most out of your water, recycle water when possible Regularly hoe off weeds Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days Mow lawns weekly Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs Watch out for viburnum beetle and lily beetle grubs


In these changing times the opening hours and services may change. Please check the websites, Facebook pages or telephone numbers.

LINSELLS GENERAL STORE AND POST OFFICE The Post Office is open: - Tuesday & Thursday 1 - 5:30pm Shop opening times: Mon, Wed, Fri 10-6 Tue, Thu, Sat 7-6 Sun 9-4 If you are vulnerable call 01371 820255 to place and pay for an order. Delivery can be organised.

COOP STORE FLITCH GREEN Store open 8am -8pm every day. If you are vulnerable you may phone in an order. Payment on collection. Call 01371 820385

FLITCH & CHIPS Quality traditional fish and chips. Operating temporarily, from Flitch Green Community Hall Car Park on Friday 4:30 – 8:30 & Saturdays 4:30 – 8pm Flitch & Chips – mobile fish & chip van

THE SWAN INN Temporarily opening as an ‘indoor market’ Friday through Sunday, 10am to 4pm. Pre-order is available by emailing us. [email protected], 01371 820003


TIM ALLEN’S FLITCH OF BACON Take away available for collection: Comfort food, Special evening meals and Sunday roast. For details of opening times and menu please go to our website. 01371 821660 to pre-order.

TROTT & WHINNY Gourmet burgers made from high quality local produce. Weds, Thurs & Sat 5 – 8pm Fri 5 – 9pm Collect from Tanton Road Flitch Green. 07548 366435 Delivery Available

SPARLINGS FARM A free range poultry farm selling eggs from our self-serve shop. We operate with a cash only honesty box and change isn’t always available. Our eggs are £2.50 per dozen or £6.25 for a tray of 30. or call 07715 889439

RAZZA Razza serves delicious Asian, Indian, and Bangladeshi dishes to Felsted, CM6, and the surrounding areas. Conveniently located for collections we also deliver. 01371821414

GEORGE’S FOOD We are making old fashioned yummy food, to fill tummies and sooth the soul. For a full menu please visit our web page or call on the number listed. Georgie’s Food Delivery. 07504 136995

The magazine takes no responsibility for the quality or service.


BUSES MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT 133 Network Colchester: 01206 877620 Kemi Badenoch 16 Stephenson: 01376 503050 [email protected] other transport enquiries: Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 or MEMORIAL HALL Lettings - Sheila Kill Tel: 07926 377343 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU [email protected] Braintree: 01376 324129 : 01799 618840 POLICE for our parishes Main Telephone Numbers: COUNCILS Emergencies: 999 Essex County Councillor: Non-Emergency Tel: 101 Simon Walsh 01371 810451 Uttlesford District Council: 01799 510510 POST OFFICE District Councillors: - Sandi Merifield Felsted [email protected] Tel: 01371 820251 John Evans [email protected]

Felsted Parish Council SCHOOLS Chairman: Graham Harvey Felsted School: Clerk: Diane Smith Tel: 01371 822600 Parish Office: United Reformed Church Hall, Felsted Preparatory School: Stebbing Road, CM6 3JD Tel: 01371 822610 Office Tel: 01371 823071 Felsted Primary School: Office hours: Mondays: 10:00 - 12:30 Tel: 01371 820215 and Wednesdays: 16:00 - 18:30 Flitch Green Academy: email: [email protected] Tel: 01371 822330 Ford End C of E Primary School: Tel: 01245 237209 DOCTORS Email: [email protected] Dr’s Pitt, Tee & Stevens Website: The Surgery, Braintree Rd. Helena Romanes School: Tel: 01371 820410 Tel: 01371 872560 Out of hours: 01371 872121 Whipper-snappers Daycare Nursery and Kids Club ELECTRICITY Tel: 01371 821131 and network emergencies: Tel: 0800 7838838, 0800 0280247 SEWERAGE and 08701963090 (daytime) Anglian Water - sewerage (not water, see below) Tel: 03457 145 145 GAS National Grid & Emergencies WATER Tel: 0800 111999 Affinity sewerage Supply problems and emergencies HOSPITALS Tel: 0345 3572407 Broomfield including Casualty Tel: 01245 362000


ACER TREE SURGERY FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunmow company. Daniel Robinson & Sons Ltd. 24 hr personal Fully insured and NPTC assessed. service. Pre-payment funeral plans. Email: [email protected] Haslers Lane, Gt. Dunmow. Tel: 01799 598084 • Mob: 07958 184196 Tel: 01371 874518

BEAUTY & HOLISTIC TREATMENTS FELSTED PROPERTY MAINTENANCE The Retreat, Dunmow Property maintenance and improvements. 01371 878989 Free estimates given. Tel: Clive Perrins 01371 820330 mob: 07979 054654 BED & BREAKFAST at Argyll House. 5 star en-suite accommodation FOOT HEALTH Practitioner Station Road, Felsted. & Retired NHS Nurse. Penny James. Tel: Paul & Caroline, 01371 821559. Foot Health Care, Foot Spa Therapies & Reflexology at Wethersfield Clinic. BINGS HALL Home visits available for the housebound We are a small, friendly, family orientated for routine foot health needs. care home in Felsted available for either e: [email protected] respite or permanent care. Tel: 07947364551 Contact Carla – Manager on 01371 820544 Mobile 07889 840274 or pop in to Bings GENERAL GEEK and have a tour and a chat. IT Support in Your Home! Virus removal, laptop and desktop repairs. CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICES Tablet and Mobile Phone Repairs, “RODTECH” power sweeping open fires, log/ support and training. multi burners oil/solid fuel ranges etc. Clean, Office: Tel: 0800 1337514 or prompt and professional, insured, bird guards Engineer: mob: 07701065253 fitted & chimney repairs. Tel: Tony mob: 07935963837 WJH GRAB HIRE LTD or 01279 494446 For muck away, grab away and delivery of all types of aggregates for commercial CLEAR SIGHT DRONES and domestic use. Aerial photography. Have your property Tel: 01371 238621 or 07758 160366 photographed by professional drone pilot. Services also include roof surveys, boundary KARATE AND KICKBOXING CLASSES, line identification. Felsted Memorial Hall, Tel. Clive 01371 820330 / 07979 054654 Thursdays from 5.30 pm. Please see

ELECTRICIAN. LAWN MOWER & GARDEN MACHINERY BEEHIVE ELECTRICAL LTD. SALES, SERVICE & PARTS All types of electrical work undertaken. Priory Lodge, Felsted. Tel: Neil on 07989 499983 Tel: 01371 820695


P. JUDGE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES WAGGY TAILS GROOMING Brickwork, Repointing, Restoration A caring and professional dog groomer and Hard Landscaping in Felsted (Hollow Road) Based in Bannister Green Contact Katia on 07738 595466 Tel: 01371 499730/ 07734 862839 JD WALLIS BESPOKE JOINERY email: [email protected] Jon Wallis over 35yrs of experience m: 07725 654121 t: 01371 821 457 PHYSIO IN FELSTED e: [email protected] Experienced local Chartered Physiotherapist offering Ultrasound, Acupuncture, WALDEN CHIMNEY SWEEPS Manual Therapy, Exercise Therapy Clean, efficient, professional sweeping. and Integrated Myofascial Release. Guild of Master Sweeps Sweeping Certificates Tel: 01371 821063 • mob: 07958339574. issued. All appliances swept including wood email burners, open fires, Rayburn, Aga’s etc. Tel: Paddy 07956 099788 or 01799 599981 REFLEXOLOGIST Fiona Agar MAR. WINDOW CLEANER Fully qualified, Member of Association with 20 years local experience. of Reflexologists. Tel: Eddie Driscoll mob: 07941 776705 or Based in centre of Felsted village. 01245 360540 Tel: 01371 820330 • mob:07977 546093 FELSTED ROOFING SERVICES R WHEELER FOCUS Slating, Tiling, Flat Roofs, Guttering, COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Repairs, Chimney work, Local, Reliable, Free Estimates. The closing date for email: [email protected] 01371 811308 • mob: 07951 349837 content for June’s

SPELLBROOK DRIVEWAYS magazine is the and LANDSCAPES. 15th May. Driveways, Patios and all landscapes. Fully insured and guaranteed. Tel: 01279 503936. Website: Please help email: [email protected] support us by sending articles TUTORING IN MATHS & SCIENCE Most subjects offered to A level by and pictures current examiner. Contact Dick Frost, Tel: 01371 820824 • mob: 07909 526713 [email protected] email: [email protected]

FELSTED 26 FOCUS COMMUNITY MAGAZINE [email protected] • A sign of Summer