Forum Tackles Hate Issues University of Illinois Graduate Stu She Also Serves on the Presidential Dent John Thompson, Who Did Not Search Committee
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Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2002 4-9-2002 Daily Eastern News: April 09, 2002 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 09, 2002" (2002). April. 7. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2002 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tuesday, April 9, 2002 Vol. 86 No. 135 ews "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." Cox appointed as member of IBHE By Scott Miller ingly coming ,.......,.. ;;c,jj" ...,. Administration editor into institu tions of higher The Illinois Board of Higher ed u cat i o n Education Student Advisory underpre Committee chose Eastern's Katie pared. and we Cox to serve as the student voting are increasing member on the IBHE. ly aware of the The IBHE-SAC met on fact that we are L---= ;;..._----1 March 24 at Moraine Valley sending under Katie Cox Community College in Palos Hills prepared teachers back into those to elect its 2002-2003 executive same classrooms in which they officers. came. About 40 to 50 students were at "Some of these Issues must be Ryan Begy/Staff PhotCJ!1apher the meeting, Cox, the lone person solved at the campus level, but Cindy Titus, director of Charleston Chamber of Commerce, Sarah Newton, co-president of PRIDE, Shirley Stewart, running for the position. "We had a some will require a change in phi vice president for student affairs, and Ted Ghibellini, chief of Charleston Police Department, answer questions for meeting the night before elections, losophy on the part of the state," the "Not in Our Town" city and campus forum Monday night in the University Grand Ballroom. The panel discussed and the next day one student from she said. topics which included increasing diversity and decreasing discrimination in the Charleston community. each present university voted." Cox is currently a student mem Cox, a senior political science ber of the Council on University major at Eastern, will take her seat Planning and Budget and chair of on the board july 1, replacing the Student Action Committee. Forum tackles hate issues University of Illinois graduate stu She also serves on the presidential dent john Thompson, who did not search committee. By Benjamin Tully effort for change. Town II," there was a question seek re-election. Previously, Cox was student Student Government editor "Not In Our Town," released to answer session pitted at a panel As student voting member of body president during fall 2000- the community in 1995, generated including Charleston Mayor Dan the IBHE Student Advisory 2001. vice president for public Issues surrounding racism and rallies, teams to help rebuild church Cougill, active community mem Committee, Cox will have full vot affairs in spring 2000, and senate promoting diversity in the commu es burned down by hate groups, and bers, local police, Student ing privileges on the board. member for fall 1999 and spring nity were discussed Monday night community task forces who address Government members, internation In an e-mail, Cox said she will 2000. as "Not In Our Town," a forum for hate violence at the community al students, professors, administra raise issues to the board such as Other officers elected at the the prevention of hate crimes, met in level. tors and RSOs. making colleges more accessible meeting were: Ryan Purdy of the Martin Luther King Jr. "Not In Our Town II" included a Alison Mormino, University and affordable to students and rais Eastern was elected as the alternate University Union. mix of stories from communities Board Lectures coordinator, took ing the quality of learning and student member; jeff Twardowski The forum began with a video around the country and discussed questions from the audience and teaching in the kindergarten of Southern Illinois University at entitled "Not In Our Town II," a how "Not In Our Town" sparked relayed them to the panel. through 12th grade public school Edwardsville was elected to serve as sequel to "Not In Our Town," which interest in communities such as Most of the documentary sur system by creating stronger teach chair; A.j . H arshbarger Jr. of Lewis helps illustrate the Issue of hate Bloomington, where the documen rounded the issue of church burn ers. and Clark Community College in crimes in local communities across tary told of hate crimes beginning to ings in the south and other areas "We cannot fully reach our goals Godfrey was elected as vice chair; the nation, including how civic brew. without improvements in, and the and Nikko Verba of the University members have come together in an Following the screening of "Our See DIVERSITY Page 7 cooperation of, the K-12 public of Illinois at Springfield was chosen school system. Students are increas- as secretary. Auditorium, math lab see Projector stolen from McAfee vandalism over weekend Melissa Nielsen campus editor By Melissa Nielsen foot folding table was broken. campus editor A ftre extinguisher was also An overhead video projector val dispensed in the math depart ued at about $10,000 was reported Buzzard Auditorium and the ment computer lab and diagnos stolen Wednesday, April 3 from the math department's computer lab tics room in Old Main 3041. Technology training room in and diagnostics room, both locat Nichole Mismer, a graduate McAfee Gymnasium. ed in Old Main, were found van assistant, discovered damage to john Looby, chief instructional dalized Sunday morning. the computer lab at 11:30 a.m. media system engineer for Booth Adam Due, University Police Sunday, Nancy Van Cleave, a Library, said Monday the overhead Department's chief public safety math and technology professor video projector was removed from officer, said he suspects the dam said Monday. the ceiling in the Technology age occurred to both buildings In addition to spraying a ftre Training Facility in Room 1214 of late Saturday night or early extinguisher, the vandals knocked McAfee Gym. Sunday morning, but police do books onto the floor in a connect Looby said the room was in a not know if the incidents are ing hallway and wrote on the "transitional period" in which the related yet. walls with dry erase markers, said library was moving out and the A group preparing to use the Van Cleave. room was soon going to be used as Booth library's metal detectors stand as protective borders which stu room for a presentation discov "People were (at the computer a computer lab after Booth Library dents must pass to enter or leave the library. These preventative measure ered the damage to Buzzard lab) cleaning and did an excellent moved out of McAfee. prevent the theft of books from the library. No such device could have Auditorium at 8 a.m. Sunday job," she said. "The marks on the "The room was left in tact for prevented the theft of a video projector from the McAfee Technology morning, D ue said. A ftre extin wall came right off." other people to use when the library Training Facility in room 1214 of McAfee Gymnasium. guisher had been dispensed and Damage to the rooms has not moved," said Allen Lanham, dean ftnd out if anyone had borrowed, they contacted the police, he said. sprayed in the room, a computer been estimated yet, but Due said of library services. moved or brought the machine in Arthur Mitchell, a university monitor and a keyboard were he suspects the damage to Faculty discovered the projector for maintenance. When library police officer, said there were no damaged, two central processing was missing on March 27. but officials exhausted all possibilities as units were destroyed and an 8- See VANDALISM Page 7 checked with other departments to to the whereabouts of the projector, See MCAFEE Page 7 2 Tu=lay, April9,2002 ~::::::::::::::===;! _____Nliiiillllllllii...._ e\]\J~ Jtlail~ternNew s ________ FiStern News The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill. cluing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the sunvner tenn except dur- ing school vacations or ~ examinations, by the stu ~ dents of Eastern Illinois University. Subscription price: $38 per semester, $16 for summer only, $68 all year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of The Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive use of all arti- ® des appearing in this paper. The editorials on Page 4 represent the majority opinion of the editorial board; all other opinion pieces are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial and busi ness offices are located in Buuard Hall, Eastern Illinois University. Periodical postage paid at Charleston, ll 61920. ISSN 0894-1599. Printed by Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, ll 61920. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Daily Eastern News Buuard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, ll 61920. Newspaper staff Editor in Chief .........................Shauna Gustafson• Mandy Marshall/Senior photographer Managing editor ...........................Michelle Jones· News editor .......................................Jamie Fettr Associate news editor. ................. Amller Williams· Editorial page editor... ......... .Jessica Oanielewicr Activities edlor. .......................Caitin Prendergast Learning outside the box Admilistration editor ............................Scott Miller John Henry Pommier, associate professor of recreation administration, sets up a problem solving exercises Correctioo Campus editor .............................. Meissa Nielsen Cly editor ......................................Maura Possley for his class in the North Quad Monday afternoon. Students in the financial practices in leisure service agen An article in the Monday edition Student government editor .....................Ben TUlly cies class were assessing a problem that dealt with the garden landscaping on which Pommier was standing. Features edlor.